13 1 LY JOURNAL, PORTLAIJD. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5, 1S13. ' ij - HOMrSTIEADS 1 (Continued) HO Al EST ISA Da near Portland now upon. Kxtra desirable, timber, water. It. J and town near. CoVey, 267 Onk, Room 21. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ,24 One Acre for Trade -Price $1500 , This choice tore la located Just mile. MAt. of . city. limits .oe "Portmna. Inere (, a good n rudnv house, iiarn, etc.; In good little town, right on carline, with pur feet macadam roads; price $1600, .Will trade for email home In fort land or vacant lot. ' , k ' v Hargrove & Sobs 124 N. CtCTat Main 4281, A-7259. t Stock and Grain J Farm , Excellent Soil, ; lOO-aorta lr-B than 6 miles south of Heppner, in Morrow county; 50 to 600 uifs in cultivation,, zoo more can easily b put in,, balance in in bunch grabs, - , making (rood pasture: 11 fenced and - croft funeerl i 1 ft ' anHrtara irA :itfmim . r 'big- lint ot personal property, machinery . and stock. The noil la a rich black 1-iam of good depth. Though . they tnresnea about 27 to 80 bushel to acre tnis year,, noma went as high a 40 '-w..J.h svervthing Included. I3t per acre , Will exchange or make liberal terms .iuurbs reason ror selling. J'.'1 , ,' KIJPPER A HUMPHRY-5 .' ., ' 812-218 Chamber of Commerce, '. V'i ' Even -Trade '-v f r In : a. ';,.'. all fnv hnltlftMn buildings, orchard, fenced, right on tbe electric carline. first class" soil, no rock orgravsl; 18500:. will trade ror a house and lot; will put in an auto with this and -take more property. -.Ralph Ackley Land Co;' 204 Failing bid. - - ..Some big (cheap) tracts at edge Of ...Willamette .valley, Part meadow and utaaay hill slopes and mountain streams. From 00 to 2000 acres. 1 Will take H - trade in unincumbered,, good Portland property and aome cash. . ueorge E. - iiHjroner bud xeon bldsv . - "' 180 ACRES of good alfalfa and fruit v una, located no miles rrom Jbos An geles: )Rnd in level and olme in rail road; price 180 per acrs; will trade for - f hi vvjuiufieiia vuiiey, Oregon, city or country. Joe Stephens, 143 J. it jimivocn St., juvm Angeies. V 40 .JIPRM TVrt 1 ianA vi ma... " L,..; barn and chicken house and runs, 16 m-T-is m ciover, young: orciiard,- good water, 20 mllea east an Base Line; will ' trade for small traot close in. J. J. .l-lsher, 809 Ablngton bldr. Main 4S41. J2000 EQUITY IN fi ROOM BUNQaLOW 'v - ON HARRISON ST., VALUE 130 i. -TO TRADB FOR IXTS OR SMALX. r.e.t,Ji. U- AUJKKAOB TO 8O00. WH have a client with a lots in Marsh field, clear of -Incumbrance, to trade on a nouse ana lot in Portland. . What have you? William JU. Graham & Co., kPT. HOUflE OH FLAT Rl.rifi .' WaWt. -ED UP TO 930,000 OR $40.0Or WILL O I V E U P " TO 120.000 FREE AND VU5AK!' A8H u J1K Ulxi p ERENCfi. : HARBOLT. 710 LEWIS BLDO HAVE J12.00O equities In Portland prop , erty to exchange for improved farm, j ready to do business at once, v ' The Firm That Does Things. , , 208-204 Piatt bldg. Main 9042. i?- Near Portland, good land, plenty of living water, -some choice timber;, take iiv.uuy or less in otner property, o. L. Webb, 414 E. Stark fit, . 4 ROOM houae, lot 40x100, rented. Mt. : ocm nne. mce aiauo. mortgage 1400. 'Trade for business or rooming house." , Yates 21 4th st Marshall 110.660 EQUITY IN FOUR' BIX ROAst FLATS WITH BATH AND FURNACE TU BACH! VAIjUB 18,000; TO TRADE UK LAMU. - . HARBOLT, 710 LWWIS St-Pq. ' v If you have anything any'wfvere you want to sell or trade, see Blnck'. 451 Jefferson. H matches you. Marshall bUb, A-4940. - . j- BRICK bids, and lot in Portland, 'clear, worth J3600,' to excharrge for home in, Portland; will assume up to S1000;. 02 Couch bids;.- - - ilATK unincumbered acreage, $2000; trade for clear rooming; house. -grocery or city property. Owners only,.ip-81, Journal. - 20 ACRES in Washington county; 'will r traae ior squuy in nouse or vacant lots. William L. Graham & Co $10 ; Henry tildsr. ' - 16,000 SEVERAL PIECES OF CITY INCOME OR VACANT TO TRADE , rUH -clMAL.lv JTAKM. HARBOLT, 710 LEWIS BLDO; v FIVE acres to trade as first , payment on house up to S100O. Mrs. Oleason. Marsha'l 205 after 6 p. to. 8 JO acre stock ranch, partly tm prove i; . price (suuo; mortgagri property; owner, H-H. e 42000. for city Journal.' FIN IS corner lot on Klllingsworth. J8C0; to trade for rooming- house. - Yates, 149, 4th 'St. Marshall 2828, A-4569.", "WE exchange -what, you have for what you want. Peper St Baker, 444 Kher- lock bldg., 3d and Oak. Mnrshal! 