The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 05, 1913, Page 17, Image 17

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    . . CALLING Ilea. l..., HTML
good r.u:
1:3 DEAL.
. .....
1 -t it 1
Raatua Thieves stole Pet rc-atmr
- horse last ftlght-ttte only- ctue the
' left was a Quart bottle oh gin dat oue
: ob dem dropped, , : v . 1
: Alexander Oh, well. If Pete got a
quart ob gin in exchange to' dat hor-a
be quit a wlnnerl '
iic CreokleUtu (t bis . t9..r, as - ths.
steamer from Paris sights Btaten
Iilandl Kow, Maria, give the bahy
the- pearl necklace and let him swal
low itl tf -y-jyVf-;-', ifiJl:?:
FlorUtTbia la a century plant; Jt
4i;iM.TOr- lifeboat on this steamer?" x
X w Mrs. Xighoy That s reasonable . 8teward aizlng rltlcally
enough, Jakef: lou'v only got W tav0 my UoubUt ma'amr v
. cental - , - . . - - . t Srh'f
blooms once in. a hundred years.
? Lady Haven't you got a century
plant (bat will bloom oftenert ,'..
1 " 1 ' i ' r 1 1 "j
m ir.,... it
1 If U K- I
tiiiw 11,1
W j - ' ' ' 1 Sail - . ' f 1 V P 1 i- I I 'a Hiu: 1 --' .!.) Ill v,
. enougn ..
PSmm IMP; s
strung tawaar.;.',..---
ehin tTcloSeU" U w
Brief Items of Tuesday's Late-News
Short Stories of World Happening
- day' Issue of
' Foreign. - vS'xf
' At a demonstration of 6000, business
men of Ulster resolutions were passed
refusing V pay taxes under , the , Irish
home ''rule parliament, and ..declaring
that the government under home rule
would he rnadeimposslble. ;-. Those pres
ent represented capital aggregating
more 'than $850,009,000.- " '
KUuro Bhidehara, ' councillor of the
, Japanese embassy at Washington, has
been transferred. '
The Japanese government has nego
tiated t for reduced telegraphic rates
across the : Pacific r ocean, in- view of
the ' closer trade " relations which , will
follow the opening of the Panama canal.
, Most of the business Is now : dons via
Europe which is . less, expensive. - . ! r
Drastic action by the president of
China, Tuan Shi Kai, in the struggle
with the Chinese parliament, may lead
to serious trouble, s Martial law prevails
at Peking and arrests and summary exe
cutions are taking place. .
Secretary Lane has signed an order
authorizing' sale of ' lands comprising
I6.36S acres In the Kiowa, Comanche.
Apache and Wichita Indian reservations
In Oklahoma. The sale will be by pub
lic auotion at Law ton, Okla., beginning
December I. ''V-vii.Ov-Vft---
Senator Chamberlain has introduced a
bill making Milton Weidler of Portland
a: colonel , on. the 'retired Hat' of the
United States army, the volunteer rank
. being1 held by him during the Civil war.,
Controller of the . Treasury Downey
decides that provisions of the act of
June 19, 112, requiring contracts be
. tween the government, and, other par
ties providing for an eight hour day
.for -mechanics and laborers, V does not
apply to h9 reclamation, service.
, Oregon Briefs 4
Workmen engaged, in blasting out a
. road at Cape Perpetua, discovered a
gold bearing ledge. V. V. Meeks and
x Edward Brown filed mining c!ilma. The
, vnld la' . Mid . in hm , in no.vlnar nnnntl.
' ties and considerable. interest -is mani
fested in the discovery.,'
, The People's church has been formed
at Ashland . along undenominational
,-Jines. It has ' been organised by Rev.
- . Frank Llndblod and Eev.'N. D. McCul
' lough, resigned pasrsrs of the First
,.lirelhren and First Baptist churches.
, The new church will be unfettered and
- militant work in evangellstlo lines is
planned. k , - ,
Albany public: spirited ; citizens are
Planning iq ouy a ste ior a ouy nan,
. .center;: A new eourthouse wlll be erect
ed, , eventually, " on the grounds, it' Is
.planned.- v'.wv , &-:.i:.r:s v.'--
Jonathan Chord, a veteran election
"official of Baker, was surprised to see
three .women comparing notes in the
election booths. "It is not right," he
.'says,, "but what' are you going to do V
The Voters of Banks have found that
" the $1800 bonds recently voted to com
plete the 'new public school, Is not
enough, and a shortage of $600 will
. - have to be met . There is some oppo
sition to the issue on the grouhd that
' the school board should have done the
work- with the funds It had on hand.
