mane rn lie Sixth of the FuatKfm Stories By SaxjRohmer I Earn 17 n H,V. ;3 net I sloalng m." said ttaylaad mttfc" ' -Let a bop P0( W atab," rspltot ,m with touch. - .'--i,,MjtL , Esyoad wbr th Tfcsmea tided atoawar Mful showed th roof f Boyal Wtaor, tb tmrt dauerag bi the utnma m Th ? :'al ThamM Bids was about ua ' fM ana f tb fow tanglbls slu ppoa whlek for ws hsd chanced; but at laat It smd. Indead, at w war narrowing tb ftwurwi f tttt jr wi n no wn ww wiling hi " ngiaa i characters f blood. T capture Xoetor IUacb :;a aot sop.; tut t least ther wm every premie , t r destroying on of th enemy's stronghold ; it Vim had circled upoa the map trac ouatry ut ty th Thames, with Wladsor for It 'cantor,. Within , that circle wm a houa used by th port highly rganlad revp la th history of criminology, go much wa kaw, .Jvem if w found tb house, and tbl WM likely enough, to f ad It vaeated by Ji-MalMu a hi mystorlous er vact w wora prepared. But It would b a-h.- etroyad, ' ' v '-,.'" . '- ' - J v.- mri working soon a methodical plan, aad, al C.cusi ur corporator were lavtalMe,. thasa aumbered v no fewer thaa twthr-a thaw axparlaao . Tfcoa Car w t4 rawn Waak, Nit it plac fr wnlch BralU an4 1 ra aialtln aw eama ciaarly tat ltw-'a4 tnaatJoa altuat la xlaaaa Wlto4 arounda. Iatvlnf tba rtvr tehlnd wa, turned hanlr ! tlsa rtrht ah)B k a. Una fiankad by Wb waa.. On Ptc ! , craund at a aaaaed I aoud ftpey araua. A d . vomta waa aeatad a tba atapa, h frrtnklad aa bat, tor chin ratln; ta ,tba palm at ba hand. 5 J--';; " y X acarcaly flanc4 at h. prtwed an. nor aid I roe that any frtana li M baaMa ma. I wa an aiiiUty t coma to aatoa. point' wliaaca X aaU&t cbUla tlaw at taa'aauaaj an'mwJaty ta kaaw U tW waa tba aboda of tar yteriou aaainy-ba piaca wbar 5 a worked, amia bia wir company, wbara) a fcrad, W ,ai:y acorpiona and b badW, raara Wa. palaoaout ttnr- srt - whflnr. h : d toatcbM ; a arowr w toVa all. perhapa, X wondered If thU would pw tosb V the blJlng place of the beautiful elate girt wh was uch . a potent factor In the doctor pU. but two-edged r trord which, yet. we hoped w tum bp "yen la the handa of a master 'woman beauty hj a. Canseroua weapon, 'S :-' - "' ' :'. ;' A cry tfang out behind m X turned tuJow 'Alto alcgular eight met my gavr; ? -r: h - Kayland Smith, wm cngagod to fttrtou struggl lth the old glPy woman I HI long arm clasped baa tier, ha waa roughly dragging her cut Into the roadway, the f st: ting bke a wild thing-allantiy, gerceiy. ' taiith often aurprtwd ma. but at that eight frankly X ttovrht that be wm become bereft of reaaoa, X raabacfc and;X bad almost reached the scene of this IwawSlbla contest, and mlth now WM atldenuy bard put to U to boll fcla awn, when a man. awarthy, with big lag to -his tars, leaped from the earavaa. .' ' " '' r na quick glance he threw la wur direction, and mad et -ward the rirer. '-,.'., '" t alth twuted round upon ma, nerer raieaainf am tiO" ef the woman. , . r ' iter him, Petriel" he cried. "After MI Dnt lot 1 -u eacapei lie' a daeoltr I f brain in a confuted whirl my mind yet disposed to a belief that my friend had teat hlf aenaea, th word "OacoU" wm auflcient. . - ' '-' 'V-"-'k - X started down the road after tha fleetly running man. I'erer r did he glance behind him, s that b arl dcntly baioocaaloa to fr purauIW The dusty road rang leneath my flying footsteps, ' That sens f , fantasy mhlch claimed ma often enourb In thoaa day f etrussl with the titanlo genius, whose victory meant th victory f th yellow race ver tha white, ow bad to fast ta lta grip again, t tu actor to one iof thos dreaa acenes cf the grim Fu-Manchu drama.' ,S. ':i ;; 1 - Out over the graM and dowa to the river's brink ran the gipay, who was no gsy, but n of that far mora sinister brotherhood, tba daoolta. ' X-wm aloes upoa hi becls. But X wm not prepared for him t leap ta among the rushes at tha margin af th stream; and seeing him x 6o this, X pulled up quickly.; Straight into the water h plunged, and X aaw that b held om object la hi band. lie waded out; ha dived, and as X gained th bank and -looked to right and left ha had vanished completely. Only ever-widening rings showed wbtrs be had been, f I had blmt : v:;:T;ff ...''rtf-;':': For dlreotly he roee to th surface h would be vlsTU from cither bMk, and. with the polloa whistla whloh X , carried. X could, if neoeaaary, summon ana of th man la biding across the at ream. X waited. A wild fowl floated serenely past, untroubled by this Strang Invasion of his precinct, A full minute X waited, from the tons behind , me cam Smith' voice) , ' . ' Jt , . , . ' Doa't let him aacape, Pettier - : K ever lifting my eyes from the water, X wared any hand reassuringly.. But still the dacott