The Dingbat Family '10 Crurr&'A copy EosV, A I llA ftYiiLTUw fife TU wa mhT AlAff 'i ' ,1 Siu y'T'''1 jL 0 Mwtww You, CAV ABOUT" Al!Cfe-TDAtX af Shcirt Stories Ml Delved News BttraoN of Etenti of Pridjr Afternoon and Night J pArcnphtt4 (or Quick Dlfortloa by Jonnul Boaden. . , - CootlnfttiU Unll4 BU,ti tzporutiona of coal tor His wiU bo about 1100,000. ooo, iWblch U third 14 ooal oxportattona r o tbo utt6u of tbo world, tho flur - bein oxcowiad onljr bx tbo United King ''.MB and Qormany. -.-.ii,-4 vU -.aa! Roproaontatlva Koatlnc!. atttmpt to aecura oonffrouional lnvotlfatlon o ta coal atrlka altuatlon In Colorado 'failed. Adjournment waa taken before ' the oMitreeamaa'a . reaolutloa eould be acted upon.' , Mlsa Jeaa1 Wtlaoit. daughtar of the .1 president, is ..busy preparing for her forthcoming wedding, - and - needlea are "flying- at the" White Houae. A stray black cat haa found a home In the White Houae.' The eat appeared ., . unheralded, and Preeldent KVilaon will let4he feline remain, considering the In cident aa a good pmen. ,. . ; , .The palatial hoine of John Kay Ham ' mond at Waahlngton haa been bought by tha, JtUealan government aa a home . for the Russian embassy. Price paid wa - X-.--n -. Z: ' ' Vottlgn. . The Britlah government la . being .asked to coma to an agreement bjr which a measure for the enfranchisement of .'women can bemade a part of the offi cial program of the Liberal party. The government will consider a compromise - based only on the repudiation tf the , WdMenH Soeiarand Polltlcar ttnioH,?4nd -all ita militant methods, it Is aald, itra.v Emmaline Pankhurst, militant leader of English suffragists, who is , now at Minneapolis, declared that the , suffragists Intended to, end the life of ' the ao-ctlled Liberal party government. First Lieutenant Ausrust Pannemluer, Blith Infantry, will visit Various cities of Idaho with reference to the militia of that aute. -A aries of entertathmeata In honor - of Reat, Admiral Cherlea J. Badger, and ' offioara and crew of the - battleship Wyoming, haa been prepared at Malta, whera the vessel will arrive today. Admiral Cattollca, Conner: minister , of marine of ' Italy, arrived at- Maples from Rome to welcome the. American battleships Florida' and Arkansas; on ' tneir arrival at nepies. ' ' . Eastern. , President Faunce of Brown - unlver- , sltr. "addressins; the Baptist Social union . at Boston, deolared that the morale of the far east would be undermined , by :i western Independence.'. He aaid that HUSBAND NAILED RUBBER ON GATES '.. ."' ." V r A Wife so. Weak and Nervput . ,CouId Not Stand Least , Noise How Cured. . . . Munf ord, Ala, "I wag to weak and . ii ii ...... arltll. HAHinM . i HVI vuua t Tvuiio jiooBiu,, wuvuu his ' "11. . !... coianga oi uie tone I could hardly live. My husband bad to nail rubber on all the. gates for I eould not stand it to have a gate slam, r "I also had backi ache and a fullness in my stomach. I noticed that Lydia FE. Pinkham'a Vege table Comoound was .advertised for such cases and I sent and got a bottle. ; It did ma so much' good that I kept on taklnf it aid found it to be all yoa claim. I recommend your Compound to 'all women afflicted as t was. "-Mrs. p. P. MotLENDORE, Mun .ford, Alabama, - : .J . 'Vv "n - ,j An tlones? PependAbie Medictno Is Lydia & Pinkharis Vegetable Cmak pound. v A Root and Herb medicine orig inated nearly forty: years ago by Lydia E. Pinkham of Lynn. Uass., for coo trolUna? female Us: -i.i.f s IU wonderful success tn this Una has mad o it the safest and most dependable medicine of the age for women and no woman suffering from female ills does herself jostled who does not give Ita ' trisL., ;. ', " ' 1 , If you bar i he 1ibtt doubt that XTdla JC. Plnkham's Vesreta Corapmi nd will hr!yon,writa toLrf MaLl.lMnlchamT iedicineCo, (coiI.'ntlal) liynn.T Jassfor && vlci. lour letter xviU be