) THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND THURSDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 13, 1313. J ."t hJa-viAT VAaa'-Kt f Continued T..2"" "" tr d il. K. roompri - til. front JUId IMICk liKl.Ji or A f uiliisliml or, h, UmJ ikIus and wntr ' t. N. Ni-V car. . 7-, .iucludud. )95 Jii?4tU ' 1 ' " ' ' (j clean furnished - liou usckeeplng' Vi ii ttliM ' l. ta ' a i lia-fl rift t V IV hot id wW in roomar of laundry ' a K. Ankeny. Phone Kaat 3949. n ILL rent all - or part - of , furnished bonne, furnace or xtovea, piano, yardl ' Nikinir distance. .625 "Ankeny. I'nohe f HKt 365. ; '( '. - 3 UGHT." wann. clean, well fur- nUhed liouaekesi'lni ii-opma: electric- uy, Matr. batn., usiita Aioina v-, cot" i'-r mandona -' .ry.-Jt ;Ay:.,.' in TWO front, clean, completely fur nished rooms, bath, gag ranpe, laun dry, phone, lsrK yard, .-, walkina- - ii lance.' 4t Tlllwrtiook. ' 1'UUB nloeiy furnished It.: K. - rooms. 165 Monroe t- Phone "Wood lawn H2. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 - lF6r Rent : ' Ifodern 7 room house with (rood furnace, electric lights, nice yard -- and rosea, j65 H Morrison at, for t la per month. Also a beautiful,' modern. 6 room lower flat on , E. ' Morrlaon t 1 ' near corner letli at., ' for 20 per month. . v :'., ., ... ' The Shaw-Fear" Co.' Main 3a. 101 fourth Ht. A-3500. . ' IN 1RVINGTON. Modern houae with large living room, library; dining room, den, kitchen, pan try, live bedrooms, sleeping porch for 3 beds, roomy attic, full cement base mnut, with laundry- equipment and hot ir- furnnce.- , Two fireplaces, gas and fleet ilc lifclit fixtures, hardwood floor throughout, s Qno block from car line, "V in'nutca' to ' businesa center. Rent Jf.0 per month, or will sell for 19000, See owner -on prtmises. .. .. ; j::; . 675 K 1TH ST. NORTH.' ' 'l KOU RENT. . . 6 room house, 96 E. aiisah at......?J0 8 room modern house. 1049 Grant.. 16 7 room house, 601 First nt. 2Q room nouse anu steeping porcn, it K. Yamhill at . . . ; . . -. ,v . 0 4 room lower flat, 765 KL Madison at. 82 : - ' ' 171 4th BU - Main 6916. - A-2S1B. 7 ROOM modern, good view, of city, 100x100 ground, E. 63d, near Belmont st; located In - neighborhood of ' fine nomes; by owner, (40 per month, rnone nea 812 MiiwauKie. ' JiS.ou NEARLY new, 6 room cottage, gas, shades, screens, fixtures, cement rtoor Dasement and laundry trays, 17 K. 48th.. Phone B-2140. . r i ' -. H iiOlKRN room bungalow. 238 60th at, near Hawthorne; fireplace, bookcases. mirret, .paneled, oak floors, lawn. enruD bery.. paved streets. $30.- Main 2762. LARGE 7 room, house . for rent. 21st and Ellsworth st. - Bath, furnace-and ynro; renr its. can Marsnau joz. $25 KEff modern - 7 room house, chambers, furnace, fresh tinted. Block pit Hawthorne.' at 291 Glenn ave-.- 'V . Divl- IXJR RENT 6 room cottage on sion, near -37th. In good condition. fl8 a rfior.th. Phone Tabor 3178. S ROOM house, ft lots in fruit, to lease for long term; snap to reliable party. r-a&, journal. - ; ' ' . - - - -- - . i OR RENT-t-Very desirable new room honso; Portland Heights; fine view. . in Biain B3. . - ; 6- ROOM modern cottages, corner Union ave., 4 blocks south of Hawthorne; S16 snq ;is. rapor - 2J.ODKRN 6 room house, full basement rent i2 per mo. (not for sale); M. V. oar. 22 E. 78th st W. ' - ' ' 671 KKLLY ST, near Gaines: 7 rooms; modern k American neighborhood. Sell wood 1640. 2 ROOit partly furnished house, rent tf. 1816 N. 18th. Phone Bast 864. KooK CITY PAJiK Attractive, modern .VKtU, A 4 JL AAULmiW ovule. Ill w. buneralow, $26. - Phone Main 1734, - MODERN i room house, 699 Flanders, near 2 2d. Main 603Q or East 963, $2.i0 BEAUTIFUL 7 room corner bun galow, furnace, fireplace. 964 B. 31st fclX houses, Irvlngton. . East 278. W. H. Herdman, 1'IVB room cottage, walking distance. B. 627 Stephens si; prloe 810.60. i.iODKRN 6 room bungalow. In Wood- lawru- Main 4966. liOUSK, 8 room and attic, ass, electrlo light 771 Hovt. near 2Sd Main Ml 7. XiiRKfi; room house, walking distance. cos inn ft., o. ft. COMFORTABLE house and stores, $6.60 momn upwaras. vvoir, foster rq. ilODERN house, 7 rooms, bath; East tun, near Anaeny. uwner, tiiast elae. FIVE room cottage, good condition. In quire szft ts. Btarx st. 6 ROOM modern house, $16.00. 44 7 H FIVE room modern cot tags, west side. b vaugnn. ti. ' Take B. 23d cars. j FERNisnaa houses : au iUVK room attractive furnished cot- iage wiu piano, gaa, large lawn, roses in season, garden with fruit for board or owner, can at 103T Williams ve. COMPLETELY furnished, new, modern iw,u uvuoo, vuaintnrB, xresn tint ed, furnace, block off Hawthorne at 291 tTiwin sve.. $36. rr---.T't FOR KENT Beautifully, furnished t- ,P UOOT0?0u-nlow Piano, no children, i h oor dab, FURNISHED 6 room bungalow, 1W blocks from Kenton car; rent $20: no children. B-784. Journal. - ilCDERN. 6 room house, partly fur nisaed. S34 Clinton st, cor. 27th. tktt vinru.-'DW t - . .!.: " a room house, furnished or unf urnlgh i eaimon. A ,2r9?U cotUgefurnished. $3 moT 1406 Oneona st Wood lawn car. ' HOUSES FOB RENT FTmKITURE FOR SALE 82 s ROOM house. In first class location iondlton.I?:5t 30 Pe-mVneat boarders paying $300 a month, must go; fatal accident the reason.- East 6148 APARTMKXTS 43 PENINSULA APTS., 1136 Albina ave Largest finest and most reasonable apts. ,.n-eltjr.- f and $ rooms furnished and unfurnished. Phone C-1170 ' ANKKNY COURT, 926 E. Ankeny St.. modem 2 and 3 room, comnlnisiv t,.rl "'hed apartments, reasonable rates. LUZERNE apt, best 3 room apt In the 'city, . prlvatebath and phone; brick lis' J., at0"lr 2 to NORTON APTS. Corner WashlngiJS and King. 8 room apts., furnished nd Unfurnished. Walking dUtanc 1 ! H8onable rent. Main 108?. A-11J8 li U Al BOLLT apartments, 796 1st st ".V.!?0"10 WMk- worn Fuite, , $2.50 week. One block from the H car.