The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 01, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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    1 ' 1 1 1 tit ('
IIEILNJ Eleventh lud Morrison. ' "Chocolate
L BaMlU Broadwnr and Morrlaou, "The House
IVeit Door." riii-lii In 8:ii(l.
. nautical comedy oorapauy in "A ui ins
1 Pole." T:BU aud 0 p. ta. -i ' '
PANTAGKM Hroadwar and Alder;: Vaudavllle,
' Cnrtalu. 8:80, 7:18, .9:10. ' "''
COLUMli A Hixtb, between Washinetnn and
Rtrk ati. Motion nlrturpa 11 a. m. to 11 D. m.
PEOl'LES THiiATRB 1 West Writ and Aide
ati. Marw Plcklord "'Iu th Blabop'l Oar-
i rlare," notion pictures, 13 ni, to 8. p. m. r
AttCADfi YVeahlnjton, between Sixth and
Broadway." ' Motion nlnturea. .:' v. f t i f '
6TAB Wathlngton and Park. Motion pictures.
.: ;H .-'' . Weather Condition.
Portland and . Ttciolty -OocMional I Tain to
night and Bandar; variable winda, beeomlug
somberly. ....:,-....,-,. .; - - -
Oregon and Washington Oceaalonal rala west
tonight and Sunday! rain : aaat portion tonight
or tiunday; variable wind, becoming souiBerir,
Idaho Bain tonight or Bnnday. ,-...;.. ,
IJlBtilct Foriiter.
:. : - Vew -, . Sate - on ."'.Broom''' ' ' Hanolee--
Through tho application of the trans
, portatlon ' commltteo of ; tha , Portland
Chamber of Commerce,; the railroads
have agreed to a' reduced rate on fir
' proom handle from Portland to Mle
aomrl; ;y: river.-'-point". -The s reduction
amounts to SO cent per 100 pounds, or
something like; 8120 oa. a, carload. The
new " rata Is 65 cents,1 against 86 cents
previously exacted. . This allows Fort
, land manufacturers to' sell In coropeti
' tlon with the broom handles from Mich
igan. An ;-,etenslvv market - for . this
commodity exista in the. Missouri val
ley, where factories are established at
Kansaa City, Mo.; Deshler, Neb., and
Rawlins, Wyo. x
, Deatb of C. W. Becker. Word has
Just been received In this city ; of, the
death of Clarence W. Seeker, for many
years' a- resident of Portland, In San
Francisco last month, Mr, Becker came
to Portland with his parents in 1890 and
resided here up to three years s,go...He
cam to the coast from Indiana,' having
: been born in La Porta county of that
state in 1883. Funeral services were
conducted by Rev. C. 8. Tanner of the
Richmond Presbyterian Church, Ban
Francisco. ' , , n
STew exhibits at Museum The new
work at the Museum of Art consists of
book covers, with original drawings and
. the dies used In printing the covers, and
drawings for book decorations by Bertha
" Stuart; a small group of sketches in oil
by Nancy M. Ferguson, of Philadelphia,
and a group of ; stlll-llfe paintings by
Marls Claussenius. The Museum Is open
dally from 9 to 6 o'clock: Sundays. 3 to
S; free the afternoon of Tuesday, Tours
1 day, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
' Answers Damage nifexrThat 'a' beat-
f In alven Henry Zorn, a laborer, on
September S at-SO Cook street, was ad
. ministered in defense of two women
whom Zorn was attempting to assault
criminally is thevdefenss of George
Enrelke to a $20,300 damage suit brought
by Zorn. Engelke said that ha went to
V the auccdr of the women with an an
loaded rifle and that Zorn turned on
him when ha appeared. He alleged that
v be beat Zorn up in self defense and to
nave the women. 'V'v;-.'V,v-'
Indians Plead Guilty. Andrew J. Gab
. hardt and Charley Whirlwind. Umatilla
reservation bloods, ' each pleaded guilty
, to Introducing liquor on the reservation
and were sentenced to two months in
Jail and given fines of 1 100. Whirlwind.
who M t feet,- 8 inches tall, is an' old
offender, having come up regularly for
the same offense since the time when
.-' Judge ' Bellinger occupied the federal
bench. They were arraigned by Assist
ant United States Attorney Sumrall.
Marvin Given Kine Montha. J. 3.
