THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY: EVENING, J OCTOBER 30, 1913. WAR TO DEATH PROMISED IN CREAMERY BUTTER FIGHT BY COUNTRY OilL E 10 DISCOVER DAIRY COMMISSIONER ID ENHUKTEB61AW - Kf forts Made to filnd Official Fall and Substitution of v Ice House ' Stock for Fresh Ranch Is Ke '. ported General. - . r ' t i, is-.'-. Today's Produce Trade. '.: ' ; -,-;",' ; , Eg law violated, i v.v e I '-' ' Fresh tsga scarce. - " v " Butter" iignf . wagnfc;.M:''';a f ; , , ClUCKens ere steady, - , ' s Veal trade firm. " liops about steady. "; ', ' e ,' s . ; Calif oral onions arrlve,''! 'Grapefruit ia firmer. y-ij:-'-- " ' Cabbage for ; California. . ' For ' eweiWYdays-'' fferliii'-navaH.fcean i : , made to find the dairy and food oom v miasioner, in an off ort to scours enf orce- . i wm ik iu hit uguinHi me senilis or cold sturaga eggs for the strictly .ireah Numerous violations of the " law are tricts displaying , big signs offering rkun rtiiicn gsbb : at irom o- to loe v : P doscn less toan the stock can actually , ""be purchased In the -wholesale market, il it- van. b secured at all. In fact, one 4 liouse was offering more "Oregon ranch - t -,, at 260 a doaen than were being v 5" )ei;eived by all the wholesalers of Front JJT stiret combined during a single day 4 1 ha practice jf subxtttutlon of uold storage eggs, for the fresh ranch prod , - uct is said to ue quite general - For a 3 wnije v me v , practice vwa ' seemingly brought to -a istop, butvreoently the fake tjysuin baa broken out.tiiew.'.! JTt Fresh- .ranch eggs - are , very scarce J. along front street. nd these are find- Ing. a, rather eager- demand at 43 44c ; a aosen .-generally. Not enough stock 2" 4s totnlng forward to supply more than . 4; a fi action the demand. - Cold storage ift eggs are "generally : being c offered by wholesalers at 32a i dosen for ; good ! fluallty. -liven, theae. cannot be sold by : 2. b taller at a profit under 40o a.dozen. 5.,. Market for,-. veals .remains very firm T along Front street... but no further 4 change' In- pvtca Js announced. Receipts u ara- fair . again-and the. demand l -at 4-prewnt" being, supplied. ac. tne prices J? quoted. , Uogs are, weaker,. ?1. ,, ' : , . I1;, mokp cAbbXoe fok south- Mr Three more cars of pregon cabbage nave been -sent to the San Francisco market and thera is u. demand!' foa addl- Z. tional offerings. These three cars were 4 : BUYERS OF APPLES ARE JONATHAN MAD; LARGE "S0PTOiDE Stocks' Are rrncUcglix Cleaned lip i According to North wrsern Fruit Exchange and Firm Bids Are Be ing Made by Eastern Interests. V ,- VfcAL, MARKET IS j'lKM obtained- at Corvallta -because lower prices ruling others. : FLORIDA GRAlJiFRUIT FIK3t- t There is firmer market for Florida rra nef rult -,Tlie4 market (.in i.tha south n firmer .and 0o a. box higher. The . nxt carload here will probably b quot- the advance; In the meantime -the 'lorlda stock iies 'driven. the California artldaut . of the Portland market,, JACK RABBITS NOT tVAXTJSD i ' Seomingly there IsibraeticaUy qo de X tnand-fon jackrabblts in the local: Btar ket. at-thS moment. While the receipts J.. .... k.taiv. lhA.MA I. W.latflHi 1, nM "f-'land prices hav4: dropped to the bottom . Jt Is stated that WeathK!Ortdltfona( are -fc againsvtns aaie or jacKrapoits. $ OFFEBt CONTINUES fTO , ' WISE ;e or '. local - The country has gone 'Jonathan mad. Everyone is crying for this apple and it has enjoyed a far better demand this season than ever- before In its history, and that is saying considerable for this variety, because It is counted one of the most popular apples in the market. . v"We are literally being swamned with offers to buy the single carload of Jon- atban apples that we still retain," says A. A. : Prince, assletant aales manager of the Northwestern : Fruit Exchange. W have but one carload of Jona thans unsold and this Is- from Csh mere. There have been sufficient inquir ies for this, ons carload f nhl,i rm. cently to have sold the -entire output of the 'Cashmere section, if It consisted :The ast. the west, the middle wear and the south: are evidently intent upon taking this lone car of apples away from the other fellow. The bidding has been the most spirited that I have ever known under prevailing conditions," . While there is mn extensive call 'for Jonathans end - three cars were lately sold, to outside interests at 1 1.0 for ex tra fancy and , l-40 for .fancy, . Per ahastin delivery, the call for other varie ties la not quite so .brisk., Local sellers report, the-sale of- a ear of Arkansas nlArK to muTlnkm tnt,M,ta a box,t. o-i b.