The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 09, 1913, Page 50, Image 50

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NOVEMBER 0, 1313
ar s wasr .. -v ., ii m m m it. ar I mm... as a m. a a v i t r J .r . . - t J i i m - r r a
1 i-J -'fy
i , ,11,,, , , jsssMsMwJMjaflffl ssajBBswJs ,r -ssssssseWWJ i i iwwiiwwBMiWBwiiiB-. ' a mMwiwwMMiMMfMMBWMa
noon. Miss McBride '! niece of Mrs.
D. VV. Burke, wife Of the lata General
Burka .and , of : MrA Murphy, wife
of Colonel John Murphy. U. "8. A, re
ttttoV:ivjSM.b.a made her home wlth'the1
a wide circle of friend tn Portland. Sh
I I v tt V V , i l l MI !
I W-it1 ft' If '
; , YY1W II I CI Hi
JT -XZVt cb', X 111
wienie 4r.i'.,- -.' i ' . v'i-. r ,i
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Articles for publication In tht
Sunder Boclety Department mum
bs on the society reporter' dfak
Friday afternoon. JV--',
I IX)WER8t- Banlt -of bloebir.a,
pyramids of posies, rip wrj or
every variety and hue wlH1 blend
one vast - symphony . of color
and mlnalu their fraeranc In a
harmony of perfume, ' all ; for "sweat
rliarlty" at the second annual Autumn
Flower Show which will be given Tues
, day and Wednesday of this week at the
, ! Armory by the Portland, Floral society,
'i ; . Society la greatly interested In : the
', not only on account of Its great
-' beauty, but for the reason that all pro
feed a will be donated to the Fruit and
' riower Mission, that well known phll-
- anthropy, whose chief activity Is the
- maintenance of a day nursery on Tenth
street for the care Of children whose
mothers are employed during the day.
i Mrs.. K. c. iiears is the president of
A beauUful booth is being .erected
, m the Armory where, during the show,
one may purchase all kinds of beautiful
v blooms,- th proceeds from ; the sale
. also going to the mission, as the flow-
.1 ers are donated by the Floral society
JJlsa Mabel A. Beck, Mrs. F. E. Wst-
xins and Miss Harriet Jelllaon wlU be
;in cnarge o-s the booth and they will
be assisted by the following young girls:
Misses Antoinette Meara, Nadlne Cas-
well, Alice Smith, Elisabeth -Ptumit.
- Helen Wood, Barbara Macy, Katharine
jncjvenuo, Virginia Menefee, Delphlne
Rogenfeld, Mary Bacon, Gretchen Smith,
Helen Page, Martam Keed,' Beatrice Mo.
, inooe, warjorie Haw, imaHart. :,
Mrs. Thomas D. Honevman. Mr. n
Webster Talbot, Mrs. Julius Meier, Miss
, eauie L.ewis ana miss MariorU Hofr.
- man will act as Judges of the decorated
. tables. The patronesses" for the show
mil moiiioi; airs., r. Adams, Mrs.
Everett Ames. Mrs. J. C Alnaworth,
Mrs. W. 3. Burns, Mrs. Charles Fv Beeba
, Mrs. T. Scott. Brooke, Mra : Sol - Bl
, mauer, Mrs. I a. Clarke, Mrs. Helen
Idd Corbett, Mrs. Edward Cooking
ham. ' Mrs. Paul Froellch, Mrs. . John
Korbis,; Mia Flanders, Mrs. vMax
Fielachner, Mra. E. C. GUtner, Mrs. A. A.
Morrison, Miss Auguats Marshall, Mrs.
E. C, Mears. Mrs. William Morrtsop,
Mrs. C Lewis Meads, Mrs, J. p. O'Brien,
Mrs. Edgar PJar, Mrs. H. L. Plttock,
Mrs. Andrew forter, Mrs, W. 8. Merse-
reau, Mrs. Ben Neustadter, Mra Johnson
. Porter, Mrs. A, E, , Bockey, Mrs. F a
Staiiley, Mrs.-Richard Koehler. Mrs. B.
