''5 THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, "WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 12, ' 1313. i:ou:;::r:::i'ia nooais ; i;st side iH 1 1 j Ji M a ! IT !u, tildtr. . rlandv front.. suits 1. 2. wng rooms, nowly painted t. h4U wn. St., near lotn. via furnished for housekeeping, heat, bath, phone, etc.-only $8 iih, 1RT 7tn St., near xamniii. . -1 6HED or unfurnlahed housekeep r rooms, cheap lunonage . Diag. '"I Morrison. ' ' f--v-'; -' HOtrssxcevtira hooks t! st bid ii - pbivaty. family; UOOD housekeeping suite and furnished rooms, steam - neaiea, v tuecirio i'BH bath, close In, reasonable. ljltt 10th at. Marshall 1787. - I . ExceDtinnallv well arrn.nifed. ' I Call, nn nnrnnTiin - ....... n. J JtONT room, alcove, furnished house keeping, furnace, heat, gas range, hot and cold water, laundrr. 475 Clay si ft OR S clean nutslde rooms, sink.' pan try, ics oox, every, convenience, uiuaa In. very reasonable. 404 Burnslde. UOUSEKEEPIXO ROOMS 48 -?,? -K.-KAST 8IDB -iKfeS,, :VO room housekeeping suite, bath. sink and pantry, $3 per week, svxtt K. Burnslde. ' arovsBKEEraro ooara , KABV HOB PRIYATH FAMILY" THREE or 4 furnished H. K. rooms, pri vate toilet and bath, front and. back lYiorch. 'Ill and tlt month:- electric APARTMENTS f Contlnned ) 49 HORSES. VE1IICXES. ETC. " U, S. Stables Just received another conslsmment of norses ana mares, aii size. Z;;r4 " , D. WILLIAMS, M :!" ( ', 49 Front St ' " : WALKING DISTANCE.' - Rex ?Arms":cApartments-- ' I8TH AND BV MORRISON ST&v. ' 8 story i fireproof bdlg., 61 I. and t vwtm ,., iIaii,Ha 'V,tnr nalrtr. Mas. tile bathrooma and all, tha latest j THU.M 1009 lb.; horses, good; harness improvements. --, ? - svjsl and , Democrat wagon,, , for -vaala or RATE8, 125 TO 13S MONTH. ' 1 I traaej no reasonaD.e orrer reruaea. zo " . 1 1 vi r "' V " " . 1 " " I Willie boulevard. '' Take St" Johns car to . ( I flft nrfiTnnr. & l "j7 I Peninsular avenue; go north. I AUTOMOBILES - ACCESSORIES 44 J7 ' - fQoattened) . , J' TERSONAIi 22 . exceptionally well arrajigeA A ' 4 rooms, unf urnlsbed. '-:?. new jBoasra mm niaas. vr Very desirably located. ;?,). .v i Referencea'ragulred.'''t-K-'',''-v-'' Sells on commission,' horses, mules, ve hicles, harness. Auction every Monday and Friday, 10 am. 240 IS. 8th. E. 6315. KADICAL. cure by ncaiing meuiocis. the latent natural No medicines or r iirt dALUm ' ' n ft.. 4 At a . I H.u.naM. A jlwllnj. . iA I ......1.-. All i - , . . . . viib i,!, ', ;ooiinii w viinuvi,ii vvuiaiiuim. - Aii ciironio una acue cus horseptwer. Overland, fully equipped, In eases treated and cured in the least timt first class condition, also good Ures, possible at the smallest cost Habits Best buy In city. Only 1550. 'v- of every description and kind In adults - One 1910 S passenger,- 4 cylinder, SO or children treated and cured. Best rv horsepower Reo, in good condition, good aulta often sUU attained in cases-tha: tires. Only t4,vv.tw.vA.'V ; , " have been given' uu as hopeless and In Ona 1011 ainrla Avllndnr Indian motor, curable brother tihvnirluiia. - Uver 8003 cycle, fully equipped and in first class I testimonial can be secured at my of fice. The 'most expensive and ilneit equipped private office - in ' the west. s v.iwA-pHON to see my oUUceS ypur condition: aood tires. Only $100. -..BOSK CITr JrAKK. WAttA.UK, "PHflNE-.TAROlt JM1. . - :-.irr'-iyo are Invited to sec my a . t . .,,.. i - ...k.i sw.-.-k. i.ana m- ,'1... .;' ...4C i- .... ... . - u X . IT. . ; JO nf hnlr .land nrt1 m. f UUMU' " cal" vSU at'yuui- acrea or cnoice .lana, parity m-ihom- nrt , vo rtr w m. Malforv. LUCRBT1A r COURT. Bltnated on Lucratls. at. 100 fast north of Washington st, in an open court la the best residence district within walk. Ins; distance; finest unfurnished apart Baents, t to t rooms. - Sea thein before 1500 FIRST mortgage, . drawing w per cent interest,' to iraae lor gooa team, wasron and harness. Lock Box 132. Van. couver, was a. ' '!:: -. , : A GOOD team, harness and wagon for sale: will accept reasonable offer. In quire at lust Lambert flace, cor. E. 86th M"e Mar: ,l51?:,7'nltor W' lt0C FOR SALK-Colt a years next' May; Z-LJ j v " .'-ii' rI,r I wiffht 80ft h3 damhlAinnlAfi hrA. , . , . 1 ud muniiuMB, . ' -" ' ' ins; aisiance; a or 4 rooms, witn pnvaie baths; very reasonable rent; best ser vice; splendid arrangement; ail outside 1 883 Milwaukie. I GOOD, young, sound team, weight 2800. rooms; direct phones.-, THE ORLANDO. ,' ;- COR. 20TH AND WASH ST& 140 Elegant furniture, all outside corner . rooms, outside bath, private None better. 835 E. 28th. Woodstock car, i-',;-. y ,..., n- ..;-,,! f FOR BALE Several farm, delivery and lumber wagons in good condition, bar Ins. F. A. Kenney, 871 1st at Si UST be sold at onoe at your own lighta nd water included. lit E. ?th f'lp iroorn.. outside bath. private 1 1 price, owner going east, J400 lb. team. st N M-V car. f""1 wiwuu twgr, ursi vims xjgni larm wagon. is. xamniiL housekeeping .F"'r. '""'T. w ' j I FOR SALE Good . serviceable farm rooms, gas range and bath, hot and I nn.jvaBnj(,i'OK, a norinrup i team, wagon and harness, cheap. 17 fniA ttr in rooms, use or laundry i . -yvm uiunnuw viuu.uh "u js. eiara, Montavina. tubs. 629 B. Ankeny. Phone East 19ii. 5Sn?, m?lrn "SKiSSr S.NOLfi; express wagon, i harness, (.a! U'll.17 r.nt all ar iurt of furnished :i. .ir7r. ..7 rfk,. ' in Dounn Bt. Main D80S. - . m - - " - I vw . A sa.n.a f uar a,u aibl ouu 1 Vt sua UV1 I - - - ' - - : house, furnace or stoves, piano, yara. 1 Phones Main 487. A.U81. I WANTED Teams. Load cordwood on walking distance. . wujkeuj'. ruilmuu, w- rt-i v ..