Tim QRIXQH DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 3, 1813. ACREAGE (Continued) C7 EXC1IANGI3 REAL ESTATE Snntlnnad) 21 F1VK A(!HKit l!.r.n ... i . . I 812.000:.CLEAK. Cholnn truneral nMIn $10 DOWN. 18 PER MONTH busines.. Polk Co. Tak trade and ujf acres or logged Off lanu. rrora muin. . ; v a m ! to llt-mlles from center of town I . $16,000; clear 79 acres, 10 m!n.out of 1000 population, also cannery an4 I Choice general farm. It acre hops, creamery. Thre aUarters ot a mil 1 Want c Itv. - ... .. from railroad station on main Una. be-I $23,000; mtg. $$000. Business realty iween .rortiand and Aetoria. , i'ma iano- net ,' want cholo. claar vacant en retain fiairvinr. .and amall rruita. I mni . will iuiim k...inA. . in grow anyimng umi mu u,iiim i jruiuny. t. -n . .. , .- ,. -, , v ,,. t ,1ft, warOrgon.;From VJ2 I . JtO.OOOiclaar, Net $835, WU ea- ia,vvu; in i j,. iza.vuv. Close in' corner. Columbia river; 400 aorea from which tQ cnooae. Perfect till ana warranty aeeo. US Hallway Exohang Bid-., id floor, ' Between 8d and 4th on Htarn . wan B. Oregon ateok aora oaaa Soma income, ranch. ; r.-- ,1100,000! mtg. UJ.OOOJ Beat 100 alfalfa Oregon, ranch. Want 11800 i:oo,oo0j Big income"' property' j' for lu. K. iirlun or : coianizKLinn iAYiifia. n.i 10(1 AtlHBS IMPROVED AND STOCKED I BECfC . . '" This rin farm is wen improved, more i uFIN-HEBLOW MTG. TRUST CO, X ? FOR SALEFARMS 17 than half In cultivation, spring and creh. aplandid aat buildings, horses, . cow, hogs, all kinda machinery, 1 mile , o, m, Ry., HO jnilea Portland, main road, Ii. Ir. t, and f telephone. Prloa for ail, 8138 per aora. Will accept aa low as 83600 c&eh.y , Balanoa long Uma at i . per oant. - ' " ; . WILLAMETTE INVE8TfSaT COW 408 Dekum bldg. - tANii KR saLh at HALt1 pWCH: , 200 aorea In Yamhill county, JU mllea from good town and K. R.,on good coun ty road, land A-l, SO to 88 acrea clear, balanoa fir and oak tlmben all enclosed by woven wire fence; can be had on . reasonable terma. Owner, room 118, ; Commercial blockt' Portland, Or. , 'DAIRY and fruit ranch in eastern Ore. (on - wanta active man with eome imoney to Invent; 4 Holateln heifera. aome rresn; a, v. aire) noKo, noraea, 'and full equipment) present owner hue lotner buainean and wanf to sell part Interest. R-60, . Journal. . r ' iabo' ACBES bock kAdH. ' All - fenced, . t houses, bis barn, anrlnen nit nlaca. finest of bunch eraaa. -.400 aorea can be put in wheat, only t miloa- from R. R. stations land located in 'Bilker countyt price $1 per acre, W, iW. Hsoev. 818 Commercial bid. ' AVILL aell 78 acrea unimproved Coos county timber land cheap, lake front; plenty nan; eaauy ... ciearea. -- van oe nearly all cultivated when oleared. For! i particulars, call at t7 Clinton at. WILL sell cheap my' peautlful home farm on Tvalatln river, 18 miles west oft Portland. Highly Improved. Addreag T. Wlthyoombe, 481 12th at, Portland. 88 Chamber of Commerce. Are You in Debt? housekeeping auitea - The houaa . and furniture la in first claaa conditions Wil ton carpets, inlaid linoleum, floss matt reuses, gas ranges, eio. M'tiia nouse win give you a rood home and clear yon $20 month, wlu aell on reasonable terma or trade for house and lot ud to 81800. or good vacant lota and axauma or pay cask difference. Owner, $07 Harrison st, WANTED -6 aora farm or will trade - for raw land, with no incumbrance, on or near ear line In exchange for 830 aorea best North Dakota wheat land, 1 ills rrom town on main una or north ern Pacific R. . R.. all fenced, arood apring, amall houae and ataoia; win aiar niaae a gooa stoca tarm. Aaureas j, Rudy. North Plains, Or. ;v - . ' 2o 'ACRlfldi 1U liAtidil "C6: tiR. Fine. level land, oan all be cultivated when cleared, 2,800,000 feet yellow pine on same; no lnoumbraneei will trade for city property or close la acrea; price o per acre. ' 211 Chamber of commerce Bldg, 2d and wasningion. SWAP OWJMM SS WILL?" xoha'ng electrlo fair, f or L vl bitor. Corbett bldg baths. ' WANTED nBAIf E8TATH 81 WAirrETV-FARMS WANTED Al farm not less than 18 .mllea out, east or Multnomah ot m von want a.n !, hmit " ""'"-ii c" vou wiinE in rent-or axcnaniraT Clackamas. tlvatlon, at least.