Goldsmith, Mrs. William Honeyman, Mrs.
Maa Htrsch, Mrs. Balph Hoyt, Mrs.
' Solomon Hirsch, Mrs. Ludwlg Hlrsch,
Mrs. Oskar Huber, Mrs. C. & Jackson,
Mrs. O. W. Klelsner, Mrs. U A. Lewis,
Mra. C. H. Lewis, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd,
Mrs.-William Ladd, Mrs. I. N. Llpman,
Mrs. William MacMaster, Mrs. A. J.
Meier, Mr. William Skene. Mrs, Ben
Selling, MravJ.'-N. Teal, Mra. C H. S.
' Wood, Mis Clara Teal, Mr. Otis B.
"Wight Mrs. Holt C Wilson, Mrs. Mor.
jris Whitehouee, Mrs. Jonah B, Wise.
For th pleasure of her iter, Mrs.
Hay Matson, who will leave with ber
husband. Dr. Matson, on th nineteenth
. for trip around the world, Mr. George
Ut HomtoHtr. FREE.
katTi Aaiaa "
Hit yon gWen your Xm. photo
s' teriou thought! v If not now it
tb time we make be.utlful Photoi
from $3.60 per, dozen': np. : -
Present thtl t4 at ttudlott 1
worth ft. 00 to you as part pay
ment on any' style Photo you may
choose. " s
Ask at studio regarding Diamond
Ring. Set ring on exhibit at ; , .
S2 Va-h. St, Bet. 6tk and 7tV
3t3j, .:crJu:cN st.
Matrons and pialds who wijl'iadge and sell the blossoms to be exhibited at tbo second annual flower tow
to be given November ,11 and 12 at the Armory for the benefit' of the Portland 'Fruit and Flower Mis '
ion. Top, left to right--Mr. i Thomas D.. Honeyman, lltti. Edgar Piper and Mr,'Wllllaai IL Skeen.
fcottom Miss Katherlne McKenile, Miss. Antoinette Meara and Miss Elisabeth Peacot&'vyi.
Delaven , Peters will ' receive Saturday
afternoon, November. 15, at ber home In
Irvlngton, Twenty-second md . Eat
Broadway atreeta. ' , f
f -''
- Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Green Henry
announce the wedding of their . daugh
ter. Mlas Mary Lee Henry, to Honor-
abl Wm. . Patrick Lawlor of San Fran
claco, which will occur November 25 at
the home of Mr. and Mr. Henry in San
Diego, Cal. Mis Henry 1 known to
many Portland people aa the sister of
Mrs, Frederic Alva Jacobs; with whom
she a visited here. Mis Elisabeth
Jaeoba, who Is visiting now at the home
of ber grandparent, will be an attend
ant at tn wedding, y.,j;..:i , -v.y-v
Mr; Emma B. CarrolTTwUI at home
Thursday. Nov. 18. at a musical tea;
The following- women will assist on th
program: Mra. Arthur Premise; Miss
France Batchelor, Ml France Day
ton, Mis Agnes Wlnchell. Miss Kath-
erlne Seller. Miss Seller will play ev
eru compositions of Mia Marian Bauer.
ueaicaiea to xan seller, i. i ,... t
Mra. t. P. CBrlen was'tiotaa sa aa
informal luncheon ; .Thursday - at her
home, on Twentieth : street. , The table
was centered with the. tiny button chrys-
aninemums in yenow. , cover were laid
for eight, aa follow: Mr. F. a Stan
ley, Mrs. Robert Kennedy, Mr. A., A.
MoDonell. Mrs. Bert Richie. Mra Cow A.
