THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 4, 1913. FUNElUL DIRECTORS UR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading funeial I director. . 320 3d st, corner Salmon. Lady assistant phones A- 111, Main 607. l-v.--!.- ' o a Jl -r Undertaker UJJWWlg 0i IVIULHlCOjaod.rn in very detail. 7th and Pine. , Main 480, A-4568. Lady, assistant. - v Schumann - Marble Works- v wt 2d and Pine. East 743. P"ORTLANDMarble Works. 24-2eu-tth at. Opposite city hall. Main 8544. ' GENERAL REAL ESTATE 02 j nii i- i j i ii i - -i ir-""' ' 'i ' 14 ROOM rooming house, price $900. K room furnished houae.' price $2260. 7 room houae and business , block at Kern Park. Easy tenna,; . . CHaa.'? Jr. Parker. 6621 Font road. -.'- "' FOR SALE HOUSES 61 Laurelhurst Home . READ If TO BE OCCUPIED. ' large room and sleeping porch, large bedrooms, extra fire) , place, upstairs bedroom, fine fur nace and basement; location lu 'than block to car, Price 16250, . only I860 down. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 213 Selling Bldg, . ' f A Phone Main 1800 or A-2L . r- New Bungalow ' $2250 ' "V ' Hardwood floors, fireplace, beam cell in Dutch, kitchen, ft' rooms and sleep in or porch. One block to Hawthorne aVii. carl inc.. : '..." . , .$2900 V A brand new 6 room bungalow, ele gantly finished, linproveuienta all In and paid for. Face east. - . JOHN L. KARNOPP, Marshall 2674. Hallway Exchange bldg. $22504, Room Bungalow Close to Car $1S0 down Fireplace, nice bathroom, acme fruit trees. ' monthly payment only 1 18, ana this includes interest. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, , 212 Belling Bldg. Phone Main 1800 or A-6261. $3600 Close: in Stuff $3600 8 room, new. strictly modern bunga low; improvements paid; 6 blks. south ldd'a addition, 10 minute ride, walking distance; garage, furnace and urepiace; $4500 would be snap; price on terms, $3600. Can you beat it? Phone Sell. 76. OWNER 706 EAST 13TH STREET, Sellwood car to Frankfort; block east 4 ROOM FURNISHED BUNGALOW 350 Nice new bungalow, cabinet kitchen, nice bath, full cement basement laun dry trays, , completely1 furnished; on E. J6th st.. near Holgate. Lot 40x100. Price 12100, 158 cash, and $15 per mo. 316 Board of Trade. A Main 7462, A-4401. FIVE roomed modern cottage: large1 - bath, V, basement; hot and cold wa ter, eecino lignts; nice lawn; 101 dux 100; street and sewer assessments de ducted. Very cheap, by owner, if taken this week. Am going to leave city. blocks from Oregon City car. 1702 E. 8th St.. cor, of Harney. You Can't Beat This A cozy 5 room cottage, with sleeping porcn outside; wooasnea, sniau case ment; 1 block from car, ana store. sou, $500 cash. Call Tabor 8571. Rose Citv Park Bungalow for $2400; $250 cash, balance $25 per -month. 6 rooms, fireplace, double construction, buffet, Dutch kitch en. Phone owner. Tabor oso. FOR SALE Owner will sacrifice nearly new modern 6 room noma, partly iur nished. lot 50x100. Inquire 1166 Bur- rage, near Killlngsworth ave.; terms, or will consider trade for smaller place. F-688. Journal. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6 TO 9 ROOM BUNOALOW New, nifty, modern, paved street, terms or lot or small house as first payment Genuine bargain; $3000 to $3260. Lee, 15 North 6th. ... CHEAP Irvington Heights property, modern house. 6 rooms, stable with , cement flooring, four- milk cows, one horse milk wagon. Reinhoid Kassner, 855 K. 15th st. N.. Portland. FOR BALE Large corner, good- busi ness location, modern 6 room house. Bargain at $3600. $600 down, $25 per month and Interest Call Tabor 2323 or Tabor 2328. GOOD, comfortable 6 room house, Hoyt st, near 60thr- full plumbing, lot 6 Ox 100, 1 block from car. Want vacant lot aj payment, balance like rent. Willa "stte Investment Co.. 402 Pekum bldg. KILLINGS WORTH ave. snap. 64x130, 100 on Killlngswortli, business prop erty; buy before new carline starts, $760 cash; worth $1600. Owner. Main 604. SOMETHING EXTRA. 6 room bungalow, modern 'in every way, only $1750, $760 cash, $1000 first mortgage, 2 years. Hyde's addition, M. V. car. M. 9042, or 203 Piatt bldg. 100x10 $1400 4 rooms, plastered, chicken house, yards, $20 down, $17 ' monthly includes interest Bmun-Wag oner Co., 612 Stock Exchange. WILL build you a. home much cheanei . than you can buy one- built Easy terms. Lots In Hawthorne district G. K. Weller, 403 K. 50th. Tabor 1584;. $300 uovvKi, fid per month, s room modern house, fireplace, lawn, roses A block from car, $3500. Owner 4321 ' d st. Mt. scott car. VERY desirable 8 room house, modern . and conveniently arranged. Call 577 JC. 24th North, or 'phone E-1908. Price $7000. ' ""' 1 JL NUMBER OF FINE HOBIEH Irvington. cheap ; 7, 8, 9 rooms, gplen aid finisn. Esst 7B. w. h. Herdman. FOR BALE Modern room house, on " corner; $2950; terms. . Phone Tabor 4470. or can 104T HancocK st, 1 FOR SALE 6 and 6 room bungalows, $25. -balance $25, including interest 809 R'y. Ex Ford ft Co. Main 1224. 126 DOWN. 110 Der month, 2 room Dlas. tered house, corner lot close to car. $760. 6244 Foster Road, Mt. Scott car. ; WILL make bargain on , new modern room bungalow, Alnsworth and Del aware, owner, see Monroe st. $25 DOWN, $26 per month, buys 8 room house, S blockr to , car, good view. .phone. E.4622. ::'''.-':';'':';.; ; i ''-fi'lXHIS HWUtfi, lKVliNUTUN , Worth $14,000. i Will take lot less. 739 Hal aey st. Owner. East in. ,W1LL sell -equity Jnnew bungalow. Just , completed, for half cost Main 1966. FOR SAEK LOTS 1(1 : LOT 60x110. Improvements all In, short block from Sandy boulevard, $10 a month. Phone owner.- Woodlawn 410, after 7 p. m. - - ' t LOT 60x100, snrail house, no incum branoe; Rose City Park district, S blocks from Sandy Road blvd.