The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 05, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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No, It's a RealityYou Can Have
0 t
Ciub Pledges. Itself; to; Raise,
' 'K
Thi$ Splendid ;. ; ,
I I nV2. ?$! v i.. ill
Moans of Communication Be-
, iween Washington ana ure-
kgon'- Shores Requisite of
,Road Plan,
!- ' , By Fred Lockley.
jm OLtTMBCS Js a name that la fa
. M miliar to ail of the early Colum
I bla river naviratom. Here It was
Vj i in the early days, that Dr. W. H.
Gray, Who came to Oregon with
Tr TThltman In I8S6. built the Cas-
: cedilla, on of the early boata on the
Columbia river. He cnoae ominous
because the timber from the Slmcoo
mountains rould be brought through
the gap at Columbus. It Is the lowest
point Tor SO miles in euner airecuon
through the high land along the Colum.
bla,, leading bacit Into central Wash
ington. Directly opposite this gap la
Spanish Hollow on the Oregon side. In
the old days before the coming of the
railroad there wa a ferry plying across
the river at Columbus.
J In talking- with Mr. Robinson, the
postmaster of Columbus, be said: "I
have been here 30 years. If you will
come down to the river bank I will
show you the old posts where the ferry
landing used to be. - The old ferry house
- Is still there. . They used to bring
down the lumber, cross at the ferry
'.i here and go on Into central Oregon
by way of Spanish Hollow, but when
the railroad went from Biggs to Shan
Uco they were so anxious to ret the road
that they gave up the oounty road to
. tjie railroad and the ferry was aban
doned." i -Why Is It," I said to Mr Hill, "That
a ferry is not put In here?" . .
I "TVell, seeing- is believing," said Mr.
;. Hill, -i wlll hire, a launch and take
you over sov you-can see for yourself,
but first X want to take you for a little
drive behind a pair of Morgan mares."
I W. W. Paris handled the reins and w
' took a drive over the MaryhlU roads
and down to the river behind one of
the finest stepping teams in the state
of Washington.
H am going to have H. C Rlchard-
epn, with his automobile, take Mr. 3ohn
.' hn across the river. We will meet him
m the other side. . It Is about half a
mile across, but to get there they will
, Have to go about 84 miles, as they must
f?o to Little Dalles, cross by ferry to
f. The Dalles and coma up on the Oregon
itfdev'f'TbaV. as .you will .notice, ; isn't
' much encouragement for a person to
i (Toss the river. We can alt on our
front porch here at Maryhill and look
' afcross the river and see trains' going
back and forth oh the O.-W. R. 4 N.
, without being- able to make any use of
tfiera." '
i We hired a launch and went across
the river, landing- near the water tank.
' The water tank Is less than a Quarter
rtf a mile east of the present site of
Biggs Station. Near the water tank la
, the bridge across Spanish Hollow. A
. ferry could be operated from Columbus
to land at the old ferry landing, about
i 0 yards from the railroad bridge. The
teams and automobiles could go under
this bridge and thus avoid all chance
of being- hurt - If a person comes across
now In a launch, he has a. Quarter of
a; mile's walk through the sand to the
1 station with his luggage. It Is danger
qua for the launch to land at the pres
ent station of Biggs as the river there
. breaks into rapids over the rocks, ,
'XT;iVxfm ew Bit for Station.
' j The station of Biggs," said Mr, Hill.
'Jis now located just at the curve so that
. tjie track in both directions is shut off
from sight while if It was located here
at the water tank, the cost of moving
it would not exceed 12600 and it could
be put between the main track and the
aide track, making it much safer for
Oie public It would not inconvenience
the raihvoad. in any way but it would
be of incalculable benefit to the public
Not .only, would it not hurt the railroad
liut .lt would mean a largely increased
" revenue from , passenger and freight
traffic,, for the easier you make lfrtfor
people to travel the more trafflo is stim
ulated. The objection urged to the
change is that no one might wish to in
vest his money in a ferry at this point
X myself, am willing to put In a- good
. ferry and guarantee to run It for a long
period if the change is made. It makes
no particular difference, to me for I
have plenty of places where I can live,
uut n uvea wane a oig auzerence to the
people who are on the land here and
whose prosperity depends on staying
with 4heir ranches. If the merchants
of Portland i-pl1Izcu4 th k.i. . -
would' accrue to PorUand from this
cnanee,-xne cnange would certainly ba
j- made." . '
' In talking with D. C. Ireland, the edi
tor of i the paper at Mora, he said:
. "There are four or five stations within
a few miles. What the people of Sher
man county want Is to have the station
at Biggs abolished, to mova the station
j? . ." '
Another Seattle Woman Te
, ij tiTieThat the Result From
Plant Juice Were Fine.