-.i.ki 4lS 3-LIGHT, warm, clean, well fur nlahed housekeeDina rooms: electric Ity, water, bath. 85Vs Alblna ave.. cor ner Blandcna. ' . " LARGK furnished light modern front . room with kitchenette;, au . convent 1 ences. 220 18th at. v -' ' , aHHEE atWaaUe furnished Apts.. 813: ' free biuukar- water. ' HI Mississippi ' e. - FoUH nicely furnished H." K. rooms. With kibahenette. steam hot and cold water, nhone In every room; 7 blocks froai 6th and Morrison its.. 111.50 and un. 881 Columbia at I corner th. ' - Burch. ADartments, - . bath, phones,, dressing room, fine looa- I tion. iib im. zist et. Mar. m, w ca r. LAMBROOK APT8 430 Yamhill, cor. 7 in z ana 3 room xurnisnea apis.; AJ . - Jl. IMA . I voir "cot V 1 1 r . - TTWUIAWU Jt,V, neat, running I WILL trade good clear lot for horse. la every 1 fnone SWAN ISLAND. ' Winter pasture; cl ose in. Main 822 8. XJVESTOCK 85 165 Monroe et Phone Woodlawn 22. TWO or 3 rooms, cheap and clean., S4 1 3401. Kast 18S, SAVE $15 MONTHLT. 9 HEAD of extra good cows, B fresh 8 to 6 weeks, Jersey, Guernsey and Dur ham, 4 high grade Jerseys,- coming fresh In 1 to 3 weeks. High testers. Wood stock car to COth ave.. 1 blocks waat 1 steam heat, private phone, etc.: outside I north. '- ': - -:; -- K2?MfcA,.,,. . Including lhta. B- WE now have ft omplete list of aii proved, close to car and lty. dwner. ""i?" V-800. JournaL -' ...., I "myu, oincnio oius. I WCI hV 11000 nhntA hiatal half ophl. MOTORCiTCLESf . BICYCLES 65 r . net, postcard slse, made In Portland A er A 4 kt-uui PERSONAL Continual) BltiNG your sultlnKa to Hlchanbach, the tailorj will cut, make and trim ladles' Bulls for $20, or will furnish the ood i wnoiesaie; remodeling, repairing, re lining pressing, and cleaning at mod erate prices. A. Kiohanbach, tailor for men ana women. Z5i Aider st,, near an, MEN AND WOMEN CURED. :-V 1 Modern electrla treatment for , nerv ous, chronlo and skin aiseases, -Specialty: Kidneys, bladder, prostate, OXYOLINB for catarrh,, lung troubles, Inaenila. .:' vaccines for ' lnfectiona. : Dn Howard. 804 Kothchild Tj1dg. : ', " J?AK,a,?t?n.d.ar ?d 4JO"uon de?s"hav5 yt Tbeen givenT Who I wUlbuy ' W 3100. 228 1st st v - . at a bargafn price? Call evenings, Ayrea ,-'664' Jour.n.al TOUNO man Stranger here, wants., to meet soma young lady about 20 years of age. . , "Young, lady, if lonely, tnen write, ifor I am lonely; .My object, mat. rlmonv. I am 28 and am from the north. Flirts and triflers save your stamps. DIpYPI pQ Used wheels bought and I Photo Co., 14 Grand ave. N. ui f 1 sl.i-ji soia. zzs't, it 1st st M. 1018 FEBYICT A HANEBUT. MTJSICAXi '''11!reTBttIENM',v;'il l'tif4'B'L wl n1 toupee makers, finest -2 -L. - - ? "1- t ?tock human balr jgoodsj halr-dress- 600 PIANO for; 20Q cash, i 23 E. 8th ' anlcurlng. face, soalp treatmenta S. East - 4997. - - ' :" - r 147 Broadway, near Mornson. M. 844. A GOOD piano, finecondltlon J foraale, j SPIRITUAL medium,-. 'Rev. Virginia viay a v viaqtt. wm nuan ft v. ,' TYPEWRITERS 'i! KOWe. Readlnes.. iHnir 1olli rlr uiaa uesaay ana Friday evenings o'clock. 231 8th st Phone A-7118. WD save you from 60 to 76 per cent on GRADUATE . chlronodiat '.,mi.i,n,i.t m any make of typewriter. Call or aend !r scientific maaae?se therri , batha! for our Illustrate price list Retail de- formerly StWnd"w,ash IS and gft Mrtmnl .Whnlm Tirn,nri r fi.i"."'1? I10 an- VVBSn. BtS. ana 614 rinc7i:'821 WashinTion KMala 68lT XtSJlTTI-y j. i . , , . . ,i-"7 iTnniiunwii, opp. rericina notei. , rebuilt second hand rentals at out 1 optp.m,,., . , 7 1 "" new; rates. P-D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407 H"v?UA and astrologer: , , T readings dally, circle 3 p. m. Sunday r ,- '.i,,, , im'A ?Vi;uf' oj"'y. circle 3 p. m. Sunday FOR 8ALK MICCKLIANEOU 10 ,yfne?5r .i..R7-Hay - -. FARM WAGON WITH DOUBLE BOX. 'JWBUUUI.. - ',",.: r -'f. SINGLE SPRING WAGON. , ' ' -RIDING CULTIVATOR. wa SINGLE! CULTIVATOa s 5 ' ; MOWER. , - .,..,:, .iXH? I pise harrow,; 'yifM i- 14.INCK STEED PLOW. , : HAY RAKE. ;v .. .. .0 - HAY RACK. t' - 'y' '. DB LEVAL CREAM SEPARATOR,. 400-EGG CYPHERS INCUBATOR. 26-GALIXN CHURN. " .; PHONE 227, GRESHAM,' OR. Zlfrta at. Mar. 4283: A-2883 TT Best 'work, lowest prices. Remodel, ing and new orders. fjQ Swetland bldg. Your Life i'."?01 ?!. t j , iuorrison. Readings and lessons by mail. M. - 4581. BAkTK.ICB YAN RORGAN, office 45. BoVk forle?H MWto i mUt5jr: DETHEL, A- SACRT, corn and In . growing nail specialist. 416 Northwest A FIGHT on high pricea Why pay . $5 -.w wmncu, tt. riifn ana lamnui. - k K2t at N Tahor 2874. - ' I " -f. r"Z-??' n. I oreeas ox oairy cows ana neirers. uaii I rnr.rrT-r .a. I.1 '. " . j I ? " SAVE $15 MONTHLY. . (ana eee us. Geo. . Mokel Cow Co, 507 LARGE room with alcove; modern. , 221 rooms, oomoletely furnished. 122.50: 1 Commercial block. Main 8120. - ti -r"1 " . . . I ) T outside rooms, private phone xwo registered Jersey bulla, l6 months ror Tent, mo Kat ptaric be. faeeawasaaasi'l 1 HOUSES FOB RENT. line.. Phones B-8 041,. Tabor 2293. TtRrT.rH APARTMENTS. 12 783 M WILLIAMS AVE., COR. BEECH old: two registered Berkshire boara I KHAr io monua via. Jippiy xj, a. carnes your eyes with 1st quality lenses in a goia iiuea rrame aa iow as .i.owt v. W. - Goodman, 11 - Morrison st, near Batla fact ion guaranteed. - - USB Baaaett's NaUve Herbs for rheu- manBin; ov taoiets goo. All orugglsts. Scotts Mills, or A.'MoCalman, 88 Front I TXT TD VTX7lrrXT .AT . A. V A w... I WCUIB, ,VTT ICllh, IUVIUUIU, llUI, WW Modern house with large living room, I and phone. Phone - Woodlawn 179. ' Larga light 8-room furnished apart-1 nienis: tow rent; including iigoi, water I POtTITBl 7 I WILL exchange for chickens, good Elgin waicn, v overcoat,, new, e yards 200 USED machines to ' select from, Prices $6 up. We alao carry the White Rotary. For rent, machines , or repairs. Call Main 29782 PORT LAND SEWING MA CHINE COMPANY. 