The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 05, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Arleta. Or- Nov..1 K. T.ot ni, ,k
place at th Arleta. Baptist church. Sixty-fourth
street and Forty-eighth avs
nus southeast. Light refreshments will
be served, .,, . '. 1
'' Commencing Monday. November 10,
th number of carriers at the Arleta
branch postef f Ice will be increased to
eight. ,
Babe. Reams by lh PortUnd C ..
league club. ' Th $300 sale price I M
right with Bonner, but be wants morn
than the $100 offered as option on con.
dltlon that Babe make good by Mav 1.
Judge McCredie has not jteidcoiiW
whether there 1 mr!t to Boanars d
mand and the deal may not go through.
auditorium of the Arleta aohoolhous.
John Manning, candidate for the Demo
emtio gubernatorial nomination, debated
with W. S. U'Ren, seeker of the Repub
lican nomination for. governor, the pro
posed $1600 home tax exemption amend
ment 4
-In addition, a- literary and 'musical
program-vas given. -
Tomorrow "af 8 pVtn.'th annual roll
call of the entlr membership -will take
ii", i n in i i
HEILIO-EIeTenrh and Morrlaon. Cottom. ' I
KrODl OklHhAma I' . " I
LYKICKourtb and Btaxk. '. Keating Ftood
Mimical Comedy company. ; Ue xouug siatera.
PAMAGES Broadway and Alder. Vamlexllle.
COLUMBIA SUfb, between Weehingtou. end v 1 v
WAi!VS3& Portland Uouor-House Brings
- els. Jan.eeO'Nelltn "0ot of Monto CrUto' .. , , "
rut-tain, 2:30, 7:10. uu.
! pression of Opinion on Pro
posed Expenditures.
"PreitldntOBner-ef -the -Boise club of
Hie 'Western Tri-Stat league, is 'balking
about tna terms offered for Infielder
' '
HVAuar-wURioo pwe. - i ft T. Mffa nCT ll.-VV , tt. ft. N.
I , - ,
t AJ I '
RTA ff-M-Wnahlnffton anit Park. Motion pleturaa.
Co, in Federal Courts
GLOBH THUAXKttWlta and Waablngton.,,, Mo
rp nr
tion picture. i .
' '' Weather Conditions.
Suit filed In the United States sls-
Portland and ' iclnltr Rain tonight ana I trict court, this morntn bv . F. Zlm
X'iZiZ' ... ht '. merman Co., wholesale Uquor dealers.
vslongtiie eoaat. I win proDaDiy De camea to mo supreme
launo nam umigni mm inucu. t ituui i ui, ma unuea Biaies J tsuur
""""'" I to secure a runna? on uie constitution
lHKl tlK"I' .lit,, . tki W.KK . Tk. W.hh l
which relates to the 'interstate hio-
V' nr.. nr.ii vkawm nrera. J. Fred I ment of llauor Into dry territory, la the
'". . w. ' irr'' amnn roil. I government's only atatute so far; passed
McCutcheon, -well known anion rail- ,,, obtIon
roaa. men ' oi mis uny, -inai uvmm at i movement,
Weed, .Cel.. on October. 25, In a railroad Th acUon, which . is mandatory, la
accident. The body was brought to I returnable before Judge Wolverton Mon
Carlton. Or., where burial service ware! day. The answer of the railroad corn-
hold October 28. Rev. T. F. Schlosser fo Pany will not be filed before that time.
the Baptist church at Carlton of f Iciat-1 but it la anticipated that It will set
Ing. Interment was in the McBriaei ronn mat tne ran roaa company reiuses
cemetery wherehls parents were buried, to carry shipments of liquor to Hey
, Mr. McCutcheon was survived ; by a burn, Idaho, because of the Webb act
widow, a small son, five brothers and and the fact that state statutes make
two sisters. ; tu was corn in i Mniax, i
Wash., 85 years ago, bis parents bring-1 The suit is friendly and both parties
Ing him to Carlton when he was six I agree to the facts. The liquor company
years old. Ha entered the railroad busi-1 was refused the right to ship over the
nesa IS veers aao and for many years! O.-W. R. & N, and the Oregon Short
was in the employ of the Southern Pa-1 Line, a gallon ; of whiskey consigned to
i cific company in? this city, having be- neypnra. . j
. come : a conductor ... In " that company al Attorney George B.- Guthrie.repre
service before leaving its employ to go sentlng the plainUffs, stated this morn-
to California, r ., i - I ing that his contention at the hearing,
in respect to the Webb act. Is that it
J. XT. Teal WU1 Speaks Joseph N. Teal ' unconstitutional because It gives a
... . ... - - . . iiai a rn. rivni nv anariino. "nw i am a .
