c: )U CUIIDAY JOURNAL, POITLAIID, CUIIDAY HORNING, NOVEMBER 1013. A V 1 - cl Lbokl v Listen! , i- -Don't at lef t hehlnd, ..,Lenta: ts stead Ideal residence-district will be located around Lents. Buy now while snaps like tnese listed peiow are on me marast; ... - ' . -v.dOArt-. ' - , v . K0 DOWN. 810 PERAMONTH. " buy a 'beautiful little plastered house, nice front porch, ,acre of ground, not rax irora oar una. r . . $900 IU ; acres.' small house rood wood shed and chicken houses, about 3 acres cleared, 4 aorea ' slashed, nloe - spring, running water, 8 miles from Clats Liaaame. 7 SiUUU ', New I room plaatered houae, tor of ground, short walk to car, fine wood. - abed. $60 down, f 10 per month, . ."' 'Rlynn i ' JtfjZr v,',.' u BVIftSLr"! fh2walk t0 $28 down, $10 month. t SI 200 ( , T ' 6 room houae, bath, hot and cold - water, big new range; lot 40x100; a blocks to car; $60 down and $15 per mo. ' i new, modern, room nouae, ioi soxsif. nloe shade treea, fine lawn, 1 block to Kew, modern, room houae. lot 40x10, car, du oown, tiv per mo, .. " B, room, modern house, lot .80x100, 1 diock to car, ibu oown. vis per mo. flow iiuwn, il ran J-." ' ' Brryi J room houae an? $ aorea .ef around, fruit treea and berries, ahort waux io ear. . xnia la a snap. Ambov Heights ' ' $(0 lKt 40x100. 86 down and $per moau; ail level, aigntiy, una aou, uuu nw water; a otocaa 10 car. ' 1-2 Acre. $500 All level, water In, Ilea fine, on Gilbert roao, oniy a anon wain to cart io aown, iSf."L"w ou. 7. regret iu ' ' ww ana ud . ' Elmo Heights, hi acre, $5 down, $5 per i The Bright Building -A Investment company will build you a home on eaay tenne. Put - your inatallmenta Into a noma inateaa or renung. BRIGHT BLDG, & INV. CO. - nek a , orient.' Me:r. -rt it . a a Lenta, Or., S blocka east of Poatofflce. e m vivi.ag vajLo a, v; X. ON FOSTER ROAD. Tabor 4S49. ..- - B-tllL One" Acre $1 800 One Acre " New 4 room bungalow, piaa - tared, well built, oement found tlon. cement - basement, cabinet kitchen, one acre of good aoll, close to car, achool and atorea; ' - Just the place for a man who : ' works In town. Prloe $1800, $160 ' down, balance aa low aa $16 per -. . month. C. G. Reagan. $13 Selling - bldg. Phones Main 1800, A-626L each with attio and basement, fireplace. beautifully aituated in select neighbor- hood; everything built with the idea of permanence, graded street, cement walks. Will sell very reasonable. $100 A.t. m k.ni. v-i ance verV eaeS oaVments OTTO eV HARKSON REALTT COu HAKH.UiN HEALTI JUU i 183 F1KBT BTRffiET. Hawthorne -Ave. , ' TTnioiinllu attMtln. C ' 11.1.1 Tt' " i TT -. AT' V""' I two' "tr; well built horneT Both fin! iabed in the moat up to date style with a areat many exclusive features. tm j . ix. i J v. u.m, o.uavCT. fill I eautv and convenleces they cannot be I excelled. Come out to 848 E. 48rd and nee for ysurself, Easy terms. Owner, Tabor 661. ' - , , . , l 1... - . ii . . - I a modern 7-room brick bungalow, Haw - thorn district: all imnrovemeAt. in. Including hard surfaced street This will be sold at a snap If taken within raw oaya Main eio. I Alberta District m k om h,nmn hnriim fr.t. 1 earn- ceiiinaa: electrio ' fixtureaT fine Ei'i'Jl" eSM?i ?enl?iI "JTifej eurface atreeta. $2800; terms. , Owner, 1088 E, 21t..U N.Aibarta car to Jlst. "v A.- " outn- , T'WMSM,'K T.rr.V " jr. . . i. It. n a I TTCU wurvii tlQUV, Will 0OU-( fOVOV. Terms to suit purchaser. : Key at Hub- wn oirioe, oaa ana eancy. . FORECLOSURE SACRIFICE. 8 room bungalow. Lot 40x110, Morris at., near wiiuams avenue. . ' ".;!' - $2600. ifV;:, $0$ Stock Exohanga Bldg. 8rd & Yamhill "BANK AT HOME. , " 82850 Bura beat buniralov in Port. lm$-M Tour moay n ts is safer and will tlA vnil mnr. mrnnA than In th. Kanlr I . ava oiuck n-xoiiango mag., v $rd and Yamhill Su. $Z0 down, io montiuy buys new mod- ' ro?mCc0Vf,,RJ2. ,H cr?J94, ,6S,65 8?Btvft K bl00k ?lneth$2600y TaboTasft. Mt rfoo line, fiouo. TSDor .y,,,-. , , HSBNaA vi C m "mwwu, utuu inwnor, i t, v v. v. i, way i?rmJv0O18,er 'S M. T. Dqffy, 208 C4.rw1r KVrtfi antra Hllir 1 . I GROVELAND PARK. 6 rooms, modern, full lot, near Haw-1 thCMme car. Price $2650. Accept Jot as flret payment. 0$ 60th. Tabor ? I V . 1 1 " ' 1 - . WIlJLtpulld you. a home much cheaper I on . ouut. Easy I terma. Lots in Hawthorns district .. G. jm. YTgiigr, iva rj. ui, a quur i iiOL'SE in Woodlawn, 5 rooms and bath. I iot ovxiuv, year ago cuei zuuu; win sell for lees. Owner, 820 11th at. Call or lhone A-1688. - J NEW. modern 6 room bungalow, built I aee it MC Tabor car- to 82nd st, .6 piockb aomn. turns nawtnornt ave. ' LAumuuBST snap at - $4000; thla nice home -to be sold at once, mov ing out of city. Tabor 8290. , WILL make bargain on new modern . room oungaiow, Ainsworm ana JJei aware. Owner. 864 Monroe St. - jL. A POK 8ALK LOTS Ill FINE lot on Maryland ave., near new Kenton school. Price $600, Easy terms. Security Development Co, 4th FOR SALE HOUSES j' $325 BUJTS fine view lot, west side, ' SO mlnutea1 av rMm t1d aK k. .... - 80 minutes car ride; $10 cash, balanoe $6 per month.. M. K. Lee, 62$ Corbett bldg. i ' J.',. 1 i.,a t. ij. ' f.vi- f',z. r vw a-1 yCupstalrs;OWn8,r ' JUd,r-'t- W FOR SALB, my $41 it equity in $900 lot jv.i'.iih, vi'in luwju- nouee, :, .Huu. i for a Song ' Come out mil mill, m, - .'J.