did not ftoa,'- X searched the surface la all dlrectione m far M my eyes couij reach; but no swimmer showed above it. ' Then It --was that 1 concluded be bad dived too deeply, become ' entangled in the weeda and waa drowned. With a final . f ianc to right and left and some feeling of awe at this r fc.;o.;it tragedy thla grim going out ot Itte at glorious ,ooaay I turned away. Smith bad the woman aecurelri l."t i had not taken five atapa toward him when a faint f sash behind warned me. lnatlnctlveiy X ducked, " w in-nce that saving instinct arose 1 cannot aurmise; but to it I owed my ht. IT or, as I rapidly lowered my beaA -tomethlng bummed put me something that glittered In ' toe sunlight, that flew out over the grass bank, and fell ith a metalilo jangle upon the duaty roadside. A knUel - 1 turned and bounded back to, the river brink. I heard a faint cry behind me, .rhlch could only have coma (rora the gipsy woman. Nothing disturbed tba oalm aur )ace of the water. The reaob wm lonely ot rowers. Out ty the larthar bank a girl waa polling a punt along, nl hr whiteelad figure was tha only bvlng thing Uvat moved upon the river wlthla tba range of tha most sa int -knife thrower. , It" To ear that 1 waa nonplussed. Is to say lees than th truth 1 wm amased.: That It waa the daoolt who had showed me tbie murderous attention I could aot doubt, 2iut where la heaven's name wm bef He could pot hu manly nave remained below water for eo kmg; yet ba ' certainly waa not above, wm not upon tha eurtace, aea Kuiti among the reed nor bidden upon tha banki Xuere in the bright sunshine ,a eonsciousnesa cf th eerie possessed me. It wm with aa uncomfortable feel ing that ny phantom foe might be aiming a aeeond knife t my back that I turnfl away and hastened toward 1 miih. kijr fearful expect tlons were not realised, and t tacked up the little weapon which had so narrowly missed up and with It In my band rejoined my friend. . lie was steading with one arm closely clasped about tha apparently exhausted woman, and her dark area wra txt i upon him with an extraordinary expression. . -Woat Sues It mean, BmlthT" I began. rut h tnterrupied me. . . -wnere is tne aacottr na aemaaaea rapidly. 'Eince he aeeminsly possesses the attributes of a i," replied, "I cnnot pretend to say." - Th eir woman lifted ber evee to rniaa m tanvKa i:?r lauKiuer waa musical, aot that of aucb aa old baa aa f .mm held captive; l waa familiar, too. - 1 started and looked closely Into the wisaaed face,' ""Ile a trioked Vu,M aald bmlth, aa angry note In his volf e. "What la that you have in your handV l showed hhn tha knife, and told him how t had asm my poeseseion.-; , , . ,v, ' ' - w , . , i j. no w," he rapped. paw It Be trad u tha water : r ? t--ra ysrda from where rou stool 0i must hav s-. ' ' ii. Waa there nothing ytalbler' ,ih!tll."i . 1 tie womi ' wild 1 nan laucneo atam-ena again X wondered. lwl," ) adds! "Nothing else A. wild rowir- enappeq anutn. "it you "It you Will consult ; r roiiei uone r me neoiis or wua fowl you will 4 parucuis specimen waa, a rara avis I if aa' , l-.trle, out a good oef for m la ,4 B decoy! dacuit'a head waa conceatml tit tk.i t.iT 'A , tie has certainly made good his escape br now " .Its' 1 said, eomewhM creatfallea, "wby ar you t this alosv woman r . i. ' s" t womaun ba iausbsd, hugelng bar tightly aa -i s n iutpatient movement, ruM your eyee, old Jrkd th frVwsy wig from ber headland beneath . cloud of disordered hair that shimmered latba i wt "aponga wlU do the reati he oald.v y my eyes, widely opened la wonder, looked the s or tue captive; ana beneath ell the cleflewta , r " - . m -.m vi I n i!:-????.? h 'vi a ai i ubmi.i v. now7. Mse , u time," eal.t niy friend hardly, "w have fair I 1 i.. r, end we will hold herl" ' " . w'" i oiiifivrher upsueaia came a faint call. '' ' I'-.ruit!" 1 ,.t-., .. .... ',"'';;, i "''k lea body. tra'sMna-U gtcoi t c'-l snswer9, and a third responded, Then i the tiatly ehrtll Hot of a, polio -whistle, and I ' ( ,',,-. ; .; v nat4 etuna fit btavek rla&Ut wajyaaw A aoauaUB mtmgbt ta kaaraa M tba walooaa -aHt.''tvV:!:,v:',r:-::v'? , v - ' Tba aurraandad nabalaa M to ' , 1 ' XTura ttr rapjt mltH. tM w wnam . rtcttl But, a coitraav ba baa b4 aflrai portBJlur t taajva bla affactat I kaaw that Tba tn" davrtn b , lnc!lNav Ha baa (fra klaiaall tl ytr enaat, aa4 wa bltmdarad tlpon twt t Vu wtpaaur "TJa mtur. Wa bava tba wtbar. t rpa aa fartbaf rraat a4 tba boa wlU IW na wo aU aVad by " lh datstaf aarriat tbat notblaaT K. f aar Ita cabaa Afford va Bafc!ui Fatrtaj but wa by aaara larar wblcb fbouM aaraa t dlaturw ra-MAaobu'a warMT' , . , f j - tia ainfead at tha quaar r thai mg mtoatmaw - ta hif anna. Bba looked vp proudly. v "Ton naad aot bold ma a tlvbt,T ha aaM to key of Tola, ri will eoina with you" , ' ' , j. Of tha anaay aurtoa aoanea la that roa iraaa waara. la Kayland 0mitb , and uotov ; Tu-Manebn piayad tba laadlng parta, I rraamlar none mora btcfttr tbaa tba a at my rooms that kftanwea.'