The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 15, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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, )'.
I. H-vuur. snura time to build up a mall
order business of your own. We help
you ttiiTt for. share In profits.: 87 op
I'ortiiiii'.leB. . Particular free. Mutual
" iimurtiinitlra Hwhinn. Buffalo. N. Y. '
k DEIiMOTT'S show card school, day
and evening claaaes. 810 Tllford bldg.
. Situation ,? Wanted xs;
Ads. inserted free for those in need of
work and who arc unablo to pay for an
advertisement. ' Advertisements must be
brought to the office personally by the
nartiea deslrina- work. '
GIRL between II and 25 years, t learn
, , Comtometer adding machine; good
positions provided when course com-
Meted. Call 448 Morgan bldg.
for room
MS-. ' , oontiiined) . '"' " t I WS8T BIOS PJUVATO M-AHXS.T
t. ;i-mly.??urrl , m. . -
IW ari) T with arlrl are 7. -wishes ?--rr----', --
Rex Arms Apartments
fi. Earnest, X-660, Journal. 1 """'' "i- ' ! FRONT room housekeeping- or sleeping, room apta automatio elevator, balco-
ViTosltlo" as .'housek'ep'er for tech? j NEATLY"! t unlsMlWun front
lor qTOiower? city or Country' country wPi"fkl ""..J" ! '.W;
EXtERtEND : woman wants, work. I - ""a- 'or two ladies or two jtentl. f Uthro ,. U tb.; latest
fffr.T'j . f&K&J.. Per .waek. improve en ta.. , - -. d to.
day or hour; will go out or take work, ray.or iw - ". " "-v-An.
nome. gV4 swtn si,, p. n;. - ' UWU room mr ouainess , people; ciose
STiTiSiBii -hc-usa-1 , CARafi5UT4A?A?TMENISL
for; 1 block from sohooi.ttair22
Park st or phone Alain 1428. .-A mottv
ers care. . - 1
MIDDLE-AGED LADY, itood suburban
home; would ffs mothers car to 1
or 2 children... 683 Bldwell ave., Bell
wood. ' .-: "-v
RESPECTABLE, middle-seed widow.
wnn ooy a years, warns posiuon nous
phone after 5:30: Main 8807.
LtARGE furnished light, modern front
room with kitchenette; ali convent-j
ences. ra igtn Bt. ..,-. - -
COSY bousekeepln room, well heated,
:.f ', MOierences required, . , u .-.. i.
i . t r- L.. . ii Keeper or ouu, siaia w
yirl to help with housa workAuror 0r i7
m and board; 8 in family. East SITION wanud by
SS.EO weekly. Also rooms oommunicau
ins;. - 5 Waehineton. I
LAKGE. neat, housekeeping or sleeping I
Keeper or oook; state, waes. , Mrs. itees, . room, pnone, oam, eio., .o per weett
4U0 101(1
Fifth land -CoUgySikT-SM'
Clean, cosy, three) and fouf-room fur-
change operator:
M-8iu, journal.
experienced ex-
aiso ornce woric
29 I FIRST class laundress wants work, half
r.-' ,- " AND FEMALB S3
TXT 1 VTTrn Vrti, man or woman, ex-
perlenced In handling; complaints and MAN and wife want work in hotel ;man
looking ud delivery records. Must be A-l cook, wife waitress. Phone Smith.
active and ambitious. Apply between iwarsnaii i4. itn sc
8:30 and 10: a m, at supenrintenaent
office, sixth' floor, Meier & Frank store.
DRESSMAKINGS or plain sewing;, $2.25
per day; satisfaction guaranteed.
Phone East 82.
OREGON Barber College teaches you
the barber trade in ( weeks, pays you
while learning, tools free, tuition re
duced this term. azDert instruction. DO-
fiV'.&.ff.Pl r?"" HEAT, HOT WATER. BATHS FREE,
to ladies. 8 Madison st, 151 d. ; . g,6J to $3.00 week, beautifully and
MOLER BARBER COLLEGE teaches newly furnished rooms, all Urse, 'out
the trad in weeks, pays while learn- .Me rooms, and clean as wax. Seven
Ing, gives a lst-class set of tools. Writ (blocks to pos toff ice. ,288H 3d St. neaa
S? Ate a a Ate 1 ii mm mm m TO AX O IU at I MM ... '
MEN, women, get government jobs; 10 1 XHB COLONIAL, under new manage
month: 11,000 appointmenu coming.! ment well furnished rooms, electrlo
Write for list of . positions, ; Franklfn lights, steam heat good servlo. Boe-
institute. Dept 126-H, Rochester, w. Y-lniaJ rates to permanent roomers. F. J.
WANTED Railway mail. . clerks. Ex-1 Btone. - -
amlnations everywhere frequanUy. I HOTEL MADRAS.
sample questions frea. TanKiininu- ijth and Washington. Steam heat hot
tute. Dept. 314-H. Rocwester. w. y. land cold running water; private and de-
MAN and wife wanted on a farm, good I tacnea oatns, ire pnones. taingw is,
wares to right party, v VX-884, Joor-i suite i rooms b.
; j ,., VQOM ana januor service included.;
TWO clean, comfortable. H. . K.', rooms,
reasonable rent, , no children.; 141 N. J Situated on Lucretla st. 100 feet north
Hth et. cor. Hoyt. , a vef Washlngrton st, in an open court la
ym oeai reaiuence aistrici, within walk
or. 3d and
Portland's '
newest mod.
ern office
oiag. . ror
, r ese r vetion
or onices ana
,,. ii i 3Ma.r. Jiff.
Jmtrfrtirrmi'r.; '! 4
HOSPITAL for lease or sale 14 rooms
furnished;' large' sleeping- porch ;x new
uu'iunuus vuuuiiiK uiu lurnisnings.
Writs or call on Ths Olendal sute
Bank, glendale, Or. '.
FOR I RENT millinery store. Location
0n.V tlnm TV.Amj4wMw Ul r ...... I . .
Yeon bldg. ' ,. v . ' -i. . .
WH have clientr w' to rent your
jr vacant nousei, Lanx ' yours : wnn . u.
Inmr H l.fnn.a - I .,.. i V " Z I HU,BU VlOIBUV j Ht i USl
i iv w ibuiii. oeo meia sexore
v7iT, ''ttZ:;-mtXZX-,Vnii.;KS. I?"'.1"- R reasonable. Kefnce' noow. wall
,r. ":r" z V ii" "r i wnwr. anar. inis
ing rooms, ground floor, walking dls-
isnitoi' liar. 1600 I lighted, south . of Morrison street.
iriyq piiune ; numper.- r Jt-ooo, journal
lanncc ainu- in air Ah An. stur. iirht natti i . , 1 i
telephone, clean rooms. Mi n. 2d it S SHEFFIELD apartments, 72 . Broad- WANTEda nicely furnished apt in a
Phone East 1328. -T. " ' .way, &. cor. Jefferson? Easy walk- "triotly modern home, close in; answer.
ii l6"Wia th 'vVij-utf -11 ' '"M'r" L"?dlBUnoe; or rooms, with private v'nr terms, X-657. Journal.
hiBhed iff K VinrrM'-ffaaliuf' Bf?LJZ;"!?"l An: ?! BARN for- ii. or 3 horses with or with-
. ... . . ' . . . ,1V,0U1CI1U1U KriHUKBlUUli; 1 G1IIB1I1A1 - nil, tinnuA t.ITU iminu . :
for or 4.
