The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 30, 1913, Page 18, Image 18

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- ; ;.' , wmmi m i 111 . m,-f A
Vessel Will Be Total Loss, De
clarer Report; V Wrecked at
' Punta Arenas ; ,t
Advice to Kerr, Glfford Jk Co. and to
ttie Merchants' Exchange this morning
stated that tna uritlan, eteamsnip via
wiey. Captain Kragh, la ashore at
runta Arenas, the western entrance to
i )ie Straights of Magellan, and; will be
.-i total loss. The Claverley w on her
way from this port 0 Limerick with a
l ull cargo of : wheat and la the first
rain carrier of the present season to
s ) reported in distress on the outward
oyagfc ' .$f y3fr w :, "S
The cable received from London by
Kerr, Glfford A Co.. 4the charterers of
tna Claverley. stated that the steamer
is ashore and would be total loss. The
advices to the Merchants' Exchange told
of the vessel being aground with water
in her forward hold and that a part of
iter cargo will be lightered. No deUlU
of the wreck were given, but It Is aup
j,oeed that her crew got away all right
Local mariner aay that where - the
Claverley' went aground at the western
. n trance to the Btralta of Magellan the
currents are treacherous and this time
or the year there Is agree t deal of fog
u well as storms. It was In that vlcln
Hv, but In the straits, that the German
m'eamer Ufgard, bound from here with
cargo of wheat, was wrecked on De
cember IS.' 1108. She, went to -the rock
Ytound coast of southern Chile and. be
came a total loss. -" -
The Claverley sailed from here Bep
t ember IS with a cargo of IOJ.800.bush-
ia of wheat, valued at .$168.3J4. She
arrived at Coronal on the west coast of
Chile on October 1 for coal and pro-
coded. ' '" " " - -'";'' '" -
Built at Sunderland In 1007, the Cla
verley was a comparatively new steamer
i.nd was owned by. the Sutherland
steamship company with Newcastle,
ngiand. aa her home port She was
,0.1 feet long, 10.1 feet beam and had
:.4 feet depth of hold. Her net tonnage
as.; 2441 ": tons, i' It-' "
n ju Mara Here to Load Wheat
'";'J. and' Flour. " "
Tender charter to Mitsui Co. to
id a full cargo of . wheat and flour
re. the Japanese steamer Senju Maru,
ptainMatushlma. arrived In thej
ver from Ban Tancisco last mgnt
(1 left up. for Portland at ? octoc
is morning. ; She carries a crew or a
- i-,lnp and IS Jananese:'''1'"".''''"'
I he Senju Maru will take f 000 tons
m here, of which. 4500 tons will be
eat tor Japan and the remainder of
,000 barrels of flour wm go to wmy.
i her laxt . voyage her tha Senju
iru loaded lumber for China. The
. ssel will be at Clark A Wllson'e mill
night, but will probably shift to the
r mills in the morning.
rin Yasukunl Mam, also under char-
r to the same firm, will be due to ar
here next week soma time to load a
liar cargo. The Yasukunl Maru is
r at San Francisco discharging a
fgo of coal from Mojl, -
lerlcaa ' Schooner Churchill Fixed
for Sotfth America. -Among
the charters Just consummat
- r Is that of the American- aaHeoner
i hurchlll for a carro of lumberilrorji
; f. Columbia river to the west coast of
uth America by Corny n," Mackall
' 'i. She will com her from Santa Ro
ia. Another schooner taken by that
i .nnpany for the same business Is the
i' red K. Sander, which will load on
; rays Harbor for Callao, where she will
: - turned over to ' Peruvian interests
hlch have bought her. .
It was announced 'br the local office
i f Frank Waterhouse A Co. this morn
vg that the British steamer Beachy has
-en chartered by the Royal Mall for
i cargo of wheat from Puget Sound to
United Kingdom, via the Straits of
, 1 agellan.
Toe Lawrence Drowned When Work
.i; Jag on Dredge.
After a search of about 10 days, the
ody of Joe Lawrence, known as "'Porf.
cruese Joe." a fireman on the port of
: ortland dredge Portland, waa found
i Kterday afternoon. The body will be
nipped' to Vallejo. Cal.. where the
irowned man has a father, uncle and
nephew.-, - Xawrence's ' body was, found
loiiitcd on the pipeline of the Portland
it Dobelbower's, where she Is working.
Lawrence ' was missed about 10 days
ars and it was supposed at the time
mat he had fallen from the dredge and
iirowned, although a search of the river
1 , that vclnity failed to reveal the
liihouM ' Inspector to Make
. Recommendations.
That all tha aids now In the Columbia
iiver are all right. Is the assertion of
Henry I1. Beck, lighthouse inspector for
the Seventeenth district, but It is prob
able that some new ones will be recom
mended for points where there Is neces
sity for them. However, some that are
i DW in may be changed a little. These
will probably be at Harrington Point
and 'at PUlar Rock. There Is a proba
bility that an aid will be placed at the
lower) end of Fuget Island and some
. there, whose locations have not been
t ally, determined yet
.orernment May Open New Quarries
- Near Fort Canby.
With a view to supplementing the
irgular deliveries of rock to the new
Ttb Jetty, the United States engineers,
ler Major J. F, Mclndoe, expect to
o soma dpvelopment work on the Can
i v reservation for the location of quarry
i i tee. . Assistant Knglneer Gerald Bag-
II epects t start the development
w-ork within a few days to larn what
the rock possibilities are on the reser
..tlon. ,
To load Iter .cargo of lumber for the
.-St rjoast,'ithe schooner W. n. Smith
if tad from the Oregon drydock, where
i e has been undergoing repairs, to the
i-t land Lumber company's mills, .
The British bark Blrkdale began load.
wheat at the Irving dock this morn,
r. and ' tha . British bark Weatgate
.rted discharging ballast at IJnnton.
i n tow of th steamer Ooklahama, tha
i .tlah ship Weatgate, Captain Davld
i, arrived at the Linnton ballast docks
tordsyj afternoon. . The captain ro
ts an ordinary voyage up from Pisa.
nong Uie vtiseli that .hava Cleared
at-'th' r-uitom house are the Northland,
rJ . CJ.n rnnnlun an A
vapuun TiZZ
Southern California ports, with 700 tons
of . grain ond 400,000 feet of' lumber;
Gray wood, Captain Olson,for San JYan-
Ssoo with 980Pon. of nAmOO
feet of lumber, and the Rosalie Manony,
800 tons of grain and 400,000 feet or
lumber, ' '
The American-Hawaiian eteamer Pa
raleoi Captain Jacobaon, arrived from
Ssn Francisco at 4:46 o'clock yesterday
,New York and J01 tons or bonaea gooas
from Europe. Cargo for the next
Charleston, Boston and Philadelphia di
rect sailing will leave neie uh mn i
ralso December 6 and .the Isthmian
from San Francisco on December 10,
Dm te Arrive.