.'-'i S:'::'- :- :- - Without delay, and without taklay tba geoflcaS Tw ' man Inte our aonddenea, wa had hurried our prlaoner back ta fcondoajfor my (riend'a authartty wm suprem. A atranra trie we were, and on Whlcb asotted BtUa aommant; but tba Journey cane te.aa anal at laaV Now wa ware in ty tmpratenUow alttinf wow tha raook wharela Smith flrtt had unfoMed tamo tha afory T tor JVMaiwha and f tb fral Mrat aadaty which . taught ta opaet tba balance af tha world to plaaa Europe and America beneath tha ecepter a C4bay. ;v';- X aat with ny elbow apra tha wriUaar table, any ehtn la my hand a, .ftntth. raatlaaaly, paced tha toot, raUfbt. a his blackened fclar a dose time ta a manr ml- . ntaa, la tha big armchair tha pseuds gipey was aurlad v X brief tet tad eowrarta4 th wlsanad aid woman' faea Into that t faaelaaUnljr pretty gitl Wildly pt , toreaou ana looked to her rarred Romany gmra,1 Bba ni4 t clgsratto to tr ttagara aMM watch4 thtwugl Iswared taaha. t --- i . . t w eemingiy witn vw aneaiae Mmmm. wum ww reconciled to bar Jatai and mm and ansa eh would be stow- povnM a gUac from hay beautiful ayes which , fear men, X say wlU ewtJfldeaoa, sould have uaiajna unmoved. Though X could sot ba bttad ta th emotions of that pasatonats aastsra soul, pat X etrwr not to think f them. Acwompllc sf a archasurdare' ah baton ft but aha waa dangerously lovely. "That man wb wm with you," eiid SmltV suddenly turning upon bsr, "waa to Surma up tin suit iwsasiUy. . Ba murdered fUharman thirty IIe aboTa Prom aalp ' month before X loft; Th ftaF-W sand rupoM oa bi head. Am I rlghtr Th girl shrugged her shouldsrs. r ' ; . Suppos-wkat Ovsar sh Mked. - " ' "Suppoea I handed you ever to th poBoaf roggeata ' Smith, ; But be spoks without wonvlotlsa, for la tha T ' cent put wa both had awed our lives to this girt A you please." gha replied. . "The poiics would leara nothing from me." . rfou de'aot belong ta th f ar ast. my friend aald abruptly. Tu may hav eastern blood ta your 'rato, but you r a Wa sf-Manchu," - -That to trua," ah admlttad, ad knavxsft ha asm ? ::frm ber sigaretta ; . s' f "WW you ten ma whera ta find TuAfanohnf" Sh shrugged hay shoulder agata. glanotof eloousaTtly la my dlraeUoa. ' " . r,',T',. rru, , ' Smith wanted to th door. . -' 1 ' ; l mut mak aut my rport,Wrtria.' H mw . after the prisoner." - . - i . And as th door clewed naftly whto hha, kaera-; what wia" asnected af me: but, honestly, X ehirked my, rsaponalbility, i What attitude ahould X adopt T How . should X gw about mr aaUoato taskr Xa v tuandary, X stood watching tha slrt wham tfnsTjls olrwmutaaeaa saw, saptlv to-ny rooms, k'-Ul-':.-;'-- ' , "Too da aot think w waul kam jwif I leim awkwardly. "K harm shall soma to yea. Why will yw aot trust at" ' ., Sh ralaad her brilliant nyon, " - "Of what avail has your protection Saea to wm f . thos others." h ald-'thoss than whom ha taw aoughtforT" i ' i - AImI it had beoa at aous, and X kawav H ww, t ' thought aa X grasped tbs drift at her word. ' -tou maaa that it you speak, jrit-ifotaehv wffl fla4 a - way af kiUlngT your ' - "Of killing met" ah flashed; soornfuUyk 'tV X awsm a t fear myaeitT" . ' , ' ' (J -. "Then what do you tfearr X asked, la eWpTtaa, , . Sb looked at ma ddly. ' . "When X wm aalsed and aoJd for a slave," aha an swered slowly, "my sister wa token, too, and my brbther a chDl" She spoke tha word with a tender intonation, and ber alight accent rendered It the mora soft. "My ' slater died 1 the deeert My brother livad, Bettor far u hetter-tha ba bad died, too." - ... . Her words impressed me Intensely. "Of what are you apeakingT" J questioned. Joa apeak ef alas raids, of tba deeert. Where did thos tnings uko placet Of what country are yoat" "Dose it tnatterr she queetloned in return. "Of What sountry am IT A lava ha a country, aa name.'. , . "No namal" I cried. - " . - You may call me Karamaneh," aha aald. "As stars maneb I waa sold to Pootor JOu-Manchu, and my brother also be pnronaaed. ' Wa war cheap at tba prioe he poidi" ' aha laughed ebortly, wUdly. "But he has spent ; a tot f money to educate met My brother la all that la loft ta me In the World to love, and hs Is la the power of Doctor i h-Msinohu. lou underetandT It Is upon him tha blow . will fail I You ask ma to light sealant Fu-Manchul Jou Uik of protaction., IHd your protacUoa sav Sir Criebtoa laveyr , . , . , X shook my bead sadly. - ' - "You understand, now, why X cannot dlaoboy my mas. , tar's orders. Why, If J would,, 1 dare not betray bim." I walked to the window and looked out. Bow oould X gnawer ber argumenta? j. What oould X eayt I heard, tba, rustle ot ass -ragged skirts, and aha, who) called herself karamaneh, .atood beside ma1 Sha laid her hand upoa my. ' 'arm. :.,.