THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5, 1913 1IUERTA ASKS FRANCE III mm EXICO AND THE U i France Doesn't1 Reply, Fearing " to Offend; Wilson Favors . Lascurian as President, Washington. Nov. 5. Back at his desk ; , today. President Wilson told callers that ,Iie did not believe the situation resulting irom me nemana no wii sa:a w i made on President; Huerta. of Mexico, 'for the letter's retirement was a serious a the newspapers have represented. But ( the president did not say. in so many words, that- such a demand was sent. " Tn an "evident desire to lessen the cubHca interest in Mexican develop K menta, the administration plainly had .done everything possible today to cut ' off all sources of news from the south t ern republic. It was clear, too, that "the president 'wanted People "to think , 'no auch thing as Intervention was under consideration. It was learned that Mexico had asked France' Informally if the latter would mediate between Mexico and the United States. Fearing to offend America, France did not reply. the Washington administration. It win. said, favors Pedro Laacurian as Tii-ovlKlr-vrinl nrenidfnt of . Mexico, bo tween Huerta' s retirement and another t lection. General Carranr. the Mexican rebe' .' leader. : notified Secretary Bryan, through Dr. Henry Allen Tupper, tha: ' if permitted to import munitions, he . -can guarantee speedy peace and cor.- stitutlonal government In Mexico, tie opposed Intervention strongly. Word was received of the arrival of ' four more: American warship at Veia Cru. - The scout cruiser Chester waa ordered from the Philadelphia navy yard to ' Mexican waters. A strong federal force was reportel liesleglng Torreon. Mexico, recently captured by the rebels. LONDON WARNS AGAMST ' PHOENIX-LIKE TAMMANY London, Nov. 5.-Commenting editor! . ally on theTesult of yesterday s election 'in New' York, ths Pall Mall Gatette. es says:' "New Tork's public spirit Is again In - the ascendency, but Tammany always has shown such wonderful powers of recovery that it would be extrenielv 'rash for New Yorker to regard the re sult Of the election as Tammany's obse--qules. They must shpw their wisdom is equal to their enthusiasm if they wish ;.' to hold the ground they have won." FUSIONISTS BEATEN IN :. PHILADELPHIA ELECTION Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 6. -That f 1 Fqsioniats. backed by .the present re form administration here, were badly defeated In -yesterdays electron was v shown by completed . returns today, r The returns reelected District Attor- , m-y IJ. P. Hotan, together with their ticket ,by. approximstely 40,000 major ity. The mayoralty was not an issue In this election. 1 At Pittsburg. J. Q. Armstrong defeat ed Congressman S. 01. Porter for mayor. PRESIDENT IS ELATED ' 'AT ELECTION RESULTS Washington. '-". 5. President Wil ' sen telegraphed jatulatlons to elec tion winners In . . states of New Jer sey, Massachusetts, and Maryland, and also the victorious Democrats of Cleve land, Ohio. The president feels that the results have vindicated his administration, es pecially In state elections where the tariff ancThis policies were Issues. Twenty-two New Appojntr Holdovers, WEST N1ESEW; 9 ljHjgjS fPgfj niTinn r Kill II IN (Satan Bureau of The Journal.) Salem, Or., Nov. 5. Believing that the county attorney bill waa passed by the people at yesterdays election. Gov ernor West today announced the names of his appointees under, the new Jaw in case ths official count verifies th early reports that tha bill has bee passed. Under the measure there will be a county attorney for each county The present district attorneys will taka the office of county attorney in the county of their residence. There are 22 new- appointments and 12 distrir' attorney holdovers. If the measure re celved a majority vie the law wet; into effect when the polls closed laa merit. The new anointments are as follows: Benton, Arthur Clarke, Corvalll Clackamas, Gilbert Hedges. Oregon City; Clatsop, ( W. Mullins, Astoria Columbia, W. B. .Dlllard. St. Helen Coos, L, A, Liljeqvlst, Cbqville: Crook. Wlllard Wirt, Prlneville: Curry, W. H, Meredith, Port Orford, Gilliam, T. A Weinke, Condon; Grant, V. G. Cosad, Canyon City; Harney, George 8. Siso- rnore. Burns; Hood River. George ,m. Wilbur, Hood River; Josephine, "W.'