epened, re? ' I trl fr.swerca by n t. ensa, &4 Ltll ia ctrlct coi.!Zizz. ::;!:':!' itt:ii:i:::ttii::j::::::i?jt:;l::!j Till: FjftictAbsl PAAJfMfl r THil tOUtCVfW(V - Awow' W easts : would prove injurious, because, la the orient, no Individual dares to stand alone. s.j ; : ' The entire estate of .the late Mrs. Mary A Murray, granddaughter of Wal Ur Browne,, mayor of- Ne Tork' In 18) J, waa left to charitable and religious organizations. ' Emma Browne Beebe of Portland. grandniec; was remembered la th bequeata of minor character. - - Mrs. Ida- Leokwold waa acquitted at Minneapolis of the charge of murdering her" 6y ear-old daughter Viola.. The mother . had 'confessed to the murder, ?wlng to the fact, It waa . contenaed, hat she had been rendered temporarily insane following- the child's death. . ; Mrs. Hops McSldowney, at Chicago, testified that ahe bad given ' James Ryan, clairvoyant,' known as Professor Crane, $1S,000 for advice, after ahe had been convinced -by him that 'she waa followed by bad Influences which make investments unsuccessful., . . r -Dr. Keshava Deva Shaatrl, who trav eled from Benares, India, to deliver an address, before the International purity congrees at Minneapolis, ereated a atlr by attacking Christian mlssiona in India. He said that Christianity Iiad made practically no headway in India. " -. -Dr. Charlaa McBurney. who was In attendance at - the bedside- of the fatal illness of . the late President McKlnley. died at Stockbrldge, Mass. . s Burglars entered the bank of K. A Dunham & Co., Montour, N. T., taking the bank's cash box, containing 112, 000. . The doora of the bank were closed, but it Was not stated whether the bank would reopen for business. Entrance Was gained by penetrating a brick wall, John TaJley, a negro, aged 18, was taken from Dyersbura- Jail, Tenn and lynched by a mob. The negro was ac cused of attacking a woman. The mob smashed In the Jail . doors to liberate wu pnsonsr. . . , .' . . - 4. Gertrude Hanson,' aged it, aet fire o rubbish In a basement of the home of O..V. Johns, at Chicago, then thrust a gag in her mouth and tied her hands. She admitted doing the aot to create ex citement.- The girl waa hot Injured. , Minneapolis police are searching for "J. (X B." the mysterious patient atl me aiate nospiiai at Kocnester, wno had forgotten his identity and who es caped from-the hospital recently. The- nan . had said he was formerly an of ficer in the united states navy. A tramp who was. asleep on a bank rolled off and fell to the railroad track of the Missouri Pacific, lust tne ears were approaching. The emer gency brakes saved the tramp' life, but two cars were derailed. The Incident happened Is miles east of , Jefferson City, ZtOt'y-.-l'y -y.-: two lawyer fought with fists in the court room, when the He waa nassed.'at a-ansas mty, drouit .Judge .Robinson refused to interfere, and the attorneys hammered at each other until both were out of breath, then they oult notes amounting to 170,000 and cur rency in the sum of SJ936 were taken when robbers blew open the safe of -the State Bank of . Waltham: six miles from Austin, Minn. Bateblowers 'escaped. . Roaseaau's Btrippieman, cigar deal. era,1 were fined 125 each In the Chicago municipal couri, ror cismissins; from their employ Charles; Brown, for absent ing himself ' to attend the national guard encampment This is the first conviction, under xtya new law of 1111- "; ,A ' Oregon Briefs : . A. C. Oleasori of Spencer. Iowa. who has recently been connected with the Lebanon Kx press, haa bought half in. terest In .the Washington County Newe- Tlmes from A. S. cott. Qleasoo is a practical 'printer. .v . . Ashland oltlsens. hope that insurance rates will be lowered la that city as reaultof the city's purchasing a new auto-rire truck and .chemical engine. Portland aeent for Underwriters' KaUit- able Bating Bureau la at Ashland laves- uKuint ua saiuauon. - - . - - . . - . Monument. Or. haa been added to the list f "dry .towns vf- the state, Elec tion returns show that Prohibition won by six votea. vBaiiota f the women In fluenoed Jreatttta. 