The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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BY 'mm at sea
Vessels Collide in Fog Off. the
California Coa'sti Neither, Is
V' Badly Damaged, V '
5 (Unite FiM tatuett Wire.) ,
" ' " San Francisco. Oct. 81-Tha steam
' ship Beaver, Portland to Ban Francisco,
arrived -with 860 passengers and an ac-
--. count of a" collision In 5 a fog with the
7 steam schooner Necanleum, in vWMch,
miraculously, neither vessel waa much
Tha Beaver first sighted the Necanl
, rum about S pUea south; of rFoinl
Arena and , four miles off shore. The
t Necanleum was about four miles distant
at the time. . Then the fog fell. When
J It lifted, about 3 p. ,m., the schooner was
out a .ftoW'sMmc-wy,,tA'asy
' Captain Mason; of " the Vi Beaver nlg
) , balled the approaching craft to port
n.1 ' hekn : There was no response, accord
) ' ' Insr to the captain and; again the fog
, xeiv tmcKer 'than before. ; The Beaver
signalled again and this time a response
came but Captain Mason was not satis
fled, and ordered t the - engines hard
stern, "'.'"ft'lii.'.j: '? : t " '.-
f. , - The ship was already under steroway
when the Necanleum' loomed up out of
" the fog otaly-1 60 feet ' distant - The
' schooner's steersman : threw his helm
hard over, but it was too late, and
, few moments litter the two" vessels'
bows met,; though without a severe jar.
The Beaver's passengers were alarmed
r f 1 for n instant, but the officers quickly
,f ' 'ouleted them.. The only one hurt was
4i ' Mrs. Anna Dooley. who, standing at the
head .of a companlonway when the ships
struck, . waa -.thrown down the flight.
broke her eyeglasses and suffered sev
v -era! cuts on the face. r
, The Necanleum waa dot damaged be
yond a shattered stem,' and proceeded to
7 Eureka,' whither she was bound .'from
H, San Pedro. , Her captain Is J. B. Keegan,
i The Beaver had five plates dented,' but
t war damaged only above the water line.
. A committee from the Portland Cpuri-
J,. cil of Mothers, appointed to censor and
- , inspect the hot lunch service at the Ar
leta school, has juBt made a report
praising" the service and those In charge,
and recommending that the dining hall
be,; enlarged to accommodate more stu
dents during ta rainy season.
The committee is comprised of Mrs.
A. J.. Hoover of tiellwood and Mrs. B-. 3.
, Cogswell; -Of Woodstock. ,-
f They ,spentVednesday Inspecting the
service.''" The committee says those- in
charge ire to be congratulated for the
t quiet and orderly manner 164 children
and It teachers were, served In 45 mln-
i utes.
r T6e committee is much enthused by'
I th excellent, work done by the Arleta
circle, and congratulates the president,
Mrs. G. M. Burllngham; the treasurer.
W J. Mrs. J. V. Powell; Mrs. C. I Windsor
' nd Mrs, H. Ulld
In conclusion the committee expresses
e - the hope that the school board will
' find It within Us power to enlarge the
J lnlng " roonv before the rainy season
ets In, as ,800 children have already
. signified their Intention of patronizing
, lhe aiot4unoh" service.
r -f, . gr ... y
- Chief of Police Clark was called the
"disgrace f Ireland" last' evening by
Thomas Burns, a radical -street speakei,
in a talk at Ankeny and Sixth; streets.
This and other similar "remarks by
Burns was' the cause for his arrest on
a charge of abusive language. He is in
the City Jail, on default of -J50 ball.
The case' will be heard early next weok.
" Burns was convicted a few weeks ago
of using abusive language -' and . sen-
, tenced to serve 40 days on ' the rock
plle. but is at liberty upon appeal of
thla case.