' Ground has been broken for the ereo
. tlon of a new gymnasium at the Ore-
;,. gon , Norma! school at Monmouth, Or.
- The building will coat $8000.. Brick will
be used and the Structure Will be fin-
' lahed in 6 days. ' ,
Pacific Coast,
The Democratic club of San Franclsoo
v has circulated a paper ; censurina Dr.
. i David P. Barrow, aoting president of the
, i university or California, :in the absence
, of President Benjamin Ids Wheeler, for
, i his attack on' the Mexican 'policy of
President WHson. ;; ,-J::;:r...)"iy
In the base of the government against
'l Dr. John Grant Lyman, charged with
fraudulent use of the mails, the name of
- Miss Maud . Lehman of New Tork, for
, whom the government bag been search
' ing as a Witness was mentioned.' The
. woman is said to have known tha nrn-
moter intimately during the reign tif the
now defunct development concern. at os
Angeles. . f , ."
The federal grand Jury is Investigat
ing the activities of the so called "black
mall ring" of Southern California at
Los Angeles.. Attorneys W. H. Stevens
'' and. C 8. McKelvey, who were arrested
for an attempt to use the'mails to de-
fraud, wer witnesses before the grand
yirK&WiM, i - .:;-?; tprMiM, .
, Thousands of people will today ' wlt
, ' 'ftesa1 the completion of the huge new
.1 water system of Los Angeles. Sight
I years go work of bringing the water
' 1 from the Sierras, 160 miles distant, was
t commenced. Water will be turned into
'-,- the reservdlrs at San Fernando today, r
' ChrlifEvana, partner of Sontag in a ee
t rtes of train holdups in California years
v , ago, who, has been paroled from the pen
' ltentlary at California, has applied for a
, position as city watchman in Portland,
1 or. Uvans Is now living with his family
i ' in this city, .0--, v, :Vv;-;;;;.L'f ,j
i! J. a. Bushnell, who was arrested .at
,1 the grave of his wife at Spokane, Wash.,
J on a charge of obtaining $10 on a worth--j
leas check, and Who was afterwards dla
j. missed, declare he will prefer charges
r aralnst Deriuty Sheriff 8drensen. ' He
(declares tha officer tried to take him
away before the coffin was lowered Into
.1 the grave Jv'i'''1-',,.-'''. j'-V-''' ""'r-Yi;-::" "Z'i
. .. .With a View of obtaining an Increase
t in wages from 85 cents an hour straight
I to t0 cents regular and 60 "cents Over-
-. time,;: warenousemen's union of Taooma
Vand grain exporters may have a confer?
''ence. -Warehousemen say they are ask
ing the rme terms paid in Portland.
A, four. point buck deer, weighing SSO
It 1 ate Snd rare
: itiaii s m-uicin, tr to take,
works lilt magic, frlrs 12.00:.;
U,ubl amiiKib fS. for sal
and auarsiii-ed by the Ilvlfooii
Drug- Co., 224 Uorrlaoa strart.
. . ' . ' 4 . IVI.b Tim -
dead as
l Penary 'dead -r,(:;i.
Not Rccefred In Tim for Ystr
Th Journal. :
pounds, was killed by A. F, Young near
nis nome at Kelso, wasn.
- Halloween reveler tore from Its base
the ancient cannon, which . the business
men of Garfield, Wash., had ; secured.
The relic , was procured by the Grand
Army, and the old soldier are indig
nant over, the fact; that the cannon has
been desecrated.1':'l:i!Vf'v.i:::;'.v-''K'Si'xWt:l
Tha Odd Fellow building and three
other structures war destroyed by fir
of unknown origin at Southwlck, Idaho.
The general store and residence of 8. R.
Wetmore were swept away, ' t
1 - .. '. Eastern. : ' ,
" Frank Hablet, a railroad man of Cecil.
Or has written to the chief of polio of
Chicago 'of faring to marry : Miss Mary
Collier, who was nurse to a leper colony.
Four Chicago physicians have given- the
woman a clean bill of health, despite
charges that have folio wsd her. -, ,- .:
: Governor Major of Missouri refused
to appoint a commission of women rep
resenting: the Kansas City "Council of
Women's Clubs to investigate the In
dustrial Home for Iris, at Chilli cot he.
Mo. . The governor has beard reports
that charges of mismanagement are un
founded. -:";'::-:"; ,-:' ;i .)' ;:
. Frank. Robinson, a special officer in
Swope park, :: Kansas City, . shot, and
killed Charles plney, a shoe salesman,
who had refused to obey the command
to cease shooting In th park, .t The man
turned bis gun on the officer and the
latter shot In self. defense. -' ;, :: -.:
The intoxicated prisoners, " Burns and
Sampson, armed with a riot gun and
1000 rounds of ammunition,: held high
carnival at the Morris county Jail, ter
rorising inmates. The men had escaped
from the cell and seised th arms. .