.T. Miller, Grants Pass; Lake, O. C. Giblio Lakeview: Lane, J. M. Devere, Eugene Lincoln, J. R. Stewart, Toledo; Marion, B. R. Ringo, Salem; Morrow, Glen Y, Wells, Heppner; Polk, D. H. Upjohn, Dallas; Sherman, C. M. Huddleston, Wasco; Tillamook, M. J. Gcrscnl, Til lamook; Wallowa, O. M. Cortina, En terprlse; Yamhill, R. L. Conner, Mc- Minnville. The holdover attorneys, being the former district attorneys, are: Baker, C. T. Goodwin Baker; Doug- as, George M. Brown, Roseburg; Jack son, E. Is. Kelly. Med ford; Klamath, ohn Irwin, Klamath Kails; Unn, Gale Hill, Albany; Malheur, W. H. Brooke, Ontario; Multnomah, Walter H. Evanu, Portland; Umatilla, Frederick H, Stel er, Pendleton: Union, F, 8. Ivanhoo, a Grande; Wasco, W. A. Bell, The Dalles; Washington, 11 B. Tongue, Killsboro; Wheeler, J. K. Starr, .Fossil. TOTAL. REGIS! Difficulty In Finding Polling Place Blamed, ; In Part, for Small Turn Out. IS. COE REPLIES TO HUSBAND'S CROSS BIL L Wife of. Physician Says She Straightened His Affairs and Was Given Property, THREE DEMOCRATS ARE ELECTED CONGRESMEN Washlnifton. Nov. 5. Congressional election returns were received here to day as follows: J. H. Cantor. Democrat, electel from twentieth New York dis trict. Charles P- Coady, Democrat, elected from third Maryland district. C D. Paige, Republican, elected from third - Massachusetts, district., G. W. Ift,' Democrat, elected from thirteenth New, York district SHAKEUP REPORTED DUE ON WESTERN PACIFIC San JFrancisco, Nov. 5.BenJamin V. Hush, -president 'of the Western Paclfl railway,'-accompanied by Vice Presi dent H. 1. Brown, waa expected to ar rive In Kan Francisco' tonight. It was reported that Bunh- plans a sweeping reorganization In the Western Pacific.! offices -here.- PROGRESSIVES TO HOLD THE BALANCEOF POWER Boston, MAbS., Nov. 6. Massachusetts State ejection returns, till incomplett today, showed tiiat the Progressives will hold the balance of power In the liext legislature, and tlml. if they coin bln with tlie Democrats, they will wrest control from the Republicans. MALONE TO BE NAMED COLLECTOR IN NEW YORK Washington. Nov. 5. That Dudley : ', Field Malone will be appointed collector of the Port of New York, succeeding; ' John Purroy MItchel, successful fusion candidate for mayor, was announced Mte Wilwn Sings at Concert, Philadelphia, : Nov. 5. President Wil son's daughter Margaret sang for pay at S concert given by a women's club ve. VJerday, the money to go toward es'tab .llBhlng a working girls' home. ;, : vv ' M'Rork'' Kills Titanic Survivor. Bhamoklu, Pa., Nov, J.--Martin Moran i-i-mTHanJc survivor,. u killed by a I .U-.Ul.4i. 1 1 ' inn". Answering her husband's cross bill to her suit for an accounting, Mrs. ViolaJ . C'oe, wife of Dr. H. W. Co?, alleges in her reply filed this morning that she straightened out Cos's affairs after he had gone to the orient to escape his creditors and regain his health. She alleged. tht in consideration of this he made a settlement with her by- which Blie received property which . he now seeks to recover. According to Mrs. Coe, the sanatariuin business which is In litigation was built up by their united-efforts,-and finally incorporated as the eauatarium com pany, for convenience. She said that she took but one share and he took the rest, although sli was entitled to half. Later Dra R. I Gillespie and W, T. Williamson bougiit Into the Sanatarlum company. In 1908 he organized the Columbia Land company, to handle the soiling of lands under the