1 EXTiiE. 1 if 1 1 ii- ..P m .-S I ... i 1 to n PROPOSELiVTOSiG?-JS'iGlfWLIIIG' OF E ran ' Present Statute Are No Protection .. to Consumers or Legitimate) Deal ers or , producers Other " States Uave AdequateXaws. ' " , 4 e 4 4 4 e e 4 e e 4 e e Today's Produce Trad. ': ; . Hogs quoted higher. ' -r e '.. Veals are very firm. ' . , v New egg law proposed. . v J v , : "-.i Egg prices are firmer. Chickens are steady. i ' Gouts are arriving1. . Country hogs weaken. , " Apple movement good. ) . .-; , ' ; Various members of 'the stata leelsla tura as wen as prospeotlve candidates have-signlfied their intention of creating a law In this stata that will put a stop to. the sale of cold storage eggs as the fresh artlule. v. ..j" - -. '':.: . At the present time there 1s nut little , protection for the public and many mis leading statements are being made by dealers- as, to the quality of the stock they are handling. This Is said to apply to the wholesale interests as well as to retailers. '.' . ' - ' Many states have a law which compels all dealers to label the packages -in which they sell storage eggs with the . .fact that the stock has been in the ice ... houses, therefore is not fresh. . Such a law is said to ba a big boon to producers as well as consumers and legitimate dealers. ''- - ..- - - -. At the present time the legitimate dualer is compelled to compete with the unfair competition of the dealer who is selling cold storage stock as fresh gath ered .offering. Many retailers have dis played signs of '"Oregon ranch eggs" ' over stock which' they are . selling at about 10c a dosen less than fresh eggs can be secured in the wholesale market, ', if they can be secured at all during : certain seasons of the year;1 -t The laws of this state .are very lax in this particular and therefore many consumers are paying for fresh eggs when they are really getting storage goods ' that are ' worth perhaps : 16o , a dosen less than they pay. for them."" At the present time there are but few arrivals of fretth eggs along Front r street ' The best article la quoted firm at 46a S dosen and buyers are eager to take hold at this figure. - Nevertheless some retailers are claiming to sell fresh - ckks at 36o a. dosen and have on display t more eggs than are being received in a single day throughout the wholesale dis trict ' - ALIGATOIt PEARS ARRIVE fBBiaSBSiaSBessaSj ". I.-"- -i ' .? - First Alligator pears are reported on 'the Portland market for the season by Levy & Bpiegl.-.Tue stock comes from Tahiti, and found a ready demand for the small shipment at $6 a dosen. - - : VEALS ARE VERY" FIRM Market for veals Is very firm In the t Front- street trade. An occasional sale of something, extra select is reported ss high as 14V40 a pound, but the general price tor tops is l4o along the street today. - ' - ORANGES. AREDUE TUESDAY .. indications "poiiti to tne receipt oi ins first carload of navel oranges for the xeaon in the locar market Tuesday. While-the price will be higher than usual. It . is believed that the demand will be quite fair. The f rait fs said to be well colored for first sMpmrntyg. Hli;"" "v.m r,r"FT til J..i.:....j.it I,.,u..aLI .i j - PIES1E WM IS NOV BEING SOUGHT Outside of Pacific Coaat said New York, United States Trade Has' ' Not Tieen Friendly . to ' Anytbing ; Except Red Apples, l " V: One of the queerest ' features about the apple trade is 'that, with the ' ex ception of the Paciflo coast states and New York, there have been no American markets that really appreciated i the merits of the, Yellow Newtown apple as it 'Should be'l'Vvvri.' i Europe has always favored this ra rlety, and the Jfingilsh trade especially has sought it in preferences any other variety grown In the Pacific northwest.-.""' 1 '"I" :';'& -'. The United States markets, with th possible exception of New York and the Pacific states, have always been ad verse o accepting anything except the red apple. The yellow and green sorts have been passed by as unworthy of notice. . . " - This year proved an exception to the rule, and a strong campaiga begun by an exchange of this city to , create a freneral American demand for the Yel ow Newtown has already resulted in a broader trade in this variety. , The cam- falgn was begun in an effort to help he Rogue River section, which is known bv all as a Droducer of the best Yel low Newtowne in the world. , xoaay a, oca exenange reponea re cent - sales . of Newtowns to Chicago. ShreveDort La.. Beaumont. Texas, and Nashville,! Tenn. In all of these places the exchange was successful in landing ordera for carload lots at full prices recently in effect, r , - , "It is mucn easier xor us to let inj sale 4t ihe Yellow Newtown so in the channel of least resistance." saya the feneral manager of the exchange, "but y plugging constantly to get aample cars on the various markets we have succeeded in already widening the trade in this variety. We have felt that tne Yellow Newtown