- KX-8 WANTED -SMALL HOMO. Small cottage or bungalow, about 4 or a rooms, sellings pnoe rrora noo to $27801 must be la flrst-claas condition and have cement sidewalks In front -ii. journal. To pTa tt bidg. Main 8042. 108 K.. ' 1 - - " i " X 1 si mi i IT wan . i aaai.ii. immmm-m vviu nave puyers lor larme ai reasonaoie i WILL pay ' oash. bargains, lota prices. Peper Baker. BherlocK bide;. wUtlea,y restricted dlstriota TV- f6r RENT FARMS 14 and 418, FOR RENT near Oswego, 11 aorea, all cultivated, and new f room bouse. Fine for berries and chickens; t miles from center of Portland, 7e fare. Rent for $15 par month. U. At water, phono OZ601. FOR RENT. Journal. HAVB client for Irvlngton lot. Owner only. Oscar "W. Bryan. Main 18$. Ta- ROOM1XQ HOUSES 03 aaawajBMMtaWfaaasaiaBaaaa VH a tANii A SV y BV V WVB Vvo Phonf C-2408. 1ST B OMEOTK ADS J 47 GET 820 or 480 acrea, best la- Oregon, HUNTERS Hera It la. 49 room rooming house, 1 block off Washington at, on prinolpal sc; ateam heat, runnlngTwater in rooms, praas veus. new survey lust onened; no rook. ilevel, good water, timber free; railroad "building; feea reaaonable. 191 4th at. Main 8774. .' UVff 32n Af 4110 anra.'npt In Ortrtm. I Brussels .carpets, leas, -a new survey lust opened; no rockl J cleara, $280 monthly; rent laaa than $4 a level, eood water, timber frea; railroad I m; worth $8000. First on comet bulldW; feea reasonable. 191 4th at. getathia for $1100: easy terms. Peters, Main 17T4. , lMl ' - " , KXCHAWfjli REAL STAXH24 biV stock" k dairt ranches".1 Soma big (cheap) tracts at edge of Willamette valley. Part meadow and frassy hill slopes and mountain streams, rom 100 to 2000 acres. Will Uke H trade in unincumbered, good Portland i in, etn st. Dandy Home " 11 rooms in A-i neighborhood. West side, nioe eornar well furnished, every room full, clears $66 monthly, worth 9500. Prloe today for ail, $271; terma meters. ia , etn a property and aome cash. wagyoner. BOB Teon bidg. George S3. FREE rent and $28.78 month proflti clos In residence aeetion, I blocks south Morrison, modern 9 rooms, all rented, attie and basement, new furnaoe, large yard, fin eastern oak furniture. Goes to highest bidder. No incumbrance. Owner 190 B. ltth st., south. B-1140. ROOMING HOUSfi SARflAliJ. 19 rooma splendid furniture, velvet 280 ACRK8. SO. mllea out. 126 acrea in cultivation, 28 acres bops; some good timber; good buildings; graveled road to town. Will give good terms, or will rent. Owner. Wra. Johnson. 627 Coam- ner or yorr.merca. DVSINESS CUJLSCES (CoTitfflnefll ONfcl of Portland's beat saloon locations, center , of business section, . fully equipped with best bar fixtures and stock, also license, for a man to cater to a better class of trade. Will make ree sonata arrangements with right party. Restaurant Fixtures ; Cost me $oo. I had. to five up my location and store them. - Anvons neada $emiaJ iia)v..tliem.:fQr $100, xftr UP-TO-DAT13 y thorouahlv eaulooed areeamaKing parlors, select estao- llshed trade, of a vears. out of town, Price reasonable. Inquire Journal office, FIXTURES of grocery store a i 16th and ' Hawthorne. Absolutely worth $1000 ror quick aaje, 920. idf. for rent, O journal. RESTAUR AN T ' and home bakery for aaie. mo reaaonable - oner Rant 818. S Ilvin rooms. ave. and E. Yamhill sL ALL' or - half 'interest in refused. Corner Grand est In ood ua buslnesa. 2160 reek will' handle. , Washington st. . Will atan4 a trie teat in FOR SALE by owner,' machine and aho repair ahop la a town of 6000 popula non. uiiDi .ia iidi k nonu. M-ta, journal. 500 Business Cards. $1 611 Buchanan bldg., 986 H Wash'ton at MONE TO LOAK : REAL ESTATjS - COM ON IMPROVED RBAlT JK8TATB FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: VE rfeBAlJBLB CONTRACTS! N1 auaaiun, ;', COLUMBIA LIFE ft TRUST CO, ITIAVb private . funds to , loan . la amounts of 6260 and up to suit bor rower. Aiy-raiee are reaaonaoia ana. rn service, is rapid. Submit security at "61 fiatt bldg., 8. W, .. H. W. or. nf . Park Waahlngton ats. . LOANtl made n improved l(y property or for buildin Durooseat . advances mad aa building progreaa; lUral repayment privileges. No commission or brokerage. J. P. Lipscomb. 