. n..iv. mi, rtiiih tnmnrrnn I lation, to regulate Interstate commerce.
" . v . TM. will V.-
i-and ais subject will be "River improve-1 r "" "
ment and Its Relation to the Columbia ""'J-'V'.r ..
River and Portland." Mr. Teal la ex-I Webb act h never been taken
' TiAat fit AtittlnA as nla rt na it 141 1 win tr to the supreme court In an effort to de
the ODDOrtunitv for" water transDorta- termlne Its- constitutionality, although
tion. Because of unusual interest in his " Is one mot discussed meas
-address members of several other com- . P"ea y congress m recent
merclal and civic organisations have ya- Atate Judge in Iowa recently
been invited to attend the luncheon eclr it unconstitutional, and federal
which will be held at noon in the Mult- co"rt ln; DOth the states of Minnesota
nomah hotel. A. C. Newill will be chair- ",,u aeniea us legality,
man of the day,
Albert Morton.
Does anyone know the present where
abouts of AJbort Morton, at One time a
resident of Portland, but more recently
of Corbett, Or.T He is also known tn
have lived in Warrendale. Or. Back In
Pennsylvania his mother is conducting
a searc.iall the way across the. con t!
nent for him. Morton, who 1 a black
smith by trade, has not been heard from
since February, 1911. He is Jescribed
as being about five feet eight Inches
tail, weighs around ISO pounds, . has
black hair and is 30 years of age. Any
Information concerning him should be
aaaressea to fils mother, Airs. in. Mor
ton, Vlntpndale, Cambria county, Penn
Petitions ln Bankruptcy. A petition
in' bankruptcy was riled with the fed
eral court today by attorneys for Mike
jvanhoff, Kosta Nlkoloff and Ivan T
(Continued From Page One.)
a uniform and harmonious program of
bond selling and bridge construction
might be made.
In dealing with the authorities on the
Washington side. of the Columbia, the
governor of Oregon will act as ex-of-ficlo
chairman of the Multnomah county
Under the law the county commission
noff, proprietors of the Sophia restau- com tft uttA h. o" ' must arrange, 30 days after it is
ill uin iiuriu una. j. ne pnrineroiiiu i nnaltinn in 1Q1R will moV. rn,inj nm.i iuo uuusc uunua wcio ivi
indebtedness is $875.72. with assets of J onB of the noints on itinrrt- ! ed or the issuance of the bonds am
tals of individual liabilities and asaets.
Attorneys also filed a petition in bank
ruptcy for Lewis W. Miner, a ranch
man of Wallowa county, whose indebt
edness Is $5755.70 and assets $473.
the message William McMurray, general l? i ff. 'S?, 11 P.T
passenger agent of the Oregon-Washing- : . " ,.7 r, 1 ...1 . " Vj.
tnn Boilmvii x. m .,i ti .. i;iJu, ii jjuBBtuie, in uiuer mat worn
hr",.1K fwtTil0" CP on the interstate bridge may begin soon
" - w .0 . . ha aiaut . vaa Ca 1,VVV
mile trip through the east,
"Prospects are good for a heavy travel
next year and an overwhelming number
Be Yourself la the Pictures. If you .t. ""V 7J' w""X,.r","r
attended the big bridge day parade held todav New Eniand win .'.rS ilrZ
LIF Ll X ander AWtii1ndseaab1oaafd9
rh""r;' " " " ,l" A 'J "I""' will be represented in great numbers."
wa au J w u VCfras
not recognize yourself or your friends
in the pictures of the event which will
Mr. McMurray has been away eight
weeks, attending two conventions of
passenger men and visiting Boston, New
be shown. The camera man caught over vTrV Phii.7Vnh.n MnVS.T wY
600 feet of film during the parade and 1?-"" ISt'n " h- lh.i-n
.11 tK. imnrt.m f.oi?.- I Calgary, and most of the other railroad
!" th! JmJL0rtU '?at"i:e".,0,f thA?'!$S! cVnTerVof Tmertc;
0 Blivnil, j. via auvuiU UU1 IIllOD
, Adv.)