4. vtvr't' rv.--,v?.;;. Jackson county, court's offer ef say f or a. . Section of the Dollarhlde. toil road, tiaa been accepted by the owner of the road. The. section Is needed In connection with tne construction of the Pacirio- highway, - i -, ' Pleasant Home ts bavua- lnstlil books for the new library, r The library win be thrown open to the publio in a tew days. . ',:iv-;,!J-',"Vf:.'' MTf Pot. of Newberr. : aaed so. dropped dead suddenly while at bis work of Installing a heating plant at Dundee. Heart disease was given a cause, wid ow and daughter aurvlva-' ,'-'.;;', v'.';,. W B. Hawley of Ixjran helped solv the high oost of living problem by rais ing potatoes, one of which was large enough for a meal for a famfly of six. One tuber , of the Peerless variety weighed three pounds. - The civic improvement , club of Haines, composed of Women, has. nom inated a full city ticket and candidates will run independent at the coining elea tlone. Iscw tickets Mayor. Dr. ftorr Elswll; rtcorder. N. E. tiodd; council- IrA KNOW p You KMtUl) OrXCOIJ DAILY JOUIIIIAL. rORTLAIJD. SATURDAY Coprrlsnt, 1918, NOT GET QUJTE ALL Wells Fargo Operating -.Revenues for PasUYear Show -- Some Intreasei -- (Stlm Buree ;)f The Jonreil.) Salem, Or Nov. I. The operating revenues of Wells Fargo A Co, in this stata for the year ending June SO show an Increase of $18,210.23 over the oper ating revenues of the preceding year, ac cording to the annual ' report of the company filed with, the state railroad commission. The company's total In creased profit tor Its entire system for the last fiscal year was f36S,T6.t4. The report shows that the gross re ceipts from operation In Oregon for the year were $422,796.11. The company paid $168,760.06 for express privileges, leaving a total Operating - revenue of $254,038.68..' "-f.vV ','., '..:'; : For Its entire system the gross reve nues from operation were $34,084,118.78. Express t privileges , oost $16,08,60.t, leaving a total - express operating rev enue Of $18,026,223.42., ,' men, John Hammond, A, Tong, W. R. Moore; treasurer,-W. E. Beck. 'f - Pacific Cott Three candidates -are In the race for mayor, of Oiympja.' , Mayor Mottman is said to ftave the best chances or win-ningJJ-Tbe tie jfor the nomination of city treasurer on the oltlsens ticket be tween Miss Julia WaJdriD and C A. Morrow, was broken- by the 'official can vass, Miss ' Waldrip . winning . by two votes.-.'- W: . 'For the purpose of arranging for con struction work on the Paciflo highway between Kalama and Martin's Bluff, State High way Commissioner Roberts, State Auditor Claussen and State Treas urer Meath, of the state board of high way commlsioners, are In Kalama. It Is planned to do the work with convict la bor, none but honor men being : em ployed, '-y: "- - According to a report In Seattle, for mer chief of police, C W. Wappenstein, may soon be released from the peni tentiary at Walla .Walla. ' Wappenstein has been asked tor confess, but he re fuses to do so, declaring' that there Is nothing to confess. ..,,,.'. : v;; Mike Donnelly, tne "escaped convict from Walla Walla. penlUntiary, Is aUll at large, and It la feared that he will cot be recaptured, :. Blood hounda lost the tratL and It ir believed the man obtained a horse and rode away. ?'-, .f-.. .v---i'-; Willlanv Earie. aged gl, i sUlL alive. although . 