207 iq at, near Taylor. MRS.' CUSHINa teaches card reading yuuiMuuo, vvr. Bia ana jaail. REMOVED Mrs. 8 U vena, HO years - Portland's lead Inn palmist end clalr. voyant, has removed to 291 Morrison, Benson Ijidg. Her book. Palmistry Made Easy, for sale. - . MRS. SOPHIA , B. . SEIP, mental and spiritual scientist, question and mes sages. Wednesday 8 p. m. Dally office 80f Allsky bldg. Main 8225. v WILL person who left dog at 4728 70th - at. S. E., city, call for it before Nov. 20. Will not be responsible for it after date.' Phone Tabor 1160. ' MATRIMONIAL paper with descriptions 'wealthy marriageable .people; paper 10c Mrs. Rell. 2B1 West Slat at f.nm Angeles, Cal. "''- -.:;, - VELVETINA shop, hsir goods, combing, made to order. Free manicure, mas aage or ehampoo. with ' coupons from your drupRist. 615 Swetland ttldg. MRS. TANNER, spirit medium, 324 "We si., cor, (Jiay. , tarcies, Monday and Thursday evenings. - . - ' I SEE, you are now half English and drop your H's. I thought you were VUBblXi ; WILANU--tace treatments, - shampooing.: , MADAM JA.I.;I.I. Teacher of occult bcj.-ihh;. Calls you by name and tells you what you called for without aaklng a qui -toa. She) la the wonder worker of the world re nowned. Office hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. xioom 7, ia went ram. LAD1 U3 Ak for, Antllio -I.ilnture No. 8. It lsteafe and' euro "Wonmn's Med. Iclne"; the most succeasful and harmless "Regulartor known. For sale and guar anteed in Portland by the Hold fond Drug Co., 228 Morrison st. nenr rirwt, ' ttlhl -' place"" "f or '."liair '-iy"-bMitAtyr" beauty parlors 400 to 414 Dekumbldg. Mar 1702. Switches made 95c awitchea dyed 31, shampoo 26c, hair dress 25c, massage 25c. ecalp treatment 25c. Larg- -est up-to-date parlor on the coast ' 'v. ' - , - DIVORCE -,'-'.','-;,,!-; " Without notoriety. Consultation free. Reasonable fees. Attorney, . 708 Selling bldg., op. Oregonian ' Phone Main 4998. DR. G, V. KKTCHVid. Women's mala. diea and acute disease. Wash, bldg.. cor. th and Wash.. -room 41. Mar. 448. CHARACTER read from your voice. Madam Smith, 664 Flanders. Mar. 2747. NOTICES 20 350 Morrison and ecalp Office 2, Cpcr Expert legal advloa, fivorceaad I HUt, bankruptcy. A-69, Journal. BALM of figs, remedy -for diseases women. 604 Davis st. Main 2398. CHIROPODIST, formerly 146 H BdwyJ now eoi N. W. bldg., 6th and Wash. SAVE 88 to $10 by Duylng your trunk or suit case at 682 Wash., at 17th. MANICURING, facial' massage, scalp umuiiwn, up pen si., on ice a. library, dining room, den, kitchen, pan- antkhnv. r.OTTkT ! oak m mi,.n. t trv Five. hArlrnnma iiMn nr nnrrh Tor I rT" T . Ii.ji u.i .n MHz.-4,, z -.--w ww.-w, -r---t a------ . r-. moaern z Ana i room. comDieieiv rur-i --wi evwau . iiupui ww. x TiCHim mnm-v si r rm run RAmenc nnT . . . . ' . i . . m.lij .. l tj. x ncr-iir. rtiPiit. wlrh lannHrv nufnment Afid hot 1 tv" 7mah"'mi,w ' "M,"w D , Tntnn - " ; T. iiiruuKiioui. un uruuH iniia vi ""3; i . , ' . 'Ill ", T7 . 1 1 (1 vinm.iv.r v r- " . . I oowung aiieys ana accessories, oar xix 2t minutes to business center. Rent bdg. ' nil n. from pos toff ice; $20 to Vancouver ave. - I turea of all kinds, easy payments. The $50 per month, or will sell for $9000. Bee f $30- Marshall 4687. I CARNEAUX, exhibition Barred. Rocks, Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 48-48 owner , on premises. - ; ' I MORTON APTS- Corner Washington I Belgian bares. Hamlet, P. Q. box 278, 6th st. Phonos Main 769; A-1769. 575 K. 1 6TM BT. WUKTM. - I and King. 8 room apta. furnished I fTrtiana, yjr. . . . , , orkijoN PKHT 1 t-IZRR C.n . WANTED Girls ta pose for advertising piuiures.. v;u waiveri, emana Aniteny, SEALED proposals will be received at ' the office of the undersiened. 401 , courthouse, until 12 m.. Wednesday, No- .- vemoer i, ior me erection or one manw ' uol training building and ten portable schoolrooms. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of F. A. Naramore, superintendent of properties, . ' 803 courthouse.- Deposit of $5 Is re quired for plans and specifications.' Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. - Thomas, school clerk, must accom- pany each proposal, Board of directors, reserves the right to reject any and ail .' proposals, -v , - -v , - v R. If. THOMAS. School Clerk. - November 10, 1913. v - SHALKD proposals will be received at ) the office of the - undersigned, "401 ,; court house, until 12 nt, Wedneaday, No- - vember 19. for - tha Imnravumnnl nf Woodmere School grounds. , Plans and specif Icatlons , may be obtained at the ' offcle of F. A. Naramore, Bupt of prop-V ertles. 803 court house. Deposit of $2 is required for plans and specifications. - Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must acoom. pany each proposal. . Board of directors reserves the right to reject any and ail proposals. - r., - R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. ? Dated November 11, 1913. :.. ..v.. Professional ; and v Bijisiness; Dkectbry ' ABSTRACTS Or TTTLX VOH property within Mnltaomah county, eee u. n. peon, IBO 4tB It. Main MIS. ACCOBSIOS PLXATTirS .. STKPHAN. ibemaUtclilKg, aooordloa, aids BO eoohnnt Dleatlnat bnttona wmtdi xxU ! tponged. Solloplnr. 