I counted up yesterday and found I
had traveled 13,111 miles," said Mr. Mc-
... t, I Murray. "I got home lust ln time to
dredlc'e V V7nAft'M th" raln- DUt that makeS th
dressed like a sa lor and of f ered furs t th(. mor -nv.hl.y.
for sale, representing that the goods had
been smuggled into the city. This
scheme was operated in the resident dis
ttict. Patrolman' Burke found the man
ture of the day will ba a paper by Mrs.
C. W. Krts on "Famous Women in Be
- making such canvass and charged him form and Religious Work." Among oth
with falsely advertising his goods, al- er matters to come oeiore the meeting
though he had a city license to sell I win ds arranging ror tne annual Daraar.
them. This morning Judge Stevenson of interested win De welcome.
the municipal court fined the man H0.
Tne w. v. x. v. win serve a family
Arrested for larceny. For the third dinner, 11:30 to 2 o'clock, November 6
time within a year. Fred Erickson has and 7, in the Behnke-Walker building,
been arrested in Portland for larceny. I Fourth and xamnin. race 25 cents,
This morning Judge Stevenson, of the Come and get some of mother's cook
municipal court, gave him 265 days on I mg. it s gooa. (Adv.)
the rockplle for taking a purse and
handbag. Erickson was released from Harry Case's Afternoon Class.
the county Jail 10 days ago after serv- Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 3 p.
Ing 60 days. Krlckson's scheme was to I m. Multnomah hotel. Committee room
Inquire at rooming houses for a room, One. Subjects: Concentration, Youth
then take whatever he could find. and Prosperity, course, 2. Lecture,
1. (Adv.)
Arrested for Gambling. Seven mem-I '
bera of the Walters' club at 1481 Fifth Sternal Toots Is Attainable. Harry
street Were arrested early this morning Gate lectures tonight on "How to Dem-
for gambling. They are Frank Mahon, I onstrate Perpetual Youth." Committee
Henry Grunnlng, Richard Henderson, I room OneMultnomah hotel. Admission
juewis neia, Ueorge Phillips, Barney II. 8 p. m. (Adv.)
Jtsarnen and toward Land. Money to
the amount of $89 was found in the Bra. Gnstav Baar and T. Homer Cof-
game. The case will be heard Saturday fsa have removed to 1008-9-10-11 Broad
morning ln the municipal court.. I way bldg. Consultation by appointment
only. Phones Main 3012, A-4102. (Adv.)
KunDit. xnrongn some." Rev. Fath
er McNamee is to give an illustrated Xyeglass Comfort guaranteed, wheth
lecture on "A Ramble Through Rome" at I er your glasses cost you 31.50. S5 or
St. Francis Church hall, Corner Eleventh I more, at Rubenstein's. exclusive ootlclan..
ana JJ.ast. fine, xnursaay evening, jratn- 1 18 xnira street, near Taylor. (Adv.)
eer jvtcnamee just returned irom Italy
and his lecture will prove very interest
ing. There will be a musical program.
The public is invited.
The United States Civil gervtoe com
mission announces tliat on December 8
Steamer Jessie Sarklns for Camaa.
wasnougai ana way lanaings. daily ax-
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington
street dock at a p. m. (Adv.)
Bemoval arotice R. G. Dun A Co.
examination will be held in this city I have moved to their new offices, 211-222
for chief mine surgeon (male) for po-1 Morgan bldg., cor. Washington and
suion m tne bureau or mines. Pitts. Broaaway. uav.)
burg, Pa., at a salary rana-inar from
$2400 to $3400 per annum. Persons de. I took and lire. The old proverd said,
siring to compete in this examination I See Rome ana aiei" Twentieth , cen
should apply to Z. A. Leigh, postofflc I tury wisdom says, "See Gaze and
department. I llvel" (Adv.)
- . , .1
Live Wire Causes Trouble-While On Salt Vrsssed Each Weak. SI. 60 a
walking his beat last evening, Patrol- month. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Stark.
man J. R. White round a "live" side- Main 514, A-4314. (Adv.)
walk grating at Kast Thirty-fifth street
near Belmont. In some way, an elect Shoemakers, mo W. Park and Mor-
inu ugni wire naa come in contact witn I rison. Biioes reuuni. rnew ones. jrac.
the grating. The place is barrlcade.l I tory prices. (Adv.)
until reoalrs can be made todav. I
Sr. C. B. Tsmnleton. Sent 1st. movorf
m nuns buys ngni Diurana. i to huh- juoraan Dian. Main zbss. iahvi
ah; una BuiieruiK wim rneumatisra.
tumoago or Kidney trouble will find arha.iiv vrna-Pninrinir mA i, tf litMIIK IW UUni'M mi-l 18H lth. MRIM 31172. A.V 4 Ml lilv 1
iiiiAcu iuur ounces uuve uil
ana taKe two teaspoonsful every three Modem Dentists are still at the old
A?nni.At T. 5 te.if . .n' no alJooao1-1 tand, 2584 Washington, cor. 3d. (Adv.) aw mi uiunilfc W fctlO fllUIICJ
cr buib ui an orug Stores. (Adv.) nwu Ou, . Orow Old; h. KumitW.