Copper strikers have begun to carry
on their fight for th recognition of the
1mion, having despaired of bop Of get
ting settlement of the strut in Micni-
gan. Store for aid of strikers who may
be in need have opened. ' . , ' , ft '
, ' The residence of Fred Kost,' president
of a bank in Granite City, 111., was
robbed of $1600 in Jewelry and $46,000
in securities. Bloodhound traced the
robbers to a vacant lot, where the strong
box had been opened, thence to a saloon.
Where the trail wa totK64VMrA
John C. Hennlng, under cross-examination,'
testified : that money induced
him to lend his wife's nam to a ult
for alienation of affection which he
brought against Charles S. Funk, former
official of .the. International Harvester
Fire destroyed th main administra
tion building of the Ohio Northern uni
versity, at Ada ; The los 1 given, as
$ 100,000 pie-": ."di , y.t ,,s V--. '
.Th international Harvester company,
In the United States d la t riot court at St
Paul denies It la a trust, ' and claims
that tthe allegation . of . oppression ha
never been proved. ": v :
The . National women'; Temperance
ttnlon, fn session in Aebury Park, N. J,
elected officera ' Mrs. Lillian M. Stev
ens if PortlandV" Maine; was reelected
president, She reappointed a vice pres
ident at large Miss Annie A. Gordon of
Evanston, 111. :
These Will Enter Into the Evi
dence In the Trial ; of Co- ?
;y, lumbla George., !, " ,
i Pendleton, -.Or., Nov., ."A rag. a
bons and rf hank of hair," literally
speaking, jatll play a part in th trial
of Columbia George, the alleged Indian
murderer, which was commenced In this
city before Federal Judge R. 8. Bean.
The rag Is a little piece of pink cloth
and the bone : a little bono button to
which the cloth I attsched." Th hair
consists of a . little trundle , of ' gray
horse bar.::':;V;:':r:'-;n'f:vf '-$x i
These ar hits' of evidence by which
tha prosecution hope to connect th In
dian with th murder of Ti-mot, an
aged squaw, in July, Hit. vWhen the
body of th old squaw was found at the
dge of th, river Just esst of this city,
a close scrutiny was mad of the spot
by the officera- Indications of a death
struggle were 1 apparent . and - in the
course of th search Deputy Sheriff Joe
Blakely cam upon the button and the
little pleo of cloth. Because Colum
bia George had , been ' seen with , the
squaw on the day of the murder nd
beoaus he had served one term : for
murder, iho officer searched his tepea
Instantly Relieves Swollen, Inflamed' Not.
VLl?t.,y Breatha Freely-.
Dull Headache Coe Nasty Discbarg
. Stops.,,
Try "Hlly'a Cream Balm." .''f'.-K'ir.
' Get a small bottle anyway, Just to
try It -Apply a little in th nostrils and
Instantly , ' your - clogged ., noae and
stopped-up air passages of the head
will open;' you will breathe freely;' dull
ness and, headache disappear.- By morn.
Ing! the catarrh, cold-in-head or ca
tarrhal sore throat wlll be gone. - v ' y
End such misery now! , Get the small
bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm"- at any
Name. Will' Be Changed From
Much Activity in Real Estate
, Len ta, Or., Nov, A ideal of decided
importance to Lenta was consummated
when the plant of th "Lents Optimist,"
which suspended publication ; recently,
was sold to K E. Rooklldge, formerly
of Albany, Or., and . more recently of
Portland. - . , "
A weekly, to be called the "Lents Rec
ord; will be published every Wednes
day. Associated with Mr. Rooklldge
will, be B. E. Crawford, who In 1009,
edited the "Mt Scott Tribune" at Lenta
Just before Mr. and Mrs, Frank M.
Smith, who. live near Foster Road and
Main street, wer about to set out for
the hom of their parent on Sixth ave
nue, near Foster Road, at 10 a. m. Mon
day, their 8-year-old son slipped out of
the house to precede them on the visit
and disappeared. After a search ' was
made by an uncle and tne down town
police had been - notified, th child was
found, . -; - v, is; i' i ; .
H. Rostad has returned from a busi
ness trip of several day in Tacoma.