Marvin, . arrested in August by, Secret
service Agent , AViuiam Glover, and
charged with impersonating a United
States secret service official, pleaded
guilty to the charge In federal court
r yesterday and ' was sentenced to nine
.months In the county jail. He was found
in Sauvies island, and is said to have
c obtained a loan of 3 from his landlady
inrougn tna xraua.;v.. t ; ;.r j-;.-, rr.
, JMrst PresbytSrJaa Chjtirch, corner 12ih
, and Alder streets.rRev,;: John H. Boyd
j. pastor,' at me io:sti mornina ser
. vice, will begin a series of sermons on
"Some v Changing Ideas in "Religious
i nougnt.- ? xne topic-for November tnd
is "The Bible in Relation to the Mod
ern Mind." 1 At 1:45 p. rn. Dr. Boyd will
preach on "Why the World is so Full of
, (Adv.)
Aajndged' Bankrupts Snyder e Co.,
, merciianis or uienaaje, .uougias county,
were adjudged Involuntary bankrupts in
federal court yesterday on petition of
T. K Snyder and Mrs. D. N. Snyder, who
' are connected with the corporation. Both
bold large notes against the establish
ment The indebtedness of the company
is ;u,ttf.4 vitn assets, or ,17,448.06
, Uaoola Alnmnl Hike. Meeting at the
; corner or Xhira and Morrison streets.
Sunday arternoon at 1:30 o'clock the
Lincoln Alumni ..Association will take
their regular Sunday, afternoon walk.
: They will go to Mt : Tabor, visiting the
park and taking a walk on the Powell
Valley road and returning to, the city
; bjr way of Lents. , . ,
' Bousehold ' OoodsIn The Sunday
Journal Want Ads you will find soma
exceptionally good buys; the "Household
Goods' classification will have every
:v thing listed, from body Brussels carpet
to a large oil painting. Mf you are in
need of anything for your home you can
save money by : reading these bargains
..Sunday. , "',
: , Blvoree Is ' Oranted-A decreeof dl-
vorca ' was granted Mattle B. Rhyne
from EH B. Rhyne by Circuit Judge
. Davis, Cruelty was charged.. .. 1 ,
1 Bew Thought leotnra-Harry Gaze, a
lecturer for the New Thought society,
will give a free lecture tomorrow after-
'.. latth y'i'
. Twelfth and Taylor Sts. v:v
- Sr. Benjamin Tonng, Pastor
- . ; -10:30 a. M..':;'.'" r";i, r
"Smith ' and the Church
- and the Church .
' and Smith"
Aftermath of j dlscusRlon In the
Atlantic f Monthly by Meredith
. v. ' Nicholson. . .,
7:30 P.-'M' V
'The Woman Who Could
Make Up Her Mind" '
Live Topics! A Hearty Service!
Good Music! v - - ,
. . Come, Cattih the Spirit! .
i iMo a l.oimnire cf j
'J'liia will l.o in. 3 o'clock in" the a, . . ni
My hull. Clues lectures will be given
cltirhur tho week ty Mr, Oa.e.
C. K. renry Takes Back Buiiainj.
The loeral troubles concerning tlie Henry
building at Fourth and OmH streets have
been settled, Mr. Henry .releaslua the
mortfi;e given jhim .a;id , the 'SQ"J.p(yjx"
VleJdijig'the pro p'ertFbvcr: to" Mr. jU6trr,
who' will at once put the property in
the beat possible condition, introducing
new. features for the comfort and' conve
nience of the tenants of the beautiful
white building - which Is ) so centrally
located, facing the eleven story Board
of Trade, ten story Chamber of Com
merce -building and diagonally across
from the ten story Lewis building.. The
Henry building is within one block of
the Bank of California, the United
States National bank building, but a
block from the Western Union telegraph
office, the Commercial Club building,
the Lumbermen National bank, about
same distance from Ladd ; Tion s
bank, while In the Henry building Itself,
Is the branch U. 8. Postoff trie and the
Union Safe and Deposit Vault Company',
with one of the largest deposit vaults in
the city.. 'Now that Fourth street; one
of the widest streets In- the city, le being
finely Daved and to be served with new
double electrlo car line; this corner will
prove one of the most advantageous for
office purposes In the city of Portland,
Mr. Henry Is grateful for the past splen
did patronage of the Henry building, and
will endeavor in every way -to make the
building very attractive, ao as to merit
a continuance of the same. (Adv.)