-. -v..-.Vi- .-. ;1 "Let m go," sha pleaded. "Ha wM klU hist Ha win 'gill Mini" V'.,....; . , i v ,--,; . "v.- '-Her vote hook with smotlon. r s r v - "tie cannot raven so himself upon your brother, w en you are la no way to blame," I aald angrily, "wa as rested you; you are not'her of your own tree will." , She drew her breath sharply, clutohina at my arm. . and m her, eyes 1 could read that sb wa forcing bar tnlnd to aom arduous decision, - "Uatenl" Shew apeaking rapidly, nervously. If X help you to take Psotor Fu-lanchteU you wber be li to bo found, alone wlki yea prom lea me, aotemnly prom lse me, thai you WtU immediately go ta tha plaoa wber X abaU guide you and release any brother that yea -will 1st ua both s frooV'-' - a .,- "I wiu,! said without hssttatloav - "Tw may rt assured of lt" .". ,;.,;,?.. "But there Is a ootkdrUon," aba added, " . "What la itr - ',i ' .rrrMt:-i;- "When I hav fold yu wber to; gaptur hit fat must releaaa me." f;," :':-"- -, ?..A.?'.-i':.- -;,.w -.- ' I hesitatad, Smith often had accused tea ef weaknee where this girl waa eonoerned. What w wm my plain dutyf That aha would Utterly decline t apeak Undo any clrcumatancs unleae It suited bee to da so, 1 felt as. aured, if she spoke the truth. In her proposed bargain ' there wa as personal element! ber conduct 1 now viewed la s new MsM. Humanity, I thought, dictated that I accept her pvposaU.paiicy also. "1 asrea, ' I said, and looked Into her eyes, which Were aflame, now with emotion an asattomoat perhapa ot ' anticipation, perhapa of fear - ., .;.,.,,,.,...:.,,.. She laid ber banda upon my shouldora. - You will ba earef ul?" ehe aald. pleadingly, . "iror your eaha." I replied, "l.ahalU" . -. "Not for my oaks." i "Thin for rour brother e." 'No." liar voles had sunk to Whisper, ;'WB.' , To rem ' A cool broese met us, blowing from ft a tower roacbe ' f the Thames. Ter behind us twinkled tie dinj 1!ms of , LoWa cott&sas, the lsjt rsuUr habiution ounin upoa the marshee. between) us erwl the cvti-s atretehsd half a mil cf lush land, through which, at eeasou, there were, however, numerous dry paths, before ua th Data Stain, a dull, monotonous expanse beneath tbs nuMiiiT wttK t he iDrorniae of th. e ei nreese irom th river powlng around the l end ahead. It waa very quiet. Onl 3 the Bound cf our footsteps, m Nsyland Emit hi and .tramped atea.l'.ly towwd ur goal, brok th atulnes UUH Ivneiy place, .v Not one, but many times within the last twenty n!n tiles, 1 had thought that we were 111 edvisi to sa venture alone Upoa tne capture cf the formidable h!-. doctor; - but w were following out cur compact with Ivaramanoh; and one of v her atlpulatlena bad been that the police must not t acquainted with her ahare In tba matter, . , : Jk iigas eune Kite tiow um u. " r"'v "That's tba light, Petrte," aald mJth. . rif wa keep that stralgbt before as, acoordlnf to our Information, we l shall atrika tha bulk," --"V :;-i-.:?--r X crupad tba revolrar la wy pocket, and tha proeenee at tha lltu weapon was emrlouaiy reaeauring. I hTS ' aadeavdred, perbap la wctenuatloa at my own feera, ta ' azplaJa hair about Pootor Fu-Manoha thera reitad an at . meapbar af horror, . peoiiliar uniqua. Jla waa aot a athar man. Tha dread that ba iturplred In all with whom ha came la contact, tba terror whlcb ba controlled and . harled a,t Whomaoerer cumbered bla path, rendered him aa abjoct aupramaly slnlatar. X deapair of eonraylng to ' thoie Wbo may read this account any but tba aoldeat saaeeptloa af tha man' aril power, , ftnltb stopped) suddenly and grasped my ana,',, W stood Vatanlng. wbatr x naked. , . . "To heard aotblngt, , t X'Sbooht' my head, v J: 'i i"'1! 4.'.:;;-, ?f-'i?i '.vav -fcv;- Smith wm peering back arar tba marabas la his addiy' r ' alaft way. U turned ta ma, M Wa tanned facs wore Ik peculiar apraaaoartv;:i:"vi::' ".'V1' . Tou don't thin trar h jerked. "Wa ra trnating her bltndly." -Btranga It may seam, bat something within ma roe la am agaJnet the Innuendo, . T don't," X said shortly. Jla nodded, Wa proceed en. - Tea minute' steady tramping brought n within sight af the Thames, Smith and X both had noticed how Vu Xtaneha's aetmtlea centered always about th xondoa river, i Undoubtedly It was hi highway, bis line of cero mastoatlon along; which ha moved hla myatorlou force Th opium dea alt Shad wall highway, tba mansion up stream, at that hour a aroolderlng shell j bow tha hulk lytagr sft tha marshes. Always ha mad bis headquarter spea tha rlrar.