ill GUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2, 1 1813. CORN BREAK HAS DAD - INFLUENCE UPON THE HADING Chicago Mfcrket Open, Lower, Then . Rallies, but, Drops Again to JUOW Mark of Day; Coarse Cereal. Loss , Harts the Trade' Abroad. ' ' J, ". Washington v HKfilngtoa Wakhiiitctoa Washington Washington OreKoa . , . , Washington UIHgUH ..........a,,... Oregon ................ Oregon Ortgon ,,.....,.,.,... Oregon .... ......... , ... ........a... ....... .,,.; Chicago. Nov; 1. The early break In market was largely influenced by the temporary bearishness in the corn trade. There was a rally of to cents later on covering- by local ahorts and from rood lenderehin by U Halle, street houses and pit traders friendly to the . and the market at the clone was show Ing heaviness. Liverpool quoted wheat " futures steady to tfc lower and x- Slalned that the depression was largely ue to the heaviness in com In that .trade. The same cables really contained some bullish features. The Argentina reports were favorable and enoouragea 'sellers. ' Minneanolla had the smallest f run of the season since the big spring wheat movement : began at 80S cars. Winnipeg run fell off to 81t cars. Prl- ' roary wheat movement In this country for the week, 6.764,000-. bushels, Is re markably short of the 14,190,000 bushels .a year ago. Little attention was given " to this class of bull news which will count in the end. Lata In the session , there was selling here on the fact that ian northwest marketa were v to ic lower than the close yesterday There J '.) . a report "from that quarter that xarmers were ottering storage ucicets on wheat for sale. It was the gossip In the nit that a couple of brokerage firms ' were selling for a leader who la bearish I ' in wheat and bullish in corn. It looks ,ltke a moderately .oversold spot in the v- maraet at . me xirusn. -. . Range of Chicago prices furnished by Oregon' Oregoa Oregpn. i Oregon ' Oregon : uregon Oregon 81 a 78 45 ' 81 28 LA.MB8 1 8 VKTHER8 272 . , . . ....,, ...,,.-,, .Vol ' V Us KST 813 m 1H1I S 18T ' 263 ' JOG 1KI5 SOS "'rtr 100 68 V .221 overoecK- Cooke company. Board of Trade building. , .- WHJCAT Month. 1'ee. ' r Jee.' -Ones. ..-.' 85. ..... . High. 1 M V:' ott - July i COBN 89 - TO 10 70 JO v v-- TOtf OATS 1 T.ow, . floee.' 8T , IV. , 88 88 lr ',..,i...42i !: 42 July .........f 42 42 inn. : lay Nov.; J (in. liar J.B. iy.: t.anoT ..,,....2O20 ...1062 ...1080 ...1O0T ...10M0 PORK . aoif 2023 LA.BD " 1055 1070 108T. RIBS " 1070 1085 "Si a 8S14A 42 9005 2007 1043 1003 sons 2010 10KS 1003 B mi A 10A8 . . 108S 1079 1077 PORTLAND LEADS- , . AS A HIGH-PRICED LIVESTOCK CENTER Continued Fronj Preceding Page - Oregon .. .. ..i, 1 f)nmn . . . 1 Qregos 1 -V;-V ' . . . " STCKRB Oregoa ................ I , lanA 18 dh 4 Oregon 24 Oregon................ t Iriahn i M Oregon ' ,.. .... 8 Oregon ............ .... 1 Oregon 8 Oregon ................ 1 Idaho V, , . 1 1 Idaho .............. . ... 1 .Idaho 4 Idabo . . K,....., .. 24 . Xitahn I... 5:1 . MOnN . . .... . .Idaoe .--.'Oregoa '.. Idaho .... .Oregon ... TOregoa ... Idaho ..... Oregon .... 'Oregon .... Idaho Idaho Idaho ........ - Oregoa Idaho Idaho Idaho Oregon ...... Orsgoa ...... Oregoa ...4.. Oregoa Idaho ..... , Oregon ... Oregoa ... , Idaho .... ,Idabo ..... . Oregoa , . . . 'Oregon .,. ; i Oregon ; ... Oregon . Oregon ... Idaho ..... : Idaho Idaho .... ' laano , ... .... . . i. . , ... ,. 2T .23 . 17 . 13 . 13 . 2 . 27 20 9H .....w 27 17 ...... 9 IT e ...... 8 18 80 80 BOOS ..... 07 ..... 87 85 .. 80 .. 1 .. 8 88 .. 48 .. 6 .. 1 . . 82 .. f .."' UIIO a........,.....,,., Idaho ................. X Tucaday Horning ttr w d a a7 4a.auaai Beetioa. ., ' Mo. - Oregon 4 'Oregon...... 1 Oregon ... J. - ;' Oregon ................ 1 Waahlngtoa 1 Oregon ................ IS ' Bilaho S - . Idaho .................. 1 --. Idaho ......... ......... 4- California ............. 26 Idaho - 18. Idaho 1 COWS - J MO 1?20 . 1740 ' torn 1064 . 1J' 1132 MO im . 14 IflftO 1103 8110 1140 1110 ; 1074 -. 11 IS V.. 1248 , 1168 10S :1234 OST 1163 1081 1059 85 1070 1124 1160 1063 1004 000 1094 f09 1168 1024 iiOi ITT 213 176 ! 104 ' 160 ' 260 , fir JlT 132 185 846 187 . 820 810 Ave. lb. 1100 ' ' 13.(0 ; 1460 . v. .eo 1250 -"' 1068 v 1147 NO .- 1O"0 f ao t 10115 . 12S0 , : COWS Oregon ................ 15 iOreiron . ............... 1 , .Washington ............ 1 I Washington .18 -. vrTBo ...... Waahlngtoa ; IT Idahe, . ....... . . .. .'" 5 jldaho .'.'..'...'. " 8 " . Oregon ..'., ,.4 ' 'Oregon ................. 1 - . ,: HEIKBuS . Oregoa . .. 10 Oregon T , , HOG8 -.Washington 82 . Waahlnafon 77 1023 " 920 i 1110 1137 11H5 . ,5o -" " 1034 yf 1032 V ' ioi 080 1108 28 , 816 T , , 8.50 8.25 7.25 aso v 4.80 v I-io T.10 . 7 .25 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 8.25 ' 25 6.25 ' TO 7.00 l T.25 65 TJW , 6.68 ' 6.90 &90 4.00 4.15 T.OU 6.8B T.35 ass 6.80 4.50 4.80 4.50 . 4.65 6.65 6.50 aao 88.80 6.80 8.25 8.13 8.23 7 23 825 823 T.75 7.25 7.50 . T.13 8.15 7.30 Price. 7.25 T.25 6.75 4.60 T.OO 6 73 . 