Divorce for Btrs. Bowler Sophia I
Fowler waa granted a divorce from Mel
villa M. Fowler by Circuit Judge Kav
anaugb this morning' on a' cross com
plaint, -The suit was tried last Septem
ber and the testimony of both sides waa
considered by Judge Kavanaugh. Mrs.
Fowler was given a" third interest, in
Portland nronerty - which means about
12300 and also $2700 cash as alimony,
making a tot,al of 36000. Both alleged
cruelty. f j , ' i A -
' Two Struck by AntosAn sged man
giving the name of F, ' N. Riley was
struck by an automobile laat evening at
Sfcond and , TamhiU streets. - He was
painfully Injured. r He was taken home.
The driver of tne macnine waa own
Borner. 1214 'Montana avenue. ' Elmer
Jensen, living at the Hoyt hesa
hit . V.V an automobile at .. Fifth
Washington streets, ,; last night, and
thrown 12 feet, I M- Stau was driving
the machine, "r' ', .
Const Bnvs XaL The purchase of
a tract of land 08x100 feet oontlguou
tract has a 1 store building , on It 'and
this la to be remodeled and used as a
domestic science department. . This tract
will give the Lents school nearly 151,000
square feet of grounaa, or over tnree
blocks. - The ground purchased, Is cost
ing $2000. . . : - '..";.,;.-'-
Show Oarden Opem every afternoon at
nm Dm, iiahlia.. nrdnia. Th bla-aeat
floral display on the coaat Tak Mt
Hood car on Montavina una to luignty
ninth street, thence three blocks east.
and four north to gardens. .'Automobiles
by Base Line to RusseUvllle school and
north one mile to farm. , Make up your
dahUa order now while In bloom. Ady.
; - ?'
October Marriage licenses, Marriage
iioenaea muea m uciowr,
lunaA In rtnhr. 1818 .num.
ago 'they numbered S3 Tha losa ot
11S8 iioenses, saua no v"
al examination law now In effect, made
oi ...mtnatlnn law now in affect, made
the county revenue $384 leas" this year
??JF'. -;'':-" & :'r? "
Bow Iiong wtu BaniBH ktji
last? Dr. , Trimble's .theme. Sunday,
7:30 p. m.. Centenary Methodist, H ith
and Pine. 11 a. m., "The Bible In the
Schools." Best music Free seats. You
will find a, cordial welcome. (Adv.)
'Oregon Artists to Meet The Oregon
Society, of Artists will hold an Import
ant meeting Monday evening, November
3. In room F of the publio library;, A
full attendance Is requested, as special
matters are to be considered. ,-
Br. Xnther B. Oyott's themes In the
Firs. Congregational church tomorrow:
Kll, 'The ; Hunger of Human Hearts";
7:48, "Religion at the Ballot ox."j.(Ad.)
:;,' , v.;-1 '-Vf . . :.':' -..-..,-
SteamaV Jessie Barxins for Camaa
Washougal and way, landings, daily ex
cept Sunday. . Leaves .Washington
street dock at 2 p. m. - , -: (Adv.)
Bemoval Botloe-R. G. Bun Co.
have moved to their hew offices, 211-222
Morgan . bldg., cor, Washington and
Broadway. . , (Adv.)
Soma Ii VoSevltt. AUomya-at-Zaw,
have removed their law offices to rooms
406-8-7 Panama bldg., cor. 3d and Alder,
streets. . -y. : (Adv.x-
Sr. O. B. Templetoxv Dentist, moved;
to 408-7 Morgan bldg. Main zs3. tAav.j
Sheehy Bros. Painting and papering, i
129 12th. Main sui, A-ziV- (Adv.i -
Br. O. B. BaskelL Dentist Moved to
801 Morgan building. Main 2839. (Adv.)
Sr. S. O. McParland, moved to suite!
857, Morgan , bldg.
