The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 28, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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IIURSDAY and1 Friday will be sale ,
day in society. Aside from, the
great ball Friday evening to be
Riven by Consul and Mrs. Ide, and
the aubscrlptlon dance Wednes-
day night for the younger set of smart
society, every social set or 'circle has(
-ror either Tnureaay or nuay evenings
and It Is safe to, predict that there will
be no dullness throughout the city the
. latter part of the week. ; : ; ja;, ;
. Goblin faces are already to be seen
peeping from store windows proclaiming
the approach of one of the most f au
cinatlng of all -'holidays. Children's
parties are planned bytbe-score. ,
Fewer small bridge and tea parties
will talcs place1, however, because so
ciety Is on ..the qui vivs for the receu
tlon and ball of Friday evening.
.... w ,
Oregon Dinner Clven In New York.
A a "Oregon' dinner was : given by
Bishop Paddock and Bishop Scadding in
iha Great Northern hotel, Mew York;
on the evening of October 21. in honor
of delegates from Oregon to the gen
eral convention now in session in New
York, - Much Interest was taken In the
; perfect 'samples front-a box. of pears
grown on the orchard of -Fred H.Hop-
' 'kins at Central Point, Or. Those prea-
. ent were: Bluhopand Mrs. Scadding,
Bishop Paddock,' Chancellor Rodney JU
Glisan, Rev. Henry Russell Talbot and
Mrs. Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Fair
banks, Mr. and" Mrs. B. W. Morris, Bev.
C V, Baker Rev. Cr "VV. Boblnson, Rev.
P. K. Hammond, Rev. H. Warren And
' 'Horace P, RamsdelU . - J?
Sir, and Ir. Meredith to live In
. Ban Francisco.- " . -fiii&t:
In farewell to Mrs Ben Meredith, who
: with Mr. Meredith will leave soon for
' Ban Francisco to make their home, Mrs.
T. B. Howes' will, entertain at her home
on Portland Heights tomorrow after
noon With aix tables at bridge. , a
To Celebrate Fiftieth Wedding
. Anniversarfj 4'- "
Captain and Mrs. George Pope Will be
. hosts at a large reception-Sunday, No
vember i,' when they will celebrate the
t fiftieth anniversary of their . wedding.
' .Invitations have been sent out to about
ISO of the old friends who will call be
' t ween -the-hours J to-6 p. m. to greet
Captain aria Mrs, Pope.' The following
ladles wUl assist In receiving: Mrs. A;
J. Hammond, Mrs. C. W Bryant. Miss
Etta- Bailey , and Miss "Watson' of Ken
tucky. Miss -Watson Is a niece of Ad
: miral Watson of the United States navy.
St. Mary's Parish to 'Entertain,
Aii interesting Halloween jparty will
b given Thursday evening, October 30,
by - the young people of 6t Mary's
artsh at Columbia club hall. The hall
will be decorated effectively for the oc-
- casloa. A short program will be given,
- followed by dancing. olo, "The Ghost
of the' Goblin Man." Gertrude Hogan!
recitation, selected, France 'Houck;
song and dance, Happy Harry Morris;
Rmndpadly;cvbotit Pebple.
. - Captain T. J. Macgenn of the Break
water. .Who has been ill for two months,
has recovered sufficiently to return to
his boat and It sailed under his com
mand today V , ,
V- ' ' ';:: ," '-;
8NI.' Carroll, W. H. HJtt and H. H.
MeDoVsei, merchants Of Walla Walla,
; registered, Veatarday- iat-tha .Cosneltns,
hiving motored down from their home
city. They reported a good trip with
fins roads all the way. No difficulties
were encountered en, route. . .