- Xt was glgnlflcaat, and OTen If tonight' - , t axpdiUoa naould fan, this was a ctu fog ut futurt " guldanca ' ' "Bear to th right," dlreoted Smith; "W mast raeoa Snlar bafora making pur attack." r j " I " . " W took ar path that tod dlreotly ts th river bank. , Xtofor a lay tha gray xpaa of water, and out upon ; H moved th busy a hipping of the great mercantile any. ?ut this lif of tha river aeemed widely removed from ua hs lonely spot Where we atood bad no kinship with , human activity. Its dreariness, illuminated by the brilliant moon. It loooked, Indeed, a fit eetUng for an act in suctt a . drama ae that wherein we played oar parte. When I -had lain la tbs east and opium dea, whoa upo such aa r other night as this j had looked out upoa a peaceful Nor; folk countryside, the earn . knowledge of aloof nee, e ;v utter detachment from : tbs world f , living man, had 7 wm to ma' -? ... , feilenUy Smith stared out at tbs distant moving lights, , "Karamaneh merely means a slave, " b Mid, lrrele-. Vaatly, ,.,.,. ,., . -f-., l mada a comment ' . ' ','? '..- V iV,-"' ''J. k . 7Tberes the hulk," h added. , - yj- . '- , Th bank upon which w stood dipped ta mud slopes ta the level of the running tide. Seaward It roae higher, and by a narrow toilet for wa perceived that we were upon a kind of promontory a, rough pier showed. . Be i neath it was a shadowy shape In the patch ef gloom which the moon threw far out upon ths softly eddying watr. Only en dim light wm visible amid thlg darlsv .Tha win b the cabin," said Smith, ; 4y i!V" 'U;. Acting upoa ths prssrransed plan, wa turned and ; walked up oa to th ataglng above th bulk. A wodea , . ladder led out and down to ta deck below, and wee : loosely iMhed to a ring on tha pier. With every motion of the tidal waters tb ladder rose and fell It rings . raikln, hajatilv anla tha ffrllv ralllnar. "How ar w going to get dowa without being ds tootedr wbtapered Bmlth. , .:'x:::y .ry,y "We'e wot to rlak it." I aald rrlmlr. ;.v.'.,-,?-.-v'.v.J1' Without further words my friend "Utahed around to the ladder and commenced ;o descend, I waited until aie aewa aismppearea i dhw th level, aa aiumaiiy . Th hulk at that moment, giving an anusualty heavy heave, I atumblod, and for one breathleee moment looked ', down Upoa the glittering surface streaking the darkness beneath me. My foot had allpped, and but that 1 bad a - firm grip upon tba top rung, that Instant, most probably, ;. had marked th end of my share ia the fight with Fu. 1 Manchu. As It was, X bad a Barrow eecape. I fely some ' thing slip troro my blp pocksLbut the weird creaking cf tb ladder, tne groana i ms laognna num. ue lay ping ot the wavea about the stasmg, drowned tb sound lavifiu, Qruwuvu uw 1 drooped into the 'liver. of the spiMn ss my revolver aroppea into dcic. lie hod witneeeed my accident, but- 'We must risk it," be whispered in my ear,. " pot turn back now," :.- -lie piuiMied into nb "semldarlmess, making Mather wnite-iacea,. iniim, i lomea amua on wm W date for th cab in, l, periorcek rouowms. . . . At the bottom of ths ladder we earn fully lata tb light Streaming out from the singular apartment at th : entrance to which we found ourselves. Jt was fitted up as a laboratory. A glimpse X bed of Shelvee losded with Jar and bottles, of a table strewn with scientific para phernalia, with retorta, with tubes of extraordinary " shapes, bolding living organisms, and with instruments- some of them Of a form unknown to my experiences I ew. too, that books, papers and roll of parchment lit tered th bar wooden floor. Then Smlth'a voice rose abovg th confused sounda about me, luolslve, coinmand ., "t hav you covered. Doctor Pu-Msachur" Tor ru-Manoh-u sat at the tablet . a be picture that he nrosented, at that moment 1 one 'which pfrslstently cllnge In my memory. In hi long, yellow tobe, 11 masklike, intellectual fao bent forward among the riot of singular objeote upoa the table, his , fireat, hlKlt brow r'.e& nliig In the light of the ebadod , amp above him, an I vuh the abnormal syes, Mimed and . Sreen, ralaad to ue h aiuej a l'-iut from In realm of llrium. - - ''" . eme of th large lar about th ptxc fceld anatomy .etveclmene A ftnt smell t opium hun In tne air, and playing with the tl rt one of the cusiiione tinuri which, ae utx5n a divan, u-&ancba wa seated, le.y4 ; end cnatterod a little mirmotet, ... v ThHt wae an ei-ctrlo moment, I wee prepared for anything for anyttilrt cejt tor what really happened, . The dO-or'a won- rful, evil facs beh-nyeif po hint of erooiion, Ibe llJs CicUered over the filmed eyes, and i their sreenceaa grew momentarily, brighter, and filmed : aver again. . . , I . f f1 .... : . , :,. 