deserved a much wider distribution ' than has- been the case fcrmerly, and have believed, if we could get the trade at other American cen ters to', try the fruit, repest orders would be-the result ?'''"' "The Pacific coast ? states and New York have alwaya been loyal to the Yellow Newtown, but other sections of the country have heretofore refvsed to handle this variety In more than a very nominal decree." ,..,.......,. VHEAT CLOStES VITH LOSS Chicago Market Starta Bad bat the : Early Rally In Prfceg Falls to ' -Hold During Session. , LIN9EEP OIL 8 ' LOWER j . Linseed oil ' prices ahow a reduction i of of So a gallon for the day, according : to announcement made this morning by , the Portland Linseed Oil works. - The new prices are: Boiled, barrels 68c; cases, .63c; raw, barrels, E6c; cases, lo a gallon. . - . v HOP MARKET IS HIGHER; "g . v-.V':? ,iv '. , , "'''yfi ', " ' There is a firmer feeling in the local hop market and prices are probably V4o . a pound higher than yesterday. As high as 21 H" a pound has been paid and is being offered for choice goods today and other grades are proportionately higher. The demand is entirely domestic , ONIONS TO ADVANCE AGAIN A further advance In the, price of ; nttlnntt im -rnsttmA hpr hv th tmd mm country holders are unwilling to let go ated association. Growers are generally refusing to sell at any price just now. Offers of IS a cental are reported made FORECAST" FOB SHIPPERS ' Weather oureau-wsends the following notice to snippers: . Protect shlnments as far north as Se attle f Palnut minimum temperatures of S4 degrees; southeast to Boise, 84 de 1 srees: south to Ashland, 46 den-ees. Minimum tern Denature at Portland to -' night, about 4 degrees. ' PORTLAND JOBBING PRICES .- These prices are these at which wbetfeatert nil to retailers, except, a enerwlse utJ: 4 BUTT SB Nominal. Orcimerr etibei. S4ef rlty prints, 8430c: state CrMmery, ai032e: ranch hotter 22e, ' . : KGOS Nominal. Cindled local ' eitrnt, 44 Q ' 45c; select pallets, 4!c; tut exxint. 40e; spat ' huln price, 89e t,o. b. Portland; storage, I2WS3C. ' "' ' T - UVB POULTRY" Hens 8144erprtnXa, 8'4ri (". 12c! feeee, 12e; Pckla docks. nmnei IndUB Rnnnecs, 10He tuike-i, fxe, drewed et pigeone. old. 1 ,: yoong UW , doicn: IsekMbbUe, fttS dosMii CHEfcSB N'omlntl. rreah Orecnn fancy fall v rreeis twins end triplets, 1T; daisies, lTHi ':! Toons America. 18He. - BUTTER rATC-Prodaeerr price fat PortUad ;:. dtllrerr, per lb.. 4e. ,....- Bops, eol aad Hldte. ' : - ' -' . unra Buvinc price, choice.- 21Mc: nrlma Sovjiitaie medium to prime, 19c; medium, 18 1 vvOOf-KomiBal, 1018 ellp. Winamette tsl. I ler coarae Cotwold, 18e lb.; medium Bhrep vblre, lie; choice Uaey lots. ISo lb.; eastern Oreron, lOiyidc, tceordins to (hrlnkace. r CiilTTlM OR CA8CARA BAHK 11J, , ' lots, 4He; lets thin car lota, 4fte. . , MOHAIR 1818 Nominal Sue. ' " HIDES Dry bldea, ai22o Ib.j greea, llet . salted hide, llci bulla, graen salt. Se; klpa, liU13ci celree, dry, 4Q26c: calf skins, salted or green, 17 ti 18c; greea hldas, to less thaa salted: sbsep pelt, salted, abaarlagt, ioQei rf, lOe. - '?;.."-f ;,v ';' ...... .;,.vv ".v. . :" Orooerles,' - , ....'.v' " SUGAR Cube. 18.60; powdered.i 63.40; fruit ' or berrr, 5.W; beet, $S.00 dry granulated, 5. SO; O yellow, I4.&0. (Abort ijuotattuaa are '. M days sot cash. . BKANS Small white; 6 S-Se tarf arblr. me; nlug, 4i4c; 11 mas, k; pinks, c; nayv 4 It'lOK Japan style. ' Mo. 1, IK 5oi Nsw Orleans, bsad, BKtT Crnl. 6i0. . , HONEY New, 12.78 per ease, . SALT Coarae. fealt groom's. ' 100s, 610 per , ton; aoa I10.TB; table dairy, BOs, 8182 10s. : ' 61T.B0; bales. 82.311; extra tine barrels, Ss. 6a ' end 10s, fa.2see.00; lamp rock. tiO-bo per Us. miito sad Veiotablee. fRSSH rRUlTaV-Orani es, 5.50te.00; ba nsnas. 4i40 lemona, fSltM; jjmes, 11.60 per 100; grapefruit, Florida. d.2S; pineapples. '4ffl7c; cantaloupes, f2.0O4J2.76; eavhes, fan cv, 0c; ordinary. Itoo; watermHons. lije; srapeii. Concords, 18MiO per 4 IJi, baaket; other nrli-ll, fHirl.25; srs, fl.2..tl.60. VKUhTAIll.l'S Turnips, 60wtH: ti-els, 81CI .ir; rtrn'iN. 14it.ia; parsuliw, 811.IS nk; ("I'Iiiico. H-; ''"'el liiumtoi'K. (i(o per hin; ,irii.'; lti'iiuh, 6"; Rrecn oiiiim. per ,i li.mi i.fs; pcppi'l-B. bell. lnr; .,l J,,t. i ... dozi'ii: 't. ; pin fit. Chicosro . Nov. 1. Closing nrlces in the wheat pit todav were Ho to Ka a bushel below yesterday. : The market had an opening break of He to Ho a bushel, but regained practlcaUy all of thia on support ordera Later beariah ness set tn with fresh short "Selling and the closing was at the low mark for the day--:vf;':v:;.i.:i:v,':..s . uroomnaii cabled from Liverpool that tha , wheat market rasnonded tn th steady American cables and the firmer feeling; in Winnipeg, The market opened higher." During the morning weakness in corn and continued generally favor feble weather and crop advioea from Ar gentine led to week-end profit taking ana prices aecunea otta wim a re covery or. ,4oj in Mayp0!1y Range of Chicago prices fumished.by Overbeck & Cooke company. 