- with extra fancy- Black TWigs'at;ii,60 ana lancy at 11.35. AU of thesa are ' considered ver v f a vnrnhlK priees -even In such avhlgh-pHced .sea. uii ine present. - . --jai? ;i 'J ' North weetern Fruit-Exchange to-J uy rriiuneu mi jungHHn-.mieresis were Setting mignty interested ' in Winter fells pears ' and that an goffer of S3 a -box, f;. , ns -for- this 'variety had been .refused for av carload. Hnldorg hnr0 are asking firm prices at gB.l62.S5 a box . ami- seam to have no doubt 'that the higher figures will be obtained. EARLY LOSS. QUITE HEAVY ChicajrAVheat JMsrket Recovers All ' .of -,Ita Decline ,Jbut; Losee i . -' ' 'k Fraction at Closing. fc ' BUTTER WAR WILL BE WAGED TO THE END; COUNTRY WILL TIGHT VHEAT TRADE MARKS TIME WITH Declaration - of . Hostilities 'Formally Made- and Each Side Is Doing Some Scheming Artificial Values Ruling In the Trade J ' er- advances in tHo roasted coffees era reported price oi hv "tr roasters 'on account- of the sharp ad !J. -vance -In the price at producing points. i lia crmman TOHfe crust i wo in b equeealng consumers harder, than ' CAtWQKHl& miQW ARRIVE TwO . ciKrloeds of California ; onions ' Chlrago.-Oct. 30.-The early loss" in the Wheat market todav; Ke An rcm-- ber end Ho in May. Was flua to the ap- pearance or weaaness, in )' tne trade abroad-, the 'latter being Influenced sole ly by the somewhat better weather con ditions in Argentina. ; w-; 4 ;t ; ;-' Closing prices' Tor- the dav Were but H to Uc a bushel below the final fig urea - of 5 yesterday. .After" the. aSrlv weakness there was a fair amount of short covering -which forced both; op- iions 10 tne price or tne previous clos ing but the December lost V4c of thla at the last moments while May was off Broomnall eablMl from T.I nrnnnl -lia tbe. firmnesa in American, cables .was offset there by -better weather . reports from Argentina, i Realising caused e de ollne at the opening. Later there was a further decline on liberal Manitoba of fera. with demand- here quiet and our agent reports the- whsaroutloolt lrKAr CenttinvttReratlgavorgMeM P--m The fight for control of the hiwtcr -market of Portland is tho most bitter ever seen here. The war was started by the city creameries in their, war of extermination -v -against the '-country makers.- ;: The tatter have taken up the challenge and the result Is a war that might possibly disrupt the entire dairy industry of the state If allowed to coa tinue to an extended period. . . -. Ever since big corporations secured ' foothold in the creamery buslneas artd established their main placts in the cities, there has been more or less friction betwasn the city and country makers. .. Just what .caused the sui ting of the present fight here none are able or willing to state, .-.--I The trouble started last -week when the city creameries began to. cu t their price of prints Is to 2c a pound, while making no change whatever in the price -of butter fat er -cream. .The prloe of cream la generally maintained from VtO to 2o a pound below the price of butter In Prints, or the seme vslua as cube butter. This, together with the 'overrun' is the profit that creamery interests' cur.- 1 f- - - -, , By cutting the price to prints and al lowing butler fat to remain unchanged. It simply, means that . the makers are receiving- nothing whatever - for their work of manufacture: In. fact., era los ing money.-." .This, would seem -at-a glance to affect both interests, thereby causinar many. :to, wonder whv tha citv -creameries would ut off kthelr profits even tnougn tncy wouia war upon their country brethren. v-At this time of the year, far the greatest business of the average city creamery la In cold atorage butter and' eggs. Very.- little fresh butter com-, pared with . the total sales. Is being made; '" therefore,":- the city creameries make their profits at this time on' prod ucts they do not themselves manufacture.- ' ;.'