242 Stark. PRtVATB FbaUava larg amount available for Immediate loans: 7 per ant, if well secured, Henry C. Prud- nomme, ioa wucox bid. Jorst moru ae securities exclusively. CONFER with our mortgage loan de partroent If you wish to borrow anoney on improYa real aiata w nav lunaa, sou to sxu.voo. Mo ortgage age Loans WHITE, Ulng Bldg. WE have money to loan on Your real estate: mat mortgages oniy, HikMMOMD MORTGAGI! COMPANT, 42i Chamber of Commerce. $100,doo on mortgages, city and farm property, fire Insurance. MeKenal 4k Co., uerungef pidg.. id and Aider. UA VK any amount to loan on ajood . Portland real stata, Call 22$ Cham er oi commero Did, mo nroaer. MOKTGAOh.' loan at ourrent rates, Real estate security. Apply room iob Stock TCschanea bids., sd and Yimhl'l at a. CASH paid for mortgage, notes, ot tracts; mortgage Tnans; ' reasonabU rates, it. a. Lewis ft Co.. uswis bid. UAVK for immediate loan. $avu.r Bell, 201 Qerlfnger Sldg. $1000 to-$600 "for Immediate loan on real estate, xaoor ?li WTI t. 1 AM dh (UAAAA a. mmm mm.m 1 Farrington, 419 Commercial Club bldg, Koti.t to LoAij 6i4 bSaL 1:6TaT& GEO. P. DEKUM. 22$ HKNRT BLDG. MONEY to lon, 8 to 8 per cent W. ii. pens co., HQ wpaiaing 1. 1 .i mumkix to loan on real eatai. HARDING. SIS Ch. of Com. K. TRUST CO- OAK BT. A. H. UNION SaFU DEPOSIT MORTGAGE LOANS. 284 t.,v: ji- carpet on hall and sUlra. right down 76 ACREScloo to city, 'Unincumbered; I townTrent only $60; owner tolng? away. ber, house, bam, store. Also 800 acrea cowuia county, want ta trace xor oit property. Owner, Hall, l6Vi Sd at. Main 946. AM etiuity In a room house at 68d and 2d st $125 S125 $125 Buys a 10 -room rooming house In heart or city: rent 2o; 10 a is to ouy, Sherman to trad for anything of peters. 8 N. 6th i value WM. L. GRAHAM A CO, 610 Henry bldg.. 7 LOTS, clear; prloe fg&o. What have WANTED Lot or cheap land aa part paying transient ill East 2668 navment on vood house near bridge." Ca WJio, oicari pnua w. nrai nave i i.i.ix j , ' . 'j you? Stock and dairy farm in Clarke HOUSE of 8 rooms, all rented; owner county. PHc property. E,, waan. $16,000. $7000 in good H. Faimer, Vancouver. WILL accent a first payment on new modern five room house in Portland, horses, stock of any kind, farm imple ments. Terma on balance. V-714, Jour ' ' . ' ; ....... FIVE acres, house, barn, on .Salem eleo- trlc. 6 passenger auto for sale or trade for stock on dairy ranch. Owner, 148 East 16th at, T phone East 464$, FOR BALE Lot, , or will ' trad for horse and buggy, or automobile, 799 Brooklyn at. 320 acre stock ranch,, partly improve J; price $8000; mortgage $2000, for olty frupvrxyi uwiiTr, n-on, journal. 8 ACRE farm near jlcMlnnvllle; well . improved: will take some trade; 720 DRinirrr pi v.mnmgrCT, ;WE eachange What olna? away, must aell thla week. 9109 will handle, 967 Columbia street. FURNITURE of modern 10 room houae, reasonable. - 889 11th at BOARDING h6uee, newly remodeled, 2$ room e, rent o; cioee in. neu. hdi. BTJ8IXES9 CHANCES FOR BALE or trade Bakery and con fectionery, ic cream parior in con nection. Address Boa 112, Caatierock, waah WILL aell at saorlflo. good paying rea taurant; old esubllahed place: owner SOlng east W1U atand inveatigauon. FOR SALE Going Dlaiiti clear $160 t; manufacturin it naceaaarvi wi $200 per. mo. . Prio 1$00. I experience not neceaaaryi will IP th and Madison. vou hava fne h.l GOOD business in good growing town IV&UX S M'l !. KTT4V jSai10"'' k. Marshall 2664. ggSIJ'u. y?X?4't J.urnV. you. want. Pener , 1. 1.1 t A mm,j rMlm a acres Yamhih Co . Imnmv " ? I CONFECTlONERYStreet car transfer V auburban Portland properly, aoreig .JX? ',ftm Ti V2?h USaAL1 'or house anof lota. L. ft. Bond. Yamhill, Bylnf c'tyt..7jLw,.ft'tt.tf)f.. jt. tx, r. u. it FOR ALE cheap nonfectlonery, el- I gar and nant luocu, aj owner, wu uni W A Xlf Btn.11 Wli.. t ...nil L "i;r,'..TV..,vi,t .Ii"r tlhlon avi. North. couvet on electric line. Owner, Tab. 1520 I $1076 will buy an up to date hardware VjiREK rooms neat clean eiuivanlant! I tor In food bUBineSB district. AlSO tCn tTailnaifr.? furniture In connection, A-788. Journal, Aldtr, : . ; ; --' " . . J FOR' SALE Cortfeetlonery and grocer 61 gM6f TT'tf,ycvT7 r Umfeftrt. '-::i;"'iiL.i,".i.t I rrku wmtama trade 640 acrea raw land, Clackamas I FOR SALE 8x12 Gordon printing i:ouniy, n?oni i.Jw sa st, Main ff.l press ana type, imp, i f rom sireei. 6 ROOM house $1100, lot clear, to trad I WEDDING Invitations, for grocery, by owner. 