'VIS. :-.. ' - 'f "
'w. II. Bice and Henry Bice, owners
of ' the wild animal circus that 1 to
winter at the Country club, 'are guests
"at, the Portland,.
viprlnce Sarath Ghosh, formerly a po
tentate of India, the. land of mysti
cism and history, passed through Port
land yesterday on a Journey of , enlight
enment. The princo has foresworn his"
royal aspirations "to dabble lh American
literature and reap the emolument of
the'lecture'platform.. ,"', rrf-:':.'-".t
"India was the cradle of the human
race." declared the prince, who talks
like an Englishman and wears clothes
made in the northwest. "The people
realise their antiquity and the historical
bearing they have upon other- racea -The
wise trader will takethla into account
"'The Germans are: taking away from
England the bulk lot the-Indian trade
When they start to" wondering. wher
they can get more business, they: bctfn
to study Hindu philo80phy,,i' If - they
have a can of food to sell and;flhd th
market slow, ? they C paste s on a ; label
bearing the picture - of. some ancient
Hindu goddess, r That appeals to'the re
ligion or the superstition- ot the people
and they buy it. Likewise, instead ef
prtntlng the name of the article. in, Ger
man or English, they print it In Sanskrit
letters. That gets ; the 4 Hindu where
hs is most vulnerable and so the Ger
mans roap-the-. tmf'kilii,
The prince is caretuIvhow hla nahje
is spelled. ',. V
Tlf you drop' tthe i't', from my .first
' name, you make it"Sarah,V and 1 am
not a girl,; he said, H you drop the
first 'h' in ray. last name you make It
Oosh,' which Is almost profane,: So I
like' strict attention ' paid to the spell-
mg.- .
( prince Ghosh ' lectured the other day
a If the Oregon Agricultural College. He
is' writing a' series of 'stories for, s
leading magazine on the adventures of
certain Hindu characters in America.
'jL.. L. Mohlcr, .president of the Union
Paciflo Railway company, and his sec
retary, -1. D." Kyle, are , guests at she
Multnomah, having arrived' in Portland
tlds morning. . - , ' , j , ' ,
B. McDonald;''-''fiehH;-packer;?:of'''Ali
toons, and wife are. a the Impertal ,
- Fi L. Norman,, a railroad man of eK
attlo, is stopping at the Imperial. Z, i '" -'
Simon Caro, a merchant of Roeeburg.
li t guest at the Imperial. '3 ' . ' ; .
, , 'W, F. McGregor, a Mnheryman, 6t A
'toria, Is stopping at the. Imperial, ;' c
j.. F. McPage and Mosetyv electric
Jehce of our
glwnT :
v. v s . -
selection, byr. two spooks from Bpook
land; sketch, "The Trouble at Batter
lee's"; cast, Dorothy, Miss Jennie Ma
honey; Alice, Miss Mae WalBh; Mildred,
Lorraine Mahoney; Bertie, Miss Tresa
Martin; Marion, Miss Louise AUfchof;
Mrs. .Batteries, - Mis Agnes Houck;
Mrs. rarrlsh to Give ! Elaborate
-MrsT George Parrlsh has Tad invi
tations for a large bridge tyCMifclven'
November 4 at 'the charming home of
Dr. and Mrs. Parrlsh in Irving-ton. VFive
Acres." Mrs. Parrlsh will have It
tables at cards.
Birthday Surprise, " """'j ';
A pretty event of the week was a
surprise party given in honor of-Miss
Alice Campbell's twenty-first birthday
at her home, , 291 North Nineteenth
street. -The house was prettily deco
rated with Halloween pumpkins and au
tumn leaves. - The table was deoorgtel
with large yellow chrysanthemums and
a large -birthday cake with 21 lighted,
candles. ,, The diversion, of the evening
was spent with music, cards and danc
ing. The highest honors - fell to Miss
Ann Neilsen ahd tdward Brady.. .Miss
Isabel - Cowannon rendered a vocal,
solq. Miss ' Hasel uurkln ; presided , at
the piano, Miss Vera Mullbollen spoke a
clever piece 1 end little Master Wall
danced an Irish Jig. Dainty . refresh
ment were, served after the program.
Those present were; .Edward Brady,
William Blake,' Joseph Casper, Noble
Powell. Frank fitrlemer. Edward Camp
bell, Homer Franklin, Joseph Campbell,
Jean Blake, Alfred Blown, . Georga
Smith. Pope Brown, James Dooney, Vin
cent Lane, Arthur McLean, the Misses
Ann Neilsen, 'Caroline Callls, Minnis
Callis, Vera Mullhollen, Margaret
Melbea, Mildred Concannon, May Meibes,
Hasel sDuyk In, Mary McKlnnon, Agnes
Campbell. Maple Robinson, Alice Camp
bell "Frances Schnledeyost, Florence
O'Brien, : Edith Miller: Helen O'Brien,
Hulda .Miller, Isabel Concaanon. The
evening was closed by. the J. ,W. K.