.,l'. ..V- .I - -' . On 1 tbe other hand, i the country creameries handle practically nothing but their own. fresh butter production. The result Is that when the city cream-, erles wage war upon them it is rather hdrd' for them to make both ends meet. 1 1 - is a noticeable fact -' that whenever the city creameries, begin to wag war against'' tne country iniereeis. -wiey-await such a time as the price cf stock is. high and that cold storage- stuff is taking the place of the fresh product. - In e. letter to the (commercial editor of the Journal, H. F. Meyer, secretary manager of - the , Northwest Butter Produce Co;,' which represents over'JT country creameries, iays: ' v :-' f - "You. are - undoubtedly, aware, of the butter -war between .the city and coun try creameries. ' We had a meeting yes terday and decided to fight this .battle to- the, finish. ,' v j- . i . . ' -: "This morning the big cHy ereameri les offered to pay only Its for fresh butter, - I know of butter sold -at that price According .to the quotations in the - papers these same creameries are forced to. pay 1 4o for butter fat i .-: "We feel that The Journal usually Is tn favor of creamery. and dairy inter ests in Oregon, and' chat you might as-, slst-ue- In publishing a-quotation fur-, nlshed by ; M per- eent of the country, creameries. All we ask of . you is to publish the" buying price of -butter;1 so: the country-;, creameries " all ' -,oyer i the: state know what they Will realise for fancy -fresh, butter. Today, we ara pay ing Slo to i2o. for. fresh butter,".. .... ; JtaVge of Ch Icago prices furnished by Overbeck- '& 'Cocike company. 218-217 Board Of TrSde building. fe s ; , V. fe;n.S' b,- WHEAT -'.H;, '"k ?, Mflnth. 'U??; IVtf, ess ee-e My .,,,-. y ......-.. - tigf-vn : J. Tiave reached the local market and have H been placed on sale along Front street! Tl! U a cental, ' ine biock consists ox tT Australian browns and was In excellent 31 condition. The oara cost $1.75 a cental i'' ' FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS - eay- tow;. , Clone, T1SB T154A so ';" 428 4V4A W n the bureau eends the -following X.' forecast to shlppersj. :; - . . - . . , ... "Protect shipments as far north as J Seattle -against minimum temperatures ; 'f'of about 44 degsees; northesst to Bpo . 21 kune, 39 degrees: southeast-to-Boise, JO 3' dcrrrs-. south to Ashland.-' 4 degrees. l, Minimum temperature at i Portland to- nil Open. High. S5 -is MM, OOBN Dee, Mir July OATS S7r Jnlr 'V..'ViCrt.;'- 42i4 POBK . Oct.'. .'.-.-. . .'- Jn, ...;..,. 2005 i.'SOOS May- .........2012 201T Jn. I0i.,4 iw:.,? ini Mif ;'i,;';.i.M..1080 s:;i-:vJ'10T6 Oct. -..loss , jter 1050 loan Jan. ... .-. ,v , , , 'i.!we5 1065 , 1067 O-1062 Mar. ..,.,.,,ioeo I0b2 ::;,io75 - 1077 ...20BS 1090 ' j 2000 1997 4 2010 10(50 1080 STOCK MARKET LOVKED DAMAGE- pRTSFRp-SOUTH PI Argentina, : Indian and . Australian Advices . Regarding a -New 1 Crop Stimulate "orthweet Growers to - Hold for Advance. ' " " ' VtOOsOMU OM ABTXOSC. Australia Onr agent estimates tne Anstraliaa wheat vorop at 104,000,000 DusAsis vs. 79,900,000 ros a gsas ago. India Orontlt continues la somnejy sum prospeots xor wneat are poog.. Bnssls The erop of wheat la consid ered larger than last year with Interior receipts large and: accumulating. The quality em the whole im not satisfactory. Arrivals at the ports are comparatively light and shipments much under expecta tions. . , r.r :,.. s -v:-., -;'.'i;;V;:oC";:;; i WHEAT CARGOES QVIKT ' ? " lrndon, Oct. : 80. Wheat carg oee on ptitnge quiet, ' , 1 KnclUti teuetry narkets quiet. ' - Freavh eountry Markets quiet.. - rORTUAKD 0RAJ14 EECEIPTS 1 . .'' Cars- MonOey ; ,.,..107 Tuendar 11.! Wediiendijr I'M Thurcdsjr .... oft Year ago,...,1..,.,, m Hpnon o dale. t,.702S--Yesr co -.,.7032 Whtt.BarleMriour.Oat.Ha 18 IS it ,, e '. 0 - T f'2t,'' a i 2" 48 - 88 TW. ., : 10 ' , 7W 78 . 14 44 28 8 B58 818 Ust Shows Iss VltA Sharp Advance In J Callx. 1Daiui tft.; Sik'iTw i Cent - During Session. - n I gh U ut 4 8 degrees." : PORTLAND JOBBINQ PRICES 'Theas'BrfMe are tbeee at Whk -wbolMilere . sell to rtauera, exrvm-ss oinarwus suns: - - BUTTUB Nominal. . Crcamerr eubm. 34c 1 rlty prlnH.. 84Staoo, state creamery,, jazc .rich hlltlM. 22Ci -'.'..':,..- - icnnHNomirnl. - Candled loofll axtraf . 4SfiI 4e: ftlvct fmllrtt, :40c; ce count, 88ef pot Imvlnc eric settiiis 1. o. u. i-ortiana: siprace. ' f UVI roBLTRX Hess M0.14SCC sprints, T s s'sss. .-?:- geese.',Aes; PekW duck..' !j;.14M1M: InJlas. Runners, loeilc; turkfya Jllc, drc4l S6o pigeons, , eld, CHBBJSBi- womimi. ti; riDg. $ rreah' Oreses fancy roll 4 mam twins and triplets, 17e: datales,,l7He( S'l'Veens AmerlcalSHe. ' .' - . butter r AT rroaocere pnee ter rsruaad . . -Hope, Veal end Bides. 