WILL rent all'
rooms; direct phones.
or, Mrt n Wl.U .?RS?AN-?0
F1SK Teachers' Agency, secures posi
tions Tor teacners. sis journal oiog,
FOR T. M. C A, members. , Furnished
rooms, reasonable -in orica fireproof
DUiiaing. vacuum cleaned, shower uatns,
fa'.nTip.V.n; i,vic-u,rantaaai beT S.lub facUlUes, special rates at cafeteria.
ginners In 10 lesso'natll Ellers bldg. h;u?.1? na laylor
YOUNG man, rooming at Y. M. C A
- wants room mate to reauoe rooming
airvd.nB4,a. Inntilr V M CI. A.- Anp ath
EXPERIENCED janitor wants steady and Taylor, ' "
position at once: nava naa t years i , rrmmrDm uvhikt
axperlenca at racuum heating, hot wa-l c,ntr.11' Yocatid B cir7 from deoota
ter ana steam; jianay wun toow. i;u-hi, m0drn conveniences, transient tradi so.
Journal. - - - L llltert. KUn tin. t vMk-nn. 1KO 1st ai
A-l CLERICAL man with family, Irwin kkvrri.v KSieniah.ii mnm.
steam neat ana
References XX-8S8. Journal. , SriuA1' "' ' 'v " '
,.vn. o.r:-.--1',- -iVi FURNISHED rooms, $1.76 week and up;
wlMia!5 bythoii w&VoT1
. iu.hW ..nrl.nn.H n..n 11, will rant """ninyion. .
;.niTi-ti Z n.iK JTn..i , FUKNISHED and unfurnished 3 and 4
TTYf ttf.t.IT.MT- ma. l.h -m .V. L.!:e?m. t)l.hat, light and
. r- i?-. "T;, . J-.-I-T-1 oatn; reasonaDie. vi lvin si,
position with lectrical concern. U- POTTER HOTEL.. 182 H. corner adand
72, Journal. 1 '- miwu uwi i mm , iiw,
EXPERT pressor, gents' and ladles' ifj
house, furnace or stoves, piano, yard.
v-.Jt k k ' ' "JH,' 'V"u'- 0 Elegant furniture, all outslds
v J ? a 1 '"" '''"V .corner rooms, outalde ath, private
f l v j irunw cipsu, uuiiiyieieijr i ur-1 auiuuiauo cievaior, lirst Class IB
msnea rooms, vain,; gag. range. iaun- icry particular; rercrencea. Mar. 114.
ary, pnone, large yarn, . waiaing; us-1 I
tanoe, 341 Tlllamook, -' 7gS -" WILLI AMSiAVE.COrT BEECH Main 8668
SUITE of 2 furnished rooms for house-1, S room furnished apartments; private!-
JUST arrived with 45 head of best ranch
' draught business horses seen in town
this all. ' Gentle, broke well, matched
teams. 4 to 8 years old. weigh 1100 to
J6VO, one ' pair 1 mules, aruaranteed tis
represented. Can be seen rear, of 834
Front st n Phil Suetter. Res. Phone
ajlfp.i mi ,.n w,--.iw
i":,-f!' '' 4' i'1 ' ' ' ' i ';:,;..;i' .ii' 1
1913 Hudson, 6 pass., cyl., electric
YOU MARK YOUItT'Hl f Til li 'x V A Y
.JSV ,llA'Ufllli)C wan r. WE
starter and lights, nearly new; . cheap I MAKE YOIT AN OFFER, MAIN 2344
for quick sale.
If vou are looking for a car don't fall
to see our stock of used ones. Wo. will
give you a. bargain. (
Vlnve'sfigat o'ur" K"Uarahfer"6a ' "Vsod"
cars. !,. ,:' i-i,;::",.;-;; -V' j..-,-',.'.
.Northwest Auto Co.'
Broadway and Couch ttta. '-
v';j !?;;: iJ&jctf ;::J;
, -FOR SALE. v
horsepower Overland, fully equipped, in
first class condition, also' eood . tires.
seal uuy in city, uniy soou.
i One 1910 8 passenger, 4 cylinder, SO
horsepower Reo, in good condition good
urea. ' vniy ituu, .
One 1912 single cylinder Indian motor
cycle, vfully equipped and in first class i
condition; good tires, un.y iiuo. , i.
, , KUSi; CITY fAKK. UAKAUtS, ' ,
, riODlEB, ,. .
. WHEEL&. ' ',
General Repair
209 Front St 4 '
202 1ST. i MARSHALL 6981.
Will, pay best prica for your 'furniture,
oncj-nwnd furniture jftirr -wfieClafty.
H10HKST prlcva paid ' tor liouaoboi l
furniture. Do not give It away , to '
auctioneers or second hand stores. Phone
East 6462 i or a ptal, and repra.
sentatlva will call. Grand Rapid Fturnt
ture Ex.. IU Orand ave. '-
WANTEDA contract to clear land or
cut cordwooa..! Tuke either small or
large contract, . ' CU McCauley, Main
3201 or A-2191.,',:'i;',;i,'i:;V..-.-.v.: A:V.,;.: -
WANTED Furniture and household
8CT E. Morrison st. Phone, t!.; 1M8.
THE following articles were found '.
the cars of the Portland Railway.
Light & Power Co., and turned In at tho
different division points.': Owners may
have same by applying at barns as in
dicated: i, vsi,-! . , N,1(.,;.,;;;
Found on cars. Nov, 13, i 91 8, Bell wood ,
barn, phone A-6131: . Two suitcases, 1
glove, 1 fur, .1 book. v ' , , i
f Found on cars, ; NoV. 13, '1913, Pled- .
rnont barn, phone A-13l; ne DUraa
II naii fftAvw, -J . 1 1 1 , 1 1 1, i u f. . . .
FOR -SALE Usod autos in good run-1 8 misc. articles. . . .
ning order at, bargain: prices.. iio I -Artn ies found on the cars. Nor. 13.
knln. . 1 , h k.,k a- .r.n, m... h.lh .lnln. . L. . f. . . . , I
687 Commercial st.
lawn 1796.
TWO desirable nicely furnished house
keeping rooms., 33$ E. 1st st, N, cor.