60S Grand ave. I Ryder Print Co. 887 Burnside. M-6689. MORTGAGE loana, 6 and i per at aitara sv Louis Salomon Co.. 229 2260. 8860, $600. $8&0, $1200. $2009. Fred W. Germane., Chamber of Commerce. 11 MONTTir TO LOAN CUATTliLS. BAIiAlUXa L ' ' (Contmied 67 IF YOU Z.Kl HONiCy FOR WINTER bKH US AT ONCE ' l WE LOAN $10 TO $1000. v TRACTS OR KBAL. ESTATE. 86 Weekly paya a 8 11 loan, weeaiv pay a weekly pay a weekly mvi a OTHER SUMS IN PH ro , f .86 I . $1.10 " $1.90 loan, s 60 loan, 100 loan. PORTION. NO CHARGJfi irdtt APPLICATION. NO EXTRAS. - NO DELAT. KUBINKS8 CONFIDENTIAL. , NOTICE On all loana If the head af ine xamuy dies or is totally disabled and the payments are up to data, WE WILL GIVE THE WIDOW A RE- stairs IH FULL OF ACCOUNT. YOU DO NOT taonardlaa Veur furni. dealhkrV0"' ot lt ,oa U1.L REBATE ALLOWED If you pay in full before contract time expired , - U'U CAH.GBX IT TOIJAX, CALL, WRITE Oil PHONE TODAY, iBirafflTTn fflMBfl 8 ml fill (Pirn f irwua 6 iMiniiui iuliki We ;i s 418 l A CLE AY BLDG.. ' Bet 4th and Kth. nn Wuh.' St Open A M. to P. M, Bat till 8 P. M, ' r-none aiaranau Z8t or A-im7. WE loan money en diamonds and jewel ry at nair me rates cnargaa py oroa ere, want & tiiocn. 7 no t MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry, strictly con tidentlaT. 141 H 90. FINANCIAL 81 GASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's oaultv In contract of sal on reai estate in Washington or vregon. ri. ia. wopie. Lumnermena oiog. ioans, HELP WANTED MALE 1 Situation Wanted Ada. inserted free for those ta need of work and who are unable to pay for an aavoriisement Advertisements must n bought to the office personally by the rarurn aesinnar worn. eplOIMent dept. Y. k. C jempio ormant mambarahin auarantaea mem oar will aecure mpioymnt or re- iuna oi mDHnin ie. gives two month full memberahip privilege; 10 aonuis social privileges. xt eoora ror a moatna eoaing Aug. iij ails for men 169$ osltlons filled 109$ All vounar man aeeklns amnlovmant. AMMtlallt, m m m .Arilallu Im. .PtniVMHI J .UWI,I h W.AAOT.., AAA vlted to consult with the secretary of the Employment Department Stock Salesmen Dependable saleamen who want permanent employment to sell took in a rapidly growing local corporation, Reference required. Call or address 1406 Yeon Bldg. CONFIDENTIAL man wanted by cor po ration now organising on rich placer mine. Honeaty and ability in handling men neoessary. Permanent nosltion. Good salary. Bom investment required which is absolutely secured. Z-879, Jour nal MONET TO LOAN . 07 CHATTELS, SALARIES CH $10 EAPEST $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ 8ALAR TO AND BEST PLAi BORROW MONEY. innnT.TTKcir V. xt-, aninrlnfiAY . mnmmmlJ UmJ A JUAA, ,1V OEJV.V"tAA, BU81NE88 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL STATE SECURITY CO., 1 lY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $100 tea to I ,.1 1 609 FAILING BLDO. $ $ SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW money; BUSIN ABSOLUTELY NO- SBCIJRITY, STRICTLY CON FIDJuN HOURS I A. M, TO f P. M. flAL SATURDAYS TOJJP. M. STATE SECURITY CO, 809 FAILING BLDG. ELBY COMPANY. (Licensed.) 19 im 910.000 to loan on diamonds. jewelry, watches, musical instruments, pianos, automobile, storag reoelpta, eta Privet place, quick aervioe, low ratea $20 Lumbar Exchange bldg, Main tAOkifct,l"y!ioPLg',' AND OTHERS WANTING MONEY APPLY ROOM 817 LUMBER EX. BLDO. 2ND AND STARK ST. CHATTEL ioane Money for salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rate, easy payments. See m before dealing elsewhere! confiden tial. D. D. Drake. 828 Henrv bid. A DESIRABLE place for ladies and gen- iiemen u oorrpw money on aiamonos and jewelry at eastern ratea Diamond Palaoe, 864 Wash., opp. Owl drug stOfa. NET sold On installment; confiden ial to salaried naonle. w. A. New. ton, sm nenry oiog. MONEY loaned1 on diamonds. Jewelry ana warenous Washington aned on diamonds. Jewelry ehouse receipts. Room 10, i bldg. WANTED For U. S. army, able bodied' - unmarried men between area of -1$ and 86 j oltisens of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who ean apeak, read and writ the English language. For information ap ply to recruiting officer, Worpeater bldg., 6d and Oak ate., Portland. Or. WANTED Experienced glove sales men for western territory by large manufacturer for heavy work goods. Address KX-631. Journal. ' WANTED Several well dreeaed young wen wiiB nouae to nouse experience: good nay. 616 Panama bid- Sd and Alder. CARPENTER, oement man and painters ' wanted who will take a lot in ex- 5 hangs or amall house and lot A-879, ournaL . IMMEDIATELY Two "adverUslng o iicitora. Bpeciat eauion wore um.ua Mid dally. For interview giv phone aaaress to doi ibob, roruana. HELP V XT ED MISC. 49 ' ( con tinned) OREGON AU'l'UMOoiLB BCHOOL, 866. 