- - f ' .-..-"r - ' . , LTncoLK APTS1, 4TH AKO LINC6LW All outside 2 room furn. apts.: low rates;, includes -light. heat private rhone.' Take 8 tr16th st car south . PARK APARTMENTS Park and HaiC rlon; under new management. Beau- y ur ..iff"? , lafg in. para. ONE room, furnished for housekeeping! steam heat bath; phone, .only 38 ner T'lomh. 187 17th st near -YamhllL c-.v comi'letely furnished 2 room cor ner steam-heated apartment $22 60 pt-r mo. 187 17th st. near Yamhill i i i "li 'i H0MA8KEN, cor. 2d andHarfn fc..n, 8 unfurnished rooms, with steam '"Hi-, $16. Also sleeping rooms. kTn MILL APT-'sT" 171 King st, oor. of Waynau A few rholce apta. ; vacant. .. t l.lAETTK..2d and Montgomery; Iris :;J and Mill 2, 4, 6 rooms.; private . e. 2 rooms furnished o refurnished. .M rpir with sleeping porch; free i iioiis and rlevstor serf ic; walking 1 ". 107 N. 21st st ''' . '.. ." Ti)N', 448 llthsholce. i-and I n'Mpt Marshall 67. A l.lMA YtKRRACE. ' f l room furnished apt,-29l 12th. 'h:yiOtmttam4h IVA' A'-' fContInned APARTMENT nous,, u fine .location,. ;, v oniy one'Vjlock from Washington Bt. ennri X u.a- loo.. lnar a-ontul. Bfnnd . xurnisnings, ana an au arouna opium-- tunlty that will appeal to you. 1 must !4linnnHa of thla on urrnunt of rlieumai 1 li a twu.i -. thia'nn uvttnnnr fif HlAllliuU Wsnv will take In exchange house or ni tood vacant property; price .? ), esee my, attorney, fil j Piatt bldg.. cor. Park and Wash. ta. for full particulars. WALKING DISTANCE; Rex Arms ;ADart4Tient-V. : MTU AND E. MORRISON 8T8. . 6 story .fireproof bdlgV 61 S and) t room apta. automatlo elevator,' balco nies, tile bathroom and alt the lateat improvementa ' " (,'', RATga, ;SjrO;85'MONTH.' f. LUCHUTlA COUKT. . ' ' Situated on Lucretla at. 100 feet north of Washington at, in an open court- la the best residence district, within walk lng distance: finest unfurnished "apart mania, I to S rooms. See them before locating,- Rates reasonable. References. SHEFFIELD apartments. V 272 Broad' way,, a, cor.. Jefferson. Easy walk ing distance; S or 4 rooms, with private ua ins; very reasonaDie rent; Dest ser vice; splendid arrangement; all outside rooms; qirHit phones. thm rmr.ANno. ' COR, 20TH AND WASH 8TS, " :, 3 ROOM APARTMENTS. 40 Elegant , furniture, all outside corner, rooms, outside bath, private phone, automatlo elevator, first class in every particular; references. Mr. 184. THE WASHINGTON, 689 NorUirup i room unfurnished apartment, - wltn bath and all modern conveniences, tele phone, steam heat, gas, electrlo light, etc. Take W car to 1st and Northrup. Phones Main 4878, A-1188. - COMPLETELY furnished 1 room apts.. with kitchenette, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room ; 7 blocks frojj 6th and Morrison ats.. 118.60 and up. sI Columbia at Mmr ntn. LA M BROOK , APT&.. 430 Yamhill, cor. 7th 2 and 3 riAim furnished apts.; steam heat, private phone, etc; outside rooms, $22 to $30,lncluding , lights. ' B 1401,' East 136.-' ' f ' ': HAVE f 16 MUNXHL.X. .,3 rooms, completely furnished, $22.60; all large, outside rooms. -private phone and bath, bed and table linen, on car line. - rnonea i-auii, TSDor azww" BEECH APARTMENTS. - -783 WIlXIAMS AVEv COR. BEECH Large, light, 2-room furnished apart ments: low rent; including light, water and phone. Phone WoodTawn 1796. THE CHELTENHAM. ilh and North rup. modern furniture, private bath and phones, hardwood floors, new brick bldgv refined neighborhood. blocks irom canine. . WKIST APARTMENTS ' - NORTH 23d ST., ' ; For rent, one 6 room apartment, all modern conveniences, finest in city; rcf erences required. Apply-Apt 4. - - HEINZE APARTMENTS - 14th and Columbia " ; Furnished 2, 8, 4 room apartments, all conveniences; first class, nonfelike. re a. sonable rates; ret, M. 7337. A-361 5. The Dezendorf 208 16th. near Taylor. M. 4795. One elegant 8 und 6 room furnished apts. ' MODERN 3 room apt, with sleeping - porch;-free phones and elevator ser vice; . walking distance,;. Buck ; apart ments, 107 N. 2tst st J ' MODERN 2-room apt, with sleeping porcn: tree nnones ana elevator ser vice; walking distance. .. Buck apart ments. 107 N. list st COMFORTABLE steam heated apart . . ments of 4 or S rooms, with gas range and hot and cold water, walking dls- FOB RfiWT FLATS 13 i YOU WILL LIKE IT. New. modern. 4 room flat, larre nrl vats front Dorch. aleeDlnar norch. Dutch kitchen, linoleum, buffet, bookcase, dls appearing oea, ciose in Dent car ser vice, . 8 Temont st.- aiiss. va- car. sis. ' jfnone Marsnau SUNNYSIDE 6. room flat lla-ht from all aides, aarage. naved streets. Rut ess. EQUAL to 6. rooms. 4 .rooms and. bath, with wall bed, new and modern. - Best or car service, is.' wooaiaww 1148. FIVE room modern flat walking dls tance. $14. 13th and College. Mar. 3408 MODERN 6 room flat. West Side. . 62 S Everett st . - MODERN unfurnished flat $16 and $18. Call East 784, C-2612. $16 NICE 6 room flat. 18th and E. Burn siae. rnone r.ast zu. . , .. NEW 6 room flat on car line. $14. Call Tanor 3118. i FURNISHED FIiAT CO FIVE ROOM beautifully f urnlshwt riat "mmi Hiv uienn, uiea . Datn, nara- wvoa xiovra, xurnace. maanearing oeds. neronDig rem on lease. Main 8953. CaAN, furnished and unfurnished vvm Vancouver ave.' . woin 3421 STORES AND OFFICES n PANAMA BUILDING, vor. ad and . Alder. Portland's newest mod- B8BSB9I 57. ' Office 89HHRR b 1 d . For re s e r vauon of offioes and stores antiiv r- . ii - . II UU1IU1UK. Uav ton fa v. SWETLAND BUILDING i.lfth and Washington TH HUB OF BUSINESS Best Location for REAL ESTATE, . PROFESS IONAL ' MERCANTILE Space Arranged to Suit All Night Elevator Serv, Rent . Reasonable. Apply 308 Swetland bldg ON BROADWAY. . CORNER YAMHILL ST. Outside Office