The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 16, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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Oreaitt IPre-MoMgtey gate Mee9g ClottlhifiinLgj isSSiLvSSS
The Chirisf nnas Season Finds Us Splendidly Prepared
v "The Store of the
Christmas .
Spirit" .
With the Largest and Most Complete Stock ol Holiday Merchandise Ever Brought to Portland
"DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY" Many people with the experience of former years in mind, already have their Christmas buying well
under way and each day adds greatly to the number of those who appreciate the many advantages obtained by choosing the gift things before the inevitable
Christmas rush begins. The great assortments throughout every section of the store are ready with the choicest merchandise produced assembled for your
inspection and approval. Appropriate gifts for every member of the family as well as the countless items that are always selected to help make the "home
beautiful." Extensive showing of Parisian Ivory Novelties, Jewelry, Gloves, Neckwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Stationery, Slippers, Fun,
Waists, Petticoats, Kimonos, Art Needlework, Table Linens, Draperies, Silverware, Cut Glass, Dinnerware, Art Brasses, Statuary, Rugs, Clocks, Furniture
andlh fact anything and everything that you could possibly want is to be found in tmr matchless stocks. All modern conveniences are here for your person
al comfort and convenience Rest rooms, retiring rooms, writing rooms, emergency hospital, in charge of graduate nurse, public telephones, etc, Broad,
well lighted aisles and an abundance of pure fresh air. We have put forth our very best efforts that this, should be Portland's Greatest Christmas Btorfr the
Ideal Shopping Place, complete in every detail YOUR STORE 1
It's No Secret!
Thrifty men and women every
where know the value of our
Great Profit Sharing Premium
Plan and are reaping the benefit
In rich and valuable Premiums
which are obtainable by
Saving 2&C Green
Trading Stamps
Over $.000,000 S, & H. siarap
collectors throughout the United
States give testimony of the
great popularity of the little
Green Trading Stamps.
Premium Parlors 4lh FUor
Visit the Premium Parlors and
view the thousands of beautiful
'jt gifts to be given away between
now ana uonsimu.
New Pleating, Greet
Variety, 25o to
12.50 a Yard.
Black and All
Popular Colon.
Dept. Mala Floor.
Ids, Wortman & IKflimgj
"The Store of the Christmas Spirit"
ooormrra ejttoub oztt nocx xobbxsoit, vbutm, wxtr raix asd lumi rra.
Take Luncheon la
Our Popular Tea
Room on 4th Floon,
Prompt Service.
A Good Place ta
Meet Your Friends.
Picture Framing!
At Lowest Prices
FOURTH FLOOR Bring In your Holi
day work now and have it finished be
fore the Christmas rush begins. Sat
isfaction guaranteed.
Gel Your Boy a Set ot "Meccano" tor Xmas
Prices Range From $1.00 Up to $86.00
TOYLAND. FOURTH FLOOR Herels the most wonderful toy In the
world. The toy that teaches while it amuses. Putting up steel struc
ture with Meccano not only gives days and days of pure enjoyment,
but it teaches the principles that the boys will use later In many walks
of life. With a set of "Meccano" the boy can build the miniature copy
of anything from a skyscraper to a traveling crane. "Meccano" will
prove the best present you have ever chosen, with Its brass and nick
eled steel plates, wheels and girders. Fascinating, absorbing and instruc
tive you'll take pleasure in it, too. We have a complete line of these
famous toy's in any size, grade and at any price .you.;ieare to pay.
Ckooae your Christmas gifts now.
Portland's Great Doll Display
Invites Your Attention
A veritable city of Dolls, whose inhabitants run
Into the thousands and comprise all classes,
from 'the stately French Dolls to the poor little
rag baby. Was there ever such a Doll display?
Once you see It you'll answer with us NO.