Rudolph Schwab, another street
Speaker, was also arrested , for using
abusive .language.' His remarks were
'directed - against the ' police . and other
officials of the city. He, too, is In Jail
Upon failure to give $260 ball. Three
women recently released from -Jail were
' also arrested at Sixth and Alder streets
for attempting to talk within the crowd'
eT' district, i-t. :...-:'''
.Attorney- issao Bwett Was taken to
task yesterday afternoon by Municipal
Jdge Stevenson for remarks made-by
the attorney about the court. ' Attorney
Bwett appeared for Mrs. Mary Schwab,
charged- with being disorderly at
street saeaklng. f
-T "I " resent such remarks made ' bi
eounsel' said the Judge to. Attorney
SwetU v You were a Judge of ; this
court at One time, a member of the bar
at the present time. - To make remarks
as you Just uttered Is entirely out of
order and . a renection upon the coui t
I don't want to hear" any more of it"
s The attorney had asked the court to
How him to withdraw from the Case,
adding that he was erf the opinion that
the court, was in collusion ; with . a
scheme to convict the defendant by all
means, xne case was continued until
this afternoon for trial by a Jury.
When ;
a Loan
Time is often of the I
utmost importance.
Guaranteed .Certifi
cates of Title can
-Jbe ''furnished in a
fraction ofk,the
time' required ' to
compile and'examine "
an abstract. Inves
tigate. Call - for
booklet. Title and
Trust Co., 4th and
Oak, .. , " t
We also Issue Ti
j tie Insurance. . ; .
Mother ; Superior "r Says , Miss
Laseman Was Free to Go
, Any .Time, - . .
' Salem, Or., Oct. 21 J. K. Hosmer,
editor of the Silverton Journal, Is being
tried here today on the charge of crlm
lnai libel alleged to have been Uttered
against the prioress of the Benedictine
convent Of Mbunt Angela The jury was
secured this morning and the prosecu
Uon Is how presenting its evidence.,
Tne libel is alleged to have been com
mitted In the publication of a pamphlet
last inaiiit nrnitUnlnit jv aliened con
fesslon of . MaryX-aseman,' a nun "who
was sa4d to nave jescapea irom m
convent. The story alleged to hive been
tniA ) h, nun rnrH1 accounts Of Sl
w.w v -
leged . Improper ,; relations betweea J the
priests and the v nuns , ne j pampijien
stated that the nun: sought refuge at
h. rhr(atlan rhurr.h in Silverton and
toufher story to the paetoh Bev. 3Ueon
I Myers, ana Mrs. tu u.; oeymwur wi.
Dalian and Mr. and Mri. C W, Reynolds
n Vnnne n( Ku arena. ' . '
SiBter, Mary Agatha; mother superior
of the convent, was we-xirsi mawn
witness for the prosecution. She brand-
th. atnrv aa absolutely false. She
said Miss Laseman came to the convent
February 4v ma. no asxea to ds aa-
mtttoA an trial. fih ramained until June
9 ixhon ahA) ift , sucretlv .between . I
and 7 o'clock In the evening, said Sister
Agatha. w . "
..Hiatal, Ao'atha.iiaalfl tner was no rea:
hi. n, tYim riiln In Iaavii macretlv. as she i
was privileged td leave whenever she
aeireu.-:.o..-. -.y'. .- v.v-v. '..-, -
n. -rma .-rAmtnatlnn. tha mother SU-
nnrlnr aalrl that thn UOrilinf after the
nun left she called up the sheriffs
office about the matter. in repiy ra
questions, she said she did so to find
out what to .do.'.- -X
She said .those Just entering the eon
vent are given -the hard 'work, as a teat
a whn kAW Sa f-ak aCi no niSfe T flflinsT.
Paciflo ttnlvereity, Forest Grove, Or,
Oct 81,-rThe first annual All College
Day was held Wednesday In the morn
ing a short , program was rendered In
... . . n . . . . I
jBrignton cnapeL. t, tu. ocuniiuino, prcni
dent of the senior class.' "preSlded. i i i
In the afternoon was a baseball game
between the faculty and .the combined
junior and senior -'classes- After, three
innings of pey - the game was. called
with the students ln the lead by a score
of 4 to S. -r'f' : '''!?