216-317 Board of Trade building. v- - , ,t . r WHEAT Moatk.. : ' : Open. ,, High. fee. ,.;-. s..7t : tm May 90 4h BO July-; . . .-. gi i V v 87 CORN. Quite Liberal' Shipments Coming to Local Market and Demand la In creasing; Lambjund Jluttoa Chops , Are Said to Be Destination. ; .., tw. Close. nnu. bail a STJ. .; Si H'. way ,4 , , , 70U July ......... TO 70)4 TO TO Dee. v..v;;"..i; May July OATS 88H-;,;884 4211 -42 42 - 42 TORK .,; inoT' ant 2020 ' 3022 ',' lard Not, ,..1045 - 10SS Jan. May Jsa. May ....,..1080 Jan. v..,...".".106T . 1O70 low - BIB8 -1070 ' 1085 io :L wvIb 69 f 69S4A, 88H . 814A. 42 42 . -414 iKA aooa soon - b 2007 2010 B 1045 . 1053 lima . 10A5 B lotto ' 1082 A 13 1079 1085 107T EASTERN ; FRUIT MARKETS ,t'"'' 'r'f; I' ''y':-'k:'i'.-..':. .t!'.'.-. i".... ..' . ' "''' M 'i . iVv " ... -V-" Anjou rears Sell in Chicago at $2.40 v ' lor Choice Offerings; Salwajr v; Peaches 80 to 60c Box. ! New Tork, Nov. T l.Salwar peaches selling here for Boo . to : 60o today. Through ' auction,1. 20 fan deciduous fruits Winter N el 11a, 13. !7; Buerre Easter halves, S1.7S: one car Idaho Jonathans, $1.83; one - car Washington applea part withdrawn; Romes, (2.10 to 12.80. . i ..'-. Chicago Through action today, few Colorado Jonathans, fancy $1.0, choice 11.40; Romes, extras 1.60, fancy $1. 50, choice 11.45; three - cars , Washington apples Jonathans, extras, 11.47, fancy 11.81; Winesaps, extra $2.15. fancy 11.90; two cars Eari Fruit company Oregon Fears, - few Flemish 13.25, Clalrgeau 1.7. D'AnJou 12.41; - SO- Jonathans, fancy-' 11.66, 84" choice $1-40, Colorado !1.42i Ben Davis, fancy 11.20, 280 choice 1.05, Colorado 16.10; Jonathans, fancy 1. 60-11. S5, average 11.80 Washington. Goats are being sold in the Portland market and the demand for dresaea ani mals is increasing with sales at,S4o a pound, according -to quality. Quite liberal arrivals have been shown In the Front street - trade during ' recent days and the outward movement has beeOalul. ly up to supplies. . v ; K- ,. v While leading butchera are hot hand ling this product at this time, tnany butchers are ; eager to purchase It. -It is stated that practically ell of the' goats eventually turn op as lamb or mutton chops , or stew, restaurants being the leading buyers of the product. - According to leading butchera the meat of the goat is perhaps as good as any other animal that is killed for food. In - many inatanoes - country shipper have attempted - to disguise the - goats and dress them to look like lamb or mutton. Front street la not fooled at all. .Neither is the buyer who buys the Froauct on tne street, r xney are pom or what thev are. " Those that have acquired a taste for goat meat state that It is a-very gooe article and as It can be purchased at a fraotlon of the cost of mutton or other, meats, it la a boon to the man wno can not afford to purchase the higher priced FOREIGN, FRUIT, MARKETS . y : ; . -v -. . .-' i-i 1', - ' : ! Pear Market ot So Good Owing to . Very Liberal Offerings; Goofy -' ' , " Quality Is Wanted. ' ''"..y-'V, KJ:'':'f 1 A London mall advice of October II says;..- .. r-. -... . Pears-r-There is no falling off In the supply of pears from 'the state and Canada; and the arrivals of boxed pears continue, on- sV large scale, much larger supplies than the market can take, ap proximately 17,500 boxes.- Many are over-ripe and have had to be repacked and most show heavy. losses.- The prin cipal varieties consistof Cornice,-Winter Nelis, Olout Morceau. . Easter Beurre, etc - Considerable quantities are being put. Into cold storage. - Much, however, and particularly the California Cornice, were too forward, and had to be sold at, the beat f I cure obtainable. Larca slsed fruit, even of the very best Com toe. are airncuit move. Barrels continue to be good trade. - Keif era are in strong demand and selling at from 14.60 to 15.60. . . -. - - .. v,. Apples rnese are increasing in quan titv dally and there is a strong demand for good quality. Some fine Canadian barreiea stock maae gooa prices, juigni- een thousand barrels of wove Bcotian fruit arrived and sold -at moderate prices. Oregon Newtowns sold at 13.26, and California Newtowne, which are ar riving In better condition, sold at 12.25. . California Cornice. 11.60 to 13.00; Olout Morceau, 11.76 4.00 half boxes. . California Winter Nells, JO8.40 boxes; !.002.25 half boxes. . (jregon cornice, sx.zosxs.nu; nui doxss. Hudson fiver fceltera, 14.60 S.50 bar rels, i.v -'.j.'..." v.vv'j.r- New ' Tork state Anjou. tl.001.60 barrels; Bartletts, T.758.25. - , California Newtons. S2.00t2t.SO; Ore gon Newtowns, 2.403.26. ; ' Nova Bootla Ribs tons, S.OO1.50; Blenheims. I3.60O1.75 barrels. Canadian Gravenstelne. 