11,000 volts i of electricity passed through his body while he was at wont on a oredge in BanPablo Bay, near the Mare Island lighthouse, He was "grounded" when the current struck him, thus,: escapiog . possibly . . Instant Fifty, tons of butter from New Zea land and Australia were - passed by United States appraisers at Ban Fran cisco. The Imported product is said to oe as good as the average local butter. News - of Couhty( Board 'Two bills for a total of. $1760 ore- seated by the law fim of Xmmons A Webster for services rendered In the suit of the Paciflo Telephone & Tele graph Co. against Multnomah county. were approved yesterday by the county commissioners. ; The Suit involved the payment Of personal taxes by the com, fMIJ W. MWVti . JL9VM HWV .ffUfl ' xai ue clsiow in the federal court was in favor of the county for the last two years, but held the 1807 taxes unconstitutional. The county recovered" over $18,000 lu principal, interest and penalties. :; ' . : Road Superintendent D. W. McKay 'of district . 10 was authorized to sell ' 20 yards of gravel to 1C W. Moore at 16 cents a yard."- s a:- m. A request of J. T. Philips that he be given information aa to the grading and graveling ot five eighths of a mile of the Brady road was referred, to Road Supervisor SmalL , ? WOMEN VISIT TWO - , STATE -INSTITUTIONS Salem. Ot- Nov I. -A' delegation of Portland women, interested In the-man ner in which the" stataJs providing, for Its warder yesterday vial ted '-the girls' Industrial school and the institution for the feeble minded. A number of Mtha women were members 'of. a .committee tram the Fraier detention home in Port land, in the party .were Mrs, Helen Ladd Corbett,- Wra. J. P. O'Brien, Mrs. W.. R. Fechhelmer, t Mrs. - Ben Selling, Mrs. Fannie Cameron,' Mre. A. U Bees ley, Mrs, Felts, state president of the Oregon Mothers congress, Mrs. R. 12. Bondurant, Mrs; Lola O. Baldwin and Miss Prltohard. for TaJ Lstate. . New Tork, Nov. 8 An amended com platnt charging fraudulent conspiracy in the fight ovef the $10,000,000 Charles I Fair 'estate wss .filed, -r -, ? ,,r,.i.r. .i.i.ii.,. .-,-,-, --' i, M i - -- -, r.-..., , -vi- r f ir ir in -ii r-- m n .1 - i r -I " ' - .1 , Hi I. ,. ,.i.w..,--" 1 - J I.,., . I V , I i ' t ' C JHEftfc WAS tfAJCfa, A rMf-rV tAY- I S , v . 1 I l AA)" "THE ADISTHCY WA6 AjGlAfNt MUfH 13 Sy. I 1 . . I , .. RitrlT Alift-TVAYA WAV AID Mat O " ' - I ' "s InternatloAal Ktws Servlca, JLEMENT V, DEUYS PAVING V. Until Concrete Work Is Fin ' IsHed-Carlfne "Compelled to - Use One track. Sellwood. Nov. g. Owing to the in clement weather,' the work of placing concrete between the rails of the car track on East Thirteenth street be tween Spokane, avenue and Maiden ave nue, was not continued Thursday or Friday. Until thla work Is finished only a single track can be used for this distance, causing- considerable delay. Thursday, owing. to the putting in of a frog In the croasover, only a single track was in use oyer the entire dis tance betweeq Maiden avenue and the golf Jinks. , " The funeral of JoBepk t. SUhley, who died November 8 at the home ot his son, Oscar, 484 Lexington avenue, was held Wednesday, and Thursday the re mains were shipped to Fisher, Wash., for burial. Mr. Stanley's health had declined steadily since an outing at the coast last summer; He was a retired farmer, age 78, arid had been a prom inent Mason for 40 years. He is sur-. vived by a eon, oscar u. ana two otujn xxrm aid if. PArWiir bf Forest Orova and 'Mrs. Emma Moyer of CorvalUs. The celebration:' of '-the sixty-first wedding anniversary or wr. ana Mrs. Harry Beard,- both ot whom are 84 nf this week at the home of their nephew; Benjamin I Beard, S80 Marion street, was tne occasion ior tne gathering of about. J6 guests. v.. vrlili'wiiiiln a. social will be held by Sellwood Baptists at 627 Taco- ma avenue. An entertaining proaram has been provldeeV and , refreshments will be 'aervedV-'c'"-""i ?V-.'