Weldler. ";
H. K. room for one or two persons.
heat light, hot, cold water, linen. fS?-' J
hne i5 i.f t - . ' I Phones
; ' ; ' V Arrived ;'
weight fr?bV
bath and all mod nVnnia I y,ouP Bma. well broke. This stock is
phone, steam heat . ae, electrlo Ught. fl M5 ilaf ua;anle!a- , BtDle
etc. , take W car to Hist and Northrupl I f001 Wa"' we,t , , , , i , ,. ,
Main 37. A-11S3. -. i. r - I 'v . j i h , V() I ;
in modern house, for young c,fTELY furnished 1 room apta.. twill alwava find nlentv a-nnd lioraaa at
and electricity : everthlng f "A kitchenette,, a team beat running ',? aa" f.fmorif?" ii
E. Ankenv " ni?" wtw, . pnou . ja mrr r-""u" r..:!'? Jrul
LARGE room
ladv: aas
furnished. 594
- - 7 vtifw.lra 1
ii Au8SkeDiu; eeaSatt' '$H.K TZS UK ; il;i: AH horses guaranteed
rv;. .... . j J""
xK;: -0Oin5' LAMBROOk: , APIS.. 430 Yamhill con
U. S. Stables
monroe at. rnn woooiawn eza. j 7th 3 and 8 room furnished ants : li JUt received anotner consignment 01
THREE clean, nicely furnished house- eam heat, private phone, eta; outside cor8e" anamare. au sizes.
ts iron i tsx.
keep'g rooms reasonable. 825 E. Stark, rooms, $22 to $30, including lights, i B
"i. j,aat ao.
NINE room modern dwelling
cor. . 2tu ana Hawtnorna
tennis court adjoining. Burrell Invest
a SAVE HE MDNTtrf.Y .. "ITkrt MnrnUu Li---'v S. nAnli Pa
-T-xT-r ,-s, compTetelir'furoiThed, $22.50; '' LJulH"y U,ilD 'VIUIO VU.
at N. W. all large, outside rooms, private phone I E. ? 1 commission, horses, mules, ve-
"" xiuuouij, iJi . ua.oa. uni iiPiwvifr i. car nouse, pnone A-olJi:
7 pass.; Pierce Arrow; 1610 5 pass. Reo; J Onevsulteasej 8 pkgs.'mdse.
THE . woma-VbV accepted tha wrong
., ""T. , 1 ... ' cnange or 8.oo at a velvet counter,
vuioanismg vvoras. iwnt sutTr. arrest iniot returned - at
" -uuj. . - v once, name wixnnein. salesman.
Mar 379 "We buy and LOST-From " 66 8OU1 north, bUck
, aii t,.d riT tt5 nt white male Angora kitten, g
''A'TtorSS.y month cM.-Hawar. at above addles,.
" I T I'T, XT .A . T-i - n . . . .
yai nT,:H,i near-ju. istn ana An.
kny, one tatting bag with work in It,,?
brooch ' I.lh.rnl r,n
If returned to Journal office. '
: to ' ex
40 ACRES in Cowlits. Wash.
- change for 6-pasa, carr partly cleaved I Reward, to Journal.
LOST-Cameo broo
1879. - ;v-' - . ,.
Written guar
antee with , f,s
very spring. f,(.,c'
26 N. lEthr st ''-
Phone Maiq :
FOUND Cluster ring.
- 7990, after o m.
FOUND A lady's purse on E. 54th st
last evening. Call at Journal. 3
FOR SALE 1 4 p. 26 H. overland auto.
If taken this week for, 8160. -Would
make good service car. Henry t Funk I Radical, cur hv th. lot... .,,ui .
auw io.. join aim vouch -in. - 1 . tieaiuig . memoas. wo medicines or
...... ..( uaBuoaa. &uvi,w, j mwiiuaj
lln. Phnn. Tt-9n.11 Tkn. . 9000 T land Friday. 10 a. m. 240 E. 8th. E. 6316.
the r.Hh-i.'i'ii'.KM am .' .u,k k;.... " I $500 FIRST mortarage. drawine 8 per
tit anu els i. iatn., tor rent, new 1 rup, modern furniture, private baths 1 celt miereai, to iraae.xor gooa team,
room nouses, iuu DiumDina and and nhnnu harit.iuui inn. 1 wagon ana Harness. . oca uox ia. van
3a auiu - vvi iuilj', '.!,.. v. ap; huuduii reimoa . neignooruood, ; y 0,1 t? cp,u
oor. - I from carlin. - , 1 wn cat r
f ,.prea""-f."l" .J.D"n. kEILIX HOTEL. Id and Y.mhUL cen
man. Becker A Wade. Very experienced trally located, modern.; steam heated
with the irona C-782, Journal. . rooms, rree pnone ana oam, ia.00 weea.
YOUNG man going to school wants work ROM,s, n "S"!
after 4 p. n and Saturday; wllUng to , tal- t0 w,lt -nd up- 4t Alder,
mane myseir uaeiiu in any une 01 worx.i ufiiL QAVfiM 1 ltn ac
Woodlawn 176. , HU I LL OnVUI?! maWitsodt
l trana t
WANTED Work by a man with famUy, j THE OLIVE. 494 Morrison; modern.
Of any Kind, nanay witn tools. Uivei sieam neaxeq rooms, z.&b up.
m..c.nf5' 5d : lcatt r-l 1-trKjrigHED moons
-. a.i AiTiaiun at. , l--8-. BXDB P&IVATB VAMXEiT TO
A AtXDDi-Ui auu man, steaay ana aooer, 1 ------ - - - -
a,i.ti M.itin, xtrh-.n . i. I $2 AND $2.25 per week, nice, clean, com.
what have you. Main 3363. - ortabls front and back sleeping
y,PA . ,.- ' i 1 I rooms, I minutes' walk poatofflce. 304
. ..v . -" 1 Maaison sc.
rooms, suitable for 2
bath, phone. Main 2293.
contract Experienced with powder. I w .,--i.k-A
F. M. Osterhout 4 N. 14th st. I T V',-f"r2.
. " . - a, 1 UaVlR. -
nare reierences; willing 10 worn. 1 1 1 . i 1 ,
Call Immediately Ja!n 36167 NEWLY furnished rooms - in modern
i-YPRPiirvr-irrf'-ri..', -i.i,. .tA ..hPmA' Kearney.
I, V , , "I . "w vl"T-""r I Main as (.
either family car, taxi or light truck. I
U-808 Journsl.--f I NICELY furnished room, strictly moo-
vAnv-n -.-.ii -..A , I I ern, piano, wanting distance.- 890, cor,
TOUjSQ., married man wUwork on jjlk.0n' ,nd West Park. Phone A-6166.
7ih st. srSrpJrtrand. .rr MZZL furnished rooms, suitable for
-i ' . . 1 1 1. a or s vounar man: eioaa in: uon
WANXED Position as clerk, inside or able; 187 20th. near Morrison.
out Nina rears' railroad axDarianm.
u-os, journal.
NICE front room, private family,
. ctd , . . 1. ' . . , 1 1 anain. sz luvereii si.
"X-666, Journal.
ELDERLY man. good kitchen belper CfJ SteBiIS-??2dern' ,S
in meat, bread and pastry, hotel or "Inutes. Marshalljllg.
- restaurant Address 810 Lumber Ex. bid,
GOOD all round man cook that don't
; drink wants work as first or second
cook, city or country. L-867 Journal
.YOUNG man of good education, desires
,JS gth Anil Unrriann ata .AmaHan
won or ajiT OR-cri or inn immMiat.iv, inn f mrflnnan man . n. , mn.,.
w.iu unnni, t-iab, duurnaL urn louuy. apecisi races dv monin.
FIRST class paperbanger and calntar I SINGLE housekeeuinz room, walkin
a.3.nt work by day or contract Tabor disUnce, $6 month. $33 E. Morrison.