-1 . uTSi ti ... -V.T - I iiii unci, .in c. yiu, w. w, car. - ' r ' FOR SALE A nlcs lot in llontavllla. ; cement sidewalk, cheap for . cash. Owner, J. A. Wllllama, Yacolt, Waah; LOT 25x100, East 80th at, irvingtorf , Park. . Price, $800. Mortgage of $160 n yo"rwn time. T-874. Journal. ; '; JiuUITY in Rose City-Park corner lot. , half block from Alameda drive, beau- tlful renldenee lot. Owner Main ia. FJRLANI lot ;)60. wortn 84SU: terms $5 monthly. Main 1166. or Tabor 771. FTTKeALR CHEAP Lot COxfiaTCTty vffw noaitum. .f'none tiei iwo o d82 8 , . , ii i ' "i i r i - TWO Ealono Iioach lot, worth $25 eucli, ' ' WWIU V 9 A V SH-W I S4 WUt 14SV . , TOU SAIAT LOTS (Continued) GOOD BUYS ON PORTLAND HT3. Fine 60x100 vtav Int. 12100 12x100 Jot just be sold. - 100x100, any reason able ofifir aocepted. , Large residence and almost half acre, $8000 If taken at one. - Large beautiful home with all modem conveniences, and suburb view. Sea Hunt. Chapln-Herlow Mtg. & Truat tjnamoer or commerce, A T . A A4 IT TTl A DADL' I ATB .,. 60x100 ft,, lota from-$800 up., pn'verjr ajid bonded. Take Broadway car tJ this beautiful residence district; you will Uke 1., ' ' !'" , : - l tt P. Palmer-Jones Co., Agents . 404, Wilcox bid, Phones M. 6t, A FOR SALE. L6T3. '"' j'' ." - Nloe lota on East 82nd at., near Mt Soott oar line, clear and ready for build in Bull Bun water. 13 down IS a I month. 214 Railway Exchange bldg. ' $250 A beautiful lot. close to large school. I Bull Run water, 8 oent car line and very I sightly; . moat any kind of a payment down and a small monthly payment. George T. Moore Co.. 519 Ablngton Piag. NORTHEAST SIDE LOT, ; $700. 100x100 on corner Wllfls bvd. and FoSlB Bt., ,'AU gtreet lmprovemenu BBCURITT DEJVKIX)PMENT CO, v 867 Pine at., cor. 4th. Sacrifice 4, block 128, 80x100, Rose City Park. i; 'vv- 'u r . . kliLINGS WORTH A VEi SNAP. $ 8 60, x-nce siovv. uwner, eso m. Toa st r. XT 1 fa.A kn.ln... 1 llw1AA ,V 1,110 HUDIUOI W, UCI ,W WVAAVV, 100 on Klliingsworth, near J 2d at, easily worth $1600: $860 oash taken It. Owner; Main 6904. E-811,. Journal. v FOR BALE OR l'RADB Equity in lot and $ room modern bungalow at 8730 is. ssa, ut bcou car; pnoe iisoo. to, m. Bamforrt A21U West riTfornla. Vallrorp"t , ttb. Log Angeles, Sacrifice Finest residence site In Portland. SOz ioo. lot 4. hiook lzs. Hoae city faric Price-$1600. 66 E. 78d at N. LEVEL lot, 41st at Broadway, deed and abstract. 8166 Act thla minute leat the other zeiiow beat you to it. owner. LonoxlOO... email houae, no lnoum brahce; Rose City Park district. blocka ' from Sandy Road blvd.: $760, caan or terme. a.-bw, journal. $ DOVER lots, small house, on carllne H7BO? terms. Main tin. ACREAGE C7 FIVE ACRE) traota for $1000, 19 per cent cash, t per cent per month, or Will make annual or aeml-annual pay ments if desired. - Al aolL all undor rhlh ,ut4 of cultivation, adjoining the town of Gervala, Or., 85 milea south f foruana ana one mue xrom uregon Eleotrio station. These are the best acre tracts on the market, Brong Ma- nary LO.. OVY LiCWlS Dldg. Prettiest PLace toU tiVkk saW. 6 acres on oorner, facing city, H mile rrom tiiiiBOoro nign acnooL roca roaa, blaok loam aoil, K. F. D., telephone, a room houae, in beautiful grove of old oaks; ' some fruit; . modern poultry tlme will trade for good businesa W. u jduason,,Huisooro, ur. 20 ACRES BY OWNER." $0 acres on Pacific highway. S milea from Vancouver. Wash., rood : room house, barn, family orchard, close to acnooi; auto siage to Vancouver oy aoor A Mil- -tall will Stock and implements go with place if ueBireu. - tM -..ice n. J. A. m. Kingeiieiq, wasn, CHICKEN and irult ranchee near Port, "f; Greaham oiatriot. EsUcada line, electric ostation H taUa New subdU J"t. Sunshine Valley orchard tracts; fc?...'.? VTIYAvi SfftSL ulli Prioes only 875 to 5150 ber aore In small tracts; easy termsi quick train service. --.--. . bldg.. t rtland. Or, Half Acre at Oswego Lake $40 down and $10 month; water piped to tract: electric liahta. hear station. "Sf1!'. l,Jttfrf?? tt.r bpaUng, Ilahing. hathlng. A-768. JournaL - , m FOR SALE ORTRADBUnimnroved - acreage in "the White Salmon district, rf or small tracts, aa desired, equities $500 to $10,000, for business chanoea or ciear property: equiuee exenangea for equities, u. a. mates, White Salmon, Sail ftijH. AlKE. In jour own trma, lH hours from f Portland, any else tract: all tracts Srfv?rl -Si V 0001. a miles ver and r. R. -. t 't." ,a r.M etlVt". t. v as ea- va pmub. C T to iu acre tracts, good soli, read ta 1!,?-;.$!! ?". fa. houra from Portland; eaay terma ill liUmttr ki. d di. eor. an ana Ktir "ih tM. C 117 tl i i VWA ,19 ,SSI5-0' .ES? near ataUon and aohooL water and tlml $1100. $550 -down, long Urne ruruana. 20 Acres Farm Land Level . and nearlv readv tar tilnw. cross to school: 11 fare from Portland svv; iuu caan: some traoia fevvreaay terms, uiauae uoie, sit Boara or Trade. t.fa.'f.ATtrr.' $0 acres. 6 miles from Yvla. Wash.. lies beautiful, on county road, running water, rural mail, telephone, eohool: will $1 Central ave., St. Johns. Or. , . L u. iJ juooiviae; tuv per acre. to. j, tiuiroro. READ THI3 IS EXTliA' 1 acre oDDOSlta Asoot Acrea nean. Baaia, Line road, nice, natural grove, facVs on t roada. worth $850. I must sell ouick, so$425 cash takes it. . Near depot! Owner. Main 5904. Q-878, Journal. CH6lCR 6 acre tract, east of Mt. Tabor.' isa than mile from city limits. Faces wi Section Line Boulevard. All clear ana under cuiuvation, near- carunea Must Beii. trice cneap ana gooa terma Address owner, B, Goodman, 648 8rd at. - - f - 828 PER ACRE. $4 acres,-80 has been cleared, balanoe timbered, some down. 10 years jaature, x springs; iiqo or baL Smith-wagoner Co.. 618 Stock Exchange. ONE of the beat-acrea in Parkrose at a bargain. All cleared and cultivated, If. you want a fine bur thla la it All improvements included for $1200. .Easy muqmiy payinwm, , j-oeo, journal. . WILL sell 76 acres unimproved Coos county timoer iana cneap, laKe rront; plenty fish; easily cleared. Can be nearly all cultivated when cleared. For partiouiara, can at bpt canton at. 4 ACRES hi trill south of Llnneman: cultivated, fine view, rood land 1$ miles to Portland; must be ' cash ' at $1200. Phone ; evenings Sellwood 1714, owner;: " -n - ACREAGE. from station on electrlo Jine; best of soil, no rocks or gravel. Pries . $$76, terms tt suit - ! 