2; , HOrS Bdylug price, troee. SlHej prime, Ti H 00l Komlnal, 1018 clip. Wlllamstte val. ki.i' 1T cearas voDwwai - in if maiua unp. anirv, u-jr iu. aaiara . 4 Oregon. lOQlSc, according 10 shrinkage, ' " 1 OUl'hm IB CAttOAKA BABK wis. cat IL lota, avsc; was inan wis, sjjc T.' MOMAllt 118 Nominal Sue. r - Z " B1DKS Dry hldua, SlfJlu Ib.j rnt, Hoi 2, taltad kldaa, llci buna, rta aalt, Se; kips! X 1218CI alTe. flr. 844323c: calf aklns. saltid f er green. lTtflSoi graeo hldaa, i lew tnaa wr salted; sneea peua, .aaiieu, aatanags, ivtjjHiei Vi, Wfl W, c-vos . .tr, V.-.WM l- 2 ". M) days sat eaak. f Vrt'dreeertes.' 8UGAR Cub,. 13.00 j powdered, 15.80; fruit er lrr,.. so.ii-. Bt, --.w)j-;ar granulated. u retiow, S4.4U.- lasere- auotatloas are 8.10 1 BEANS Small white.. 6 3-&: - lanre ' whlia. vlug, J4i Hauts,: eke; pink a, ,: bau TllCaVlapaa- f lo V46l Mew Orloaii. titwd, ftdtte; Craol. e)ae, - .. , t- HOiNBYNew, 1176 pet eaae, . f. .'. . SALT Canio," Salt gronui'.a. lOOt, ' 110 pet ton; 60a 110,75; labia dalr. 00, (181 lua. 117.80) ball a, 82.25; citra tine barrala, 2i, a aaa iua, N-wei wi lump roca. u.ou par tea. "- aniica ana vsgausiaa. FBEon FKuris orangea. FBEon FKUriB orsngea,- 5.60tJ8.00 ba m aauaa, 4Vi5 ib.i lemona, 8ul limes. SlJtO p'r 100; grapi'frnli, Florida, $rl,26; Plm-aDnlea. 6'47!; taiilaloupea, S2.aoto2.70; Mearbes, !fanl If jy.' aoe, rll"iy. ' i!0ii;, f ntermela, - Uici J, grapw, Uoncorrta. 124c pr 4 Jhr bakut; otier trli.tln, g1X'l.BS; paara, $1.2Sfo)1.50. ijt . Vh,01tl AUUt-H alinija, XOiutluc; ImwIb. SIM 'r l.lDi catrota; paraiilpa, iiaijo aackl k jnlihage, fl.80; loval -toniatoes, 40(Uic bos' r"rr-o7,, j-.A..L..r l"tAT"w.eao let. . -3i.l cauliflower, 80cJ(tiO doaeuTrbubarb 1 1 cal t )i artichokes, 81.40 lou: anliinch. local ( ): peaa. eSi7e. ttkUIIIKHWHarklelierrlee,. 80 lb.i eranbarrl..' U, . local, 7.5); 80.50 barrel, m,r"M' . ONIONS Jubblug prlca 'tlfcooi : eeribad ''lai. J' llir,rt Uiaeulns. I.OO(f1.287 Wlutcr Bai.?l ,r l oi. .U 75 Ih.i cxiklng grades tSc4?8i" n.,' - fLlOliil ,; cboloe, 1.10 J ordinary,! San IanciBOO": Produce Market, .', . San Friucisco. bcf'.ild.4Tv'heat--Ciub and Red Kusslan I1.48U 6)147V4; north ern blueetem tl.82Hl 5; do reoleaned seed $i.701.72tt; Turkey red 81.66(8 1.62H;, fortyfold -11.50(91.55. ; ' " Barley rer cental, good to v choice, feed - tl..S601.l7; lower grades t.0 gi,97tli snipping sou orewing gt.ton 1.4S. ." ! ;.- v ...;.,,.. i. . . .. t Potatoes Per cental, 'delta ' whites 7Bc$1.00; do fanoy 1.05W1.10J Pallnas f l.HVWa.uv; uregon tiuroanKS ,81,8bO i.60; -rSweets $1.I6US On lons-r Per cental, silver skins $1.25 1.60. 1. ; .';t.'-:.--' Butter Extras 2tc; prime firsts 10c; first 29c. ; ' .' : Kgga Extras 60c; select pullets 42c; storage 'extras .f e.-" - -;; vv. -i.-. Cheese New California flats .: lc 17H; do Young America 15c17: east ern 16 He 20; Oregon twins' 16c; ,do Young America 17c. f n . ', v Seattle Produce Market. Seattle, Oct. 80. pees -Select ranch 62c; April storage -81c; fresh eastern 40c; local storage 85e. - -Butter Washington ceamery cubes 14c: cltv creamer V bricks 3 Ee: fresh eastern 30c 011; Oregon I0c81. . Cheese in lamooK no; xoung Amer-j loas 19c; Washington twins 18c: trip lets 18c; Wisconsin twins' 19c; Oregon, triplets -WHc,-:- . - - Vi . ..i-ar-.vv, , Onions caurornja- yeuow 'zcozue lb.', local tl.50O1.7 per sack;. Oregon 82.50 per sack. '-,-: -' ; ..''.-," 7 Potatoes Local' tl 80 Yakima gems t8826; California sweets 82 per 100 lbs. Jersey teweetg ,H.75t5.00 par : ' ' . r0BE7ON WHEAT MARKETS ; tliwrpool Wbeat elosad SaOttd lower. - ; Par la-rrW heat lol 140 lower to Vie higher. , Bueaoa ,Arres IVhest 'Cloaadi sscbaaged to .ftte 'loWSt.-.- '-..j -Wa'"i v.- - j - ... BarUu Wheat closed fe tower. k j - AatwertHnWbeat closed c hlgber. ' 7 ' The local ' wheat trade ia - marking time. ; Since the publication of the facta regarding the poorer -wheat prospects in Argentina, India and Australia, there Is a noticeable - decrease xln offerings . of wheat by 4he .country.