11 y- .-r-.- - r . ' . . tricks." Ills vole quivered with excitement. "Tha game's up, ru-Xlauchu." . Sind aomethlug to tie aim up wlUj, Potrla" .-"J . t t X move forward ts Smith's side, and wa about to pass him la th narrow doorway. The hulk moved b - neath our feet Uko a Irving thlnr-groaning, creaking; .'and the water lapped about the rotten woodwork with a remind Infinitely dreary. ' , . "Put up your handst" ordered Smith, Imperatively. ' -. ru-Manchu slowly raised his hands, and a amlla dawned upon tha impassive features-a smile that bad n mirth In it, only menace, revealing, as it did, bi even discolored teeth, but leaving th filmed eye inanimate dull,. Inhuman. - ' He spoke softly, alWIanlly. A , ; "J would advlaa Doctor Tstrta to glance behind hla before hs moves." Smith's keen syea never for a moment quitted tha speaker. Tha gleaming barret moved not a hair breadth, But X glanced quickly over my shoulder a stifled a cry of purs horror. ; - A wicked, pock-marked facs, with wolflsh fangs bared, .-:hr' (r ' : WH Wi. mllh vo!cs quivered with excitement Th v game's up, Fu-Manchu. Find soractMcj 10 us Dim up wiw, rcui , and jaundiced eyM xjulnting hliquSy lata tula, wa wlthla two IndhM of ma.. A lean brawn hand and arm,, tba great thaw standing up Ilk oords, aald crescent' haped knif a fraction of aa Inch abv my jugutor tt A aught movement must hav dispatched msi a swt f ths fearful weapon, X doubt aot, would hav Mverad my bead from my "Smith," x whispered hoarsely, "Mont lock around. Tor Ood sake hasp hla ooysrsdi Auaoott ha hla knife At my throatr -iK, 'v'; '' pr.K;,j: :,y!'-X:i Then, for th first tlma. Smith's hand trembled. But hla glance never wavered from tha malignant, emotion leas countenance of Doctor PuUancbu. 11 clenched bis teeth, bard, ao that the muscles stood out prominently upon bis jaw. :-tv,".-,'?v,- ., .-.. .i I tuppoae that silence which followed my awful dls covery prevailed but a few seconds. To mm those second were each a lingering death. There below la that groan Ing hulk I knew mors of Icy terror than any of our meet insa with the murder group bad brought ta m before I and through' my brain throbbed a thought tha girl had betrayed ua I " "You eupposed X wm alone f" uggeatod Xfu-afaacha So 1 waa f v - , . Tat no trace of fear had broken through the to pass tva yellow mask when w bad enured, . r ,TBut my faithful servant followed you." he added. X thank him.- Th bonors,,ir- Bmlth, are mine, X think." liinltk made no i' I divined that he wm thinking -furiously. s'u-Manchu moved his hand a caress th marmoset, which had leaped playfully upon bla Shoulder and crouched there gibing at us In a whistling voice, , "lon't stiri" said Biultiv eavsgely, "1 warn your v fu-Manohu kept hla and raiaed. ; , .-. May X ask how you discovered my -ratreatr ha ' asked. - ' , -. . ". "This hulk ha been watched slnos dawn," Ued Smith araseniy. - -. ..jr Bo.'' The doctor's firmed erea cleared for a. moment. "And today you compelled me to burh a house, and veu pave captured one of my people, too, I congratulate you, be would Jt betray m. tneugh lashed with scorpions. ' . f", iiwuus n wu ao near to my neva 'PPd betrween th blade and vela, I think; but my heart ui nun ptp.r couia scarcaiv , nava ba : . . M. w' osars loose worua, "an Impasse," Mid Fu-Manchu. "i have a prouoeal to mak at t assuma that you would aot accept my word f or anything T" '. , ,v,' ....... . v'i.wouid not," replied Smith promptly. ' ..y "Therefore." pursued the Chinaman,, and the oeea tonal guttural alone marred bla perfect English, "1 must accept youra Of your resources outside this cabin, I know nothing. Tou, I take It, know m little of mine. My Bur mese friend and Doctor JPetrle win lead the way, then you and I will follow, Vs will strike out acroes the marsh, for, say, m yard. You will than place your pistol Sit the ground, pledging me your word to leave it there. I shah further require your assurance that yen will mak no attempt upon me until 1 have retraced my step. 1 ..and mr good eervant will withdraw, leeving you, at th expiration of th specified parted, to act a you aee fit. le it agreed?'' . , '. . , T. ' ". Smith' hesitated. Then 1 ' '. .'', .--. -..'