Continued activity in real estate im
proved with residences Is Indicated by
th following sales made by J. L. Rob
inson Saturday and Sunday. J. C Fern
purchased," for $1450," a 0-by 100 foot
lot and five room house, the property
of Mrs. Thekla Bright, .at Agate anl
Duncan streets. In Clem son addition, r A
five room house and 40 by 100 toot lot
on Gates"; street, in ; Webb '. addition,
owned by Mrs. Thekla'Brlghf, was pur
chased by C. I Long lor $1600: C. L.
Long also purchased a 40 by 100 foot
lot at A gate and Mayf leld streets in
Am boy addition, for $1160. This prop
erty, improved-with a five room house.
was owned by J. C Flannlgan. .;
J. L. Robinson purchased from Mra
Nanoy C Sandstone lot 8, block 9, In
McKinley addition, for $170,0. This prop
erty consists of a 60 by 100 foot lot
and a four room house. - ! ?vii ;'
Hidden In It they found, som bloody
clothes but most significant of all was
a suit of pink underwear. The color
of the cloth and Its texture correspond
ed exactly with, that on the button and
the button was exaotly like those still
attached to the garments. And to com
plete the connection, th top button' of
the drawre .was mlsslnr and . a small
piece of th cloth gon as if th button
bad been Jerked off. . ...
x Th little bundle of gray hair was
also gathered at the seen of the
crime from the bushes through which a
horse had been forced. Columbia George
rode a gray horse on that day, and.
therefor, the hair la not without im
portance as evidence. All of the evi
dence gathered-about th accused Is cir
cumstantial, but the officers claim they
have an unbreakable chain.' A bottle
of alcohol, similar to one purchased in
the , city by Columbia George on - the
day of th murder, wa found near the
body. ; The shoe found in th Indian's
tepee correspond to eaa ts made of the
footprints in the mud alons tha river.
These and many 'other' circumstances
th officers Intend to .weave into their
chain. ' ...." ;; - .y , r ' -,- '
Columbia George has steadfastly de
nled his guilt and- has employed Colo
nel J. H. Haley to defend hire., He was
eonvloted about II years ago, with
Toy Toy, another looal Indian, for the
murder of Anna Edna, an Indian medi
cine woman, ' but wis pardoned three
yar ago by President Taft
' Astoria,' Or.;' Nov. ' -Th town of
Clatsop, which comprises a large portion
of th northwest part of this county,
yesterday granted to th Seaside Power
& Light company a franchise permitting
that corporation to extend It . service
Injhat municipality, i According to the
terms of the contract, th company must
ba , In operation within the , next two
years. At the meeting of th board of
trustees, a tax of a quarter of a mill
wss levied,; which will raise approxi
mately $200. This Is th first tax that
has been levied for many year if not
for the first time In the history of th
town. . . f t
- Smith I Returned. "
' Albany, Or.; Nov. 1 6.---8herlff ' Bodin
Is home from Ban Franclsoo, bringing
with him Charles B. smith, who was
arrested in, that city a week ago, after
sawing his way out of th county Jail,
October -20. - At that time Smith mads
his escape with Charles Davidson, who
ha not yet been found. Davidson was
being held for the grand Jury on a
charge of passing a worthless check. -
''''' ' f ' ' gCT
drug store, i This sweet, fragrant -balm
dissolves by the heat of the nostrils;
penetrate v and ... heal the . Inflamed,
swollen membrane which line th noae,
head and throat; clear 'the air pass
ages; stops nasty discharges and a feel
ing of cleansing, soothing relief comes
immediately. , . : -. , , '
' Don't lay' awake tonight Struggling
for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils
closed, hawking and blowing; ' Catarrh
or' a cold, with itl rdVinlng nose, foul
mucous dropping into the throat, and
raw dryness ts, distressing but truly
Put your faith Just once in "Ely's
Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh
will surely disappear, (Adv.)
Work on Street, Improvement
:, Completed , With but- Few
A r, j;, , " , V
Sell wood, Nov. .6. Considerable delay
was caused Sellwood residents Monday
afternoon while" work proceeded on th
streetcar' crossover On East Thirteenth
street "between Nehalem and Spokane.
During this work all Southbound Sell'
wood car waited from five to JO min
utes at . the crossover on Rex avenue
to allownorthbound oars bn East Thir
teenth to proceed toward down: town.
Sellwood is entering upon a new era
in regard to the condition of its streets.
Wcrk on every! street Improvement now
contracted for, has, been completed. In
cluding that on Spokane avenue from
the river , to East Seventeenth street.
With the exception of that on East Thir
teenth street. On this- street the con
crete has been laid and bard surfacing
wilt. start at once at Spokane avenue
and proced southward. . . ' - v.