An exciting bag rush which followed
between ' the freshman and sophomore
classes was won by the new men, as
they succeeded in pushing one bag over
their opponents' goal while the sopho
mores failed to score. 1 . r
The evening festivities Were the samel
as the old Halloween holiday, The
freshmen -met at the gymnasium at S
o'clock and were formally initiated Into I
the university. The. upper ' classmen,
faculty and friends were In attendance
and enjoyed the various stunts through
which the wearers of the green were put I
by the' aophomores. Thirty-five fresh
men stood the, ordeal. . After all had I
signed the, Oath of allegiance which is
the . requirement tor admission to -tne I
college as a "regular student all ad-1
Jpurned to the fourth floor of Herrick
bait wnere rerreanraent was servea. AP-1
pies, cider, grapes and pumpkin pie were
en the menu as . the regular banquet
fare for Halloween. The room was
decorated With aurtumn leaves and Jack-
o'-lanterns, s ,- , .
The hearing of tht application that
has been made . by several disgruntled
members ef the First M. E.'ciurch. for
an injunction against Rev. Benjamin
Young, .pastor of. the church, and the
church conference, to prevent the re
moval of churoh activities from Third
and Taylor to 'Twelfth r and Taylor
streets, will be '.held next Friday at 3
O'ClOCk.. .' '. '' ,
The plaintiffs, represented by M. L,
Pipes, pleaded that they were not ready
to discuss the case, and he predicted
that at least a week would be consumed
by ithe hearing."'',..' .?':. -
'There is going to be a sharp con
trast of recollection by some of the
good brothers on. one side and tha rnnrt
brothers on the other." said Judge Pipes. !
ana we snail need lots of time."
The hearing' next Friday will ba tha
final one in reference to tie merits of
the contention and on the application
for an injunction. . ; . : ,' ;
Hood River. Or.. Oct. J 1. The failure
of the county officers' salary bill to ap
pear on the ballot next week, after
several months of litigation has caused
no small stir among those who signed
the referendum petition referring these
salary bills. A committee, consisting
of John Otten,; JcJ. Ward and J. T.
Holman, called- on the county clerk yesterday-to
ascertain who was at -fault
for the delay-that has resulted in the
present condition of affairs. It is said
by some of the petitioners that if the
county court recall election carries next
Tuesday, a recall petition will be circu
lated at once recalling the resjt of the
county officials,: if they are lmplicaetd
in the proceedings "ausing the delay of
mortuauut yeuuuui. . as me maner 1 1
now sianas, ins salaries or ail me '
county officials wUl be raised automat
ically with back pay from last June. .
4 v'j rt -r - x v; '
v Dr. Brosuls' Gets Medal.
Hood River. Or.. Oct 11 Er. F. C.
Brosius, one of Hood River's' leading
physicians, has just; received a sliver
medal from the Adjutant general of the
Oregon national guard, in .recognition of
his 15 years of service.' Dr. Brosius
holds a commission as major, in the
medical corps.
5 Dr, Adair Campaigning. "
Ran a I (la: v Or. Ctc.t. : S1. Tlr rt,-n
Adair of Warren ton addressed large
audience at the, Crltlo theatre here on
tha atarillsatlnn Villi Th Mm, a
given under th f auspices, of the Wom
an s piuo oi 'mis city, ; t '
-Keith Siarries Vounjt Girl. .
Waahlnvtnn. ft H1 Tl V Valtfc ti.
ater magnate, aged 19 married Ethel
Chase, aged 26. daughter of . another
theatrical millionaire. . t .
A:-tn ".I '. . , , iti, iv,,,,-;;,;;:,
Swedish Social department
plates providing for the eatablUhment
or a social department with five sub
departments for collective tariff agree
ments, courts of arbitration,' protective
measures for the workers, sick funds
1 f
life, Wflnnii
Reliable Mercliandisc Reliable Methods F
ooovTTzira xvrxxn crrx bc komxboit, tbhtk, wzsr vajuc ad azasx ts.