Oa Sterilisation Art vote 808 No. (Ad)
-f. ii,u-t -V"' '.- ." "v i 5'.-",;
Dr. Jj M. Killer, dentist, Morgan bldg,
-v. q. ' :.. .)y (Adv.)-
Sr. B. B. Xaslop to Morgan Bldg. (Ad)
The Sacramento river ' reclamation
project is one of the most difficult ever
submitted to congress, said Congress
man W, E. Humphrey of Washington,
who Is a visitor in Portland on his war
to investigate the merit of the schema
"it involves a number ox perplexing
problems," said he. "There is no doubt
that the reclamation of several million
acres-of land would more than justify
the 310,000,000 or 312,000,000 of expend
iture. But the government must con
sider, the demands of navigation, the ef
fects of the division of current, and its
own responsibility In the deposits of
silt resultant from the river mining per
mitted by the government In the early
days of the gold discovery. , , ,
; '1 am given to understand that the
people will bear perhaps the cost of the
project, jir mat is tne case It will prob
ably be undertaken, . because I don't
think congress would negative a project
where the people's interest wi shown
by a large contribution toward its cost"
Shoots ttlrl Ma IVnnM nr..,''.: -'
San Francisco, Nov. 1. Because she i
would not marry him, Arthur Paul, i
packer for a local jobbing house, yes
terday afternoon shot Miss Laura Per.
nancies .to death and put ft . bullst
tnrougn bis own brain. -v s;, -
f. r' " " . 11 "' '
;. rrank Results Disastrously.
' IOs Angeles, Nov. 1 Alice Man
they, 16, and William Leach, 15, were
possibly fatally hurt and four others
Injured when their automobile collKled
with street obstructions placed by Hal
loween celchp. ' ,,;,,",;;:-. '' "...j ''.
Ti ns is a reproduction: .
Reproduced below la the official ballot as it will appfar wliui handed to
tlon November 4. , , - . , i .
. In votln
ig it is Important to remember the advice of the secretary of state.
lion. - If you want WiY rticasure to become a law. vote "Yes." If.
reunir election. If you want any rticasure to become a law, vote
'VOte "NO.'.'..'.; ;., "..:',iri,0 . - T , . .
This is not a vote for. or against
V c iv. Vl l"e ?' "leasures on ine oaiiot were pannea ry tne leiHiature alid'iater referred to the people fuT'ap
",rHH r.or - pprov ' 'ba sixth measure to issue bonds" for the interstate bridge was submitted by initiative
petition. . , ... . ..j.-.' . , t t
Keep In mind that a "yes", vota is for the measure; a W vote Is against ths measure., " '
. Multnomah County, Held on November 4, 1913
M f
Beferendnm Ordered by Petition
tata University Building Bapalr rand Referred by au
thorlty of ' Mr. H. J. Parkflion, - as Secretary, Oregon
Higher Educational Institutions Betterment League, No.
u uregonian tiuiiaing, fortiana,'
la to nrovlda funda for renalra
ror repairs
State University Buildlng-a. urn follows
ing. thirty thousand dollars:
teen thousand dollars; Ceady Hall,
. heating plant, ten thousand dollars,
301 ' No. ' '' ' ' ..
Vaiversity of Oregon Hew Build Lag Appropriation R
i ferred - by authority of H. J,: Parklson, us Secretary,
'. Oregon . Higher Educational Institutions 'Betterment
' League, No; 409 Oregoniaa Building. Portland. Oregon.
, Its purpose is to provide funda to construct,-' equip
. and . furnish 'a modern fireproof . administration and
class-room building, and to extend the heating- plant to
' . the same. The amount appropriated therefor is one
. .hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.)
' "'- - Vote YES or NO. ''
. r , , ....
attarillaatloa Aet Referred
by authority
- Little, as Vice-President,'
7110 Forty-third Avenue,
' nose is to authorise the S
tate Board
such surgical operations as
erates and aexual Derverts. both
defining who shall be considered
' being persons confined In some 6
No. ,
.' (Baiem Bareaa Of The Jon real.)
Salem. Or- Nov. 1. Representatives
- e h. nrinHnar-railroada In the state
b,fora t th, ,uu board . of
eaualiaaUon Te.terday . and protested
against the tentative assessment of the
railroad nronertles made by the state
tax commission, . Au of them objected to
the assessments, declaring the railroad
properties i were being assessed at a
higher ratio than other property in the
same counties. ;,' ' " 'L,'
iRepresenUtives of th O.-W. R. A N.
taatimonr in behalf of all-
the companies. This included exhaustive
tabulated statements purporung to auow
tne aaaessed and actual values of prop
erty generally throughout the counties
through which the railroads run.