- - isasi 4&l,
PAINTER -' and. paperhanger wants I THE Larrabee. 127H Larrabea Rooms
i oer-aay, win xurniSB some . i wk, up. uricx bidg.. steam heat hot
tools; reliable. Call room 805. Main 1771 land cold water, bath, phone, electricity.
."2DAVT V 1 . ... - I " 1 . . " r '
i iicauug wiMiaer ma janitor, 1 ruJftSTXS-DBO XOOKS
M a BlUBrituiia. nnnfi- wirn wa am. am vj . w , . m . . ,
4nnl- ,.' ,v "'n.ii. ....'7 T """" "m-i 71
papering. phone East 2101.
iaOOD all around cook wants work, olt;
tools; must have work. TJ-819. Journal. .V .f--T " - -"Ci-a
1 BARGAINS in painting, tinting and I TIrt.?r wtV "h.,1 ?,u.1!,liedi,.room;
papering. phone East 3101. L.i'Fvi'w.aters. atll, use of kitchen,
6830 S9th ave. 8. E Mt. Bcott car.
uui ail around cook wants work, city friVnKTenirr. , , ,
j, .. : ' 1 1 lamuy; oatn. 1
u y man wants steady work month. 171 Union ave. N. Phnn K. K(fi
or some King. 8804 68th st, B. E. irTTWKrigiiTrr. . - . 7 VJ
7i n"i. . uam ana ueau yu lieve-
contract or day. Phone Sellwood 2241. hand ave.'
PKUFEB8IONAL window cleaner. I SUITE of oleasant housakaenin nm.
Hftnn, rnr nrlM m -one I , 1 c, , 1 . - 1 ... - a,
Call Sellwood 1943.
itowInLXliyi'&fvr ,or 2 AND room unfurnished apt.s.. $1 per
5 "
, WANTED By a middle aged lady, a
position as housekeeDer for i runvt.
able widower: no objection to a child
Aaa alMA flail ll.l ,.nn ",14"
' AJSEVPRLY woman ln I"" would
. like light employment of soma kind;
go home nights preferred. B-786, Jour
. , rial. -
CASA ROSA. 300 Jefferson, large. nlo
ly furnished rooms, with board.
DESIRABLE suite with sleeping porch.
oibu a iiuiih, DDsraioK 11 aesired:
WANT work, ua home nia-ht.
ulI h cash T' -Perlenced: Rood heat, electric lights. Sot water day
Housekeeping country, girl of six to go or night. Phone East 4J17.
too. R-4S8. Journal . . a - , , , , , ,
rnon 2t 7 THREE gentlemen can room and board
OOD, practical nurse, hospital ezper- In good home very reasonable; use of
V.i-Tnt" Tan i7.OP "0"- .??. n,n" .
Ten dollars per week. Main etc. Phone Woodlawn 814.
WILL givo room and board to one
cnua, age x to e, gooa nome; girl pre-
LADY, wants chamber work or hnn."
.,.??P,n l0.r widower. Phone Eai,i ferred
a us 4, mib way. TImi -,i ..,-.- ..
I 11. ' .uiitiwiw ruuui wnu uoaro.
J,? ivl-F10' at, near .3d at cat. Mar
snail 6896. .
LACE curtains, draperies, linen laundrid
; by expert Called for? Tabor 31 7.
FOUR room house at Mount ' Tabor,
witn large garden and fruit trees;
rent $10. . Apply 1671 66th st. N., . 1
block. u . -'
from carlin.
FOR SALE CHEAP A small team of
mares. 825. 1 Owner must sell. : Take
Fulton car to end of Una, Walk 44 block
FOa RENT 6 room cottage on Di vi
sion, near 3"th, In good condition,
$18 a month. Phone Tabor 8178.
$ ROOM house, 6 lots in fruit to lease
fifi NORTH SSit RT
For rent, one ran 1 anarlman all I back to first honae
"..2 Sn!e-n'fncA1 .lnc?f ia,cltyi Tf- FOUR ponies, all gentle; 1 team, wel
. -. 'IHinil, afv1! Af. a.
' 14th and Columbian '
Furnished 2. 3. 4 room aoartmanta. all
-for long term; snap to reliable party. I conveniences; first" class, homelike, ra.
F-818,- Journal. - isonapie rates; rer. M. 7137. A-B618.
$11 FOUR room modern house. 7303 . ; v - Thfi nfi7finflnrf V1 " "!
Mlllhrd av. 1 hlnok fmm M. 8ni I : 1 UOiOIIUUI I
car. Phone Sellwood 2264. " Z08 16th. near Taylor, M. 4795. One
. ... a. . I eiegani a ana o room lurntshed apts., oiocks sou in 01 uawtnorne: sift , -r ,T.t , -
and $16 Tabor 864. I Trinity Place; one 4 room fdr-
koDt:RN i ,onm hn.i.e. mil t.,,.n,a-t """."P"e"H Pva'e bath and tel-
-.T . " -, '-. ..,.r.;";? CP; reaaonapie rates.
car. 28 E. 78th st. N. ! . VT ' J MODERN S-roqm apt. .with Bleeping
.71 irici.i.v an A..n... IV Prcnj,'.re pn?ne and elevator ser.
" -. ..v . ivwiubi vicr: 1 wai.inir n aian.a , ukal, . . .
modern: American nale-hbnrhooA. R.11. 1 , ,1-7 xt v" v-
matched: at your , own nrlce. or will
trade for larger horse. 101 W. 11th,
MHiiory s maples
A GOOD team, harness and wagon for
sale; win accept reasonable offer, in
quire at 1084 Lambert Place, cor. E. 86th
TM., near Knott, or call Tabor 8073.
dress C. W. Altman. Portland, Route
1. tnone wooaiawn 2771.
EXCHANGE 2 loU for team and outfit
will Day difference If necessary. A-
904, joarnai. ;.-";:-'
GOOD cheap- farm team and harness,
i must sell at onca; Inaulre for Bosler,
14 Union avenue. - '
MUST . be sold ' at once at your own
price, owner going east 2400 lb. team,
r.- , ' . . , COMFORTABLE steam hejt '.n.,V
i ice moaern 6 room cottage, mce ments of 4 or 6 rootas with MaanV "Kn" larra wagon. iuz lamnui.
'.rrd,;l-block west Tremont station, and hot and cold ater wa-0B
8830 59th ave. S. E Mt. Scott car. UnVe-" 687 Main ' W ' t' for Bale- ' Call at 6733 Foster
ii imii.w moaern 1 room nouse, 3 PENINSULA APTS.. liasu. iihin. ..' 1.. ..l'"'
it EW modern 7 room house, .3 PENINSULA APTS 113HL All.ii.A ' """"
otr Hawthorne, -at 291 Glenn ave. ; apt s. in cltv. - a and t.nom.
kuum nouee, vai i. riandera. Pbonl"i uniurnianeq. rnon c-1170.