Tillamook, from Ooqnllln .............Not. 1
Roae Hty, from Loa Anlea., 1
Roanoke, from San IVdro. Not.
Temple E. Dorr, from Ban KrancUco. . . .Not. 1
0 M. Clark, from Ban Frauclico, . ,,,p .Not. I
Oraoa Dollar, from San Fr a nclftw. ...... Not. 1
Breakwater, from Cooa Bay Not. 3
Yoaemlte, from San Franolaco ......Not. 2
Den of Glamli. from Europe and orient. .Nor. S
C Fred Li'li, from Eurocte and orient Not. 4
Alliance, from Eureka ....Nor.
Rear, from Loa Anielei. .Not. S
Vuralan, from Sao Pedro and way.... ...Not. ft
Beaver, from Ban Pedro .Not. 8
SolvelE. from the orient ...Nov. 15
Aadaluxta, fmm Eu.-ffte ao.t or teat...... Dee. 4
Vannachan, from Japan... .....Dec. B
Dea of Alrlle, from Europe and way...., Dee. 28 ,
lltbaota. from Earnpe and orient. ..... .Dee, SI J
Uerlonatbablrt, from Europe and orient. .Jan. 19
Due te Oepan.
Colombia, for Sag Franclaco. , ;.Vt. 80
Northland, for San Krancmoo ....Oet. 80
Sue H. Elmore, for Tlllantook ...Oet 80
8as Bamon, tor San Franclaoo ..Oct. DO
Tillamook, for Ccxjullle Nov. 1
Bear, tor Ban Franciero ....Not. S
Breakwater, for Cooa Bay.... ...... ...Not. 4
Delia, for Nwturra Nov. 6
AUlanee, for Eureka .......Nov. 5
Roanoke, (organ Diego.. ........... ...Nov. It
Roae City, for San Franclaco ..Nov. 7
C. Feed Laelaa. for orient and Europe.. Nov. la
Yucatan, for 8a a Dlefa and way ..Nov. 12
Beaver, for Bam Pedro k. ...... ..Not. IS
Den of Olanla, for Europe and orient. ..Not. 18
Andaloala. -for orient and Enrooe.,.....Dee, 16
Blthonla. for orient aod Europe ....Jaa. T
Dea of Alrlle, for Europe and orient.... Jan. T
tterionetbablre, for Europe aod orient.., .fab. 10
FTem laa Itaaeoea .
' Steeaaera Harvard and Yale, altersatlag.
leave Baa Franclaeo tor Haa Dlage oa Uoodaya,
Wednaedaya, Friday ana aturaaya. ttxsnectlnc
with ateaniera from Portland. Northbound, they
arrive at Baa Franciteo oa Xneadaya, Tbaralaya,
Batardays, and Sundaya
. .Yeaaala la Port.
Na ,v-" Bertb.
Beolab, Am.' eck. Aatorla
Paako, Am. bkta... Waatport ,
Lard Templetowa, Br. bu Preaeutt
U . Burgaaa, Am. bk tiobie
St NlcboUa, Aan. iklp Aatorla
Berlin, Aaa. ablp... Gokle I
Renee. Am. ab.... Aatorla '
Geo. E. Bllllnga, Am. Kb WeatuotT
W. H. Bmltb, Am. K-h roruana Co.
Kraeat Leauuve, r. bk ...Meraey
Blrkdale, Br. bk. Irrtug
Caroline, Am. ach Went Bide Lumber Co.
Brbnrbek, German bark Irrlnc
Uayfalr, Am. ae .Rainier
Ban Kanmoa, Am. aa ....Portland MtllB
Britiab leoman, Br. bk .rraaacott
Weatgate, Br. ahlp
, . . . Linnton
.8t. .Helena
Norm una. Am. .......
Sliklyou, Am. ss
Columbia. Aa. aa
uraywood. Am. as....,..
.. ........... iVCCBUlC
,. ..Alber S
, ....Alber S
...Columbia 2
.Clark A Wllaon Mill
, .Linnton
faraiao. Am.
Koaalie Uaboojr, Am. a.
Bear, Am. aa
Besjn Marn. 19 aa..,..,
W. H. Talbot, Am. acta.
tarloe, Am. aa.
JV"f.r; la tsata t faaat tTW,'.'j-p
Maase- ' - . laHsd froet.
Oeerglna, ' Aa. kat. Oallie
UarUterougk Hill. Sua, bk. .......... ..Call
81am. Dan. aa, .....,....& rraneiaea
Havrkbead, Br. aa.,.. ...... ......ttaa nraaclaen
Baron Kapler, fir. a..,.V.......... Otarn
Hewtk. Br. bk, .Maweaatto, Eng.
Koko Head, Am. bkta An tofafaata
freer m YORK
I ItSftWTaS aaMWfs aatitaaaHlMfBl ear.
eta a ef tSaaaM Ma, eaa at the
eailaaa. m eWrliaM iris Vm the
Ha Slier eiiaea aaakw aaaavaexMas
i the an mrwOWH. 1
Ntw.LB$,Moltrn.TtoiM-ScrtieSUepiert '
Cawronia, CaUfonla, Caledonlt, Colambia
, TUSCANIA, 14,000 ton. (Building)
wmmt vma waaaai iiiiii aa wnuw
lUri Clan Mr FaniiM-Uw KiUa
aaooap paaaAog a Dava, is hour
Mediterranean Serrice from NewTork
first Cabli ranapto laplM $11 tod op. ,
.Una etsfts PeyaM rree of Ckanje
Manosnsoat anoTMa
m. a. uuLBgao, aHrttte, rvaafc.
Bails Direct for
Tomorrow 2:30 P.M.
(With Denver Rio Grande R. R.)
124 Third Street A-4596, Mala 28
128 A THIBD BIU1T, v
PhonasMaln and A-1314.
Portland, Ash Btteet Pook,
dally except ' Saturday at 8:00
P. M. Arrives Astoria :00 A. M.
Leaves Astoria dally except Sun
day at 8:00 A. M. Arrives Port.
land 6:00 P. M. ' t i;'.J .
Make reservations'-Ash Street
Deck or City Ticket Office.
. Id and waahlngton.