4.60 ' 4.60 6.60 6.50 - aso -; 8.00 $6.85 4.00 88.00 , 6.00 885 6.25 - O0 4.00 6.00 4.T5 4.M 16.78 6T5 B.T5 88 28 ' 8.25 Gel mdol : Piles at Home t: '":.... , . '-. '": .:... A Simple -Home Relief la Pyramid , Pile Remedy. . Send for i Fret) , ; ;.Tril'i Package . and f Get ' i . Almoet Instant Relief. . . , - I you want lo prove to yourself be yond all doubt that, you can make piles disappear quickly, right in the secrecy of your own home, . then by all means end coupon below. - - Don't suffer In agony when by send Ing us this coupon you can act as judge and Jury in yriur own case and ab- solutely. prove to your own satisfaction that Pyramid Pile Remedy Is exactly what thousands of sufrerers have al ways found it to be. No matter bow you suffer you must try this great and quick relief for piles. .If you do not care to wait for our trial package or actual proof, go to any drug- let and buy a package, price 60 cents. ena im coupon rignt now. Pyrsmld Drug Co., " y 484 Pyramid Bldg.. Marshall. Mich. ..Bend me a free trial package of Pyramid Pile Remedy in a plain, un marked, confidential wrapper, I agree to use same as directed. , Name Btreet ......A........ 1,.,. City .State Are. ft. .. 1382 . 1072 ' 1048' 1070 870 1046 , ' 002 i 180 218'. Tuesday Afternoon Bales, - ' RTEEKS Section. ' - No. Oregon -..a),.. ...v .,...:' 4 -'.;:." Oregoa ................. 6 Orogoa ...... .......... 8 , Idaho .o.. 1 - ' Idaae .,.....,.,. 1 COWB Montana 21 ' - Montana ,.. t . . , UOOS Oregon ................. 11 i - Oregoa ................ 44 : ; . Wednesday Horning Bala a. Oregoa ........... ..... -.1 Oregon ................ 1 Oregon v.... 8 J4 - r oowb Oregon' '. 8 v . ,,sA J - XIZKD CiTTLB Oregoa, -. 19 v. . BULLS Oregon $ - v BOOS Section. ! r No. Waahlnatoa 101 Washington .91 Waahlngtoa 83 , ' Waahlngtoa ............ 8' Washington 8 , Oregon ...t..... S , Oregon - 1 ' , YEARLING LAMBS Oregon ..J22- m " Wedneaday Afternoon lalea, OTHERS Seetls..,s ' No. Idaho IT Oregon It Oregoa , 1 COWS Idaho ................. 1 Montana 88 Montana 25 Montana ............... 27 Montana .............. 20 Montana ..-., 23 Montana 22 Montana ..&.......... 28 Montana ............... 20 Montana ... ,,. 22 Idaho ; 26 Montana ............... 27 Montana ............... 12 Montana 2 -8.25 7.7S 7.25 . T.iiS T.25 - ' ; 8.23 8.25 8.15 , 8.20 8.20 T.80 i - S.23- "fS-To A.T8 4.25 14.80 4.50 4.50 4A0 Prtee. 17.50 6.75 6.60 6 50 16.00 18.80 8.18 000 1650 . 848 . 1000 408 IBOO Are, lbs. 179 19 , f 228. 117 , 138 220 nuo - Ave. rha, 1128 1004 900 180 i." ' 980 tM8. 094 . - .., , 1016 Jan . n6 1061 t 1023 10I4 83 , COWS HKirBRS Idaho.... -. - HEIFERS Oregoa T t MIXBO SHEEP Oregoa . 209 Oregon ....... 98 Oregon ....106 1KARUNGS Oregoa ... 45 ' WETHERS Oregoa"........;,,, ..,.174 Oregon ...170 . Oregon .......178 - BULLS -. 1 : Thnnday Morning Bales. : HOOS .-i : .No. Ave. The, ................ 79 M ................ 6 363 . MIXKD SfllEP .i.l5 - . . TEARUNQ8: 168 41 : , ) SHEARLINGS ..44 - . Taanday Afteraoee Bales. '.r-,. COWS Beetioa. y,v No. Ate. Ttw, Oregoa 2 1020 . . COWS-STEXR9 Oregen ................ 8 1020 maay Bornmg sales. CALVES Section.,' , v i Are. Oregoa Beetioa. Oregon Oregon Oregoa Oregoa , Oregon Oregoa 1050 690 00 116 111 96 77 T7 78 1500 137 St 1 ' 104 Oregoa in eaun Oregon Waabiogton ......... Waahlngtoa .......... Idaho Idaho Idaho Washington Oregon ....w......... .sshington .......... Oregon Washington Washington 1 HOGS . . 70 . TO . 84 . 97 .100 82 luaho Idaho Oregon Oregoa Oregon Oregoa Oregon Oregoa S3 1 8 1 75 2 2 8 1 lbs. ISO 201 178 200 192 186 150 115 870 830 oo 470 425 850 863 800 LAMBS ................ 10 68 XEABXJNGS S46 80 126 96 126 95 27 114 YEARLINGS AND LAMBS 80 61 . Weighed oft ear. Filled price 10c la .. Friday Afternoon. Bnlea. STEERS Beetioa. r No. Ave. lbs. Oregoa 8 s 802 . -. cows Oregoa ................ 7- Montana za Montana 29 Montana 29 Montana ................ x Montana 23 MonUnvju.. ........... l Montana 28 Montana 23 Montana 28 Montana .,..,....... 28 Montana ,. 29 Montana .7... 29 Montana ............... 29 Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregoa Oregoa Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregoa Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregoa Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregoa Oregon - Oregon m ......a......... o 8 4 1 , BULLS ,. 1 HEIFERS. 8 EWES ................ 88 ......190 - . BOOS 50 1060 30 858 18 075 927 S0 . R84 28 88 896 . ex 933 943 940 1010 1057 830 1140 1048 90 , 4 ...j 18 HS 97 4.1 IS 1 1 Saturday Morning Bales. 70 - X2Q 4 862 8 810 .v.. ... ... .'........ 169 226 192 169 110 123 820 CUO . aso 6.00 - 6.50 84.80 15.60 85.50 -h ', ' Priced 88.30 8.30 UM B.tiO 8.00 8.00 T.25 fi.TS Prlee. . 88-88 . 60 aoo 88.00 8.T5 .,. B.T5 8.78 B.T6 8.75 8.7B 8.78 8.75 5.73 6.60 6.00 8.60 8.00 19.50 $4.00 4.75 4.60 4.40 84.00 83.70 8. TO &T0 85.80 Prlee. 87.80 7.80 83.90 8445 4.88 8410 PHee. 83.00 86.25 Price. 88.60 88 80 8.30 8.80 8.80 8.2-1 8.2ft 8.10 T.80 T.50 TJSO T.80 T.80 7.30 T.23 1.22 85.75 85.10 5.00 8.00 4.50 4.80 Prtee. 86.78 610 6.65 6.68 8.05 6.66 6.65 8.63 6.65 5.05 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.60 6.00 . 4.60 4.00 84.50 4.78 ' 13.80 8.00 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.10 . 