888 Alder. Main 9878. . 7 ROOM modern, good view of city.snd unf urnlshed.. .Walking distance. 100x100 around. E. 68d. near Belmont! Reasonable rent Mam 1082. A-1108. et; located in neighborhood Of ' fine I THK CHELTENHAM, 19th and North- AVTOHOBIIJt yENDEHS 1 " I Well mttA twm tir ftnra mflmira rfa. I Wj..p.-. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 Uvered any part of city. We deal ga AUTumObius teodera rn.de.aad repaireo. Daa. lawns. aaraena. suread reruiixer. cover l r homes; by owner. $40 per, month. Phone rup, modern furniture, private baths OREGON BIRD CO.; 920 K 16th SW No, j rosea Bast 2t$6; B-1065 Red 812 Milwaukie. ' ; ; (riQ phones, hardwood floors, new brlok h JL atTf5t.na.'L"'..,T.an Mrd' Qoldfttt 1 SAFES Moalsr Safa'Co" atnoMOBiuE rAurrure - - SAFES Moalsr Safe Co., manufactur- J WKCIAUsra la flae auto pautttug. Aata Palat -r era Low prices easy terms. Date Baop. Corey bldg. Mils 144. :i)iTMT-i .-. f ,,n 7 bldg refined neighborhood. S blocks I anq Chinese pheasants, hmo. Inl. a In mduh ha rn I from CSrlinS. " ' " r chicken house and Dark. 1 blocks from wiaiaT APARTMENTS auiwiuwuna - avviuiauiuiiia i hand safes. 109 2d st Phone Main 767. I : axAsrc tool riini csr; $ia. Phone woodlawn-1077. 1. w noura 2id flr,. I f fT-ArrSaTr s;rom,na',V..a I FOR FURNlTiiRffi. atovaa. f.rn.t. anH I SJ:-rn',rr.'y'.r"."?r ror rent, one roomaoarunent an I """4J-f. ... - ., t,-v-.j -j i i r".- ... opened and repaired. Bargains in second E. 45th. Phone B-21 40. SIX room modern cottage, 84th st and irabie locati Particulars. HEINZE APARTMENTS all - household roods, look . undr -Housenom uooas." lust below. SjUSUIHVVMVi l fj . MBtvy sa aaiaV WVWS V4, I , M , ; used cars that we will sacrifice for cash. I FOR - typewriters or musical instru- 4th and Columbia 'i - -"! I5' urw auu iw. iunu wtw vuun uujr- wcuwi w luqir mynuTi viua. rrancis aye.. uesiraDie location, gooa M- I ,2Z.lrr I gainst - vt-';-' -; . M i "iv rI i e I 1911 wmton, newiy pain tea ana uvuuiiiviu tv. sbjlwvvs wcasaaaaa rnnna m .a at a'UH arraa s v enra 20o' JttaXWell TV FRUIT trees, small or large amounts. f.obat!ntm?XB ' usthate ttg Ic. f'cash' e buy y bar iaA-i Well Rotted Fertilizer, Manure BMaafutarers: ssaats fee Joaae Jo proved Looae Utl Mdeers. dee Ua aew -reka lat. 14188. Mala 188. -- . '' - BOOKS BEOOITD BAB0 ' t view mountains. ( Bellwood 1277. j IvlODERN 6 room bungalow, 338 60th sti ' near Hawthorne; fireplace, bookcases. ' D tuiffot. paneled, oak floors, lawn, shrub-' el' i6in'eag M. 7387. A-86i6 The Dezendorf feCUOOL book, eeugbt, Mid and savaaugad. M8 U. Ul su au, op p. 1. Sd t 208 18th, near Taylor, M. 4785. One room furnished apts. room aDtu with aleanlna nee pounce ana eievaior ser- l . r, m . 1 j- . 3. . i itAttnti i room nouse ior rent iisi i t. and Ellsworth st Bath, furnace and I i . . " ? u ' i , ' . ' "CT-' ""f yard; rent $18. Call Marshall 1962. - ' V- a"w Kamm m""v , j I i- i. i iii - ma " v A V S . OU ' ' - I 125 -KKW . mMlrn - 7 room hrtiiRft. 8 I w'-rv av ; w"". "". m aTJ-'' r . u . "ir 1 1 !" ' w-- ----- - - ... - - - . . r . - iriumnai la akin.: i labia 4 hina sva i a? wu vmah. w v. j g.. aj chambers, furiiace,-fresh tinted. Block LanuL flnt in rn:hi. fine condiUon. for 1226. in city. . 8. and 8 rooms furnished I : 1"0 40, H. p. oft Hawthorne, at 291 Glenn ave.' apta. 1"- -"5 P"" " tt ness. Agents' s fabJr 172 Four nass.. 4 Wl 21 H. P. Franklin I $107.60 CREDIT certificate on Reed- XOr 1160. ' .,.'-,. I irracn x-ituio -w. uui ,AO- 1911 Elmore foredoor, good paint and areas m.a ta. Mania on st good tires, for $376. - , I FERTILIZER. jrour pasa. cyi.,zd tu jr. uvuex, in itose city.FerUUxer ca, dealers IB all ainas ox manure. Taoor ei43. BBAsa ajto atAfmpri; woija -j- "L HAHPBU'S Brias WwI-'BraasatUg and machine work. 108 6uj et M. 8703. DANCTNa BKATH'g SCHOOL 109 2d st between Waab. - end Burk Finer, stage and social dancing ugui, win. ana rwo-iep guaranteea la luu cia moay ereninga. s to lo. UINGLEB Dancing Academy, elaai and arl Soclnl. Mrai.. ur .. A., ... nammmn rn, m Mornton. uaraball 818. Hate. Tuea. KTJBIO SCHOOLS ABO TEACHERS Sfc THlKLHOHNv vtolia taacher, pupil BTtk. .icinner Piey.. a -41 BO. Marahall 16W MTSIO BCH00L8 ying Nat EAGT1MK plane playlngXaoaraBtMO beginner. la 10 laseoD. Original tef cben' ef popauar ate aio ana picture play lag. 6Q1 isiiera bldg. SBSSSMAXOIO ' ABO 1 TAILOEIKa BCHOOt AUWT1M1.'S aatan ladW tailor ln. ana. - - auklng tanght 153 Qraad a fa., txtt. Mawlaoe ano Briipoat. f attarne at at awaaare. KlbilKU'M . Uales' . Tailoring Coitexe. drwmaklnx, tailoring. " 13 11 ta. YS, A1, BOSS. THBOAT ABO LUNGS -I, I II', I.I. .1-..,, i. rf Trmtnjeut b aDecfallat. a uai tittiMl. n. r. F. Caaaoday. 418 leknm bldg., M and Wart. CAKr ENTERS AMD BUILDEBB I WANT your alterations and repair, work. Call Bp Old Pete Wlaer, Tabor 10-7. CABFET CLEABIBO A-l condition, for 8600, 1912 Regal roadster la first class eon- , i i , ii ii , i ... . j . miu a iwiub ill RENT. 5 and 7 room housea west side. I and unfurnished. Phona C-117A reasotiabie rent.yM,.E Lee, 622 Cor-l-a" .' ' " -. , , i'1," V ' ' " '1''' ' FOB . B1HCT FLATS uR RENT 5 room cottage , on Divi- I ffaa ihmi.m i Mnn i I 1911 4 cyL Maxwell roadster, newlv t aa. w awvu amb laiKB Ull I m a .w r ioit RENT Very desirable ew 8 room Za.?J ?"'Sf?Src5? ,.5P,n.Por'. Dutch Ple Iln mecnanicai conai- .,rth truck. 