- Thoaa attending the hearing were: For
- ,!; ,., and O. 8. L.. A- C Span
J.n.r.i attorney: J. W. Morrow tax
i r b. HaUock.
anarignv . "-"- ....w t '
tax aaent. For Northern pa-
cfflono Si P, 8., Charles Murray,
'J?T-jS,, x c, Darles, tax and
tax commissioner; J. C. rws, tax ana
. . . - txr rv ftmith. sneclsj
I .Kf - -..nti W.Cf
f14 of tan
ingnt ox wy "- "' " w
y neral attorneyi J. B. Eddy,
Ux and right of way agent. .-
Two trunks and a big box. f "14 wUh
fura valued at approximately ,
were claimed by three rerent seU of
claimants In District Judge Jonerf court
yesterday afternoon. The original own
ers finally received the property by or
der of Judge Jones, and the furs will be
returned to five New P
ThS furs were secured through a
search warrant from the store of the
5,-.7 o..i a. rioak company, which
?r:u(w ' iT had nurchased them,
York firms, , claimed Jhsm. referee
In bankruptcy claimed them s assets
of the Standard Suit Cloak company.
v. "h --nt tnto bankruptcy a few days
Wf UtVM w
aLii.'.h;.' th. Vura were sent to J.
miiiarm & company, on consignment to
be sold n a 10 per cent commission.
Ellison died and a fur 1?mn am
Max Wechsler Is accused t toMwg the
furs for his own . usa
Standard company -claimed to have
bought them, no bllla or other papers
showing ownership could be produced.
Wechsler is In Jail on a hare of lar-
r rtv.r furs from Ellison s stack.
the charge neinj priori-. '
, Ji-J..." h- " ' "" ''V'-'i'!-!''' -.r;T,T t
The sum Of $.00 was authorised to be
spent for the repair; of tha roof of the
armory oy-- tne coumy vuiuhmmwui
this morning. A written statement of
repairs needed waa presented to , the
commissioners and showed that $81,100
could be spent' in making repairs and
changes to put the building In good
condition and make it fairly modern. U"
lit the report from the Oregon-,na
tional guard officials Jt was said that
the value of government and state para
phernalla stored and In use In the build
ing Is $128,000 and that $200,000 worth
more may be added In the near, future.
The ' repairs and Improvements- asked
are: A basement under the south half,
$43,000; a new floor in the south, half,
$4600; a new metal roof, $8600; repairs
to the walls, $1600;. a" new kitchen,
$3200; new ' plumbing . and -"repairs,
$10,000; remodeling of quarters, $15,000;
painting, $1600; a steam heating plant
$6800, The report was referred to; the
budget committee for consideration. ... ,
1 2 th and Taylor .
Orgaa Hambers by Mr. Patton, ,'
-..,-, v-,, Beginaiagat T10.c : ,
a) Fantasia ;.r. ...... Hammerel
ib) Twilight Sang...... Whitney.
(o) Finale In D major. . ..Naxson
(d) Cantablle Nuptuales. ..Dubois
Chorus,, Rejoice , in the 'Lord'! A
.... . . .Lombard
Quartet V --i'1' ''.'- j:
; "When Morning . Dawn a"... j .'. ; -'(
........... . . ... . , Bohm-Lynes ,
. "Savior, When Night In-
' volves the rSktes". .Shelley
Gospel sold by Miss Collais.
Quartet Edith Rosslyn Collais.'
soprano and director; Kliaabeth
Hamilton Stowern.. contralto;
Harold . Hurlbut tenor; W. A.
Montgomery, baritone. . ; '. ;,!-
to De perrormea upon namiuai criminals, moral aegen
the referehrVum on tli measures.
Tr It a
of the People.
uregon. its purpose
and aaaitions to the
Library Build.
Kna-ineerlnar Bulldina. fif
ten thousand dollars;
Vote YES Or NO.'
. .
Of Mrs. Lara (1
ntl-Sterlllzatlon Leaa-ue. No.
Oregon. its pur
of Health to .order
Board ahull adlurim.
male and female, and
'For the '
as such, the same
tate Institution.
Vote YES or NO. '
. Against
Have Luck f Hunting .Without
Gun, Bag or Hunting
License. .
With hunger as a sauce, the sky as a
roof, green grass as a tablecloth and
the water of the Columbia river to wash
their throats four bos a few days ago
enjoyed to thedimit a feed of "mulligan
stew." The methods employed to gather
together the various viands of the feast
were unique. ".'.':'.-
The' four boys, James Madonna, 15,
and. Chester Reed, Darren Gentry and
Chauncey Butler, each 14 yeara old, were
runaways from Portland" and.- were
camped at "Hobo camp,' a point on the
Columbia . river about 20 miles down
stream front Vancouver, Wash. ""Eats"
had been scarce for some time when one
of the boys spied a goose floating on
the bosom of the river within a stone's
throw of the bank.