-t 1750. ii. cash or terms. X-640, Journal. LOT 26x100. East 30th st, trvlngtmi -arK. jt-rice 300. Mortgage of 3150 on your own time. - Call 40f JUoyt : stj TWO lots with small hicumbrance, Will v aacruice ror casn. Journal .FTULAND lot $6, worm $450; 'ft T $5 monthly. Main 1166. or Tab ): terms ibor 771. FOR SALE by owner, .corner lot 40 - lew. Kin ann-jL,mn ave., Sellwood; $700. -Phone B-2281. ACREAGE 67 115 TO $V PER ACHH. to 26 acre tracts, aood soil, read fa k-every tract, new school, $ miles to Co- jurpoia river ana railway station, 1 hours frem Portland; easy terma til Lumber Ex. bldg., cor. Id and Stark a. AGUE AGE Co ti 1 1 ti u e d VI VM Af'KKM IHfiO. v 110 IX) WN. 15 PER MONTH Buys 6 acres of logged off land. From a mile to 1 miles from center of town of 1000 population, also cannery and creamery. Three quarters of a tulle from railroad station on main Una be tween Portland and Astoria This land is free from rocks and gravel, Ilea level and will mot overflow, Ideal, for chick en raising dairying, and small fruits. Will crow anvthlnar thnt ran tie mixed In western Oregon,,' From some-of thesa tracts you have a beautiful view of the Columbia river; 400' acres froih which to Port ac&ititje and. warranty deed. -'"! BBiLilJ tUSAlr- KS'l'ATlS CO.f "V-;.- 213 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Id floor. unwecn a ana 4tn on tstarit. C'lVE ACRE tracts for $1000. 10, per jcent cash, 2 per cent per month, or will make annual or setnl-annual- pay menta if desired. Al soil, all high stale of cultivation, Adjoining the town of Gervala, Or.. 85' miles south nf Portland and ona mile from Oresron Electric station.. These are the best 6 acre tracts on the market . Brong Ma nary Co.; 607 Lewis bldg. ' -CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port. lend; Gresham UieU-lct. Estacada line, electrlo station u mile. , New -, subdi vision, Sunshine Valley, orchard tracts; best soil, free wood: eleeant location. Prices only 176 to $160 per acre In small tracts: .easy terms: auluk train service. Frank McFarland Realty Co., 308 Yoa $18 Per Acre- 1 60 Acres 140 tillable, best of soil. 10 cleared. Trout creek, on road SI miles from cen ter of Portland. . 1000 mrtg. Balance casn. tiig snap. ; Irfie. 18 North 6th. ... tua PER AfBR On your own terms. H4 hours from Portland, any else tract; all -, tracts fronting on roads, good school, a miles to river and R. R. 'station. - k -.i Z14 Lumber Exchange mag.,s Cor. 2d and Stark sts. ; M. ACREAGE. 3 acres in Powell valley.' four blocks from station" on , electric line; best of soil,- no rot kb or gravel. . trice $875, terms if ffuit-. vydb, journal ONE acre, close In on electric line; fine soil, pleasant surroundings; (600, 5u down, $16 per month. -W-830, Journal. FOlt SALE FAliMS 17 100 Acres, Stock Included -$4500 : 30 acres In cultivation,' balance in pasture with some timber, -all tillable when ' cleared, well watered. L4 ; room house, barn and other outbuildings, fam ily orchard, small fruits and berries, food team, wagon and harness, 6 cows, heifers two years old. some bocrs. plow, harrow, creim separator and all small tools, about 20 tons hay in barn. Located 6 miles from Clatakanie. Sea this before buying elsewhere. It will pay you. $1600 cash will handle. Bal ance easy terms. CHITTENDEN & NEILLT 310 Oak st 10 Acres Along the Tualatin . -River $100 per acre, 13 miles from Portland, thi from town and electric, to rock roaa to jfortiana, on sooa county roaa liee level, best-of soil, partly cleared Small payment, balance $150 per year at 9 per vent, would consider some trade. 1 W. H. 8EITZ & CO.. Main 6584. 810 Spalding bldg. LAND FOR SALE AT HALF PRfCE 200 acres In Yamhill county, miles rrom good town and K. K., on good coun ty road, land A-l. 80 to 85 acres clear, balance fir and oak timber, all enclosed by woven wire fence; can be had on reasonable term a Owner, room 819, commercial diock. rortiano. or. DAIRY and fruit ranch la eastern Ore - gon wants actlve man with some money to Invest; 40 Hoistein heifers, some fresh: A. R. O. sire: hogs, horses, and full eaulpment; present owner has otner business and wants to sell part" interest, rt-auo, journal 1200 ACRE STOCK KANCH. All fenced. 2 houses, bis- barn. SDrlna-a on nlace. finest of bunch srrass. 400 acres can be nut In wheat, only 8U miles from R. K- station; land located in Baker county; price 10 per sore. W, W. Espey. 819 Commercial bldg. WILL sell cheap my Beautiful bom farm on Tualatin river. IS miles west of Portland. Hlgniy improved. Address T. Wlthycomne, 432 lztn st. portianq 40 ACRES, 6 acres cleared, 15 easily cleared, zo more or less umber. Further particulars, call 408 Hoyt st. Call In tailor shop. 160 ACRES In- 3 south, cheap for quick sale. 6 west; very Owner, C. E. Osborne. 164 N. 14th st. ffOR RENT- FARMS H FOR RENT near Oswego, 11 acres, all cultivates ana new n room house. Fine for berries and chickens; 6 miles from center of Portlarttf, 7c fare. Rent for $15 per month. H. Atwater. Phone C-2601. HOMESTEADS 47 GET 320 or 480 acres, best In Oregon, new survey lust opened: no rock. level, good water,-; timber free; railroad bulldlnc: lees reasonaoie. ii 4th st Main- 8774 GET 320 or 4S0 acres, best in Oregon, new survey just openea; no roCK, level, good water, timber free; railroad building: fees reasonable. 191 4th st Main 8774. . HOMESTEADS near Portland now open. Extra desirable, timber, water, R. R. and town near. Covey, 267 Oak, Room 21. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 HAVE $12,000 equities in Portland prop erty to exchange ror improved farm. ready to do ousiness at once. ine D'irm x nat uoes Things. 203-204 Piatt bldg. Main 9042. WILL sccept as first payment on new modern five room house in Portland, horses, stock or any Kind, rarm impJe meats. Terms on balance. V-714, Jour nal. . SOUTHERN Oklahoma, good 160 acre farm, $7500 for city Income or grain and stock or small going ranch.- near city; don t answer unless interested. W-B34. Journal. IF you have anything any where you - want to sell or trade, see Black. 451 Jefferson. Ho matches you. Marshall 5726. A-4940. 