Rooms Single and In Suites Reasonable Rental aWFr 'Uam Jtugn class service Ujl i il mo-uire Journal . iPUaliWli Business ' Office and FOR RENT --- Building suitable for hutcber snop; gooa location, no com petition; will take rent In trade; $4 per month. Cor. Clayton and Ray burn ave.. Mt. Hcott car. FOR RENT Excellent location, on Wash. at. small store, suitable for 8 chair barber shop, or butcher shop. Rent only $40. Phone war. 184,. BRICK warehouse in South Portland for - rent, - trackage, light - and airy. On F nved street' reasonable. Journal Pub Ishlng Co-'Brosdway and Yamhill. . FOR KENT- MISCELLANEOUS 33 HOSPITAL for lease or sale 14 rooms furnished; large sleeping, parch," new tip-to-date bulldingr. and furnishings. Write or call on The Glendal State Bank,01endale, Or. - -,. OR, RENT millinery store. Location 2nd floor Broadway bldg. Inquire 1011 Yeon bldg. ' ; .-....,.,.. . . WANTED TO RENT - WANTED A modern 6 or 7 room fur . nished bungalow In good neighbor hood; will .lease;' west side preferred, but no objections to east side; must be desirable. X-664. Journal. VfF, have cllentr w'g to rent your vacant houset. List yours , -vlth Lvi Oustafson Investment .Co- 288 -st Morrisons- : .' .j;. , v-t... ., !.; :." ,.'; S.' ,!-. 2 HORSES. VEHICLES. E-FC. 18 IMU8T be sold at once at your own v, , eia r""i; iv 10. lesviii, 1'8?'AXar.m-wtg""- 1029 E. Yamhill.- WANTED Teams. Load cord wood wn car near city, , Woodlawa 1202. ; . ' a ' iTTfi s ISflfiaaalBBBBBBflfi Tr-irniiiii.Hii.n.j mm IEG63l9a ' I i' ,5,v''XS;i Ai'ii'. ''!f,:;--?:l''''ii , "' r. .:.- ' !!; , ','' ''''-' 'V-'.'" 4:. '! '''Xr''l ' ' - ''v;4;' '': L' ''; e :!'!,.,.', 'Arc J UST arrived with 46 head of best ranch 6 H. P..1913 Metkel In rood condition, draught business horses seen In town -fully equipped. Price $0; terms, fctij !! oll inanHa krnll Broil mltr'hlir,ninniwll t Muln all? . teams. 4 to s years oia, i76, . one pair mules, y,nniail I'an h an weigh 1100 to I guaranteed na Vika.iH . I'an.Ka aaon s-Aa , Front at. iPliU. Suetter, : Res, Phone or Main 8668.- r ( j: ... , . v. n .?;. Arrived 'AW' k,Vi.r. llC. WANTED. A good sound team of farm horses, wagon and harness, In exchange for a corner lot In Mt. Tabor district. 60x100. clear of incumbrance. a,k kki..t.. a., i..iu bldg. Phone Main 8093. will alwuys find plenty: good' horses at MadUon stables,. 186 Madison at, at aproach Hawthorne onage west sioe. All horses guaranteed, U. S. Stables Just received another consignment of horses and mares. All sizes. , .. Q. D. WILLIAMS. 4i Front St - The Murphy Horse & Mule Co.' Hells on commission, horses, mules, ve-! hlclen, harness. Auction every Monday end Friday. 10 a m. Sin E. 8th.' K. 6316. $600 FIRST' mortgage, drawing 8 per cent interest, to trade for good, team, wagon and harness. Lock Box 133, Van couver, Wash. A GOOD team, harness and wagon for saie: win accept reasonable orrer in quire at 1084 Lambert Plaoe, cor. E, 36th north, near Knott, or cai Tabor 8073. rLTf 1 .Aitnl 4Am v-l-k, 4filA' v..'w. wuu.a, v..,, nviaii, vv, None better. 886 E. 28th. Woodstock car.- ...... . - COR SALE Several farm, delivery and . lumber wagons In good condition, bar galn'sy f.a. Kenney371 1st st - .1 Bli iiiULT! tB-fBS wagon, 8 harness, $2.-, I 195 Foirth St ' Main 6859. WILL, trade good clear loTloTTorsat Phone B-2791. . SWAN ISLAND. , , Winter pasture; close in. Main 8328. 851 FOR 8 ALE 6 pass. 40 H. P. ear at Fer- Ruson A smith's garage, newberg. 1 exchange for horses or cattle. X- 188, Journal. 7 GOOD milch cowa, I fxeah; 4 fine Jer. to freshen soon; extra good fn- llr cows, Woodstock car to 69th seys tie famll ave., S blocks west FOR SALE 16 thoroughbred, mule loot m :i. .v. . , x. .v. . I non. VOUI11C ana Ola. LUl IflVB DBDBrA I Kutchanek. - ' - iiicb uuiiiB uu. uinai . u& a, a w im.. .v . . WE now have a complete list of all breeds of dairy cows and hslfers. Call ana u. um. .iwvft. POULTHx ht I I WAN TED Good large pullets, utility 1; pay goodftlce, at birds, any breed 1430 Vancouver ave. CARNEAUX. exhibition Barred Rocks, Belgian hares. Hamlet, P. Q. box 479, Portland, Or. ... DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 -."U ,inA1M Art wasninjttonst. OREGON BIRD CO., 920 a), 16th St, Nail., r "' aa ' J . r1 r;h.mlv"-- ;,ry wra"' uo,aea taiiva vuiiicbw ,yiiowiiBH 0ir-0f?erb78lNUPlP4VS make offer. ,70 N. 14th st aTTnv-tatnnrT.ira . 'rrpaannnrai, AUTOMOBILES . ACCESSORIES 44 gBJaiSBSasTSSSBlBBABBpeB AUTO SNAP. ! iiuuavu, w - Wv W,MK1IV UIDD1 St. O Car BQUtll, J;ritr42n?ai-nM M. f MW; CileP h . , ... I J If you are looking for a ear dont fail I to see our slock 01 usea ones, we win 1 give, you a bargain.; , . - Investigate our goarantee on used ; ' Northwest Auto C6; v Broadway and Couch Sta. iid a at-l-. : 1 i .a.. in nAMarwss .krlanrl fi.Htr an.llnnsX lea I av Bvvjprv w v v au' waas sag 1 first class condition, also good Urea, I Best buy in city, umy i&du. - f 1 , one iio. & passenger, cylinder, 10 1 horsepower Reo, in good condition, good I "r- ? . a r a. . 1 ; fi ""'a'." K'i j juuiaii ijuuhj,. , iuu wiu.vvcu hi now viaa 1 . ROSE CITY PARJU&ARAQH, : PHONE TABOIl 3002. - BODIES - WHEELS . SPRINGS. . PAINTING ' General Repair' lng. 209 Front 8t COLUMBIA CAKKIAGE AUTO WKS, Hun- oaa.iv usea buiob id goocr run-i uinar ' oruor l iwrsuu . vricm. aj,u 2 pass, Hudson; 1912 4 pass. Pope; 1912 7 pass. Pierce Arrow; 1910 6 pass. Reo; 1910 fi nass. Warren: 1910 2 nass.- Hun- mobile. ' F-ola. journal. I Oregon Vulcanising Works, "The Tire Shop." 560 -Washington, st.,. at 18th. Mt-?ihalt.!I " (,.WJb7A."1 . sell used tires and do ' . - ii i. I TIRES First Class Tire Repairing, ! chng? fo'spaaiar ' wrtV cleared a But ainma-1 1 tYl TlrlVAItl akn fa Isall TAT en I OIIU BltI'lO aus-A W waa . VSI V V Ml I Toll. 60 6th st .. N. Phone" Marshall 1879. ONE - second hand ton truck, $276. 