264. WILL give, contractor acreage aa first payment to erect bunfftilow on my loti ; M rs. OleaHon. Marnhall 206 after 8 p. m ; A GOOD euultv In a house and lot to trade for anythln of value., William 1j. Qraham e Co.. 810 Henry bldg. GOOD 1st mortgage, $460, 8 per cent. Uurnal. 1 . .'. .. ' 'S . . v"' FOR SALE6 room bungalow, With all built In effects. Ul take a lot equity M 1st payment. 80S K Ex. Ford & Co. 'ijOOO KQUITY In tplendld View lot. . Alemeda drive, anytntng ot vaiue, ua hnr 213 B" ROOM house $1100, lot clear, to trade What's the Use BSBS i. ' "rr."s:'' iMir fkaAACk itct-e c -T' . wvw ..'Ss--i --:...'A- m':-v. .r THC CAUSE Of THri. . AT& Tft(TO VOTE. A v crti-. " .Vi.-J I H wtJ ij-Uuam;;-; i:::al estate ni (Cmii'mieti) 521-2.Acres at Woodburn i .Thls Is decidedly one of ' the , , ' choicest tartn homes in the state of Oregon. It adjoin the city lim its or Wood burn, sidewalks to tha" premlsea. There are 6JH acree, 47 acre In high state of culti vation, balance nice body Of' fir. This tract Ilea perfectly, and . ' everv foot of the land la exceed ' 1Jnl)f. s'sa. . No reefed ls feiiv aeiy you to una rioner ianu tuaiw this. Splendid 8 room plastered house,- fine barn . and ' outbuild-, . ings. Every building or everv- thing; else la in first-clans condl-. tlon.. Personal property: - Four-, hordes, 4 seta harness, 8 milch , cowa, l registered nun, some line Poland China hogs, 200 chickens, 2 wagons, hack, buggy, all farm implements, cream separator, gas oline engine, all crop and house hold goods. Price $17,600. -Will take Portland home to value; $6600. Time . on balance. Ws know this place will ult you. . Hargrove St -Sdns' 122 N 6th st. , Main 4381, A-726. 10 -Acres,; New Bungalow Trade for City Residence You have been waltine; for a country niaca Just like this: bore is a choice 10 acre place IVi miles from Oresham, all under cultiva-' tlon, new 5 room bungalow, barn, -chicken house, ,young . orchard,,, level land. 5 minutes' walk from .station; price $5000, mortgage. $800; will trade for ft bungalow " clear of incumbrance up to $4200. or might assume some; will sell for $800 down, balance- asy terms. Owner has two places sev eral miles apart and cannot look after both of them. - Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2d floor Chamber. Commerce bldg. .WANTED 5 acre farm or will trade . n . i.nrf wltK mi lnp.iimhrnnnA. on or near car line in exchange for 82 J acres best Kortn uanoia wneat. lana, mil. frfitx tnvotv nn mam una or norm- .m Picifin R. Tt. nil fenced, good sprlngt small bouse and stable; will also maKa a aooa biock unu.. auuioiw j. Rudy. Nortn jpiaina, ur. : - SWAP COLfMN 20 30 H. P. gasoline launch with cruiser cabin. Will trsdj for Ford car or trucR. Launoh' cost $1260, boat can be seen in Portland. Address P. O. box 472, Astoria, Or. WANT to trade 6 HV P. 3-phase C. motor for 8 H.. r. smgie pnasa ao ress K-SOO. Journal. - WAKTEPREAL ATE 31 WANT well built, modern bungalow, from 1 to 4 blocks from Rose City Park, carline. Price must not exceed $2f00k Wttn IZOU IlTSt payment. .-. J he nrrrf mat uoes inmgs y 203-204 Flatt Bldg.. Tel, M. U4 PARTY from the east with some cash, wnniti nnr umaii eauities in nouses and vacant lota, from owners If prices attractive enougn ior speculation. ,.- The Firm I hat .Does i hings 203-201 Piatt Bldg.. Tel. M. 904J. WE have a customer for a five or six room bouse not over $2260., Will make small payment, balance monthly. What have you? i-.Ll.1 810 Henry bldg. - TEN houses sold ' in one weekv We have the customers lr ymir.i price ana terms are right, can or pnone at once. The firm I Hat Uoes Ihings 08-204 Piatt Bldg., Tel. M. 9042. , DD you want to sell your houset you -want -to rent or exchange?" Piatt, bid. Main 9043. Do 20a WILL pay oah. bargains,- lots - and , eduitlee. - restricted districts. .Y-488. journal. - . WANTED-House in Portland for acre - age. -A few miles out, by owner. Y- 484. JonrnflV - KOOMIXO HOUSES Here it is: 49 room rooming; house, 1 hint-it off Washington St. on principal st; steam heat, running water In rooms, Brussels carpets, lease, brass beds, clears $260 monthly,' rent less man at a room, worth $6000; first one comes gets this for $200; easy terms. Peters, 16 N. 8th. IB ROOMS, fine modern dwelling, line tnA in wst . side location, ' If you are looking for a nice u to date place, aelthis. Pries $760 Call 88 10th. 9 rooms, 1 block Washington st. Modern building;. Rent only $30. Good furniture. " ',, , ; Price )U$luu uasn .