The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 05, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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' Voted . Upon. Whicn Is in
Doubt,' : ; ;., . r,
' ; (Continued From page One.) ' "
almont unanimously in favor of the ap
propriations. , '
In Linn county, which adjoins Lana
on the north, the university approprt-
atlons were" : voted down according to
the unofficial returns. ;
Multnomah county had no direct con-
crm In the county attorney act .becauoe
It proposed for counties outside Mulno-
"niah system of electing a county prose
' rutor in effect here, considerable in
' terest was, however, taken '.in the Mult
nomah county vote because of the num
ber of ballots cast. Complete returns
showed a very strong majority in favor
of the county attorney act In Multnomah
, county and in the state at large.
In no particular, for that matter, did
Multnomah county t disturb the general
action of the state on the measures ut
Issue yesterday, with the exception of
the sterilization act. Opposition to tho
sterilization act centered in Multnomah
Marlon County.
( Bureau of The Journal.)
Balem, or., Nov. 5. With complete re
turns from all but six precincts In Ma-
rlon county, all the referendum meaa-
vres have a majority in their favor ex
. cept the state university appropriation
Most of the Salem precincts gave ma
jorities for all the measures, while most
of the country precincts went agatnnt
all the measures except the workmen's
compensation act.
Complete returns from 46 precincts
out of 61 in the county give: University
' repair fund, yes 2745, no 3635; univer
sity new building fund, yes 2490, no
3708; sterilization act, yes 3362, no
3316; county attorney act, yes 3014, no
2971; workmen's compensation act, yes
4136. no 161.
university building appropriation, yes,
1059; no, 1790; sterilization, yes, 1171;
no, 1657; county attorney, yes, 1464; no,
Win ., workmen' , , compensation, yes,
l7i; n9,'944.v--V-;,u' ;.; .V'.
'-fr. ' , i I i i urn .'i; ' Vj
fjandon Beat Uvesley.' .' ; .
Woodburn, Or., Nov. 6. The follow
ing is the result on city officers; Mayor
J. R. Landon,: antl-saloon, 3J J; p. A.
I,lvesley,' taxpayer, 373: Councilman D.
Boyer, anti-saloon,, 451,' J, O. Iddlngi,
antl-saloon, 391; .U; M. Balney, Uxpay
r, 307;-, E..! J. SUnard,' taxpayer, . 842r,
IncumUfent d. It "Beebe -defeatedC V?
Conyne, antl-saloon . candidate, by 416
to 843 for treasurer. H..M. Austin de
feated A. : C. Al thaus. antl-saloon can
didate. 377 to 874:, ;r,;-,;.' i; .'-.
The matter of location Tor i proposed
city hall was defeated by 283 to 420.
, -v
' Wilcox Mayor at iLakevlew." ;
Lakeview, Of., Nov, 5. At the city
election a new council, mayor and re
corder ? were ; elected. "X. J. Wilcox,
mayor, , Wilcox is a banker.' W. F.
Paine, recorders , real estate dealer, A.
Bieber, treasurer, merchant Two hun
dred and fifty-one votes, were cast, of
which 66 were women. . ,
Linn County, V
Albany, Or., Nov. 6,.- Sixteen pre
cincts complete in Linn county give
University repair fund, yes, 889; no,
1208. ... .
University building appropriation, yes,
792; ho, 1297. - . ,
Sterilization, yes, 817; no, 1145.-
County attorney yes, 1088; no, 944.
Workmen's compensation, yes, 1298;
no, 771.
'f II I !
Lincoln County.
Toledo, Or., Nov. 6. Eleven precincts
complete out of 18 in Lincoln county
Kive University repair fund. Yes 450,
No 360; University building appropria
tion, Yes 841, No 365; sterilization, Yes
267, No 420; county attorney, Yes 249,
No 324; workmen's compensation, Yes
602, No 222,
Douglas County. -
RnMehiirflr. Dr.. Nov KRvntn nr..
edicts complete in Douglas county give
university repair runu, yes 1026, no 629;
university building appropriation, yes
962, no 682; sterilization, ypg sol, no
721; county attorney, yes 1001, no 685;
workmen's compensation, yes 1088, no
U No, 336. University building fiirtO.
Yes, -77; No, 360, Sterilisation.: Yes,
623; No, 601., County att0rriey act, Yes,
679; No,'413. - Workingnien's compensa
tion, , yes. -pzs; ;no, 256. V':!-vi -;
?.:.;.v -'L f. 1 - " ).