McKenna, ; Mrs a.: K. Lytle and the
nostea. w .. ;.V',;N;7'"i
Ml Diana Erskln. daughter ofih
British conul and Mra. . Ereklna, pre-
iaea at an lnrornuu dancing Dartr
juonaay evening sx ner nome..wben h
nad about GO guest of tha younger set
Autumn foliage and flower decked the
room eueeuveiy. .f
Mta . -W. IX Bunkler" antertalned
Thursday afternoon , at K-her home
on Kearney atreeU ;There were
11 table "VV' at' bridge, w axraBred
witn a . number or additional aueat
who called later for tea, Mr. - B.
& Bhevlln, Mr. B. C. Me&rs, Mrs. John
Ainsworth and Mr. J. Waaler Ladd pre
sided at i handsomely appointed tea
table adorned with ouantiUe of the lit-
tie button chrysanthemums In yellow
arrsnged In a silver basket Abdut the
drawing room Where ' th card table
were placed decoration were pink, great
eluatera of cosmos being used f with
onrysaathemuma . and oarnatlons. . y
A ' splendid light . opera baa . been
eompoaed t by . one 1 of ' the popular
men of . the V younger - aet Lalaxid
Smith, andean i equally: clever and
unique libretto aupplled , from th
pen of another Portland man. Preston
Smith, Mr. Helen Ladd Corbett lath
ered together about 80 guesta Inform
ally at ber home ''last Monday evening
and the score Was run over with. Mra.
Lloyd Smith, bom' J. Zan. Mlas Una
Linehan and Oliver B. Hughes singing
ui aopraao, basso and tenor part. Th
(tame of the opera la "Wavaland." and
It is euppoaad to ' - laid under
th . . aea. There ; la Baltln Nep
tune, Coralib. Pearllna and any
number of - other strictly watery
character. The muala 1 catchy and of
a distinctive character far above the
averag of light opera. There I some
nop among tha aoclety folk of produc
ing It here In tha . naar future aa-a
benefit for eharlty.
Ml May Breslln haa ant nut rnrA
for th evening- of November 17, wheal
v . j ... .... . . ... . ... . i .
ah will entertain .at an Informal" danc
ing - party at (jthe , Columbus ball, '281
Morris street, ; - -
Delightful hospitality, wa dispensed
Thursday afternoon by, Mrs.: Harry X
Voraa at her ' horn on Raventvlew
Drive, when . eh entertained a scare
of women to ' meet : her .. sister, Mrs.
Theo. Breckenrldga Steele, formerly
of New 'Xorlt v and Portland, who
with ber . husbandf . a retired.'.. army
officer, haa - recently, come to Port
land to. reside. V Flv , table) . war ' ar
ranged for cards, and a mot enjoyable
gam of bridge waa played. Mr. H. J.
Jackson and Mra, Lewie Maeombar mak
ing high scores and carrying off pretty
prise as tropbie of their skill, At th.
conclusion) of Um gam the tables were
cleared t and- a dainty collation waa
served, th hoateas being aaslsted by
Mrs. Rice. A pleasant feature of the
afternoon -'was th reading on bridge.
given by-Mr. V. 8. Dodge, ' Tb room
were charmingly deoorated for the oc
casion pal pink cosmos and pink rose
bud being utilised la th dining-room,
while' th Jiving room and recaption ball
were graced with long stemmed chrys
anthemum a Many beautiful gown
wer worn by the guest. , Mrs. Steel
was lovely in a atrlklng , creation of
American - Beauty chiffon cloth :, over
charmeuae. . MrA . vorse wora dainty
lingerie gown. Among those asked' to
meet Mra. Steel were: Mrs. William F,
Amoa, Mis Amoa, Ml Grace Amos,
Mrs. H. J. Jackson, Mrs. Robert Smith,
Mr. . W.- O. ' Marshall, Mra. William F.
FiebUr, Mrs. G. W. Tabler, Mrs. Lewlaj
AiacomDer,- aars. ' aiaua unapman, jars.
Charles A. Rice, Mrs. V. 8. Dodge, Mrs.'