V... -AMlni I 'I . UaHi Aa. V
Prightens Kold-Up MenTwo men "?' vm v"uv-'
aitempiea to noia uo jpranK Jttccrum. . j
nIghY atU o'ckfrbuVwr.c 8" Morftn ?ia!: (Adv
uy anomer peaesirian. xn hoiu- m ... .
building. (Adv.)
ty-second avenue.
Br. J. : K. Miller, dentist, Morgan
Injuries Prove TataL From Injuries J tldg,
uiiuunu wimri ua engine sirucK mm,
Uiu. ; gnu UI nun, in i"kti 'tl. 11
ii.uuhubu ill ma u.vv. K. ffi JN. varflh. 1 Tn1iat. ivitm ) rnn.M. ..)..
Nelson was a laborer and lived at So-lFlri and burglar proof vaults for
attle. j-. ,. I storage, packages, suitcases, etc. Cham.
. - f ' ,, a i oer ot (jommerco ouwaing. t . . (Adv.)
a .s Tonmna ubrary. Tonight I ' ' - ,
Men's Raincoats
( Professor Swetser 6f th University of
luatrated with sterVonnn vYl .1 Men! I glv yeu the best raincoat
t" p!? ?" Vlew" i.,tn values n Portland. Klevator up! Prices
tast Portland branch library, East Elev- downl See my special at $10. Jimmy
, nth and East Alder streets. , Dunn, 815-16-17 Oregonlan i.s building,
; ' , - I elevator 10 uuro jiuor. - . ,tAav.Jl
,' Mission Circle to Meet An imnnrfanf 1 , , . ;
'meeting of the Florence Mead Mission ' For the benefit of our customers and i 619 Savler street: Leo Baden. 695 tin-
1 nil.. 1. .if ..I... IVI... .11.. ... I fc.n.n.rtllv. hi, waft. Jamm.m....l T
after the first of the year, and in order
tnat the great span may be completed
by the beginning of 1915.
Will Urge Immediate Action.
"I intend to bring the necessity for
immediate action before the county court
today," announced Mr. Nolta.
"The reasons against delay are Just
as strong now that the bridge has been
voted as when we used those reasons
as pre-election arguments.
"The bridge will pay for itself three
ways Increased traffic, increased real
ty values, opportunity for trade with
Clarke county farmers. In North Port
land we are Isolated so far as con
nection with a farming community is
concerned. The bridge will end that
isolation. I feel like thanking the peo
ple for their vote on the Interstate
bridge, not for my sake but for theirs.
It was the cleanest campaign I have
ever known."
"I believe it Is incumbent upon the
board of county commissioners," said
Chairman Holman, in speaking of the
bridge bonds, "to see that every dollar
is spent judiciously, along the lines of
efficient business precedure, and with
out any waste whatever. , If It is not
necessary to sell the entire issue of
$1,260,000 in bonds to build the bridge
and its approach, so much the better."
"Multnomah county's approval of the
Interstate bridge bonds is one of the
most significant things accomplished In
a decade," said Chairman Riley of the
interstate oriage committee.
Portland Will Be Market.
"It means that Portland is not to be
sawsried with anything less than a com
plete supremacy as a market in tho
Columbia basin, and that she Is ready
to meet any neignboriy offer of co
operation, and to do her share ln the up
building of surrounding territory.
"It means, too, that she la ready to
help close, the only gap in the Pacific
highway from British Columbia to Mex
ico. The committee is gratified at the
overwhelming endorsement given tha
project ana reel that rut u re events will
reward the voter for the confidence so
enxnusiasticany expressed yesterday.
"o ii in e?3 is Kiuuueo:, too, oe-
calise of remarkable sutiDort srivn h
bridge by all classes of citlzona and-
"I think especial credit Is due the
great number of smaller organizations
mat not only endorsed the bridge but
whose members worked hard for it,"
said C. C. Chapman, who served as
secretary of the campaign committee.