Main ibZs.' I imitcmv rniiDT, ETE tt, . . 'L 1
355 San Rafael Cottage 6 rooms; gas, modern 2 and 8 room. Completely fur-
ufitu. . Dctmoua .QK, ax. mau i - ium uuaui. - reuunADia rAMH.
knr.B;RV a rnnm nn.ff. n Wnn.-,. East .2800. " -A ...i
ave.. $17. East 4702. , LUZERNE apt; best a room apt in the
fciA .' . xt, r . '' , ,v citv: Drivate bath und nhnna- hrllr
aa.i a a i wm cviiaee iiu, fj., ri.iuu ., " . i
Taylor. 820I 50th st. S. E. Tabor 47, ,5n 7w...i..Vi iiV-' .' """"ai toi
lumber wagons In good condition, bar
gains, sr. A. Kenney. ai 1st st.
FINE two horse covered delivery wagon,
cneap. Btennenson CO., Z3t Front st,
WILL trade good clear lot for; horse.
t-none -zi. fv.
Winter pasture; close In. Main 8228.
' ?.i&,Pa.tly fur"lbed house, rent $6. lY'itifihi 1? at' iVw "",'Mn ; 'T VVt 'u
1316 N. 18th. Phone East 864. ! UNCOLN APTSn4T ij AND LINCOLN
xa vuioiur uvm iUIU. lOW
ttyois citx park Attractive, modern rates: Includes liaht. heat nHv. 1 - coming iresn i to a weexa; nign-
nungaiow, 1Z6. Phone Main 3734. nhone. Take a nr Ksth . k I jerseys, jersey-uuernsey. jersey-
Mn &.
TEN head fine .milk cows. 6 fresh.
SIX houses, lrvington. East 273.
tt. neraman.
koDERN 6 room bungalow, in Wood-
lawn. Main 4966.
MODERN house, 7 rooms, bath; East
tn, near Aimeny. uwner. East 6166,
for the winter. Phono Marshal, moil" WANT, team 2400 to , 2600 Iba, light
ETrk APARTMFMTa P.rv .nA tj.'l "rm wagon ana Harness, and several
FAKlt AFAK aMEINTS Park and Har-1 cows, farm machinery and nlea: miiat
f ifnuVV ,nl-h.T. r--tlV" "VI be cneap. 999 e. Btn at. worth.
. T " i ' - v , aaav--j- tug yta.
for ntsnr flats
FOR SALE 6 pass. 40 H. P. car at For
' ia I -PUBOn i Smith's garage, Newberg.
J' IWill exchanara for hnraaa nr Mttl V.
Ft Via room cottage, good condition. In- io. Lower fiat; 2 large rooms, com- I nas, Jonrnai.
quire 915 E Stark st.
pletely furnished: bay windows: lieht I PAD BIT!,1 1 V. .1 j.i.m ana ,a.nll
. . . . . ' . ' i , , innv Ttpi,n,iiA. m.aa ' .1 , . . . - .
kuum moaern nouae. si5.uo. 4i7U num. mu - cowa. i ir ana lomt innh aoan.
Broadway South. ;aPc? nhLm.VSY,t'.. ilehU AHess. 863 Foster Road. 6 blocks east
ROOM cottar wallcln, dl.i.- t&'JJHL.!!"' Of Lents.
East Stephensst; $l6T0. ' " 7 " .?a "U? FOR SALE 30 head of cattle, about 25
h..m i. VVrL- k. tittr ,repaoe. yearlings id the rest 2 years old and
fiii n,,bJ?i?K' -buSfetAtoarcIw,ooa Telephone Eatacada Central, p. O,
,.-v. f -.v.. ..uou, , ,u Acv i saaress uarton. - r n. Mcuraw.
COTTAGE for rent. 979 E. Alder. Main
linn or A-4iif.
6 RO,0M modern new house, 318 ivy. part of lrvington, Halsey st, near lth. " ' Fa rZ , '"'. L Ji T V Z
818. C-1849. - Phone East 832, , 'IFOR SALE 15 thoroughbred mule foot
MODERN 7 room house, 951 Ellsworth
' st Phone Sellwood 1551.
GCW room house, 8th and E Everett
Phone E. 1619.
hotrs. VOUBsr and Old. Can irlve, nanara.
NICK 6 room flat, west side;' walking nheast V
WH now have a comuleta-list of a
i a. . Jt . . , ... . . .
Vn , T " , " T w ,1s. V. 1 1 na "e oeo. . Mokei cow Co- 607
...i. ai.- aaisw, uii commercial diock. Main 12U.
SS5 M;f?slHis
Glenn uv lis ," mouekk unrurnished flat $16 and 218. 1 at -3884 Montana ave. Fnone Wdln. 2492,
"Call East 734. C-2612.
EIGHT rooms and receotion Uii.r..r. r;X : " . . , 1 .i. W. V "esn cow, . ouarts. milk
nlahed or unfurnished: mtrintixT ivj room riat. iui and E. Burn- i . a day.t i ramiiy cow, srssn; 19 E.
side., pnone East 2409. .l John street, St Johns. ' ! '
NEW 5 room flat on car line. $14. Call I A GOOD fresh cow wanted. Call A-
abb , iur aiiai uoou will., tr.
nlshed or unfurnished, utrictlv mnri
ern; bargain if taken at once. 721 Haw,
thorne avenue.
fnD a. l..,,If..n.. a ' " I 'laDOr 3118.
nlah.A hnma nf 7 rnnn,. .1,1 UIKUIV naalv tlntaH f.n... i ' I O... Linn ton. Or,
ter; $60 rental; ho small children: rf. place, walking distance. $20. E. 5883. 1 FOR SALE Younir fresh Jersey familv
grwum r.. main, cor, aist. i i. n; i nincn cow. u ienaiem -ave.
SIX room modern house, completely
Tlirnlahii: nnlr finnrm Itnt mat.. .....
nace. Woodlawn 3229. U-iht-i .nmKi.i.i , r
" " jwa . . ..j A ua aJAUIIIlUf . V
t Rfii"
WAlMTK-.rv fhlM K.l-?1 V.
with chUd, 8 wanu positions as . sood care. 4606 61st ave. fl, El, cor!
a Bell. 81.
housekeeper. . 780 4th st Phone Main 6th st. Woodstock car,
wVr, m . . 4KhY furnished f
frnn t ann . with
WANTED Position by trained niir..." hoard, suitable for two. 167 11th st
va . nawuAUi,, I
hone Woodlawii ROOM and board, walking dUUnce. i 490
W.dTkyPl ROOMS with board. 712 FlanderV Main
S01, Journal. r" ' - " "v ' .
, "T "S?.'- - t-s ." .... i . GOOD rnnm a ni hnarrl In ,. . ",, -awlrk
A-l WOMAN with littia. -i,i , .... - "VYi' r"?'" 2.. P n wiaow s
. will wnrlr rnr V.IBV ' ?ers. cneap. ispor ZB71.
in gc-pa -family or day work. A-43RB "9 RO OJ . and board: furnaca heat; home
',AN elderly lady would Hk th. ,.r.Zlt
ln'Til&ivm vary" , WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89
i Yi ANT Work in busineaa niZTZ n..i.J: I ROOM and board for , vnuna- mn IK fin
helper or dish washing or chamber- per week! home cooking, -121 'Grand
yiia. a mum nave wora. Ftione M 243S , ,t'i : ' : '
tens wants work,, -phone Main 847a" WEST 'SIDE "v
iVo king and I'leaSfna MrZ'f L"3 tl SNTH- housekwpiAg' rom.