8 ACRES Yamhill Co., improved, for suburban Portland property, acreage or house and lots. L u. Bono, xammu, Or. R. F. P. 1. FIVE acres, house, barn, on Salem alec trie. 5 passenger auto for sale or trade for stock on dairy ranch. Owner, us mast loin st. t-none aast mi, BRICK bldg. and lot in Portland, clear. . worth 3tuu, to exchange xor noma in Portland: will assume uo to iiooo. 602 Couch bldg. FOR SALE Lot, or will trade . for 'horse and. buggy, or automobile. 790 Brooklyn at ii20 acre stock ranclkl partly lmnroveJi price $8000; mortgage $2000, for city urupmyi tiwiirr, n-oi4, journal. CLEAR acreage and some money to ex - change . for store or rooming house. 508 Couch bldg. ii ACRE farm near McMlnnville; well Improved: will take-some trada: na Chamber of Commerce." ' WE exchange what you have for what you want. Peper h Baker, 444 Sher lock bldg., 8d and Oak. Marshall 2654. NO matten what you have to trade, list it with -us. W get you results, at 602 Couch bldg. GOOD 1st mortgage, $460, 8 per cent t Exchange , for lot, V Owner v L-glg, Journal, "i.-; " ;''" "r. " "'.. . ',:t 'OR 'SALE worn bungalow, with all : built In effects.' Will take a lnt xinliv as 1st payment. 309 R'y, Kx. Ford & Co. $2000 EQUITY In splendid . view lot . Alemeda drive, anythlna of vaiua. TaL DOT 913, WANFf small wheat ruth! Wuno r Sherman county: trade 18 acres Van uvei, on electrlo line. Owner. Tab. 1620 THKEE rooms, neat clean, oonvenient, In good location,.:. East 3245 660 E. Ainr. - . WANTED Bungalow or cottage; will trade 640 acres raw-land, Clackamas County. Room 2, 165 "3d at. Main P4.Y ROOM house $1100, lot clear, to trade for grocery, by, owner, 60$ Grand ave. EXCHANGE RE.. . ESTATE 1 24 ? New ' modern 7 room homt only two blocks from Hawthorne avenue and west of $6th st . - -.Lot 50x100 - ALL STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID. Don hi a ' eonatriiRtMl. hardwood floors. fireplace, bookcase, beautiful wide but tut. . . whlti i nnmld Diitnh kitchen. Mhen. closet, $ large bedrooms - with larg Ml fan "inu. ullllB:rln mint lmnt wftSm Will take small cash Day men t or lot win taU. small fluh nflvment or lot as part payment .c- vv-;. , i-'-i,"' -',-,. j. A. nunncui. .... . , xy. OWNER. - .;.;V.''::;';V 1078 Hawthorne ave. - Phone Tabor 2608 THE FOLLOWING r PROPERTY IS FREE AND - CLEAR OF INCUM BRANCES, i WHAT HAVE TOU TO TRADE?--, " " .'..- , :.',,-'-,.;.;; , 100x100 Upper Washington v street, west aide. - ; 50x100 head of Broadway, west side, v 124 acres, noar Oregon City. v ; 254 lots, Greenway add., west side. : 50x100. near City Park, west side. 80 ; acres, Forest Grove, -45 atlres cleared. House, barn, spring. - etc. : WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR THE FOLLOWING FROPEKTXT - C room house, corner 83d and Brock ln stre.-s, east side. ' i-;' 40 aores, Hood River. 7 room house, Irvington Park. ' 60x100 view property, west side. ,' LENOIR. ' - 228. Chamber of Commerce., FARM FOR CITY PROPERTY. UK- ! hlvlilv Irmiroved farm. 8Vfc miles N. E. of Eugene, on fine macadam road. All finest sandy loam, river bot tom soil. 2 acres Balm trees, balance high state of cultivation.. Has fine 8 room house, with electric lights , and running water. Barn for 80 head stock, garage, etc. price $17,000. Mtrr. $9000 at per cent, 9 years to pay. ' Will ex change equity for Portland property and assume, . - ,.T ',: H. A- 8TIL.E8, r ' 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. MT. TABOR HOME ; FOR EXCHANGE. ; A hafllltlfu! In rnnm hnllSP. With all modern conveniences, very large living room, paneled dining room and set-In sideboard, library, breakfast room, 6 bedrooms, full basement, furnace, well kept yards, bltuminlzed streets, an ele gant house In an elegant neighborhood; value $12,600. Vhathave you to ex change for owner's equity of $7600? , LB NOUt, . . ' 228 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Are You in Debt? housekeeninar suites. The house and furniture is in first class condition; Wil ton carpets", inlaid linoleum, noss matt resses, gas ranges, etc. This house win give you a gooa norae ana ciear you su month. Will sell on reasonable terms or trade for house and. lot UD to $1500, or good vacant lots and assume or pay cash difference. Owner, 807 Harrison st WANTED 5 acre farm or will trade for raw land, with no incumbrance, on or near ear line in exchanee tor 320 acres best North. Dakota wheat land, 1 mile irom town on main lino oi orin ern Paciflo R. R-, all fenced, good spring, small house and stable; will also make a good stock farm. Address J. Rudy, North Plains, Or. 320 ACRES IN CROOK CO., OR. Fine, level land, can all be cultivated when cleared, 2,900,000 feet yellow pine on same; no Incumbrance; will trade for city property or close In acreage; price $20 per acre. - W. W. ESPEY, 319 Chamber of commerce Bldg., 2d and ' Washington. BIG STOCK & DAIRY RANCHES. Some big (cheap) tracts 1 at edge of Willamette valley. Part meadow and rassv hill slODes and mountain streams. From 200 to 2000 acres, trade in unincumbered. to ssuuu acres, wiu lane unincumbered, good Portland property and some cash. George ' E. Waggoner. 805 Yeon bldg, 280 ACRES. 30 miles out 126 acres in cultivation, 25 acres hops; some good timber; good buildings; graveled road to town. -Will give good terms, or will rent. Owner, .Wm. Johnson. 627 Cham ber of Commerpe. 25 ACRES close to city, unincumbered; f very large orchard, 40 acres fine tlir ber, house, barn, store. Also 800 acres towiits county, want to traae zor city property. Owner, Hall, 165 ft ' 3d st Main 945. 7 LOTS, clear; price $350. What have you? Stofti?and dairy farm In Clarke county. Price 816,000, J7000 in good property. a. it aimer, Vancouver, Wash. SWAP COLUMN 35 WANT to trade 5 H. P. 8-phase A C. motor for 2 H. P. single phase. Ad dress K-900,ilJoiirnal. WILJL. exchange electrlo fan for vi bratoi Corbett bldg. baths. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WANT well built, modern bungalow, from 1 to 4 -eklock from Rose City Park carline. Price must not exceed $2500, with $250 first payment: The Firm That Does Ihings 203-204 Piatt Bldg.. Tel. M. 9042. DO you want to sell your house? Do you want to rent or exchange? 203 Piatt bldg. Main 8042. WILL pay cash, bargsins, lots and equities, restricted districts. Y-43S. Journal. PARTY from the east with some cash. Would buy small equities In houses and vacant lota, from owners If prices attractive enough for speculation. The nrm That Does Things zwa-iv riatt mag,. Tel. fli. 04Z. $600, 3 years. 1st class real estate, 7 Per cent. No events. No commission. Room 1, Washington bldg. WANTED House in Portland for acre age, a rew mues out by owner. Y- 464, Journal. TEN houses sold in one week. We have the customers If- your price and terms are right. Call or phone at once. I he hrm That Does Things 203-204 Piatt Bldg., Tel. M. 9042. HAVE client for Irvington lot. Owner only. Oscar W. Bryan, Main 1963. Ta bor 4186. A-1227. ROOMING HOUSES 53 Here It is: 49 room rooming house. 1 block off 'Washington st. on principal st.; steam heat, running water in rooms, firussels carpets, lease, brass beds, clears 260 monthly, rent less than $4 a doom, worth $6000; first one comes gets this for $1200, easy terms. Peters, 15 N. 6th. Buyers' Notice Before buying a rooming house con sult ma I'll save you money and time. Bargains of every size. I can heln you buy if you haven't sufficient means. Goddard, 602 Couch bldg. - FREE rent and $26.75 month profit: close In residence section, 3 blocks bouth Morrison, modern 8 . rooms, all rented, attlo and basement, new furnace, larare yard. -fine eastern oak furniture. Goes to highest bidder.- No Incumbrance. Owner io ti I3tn st, south. B-1140. - Very . Special Newly and elegantly furnished white brick, strictly modern, 45 ropmroomlng house, worth $6000, to be given away for si uv. uoauaru, oua v ouch oiag. - S125 $125 $125 Buys a 10 room rooming house In heart of city; rent '$38. To see Is to buy. rerers, it n. sin st. WANTED Lot or cheap land as part ' payment on good raying transient house near bridge. Call East 2663. HOUSE of. 8 rooms, ' all rented; owner coing away, must sell this week. $100 will nanaie. - K67 coiumma street FURNITURE of modern 10 room house! ' reasonable. - 869 11th at ' BOARDING house, newly remodeled. 35 roomsrent $v; Close in. - sell, iidl . HUNTERS SO FOR SALlir General 'store stock, about $2000. Postoffice In store, In the best section of eastern Oregon; has the only cheese factory in Lake county. Will alio sell hotel and feed barn and 640 acres of land, or will lease the above If party buys stock and toola, J,B. Fox, Fre mont, Or. ' Restaurant Fixtures : Cost me $800. I had to give up my location and atora thm. Anvone needs J hem can have them for $100, :,s Peters, T5 Ny Bin 'St.:-'- '"'' , :-,'-rf--- THE liveliest grocery More with butch -BUSINESS- CHANCES swrage-receipt, ffl rent to pay. drv. wui invoice Ii4uu. My price for quick sale, $760. 602 Couch bldg. - ' WANTEDi-Competeri man who will in vest in a-number one agricultural en terprise on the coast and assist In carry ing on the business. A-836. Journal. FIXTURES of grocery store at 85th and ' Hawthorne. Absolutely worth $1000 for quick sale, $200, Bldg. for rent. O 680, Journal. WANTEDA nartner; good legitimate business, with $150 or $200 capital: will make him a good Investment i Call 602 Broadway bldg., Monday. RESTAURANT and home bakery for sale, ' No reasonable offer , refused. Rent $15, 8 living rooms. Corner Grand ave. and B. Yamhill at,' ;'' - '. :"- . ALL or half interest In good paying business. $160 rash will handle. 648 Washington st Will stand strictest in vestlgation FOR HALE by owner, machine and shoe repair snop in ' popula tion, taking In $250 , J month. T-673. Journal. ' '. - '';.' . WILL sell at sacrifice, good paying Tes taurant; old established place; owner going east. Will stand .investigation. 8-844. Journal. FOR SALE Going eaat; manufacturing plant: experience not necessary: will ciear ibu to zu per nw, rnce jxjvu. Hi. tn and Macison 500 Business Cards, $1 811 Buchanan bldg.. 286 Wash'ton at. MOVIfifi nlctin-B theatre, snlendld lnea tlon. Snap for , quick sale. L-S52, Journal. WOULD like position with vlew'of tak ing an interest in Dunmess u proven satisractory. n-n, journal. nnim huainAsa in uood erowlna town with living rooms; closest Investiga tion; terms. KX-746. Journal. LEAVING town, selling best shoe shop in oity, up-to-date machine; estab lished 4R4U Washington st. CONFECTIONERY Street car transfer point; reasonable rent: wouia invoice, leavinfe city. 771 Washington st FOR SALE cheap, confeotionery, ci gar and light lunch. By owner. 921 Union ave. North. $1075 will buy an up to date hardware store in (rood business district Also furniture In connection. A-768, Journal. WEDDING invitations, announcements. Ryder Print Co. 36T nurnsioe. M-osao. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu matism: 50 tablets 25c. All druggists. MONET: TO LOAN REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXIBLE -CONTRACTS; MO COM MISSION. ' COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO 816 SPALDING BLDG. I HAVE private funds to loan in amounts of $250 and up to suit bor rower. Mv rates are reasonable and my service is rapid. Submit security at 512 Piatt bldg., o. w. cor. or far ana Washington sts. LOANS made on improved city property or for building purposes; advances made as building progresses; liberal repayment privileges. No commission or brokerage. J. P. Lipscomb. 