40 ta. Oldsmobile In $12 60 DROP-HEAD sewing , macbinea , , , t I dltion, fully equipped,, el ec trio lights, , L good paint and good tires, for $460; , - I terms. - Call 151 Grand ave. - SET new carpenter tools, 26. cost 812.1 .--7 A'.IWW -ADUSS" and genU' uncalled for suits , ana overcoats, fa ana up. ts 1st st JOICB "BKOU., sUsctria Cleaning wersa, ear. sets cleaned aad laid, tarlttlag oar sneelaliy. B. 440. B-la8. - SO H. 10th at. W. , & Hea-g-tape praeam, ulaanaae, awkas tbaai engn. aa now, ymci aerricw. mtmiu m CABPBT WEAVHie) aXKOTKiO BTOTOKS ABO PXBAatoa l88BSasa-aiaaSjBSNasaasS MOXoas, geaer-tto-rs, bought, sold, ran tad aad nnaireo. we oo ui smu. 01 repairing ana ra. iodlof ell work gaaxeateed. b. at H. lae mm vo.. si n. ui a. rnaaa aiaia bxio. W bay, eelj, rent aua exebauga aew aad aot ana nana Botars. repslr work a apwuity, waaiero, nieei-ie worka. gis sixta straat. and board to one 31a. Phone Marshall 8438. WILL n-ive room child, age 1 to , good Home; gin pre-l gT7XTXTVOTT-, c d r.lMI . - , ...... I uuur-n t erred. C-2994. ' ROOM modern .cottages, corner Union - ave., 4 blocks south of Hawthorne; $16 ! and ? Taoor . y - ' , MODERN 8 room, house. 699 re , near ?2d. 'Main 3U or East 963. i-i.jO BEAUTIFUL 7 room corner bun room flat II eh tmm all aides. . aaraae. Daved atrnsta. ir- 4862. - -: . EQUAL to 6 rooms. 4 room, anil hath - with wall bed, new and modern. Best i car service, 1. WOOQiawn 1149. FIVE room modern flat walking din. , $.2.iO BEAUTIFUL 7 room corner bun- tance, $14. 18th and College. Mar? 8408 1913 Hudson S nass- cvl a1ntHM can do hera on new goods fo galow, furnace, fireplace 964 E 21st. kODERN t room fiat- West Bill 529 st" r andTihV"early ewrchSp Pt.d. William Qafsby, 1st SIX houses, Irvlngton, s, East, ,273. , W. Everett st- - -' -- for quick sale. . '., v WE buy, sell and exchanga H. llerdman. - - . u V .''';,... Becond hand furniture of FUBKISHED FLATS CO .FIVE room cottage, walking distance. V. K7 Kl.nh.n. .1 nrlK. till MODERN 5 room bungalow,, in Wood- TOFr?. 'ou baraln- lawn.- Main 4966 Furniture Snaps Heating stoves all prices. - Dressers, I .ov UD. uinwia. 11. kuis. ii im i oieei ranges. 11. un. uaa ran a as. i un. Commodes, $1. Iron Beds, spring and mattresa 23. Center tables. 60e un. f M I Hartzell Furniture Co., 888-385 1st Bt . r I fTTTJMtTITTDtn T2n.. ... I "4 - V1.-' . 1 hand goods come aad see what , you for cash, get and Wash. e new and -Becond hand furniture of all -lnH If von era lnnlHnv tnr a mW H.n't .n I Phone Mar. 4783. Bell Auction A Com. to see our stock of used ones. We will I Co.. 481 Seoond st,- - - ' ; 6 kuumb, ' good lumlture, piano, ai in 1 1300. We have many other cars to select from. OREGON : AUTO EXCHANGE, , Cor. 16th and Alder sts. ' v:,. " Main 1161. A-4887.r AUTO SNAP. NOBTHWICSX Hilii WOHKS. tags (roaa eld ra-ra- Fork. Mim lSS M. Sth UUUBUllUJUU liUOUS FUK BAXH 63 St. aear-Baat yamtiui. t -,. Bliua and carpet wearing. 1318 Pattou are. "jia-j"aa 1 lXEOTa01.XSI SUPERFLUODB HAIR.' . ' Ilolaa, warts, ete destroyed forever by elee - aeawes sa pain, no sear, ears gaaraateea, Mile, le Long, o04 8wetland bldg. ' - UOUM, .aupwuuotia balr raawrad. aire. ' ii, u. mil. 428 hednar bldg. Mais 847S. Woodlawn 2tt6. ,'"- ' i , 1 wwq itoors, lurnace, ataanearing bed a 1 flupon, o rwn iuc ciemrm 1 rveaauname rent on lease. Main 6953. gV'" nT- "; Ma " Cijj-AN., furnished and unfurnished 1 - I annil pnnHlt An Ti.arlv maw Un., - - - -- - - . lM . 1 w , . . 1. , w 1 iuiui vui auaiauicg gn useq eeen to oe appreciated. Main loza. V tatlBOyBACTlO BHYaiOIABB t&. McalAUON, 121 4th at. Specialist on SO. el dlaeaca. SlU.ow (eniuDi eqaipnenL 1 Cbronle - eaasf 4 trul coargea. . Jtoaain guarauteed la wrltlug. Ref Bradttreeu aad patlenU. , Mala 206; A-8361. ' UDPKL ANO tlNZ, druglea Bu6 front Maraball 951 a. m. eue tlaiaey. m. tuoa p. m. litL. HltUtSA CtmSlOCki, Vil 110-1 aarvvaa. - caroale dlaaaaaa. O treataoants so. , . , OIB0UIAB APPBEBMBtt. gxrKUT addrtaalna $1 par looo. Addreasagrai aaop. room . - fortlana Trnai piag. COAL ABO WOOD . , - t . . -, mv T-iaTr . verm LKT OWEN 8UMMKB8 write yoar fire ln- aoranee. bjj Morgan Ding. Main MZ. pOWKBt) A PAkaoKM. lOUH ITroat Mala, T48. rornliura hoaplt.l: packing. yUBMIUUK repaired, repolUbed, upb4.tered. 1.1 eiaaa work. uau ror prleea, Mala wiwa. OENEBAX INBURAHOB UcCARGAR, Bates Lively, 801 Yeoa bldg, ,Tery rorm 01 manranee oonaa. ' OI-ASa ABO OLAZIBa ' 1,.11-. .--..i ., immmm XIMMS, CHKM8 CO., 184-186 d at Prompt met, mng aa.ia or A-zuza. OA80LIXE EB01BEB ' cars. lHKKB room bouse, walking distance. 362 E. 11th St., R $7. . COMFORTABLE house and storea 85.60 month upwards. Wolf, 6338 Foster-rd. MODERN house, 7, rooms, bath; East . ii ii iici jtiiatiiy. vwiicr) ca,t 0100. FlVK room cottage, good condition. In- ,1 quire z k. Btarx sf FiVK room modern cottage, west sida ii vsugnn. :16. ' Take H. Z3d cars, " ' - FUBNISHSJI HOCSE8 8U FIVK room attractive furnished , cot. tage with piano, gas, large lawn, rosea! in season, garden with fruit for board I SWETLAND BUILDING ; flats, 664 Vancouver ave. Wdln 8421. STOBES AND OFFICES ? u PAN AMA B UILDING. !-, a ana Alder. Portland's newest: mod ern of flee bldg. For r e s e r vation 1 Jf. Northwest Auto Co, Broadway and Couch sts. BODIES. WHEELS. SPRINGS, PAD,TINO General Repair . - In 209 Front St SEVERAL' good pieces of furniture fori saie cneap, Marsnaa aa.