Arming themselves with rocks, they
lined the
bank and at a given signal
each let go a rock. The gooae flapped
Its wings and showed distress. . in
twinkling one of the boys stripped and
dove Into' the cold water. , Spurred by
the thought of a square meal tie broke
swimming records In making for the
goose, which was attempting Ineffectu
ally to escape. Grasping the bird by the
neck, he towed It back. An old can was
discovered and the bird was soon steam
Ing over a camp fire. Meantime the boys
skirmished around at v neighboring
houses and secured bread, potatoes, salt,
pepper and other necessaries. ' When
the last bone was picked they were pre
pared to quit. for the time being,
The boys are all Portland youths and
had started to see the world. Deputy
Juvenile Of fleer Jeffries found Madonna
Thursday when that youth returned to
the city, aparently to get some money
to continue on the way. . Remembering
a threat Madonna had made to get two
of the other boys and fearing on account
of their absence that Madonna might
hava carried out the threat, Jeffries
started for the others only to find they
nad passed him coming toward . Port
land. - All are safely In custody now and given hearings in the- Juvenile
TJae common sense bur BurNirlar enaL
ii ion. Main jo; A-iBi. . taav.f
Isthe Gospel
- W-J S ana
a raiiurer':
. Dr. C. E. Heard
, of Vancouver, B. C
Sunday, 3 P. ML:
TEMPLE , . ,
'- Tenth and Taylor Sts.
Dr. Heard is lecturing in the
leading cities' of the United States
under the auspices of the Interna,
tional Bible Student Association.'
Large audiences" are greetintr him
everywhere. :;;V'-'';.:1'.:; L:; .-:':.;,',
Seats Free No Collections
Nu. 4
..o i.oila for the special elec-
I Proceed exactly s you would at the
vou wmit nnv A i,.. rufntei1.
VtttK I r- . , nr tu .v. ....i ib.m.nlvfl.
Co,,i5tyAtto1?3r .0t'JleXe,rr6d y t thorlty of J. B. Craib,
No. 4U Worcester Building, Portland, Oregon. -Its pur
pose la to provide.-. District Attorney for each county
In the. State, and to fix their salaries in lieu of the.
, present system of having a District Attorney for sev-,.-
eral countlea with thi authority to appoint deputies for
other counties. , ..... i-.w- ' . " -... , ,,-:
-'"-','-""-' -:: - -v..- - r . yot YE8 or NO.
W9SS.w!f'J!,0?pMf,ttv?B'A?rIle''" authority of
' iwnir?? vrri.1' No- 8-s Lumbermens Building. Port..
, land, Oregon. -The purpose of this measure Is to create
' ?8w,tS Industrial Accident Commission, ctpin posed of
three commissioners,: to provide a fund fop the com- ,
pensation of injured workmen employed in basardous
. -occupations, to be raised partly by the State, partly by
mployers artd partly by employes ; the Commission to
-determine the amount under the act to paid any
", person or persons 'on account of any injury received
in the course of bis employment, .
' ' !" '' ".'." '- '. - " ' : Vote'YES or NO. ''-
Bridge Bonds To authorise Multnomah County to Issue
Bonds amounting to $1,260,000.00 for the purpose of
. cpnatructlngr an Interstate bridge across the Columbia
; River between Portland. Oregon, and Vancouver. Wash
' Ington, and the approaches thereto. - . ;
: ' ' ' "" '. -''. - - -' Vote For or Against." '
the Bonds.
Some 800 pages Of Ohotoe-ranha and
biography comprise the first volume of
the Press Reference Library Notables of
tne west, just published by the Inter
national News Service. The work is in
tended to be the ready reference book
for the newspaper editor, writer and
artist and much cars has been "taken to
have the photographs of recent date and
the facts concerning the subjects correct-"-
': ;:; '.V-;-'.,'.-., .' . -; -.'..?,,.
Besides going to tha leadlnr news
papers of the country and leading illus
trated weekly and monthly publications,
the work will be placed by the Inter
national News Service in the larger pub
lic and college libraries, ,
.. . . . . .