Phones Marshall, 4600. A-61J1
&tia 1TBA14IUM SttU
San b rancisco and Lot AngeJc
an. sear aus e p. aaa, mot. B.
I. atose City Sails 4 p. WOT, 7
The Ban rraaolsoo fe Portland B. m. Oa.
ticket Offtoe 8d and Wash. wltb 0.-W.
. m. m g. Qo Marahall 4800. A-aiat
Steamship Breakwater
'Sails from , AInaworth dock. Portland. - at 8
p. ex., every Tueada evening. rre)aht r.
relTed antll 18 o'clock ' (oooa) oa ealllug dar.
Piaeeogar fare: Hrat elaeS $10, aevuud rlaaa
(rata onlr) t, laeludluf berth. and steal. Tlek
t Office at Lewe AlnawnrlK Awh. Inlnri &
1Iii n . Lam
mmm W W vmwm i mm w w mi "V -0
" TuW(, Ageov,v-:,,$4r 'salmon J5U
Beub. : a.f cb.,.,.),;,',...V.,.Bu Dif
I WIMIOW, . Am.' eCB. , ........ .... . , , ..UOOUimpO
Harpagua, Br. , ............ ,...,..,..,Vletorla
h. I). Hetndluen. Am, ach...,. ......... .Abulia
Ameaou, Am. cb., ......... ..Valparaiso
orterie. Br. .... ........,.,..,.vaipanie
fc.,- 'SSSS
DruBimuir. Br. b. Baa Krahclaco
j ilia iu. Biiniora. m. en... bciuiipom
Jrmgard, Am. bkto....,.,.,.n.. JUuuoluIn
Chureblll, Am. acb............;..Bauta.Kxitlia
a Boute te Xea Grata.
Nauie Sailed from.
Cuda, Sor. tlil. .j. A,.,..7.,.Ciui
Crvcutlle, Br. bark.,.,..,.,.,,., Uallae
QalfXa, br. bsrk. ......... at. flaaeUa
Hlutinoa, Br. bark ..Nwcaetlt. a,
Iataraon, Br. bark........ ..Uallao
Lurerurie. Br. bk ..Buenoa Ajraa
Taucon Maru, Jap a,... ....... ...San rrantriace
KimuI, !. ulp.... Uartmrg
UmtOale. Br. Wp... .Waet Ouaac
Lraton. Br. bark............ ...0ft BoeaHa
OroUTa, Oar. ab. ................. ...Xekobama
Aatorla, OcU SO. Balled at B a, ra. Steamer
Tamalpala for Ban Vram-laoo. Lett up at 4
a. m. Schooner V. H. Talbot. Arrived at S
and left up at B a. m. Hteamor Carlos from
Ban Franclaco. Arrived at tt and left up at 8:80
a. m. Ja pante ateamer Benju Mara from Ban
Franclaco. Ballad at B a. in. Steamer Yoca
tan for San Dlriro and way porta.
Ban Franclaco, Oct. 80. Arrived Steamer Ro
anoke from Ban Diego.. Brltlab ateamer Clev
erly, from .Portland for limerick, la nabore at
Puuta Arena. "Water forward bold. Will dl
charge part cargo. . , ,
Coo Bay, Or. 2. Arrived Steamer Alliance
from Portland.
, Baa Pedro, Oct. 2B. Arrived Steamer Boa
City from Portland. Balled Steamer Yoeam
lie for Portland. .
San Ft a no Lao, Oct 29. Balled it p. an.
Steamer J. B. Btetaotj for Portland.
Xlde at Aaloria Friday High water. 1:00 a.
ax., 7.6 feet, 1:81 p. in.. 8t fet. lwwter
4:39 a.- m., .4 feet; 8:41 p. m., 1.1 teat
. l. ' 1 ." "
. ifally River Headings.
, Si s &z
Let. U ton Si 2.80.11 0 '
Vmatllla 25 . O.l 0
Albany 20 16 O- 0
Salem SM O.T O 0
Wluwnvllle 87 - 8.2 0
rot Hand IS. 4.8 0.6 0
() Rising. ( ) Falling.
' ' Bny TOTJJt ticket to Baa
t. arraaetseo ouy. .
San Francisco
in 18 Hours
Break the aaonotony and tatlane of
iri to Southern California tk la rear br
aoing to the aontkeca oltlee ea the pala
uai BMaauatpa , 1
Theaesre ahlp are the faett flrlna
the Amerioaa . JEvenr ooaanioe of j
a m orient hotel. Reonr ataterooana.
apaolona deeka aa ererr lorarjr that add
tothe eon tort nt a rlpbeea-aaaok,
ao dnt, no dirt, an aoiae.
- T.. 1 SAILINGS' ''
ForLosAssdes teffeT
- .... ' Baturdar.
FtjrSaKego fSSj??t
Fur Tkktt, Rmthtu, Caff er Wri
Pacific Navigation Co.
' :'- Trank BoHam. Agent,
Main 36, A-4596. laa Third 8s.
AT Wilson Auction Houae. 11 let at
Special auction asle 10 a. ra. tomor
row. t. -
fcrORD Auction House, til 1st St.. auo
lion aaie i p. m. special orrennga
' New eight-room modern house, four
nearooma. Sleeping porcti, breakfast
room and den. hardwood floors, fur
nace,1, fireplace; lot 60x100; hard sur
faced street; near the club grounds;
worth 17600. and now 16300; $1000 down
and $2i per month. Why pay rent?
414 Corbett Blag. A-1416, Marshall 82.
6 to 7
attain 810. Boom 481 Tailing Bldg.
Just nine tnrfes from Fifth and Mor.
rison. out the Powell Valley auto roadf
two fine farm houkes and several large
barns; 460 acres in cultivation, balance
good cordwood timber, will more than
pay for the clearing; five good springs;
electric car station on tne place, nine
for platting. For quick sale. 1275 per
acre, easy, terms. ,-.. s' .
414 Corbett Bldg. A-1416, Marshall 89.
At Ocean Lake Park. Tillamook
Beach, a group of lots so situ,
ated and ao low In price that
i anyone can earn a living from
thenrnow while they grow in
. valua
I)R SWAIN Twenty-ninth
mua jiruaaway, nasi aaid,
Modern six room house, three bed
rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace and
furnace: street worK an paid. A anno
at inuuv; tju ouwn inu ov per monijl.
un iiaisoy, neur sin. v, - . .
414 Corbatt SldtT. A-1416, Bfarsbali 89.
v $1608 and. up' at lowest ratscv''.Vi.