1 bus delivery .wagon. $276. 1 second hand Ford body, $60.-1 ne Ford bod 386. Lincoln, Motor . sales Union ave. N. East 716. ' Co., 8 Written guar- - antee with ' every spring. - z m. iotn st WANTED All grades scrap .hw; highest cash prices paid; phone us and our mu win can ana ouy woat yo nave, I j, wre, loo mumun my; Main BIDS. FOR SALE 40 H. P. roadster in good cvnamuu. wren nwinevo ma Kay. iieid carnuretpr, ijetacnabie rear seat . . - ji. . ?-r-.- - " j 1 AM 1. . A ..1. ..1.) . ' for two. Call Tabor 3730, after 6 :S0.p" m i.ViR"gAT i.h..n ' 1 7 u. t IfOR SALE cheap, 1 7 pass. Peerless I car. . in good condition. . tir. n.a. Would be good for stage or. small truck. r. j. pw city. 0n PER HOUR labor charo-a all .il l guaranteed. A. J. Gatske. auto repair shop Tabor .4293. Hawthorne ave.. at 88a st. ; , ' ...";. , 1 1912 6 PASS, four-door auto m fine cont rfw,Vaet.rtma 7 PPiylng at barna as In foffUnm.1 ?.fe Wedmont barn Nov; 11. Gerlingcr bide. ' ... I ..,- . ev. j'". """ 1 DON'T ha robbed; vnur par Hn.Lui t. I - --- - -- ---i---- -r-- "t 1 i.ftxp wL'i' V"L hoTh. Jok Auto Repair Co., 287 Front st, QPR I WfiMd" -nd repaired, new one i OT II ImUO guaranteed. Waahinrrnn r., I A Auto Works. 846 E. Washington st 1 a Ti'rr anA ,.,.u ...i.i.u- c. . . 1 its all work guaranteed. Piedmont ! Garage! 1100 Union ave. N. - -.7 VANTED-A 6-k Pierce 4a t ta... kri after ' 6:80 1 p. m. .."i: ' , ,---'; 1 IlEFIEl late model car r hoi 7 Mail f5 n. ' late moaei car, oox T3. Meorord. Or. STORAfiF Au.Vi8' '-resisting OiynAUC. , building, $3 a month. 1? j". ?.:.f Mln.g4M- : ! AUTO SPR NGS ny I V Ol HlllUU n PAIRED. Frank Lange. 823 SalT.on. Main 181 SEE Oregon ).tU?,?xaan,i.ie0 used cars. 496 Alder. cnasing BTUDEBAKEk electrlo for a .clear," lot wilL exchanue 20 acres irnoH 6 nass.' auto.- Call Tabor HR71 BARGAINtl Jn slightly uaed tlrea;' vuk" canlslng, 26c;' reps inn W. 307 Mndtsoa MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES M ti8 'Ifffi rd. : arl ? - -" - " , I UKWCA CQ tised wheele bought e4 a.,w uahwaaia, rzs 1st St M. 1018 (VJ - 'rV.'" .-f'-'-''".;; ,.i '"-i-.r; 4 y v':':.f';' .' -c.i .;'? v , .:''j.l,!'' V ''.I','''' t,. ,'. -a S' :V:''i''. "--, '- ' fContlnn.dl ':- , .! . MUSICAL INSTHUIVJENTS -: I , OB SALE Well known standard tnakfH i mil sice grana piano- An xirsj : ciass Ann(ltl V. .. M..i.h . 1 IT 1 1 1 ,.,nM( I -toronly , Ca arrange. .. fr monthly pay mnt7"Jf -necessary. argain.. A beautiful y caso'- piano Hnd v ned four mftntha. Well known- make. .- Will sacrifice for oniy i6. can arranare tor; montUJjf ijaynienis, w wmnimron at. Vpn gAMS A beautiful $350 uprlgh vaa uaae Lianu., DiiHiiiiy uaeu,; win au-j plfit.e for m. can furnish -clear lill of sale and full -guarantee. . Will rang terms to responsible) party, -14&3 Washington .at-.- TYPEWRITERS WIS save you from. 60 to 78 tier cent on any make of typewriter. Call or send for our illustrated price list Retail de partment. Wholesale Typewriter 'Co. (inc.). zi wasnmgton st. Main tout. NEW. rebuilt aecond hand rentals at-cu rates. P. D. C. Co.; 231 Stark. Main 1407 J-OK hM.h 911' CKI.LA.XKOI . 1 FARM WAGON WITH DOUBLE &OX, TOP BUUOr. f , ' SINGLE SPRING WAQON. - ; RIDING CULTIVATOR. -SINGLE CULTIVATOR. MOWER. , 4 DISC harrow: - ' -; HARROW. ' 14-INCH STEEL PLOW., - . ;? HAY RAKE. ' HAY RACK. ' ' ' : DE LEVAL CREAM SEPARATOR. 1 400-EGG CYPHERS INCUBATOR. , S6-GALLON CHURN , .: -: PHONE 227, GRKSHAM, OR. '- A FIGHT on hlfth prices, wny pay-35 to $10 for a pair of alaases: when I can fit your eyes with 1st quality lenses in a J gold fUled frame as low-as $1,607 W. - Goodman. Jl Morrison st. near priage. natisiaction guaranteea. 200 USiCD machines to a select txrom. rnces to ti. We also ' carry the wnite Kotaxy.. or rent. mac nines or r. repairs. call Main z7S. f oxtx LAND SEWING MA CHINE COMPANY. , 207 Li. B. i p. maL ''.!a JrTTTS.vi i5?h.,5 v ",!n? iKket.5i1"? ' ' 3d Bt. near Taylor, - scona band tables, and Dowung alleys ana accessories, oar xtx BrunswlokBalke-Col lender Co., 46-48 Kth at . 13t,nnA Main' TKQ . A.17KB ' - - - - - . . . . . . . . a nt fit Sfinnnd Hand Stoves 100 heating stoves,, 25 cook stoves,' 20 steel ranges. Casey Furniture Co, 112 union ave.. pnone East io, ORKfJON IrKWTILIKlCR Cfi. " roiwa cow or norse manure oe- llvararf in, t nf nil, .4 W. il.tlm wn. gardens .spread fertUlser, cover roaea. East 2766; B-1085. - SAFES Mosler Safe Co.. . manuf aotur - era Low prices, easy terms. Cafe opened and repaired. Bargains in second nann sares. los 21 st. Fhone .dam 19 it. FOR FURNITURE, stoves, carpets and .all household goods, look under "wousenoia uooas.- ust neiow. - wen nouea renmzer ; manure BkAHA T7"- A. a 1ft A . Ja.. S FRU1T trees, small or large amounts, at redUCed,prlces; golns: out of busl- ness. Agents wanted. Tabor 172. ........ VRRTIT.I7.KTl. . ,. Rose City Fertilizer Co., dealers in all kinds of manure. Tabor 6142. ! - -$60 BLACK velvet tailor-made suit lat- Mt wltK w. . . ,1. t fi 1fi. f.n.n. REED - FRENCH piano check, amount xiD7.bO: will sell for lb. Wrtln. 1B7B 12 B0 DROP-HEAD sewing machines. LADIES' and gents' uncalled for suits and overcoats, 92 and up. 846 1st st HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 63 FURNITURE Before buying second - hand goods Come and see what you can do here on new goods for cash get osiea. vyniiwm uaosoy, isi ana wasn. E buy, sell and exchange new and 1 second nana xumiture or an ' ainas. Phone Mar. 4783. Bell Auction A Com. CO. . 191 SCOnd ftt- ' j . - - - .. - . - . -- , t FOR BALE All or part of furniture of s room nouse, gooa range, aining room set; everytning one may noeu. . 