-v-, Mrs. E. C Ritter 514 Bldwell street, entertained the .XAdles .Aid society ot Spokane Avenue Presbyterian ehurch kt her home yesterday afternoon.'" ' r Thanksgiving . services -i will be : held by the local W. ,C, T. V. Friday aTter. noon. November xa..;.'at a Sellwodd. . Tha r jiiMa'raualllBrv of the T. M. C A. is already making nreparatloha for m oaaaar ana luifn. p iw m, ununi. - . Wkl-1, .Mill V ViaIA InC association Wilding ; Friday! evening, Deeember 8 ". -T -.. The eontmttteeS x tne lames or siacx mar Circle, Q.A. Will meet Tuesday next af the 'Kelland home, 1648 east Seventeenth ,' street, to ' plant tor , their basaar. The baaaar will be held at 1 p.. In. ttWedneaday, ' November 11, at nr.iii. tnit tllnn.. will ba aarred at p. eu. VJVextf Wednesday the circle will meet at the Kelland borne to new and plan for' the- baaaar..x " ,' Mra. Andrew w. Knanxiano, oi leoi East Ninth Street, has a . her guest her mother . Mr. , O. . H. ' Kitcher, , ot Crawford, Wash.. , -, The United Artisans will entertain their friends at their ooolal meeting Monday night, and an interesting pro gram has been prepared. ,;- . 1 . ' -A card social will be given at- 8:80 IK ,es : Harf Work Harder .r?:'---V-t..-.;S-.tfv!! wuin. iwju.w aiu. . - - from yeak k 1 d n e y s , ana it headache," dizziness or urinary disorders are, added, don't; wait get helrx. before the kid ney disease takes -a grip be- . fore dropsygravel or Blight's , disease sets in . , . Boats' Kidney 'Pills have brought iiew life and new strengtu'to thousands of work- v ing men and 'women. ' ; Used arid recommended the . world over;'-r ' Read "what a Portland man says: r ( V " "yicn'YCarTrckls Urr.g-ernernbcrthfi EVENING. NOVEMBER 8, p. m.'nekt Tuesday by the ladles of St Agatha's pariah at Union hall, TenlnO avenue and East Thirteenth street-All are Invited. - Mrs, Elmer .W. Klmblej of 747 Seat Madison street, who recently resigned aa secretary Of Sellwood O. .&., was presented with a : fountain pen. by ; 20 members . this week. , YOUTHFUL BURGLARS HAVE WINTER SHOES Albany, Or.', Nov. I. A double rob bery involving the theft of tsoo worm of doctor'e implements, six pairs of shoes and 810-in cash from a store, le believed to have, been committed- here Wednesday night, by two 17-year-old Independence : boys,,, whose namea arc given aa Harry Bernhardt and Harvey Thompson, practically all of the doc tor's tools, which were taken from an automobile la three valises, have been recovered, but the lads are said to hav-j gotten away with tfco shoes and money. Entrance was gained - through the rear door Of the Charles Proctinow aho store. Dr. B. R, Wallace was the Other victim Of the youthful robbers. - , . A chambermaid of the Albany room ing house, -dlsoovered some ot tha booty In a room, when she want to clean IU Six empty shoe boxes were found.: H0LMAN SUES FOR. . ALLEGEOtFALSE ARREST '- ...... Albany, Of.i Nov.; T.Declartag that his ''good name and reputation Suffered to the extent of $6000 damages," W. B. Holmaa 1 has , filed suit In the circuit court against Mahfbn Hawk, city mar shal of Hafrisburg, alleging that th i marshal arrested him maliciously aoJ without-causa.-. X-v" According to the complaint the mar shal arrested Holman at Harriaburg, Jupe 18 last, without warrant and took him before a Justice of the peace on a charge .of violating an ordinance relet. Ing to the sale of intoxicating liquors. The plaintiff claims he secured his re lease by giving ball and,, tending to "betantlate his allegations, claims that later tho Justioe dismissed the com plaint tand acquitted him. Holman asks for Judgment in the sum of $5000 and costs and disbursements, .v. i i i , i ' - .ryult Rate). Reduced. -1 ; (Ha Ins Burese of The Jearasl.) Salem Or., Nov. $. The railroad com mission " has been " advised that the Southern Pacific has granted a reduc tion in the frelaht rate on car lots of canned goods from Creswelr to Portland from 36 centa Per 100 pounds to 17 Vs cents. This action waa Uken following a complaint by the. Fruitgrowers asso ciation of Creswell. which alleged that