414 Oorbett Bid. ; . A-1418, Karahall 88,
''.'..V:; i ' mww T&t 1 ' -..-r '.r .
we ouy noit
Maw '. A-jiii.
h .....i i!
Tiff .
fiXmtW. ' TODAY '
it. ,v
100x100 S. E." cornet East 17th
and Wasco Sts, v Improved with
7 room modern house. ;
street. -
f& lots, Santa Rosa Park.
228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg
At lowest rates.
Smith Investment Co.
Fifth street: Main 87T0.
llf your nama appears la
Qtitnar phoaa book you
an teiepnono your mi te
ana u ' eharcod,
Bllla will be maUed t
yeu the folio wing daj
for payment.
..Tha Journal v eannol
Miairaaitaa r acouraevr cm
assume responsibility foi
errors ox any - una oc
eurrlmt in telephoned
In effect OcU 1. 1913.
.Dally or Banday. rc
H4 cents per word per Inwrtioa..
, Thi (barge la for all daealflcatlon eicept
Ing Tor Bent la Private Family," "Beom and
Board In Private Family." "Situation Waated"
and "Wantad te Bent'' ada, , which are 114
cents per word per Ineertlon. - ' -:,
. Me ad charged for lea tliaa IB eenta, ' j
IH rents per word for all claaalfleatlons ox.
reptlna -ror Bent la Private Family," "Bona
and Board la Private Xemily," , "gltnatlon
Wanted" and "Waated to Bent" ada, which are
IVt cents per word.
Three Inaertlooa ter the price 'of two.
Seven Inaertioaa for the price of five. ,
No ad taken tor leaa tban 15 cent.
A newer to advertlaementa having . the foi.
lowing addresae may be had at. The' Journal
.(flee br tboae preaentlng tickets for tk a me:
ASOT, 1. . ' " ' '
B 492, 8; BeT, 1: 70. Ij 68, 1; T06, .
C-78Mi 701, i; 702, l; oai, It 473, ti
era, ar em 2; mt. i; 70. i
sS, I j 46, 1; 027, 1; 461, 1; .588,
Ml. 1: KM. 11.
F 888, 1: 887, U 880, Ir 8T4, f. 433, 1; 876,
l: oes, i i; 84t s; oeo, v; iw, J.
rft .a, "t. ,, Ri, MJ 1
,1 TO,, J, UOU, A, Wi, , Wl, M, VffV,
H 816, 1; 188, 1; 864,1; 893, 1; 188, 1; 838,
i; ox, i; oiz, i; bos, i.
J 581. 1: ia 1: 81T. 1: 676. 1: 886. 1: 674.
8; 874, 1; 661, 4; 807, 1; 808, 1; 805," 2; 676,
i; sin. i; sot, o oui, i.
K S69. 1.
L-808, 1; 861. 1: S4, 1; 885, Ij 855, 1; 883,
i; 687, i; era. i; we, z; nan, i; ez, i; m)i
z; mo. -t; 881, l; 816, 4; bus, id.
U 842. 1; 454, 1; 476. 1: 461. U 467, 1
Aaa a . . . ,n, a. A. tfbA , . unjc A
1W, . , VII, I Alt, At, I IV, V, WV, WW) W,
O 365, 1; 804. 1) SOO, 1; lis, 1; 684, 2; 886,
s; H, i; BIT. 1. :! .
P 829. 1: 840. It 800. It 858. 1: 877. 1
859, 2; 400. 2; 451, t; 442, 1; 420, 1; 440. 1
R 408. 1: 451. 1: 843. 1: 886. 1: 434. 1.
8808, 11; 665, 1; 666, 1; 667. I; 668, 1
613. 1; 856, 1; 648, 8; 649, li 600, 1; eOB, I
aos. io.
U 396. 2: 644. 3: 743. 1: 658. I: 031. 3;
689. 1: 823. 1 1 624. 3; 440. 1: 614. 1; 631. 8,
V S5R l: '62B. 1: B63. 1: 871. 1: 575.-1: 87T.
1; 871, 1; .461. 1; 631, , 3; 687. 1; 644, 1; 642.
1 641, l; 619, It 679, 1.
W 812.1; 661, 3; 640, 1; 631, 1: 497, 1; 499, 1
609, 1; 685, 1; 684, 1; 665, 1; 821, 1; 464. 1
vol, m, vov, , vio, v, wwt , , i
52 1; 625, 1; 638, 1; 058, li 385. 1; 127,
'X 499.' 1; 880, li' 883, ,1; 531. 1; 376, 1
ISO. 1: 613. IO.
Y 694, 1; 483. 1; BOB.' li 843, 1; 70S. 8
696. 1; 431. 1; 804, 3; 609, 8; 808, 1; 674, 1
Z 186. 1. "
H. W. Welk.and wife to Herman Da-
aremhart at aL oart lota 1 and X. oloclt
8. Oreen'a addition .........4 8.600
Lnrelbarat Co. to Cdaa. ts. atoorea, jot
1 to 4. block 44, Lurelhura t 4, 100
Lanrolbnrat Co. to Bella , Macklln, lot
22, blork BS, Laurelhurat .., 1,600
Nortbweatera Trait Co. to Kdward Troj-
All ,1 1a. 91 M atHl 53 hUvlr
0. Boaemead Park 10
The Mansfield Co. to J. W. Ooaway,
lot 18. blook 17. Trrraee Park.. 600
6 me t6 me, lot 10, block 17, Terrace
Park 3,780
Wellealer Ind Co. to Iaura i. Wallace
lor H. Bortn u mt 7. niona iu. vaiie.
ley 450
A. H. Brinfotf and wife, to Lolo Bar-
low. lot 89, blork 0, Faeiric Coaat
Abstract Co.. lota 28 to 27. Olenha-
ven Park ' 850
Eaat St. Jobna Land Co. to B. J, slack
er, ft al. lota 1 to 4. block 21. Eaat
St. John 1,900
Geo. A. lbmann and wire to John
ronieimanh. lot in. block a. wuitama
addition No." 2............ 1.800
Klna Brno to Jamea M. Pngh, lots 4 ,
and 0. blook T, uerraanla 300
Fred A. Jacob et al to Karl Eklund.e
Jot 28 and 24. block 28; lota 17 and
18.. block 24.. Berkeley BOO
Lanrelhurat Co. to W. A. Wle. lot S,
blork 1, Iiurelhurt 4,000
air. Hiri rara. vemeiery wirp. io A. w.