-. In general no change la values Is shown here, although once in. a while competing interests get Into a fight and ralso their bids prob ably c a bushel. . This is the extent of the fluctuations at the moment. - There IS S steadier tons in the oats rnarket, but no change. In bids Is an- nounoea. py any m tne tocai - interests. Farmers are offering- much less freely. and there is more disposition to take hold than rormeriy. - "j"'- ' Tha tranil t tha hav'frailA' 'nAnlall'ir. No. 1 timothy and alfalfa,. Is much firm er,.' Some of those who were - bidding low Drices recently have advanced their buying limits, but the general price range sbows no change. v Millfeeds are steady to strong at printed prices, the south continuing a Didder for supplies. - v. . . ' ' . wheat xxomi nai nroaucera' : prices. track basis: -' Club. 7878Vc: -milling bluestem, 8888Vic: Turkey. red, 83 Q 88c; - rortyroid, 78mp7c; red kub slan . and hybrids J 7c; valley, 79isc bushel. - v '".' . BARLEY Nominal producers prices. track basis: Feed, 825; .brewing. 826.S0 26; rolled 26.60,per,ton. - , - . OATS New. feed'. 824.60025: milling. $25 per ton. , ; . - ; ' - flour selling once: patent. 84.7or Willamette valley, 14.70; ' local .straight.; export,. i.DBUi.Tvi Daaerr. . HIV PrAili-.r,' TiHrM" WI1IttiH valley timothy, fancy,; tli4.60f . East ern uregon-iaaneancy- umotny,.io.ou; alfalfa, 8iii3.50; vetcn and oats, no 12: clover. 89 & 10 ner ton. - - - MILL8TCFF8 - Selling prtce: Bran 1 1 . 21,-midHltrga, 6 2 8.5 6 O 8e ; shorts, sZ2.Duarz.-t per ton. ) ,' ., .CIOVER SEED Buyingprlce: - No. 1 red, country points, 9 He; Portland, 10c; Alslke..l814fc '., -. -..:. . "' V'" '.- V. 4wassaTsWessaws : " ''J' ' 05AHA HOGS AKE HIGHER :'$ 1aaaSaaa.aSaaaaa,'i ,-"' tl 'A r .' S ' Sales MAde In Missouri Hirer Yards ar $7.90 Today. ' " " fRnecial to The 7nornal.l ' South' Omaha, . Oct- 30 Cattle. 8000 J market steady to strong. Steers, 84.500 S.10: cows and heifers. 88.0037.60. , Hogs. 6000: sales mostly 8c. higher at price 91.161.96. TOP 87.80. Sheep, 80,000: market steady. Year, lings. 85.26 6.86;. wethers, 84.00 4.60) lambs, ,87,ooo 7.o; ewes, .z7.eo. CHICAGO HOGS ARB IX)VER :f'"NewfeYbrk1,-:Oet.-80-t10werl. prices were forced air through the stock mar ket for the day.- Call loans advanced to 6 per cent' or the high mark for- the Hinn.' Uana cnened at I eer cent, ad vanced to 6 per cent, dropped-back to 6H per cent and finally olosed around per cent I - .;' -''t i'''V'''.'V-' '. Amalgamated '; Copper' lost J 'point, Mau Steady tooc Off for Day S Union.Paciflo. and United Statea ' V -Other Lines Are Steady. Steel . common. , point- s c, : i Chicago, Oct 80. Hogs Receipts, 20,- ' - ,:jv''-V' steady to lower; mixed Range or' New xorg priceaiiurnisnpa atnd '-butchers, --87.55tvS.S0; good and SHEEP MARKET FIRM AT ADVANCED :-(llf;fGRTPYARB Sales of Yearling Wethers Are Ro v portd at $4.83 Today With De- : mand Good All Through ' Mutton ' (Trade Other, Lines Holding. Montana, Montana Montana Montana Montana Montana Idaho , ,' Montana Moo tana Moo tans 80 2 22' ; 23 ,-t. Idaho ',f , :,'. se .'' e,' r-T.MSfa, s a,.e,.,f t(t ' .os i , , i i.r tw ' " . m .:-r " aoo ;'. ' :I4 ime "K . ttt sot.; lunl lltt im '" W,j:. 6 78 8.75 ,8.75 6.75 6.7J 8.78 6.80 6.00 8.6e ! -8-;;,W!0.''8l60 i . T ' 4. . Today-e og lsrkst. - M- ., -.i ..j- .j.viJS. North- Portland r . , . i . , M.80 1 4 8,804 4 Kansas city , . 8.10 Bouti Omaha . 7.80 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 V P0BTLAND LIVESTOCK ' BtJJf t: '' xf'EK watua, vaias. neep. 8VM 1720 . 67 , sa '.. s - .. , i7d s.. . si ( 1 240 - '-'' $ ' 8204 i quotations. j-",!.:;...' ,,, ..p. ..:,- Chicago there -was a steady tone e sheep trade for. the day. i.; , nana i'llv ...1- 1 Thursday loa 64 Vedoaaday ...... 2t2 w 804 : 'rueaday ,..,. 400 .Vi,:;' l Monday i .,18is XJ; Ooei. Saturday. , ,, 74 ", 18 . Krlday ,.tl 'i W2; Weak ago 486, ... '", 18 Year ago .. eul . n Two years ago..... iw "' 308 - There is a Very strong situation all through' the , sheep trade for the day. There were only limited arrivals and most Of these came direct to a local meat company. Killers are slocking up with mutton' in. anticipation of a real shortage of supplies later in th season. Price indications are there- tore gooo. - -.. - During the morning trade Soma shorn wethers sold around -with year lings at 14.88 or a quarter above, pre- Tjuua uuviitiiun; At In the Kansas City. ' sheen 7 market - rulaJ steady to 'firm at former prices.' - -South Omaha ahsep market , was steady for-the day. ,r . - Today's general mutton market range: Best spring lambs ........ .. ' . 6.7.', Ordinary Qtmba , .'. , -, , . 