6.10 7,0 7.80 8.80 sT.80 T.80 STATE OiuOii CROP IS ir IH DANGER; GROVtliRS OMAHA HOO PRICE REDUCED Missouri River Market Quoting Loss of Nickel for the Day. -r ' ; ; (Special te The Journal.) " alow, steady to 5a lower at 8l.fi5fl7.8o. - Sheen 1900.' Market steady. Yearling 85.23 5.651 wethers, $4.5004.76; Umbo, 87.0007.40 Cattle Nose. v ; . : C!HICAGO UOGS ARE LOWER Sales Ar Made at Loss of a Dime .lnVUae''Trd8t',OthOTr8te Chleaso. Hoy. 1. Hoge 18.000. Market 10c lower. Mixed 87 .406)8.20: bear, 87.758.20j rough, 87.85flI7.60i iTgnt, 7.5508.10. , cattle ixuw, !! Harnei eieaay. , Bneep 8000. , Market steady. MONMOUTH I WATER ',' DECLARED TO, BE PURE . Monmouth. Or., Nor. tt Two samples of the water from the new Monmouth system show that tha water la pure .and free from contamination. The city coun cil last week made an offlolal Inspection of the city reserrolr on Cupid's knoll and found conditions sanitary. A email quantity of water was sent to the Ore gon Agricultural college and the tests show no poisonous matter. One was also sent to Stats Health Officer Calvin 8. Whits and his analysis passes tha water. ,-"',.-:v,-.',- iv.A -f, The water system now has a pressure of about 46 pounds, and the project is on a substantial financial basis. ' - Want to Stop Importations sf Pis--, eased .Stock From Foreign Coun tries; Texas Stock Also- Said to Co, Badly Infected. J v r : 'f. -. t ' . t .i, - That the Oregon .onion crop is In danger of extinction- by reaaon .of the importations of outside atock with va rious diseases, is the text of the rep resentation mads to ' the government by the Confederated ' Onion Growers' association. 'tf.wifid''' According to President A. J. Fanno of the association, samples of Australian and Texas onions which had been re ceived here, show the preseice of fun gus that would prove the ruin of the induatry In this state if the disease se cured even a start here, v ' 'There is real danger In the situa tion." aava Mr. Fanno. ."and we have re. eently aslced the government either to prohibit the sale of outside onions alto gether or make cartful inspection of the supplies at the place of landing. . . ''The onions from Texas have already been Infected te some extent by the Bermuda dlseaae and we . must keep such supplies away from Oregon or the industry will suffer greatly. ii - "Senator Lane, has offered tdr help su he can in the matter and we are, in hopes that the-trouble can be averted. "Oregon still produces the best onions In the country and we want the state to continue that lead. While California is dumping her ' inferior i onions oT the iocsl market at low prices, the same lntereats who are selling here are ac tually buying" Oregon onions at a mucn higher price than they are selling their own stock for." - . Hnmlnall. th Mtllnr nrlc for OMOnS hy growers remains at 81.76 a eenUl at country pom is sttnouatu jew auv win ing to sell at thst figure. The reason why growers are not selling at this time Is that they .have been busy with their farm work and most of, them believe that thav will . KArura setter vaiuea. Last year all suffered severe financial rviirAa an.1 Tor mat reason uudi vm general ta mak-. for this loss during us present season. - , LEGISLATION IS STILL V DOMINATING FEATURE Iff SHCURin MARKET f .1..1.. i Continued From Preceding Page per 100; grapefruit. Florid, 89.291 plnespnli , 6 V Hi. i' r j cantaloupes, 12.0(2.76; peacbea. lu ey. eoci ordinary, ocj watermelons, IHe; grapes, OonnorUa, 12M,c per 4 lb. baaksti eiuer TarlMtles, 811.25: peara, 11.25621.50. . VKUKTAiiUii Turnip, WiyiooCi beet, gin 1.15) carrot. $1(31.15 parsnip, glQl.lft sack; cabbage, 81.25; local - tomato, eo per boxi strlug Man. - 6c; green onion, 12Ve - per dose buuebes; pepper, belL 6(icl0e; ktad let. tuce, 20&2fto down; relery, 'BOboe; egg plant. 7c eaulillower, 65g75e dosen; rhubarb, lo cal )l artltbokea, si.eO doseu; fprouu, llci tptnarh.. local (--r It pea. 8ffl7e,-. v , f JBKfUKIEHuckleberrlearae eraakeHW lOCQia lowjf a-emiora f av.w imirwis, ONION S-Jubbiua ork.- tiOOi carload hria ing pne i. ia i. w. garni-, ewve id. b. t,bUiplug tatlon; pronounced extent in either direction and meanwhile a spirit of conservatism, if not - caution, seems to govern the financial element and their lntereats di rectly and Indirectly affiliated with the same. - . ; Railroad earnings are beginning to display the effects of increased operat ing coata without corresDondinsr in crease in efficiency and the exhibits of somo 01 our larger systems nave oi tats, to nay the leaat. been far from gratify ing. However,, the volume of business being conducted In commercial lines, ss Indicated by bank clearings. Is rela tively satisfactory, though signs are not lacking, and the same later will perhaps have a telling effect of slacking tenden cies in certain directions, notable in iron and steel lines, where price cutting has been freely Indulged in. The copper industry continues to dis play strength from a statistical view point, but copper shares have been prac tically neglected, as a consequence, no doubt, of the indisposition of traders to inorease commitments in the face of general uncertainty and lack of confi denca j