706, Journal. 40 Acres, $22,50 Acre Good' soil, sawmill adlolninv. nn aav terms. Lee, 15 North 6th, Main 6677. 40 ACRES, 6 acrea oieared, 16 eaelly cleared 80 more : or leaa . tlmh.r. Further .particulars, tall 40$ Hoyf st i Call in tailor ahop, TrfewAQm fo, FOR ; SALE 11 : :"gn at siaiionv right at tutloil on Oregon TElectr.c, milcil ut: 1225 ti arrn. Annrltv ij miles out; nzb per acre. ieYfaiup6i5oii, av. ft.u mnq rina, Develonment Co.. 4th ACREAGE, two ' or more . acres, cUe 'AZ ir.i. ieaa ONE acre, close in on electrlo line: fine sou, nieassm surrounaings; $600, $50 down. $15 per month. W-830.' Journal. i ACRES, very choice, Foater-Milwaukle Itoau. near Mllwaukla: no events v. 5 ACRES choice prairie on Oregon Eiec ino roita va i BiUPB, easy, terms. , Y- Box 61. Sellwood. Write $ ACRES on electrlo line, in Powell Vail lev: best of soli: no rock or era I Price $878; terms to suit. M-81 6, Journal Willi s(4ii or iraae equity in H acre . ,at Muimnman utatior. 78 Bortnwlch. SUBUftKAN acreage and home. v: iN acreage ana Home, . cneap. Oak Grove, Or. ...;,( : JJCJ Q J( 57 Beautiful Land Close to Port- -. land on the West Side ; Fine location for auburban ' homes or for the man wanting 6 ; or : 10 acres for ' orchard, email ,., ' fruits or intensive cultivation: close to good car service, good ; mlzed wagon road into the city., i -j. no new eiectno cars on the in et. line- will make the distance from the business center of the V oity 80 to 86 mlnutea. Graded , roada graded atreets with slde , " walks, schools, storep, phones, de livery of merchandise and mail,: ' are" some of the conveniences now,; .more to come. The land 1 very rich and productive. Prices $260 - to $600 per acre; $25 to 860 down, balance very easy lnstalimenta. -The Shaw-Fear Co. r Vain $5, , 10$ 4th at. ' A-8600. 1 a Acres $300 . $ down, $6 "it month. . 20 Acres $600 $lS'Caeh, $1$. per month. , - 40 Acres $1000 l $$9 - eash, $20 .per month. , , - .70 Acres $1000 1600 cash, long time on balance. , fiji.uw ir io ruruuo. . i Four mil f mm a. villas ' All Plow Land . Roads, neighbors, achoola, telephona Bome tracts on a trout creek. , A spring on many. - Fred F. Huntress 4 0 McKay bldg.. 8d and mark. in a I V (IV UIU UUJU t-IIIU I1UUU , $ouu uown, isai. $k:uu a i ear ."irnCe aO0U " ' : t acres under cultivation. leveL balance stumps, easy cleared. 8 room house, barn, woodshed, good $250 well. Adjoining land can't be houeht for leas than $400 to $500 an acre, Dorr E;Keasev & Co. id Fir. Chamber of Commerce.' MDJMU We are jiov certain of th new eleo trio carllne. v This will' give Mllkaukle 2 or the best lnterurban lines out of ACRLAGQ Portland with K Man ..ih A nn tlnlratllsn aTH ibAiit 00 Ullahler flna aoll. 4 fare to Portland. We .htva - nica Mil. waukie lot,s for $100 and up, a little down and monthly payments. We can sell you a home for what you will pay for a Portland lot. We have acreage any else tract you may want, if it la on tne Oregon City carllne we have it Mil- waukie is the nlace to invest. Office opposite station Milwaukle. We are at our office every day. Including Sundays. REDMOND A McGOVERN. . fivm aprtts t2sn 910 DOWN. IS PKT MDKTTT " Buys 6 acres of logged off land. From a mile to 14 milea from center of town oi looo population, also cannery and creamery. Three quarters of a mile from railroad station on main line be- iween Portland ana Astoria. This land is ires rrom ror.ka and crivul. ilea level and will not overflow. Ideal for chick- en ralalnr dalrvlnr. an1 small fniiti. Will grow anvthlne- that can ba ralaed in western Oregon. From some of these traces you hava a beautiful viaw-of the Columbia river; 400 acrea from which to enoose. terrect title and warrant dead. ... BELL REAL ESTATE CO." iix jKauway Exchange Bldg., za floor. Between 8d and 4th on Stark. Will buy 6 1-2 acrea. all undar niltlva- tin. o . 1 i r small fruit. S room house, barn and other necessary buildings, all fenced. Some Der - tnnii nrnn.rtn Tr'v,- in . a ii.. a good live town in Yamhill county, with '--''.-.., v. .u ju.iij.j Kuoa acnoDi. maca mil v 44. mim rrom rn. ter Of town. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO- 138 H Flrat at 10 ACRES FOR 81260, Nicely located on min countv road. just i miie 1 trie. V, mile board sidewalk- county road with woven wire. All deep rich soil, free from rock or gravel: l acre in cul tivation, 6 acres easilycleared, balance timoer ana pasture, wiu make you a $1111 Vw&eft."?? WP Vp-pleaTherrle;: '.tn' $S5o6T to both, fronts on main f Jltxh?x72 SuMl"J 1 pw 0,nt : K. jr. 1). and chone: fenced i.tv.-. . " " "V V " fine countrv home, and a navinar littuimues from town, graveled roads, good farm. $600 cash,, balance long time at per cent. Willamette Investment Co 402 Dekum bldg. "Watch Vancouver Grow" It's the it s tne Deet city on the coast for IN- VHiMiiiJN-iH toaay. i have lift acres Inside. the city limits, all cleared and level, on a fine MACADAM road, city water, fine location, the right price and rood terms; it's fine for platting., SEE . ' . E. F. 6i bert WHY not buy something that will grow I into money aa wall aa aarva rh nur. 1 v, ,fT HPIUHKIVH, OL, VHJlCOUVer. Wan.lffAAA .WAl , U. mil. fmm Wnl.wn, loose of a fine home, with advantaa-aa of Ilk. mIm ' 1.