Bring the children and let them have a glimpse
at these pretty dollies. Note the following:
Undressed Kid Body Dolls, 75c, $1.25, 91.50,
$2.00, $2.50 "Kewpie" Dolls. 25c, to $1.00
Character Dolls, $1.50 to $7.50 Celluloid
Character Dolls, wltk hair, from 50c to $1.25
Celluloid "Kewpie" Dolls, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00
Mechanical Toys, Wheel Goods
Games, Building Blocks
Mechanical Trains, 75c, $1, $1.25, 11.50, $2 to $15.00
The "Lionel" Electric Train Outfits. $5.00 to $100.00
Boys' Tool Chests 25c-$12
Toy Iron Trains 15a to $4
Automobiles $4.00 to $35
Doll Trunks, 25c to $5.00
Laundry Sets 75c to $2.25
Air Rifles, 50c up to $2.50
Express Wagons 75c-$3.50
Doll Carriage., $1.50-$5
Shooflies, $3.50 to $25.00
Doll Beds, 50o to $12.00
Tor Kitchen Cabinets, complete, 75c, $14)0 up to $3.50
Velocipedes and Tricycles from $2.00 up to $17.50
Alphabet Blocks, Games, Checker Boards, etc., low prices
Leather Novelties
Blcn Jo He Custom Finish Corsets
We're Exclusive Portland Agts.
SECOND FLOOR New mid-Winter models of
these famous Corsets are now being shown.
"Natural figure" models, medium, low and top
less above waist Long and clinging below
waist Exquisite materials. Step in and let
us show you these new arrivals. ffOC flfl
Full assortment of all sizes $5 to 4).UU
Beln Jollc Greclan-Treco
Hew "Slip-on" Model
The cut to the right depicts
the new Grecian Treco "Slip
On" model 254. A late crea
tion for dancing, athletics and
general wear. Made from far
famed "Grecian Treco," Inset
with elastic sections. Hose
supporters attached. Q PA
All sizes. Priced at $0.uU
Other Models $3.50-$22.50
$2.25 Embrold. Pin
Cushion Special 89c
Dainty hand-embroidered French
Pin Cushions, white or pink or
blue. Slightly soiledj OA
regular $2.25 grades for OJC
$1 Centerpieces 53c
17x1 7-Inch Embroidered Center
pieces make very acceptable
gifts. Embroidered In white.
Regular $1.00 qualities for 53c
Regular $1.50 qualities for 78c
Buy Thanksgiving Linens
Our Annual Sale Is Now In Progress
f me i in mi i ii i. in m i i a i i
Offering Wonderlnl Savings
MAIN FLOOR Women who pride themselves on their fine linens
will welcome this opportunity to replenish the linen chest before the
Holidays at substantial reductions from regular prices. Note below:
Richardson's $1 Table Damask 83c
" Regular $1.75 Quallfp $1.48 Yard
Richardson's heavy full bleached
Linen Damask, in several attrac
tive designs. Beautiful satin fin
ished and full 2 yards In width.
Best regular $1.00 grade, 0l
on sale special, the yard 0lw
Richardson's extra heavy Double
Satin Damask, all pure Irish lin
en, full bleached and 2 yards In
width. Choice assortment of de
signs and rich finish. M AO
Reg, 11.75 Linen, yd. 1.40
Sale ot Richardson's Pattern Cloths
Richardson's $ 6.00 Linen Pattern Cloths, sixe 2
Richardson's $ 8.50 Linen Pattern Cloths, sixe 2
Richardson's $ 9.00 Linen Pattern Cloths, sise 2 2)i
Richardson's 9 V.79 Unen rattern Cloths, site ZstS
Richardson's $11.00 Unen Pattern Cloths, tixe 2 x3
Richardson's $12.50 Linen Pattern Cloths, sixe 2x3 yds., $10.00
Kicnardton a 913.00 Unen return uotns, sice Zftsrt . yds., $11,50
Beautiful Embroidered Table Cloths Off
x2U yds, $4.75
x2H yds, $6.85
yds., $7.00
yds., $8.00
yds., $9.25
Embroidered Fancy Linens V4 Off
1 .. ' ' 1 1 1 1 "i 1 1 . . j 1 " 1 - 1
Special line of most beautiful
hand embroidered Cloths, that
have become ilightly Saoiled
from being ; on display. While
thev list, on sale for ONCHALF
30x30-in. Hemstitched Linen Tab!