Range of New York prices furnished by Overbeck Cooks Co.. 218-217 Board or Traae nuiiaing DKSOUIPTION Amalgamated Copper Co. American C. Ss Fdy-. c. American Can, e American - lxoo,, c... American Edgar, e..e... American Smelt, e.... Am. Tel. Tel Anaconda kilning Co.... Atchison, c. , Baltimore Ohio, c. Beet Sugar Brooklyn Bapld Trenail Canadian Pacific, e.... Chi. O. W., e Chi., kill. A fit. P Chi. N. W., e Chlno Copper , Chesapeake A Ohio..... Colorado F. te I., e.... Colorado Southern, .... Delaware a Budaon.... Denrer A B. 0H C.... Erie, e. , Erie, lat pf Q. Northern, pf Illinois Central. ....... Int. Metropolitan, e. . . . lhlgjh Valley Kansas uity goatnern... LoulsrUl k KaabTtU.. M.. K. T.. e. ....... MlSRourl Pacific., National Lead Nevada Consolidated ... New Haren New York Central N. Y., O. W... Norfolk A Western, .. North American Pacific Mall 8. 8. Co.. Psnnsrlrsula Hallway.. P. G.. U A C. Co..... Pressed Steel Car, c.... Ray Con. Copper Reading, e. , . Republic 1. A 8.. e..,. Rock Island. ... St. U A S. F.. lat pf.. Southern Pacific, c... Southern Railway, c... Tean. Oopper. ......... Texas A Pacific ....... T., St. U A W., S.,.. TJnlon Pacific, c. Union Pacific, pf. ..... U. S. Rubber, e.. ...... U. B. Steel Co., e...... V. B. Steal Co., pf Utah Oopper Virginia , Chemical .... -Wabash, c. ........ ... W. U. Telegraph Westlnghooae Electric. Wisconsin Central.- c. . . . Open Hlgb Tw IQlose 80 ii 42 120H 9 82 98 Z8 87 I 224 ...... 101 27 150 4 123H, ii"! 151 81 BO 20 10S 18 16014 19 14 86 is" B6H 107 62 63 40 7a 0 68. 121 84 S 28 87 226 i6i 88 27 150 4S 128 ii 181 10 28 82 4 20 106 18 160 10 14 87 28 180 57 107 82 68 86 101 8 27 ISO J 42 123 14 181 28 81 se 20 108 18 100 '4 180 Mk 107 82 68 66 72 43 80 80 107 63 :i 28 861 225 11 101 12 80 27 27 150 42 123 ioi aj 131 28 43 U 82 86 28 108 72 20 108 123 18 100 18 i i? 28 ii 150 8 66 107 52 27 H 62 66 44 Total sale 45,600 ahare.- PORTLAND JOSBtN Q PRICES - Thtee prices are those at which wkmlaealen Mil to r-tallere, except a otherwise atatedi BCTTKR Nominal. Creamery cube. S4e city prlntv 8485t Ut creamery, ,81Q82e ranch butter, 22e. ... - BOGS Nominal. Candled local extra, 440 45c! select puller, 41c; cue-count, 40ci spot buying price, 80e f. o. b. Portland; storage, untune, '' ' itlVB POULTRY Hens 1414Hc springs, 18e: atsgs, 12c; geese, 12c; Pekta . ducks, 14tl5c; Indian Runners, iOtlCile; turkey, 21e, dressed 25e; pigeon, old. 81 A leung 1.50 doten; iackrabblta, gl.25 dosen. CHEfcMbi Nominal. - rreah Orogos fancy fall rream twin and triplet, 17c; daUles, lTe; Xouns America, 18. . BCTTKR raT Prodseerr pries for Partisan ROPB Boring price, choice. 28o! prune, 22o; medium to prime, le: medium, 2D. ' ,v)OI-Nomlnst, IS18 clip. Willamette eaW ley coars Couwold, 14o - lb. -medium Bhrep hire, 171 ehoic Caey lot. 16 ib. outers Oregon, lOQlOe,, according to - shrinkage. ,. ., tUITTlkt oatCASCAffA -BAkK-ulJ, Nts, 4c; lea tbaa ear lots, 4o, "10HAlH--l18 Noailnal Sue. ... .,, ,;.-;..';.( .-,-tV HI DBS Dry hide, 81t21e Ib. green, tie; tilted hlde llci bulto, green tlt, C kip. lltJiaci calrea, dry, 4i2&crcaU eklaa. alted or green, 17J18ej . gren hMee. U lea tbaa aaltedi seP ueh. aalted, aheartug. lv)a0g; "BnOAB Cnbe, 85.60; powdered, 85.40) fruit or berry, 85 20; beet, 5.00; dry granaUud. 85.20; O yellow, 4.00, (Abor iuouuoas. are v oaya wt ab. -i i. BEANS Sua U white, 6 S-Sci large Walt. Sue; ping. 4cj Uum,1 4ej pluke, n ky Iti'CB-Japaa atyU. No. 1. 605. Mew Orleans, head, 8J7e; Creole, . , - . . HONKt New, 62.75 per case., '; . BALT Coarse, self gronnCa. lOoa, 810 per ton; 50 810.75: Ubl dairy. 80 618: loa. 817.50; bales. 82.25; extra fine barrel. 3. 8t aud 10. 85.25J6.fX lump rock. 820.00 pel tea. Finite and Vegetable. -. rSKSH PHU1T8 Orange. .60J6.00; ba saaaaj 4'i5 lb. lemon, BSt; iiue. 8140 . DDI ITU Q.ttMiikM. '1 AniA4 AA. . ... aKrun Fwuima. ' . , norrosrn Spy, Mit.n; Jonathan, l.oo2.00; Rood Island Greening, gl.OOr21.25; Winter Banana, 1J0i32.6O; Ortley, -$1.25ai.7S: UraTensteia, il.OOMl.75 per box; cooking grade. 7jc1.0u. POTATOES Belllne- prlcai Extra choice, 61.15Ull.26; choice.. 61.131 ordinary. 61.00 aaek; uylng price, earload. 46075c. oouatry polaxs; Keats, risk and Vrovialeaa, ' DKfcBSKU klKATS gelling price Cutry killed; Hog, fancy, lie: ordinary, logioue; rough uU heavy, Ocs fancy veaia, lt or dluary, . 180l8c; poor, 810c; : lambs, lUc; BiUttou, 10c; goat, 4c. UAU8. UACON, BTC-Bam 80022c; break 'fast baeun, UW28ci ballad bam, .Mtcj -picuice, I0c: cottage .:'...-.; AittAlB backing hooa atr. No. 1 itoek, 18e; cow. No. 1 atock, 12c; ewe. Sc; weiiiera, SVie; lambs. ? 11C purfc kay. aoc: SraMd bug. 18e . - . , - okS'lKUaW-tihoatwator eay, pew galios 4 ); per 100 lb. aack t u Urmpia. per gallon, la AO; per 100. lb. Sack ; caataed. ea.tera, 56 can; 86.60 Ooaen; eaater. la abeU, I1.75W it .00 per lOUi raaur clanu, 1X0002.20 box) east. ra oyster, per gaUuti, olld pack. f2.16. LAltU - littva, 12 c; componud, tlerens, lle. i. ' . ' '. 