- 1.11 T T I -Tir' .vi " V i auoouni i Clarke oonntv. all In cultivation, fnlr VI P1UAJ1WI, ' UJB Tl jr unil AD icthi id I prune orchard, and family orchard as sorted fruits. Bee this and make us aa oner. .?v. ,. . . . ,, - Atk nson & G Ibfirt 111 W. 6th St; Vaiicouver, WaeK 2 to 6 acre traota. on car Una. naar Bprlng, $100 to $200 per acra On easy terms; wui take work for a part. 2 aorea In email fruit in Ortinn ntv $1400. " 0 acres in small fruit in Oregon City, DVV. " .. EAST TERMS. KNAPP A MACKAT. ' 818 Board of Trade. A Fhrrerl .9a Ia 144 acrea all oultlvatad mnA lranm IiaT,... ..V k.W i,nVu wall Thi rTroniriV ii.. .IfJ? I TJir-iT!!1' P'll i.1frlAh.ta.t i?5- ThinSarbe'dncrwSer w take city lot if you have gome cash.. a-iiv, journal. SUBDIVIDING ACREAGE Sneclai 124 aorea of the hoat land in Oregon, all can be cultivated, some clear, j miie river rrontage, gooa. corawood proposition as there 4a almost enouirh wooa to pay for. the land; adjoining J acreage Jield at $100 per acrej quick. I v, ww, iim vmu, uiiiuvi i suit. J-834, Journal. $22505 Acres $2250 t acre tract, 1 miles front city limits, I U- . . . .' . . ' . ' I f " " " v ,wv vv. wv w.vUb mil ta arood car Una. n hrimh nnlvl.tr.nm thrnih l.n tmnn i v... few scattering trees, easily oieared, on I iwio niA.B.uiu viuw vo aiores ana scnooi. frioe oniy ..o. and balanoe small month! 'SiJSS? v oav ments. v. k. ix.ca.gma, in oeiung piag. Phones Main 1800, A-6261. TUALATIN." 12 V4 acres of the beat land near Port. land, all ' in cultivation, senough Slope for drainage, faces county road, adjoins city limits, fine bearing orchard, house and barn, walking distance from 11 grade school , and eleotrio - car , Price, W0.V9 per acra. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO, .; in ana nn. 6A -ACRES, close to town.-nearly 1 under cultivation: new houae. build- ln and fendna- ffult traea. aoo1 aoll. i wtrwater. Rail and steamboat trans- portatlon; easy distance of Portland Thar: is telephone and mall delivery. miii kiiu akeaziiuuab irana- i The oost of ImprovementB takes thla D. Stevens. P9 Corbett bldg. ' , 0 1 Q br A Wrfl Jl tn A :.' Dl U I ul rUl O " I UV nUICO I 14 tillable., best of aoll. 10 cleared. Trout creek, on road 81 miles from ter of JPortland. ,$1000 mrt. ? Balance I casn.. UJg snap. v;-- y.; .j. Lee, 1$ North 6th. 07 ' THESE! CAN'T BE) BEAT. . '. 16 acrea, 18 under plow, balance brush pasture. A-l farm land. Good 0 room houae, barn, chicken houae. Only $2200. - ' . , - ' 15 acrea river bottom, soli rloh sand loam; some timber. - On Cowllta river. Only $400. w a - (0 acres.' B0 olbWeaV lB head of ea'tKa. S horses, 1 pigs, 70 chickens, wagon, buggy, I seta harness, 40 tons hay, 180, bushela-oata, 6 room houae. barn, orch rd; place fenced; 6 miles from Winlock, Price ' $8000. Will take $2600 In Port land property. Tblals a money maker, rom station. Only $35 per acre. Can be cleared for 826 ner acre. Tbla la a bargain, either to farm or hold for an investment. ; These are in Washington and are at in rignt price. . . 'f SCOTT & BEESLET, . 811-18 Ablngton bldg. , - Per.Month '. Including Interest ' 1 A Room Plastered House I" Brand ' n,w with whlta ormmMlail bathroom and kitchen, walla tinted, fine electrlo flxturea; S blocka from large grade achooL 7 blocka from (o car line; gas, eleotrio lights. Bull Run water; tine view or ml Hood. Tnia beautiful lit tle country home can be, bought for lauo: email naymant down, it la worm GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 61$ Ablngton bldg. I raiTOtmu nn . . .....n XBSaT Scappoose v acres, near Portland, is ideallv adapted for any of the above Purposes. 200 acres divided lu tracts nT to suit from 4 acres up, at I pripea ranging irom 20 to ( per acre. I Railroad through land plenty water everywhere . and no rocks. soil cannot be . ' excelled; good gravel school and store on property. If you are looking for a nice home In a goad community, and also an Investment that win mui vou floma moniT. infuonu Dcappoose Acres. i: liUUDEMAWN, KULJCT UU, 913 Chamber of Commerce. ANOTHER PINE BARGAIN Something for you bargain hunters I acres ready for clow. 10 more nearly so. balance small' alder and brush: easily cleared; running etream and springs, on good road, 4 mile from fine gravel road, river, electric power line, also electrlo line survey, R. F. D etc. School one mile, 8 mnes ry. station. 4 miles excellent businesa. banking town, cream- ery. etc.. and price for few days $16 I per, acre; $1800 cash, $600 8 years at per . cent. Becker, 8X7 Lumber iEx- change, Marahali 1845. I COMF1 to Btanla for auarter. half and I acre plecea. No better on the market I Water piped to each piece. Have tele- phone and electrlo Ughta. good store and A-l school; only H hour car ride; take I car at First and Alder. Phone evenings Ben woou iyi: aeal wltn owner, FOlt SALE FARMS 17 I IDEAL STOCK-OR DAIRY FARM I 1160 acres: about 6 milea aouthweat I Or McMinnvllie: about 260 under nlow. $60 elaahed and seeded 'to grass, rest I euner in timDer or ODen scaca Detween: I mostly oak grub; part valley, balance I upiana; wen watered ana xenoea. House. tiarn, bvuck sneas; ov per acre. U. 8. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO, xnain itio. 012-11 1 eon Diag, 160 Acres Of first class wheat land In Palouaa country, near La Crosse, Wash.; all in cultivation, ncn Diacic sou; house and 1 Pew " ''na condition; water piped to I nouae: UnilT orchard: 40 acrea aeeditd i . , . r . . . ... V,?le4 wncai; price ou; win con i "wm v. . . mm,. PEPER 4k BAKER, 44 uneriocic Diag, A BARGAIN $2600 worth of lmnrove- ments and 40 aorea good land, fenced hog tight; springs; new. house and CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG.&'TRUST CO, M8 Chamber of commerce, FARM. STOCK. ETC. $3300. $0 acres, 19 miles from Portland, $H ooa house, barn and orchard, level land. team, wagon ana narneea, an rarm tools. several acres of potatoes. A real bar gain, n f. Feemster, 909 Ablngton bldg. $6.26 ACRE TILLAMOOK ACRE $4.25 160 acrea. miles Blaln. cheese fact ory, nice creek bottom, half tillable, 18 in cultivation, balance easily cleared, brush, no waste land, cabin, neighbors, creeks, 8000 outrange, $1000, 804 Qer- linger bldg. 1 I24 ACRES, lmoroved farm, with aood L.??"