-"Th dacolt must leave hfa knif also," h stipulate! v Fu-Manchu amlled hla evil emile asalnl y "Agreed. Shall 1 lead the weyT" ' 'J??" T?1 IBmJUl' - "i'trl 4 th daeoli first j tha yOU j I last." i ... a , -, . A guttural word of command from yu.Maiichu. and w left th cabin, with ha vii odors, Its mortuary spei mena and ite atrange Instrumenta, and In th order r, ranged mounted to tn deck. , V" " w,u c r,It will be awkward fa the ladder," Said Fu-Manohu. irma." tr1' wl 1 h" your word to adhere to th . -"i promise," t aald, th word almost choking me. ' We mounted the rising and dlortns ladder. aif..,.. the pier, and strode out across the flate, the Chinaman always uuuir uiuaa cover or Hmillt l revolver, . Ii'in , about our feet, now leaping abexd, now gamboling 1 , came and went the marmuHet The dacoit, d rennet in a dark loin cloth, walked beside me, carrying t,' i,, kr.ife and ometims glancing at roe with hie lUm.l-l f ul eye. Never 'bofore, I venture to say, had an auu i . mv" i. i4 tf, piui th r!ie in vnas piaos. Mine we iri, " .Word to hie follower. ' auUt'lMi am .nt. t-. , w.a vvV mil V . ... The nin t m' w it's rn!f pn fhe srounl. ' " 1 "K-nriii Mm. liia,' 01rec(is4 t-nHll. "lis may tit a """h4 rnnroaledl" ' - . 'iii d )n,,r ruiinic-l, ar.J t kimI my-hands over the iinn's scanty t ji merits. "Inow search I u-Manchu. ' '.' " This, also, I did, And never hav I Tjier!enced a slrrJUt '.'.' ' t J . . . .1, 1 .. wu.l Cv"'-...J Ut siiSof 'rev'uLso'ifioia dred aa thmi- h I had touched a venomous rsptlla, amiik threw dowa hla revelvervv- "X curse myself for aa honorable fooir h 11 "N ene could dispute my tuht t shoot you tle&d whar you UndP .--.....' - . Knowing him a f did, J could tell from th lurprMsed passion to, faith's voice that only by bto uuh:tating acceptance Of my friend s word and Implicit faith la hi keeping It had Lector Fu-Manchu escaped Just retribu tion at that moment, fiend though b was, X admired his COurs; for sJl ti;l he, too, must hava known, Th doctor turned, and with th daeoit walked back, Kayland tmlth's net mov filled roe with, surprls. Vvt. Just as, silently, I, was thanking Gel for my escape, my friend began ehed&ng ti coat colUr and waistcoat, : A. j ) . "Pocket your valuable and do the earner h mat tared hoarsely.- "W hava a poor chance, but we ar both fairly fit. Too'-ht. rtrla, w literally hava to run for our Uvea . ".yyif:":'- ';.';v,.,,:t-:!r' - , We Jive tn a peaceful age.lwherela It fans to th lot of few men to owe their survival to their 'neatness, of foot. At Smith's worts X realised la a sash that such wm to b ur fats tonight.. ' : r ,"-. , ' X have said that ths hulk lay off a sort f promontory. East and west, then, wo had nothing to hops for., T th south waa PM-Mancbu, and even as, stripped sf aur heavier garments, w started to.rua northward, tha weird signal of a dacoit roe on th night, sad waa answsrad, ' Was answered again, "Three at least I" bUsed Smith; "thre armed daaatta Hopeleaal" "Take th rsvolvsr!" I cried. "Bmlth, If- v "Nor hs rapped through clenched teeth, "A servant of ths crown to ths east makes his motto; "Keep your - word, though it break your neck.' I don't think wa need rear Its being used against ua. JTu-Maachu avoids Palsy mothods.f . ?-' . v. . ' . :- ' : - ' ; So back W raa, wver tbs coutso by which rHr w' v bad coma It waa,. roughly, a mil t th flrat bulldlng-a "deserted ottofi and another quarter to any thai wag t ccnplet Our ehaae meeting a Wni soul, gather than FvKMaachu' dacoit. wm practically alt At first ws raa saaily. for It wa th oond half mil i that would decide our fata,' Th professional murderers whs pursued u raa like paathara, X knew; and X dared not allow my mind, to dwell upon thos ysUow figures with th curved, gleaming gnirea. ror a teas time ' aelther of as looked back. , Oa w raa-aad on-allently-doggedJy, hn a hissing breath from Smith warned m what to i i -1 . ' tfhould L to, look baokf Tt Xt wa tatpossfbto to resist tb horrible fascination. X threw a qulok gianc over my shoulder. ' 1 And neve? while I ,Bvs shall X forgot what X aw. Twa af tha pursuing daeoit had sutdlstaneed their fellow ; (r follows), and were actually wlthla I0o yards of osl Mors like dreadful aalmals they looked thaa human' beings, running bent forward, with their faces curtoosiy sptiltsd. Ths brilliant moonUght glsamsd vpoa bared toeth, as I-could sea, evea at that dlsUnc. va ta that quick agonUad giaacej gad it gloamod upon ths orasssat saapsd kajve., , . i 3 "As hard aa yo caa r aowr paatod Smith, "W must-make an attempt-to break tot th amply ttoga Onlyehaacel" . X had never, to my younger days, beca m ttotabto ran ' sr for Smith X cannot speak. But X am confident that ' ths next half mile wm dons ta Urn that wuld aot have disgraced a crack man. Not one agata did Uhy f ul look back, Terd hpoa yard war forward together, My hart learned to b burating. My leg musols throbbed with pals. At tost with th ampty otta I glgat. It cam to that pas with m whoa aaothsr thrs yards. looked a unattainable ag thre miles. One I stumbled, - "My Oodr cam from Smith waaUy, ' ' Sat X recovered myssif. Sara fast tattered tie wpoa '. our heels, aad panting breath told how svea rs-ldaa . ; ahu bloodhounds war hard put to ft by th kiniaf pace . . had mad. y;-;;'".';.? t s - ? ; "Smlthr! X irhlseiwdw "lawk to fretti Com dr.r ' .".'A throoeh a red mist X had ea a dark atutp da tack ftoslf from th shadow of th fottas, Md merge tat thsm agafn, It coud only b nothr dacoit t but Bmita, not heeding, or aot bearing, my lamuy wnispsrea : words, crashed pca the shto gad Sttrltd ftlmsslf bUadly ; st th deer, ''. " i v.