F. A. Sherman, Mrs. JO. L. Sanborn, Mrs.
Royden' Kirk, l Mra. ,W. B. George and
Mrs. RlsBland. " ilf a. ..7,; ;. i:: f, v:
' . t ;. W Wv .... i -.V.v.-
MI Barbara MacKenale. th attract-
It daughter of Dr. K. X J. MacKen
ale, left Monday night for San Francisco
where n win make aa extended viait at
the bom of the Carter Pllkia Pomeroy
the guest of Mis Harriet Pomaroy.
Much ' entertainment, has ben( planned
for ;MiaMaoJUnad,::r:c;,V.;:v:.,.r: 'W
Aberdeen, ' Wash. Before an altar
of smllax and whit obrysanthamum.
massed with Impressive ' effect with
candle burning, r in tall candelabra
placed on whlU marble pedestal and
many other candelabra and chrysanthe.
mum placed throughout th - drawing
room,' Mia Romain wood of ' this city
and Mr. Henrv W. Wesslnrer of Port
land' were married Wednesday. evening'
by Rev. Charlea McDermotb . of th
First Congregational - church in - prea-
exioe of ISO relaflvea and friend. 'r
Mis Wood was 'attended - by Miss
Emily Hart a eousia, as maid of honor
and th.llttl Mlsse MoUl and - Aull
Green, .daughter of Mr. and Mra Fred
Green! of - Portland, and ; Genevlav
Green of thl city, nieces, and Edward
Lane and Newby Green of thl .city,
nephew. Mr. Wesslnger waa attended
by Mr. phOlip Hart of Portlaad, The
bride wor a grown of wblt aatln with
silver and pearl : embroidery, a .rell of
old laee and carried whlU roa, - :
Mia Hart wor - whit aatla ''wttls
Rhineaton trimming; .'. . ''
Tha llttl girls wor quaint Kite
Green way costume and ' th , nephew
Eton suits of. whit wi:vYw:?f'
Th nephews acted as train bearer
and th niece Yormed apathway. with
white aatln rlbona for th brid. who
waa g-ivn away 5 by , her brother, Wil
liam R. Wood of San Francisco.
Following1 th ceremony ther waa a
reception, attended by relatives from
Portland, Seattle, Raymond and ' ether
dtle and friends v from aurroundiaa;
oltis and Avttm&- v.-4 v
Refreshments wer . served - in i
fllnlng- room," which waa decorated ' in
plnlc rose. The couple left on th Owl
train for Portland, - from which elty
they will go to California for a month's
honeymoon. They will be at bom In.
Portland after Dacembr sth. '- . -
The gifts number aeveral hundred and
make ,a magnlfloent collection of
bronsea, paintings, ilvrWr, ; ehlna-
ware and cut glass. '
A brilliant, ball was given -Tuesday
night by Mr. and Mra C: M. - Wetheiv
wax tn Knights of Pythias Tempi for
th bridal party and friend from Port-
land, f .-.-ni -. .-" : - '' -1
" Mia Willow Fields Jias been "a much
feted bride-elect during the pfcst two
weeks, . since the announcement qt ber
ngagamant to James Welsh of Spokane,
Saturday afternoon Mta EatheV Jobe
presided at an informal affair ; In
her honor. , Last Tuesday afternoon th
Mlasea Flora and Mary Jessop gav a
luncheon followed by bridge with covers
for 20 at luncheon and - four tables at
cards. Thursday afternoon Mrs. J, Coul-
sen Bar and Mrs. William B. Har
wer hoatesse at an Orpheum party,
followed by. tea at th Portland. with
covers for nine. A iurpris of th tea
time was' a -handkerchief shower, fpr
Mia Flld. 1 - . . "
Thl week on Monday MI Genevieve
Mattlson i . wUl , . Antertaln informally.
Tuaadar- afternoon Mr Frederic Vroo
man (MUded Armstrong) will give a
Dnara rouowca or an inxormai ica, avno
Thursday afternoon Mies Helen Hall Will
ba sh informal hostess in ner honor.