Brtckler, lot 179, aeatloa MugDolla, aald
cemetery 130
Mavbrook Lend Co. to Olrard VL Pierce.
lot 13. block 1, Maybrook . 600
Udd Ktat uo. to Canutes Ubrleten
en et el. lot 13, block .36. Weetmore-
lajid ... 600
Wra. V. IJttle to Kobert w. uarrlaon, lot
0, block 0, Killlnfaworlh Ave. addition 050
Frank w. I'eaaiee ana wire to Mabel
M. Hleglne, north SO feet, lota 81, 42
and 43. block 6, Bmltbioa Land, Co.
addition . . . -.... ..,. ... .. .. ... 700
F, . tiaiiocK to ueane v. me, lot
block 6. IMePa addition .... . . . . , , . . . 1.000
tcKTl iA'i b.ri of tltla made; Title eh
Trust Co., ! Lewis 1M." 4th and Oak.
The Pioneer Udueatlonal Society Erect t
toty frame .OTreiitng, eao between ; 80th , and
Slat; nuiioer, r.'. v. union, taxM,'ti,M',-)v
O. O. Coaett--Krect 1 atory frame dvralltng,
Sd ave., between 70tk and 78th( builder, same,
81500. ' i-Ur .
W. B.s Jolty Krect 2 atoey frame dwelling,
Maple between Hawthorne -and 1'alm: builder,
a A. Wllon, $3000. ".''-.-v ."rf:-v.v: --'t' .
A. I.' Andereon Erect 1 atory 'frame green
houa,; South ave.v between E. 17tb and 18th;
builder, a me. 81500.- , s . . '
B. . W. RederEreet 1H atory frame 'd well
Ins. 82d between Powell and Xlbbette: builder.
same, -82000. " -' ''"..'' "' l- ' .
' City of Porrland-r-Brectl ilbry ' fkn) com
fort atatlen. 11th and Mllwaoklet bnllder. Pow
era Construction t.( 82000. . . v . -
rather V. B. ; Keller Krect j atory' frame
church, : Maryland between Gning and rreacott;
builder, W. B. Donah ae, 88000. ':' ,"". . ...v
. H. II. Cobb Erect t atory frame' dwelling,
83d between Hot t and Oregon: builder, A. M.
Anderson,' 82000. ' -(. - ' v ' "-'
Jamea BmferdErect iu tory frame dwell-
Ins. 44th between Handy , and Stanton: builder.
Chae. ' tt,''IMtaa,' 2200, -C'
. MKBrtiOT r AMP. NO.
' 5, Woodmen of the
.world, meets every rrt-
a - I nu . nr n TjV
11 UK J Ull JU" TT, W. ...I
' Temple. 128 Eleventh
street. All members r
k quested u be present.
visitors weioomav
, ' ' L J. UOUUUN, Ha,
A t. RARRTTR. Clark.
COLUMBIA Lodge 114 A. F
eVA. M ' Special coramuni.
M. -degree, Vlaittng brethren
welcome, wy onier v. so.. . -.
FRED I OI,BON, Secretary,
Vital Statistics
marriages, Births. Deaths.
marrIagb licenses
Jamea Nelaon. 437 2d at., lecal. and Batella
yoratierg, -Z45 JDnpont at., legal t , .-. .
utto ii. UDton. cut. u. ina nrniini Aim
C Ad.m luaMa fiSaSI 1 avi? 2i!"'snd Mar
. B.M.?? Ir,"L"V W "d ",tI
OP5S. BnTte ciaVstT 44, and Bm. T.y.
lor 828 clar at 44. t ',
Philip Benson Perkins. 475 Balmon at 19.
no ram mum vrner,- ot unit
' V J,nlJ' x ww';.Vtinjg -
Washington bldg.. cor. 4th on Wash'ton,
DRKS8 auits for rent, all sixes. Unique
Tailoring Co., 809' fcttam st. .
CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers
and floral .designs. zs Morrison st. I
AUTOS for hire. J2.60 PER, HOUR. ;
Main 614, A-4314. 808 HtarK st.
CARLSON To Air. and Ura. Antoa Carlaoa,
6604 Whitman are.. H. k.. Oct. 6. a son.
DICKENSON To Mr. and Mr. D. H. Dicken-
bod. 294 Marvin at.. Oet. 0. a daughter.
HAYES To Dr. and Ura. Jaatea O. Haree, 857
Halght are., Oct. 9, trrloa, a danghter aaa
a ami. ! y ' ' .': - t .
BHKKIDON' To Mr. and Mr. Harold francU
Khertdon. 491 TZA at.. Oet. Zl. a (on.
J0NK8 To Mr. and Mrai Wlllard Nelaoa Jones,
ioo4 b. xamnui t., Oct. 8, a sou.
ELWELL To Mr. and. Mr. Cha. A. Klwell,
4306 56th are. 8. Oct. 28. a son.
OA D NTT To Mr. and lira. H. C. Oanntt, B.
80th and B aklvon ta.. Oct 12. a aon.
DBIjATT Oct. 80, at the ; family realdenea,
592 Ganteubeln are., Mr. Mar Delatt, ased
l veara. beloved wife of Cantaln Char lea l)e-
latt, loving toother of Ague. Tereaa and
Leona Delatt. daughter of Mary Evea of thla
city and-alater of Thomas and William Evea
or Bauttgroiuo, waan. rTienoa may view u
remalna at icaraou'a raneral parlor.
CAKrEE la this elt7, Oct. 80, at her lata
rhwpr, got y m inlaw avc, mAmAj n,ii-
beth Caffea, aged Hi yeara, beloTed wife of
B. T. Cat fee, and beloved mother of Mn. Mar
garet BelUngf of 941 Mallory ave. Ibe re
main are at the realdence eatabliahment of
Ho -
j. tr.. imey at eon, aaonigoinery at. om
tlee of funeral hereafter.
DAVIS The funeral lervloe of Vera, daucb
ter ot Mr. and Mra. Henry a. vavla. . were
held at the conaervatory chapel of 8. Don
ning, inc., iuat Hid ronerai uireetors, i m.
Aiuer ac, at n p.. an., uraar. iniermeac lam
lly plot. Mt. Bcvtt l'ark cemetery.