- - , FURNITURE of 8 room fiouae or part. nearly new. Main 696L WANTED msCELLANKOUS S OEVURTZ FURNITURE STOR8I 202 1ST. - MARSHAL!, tail. Will pay best price for your furniture, carpeia, sieves, etc, etc. new ana see. end-hand furniture our specialty. - HIGHEST prleea paid for Household I xurnuure. vo not give it away te CANNON OOAb - FIB ANO OAK CORDWOOD BUOBT OBKKN AND PBY BLAB BB lUi AND LABGK BLOCK 4 VT. OBEKN AND DUY SLAB PLANXB TnVIMMIMUS, aawauat fbooa as for prices oa , aurtbliia la the. fuel Una. . - MitrtnAmoh ;. i-HOI S I IrtJ'.i ' IIIUIIIIWIIIUII t uvi VWI ; . Mala B540; A-311S - ! MABINB and ataUoaary, marl in baraware. AS rvwan m aurrKX to., loo-iia irtooc st. waiwran aaomaoa aan ramnin. HAT TAOTOBT aUAOlES. QaDUcawa'a bats elaancd and blocked sanatactoniy.. Koyai Mat .Woraa. 348H lat ai MHTIPC BPECIAL I1U I IUL.' JKWjELEB ABTTWATCHMAKZa ' A, i ! : 5 ' PHILLIPS THB JBWELER Ci3 . 41$ Morrlaon at. near Htb and HelUg PRICES ON ; ef owner-, tall at 1087 Williams ava. COMPLETELY furnished, new. modern,. . 1 nnm nvuH, . vnamoers, iresn tint ed, furnace, block off Hawthorne at 291 vii'iiii tv. aa, ' '' ' . ' FURNISHED o room bungalow. u. blocks from Kenton car; rent $20; nol viiituirii. o-ict, journal, 1 irth 4 an4 W..kl..u. ' TH' HUB OF BUSINESS .xiest vocation ror ..PROFESSIONAL . MERCANTILE Space Arranged to Suit All Night Elevator Serv. v. Rant - T) A annahl. ' of offices and I COLUMBIA CAkkIAGE A AUTO WKH at blWlng T STRICTLY A-l 1911 6 passenger 10 h. pi auctii)neeraor seoond band storesT Phon. , j i.irn, noni-DriCK-1 aaniaun wiu cau, uraau xiapiOS aVwrtu w ura nuiiiv, evcrrininf nrsi class ana lure n-n.i iib urena eva OKIiEN SHORT WOOD. 82.28 fiRKKN 4 FOOT WOOD, 82.50 i'uI-M 1NUIDB ORKBN SHORT, $3.60 DRY SHORT WOOD : . SAWDUST far, Fuel and Bedding . . . . A a I Nfcy - Tneatre. reliable .watebmaker aad jaweiar. iw ai.) nwr TfaaniDgtoa ai, XOSAX BUPPLISS aU $.0 MONTH, walking distance, west side, I Apply 303 Swetland bldg 1 iuviu luiuiiocu iiuubb. enquire 131 J 1 1 II. " -, " V " . HOUSES FOB BENT FURNITURE FOB SALE 82 1 FRONT ' apt, with porch facing two - - ci w rem., lunuiure ior sale. , . "fS u sppredate it . Main ongi. a pu g.. a; room bouse, in first class location and condition, rent $80, permanent , ixiarucn paying t.uu a montn, must ao: :lliOH? .oora J10U?' Pry furnished, - Kent $20. Furniture for sale cheaD, .. r-ice yard, walking distance. A-.isa fL.Sia.ijf its;; ;;m I8CEB IJS Mil V.' " . The , Portland Slabwood Co.; mm in oiiit. wi Swn"lW thfi80 -V a!? v?l ,.1Ia WANTED -Furniture and household1 Hiawntha . -AM?r 7 nonUuy. -; E. B. Hyatt, 860 goods. BARGBR AUCTION HO USfii nldWlUia.. 1nnAlO and IWUniXO printing aad anHrglng. . BLUM. - supplies, . Daveloplug, d ealanbia. Ht.i;u. ADEB PHOTO BUPPLY CO- 845 Waablngtoe. Oreon 4h.Tllr.n!hoW0rk' BE WISE, get more for yo : aeooad R9tOU $ I On tea w..v7Jf.lr?Bn?P'... -hand furniture by selling it te F01J I Guaranteed btnl . Marshall 87? g,,nnri Auction Co.. 811 1st Main 8961. lu.L I.i; OrlS M.ellhuid'' tiraf e.nd5rdond WANl'ED-3ood selling JXma. arUcle Utah Coal ',,'. First Clsss Tire Repairing. for. country trada - Addreaa Row 71 !. .ma DVaypUUBOi C-2803. ' AVt" Jk 1. a BI A a aa A meitNll Hlaaaia- vju aywuu 'f, f.lO. X WANTED A !1 or 28 lawall.4 .nlir.i ous oeuvery wagon, .o. i second ,'.- Klwin wa.th- ni. ..u... rABDBOAPE SABDEHIMO BBTTSB jandaeapvs aad ganaral gartealag, SWISS FLORAL CO. vHbS AVKMilS Nuraery a year, roaea, $2.60 tloaea. Woodlawn 2510. lATTBOBY ' IAPAKEBH aafia Laundry, lag, lao nnaaaii at. ciaaains ana an. Kaet 88AS. 0-174. hand Ford body, $50. $86. Lincoln Motor Sales Co- 5 ON BROAD WAT, CORNER YAMHILL ST. (Outside Office Rooms Single and, In Suites I new Ford bod Union ave. N. East 716. A BARGAIN Chalmers 30, foredoor, 6 oass. car: nlckla trimmings, elan. irin mAm BTiil nll llVita n-n. T... is in nrsi ciass oraer.; . s'or only $626. rnong xaoor zoiv. Written guar- antee witn- , every spring. 26 N. Itth Bt WANTED A U grades' " scrap rubber7 spectlon. Details to L-868, Journal. COVELL Furniture Co., 804 lat st Malj JS022, pays the beat price , for used furniture. -carpets, stoves, etc. . , ' WANTED Rifles shotguns; cameraa ngcnieiq, no n. gq at. Main 8581. NEER & IRRtxcwVSo sawed to order. Fronpt delivery , nrK Main 40961 A-4847. , - w , c LlUAL , WOOD FOR: SALE For good dry slab, wood phone Tabor MIRK - , J. ' ,-. ...1 FULTON Wooo Co., dealers in dry and greea KACTUrEST ft. then KM AH , Dlna. antoke itaek ebinary. repalrt. 104 . v4tb, A mi., bydraulle. and speelal Bilulag BM BMUMtM. boilers, eawmlua boogbt -aold and eifnangea. ;in . av. aiariin km . t-omana. ir iu'j..u.i.l. ' it : r 7 , 1 .-x-v. - - uiunitol' prices ..'' HATTRE6S FACTORY '"' MA'&itKSSKS nade 'over nd to o'rder' ""Upbol- - atering or ainoa.-ajiaranaii joooi. , . v- . BE88EW0ERB Reasonable Rental w.aiB-.w. ; , High class service lif f l,'Hr.i ti rnnna " - 4 M - wl" " Journal I J. Leve. 186 Columbia st: Mafn 61! HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE 65 VUUUbi liBj. Business Office and 1 FbR SALE cheap, 1 7 pass1. Wei A, ' " V.'T ' .? ;'' ''' '' ' , mi - . I a- -1;- 1 null tn aaa Hum ; 1 , r.o In ZikJIH.. , wv ru DuT .inoHiT evarvuifiv in -A . 1 -1 1 - hand gooda, furniture. East 708 itnr. riSlvlrf fit a:2a oOUTB PORTLAND-RAINIER SLABWOOD CO." I HASTY MESSKKKB X.. opea algbt sad day. ... d. 000B. I , . loot eoontry aiao, inaiae and block wood. I Main on. a-aioa. , - LOST AND FOUND Main 21B8. A-8842. Foot of Yamhill. . - " 55 I tAi:IriO MLABWOOD Co.. Main H7IU a.t:iaa' MILUNERT L..yh"tc.afh.p.r'ef Jld; phone us and THE to'UowmT arttelTs' werl Von 1 ' Oreen saort wood, bloeke, big Inalde, am.li HATS trimmedand nawdeled. alao dealgnlng; uur juaa wiii caii ana ouy wnai you hava I l ,.p. , ih. trti.J Tiii.: I inaioe, dry anowooa, anort: planer trimming.. I mgn ci ww. i. maninaii jjoob, j ''V1"-- ft. Power Ca and tufned In APAKTMKMH nuMcuuii apartments, . 