The guest at th theatre party Thurs
day wer: Mies - Field. u w. m.
Field; Mws. Roy H. B. NeUon. Mr. Fred
Guliok, Miss Salli Sterrett MI Marl
Gmanck ana MyA trreaeno, vroomBo.
Tuesday Afternoon at bet beautiful
bunaalow borne: xTTlv f Acre,"' . Mrs,
Georg Parrih?entertained wun . i
tables at bridge -Tha house- was decked
la quantities f:attturon leaves; with
clusters of rare dahjla In haxmonlilng
color. MrA J. u. rtrnsn, moiner-in-law
of tb hostess, and MrA A. R." Pari
rlsh, ?ier elster-ln-law, Were the honored
guasta. Highest honors at cards fell to
Mra. John Toft Mra. M.:G. Neasc and
MrA Jack Marshall v Tate a A Miumber
of additional guest called, from 4 -until
S for tea. ,.. r ' -
Complimenting Ml" Wmow ; May
Field, a popular bride-to-be. Mrs. WU
11am F. FUedner will aiv m larg re
ception Monday, afternoon from. 8 to S
o'clock, ' October . 17,' at ' her Zrvtoston
noma too Thompson atret .
A wedding or ' much Interest to their
many friend 1 tnat or mi Jane
McBride of this city and Harry Oi Trout
of Hamaburg, Fa, who wer. married
Thuraday, October 80t at th residence
of the Pauliat father In Chicago at high
ii c dnomy& e r vie e m
' , , , Courtesy Alwayfl ; V ... f ' - Sfl
It U as much pleasure for us to serve the customer seeking '
Phone Marshall 1880. , . - ,
s Goodwin Corsets , - .
A. Do Blanche
Ladies' Tailor Importer i, ! ,
Designer and Maker of Gowns
niagn " wasningvoA an
modest priced article as the one with si purse of extrava- -rant
possibilities, and in either case the same courteous p
'attention and personal service ta'eefcdedV'";:
i Aa we have been fur specialists for dose on to fifty yeai i
and the fact that we have met with a great degree of sue y
.cess, coupled with our price range from $10.00 up, features
tne JLieoes store as the safest and best puce tor the
discriminating fur buyer to shop. . . ;: iu 1 j-Xii
"l - r ' i v't-'rs"" ' l )s t '
Embracing all tha popular furs in fctylcs original and ex-.-,,
elusive with usprices most reasonable. ;. - a , ; '
For tbitma Tha Fur That Sh Prefer
Also attachable fur collars and cuffs and fur trimmints
" of every favorite fur made to order at a reasonable charge.
2C3 Rlcrmon St, Cctwcen Fourth trid Fif iK -
waa married from the bom of Captain
and Mrs. Huirh D. Bowker, U. 8. A.,
retired, who Also attended th hrld and
groom.' Mis McBride la a brunette, a
beautiful girl with ah equally beautiful
ana cnarmins personality.'
Mr. Trout will be remembered her a
th builder of the Broadway bridge. He
Is a prominent man of affairs. He 1
now building- a bridge ' at Sault Bte.
Marie. Mich., which 1 near completion.
and they plan to make their home for
Mi following; six or aeven months atJ
uoieao. unio. wner Mr. . yrout ha sim
ilar work awaiting him. 1
!v Now thai the "Jappyland" rehears
ais have ; reacbed the point wher
the various dances and chorus num
ber f hav v lost ' their y flrat 1 orudl-
ties ami : are beginning ? t show
the swing and. vim of harmonious action.
enthusiasm la rapidly, (rowing among
in sou young- roue wno are to Dartlci-
ptte' ln the big production to be given
at th Armory Thanksgiving week. ; Th
tuneful lilta - of .."Jappyland" melodies
ar on everyone's lips, and th fancy
dancing- etepa. are being- practiced every
where at any . time two or mor of the
dancers thane to meet Not only are
th rehearsal at th Multnomah Hotel
assembly room well under way, but all
tn incidental detail of tb production.