- CALL- PH. 1 OTH. NEAR BTARK.' 19 II. K. rooms, rent $60. flna-.west side corner; furnace beat, running water. etc.: nicely, furnisnea; win siana every investlKatfon; ,will trade for equity n house and loC- - Yates, 249 4th st, near miirthfiiise. . WANTED Rooming house, 9 or- 10 rooms: a.-..-..- .titui OT..ai V. n bargain: state price and locatien. O- fti)4, journal - BUSINESS CHAKCES - -0 GOOD' business In good growing town with living rooiris, civwi. tlon; terms. KX-748. Jqurnai. $1076. will buy an up to date hardware store in good- business district Also furniture in connection. A-768. Journal. WEDDING invitations, announcements, Ryder print CO. nrwirniiae.' "" OR SALE One chelr barber snop. of Knowing the THIS I WHAT UWUHm S3 Rfe-lVTER. WRDN& .es Aaitj NOnN ve ' BOYrt IN HERS . FMJL.T i 20 (C'oiit.'nnei!) liliMAltKABLK OPPORTUNITY FOR A iiUSTLKH. Mv hiiHlneMK :-m crown so fast that I am unable to handle it; If you have 18500 and can furnish, good referencaM, I can show you a good proponitlon, where you win be secured by good real estate and can make good moneyf can furnish good bank references. Cull 1008 Wilcox bldg. FOR SALT1' General store stock., about 2000. Fostofflce in store, in the beet section of eastern Oregon;-has the only rHt.s tttftnrv in T.nlcA muntv. Will alio ell hotel '3uJfeed barn- Rna-.6? r'rfl" of tancJs or will lease the above rr party ouya etocK ana tools. 4, . tutt mont, or. WANTED An Meat Who can think of ' some simple iniuie 10 paienn your ideas, they may bring yq,u w Write for "Needed Inventions "How to Get1 Your Patent and some simple thing to patentT ' protect anu Your Monev." Randoloh & Co.. Patent Attor neys, v WaBhlngtonJPj0: THE liveliest grocery store with butch er snop in connection, in . u,,WBivV Rent from butcher shop leaves only $11 rent to pay. Will invoice $Hoo. My price for quick sale, $760. -603 Couch bldg; ' GTrOCERY', invoice $4000, sales $2000 ,per month, old established: retiring front business; no agents. E-829, Jour nal. ' - , . -, ' ' , , ,' ' 1 . $800 IN CASH and B00 in gilt 1 mort- gages to exchange for good rooming mvihv tl.tl- ' Mttlanrnnt! has S. si.ll. sm -. "in .11 " I. fin ;, hiiiinui .t reasons for Selling, nrtV. tUD for alL Call 88 10th near Stark. j ' REAL opportunity for rnui wa i in tnTiiiahed manufacturing business. roinnn1.Tit naiarv. Call after 6 p. m. ll Pendleton ave. Take F car. UP'O-DATE moving picture show, in good, lively 1 town of about 1000, on west side, for sale; only show in town; 1R0A -Writs M. Beck, McMinnvilieOr. V6UNO- business lady wants gentleman with $50 to Join her in opening Pl ture theatre; one oite - the city Phone a-ioi. 500 Business Cards, $K iV.:ii vu. oolli , Wo ah ton e1 nil Buchanan bldg- 298 Wash'tonjjt MOV1NO picture theatre, spienaia l i'-"- I lOCU- L-852, tlon, enap ior uoxwn - w.: HALF interest, in bUcksmith shop ior sale. Apply Fred Polhamus. "irout dale, Or. MOXETr'TO LOAN RE AT KSTATK WE . have funds for PPvalrl es- tate loans. Any amount from $300 tO $30,000. Lowest current . rates. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. Mortgage Loan 'V 1 Department. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATEOR FOR BUILDING- PURPOSES: VERT FLEXIBLE IWittAUl. w COLUMBIA LIFE -A TRUST CO, em fiPir.DiNa m.no. LOANS made on improved city property or for building purposes; advances made as building progresses; liberal reoavraent privileges. No commission or broKeraga. i. tr. jum.jm". - . - w T 1 -. n . ui.ru fcRi-ATR FUNDS Have large amoun avaliaDie ior lmnieuiaia v' cent, it well secured. .Henry 0. prua homme. , 808 Wilcox- bldg. Kirsf mort- gage seourltles exclusively. Mortgage Loans LL., WHITE, ; 701 Soling Bldg. WE have money to loan on. yoi rirat morterases only. our real HAMMOND MUKlUAUtJ LunrAMii 2d jnainucr m ,uimpmB. WK have money to loan on your reai estate: Iirst mortgages o HAMMOND MORTGAGE 423 Chamber of Com estate: Iirst origgesonijr. cvjnrAii i. mmerce. M6NEY to loan in amounts of n $400, t6oo. 8700. $800. $1000 and $1600, on city improved property. J, I Wells Co., 824 C. or u. Diag. $1600 to loan at 7 per cent on close In HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423-424 mamuer or vjimiiiimro 8100,000 on mortgages, city and farm orooerty. firs Insurance. McKensie 4b Co., Qerlinger bldg.j td and Alder. u a vc. ni amount to loan on a oou Portlana reai estate, v&u i v.uu ber of Commeroe bldg. No brokers. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Ral estate security. Appiy jum u buni xchange bldg.. 8d and Yamhin sts. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con- tracts: mortgage loans; 'reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis ft. Co.. 2 Lewis bldr. I HAVE for. immediate loans, - $800, I16UU, quuu, at cuireui rw . n. Fell. Wi oeninger mug.. 81000 to loan on Portland real estate, t- 11 . w r kt TlIrtTllVl AnH fT1 D1MV 423-424 Chamber of Commeroe. 8 ANl 7 per cent mortgage loans. $1000 v to $20,000, for Immediate loan.. 41000 to $6000 tor immediate loan ou real gam ic. j.ciijur 11. ' ; . : : WILL loan $20,0QO or less, real estate- - Farrlnston, 416 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL FSTATB. OKU. tr." vt.iJM, zzs tiitini nui.'w MONEY to loan, 8 to 8 per cer .... Belts ft Co.. ."10 Spalding bid er cent W,' H. 1unNR-v in man nn real astata. A. H. HARDING. 318 Ch. of Com, UNION, SAFE DEPOSIT ft TRUST CO. MORTGAGE LOANS 284 OAK ST. MORTGAGE loans, 8 and 7 per cent $T6b;'$360. $600. $860. 127oT $2000. Frej w hcrrnan fn 7 Chnrnhnr of Commerce. Louis Salomon & uo.. -fit atara st. ' . ' .. .' i;isixi:ss cjiaxci:s Time of fia&When You Can't 'ii ' I in a l "H 11 i mi ji i i i '.'.I'll I . I 1 ' T ... . .','...;.. -.;,',!., :rf,'. ... "B. .-S','.'!t,ii.M.iat,..'r;'i .'I 111 . . 1 1111 , A "1 ' f, , J. Lf- ' T.SAG CH&to 1 I lCOlN'AM,PLACe X CST TO KOTf: mm vim. : ;.-i f" . V :wr . . J'i,'' ' - w 'it . - -V ' ' 'I'll , r ' I ' ' - I ... . "r,y nr- - ' J" - aonwi. an ill in m . i i n i in l i .1 . " . , . : TT. - :., . , , , 1 ' , , 1 . ' 1 ' , ' - " f f 27 r'ontlntiedl I HAVE private funds to loan in amounts of $260 and up to suit bor rower. My rates are reasonable and my service is rapid. Submit security at 612 Piatt bldg.. S. W. cor, ot I'ark snd Washington sts. L MONEY TO LOAN , CHATTELS, 8ALKIK3 67 IF YOU NUKDL MONK IT FOR WINTER IfS'ST WV?ie" WE LOAN $10 TO $1000. " ON YOUR SALARY, FURNITURE, PIANOS. MOTOKCYCLKS, AUTOS. STORAGE RECEIPTS , CON TEACTS OR REAL ESTATE. E, weekly pays a $ 10 loan. weekly pays a $ 2. 25 loan. weekly pays a $ 60' loan, weekly pays a $100 loan. flTHFCW SUMS iw PROPORTION. Ml I nHAROH ffQH APPIJOATION, NO EXTRAS. ' ' NO DELAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. NOT1CEOn all loans if the head ot the family dies or is totally disabled and the payments are up to date, wifl WILL GIVE THE WIDOW A RE CE1PT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. YOU DO NOT Jeopardize your furni ture or sell your peace of mind. If you ufjA-u tin. mi.. . FULL REBATE ALLOWED ' if you pay in full before contraot time expires CALU WRITE OR PHOwJ TODAY if "e ; i 418 MACLEAY BLDO., , '. ' nt 4th nt srh. on Wash. St ODen 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sat till 8 P. M, Phone Marshall 8288 or A-2897.: $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ I $ SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES, CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE. It) BORROW MONEY. , AUSnT.TTTtiU.V KCt fi KCil TRITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL STATE 6ECURIT CO., , . $ $ 809 FAILING BLDG-T $ I ELBY COMPANY. I rJoanaeid.l . - 110 tn 810.000 to loan on diamonds. Jewelry, watches, musical instruments. pianos. aUlOmODlies, : Storags recojui. aa . OwL.aAa .ln. i,tnlf adWlj. 1 lnw VW. 11 V Rl, UIHA UIU. mm v.ww, rstes. 320 Lumber Exchange biijg. wain 4817. " "' " ' ;' ' SALARIED PEOPLE" AND OTHERS WANT1NO MONEY SND AND STARK ST. CHATTEL loans Money fpr salaried people ana uiiibih uyvu wwm names, cheap rates, easy payments, Ses me before dealing elsewhere; confiden tial. U. ''It. UraKei' nwir wmg. 1 rit'QTt? i RT.l;: nlnem for ladies and sen tlemen to norrow mousy ui uimuvuu; end iBwelrv at eastern rates, jwiamunu Palace. 