268 11 th at Latest up-to-date meth od a of - practical instruotlon in driving and repairing automobile by expert in structors and mochanica. 'Tuition, part each on enrollment . balance at time of graduations W assist our graduates to positions. Day and nlaht classes. JPAClFIQ 'cfiTiTOPmWOOLLEGH" , Individual InatruoUon, thorough train ing, exoollent teaohersj new class Just luiming; ssna ior catalogue. tm- com monweaim oiog., a-oruand, or. OR BOON: Law - -ac .9i thoroufc practical course In" 1aJ no uma tost, ioro regular occupation recitations evefiintrs. . Samuel T. Rich. ardson, dean. M. Morehead, Bee, $16-817 Commonwealth bid sr.. Portland. Oregon. WANTEO Men 18 to 85, a railway mail clerks, 876 month; 1800 vacancies every year,;., Examinations everywhere frequently. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept 227-H, Roche- Central C6MMBRCUL CdLtil&A ' Bookkeeping, Gregg and Pitman short hand,, typewriting, speed classes, pen manship. Individual instruction by sp. ciaiisis. i union iu per mo. uaotM zree. central Kuiiumg. Mam 6b USE your span time to build up a mail order business of your own. we help you start for a share In nroflta 27 on. portunitles. Particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo', N. Y. SrDERMOTT'B show card rnihool, day ana evening classes. 319 i iirord piog. HELP W ANTED FEMALE Situation Wanted Ada Inserted free for thoaa In need of woric and who are unable to pay for an advertisement Advartlaamanta must ha brought to the office peraonally by th yruw qctinng wort, WIDOW living alone in country wants elderly woman to assist . In - care af noma uood horn for right party. Wage about $3.00 -week. Mrs. Harry Hayes, Hemlock. Or. GIRLS between 19 and 26 years to learn - comoiometer adoina machine: rood no. sit ion a provided when oours oompleted. yaii as Morgan Diqg. WILL give good home and small wagea . in acnooi Briri in return ror small aerv. icea u-HKia. cau ill K. Main, WANTED -Ladles can make 27 tTTT per week. Call room 308 Panama bldg. aa ana Aiuor sis. COOKS, waitresses, second girls, house- worn, cnamoermaiaa ot. iouis ia dies Agency. 288 Main et Main 2589. GIRLS wanted to work on trousers and vests; Experienced only need apply. set Aider. COMPETENT maid lor general bouse work. 604 E. 2Cth Bt N. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework. Phone E-4026. HELP WANTED MALE ND FEMALE 29 OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trad In 8 weeks, pays you while learning, tools free, tuition re duced thla term, expert Instruotlon, po sition guaranteed, special lnduoementa to ladles. 282 Madison St.. 269 2d. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE teaches the trade in 8 wanks, nava whila learn ing, gives a lst-claas set of tools. Writ for free catalogue. B. 48. N. 2d et MEN. women, get government jobs; 699 month : 12.000 aonolntments coming. Write for list of positions. Franklin institute. Dept 226-H, Rochester, is. , Y, wanted Railway mall clerks. Ex aminations everywhere frequently. Sample questions free. Franklin Inatl- tute. Dept. 634-H, Rochester, N. x sk xa F1SK Teachers' Arenov aecuraa DOal. tlons for teachers. 816 Journal bldg. kAOTtM E nfana nlavlnir ruarantaad be ginners in it) lessona eui jLiiere oiog. WANTED AGENTS MOVING picture operating taught; . men wanted for good positions; privet practical training; cur positions. ttotnoniia piog. 612 HAVE a first class steady position at rood wares for a good man who ean furnish from $800 to 8600 cash ae curlty. Call Room 618 Dekum bldg. WANTED To consult with A-l German gardener who ean handle garden tract One mile from elty Limits. Phone Tabor 4606. WANTED Partner that ha the money to go with me and take a homestead. jtf-BBf . journal. ELECTRICIAN to go In with me in ihe business, no Frederick st WE start you in buslnesa, furnishing veryimng; men and women, jaw to 200 weekly oneratln our "New System Spaialty Candy Factories' boms, any- wuerei no canvaaBing. wpponumir ui lime: booklet free, ragsualis . Box Z. East Oranre. N. J. WANTED Photo coupon agentai Ma- jeatio Btuoio, Majeatio xneaire mag. SITUATIONS -MALE capital required. 