!?! finest location and beet of soil, only 86200. Terma. H. STTRMEYXR. R. F. It). No: 8. Woodlawn. Or. 1" 1 1LL1. IJI " 1 t . 1. " i m. dairy and fruit ranon la eastern Ore- lirrl - .."i:.7.tV 1X1...1. v.i,... nn 4a nta oaM. mn with , mama torn fresh: A. R. O. sire: hoaa horses. and full equipment; present owner has otner businesa and wants to sell part interest R-60S. JournaL I REFUSE TO ACCEPT more than 88500 for my 26 acre im proved country home. At station on electrlo line an hour and a quarter from Portland. Reasons at bob Htocic Ex- change bldg., 3d and Yamhill. Houses and Flats for Rent J, J, Oeder Real Estate and Rentala Cor. Grand Ave, and E. Ankeny St 1200 ACRE STOCK RANCH. All fenced. 1 ' houses, bis ham. springs on place, finest of bunch grass, 400 acres can be put in wheat, only 8 J, miiee irom . . S"-?n; iana locaiea in Baker county: price 810 Per aore. W. W. Espey, 8lrf Commercial bldg. 8Q4 AcresSplendid ifarm Land 81 fare from Portland, level. 40 acres nearly ready for slow. 82600: 81000 cash. uiauoe uoie. i i noara or Trade. FOR SALE 278 aorea, 140 acrea Jm proved, balance pasture: 20 milea south of Portland, l mile from river. Price $110 per acra Address Roberts Bros., owners, Sherwood, Or., Route 2, 162 ACRES. 55 acrea in cultivation: fine buildings, orchard, running water; nines xrom raiiroua ana voiumoia river, will accent some trade. Prloe 870 acre. Wolfstelnj 206 AHsky bldg. , FOR SALE 160 aorea timber and creek ( Ian. . 1AO OOA f ,.nj tlmk.. January 1. . Address F. G. Burkostel, rnena, ur., jvioro cou aunty..' HAVE 40 acres of fine level lan L "weil imnroved. house, all kind of outbuild. ings, rail and water transportation; like to iraae oir ror some ousiness With the owner". KX-744. Journel. WILL sell vheap my Beautiful home farm on Tualatin river. 15 milea weat of Portland Highly improved. Address T. Wlthycombe. 432 12th st. Portland.' FOR' SALE 80 aorea bottom land, 11 acres underrultlvatlon. - No imnrova- menta kPrlce -$8000, half cash. , L. Hoi. iiday. Tnomae. ur. 1 '-i ; " . . ., I, , i i , , i i , . T neayprtladi for rent USSa, L??' neI.-Vf n4l.?? "?-.cA,, :r nr-TJL ,"'iV "cular. ,-'ournV i . . . . -. ,, , , H ACRES on else trio line at WaUon; ' smaU house, furniture, horses, buggy. J'OO chickens, tcrop; 82600: cash 81500, whimi w wu; njucr, cot jpurneiae su ACRES. , mil,, from town, grain "no atooa rancn: pnoe u.ou: will tk Jrt.P.r.t? ? exchanga . L E. et hi LorD6tt "'"g- GOOD BUY 10 acra berry and fruit ;j varm,'' near arooo town, i room nouae, good barn; prlc $6000. KX-746, journal. ACr.KAGBJ (CoTit'Kned) I ham with n.X a Knf h tAn 17 ' This Stands Alone . :, Search all Oregon and -then you will return to this home, sweet home. It lg just the place that you will wtsSii.-yaTt-r: Ea,fi5j. awaneh!?? else owns it and you can't get it, ' 64 acres, all In cultivation, croduo Ing good profits, fronting on the Scholl's nigoway. 14 miiea rrom -fori iana posi office. A comfortable 7 room residence standing on a wooded knoll commands a wide a weeping panorama of the beau tiful Tualatin valley with ts winding river and wonderful farms. Tha barns and service buildings are located in a grove ust the right distance from the dwelling. It is equipped with water system, machinery, implements .and the milk cows, horses, swine, poultry. ana bountiful suddUbb of feed for win ter all go with the place at $12,600, Not found every day. something far out ox the ordinary. ; St. Charles Land , Co .U4 Morrison St.. Portland. - , .- If Not" Exactly as Represented The one who buys this Jewel will cer- iaiuiy uvi wniie ne uvta is acrea, Just the right slsed place, all in high cultivation. All level. Well buUt new house, modern cooler, large barn full of feed enough to .last until next crop comes. $ fins horses, 1 filly ex Sldnef Dillon, $ Jersey cows. X heifers, 1 steer. 4 brood sows, hogs now on the fat tening iioor, ioo Indian Kunner auctc", 100 K. I. Red ohlckena. large new poul try - quarters. All kinds of equipment. oousenoia gooaa, new seo aucnen range, and eomoleta dairy eaulnment. 6 min utes walk to store, graded school, finest roads in Oregon. Owner was, disabled this week and placed it with us for sale at ij-Ov. everyining inciuaea . ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. $04 Morrison St. PortlanflL 1 160 Acre Stock Farm $600 cash will put you in pos session, $600 in 1 year, balance 4 t 7 years, at $ per oent This farm is In the Molalla country, ihi miles from Clark a 16 acres under cultivation, 100 acres more easily cleared, and level, good springs. Come in and see us about this and ws will explain why such terma No Information given over pbona 7.-" ' Dorr E, Keasey & Co, Sd Fir. Cham, ct Com. Bldg. Now. Mr. Cowboy, sit un and take n tlce. or -lie "mill leather." Home ranch of nearly $008 acrea All fenced Into fields. Well watered with creeks and sprlnga Residence, bunk houses, horse barns, cow barns, black smith shop, fine stock corrals, and equipment first class throughout. . 600 bead of cattle. A big bunch of saddle and work horses. We cannot advertise mrice or terma but it is a splendid bargain. Full infor mation on application. ST. CHARLES LAND CO., $04 Morrison street. Portland. ' Dairy Farm $200 Per Acre 89 acres on the Bandy Road, 4 miles from city limits; 40 acres bottom land, 49 cleared upland: 10 cows, 10 heifers, 3 horses. All implements, cream separator and dairy utensils. Flrte spring, water testing 63 degrees in summer. Pneumatic water system. Every thing goes with place. Will sell with or without stock. Satisfac tory terma to right party. Dorr E. Keasey & Ccv 2d Fir. Cham, of Com. Bldg. PARADI8E 21$ acres fronting on the Columbia river, 40 miles from Portland Well eomlBDed' with comfortable residence. barns and other outbuildings used for dairying purposea iv mus oov idws. a fins team of horses. oolts. and a lot of shoats. chlckena etc., together with tools, and machinery go with this place. Duck lakes provide plenty ' of shooting. Astoria railroad nrougn piece, station on piaca Tha price on this has been out this week for immediate sale from $16,000 to $12,600, and the first dairyman who knows his business will secure it Can very eaay terma. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. 204 MorriBon St. Portland, Oregon. AN ideal dairy ranch, comprising over 60 acres of rich sandy loam No waste. Two permanent running creeks. Horses and Jersey and Durham cows and com- ?lete working plant All thoroughly up o date. A fine modern 3 story resi dence, with all ' modern improvements: city water, electrlo lighting, etc., and under 30 minutes' walk from $ railway stations (electric). Within 80 mUes from Portland. Has nroduced good in come to owners for years. If you want to own the finest dairy farm of its sise in me state, let me snow you tnis. DUNCAN M. MACLEOD. $29 Henry bldg. 1ST SELL Fine Stock Farm To Close Ud Estate 180 acres adjacent to Smin afield Or.: ioo-ciearea, .u iimoer. Daiance pasture, New 6 room plastered house, barn 40x44. 3 good wells, creek through nlace. ' Oood orchard, bears well every year. Price is only $45 an acra and must be cash to close estate, une or tne neirs win loan $1700 on place if desired. See our Port, land representative, Mr. Atchison, at 310 uerimger Diag.. -a ana Aiaer sts. To Alfalfa Plus Hoes? 333 seres. 115 acres in irrigated al. falfa. 78 acres in Irrigated grain, bal anoe of 43 acres all fine farm land, but not - irrigated. Comfortable residence, and complete equipment for handling ranch. ,; This place is worth $60,000. It be longs to a widow who places it with us ror eaie at, ie,ouu. jno traae; iooqo cash down, ST. CHARLES LAND CO., 304 Mor rison Btreet. SACRIFICE 40 ACRE FARM, V;,;; : AL.L IN CULTI V A 1 AUri, 4 ROOM HOUSE, 6 ACRES BEARING ORCHARD, 3 RUNNING STREAMS OF WATER VERY FINEST OF SOIL. 1 H MILES FROM GOOD TOWN, , ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY, $60.00 AN ACRE BELOW MARKET . VALUE, A SACRIFICB OFERDfO AT - $100.00 PER ACRE. LET MB TELL YOU ABOUT IT. . , v, W. H MARSHALL, 17 CHAMBKK VV COMMERCE A Buv .Worth While IT aores 28 miles to Portland, 9 milis to town and railroad station, ht mile to boatlandlng, cloae to neighbors. $ acrea clear and in cultivation, balance pasture; splendid . soil. Good 4 room nouse. Darn, etc uooa orchard. Price $1700; easy terms - v ,. V ; Aivord & U0, " $1$ Board of Trade. : Real Farm Bargain : On Salem Electrla 12 miles aonthwaat ?t Portland, 160 acres,, fenced and crosa noed. 180 In cultivation, part beaver dam, 30 aorea pasture. Good family or chard. 12 room house, big barn- good outbuildings, 3 wells and spring. One mile from Tonquin. $215 per acre. 17600 casn, balance long time. ' , 9, MORTGAGE ft INVKSTMENT CO. FOIt; SAMS FAR3I3 (Cootlnned) 45 MINUTES; FEI V M0ADWAY-' TOM OKISEW AID HATS THE'As&WER jmuB ais, ais-oia xeoa tiiag. 17 Gilbert's Bargains No. 5 ' 24 acres within half mile of Slfton and the car line, 22 acres cleared, one acre timber, the cheapest tract in Clarke county. Price) $150 per acre, $1160 cash, balance In 6 years. INVESTIGATE, . . m 10 ACRES FOR $1300. -1 north of GEAR station, with 3 acres cleared, 2 room house, all level, a fine tract and $60 per acra leas than anything around it- --. aai'. Within One mile of Camas, 15 acres cleared, all fine soil, all .kinds of fruit, rfltnoa. new house, new barn 82x52, ether uutDuiiainga, jr-rice ibooo. bair caan, oat anoa terma ,., ir- .;, ..- ,,'r-..,lll AfTORH I10M v.i7i-,':'.--. .' 3H miles from Kelso. 3 creeks," spring and a fine place; $1000, $500 cash, bal- 41 ACRES $I600.'f W's wA mll.a n.iti. n..nJ . .11 M..v .I'll, UIUU '.14. A,H DV11, Ilea fine, a few acres cleared, some old buildings, running water; it's 60 per cent oelow anything in that part of the country; $800 . cash,;); balance on easy terms. ,;- -- . I IMn t ACttH! TBAfTa ' 1 The best in the county, 8 miles from, the city limits, all th best of soil, one mile from paved street the 'cheapest tracts in the county. If you want some. tmng gooa iook tn.ee over, i v ; E. F, Gilbert lOl ' Washington St, Vancotrver, Waah, Some Good Farms Cheap - 300 acres, best dairy, ranch la Ore gon, nniy equippea, (ioo per acra 130 acres, 06 miles from Portland, 3 miles from Oregon Electric; A-l soil, all improved, new buildings, well fenced. iuv per acra. , ; 13 acres of fine soil, 10 miles from Portland, on Cornell road, H cultivated, young orchard and small fruits, house, good new barn. 3 cow a 60 hens, grain ana nay ta winter sioca; price .uv.. 50 acres close to Fort at Grove. 2 0 acres slashed and -seeded, small amount cultivated; 4 room bouse, good barn and outbuildings; 600,000 feet good timber'; prlee $2500. Have many othera large ana small. Bee my list ana get prices. NBAL BROWNT 310 S wetland bldg. FOR 8ALB OR EXCHANGE ' 78 acre farm in Lewis county, Waah 60 acrea under the plow. 16 head cattle. 2 horses, $ hogs, 2 sets harsess, 8 plows, 1 barrow, 1 new wagon. 