4e to. Oak st. - -" - ;-' SANITARY couches, gas piates,,cooklng . u ten bus, comiorts ana piuows, very reasonaoie; i n. itin iu main zuzs, k RA(-l1fl mrCtnA llmlhfr. nlonn -11 In good condition, nearly new. Must be seen to ne appreciated. Main iuz3. WE buy mostly everything In second hand goods, furniture. East -708. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS S LLANB I they YOU MAKE your price: they hit tou t rth." If "you want to sen your xumiture, let us make you an Oiler. . Alain 2411 or can . 235 Front at. ' - " ' .. - ict uiDotitrt toi r WIU pay best price for your furniture, carpets, stoves, etc etc New and aeo- end-hand furniture our specialty. - ' HIGHEST prices paid for Household txt. z. i. ' 1 afcVS aWe ' ' ' . AJkAaUIJJt VV6JJI41 auctioneers' or second hand atoreaTphmZ Eaat 6462 or a postal, and repre- . T dW fcUrtJ U UIHUQ . 'M a i. 1 m 11 ua aa-a a, .. iaMaaaw--aataaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaMa-Maa WANTED Furniture and household ooda. BARGER AUCTION HOUsli 268 E. Morrison st: Phone E. 1022.. - BE WISE, get more for yo. t second . hsnd furniture by selling lt to Foid Aoctlon Co.. 211 1st Main 9961. COVELL Furniture Co 204 1st st Mala . 8022, pays the best price .for used furniture, carpets, stoves, ete. EXPERIENCED woman wants cook In i in famllv or boardlnir house! un. MO to $46. Woodlawn 310. ; : "j WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras. wocnieiq. so in. aa st. Main 3681. ANTED By an experienced teacher,, pupns to pupils to coach. L-886. Journal. IGHEST prices paid for 2d-hand furii- ii.u 1 iture. Galvln, 111 Grand sv. E. Yni. wVv" V " I' . ' . WANTED To . buy ;rolltop desk. 506 -McKay bldg. . - '.' . :'. LOST AND FOUND 21 THK following articles were found on L ith .oaX " Jh Pprtlandrtrway, Light &. Power Co., and turned in atVo airrerent division points. - owners i mayr . rnona a-mi, i -. pursev X -pair gioves, o dooks, a snovei, l umorella. T , , ',, .?-""?"" A jjiiK-i miocwinwui articles. ..Turned in at Ankeny barn Nov.. 11, 1913. 1 telesoope, 1 pair of shoes. 2 umbrellBSk 1. comb, f package cigar boxes. ... , . '.'y. Turned" In at Sellwood barn Nov. 11, La. rnonH abiai. 1 k,v x.nniaaa 1 bank 1 palr of PPe. 1 surveying rod,' ' ,..-' ; --.- ?vier Tir.uA-aa w,.oni.. f jy.worth's stor; small uuine containing money anu transler. Owner can have same bv calling at m 8th ave. N.. Lents, paying for this ad and describing Dronerty. 1 rZ LOlT - FfTdiyrin or near Washington high school or between school T and Front Street gentleman's onenrAiuut a 1,1,1 Front street, genUeman's openfaoed gold ix?a.T - r?ilesdalr morning, nSir the Elect trie bldg., an open-faced gold watch J,"4 ?haJn. Finder please return to 202 land for LOST English setter dog,, at Multno 1; " " inah station on Oregon. Electric: about ' i; . grown; black, whlt .'and tan mark- Inge, ' Reward for return. 2a M LOSTr-Nov. 12., near. E. 18th and An-' keny, one tatting bag with work In it LOST - ameo brooch., Liberal reward If returned to Journal office. fvywaiu, yf journal. w7!"".!8'".1"- Jthr handbag. ' ) : r , , 416 9 Mi receive reward, "''' r, ,:y ','- ','?..-. ' '.-.; "',''; ' '. .-' WUNOg'iiitletiiai,, iiairgrr" In cily, ' would like to."corraponii with youn iaay . uojeci - matnnionyr Howard, gen, del. , ' . " ' James ;li VKLVETINA Shop, half goods, combing! t made to order. Free manic-urn, . mas sage or shampoo, with couiions fiom your druggist. IS Hwetland uldg. y- SPIRITUAL medium ; and astrologer; readings dally, circle 9 p.' in. tiunday and Wednesday (. Bev. May A Price, 976 2d at. Mar. 4283, A-28S2 ' ' SPIRITUAL - medium. Rev,,, Yijrginij Rowe." Reading, healing;? dafly W cles Tusday and- Friday . evesinigs , $ o'clock. 231 6th Bt. Phone A-7116. . kutNU lady wants the assistance of a " private detective In eome private da teotlve work. V-H00, JotirnaL J THE FUR SHOP. . - . Best, work, .- lowest . Dries. ' Remodel- Ing and new orders. ; 610 a wetland bldg. Vnur I ita Adams Astrological School, I UU1 Lllq room 61,' 360 . Morrison. Readings and lessons bv mail. - M. 4521. BEATRICE VAN BORGAxV, office 4i', 5 1 !lmr owy .juomson., raimistry. pw iur ai. MRS. TANNER, spirit. medlumi 224 6th eu, cor., viay. ciroies, . Aionoay ana Thursday evenings. - . BESSIE- WYLAND Face and' "scalp treatments, ; shampooing, Office pi 'raornson v: v, . w w- .- :" MISS .KEVINS.' eiectrlc baths and treat raent';' H Itothchlld bldg., 4th and wawhlngton.- t'' f--' y- , ijR- G. V. KETCH UM Women 1 nun. dies and acute disease. Wash, bldg., for. th and Wash., room ill. Mar. 448. DR. ETHEL' A. SACRY, corn and ln , growing nail specialist. 41 Northwest FACIAL and scalp massage. Room if. ty. i-ara anq xamniil. Scalp Specialist j?.? &Fbl& MRS. CUSHINO teaches card reading and spiritualism. Cor.-6th and Hall. CHARACTER read from your voice. Maaam amun, bbi f lanaers. Mar. 2747, FRFF Expert lepra advici r Ivorcv aad ..yu nnr.nruptcav1' A-s. - journal. BALM of figs," remeay, for diseases of women, eut usvis st. Main Z3. CHIROPODIST, DIST. formerly 146 V Bdwy, N. W. bldg., 6th and Waah. now 601 N. W SAVE $2 to $10 by ouying your trunk ur mui case m eaj wasn., at Ann, MANICURING, facial massage, , scalp ireiiinwu, up ma si., oil ice a. WANTED Girls to pose for advertising pictures." . cat caivert, otn ana Ankeny, Prssiohaljan AB6TH ACTS OT TITXE YOU property wltula Uulmumak coooty, v). w. pcnii. 100 lis st. . miq con. aocordiom VXZATra E. STKfBAN. : kaawdtcblsg. Award loe. CM. : asS saahDiat Blaatlnx bartons mil; sued. sponged. Scalloping. 88.1 Alder, Miln 9378. Automobile fehdehs AUTOMOBILE feuuers made iut mMdred.. Dsa, leiaoe- urns.. IM croxBr Bl. - - y auiomojuj ; raxatTmo)' y:tn BtEClALISlU lu flue auto painting. Aate fautt nip.. -cotey tiag. Main is.. - BLABt BOOS fJIIII BOWK, DAVIS VUMVANV. MN xd U SlaaS seoa aiaaaiaeuirers; . arais isr w armed Loose Lta( AlgtiB. Jee as sew nka Leaf. JsSL 8S. Male 188. BOOKS SECOirD HABO " tCUUUi, bouks bougbt, told - 6th st..