626 CHEF Headquarters and Helpers. CALIFORNIA WINE UKfVT, 26 Yamhill st WaTED -At once. 2 men to lea m auto repwnni rn.ua sriTinei au m nmw tnorno oarage, 448 Hawthorn ave. WAK'tED First clan salesman' to sell an artlol of merit; needed in every nousenoia. ja.ii n nswtnoma GOOD man for milking and chorea 601 Eaat 22d st N. SOLICITORS wanted:-best offer In city!; Van Dyck Studio, 404 Washington st HfcM' NVATiCD MISC. 40 GOVERNMENT positions open to wo men, 18, $78 month. Write immediate ly for free list Franklin Institute, Dept. e-H, Koonester, in. y. MEN. 18 to 96. wishing to Be railway mall clerk. $76 month. EX-473. Jour nal. . - ' ; . .... . PRIVATE Instruction given in the Span isn language oy Mr. Main 70St. Address, Bnnllla. Phnna 111 n f?Ak -. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6.60 up. layior, tne tailor, zsv Aiurnsiae. ALL kinds of woolen olothln mads wa tsrproof and mothproof; qurtaina, chil dren doming, etc. man ureprooc n,sstern nouse. Main T78e, MARRIED man wisjee position as chauffeur. Can drive any oar; expert repair man, and best or reierenoea Main viva, room l JAv- of ail trades, t can do It any- thing. Give m an opportunity to prove lt Addrea O. A. SSorner, 872H tiawtnorna. EXPERIENCED grocery olerk require Dosltlont rood aollaltor: rood window dresser. C. Davis, Standiah hotel. Main ,nf, A-IBfll. YOUNG married man, good penman. wanta work in rrooary or hardware store. A-J892. Journal. ELDERLY man, capable of handling engines and boilers and make email repairs, wanta position, o-evo, journal. GOOD electrician Wanta maintenance job or other, steady work in city, Y-468, Journal. SITUATION wanted by an experienced automobile driver; know city thor- ugniy. u-oUi. journal. YbUNG, strong, sober man wants work: A'aon anything, inside nreferred. Main bho. call Ed Rose. Experience in piano and ' laundry busi ness. Will consider private family or farm work. R-483, Journal. DENTAL student will work for board and room. M-814, Journal. MIDDLE AGED man, cook, that don't drink, want work, Y-481, Journal. YOUNG man of-21, any kind of Inside work, Phone B-8389. BOOKs written up and posted. A-7270. 600 Dekum bldr. Mdw. W. Grievlsh. YOUNG man, stranger and broke, urg- " nuy neeoa employment or any Kind. RELIABLE chauffeur wishes position. Family oar preferred, CARPENTER Z-860, Journal. contract. wants work by Phone Tabor 739. day or SITUATIONS MALE pontlnned MAN In the east (Mains). 27, married, de sire to locate in Portland; first class timekeeper, checker, , understand shirt cutting, good salesman, best of refer ence; will start Immediately if necea eary. Address L. B. Landon, Stockton springs, Maine. YOUNG man, stranger and brok, urg ently needs employment of any kind; experience in piano- and laundry busi ness ; will consider private family ,or farm work. R-488. Journal. ' a l . i . w 1 ... COMPETENT engineer wishes position lava ainu (& voara' axDefW. uinlng autt mlJiiwa" macWn- lil. cjlpy, enc witi ery. Able to -take chief engineer" place. V-708. Journal. WANTED by sober, reliable man, posl tlon as janitor In apartment houae. I understand the .manarement of ateam beating,, or I would accept poaitlon aa wa ten man, ynone Maranau ii7. - will keep amall aet of books for $30 per month. Has good typewriter. Main 4119 . .... . . A. 4. pRr-ssMAicrxa. (Continue! ) FASHIONABLE dreBamaklng, lu st c , work, a Iterations auarantenl. ioi 12th st Marshall 6 8 r, ;i . FASHIONABLE dreHSinakliig an l , llnery at home or by day, Hi Brou4 way. Main 1030. r ' DRESSMAKER wishes engagements h ; the day or at home. $3.60. JUarahall ACADEMY of Parisian 'Scientific'' iTZ making. Tailored Huits, Corset a. ' Teach era wanted. 304 OoodMough hl.tc ALi.RATldNS by expert. French lry ' j,:l6Ba;m-; . .U pa-' lumbla. Main 9482. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE YOUNG man married, experienced gro- ceryman. must nave worn, win oo anythin. Can furnlab A-l references. X.