Beautiful Embroidered Dofflea,
Center Pieces. Scarfs. Sauares.
Tea Cloths, etc.. In great many
attractive designs. Now -on tale
at a reduction of ONE-FOURTH
e Cloths, Thanksgiving sale $1.50
45x45-in. .Hemstitched Linen Table Cloths; Thanksgiving sale $2.90 Hemstitched Linen Table Cloths, Thanksgiving sale $3.2$
Stationery Sale!
MAIN FLOOR Pre-Hollday sale
high-grade Stationery for gift
giving a, 3 and 4-qulre boxes.
Regular $1.50 Stationery at 75c
Regular $2.50 Stationery, $1.50
Hand-tinted Calendars, now 10c
Headquarters for Favors, Invi
tations, Score Cards, etc, etc.
For Xmas Gilts
MAIN FLOOR Our showing of Leath
er Novelties suitable for gift giving is
more extensive than ever before
Hand Bags, Toilet Cases, Card or
Pocket . Case, Purses. Card Sets, and
scores of other articles.
New Belts and Sashes
25c Up to $3.25
MAIN FLOOR Women's and chil
dren's Belts and Sashes, In every
new novelty effect for all occasions.
Patent leathers, in wanted widths and
colors. Leather Belts, Suede Belts,
Silk Belts and Sashes. See these.
Sale of Xmas Ribbons
MAIN FLOOR All silk and sarin
Ribbons put dp In 10-yd. bolts. Prlcesi
No. 1 Silk or Satin Ribbon, bolt, 7 He
No. 1 Extra Quality Ribbon, bolt, 10c
No. Extra Quality Ribbon, bolt, 12c
No. 2 Extra Quality Ribbon, bolt, 18c
No. 3 Extra Quality Ribbon, bolt, 27c
No. 1 All Silk Holly Ribbon at 15c
No. 2 All Silk Holly Ribbon for 18c
EXTRA SPECIALS At 25c, 33c and
48c we offer wide variety of novelty
Ribbon for Holiday needs to 6 In. wide
Reg. $3.50 Ostrich Boas
Special $2.50
MAIN FLOOR Genuine Ostrich Feath
er Neck Boas, in black, natural and
colors, with wide satin ribbon tie.
Very stylish. Regular $3.50 & CA
quality. On special sale at $LoJ
$1.75 Neckwear at 98c
MAIN FLOOR And you may choose
from the season's prettiest conceits in
Nets, Shadow Laces and Crepe Novel
ties for coat or dress, worth QQ
up to $1.75, speceial tomorrow OC
The Handkerchief Sale
At the Bargain Circle
Women's toe Embroidered and
Initial Kerchiefs, box of 6
Women's Sheer Linen Kerchiefs, 7fV
linen initial, box of 6 for f f C
Women's 20c Colored Inll- fA
tial Unen Kerchiefs, box of 6 4)1 .UU
Women's Embroidered Linen CC.
Kerchiefs, 3 in a fancy box UIC
Women's "Sun-Spun" Hand-- ir
embroidered Kerchiefs, box 3 4laW
Shamrock Linen Kerchiefs, each, 25c
Fancy Embd. Kerchiefs, 3 for $1.00
Another Great Sale of
Fine Tailored Suits
$32.50 Sato at $24.37
$95.00 Suits at $71.25
SUIT SALONS, SECOND FLOOR Smart, new models in fancy,
semi-fancy and plain-tailored effects. Exclusive styles, designed
and trimmed most effectively in furs, velvets,, brocades, etc, New
long-back cutaways in velvets, broadcloth, velours, eponge, cords,
etc. Plain-tailored models in serges, diagonals, cheviots, broad
cloth, matelasse and other popular weaves. Wide range of sea
son's best styles. Skirts draped and plain tailored or peg top.