- pop. B. o. 811 ltd Mild and icaaaged., ltd st -.-- - , saASs Ahd KAOHnm tHmxm RAHPEU'b Brass Works. Brass easting sad macblne worss. lue Din st. m. siua. , L CAkf EMTJtB AKl MUtLPEkB WANT your alterations aud rapalr work Call np 01a fete wiser, iiiwr ira.- ' QA&XhVt OXJABlAo 30XCB BtU)S,, aUevulc Clwralng warka, eat. Mia cieanM asa sua, nuiiu. ow paai, B. 440. B-nwa. 804 M. lStb at. W. IMlt itea-kvapo ptucem, cUwuna, utaaeo thsai Bngst as Bw. yuica aerriiti. aiaia 1 1 i-ar caAp: ET WEAVUIO KUUIUWKaT BUI WOlikrt. rugs Croat eld earpeta; rag rugs, carpet eiaaalBg. IMS at, bib near saai xamniti. ItUG and carpet ..weaviuc. 1S18 .fattoa st WoodiawB -ansa. ' - - - - - - oklEOf AACTIO gHTBlOIAaB J DB. MeMAUON, Ul 4tn st SpoclaUat oa OOfj of dlseaea. 810.000 permanent . euulpmant. Chronlo casts -V "trail" cbargee. W0.0IU goaranteed is writing. . Bef . , Btadatreets aad patients. Main 06; A -8361. PBS., UDDUL AMU klNJS, drugleM, Soo rut MantbaU vol a. at. u tiaiaey. a. n p. m. PB. tifciiha CUU8IUCK, il lUkl aervwu, cbroaic dlana, a treatments $J. Mala taut. CIKCDLAB APPBEsamtt KXFKBT sadraMlng $1 par luOtf. Adttreaaagrat abop, roost a. - rurtiano -at oiqs. " ; COAX AND WOOD CAKKON COALV Kl ft AND OAK CORDWOOD 6HOBT CBKk.N AN1 DBX SLAB SMALL AN1 LAUGH BLOCK FT. OBKBN ANU PBK BLAB I'LANEB XB1UMINQ8, eaWSiM! Phono ua tor prices on Anvthlns In tno fuel Una. Multnomah Fuel Co. ' Main 6640; A-811S NOTICE ffioN SLABW00D 'GKKEN StiURT WOOJJ, fit.iU . ... tlltkKN 4 FOOT WOOD, 82.60 : INSIDK GBEEN SHOHT, 13.60 PKY SHOBT WOOD SAWDUST for Fuel aud Bedding The Portland Slab wood Co,, iawatha . $9.50 Ton Guaranteed, hard. tah Coal Bait 808; C-2303.' WFFR ?, FARR' Al dry. 4 foot Ir lllk.ll U I ,11 111 (DO and oak cord wood. Abu awed to order, rrompt delivery COAL Main i-iMi, Fof good dry slab wood, phone Tabor :ss. j : ."" ,:- ' ' ''..' ' '-'' , 3885. t'ULXON Wood Co., dealer, in dry and gieen : Alibwood. Try- us wbea orderuig good dry wwmj. i.w winuiw mw r nouea Alalo. lism). -iexi9. 'T - ! ' - '- ' SOUTH POBTLANU-BAIMEU KLAn.Vf.il"l,'. T 4 foot country slab, Inside aad block wood. wiu it,o, rw'pi xamnni. fAOlKIC BLABWOOD Co.. Main 70fl. A'aST Wreou i.hort wood,, blocks, big Jiilu, small m.iug. nry lauTOini .nurtj- pianer (triinmliigi. Holgate Fuel Cot - OHliGON Wood Vard. fir, ana and oak wood tag 1 coal, iteaaonapie prices. Muln S044, A-M4B, DRY SLAB and .box wood, -ordwood and coat Htandard Wnod 'tip.. Kat 8:U8; B-1BI&; ALBINA KUKL, CO. All klnda f . dry wood, Bock Bprliig. and -Mendota Coal. pKi.arr.nol "i-r-: BVUBTS. MAIN 7ttf; Uiiaivuui : foot OK CPtlKY STREET PBX WtOD $2: a 'load,: 60 N, Union, or . 4t 'anri , Kant Stark. '.'.' :-..-,,. CONTRACTORS AND 'StriXDEBS awaawvv 'w . !., 1... HIIKICH D. JI1NK4 JH.V-.. I BCILDAN YXHING fBOM 8CUKEN bOOBS iv mviku' iaaun 17(H. LTK. BOliKBlS, carpeoter aud builder. eiiop 014 William, ave. Woodlawn 841)5. STDUOATIOnTAXi SPANISH LANOOAOB TEACHERS CrUKBAULIATi, luunibvr of old Tnl.B Iu" - dent.: Inalmrtor ot Hiinnlh. 204 lfllilni.f hid LKMSJONS lu Genua n lulwurd Btnyttat, 40244 lid at. I'bone Main T7T1. . DANCINO - . PROF. WAf. WILSOM School Leaiona 25fcj waits, two-atep, threa-.lep, ataga dancing tnught, h morning, atturiuwn aud evening; V guarante to tem-ti auyonu who t walk, how to dunce.. S.1Vj 6lh . at., between murk aud Oak at.. , rnone wain iujt. , t , , : RBATICH lMucing Bcbool,' AlUkj Bl.la., Urii - and Morrlion .la. Lenon. dllr. WT ami two-step guaranteed In 4 .trlotly prtvapa . la. sons. Class Wed. eve., 8 to 10. , , . i; .'"-.'.'.. ' ':"'.'' :-'"'' - -! f'' . a. . . PLUSONAL 'Continued) MEN AND WOMHS fill RED. Modern electric treatment for nerv ous, chronlo and skin diseases. - '' Specialty: Kidneys, Dladder, prostate. : OXYOLINE for catarrh, lun troubles, anaemia. ' vaccines lor inreciious. .. ur. Howard, 304 Rot hc-hl Id bldg. r, -,. YOUNG man, stranger here, wants to meet some von ns- iuilv uAiout tid vears of - age. v.Young ktdy.-.-. If, lonely,' tnen write, for-1 am lonely. My object mat- 1 iiiiuur, a o,,it hiiu fltlll jiiviaa fciia .1.. 1.,,, Flir iinil trl flora ivi vnur ataincti F-664, Journal. ' " " ' '':r. - ' " ' ' MADAM DAZELL.. 1 -' i .Teachef of occult clence. Calls you by name and tells yon, what you called for. without asking a question. Sne is the wonder - worker of ' the worlU re nowned.. -Office hours 9 a. in. to 8 p, m. Hoora t, i3 west rark. ' - La Dl liS Ask for Antlko Mixture Nu.1 8. It IS safe and sure "Woman s Med icine"! the most Successful and harmless "Regulartor' known., For sale and guar, an teed in Portland by the Heldiond Drug Co.. 222 Morrison St.. near Urst, THE plaoe tor hair wuik, . caiulary beauty parlors. 400 to 414 Dekum blcia'. Mar, 170X Switches made"95c, switches dyed ' $1, shampoo. 26c. hair dress 26a. massage 23c, scalp treatment 25c, Larg est up-to-date parlors on the coast. .',':...;;;,&''' DIVORCE . , ' Without notoriety. 'Consultation free,- Reasonable fees. Attorney, 70H Selling bldg., op.-Oregonian j 1 Phone Main 4993. , a , - ; FEB VIET & HANEUUT. " ' Leading wig and toupee makers, finest stock of human, hair goods; hair dress ing, manicuring, face, scalp treatments. 147 Broadway, near Morrison.' M. 644. GRADUATE , chiropodist,, manicurist, . scientific masseuse, . thermal -baths, formerly 6 th and Wash. sts. and 814 Dekum bldg.; now 404 Buchanan bldg., 286 H Washington, opp. Perkins hotel. itKMOVfcu Mrs. , Stevens, t - years Portland's leadlnr nalmlst' and clalr. voyant, has removed to 291 Vi Morrison, Benson bldg, Her book;: Palmistry Mad riBtvy. tor taie.. HRS. SOPHIA B. ,SE1P, mental . and ! spldtual scientist, question and mes sagesWednesday i p. m. - Daily, of flee 302 Allsky bldg. Main 8226. -, '.