1 ma Nominal. Dreid fVnsaaera, 7c I ball, but 6tl0c; striped baaa, 17c; ilvrld salmoai, 8cs halibut skilOc; ooles To lb.; ahrimp. ise; perch, be lb.; lobular. Su lb.; bUok bass 10c; atlrer smelt, Ic; shad ); black cod, 7e: iturgeon, 12e. . . CBABS Large, 11.75; medium, $1 dona '' Paints aad OUsv '-t UNBBKD OIL Raw bbls., 66e-per gsLl ket tie bulled, bbl., 6Se gaL raw case, sic; boiled Cases Se gal.; lots of 250 gallon, 1 tea; ell cake meal, 844 per ton. WU1TK LKAI) Ton lou. Be put lb. 80ft lb. lot be per lb. tea lots, 8e tar la. OIL UKAL Carload lot, 884. . ' ' TURPKNXlNB-7-la caa, Tae; weed barreta. TOO iron barrel, ss galloai 10 'as lota, Ban Francisco Barley Calls. fian Francisco, Nov. 1. Barley calls: Open. High. Low. Close. Nov, .... ItSB ...... . . . , 1154 A Dec. ..... WH 117 181 118 . May 148 148 .143 148 v v . 1 .. m 1 . AraericanJ Predominate. ' The Connecticut state commission. In a study of more than ll.OftO women and girls, representing; 14 race, found a larger pareentage . of Americana with American fathers " among the workers under 18 years than amona; ths older ones. m mm lllLLioliS ill IMPORTS aofiiwiEB Less Than One Fourth of the s. Amount t Comes ;From the United States. ." ' Washington; Nov, lTwo and ' one third billion dollars' f worth of Imports entered, the various ports of the entire Pacific in lilt, and their exports ag gregated another $3.000,000,000.. ; These figures, Just compiled by the bureau of foreign and domestlo commerce, depart ment of commerce, relate exclusively to international trade, and do not include the domestic traffio of the score, of countries fronting on that great body of water to which the Panama canal glyee a new entrance Of this two and one third billion dollars' worth of imports by the Pacific frontages, About one half represents eastern Asia, shuttle, less than one fourth western America, and the remainder the countries end Islands of th south Pacific. ,? , , The . imports of China' are approxi mately $860,000,000 value; Japan, about $300,000,000; - Hongkong,); $200,000,000; Straits Settlements, approximately $200, 000,000 and" Biam, French -; Indo-Chlna. Chosen (Korea), and ' Aslatio . Russia, about $100,000,000. Those of western South- America are about $200,000,000; western North America (including $128, 000,000 st the Pacific ports of ths United States), $200,000,000: Australia, $375,000,000; New Zealand, $100,000,000; Dutch Eaet Indies. $180,000,000; Philip pins Islands, $65,000,000, and the Ha waiian Islands. $84,000,000. " ' Orest Britain Xeads AIL j Of the Imports of these Pacific front ages other than our own, the United States now supplies about 13 psr cent; the United Kingdom about 2t per cent; continental, Europe, about IS per cent, and India, about 10 per cent, the re mainder being; chiefly exchanges among the countries forming tbs group under oonslderstlon. The consuming power of the countries The questions answered below sra general in character; the symptoms or diseases are given and the answers should apply to any case of similar na ture, j Those wishing further advice, frea may address Dr. twls Baker, College Building, College-Ellwood streets, Day ton, -Ohio, - enclosing self-addressed, stamped envelope for reply. Full name and address must be given, hut only Initials or fictitious nams will bs used in my answers. The prescriptions can bs filled at any well-stocked drug stora Any druggist can order of wholesaler. .. I mm iMilhM With at constant headache which also affects my eyes. My breath is awful, as I have a severe t case of catarrh in the head and Answer: I receive dally hundreds of letters from people who have suffered as you do and who hays been relieved ..w . nMui.lntlAnl Man-si ai waah by mixing one-half teaapoonful of Vilane powder, which you can purchase Irom any uruiiiai an a v. n.."i m - . . V. 4 h aha nln A w. m W ,1 .r uss this in ths nostrils dally to thor- OUgniy Cieanne ineiu. a caianu uuiu should be used with thla This is mad by mixing- one teaapoonful of Vilane a wTt ana A..ntf.A I r-A av vaaaillnai and apply well up Into the nostrils twice a oay. ir. mis i ubcmj uur umariu should soon vanish, it snouia, nowever, ha iimmI nRcanionallr to prevent a return of the diseasa . ' an nH 'Tf vmi Vsiaw nt aflT. thing that will cure dandruff, itching scalp and premature baldness, please let me know what It ls.M Answer: For several years X have pre scribed plain yellow minyol as superior to anything known for the treatment of with full directions. It quickly over comes ait aiaeaaea vi iiair auu soain suiu gives new vigor and intense natural col or to the hair.. Try it fairly and you WU1 aavocsnaj jusuv ur jvor inwua, "Mildred writes: "I am eonstantly embarraaaed- because of the fact of my extreme thinnesa I have absolutely no color In my face and Hps and. I am dull and lifeless most of ..the time. Please advlss me .what to do." . Answer: If you are so thin' and pale and your lips and chseks are colorless it is because your blood is . deficient In red corpuscles. This can be easily over, come by the Uss of three-srraln hypo. nuclans tablet, which can be had from any druggist in sealed carton with full directions for taking. When the blood is enriched by the uss of these tablete your weight will inorease, tha color will come back' into your face and lips, and it will Improve your general system so that you will beoome, strong and healthy. Edna? writes: "I suffer with rheu mattam all ths time and I shall be very glad if you can tell me something to relieve me. - Answer: I can give you a prescription which will not only relive, but should obliterate your rheumatism. This is my favorite remedy and from the number of lettera received from people who have uaed It proves Its value in rheumatism. The following is made by mixing well, taking a teaapoonful at meal times and sgsln , before retiring: Com p. - essence cardlol. 