MONTOOMBaY The funeral aervlcea of the
late Nathan M. Montsomerr were, held at the
residence, m a. iritn at., toaay. at a p. m
Interment ln family plot, Mt. Scott Park eem.
tery. j- 7 . '
HAAS Oct. 29. in thi eltr. Charlea Haas.
yoneral announcement later. Bemalns at A
a. Miter vo,s rnnerat -parior. w-wa wu-
iiama ave. .. ... -
MONTOOMEBY Nathan M. Montgomery, 74
.I'Sa ?J-0t...28 S.!7!: i"1. a W,
lnLBS Marr Mile. Ohio ,ketel pet 14,, 81
, , , i i
!00kW FL0BAL8H0P.iD
of all kinds. Main 7758. A-7708. 120 4th
MAX M. SMITH, florist,. 141 U th St..
ln Selling bldg.
Main -zi&.
Alder. Plione Marshall 8922;
The only residence undertakinr astab-1
lishment In Portland. Representing the
greatest advance in the science of fu -
neral service. Tha - automobile awiuln.
mem ana seciuaea anveway are among I
tabllshed policy of moderate prices has I
in, manv raaritrA Th m.m-
never Deen cnangea,.
Perfect Funeral Service,
Montgomery at 6th.
MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, tho leading 1
funeral director. 820 Sd St.. corner
Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A-1
1611. Main 607.
iuiiiiiiig mivLiiivcMod trn
every detail. 7th and Pine.
Main 480.
A-4.&&8. iaay assistant.
I D 7a. On ov2 Williams Ave.
. Ill aCCllCI VU. East 1088, Lady at I
tendant Day and night service I
visitors dally from $ a. m. to B p. m.
east sldvi undertak.
er. Lady assistant. B-188S.
East 781.
ka. atn ana Aiaer.
Main 41SZ
PEARSON ,Wuask.t.?'st ",80- 869
(IBMSTOCK. 1687 K. 18tb. Sell. 71, B-1123 and
unlveratrj rark Col. 884-389.
CND. PI.8. Mala
445 Morrtwn at.
Schumann Marble Works
-East 2d .ami Pine. Easf 748."
PORTLAND Marble Works, 264-286 4th
st. Opposite city hall. Main 8564.
AnTiurhan business lot. 76x100. street
"V. .
, n in B,.lvt Tna
mil,, wt biu in , m ' v- I
rlflce at $860. G. I Webb, 414 E. Stark. I
MEAT market, good location, cheap rent.1
18th and E. Burneide. Phone E. 240. I
mi i i -i.. i.,..-., ..... ,i, 1
.jTOR IajPpysra
cprinriri eja&x xattMB Moaern nnr.i;.. ..-,i - . - : i r
vPAOVVgalows: all the latest pullt lnlu
t07Rri Mi'" or A-6261. PROVI-I
to v", conveniences; near car fnonel
Owners, 2d floor Selling bldg.., 6 th and
bath, toilet, 80x 1-00. 11350, $26 down. $it
monthly. Smith-Wagoner Co., 612 Stock
Excnange. . . ' , ' .
ON ACCOUNT of change of business lo
e cation, wish to sell 8 room modern
hmian and corner lot In Overlook. IVonlrl
consider Rose City Park lot In exchange.
fnone woooiawn ian." " " '
$ room modern home: extra larare lot
with high grade carpets and linoleum. A
snap, must sen. i-ee. it in, btn. Main 6877
OWNER will sacrifice modern new (
room iiuum iiny uiiiiBiiea, ioi bux 1
4ft- eerms. rail. 1161 Biirra-. n, vu. I
Ilnesworth ave " ' i . . T t 1 I ';
i cirTiV viiim'ii t.ii... l-i
em home for sale. Part cash. Ad. W
866,'' JournaU - ; ' '' . '.'.-: ' - ' ' .
100 DOWN. 816 PER MONTH ",
Modern 6 room bungalow furnished.
snap. : jii pfliiwwa aov.
i'OH a bargain. Call Tabor 2023. 4 room Ifl
houso, lot 60x100. Frttlt: and final
wn,'-50 ;down,:'$10-Barjmontliiv,.'-i ;''?
' Va1 ar . 1 "eaV '. - -
' Hawthorne District--'v-'
- New, modern, 7 room bungalow, large
living room, 24x15; small den,. 8 cham
bers., sleeping porch, - hardwood floors,
fireplace, all built in conveniences, full
cement basement, fixtures, shades. Price
'801 Gerlinger bldg.
rnone Main au.
. ' . New Bungalow - .
' ' " $2250 4
Hardwood floora, fireplace, beam cell
ing. Dutch kitchen, 6 rooms and sleep
lng- porch. - One block to Hawthorna ave
carllne. i - - .
, $2900 . ' '
A brand new 8 room 'bungalow, ele
gantly finished. lmorovements . all , in
and paid for. Faces earn. -;
JUHN 1a.' KAHNUrr. . " '
HERE la a chanca to buy a new, modern.
- c one In 4 room bunaralow at what you
LSt Z :ifii W & ;&L7& fl-tS
I Der month will buy my new - up-to-date
1 4 room bungalow, Juat completed, at 848
' I the CrMoent.c corner of East 52d and
InMlinriii t9Rftn ,lll mil tnr !!
total ' prlca 12500, or .will rent for $29
per month.
'... M. E. THOMPSON, Owner.
Room 826 Henry bldg. Phone Main 3490.
,: 84200. v - .
. ' New six-room bungalow
every detail. To close out
at once' 81000 below value.
Owner has ' business east,
Located on East"' 26th
street, pel ween Broadway and Schuyler
streets, - Owner, 824 Chamber of Com
merce. Mam 6694. Kes. wiin. zzos.
128001900 cash, will buy a modern 6
- room concrete, house with furnace and
MAn, e...n.o. .mi
all modern conveniences; can be seen at
P.D?VBn,e"c?i "
f.v only" "l00"feVtfrom Iberia "car and
100 feet, from business houses and is
worth. 5SQ0Q. If yon want a' bargain
look at this; you will never find a better
one; parties rorcea to sen.:- . ; .
JH..J9. ; TriOMftSUW, A6W
826 Henry Building, i .- 3
14S00 BUl'tJ a strictly modern 10 room
resmence in' tne nest part or Haw
thorne ave., one third cash, balance easy.
Will rent place for a terra to apply on
I payment if desired. -Has heavy beamed
cei lines, elegant nanelinaa. fireplace.
furnace and beautiful combined fixtures,
paved streets and all comDlete. The
real value la estimated at 86000. .A rare
opportunity. Address or call 2 1 0 . ura-
nam ave.-. l. M. K
- ,$3600 Close.' in Stuff
t room. nsW) strictly modern bunfca-
low; Improvements paid; 8 blks. south
Laa a aaaition, it minute nae, warning
distance; garage, furnace and-fireplace;
I4&0U would be snap; price on terms,
$8600. Can you beat itT Phone Soil. 7.