--- V $5 CASH paid for your old truss In ex cliange f or the Seeley Spermatic Shield,'T, at Laue-Davls Drug Co., truss experts, 3d and Yamhill. - . ,-.-; MATRIMONIAL paper with descriptions wealthy marriageable people; paper 10c Mra. Hell, 2516 West 21st ; st, Los Angeles, CaL,7- ..,;;.. -;;;;.;. ' a"..:- ? OAKcnra BKATH'fl SCHOOL,. 10a 9f t. bm -Wash. . and Stark fancy, stage and social dancing uSai, wa.ig. sna two-step guaranteed in . lour Tun-,. ei, rnaiiy eveulng., s to iu. IUNiLKH Danehig Academy; ciin and private, mod., tvea., eat. eve. uiaaaes mn. rn. .iia Mornaon. Marsball 818. -.- ' MTJglQ BCHOOLB ' AMD TK ACHEHB .THlKLUOH.V Tiulln toaeber.. pnpll Bevdb. avi rifumer oiqg.. A-.iqo. Manual! lz. 'arrBTO SCHOOLS : KAGTIMK plauo playing goaranteed beglaaors la 10 leisona. Original teacbers of popular as. sic ana picture' playing, poi kiibt. Bldg. , - sasssMAKixa - ABO TAILORIV- SOHOOt VALaAXIMs'H aiataia ladles' taUorUM. Sroak ' aiakuig laagbt. Ift3 Qrasd ave., bet. atarriaus sna Sfiinont. fattems eat to aiMaare. - UUIIU'II ldlM' ring ii US IrMT drnnklng. tailoring. litn. . -XYZ, lAlt, HOU, TUkOAT ABO tUVOB "raatnimit uacIalTat. AIaiaca flttAd. Sr. r. r. mweaay. Its Dehnm bldg., Hd and Waah, AXhUlaiQ atOTOaSABP pyalAMOa atUTOUS, geaarators, baugnt, sold, raattd aad repalrai, We 00 aU klnda of repairing aad . visaing; all work guaranteed, b. M. H. I trla Co.. at N. lat at, Pbone Uala tvtio. Wl hi, MIL feat aud eaenaua. aa aad mm? band sootor., repair work 1 a .pectalty, 89 oa tern Blectrle Works. 219 Blxtb straac. IXECTBOZ.KBIB BnD...Ti,niia , 1 . , r v. uuuuvua BAia. . Molea, warts, eteH' destroyed forever by elee trie needle; so Bain, no sear, euro guarasteed. am. V9 long, ova aweuana Bldg. ' BW-W, auiwrtluoas . balr , rauuoad. Airs. .At . . biu. 480 riiedner bldg. Mats S4IX riKK INSUBANCB LET OWEN 6DMMUB8 write yoor fire la- airuCT. oaj aiorgan oiog. Main ata. - rUZSITUXX BEPAiaiMO BtiWXKa sABSONa, louH rronu Mala TU. atirniiura soapitai; parking. ' " k'CUMXUBlfi rapaireCI reuoUihed. spnuUtered, lat elan, work. Call for prices. Main "8t. GENERAL INBTJHANCB McCABGAB.'Batea: Lively, 801 ! Ysoas1dr tUM ASD OIAXpiO . - - T1MM8, CBKBS CO., 184-186 3d St Prompt oorTica. King Alain or A-XOXS. '- OABOUNS ENGINES MA KINS and sutlotary, marina bardwara. OAS aw n aa m surru t-u.. iss-iis srast sl. aviwwn aonwni .no T.oiQiu. ,-. HAT raCTORT LADIES. Veotlemen's bata cleaaag and btoeked setlaf.etorlly.. Kyral H.t Wort. 4M4 lat at LZB AND WATCHMAKER PHILLIPS . THB IRWRLEIt -- Morrlaon SL, near Utb and Heillg uiieatre. 1LABOK. reliable watebmakar aa, lt St., -near Waahlngjon at :Z0DAK SUTPLIZS ' K nllAUf Q "Bd u v BuppUea. Paveloplug. iNUUnfVO printing and enlarging. BLUM. ACER PHOTO HUffLV CO., 846 W.ahlogtoo. LANDSCAPE tAARDEklMO BKTTKU landacapea asd Jr natal gard.Biaa. iVISS r LORAL C0.f - "Itv AVKMk! Kuroerjr year roaes, $2.60 dosen. woodlawn -201. ,.,'-.- LATJNDRT lAPANKHH fciagK. uuntlrj. clxanlng llldj IPg. liW Muaaell et. Ba.t SWHS. U-17M. ' MAOTamtRa' - TBBNKMAN at CU.' bjdraullc and aiMeUl elne. laioke stacks. . oil tanfet. .. sjIuIbb oa- eblnerr. repairs. 10. w. ttn, kJtWlMU.. bullera, aawlullla buugut. Midand eaebaiigen. TO i, K. amrtin t . Portland, or MATTREB8 rACTOBT MATTKtoSliB made ovor and to. order. UpboL- otering m a tt imgi. aiartMii aoaij. KE8BENOEB8 HASTY IIKSBBKOKB CO., opes algnt asd day. aimn bo, loo. ..'-''. . MILLINERY RATS trimmed aud remodeled, also designing j 111 HQ eita. wiajt gov lan ij. annnill w.itt. MAIUBOPAIHO PHygtOlAWt PR. OllOVEK Paral.l, nerTciis nd ebroale j dtaeaaea 0U4-B otegoniaa Udg. M. 8142., UAAKUM -A MaqufacturerflWKolesalcr Pray. Mclean A Percy, 4th and Ullsan M. 7tfit) CL0TK, HAT AND CAP lACi'OBY Kn5o!-i!at''a.VFca? WORKS, a,3 1st au Manuf acturers , to tbe trade. Ladies' tailored bata a .peclalty. Main 6)47. Fleischner, Mayers Co.,v . BARM OtPLEMENW AND VEHIOLEB i U. M. 'WADK CO., . XIH tlawthorne sve. ynole.aie agrHniiiirai inineniems. -' riBH, OYSTERB AND ICS ' MA LAHKIOY ' A .CO.,, lnc., HO Front .treat. IRONWOB-KS PACIFIC 1LON WOBkS ' All Architectural ires , ' Csadogsti w Beams, . Angles, t Cbannela. ' . ', LEATHER AND FI SPIN 08 CUAB. L MArJTK'h. A Co., J4 Frunt, Leatb.r f eerr description; -rindings. - MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES . SIUMKKAlA.X-VVKLLB-UKOWN CO. Bawuiill, kglng and lr" wurklug niachtnerv. MENANDoyrNEOTCWEAk COLL'MIIIA (icckn.ac klfg, ;Cv., S3 FKib at ri;i:soxAL Co n t t a e d ) RAW'AL cure- by the laieBt natural - healing methods. ' No niedlcines or operations. All chronlo and acute dl..- v , eases treated and cured In the least tirrn - possible at the smallest cost. Habits . ... of every description and Kind In .adults or child rtn treated and cured. Best r sults ofttn still attained In . cases th at have been given up a hopeless and ir- 4 curable by other physicians, t Over 800 J testimonials can, be ecured st my or ftce. The most expensive snd , fine; -equipped i private office in. the west. Ypu-aro Invited Jo-aee my of flcesjiour. self. ConsulUtion is f rea.7 and, if' JToU are unable , to call J will call 'at your ; horr.e and see you. Dr, W. E. Mallory, pstnronath. ai ' Rotchlld bide. BR1 NG.your suitlugs to Rlchantmch, ih-y ) tailor; will cut, make and trim, ladle ault.it for tin: or will furnish the good- at wholesale.; remodeling, repairing, re - lining, pressing ana cleaning num erate nricea. A. Rk'hanbneh. tailor for - men aim women; '2BT Alder st.v near d. WILL person who left dog at 4 728 70th st. 8. Evcltyjccall for it before Nov. 20. Will not be responsible for It after date. Phone Tabor 1160. 