The funeral of Mra Mary Kohfeld.
age $7, of 610 Nehalem avenue, who
died October 80, took place Sunday at
1:30 p. m. 'She is survived by her. hus
band and five children. The body was
taken from Hemstock's funeral parlors
to the home, where the service wer
held, and interment followed in Mllwau-
kle cemetery, i. -
Friday evening Mrs. A. T. Courtney
entertained at a Halloween party at her
home, 17 J East Fifteenth street. After
whiBt and C00 had been played,, a de
lightful supper was served. The guests
were: Mr, and Mrs. D. G. Anderson,
J. C. Belcher, F. C Belcher, Mr. and Mrs.
T. T, . Jeffries, Mr. and Mra B. , Van
Cleek, Mra Br-Holtz, R. T. Slmberley
and Mrs. Anne Warwood.
The looal candidate for the elghtli won
der of th world is a 13-pound beet
arown at Canby by D. Grooms and
Charles Williams and bow on exhibition
In an East Thirteenth street window.'
The Presbyterian Aid society will con
duct a food, sale next Saturday at East
Thirteenth, street and Tenlno avenue,
starting at a. nv Home cookery and
aprons for sale. j
- Kern Park, Or- Nov. 6. A rapid In-
creas in the number of new member
during the last two weeks points to an
appreciation of the new and larger quar
ters of th Arleta branch library, located
h era During the year ending October
81, acoordingto th annual report Just
completed by Miss Adona Cochrane. ; li
brarian, tha number of book circulated
was 20,887, of which, 189$ wer in Oc
tober. Th largest number in any on
day during the year occurred on one day
in October, when 14? books were cir
culated.' ' ' - ' . " -' I ' .
Mrs. F. J. Helliwell left "Wednesday
to spend the winter in Long Beach,
Cal, i:--H
St John, On, Nov. he polio
continue to seek the incendiaries sup
posed to hav set the fir which totally
destroyed B. P. Batke's Cedar Park
grocery, at Fessenden and Seneca
streets, midnight Sunday. - The loss 1
estimated at $6000, of which $2000 is
covered by Insurance on th building
and $3300 on th stock and fixture.
Local firemen, who wer passing on a
strset car when th flame wer discov
ered in kindling at th rear of the
shop, ar confident that it wa of In
cendiary origin, :vv..r-'' ;'
" Scientist at Centralis), '
Centralis, Wasbv Nov. Artiolee of
Incorporation wer filed with the Lewis
county auditor yesterday by the Chris
tian Science ohurch of Centralis, Ths
trustee named ar , - 1L Thompson,
H. T. Allei ton, Minnie Hohaus, Lucy
L. Thompson and Victoria Meyara
Work on the building of a church on
West Main street will begin soon.
Eczema Is Only
Shin Deep
: ,iV .s.v. -..s"'1 sasjsBss ... - , , .
r Proven by D.D.D.
A feW skin troubles originate in the
blood. But very few.' Dr. Evana, ex
Commlssldner of Health and a famous
writer on medical subjects, says:
We shall begin to maks headway
with skin .disease when w, learn two
things: First that skin disease doe not
com from Impure blood; second, that
so-called blood purifiers have no such
action." : 'i.'y"'.-- v t"" 'J.- i- J-.'T V '.;''-:
Get buiy " then " and clear up your
skin, ftop that Itching and burning. .
Drive out tiios- plmplea' v
Make up your mind to start now and
give - yourself a smooth, velvet com
plexion, v' --"''i',., ; 1 fVi1
you can oo it wiui tn aia of th
wonderful D.-D. D. prescription cool
ing, refreshing lotion not a salve or
grease It soothes your tender skin,
opens th pores, drives out the old Im
purities and gives you a skin like - a
baby, smooth and clear, -,-v si y, f ,
: au druggists navs, u, u. u - w
sell It on a positive no-pay guar an tea '
you oont mk a cent uon t suner
another day. Call at-our. store today.
Ask also about D. . D. Soap best for
tender skin. 1 ' ' j
I Huntley Drug . jo., - wasningion . at
jrourin; wooaaro, visrae at wo., orug
-For is fiutryii
th standard skin remedy
Nearly., 20,000 Books Circu
' fated During Past Twelve-
Lents, Or., Nov. 6.- The Lenta branch
library Is enjoying th most'suocessful
year of . It existence, snd for th first
time extensive reference work Is being
carried on by th library for th benefit
of the hl:h school and grd school
children. '-
Th rapid growth of this branch la
shown by th admission of $7 now mem
bers during October, this being the larg
est number of additional members se
cured during any month of , the year.