1 a; comp. fluid baUmwort. I os.; syrup sarsapariua comp.,, a .oss.; lodldevef potassium, 3 drams: wine of colohicum, one-half ounce; sodium sali cylate, drama V "Morris" asks: "I have suffered with a chronlo cough for almost a year, and catch a fresh cold every few weeks. Nothing ths doctor gives me helps, so I write to you." Answer: You need a thorough laxative cough syrup, one that not only relieves but surely drives it from ths system. The following regularly used will oust any curable cough or cold promptly: Obtain a ttt oa bottle of essence men-tho-laxene, mix it with a home-made augar syrup or honey as per directions on bottle, a "Anxious B." writes: T have in re cent years been threatened with appen. dlcitis, but would never consent to an operation. Indigestion, constipation and sedentary habits cause me much suffer ing. Kindly prescribe for dyspepsia something which you think will cure me and prevent appendicitis." Answsr: Ths most scientific snd sat isfying treatment for your trouble is tablets trlopeptlne; packed pink, whits and blue In sealed cartons with full di rections. Most stomach disorders caa be conquered by( regular treatment. - "Nervous M." writes: "Loss of sleep, nervousness, loss of appetite and over work has made almost a complete wreck of ma I have to work, but can scarcely drear one foot after the other. Plaaua 'advise." Answsr: The condition you describe Is prevalent, especially with brain workera Use the following: Compound syrup hy- r phosphites, S oss. tincture cadomeno, os. Mix, shake well snd tsks a tea spoonful before meals. a Farmer's Wife ssks: "Will you please tell me how to overcome obesity" Answer: Obesity Is burdensoma Ex cessive fat en the human body la unnat ural and frequently results seriously. ?'he best and safeat method to reduce is o take regularly -five-grain arbolone tablets. They are put up in sealed tubes with directions for home use, and any well-stocked druggist, can supply them. "Sara' C writes: "I am constipated aad have a jrreaay skin. Suffer from headache, indigestion and some kidney trouble. I wish you , to recommend a remedy.". ' ' ' " Answer: The best remedy to relieve and master chronlo constipation is called three-grain sulpherb tablets made from aulphur.eream of tartar and herb med icines. Taken regularly the blood Is pur ified, the bowels and .liver stimulated into healthy action and health estab lished. They are paoked In sealed tubes with full directions. These tablets are splendid for children, as they do not gripe or sicken. , - ... e . !,-; . . v.. .. "Mamma" "I know of nothing better for bed-wetting than: 1 dram of tinc ture cubeba, 3 drams of tincture rhus aromatio and 1, os. comp. fluid balm wort. Mix. The dose Is 10 to 15 drops in water one hour before meala" Adv. This Womae Knows AW'-'' Trouble? .'."it ;''.-;iV'-.;'t i.;V .s'WiSi') ;':--V: i'.-H; Isw (This letter Is Just recslved): - v?: v! "Toronto. - "I am the mother of twelve children. I took a bad leg at the .birth of my last child. I waa laid up five weeks, with a doctor attending me who does nothing ihut treat this kind of skin dis easa BIX weeks ago I nsara oi 1. u. D. As I used to tear my let; at night until It was a bleeding maes. I applied a bottle of D. D. D. I can't tell you the eass It gave me. I never uaed to sleen with ths pain. , Many ;, a time. I nearly felt with dlsslness ftom want of sieep.- - wow my v leg is,- completely healed up, thanks to the blessed T. D. JX I never expected a cure. I only fceVaUaVa 7 r '' got D. D. D. to take the . terrible Itch away. 1 But by degrees I saw the big sore getting smaller, ! I have a thank ful heart today.. . c ' ; : i , "JaTtS. -STITT -v1'' -I0$ H. Weeton R.d, Wast Toronto. :1 The cures of D. D. X, are paat belief. All druggists hare this soothing, cool ing wash and also the efficient X. D. D. Skin Soap, t . -,- iv - Come to us snd we will sell you the first full-slse bottle on the guarantee that it vlll stop the Itch at osoe or your money refunded. Huntley Prug Co., ; Washington , at Fourth) Woodard,-Clarke Co., drug gists. (Adv.) D. D. D. rrtsat'Jca Izt 15 Ycs-C: Zzl::l CJa V.:: 'ill fronting upon' the Pacific has pracU- United States and Ind'.a ty t : cnllv dnnhliwt In the laat dozen veara Clfla - frontages, foodstuff 1- . t t China's imports, for example, were $S81. chief factor in the Interchane e u. 000.000 In 1911. aralnat S164.000.0U0 in tne countries ana port) lonuiiig .- 4 1800; those Of Japan $308,000,000 In ciflo group, the principal eiopUon. 