-';"-; Xt lurst opea befoT htm wits a reund(?t boom, and he pltohed forward tnt th Interior darkness, 'flat upoa th floor h lay, for as, with a last effort, I galaed r . th threshold and dragged myself wlthla, $ almost foU vr hi reoumbent bdy , ,"''' - ' - t j . 1 ' . : Madly X anatchad at th door.' His foot hold tt paa t kicked th foot away, aad banjrad th door to. A I turned tb leading daeoit, hH re starting from their '. aockets, hid fao th fast f S 4ma, leaped thrugk th ' .'fltoway';.- , - . That smith had hurst th latch I fait aMurid, vat by some divine accident my weak bands found th halt With the last unc of susngttt Snared to ms I thrust It . horns to th rusty socket-as a full sig lochs ef shining -steel Split th middi panel and protruded alwv my hsad, I dropped sprawling peelde my friend, ; ' A terrino blow shattered every pane f glai fa the - solitary window, and on at th grluiing auiuiftJ Xoea looked in. "Borry, aid man," whispered Smith, sad hlf vote wu , barely audlbla Weakly, ba grasped my hand, "tcy fault- x r X ahoulda't tava 1st you coma" 1 "rom th corner of th room wber th Mack shadows lay flicked a long tongue of name. Mu fried, siaeoato, cams tbs report. And thcyellow fao at tba wiadaar wm "l blotted out, '''' o - 1 ', '- On wild ry, ending to rattling gasp, totd f . . daeoit gone to hi account, A gray figure gilded PStt ms and was silhouetted against the broken window. . Am ;the pistol sent its message into ths night, and again cam tbe reply to tell bow well and truly that msssage . bad been delivered. In the stillness, intense by sharp eohtrsst, th sound of bars soles pattering upon the path outside stole to ma . Two runners 1 thought there were ; eo that four dieolts -.must have beoa upon our trail. - The room wa lull of pungent emoko. X etaggered to my feet as the gray fig- .: ure, with ths revolver, turned toward ma. Something . . familiar there was Iq that long gray garment, and a)' - X peroerved why 1 bad thought ao. ' " . , j It wa my gray ralacoatl v cSv; . U . Karamanehl" X whispered. ;'.,; And Smith, supporting himself upright with difficulty, and holding fast to the ledge beside tbe door, muttered something AOarsely. which sounded like ?Qod bleea herl" 1 The girl, trembling now, placed ber hands upon my ' shoulder with that quaint pathetic geeture peculiarly, , her own ' v- . - .-. ...""...,".' "I followed you," h said. " "Did you aot know X , ehocld follow yout But X had to bide because of an- ether who wa following also. 1 bad but lust reached XkU ptac when I taw you running toward ma" , ., ' i A $he broke off and turned to Emith. . . "Thl Is your pistol" she said naively. "X found It to ' your bag. , will you please take Itr' - ; - , He took It without a wordV Perhapa h ou)4 net t trust himself to speak. ' X . i . . . .y . "Now go Hurry F aha sJi "Ttt af hot lat1 f-af Jr 'But pout X skoV-v '': .v-..;'' . , . ' t'You 'hav failed," h repHed, '' mu gd pack to him. There ts no other way.'?. . --ir:V.yi , , Ftrinsely alck at heart tot am wh ha Just had a .miraculous escape from death. I opened th door. Coat less, cUheveied ogurea, my friend and I atepped out into ' tha moonlight, . .' v. Hldrtoua under the pal rays lay th two dead men, their slaar 1 eyes upcast to the peace cf the blue heaven , ' Kra.manb, hd shot to kill,' for both had bullets In their brains. If CJod ever planned a more complex nature than hers, a nature more tumultuous with conflicting reasons. 1 cannot coacive of It. Yet her beauty waa of -v 'the ieuL S"4 It some respects ehe had tbe heart of f ; k ch' this f':tl who eonH shoot ao straight. "Ve mu' t end .the juilue tonight," said Smith. "Of "Imrryl'' r"i i rM' tolcs commandlngly from the darknci" cf the roil" . it was a :p; i.ur on 11110. My very soul rebelled ca,-'t u. 1 t int couia we del .. . ,: i . !l us v ue ve cum rommiinjcete,". began Bmlth, ' " l 1 suali te auHpteciJi le you want hua to e'nnvel it. v very at'm now,, and the - l'Hiis f, rt tt "' iic,id,-,N(i((a..wp, or cloud W"v,.ol'V ' .t,''i'aiti.anehi wjilspersd sof tly.'.if.. v. .''- cf t MM .. 1 , ' 1 . " '1 i i i , r ! i il i ,.- " r.t' r, , i i i ii. 'i it . .e . , i if t r ' I t . , 1 i i a i 1 , .is n i t i t ....' r t ?x i-si "A nuii.n-,i it, te r,tt.a ot tiirae fciuj.. , vrhlca ni-i epeur text buodoy.