Sellwood car to Frankfort; block east.
Modern new 3 room house, fur-
D I 0JJ nlshed with new furniture, lo
cated on a fine view lot. 15 minutes
from Morrison street, on tna west side:
-1250 cash, balance like rent. An unusual
I ooDortunltv to move Into a coxy. home.
1 Phone Mam 1800 or A-628L.
2d floor gelling bldg., 6th and Alder.
mjnerv Large 7 room borne in Laurel-
vDOZUU burst. With sleeping porch, two
fireplaces; all of the latest cooveni-
ence,. eait fr0nt. This price includes
electric fixtures, . wan decorations, win-
2d floor Selling bldg.,. 6th and Alder,
Tf you have 81000 or more to oav
down, I will sell you my modern 7 room
home In Rose City Park, furnished or
unfurnished, for less than cost. Oak
floors; furnace, fireplace, bookcase's,
china closet, nice lawn, fine, new; going
eastp -'. " 1 . ' 1
' J. vnuyY'i tvwner;, V .
m Stark at. or 1 68 E. 47th K ' ?
iptiJUU room house, all , rooms large
and light sleeping, porch And attic, full
'concrete basement; in highly restricted
district; all street - Improvements In;
large value, phone Main 1800 or A-6261.
x'JttUVlUH.Wl" TtlUBT . UU. 'UWWCirtJJ,
Zd tloor Belling bldg., 8th ana Alder.
Fine room bungalow, fireplace bur-
fixtures, ready to move Into, on Arnold
1st - , near 36th. just south of Hawthorne
ave. Price a snap, $3000: $300 cash and
I 820 Per month or will take good lot and
ntus as iu pajmcni.
uit nni at nui.un.
818 Roard of Trade. Main 7468, A-4401
vp I JOJ RENT Three rooms and bath;
boxioo lot; unexcelled view; 3,6 minutes'
ride ' from the postoffice; city water,
surface graded .streets and sidewalks
included In price. Phone Main 1800 or
2d floor selling wag., 8th ana Aiacr.
nira rin n.t h... hirin-,
that sell to . tha first one that "aees
tnat.seu lo.tne rirst one mat- eeos ,
them. Anvwhera ln tha cltv. Oood
lots at Belle Crest And Montavllia. way !
below value. j
203 Piatt bldg. ; ;,. .
Tel, Main 9043.' -
ein 4 room bungalows; near carllne;
splendid . fruit on the premises; city
Phone Main 1800 or A
?iv,nn-W TRits-r r-n nwNm.
2d floor Selling bldg., 6tli and Alder.
New. strictly modern 6-room bun-
I galow; full cement basement, walks, a ad
steps; butlt-ln effects; beam' cblling;
fireplace; electric fixtures; $3800. Own
er, 1038 E. 21st st. N. Alberta car to
21st st, V. block south.
IF you have $600 we can sell you a
home one-half block from carllne, at
Errol-Htgs- on a 100x100 lot. t Price
only $1850. Let us show yon.'
t 208 Piatt bldg. , m ;
Tel. Main 9042. '
Will sell my strictly modern I room
bungalow home below actual cost. In
cluding furniture; 1 block of .Sandy
blvd.; $500 rash, balance like rent
owner. 481' ynamrier or commerce.'
Charming Home, Irvmgton V:
B large ' rooms, up 'to date, oak ami
mahogany finish,' 8'1 baths, servants'
rooms; garage; lot 60xioo. East 878.
" -0 -r ... -
KKW, rirnrf :.'.. kin''
w. h, iieraman.
i "With basement and 76x140 lot, $8000.'
$280 cash, or wilt take house. aa part
a j1a.1 i "n n'ft ...... , r . i
or eU ehean, equity '1
'" s i
B , j
' room bungalow." balance as rent.
WOOd 10 1.
- ..?. V r ' "i " :ia i i - I
v"'"' ".' saie, )
j cheap for cash, or, will sell on terms.
J - 886,: 'Journal. W' ''"'' ;' ' ,
Fine View Building Sites
i f 16 minutes'. rd from the post- ,
office on. the west aide; city wa- t s
tor, graded streets and substantial-
walks now In and Included In tire if,
price; 6o fare; $460 to $660. Phone ' ,
Main 1800 or A-6261. 7
. OWNERS, j ...
M floor Selling bldg. ' . - ,
, Cor. ,th and Alder. ,
1 1 - . - .-' 1 .' ""; "JV"1!; " J. 111 "
FOR SALE Lot 26. block '3. William
ette Boulevard ; Acres, MUltnonmh
county, . suitable for residence or bunl
.owner east, v.tVill sacrifice -for
cash. For full Dartlculars. write Mary
Zlen,$$ .West Indiana ave, , St. Paul,
FOR SALK OR TRADE -Equity in lot
7 and $ room modern bungalow at 8730
Ml. Rontt rr nrlca 11800. lil R
Humfnrd. 821 U Wrmt Eth . Ti. Anarelou.
CftlUorniaV ";;."
(Continued) '
ONE lot, 1 block .from car, f 160. cash.
Call Talmn 67l,
F1HL,AN1 lot 8360, worm 8450; terms ;
85 monthly. Main 1168. orJDorJjJL,
jttl-rm liaaaaaaaail'l l-kii 'l ?"''?TT!?'IP'
10 Acres $300 ;
$ down, $6 -er month. ,
'. 20 Acres $600 : ;.
1600 cash, long time on balance. ., ,
il.00 fare to Portland, i ,
Four miles vrora a village. ,
All Plow Land-'
'" Roads, neighbors, schools, lelphons ,
Fertile soil, no rocks or grave). ;
Borne tracts on a trout creek.
' A spring on many. ,
- - Fred F. Huntress .
408 McKay bldg., 3d and ' Stark.
'.. ''lliLWMMlE '.. .-
We are now certain of the new elco- .
trio carllne. This will give Mllkauklj
2 'of the best lnterurban lines out of
Portland with 8 cent cash, 4 cent ticket
fare to Portland. We have nice MU
.miWt ir.ta for 1100 and UP. a little .
down and monthly payments. , We can.
Bell you a. home ror vm ,v ,
for a Portland lot. We have ac reage
am.. m,mA mat,t vm, mV Wflllt. if it IS OH,';
the Oregon City carllne we have It Mll
waukle is the place to invest. Off ice
opposite station MUwaukle. We are mx,.
our office every day, Including Sundays.