Commercial Club Active.
The interstate bridge committee for
Multnomah county was appointed by the
Portland Commercial club. It includes
Frank B. Riley, J. H. Nolta, Whitney L.
Boiae, David E. Lofgren, Judge M. G.
Munly, E. G. Crawford, John F. Loa-an.
W. M. Klllingsworth, C. C. Chapman and
E. N. Welnbaum, assistant secretary.
A number of Clarke county citizens were
very effective supporters of the Multno
mah county campaign, Including Allison
Burnham, Henry Crass, W. P. Conna
way, James P. Stapleton, H. L. Moody.
The committee first secured the pas
sage of an act by the legislature defin
ing the bridge as a permanent road, thus
permitting bonds for its building to be
Issued under the terms of the county
bonding act. The measure provides that
tha state shall pay the Interest on the
bonds, which are to be sold for not less
than, par, to draw interest of not more
than 6 per cent, and to run not more
than 80 years. The county commission
ers constitute the bonding committee,
and the governor and the county com
missioners constitute the responsible
agency to arrange franchise, construc
tion and other matters with the Clarke
county authorities. .
Seven boys in North Portland! 'Uav
been summoned to appear in (he jiive
Rll court for taking wheat from the
Crown flour mills, Detectives Golts
and Grisim took up Investigation .yes
terday.?" th boys would gather the
wheat under the elevator aod peddle It
to : families keeping j chickens. ' . , '
The lads accused are Albert Stone, 563
Savler street; Chester Pullen, Twenty
fifth' and Lake streets; Edward Zesof-
sky, 634 Wilson street;-Leon Goossens,
. elrUa of the Universalis hnrti .,m 1 Broaoeotlve buyers we are demonntrat.
be held tomorrow afternoon at j.go I 5 and other coals at 84 d at.
l o'clock at tha hnma nf Mm M v m.- I Come and see tt burn. Portland & 8u-
c&i."& MkStt bear n,JX . . ffir
shur . street; Clifford McCrosky, , 363
xNineteenin street, ana Adam Koonts. 7,
Journal Want Ads bring results.
- ; Unable to secure sufficient funds for
the building of a municipal paving
plant, a public market and other pur
poses by taxation, without raising the
proposed tax levy of 7.7 mills, the city
commissioners meeting late yesterday
afternoon ln Mayor Al bee's office d
elded to submit bond issues to the people
at the special city election December 9.
The aggregate amount "will be about
$275,000 Including the cost of park lm
provements. Along with these bond is
sues will be submitted the - various
amendments to the charter.
It Is planned to have the voters aU'
thorize the sale of $200,000 for perman
ent improvements in Washington, Mac
leay and Laurel burst parks, $60,000 for
the establishment of a municipal paving
plant and $25,000 for a publlo market.
Most of these items were Included ln
the various budget: estimates, but as
they could not be considered without
raising the tax levy It was decided to
put the matter up to the people for au
thority to sell bonds.
Tentative plans for the construction
of a paving plant have 'already been
made by a committee from the depart
ment of public works. This committee
recently made a trip to Springfield. Or.,
to inspect the paving plant ln opera
tion there. Several sites for this struc
ture, are now being considered.
Originally $12,000 had been asked for
the establishment of a publlo market
Later this amount was raised to $17,.
500. It was finally eliminated from the
budget by the budget committee. The
commissioners yesterday decided to In
crease the amount to $25,000 and have
the people authorize the sale of bonds,
The Issuance of serial bonds paying
either 5 or 6 per cent Interest running
10 years as advocated by City Auditor
Barbur met with the approval at the
meeting, and It Is probable that an
amendment to the charter covering this
will be submitted for a vote. With
serial bonds It will be possible. It is
said, for the city to pay them off at the
rate of 10 per cent each year and ex
tending the payment period over a term
of years.
Completion of the new steel work and
the ballasting of the Corvallls & East
ern branch of the Southern Pacific bo
fore next May was the prophecy today
of D. W. Campbell, general superintend
ent of the railway system In Oregon,
after his return from an inspection trip.
Mr. Campbell found the work now be
ginning fairly to show, with 76 pound
steel rails laid as far west of Corvallls
as Noon. The ballasting is proceeding
at the rate of half a mile a day.
That the work when completed will
make the beach line to Newport as sub
stantial as a main line road was tho
conclusion reached by the superintend'
ent after his inspection.
On the Wing!