834 Wash., opp. Owl drug store, MONEY sold on installment; confiden tial to salaried people, b, a. ew ton. 614 Henry Diag, MONEY loaned on diamonds. Jewelry and warenouse receipts. . xvuuiu v. Washington bldg. IMMEDIATE snd confidential loans on -furniture, autos, pianos; mortgages bought. Bauer, 208 Alder, WE loan money on diamonds and Jewel ry at hair tne rates cnargea oy oron- ers. Marx ft Bjoch, 74 id st. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel- ry. strictly confidential. nn o. LOANS WANTED 30 titno. a ;vam. 1st class real estate. 7 . nnr cent. No asenta No commission. Room 1, wasnmgton .oiag. $6000 for 8 years at 8 per cent on A-l resiaence or iarm property. : vui bor 8671. ! FINANCIAL 51 PiSH PAID FOR MORTGAGES, Or seller's equity in contract of sals on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens oiay.. . tipans, HELP WANTED -MALB 1 n r A v - -v -m a- W V Akta $m &S I .J VVAJ-f rur o. aim,, m u wnwn unmarried man between ages - of 1$ and 86; cltlsens of the United States, Of gooa cnaraoter ana temperate nn. who can apeak, read and writs -the English language. For information an- Ely to recruiting officer. Worcester ldg., 8d and Oak sts.. Portland, Or. MARRIED farm i hand familiar with horses, to take steady position on large orchard, Wages $58.50 monthly; must be willing to invest part of wages In small tract In neighborhood. Small cash payment required. School snd store on premises. im-td, journal YOUNG man, moving picture operating taugnt unuer expert operator in tn atre, the only way to learn-it right Little cost for complete course. Apply room 810 Morgan bldg. " - SALESMEN to sell cheap lots on easy payments. The easiest thing to Bell you ever tried. ; WM..L. GRAHAM ft CO., ' 810 Henry Bldgt WANTED -Experienced glove sales- men f of western territory oy large manufnnriirer for. heavy work goods. Address KX-S31. Journal. , WANTED Several well dressed young men with house to nouse experience good pay. 618 Panama bldg,, 8d and Alder. . . . . . . MOVING picture operating taught; men wanted for good positions; private practical training; secure positions. , 612 Rnrhrhlld bids:.- SALESMAN wanted; a business worth while and an opportunity to-build a business of your own. Cash weekly. Ad dress Capital City Nursery Co.. Balem. On I HAVE a first class steady position at o-nnrt wii for a sond man who can furnish from $800 to $600 cash se curity, can Koom 61 s ueicum niog, f-HEC HMitnnarters. and Hel ners. ' CALHf'OKNIA UU1NJU UfifUl. t 985 Yamhill st. WANTED-Flrst class salesman to sell tut article of merit: needed in every ousehold. Call 413 HawthomK - - rDELlVERY boy wanted., 462 Wash., st -mm. Moxirr TO LOAN HEAL LSTATJB , UELV WANTED aiAXB Situation Wanted Ada inserted free for those n need of work and who are unable to pay foe an advertisement. Advertisements must be bought to the office personally by the parties oesiring worn. WANTED Good, steady men to Work in logging camp at good wages, and who want to own their own homes nearby. We have work for you and can show you how to get a start. The land is first class and $100 is all you n(td trt Eflt lni-.Rtd on a nine 10Vi acre .tseit,,?rltlttt ryt.ini,le o,C thsATP3-..jXitl pnee b3i.60, easy montiuy wayuiems on balance. Have cheaper tracts if de sired. UNLEHS you are earnest ly INTERESTED IN GETTING A GOOD PIECE OF ACREAGE, WHERE YOU CAN HAVE EMPLOYMENT. DO NOT " ANSWER THIS ADVERTISE MENT. Call and make arrangements to go with us Sunday, or any other day. We will pay your expenses if you do not find the proposition ae represented. .'. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY c CO 918 Chamber of Commerce. Yy M. C A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or. re fund of membership fee; gives two months full membership privileges, 10 months social privileges. 1 Record for 8 months ending Aug. 81: Calls for men 1898 Positions filled 109$ All yountr men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially in vited to consult with the secretary of the Employment Department . -Stock Salesmen Dependable salesmen, who want permanent employment to sell stock in a rapidly growing local corporation. Refereucea required. Call or address 1406 Yeon Bldg. r GOOD man for milking and chores.' 6o3 uast vsa st. n. SOLICITORS wanted; best offer in city. Van Dyck Studio, 404 Washington st HfcXP WAr-TOT -iliUC. 