242 Stark. PRIVATE FUNDS Have large amount available for immediate loans; 7 per cent, if well secured. Henry C. Prud homme, 806 Wilcox bldg. First mort gage securities exclusively. Mortgage sage Loans HITE. 701 Soiling Bldg. WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. WE can lend you money on improved real estate at low -rate of Interest Confer with our mftrtgage loan pept HARTMAN-THOMPSON BAJNK. $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire Insurance. McKensie fc Co., Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. HAVE any amount to loan on good Portland real estate. Call 228 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. No brokers.' MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exc hange tiiog.. aa ana lamni i sts. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. P. H. Lewis ft Co.. 8 Lewis bldrf. I HAVE ?or immediate loans, $800, $1600, $6000, at current rates, A. H. Bell. 201 Gerllnger Bldg. 6 AND 7 per cent mbrtgage loans. $1000 to $20,000, for immediate loan. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry Bldg. $1000 to $6000 for Immediate loan ou real estate. Tabor 77L WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate. Farrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO. P, DEKUM, zaa HOKI HLDti. MONEY to loan, 6 to per cent W. H.' Belts & CO- .10 spaiaing piog. MONEY to loan on real estate. A. H. HARUINU. 818 Cn. Ot Com. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. MORTGAGE LOANS. 284 OAK ST, MORTGAGE loans, 0 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark st. $260, $350, $600, $860, $1200, $2000. Fred W. German Co., Chamber of Commerce. MONTEV TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 IF YOU N'ED MONEY FOR WINTER SEE US AT ONCE WE LOAN $10 TO $1000. OS YOUR SALARY, JFURNITURE, PIANOS. MOTORCYCLES, AUTOS, STORAdE RECEIPTS. CON TRACTS OR REAL ESTATE. GMIP MWM MTU $ .35 weekly pays I .65 weekly pays a $ 10 a $ 26 a $ 60 10 loan. 26 loan. $1.10 weekly-pays a $ 50 loan. 11.90 weekly navs a $100 loan. OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION. , NO CHARGE! FOR APPLICATION. NO EXTRAS. NO DELAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. NOTICE On all loans if the head of the family dies or is totally disabled and the payments are up to date, WE WILL GIVE THE WIDOW A RE CEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. YOU DO NOT Jeopardize your furni ture or sell your peace of nilnd If you DEAL HERE. FULL REBATE ALLOWED If you pay in full before contract time expires YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. CALL, WRITE OR PIIONii: TODAY 413 MACLEAY BLDG., .,, ? Bet, 4th and 6th, on Wash, St. Open 9 A. M- to P. M. Sat. till 8 P. M. rnone iviarsnau Biooor a-kssy. CHATTEL loans Money for salaried people and others upon, their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing eisewnere; conitaenf tlwl, D. f, DrakeT'328 Henry bldg, " MONEY sold on installment; confiden tlal to salaried people.- F..A. New ton. 614 Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds. . Jewelry and warehouse reoelpts. Room -10, Washington bldg v . ' . i, .., IMMEDIATE and 'confidential loans on furniture autos, Dlanos: mortearaa nought Bauer. 206 Alder. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewel ry at half the rates charged by brok ers. Marx A Bloch. 74 3d Bt. MONEY loaned -on diamonds and Jewel- I ry, strictly confidential, 141ft 3d. MONEY TO LOAN , 07 OIAI'TETjS, SALxUUES ,v (Continued) ' .. I $ $ STATE BECUHITV CO. $ , $ . U R O K E R--8. ' SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES, $10 - TO . - V $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST ' PLACE ,i TO . , . - BORROW MONEY. " ABSOLUTELY - NO SECURITY. ' BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL STATE SKCTIR1TT CIO.. , ..; $ $ $ '309 FAILING BLDG. $ ELBY COMPANY. ; (ucenseaj - - - ' ' $10 tov $10,000 , to loan on diamonds, jeweiry, watcties, -musieal - instruments, rates., 320 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 4617, . -...' . f SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS WANTING MONEY y - APPLY ROOM 817 v ' LUMBER EX. BLDG. 2ND AND STARK ST. 'K A DESIRABLE place for ladles and gen- tiemen to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palace, 834 Wash., opp; Owl drug Store. LOANS WANTED 30 $6000 for 3 years at 8 per cent on A-l . residence or farm property. Call Ta bor 8571. FINANCIAL SI CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity in contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. B. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. HELP WANTED MALE Situation Wanted Ads. Inserted free for those n need ef work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement Advertisements must be bought to the office personally by the parties oesiring worn. r Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; gives two months full membership privileges, 10 months social privileges. ' Record for 8 months ending Aug. 31: Calls for-men , 1698 Positions filled ....1096 All young men seeking employment especially strangers, are cordially in vited to consult with the secretary of the Employment Department Stock Salesmen Dependable salesmen who want permanent employment to sell stock In a rapidly growing local corporation, References required. Call or address 1405 Yeon Bldg. CONFIDENTIAL man wanted by cor. poration now organizing on rich placer mine., Honesty and ability in handling men necessary. Permanent Dosition. Good salary. Some investment required which is absolutely secured. Z-379, Jour nal. WANTED For U. S. army, able bodied, unmarried men between aces of 11 and 36; citisena of the United States, of good character and temperate habits. wno can speak, read ana write the English language. For Information ap ply to recruiting officer, Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak sts.. Portland, Or. MAN with $860 cash to represent us lh a branch department of our business In Portland, salary $100 per month and commission. Phone Tabor 3787 for ap pointment. WANTED Experienced glove sales men ror western territory by large manufacturer for heavy work goods. Address KX-631, Journal. WANTED Several well dressed- young men with house to house experience: good pay. 616 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. CARPENTER, cement men and painters wanted wno win taice a tot in ex change or email house and lot A-879, Journal. MOVING picture operating taught; men wanted lor gooa positions; private practical training; secure positions. 