Furnish Irrigation pro ject near Stanfteld, Or. Then, according to her answer, 'his troubles began. W. J. Furnish, a stockholder, charged Dr. Coe with misappropriating $50,000 of funds belonging to the Inland Irriga tion aompany, site alleged, and that and business worries drove him to seek rest in the orient. She alleges, in a settlement with Dr. Coe, he gave her certain real estate and 33 per rent interest 1n the sanatorium company and in consideration she re leased him from payment of a $33,000 mortgage she had given on the home to help the land company. She said she also was to pay a $10,000 note he had signed. FRENCH TRAINS CRASH NEAR PARIS; 40 KILLED Melun, France, , Nov. fi.r-After 16 corpses had been -taken today from the debris of Uie Paris-Marseilles express, wrecked In a collision near here last night, rescuers estimated that the tota! number of dead would prove to be at least 40. Of the injured there were scores, and It was certain that several of them would die. Among the victims was Captain Amlc of en infantry regiment In southern France, who, after suffering agonies for ien hours, begged the doctors to kill him when he wss at last found, and it became evident tht much difficulty would be experienced In extricating him. The physlciana gave him mor phine to stop the pain, and he died, still pinned under the wreckage. The engineer of the- train admitted that he disregarded a danger signal. The express dashed at terrific speed Into another train, and seven cars, crowded with passengers, were smashed to kindling wood. President Polncare and his wife mo tored from Paris to ths scene of the wreck today, . and. . for several ' hours watched the rescuers at work.. Less thanks, third of the voters reg gistered in Multnomah county went to the polls yesterday. The total regis tration, according tor-tlarures furnished by County Clerk John B. Coffey this morning, was 84.UL Tlte largest vote cast was in connection with the inter state bridge honds- total of 25,624 af firmative and negative votes. This means that 68,787. registered voters in Multnomah county either ig nored yesterday's election, or were de terred from voting by difficulty of flnJ Ing polling places In their new loca tions. ' " . - . ' IrU apparent that the difficulty of finding voting places explains a consid erable proportion of the small vote. Not only were booths removed, in soma Instances, . several blocks from the lo cations to which voters were accus tomed, but back rooms insufficiently placarded were utilised. In one srs- clnct voters found rt necessary to follow a narrow path, between two buildings to a dsck door,:: , opening Into a large room. In' another precinct th room was found to be crowded bv tha election officers, without the addition of voters, i " r It is not disputed that tiere was a considerable degree of apathy in-the public a attitude toward referendum measures, undoubtedly - the" . Interest waa greatest in the bridge bonds, as was snown. by the vote, and this in terest contributed to ths total of votes on other measures. Of the 84.411 registered voters in the county.- said Mr. Coffey. "81.184 were former registrations, and 3227 worn mtr lstered .since last June in conformity wltii the new election laws passed by tne last legislature' Shelby Shaver Struck; and Is Mangled When; uar RICHMOND T0 DISCUSS SCHOOL .BUILDING PLAN A mass meeting of residents at Rich- mond.