6.0e96.aO Yearlings ...... 4.60(n l.8n Old wethers ";. ,.'4.26(4.6 Fancy ewes . ., I.80i2.9o Ordinary,, ewes . 8.00 1.50 . u oattie Are- Bull. , .-.; : : There was a liaht run ara-neirallv. Ia the livestock market at North Portland for, the day. The only cattle that ame forward were. from, the Willamette valley but thla did not sell Varv auicklv because killers hava been' hrlnarinar in quite heavy supplies of their own, ' catue situation at wortn Fort land continues to- Show -weakness al. though as a aeneral rule, aetivitv la nnt lacking. Killers have . been taking cattle offerings at their own- price. The big bunch of cattle reported brought in direct to killers by William Huntley who, came In. with, the lot, from Anaconda, waa a shipment, to the' open uia.ra.cb ioihsu inv - was generally ot fered. Tbe -cattle, were raised by the man who brought' them' forward. ; At Chicago, there was a steady tone today in the cattle trade, prices being unchanged. - . - - Kansas city cattle marKat . ruled Steady at former prices. . '-, . if ', i. ; ooutn umana cattle- .market was oregoa ", , i t '-i'v " . , 800 ',;-'::;.'. MIXED 8HgEP;:'.. Oregon '...i,j,,,.,i.,-..200 ; ' - B0;" Oregon .,.,,.,,...,,, 5 "'- jtS esjnh';a Orsgoa .:j,'.-.i,fiiv 48 : x'k'i'$w-i& Oregoa ; .174 . . 7T ' ' Oregoa , r ... , , . ... .170 V 77 , : Oregon 173 V 18 '.- r,: f,-v",':"v BULLS '.',: Oregon .V.. . 1 ." I. ',' 1800 : TSanday Mora lag sales. . , UOu3 88.00 84.75 84.00 -:?n -170 , 8.70 '8.70 5.50 ' 2- gectloBvlf.?-Oregoa Oregon , ' 8 MIXED '8HKBP i&e " v-'iH 'v.iBABUNoay- Oregon ' 103 Oregoa 41 - - s 'r SHEARLINGS Oregos 44 . Oregoa Are. ids. :83' 137 ; 08' i w .104 Trice. 7.80 7.80 83.80 6486 ' 4.88 .' H10 FILING OF SURVEY NOT y OF MUCH SIGNIFICANCE Seattle.1 Oct. to. Plans ' for a railway project to parallel the Northern Pacific and Milwaukee roads -across the Cas cade mountains with: terminals at ' Se attle were filed with the United States land .office c name of J. T. . Oregon-Wasliii . i Hon, company. i ; i -posed to covr an pKt.'i.-i ' Coast line from Nutth attle and Taooina, The i aald. will cost In .the rr , v 820,000.000. '' J. IX Fsrrell, 'president of V i -Washington Railroad & avtg pany, aald this morning that tiu. i the pjans Is merely a routine i. : suq- uoei nut isrgri4iy-niBfc-,r,w ." be constructed. wM'yJit:' 'i'-urveya have been, under way I n 1 region for about foufv years." said Far r el I. They were . completeil " months ago, and the filing with the 1 , office 4a to cover our rights In t crossing of government lands. Win i the line will be built, If at all. Is son thlng for the future only to decide, in any event,' it. won't be. put through very SOon,"';:'-,, '," '.,":':-''V:'.'.,-' j''1-: Mr. Fsrrell wrould make no estlmato of the probable cost of the line. No steps toward acquisition of right of way havs been taken, he said, nor any action whatever, gave the engineers' .surveys. King's Daughters Cease Squabbling. Brussels, Oct. 80. The :; lets King Laonold'a daughters. Louise, Stephanie (and Clemlntine, agreed to take 81.400.- 000 from his estate ana stop me liti gation . over .. i t. .? . , ,v ,. - . :li - .fe , 1 1 1 ' ' IT 1 1 : L, -: During the" courtship she ; reed poetry to him, but: after marriage an reads him ,the riot acU-.Js '.': -;v -':tH.iiU. Mi;;'' :v 'GEO;V: BATES.. . . , . ...... . . . .'.President , ; C; TOHN A.i KEATING . . V .' . ; V, Vice-President l - : : v;E.;;Gtr Crawford; w..vice-president w is::A.'":;L.-TUCKER .1 - i i'V . . . . , ;,'.:;Cashier;''i:: ;;':GRH;PUKE CORNER FIFTH AND STARK t , ! Resources 7 Millions t 'h i.-?;vfc,,: ... . . '-:rt-.;.VWi.1i, Steady to strong today. . Todays general ..cattle Best - steers Ordinary , steers foor steers ...... Best heifers Beet cows . . Medium cows Poor- cowg. . s M ... , Orinary bulls .. . .. , , Fancy stags market 'rangei ....t 7.60 9 7.65 7.25 7.00 6.7S 8.60 6.S5 . 6.60 . 4.605.OO , ' 6.(i U- -6.60 Prima llsht calves ....... I, . 8 KflfflS lid Prune heavy, v. v,i. 1 (.60 7.50 Xog.atarfcet Is Steady. ? There were, only two Joads of bogs reported' In r thg yard over night; . one of these being from Washington and the other .. from Willamette valley points. ' Beat offerl ns-s In the.'swlne trade ara being held - fairly- steady-around pre vious prices, xne principal weaaness is In heavy and rough stuff-and ia these lines killers. are slashing' values right and left At Chicago there was a steady to bv Overbeck & Cooks company,: 218-217 Board or Trade DKHCklPTIOM Qien Hlahl Low jt'loaa kuylnsTirioer esrloaeai jj76i, eouutry polaUj "?4 -Wtfc'mikrrtsl D1U.8BKO MEATS ' Bttftlog prlreOuntry kllledi- uogs,- rann'f - Jii-oroinary, . lOHc; roimh ,'aBd heavy. . Uct- fancy Tea la. I4ei or- ainary, liir; poor, viiwi .lamua, mutton. HAMS, BACON. KTC.