Glee, club, who- sang" "'Homey vSweet
Home," accompanied - byj Mla .Mary
MacKinnon at the piano, , and . Miss
Frances Schnledeyost with her violin. :
- ,v,f. 4, : y '"i. f
Portland Heights Club. , .
A Halloween party for all the iyounc
folk of the club below the age of IS
years will be given next Friday even
ing, October II. commencing promptly
at TiSO o'clock. The patronesses will bef
Airs, wuiiam xoung, airs. a. wionaia,
Mrs. Charles 'Deyttte, . "
Society Note. r -
" Mr. and Mrs. Walter A; Bitter' (Lettle
Sorenson), whose wedding was an event
of October 14, . have just returned to
Portland from
their wedding trip to
San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs.' Louis Oerllnger are so
journing in the ease, where they have
been visiting friends and relatives of
Mrs. oerllnger. 'r:--:?M::;:('---:$2
supply men of Seattle, are at the Ore
gon.-' .,......)
: Sidney A. Doherty,.an assistant In the
office of the united 8tatea attorney
general, " accompanied by Judge B. B.
Cooper -of Beaumont, Texas, is Regis
tered at the Oregon.
.? Dr. Wllllara . Dala and wife ot Har-
rlnburg rw.gaeatratth Oregon. .' -?
J. M. Tlbnell and Arthur French,
merchants of Roseburg, are at the Cor
nelius. ..,
George H. Greer, a stockman of War
ren ton, ! a guest at the Cornelius.. -
H. B. Waldron. an orchardlst la reg
istered at the Cornelius. i, v s.'-'--,
Mrs. . O.i G ruber of Kalama 1$ 'reg
istered at the Nortonla. p;-"- y
Mr, and Mrs. M. Tldyman of Racine,
Wis., are stopping at the Nortonla. - ,
John P. Kennedy, a business man of
Eugene, and wire are at the Multnomah.
- George A. Nelson and wife of As
toria are registered at the Multnomah.
H. S. Procter, a shoe manufacturer of
New York, is stopping at the Mult
nomah, pti.h .-'.v.-": t ,-'''
' C W.'Boxell, a hotel man of Bend', is
stopping at the Perkins, j s a
B. Gabrlelson, a merchant of Dayton,
is a guest at tha Perkins.
T. W. Robinson, a lumberman of
Olney, and wife are at the Perkins- "
- J. R. , Crowe, - manager of the. Hotel
Marlon at Salem. Is at the Portland.
Henry Miller.. Miss Ruth Chatterton.
Mrs, Chatterton and Miss Muriel Hope
or xne rtainDow company are registered
at the Portland from New York.
, Georga W. Warren, ahd Mrs. D, R.
Warren p ; Warrenton,; Or., are at the
rttanA-.-.-r.-r-!9.vJ-.r:'-.t. r
:: D. D. McClure and Gordon Forbes,
orchardtsts from White Salmon, are at
the Portland. . 'p' V i'--.
y'v;":" -
Outlines ;rHigH; School ' Course
1 Intended to. Get Student
SHJanglble Results, '
(SpeoUt to-The Journal.)
U Eugene, ;Or.; .pet ..n:A. high school
course in Oregon,' to .be submitted to
the teachers of the state by State Su
perintendent Churchill,; which will give
the,; students practical,' information in
the. occupations not , only , of farmer,
poultryman, teaclier, preacher, lawyer
and doctor, but the occupations of sail
or, machinist, chauffeur, and even beau
ty doctor, ; corn doctor,' horse doctor,
manicurist, nurse and a dozen others.
was announced by the state superintend
ent in an address before the Lane coun
ty teachers', institute which began yes
terday and . which- will close Wednoe
day.; The' list of studies will be set out
nlfiasfidat K ' a-
the economy as ''
wellasthe excel- , .