For Automobile
YOU will find us in
stalled in our new
home, the Title & Trust
Bldg., Fourth near Stark.
Send for profusely illus
trated catalogue. Mail or
ders promptly filled, and
discount allowed in full
when accompanied by this
To make this the biggest of Che
25 years in the history of this
business, we must sell just tiwee
as much as ordinarily for the bal
ance of the year.
That is why you have this remarkable
opportunity to buy the newest in
Scarfs Muffs Coats direct from
the manufacturer,' less a SPECIAL
DISCOUNT from the wholesale price.
It also applies on remodeling work.
Sllverfield on your fur label means as
much as "sterling" on your sliver. a
Embroider Your
Christmas Gifts
DOIR CAPS Regular 35c. Special 3C
SETS scarf and pincushion. Special OOC
stamped on best grade French cambric. Sp'l. tpJ-eAl
on lingerie lawn. Regular $1.25 values. Special Ov
Regular $1.00 values. Special DOC
KtininJ 1.1.
We Don't
Wear glnsses for ' style people
with good sense don't but 'when
we must wear them, most of us
like to look Just as well as we
can. Torlc glasses will improve
your appearance over the old
kind, you will see better and
they will be a better protection
to your eyes. X just fit, glasses,
and Z know how. . -a..., J,;T...
Suite 406-40S
1COBQAK Buixanro I
ronrth Tloor.
Up to Succ
AdrartlslDg ...$iS.00
AaMTlng SO. 00
Automobile SI. 00
Bookkeeping .......a S.00
C'arwDtry 10.00
Electricity 17.50
Pharmacr 80.00
Plan Reading-Coat Engl- '':
neerlng 15.00
Relnforrad Concrete Coo-
traction SO.OO
Saleamacablp ............. SO.00
Bbow Card Wilting..... .. IS. 00-
gbortband ................ S.00
SnrTaying and Mapping 10.00
Telegraphy and Dlapatchlng 1AM
Typewriting .., g.00 ,
Wlrelua Telegraphy (course). i. ........ ,SO.00r
Architectural Drawing 7.50-
Freehand Drawing ..... ..7.50
Mechanical Drawing ..,...,,,' 7.50,
Boya' School 4.00
Accountancy (full count) ...........$1M
Call or aend for catalogue X. . M. O. A.- Day.
and Night School.
FREE With every purchase of 50c or more, 10
"S. & H." Stamps. Bring this coupon.
(Void after Nov. 8th)
The Needlecraft Shop
384-388 YAMHILL ST.
-inn n nj. ewww .wvw
Title and Trust
m ii iiiii hm t
Rose Planting
Time Now
Madame Caroline Testont ' :
li the official Carnival Rose It
a2-yr.-old bushes, ea. 3Sn
ay Per dozen ...2.50 jf
pA 3-vc ar-old bushes, '
P each 40 L
Pan! c I
5000 People in Action !
involved in a gigantic spectacle
for 20c here in Portland simulta
neously with New York City, where
it costs 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00
Watch Tomorrow's Papers !
Did You Get
or Just Bread?
Next time! Get Royal!!
H'f'f . : V"
is so permanent
that there can
be no question
as to its - econ
omy in the long
Geary Street, above Union Square
European Plan $1.50 a day up ja
American Plan $3.50 ft day upv')
NawataeJud brick stracture. Third ai.
ditioa of hnBlrd room DOW baildine.
Evary siodaa coawenUneav , Modarat
rataa. Caatar of tlMatr and rvtmll dia
trict. On earliaaa trmmtmnin all ormr
eity. PaaSrii a lass saaata tnlai ml
IV are now located between fourth
nd Fiftiv on Washington t etraet,
and are prepared to give you tirai
class work at reasonable prlcae.
Rubber Plates ...... S5.0Q and up
Gold Crowne . ,,.,, .fta.5Q and up
Bridge Work ....... and eg
Porcelain Crowns.... 3,50 end tie
Silver Filling ,. 604 and up
Gold FllllPge. . . . . .S1.0s and up
ill II ill Main las
First and
Streets .
Oregon Humane Scci:ty
Of flo 320 Tjrnion Ave., Cor. Merest Kt.
Tbone Baas 1423, B-8S1S.
Horn ambulance for sick or d!ci'.! I
animals at moment's notice. ii .
reaHOnublc. iteport all cawen nf
to this officer. Open day ami 1 .;
vt-J. .. .".II.
Ol: 1 r.t ' -