49 OREGON AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 166 89268 Ilth at Latest up-to-date meth ods of practical instruction In driving and repairing automobiles by expert in structors ana mechanics. Tuition, part cash on enrollment balance at time of graduation. We assist our graduates to positions. Day and nignt ciasBes, OREGON LAW SCHOOL. ' A thorough practical course In law; no time lost from regular-occupation) recitations evenings. Samuel T. Rich ardson, dean, M. Morehead, Sec., 816-317 Commonweaitn mag., rortiano, yregon. WANTED Men 18 to 86, as railway mail clerKs. via montn; leuu vacancies every- year. Examinations everywhere frequently. 1 Sample questions free, Franklin institute. Dept 827-H. Roches ter. N. Y. - - u , "CENTRAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Bookkeeping, Gregg and Pitman short hand, typewriting, speed classes, pen manship. Individual instruction by spe cialists. Tuition $10 per mo. Books free Central Building. Main 8599. s USE your spare time to build upa mail order, business of your owm We help you start for s share in profits. 27 op portunitees. . Particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. LOCAL representative wanted. No can vassing or soiicitiiiv requires, uooa income assured. Address National Co operative Realty, Co., V-909, Marden bldg.. Washington, D. C. GOVERNMENT positions open to wo men, lit, x 16 montn. write immeaiate iv for free list -Franklin Institute. Dept. 898-H. Rochester. N. Y, PACIFIC CHIUOpRACTIC COLLEGE individual insTruolion. new class lust forming; send for catalogue. 407-418 Commonwealth bldg., Portland, or. GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get My free booklet Y-368 tells how. Write today NOW, Earl Hopkins, Washing- ton D. C. r MEN. 18 to 85. wishing to be railway mall clerks, $75 month, KX-473, Jour nal. SHORTHAND, typewriting, bookkeeping. A.n I n Amir A, viltflif tlaaBAl, . TH R TT 629 Worcester blk. Marshall 2761. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6.60 up. Taylor, the tailor. 289 hi Burnside. MDERMOTT'S show card school, day and evening classes. 1 am l iirora mag, HELP WANTED FEMALE 3 WANTED YOUNG LADIES FbR TEL EPHONE .OPERATING, WITH OR WITHOUT. EXPERIENCE. PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY ATTHE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND , TELE- r . .. . ,. .... -' . GRAPH , COMPANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. 6TH AND EAST ANKENY STB, OR (MAIN OFFICE). WEST. PARK AND ALDER, TELEPHONE EAST 250. WANTED Expert glove saleswomen. Apply at bupennienaenrs onice, ntn floor, between 8:30 and 9:30 a. m, Good salaries to capable people, Meier & Frank company. GIRLS between 18 and 25 years to learn rnmninmatar addins mac.it ne; good po sitions provided when course completed, Call 448 Morgan tuig. . ... demon- jistrateasnd sen aeaiers; to tov jer week; R. R. fare paid- Call 615 Swet- and hlrir. ,. - COMPETENT girl for general .house - -work; good ' cook, small family. $12 Chapman .st, Portland Helghta Main 8008. .- .... ' . GIRLS, wanted to work on trousers and vests; tfxpenencea omy neeu u-pyir. 851 Aider, WANTED Competent girl. 493 E. 17th N. Phone rJast euuo. WW ANTED Lady solicitor, good position ror rignt pariyi. eu, Go Any Place TJELP WANTED FEMALE 2 (Continued) -Situation Wanted Ads. inserted free for those in need ot work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement Advertisements must be brought to the of floe -personally by. the parties desiring wont. mnk'S. waUrn. nconil air is. house. work.- chambermaids. St. Louis La dles' Agency, 288 Main st. Main 2039 WANTHIl Twrt B-ii-ln . hanrlv With , a needle. Apply Kaufman Hat Co., 187 Front et, upstairs WANTED A reliable wqman to work house. Call after 9 o'clock at ZllHlst. ilEU- WANTED MALM . AND FEMALE 9 OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade In 8 weeks. Days you while learning, tools free, tuition re duced this term, expert instruction, po sition guaranteed, specie! Inducements tO iaill4S. - KdB iVLUCllHUIl St., 4U MOLER BARBER COLLEGE teaches the trade in 8 weeks, pays while learn ing, gives a lst-cla.es set of tools. Write for free catalogue. B. 48, N. 2d st MEN, women, get government jobs; 890 month; 12.000 appointments coming. Write for list of positions. - Franklin Institute, Dept. S28-H, Rochester, N. Y. W A NTlCl 1 Rnilwa v . mall clerks. Ex aminations everywhere - frequently Sample questions free. Franklin lnsti- tu t e, Dept. 324-H, Rochester, N. 1 F1SK Teachers' Agency secures posl tlons for teachersi 818 Journal bldg, RAOT1ME piano plavinK guarantd .be ginners In 10 leseons. 