795 it . U,.I .. : wees. x room In at thii Li Li 1 si Of, Wood and UoaL rl.n I diffAranti. Ilwlalnn. nnlnta 1 HUlKaLC I UCI KjKJl ' gellwood 4Nfl. car. in sroort condition, tir. k.. k .f.,i T.LV.-'I .4 ,::.i 1 jt" '-.'."v.v .. I, 1 'j c r- . --..Tr - : 1 wvijiui k varus as in. viu-uun now aai-u. ir, iiu ana m wow FOR RENT Building Suitable-for Shot Wi tag0 F maJi - dlcatedrr . . A and coal. ReUn.ble prleea. Main 8044, A-B44Z , nnrnner unnn- wnni lnrannn. . ha 1 - 1 iwuto ja au Dvuwvoa ,iuni nov. 10. ntrv cr.An ami h., ,,wi ,v.,u,,i .i or over! Standard Wood Co., Bant V.II5: B-I6K5, Saw, I ir.IiIMl klidi f'O. All klnila of iui ami MATUR0PATK1O VKYBIOISNB - ' OSTEOPATHIC PHfHIUlAltl ' DB. E.ILLEBELLB PATTKRSON. Bpadallat en sarves. acuta and ebroole lllasssss. all Ce- lamhla bldg. afala 886U 1 PAnTTINO AND PAPER IKS PAINTING, papering, tinting prices rlgbti Hearer tt Preeman, Mar. 2186, . Sell, 1208, Bell. 3182. 848 First. GOOD, work my motto. A, Oabouro. Special rate for hot-la. fcf. ai4i B. 8002. JOHN BLIKD, beat work in painting and pa pering. M. 1872, A-22M. 129 11th at. PATKNXB proca-ed by J. Kx MOCK, Attornay- V .t-Law, late ot 0. S. PATENT OFFICA Bee .. free. - 1010 Board of Trade bldg. - PAvTNO COafPABIZt XBB BARBER ASPHALT PAVINO CO. Pert, land oftlce SOB Eleetrte bWg. - - PIANO FACTORY PIANO toning, repairing, recliilablng. BatlawtM AlwlV..B!r?aln ,n u-d PUaoa. a aVMBOMM-; A Co.. S4T 5th at. Mar. 1671 or call - - PLVMBIHO ABD PLITKBIMO SDPPLTVM BATHS, toilets. Daaiaa, boilers, pipe, gaaeraj eontrletlng, jobbing, at. 6287 Oil In at. PLUMES CLEANED, CYKD AND .alDl O V B B. HARTNlrSil PLUMB BHOP. YAMHILL AT PARK BT. PHONH MAIN IMMi. - paiirrrjr- AMSLBY PHUkTlNO CO 260 Oak. klals 411.' rnaup vj pitaai, aaiaonaneq iwxi. riuA.iAU a. yoa w.m itv- prlcaa right. Mi .kTOPOutaa rroae. -ail Oak. Plrano Mala BVBBEB BTAMP8 AMD SEAL! atnclla, "trade ehacka," brass tig as. t A ni B-iri rv a lji a,-Tt.i,w nt.t,,?r . . T wm ntaar nvaag IS1 wa-bbistoa at Mala no- A.tt7ia ALSO braa. algna, otflce Kiriita Bt. Main III.' A-1B64. - BCair SPECIALISTS' XUSaEAVaiiS ot U. scalp aueceasf uiir traated ana a.lt reatotad. 20T Maelaay bldg. fJfi . REAL RARflAINH IM NEW machines, all. makea, factory prkea. Second baud $8 up. Machines rented aud repaired. - Sewing Machine Km porlum, 100 84 at. Mala 8431., , BHZZX BXTAX. WOBBA IACOB LOSLI. sbeat awUl works, aottl, raa. ' lawram wora rooiing, gaaerai joaoing. Male I4M. S10 First lxt. Colombia and Clay are. TAXIDERMIST ALL V. B. rINLEY. 849 COLUMBIA STREET. LINES OP TAXIDERMY; gUaa eyes. TRANSFER AND 8T0BAOX FblS) BBSWtSJ B rWWCPS TEAMS AND AUTO VAN. POR L0NQ ,blSTANCE mo visa 1 v 87-S8 Front. ' Mln 647 or A-2247. ' OREGON TRANSFER CO. iJiw r . - EstabUahed 1870., ', , Traasfer and forwarding agents, . ' j,t . , storage, free trackage. ' OfflcM and atoraare. ' 47. rillaan a(. ' 18th and Ollsan. Main 69. A-llOO. FIREPROOF STORAGE. PORTLAND VAN A STORAGE CO.'B sew fire. proof warenotue Juat . completed. Farnlabes every facility known to modern warwhoualng. An inspectlou will convince you. Household cooda ahlDoed at returned fraliht rates. Flra. proof warehouse ICth and Kearney,- Commercial, wareboose lath and Brerett streets. Main 6640. , A-lBaO.,-, - - ; -- - a O. PICK Transfer A Storage Oo. Otflcaa and commooioaa four story nrick warenoase witb- for fireproof vault and Pine eta. piano venerate iron rooms - and valuables. N, W. corner 2d and fnrnltare moved and packed for shlriDlna Special rate made oa our gooda. In ear through cars te all domeatlo and -foreign points. Mala 696,. A-1998. ' " - r : c -, ,' (3. L. DAVENPORT-ANDTOB ER ST0RACH a-. ,.-.ll.KI i. imlM. - IT J'y RRTMf . A.A1AU. tlNITBD Transfer Co. Storage and general hauling, 201 jerreraon. saar. aiwob, WINDOW CXR-VIBO 4a petiUon; will take rent in trade; $4 per 0o PER HOUR labor charge, all work ll.,Phone A-6131. ; . 1 pair o month. Cor. Clayton and, Ray burn ave., .guaranteed. . A. J. Gatxka. ut0 repair a"BJ-PceTe of books, 1 coat, st. Mt.- Scott car,-- i-,-- V - shop. ,'Tabor 4.93.,: Hawthorne aval at ,'nibireUaB.,-;,.; lift v.:'-.?;--.- suite, $2.60 week. One block from th F95 .RENT Excellent - location, on 8 wr. '- n' Wash. sf. small atore. suitable for I lUMPORTAilLa. Ma., ,., fir.babeUP- ZS.&f. hP? Bwiaaa.sai A g Z 1 V" BJir L- I VlliJ flw, 3T IIWI1S5 JM1 B. I, lOt, . " end Vol And coldr0waVerWJTi-,f?'J raJ.a BRICK warehouse in South torti-. or lance. 587 K. Main. "apkage, light an .VV-. K '1 LINCOLN? llshlfiw QerTB: 83d St. 191 812 6 PASS, four-door auto in hne con": twina 1 aw 1 .dltion. " with all aoiilnment- .-.in" I twne, 1 saw, 1 for alt cash: - make in offer:' rii 1 VoS passes. 1 pacxi Oerlinger bldg. T - f f f "M.l.'i- 1 Turned, in at Ankanv harn XTawI 1913. ,3 umbrellas, 1 level, 1 package lw, 1 i-uii vx paper, a pair of I VWUBa . "'I , ,'- y' ' n at Piedmont han U 1 - IIVU , A-v A 1 4 ODOK. , ,. ilim. dry wood. Rock Bprlnga and Mendota Coal. 1 Bakers, Confotlqnaa, and Fountain JjupnU,a, iJ.lihor-rn'al " BVKRTS. MAIN 87t;r;uray, MeLean A Percy,. 4th and Gllssn M. 77 i? lunarcoai foot of curry street zt i-n ' . DB. OROVEH ParalyaU. narroo. snd chroni j bXPKUT' WINDOW CLlANER6WAH7oo, Main diseases 604-5 Oregonian bldg. M. 8141t j . .; " 63277620 Henry 'bldg. -..,-V-.' j?y,-i Manuiac DRY WuOMl a load, lat and K"t Stark. 