Ths Security Savings A Trust com
pany filed suit yesterday against the
Open River Transportation company to
foreclose ft $46,000 mortgage. The prop
erty covered by, the mortgage Includes
the steamers J. N. Teal Twin nu
Relief, Inland Empire, coal barca at C.
lllo, wharf at The Dalles and all the
appurtenances thereof; furniture at the
waa street office of the company and
ft" real and nersonal nrnnwtr Tha
"" mciuaes z oonas bearing
i . . ""1 imorBsi. tnanes h. Aber
crura oia asas zooo attorney's fees and
ow trustee s roes.
14 off Sale
All the latest styles In black and
colored. Good, dependable roods
at cut prices.
Rep airiiig and Re covering
Alt kinds of extra handles In
The newest things in gold and
rold-filled lavafliers, lockets,
bracelets, rings,. fcarf pins, cuff
links and, bar pins. The guar
anteed makes . at very low
prices. Get our prices on white "
sapphires and reconstructed ru
bies set to order.
Wash., Bet, Sixth "and Broadway
Special Free Lecture by Harry Gaze
Sunday aftern(56n,: Nov. 2d; at' 3 o'clock m the assem-
' bly hall of the Multnomah Hotel, subject, : 'K
"The Bible a Romance ol Eternal Youth "
Quality and Quantity
Royal Bread
Went Time!
c:j ii:;
V 1.
l:it in,-and plenty of jt. put such
4 Ukm k upttn ii,iMown-u pranks "
und antlts It,t nlKht, that the ex
tia police precautions ordered by
- Chief, Clark were .unnecessary.'.
w - vvuuubu u lamuy iieai ins,
-..' A "llk wagon. -full of empty
4 ; bottles placed on the car tracks :
and demolished by a. Russell
4 . Shaver car. was the only mishap
. suffered, by the street railway
company, which has been a perK
e ennlal victim of the Halloween
e prankster. Evidently It was too
wet for .nyt:-tlng butKne milder
i and , more . harmless forms : of '
, amusement '
- In the residence districts quite
i 4 - fw youngsters , were out on f
4 , parade, wrapped In ' sheets ( and
e Jf carrying flickering jack-o'-lan
: terns."- Those who did not earry ,
0 'umbrellas were soon ' dripping '
' wet end presented a sorry sight '
.-'-, . "(, . ,
- z " v a a ' '
.there : is ' nothing
about a policy in
the Columbia Life .-.
that ; is left "to''
chance, ' good fot-
tune, or discretion, :
,By.' every , term
therein you . are ; ;
Alsolutcly .
the rights, benefits,'
and - increases at
tached to your pol
icy this is the, rea
son for
i ' .
Spalding Building
Saves 011
Street Repair
It's the clean. ,
sightly, noiseless
-Examine thousands of tons Hia
watha and other good coals la both
bunkers of Edlefsen Fuel Co., Rest
First and Salmon, or foot of Rus
sell, from where deliveries are made
; moat anywhere. The bunker prices
remain 84.80 to 89.28. Phones Eaat
808 and C-2303. Uptown office.
263 BUrk. Cor, Third. '
Oregon Humane Society
oizioe sao vniSB AvW Cor. Market Mt
Phone East 1433. B-8S1S. ." ,
Horsa ambulanpK fnr airlt n. i.'um..i
animals at a moment's notice, nricea
reasonable. Report all cases of erueltv
tins office.. Open day and night
lcs I . -V.
,-. '- :!yy- '!.: -v s''.rt v
Before Deciding
"S Tt
Journal Oul!:T
" " OVT BUliJUi
- A Caw Bultaa and BlnaU 1 jcr,.
Tenants', Directory
Main 8011, A-410..... ,...2,. ....818
usauu aus., waUpapar. ..;
- Ground floor .......Broadway
BROWNE. OB. AOHES M.. Oataouath.
Main S80 ...I08S
Marahall t&l, A-MU ..10th floor
tVihlt, W. B., Inaazaaoe ...
Maia 8975, A-8iT ...................608
CBAliSBXAIg, DE. CHAS. T., Eye, Ear,
Voae and Throat. M, 62., A-1371 ll
Main 1007 ...........807
ManHall 00, A-10U ; 814
SAVIS, JAMJbg V lawyer v-vvi, t -.-
Maia 573 ............601
BAV1S DAVIS, Ximbar land
Main 7448 ,..llto floor
DUOAK, W. W Att'y., Maia 78..601
Main 7W.. ,.709
ELLIOTT, i. V., Main 4S3S ......,.1
auaAMas, viau-nua Ja., atturaay.