so Important to ucces and eo Infinite
in number, hAe been set moving and
ar beginning- to, shape Into, systematic
organization. . '
. Mrs. Holt CL Wilson and her advisory
board bav been working tirelessly and
report gratifying . progress In all ' th
arrangements. Th great grim Armory
l to be Converted 5 Into ' a charmlne
Ortental fairyland of banners, lantern
and cherry-blossom, and numerous pic
turesque tnda and booths for th prac ;
tlcabla merchandlxlng of donated sweats
and trinket wUl add to the rav fesUval
atmoaphere. ' Response to the 'appeal
of committees hav been moat generous,
and Already vera! of tb boxes bav
been sold at liberal figures. Prospects
ar for a splendid financial- total for
the greatly needed heating plant and
other Improvement of tha Baby Home.
Announcement of th complete cast of
Jappyland" will not. b made until next
week or later, ' but total of th best
vocal talent of th city ha been secured
for the leading roles, and the cleverest
Of society's dancer are to be In the spe
cialities. The scenlo venture ar to b
richly beautiful, and ih costuming gor
geously gay. "Jappyland" WUl'undoubt
edly be in c1as with the magnificent
IClrmes given In the same plae ev.
eral seasons ago, and many predict that
It will va surpass It especially In th
high musical standard. For th ensuing
weeks ther will b IltU time, and llttl
energy left for other social distractions,
and the activities will all be In th na
ture of Informal entertainment of th
"Jappyland" dancer, private rehearsals
of the groups,, etc The -Jappyland"
dates ar to be Thursday and - Friday
evenings, November ST and 88, with Sat
urday matinee to do a ' Preliminary to
the operetta proper,, a beautiful prelude
will be given, opening the production, in
this there will b high school girl, led
by Miss Margaret Shea who will repre
sent various flowers, and give ftv song
numbers with special dances and an tm
prealv final a There will b 20 special
numbers in all. the whol woven to
gether with a light xtrAvagaaaA plot :
Mr. and MrA i William J. Hofmann
were hosts Friday evening at on of
th very attracUve Halloween partleV 1
Wheq thev had about SO guests as
sembled fo- , famv dreae -dancing party.-
Costume f every dlscrlptlon were
worn, th most unique couple being Mr.
and Mta Rondftl Scott who were lvon
eented A weird cen with witches and . ,
Jack o'lantern peeping from A forest
of green- and autumn leave. . -.
Supper waa an unexpected affair. In
stead of the conventional serving each
guest wa given a tray and ellver anl
told to go to the kitchen cafeteria style .
and help themselves. The invited guests .
were: 1 Mr. and Mr. Arthur 5 L. Fish,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Flnley, Mr. and
MrA Frad A, Johnston, Mr. and -Mrs.
Herman A. Fredrlch. Mr. and MrA John'
Bracher, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Versteeg,
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. , Cameron, Mr. and -
Una 1 . r.nH.AnM ' . , If...
H. P. Palmer. Mr. and' Mr. Ford,
Mr. and Mr. Lwl Mead,---Mr, : '
and Mra. Bowman, , Mr. - and '-Mta
Frank ;, Fields, Mr. ;, and --MrA' Kl
ttngor, Mr. ' and Mr. Jack - Stew
art Miss Edna Kenyon of Chicago,
Miss Anna Irak of Toronto,, 1 Mr." and
Mrs. SearA Mr. and MrA' J; A. CiiVrey, -Mr.
and MrA M.-U Kline, Mr, end Mrs.