84.T5.00; Mcintosh Red. 14.7606.26 barrels. Canadian Greenings. $1.504.S6. IV, Zdvemool XsTarket. t , Pears Arrivals lighter but'prjees un changed Demand principally tor bar reled stock. Large slsed pear not wanted. - - " " - V" ' - Apples Market continues strong for Tork Imperials. Kings and Albemarle. These have been realising excellent prices, the former selling up to K-85. California Newtowns In demand, color Wftntod New 'Tork state Kelfers, $4.25 O6.00; Bartletts. 1.00.60 barrels. . -! s Hudson river-Keif ere, $4.0005.00. California Newtowns. i tier. 12.150 S.40; 4H tier, $1.02.00. - Canadian Kings, $6.6097.00; Green ings, $4.006.00 barrels. . . New Tork tate Baldwins, 94.260 $.00; Qrenlnga, S4.SI0B.SI. Virginia Tork Imperials. $5.76 1.25. k::',-'01bSwKmW.' ;v '7 Pears Large arrivals of California and Canadian pears In boxes and half boxes, demand moderate and market de cUniag. - . - Apples Market continues strong, about 29,000 barrels this week, and any thing showing color met with a good demand and in spite of the large quan tity prices nave own very swu iok. Ten thousand barrels cf Nova Sootlan fruit due foday.ifc--'v!., California Comics,' SS.00O2.60; Beurre Hardy, $2.002.26 half box. - California Winter Nells, I4.O604.2S box; ii.iswz.zs.' Canadian Kings. $5.6001.25; Ribstons, $4.7u5.00' barrels. ..". Hudson river Baldwins, $4.00 4.60; Kings, $5.0006.76 barrels. . vrrginla Tork Imperials. $5 60Jl.26. i) IvJii PATENT W, mmm, severe ! t 'W'ry'.-))Sissii,tlsy- j- J j " . - A.- "fc CUT PRICE OF PRODUCT While List I rnchanged at $1.70 a ' Barrel, : Sales Are Being Made JYom 9-1.30 to $1.45; Export IS Also Being Shaded a Trifle.', WHEAT CABO0E3 FIRM " Iodoo o. 1. Wheat cargoes on passage firm. ' . Knfllah couotry markets quiet, , ,, -i- Freuch-country markets quiet.. ( POBTUND ClBAIN BECEIPTS "'4 'M' :!:: ''.,.',.. ,-, ' liars , i ' v Monday J (1 7 IH Tuesday 11J H , Wednesday lU! SO ' Thursday m -. S rvldiy ...A 1 i A i Bsturdsy ,.,..,.i.Vt4-i. 8. Ysar ao OS 20 Total this week. 6fr ' Tear ago 518 - K"7- 8easue to date... .TUT, U'W ': Xear ago . ..7184 v W2 :- ' Wbcat llarlp,'lour.Osta.Ha7 i.i Tm iu a v 3 4T All M3 I 71)7 . P9S SIT . rd 840 8 59 US a 14 44 si 31 m Tl NORTHWEST, 'BANK , STATEMENT - , " -. ' srertlasd 2aaki. . (lurlnM - . This -week. Patordsr , ..,.......$1,618,546.22 f2.S14.212.87 rrlday ............. 1.777.02fl.8 S.00SU28.99 Ttaarsday l,6.nm Wednesday ,. 1,886.170.6 Tuesday S 2V8.80S.01 Moo day ......... S.616.011.10 weea Tear asov 1,B09,M.W "1.704.818.38 -l.R43.IB8.a3 i.o&a,sea.6o .$11,841,41 47 $11,808,866.80 est () ; artichokes, $1.40 doeea; sprouts, Uei splnaeh, local ( ); peaa, )7o. . i . - BBKRIKB Hackleberrlea, So lb.; cranberries, local. $8.60; eastera, $10.60 barrel, ONIONS Jobbing price $2.00; carload bey. tag price $1.76 t o. , b, sclpplng suttoa; larlle, SQ0O lb. AfPLE-8pltstatMrg. $1.0082.00;' Nortbere Spy, 81.261.75; Jonathan, $1.00J2.00; Rkode Island Greening, 81.00 1. 2.1: Winter. Bsuaoa. $10(82.60; Ortley,, $1.2Sj(i.73; Orarcnateln, $1.0(K(1.75 per box; cooking grades, 75c0$l.OO, fOTATOES Selling prlc.l Extra choice Sl.lD4iil.i25; choice, fl.lB; ordinary, 81.00 sack; baring pries, carloads, floQ75c, country potata; weeti, 8ff lb. .-.i. t v Sfeata, risk aad Vrevisiess. ' DRkSSEO UKATS Selling price Oonntry killed: Hoga, faney, lie: ordinary, lOQl0(c; rough - and heavy. Be; fancy reals, i.; or dinary, J8134c; , poor, 8tl0i!i Jambe, lcj mutton, 10c; goats, 4e. , UAMS, BACON. ETC. Hams SO 22e; break, (t baooa, 18f28c boiled bam. (M)c) Bicalea. UVe; cottage T ) , - MKATfc tarklug bourne Mtrtn. J. 1 stock. IStte; cow a. No. 1 stock, llftc; awes, 8He; weUiers, Se; lambs, UHc; port tolas, ki drsaaed bogs, ISHc . . OX8T ttua htxwlwater My, per galloa i l per 100 lb. sack t ; Clrmpia. per gallon. 43.60; per 100 lb. sack itf caaned, eastern; 5c can; 88.60 doma; eaatern. In shell, Ci.ISM .00 per loo; rasor dams, $2.00(i(25 box; past, era oysters, pes gallon, solid pack, 82.78. LAUD lit r ess, 12Ve; cooiuouud, tierces. USB Momlnai Dresaed floeaaers, 7c; bsll. bat 64flOc; striped baas, 17c; sUrerside salmoa. Be; halibut 8tl0c soles 7o lb.,- shrimps! KMe; perch, 8a lb. lobtters. 30e lb.; black bata lOe; sIItst smelt, Tc; shad (11 black cod, 7e: sturgeon. J 2 He - " " CEAB3 Large, $1.75; niedlnm, $1 doses. f.v,vi-'v, ', Valnta end Oils. ? ..i,,'..r,'v UNSEED OIL Haw bbls.. Me per gal.; ket. tie boiled, bhls., 6Mc grfl.; raw caws, 8ic; boiled cnes 8,ic gal,; lots ot 250 gallons, 1c leas; ull cake lnial. $44 per ton. VVltl IK LfcAl lou lots, Se per Ib. 500 lb. kit. c i-r lb.; 1ps lots, SKe per lb. oil. MKAI-t'aiload lots, ILUl'tMJNB lu cases, 7St; wood barrels. IOvj lioa t.o ve galwaj- M case Wis, Clearing ,.. Balances ..... eattle Beaks. ... $1040.24X00 ,;. 188,224.00 .Taoema Beaks. . t' t. r. . . ... . ... , ..$ 2S6.781.00 .27,28X00 " w Clearings Balances ...... k Sau Francisco Produce Market. Ban - Francisco, Nov. - 1. Wheat, . per cental, club and red Russian, $1,450 1.46 tt; northern bluestem, tl.6601.67H; do., recleaned seed, 1.70ai.72Vsj Tur key red, $1.66l.tt; fortyfold, $1,609 ' Bariey, per -cental, good to choice feed, fl.8601.27tt; lower grades, ,$1,800 1.88 tt ; shipping an Brewing, 1..40g 1.45... .)