MarsaaU tuu, A-lult. .............. ...114
MaraaaU 8U0, A-lull ...811
Maia m 818
I0X, UIVLM H., OptometrM
Main 2S,
OHIMat, G., M. P., Mar. 844 804-6
HALL, aOBEKT O., at. D.. Mar, 1324. .fkJ7
noaiittTLiuaAL ri&B gEi.irr.
Main 4976, A-8874. .606
JAXNE O BAXOM, Attoraaya-at-law.
Maia Ko7.. ...601
K.LtaT, rBANX C, CItU Enciar..,.B04
Kiaff., KOxDEH V......... ...708
Klbi JlEA. EiAMK B.. M. D. j
Mar. bi, A-to8 ....... .......lOtli floor
LAAjl tYxU! CO., Mar. 4C40 ..607
L-A1.E, Z. X; Mux. .! ,. .....607
LIADKLL. I.. Chmipodiat. .
Mam 21, A-8S ,...,......, .......818
Ht.nt.i tt., vsuaa av., . ' ;
Waolaaala Lumbar, Mar. 8168 ........606
MarahaU 1X8 ..........81
jaoaluUMEax. SB. 1. H., rayaioiaa and
Surgaoa, M. 833. A-1371....... 8io
XYEaS i MABXiH, Oauopataa,
MarabaU M76 ...808-7
Main 1007 ..........................607
KtL&OS, SB. XMW I., BestUt. . -
Main 8290 .......807
Mar. 6160, A-4401 ....its floor
MaraaaU 6181 ..... Ki
00C1D1.MTAL LIT! LNi CO. j ,
Mar. 1760 ..........60J
OEKXEB, 4 E0BEBT80H, Baal SaUta
Ua. 426 ..Ill
OltiiOM CTVIO LEAGUE, Maia 8868.. 8v
OBa.O(ia tnusaviau vw, - -Mar.
6038, A-M64 d floor
Main 6976. A-8976 606
rAOifXO LAMB CO - .... .
. Mar. 428 ................. .'. 611
PAMTER, DR. . 0.,..j..v...... ...... 60
tuXKxn m auauag, Aiiaraeja
u- k.ii sue. A.iuii i
rum vm ovi
OF AMEBIC A, 'Maia 8oo...... M
QUXCX, B. B.. Inauraaoe t- vr
-Main 8975, A-3976 ...605
Mam 1488 .....j,.,.. ,.6ia
BEYMOLD8, 708. W., 0. 8. ., .-,;.',;
Main 14U2 .......... i .........'...: 1
Mar. 8113 814
8EUEEBT, X. J Seal EaUta :,. i
Main 194 ..r... ....... .300
SKIMMER, ISA S., C. S. ; ;.,
Mala otto I ..,,..f04
. Mar. 851, A-8463 10th floor
STEBVBEBO, DRV J. P., rhyiioiaa and
Buraeoa, Maia 683. A-1371.. ,...916
TftOMMALD. SB. O. T.. Maia 676 101
'wain saaa .......ana
Maia saoa. .eo
CoDtraotora, M. 6788, A-6M4. ...Tth floor
Main 1007 Su7
- Mar. 8119 ., 814
WHITEBIDE, SB. OEO. S... 7hyaioiaa and
Buraeoa, Maia 1324 ..9v7
Mar. 800, A-10U .........314
WOODARD, M. Star. 8118 ..........614
WOEBMER, PAUL, BaoteiiolesUt. . , .
Main 683.- A-1371 .816
Ximber Lnaa,. auun ,ina......tita noor
John A. Melton
and Builder
Office and Store
Fixtures built and
Altering and re
repairing . houses.
Show Cases and
. Countera built, 1
; Factor . and Office 158 Second
( , atreet. near Main.
- Fhonea: Main 1787; A-1787
sT.' flT1. TV t TT
fie era now local ! between Wnnt
and- Fifth on Washing-ton
and are prepared to give you i
Clase - work at - rtMScmnbU r
Rubber Hates ........1 ". ,
Gold Crowns .....,.. t.r i
Bridge Work :, t
poreolatn Crowna...... t t.
Silver Flllinss L " '
Geld Filllnita rt,4 . ., i
... SB M. 9" SfMWlujf. 1
y i:jvits ycuh rr: :
r 1 5 1; n r
ii,iiii 1. ,,
." ''.-..': "'": '..'":...' ".,.,.':