.ft Retail
MAIN s FLOOR Women's hlgh
trade Shoes in tan or black
Splndic1 'el6Ct.oi -of styles
button or : lace, in ' kid, gunmetal
and patent. - All sizes, the fair
Choose Any Imported PaStern Matt Saturday at One-Fourtii OiZG
M1I,lnciy Dept. Second Floor
' Ag-alh .'tomorrow you ; may ' take vyour . plcjc of'-ny
Imported Pattern Hat In the French Room at one
t fourth off the .regular selling- price. Beautiful crea
tfoni from the -hands of world-famous modistes in
,- the season's most exclusive styles, with trimming's of
, ' i Ostrich Fur, Flowers nd.noveltyteffects, tn every
, wanted color. ":, Be one of those to get first choice.!.
; 'Prices range from $2 S.00 to 12S now at J4,OF?
All Tailored Hals Price
For i Saturday Only
stricted choice of our entire stock women's high
grade, Tailored Hats Saturday at Just half regular
price. Smart models lor street war from celebrated
designers, including Knox, Phtpps, . Highland - and
others. - Prices range 10 to 40-r-at HALF PRICE
gl2.50 "Phipps'Vand "Vogue" Plnsh Sailors at $6.98
, 917.50 Plash or Velvet Shapes $4.98 v ;
SECOND FLOOR Dressy new Phlpps
and Vogue Sailors In the very1 latest
shapes. Extra good quality plush in
black and splendid assortment of Fall and
Winter shades. Hats selling formerly
up to $12.50. - Offered Satur- no
day at .special. . .),iJO
SECOND FLOOR - Very finest quality
Plush and Antique Velvet : Hat Shapes,
in black and seasonable colorings. Shapes
In this lot which were marked to sell
in the regular way up to l 7.50. Sen
sational one - day sale at, your . J tQ
choice. , . . . , . , . . .... . ft.ifO
Special S ho wing New Suits and Coats
f or Misses' and Juniors' Second Floor
SUITS $18.50 TO $40.00 Many striking
new models In Tailored Suits for misses
and Juniors, in all the new Fall shades.';
Plain or Fancy stylet : Norfolks, .- Cut
aways, Belted effects and-3-Piece. models
in broadcloth and the smart new mix
tures. Beautifully tailored and nicely
finished. Sizes 13 to 19 and A A
14 to 20. Prices $18.50 to J9U.UU
COATS $10.000 $35.00 Misses' and
Juniors' sizes In stylish new Coats of
cheviots, boucle, chinchilla, plush, bear
cloth' and -corduroy. Full length, three
quarter and the dressy "Sports" ' Coats.'
Excellent -showing of .the newest shades,
including the. bright : colors. Raglan,, ki
mono or seWn.sleevs, belted-QC nn
or box back styles $10 to pOD.UU
SUITS FOR STOUT WOMEN $20.00 TO $$0.00 Stout women who find difficulty in
getting we proper m win una in our snowing a wme assortment or models to choose
from, and they are tailored as they should be. Colors, blue, black, brown and taupe.:
Sizes 44to 5l. jf ' ; . . ':' ) . .y,. j '
Saturday Sale Girfe' Coats
SSM and SG,25
Selling Formerly Up to $8.50
little Coats are made from the much wanted rough ma
terials; also a number in corduroy.. Many in the pop
ular belted back effects and low belted Balkan models
similar to accompanying Illustration, while others are
plain tailored with close-fitting collars and tailored luffs.
A choice selection of latest Winter shades. 0-fr
i-Ages tor .14; Worth to S.50, at $5.98 and fUesVO
Girls School Dresses M Oil
Ranging In Price From
$6.75 Up to $23.50
SECOND FLOOR Peter Thompson's, in one and two
piece styles. Made' from all wool serge with braid
trimmed collars and cuffs. Also many attractive,, styles .
in light and dark challies. Dresses selling from f6.75
up to 23.50 on sale' now at ONE - FOURTH OFF
Girls' Unit Neck Sweaters at $29'-
SECOND FLOOR Girls' "Knit-Righr Woo! Sweater
Coats, In heavy Jumbo. stitch, with -close ribbed cuffs,',
pearl buttons and knit-in side pockets. Made from best
worsted yarns.' Large Ruffneck collar. Col- qa
ors, gray and cardinal. Special,. )0r
Women's $10,00
Leather Handbags
special 155 ,
MAIN FLOOR You'll save an even 5
if you choose one of these Bags to
morrow. - "The" lot comprises several
different' styles in real seal and nov
slty leathers mostly in black, though
there are a few in brown and navy.