renovating work on
from the state superintendent's office
soon after the holidays; ' - r
i n list- is Q be- used as suggestive
matter by teachers In shaping the work
of students - toward the occupations
Which they expect to follow after they
are out of school. The list was partially
read .by the state superintendent, and
Decause of its unusual features and rev
olutionary, character, caused somewhat
or a sensation In the institute. ,une
subjects -suggested by Churchill are
1 tiinAmS a. a m,
una -vucaiiuns ior gins. All oi nm aun-
Jects mentioned, the superintendent said
he considers honorable and- necessary
occupations, and believes that practical
Information should be given along theae
lines rather than compelling the student
to follow the beaten paths of the text
books, to the, general end of the mere
passing of an examination. The t six
months' course to be offered contain
about SO subjecta 'vvv'-'-.i.v,;:'
Superintendent Churchill made .this
explanation of the course; ., .sit '
- "The purpose of this course la not
so much vocational guidance as voca
tional information.. , Some .80 - occupa
tions are presented during the half-year
course, the class being sophomores. In
studying each of these vocations, we
touch upon its healthf ulness, remunera
tion, value to society and social stand'
Ing, as well as upon the general educa
tion,, special preparation and natural
qualifications necessary for one to suc
ceed in it s i.-i r--r-'--'- . --a
"The work is supnlbmented by ad
dresses from practical men and women
now engaged in various occupations,
and by first-hand investigation of- the
community vocations.
"We believe that thj course, besides
being1 .intrinsically . interesting to the
respective boys and girls, will give them
with the Information, greater- respect
for all kinds of honorable work; will
help them later to choose more wisely
for their life work; will convince them
ot the, absolute necessity for -thorough
preparation before entering any voca
tion, and finally and naturally will' hold
many of them in high school longer,
and will mean the completion of the
full course to some, at least, who other
wise would hive dropped out'vf-fc.'
County Agent Harry- Bulger spent a
busy hour last Saturday night, which
resulted in the arrest of Irving OH vor
and Leonard Cables on a charge of at
tempting to steal an automobile. About
I o'clock he observed the boys trying
brakes on various machines parked in
front ot the Heillg theatre, From that
place they wandered to two other theat
tres. to The Journal building, the post
office, the Multnomah hotel and. finally
to . Stark street, between Third and
Fourth streets. Each machine they
passed was tried until the last plaos
was reached.
At that point they found S. D. Vin
cent's automobile and worked the
brakes. Then one cranked the machine
and they prepared to atart off. Bulger
arrested them, before , they startel
Under the coat Of one Of the boys he
found license tsg No.-12(9, which had
been stolen earlier and1 which they evi
dently Intended to put on the Vincent
car in place of the tar on that ear. .
Young, Oliver waa recently arrested
lit Cottage Grove, where he and other
. Hive you given your Xmi$ Photos
serious thought! If not, now Is
the time we make beautiful Photos
from 93.50 per dozen up.
4 Present? this tad at, studio It Is
worth t. 00 to you as part pay
ment on any style Photo you may
choose. : .
Ask at studio regardinf Diamond
RInf. - See rtnf on ' exhibit at
. STORE K":-S.r.Z
3U Wash. St, Bet. 6th and 7th
-" 346 H. MORRISON Sf. j
TomJ In leoleJt
, tin with tf foW-
r? , -
I I 'I'll I rs- 'ZiS.f, -111 , U IU t' HI y .
boys had taken an automobile stolen
in Portland, and Judge. Gatens - of the
Juvenile' eourt sentenced him to the re
form school, paroling him on condition
that he k'eep away from automobiles In
the future. The terms of tbe parole
provided that he should be taken to
the school without farther court pro-
1 - vTr"4 v3'.V7
1 Wm
It't n easy matter to be fashionably dresBed every day in
the year besides, you do not have to .worry about the ready
money, either. It's unnecessary to. pay CASH .for your '
'purchases. l' ( ' - - - ;
Our plan of , easy payment places the newest and best ,
within your, easy reach. A plan that's convenient, helpful,
satisfying; one that you surely will appreciate.
Open an account with us tomorrow. ' i t', .
408 i'
m iota,'
The Yambin
-iHfii-"' i a
the low prices, those who
present this ad when making purchase of 50c or
over, at any one stall, will get 15 extra S. &, H.