- : ' i.v 1 :'' s Potatoes, per cental, delta whites, 75o Ofl.OO; fancy. $1.06 01.10; Salinas, $1.80 43)2.00; Oregon Bur banks, $1.86 1.60; sweets, $1.00ei.S. . ' -. ' Onions, par cental, silrerskins, $1.2$ 91.50. Butter, extras, S2o; prims firsts, $0e; firsts, 26c. Eggs, extras,' 64o; select pullets, ,42o; Storage extras, 13c. Cheese, California flats, 1617Hc; do. Toung America, 161917H; eastern, 14 H ri 20c: Oregon twins. J(c; do. Toung merica, 17o. " , . . Seattle Produce Market. Seattle, Nov. l.Egge, select ranch. 62064c; April storage, 82c; fresh east ern, 40c; local storage, S5c. , Butter. Washington creamery cubes S4c: city creamery brick, 86c: fresh eastern, S0ig31c; Oregon, SO&Slc. Cheese, Tillsmook, l7ttc: Toung America, lie: triplets, 17He; Wisconsin twins, 18c; Oresron triplets, 17Hc- Onions, California yellow, 20 2540 lb,; local, $1.6001.76 per sack. - , '. . . Potatoes, local, $1920; Taklma gema $22025; California sweet", $2 per 100 lbs; Jersey sweets, $4.75$$.0i per bbl. . .,-. 1 " '' .--; San FVancisco Barley Calls. : San Francisco, Nov. 1. -Barley 'falls: Open. High. Low.-. Close. Nov. .... 135B . .". . ...... 126i A Pen. ..... 137 1I7V4 - la ' Wli May Ha .. 141 14J xa "The market for flour Is demoralised and - milling n: Interests 'are suffering heavy financial bosses. ;N While there has been practically no change 'in the list price of patent flour and it Is still quoted at $4.70 a barrel, actual Business is no higher than $4.46 a barrel and little business Is reported above $4.40. In fact, thp bulk of the business may be considered around $4.30w4.35. ) There never has been a. period in the history of the trade here when patent flour valuea were so thoroughly demor alized as at this time. The. cutting is general: In fact ' has been so for mme time. Millers charge one another with inaugure ting the cutting, and many harsh things are said about each other. It develops that after ' the millera held a meeting and decided to make no change in the price of patent flour when the old crop season was merged into the new one. many millers took exception to thia and began to shade their valuea The result waa that within' a short time the general trade was In a turmoil, and todav It la impossible to secure an ac curate price on - patent. ' ' r - in a lesser aegreo, uio uui. tunuiuun applies to export flour, - values in that Una being shaded from 6c to 10c a bar rel under the list price: This is really lower than what the wheat can be pur chased at. jn"v."- '-"- '. ; The wheat market la firmer and bids for club today are higher- at . 7c a bushel, tidewater track basis. Bluestem bids range rrom 8c to so. While there is not as firm tone in the hay market here ' today as at the atart of the week owing to the rather lltwal tiurchases at nearby points re cently, the situation at interior Oregon, Idaho and, Washington points continues favorable. . .... J. H. Klosterman & co local nay in terests, report the situation as follows; . Values on both timothy and alfalfa continue strong in the Interior. Tem porarily, owing tP large arrivals, prices have slumped off a bit in the olty, which will probably not affect interior prices. - Alfalfa la hard to buy at $10 In the country, and with the amount of feeding to be done this winter, and the shortage of the crop, farmers ahould nearly get tneir own ngures. in ins Wallowa country feeders have paid as high as 810 in the field, which would mean $15.60, Portland, although thle la an isolated instance. , High grade dairy atuf f, however, ia now bringing within si nf thta fla'iirn. Portland, with nros- peefs of the price becoming general with the next let-up in ahlpWntsv City nrlcna An . hav . have vacillated alwaya with fh aiae of the shipments, and are no Index what hay can be bought for tn the interior. With arrivals of 181 care this week, It is natural tnat a tem porary weakness should take place, but we should see higher hay. In fact, de pendent on the winter, .ye might see very high hay, In both alfalfa and tim othy oy spring.-. m. Prices to the retail trade are as Tf. lows: Alfalfa. $14; strictly No. 1 UnV. thy, $18?17; off grade. $14 to $15; oat and vetch, $14; cheat, $13; clover, $10 t0WHfcAT Nominal producers prices, track basis: Club, .79c; milling blue stem, 88089c; Turkey red, 8485c; fortyfold, 80c; red Russian and hybrids, 78c; valley. 80c bushel. , BAJRLKY Nominal producers' prices. track basis: Feed, $25; brewing. $25; rolled. $S.6!psr, -ton. OAT8 New, feed, zt.6Utjz; milling. S25 per ton. -r FLOUR Selling price: patent, $4.40 tnilf.- Willamette valley. 84.4004.45: local stralglit, $8.8604.10; export, $8.60 HAYProducera' prices: ' Willamette ern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy. $16.60; alfalfa. $14018.60; vetch and oats, $11 12; clover, i(ji per ion. s MTT.T.STirirjra-SeflinsT nrlres - Bran. $20.60021; middlings $29.60030; aborts. WS.MtVia per ion, - ' ' . ' CLOVER SEED Buying price: No. 1 red, country points,, SHc; Portland, 10o; AlBike. 