sjz.du tailored 9niU, 924.37
$35.00 Tailored Suit, $26.25
$40.00 Tailored Suit, $30.00
$48.50 Tailored SuiU, $36.37
$55.00 Tailored SuiU, $61.25
$78.50 Tailored Suit, $58.87
$87.50 Tailored SuiU, $65.63
$95.00 Tailored SuiU, $71.25
Special Sale oi Evening Gowns
GARMENT DEPT., SECOND FLOOR Women's and misses' styl
ish frocks for evening and party wear. Many charming models of
crepe de chine, charmeuse, brocades and chiffons, trimmed with
shadow Jaces, flowers, ribbons, beaded and embroid'd overdrapes,
draped and tunic effects. Excellent assortment of desirable color.
Shown in round lengths or en train. Excellent range of sizes.
$42.50 Eveninf Gown, $35.00
$55.00 Evening Gown, $47.50
$72.50 Evening Gown, $49.50
$87.50 Evening Gown, $68.50
$95.00 Evening Gown, $75.00
$ 88.50
Eve. Gown.
Eve. Gown,
Eve. Gown,
Eve. Gown,
$175.00 Eve. Gown,
$195.00 Eve. Gown,
$ 78.50
$ 85.00
$ 85.00
$ 95.00
Evening Coats Specially Priced
Representative styles picked from our large and varied stock. Of
velvet, charmeuse, brocades and broadcloth. Handsome draped
moaeis ana inose more on piain-tauorea lines, exquisite creations
suitable for afternoon and evening wear, with trimmings of fur,
gold, silver, Venise and Irish laces, silk cords, tassels, buttons, etc.
They are lined with the richest of silk brocades or messaline.
Regular $150.00 Coat, $ 75.00
Regular $150.00 Coat, $ 85.00
Regular $150.00 Coat, $125.00
Latest mid-Winter stvles. trim'd
with marten and civet cat furs. Ooat has new drop-shoulder effect,
frog trimmed. Skirts draped. All colors. Price, $35 and $38.50
Regular $100.00 Coat, $ 85.00
Regular $125.00 Coat, $100.00
Regular $145.00 Coat, $125.00
Choose Your Holiday Furs Now
Entire Stock of Women's
Moils, Scarfs, Coats and
Sets Are Now on Sale at
DEFT- SECOND FLOOR There is no more sensible gift for mother, sister,
wife or sweetheart than a pretty Fur Garment, and here's a most unusual
opportunity to choose from our high-grade' stock at a saving of 25 on
our already low prices. This includes our entire line of Wom-l, fff
en's rurs hearts. Muffs, fcets and Coats, cnoose now at w
Vomen'g Blanket Bathrobes lor $4.98 p)
IIIflh-Grade Silk Petticoats $4.29
SECOND FLOOR Women's Blanket
Bath Robes, in empire and loose ef
fects, trimmed with silk bands and
pipings. Some with sailor collars;
others with V or round necks.
Patch pockets and cord girdle.
Light and dark colors. At- Pi QQ
tractive, new designs," ea. 4ttmVO
SECOND FLOOR -These splendid
petticoats are made from heavy mes
saline or taffeta silks. Some styled
with silk or Jersey top. "Newton
Extension" bands or string tops.
Plaited flounces. Shown in all the
wanted shades, and all tk OA
lengths. Sale price, each wf.ew
Special Thanlcsgiving Sale Dinner Sets
Special Sate Roasters
Dept. Third Floor
seamless, oval and smooth Inside. San.
Itary and easy to clean. Spe- OQ
ctal sale price tomorrow, only OVC
1 2x1 7-in. Covered Steel Roasters, 65c
taxt7-lnch Royal Roasters, $1.10
, 12xl9-lnch Royal ' Roasters, $1.28
12xl9-lnch Crown - Roasters, 95c
$1.00 Universal Food Choppers at 79c
; $1.25, Universal Food Choppers at 98c
' $1.50 Universal Food Choppers $1.15
White Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets in fancy shapes.