V; , , Oregon '.' City Result. .- ;!:,
; Oregon CUty; Or., Nov. l-.r Indications
are that the salary increase 'of Superin
tendent of Schools Gary and' the library
tax measure were defeated. The figures
are based on the return of 23 out of
44 precincts. The vote was, for, 1463;
againsU'l77J.'.ri i:' ,:--'.-'v':- ...-"'; -
..JWferjtjKaa-sie44!( b$t
vote of 1624 for and 1623 against, V" '
The county attorney act carried by
the vote of 1486 for and 1193 against.
The workmen's compensation act car
ried by a vote of zooo for and 891
against. . J
' J " Vote at .Baketv; K-v-'-.O
Rnlt Clr KnV J 1TI. ni'.
1 - . - . , . . w
nine. nnmrtlAtA.lir Rnka, Iua u.p.ltw
repair fund, yes, 486; no, 214; university
building,, yes, 462; no. 220;. sterilization,
yes, 257; no, 877; county attorney, yes,
ova-, m. compensacion, yea, 430; no.
206. Meaarer returna frnm nntalri.. nr.
clncts indicate all measures carried ex
cept sterilization , bill. ., County vote
favors university appropriations by bet
ter than two to one from totals at hand.
' Wasco County.
The Dalles, Or., Nov. e.Twenty-one
precincts, complete In iVasco 'county
give university repair fund, yes. 1062;
no, 750; university building appropria
tion, yis, 998; no. 799; sterilization, yes,
S46; no, 917; county attorney, yes, 801;
no, 892; workmen's compensation, yes,
usz; no, on.
Slow in Sherman;" '
Msn-o, Or., Nov. 6. Not to exceed 600
votes cast in Sherman county at apecial
referendum election. Election officers
bringing in ballot boxes have not
brought to county seat any unofficial re
turns except that in all precincts re
porting every measure has so far car
ried In the county. ,
Clatsop County.
1 (SuecUl to Tb Journal I
Astoria, Or., Npv. 6. Seventeen pre
cincts complete In Clatsop county give
University repair fund yes,' 912; no, 326;
university building appropriation, yes,
853; no, 372; sterilization, yes, 425; no,
794; county attorney, yes, 780; no, 389;
workmen's compensation, yes, 1065; no,
177. It is estimated that the outstand
ing vote Is in the neighborhood of 250.
The final count will show no material
change In the situation. The measure
providing for a bond Issue of 3400,000
to construct permanent roads In Clatmp
county carried by a majority of 4?0.
Seaside took the lead in the good road
movement, out of 324 votes cast in the
two precincts the bond Issue carried
by 240. It Is estimated that not over
60 per cent of the voters in the county
went to the polls.
Washington County.
(Special to The Journal.)
HHlsboro, Nov. 5. Returns from 11
precincts heard from up to 11 o'clock
today would Indicate that the five
measures have probably been defeated.
' West Cedar. West Butte. South Tuala
' tin, Reedville, Orenco, Gaston, Dilley,
1 Banks, Beaverton and North and South
HHlsboro have given a total vote as
follows: Building repair fund, for. 98";
against, 1162; university new building,
for, 691; against. 980; sterilization, for,
704; against 765; county attorney, for,
799; against, 816; workmen's compensa
tion, for, 1069; agalmtt, 644.
Jackson County.
Medford, Or., Nov. 6. Twenty-five
precincts complete in Jackson county
give university repair fund, yes 1782,
no 605; university building appropria
tion, yes 1901, no 650; sterilization, yes
1198, no 1098; county attorney act. yes
1444, no 773; workmen's compensation,
yes 1704, no 600.
Clackamas County.
Oregon City, Or., Nov. 6. Twenty
three precincts complete in Clackamas
county give university repair fund, yes(
1462: no. 2147; university building ap
proprlatlon, yes, 1390; no, 2120; sterill
zatlon, yes, 1260; no, 2369; county at
torney, 1977; no, 1472.
IJnn County.
Albany, Or., Nov. 6. Twenty-fou
precincts complete give university re
pair fund, yes, 1186; no, 1917; unl
versuy nuiiaing appropriation, yes,
1070; no, 2014; sterilization, yes. 12
no, 1780; county attorney, yes. 1613
no, 1481; workmen's compensation, yes
1898; no, 1143.
Woodburn Vote Light.