18014c..':.,'-T.:;,.;,;.t : KANSAS CITY HOGS :' LOWER i Market Down 10 Cent Again With Tops) at $8; Sheep Trado Strong. : Kansas City, Kov. 1. Hogs 1500. , Market iOe lower. Tops $8- t " ' . , Csttle 800. Market week. w :,'.. ',;,; v ebeea-HtSoO.;:,. Market .strc-ng..;' : ., . ; CHICAGO HOGS ARE LOWER ' Sales Are Made at Loss of Dime i sin the Yards; Others Steady. 1 Cblcagn. Kor. l.--Hosr 13,000. j Market IOe lewer.- Mixsd $7 0ftt8.20; hesry, 87.764J8.20 rough, $7.85X7.(W: light, $7.5&QS.10. , , Csttle-1300. Market steady. , v btp 8000. Market steady. - ' OMAHA HOG PRICE REDUCED M ' . ' . . '. , ' - -., v "r- ' "f. ' Missouri River Market Quoting Loss " of Nickel for the Day. '' ' I (Rtieeto) to The Journal) . South Omahs,. No. 1. Hoits 4S00, ; .Market slow, steady t 8c lower at $7A37.80. Sheep 1000. Market steady. Yssrtlilfre $5.tl t&.65; wether. 4.W)ffl4.7D; lambs, $7.00(7.40; swee. $4J4.50...- .. (1 ".. "' :-i'U.- -"v'.; ;.. sjstlle Noee, -r-r': " ' DENVER HOGS RULE STEADY No General Change iu : Situation Is , Shown; Tops Selling at $7.03. i (Rpeeltl to The Journal.) ' " Denver. Nor. 1. Hogs None. Market steady, S7.v7.05. Csttle S. Steers $8.0087.50; cows and helfsrs. S4.BOtfJ8.40. - - l ' Sheep 14.0HO. Yearlings $4.7S5.23;, weth era, I4.25S24.80; ewes, $3.604.15; lamhe, $8.20 , ' " ' ' . . i' k I, " i Money and Exchange, . . Tndon, Nov."" lConeols, holiday; silver, 20 27 -ld; bank rate, 6 per cent. v- Nw York. Nov. 1. Sterling exchange, long. $4.82; short, i $4.86; silver bullion, 6910..;;;. San Francisco. Cal.. NoVi 1. Sterling exchsnge, 80 days, $4.80; eight $4.844; documentary. . $4.74; transfer, tele sjrapliic. 8 per cent premium; ' sight, 3 per cent premium. . - J 'a. New York Cotton Market.' (Furnished by Overbeck ' & Cooke Co.) Open. High . Low. Close. . January . ....1844 1237 'V1S3S 134148 March . ....1849 ,1347 ', im 134344 May 1 S 4 S 1347 3336 1342W45 July .. 1328 1337 136. 13334S4 August ..... ... .... .... 1318420 November:..''... 13o0iii62 Decemhpr '.. .1369 1375 mi lj70472 Journal Want Ada bring results. dlbiiiU IS '.. i U ARA lT l!flR s sss MMiaa t riAua in r v liiMIUVLI 111 UUUI1IIU . -, 1 ! re: l of v:. s f.-r tiie linuif!.a(o i Sales Are Made Ilere ht $8.30, or 10 Cents Better Than the Highest roint la the .East; Chicago and Others Showing Loss.' .v' . 4 ' ; Today's Hog Markets. ' ' Tops. i North Portland ; $8.30 4 Chicago . 8.20 4 Kansas City .,,,.,;..,., S.00 4 p South- Omaha. . .;,;. i 7.80. Denver .'. . , ., ........ 1 , ' 7.68 New York, Nov. 1. Kxtreme dullness w as the chief characteristic Of today's trailing and the stock list drifted aim 1" - .ly without dlsnlsvtna- anv lndica- S i! ,UMi$, PtyttJLt nture .trend. The majority itiTir,,i Jwr tM,v' t-iinnJum iicBoiit u appeared to oe consensus or Opinion that raaulta ' nt forthcoming elections may for a period eaert quite an influence. on the matter of molding sentiment. It la said that something definite with regard -to the adminis tration's ew Mexican policy, will de velop next week, which may also con tribute toward shaping or at least di recting the action of professional trad ing element, whose operations at this period appear for thf most part to dom inate the, immediate course of security 'Prices. .'",y ,v- -r,-'. v .-:f:;:',',;:,('1i.,,M'...i v. Blr Jeorge Palsli, r the eminent Eng lish, economist, is quoted as predlotina? a world wide, period of contraction, and as stating that the extent of the slack ening tendencies . in trade circles - will depend upon the United States, Prance and England, v Confidence In most quar ters is still lacking. -.-.v-.' sv.- : '; 444444ee4444e X-':',-f. '''-'!." :; , j v-'-. ,, 1 V FQHTLAKD UVESTOCK RCN ' Hoffs. Cattle,' Calves. Sheep. : 40l-. 84 .' : 84 y, 61 80il. -18,-. 185 ': 83 ' ...-' 7i ' 38'' 704 220 39S use 173 m 1858 Rsturday .1 MW Friday ........... 065 Thursday . ; , . . . . . , it Wednesday , 8h2 Tuesday 4M9 Monday i v, t v .1818 Week ago ........ 75 Yesr agu ........ at! Two years aco..,, 642 ' There waa little stuff available for the market today. 'While 11 loads were received during the last 24 hours at North Portland, only 8 loads were f the open market.': The remainder of the stock came direct to the Union Meat company from Its country buyers. ' The ' firmness in the sheep trade is continued and the atrong prices tf jrex terday remain unchanged. There wit only one load of. aheep on the market today. y---,.- i-.-'- . : -.-. --.- At Chicago there was a steady tone In the sheep trade, and prices were un- hanged. :ansea City sheep market tuled .strong Couth Omaha sheep market remains! steady. .....J'- ' . ; .. Denver sheep prices were firm. '- '-: ' Today's general mutton market rang: Best spring lambs .........$ . 6.76 Ordinary lambs 6.50 Yearlings . , , ,6.00 Old wethers " - Fancy ewea n . ; . i.