Many of thete "sflen'ttid Bags are from
our regular stock 1 and all are thor
oughly dependable In quality and style.
Bags selling formerly at ftof r AA
and more.. Special .,.... fwiww
$2.50 Fancy NeckWear
" ;v '; Special 98c
MAIN FLOOR Women who delight in
choosing dainty neckwear will be here
tomorrow, for rarely have we ever of-,
fered a greater bargain. ' , Endless va
riety of styles, in net arid fluffy lace
effects, in. collar or coat" sets. . Im
ported. Venise , i Neckwear ' in every
wanted kin4, in white, cream and ecru.
Neckwear selling in the regular AO
way up to 2.50, special now HOC
Lace Hat Drapes
At Special Prlccfi
Regular $1.00 Lac. Hat Drap.e at 65e
Regular $1.50 Lac. Hat Drapes at 98c
Regular $2.25 Lac. Hat Drape $1.37
Regular $3.00 Lac. Hat Drape $1.98
Excellent quality soft Shetland in
standard sizes; 1.00' line comes in
navy, black, brown and white; 1.50
and 2.25 lines in black and white
only, and 3.00 line in all the wanted
shades, black and white.
New Pleatlngs Here
In Great Variety
MAIN FLOOR If you have not found
the kind you are looking for you'll
find it here. New pleatings and frills
in all styles and widths, in crepes,
nets, shadow Wees, mousselines, etc.,
in all wanted colors, black C Cft
and white. Prices 25c to 7&.dU
Women's $1.50 Kid Gloves $1.00
: $2.00 Kid Gloves at $1.25, ;
- i l in M l ' 1 i 'l ' J".
MAIN FLOOR Several hundred pairs women's and ...
misses high-grade Kid Gloves on sale .tomorrow, at .
cleanup price. Broken lines which wt are desirous,
of closing out at once. Genuine French Kid in fa--mous
makes, but not all sizes. Most grays, navys
and greens, with a few in tans and other shades
Standard $2.00 grades at $1.25' the pair,' M AA
, and the regular 1.50 kinds .,.....,.,..',IUU
Women's 50c Silk Lisle Hose
Special 3 Pairs $1.25 -
MAIN ' FLOOR Women's extra quality Silk Lisle
Stockings in fast black Hermsdorf dye, with double
soles and toes and high spliced heels;-also high
grade imported cotton Hose in black-only. . These
come in regular and extra sizes.-. Best '5 oc e Of? -grade
-special, 3 pairs for. . . . ,-.... ,..
Women's Pare Thread Silk Ilosc
ffSpeclal."69bVPair .
MAIN FLOOR You have paid a dollar -t'-'pair for '
Hose not One whit better than these we offer tomor
; row at 69c". Made from excellent grade pure thread
. silk, with wide lisle garter top and-sole. In black
' and tan, and full assortment of all sizes. ,'. Spe- Q
ciai. the pair ..UC
Sale Men's Underwear Continues
$1.50 to $3 Grades Garment
SEE WINDOW t Such well known makes as
"Cooper," "Bradford" and " G. &..M." '-.Assortment
comprises various short lines of
men's Shirts and Drawers ranging in price from 1.5 0 up to
3.00 a garment. Of course there are. not all sizes in each
particular make-and color, but there are all sizes In the lot.
Prudent men will supply their needs Saturday at a big saving.
Men's French Flannel Shirts 98c
$2.60 Full Dress Sblrts at 98c
MAIN FLOOR Men's French
Flannel Shirts in attractive
stripe patterns in ' lavender,
gray, tan and cream. Also
a number of plain shades.