110 DOWN. $5 PER MONTH '
Buys 6 acres of logged off land." From
a mile to 1U miles from center of town
of 1000 " population, also canneryv and.
creamery. , Three quarters of . a- mile ,
from railroad station on main, line be
tween Portland and Aatorla. This land
la f ran from rocks and gravel, lies level
and will not overflow. . Ideal tor ciucki
en raising, dairying, and small fruits.
iirS'.Vhin-'thif can be raised
Jn- w.itern lTl
I tracts you have . i"l Sih m
-'V',e" vrf w.rTsntv died-
choose. Perfect title and warranty deed, .
211 Railway-Exchange Bldg., 2d floor.;
. Between 8d and 4th on Stark.
$325 Acreage $32&
.! M the 6 mile circle fronr the
courthouse, west aide; $480 for
cleared, cultivated, very fertile.;
soil. Investigate. , phone Main
Sd floor Selling bldg. f
Cor. 6 th and Alder. -
5 and ,0Acres Cheap
$20 up to $48 per acre, on terms
Tracts of 8 acres or more: deep.-red
shot soil. wU watered; easily cleared;
ideal for general farming, fruit, vege
tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo
cated on county road, close to live town
on R. R. and river, near Portland. Own
era 703 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sta.
Main 8078. Kvenings ran a.
CHICKEN' and fruit ranones near Poru
lend; Oresham district, Estacada line,
eleotrlo station , H mil New subdl- ,,n Sunshine valley orchard traots;
ceat soli, free wood; elegant location.
Prices only i to iou pr "
traots: easy terms; quick train service.
Frank McFarland Realty t.o , xeoa
bl d g l-Ttiana, ur,
tin XjV.-O AfnHl. 'J. ,
On-rour own terms, IV honrg from
.Portland, any sise tracti a 1 .tracts
ironting on ronua, s .iv., "--to
river and R. R. atatlon. - '
814 Lumber Exchange Bldg. n '
Cor. ga ana Btara mm,
:120'Acrev$20i Per -Acre,
Splendid level land; 40 acres yearly.,
ready to plow: Ideal dairy farm: Jl fara
from Portland; close town; $8i0 cash.
Claude Cole. 817 Board of Trade.
$1$ TO 40 PER ACRK. .
( to 10 acre tracts, srood soil, road to
very tracts new school, $ mUeato Co
luntela river and railway station.- y,
hours from -Portland; easy term. Ill
Lumber Ex. bldg.. cor. 2d and Stark sts.
40 Acres. $22.50 Acre .
Good soil, sewemill adjolnlnir, on easy ,
terms? Ie. 15 North 6th. Main 8877.
Get Your-Canadian Home
From the Canadian Pacific
" Rich, fertile land for every kind of
farming from $11 to $30 per acre. To
approved farmers We lend - $2000 to,,
make Improvements, 'such as house,
barn, sinking well and fencing. '
. Terma twenty, yeara to pay for land
and repay loan. One twentieth flown,
balance nineteen yearly ' Installments;
'six per cent Interest. . ; , '
Canadian pacific exhibit m
of prlse-wlnnlng products of fertll
Canadian plains, ruil personal iniorm-
-rrf.7rrirj.TrrijT;i. ri c,n.ii.i
""""''y """u ".JKt ?"" "r.""r'-.
La, t . jnunniw, -iuu c
271 -Pine St., Multnomah Hotel bldg.
a r a
IS miles from Portland, good road, 1 .
mile from electric line,, river and boat .
landing, good soli, house and tiarn and .,
other buildings; over half in cultiva- s,
tlon; family orchard, water piped . to
house, good heavy team, harness, 4
wagon, hack, binder, mower, rake, ,
cream separator, all . necessary - farm
'tools; 8 'good milch cows and . other - .
young stock, good lot of hogs and pigs.
chickens, etc; plenty of hay- and feed
Letc Prlte for all $8000, half cash, ba
ranee- long timtj. Peper & Baker, 444
Sherlock bldg, - " - -' '
Uo TOU want a No.,1 wheat farm 7 - If
so, we can supply you, . t
32b acres 4d3olilng the liveliest coun- .
ty seat town in, eastern Oregon. This :
land has never been brpkan, however r ,
the farms all around It are all under
cultivation. - :f;X- v i '
We are able to make you. an , exrep- ,
ttonally low price on this, as the party ls ., ;
getting pretty well up In years and, t
would rather have a small amount of
money out of It than to bother looking
giler lu migni cuiismrr wiuet .... ,
land property in exchange. , Brong- ,
Mannrv Co., 607 Lewis bldg. ' m r.
- ANTfWHBRB. . " '
Beautiful 1(0 acres, 140 tillable, extra ;
fine soli, fine stream. ALL very easily
cleared, finest free outrange, beautiful '
dairy place;. ' mile rjver, boat landing,
electric power line. also , electric line
survey, splendid school; neighbors Join-. ,
inn line gravei rouu mi conveTuoiHTeci
clty-and LOOK
at th s price$2100; clear title, or $1600 ,
cash, $p0 twovyears, V porrcent. This
price only for 8 days, $60 per acre land
S1 miien nkovLiuit u
Joining, ; Remarkable of fer.v Becker, 827
Lumber ' Excnange). Marman n,
Of! . A smt C1 rrv I onA',
jit,; .J ' j3 i ctiii,i-aiiu i
''Level; and 'nearly - ready - for plow J .
close to school; $1 fars from Portland,;
$800; $100 cash! some tracts $600; easy
rm. Claude Cole. 817 Board of Trad.
WILL sell cheap my neautlful home
farm on Tualatin river. 15 miles west
of Portland. -Highly Improved, Addrena
T. With ycombe, 432 12th St., Portland,
16 ACRK.- 6-year-old Hood River of
chard for salo at les than It. cost t
years ago,' Marshall 1127. r
10 ACRKSAll in cultivation, bulldlngn, ,
fruit. V mile to electric line, r Price
$7000. "Wolfstcln, 206 Allaky bldg
CLOSIO In Improved 20 acre farrn. $000
$2000 cash. AlAo $0 acre Improved',
farm, $6009, 1-$ cawh. Call Tabor 8571.
180 ACRES, 11 miles from Portland, 40
. acres cleared. Work for teams cut
ting and hauling wood. , Now York
Grocery. 11th and Morrlnon,
. 3H
) (Oontlnned on WeVt yagv
saaaaaaraaaavaaaaFiaV -,.. mtmtmMttmm0mtfmKm'
WE have buyers for farms at reasonable. '
prices. Peper A; Baker, Sherlock bldg
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