612 Kotncniid mag. SALESMAN wanted; a business worth while and an opportunity to build a business of your own. Cash weekly. Ad- oress capital uiy jvursery uo.. aaiem. ur. A FEW high class salesmen to sell fine property at the mouth of the Colum bia, the coming great seaport Call only between 10 and 12. 901 Wilcox bide. I HAVE a first class steady position at good wages for a good man who can furnish from $300 to $500 cash se curlty. Call Room 513 Dekum bldg. WANTED To consult with A-l German gardener who can handle garden tract One mile from city limits. Phone Tabor 4605. WANTED Partner that has the money to go with me and take a homestead. E-884, Journal. CHEF Headquarters end Helpers. CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT, 286 Yamhill st. WANTED First class salesman to sell an article of merit; needed In every household. Call 413 Hawthorne. GOOD man for milking and chores. 602 East 83d st. N. SOLICITORS wanted: best offer in city. Van Dyck Studio. 404 Washington st BOY wanted, 18 Laundry, 801 2d. years old. Union WANTED First 4623. class 'tailor. Main li M.I' MV.r.TD AilaU 49 OREGON AUTOMOJalLE SCHOOL, 268- 36 li th st latest up-to-aate metn ods of practical instruction in driving and repairing automobiles by expert In structors and mechanics. Tuition, part cash on enrollment balance at time of graduation. We assist our graduates to poult iona. Day and night classes. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE Individual instruction, thorough train ing, excellent teachers; new class Just forming; send for catalogue. 407-8 Com rnonwealth bldg.. Portland. Or. OREGON LAW SCHOOL A thorough practical course in law; no time lost from regular occupation: recitations evenings. Samuel T. Rich ardson, dean, Ms Morehead. Bee, 316-817 Commonwealth bldg.. Portland, Oregon. WANTED Men 18 to 85, as railway mall clerks. $75 month; 1800 vacancies every year. Examinations everywhere frequently. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept 827-H. Roches- ter. N. Y. CENTRAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Bookkeeping. Gregg and Pitman short hand, typewriting, speed classes, pen manship. Individual instruction by spe cialists. Tuition $10 per mo. Books free. Central Building, Main 6599. USE your spare time to build up a mail order business of your own. We help you start for a chare in profits. 27 op portunities. Particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo, N. Y, GOVERNMENT positions open to wo men, 18, $76 month. Write immediate ly for free Ut. Franklin Institute, Dept. 696-H. Rochester, N. Y. MEN, 18 to 36. wishing to be railway mall clerks. $76 month. KX-473. Jour nal. SHORTHAND, typewriting, bookkeeping, - etc, In day or night classes. E. B. U., eza Worcester dik. marsnau xibi UNCALLED for tailor made suits. 86.50 up. Taylor, the tailor, 289 Bumsldo. M DERMOTT o snow cara school, day and evening classes, aio Tliford bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE 3 GIRLS wanted to work on trousers and vests: Experienced only need aDDlv. 281 Alder. ; WANTED Ladles- to travel, demon strate and sell dealers; $26 to $50 per week; It R. fare paid. Call 61S Swet land bldg, '''""!:' ':'. .;; ; - '"'j,'-. WILL give good home and small wages to sonooi gin in return ror small serv ices. K-miif. caii in .is. Main.. WANTED Ladles can make $7 to ' per week, can room sob Manama Id and Alder sts. ' COOKS, waitresses, second girls, house- worK, cnam Derma ids. , Bt. i,outa la dles' Agency. 288 Main St. Mate 2039. WANTED At once, cash glrla and wrap pers, 16 years or over. Roberts Bros 8i and Morrison. . . i . . - A' YOUNG girl to do general houaework. t&v ,. e,veret(.' si, , can t mornings. apartment 6. HELP WANTED FE1L1LE (Continued) ' Situation Wanted a Ads. Inserted free for those In need et Work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the imrueg qppiring worn. GIRLS between 18 and 26 years to learn ' Comptometer adding machine; good po- oiiiuira orovmea wnen ouuraa cmiuuiiimi. $ i:'$(Call 448 'Morgan'' bUlg.'" . ., y f - ;y-; , I WANTED A, young girl to assist with r , ! ' IlnllBikwnrlr Phnn. V.AtiQK. tr, ... housework. Phone K-4025 WANTED Lady solicitor, good position .for right party.; 384 .3d, UELP WAXTFD SIALE FEMALE REGON Barber College leaches you the barber trade in 8 weeks, pays you while learning, tools free, tuition re duced this term, expert instruction, po sition guaranteed, special Inducements to ladles. 233 Madison at, 252 2d. -MOLER BARBER COLLEGE teaches the trade in 8 weeks, pays while learn ing, gives a lst-class set of tools. Writs for free catalogue. B. 48, N. 2d st MEN, women, get government Jobs; $90 . month; : 12,040 appointments coming. Write for list of positions. Franklin Institute. Dept. 326-H, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED -Railway mall clerks. Ex- aminatlons . everywhere frequently. Sample questions free. Franklin Instl tute. Dopt. 324-11. Rochester, N. Y. VAUDEVILLE and dramatic acts want ed at once. Farnum's Theatrical Ex change. Royal Annex, 860 H Morrison st. F1SK . Teachers' . Agency secures posl tlons for teachers. 816 Journal bldg. RAGTIME p!ano playinc; guarantsed Be ginners In Id lessons. 