-wljl Be held tonight at the Kich- moiKi school . to discuss plans for en larging the schooj building whldh is said to be entirely inadequate for the num ber of pupils attending. This vear's en. rollnient is 675,. or 101-fnore than last year. The school building has but ft rooms, while three , extra rooms have been erected adjoining th building. A petition islalready being circulated to be iiamica iu mo scnooi ooanr. asking immediate action. Entertainment will be provided at tonight's meetlnc bv tha pupiis. J '0RTLAND PEOPLE ARE ; INTRODUCED TO WILSON Washington. Nov, 6. senators Cham. berlsin and Lano called todav at tha Whits. House and presented to the presi dent Dr. E. H. Parker, formerly of Portland; Miss Hobbs and Mrs. Julia K. Sayre. , Chinaman Fined $100. Louie Seek, proprietor-of Chines. store at 99 North Fourth street, through his attorney, pleaded guilty in federal court this morning to having contraband opium in his possession and selling it, floT was .fined, $100. ...H has been.. In. dieted. Seek was arrested bv Cuatnm Inspectors McGrath and Grady on Octo ber 23, but In going down a stairway from the second to the first floor, ai. though in plain view of .McGrath and Grady, he stepped through a secret door way along the stairs and escaned for aeveral days. McGratu and ' Rr.rtv searched for the opening along the stair, way for an hour without finding it. New Administrator Named. That litigation may be ended in the management of the estate of David L. Kelly, Circuit Judge Cleeton this morn. Ing removed Frank Kelly as administra tor of the estate and appointed David Davis in his place. Kellv had hpttn charged by 'hid brother, Thomas Kelly, wjth delaying the administration of the estate ana with having Involved it In unnecessary litigation. Judge Cleeton said that no., reflection should be cast upon Frank Kelly by his removal ant) that It waa not on account, of th charges that the removal was made but ts save the estate from as great ex pense as possible. The estate is now valued at approximately $150,000. Railroad Row Moves. Hardly had ths Great Northern-rail way city ticket office been removed from its old location near Third and Washington Btreeta before the local of fice or the Santa Fe was moved into tha old. quarters, the transfer being made last night. W. E. Vernon, general agent of the Santa Fe, declared this morning he had leased the room for three years, believing that "railroad row" would not be disrupted by the move of the. Hill road to the Morgan building, several blocks further uptown. J 0'LEARY WALKS TO S. F. IN 15 DAYS, FIVE HOURS Ban Francisco, Nov. -G. " '- Walking from Portland to Ban Franclsep, a dis stance of 771 miles, Can O'Lekry, aged 70, arrived today at Mayor Rolph's office, hers; completer his hike In 16 days and 6 hours. "I'm -beginning to gat into -fine con. dltlon." he said, "and by the time I'm DO I'll bs so hard I can make a good deal ' better-time than I did - on -this trip"1 't - Pf Insurance Company fVt:, t Best for Oregoriiaiis Home Office Oorbett Building, rtfth aad Korrlsom, rortlaad. A. U Mills, ; Qeuerul tager;y, 'k' Assistant Manager.:; Indiana ' Society Electa. Officers werer elected by the Indiana Society of Portland last nigt at the an nual meeting of the organization In Manchester hall. Ths election resulted as follows: President, L. M. LeDDer: Ice president, Mrs. U. G. French: secre tary treasurer. JE. R. Abbott C. L. Wea ver, former president, was unanimously indorsed for reelection, but declined tha office for another term.' Hereafter the society will neet at the public library the fourth Wednesday of each month. Oregon City, Nv. 6 Shelby Shaver. ths 18-year-old non of George Shaver of, Portland, was, struck and Instantly killed by a south bound Oregon City car aboiit 6:4u last night near Jennings It appears that the car stopped about 60 yards past the station and Shaver aliahted from the carrf ana sianea towards the station. -The cars started back and struck him. Three cars passed over- the body and ' it was so badly crushed and mangled 4haV it waa.almost beyond recognition. s -. Mr. Shaver was emnloved in the South ern Pacific car shops in Portland and was on his way hoaaa when the acci dent occurred. He ws a graduate of the Oregon City high school in the class of 1J1S. During his 1 high school life v. . .A..Mra4 11 rtnm. nt . thn mnBt noDUIar boys