1 " - . NOTICES 20 DEPAR'i 31ENT' of - tne , interior, office . . of Indian -affairs Washington, D. C. Sealed oronosals for sraaing sheen on . districts numbered l1 to 4,- inclusive, of .;, me warm opriugs reatrvaiion, uietsuii, for the three year period beginning Feb ruary. 1, 1914, will be received at the-. office of the Superintendent of Warm , Bprings agency; Warm Springs, Oregon, . until 2:00 p. in. on Monday, December -1, ' 1913. and will be immediately thereafter ?; openedt In the presence of such bidders as may attend, and forwarded - to the -Commissioner of Indian, Affairs, Wash ington, D. C.; ' with appropriate recom mends tiom All necessary information ' may be obtained on application to the ' superintendent- of the above named -v agencyy CATO SELLS. Commissioner -;. SIOALliiO' proposals will be received at ... t her' office of - the undersigned, 401 v" court house; until 12 m.. Wednendav. No- vembervl9, for , .the Improvement of nuuuinei'B Bvnuui (ruunuflt1. x lans buu -., specifications may be obtained at the offcie of F. A. Naramore, Supt of prop- .. . ertles, 803 court house., Deposit of $2 is v required for Plans and specifications. Certified check for 10 per cent of. the -amount of the proposal, payable to. R. H. Thomas,- School Clerk, must accom- -, pany each proposal. Board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all " proposals."1''' ,,.-,':, ...v , R. RV THOMAS. School Oerk, , . W A M -AT I a) 'SA S .... . "J? i'. ? ,f t''.'?S"." 08TEOPATRT0 PR- ULLBBELLB PATTKRSON. BpectaUst oa '. nerves, .cute and ebrooie dlisasts. 4UV Co- lomhla bldg. Mela stXIl. - ' ' - ' PAINTING) ABO PAPERIWO PAINT1NO, papering, jtlnting; prices right; Heater FTeemtn, Mar, 2i86, BolL 1208, .', Sell. 2181 848 First. - ; GOOD work my motto. A. Oabours, Speelal rates for hnt.la. K 4214; K anna. . . . iOHN BL1KD. best work In painting and pa pertBg. M. 1872. A 222B. 129 11th Bt. BATBirr- ATTQ R NETS. ' PATKMTS proewred by 3. K. MUCK. Attoraof. . i-iAw, iai 01 u. s. rAIINT u.aius, , ioiu Board of Trade bldg. i-:-u.ni'-l yAYntQ COMT ANTES ' ' THB BARBBB ASPHALT PA VINO CO- rort, , Und ofrlco BOB Eloetrle bids. . - . PIANO EACTORl PIANO tuning, repairing, reflalablng. Batlsiataa ' glveav Bargalos la used planus. O. Soataier Co., 147 6th at. Mar. I57t or ealL PLTOBINO) AMP PLPMBINa- 8DPPLIE8 BATHS, toilets, baaina, boiler, pipe, ganeral contracting, Jobbing. H, KM 1121 lat St. ; PLUilSS CLkAKED,. VltD AND I' BAUI U V a K. UAUIM.H1 ,, PLUMB SHOP. YAMHILL AT " PAKK 8T. FHftNK MAIN ISma l pa ib Tim AN8LBK PB1ATINU VO.. oaa. ftlais Sli. Printing to pleaae. KstaMlabed lttOa. . PMJAaiAG aa yo want II. Prlcoa rigau Al tropolltan Preao. 811 Oak. Pboaa Main lata. "' ROBBER, STAMPS AMP SEALS ALSO atenclls, trade cbeckt. braaa signs, . rui iu vvABa BXAA1P WOBHS " ' IU W.abiactoa at' Mala flO, A.9T1A ' ALbU braaa also. oUke liana, arfha aunnll.. 11 r teit-r. . IHB IBWIN-UODSOM COMPANI 03 riftb Bt. alalo ail,, A-ltM. ' ' - SCALP SPECIAUBW DI8BABES of tbo acalp - .uocaaafnllr treated 1 aad balr rmtnivd, 07 Uaelear bldg.' . , BKWrMQ MACHINES ' ' BEAI, BABQAIKS IN NEW machines,. -all makes,' factory price...- Second hand $3 up. Machines rented and repaired. Sowing Machine Em. poriuin, 100 3d t Mala 04J1. r. gHEXX HXXAX WOBSB , IACOB LOBU. sheet mecal works, botat, tee. taurant wora xeoiing, general joaoiag. Mala U-M. 810 Klrot, bet. Columbia ana via Haf eia. TAXIDERMIST ALL - UNE8 OP .TAXIDKBMY: glaes eras. -. W. riNI,..X. X4U tJOtiUMBIA BTKgKT. ' TRAN8EER ANDBTORAOB FcMIBrW1MJN TBAMg aJTDXaL-l auto vans "rr I FOR LONQ ' I I DI8TANCB il MOVlhtt 1 87-90 Front.' Vain WTor A -2147. ""OREGON TRANSFER :C0t . Karaniianoi i ntil . . . -.- - ' Traniftr and forwsrding agents. i . Btoraga. free trackare. . ' ' J Offices aud storage. 4T4 flllaan" St ? 18th and Olisan. , Mln 6. A-1160. ' S PIRKPHOOR1 HTOHAOIt. ' ' ' 4 1 ' PORTLAND .VAN- 8T0HAGK CO.'S new fir.. , , , proof wartbouse Juat ' eomplatad. , t'urnUhes t every facility knowu to modern wareboualng. .' J An - Inapsetloit ., will convince yoo. ' Houaebold ' - ' goods ahlpncd at reduced frelaht rate... Fire. ; S proof warehouse lfith and Kearuer. Commercial ... ' a warehouse lUtli and Ererett strteu. Mali) WiV. A'IDW, 0, O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Go. Olflraii iil commouioiia lour atory dtivk w.renoui. witu : Mparate , (roa rooms and fireproof! vault to. ', - valuables. -N. W.. corner Sid and Pine eta. PI.no.' nd furniture moved and packed for shipping, ..'u Bueclal rates made on our good. In onr tbnnieh cars to all doineatle and forelga poiuts. Main ' : 606.-A-1996." . -. ' "': ". .. , .,..,., v, ,.','. '(..,: J G. Lt DAVENPORT STKVdaj;,' B07r'i A-16N,. ',;:?;, CniIkI) Transfer Co. , Storage and general H if bauung. t jerreraon. Mar. A-m.o. j.j, -, WINDOW CLENINO EXPKBT WIMHiW CLliANElUJ A-470U, M.lir . .- 827, -30. Haury bldg. ' ..:,.,, .-, -'.t,,.,,-. wft&ifi IHIUTI.ANIl WltlK AMI IKHN WORKR QnA OA t. Anlilteetiiral wire and Iron.' , --. . . . v; r ,, aiTvr ' an- awn at ana BABUIJSBEN A CO.. Ulgb . BUndard' N. K. corner Sd and Tarlor, Mi-A,-IT71 RoSlKtt PAINT CO, log. 1st at Mais' . A-T048. -- "'..( .., T '.' j '. A,.,.H,w 'V ' .PIPE-PrpB; FITTtWOS VALVEB' M. L. KLINE .KM ;i' V'T'v:''1 M"..T::. If I IMP, i y" rat st ii kl iiLiiiL. " fnrristid, or. jfirywo p prpij t'OKTLAND WOOD I'll'E CO.-lactory and pf ; flee nr.r C4tb and York sis. Muln s-isn. B0PE AND 3INPER TWINE ,ta:,W1. '-'' i U - Ki ', ' - ' n naini. .... , Portland . Cordage Co, . '',;.,.?,-; TRPNX8 ANT1 HARM .7''. Xl? UtlIAOMAH 'iruuk tt Bag Co.. Baal. Water, wholesale in lira. . trunk a sulteaau. ftpeclal trunk and cllaea mart to order. WAtL PAPER aiUttUAN WALL I'AI'Bit tO-2J0 2d St., b- i mean omuiou anu aiaiu. , t r v 1 1 V -' Ur g 1 I XSf t,:;'f ; C " ,l''