501 Ellers bldg. SITU ATIOXS -MA LB MAN In the east (Maine), 27, married, de sires to locate in Portland; first class timekeeper, checker, understands shirt cutting, good salesman, best of refer ences; will start immediately If neces sary. Address L. E. Landon, Stockton Springs, Maine. YOUNG man, stranger and broke, urc ently needs employment of any kind; exoeriencn in niano and laundry busi- n,M- uHll AnuMa. nrh.ata famllv nr , ..... VV..D.UV, V ' - farm work. R-483, Journal. . COMPETENT engineer wishes position in city. Have had 15 years' experi ence with mining and milling machin ery. Able to take chief engineer's place. V-703, Journal. WANTED by sober, reliable man, posl' tlon as lanltor in atartment house. I understand the management of steam: heating, or I would accept position as watenman. rnona Marshall s (. MARRIED man, experienced bqokkeeper, will keep small set of books for $30 per month. Haa good typewriter. Main 2612. YOUNG man married, experienced gro ceryman, must have work. Will do anything. Can furnish A-l references. X-638, Journal. WANTED Elevator, night watch, Janl tor, check clerk or any honest work; steady and honest man; will work very reasonably. G-689 Journal. ALL kinds of woolen clothing made wa ' terproof and mothproof ; curtains, chil dren's clothing, etc., made fireproof. Eastern House. Main 7736. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk requires position: good solicitor; good window dresser. C. Davis, Standish hotel. Main 8603; A-7634. MAN of SO, with 7 years' experience In office of large wholesale house, would like position. Could handle credits, K 885, Journal. YOUNG man wants work, any kind; has been working with large traniporta- tion company. H-616, Journal. WANTED Any kind of work in elty by a first class carpenter. G. Bennett. 1824 Virginia st. city., or call Main 7145 EXPERIENCED elevator man or any kir.d of work. Phone L.. C nines. Marshall 3881. . ' MAN that understands gardening and house cleaning wants a Job. Phone A-46Z8, room l. YOUNG man, 24, wishing to make Port land his home, wants wor. J-873, Journal. YOUNG married man, good penman, wants ' work in grocery or hardware tore. A-892. Journal. ELDERLY man, capable of handling I ne-ines and boilers and make small repairs, wants position, u-nvo, journal. SITUATION wanted by an experienced automobile driver; knows city thor ughly. U-807, Journal. . ' PRINTER Elderly man, having some knowledge of the linotype, wants posl tlon. Q. H-. 619 Powell st, city. WORK of any kind wanted by middle aged man, handy with tools. Address P.. 435 E. 12th st. Phone E. 4775. YOUNG, strong, sober man wants work; anything, Inside preferred. Phone Main 6890. Call Ed Rose. Experience in piano and laundry busi nets. Will consider private family or rarm worn. k-b, journal. DENTAL student will work for board and room. M-814. Journal. MIDDLE AGED man, cook, that don't drink, wants work. Y-461, Journal. YOUNG man of 21, any kind of Inside work. Phone B-3289. BOOKs written up and posted. A-7370. 600 Dekum bldg. Edw. W. Qrievlsh. YOUNG man, stranger and broke, urg ently, needs empfoyment of any kind. BARGAINS m painting, tinting and papering, rnone mast ziui. CARPENTER wants repairing or Job work of any kind. Marshall 6980. MOVING picture operator wants work. C-731, Journal. JAPANESE wants position, housework capacity. 8-827. Journal. SITUATIONS- FEMALE 4 WIDOW, with eugenics baby, wishes position as housekeeper or companion to lady, close in, 661 Second at Phone Main 6413. LADY with a little boy aged 9 wants housekeeping work or cooking. Call at 804 E. Morrison, room 8. Ring bell for landlady. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashior desires position. First class refer ences, S years with last employer. Phone Marshal Z&oZ. MitjJLE aged lady would like house keeping position; can give best of ref erences. Call or address 768 Union ave.. north. ; YOUNG girl, 16, wishes to assist with housework, east side prererrea, rerer ences. Tabor 2640. WANTED Bv experienced girl, assist ant cook or family ironing. Call be tween 7 and 8 p. m., Main 8315. YOUNG lady wants position, cashier or store worn; experienceu; references. C-7 6 2, Journal. HOUSEKEEPER for bachelor, private family or hotel, rooming house or apartment. Phone Main 8578, EXPERIENCED stenographer wants po- sition, ana assistant ., oooaxeeper. Phone Tabor 1276. . . , WANTED Work by reliable and axper , lenoed dressmaker; $1.60 per dayv East 3497. HOUSEWORK by middle aged woman, in small family, good cook, wages In widower s small home, .z-377. Journal. EXPERIENCED laundress would like washing to. do at ber home.,- phone C-2688. YOUNG widow, with nice home, would like a child or two to board and care fbr, reasonably, .rnone wooaiawn lizx, EXPERIENCED - waitress and cashier wants position Immediately.-1 0-650, Journal. EXPERIENCED laundress and houae l wlk BafaitenAa tsul wU., -S , UvBVr, wuil iBiwi ciivvi mmumm 'i' UHT work.'' .'Woodlawn 1935.- .i,..:,,., COMPETENT laundress wants daywortc Aionaay. xueauay , ,, ana l V weaneaday. East 4529. Room - POSITION in clerical work or assistant bookkeeper; references. Tabor 8871. WOMAN wants day work. Call E. J. RJ pnone wain gain, EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work by the day. Woodlawn 1252. WANTED Work by the day or hour. Mrs. Kthmldt. telephone Main 40fttf. MIDDLE aged woman ' to assist in houwewoiK, can C-3Z34. WANTED Work bv reliable . and i perlonced dressmaker. Main 4715. - USD 3 -t FIRST class dreMBiii&tter, Nw lork ex perience, wishes eiigaKt-iiii-tit in f v , lies or home work; re'icd raies r r November. . Sweeney. 645 Mket u drive. - . - ., LXPERIENCED dictaphone ,,-, nT, writes shorthand uUio. , Willm t,, ;tart at moderate salary. Reference. Main 6097. ' : GERMAN - woman middle awed. gTi3 cook., housekeeper wIhIirs pimltioii aa housekeeper, hotel, apartment or private house, city or country. , F-305, Journal, NpilWEGIAN" woman wants work by .doyr Pr we(lk. Oootit "" eenern hotmm.