1 buggy, chick ens, hay and oats in barn, some house hold goods; good barn,- 50x80 ft, good 4 room house farm fenced and Cross fenoed. on - Padf lo highway, two milk routea by farm, daily mail, 1 mile from school, IU miles from convent sohool and mission; price for alt $7500; will take small payment down, terms on balance, or will trade for stock merchan dise, or Portland property, up to $3000 or $4000: easy terma on balance. Ad dress J. H. Douse, owner, care Hoyt hotel, up to Thursday, after Thursday, Toledo. Wash. j : - 1224 ACRE wheat farm, all farm land, fenced but no buildings, three milea from R. R. Price $13.60 per acra Small cash payment and easy tune on balance. write and aaic why tnis Place is neing offered so cheap, - , 640 acres, 600 sores good wheat land in Sherman county at $16 per acre. $1600 cash and vour own time on balance. You better nsk why we Ar giving this place away. Land adjoining held at $26 and $.oper acre, We have well improved wheat farms In Sherman and Gilliam counties for sale on easy terms and some to ex change for other property, writs for miormauon. . . r w. H. MOJRK, More, uregon. - .VV UVUD ...WW. . IS mnvm n1aarad.'BO acraa brnah. neX 4a . a nmra tQ4na good timber; creek on place, over $0 acres oottom iana, praoucauy evvrr aore can be cultivated, good cabin, $H miles from sawmill, 0 miles from Mol alla. rlaokn.maa Co.. B miles Wllhoit Springs, This la good valley land, no ateep hills. . wiu sell on gooa iwrai or trade for good houae of same valua An unusual chance to get back to the farm at bed rockpricee. : 800 Ton bldg. Mars'l $177. A-848S. miy f.B. Terma SMALL FARM. $tt acrea all in cultivation. 100 apple treea In A No. 1 shape, beginning to bear loganberries and all kinds of small Elements, Jersey cow, 4 dos. chickens; 3 locks from R. R. station. 3 miles from business center of Portland, near high school and 2 churches. All for $6900. If you are looking. Tor money maker 'and snap, this is It No trade, but if yos hava the monev ta handle the nlace. call and wa will give full particulars. Brong- Manary Co.. 607 Lewis tiqg, A 40 acre ranch with the best of water, both creek and soring: a good new barn, a fair house: land inclosed with good fence. 6 acres cleared and 8 acres partly ciearea. Lena lies gooa, nas no brush: has lots of good wood: abstract title; on county road, 4 miles from Rainier. Railroad and boat transporta tion. The best business town between Portland and Astoria. . See It and ba con vinced. Prloe 82100. $1200 cash, bal ance tima Jonn w. T-nurston Rainier, uregon. 320 ACRE stock farm, 280 in eultlva tlon. all good land, 13 room house, barna orchard, spring, everything first olaas. 7 horses, 6 cows.. 3 heifers. 11 brood sowa 1 registered' boar, lots of pigs ana cnicicens, . in font county, 7 miles from Salem, also 3 other stock and dairy farms, all bargains and easy terms: aome traoe, su ADington piag. . J.-Fisher, Main 4841. .AND FOR ' SALE AT HALF PRICE. 200 acres in Yamhill county, 2H miles rrom good town and R. .. on goodooun- J mini .v .v. ww w..tjv v.tjw,. balance fir and oak timber, all enclosed by woven wire fence t can be had on reasonable terma Owner. , room 81$, uommereiai piock, rortiana, w, WANTETW. FARMS 88 THE management of equipped stock or grain farm, in valley or eastern- Ore gon, for share rent or cash. Experienced and can furnished references. C-768, Journal. HAVE calls for improved stock ranches at the right price, ir you mant to sell or trade, write us, giving full de scription, owners only. The Atchison Allen Co.. 210 Gerllnger bldg. WANTED Dairy farm In valley near Portland; will give 600 acree wheat land. Eastern Washington, 336 per acre, and balance in cash. Karnes, .. 308 Board of Trade bldg.. Main 6465. ' WANTED A-J farm not leas than 15 miles out east or Multnomah or Clackamas. Must have 20 acres in cul- tlvatlon, at least, kx-bbb. journal. WE have buyers for farms at reasonable prices. Peper 4b Baker, Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT -66 aore ranch, all clear; A-l soil, -2 barns 1 7-room house, 1 1-8 miles from town, 800 feet from landing; 60o fare on boat from Portland and 76c fare by rail. Wanted a goodresponsible party. Inquire- 72 6th st. A Flewhman. 40 ACRES, 18 cleared. New house, barn, fruit berries, wood, incubators, brood, era; 1 hour to Portland; on 2 railways; all for less than 4 rooms' rent in Port, land. Call ( today, or ; write 470 Davis, Weyrlck. -'''; ' , " ' '.- FOR RENT near Oswego, 11 aorea, all cultivated, and new 6 room house. Fine for berries and chickens; t miles from center of Portland, 7c fare. Rent for 816 cer month. H. Atwater. Phone oieoi 140 ACRES, 46 cultivated; S3 miles from Portland Cash runt reasonable. 46B E. Mar get st FOR-RENT. 3 6 acre tracts, close in. Phone C-Z406. FRUIT LANDS 45 15 ACRE 6-year old Hood River orchard ror sale at ieaa tnan it cost two years ago. Marsnau 1137. ' IIOSWSTGADS 47 GET 820 or 480 aores, best in Oregon, , nxw -survey Just onened: no rn.u level, good water, timber free; railroad Building: rees reasouauia - il 4th at Main- $774. . ' . WANTED Homt)Hteal , reUnq or -location In ' Coos county. 11-tSli, Journal. ' HAViS you a honiHf r,..,,,i ri.i.t? i nn j- niaKe sifi.viio m i; mnni,:6' ir nut. c dress owner, O-C , J, jou 1 vjI, I t i.: j . WOJl 8ALP FAHMSl .. L ' (Continued) . f TIMBKH and Umber Hmi.t In m i. small aceus. ; Icrst-d off )n ii tracts to suit. EMmiata and r i i' i made on timber aud land. l. Suvch, 623 Corbett, j EXC11ANGK .HEA L JJTATR C 1 THE FOLLOWING 1'KOt't.Kl V 1 i FREE AND CLKAji OF 1NCTJM BRANCE3. WHAT HAVE TuU UO TRADBT , 100x104 Upper Washington . street; .. 60x100 head of Broadway, west stda 124 acres,' near Oregon City. . 2H lots. Greanway add west stda s 60x100, near City Park, west side. 80 acres. Forest Grove, 45 acres cleared. House, barn, spring, etc 20 lota Klamath Fails. Or. '"L.' WHAT HAVE YOU TO TKAD15 F0 ,,;THE FOLLOWWO PROPEKrrT room house, corner Jld and Brook, hn stre. .s, east aide. , 49 acres, Hood River. :l 7 ' room houae, Irvington Park, 60x100 view , property, west slJa Lenoir. 228 Chamber of Commerce NEW BUNGALOW FOR UNlMPliOVEU Have 6 room modern bungalow near Anabel Station on Mt. Scott carl ine. Cement walks, 1 blocks to car. Price only $2750, clear. Will trade for stump or brush land close to Portland up t full valua - J - - . room California redwood bungalow in. Gregory Heights. 