' 8040 "lf"' ! Mr"- Ackerman, mpJ.F. urnlbt1 - g WU. hot
v-v,a iv, a... , , wuuinn wianis nousekenn.
v ANTED Position ss housekeeper by
R -?07 j Ueae? f, gooi tmk; ,phone
It ELiABLE .experienced woman
woric. f-none tlaln 8479.
r Pay w
. I ION wantad n l,otiuL..r. i.r.
, iiiui,iin-aByq womun. A-BK7, Journal.
1 Rh wants to take care of children
;yvwlngi. Call Marshall ll. , "
5i;-kaian , iMdy , wants wmIiIh
-'aiinig, Bellwood 1826.
l.A K .nirtains baud laundered.- Phone
M'l'n J4I6. .,,';f!i.,.:,'..
n. .Kr5Ulie' ' u- month, ESS , 2d st,
r" ' i mm, i - , "i ,
BRICK bldg., dandy 'front, suits 1, 2,. 3
a5!.8.keptn? rooms,, newly . painted
and tinted. 575H Wash, at. near 18th.
htt8EKEEPiNG rooms. 240 Park.
55'?ro ' PBITATB 1-AMILT 9
n?t ho"Bf.kPlnr rooms, 808 3d, lower
nat all week days. - - '
$12 AND $14 for 2
liiiiiaMkaanl n m
,0! 20th, cor, Flanders: i wll.rurnl.hrf
noiiseKeepInn- rnnm ta ppr month. "
I A T T . n mm. ... . " "' " -r-iaaii Hiia-J -. mi -.
nlshed. $13 per mopth.; . 312 Colombia.
OR RENT Beautifully furnished I- flat, west side, walking distance.
raauiH uunBKIVW, " Piano.' no cnilalraan Mr: j&eeiev. zau airk ar. ,
Tabor 2295. . J '-
MODERN1 '6 room house, partly fur-1 FIVE ROOM beautifully furnished flat
. . w,. , ill. vriBllu, A1IBU -VBin,"-nara-
Phone Main or A-6641. Am. 1 wnnrl flnnra. furnnua dl,,na..i.l, a .
o-ituuin .ioue. parity rurnialieii. r.m I ' mi"w irm on irane. Main BBfia.
aMv. Auiniiure Apr aaia nnenn: n
yard; walking distance. A-4153.
$30 MODERN. 8 room house, furnished
or unfurnished. 788 E. Salmon. -
t ROOM furnished cottage, water, liglit
phone. $18 month. Phone East 1602.
MODERN 6 rooin -house, furnished; no
children; phone Marshall 3086.
room i CARNEAUX. exhibition Barred Rooks,
A MODERN 3 room fiat furnished for
housekeeping, very Reasonable 1 70 44
10th street. , ,
FURNISHED 4 room house, modern:
' ni.uR.i tiA it . .
r n muu ni.m.njiit mt nron car.
FOR RENT $12; -3 furnished houstv
o. Si k lower rooms; 4JS Fast 27th
ol. iiuMwnu vnr iu j i in, one DIK. south
Ci--AN, furnished and Unfurnished
riats, 864 Vancouver ava Wdln 3421.
FRONT apt, with porch, facing two
streets, for rent furniture for ale;
have to see i It to appreciate it Main
6891, Apt, 22.' ..
COMPLETE furnishings of 8 rooms, all
ln excellent condition; -rent $26; lcav
Ing cjty; a snap for $178. 804 Madiwon.
iifth and Wjlhlnrtnn :
. m- . wwv a k iuii lUi ' i , ti .
?.aCK. "J."1 'o Suit. :
All Night Elevator Serv.
Rent Reasonable.
Apply 803 8 wetland bldg
THE THOMABSENcor. 3d and Harrl
; mil 3 unfurnished rooms, with steam
neat. in. imp sleeping rooms.-.
;;:;s'..:i; 11 King st, cor. of Wayna
A few choice apta. vacant. -' '
FOR RENT Very desirable. hnr-),.i
110PNrt2.s'tttPrllVflt baittl .J,Urch Apt""
JUL1AUITE. 2d and Montgomery; Iris.
u biiu min if a rooms, -private
phone. 2 rooms tarnished or jjnfuriiiBlied.
I ROOM' apt. with nleei)Tna- Doroh!ira
-'Phones and.'elevator service; walking
distance.- 107 N. 21st st.
v 1. Z and' 3 room furnisher! anta.. vlth
ana wiinout oh in.
10 ; N,, 18th. stl
Malht 8193
DRfCKSTOl, ilth Choice i a'ndi
room aptm Marshall t?7 -i - ; .
Large 2 room furnished apt: 396 12th.
MODHR.N 4 room, furnished apartments
oieom neatca. ' epitei Drug Co. .
! v. wnnan lAAltULL ST.
(fSSSl.J?" iOutside Office Rooms
t!";; ::!i ' ' Slnitle and in;
Reasonnbl. Rental ' -'
'gm.,ciass service
ire at Jour nl
iness ' Offina anrf
ask to see them. .
i)n,i,itr" 'H
41 r1 n
FOR RENT Excellent iocatlon, on
. Wash. st. 'small store, suitable for 2
chair barber shop, pr butcher shop, Rent
only $40. 'phone Mar. 184. - -
BRICK warehouse i,n South Portland for
i rent, trackage, light and airy. On
paved street, reasonable.- Journal Pub
llshinaT Co. Broadway and Yamhill,
Belgian hares. Hamlet P. O. box 279.
Portland. Or. r ? .
FOR , SALE White Leghorn bens. Petti.
luma strain. os rj.- m st. nortn.
OREGON BIRdVo 920 k!" 15tht,'No!'
I car. Canaries, v aviary birds, Golden
anti t;ninese pneasanta
ONE Boston bull; puppy left; must go;
make offer, 70 N. 14th st?!" ;fj.
FOR SALE cheap, 17 pass. Peerless
car, in -i good , condition, - tires - new.
Would be good for stags' or small truck.
P. O. box 4064; city. ft i. ' t,,,';. .-'.-,.-"
eOc PER HOUR labor chara-n. alt work
' guaranteed. A.-J. Gatskn. auto repair
shop. Tabor 4293. Hawthorne ave.. at
83d st.- v. i' h 'fty,. ':'! ',;; t fiy ,
IOR SALE 6 pass, auto for quick sale,
$250. 6 acres at Woodburn; $700 cash
will handle this. . 148 E.- 16 tin i Phone
Fast 4648. ' " ' '';'' ' ..--a-:.
WANTED A11 grades scrap rubber; operations. All chronio and acute di.
higbest cash prices paid; phone us and treated and cured in the least tlma :
our man will call and buy what you have. Paibl at the smallest cost Habits
J. Leva. -186 Columbia st: Main 6198.. ' v.r7 description and kind In adults :
ffivia few I ., -nr I or cnuaren treated and cured. Best rv .
dition Tnnnlra W'Tiavno?-00"; Sult .often Btul ttained In cases that '
dltlon. -inqulra -Of .MP. Reynolds Or I have been alven nn aa hanalMS mnat In.