Woodburn, Or., Nov. 6. The final re
sults of state election here: University
repair fund. 191 against, 235 for; new
building appropriation, for 157, against
265; sterilization act, for 206, against
320; county attorney act, . for 262,
against 162; workmen's compensation
act, for 290, against 145. Little interest
was taken In this election and were it
not for the fact that the city election
was In progress a very light vote would
have been polled.
Klamath County.
Klamath Falls, Or., Nov. 5. Eleven
creel nets comDlete out nf 25 in K-ium.ui
county representing 80 per cent of vote
cast, give university repair fund, yes
669: no. 121: university hiilirHno- unm.
priatlon, yes, 651; no, 140.; sterilization,
yes, as; no. zsi; county attorney, yes,
634; no, 138; workmen's compensation,
yes, 618; no. 166. Estimated that not
1 to exceed 200 votes cast in precincts
not heard from, .
At Eugene.
Eugene, Or., Nov. 6. Sixty-eight out
01 84 precincts in Lane county:
university repair fund, yes 8523. no
1122; university building fund, yes 9030,
no 1238; sterilization act, yes 6690, no
3620; county attorney, act. yes 7115, no
2323; workingmen's compensation act.
yes mo-, no 1110.
Scott Is Mayor.
Springfield, Or.. Nov. 5. .The follow
Ing officials were elected: Mayor. C. L.
Scott; councilmen, J. W. Coffin. Mark
Peery; recorder. Herbert C. Walker
treasurer, Lillian Gorrie.
Coos County Vote.
.Marsh field. Or., Nov. 5. Latest re
turns for Coos county including all big
precincts, iohow: 3U0. 915; 301, 660;
802, 860; 303. 561; 304, 639; 305, 744;
job, nixt; 37, Sl; 808. 1113; 309, 350
Strong in Hood River.
Hood River, Or.. Nov. 6. All of the
referendum measures secured large ma
jorities. Vote of the county is as fol
lows: No. 300, 1191; 301. 439; 802. 1152
303. 469; 304, 1040; 305, 609; 306, 124S
307, 618; 308, 1457; 309, 246.
Jackson County.
Medford. Or., Nov. 6.Thirty precincts
complete in jaexson county, give uni
versity repair fund, yes 1822, no 716;
university building appropriation, yes
1833, no 728; sterilization, yes 1280, no
H81; county attorney, yes 1600, no 868;
workmen's compensation, yes 1828, no
Less than half registered voters went
to the polls, while only about 30 per cent
of the women voted
Josephine County.
Grants Pass, Or., Nov. 5. Grants Pass
and Fruitdale complete, comprising half
of the Josephine county vote, on univer
sity repair fund, yes 516, no 302; uni
versity building appropriation, yes 491,
no 326; sterilization, yes 418, no 382;
county attorney, yes 645. no 165; work
, men's aompensatlon, yes 837, no 179.
About the same ratio is being main
tained throughout the county.
-'' Union County.
La Grande, Or., Nov. 6. Complete un
official returns from 14 out of 23 pre
cincts in Union county,' aggregating over
90 per cent of the total vote, show: Uni
versity repair, yes 850, no 660; uni
versity 'building, yes 447, no 706; ster
ilization act, yes 410, no 769; county at
torney, yes 656, no 613; compensation
act,' yes 663, no 638.
Benton County.
Corvallls. Or.. Nov. 6.-Ten nrecincta
complete In Benton county give repair
rund, yes. 714; no, 362; building appro
priation, yes, 608; no, 365; sterilization,
yes, 597; no, 460; county attorney, yes!
631; no, 882; compensation, yes, 803;
no, 243.
The Dalles' Is Wet.
The Dalles, Or., Nov. 6. The Dalles
goes wet. For prohibition 875, against
prohibition 950.
Umatilla County.
(Special to Tht Journal.)
Tondleton, Or., Nov. 6. Eel even pre
cincts complete out of 44 in Umatilla
county give University repair fund. Yes,
f f N Morrow County.
; Heppner, Or., Nov. C. There was but
little interest in yesterday's election.
, Twelve precincts out of 16 give univer's-
,.ity repair fund, yes 271, no 232; uni
versity new building, yes 257, no 249;
sterilization act. yes 194. no 890; county
attorney act, yes 306, no 118; workmen's
compensation, yes 273, no 172.. .
1 1 1 1 - .. , ....