The annual report for th year ending
October 81 show 18.635 applications for
books for circulation during this year,
the best record for any year sine th
branch was established; ; ;-vr ; ; .
October's record, 1804 books In cir
culation. Is also th greatest circulation
ever accredited to one month, and th
biggest day In the entire history of the
library was last Saturday, when 1(4
books were given out ,- v; v' -,;-.
v Chief Fay Rayburd, ' of th Lents
volunteer - fir department, who was
granted a six months leave of. absence,
returned a few days ago from a three
week' trip In southern Oregon, visiting
Eugena, Roaeburg and other cities. - He
found Eugene alone excelling Lenta la
its fir department equipment, and de
clares that th Lents organisation is
the equal of that In Roseburg and com
pares favorably with th other.1
At It meeting last night in th fir
hall, the volunteer firemen planned to
conduct a basket social December 6 in
order to raise fund to secure service
coats and helmets. A featur of th
entertainment will be selections ren
dered by th Portland fir department
band.-' -; " - : v'-.
Lents night school will start Its sew
ing class as soon as there are 16 ap
plicant."'"';...: . ' ::.'' "''
Th latest antoist to be convicted
of speeding on the Sandy road 1 R. D.
Fontana, manager of th Oregon Pack
ing company, ' who wa arrested two
weeks ago by Officer Eugene White. In
Lents' Justice court h was fined $10
by Justice W. T. Klinaman Saturday.
Gresham, Or., Nov.' S. The Ladle
Aid society gava a tea yesterday after
noon In the lecture room of th Method
ist churoh. - ':,""--".-w'v5 -: '
Th official board of the Methodist
church will hold a public reception at
Oranga hall' tomorrow night In honor
of Rev. Melville t. Wise, v
The Commercial club will bold it
regular meeting tonight.
Gresham boasts a three pound nine
ounce potato, 18 H inohes long, grown
by J. Ii. Hoes and dug by w. R. Oould.
Charle and John Duley left Oresham
Thursday to angaga In th cattle busi
ness in Montana.
' . Aatorla Is Dry.
Astoria, Or., Nov. E October wss an
exceptionally dry month for tils period
of the year, according to th monthly
report ' of Weather : Observer Ollmor.
Th rainfall, which wa 6.T Inches, s
.70 Inch less : thsn "' in v corresponding
months of previous yeara Tha great
est precipitation In any 34 hours was
L40. During, th month there were sev.
en clear days, nine partly cloudy, and
II ClOUdy. -: ' - v '
Tie highest temperature during th
month was 70 degrees and th lowest
41. Th greatest dally range was 90
degrees. -t - t --,:":,'
' 1 7pt. .Stanley at tDnrego. 4
Oswego. Or.. Nov. B-Next Sunday
evening, November 8, Captain Charle
R. Stanley will give hi popular humor
ous iecture at th Methodist ' churoh
hera ' - - 'xL .'iyx::' -,v' -"xxxiX--.
i i . wniniia
Sleep Disturbing Bladder Weakne, Backache, Stiff Joints.
Rheumatic rains Disappear,
While people along in years ar nat-
uraliv- mora subject to weak kidneys.
they can: easily avoid the tortures of
backache and rheumatism and be saved
th annoyance of getting up at night
with disagreeable bladder dlsordera
Croxon promptly overcome ail aucn
trouble by making - th kidney filter
the blood properly and sift out the pois
onous aolda and wast matter that cauae
these troubles.-- ' -
It soaks right In and cleans out the
stopped up,: Inactive : kidneys, dissolves
and drive out th urlo acid, and other
polsonouf impurities that lodge in the
Joints and muscla and cauae rheuma
,No telling how soon the symptom
may develop Into croup.. And then'
when you'r glad you
have a Jar ot uuh .
TBaiOLB ; at hand to :
rive prompt sur relief.
Z posltlvaly Ao not
bUste th teaderes
skin, 5, &'. ),1:x:xvlyySpA
as first aid and a
certain remedy there's -nothing 1 Ilk
MUSTEROLE, , Thousands of mothers
know lt Yon should keep a Jar in th
house. -;-,,",.' ,
It la th remedy for adult,' too, Be-
Governor West's , Secretary
Reports on Progress She Is
Making at Washington,
8s)en Bateau of Th Journal.) '
Salem. Ou" Nov. 8, Report of the
progress being made, by Mis Fern
Hobbs, private secreUry to Governor
West, n her efforts to get Oregon land
board ' matters, now pending, la Wash
ington either befor congress or various
departments, ' brought 5 to a settlement,
was received yesetrday by the governor
JO a, letier trvn jkuuii;..,
says!- ' ''' xx:-y :-x;M-i:':'':r:-' M
"I have Just had a conference with
tha commissioner of the general land
off tea tb head of the department hav
ing charge of the Carey act project,
snd the geological survey. The .latter
promises to expedite sueh Oregon mat- j
ters as th commissioner' office Ms
sent them for Investigation and report
: "As to th Carey act matters, - was
told that ho final action would be taken
until report was hadfrom the special
agent from th department; that the
last report, which was made prior to
the construction of th Central Oregon
Irrigation company's north canaL did
not show the lands to hive been suffi
ciently reclaimed. .H promises, how
oven to Instruct the agent charged with
the Investigation to give the matter
prompt attention.- - ' .