$2.95 42-piece Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU, now $2.35
$3.95 50-pce. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU, now $3.15
$5.60 60-pce. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU, now $4.40
$8.50 100-pc Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU, now $6.80
Semi-Porcelain, fancy shape, pink flower border and
full gold line. Note the following special low prices:
$ 6.65 50-pce. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $4.50
$ 7.55 60-pce? Seail-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $6.00
$11.50 100-pc. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $9.20
Fancy shape, gold band and gold lace effect inside
of band. Note the following special reductions!
$ 7.55 50-pce. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $ 6.00
$10.10 60-pce. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $ 8.08
$15.50 100-pc. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $12.40
Green border with small pink rose! and gold line.
$ 7.85 50-pce. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $ 6.25
$10.50 60-pce. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $ 8.40
$15.50 100-pc. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $1240
Plain shape with gold band, full gold handles, knobs.
$ 8.65 60-pce. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $ 6.90
$12.00 60-pce. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $ 9.60
$18.65 100-pc Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $14.90
Enameled border blue and yellow, gold line, Oriental.
$12.35 50-pce. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $ 9.88
$15.65 60-pce. Sem!-Porcelaiir4)tnner SeU at $12.62
$24.00 lOQ-po. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $19.20
Plain shape, Indian tree decoration, fine reproduction. -$16.50.
5Q-pc. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $13.20
$20.90 60-pce. Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at $16.70
$32.75 100-pc Semi-Porcelain Dinner SeU at. $26.20
Our entire stock of Dinner Sets on sale at reduced
Lace Curtain Spec'ls
From Third Ftoor
$9.00 CURTAINS, $4.75, imported
Hand-made Arabian Lace Curtains, on
best quality net. White or M 7c
ecru. On sale at, the pair f. I D
$6.75 Imported Point Lace AC
Curtains, on sale at, the pair 1WJ
COUCH COVERS Special reduced
prices on high-grade Tapestry Couch
Covers. Good selection of colors:
Regular $7.50 grade, now at $5.50
Regular $9.00 grade, now aT $6.50
Fine Quality 35c Marquiaettea, yd. 25c
45c Brass Extension Roda, now at 35c
Sale of Room-Size Rufls
Dept. Third Floor
eos.uu iu-oxiz . wuton Kuga,
$60 10-6x13-6 WUton Ruga, $47.50
Soft toned allover effects. In rich col
orings. Genuine Bige low Wilton Rngtv
$1 5 Seamless Brussels Rags, CI O f Q
large variety of designs, at 91'iO
Extra Hilton . Velvet Carpets. M 97
Reg. $1.66 and $1.80 grades VlUti
$5.50 36x36-ln. Witton Rngs, Q Off
good, handy size., Sped J at $000
November "Baby Weelt"
Commencing t o m o r row
morning and continuing
throughout the week, our
entire stock Infants' Wear-'
ables will be placed on sale
at reduced prices. . Moth-,
ers should profit by thli
and supply the baby's ,
needs for months to come,
vAsk for Free Booklet on
V"Health and are of tie
VI Baby." - '-, '-a 'V
Infants' Casslmere Coata Off
$2.50 Bonnets at $1.69
Many attractive styles
in Cassimere or Silk.
Embroidered on collar
and sleeves. Regular
$4.75 to $21.50 Coats,
on sale, FOURTH OFF,
Infants' Bonnets of ben
galine silks and trim'd
with, dainty embroidery.
Regularly worth op to
12.50 each, on tfl ?f
sale special. VleO;J
tetania Short Dregs eg G0c-C3c
Wool Buggy Robes Sl.CD
1 Infants' : Wool Buggy
Robes, In cream, with
blue trlmmlnn. flood
1 weight Spe- f f C.Vi
Fine nainsook, with
dainty' embroidery , and
Mace. yoxes. in ages
from 6 mos. to OH
3 yrj 69c to 0-C
1 daily priced