Odd lines in various- patterns,
but' full assortment of AO
sizes 2 to 5 shirts UOC
& W." Full Dress Shirts for
men at ridiculously low price
fc Saturday. Best quality
materials, cut In full stand
ard sizes with detached or at
tached cuffs regular AQ
2 and $2.50 grades UOC
Young Men's $15,00 Suits Special at S995
40c Imperial Collee 29c
FOURTH FLOOR- If you are a
good judge of coffee you'll like our
famous "OWK Imperial Roast"
nothing like it in the city at the
price. Coffee will not be 'deliv
ered except with 1 other purchases
from the Grocery Dept. -4th Floor.
Demonstration ot "Milkweed Cream"
MRS. DAVIDSON will conclude her special Demonstration of the
F. F. Ingram Toilet. Preparations tomorrow night. All women
who are interested In health and beauty should avail them
selves of the last opportunity they will have of getting valuable infor
mation about this wonderful beautifier, "Milkweed Cream." Demon-''
stration booth, Center Aisle, Mprrison -street way.
An Important Saturday Olferlnn .
DEPARTMENT MAIN FLOOR--tA glance, St these Splendid Suits will
convince you that their like is not to be found elsewhere in Portland.
Smart, snappy styles for the young chap, in wool cassimeres, cheviots
and worsteds also a number in plain-blue serges. Coats in stylish
two and three-button sack, well tailored and perfect fitting. Pants
cut semi-peg with tunnel I09PS and cuffs at bottom. Bright, fresh,
crisp new suits, direct from the maker and made to sell Q QC
at not less than t5.0Q. All sizes. :. Special at...
200 Green Trading Stamps FREE Tomorrow
, With-All Purchases of Women's Suits; Coats and Dresses in Basement
.. .... ' ' .. , . . ' ., ' .... -A
$25.00 SUITS,.. $14.98-r-200 extra S, &
H. Trading Stamps with each of these
uits sold tomorrow Excellent grade
wool materials -rtweeds," dia'sionals,: wor
steds, serges, etc.,; , in stylish .new Fall
patterns 'and colorings. " Well tailored and
nicely finished: "All Sizes ' for women
and misses. Regular - $25.00 frl J QQ
r Suits, special at. . . . : lit,UO
$18.00 COATS AT" $9.98200 extra S.
fit H. Stamps with each Coat sold tomor
row. Women's and misses' sizes in good
assortment oi wantea fabrics and color
ings. Short, medium 'and full length
styles-some, in stylish belted back, mod
els, otners plain , tailored. . Close tltttng
or large collars. .Regular 18 q AO
Coats, special tomorrow at.... O
$12.50 DRESSES AT $7.98200 extra
S..& H. Green Trading Stamps" with each
of 'these Dresses sold on Saturday. At
tractive one-piece styles, made from fine
quality: soft finished wool serge, nicely
tailored and handsomely trimmed. Col
ors, brown, navy and black 7 QQ
10 and 12.50 Dresses only 9l.fO
; gFree-fClasseslj::
Have the ; childrei " Join; 'our Free
Classes in Art Needlework Sat-urday,;.-
from:9:)Of fc,4' ra;toV ta.4
Saturday Specials on 3d Fir.