"I am enclosing a letter from the
commissioner of the general land office
confirming my statements mad by wire
that th approval of the survey of the
Tanner lands wss being ordered expe
dited. '"'.'.,,;-.:..: i' vv--'-'"; i
"At a oonference with th assistant
secretary of the Interior, commissioner
of ths general land office, eeveral at
torneys attached , to . , th service,: and
head of th division having In charge
Oregon's Indemnity selections, I found
they hold that tltla to all aurreyed
school sections (It and 36) not other
wise disposed of, passed to the state at
th date of survey. This would, mean
that th later creation of a forest re
serve would not affect the state's title
to these sections) that th proclamation
of ths president setting aside suoh re
serves being applicable to government
lands only could not include those be
longing to' th atat.' i They -therefore
seem to be of th opinion that it would
be necessary to enact., legislation au
thorising exchanges of these surveyed,
sections and validating those previously
mad where surveyed section war
used as base. Oregon's lists are being
held awaiting an opinion from" - th
United States , attorney general.-;
"As to your protest against the prac
tice of the department in refusing to
approve state selection where lands se
lected appear to be suitable for Irriga
tion or power sits purposes, the offi
cials admit that It doe not seem right
or equitable to refuse to clear list to the
tat lieu selections beoaus of their
fitness for said purposea ;
"In taking the stand It has, the' de
partment ha followed th ruling of the
secretary of th Interior In the case of
Sherar vs. Veaale, 40 I S. $49. ' ' j
"Oregon selection lists covering some
4000 aore have Just been approved, by!
th commissioner of tb general land !
office, and ar now on th desk of the j
secretary of the interior awaiting ap
proval. Th other ar being permitted
to sleep in th land office until some
decision can be reached, - :
Th off total cite $4 Federal 171 to
Justify their aotlon in holding up these
selections. -1 have a few more membwr
to in regard to our stat forestry
blU. Am quit sura that w will secure
it passage." xtxx-:.:: .;:;? , ?
? Win Lector at laiaralvfood.
Laurel wood. Or., Nov. I.- Next Sun
day morning at Laurslwood M. K.
ohurch Captain Charles H. Stanley, th
converted comedian, who ha bsen lec
turing In various Portland suburbs for
th last three weeks, will deliver hi
humorous address. .
li I I t tb i ' 1
After Few Doses are Taken
tism. ' It neutralises the urine so it no
longer Irritate th bladder,; overcoming
unnecessary breaking of sleep and help
the kidney nd bladder, regain health
and strength. -'-:,vv . ';) f-xy: .
1 It , matters hot how long you have
suffered, how old you are, or what, else
you hav uaed. It Is practically impos-r
Bible to take tni quick-acting, affective
preparation without immediate results.
It starts to work the mlnut you take
it th first Urn you us It. An orig
inal package of Croxone cost but - a
trifle, and all druggist ara authorised
to' return th purchase pric If It fails
in a Single oa .-!., ;,;.L )U'y (Adv.) :
: ileve Sore Throat. Bronchitis, Tonsil,
ltia, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma. ! Neu-
f ralgia, Headache, Congestion, Pleurisy,
Rheumatlim,' , Lumbago, ' Fains ? and
Aches of Back or Joints, Sprains Bore
Muscles," Chilblains, Frosted Feet and
; Colds ot th Chest (it prevents Pneu
At your druggist's in
3Io and SOo Jars, and a
special large - hospital
sis for sua
, Accept no-substitute.
' If your druggist ean
not supply you, arnd
36c or tOc to the MU8-
TKB07JB Company, Cleveland, Ohio,
and we will mall you a jar, post ee
prepaid.- (5(i)
Vn. J, Horllclc, Weat rbll1iplil, Pa.. t:
My four-Taar-old tna hni av(ire bi'oiiilniii,
found aloaterole tbe brat thing 1 tn-r um-.l."
Only Slightly 'More than Half
of Books Circulated Were
, ; ; "Fiction. .