Mr. cnapnam, n,ast 148i. - - lrahla bv other nh-aiclana. Ov.r 8001 '
DON'T be robbed; your car repaired by testimonials can be secured at my of-v
expert at 65o per hour. The Jackson fice. The , most expensive and flneii .
Auto Repair Co., 287 Front st. equipped - private office in the west, -
' - 1 . ' .",a You are Invited to sea my offioes your.
, MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES ,65 sell ConsulUtlon is free, and If you
ia-.- -----.--- a--- are unable to call I will call at your
1812 Reading-Standard, good condition, home and see you. Dr. W. E. Mallory,
$100. 228 H 1st st.'.' "'-''-..' naturopath, 812 Rothchlld bldg.
RinYP t UW-bought (M j v MADAME DAZELLv
DlUIlytC.Osold. 228H 1st at, M. 1018 I Teacher, of occult science. Calls you '
11 ' 1 1 ' by name and tells you what you called -,'
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 81 for without asking V question. ShTli
-'-"- r ";rr ;: - " : the wonder worker of tho ; world re- '-.
F.Ra8AH?Ai 60 Kimball organ, used nowned.: Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.
but little: reasonable: M. Larrabee. Rnnm f us b..i p,v
ilvFluZ- " ' n, n &RlG your suitings to Richanbach, th?',
LEAVING for California; will sell hlgh-l . tailor; will cut make and trim ladies7 "
..ana ,, n.l 1 . ..,lln. . . . . . n ' ... . ..... . .
- e.,
, .r",'""" , i r" -'."I tailor; will cut, make and trim ladles'.,
upright piano 1-a regular price; suits for $20, or will furnish the goods
Q- Box 719. j . . . tat wholesale; remodeling, repairing, re-Vv
HIGH grade upright piano, A-l condl-1 lining, pressing and cleaning at mod
tion, $125; original cost $376. , 8171 erat Prices, A. Richanbach. tailor foi
Lumber Exchange) bldg.
WE save you from 60 to 76 per cent on
any maae or typewriter, uau or semi
erate prices, A. Richanbach. tailor for
men and women, ,61 Alder st. near 2d.
1 Modern .electric treatment for' nerv
ous, chroniu and skin diseases. - .
Specialty: Kidneys, bladder, prostata.
OXIOUNE for catarrh, lung troubles.
for our illustrated' price list Retail da- ftniVaccinea
partment 1 Wholesale Typewritor . Co. I Howarif" tntJut mV00'' Vr'
(Inc.). 321 Washington st. Main 6681,
NEW, rebuilt second hand rentals at cut
rates. P. D.C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407
Howard. 804 Rothchlld bldg.
YOUNG man, stranger here; wants to
meet some young lady about 20 years
Of axe. - Youna . lady. If lonely, tnen
write, for I am lonely. - Mr oblecr. mat
rimony. I am 26 and am from the nonK
FIGHT on high n.dmt.r,1"rs 8Ve ypur m ,
ices. .- Why pay $5 F-6H4. Joumsl. - ,. .',.. v. .
to $10 .for- a- pair of LADIES Ask for Antlko Mixture ' No,
- alasses. when I can fit I 8. It Is safe and sure "Woman's Med-
your eyes witn .1st . quality lenses in a
gold lined rramo as low as li.euj u.
flnrtrt rrt n n 111 . 1t a! am '' mt , SiMa
bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed, t -
Iclne"; the most successfOl and harmless
"Regular torH known. For sale and guar
anteed in Portland by th Held fond
Drug Co., 213 Morrison st. near Firm.
THE place - lor hair worv. banitary
beauty parlors, 400 to 414 Dekum bldg.
Mar.-1702. 8wltchea made 86c. switches
dyed $ I, shampoo 26o, hair dress tic.
massage 26c, scalp treatment 25c. Larg-
est up-to-nate pariors on m coast.
200 high grade machines
' to Select, from. ' Prices
$5.00 up. Repairing a
specialty.. ' Main . 2978.
Portland . Sewlntr Ma-
chlne company,- -07 80. REFINED Widow, middle age, unlncuni
Rti.iuODi.LiNG our offices;- must sell
' one 8 ft. Dlate alass show case and
one L-Bhape counter, 12 ft by 6 ft. Is
Inches wide, quarter sawed oak. beauti
fully finished. D. Chambers &. Son.
Opticians, 167 S. Broadway.
and s-conj
bered. would llkn to meet or- corre
spond with a thorough gentleman not
over 68. sober- ana . congenial. ? W-686,
Journal. " v - - '
DIVORCE i , , , ,
Without notorietv.
Consultation free. Reasonable fees.'
Miu - p-vvua 1 aaaaaa. I ... ... r. ... . . , . , .
carom and Pocket billiard tables, and Attorney, vvjeeuing piog., op. wregonian
bowling alleys and acoessorlea, bar ftx Fnone Main ibj.
tures of all kinds, easy payments. Th . FEBvteT Sl HANEBUT. .
Brunswick-BalKe-Collender Co.. 46-8 Leading wig and toupee makers, finest
6th at. . : Phone Main 769; A-1769. . stock of human hair goods; hair dress--
A 'Lot of Second Hand Stoves ffi' sr'adw
100 heating stoves, 25 cook -stoves, 20 1 REMOVED Mrs. Stavens. v 20 years
steel ranges. Casey Furniture Co., 112 K Portland's leading palmist' end clslr-
a., .,.vn ftvc, yiiuil r.itai levv, ' " . - ' I VVJaaiia, liaAB AVIliajvcu IV ,?l WUII1WII.
OREGON FEIT1LIZER CO. g6"1801, Her D00k' P0-" Mad
"WTalt r.ittjxA haw n, hnraa maniira ila. WV.'IOr Sale. - f. , -
Itvered anv nart of' citv... . W deala-n I MRS. - nfiPHti n rrip ... mu(i -nil
lawna, gardens spread, cover! spiritual scientist, qtftistton.-and mea
rosea East 2766; B-1066. ;. I sagea Wednesday 8 p. m. Dally office
SAFES-HMosler Safe Co- manufactur- " Aiisxy piag. Main Z35.
, era Low prices, easy termu. Cafen MATRIMONIAL paper with descriptions
Opened and repaired. Bargains in second wealthy marriageable people; paper
hand safes. 109 2d at. Phone Main 766. 10c. Mrs. BelL 2616 West -1st at. Los
dxLWlNG machine, like new, cheap fnrAngelea. Cal. . -t - - .
Cash. 1 or WOUld - trada for horse. , 843 I YOUNG- arentleniain. atrana-er In cllv.
Rodney. Woodlawn 1148. - I would like to correstiond with vountr
COBBLER'S outfit Singer machine. hewT &y- Object k matrimony, t James 1L
ana otner-toois. -; can or write v. it.
S.. 1488 Montana ave.
FOR FURNlTUitafi, stoves, carpets and
all household aooda. look
Househoidi Goods," Just below.
Well Rotted ? Fertilizer- Manure
Phone East 4296 after S p. m.
VELVET1NA shop, hair goods, combing
- made to order,- Free manicure, mas-
undar I aage or shampoo, with coupons . from
your nruggint. oio nweiiHna uiag.
SPIRITUAL medium and , -astrologer;
. readings dally, circle 3 p. m.. Sunday
and Wednesday,. 8.' Rev. May A. Price. .