' . 2?!:. y7, A" Cramr. who resides at
,10Q East Columbia street In Seattle.
f has tested Plant Juice and made the following-statement
about this wonderful
x new vegetable preparation:
1 ''Plan Tutn k.. j .
isfactory results in my c&nd. I have
suffered greatly for the past few years
with torpid liver and nervous dyspep
Sia, also had bad dtray spells lor the
past two years and my nerves were
. badly affected and my circulation poor
' AXtex trying eo many different treat
, ments without results my faith weak
ened. but I am very glad now that I
did bring- myself to make one more trial
I for I feel, that at last I have found
the right thing. My dlzsy spells are
much Uss frequent and do not last as
, long, my ntrvea seem to be much better.
my liver la acting- well and, in faot.
. X am feeling- better in every way."
I Thousands of woman have found from
personal experience that Plant Juice
' la g-roat remedy for nervousness, poor
i circulation, numbness, hot flashes, dlssy
iwlls, spots before the eyas, headaches.
' " la the back and limbs, poor appe-
f"l a general run-down condition.
I it s reel constipation, stimulates the
liver Into action, gives Best to the appe
tite and brings brightness to, the eyes
nd healihy color to the cheeks. Wom
n who i ffer from depression, extreme
r rvnr .iss. blues and a desire to cry
over vines will find Help la Plant JuJee.
H soothes tired and ragged nerves and
lisa the whole system. mt
t Tb Owl Drug- Co:a mUuxa
at Grants to where the water tank now
is, near the aits of the old ferry land
ing, and to leave Sherman where it la
Wa are afraid that if Biggs is moved
the quarter of a mjle to the proposed
site of the ferry landing, Sherman will
be abolished aa a transfer point and the
railroad will make us to go the new
ferry point Of course, everyone who
Is familiar with the circumstances win
agree that the only logical place for a
ferry landing- is near the water tank
and the bridge, In place of risking- the
dangerous water near the present sta
tion at Biggs,"
"Until this link IS completed," saw
Mr. Hill, "there is little hope of having
an all-the-year-round route from the
Okanogan oh through Central Washing
ton and Oregon and into California. The
old saying of the chain being no strong
er than its weakest link would certain
ly hold good here, for no tourist wants
to travel 64 miles around to get across
the river, particularly when there Is
no reason whatever why a ferry should
not be established here." t I
While we were waiting for a train
Some Member of the
Hot Point Family
Of Electric Appliance
They Make Housework Play. Instantaneous Service
The HOT POINT d0 ;n
Domestic Iron .
Th electrlo iron with the
hot point, cool handle, at
tached stand and 10-year
guarantee on ita heating
element In two waigtita
S lbs. or f ,1b). : .
EL TOSTO, the &A
Electric Toaster r
Toasts -well and quickly '
two slices at a tlma. fihelf
above makes ' it convenient
for keeping- plate or oof fee -"
.warm. . y':,.1!,-'
Ask to See Other Hot
Jut Two
1 imm zMKxm
wa visited the recently built school
house at Biggs. It is a beautiful school.
bouse, costing probably1. $3500 or 14000.
Wa found three students In attendance,
but the teacher explained that there
were four students who were registered
but one of them was sick at present -Good
Xoada for Wasoo.
We took the train for The Dalles,
where we rejoined Mr. Richardson and
Mr. Johnson, who had come from Mary
hill with the automobile.: While in The
Dallea Mr. Hill had .a meeting with the
county Judge and the county commis
sioners and h discussed - the proposed
route of the new road to be built with
the 1 200,000 that Wasco county will be
bonded for.. There if considerable dif
ference of opinion among the citisens
of Wasco county, as to how thia money
should ' be spent Some ' think that
Wasco county should put in its Unit
along the Columbia river, serving- as a
trunk line, from which other roads can
be put In as feeders. In this way tny
would capitalize the work being done by
the government on the Celilo canal and
the locks, and would be able to attract
Sting Dryness Heavyness
Throat you escape them all
when you smoke STAG.
And. inftheir place you find
Fragrance Freshness Mildness
and Eternal Contentment (
, "Better than I Imagined tobacco
could be." f
Thousands are saying it You will
say it
. . . V . . . j . - .i
Convenient Paekaqeai The Pound Humidor, the Full
Size 10-Cent Tin and the Handy Half-Size 6-Cent Tin.
For'Pipe and
P. UHUord Co,
Now Priced at. . , . .tpJ
Broils, bolls, fries, ' toaata.
Complete with griddle, deep
and medium dishes and .
tray for protecting' table, , .
Di$o Stov0, how . P J .