3 blocks from-car. Stone fireplace, beautiful yard: modern in every way. Price only. $8600. clear. Will trade for 180 acres stump land; might pay small difference if looetion was right - - . LUEDDEMANN. BtTLET sc COw, " i ijnamber or commerce. MT. TABOR HOMBJ ' . FOR EXCHANGE. ' A beautiful 10 room houae, with all modern conveniences, very large living room, paneled dining- room and aet-ln sideboard, library, Breakfast room. 5 bedrooms, full basement furnace, well kept yards, bltuminlsed atreets, an ele gant houae in an elegant neighborhood! value $12,500. What have you to ex change for owner" a equity of $76007 , - . , .- LB NOIR. ' 328 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1 ., exchange! 640 acres wheat land In Sherman county, 600 acres in fall wheat looking fine, place fenced but no buildings, rented to good parties, owner gets 1-8 of crop delivered at R. R, Some of the best land In the county. Price $30 per acre, will take $5000 to $7000 in ex. change as a first payment and give easy time on the balance. W. H. Moore, aioro, uregon. : MODERN BUNGALOW TO TRADE. Have 81600 equity in Hew and modern 5 room bungalow worth 11600, balance, runs long time. Now rented, but can five possession.; On oorner lot. Will rade equity for lots in Alameda Park. Rossmere or Rose City Park, or wM consider aareage and assume up to $1600. N-741, Journal. - BIG STOCK: & DAIRY RANCHES. '.' Soma big (cheap tracts at edge, of Willamette valley. Part meadow and frassy hill slopes and mountain streama rom 200 to 2000 aorea Will take H trade In . unincumoerea, gooa roruana nrrmertv and soma . caan. George E. Wi.,niial SOK Tann hlrfa. $20 ACRES in Lak county, all good tillable land, all fenced, plenty water, 100 acres cleared. 80 acres cultivated; house 24x28, good bam and windmill; price $4600: trade tor small farm or city property. , Neal Brown, 31$ Sweu land Pldg. $0 ACRES, $ milea from Moro, old build Ings, good springs. Will grow fruit grain and vegetables.; Good for a small dairy. Priee $2000. - House and 6 lota in Morel, $1000. Will trade the two for lot and small house In Portland. , W. It, woo re, Moro, yr. WANTED FOR A CUSTOMER. ... 6 room residence (bungalow pre ferred) in South Portland, not to far KNAPF ft MACK.JBI, , 218 Board of Trad a '606 ACRES. 1 $25 PER ACRE. . Near Portland, good land, nlenty ef living water, aome choice timber take $10,000 or leaa in other property. G L Webb, 414 E. Stark at SOUTHERN Oklahoma, well improved 160, for grain and stock or small ranch, near city or good Income city rroperty. It mean business answer JK 80. Journal. ' ' , . SOUTHERN Oklahoma, good 1(0 acre farm. 87500. for eitr income or grain and stock or small going ranch, near , city; don't answer unless , InteresUd. W-834, Journal. ' -FOR SaLE, or will exchange for Fort- land property, apartment or rooming house, 40 acres of fruit land, under water, near Emmett Idaho. 88$ Bel- unont lapor sm ELEGANT corner lot en lailingsworth, free of debt to trade for rooming housa Price $$60. Might assume. Yates. 349 4th st Marshall 3838. HAVE real estate eon traota, paying small monthly payments, to trade for equity in 6 or C room bungalow. R-484, JournaL CIGAR and confectionery store, best location in city, tor sale or trade: will consider livestock, or. lease on ranch. M-wlil, Journal. FIVE acres, Housa barn, en Salem eleo trio. 6 passenger auto for sale or trade for stock on dairy ranch. Owner, 148 East 16th st Phone East 4648. . EIGHTY acres on Mt- Hood' eleotrio. partly improved, for small Improved place: southern Oregon, or California. Box 22. Bull Run. Or. . ; Tr. WANT GROCERY. Stock and fixtures. ' Will sxahartge choice PorUand real estate or aareaga- Q. Ij. weoD. Ul a. Ptara my IRVINGTON home; new, aeven ropma. modem; price, bsiov, equity Western Oregon Land Co, 14254 3d st,' Portland, -: -. j '-v ' ..666 GR6CERY stock, doing,, big buel- ness; will consider PorUand property and at least $1200 cash. Jordan, 41$ Lumber mens bldg. 640 ACRES wheat land to trade for city - property or acreage; might consider grocery stock. Joseph H. Johnston, 70$ spaiaing piag.j SEATTLE for Portland. 4 vaoant loti near Oreen Lake. Seattle! cash valua tifion- trade for vacant Portland. Ad dress E-826. Journal. COSY home, East Taylor, near 89 th st. 6 rooms, modern,, 10 fruit treea tin lawn; equity $800. What have you to offer? W-881. JpurnaL . , FOR SALE or exchange, my $1800. equity in a $ room housa, close ln lulnn Tikdr 1784. HAVE several proper ties for rooming ' house or . business - chances. - v P-487, Journal. ' t ACRES at eleotrio station; apples, bearing walnuts; for store building.' 260 2d st--'"' -' V ' ; : ; 10 ACRES, snap., new buildings, parti cleared, paved road j take light auto, 1 Address 1219 Gay st FOR SALE or, exchange, one or two corner lots in Alameda Park, stock of groceries or house and lot N-782, Jour- FOR.'-' SAiil-Lt i..ar.-,wm - trade.',-''. r horse and buggy, or automobUa 190 Brooklyn st "."';"-'- v"W-- .;';:':.':") EXCHANGE Rose City Park ' home for Jots, acreage. GiVe phbna O-084, Jour. EXCHANGE hot wafer heated house f-r iota' acreage. Journal. 1 ' Glva phone, vj T-060, HOC EE and full lot to exchange for - farm. . Will assuma . owner. -7i. Journal WILL exchange lot in Good . Mornlntt Ad ditlon for 6 pass, auto. L-80. Jo" r EXCHANGE 2 good lote for hou, aaitw age. Give pnone. 1 r-, joiirnm. DANDY 6 room house and lot, half bloc to carllne? ror grocery. zm ai n EXCHANGE 80 acre farm f"r 2d 1 auto and city lot. owner, - nn..r mi 50x200 In Kenton diatrict t'jr 1 - nonr Portlnn.l. T-4'i, jmr fi:.N acrf. clfHr, Wh'U t auto. Mar. 414S. CLEAR lunj or live atnrh. V-'t ULICKI l'AT l.-.n'i" Ml,H II 4U"i. want to".-;, r " fvl "l IjTi . fll-U ' I .1 . v.