FRUIT trees, small or large amounts, , Mr, 4288, A-lSSa,
at reduced prices; going out of bust-
ess. Agents wanted. Tabor 173.
12 60 DROP-HEAD sewing machinaa,
7-4t 1CO I -a . . w"
'OR . SALE 8x13
Front street.
Gordon f press,
FOR SALE Painter's outfit cheap, 1041
is. iBtn Bi. is. AiDena car . , .- .
LADIES' and gents'-uncalled for suits 1
YOUNG gentleman, postofflce clerk fn
."' city would like to correspond -wlth -
young lady. No object to matrimony.
C. A. Brown, Box 227, city. -1
iSPIRITUAL medium, - Roy, , Vlrginl?,
sRowe. j Reading, healing', -dally cir
cles -Tuaday and Friday evenings .8
o'clock. 231 6th st Phone A-71 16.
klBB NEV1N8, electrlo baths and I real-
menis. 4ii notncdiia Diag., iu ana
tnd overcoats. $2 and up. ' 846 1st st I Washington.
ailv,i,lfnT lv --f-aa-a,aci la-u li A f f .t 1
nuiiwsnuMi uuuiw i un o-.ait, va I .: ; . .1...., ni.. ;. H.-aa.!.
SNAP: for, young married couple, furni- Ing and new orders. W Swetland bldg.
ture of 4 rooms, including new $500 Vnur I If a Adams Astrological School,
piano;thls all; first class stuff: must I UUI-i-I-IIC Room 10,, 850V. Morrison.
en, leaving lor ,ja,uai; ' a ,uhi cm- St.. I A-vcaainprs ana lessons ny ttiHii, m. 4011,
' BEATRICE VAN BORGAN,- office 46.
seoondi.. 4tn rioor, 360 ft Morrison., , Faimutry.
south, corner of Ash.
Kefora puvinar
hand aroodfi come and aea what von I Book for sale.
famtiS h wni3rW.rtSahl0tS2Bxl MANICURING, facial t
posted. Willlnm Gadsby.1 1-st and Wash. I. Tnrrw a
tiUvDuiuiju guoei tor stiie. lnciuoing way.'-' ' -"'. i1-. .,-.!-".-..
Kan ! r.nnrlfV.. "fJn iJZl.Z MRSTTANNER. Spirit medium. 324
vu nlt?v Soineas? ?87S w3iJ iS"-1 st, cor,- Clay. Circles,- Monday
ruit. party, going east. 876 K, Flanders, I Thursday evenings. ; ,,. '
VVHi"?' l1 P?..f,?hniv9 ileW, ."n.d BESSIE WYLAND Ft
massage, scalp
xtM Broau-
FOR : SALE A ,; portable automobile
house tor saie; cneap.. ; .2Zd and Reed
sts. ' Fnone if.ast ti4t.- ' - w -.
mR ECHANGE Clear Seattle acreage
for 191$ 6-passenger : Ford or other
light car.. -Box No. 673. Medford. Or.
bICKNESS compels me to sacrifice m
Packard SO roadster. 2760: coat, 17k
Mart-hall 6398. f - - , V
PRlNfti1" ana repaired, new one
OrniliUOguarauteed. Washington Car
tt AUtO Works. 860 E, WeshlnaAo at
AUTO and trucx repairing, 65u per hr.;
all work guaranteed, Piedmont Uarage,
1100 Union ave. N. -,-- .
STORAGE building, 3 a
jr. aiaillinqii A.U.' main S454,
month, : E.
Frank Lange. 22 Balr.on. Main 181.' '!
K Oregon Auto Exchange before cur!
chasing used cars. : 4SB Aider
BARGAIN. in slightly used tires;' vuP
VMHM,a, tni-; rrpwuing. .117 MRdlSea
STUDEBAKERr electric for a clear lot
or n small erus c. Main 4ft,li ....
LOT to - exen'angs for auto, $370 paid
uumai, i,iidu iu a.uine, iv-ivi, journal.
second hand furniture , of all kJnd..
Phone Mar. 4782. Bell Auction & Com.
Co.- 191 Second st''" i 'f v '-.-,-.
FOR BALE All or part of furniture olt
"; a worn nouse,-gooa range, anting room
set; every uiing ons niav , ncea, , 464 E
Oak st. ," '.'-." - - ;t ; - :-: -i.r?
and scalp
Office 2,'
6 ROOMS, good furniture, piano, all In
good condition, nearly new., Must be
ween to be appreciated.; -.Main 102:1. ;
FURNITURE of 8 room house.' fine lo
cation, close in,- nearly new, Main 6861,
WB buy, mostly everything In second
; hand goods. ' furniture. ; Main 7725. :
BE "WISE, 'get more for vo-.- eecoal
' hand furniture by. selling it to Foi-1
Auction Co r VI t 1st. ; Main 8961.
WE want $10,000 worth of second hand
. furniture; hialtest prices paid. Sell
wood 1682, --' ' " --"' ' - -'
SECOND HAND furniture wanted
Buyer-culls tiromntlyj estimated given,
181 1st., near Yamlilll, Main 4778v
COVECL Furniture Co., 204 1st st. Mat.,
8022,. pays the best price for used
furniture, onrneln. stove, etc. . -
W ANTElRlfleH, shotguns, cainnia
llirhfeld Vi N 3d Ht. IMqln 36S1
IHGllElT prices -paid foi 2if-hand furn
itine. Calvin, 111 Grand uv. E. tiii36.
traatmenta. . Bhamnoolnar.
ami Morrison- . - .' -
tR. O; V. KblTCHUM Women's mala.
- dies and acute disease. Wash, bldg.,
vr. 4th and Wah,. room 41. Msr.'448.'
DR. ETHEL A. SACRY, corn and ln-
growing rail specialist. 416 Northwest
Scalp Specialist $l&FWu:fr
MRS. CUHIltNtl teaches card reading
and spiritualism. Cor.; 6th and Hall.
CHARACTER read from your voic.
' Madam Smith. 664 Flanders. Mar. 2747.
CRCC Expert lettal ad vio i, ..i i voroe
I 1 1 L I bankruptcy.-- A-Bfl. Journal
BaLm of figs,' rajtneuy ior aiaeases of
women. 504 Pavlw at, Main 2393. '"-
CHIROPODTsf. formerly 14ol?Bdwy-
noiv 601 N. W. bldg.. 6th sndVa.h.
HAVE a to tin by ouyma your trunk ,
cr suit .cn st ast Wash , at 17th.
M AN ICU R I NG, - f a cial mflstiage, scalp .'
trenrment- 1 ?E tih ,,rrin. 4
iiADt'H 'barber aliop, 8"29. 6Tnn, In Ani
vwMnita i-imimv net. win Hii Aironowiiy,
WANTED Girls to pose for" advertlHliig :
-!I"5u?iJb;aJ KT1 tn ano anxen y. " -
univ iiH.swiMtn iutlve ueriiM tor riicn
. ... inn tlstm; Gn tablet m afto. All dnm-ffint. '
FACIAL' and malp bin hnrhb. Room 23 .
n Hotel (Jordan, W. Purk and Yamhill.