AU ordinary dishes may be '
, used on . it, Diameter of
top I inches. .:..!$"
Now Priced at .
Combination , eleotrio towt-
er ana atove. Ala
lad botlt
and fries.
Point AppHanceg
Blocks North of Washington
- ijr'-';-v .
a constant stream of tourist travel com
ing up from Portland as well as the
tourists from . elsewhere who- . come
through Portland, and who would want
to make the Columbia river trip, Wasoo
oounty, without any expense to itself
for the building of the government work
which has cost millions, and without
paying any taxes on it, could capitalise
it by the construction of its ' link lu
the extension of th cigbway up th"
Columbia and for all time to come it
would realise' a profit from the money
spent by tourists who make this trip.
Not only that, but tourists could com
down from Seattle, Tacoma and other
points on the coast to Portland and up
the Columbia river, and many wouM
make the trip through Central Oregon
and into California on this road, on arc
count of its easier jrades and on ac
count of the further fact that the roads
would be good all the year around.
The other opinion held la that lo
place of completing Wasoo county's
part of the Columbia river ' highway
they should spend their $200,000, for
which the county, is bonded., to put
Bs l760
v ) C 1
f No
are yours for coMf ort and '
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle
. ' Steel Filar Leaves Union Depot i V . . . .'. . ; , . 8 30 a. m,
':t Tha Sound Express Leaves Union Depot Ji4S p. m.-
Th Owr ...v......... inoOp.m.
of $100,000
The Rotary club yesterday afternoon
pledged Itself to secure. $6000 or mom
of the $100,000 bonus whioh Captain
Richard Chlloott seeks to raise in Port
land to get $900,1)00 mora in capital for
the construction of a Portland-New
York steamship line of flva vessels.
Melvin Q. ; Winstook pledged $500 of
the amount. He la chairman of a oom
mittee appointed some tlma ago to rep
resent the club- in tha steamship cam'
Dai an. '''i..::.'V'v5.:-;:,.i:iyo4.:sV':';:-'.,.:i
"I think $6000 altogether too litUj
for this body; of men expostulated J
C. English in putting- tha motion. "per
sonally.: I will be glad to give $500, an.l
I am sure so many others of tha clu)
will -want to do- as much for a cause
so worthy . that there will be' no trouble
in getting much mora" Authority wa
given to appoint a committee to . can
vass club members.
It was' announced that subscriptions
of $1000 Or more have been reoelvel
from the: following: A. H. Devers, A.
L. Mills, V. H, Ransom. C. S. Jackaon,
W. V. Burrell. J. C. Alnsworth, Falling
estate, Wlllametta Iron & Steel works,
O. M. Clark, C. F. Adams, O'Shea Bros.,
Penlpsula Industrial company, Monarch
juumoer company, star urewery com
pany. Union Meat company, Portland
Union Stockyards - company, Peninsula
improvement company,
Coleman Bound Over. ' .
Centralla, Wash., Nov, 5. John Cole
man, who is alleged rio have stabbed
Sherman Conklln In a free-for-all fight
her last Saturday,' . was yesterday
bound over to the Lewis county superior
court by Judge Hoss to answer tp a
charge of . first degree assault His
bonds were fixed at $2000. Coleman's,
trial will not come up until next month
and ahould his victim die In the Interim
tha charge against him will be changed
to murder.
roads over, the hills and back Into the
farming' country.
Vast artlolei Boats to Prinrrllle
Prom The. Danes Interesting gtady.
til V sjr- v . , k
mi 375 nano . Sent Home
For $215-$10 CasK$6 MontUy
is all this excellent piano will cost you now at the ,
Graves Music Co; Removal Sale
Does Your Business Need
Ah Infusion of New Blood?
He picked the men whpm he could rely
upon, and ave them opportunity by throw
ing responsibility ; on them,
1 am not looking for an ordinary opening,
but for the right opportunity with the right
man. .
f The job that-1 accept or the. business that
I invest in must be one that will keep me
hustling to keep up to its requirements, and
one to inspire all the initiative, energy and
ability vthat I can muster. , ,
I do not pose as a geniusmerely a reli
able, wide-awake individual; who - can adapt
: himself to your business and grow as duties
, and responsibilities are placed on my should
ers.' Married, age 32; record clean, executive
exper;ience ; . busy now but looking for a big
ger opportunity.
v Theman: who -reposes confidence in me
will be repaid with the fullioyalty and fidel
ity that ii merits; - .
To nieet'me face to face, aHdrcss, '
: L67, JOURNAL .
348 Washington Street
- ' H.
, - crnr passeng
. TELEPHONES MARSHALL 3071, A-2236 . '
. m