,fv) L"fc5reon C!t-r Dry
' Oregon City. Or., Nov. S Oregon City
. Voted itself dry. , The Mil section was
4 the strongest for the drys. Ward No. 1
went wet and stayed wet till the end.
. At Green, point the race was neck and
; neck, but came Hut three votes in favor
: of tha drya.v.i'j.;.;::
fV -, ' 'Yamhill Ctnnfy0'y?
; ; ' K McMlnnvllle, Or., Nov. 5. 1 Twenty
, four precincts complete out of 35 pre
cincts in Yamhill county give univer
sity pair fund, yes, 1197 no, ,1673;
1 1 1 i i i t
r " ' ( '
The statement is made that thou
sands wear eyeglasses who do not really
need them. If you are one of these
unfortunates. ' then these glasses mar
be ruining your eyes Instead of helping
them. Thousands who wear these
"windows" may prove for themselves
that they cart dispense with classes if
they-will get the following prescription
filled at once. G to any active drug
store and get a bottle of Optona; flit
a two-ounce bottle with water and drop
In one Optona tablet With this harm
less liquid solution bathe the eyes two
or four times dally and you are likely
to be astonished at the results right
from the start; - Many who have-been
told that they have astigmatism, eye
train, cataract, sore eyelids, weak eyos,
conjunctivitis and other eye disorders,
report wonderful benefits from the use
of this free prescription. Get this pre
scription filled and use It; you may so
strengthen your eyes that glasses will
not be necessary. . Thousands who are
blind or nearly so. or who wear glasses,
would never have required them if they
had cared for their eyes in time. Save
your eyes before it is too latet Do not
become one of these victims of neglect.
Eye-glasses are only Jlke crutches , and
every few years they must be changed
to fit the ever-increasing weakened con.
dltion. so better aee if you can. like
many others, get clear, liealthyt-strong
magnetic eyes through the prescription
here given. . 1 ' . (Adv.) -1
Tillamook County.
Tillamook, Or.. Nov. 6. Four pre
cincts complete In Tillamook county
give university repair fund, yes, 173;
no, 99; university building appropria
tion, yes, 160; no, 105; sterilization, yes,
127; no, 133; county attorney, yes, 140;
no. 103; workmen's compensation, yes,
193; no, 64. Vote light.
Lake County,
(Special to The Journal.)
Lakeview, Or., Nov. 6. Four precincts
complete In Lake county give university
repair fund yes, 262; no,, 87; university
building appropriation, yes. 224; no, 96;
sterilization, yes, 148; no, 194; county
attorney, yes, L'63; no, 91; wurkmeti's
compensation, yes, 229; no, 116.
Vote at Enterprise.
Enterprise, Or., Nov. 5. Both Enter
prise precincts complete: University
building appropriation, yes, 92; no, 87;
sterilization, yes, 112; no. 69; county
attorney, yes. 148; no, 34; workmen's
compensation, yes, 118; no, 61.
Attorney Stapletqn, Sees Great
5 Futu re for County as Re-V
: Vancouver, Wash., Nov. S, -Attorney
James P. Stapleton,, who bears the dis
tinction of being father ot the interstate
bridge movement in Clarke county Is
perhaps one -of the beet pleased- mn in
Vancouver today and in .the following
statement gives out what he , believes
will result from -the erection of the
structure: - ;v" :
"I thtnk Vancouver' can begin to re
adjust Itself und make ready for the
greater and larger Vancouver that Is
going to be here as a result of the 'con
struction of the bridge. I, personally,
feel immensely gratified, because I have
followed the bridge matter , from No
vember 11, 1911, up to the present time,
and while its course has been both dis
couraging and encouraging still the
great popularity of the movement has
made it go generally forward from the
time it started until now when the bonds
have been voted In both Multnomah and
Clarke, county. V
"The Immediate effect will be the
brightening up of conditions both in
Multnomah county and Claj-ke county.
Of course, the, ultimate greater and
larger effect will not really be felt un
til the trolley lines begin running over
the bridge and reach out for trade in
southwestern Washington. The people
of Vaicouver and ' Clarke county have
reason to fee gratified. Indeed, because
we here are dependent for our prosperity
to a great extent upon whether or not
Multnomah county voted those bonds,
but since Multnomah county has so
patriotically come forward and assumed
the burden, which in small of course,
it seeing that the last obstacle is re
moved and that the bridge is now an as
sured fact."
(Continued From Page One.)
No. Election at Union.