-6S8. journal A MACHINIST Wishes position: 2 years railroad work, 6 years structural steel work and repairing, nai, R-480, Jour- THOROUGHLY competent etenographer and bookkeeper desires position at once; win go anywnere. Aaureaa a, m.. Evans. Albany. Or. - WANTED Elevator, night watch, Janl tar. r.hack clark or anv honest work: teady and honest man; will work very reasonably, u-f s journal. RARnAINil in naintlnr. papering, pnone mast zivi. tinting and "jTPANEsa wanta poaitlon, houwork capacity, g-827. journal. SITTJATTON" FEMALE I ART 'student will work for board and large light attic room, wanting ois- tance. Best referencea. w-887. Journal. YOUNG lady wants position, cashier or store worn: experienueu, mwnww c-7ez, journal. GIRL, 16, wants to work In family ani attend Clinton Kelly aobool; wage wanted, can Mam 6Z4e. HOUSEWORK by middle aged woman. in email iamuy. gooq. cook, wages in widower's small home. Z-377, journal. EXPERIENCED laundress would like washln to d at her hom. Phone YOUNG widow, with nice home, would ilk a ahlld at two to board and oar fr, reasonably, Phone woooiawn lis. GERMAN woman want housework by o'clock. Tsoor io EXPERIENCE!! laundrss and house cleaner, with reference, wishe day work, woodiawn lse. dPETENT laundresa wanta daywork and Wedneaday. cTOT 'Monday, Tuesday East 4629. Room 6. POSITION in olerloal work or aaalatant bookkeeper: referencea Tabor 2871, WOMAN wanta day work. CallJHW. lt, none Main uais. E curtains hand laundered. Phone Main 1486. EXPERIENCED dressmaker want work Lac" hv 4-llJK aflat, 1Xria1lBlWwl , , i- rial i Mrni nil WANTED Work by the day or hour. Mra. Bchmldt telephone Main 4069, MIDDLE aged woman to assist In housework. Call c-6224. WIDOW with' grown daughter, wishes housekeener nosltion i reasonable aal- ary; take earn lntareat aa la own home; will cook for gentlemen: referenae. 24$ Montgomery st. room i. Main 4140. kXPERlENCED dlctaphon operatori writes shorthand also. start at moderate aalary. WUlln to Rafarnaaa Main u7, WAKf ED by experienced ' woman at one, position in bakery where one man 1 employed., Pbon Mar. 1470, room a t a. kxPERllitjcfcO bookkeeper and Bteno- grapner oeeires position any kind oi offlp work. First claaa references. A-e70, Journal. MOTHER and daughter would ilk work coo a in g, waiung taois or other work tnat una. call or writ, 271 Mont imery. pnon Mam iit. - EXPERIENCED dlot operator; Can writ snort nana. Willing to start moderat salary. References. , Main OV7, fi.2i o : ia.ei per vreeS, rarige liiut " newly furnished -rooms, -incliiiiing neat, hot water and baths at all hours and plenty of it 7 blocks to P. O. Hotel ,, Cadillac, 8d at, wear Jefferson. FOR Y, M, C A. merabera Furnished . room.; reaaonable In jprlce, fireproof ' building, vacuum cleaned, ahower baths, club facilities, special rate at cafeteria, -: Cor. 6th and Taylor sts. - . J VOUNG man, rooming at ." W." fi." X1T i want room mate to reduce rooming ' expenses. Inquire Y. M. C. Al or. 6ti and Taylor. . ' '. ' . TOURIST HOTEL! ' Centrally located. S car from depot modern conveniences, transient trade eoi llclted, 60o up, $3 a week up, 160 1st at. ' HEILIX HOTEL, 2d and Yamhill, cen- trally located, modern, steam heated ' room a, free phone and bath. $3.60 weok. FURNISHED rooms $1.76 a week and i p. Phoii and bath. ,122 J 2th at.,! cor. Washington. . , - "r" Furnished rooms, f Steam heat and THE BEVERLY Park and Yamhill, free bath. NavELY furnished rooms, modern con venlenc. reasonable. 167 20th, near Morrleon. ROOMS and apartments' in modern Do tal, aa.eu weea ana up. 46 Alder, HOTEL SAVON nfat'.nd'tran'a'r WBST rrBirtSHZi booms SIPB, PBJVATg FAHTLT T DESIRABLE young lady roomer m apartment, close in. Phone Marshall 1528. . . . NICELY furnished room, all convent iences, walking distance, wat, 691 6 PER month rents large sunny front ' near 33d. Phon Marshall 4116. WELL . furnished front alcove;" 'every! w- P . V" " . . . "i. Biriciiy up te flat. atabiu owiD. at tumion gr PRIVATE home, front room for use, moaem, reasonable. t-none aiam mi, 211 2, homew ' v lltb st THREE nfcA front rracam a An aiti :. -.planA ,orro.'i2T' mn-. Flander : at Marshall 4074.