09 N., Union,., or CLOTH, HAT ABO CAP FACTOBY LONUON HAT AND UAP WORKS. tt7 1st su C0NTRA0TOBS AND BTILDER8 rates; p-hotie, Take 8 or "l4th st carsoutt,' ght and airy. On DON'T be robbed; your car repaired by I brellas. 1 can.H i iunchhiv.u 7 1.,; reasonable. Journal Pub.l expert at 660 per Hour. : The Jaokaon I lancoua narkaVrna. ,, t roadway and Yamhill. j Auto Repair Co., 287 Front at- I Turned in at Savlet street barn' Nov I - "CILD ANXTHINO FROM bcrebi iw, iis. ir-uone A-eisi. 9 umbrellas. 1 , -v . aj. IV. xv,iii.j.ik, winmrr .u iuimor. .11 Aiiiaiinai v. maam . . . . - . . w,ui ,U, Ill- IA I ' . I I.. . . 1 1 1. - . . " " "' 1 i 1 1 jiii ni 1 -L-aiaaa aula rni,i r n rt . w nn .,..uuc,q - omiii, f. aeac. nrivata kiik KKM'r-airaifTsrT.i-aiarirrtvTa- s 1 rvi iui-. 5 --'-"-' 1 ii.-w HORACE) D. JONES JR. SCREEN DQOBS Manufacturers to the trade.? Ladli bats a specialty. Main 6047. lea' tailored SBYOOODS WHOLESALE PARK APARTMENTS Park ksd'Har ... ..."":''. "'"w iuana(ineni, 1 Beau. z - ..MnwiTuj lac, ins parx ONE completely furnished 2 room on ner steam-heated anartmnnt t Prnovy187 17th st, near YamhllL 1 ""V1 tebldT, beat : '$15."- A lao sloping roomsr" '"8" . -. . . r. . . . - - : : 1 aw Aiirn worKSL sea jg waamnvinH . . 1 t rtciir.tn.ij... v u.. 1 . '. 1 ' . cunruAu xor tease or saio 14 rooms I 7:1":'. , ; ; -7 ,. , , --w 1 avp tiiw. v" j or near, Washington .furnished; Urge sleeping porch; new! AUTO and truck .repairing, 660 per hr.i I -ihlgh school Or between school and up-to-date building - and -furnishlngs.il."'" 'wort eruaranteed Piedmont Garage. Front street gentleman's open faced gold wnte-or call on The.Glendala Btatal hw union ave. tt. 1 watcn. rteward. journal. , , , Bank, Glendale. Or. - 13 - . - , . vnn RvrHiNnn-riiii-1 u.-i- T iIht Tn.miii, mni,,. .v.. ... P6R RENT millinery ' stora LocatLii L a "P to ,$1400, for light passenger Vloub.,d-TRllpe",-a watch uuuiiuor xiroaaway Plug, inquire 1011 1 ml11 . ' ' weuioTa, ur, . 1 ; 1 ? ;'J" ner pieuse return to 202 QTnu tUW Autos, fire .,. ittlitto r 1 .. '' " ,TOI"Y' rewara. blUnAut Lbullding. $2 a WntL -g UMT-Wrapper, book, letters and Moo.; P. Jamison A Co.. Main 8484. I . lodge receipt to O. S, Murphy. , Return -to Morgan bldg. barber ahon , -,,- a r a a. f n r aisnaiu. 014 Williams are. Woodlawn 8495. Shop Fleischrier, Mayer & Co. ; EDTOATIOH A3, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES - BPANIEH LAMOPAOB TEACHERS ii1filiBAGLlATf, niember" ofbld" Hiiaolun "atq. - dents. Instructor of Mosnlah. 204 FlaMni-p hid WESSONS in Oerman BUwaxd ttinytba, 4U2Vs 8d irvrtivy main lilt, 1 R. M. WADB & CO., . su Hawthorns era , wholesale agrlrnltural Implementa. FISH, OYBTERB AND ICB ; MALARKKY A CO., Inc.. 149 Front street. IRON WORKS WANTED A modern 6 or 7 room fur- nlahad . hnnnlnv in. - A .Li . hood; .will lease; west side 'preferred. AUT0SPRINGS v A ivtitTi rrr nirwi. .... . ' ITfXTn. UM T. A 1-M F 1 . sa-isa , , ' W SA'w M. , ',' -A"S I44UU A O,-' . 1 , , ,171 King st, cor, of Wayne. V A fewycholce-apts. vacant - ' 4 1 I ". i t-.-f-l-in j" - ". "1 'I ... IZj rVii. ".'r V"L"'.,.'",'r'; "".lbut no Oblectlona tn .a.t rr,.... h. I KEK Oreaon Auto Richanir. t,.r,.r. n..r ' mu mm ... - n ruom.. iinvDi.i...i 1, - ... - - - - -3 ..- ------- ,vi or unfurnished, r" r "' 'our"al- - - T' DAN0INO "V. a Main 8K0O A-JA1K.U.U. n .,,-f I i . - w.. ...... '. , . j. n.n.11. :r i Frank Lange. 228 Salrr.on. Main 181. I LOST E n K 1 1 hH seUer dog, et Muttno nan Bianun on vregon Wl ec trie: about 8 ronrni furnished DRICKSTON. WE have 1 vacant . , -- - - - .- -r. u-uv,i,vi WUUU i uaed cars. 495 Alder; ' ; roSn: :0'ac.K. wh'W nd tan mark "clientr wa-eg-to 'rnt you; STODEBAKEIi ' electrto for a clear lot PHYSICIAN'S arlD r.lar.,1 in houses. List yours with ui. :'w small gas car. Main 4643. I - ISillN;. fff1 plaSd ln wrong-car ,r -ri f Mor III 1 . f P. ' V I -.klrt nJ . -.'...I . ? "-"-H 67. - ' - . -- T;t!- istmcnt ; Co., S88 ,;, ti WILL exchange 20 acres good land' to'v 4nVi 9. ..I. ,AiiL?'i , ?W unfurnlHhi.l.d huLu;lt bn - ,rr??:. '-I ."ta LOST-Saturday, pocket PROF. WAL WILSON School Aiaaaona jnc waits, two-atep, UirHeaiep, ataire dancing tduglit, t morning, afternoon and evening; guarantee to teach anyone who , walks - bow to dunce. 83 6th , ai., Deiwraa niars ana Usg ate. raou.e x.ais 1001, , . ; hnlr ...i.ir I n imncins Ol-nuoi. 1IIT fl,IJ., grd ,.!.. . sum iixiu as tap. uisfius uai'j, VV stl tal g I1U return to Journal I two-atep guarnnteed in 4 atrlctly private las- sou. Liaii nco, eve., a to au. . PAC1HO I I ON WORKS -. AU Arcnitocturai uoa - Castinga . . s Beams, , Angles, ' Channel.. . - LEATHER AND yiNDTWne CHAB. L. MASXICK at CO., 74 Front Lea tner of every deaiTljitlnn; findings. MACWINFRY AND BUPPLITS 7 : EIMMKIlMAN-WELlmtOWN CO. ' Sawmill. loiiKlng and li-uu workliigmachlrt'ry. COLUMBIA eckwear Mfg. Co., 83 Fifth st ORNAMENTAL WIRE AND IRON PORTLAND WIRE AND IKON WORKS, 294 2d at. Architectural wire and iron.- . - . -.I i ii" 1 -ftgTS-?1l-0I'A811 -' " V' feASM USSK''- .HtgB" Btandard" paint in. av corner xa sna Any ior, 1.-A.-1T71. PIONEER PAINT CO., IBS 1st at Mala mi'' . A-T04S. i ' ;-, - ..-: ! M.'L KLINE ' rtTTMBrNQ--eTEAT4 TTPFI,TE8 M.'L, KLINE Portland, Or - PIPE WOOD PIPB PORTLAND WOOD PU'B CO. Factory and of fice near 24th and York ate. Main R0PB AND 3INTirW TWINS ..Portland-Cordage. Co. nvm 8 yr) b ng MULTNOMAH Trunk A Hug (Jo., 80 -fa Eaas Water, wholeaa la mrss. trunka sultcaaa.. : BneclHl truuks and ease, made to order. WALL, P PER UOKUAN WALL rAl'l,il CO-aoO 2d lt t-: tween Salmon and Uuiu.