In' the school, having been a membor of the high; school debating team and manager of the baseball team. At the time of the aocadent he was llv- Ina- with his aunt. Mr. William Jacobs of Jennings Lodge, ''His mother died several 'years ago, and his father lives in Portland, being an employe of the Singer Sewing Machine company.. He has one sister. Mrs. Roy Kelly, f Lents. He wss born in Wisconsin in 1896, and came 'to Oregon about seven years ago, at first living in Portland. Four years ago he moved with his parents to Jennings Lodge where he has lived ever since. He attended the Gladstone scnoois and the Oregon City high scbooj...;f ...v ,':.: , i... m m -niLi'Mv r at nmr xn II i l ir uor oiut iu HAVt 2 FESTIVAL PARADES Board of Governors Plans - to Hold School Children and "Vehicle Events There. According to plans outlined at last nicht'B meeting of the board or gover nors of the Rose Festival association. two big- parades will be held on the east side during the festival, one the school children's parade and the other the vehicle parade. The parade of school children, if it earf ba arranged, will be held exclusively on 4he east side but the vehicle parade win h held on both sides of the river. In this connection. Superintendent of Schools Alderman told the board last niaht that, he and the school principals and teachers would cooperate to make I In the letter Chairman Charlton, of the Transcontinental Passenger associa tion, at Chicago, stated that the passen ger agents meeting recently decided that the Rose Festival has grown to such a bi feature that all lines in the east will establish lower round trip rates than obtained before. The rates win oe less than one and one-third fane ror the round trip. GLENDALE P0ST0FFICE VISITED BY BURGLARS Grants Pass.. Or.. Nov. 6. TSie post- office at Glendals was broken Into by burglars at an early hour this morning,' the safe blown, and $770 in stamps and cash taken. ;The stamps were MOO In 2 cent and $170 in 1 cent denominations, the cash being about $200. Therobbery Is supposed to have oc- curredeat between 8 and 4 o'clock this morning, residents having been awak ened at that time by an explosion, though it was not traced to the post office until later when ths robbers had looted the safe and escaped. - The officers are hunting for hobos who were in Glendale Tuesday evening, though there Is no evidence connecting them with the burglary, j . TROOPS HELD READY TO - . r GUARD INDIANAPOLIS Indianapolis, Nov. 6. Governor Rals ton this afternoon gave the. city and county authorities until 1 p. m. to stop the.-dlsorders here growing out of the street car strike.. The local authori ties conferred but did nothing. The police persisted in refusing to guard strike breakers. The sheriff has sworrj in many business men as depu ties but they have all found excuses for declining to serve. All else failing, it was believed the governor' would order out the stats militia late this afternoon or tomorrow. MEXICAN CUESTI0N1S . . SETTLED BY DEBATERS ' Ths United States will not proceed to armed intervention in Mexico If the results of a debate before the Ad club are taken a guide by the national ad ministration. . : The question wasu "Shalt the United States . Government Proceed to Armed Intervention in Mexico?" ' For , the af firmative, Colonel R; C Reeves and Major James Ov.D;. Howardi.v,tFF Jftft negatfve; Revt John H.'Boyd anATleputy County District Attorney C. W. Bobl son. The judges ' were Edgar R. Piper of the 1 Oregoniap, John F; Carroll, of the Telegram,-, and -C-' S. - Jackson of The Journal, and they decided, that In accordance with ..the showing at the de bate there was not'sofficlent reason .for intervention, in-MexcO. , - Precinct Vote on Irohibitloa, 4? The vote In the precincts In this city was las-foijowg:.-.; ' '-j '.'V.-, j vFor, Precinct 67 . . .;,..... 