Eugene, which bad a rate ot 164 cents, had an advantage over the Creswell fruit shippers. - ' ! Xatajo Indians Threaten. ' e.nV. wa j ,, yt Km, aTTi.a mt 1 ... . ...... v. vm'.w States Marshal Hudspeth, left today wlta a posse for Shlprock, on, the northwest ern New Mexico Navajo reservation, In response to a telegram from Agent Shot ton telling him that the Indiana threaten to massacre all wnitss on tne reserva tion Monday unless prosecution Is dropped of 11 Indians accused of riot and assault' 4 Tha Journal bulldina has two outside rooms en suite, very suitable for doctors' quarters. Apply at The Journal busi ness' office. (Adv.) rv.yy- Cn,.n " Catches me there every time 7- -?E LL&BI J JC 1C13. Squelched! Yes, . Indeed, Squeltiiz:; V tttfcATi W HIS PAY WHITE SALMON WILL HAVE BIG FAIR AND TEACHERS' INSTITUTE Parents interested In "Better . Babies", Contest for Which Prizes Will Be Given. . ; , (Ssecitl te Tee Joerstt) White Salmon, Wash., Nov. 8.-At the regular meeting of the White Salmon Commercial dub, George Read - and George Baxter were elected to mem bershlp on the board of directors.;.-: . Plans were also perfected . for the Western Klickitat county fair to be held here , November 11 and 12. The prises are liberal ones this year. Five silver cups are to be given. One is of fered by the Or tat Northern railway, one by the Commercial and Woman's club, one by the First National bank, one by the Gillette State bank, and one by the 8., P. A 8. Railway company, In addition to the cups, merchandise and cash prises ' and ribbons are of fered... . I.,.: .r' .v;:;V::-;- The "better babies" contest is arous ing much enthusiasm, Three physicians from out. of town have been secured as judges. ' , v -The Teachere' Institute for this coun ty will be held here the week of the fair. About, 128 will be In attendance. The railway company - has .made a special fare over the North Bank road from all points between Portland and Whitcomb. Also from points on the uoiaendaie line. Following la the proa-ram i Monday evening;. November 11 Re eeptloa at high, echoql building to the iMtuori si tna counxy oy me parents, utader the auspices of the White Salmon VYoman'a club. . - - Tuesday, November , 118 a. m. to 10 p. m. Display of producU in Wood man hall; T to p. m concert by White b samoa Dana at woodman hall; 8 p. m. at Alpha Opera house, address on "By-Products" by George II. Tinker, or orvaiiis, manager ' or the Benton County Growers association; 8:80 p. m., lecture at the Alpha Opera house on -communities, by Josephine Pres. ton, state superintendent ot schools. -Wednesday, November 18, I t. m. to iu p. m. uispiay or products at Wood man hail; l to 4 p. m.. euxeolo conteet 4 to I p. ttu conoert by White Saimn banc; s p. m., stereopticoa lecture, "Good Koaas, by uamuel Hill, at Alpha Opera house. . Coos Fort Taxed. , Marshfleld, Or., Nov. 7. The com' mlssloners Of th Port of Coos Bay have levied the annual port tax. The levy was made three mills on property valued at $8,000,000. This will give the port, sufficient to pay Interest on the 800,000 bond Issue and also about gtoot to defray the current expenses for the year. Of the money derived from the bonds about 8100,000 la being expended In dredging the channel of the bay from tne aim tu mill to tne sea. Use common sense buy Superior eoat se urn. - wain !; a-ioi. (aqt. PORTLAND PROOF TetUmony of a RetirJent of Twelfth Street John A. Niday, 263 12th St, , Portland, Or., says. "I confirm all I i said in favor of Doan's Kidney Pills some years ago at i my old home in Grants ( Pass. .Their ; continued use proved to me that they are the best kidney and bladder remedy I know of. I can say in ' all sincerity that 'Doan's Kidney Pills did me more good than any other remedy I have used for kidney and bladder trouble." Namo f)' 1 f J AWED WTO CO! 