Union, Or., Nov. 6. The local option
election at Union, ordered by the county
court was not held because no one pro
vided the machinery for such election.
Florence. Goes Arid.
Florence, Or., Nov. 6. Florence voted
164 for prohibition and 50 against prohibition.
Rainier Is Dry.
Rainier. , Or., Nov. 6. The city of
Rainier went dry by 21 majority.
Wallowa Very Dry.
Wallowa, Or., Nov. 6. Wallowa voted
dry, two to ,one.
Joseph Is Wet.
Joseph, Or., Nov. 5. Joseph was
voted wet, two to1 one.
Chehalis Out of Debt.
Montesano, Wash.. Nov. 6. George
H Tllden & Co. were successful bidders
for Jl 80,000 Chehalis county bonds sold
yesterday, the interest rate being 5H
per cent.
This sale places t;nenaus county on
a cash basis, and all outstanding war
rants drawing 8 per cent will be called
vorite candidates at the head of the
ticket and their eecpnd and third choices
underneath. In ordeY.
Bnker got 41,296 first choice votes,
which was 239 below a majority. His
3226 second choice ballots, however,
elected him,
Harry L. Davis was second best can
Cox Kachlna la Again.
In Cincinnati, Judge Frederick Spie
gel. Republican, was elected mayor,
with his entire ticket, by 3300, restoring
the Cox machine.
The defeat of Mayor Henry T. Hunt
to succeed himself was attributed by
politicians to his strict adherence to the
merit system In choosing appointive
city officials, and to the fact that he
called on the governor for troops dur
ing the street car strike here.
Carl Keller was victorious by 7000
plurality over Judge Chittenden for
mayor of Toledo, the first time a Re
publican has won there in 16 years.
Mayor George J. Karb, Democrat, was
reelected at Columbus, but by a reduced
Demoorata Carry Kentucky.
A Louisville message today put 6000
as the Democratic city ticket's majority.
The county also went Democratic, and
returns from the legislative voce showed
an increase In the Democratic majorities
In the state senate and house of rep
The Socialists carried the Ohio towns
of Shelby, Canal. Dover and Coshocton,
but the Socialist vote at Columbus was
less than one-third of that polled in
1911. The Socialists also lost votes in
Educational League Thinks
Question Settled, a-; ;
Oregon Cltl2ens' Educational league, who
directed the campaign In behalf of the
university appropriations, believes that
the vote at the polls yesterday was not
only a decisive rebuke to the promoters
of the referendum but should prevent
the question ever being raised again.
Mr. Brookings said:
"The victory yesterday at the polls
was decisive and complete. It la the
wish of our people that our university
. ....... u hiiu BUniHUIQU, B1IU 1 1 1 p yVU
plO of Oregon have spoken so emphatic-
all.. . 1 n n n , . . I . i . . . i . .
uyuu mm question ' mat 11 snouiu
never be raised. The people of Oregon
have never wished to do awsy with their
state university, and have demonstrated
to the. world, in a way that can
misunderstood, that they believe in edu.
cation anl that they believe in the state
university. . Thevpeople ot other States,
when they read the results ot yesterday,
will believe in Oregon as they never
have done before, ( ,y : '
"The Oregon Cltlsena1 Educational
league waa organised for the purpose of
promoting the educational interests of
our state, and in this campaign for the
unjverslty, the league is Indebted 1m
meiwrato to many loyal and - patriotic men and
women who' have sacrificed : Without
stint their time and their energy for the
good of Oregon and their university.
"The Oregon Cittsens' ' Educational
league will immediately put plans on
foot to secure a 81,000,000 endowment
fund for bur state university. This
money will be raised by subscriptions
from private individuals of the state.
Plans will also be put on foot to assist
the Oregon Agricultural college."
W. C. T. V., Favors Suffrage.
Aebury Park. N. J., Nov. 6. The Na
tional Women's Christian Temperance
Union, in annual convention here, de
clared for eugenlcmarrlages, equal suf
frage and obliteration of the social 0vll.
London is organizing a furniture mu
seum for the benefit of designers. .
'),;?'''' " 1 ' "" : " ' ' ; '
'y'i '(Continued From Page One.)
President Griffith were f ather Grenny
of Benedlctln Heights, A. M. WelU vt
Seliwood and other, while 1 M. Leppvr
and Pan KellaJler of the Kast 6tde E)uw
nesa Men's club urged its Immed.eie
passage, '.(;VUr,;!;';v ' ' -
. In a thrust directed at the railroad
commission Mr.' Kellaher stated that
Portland Railway, tight & JPowet coin
pany would be far mora equitable to the
people than would be a. revamp of the
material by the railroad commission;
L M. Lepper cited -instances where.