-Hama 20322; break, fast bacon, 18ia28c( . boiled SSSV. SOcs plcalcs. MKATS facklog bouae ataan. Ma.1 1 stack. lSUe; cowi, ho. 1 stork, 12Ve; ewes, sMei sreibers, Ve; lamps, lloj pork solos, Hues dreaaed hogs. l3Ve. -'-v-t v ;:t- Ol'BXlCHa SUoalwatet1 Hay, per galloi li )J par 100 ' lb. aaik - J Clrmpia. per gallon, ati; per iw id. sacs eaunea, eaaiara, can: 88.50 doten: taati-rn. lu atielL S1.7fl 2.00 per 100; raaor rlaoM, 62.0002.88 box: east. rn'oyeters, ,per gallos, solid sack, 82. 79. ' LAUD, :leroee, .12)iciveooposod, tierces, UHC- ! '--. ' :' ... ; . .. riSH Nominal. ' Dressed flnnaaers. Tei hall. but OdtlOct striped bass, 17ci aUTerslda salmoa. 8c; , halibut, . SdilOei . soles 7c lb.; shrimps. I'Vao, Parcn, eo 10. ; . looauzra, ; sue lo. ( black bas, 10c; stiver smalt, 7ci abad , I I: black tod, Tcf aturgeon,' IX He. - - '" CBABS -Large, 8175; msdtum, 81 eossa. raja's ens oils. t-iKfifca-.n nliM.iBH. 1.1,1. .a . . lie boiled, bbls 81o al.; raw cases, 04c: boiled eusaa.- Coo . saL: lots of 250 aaUona. le.-laaai 11 cake meal,' 144 per ton.. ... . ' WlilXK LKAD Ton lota, 8e per jb., 800 lb, lota io PT lb.; leaa lota, tfte per lb. i on. MKAI-Uaiioaa lots, 8J4. TURPKNliNH Io eases. ISu ems k..i. tic; itou barrels, U0 net gsliwa; 10 case lets. lie, : ' '. 0. : - ' ' - -.' -' '. - American 43. V gdy.y e, American Can. e. . ... American Cottoa Oil, e -Amerteaa - Loco., ... American .Rngar, e...... American Bmelt. c... Am. Tel. Tel...,, Anaconda Mining Co.. . Atchlaon, e. ... . . Baltimore 4V Ohio, . Bethlehem Rteel.. e... Wrooklyn . Rapid Transit Canadian rarine; e.... Central Leather, ...... CM. O. W c. .;'. Chi.. Mil. fit. Paul, . Chlno copper CheMpeake a Ohio.;.-.... Colorsdo K. A I. . Colorado Southern, .... Cora . Products,- ...... Penver It. u., C..,,. Erie, . ..-..... Krte. 1st pf.......... lee gecartues lUIiHria .uenirai ; i.t,v,,- Int. Harvester. lu. Metropolltas, e. . . Lehigh Valley Kansas City Southern. l,ouliiTllle Ir Nsshtlllei Mlaanurl Pacific ,. iW Ntrada Oonsolldated. . . , New Haven ,iv. ....,. New- xora .tsnirat..,., N, V., O. W.. aVorfolk 4k .Western, -ei-Northern Pacific, e..., Pennsylvania Ballwsy.. p., a., ti. a c, ce..... I'ressed Steel ' Car, . . nay tone, voppor nsaoing, t tiepooiie i. s . jc. kock iaiaoo,c.., Bt. h. A 8. F. 21 pf.. (outheru Panne, e.,,. Soutbern Hallway, c.... Tens.- Copper , .v. 1'nlon Psclfle, , c. ..',,-... V. S. llnbber, ' ... ,.. V. ..i'teel'fJ.,:'e.WA'.. V. 8. Steel C., pf,,,.. Utah Copper ........... Wsbeah. c. ......... .. TVestlngboua Klectric,. 1 OH i27 heavy. 87.800 8.80: rough and heavy, t7.60T,80:: light; 87.768.t5.; --v , . Cattle Receipts 4600: market stesdy. Sheep Receipts . ' 26,000;- 3 market steady. , , ' ::-tH' . v-.' KANSAS CIT1T CATTLE STEADY weak tons In the hog trade for the day; vaiues osmr a mcaei orr.-i a .j, r--, , . Kansas Cltv hoa market ruled steady at former prices. souin umana nog maraet. was mostly a nicKei nigner Tooay. Today's general hog market range: BUILDING UP :;!!Vbankin is the working idea" ; of - this bank. - We help build up ; our cus-; V'tomefs1' business. . ' :ri-j.: Security baving Fifth and Morritoh Streets . Capital anJ Surplua. 1 - C - 5 ; 1,400,000 .t.'.V'. r ,'-' M"VV-,-;Iy ,V,i,.i-f:..if..;: ''tii ''" .'?.'-:'; '','..'''" .''ti-'.' ' 'f'ri.'-'ilV .,'-, Tod killers 88.15(88.90 Good and light .......... ... 8.008.10 Heavv- .. . . . ........ .- 7.80 Rough and heavy , . ; . T.00C7.S6 voaaya jjivsssoob anippsrs. Hogs B. H. Erwln. Prescott, , Wash., 1 load; W. H. Block, Alrlie. 1 load. . Cattle-K - Hyland.;,.Svrlpgfleld, J loads. Sheep -C. W. Helm, McMlnnville, 3 loads; Hugh'Cummlngs, Halsey, 1 loads dlrfct to Union -Meat Co. , -Comparative statement of run of live stock at North Portland: . - Csttle. CaUea. Hoas. Sheep. (107. 88 A 1204 8QVfc 9Vh 04 21 ( .34:1 St IsiMiei 108 124 lt X Total salve 171,000 shares. 