4 1 100 rrecinct t ...4.... ..163 Precinct 69 ft d0 Against 'lit f us recinct 60 .... ..134 Precinct-. 61 : :..,..;?: 8 Precinct 76 ' . . . . . w w i 90 C At Gresham V(prectnct 18), the vote Stood 23$ for and 188 against. i Hla' Costlf Doze. , i,' RedlandS. Cel.. Nov. .Ross Rest ad. f tnttted i,at an: inquest .tWap he: 'was-'re- fc , ; liectnre 00 (lies. " Professor L 8. Hodrfe. ; of the 'state university, will deliver an Illustrated lecture tomorrow evening, at the Arista school onvnies." ; A short musical pro gram will precede the lecture, which will begin at 8 o'clock. ' , m.x." The Vppreciated HAZiSLWOOO Made so pure and wholesome and atvyays so fresh that it is especially popular with particular people. The Hazelwood Confection, ery and X estanxaat "Washington ' at Tenth, Xntranoe on , Alder, Too. AMUSEMENTS Hi 1 JLi 1 llth sad MarrUoa . r; phoaas Htia 1 and a-UM " :.v 3 jffi; TOMORROW SPKCIAL PRICE WATINED 0ATUBUAX I KLAW A, ERLANGER vnwnr The Trail LONESOME Pi f',-- -y x-Br EuaiNg Waltbr - IU sponsible, by dozing at .ths steering Wheel Of an automobile, tar a., wreck in which his 8-year-old son was killed. ; 7 . .' : . 1 " " 'H'ii '- v journal Want Ads bring results.'; AMUSEMENTS) ::-:.J''A;': The PopaUr Baker Players Tonlghtr-AU week Matinee Saturday r 'TlTi LADY r0M OKLAHOMA" 9tm tl A ft - ids; . 1 tr i ,Mttsry . -ret- - a- :grt ttf.5? WMtern woftan in Nw York. Rli'b to orlgl-' nal comedy, Great beauty parlor scene, etch. inn 2Ae. SUA. TBe. 8t. mat. : 256. VOe. Wed. bargain mat. 23o, . ' Nwt wes"Tlie, .", Uaa and the Mwae."' -' ; - ' .. Open 11 A. M. tu 11 1'. M. Big (eatnrs Wadneaday to Sunday: "The' Prealdant'a Par- ' don." XbrM reel patne drams, in wnien sx Prealdent Taft : in penun participates.; T'4 Ajuuia commie. : . 10oADHIBBIOir lOe " Charlotte Walker From the Novel of the same title by J0MI f W. , Krulngs t.!M) tn 6w. Hat. Mat.. t to 80c, 7 2SS SuiKiayv Nov 9 wxTAj. raicz mi. wis, aho us. .. Ereainga: tower (lour except last 4 rows, I1.C0; last 4, fl.OO. Balcony 81.0O, 70c, 60c. Special price matinee Wed. and Sat ( Lower floor 81, balcony- 7Sc, 80c. KAIL O&SEBI tECZITZO NOW box orricz bale, opens fridat - 1 Broadway and Alder A Mht in Hawaii," IS ertiat from the aolfio's Paradiaet 'A' Hatrtooalml Contaat," ih n Honiara It Oo.t Ctrttr Jr Watera, : Dorothy Vaughn, Amerloaa Trumpeters'' Trio, Raymond tha Jutglari Panta.saoono. Popular srloM, Boxaa and nrat row oaioony nwnai? 8:80, T:l. 9:19. a-snasi Main owe. vrcrir VOV. S Laonard sad Onilow in "Ths : ATiators," a high elaaa rauaioal eoraody, Bn: atioaal added Toaturo, Do Young statars ana Lillian riory, world's ebampioa awimmera and dlTora, direct irom xnm aiaw or iippoaromn. LOOK PO TBTB MOVIHCr BBAJt. HEATER wesr "BK AND ALOr. Today aud aU-thla weekr Jamea O'Neill In hla 5 reel voriioa or "The Count of Hontt Crlato.' Friccai 10e, .a0c, 80c.,'. Matinees and Nights ! This week only Daniel Frohman presents the Famous players Com pany in jyhat is conceded to be the Farewell Appearance of James O'NeSH " the eminent romarftic actor, in his famous-version 'of "The Count of Monte eristo,, . ? - .1 - His greatest dramatic triumph, in five reels, exclusively at the P 1 100K ros Tn i'r 1 t)a DV Jx7 "iooztoe mm hStJ EATERS fr mmZzZSmWr west park and ald'e-r. if fe 1 , . . 1 -I "WILSON INDORSED," IS COMMENT BY BRYAN "Washington, Nov. B. "The election ro- turns are most gratifying," said Secre tary . of State Bryan this afternoon. The New Jersey result la one which our party throughout the nation will re ceive with especial gratification. Our victory in Hassaohuetts also gives- us cause for congratulation. This is ths first opportunity the country has bad of expressing itself since last fall's 1 . t T". & .MA - man nf ' PranMnt A." 1 1 a n r, ' u mAllnlAa, ' f ' Object to Allowance. ' ' The executors of the estate of Richard Wilson, a railroad man who died re oently, leaving ah estate valued at ap proximately 8760,000, have Tiled objec tions. t6 any allowance for the widow, on the ground that she was left property vr.)ud at 8402,600, and elected to take that property in lieu of her dower right, " She asked the court to fix an allowance sufficient "to permit her , to live according to her station of life. Charles Mackln of Ashland, Wal ter Mackay and : the 'Title "& Trust Co. are, the executors. ., .' '.