In his opinion, the railroad commission
had rendered decisions detrimental to
the best interests of tha people. He
charged that the railroad commission
was acting in bad faith and was trying
to "bluff ' the members of the city coin
mission..,:'"""' : ''"' ; - '
"We might as well get a railroad com
mission to represent the people or abol
ish it,"; said Lepper; " 1 ? t
The members ot tha council took no
part in the discussion beyond listening
to the various arguments.' When the
measure was put to a vote Mayor Albee,
Commissioner Daly and Commissioner
Ulgelow , voted for the fare reduction,
whlls commissioners Dleck and Brew-
' ater voted against it ' 'v ; (
Toledo. Nov. 6. The Republicans were
victorious today in the city election for
the first time In 16 years. Keller, Re
publican, was elected mayor oy 700a
plurality. Chittenden, Democrat, waa a
poor second.
THERE'S a lot of
news for you men
in this great Raincoat
and Overcoat stock.
Now that November rains are
here you'll want to know about
wet-weather apparel; there's
some mighty good choosing
among these line Gabardines,
running from $15 to $35; they're the
best sort of rainy -day insurance.
You'll find them in tans, oxford grays
and navies.
The finest sort of cravenetted woolens,
ranging from $15 to $40; fancy tweeds and
worsteds, as well as the staple blacks; they're
cut and tailored into roomy models, easy to slip on and off; you'll be proud to 't
own a garment selected from such a collection.
Rubberized Raincoats in novelty woolen, staunch, trim and flawless; moderately
priced at $10, $15 and $20. '
Big, burly overcoats, faultlessly tailored; every
fabric that's woven for Winter -wearing,-and 7-
every style that's according to the mode.
$20 to $40
Morrisiorr Street at Fourth
"Wholesale and Re-
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100 POUNDS BEET $4.75
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Bellamy's Rose, sack $1.2!
Bellamy's Rose, bbl. $4.75
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3 bottles Bluing.. 25$
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2 tins Marigold Milk..
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1 doz. Mink, any kind.,
2 tins Peas
6 tins Peas
3 tins Tomatoes
3 tins String Beans
3 tins Alaska Salmon. .
6 tins Best Tomatoes. .
6 tins Best Corn
6 tins Pimentos.
6 15c tins Sardines
2 tins Sultan Pineapple.
2 tins Table Peaches...
2 tins Table Apricots . .
1 65c Lady Broom . . . .
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drivers, but mnat b. prsaant.4 at tha
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appU.d 4n 8uf ax or Bnttar Salsa.
1 pkg. Seeded Raisins. . .100
3 lbs. Italian Prunes. . . .250
1 lb. Dry Apricots. .... .200
3 lbs. Loose Muscatel Raisins
for 250
1 25c pkg. Soda' Crackers 200
4 lbs. White Beans 250
4 lbs. Sago or Tapioca. . .25
3 lbs. Pearl Barley 250
3 bottles Cider Vinegar 25
9 lb, sack Pastry Flour. .300
3 lbs. Head Rice 250
4 lbs. Jap Rice ..250
10 lbs. Sweet Potatoes. .250
2 Combs Honey ........250
1 bottle Snider's Catsup 200
1 35c bottle Vanilla..... .250
1 25c bottle Lemon .....200
3 pkgs. Shaker Salt. .... .250
3 sacks Salt . . . .. ... ... .250
r401 Hawthorne, Cor. Grand.
Phone E. 867, B-1615
595 Washington, Cor. 19th,
,; . Main 322, A-3211
Macaroni, lb. .... . 5c
5 lbs. for ... . 25c
Vermicelli, lb. i .;V.5c
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Spaghetti, lb. ...... : 5c
v 5 lbs. for ...... .25c
Noodles, lb. ......... ,5c
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NV3 Lard ;f. 55c
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Bacon, full piece .', .23c
Bacon, cut piece . . ,27l2c
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KaoU -, . .60c, 95c, $1.CD
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Cottolene ; . 35c, 65c, $ 1 .C 3
142 Second, Near Alder.
i Phone Main 4160
Portland's Oraataat
xranarsr rout
405 Hawthorne,; Near GrsnJ
Telephone B-1615 Threa HI
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