- woir. t ,f 2U mtstluufppii vvwuUtawn avU Nay.arene Army. . ' ' : COMPETENT bookkeeper, 13 years'' et- T ' perlence, wants poeition at once. Rest references furnished. Gilchrist Mar -shall 6612. ' ' , MOTHER and daughter would like work cooking, waiting . table or, other work in that line. Call or write, 271 Mont gomery. Phone Main 6117. ,'s EXPFIRIENCED diet, operator. Can , write short hand. Willing to start moderate salary. References, MaUt 6097. '.;;;. r-'.r-j':. '.""''" ;s; ART student will work for board and j large Htcht attic room. Walklnar dl- tance. Best raferenres. -, W-887. Journal. WANTED Dressmaking by the day or In some establishment 891 Tsmhlll. r SITUATIONS WANTED -MALE 1 AND FE1ALK , 23 EXPERIENCED man and wife, Janitors,, . want an apartment house Job, city;" references; do all. repairs. Phone A- 4628. Room 1. '.' , SITUATION wanted by man and wife In apartment or rooming house, man' to sweep, lady make beds. References. ' M-760. Journal. - '-''' : REFINED middle aged lady and hus--band would like situations earing for invalids or old people; reference. N-78L Journal. " ' & DHKSSS1 AKING , 40 OPERA coats, fancy costumes, men's silk shirts, ladies' tailoring, expert at tention, first class work, perfect fit guaranteed, by the day or at 1231 Gree ley Bt. Woodlawn 3492. i . FASHIONABLE dressmaking, first class' work, alterations guaranteed. 168 ' jjiui st. Marshall esns. FASHIONABLE dressmaking and mil- Unery at home or by day. , 263 Broad-" . way. Main 1030. 1 ux.n, wisnes engagements by: ins asy or at noma. 8639. $2.50. Marshall .. ACADEMY Of Parisian SclenUfio Dress--making. Tailored Suits, Corsets. . Teachers wanted. 804 Goodnonrh blilar ' ALTERATIONS by expert French dry. eleanlnx. rates reasonable. 214 , Co- llimhia. Main 9483. FURNISUED ROOMS . . 0 WEST SIDE i i IF6r"" Y;"M."(" a?- members. Furnished' rooms, reasonable in price, fireproof building, vacuum cleaned, shower baths. - .or. otn ena xayior bib. YOUNG man, rooming' at ' Y. M. C. A.! wants room mate to reduce room Ine expenses. Inquire Y. M. C. AJ eor. 6th: and Taylor. ' TOURIST HOTEL. ' " ' Centrally located. S cars from dennta modern conveniences, transient trade soZ llclted, 60o up,. 13 a week up, 160 1st st HEILIX HOTEL, 3d apd Yamhill, cen t rally located, modern, steam-heated', rooms, free rhonn and hath 11. KO wnk , XHhJ tiiav tnttL.Y .Furnished , rooms. Park and YamhilL Steam neat and. free bath. ROOMS and apartments in modern aw tei. sa.ow wees ana up. 465 Alder. ; HOTEL SAVON 131 11th at Per-; tnanent and traas't. roansxlio rooks SIPB PBIVATB T AMTXT WJIST 79, SITUATION?.. rXM A I. (Cotit;t!-) DESIRABLE young ; lady roomer In apartment, close in. Phone Marshall 1626. ' NICELY furnished room, all conven- iencea, walking distance, west, 693 2d st . -",' '--', .-- t?'" :''; -; v y-, $5 PER. month rents large sunny front,' - room, gas, bath, heat, 778 Roosevelt near 23d. Phone Marshall 4 1 1 A , PRIVATE home, front room for i, horne like, modern, reasonable. - 211 ilth sC ' Phone Main fll.- - ' THREE nice front rooms, one witi piano, for young men, 634 Flanders' st Marshall 4074. -l DESIRABLE modern rooms, $3 and up; close In, 388 Salmon. Main 8293. TWO neatly furnished attlo rooms, in ? 13th st Main 287L . VERY cheap sleeping; rooms. 149 13th,- i between Alder and Morrison. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 03 . THE CLIFFORD HOTEL. E. (th and Morrison sts. American, and European plan. New and modern. large loopy, apeciai rates py month. THE Larrabee, 227 Larrabee. Rooms $2 wk. up. Brick bldg., steam heat, hot ana coia water, patn, pnone, electricity. FURNISHED rooms $2 per week and upj hot water, steam heat. 402 E. Waan ington. Phone East 2870. UNFURNisnxa rooMs 10 THREE large front unfurnished rooms. electrlo lights, steam heat, running;' water, fine laundry and phone, all free; new apartment house (Balfour apt a), 1163 Belmont, corner E. 89th. B-2013. ROOMS AND BOARD i.l CASA ROSA, 800 Jefferson large nice- -ly furnished rooms with board. ' - BOOKS A9S BOARS PBXTATB 3P AMI&T - 1 HAVE Just opened a nice little board ing house on cor. Main and E. 17th, Rate $26 to $35, single and ensulte. Ev ery home comfort; sleeping porches, use of laundry, parlor and piano.: Phone East 4217. ' ' ' - - BEST room and board in the city $5 , and up; musical home; modern home comforts.- 664 E. Madison. : Hawthorns car to l$th st ''. ....-!,... ,. ; $4.60 PER WEEK, ail new, modern oon ven iencea. close in. east Side. Phone Pell 1000. y- '- - - ROOM and board" itor couple in Irvlng ton home; references required. East 3416."'" ' ' ' - WALNUT PARK, nice modern ho nom. use of piano, good home cooking, home privileges. Woodlawn 2025.. , 335 MARKET ST. 3 attractive rooms, running water, - sleeping porch, horns cooking, moderate price, references. ROOM and board walking distance, rate reasonable. v Main 8158. 396 Harrison, cor. lutn. ROOMS without board. $12 month; with - board. $26. 130 E. 19th; furnace heat lain; i ROOM and board for, worklngmen. 490 ' Taylor st. .- '.'",'",';--'',; ;'"; ': NICELY furnished 'rooms With board; home-like, home eooklng.' 465 6th at. ROOM ard board. 400 Taylor at ; HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 ':,"':"ty WEST SIDE - : IDAHO APTS., " $89 L6th.7 ' Mala'"!"8J21'. Newly , papered and painted; home eomforts; all conveniences, $ and I room apts. $12 to $16. ' BRICK bldg.. dandy front, suite 1, 2. 2 .' housekeeping rooms. ' newly painted and tinted. 645 Wash, at, near lHi. R6YCRtl!if. 176 iith, couvf-ifiaW; housekeeping rooms. - Close in. All conveniences. ; ' "-" FURNISHED or unfurnished hous.-li lna- rooms, cheap. .Cambridge biUj , id ana Morrison. FURNISHED' housekeeping and alPTT; , ,-i . rooms, $1.25 to $i bu week. a.n 21 bO MILL ST. i iiid J roo.ut.wut apartments, all conveniences. HOUSE JCEKPIIfr BOO' 4 wist sid ji rmvAT'i rn 1, 2 and 3 strictly modern It. K. r also tnree (or it 10: lltht aini uii v. 2d st. . NICE, clean, light liouH-kc. 1 , ,, .;. f Hleeplnir rootn, 600 Jriri- e- NJC'KLY f urn lulled rooin 1 r 1 ... . 11 jr. 2 ;i 5 ivionf ifnii',r-v tttif1,'';"''' t ; . 1