'iiilliiN Sellwood Will Have Structure of . Most Modern Type In Near Future, Sellwood, Nov. 8.The first unit of the : new -reinforced concrete Sellwood school, which will be ready for occu pancy during the term starting- Feb ruary, Is now more than . half fin ished. Steam- v. heaters are being in- ' stalled, -and the building is ready for roofing. Tha structure which will be two stories high with full basement, will contain tour classrooms, a prin-' clpat'a room, an emergency room, ; and WU1 cost $40,000. i A year later If the board of educa tion approves., the bresent frame build ing will be torn down and a second concrete unit started. The exterior ot the present unit wilt be ot cast - ce ment. Lltherland 4 Abrey are the gen eral contractors; -;. ,y;::ii ,".-.- - Next Friday at 8 p. m. the TParent Teacher association will meet at the school. An Invitation is extended to all who are Interested In the school to attend. Besides a short program given by the children, there will be speeches by . City Superintendent I : R. , Alder man and by O. M. Plummer. member ot the school board and secretary of the Portland Union Stockyards. Solos will be rendered by - Mrs. . F, H. Hayes on the piano. Miss Lilian Ward,' soprano, and Richard Robertson baritone. v, , Good Sport sit Newpcsl, , Newport. Or., Nov.. 8. Duck hunters are getting the limit on the bay and the tributary sloughs these day a A num ber ot hunters are over from the valley and Portland. All are having good luck. The rains of the past week have brought the ducks In. Silversides are coming in now better than they have been, owing to the- heavy rains, and good catches are being made. ' ,:, Boost for aentents. '(Saltta Bnteaa of The JaenaL) ' Salem, Or Nov. 6.- The stato railroad commission today telegraphed to Pres ident Wilson an Indorsement Of Judeon C Clements ot Qeorgia tor reappoints ment on the interstate commerce commission.-: Clements la the senior mem ber of the commission In the point ot service and Of years. oT;. A NOTRE D AHE LADY'S APPEAL To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism, whether muscular or of the Joints, sci atica, lumbago, backache, pains In the kidneya or neuralgia pains, to write to her for a homo treatment which has re peatedly cured all of these tortures. She feels it her duty to send it to all sufferers FREK. You cure yourself at home as thousands will testify no change of climate being necessary. This simple discovery banishes urio acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened Joints, purifies the blood, and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and tone to the whole avstem. If the above Inter. eats you, for proof address Mra M. Sum- men, vox , nou jjeme. ino. , . , HAIR BALSAM Atoll tmperstlos of mrrlt Si Far R lei las Color mnj Beauty to Gray mr Fad ad Hair Cbroola and Servoas Dtt. easts readily suevamb te say ttontngb auS exhau. Uve Method of treat ment wba itby are earefnlly and eonaUtaaUr followed. Mlttakr are at a siiDlnraa, bacaaaa bT traated euecaaaful. If tbonaaoda of eaaea ai eetly like your ewa. It It as utw net to'stwk the Sdrlce ot a Spactallit vrbe baa Bad 7are et experience aad (Ivaa . cluaive paraoDal atteetk . te toe treatment or sum eatea. , t tat licensed to praeuce 1A tha States ef Oraanr Watblogwa, Clir.,rm, and Nevada. - Uy o'nae Is thoruuuUi equipped wita every electrical and ru, leal device aeeeaaary for Uie scleiitlfle trt. Bient of roar aUmanta. -. I aduaulater Ui World's lateat remadtea. ; I Treat Suocesarally ' CHSOMtC. NKUVOUS, lLOOt, gK-rt, BLAUDEK, UVElt AKU KIDNtCT in. If ASKS, BHEL'M A.IISM, NEOBAM I KM , ECZKMA, BORta, tLCKlU. ULL-i A.U IMI'LLA. " ' Conaultatloa and Examlnatloa FHrS. S U) a 1 to i. Valb-i SuuUaya, 10 u I. J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. BOOMS 11-10 I.AI"A YKTTH 1" 1. 8i3M WASHiNt.xox tc, ju..... t;:i, l'OhlLANU. CU.i ' mill i 'in ' 1 1'