- .. . DESIRABLE modern rooms, 82 and up . . g ' 9 oaunon. main BJSJ. TW.9u,leflU?.rurnjBhed attl room. i4 18th st Main 2871. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE ca THE CLI PFORI) HOTPIT.. E. 6th and Morrison mtn. . AmHrn and European plan. - New and modern, a7i ! " -igii, raurp uy inontll. THE Larrabee, 227 Larrabea Room 88 wk, up. Brick bldg., ateam heat, hot and cold water, bath, phone, electricity. ji unniBiusu rooms f per week and up: hot water steam 'heat. 402 EL Wash- hot water, steam 'heat. Ington. , Phone Eayg870. UNFURNISHED rOOMS ' 10 THREE large front unfurnished rooms. electr io lights, steam heat running water, fin laundry and phone, alt free; new apartment house (Balfour apt,). 1163 Belmont, corner E. 80th B-2012. FOUR nice houcekeeDinr rooms win. conveniences. 105 u. K. 17th at . n... Flanders. ROOMS AND BOARD WIDOW, with ugenio baby, wishes Position as housekeeDer or cnmrjanlon to lady, cloa In. 661 Second st Pnon main ii. LADY with a little boy aged 9 wanta housekeenina' work or eonkln . Pall at 804 U E. Morrison, room $. Ring bell ror lanaiaqy. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier desires position. First class refer- jncea, 6 year with last employer. Phone ii.iijjjL.iSi aged lady would like house keeping position; can give best of ref erence, can or addreaa 769 union ava, north. HOUSEKEEPER for bachelor, private family or hotel, rooming nouae or fbo v'CED etenographer wants po- EXPERIEN sitlon. and aaalatant Phone Tabor 1176. WANTED Work by reliable and bookkeeper. perienoed .dressmaker. Main 4718. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AXP FEM A LR 23 EXPERIENCED man and wlf. janitors. warn, as apartment nouse joo, city references;, do all repair. Pbon A 4629. Room 1. REFINED middle aed ladv and hua. band would like situations carinr for invauas or oia seopie: reierenoa m-711. Journal. MAN and wife will care for ranch for board and small waaea ExberiencaJ. No children. 11 West Kllllngeworth ave. DRESSMAKING 40 OPERA coats, fancy costumes, men's silk shirts, ladles' tailoring, expert at. tentlon, first class work, perfect fit uaranteea. by tne day or at 1231 area- y at Woodiawn $492. CASA ROSA, 300 Jefferson large nloe ly fumlhed room with board. B.OOMB Atm BOAxi" PLEASANT rootn, heat good horn cook ing; phone,' bAth, all home comforts, walking dlatance; all for $18 mo. 625 Clay street $4.66 PER WEE" all newT modern con venlencea, close in, east aide. . JPhona Sell 1000. ROOM and board, west aide, walking distance, rat reasonable. Tel. Main -8168. 396 Harrison, cor. 10th at. B.OOM and board for couple in Irving- m ton home; referenoe required. East' 4ia. WALNUT, PARK, nlo modern' , home! use of plane, good hom cooking; hom prlvilegea Woodiawn 1025. ROOMS without board, $ll month: with" board, 82b. . 130 E. 19th; furnaoe heat itOOM and board for worklngmen. 490 Taylor at BOARD and room In private home; rea sonable. 388 First st ' Mar. 1878, ROOM and board for young lady; hom nvll..... 4 . rr..r ,VJ. .ii.Hpgwi, . . -wwu a. amir gtf. ROOM ard board. 490Taylor st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS B WEST SIDE $18XTb PER MONTH. newly fur-" nlehsd housekeeDinr aultoa? Uma light sunny room, bay window, gas ranges: plenty hot water, hatha fra . ail hour; lights, linen washed free: 7 blocks to postorrice. Save carfare. De sirable neonla only. 288 lV 8d at n..a .QllOIBDII, THE MERCEDES On and two rooin abartments. hot and cold MUr. f... ,: phone, furnace beat; cheap rent 20tli and Morrison. FURNISHED or unfurnished houeekeep- A rwoina, cnaajfc ,. vmDriag bldg-, wu bbjiu va a iduiu FURNISHED houaekeeplng and Bleeping rooms. $1.25 to 81.50 week. 230 891 3d st. MILL ST. 2 and 2 room front apartments, all conveniences. ( Continued on Heat Page) Jeff Sou O-fiai; A WARD NRfc 0lT SWreAY A wi' 7" PAtlfH4 AND VMS -'H-'' ' s: "Faint Heart Never Went to Sing Sing" By "Bud" Fisher xrww na. VtU Ct V17T81 AftO fcV45ft toAt er. rtuciveYoo2rv0Bjt. CoT MjUR 2 tOft, r(9i w.cr Heivsj., x'.' mm w aa. RAiiTa,tWf At- I... mm tmdt rO. ftCrfia.'tlN Oft tftnUOUta, tO VOIftlMG. SVay.-. 9nJ8 11 V l'l 9111 Mil Mil I tfftn i m ii i ' I ' ' tfc' '."'it :'S:?:&&W ; "l. Or--.. riUr " 1 " ,.vs,-,.:.-i:.,i.t.1.T,;..,:,, '''i'"".'. .'";' ' cor'YW'wrr f i .rri r.-r .vv.-v:-:.-:-.r::