601 Eilers bldg. 8ITUATIOXS -MALE 3 MAN in the east (Maine). 27. married de sires to locate in Portland; first timekeeper, checker, understands shirt outline-, good-salesman, beet of refer- annan- win trt immndtetelv If neces sary. Address L, E. Landon, Stockton Maine YOUNO man, stranger and broke, urg- . ently needs employment of any kind; experience in piano and laundry busi ness; will' consider private lamuy r farm work. R-488, journal. TSVtitriitw.vjnirn nlothlno- and cent's fur- nlshlngs salesman wants position; nuul .ftMr-allnn rlpnn habits. KOOd rSI' erences. Ernest Ewing, 1181 Minnesota ave., city. YOUNG man married, experienced grp- oervman. must nave worn, wux.uo anvthin. Can furnish A-l references. X-888, Journal. ALL kinds of woolen clothing made w dren's clothing, etc., made irproor. rapyern noun a, jwah.ui i tout - . t poBUton; good solicitor; good window dresser. C. Davis. atandUh hotel. Main ! flfiftV. A .TROl . -V' tl vv 1 tn. una MARRIED man wants work at team ing or any worn in. or anouna mure or Wholesale nouse, or laowr worn, mui h, auirlr at Anna M-ROH. Journal. YOUNG man wishes position driving automobile, ramiiy car preierreui ; s' perlenced. F-303, journal, STEAMFilTERS'. helper, eastern, ex- Derlenoe. nonunion, wants work. AftK .Tnnrnnl . ' ,h " PAINTER and paperhanger wants work, 38 aoer day; win lurnisn reliable. Call room 306, Main 1773. YOUNQ man wants work, any kind; has been working with large transporta tion company. . w-ti, journal. WANTED Any kind of work In city by a first class carpenter. G. Bennett, 1824 Virginia stclty., or call Main 7145 EXPERIENCED elevator man or any kind of work. Phone I C Hlnes, Main 1135. Xiam that i)nnWntfl.nrii eardenlns and house cleaning wants a Job. Phone A-4829. room 1. - vmiNd man. 54. wishlna- to make Port land his home, wants work. J-872, Journal. VniiKfi marri,l man. sood , Denraatn. wanu work in grocery or hardware store. A-evit, journal. ELDERLY man, capable of handling engines and boilers and make small repairs, wants position. v-oio. iuun, PRINTER Elderly man, having some knowledge ot tne linotype, wants- vmv tlon. G. H.. 819 Powell st, city. work of mv kind wanted bv middle aged man. handy with tools-. Address P.. 435 B. 12th St. Phone E. 4776 BARGAINS in painting. tinting and papering. Phone East 2101. CARPENTER wants repairing or Job work of any kind. Marshall 6980. MAN, 40, wishes work, jany kind, for winter: inuui wbrbo. x-oqj, jwui imi. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 NORWEGIAN woman wants work by day or week, r uooa general nouse worker. 720 MlssisBlppl.Woodlawn 801, Nazarene Army. COMPETENT bookkeeper, 13 years' es- fierience, wants position at once, nest erences , furnished. Gilchrist Mar shall 6612. HOUSEKEEPER for bachelor, private family or hotel, rooming house or apartment, mono warn exa; WANTED Work by reliable and exper lenced dressmakers $1.60 per day. East 8497. EXPERIENCED waitress and casnier wants position immediately. G-650. journal. YOUNG, reliable lady wishes day work, ' zac an nour ana cariare. tr nous eveu ines. Tabor 4547. yVIDOW lady in need wants care, of chll ' dren, or board and room for; working peopie;TeasonaDie. pnone 'j qpor in a. GERMAN woman wants day wor. Don't speak English. Must have wor some kind. 913 Grand ave. WANTED Lady' would like 2 or 8 chil- - dren to care for: 1 block from school. Phone Main 1428 or call 226 Park st. COMPETENT stenographer desires posl-tlnn- rffrnra. Marnhall 2055. WILL care for children day or nigllt, re sponsible person. tj-aaiM. RELIABLE woman wants work Wed. Thura. and Sat. Tabor 8474. WANTED Work by reliable and periences dressmaKer, Mam 4716. WANTED Dressmaking by the day or in soma establishment 391 Yamhill. ss ss ss lam i in i i i. Mi i i.u ii i 1 ' hi. ,i j i SITUAT.'n rx r- . .... ) ncrlplife. wit hen t-v.-ui-:.t l i lies or home woik; iflm-fj t,-- November. buecney, 6ii ;iiih.t t drive. YOUNG girt, 18. wishes ti h!t w'n housework, eHt side preferred, r-i--i. ences. Tabor 2540, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ' AND FEMALE r 1 SITUATION wanted by man and wiCe in apartment or rooming house, nia-t UV. ilUUi 113.1, . . . REFINED middle atted latly and 1ms- band would like situations caring tor invalids or old people; reference. N-7S1, Journal. DRESSMAKING 40 OrKKA coats,.