Sellwood, Orw Nov. 5. Th Sellwood
branch library, 170. Tacoma avenue, is
in a flourishing condition and is in
creasing its sphere of usefulness, as is
Indicated In 'th annual report now In
preparation by Miss Ruth XX Crocker,
librarian, to b presented November 30.
, . For the year: ending November 1, ap-
p iica tions , ior poo as ror circulation
numbered . 38.817 of which a desirable
proportion, $1 par .cent; have been fic
tion. During .October, 37SS applications
for circulation wer recorded, and one
dy 301 were filed, tb largest number
for. any on day of the entire year.
The largest number-of new members
added in. any on month, 117, was also
recorded In October. , .
Last Saturday thg fairy and folklore
story hour, conducted by th librarian
for the younger, children, began, : and
Will . be continued : each Saturday at
The exhibit of sea shell continues to
b of Interest .'. v
The library Is not' open Sundays.
The Mamook Caropfir Girls of Sell
wood library will appear-In ceremonial
costume at their fair and basaar, to be
given from 3:30 to- 0:$0 p.' m., Saturday.
November 3$, at Wall's halL East Thirteenth-Street
and' : Lexlngtonv avenue.
Home made- cookery and fancy articles,
a well a refreshments, will be on sale.
Take glfun of Salta befor breakfSut
4 If your Back JmrU or Haddet ,
T' ' bothen yoa.
The American men and women must
guard constantly against Kidney trou
ble, because w cat too much and all
our food 1 rich. Our blood is filled
with urio acid, which the kidney strive
to 'filter out,' they weaken from over
work, become sluggish; the ellminative
tissue clog end the result ts . kidney
trouble, bladder weakness and a gen
eral decline in health. - '
.When your kidney feel 1 Ilk lumps
of lead; your back' hurt or th urine
1 cloudy, full of sediment or you are
obliged to seek relief two or- three times
during th night; If you suffer with
sick headache or dlssy, nervous spells,
acid stomach,, or you have rheumatism
when the weather 1 bad, get from your
pharmacist about four ounces of . Jad
Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass
df water befor . breakfast-tor a few
day and your kidneys will .then act
flna This famous saltans mad from
th acid of grapes. and lemon Juice,
combined with lltfala. and ha been used
tor generation to flush and stimulate
clogged kidneys; to neutralise th acids
tnj th urine so It no longer 1 a source
of Irritation, thus ending bladder dlsor-dere.-,--
- " ': . ," -
: Jad Salt a Inexpensive; cannot in
jure, . makes a - delightful effervescent
Uthla water' beverage, - and - belongs in
very hom, because nobody can make a
mistake by-having a good kidney flush
ing any tlma (Adv.) , y
'Ctireole and Herwrae Dts.
-. aa resdllr succumb te
. 7 tboroasb aad xbana
. tle siathoda . ot trett-
saenf wben -xaor -' are
earffnllv and eonaiatimtlr
followed. MlsUkea are at
a salaUaam, - tMcaoae ' I
have treated ' euccwaf ul
ljr tbotiaanda et eaaee ax-
- avour use roar own. it it
' en error sot to mt tb
v advice et SpeclalUt
whe bis had yara ot
exparlaace and g 1 ex.
. clusWf personal attanttoa
te tbs treaUmnt of aurii
I in Keens, to practice In - the
states ef Orafoo. Wahlngtoa.. California
and Nevada.-. My oftlra la thoroughly
eiiulpped wita evarr electrical and BMK-ban-ical
davloe aaceaaary tor tbe aclantlfle
auant et your ailments. ., I a dm lu later (be
World's lateat remedies.
I Treat Buecassfnlly
ECZHiia, B0HE8.- VLCIkU. a-ltiii ANli
VISTULA. . ' -
- ConaulTation an BiamtnaHoa FREB, ,
te 6 Z a iallJ Sundajs, 10 ta 1.
J. J; KEEFH, Ph. G. M. D.
.. .. . POBTLANO. OB.
y afuia aun air
C2 la-r f
Vlts. t ;t- 5-a
Writ for Proof of Cure. Advic 1 re-
BR. CHASE. 124 N. Tenth St. PbMHlnhi. J'a.
Tin. RO-RAN-R' hc;
BKMEIlYUivnainatantr. ,
in ltxihimr, blliiir or I -m-
DR. BOSANKO, FhiladdFLia, l a.
proiji. r it s
- . parUanlwlT la olwimm r,.-.
Prafarabla to aaoaMtlDS drur. wh.. t, b
daatruotfre to Ui auusach. aitdm .
'm ,