1 1 1813. against $148,000,000 In 1800; the Straits Settlements. $318,000,000 In 1811, against $153,000,000 lh 1800; Australia, $73,ooo,ooo tn 1913, against In 1900; New Zealsad, $95,000,000 In 191U. against . $60,000,000 in Juw; m this being Japan's Imports of raw cotton from the United States and India. Aid from -this Japan's Imports from the , United States and Europe Include chief- , ly Iron and steel manufactures, mineral . OIL flour, lumber snd leather. China's Phillip .lands manufactures of Iron and - steel, and 000,000 in-1800; Chile, J133.000.000 in .this is aise true or HonfrKong. 1913, agaiirst .$47,000,000 in isoo; ana Peru, $25,000,000 in 1911, egalnat $11, 0Q0.000 in 1900. ' Bntall Oaln la Peroentags. ' V " While the United States obtains Its normal share in this growth, of Imports into the countries in question, the per centage which it supplies of thslr im ports shows comparatively little changa Into Australia, for example, the shars of the Imports which was drawn from the United States was 11 per cent In 191$. against 13 per cent In 1900; New Zealand, 8 per cent In 1911, against 10 per cent in 1900; China, 7 per osnt in 1912. and TV Pr cent in 1900; Japan, $0 hi per cent in 1913 and 31 per cent in 1900; and Chile, 13 per cent in 1913 and 9 per cent In 1900. ' ' Manufactures form a very large share of the Imports drawn from Europe, the WONDERFUL DRUG THAT STIMULATES GROWTH OF HAIR And Revives Pigment-Forming Cells . That Give Hair Its Natural Color. 'Hardly. any of si are entirely free from dan druff or ether scalp affections. Mil lkm of as, so long ss the trouble is slight, do llttls as nothing to cure the affection. Other million are trying te do something, but getting no re sults, by applying all sort ef fancy colored snd fancy named hair "tonics." Yea are not likely- to get much benefit. If any, by taring any peeparaUon thtt doee not contain the eo known drug that nosltiTcly tlmulat the growth of heir. The safe and sure way la to mix your own tonic or go to a reliable drug. glt and have him mix ft for yon. Here I a simple formula: 8 os. ordinary Bay Bam; os. ordinary Laeona d Compose; Vi drachm Menthol Crystals. If joo choose, add 1 drachm of: your faTOiite perfume. Apply to the scalp with finger tip, night and morning, to destroy dandruff,, to atop falling hair, to cleans and beautify the balr and to cumulate the growth of the hair. Thla treatment ta recommended to atlmolat tb growth of the hair area la eases of complete baldness, if roar balr la prematurely gray, try It and re If it will sot make the pigment-forming cell aetlv enough to completely reator the natural color. TUla formula contain no dye or artificial coloring matter, but Is designed te make nature produce the natural color la the natural way. - Any drngglst can supply yo with the ingredients or mis the tonic for yon, Adr. s Australia's Imports. of which about ohs-half are 'drawn from'; the United Kingdom and about one-tenth from the United States, 'are chiefly manufactures ' of Iron and steel, agricultural imple ments, cotton goods, clothing, boots and shoes, lumber and oils; -and this Is also trus of New- Zealand. On the weal coast of South and Central America the principal Imports, whether from the United States or Europe, are Iron and steel manufactures, cotton goods, coal, lumber and mineral oils. Aslitfliisf nian to TO SAVE YOUR EYES Try This Fe Pi-etxription Do your eyes give you trouble? Do you already wear eyeglasses or speo tacleaT Thousands of people' wear these "windows' who might easily dispones with them. Ton may be one of these and it is your duty to save your eves be; fore it la too lata The eyes are neg lected more than any other organ of the entire body. After you finish your day's work you sit down and rest your muscles, but bow about your . eyest Do you rest them? Tou know you do not Tou read or do something slse that keeps your eyes busy; you work your eyes until you go to bed. That is why so many have strained eyes and finally other eye troubles that threaten partial or total ounanesa. eyeglasses - are merely crutches; they never cure. This free prescription which nas benefited the eyes of so many may work equal wonders tor you. Use It a short tlma Would you like your eye troubles to disappear as it by magic? Try this prescription: Go to the nearest wide awake drug store and get a bottle of Optona tablets; fill a two-ounce bottle with water, drop In one tablet and allow It to thoroughly dissolve. With the liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. Just note how quickly your eyes clear up and how soon the Inflamma tion will disappear. Don't be afraid to use It; it Is absolutely harmless.' Msny who are now blind might have saved their eyes had they started to care for them in time. This Is a simple treat ment, but marvelously effective In mul titudes of cassa Now that .you have been warned don't delay a day, but do what you can to save your eyes and you will thank us as long as you live for puoiisnmg; tnia prescription Adv. .STOMACH! SUFFERERS '". ' - . , f, j i i .i i' Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Rem edy Is Recommended and Praised by Thousands Who Have Been Restored. ' - "I was s sick mas tot about ihreemeatbe, reused from OaU Stone of tb Urn sad waa told by thro