- -fi. '? .., oir;...., - ..-..I ,"' laniVVv'v ;:': Will Workn;. Batee.:;;,: ' 2 Hugh Mackenzie,' chief passenger, rate clerk of the Spokane, Portland 4 fleattle, has been assigned to work In St. Paul In connection with the compilation of rats sheets. Bach railroad by the rate tariffs will have a representative on the work, . which probably will, require sev eral months. . " " . J; Garrison Leaven Panama. - Panama, Nov, 8 Secretary of War Garrison declared the canal -a marvel, denied that Colonel Ooethals and Clover- nor Metcalf of the gone had disagreed, refused to express an opinion as to the sons' PITTSBURG IS ORDERED ; TO MEXICAN WESTXOAST Washington, Nov. 6.8ecretary of the Navy Daniels announced this afternoon that the cruiser ' Pittsburg had been ordered to the Mexican west coast. It was intended, originally, that the Pitts burg should relieve .the cruiser Cali fornia, now" at Guaymas, but Admiral Cowles had 'been ordered, Daniels- said, to retain ' both -vessels until further orders. . ' , . . Kstffte . Goes to Widow. , A ' -'Ah estate' valued at 131,40,0 was left entteely to 'his' widow by Albert M, Knapp, who died October 86. In hisj wuu,ne said tnat ne renea upon her to properly tare for the children, Burt K. Knapp and Luella M., Knapp. The real estate left Is valued at 123,000, stock in the Cltlsena' bank, $5600; stock In the Masonic Building association at $500; a Home Telephone company bond at $1090, and furniture and an automo bile at $1400. $ Mrs.; Henrietta Knapp, the widow, is named executrix. , , Seattle Marshal Flred ' Wsshlngton,' Nor. 8,--Attornejr den eral MeReynolds demanded and 'received the reslgnatlOB of United States Mar shal Jacoby, of the western district of It was in this role that James O'Neill attained his great est dramatic success a success that overthrew all con- temporary stage traditions. rr CURTAIN RISES Noon i 1:30 P. M. 3:00 P. M. 4:30 P. M. 6:00 'P. M. 7:30 P. M. 9:00 P. M. Ladies .and' children are given especial,, attention during- pur matinee per formances A ladies' maid ii In constant attendance.' PRICES 'Balcony, 10c. Lower floor, 20c. Box seats, 30c. Reserve box seats phone. Mar. 880 A-2087. ' by or IF you wish to make a good impression on your out-of-town friend or your local ttis tomer bring him to this new grill to lunch. . Table d'hote . Lunch 50c Morgan Building Broadway and Washington '1 iV'' v. ..Irilim ORILt-E OAiTlXirAW All kinds Spanish Cooking. Best WJniS, . Uquors and Beers Served. . .;, nu aco&anoir. Quickest Results Are Obtained j .by.Want Ads in Thojournal OREGON HOTELS 1 -1 1 Portlands Famous Hotel mU GutsincEuropcari plan' Owned andOperatcd btTHC PORTUNO (KJIELCa flajUmCASJT.MCIL-O.J.KAUrmNNrlCft. HOTEL (SllIIOTS THE HOUSE OP WELCOME, - PARK AND ALDiiR , PORTLAND, OR. x . t ... . In the theatre and shopping district, one block from any carline. Rates, $1.00 per dajriad tip; with bath, $1.50 iJer day and up. ' - TAKE OUR BROWN AUTO-'BUS. C W. CorneHm.' . Prop.; H7 E. Fletcher. Mgr. 1 aahflffiaBgas R Hotel Hoyt n! " ' tinvT Awn crvftr ere t i r New ' V .Fireproof 20a Roomi ;v J Rates 75c Up , PERMANENT GUESTS SOLICIT- ED SPEdAL RATES U ONE . BLOCK FROM UNION : 1 DEPOT, - '? iH. JENNINO & SONS. Props. F. C. Harrington, Mgr. " president. : :. ..f'lt''-.':' :;':,:;,i f govsrnment and sslled for home. Washington.- Ko. reason was given. '.DyWant i'''4':',''t:V'v''"', f.'"' v . i "i ' ' - '' -i-"''-.:". .,(' ? ; t A'' uv',"''l';J .i . 't'-.i.-,.. . r 1 ' '7 .J " t, .i lf V f'. .r.iJ. .