-.tn . r. . 3.80 J.J0 Ordinary ewes . . A . . . ... . S.003.50 W'i Ho Cattle' for ISarkst, 4rWo additional supplies of cattle were reported on the North Portland market overnight' The condition of the trade ia generally considered steady , with no change- in values.- --.f , i - - : Conditions In the cattle trade at other points are steady to slow with little change) in values. At Chicago there waa a steady tone for the day, Kansas City was weak, South Omaha nominal and Denver steady. r-v--- Today's general cattle market range! Best steers .........,.., ..,$7.407.60 Range 'of New "York prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co 216-217 Board ot j-'raoe puiiaing:.- TiKKCKlrTION AmalKamated Cupper Co. Ameru-ao V. rai c American Can, c...,. American Loro., e... A merles u Butrsr. e....v, American Kinelt, . ..,, Am. Tel. ' ft Tei.....' Anaconda Willing t)e. , . , Atchtsoo, c. - . , . ., .. Baltimore at OUlo, e. lieet Bucar Hraoktye Bapld Transit! cauadlao fscinc, c.,.. CM.. O. W., e.,,., t nl.. Mil. tt. Chi. a H. .... CMdo Onper, CheMpeake Ohio...,. Colorado P. I., c.,,. Colorado Southern, e..,, Delaware a Hudson..,. Denrer ft R. O., e.... Krle, f. Krle. 1st pf. 0. Xortnern. it....... Illinois Centre..,..... Int. sletroitolltss, c. ... Ulilgh Vslley Ksrsus City Southern. .. lAuleville ft N'sshrllle.. M., K. T,, e. ....... tllsaourt JPaclf ic. National Iad ......... Nevada Consolidated . , . New Havsa v. t New Xork Central...... N. y.. O. ft W... Norfolk ft Western, e,. North Americaa Pacific Mall 8. B. Co.. Peunsylraala Railway. . P. ., I ft C. Co.,.. Pressed Steel Car, e.... Ray Cons. Copper....... Heading, c. Repobllc I. ft 8., .... Hock Inland, c.,.. i..-, Bt. h. ft B. P.. 1st pf . . Southern Pacific, e.... Boathere Hsllwsy, Tesa. . Copper. ......... .. . n..tt.- ' t., at. u w., e Colon Pacific, e. -., i mi un . r- i-i i ii-- bi ..... . I CfH. stubber, e...... u. B. steel Co.. e...w. V. S. Steel Co., pf... 7.256-7.36 ... 7.00 8.60 , .40 6.2S . 6.60 4.60 6.00 i $.86 6.60 8. 6069.00 Ordinary steera Poor steers . Best heifers ... Best cows Medium cows . ... Poor oows i . Ordinary bulls ................ Fancy stags Fancy bulla Prim. Ilarht ralven. ......... . Prime heavy ........... v. .... 6.607.60 - atog Trade Zs Highest. ' While there was no change in the general situation In the hog trade here for the day, the loss In valuea at points east of the Rockies again gave North Portland the highest market for swine in the entire country. - - There were arrivals of but two loads of hogs for the open market here over night, although a number of loads came direct to a local killer. At Chicago there was a weaker tone and lower prlcea for hogs today, v Kansas City hog market ruled weaker and lower. . . South Omaha hog market was weak and lower today. . . . Denver had no arrivals of hogs for the day, therefore the market ia nomi nal. -""' " - - - Today's general hog market range: Top killers .' ...........$8.)6&8.80 Good and light ............. 8.008.10 Heavy.......... 7.60 Rough and heavy .......... 7.00 7.26 Today's Zdvestock SThlppsrs. Hogs Walla Walla Meat company, Athena, 1 load: C. E. Lucke, Canby. 1 load; J. D. Dengmore, Lebanon, 1 load: Fred B. Decker, Silverton, 1 load: Will Block, Monmouth. 1 load; H. O. Wart man, Med ford. I load. Bheep C, W, Helm, McMlnnvllle, 1 loed. '""''.'-.: -; ."...''' '. Mixed atuf f--Hugh Cummings, Cor vallla. 8 loads hogs -and sheep: C. E. Lucke. Canby, 1 load hogs and sheep. Compare tire run of livestock at North Pert- Una sn owl Utah Copper a Chet c. ..... W. -C Telegraph. Vlrclnia WaUs6, Chemical Westlnghouse - Kleetrir. Wisconsin Central, e, jppen Wirh tow soii "80 'io" '2 'in" 18u4 121 120 84 U4 84 02 OliU 02W 03(2 W 8.1 if 2.H 2.1 23 87 " 87 'SOft 224 ZU 224 ioi;" ioi ioi",' 'wis su 8SM ::!:: 27 27 27-' 160 160 160 '27 'iiii 27 2- 42 42 mt vua i a iaii i.iiii isi'u 20 20H so 28 : 28 88 ' .: a afea's 'i 'is' 'ai so W!4 ss eas sieA- 'ioii 'ao'i '' 108 108T 108 .' '-;.' 'i8 "18 100 180 160 10 J9 4 14 14 8 87 86" "" '28 "88," iioii iio iso !:;! 6 67 M 107 10T 107 62 62 62 'a7 e34 6.V- 84 88 OU Close 72H 4aw ov 107 8 ' 11-OT4 84 'A 83 Z. 8 '226 : lot , 120 ae 51 i ZT 27 150 105 14 1S1 2454 131 zv 28 43 H 15 82 08 103 72 20 1084 123- Z4 I8H 180 1 IS 7 23 , h 160 81 68 58 107 62 27 82 W 08 44 : us e Or :il ExGovemor Says lir.pcach- ; Referendum, Recall, - To prevent waste of tooth powder a Massachusetts Inventor has patented a small container to be hinged to a brush, on which It pours Its contents at short range. - ',.. , . - 1 (Felted Press LeaseS Wtre.l New York. Nov. I. "My Impeachment and removal will do more than anything else to bring about thji Initiative, refer endum and the recall in New Tork stata and elsewhere,'; asserted , ex-Governor Sulier In an Interview given to . ;he United Press today. s "I was recalled by a corrupt political, boss,"; he continued, "but the story i known and the question the people may snswer for themselves Is - whether I would "have been removed if the recall had rested with themt "A horsethief In frontier days would have received souarer deal.' The court was packed against me. But the peo ple's court of recall couldn't be packed. My story before lt.would have been ad missible evidence. - "The people elected me; Murphy re called me. And i n not tne oniy gov ernor who might tell eech a atory a held New York up to shame. Murphy Isn't the only boss. - Other governors might- tell of receiving- orders from the heeds of invisible governments. Prob ably there have been other Uaffney or war messages. "The difference is that I refused to submit snd the threats against me were made good.