of ear most prom inent physician t k a t I woald bar te enbmit te an operation so get relief, but heard of year Won. derfnl Stomach Remedy and secured a fall treat- meat aad took It accord, ing to directions end passed hundred of Call B tones. Bine taking font medicine I work regular 1 aad don't feel any 111 ef fect. 1 am praising year Remedy to all my friend. - I think If .worthy t tb highest praUe. : B. I POOtET, atoaaoke, Ta." Sufferer of Stomach, U ret and. Intestinal Aliment ere not akd te take Majrr'a Wsodar. ful Stomach Bmdy for week and montb before - they feel benefited. Just try one dose which should make yon feel better In health, convince yoa - that roe will soon be well and Strong, free yon from pain and offering and 5W yon a sound aad healthy stomach, a It ha on in thousand of other eases. Wherever It Is tskea you will hear nothing not -the highest prslss. - Go to row druggist ask him about the great result It has been accompllahing In cases of people he know, or send to Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. (demist, 154-159 Whiting 8t, Chicago, III., for S free book on Stomach Ailment anil many grateful letter from people woe have been re stored, roc sal la- Portland by the Owl Drug M uu nis YVonderlal Power to Read naman lives : niAnyfp 1st once X; ; : ' i Amazes pill 'Wlio ' Wrlleltolniia.-"' Thousands of people In all walks of life have benefited by this man's ad , vlca Hs tells you what ov are capable of. ana now you can be 1 successf uL - Hs menUons your friends and n e m 1 e s and describes the good and bad Eertods la your fe. -His descrip tion as to psst, ? resent and uture events will astonish snd help you. All- he - wants ls your 'name (written by yourself), your birth date and sex to, jruid e him In his work. Money Is not necessary. Mention the name ' of this paper and get a Trial Beading free. If . you want to ,take advantage of this special of fer and - obtain a r a v 1 w of your life slm-an. nlv aend vour full nama address, the data month and year of birth (all clearly written I state whether Mr., Mr, or Miss, and' also copy the following verss in your own handwriting: . - ' ! ' -. . . "Tour advlcs Is useful " " ' ; ' So thousands say, :'y-.v . Z wish success and hspplness, -' . Will you show me the wey?? .. If you wish you may inclose 10 cents -(stsmps of your own country) to pay poatage and clerical -work, Send your letter to Clay Burton Vance, suite 512-M. Palais-Royal Paris, Franca Do not In close coins in your letter. Postage on letters to France is 6 cents. , .'.:'.: - -. ' -y .-.:, t ... 4 ' ; ' 'r r 4 5 '- .,. r, ' 9 vri - - v - , I - AND KIDNEYS HURT Drink lots of water and rtop aatia? . a ' . f. - If VT.da . When you wake up with backache and dull misery In ths kidney region It gen erally means you have been eating too : much meat, says a well-known author ity. Meat forms urlo acid,' which over works the kidneys In their effort to fil ter it from the blood and they become sort of paralysed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog; you must relieve them, like you relieve your bow els; removing; all th ' body's ' urinous waste, else you ' have backache, sick headache, dingy , spslls; : your - stomach sours, tongue Is coated, and when the weather Is bad you have rheumatic twlngea The urine la cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three time during the night. Either consult a good, reliable physl- clan at once or get from your pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablsspoonful In a glass : of water before breakfast for a fsw days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kid neys, also to neutralise acids la the urine so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. : -. Jad Baits Is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It Is Inexpensive, cannot Injure' and makes a - delightful, effer vescent llthia water drink. (Adv.) ' Chroate and Nervous Dis ease readily succumb te my thorough end einaoa. live method of treat ment whea - they : are carefully and eonsutaatly followed. Mistake are at a mlslmnm, - because I have treated successful ly thousand e cases si aetly Ilk rear own. II I an arror not to seek the advice of a 8 peel list wh haa had J ear ( eiperlaoce and give -. elusive peraonal attention to the treatment ef ueh eases. I ss Beanied to practice la the tat ' ef Oregon, Washington. California snd Kerada. , Vfy ; offlc U thoreushly equipped with every electrical end mechan ical device aoearr fa the scientific treat ment of your aliment. .1 administer u World'a latest remedlss. ' K Treat Snceeeefolly ' :"'-:,K' ORBON1C, NKKVOLM, BWOTf, SlCt'. BLADDER, tlTBB ANO K1DNKT !! BASKS, BHBUMAXISM, NKUKAHTWKM A, ElKKMA, BOUU, ULCXBa. flLhd AMJ VISTULA. i -i Consultation and examination tnrt. 8 to 8 1( to a. Pallij aiuudaye, lu to 1. J. J. rCEJEFE, Ph. G. M. D. ' B00MS11.19 LArAYHTTK rrrd. BISVh WAnBlNUTON fiC OT.'I. rOBTLAMO. OB. hllmi ask m jtfimmvmz. v.i a. . v-e f , . . ... V . ,ur . m a pare ani eur wo W . wr - man's meillclne, er to take, J , r-f work like mlc, l i ii-e .. .- : ,jr Aoutile airenk ui J. t-or t. aiul 1'f liSt t .. l nellcvcn CATAIMJIJ r. k