128 23 182 1H 87 ss Mil to4 63 00 K I 0H' H 103 161 Run Is Quite Fair but Values Hold--. ; " Firm Tone Rules' for Mutton. Kansas City. Oct. 80. Hogs -Receipts ivyuuu; marxei siesoyi tops, Cattle Receipts 6000: market steady. isneep Keceipts lo.eoo: maraet firm. NORTHWEST BANIt STATEMENT CTesrings-. Thursday1-.., Wednesday , Tuesday Monday Tortlaad . 2Uak. ' '. ) ' ' ' -' This week;", Tear a an '..,..v.8l.!fl. 72.48 tl.OOO.OM.RO l,as5.17.B8 1,704,818.28 ,,.,.. a.zf.Bz.ei i.v:i.8,8.nn 2,810.018.10 ,OO8,308.B0 100X4 1S4 leow i?5v iH 14 8714 2 160 50 0814 . Week to date. . . .68.248,834.08 - 87,070,820.04 ..............'. .'.82,026.370.00 ,.'.',',', .'.''.''''",.', -, '160,038.00 Taeoma BaSka.r'i:":'"' Clearings-;1,, ,-i.t U.i t .i lt.i, i i . .. r .. I. i . -. Claarlngs Balances Balances ...... ,;v....gS2S.iT4 28,010 v '; " Openy High, ' JiOw Jan. V.. .1364 - 1867 -1329 Mar. . 185S ' '1867 i' 1828 Mav, ,,1860 ti18RS j 1828 .juiy',,,.,ki83;i:,:).84js1;;:,iiT' Oct. . .,,.1408 1408 1864 X)eU;jW 4380.u'41388 1868. v Kew ; York Cotton .Market. JiOW; V Clone 13S2(31 1331$82 1829&30 1320021 185S57 1368960 J "Lace Importer, 'Arrested. : New Tork.---Oct 80.-rrederlck I.iide wlg. rich lace Importer.' was' arrested charged ' with- - Undervaluing : dutiable goods,; defrauding tho government per haps of hundreds of thousands. , . v ....... ) . ,-. mmmmm .... 4 . y$&i Money, and; Egchanjce. '''".'-' vt iji-'. afsaaA t 8U A . .It'aaaV '' 1 i ": V WDUPIfVVI, Wf--VVSrBVW e P7BUI psaiwji, as I Y- VI bank rate 6: -r: ,.:'. - J A-.v. t 1 - New- York, Oct.' 80. Sterling exchange. , loug 8.811; abort.' 4.8f Sliver ouiuon, wva. . San- rranrlsco. Oct. i. Slerltnar eaehsnge, 00 days 4.t014; sight, 4.85; doc., 4.104. Trans, fers, telegraphic,. 6f$ premium; Sight, 2 pre. mlum. .,'. . ."...r,:;-; '.Make Cattle-- Shipments. ,' Ironside. Or-. Oct. 80. Four cars of choice beef cattle from this range were shipped to the Portland market Satur day, and more are being gathered to ship this week. - -'v- Ideal fair weather prevails here,' with frosty nights and sunny days , . , ..f . v.- ' 11 - i ' ' i , San Francisco Barley Callsr gn Francisco, Oct,- 80. Bsrley 'ealls: - s , , , , Open, Cks. neeember ................. ...-IT" .11!) May ...........,....w.M.....Hl?iB ' J481iA r tockeV ateads'oettem.' Orabi , ' SlS-siT aeard of Trade . naiUiag. r DIRECT" PRIVATE - WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board of Trade. ' Correspondents of Legaa 4k Bryan, . . Cblcage. New York, . ' Month re date , .40a . AM , 17,nH0 Same. 1818... 0,687 .; 1U 14.2 Increase,, ISIS ..... . .48 ,8.080 Decrease, 1018 i.14 . ... ....... Year to date OT.82l 4.378 148.140 Same, 1012... 06.881 ; 2.4S2 88.037 Gain, 1018.. 2,420 ' 1.020 6. 482 80,482 .21, list 22.207 "i'ui 21S.88I a,4in h. itk. FIRST NATIONAL BANK f h CAPITAL $100,000 SURPLUS $1,000,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS . - , CORNER FIRST AND WASHINGTON STREETS Section. Idaho , Oregon Oregoa Idaho ., Montana Montana Moataua Wednesday Afteraeea Bales. ' ., ., STEERS -- No. Aver lbs. 1 ,11 . - 1 cows .. v . .,...... - I' ,, .',.,,.,,., 38 L,.i. 25'',, .............. 27 1122 iooe 000 ' 18IO SNO en.t 004 Price. J8.S0 . 60 o.oo 36.00 6.73 6.78 I -6.7J Ladd & Tilton Bank - iitabluhed 18S9 : ; ; j ; CXPITAL $1,000,000.00 ' SURPLUS $1,000,000.00 ; COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Letter of Credit, Drafts and Travelers' Check ' - Issued, Available In All Part of tha World. 'it..-. , K- t ' ' ' Corner, Third and Wtuhington Street p :r J.C.VILS0N&C0 ;-'',"", I;-' ' MMBEIRsV'' ' KBW TORK STOCK EXCHANGE : ' NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANQJi . J CHICAGO BOARD OB" TRADE! THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE (in,rAttti!,w i,.- -PORTLAND OFFICIO fSt Oak It., CSronad Tloor, ewls Bide. Xhoass kiaxsHAU euao, MUT, i BOND PRICES; TODAY Arie LoVcr ThanlUierAvera Any Year During the Last Two Decades ' ' ' At .rare intervals,- like the present, opportunities arise" offering the ' i,V highest .returns without sacrificing safety, ' i , Shrewd investors "are .recognizing this as4 an s opportunity to be . .-grasped and ..are taking advantage of. our unusual, offering of four 'vvwell.secured .bond issues at prices, to; yield 6 and over, with the t , .choice of a short ors long term investment, - j. - l, J N. W. HALSEY COMPANY ; Railway Exchange Bldg.r Portland, Or. .424 California' Street, San Francisco." New- York ; ' "London Philadelphia V hot. Angeles Chics