- . " . -"Next Tuesdsy my answer will ho given, at the polla, to Murphy's recall. I am no longer governor, but I have my self-respect.',.;';;';:'fi1;..?v;;.:',.'t SUSPECT ARRESTED FOR DAYLIGHT HOLDUP Traced -from Portland ii. to 1 Spokane, thence to Seattle snd later to Taeoirm, Emery Hardman r was arrested this morning for the daylight holdup of Max Turtletaub 10 days ago In South Port land. Hardman la colored and was em ployed at the Portland hotel aa a waiter. '. Detectives have been tracing the man since the holdup of the South Portland grocery. They , also obtained evidence that Hardman committed a holdup in Portsmouth a few nights before the South Portland robbery, - Margaret Montplaiaer, a white woman, left Portland with , Hardman and was arrested with him 7 at Taconia. - Pe tectlve Snow will leave this evening to return the couple to Portland. JUVENILE COURT GIVES BOY ONE MORE CHANCE Irwin Oliver, a 17-year-old boy' whose tendency, toward using ' other people's .u.viiivuuto un. . , u.n Jf 11.1. unit 111 .trouble, must break rock on the county rockplle for one year if he fails to make good. ; Judge Oates of the' Juvenile court gave him ,his last opportunity this - morning. Young Oliver and an other boy were arrested last Saturday .night by County Agent Bulger aa they were about to run off with 8. D. Vin cent's automobile from in front of the Chamber of Commerce building. BUILDING UP 7 "Constructive" banking is the working" idea , of this bank. We help build up our.cus-; J tomers business. ' - ' - ' . Security, Savings and Trust Co. Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus . , . , r - , ,$1,400,000 Menth to date i Year ago. Cattla "ii Calres. Boas. ...... , 6ft . . .. ( . 119 - 830 ' iVf.i ii ' 87,817 ! Inerease ... .....' t'..',..."' Peerease IS ,'-'., 8" Yesr to dste 4I9.808 . . 4.S7S Year ago.... 66,469 3,483 , Inercasa' '.Y.'ii 3.S2 Fridaf Afterneea Sales. '..', - STEERS Seetloei, '. Oregoo COWS Oregon 1 ....... 7 Montana .............. 28 Montana .............. 29 Montana Montana ............... Montana Montana Hootasa Moataoa Montana Montana Montana Montana Mont sua Orcgou , Oreso Oreson Oreson Sheen. , 704 j i i - 104 ; tto'iiw 307.2t 1,91 ' IW.441 41.894 ire. Ibe. ' Prlee. J ............... 24 .as ! 2S JM i 4 a m a f t 7 . 30 in 8..' .. t . -.4 , ..I BULLS .. t marcits ; s- XWEB . M .........190 HOGS ................ : tn 92 97 4 . U 1 "1 Oregon Oregon Oregon' Oregon Oreroa ' Oregon Orecoo Oregoa Orecnn Orefon 0r(on Oregon Oregon ) Oreoa Oregoa ; About 10,900,000 cr tbe world's inhab-1 Hants use the Portuguese langusge. 1 ""! . ..,. . 70 . 4 a 802 ;,. 18.78 loso 'V IS IO i 9:0 5S HA:i 5 S3 i 918 " ' 6.05 I 97ft ',. e ss j 92T , 5.05 ' :. 980 ' S.6S R.14 S.SS 9i3 ; 6.8 : VMS 1 6.S5 M)S ' , S.S9 ,v (n i t as 9AS B.OS 'i- 943 .i, 6.H 940 B.OO ioi ' ' : s.ixi KA7 4 60 830 ; 4.00 1140 . (4-SO 1040 10.75 1 )-.' ' 90. 3.90 94 8.90 1 i 108 , 88.80. ' , 2us s.ao 1H2 ' : "... 8.90 ia . tt.8o; HO 8.10 ' 12H 8.10 8V 7.30 300 T.80 es. - I $8.80 Mi i 7.MJ 870 TSO- -' i, OFFICERS: GEO. W. BATES... President JOHN A. KEATING ......... .Vice-President E. C. CRAWFORD..: ...Vice-President A. L. TUCKER........ ........Cashier GRAHAM DUKEHART'. . . .Assistant Cashier ' LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANlt CORNER FIFTH AND STARK Resources Millions FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' ; CAPITAL $l00,CHXr " . SURPLUS $1,000,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE ,.:' ROCKY- MOUNTAINS CORNER FIRST AND WASHINGTON STREETS 0VERBECK&C001C0. tooks. Bonds, Cotton, Orain, rial '. l ns.tiT osr of Szade BalMiaa. 5 DIRECT: PRIVATE WIRES' TO ALL EXCHANGES Memhera Chicago Board of Trade. : Correspondents of Logan as Bryass -Cbicaso. New York; J.C.VILS0N&C0. m-",m ,v .:.,s."-, - Moronisms -NEW YORK STOCK I5XCTANGR NEW TOKK COTTON EXCHANUB CHICAGO HOARD Olf. TUADK THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHA.NCE ' SAN FRANC1PCO . r oivr land cuicr: 863 Oait SU ProtJB Tloor, Jiw'i T-'j. . . liianesJ MuaU 4 J, A-t. ,. .aidd'-''Tikon pnn!: y; Established 1 53 CAPITAL Cl.CC0.CCa.C3 SURPLUS Cl.CCO.CCO.CD co:.:::lial ai:d EAvir.cs acccu::t: Letter cf Crc;, rraf'.s rr 3 7r-v v !al3 i , All Veils c ' f VV