B. t. Vincent Mr. and MrA P.' AJ Oil--
more. Mr, and Mr. Frank McCrllils,
Mr.-and MrA It, M. Haller, Mr. and MrA -i
nvouat boom,:...- , ,
Mis Buth Church wasHriarrled Wed
nesday vening at . a pet y - bora .
wedding 1 at the . residence 4 of her,
mother, MrA . 8. MV, Church; In
Clay tret to Kenneth Robertson, th '
Re Luther R. Dyott officiating. Thr
weddlngt.wa simply "Tret charmingly;
arranaed. Miss " Oanavlev Churoh.
maid of honor, Was ber slater' only at.
tendant and - William Crane acted a .
best man. After, th reading of th
ceremony the y bridal party' received1
their many rrlendA a buffet supper 1 :
wa-served from the dining, room and '
an orchestra hidden in a bower of flow- ,
er end greens, 1 f urniahed - r muslu
throughout th valng. -. ."-. ;
r Presiding , at. th table; wr ; Mrs, '
Louis O. ClarkA MrA T. P. Dabney, :
MrA H. Z Parker and Mni. .BL P. Nloh--X
oIa Serving punch were Mis Bui
McCall. of Hood River, and Mis Bllsa
bth Parker., t-: ;.v' ;. ;,- ;
a The bou : was elaborately decked .
with auantitles of autumn foliage and '
flowers arranged artistically with ea- -toon
of amllax. .: .5...v'.- v
Tha bride was' stunningly "attired ' lni
white oharmeua trimmed with beauti
ful lac in modish design, all envoi
oped In th soft folds of herVeddlng
veil of rose point fashioned with mob
cap, and falling to the hem of her long
court train. - Her boumiet waa of or
chid and lilies of th valley.
Mis Genevieve Church. wa .beaul'
fully gowned In coral pink cnarrtuu '
trimmed with a oream lace. She oar-
rled an arm bouquet of ady limins-' .
ton roses. . .):!; ''!iy'':yy::-":? fv,
MrA Church wore a handsemi gowu
of black chantllly lace 'draped over , :
Ivory toned charmeuaA . '- ,' --
Mr. and Mra,''3iobrton left" for si :
extended Wedding trip and ,upom thair
return wiu maK their bom with Mrs.'
Church until their new home at Mount '
Tabor Is completed.'v;i --.;'i:,;--'r:.:.:.1'
f Mis Marjorie lAchmund entertained
a number of her frleeid on Friday eten
ing, at the bom Of her parents, corner
of Sixteenth nd Halsey street In Ir
vtnrton. Monsieur Henrf nillit thmnntmA .
ifiung French pianist whd'la tourina this
country with GogorsA, jaa j the special -
guest and 1 delighted .th company with
some brilliant piano number t)e- "-
busay, ;Mr. Arnaud - Lachmund ' also .
played a selection by Llsst There wr
opera, and other musical., charades In
which all participated. ; 7 J-,
The bompiete list of jipeeialtlea which -
(Continued on Following Pg),
Silversmiths v
. V e Direct Yoiir Attention
i"iwv, t. , Till Vlpnr?
To The' rie7 Dovn Stairs Salc;rcon
. Nov Open
131 HI
In 'this -splendidly equipped and magnificently.'
- - stocked department we are featuring a well- i "
v chosenand. most complete ' line of the -Very V
Tea Sets
!' "Platters
Cake Baskets' V Knivei "
" Sandwich Forks'
Trays , Plate - .Spoon -
1' I , '
We call particular attention 1o the originality
of the designs of" this line,, many patterns of
which are confined "exclusively td us:: V ' " ;
f 1 1 4 , n
A most unusual and comprehensive' stock Tbf -
Lyiociu is Miy wii hi mis uownbiairs bmcsruuin
Qocb of every design and. at every price
for" the sleeping apartrnent, living-rpom.Jdin-'ing-room,
.den, hall, library, office and club.
: ' , ' ' ' ' ,
The' perfection and beauty of our Diamonds
have long featured them as the most excep
tional stones, Our prices have won favor as
extremely moderate for the quality of the
Diamonds we sell. -, ,
-. Established ,1868. .
Washincrton Street' at- Park " s
r t
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OOV Aft )
- 11.