$3.75 'GARBAGE CANS. $2.75'
Made from heavy galvanized Iron
with wide strips and heavy raised
steel bottoms. Size 26 inches
high, 5 inches wide-1- 7C
reg, 3.75 grade, spe'l l
Reduct the" cost of livlng-biiy
one of 'these Food Choppers, to
morrow 1.45 grade at $1.15
1,20. grade at 95c, 7
and 90c er'ade. special f OC
Regular $2.90 Black Andlrom, on sal Saturday, tpacial at $2.25
(Ug-ulaf $2.25 Black Spark Guard, on aal Saturday, special, $1.70
Basement Sale Trimmed Hats
Req. $5 to $7S0 Grades
, .The Basement Millinery Section will be Crowd
ed tomorrow, for It's to be the,jgreatest sale of'
trimmed millinery we have ever held In this
ipooular underprice store. Hundreds of handsome -new models, beauti
fully trimmed with ribbons, velvets, stick-ups, novelty feathers, wjngs,
etc. High grade foundations of velvets, plushes, felts and velours in
every wanted shade and. In large, small, or medium sizes. Every Hat
strictly new, nearly all being shown for . the first time tomor- 1 no
- row 5, 6 and up to 7.50'kinds, choice Saturday, each l.IO
ADellfllittnl Luncheon
. Served Daily. -
in our Tea ; Room on the Fourth
floor. Prompt service and reason
able- prices. Unexcelled cousiae.':
Maurlne Toilet Goods
Are Guaranteed
: 1 11 1 1 1 in . 11 i'
Hundreds of ' Portland women will
have no other , on their dressing
table. Any box or bottle bearing
the ' Maurlne. label not . satisfactory
may be returned to us ard we wiii
cheerfully refund ; purchase , price.
Drugs and Toilet Needs Underpriced Saturday
5c Fairy Soap 3c Cake
Limit, three i cakes to . customer.
deliveries, of - soap -except - with
othef purchases from ' Drug 1 Dept
' 10c 47 1 1 White Rose Soap , at : 6c
50c Hlnd'a H. and A. Cream at. 28c
35e t-lb,' Absorbent Cotton at 21e
a5c-Carter'i Little; Liver Pills 15;c
50c Syrup, of Figs, special for 35c
50c Milk of tMagnesla, special 3Sc
$1.00 Plnkha'm's Remedies for 79c
1,00 size Scott's Emulsion at 79c
1.00 -Kilmer's Swamp-Root at 79c
25c size Cascarets, special at 19c
1.00 Bromo Seltzer;,? bottle, '". 79c
50c Mentholatunt, special at - SSc
Ji-lb.' Merck's Boraclc - Acid at 8c
50c Canthrox, special,' ' only . 28c
35c full pound Peeroxlde, only 21c
1.00 Antlphloglstlne,: special, 78c
1.35-$1.S0 Hot Water Bottles, 75e
25 c L; & G. Glass Jar 5TalcumiI7c
50c D. - & ; R. Cold Cream i at 35c
$1.50 Oriental Cream,: special-85c1
1 Plnaud's - Eau de Quinine 67c
$i.7$ Red Rubber , Hot Water- Bot
tle . and..Sy rings combined, 1 3-quart
size,! special for,' Saturday, at $1.25,
$1,00 high grade Brushes only 75c
25c Tooth Brushes, special at 15c
Mjtry; Garden , Extra:ti . regular
price $2.00 an ounce. Sat., 9M
SOcMary Garden itTalcurafat : 35e
SiinltaryjNSpktns,?; f a fHpick,:
at,.--;:3Jc-i the dozen 'ieachr'lt 1 6c
,1 oc Waldorf , T. Paper;: doz;; 95o
S7.50 Parisian Ivory, Sets 55.00
Regular $3.50 Toilet Sets at $2
MAIN FLOOR Parisian Ivory Toi
let Set. large,-mirror, splendid
bristles brushes and comb. ; Hand
some gift "or - remembrance,' Set
sells i regularly at 7.50. (Faa
Saturday ? special, at '-only JJ.uU
50c Pariln Ivory CaticU Articl. at 33c $1 Pariaian Ivory Buffers, 7:
MAIN FLOOR Handsome rosewood
or ebony-finish Toilet Sets mirror,
bristle brushes, and comb. Regular
3.50 grade, offered Saturday at
the special low price of o
only; the set ... . . ; , . .
Parisian vlvory S Cuticle " Articles-
knife, file, shoe hook; cuticle knife,,
etCAThese sell In the regufn
special at- uv
Special one-day sale of pari
Ivory Buffer, in. small, medium
large sizes, with trays. Reg- '
ular $t,00 klndl' Choki;
lar way at 5oc.
end various statistic t : -.