- fancy costumes, men s silk shirts, ladles' tailoring, expert at tention! first class work, perfect (it guaranteed, bv the dav or at 1221 Gree ley st. Woodlawn 3492. - FASHIONABLE dressmaking, first clt,s work, alterations guaranteed. lt& I3th St. Marshall 6853. FASHIONABLE dressmaking ami mil linery at home or by day. 263 Broad- way. Main 1030. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements bv tne aay or at noma, f..tu. - Aiarsnau, ACADEMY of Parisian Scientific Dress making. Tailored Suits. Corsets. Teachers wanted. 304 Goodnou gh bidgv NURSES BY trained nurse, undergraduate, ref erences; reasonable. 217 6th st Main 8768. Mrs. C. C. Murphy. - . FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE: . OAKS HOTEL, , Nice, neat, clean rooms, free heat; ' phone, running water in rooms; goo I, olean beds. '..Only 8 rooms, left, 82. bq week and up, 247 Oak st, near Oregon hotel. FOR Y. M. O. A, members' Furnished rooms, reasonable in price, fireproof building, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club facilities, special rates at cafeteria! Cor. 6th and Taylor sts. YOUNG man, rooming at Y, M. C. A.',' : wants room mate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire Y. M. C A-, or. $th ana xayior. TOURIST HOTEL. ' Centrally located, B cars from depots, modern conveniences, transient trade so licited, 60o up, $8 a week up. 150 1st et. HEILIX HOTEL, 2d and Yamhill, cen trally located, modern, steam heated rooms, free phone and bath. 13.80 week ; ROOMS and apartments in modern- Ho tel, iz.ou weeK ana up. 466 Aiaer, HOTEL SAVON &X,VaktK; VUBHTSR-S SOOMS BIDS PKIVATD 1AMTY WEST 70 FOR RENT 1 large front parlor, beau tifully furnished, suitable for two-; also a large, pleasant room on second floor, suitable for three. Reasonable. 136 22d st. N. - LARGE, comfortably furnished rooms . suitable for two, steam heat, easy walking distance. 87 N. 20th. MarT snail 713; rent iw. $5 PER month rents large auny front room. gas. bath, heat 778 Roosevelt, near 23d. Phone Marshall 4116. ONE elegantly furnished -front alcove.. everything new and up tp date. , Mali 8075. 349 Harrison. DESIRABLE modern' rooms,' $2 and up; close in. 888 Salmon. Main 8293. ONE nice modern large front room, f ur- nisned. 164 is. itn. pnone m. uuss. NICE furnished rooms, very reason able, moaern. B90 coucn. m. S3i. VERY cheap sleeping rooms. 149 13th. between Alder and Morrison. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE OS THE CLIFFORD HOTEL. E - tth and Morrison sts. American and European plan, - New and modern. large loooy. special -rates py montn. THE Larrabee, 227H Larrabee. Rooms $2 wk. up. Brick bldg-, steam heat, hot and cola water, patn, pnone. electricity. FURNISHED rooms $2 pen week and up; hot water steam heat. 402 E. Wash in gton. Phone East 2870. - ' SASX SEDE PBIVATB XAMXXY fubsishSd BOOKS 7A WANTED Lady roomers in- quiet : home In Mllwaukle. Rooms comfort able and reasonable.,' 6o car fare. Ref? . erences exchanged. S-854, Journal. ROOM and board for two young ladles, separate rooms. iVery comfortable, snd reasonable to ' right parties. Ta bor 1920. " ' ' .-.i- ' UNFUKSISHED rOOMS 10 THREE large front unfurnished rooms, electrio -lights, steam heat running water, fine laundry and phone, all free; new apartment house (Balfour apts.), 1163 neimont. cornr in. atn. a-zvii. , ROOMS AND BOARD CASA ROSA, 300 Jefferson . large nice- ly furnisnea rooms witn ooarq. BOOMS ABB DOAKD PBIVATB finlliT PLEASANT warm Tooms,- aultable for one or two; good home cooking; all home comforts; reasonable; in a com fortable home, Taoor 4i. PRIVATE home, front room for 8. hornet nice, moaern. reakonaoie. . m itn et. Phone Main 9121.. " ROOM and board for. couple in Irving ton home; references required. East 3416. ' : " V 336 MARKET ST. 3 attractive roonin, rnnnlns water, sleeping porch, home cooking, moqeraie price, reierenres. UOOM and board walking distance, rate reasonable. Main 8168. 396 llarrlsun. cor. 10th. -. ROOM suitable for 2 young men; good noara, aesirapie. aiajgnwii oviv. NICELY furnished rooina with board; nome-Uae, nonie cw'winy. "in g i. AVILL take one gentleman to room and board In private noma.- pnone a-4-. (Continued on Next Page) By "Bud" Fisher 5