Green .Trading Stamps ? FREE, besides regular
stamps .' i , "
iivi i
t00t,Jex &7STiX afetffl" . m -
Take Notice. Ladies! ,
This Weak Only
50 Off ..22&
30.00 Full Wigs . . . . . .S1S.00
115.00 Full Wigs..... .S 7.50
$ 1 S.oo Transformations.
f 7.50 iransiormi;ioni..,.... j.o
. S3 s.oo Frencn s.wucnes..
S2S.00. French Switches..
M 12.00 French Switches..,.... 6.00
The Ha
frrocnful to each cud. then add a cup of
; boiling mill: fcr each person, stir a few
mcnicaU and you have a healthful, , ,
catbfyHg bsvcraqe unmatched for ; ;
whclcscnacncss and flayer. - V?
ceedure if he broke the parole, but he
la to be given sn opportunity to explain
his actions in court next Saturday.
Meantime he is held In the county JaU.
The other boy has never been in trou
ble In the court before, and was -allowed
to return . to work this morning. He Is
to come before the court Saturday.
You. Cap .
Be the
Best Dressed
I i Woman ; IvV
in the Neigh
borhood :
' The Biff
, Credit
PuUic Mu-
ni y t a)
...,..$ 7.50
. . . ,iw.sw
If Store
'ouse- f
The . successful
Way to make
to follow the
simple direc
tions upon the
labcfle t Make a
bwte.usia.T a table-
Since 1882
',. "The Store With a Guarantee"
This; is the
K. j4thii' is now giving warmth and
ciiccr w many a riruana iiving-
room! It's the "Beauty",
the; Heater thafs sold with
- a guarantee bond from the
maker. Made lor wood.
Handsomely nickel-
s. trimmed. We can
. sare you money,
: : jaetier come
' and see
' morrow.
. Let all the folks taste this pure food. Let
them spread it oh bread. Use it for cook
ing. Marigold Oleomargarine is health-
, buildbg.-r- nutritious ' It's clean. And you
save I Oc to 20c a pound by using it. ',
i Marigold is served to more than a million per
sons daily It is made in our modern, einitary
churnenef. Every pound is Govern
ment inspected. You'll like It
flavor. Serre it TONIGHT!
dealers sell it
Morris & Co.
ISth and Marshall Sts.
Portland, Ore.
Marie: Tour shortsightedness And
aulntinr are nrobahlv caused bv a
weak and overworked condition of the
yss. I do not think your eye troubles
are serious; they can he relieveA with
th dally application of two or three
drops -at a time of this simple tonlo:
Dissolve an cunoe of crrstos In a pint
ot water. , This will be a arrest comfort
as well as a beautifier ana will prevent
that equinyna- which is apt to maxo
crow's-feet and lines ' about th eyes.
Take my advice: don't werry.
Hilda: There are many methods ad-
vocatea ror reauciuc the cnin: but alter
all. there is nothlnjr so good as to keep
down the general flesh. .And this does
not require any vigorous aieting- or
exercisinff if vou will take this simple
remedy which you can mix ' at home.
Get four ounces of parnotis at the drug
storft, and dissolve It In m pints water.
Take a tablespoonful before meals. It
will work maelo with the "dreadful
double chin," and you will experience
no bad effects. Hlgrh collars should
bs worn a little as possible. They
Increase th tendency to flabby throat
Mlu'h at Rer. Ii i, hair tonic
which vou can nreDare at home at Small
expense and which. Is a genuine hair
grower of tbe best and simplest kind.
B sure to keep your scalp clean by
frequent shampooing with canthrox and
then rub Unto your scalp this tonic,
made by dissolving an ounce of qutn
soln in a half pint of alcohol and add
ing one halS pint Cold water. For all
scalp troubles and badly nourished hair
tlil Is an unequalled remedy. ;t.,;';;;-
- Oliver ' 1 ' never recommend ;: a hair
rive, but unless I am much mistaken
about our ae,' you should not have
trouble with radca or gray nair ror a
long while yet. The best way in the
world to ston your hair troubles Is to
wash with canthrox occasionally. Use
a teaspoontul in a cup of -'hot water.
It is the best thing I know of to re
move aandruff and prevent brlttlenewH.
split . hairs, and the Irritation cnusoil
by ' excess oil. ' It cleanses thoroughly,
and has none of tbe objectionable dual
r ... "i i '
""vl , j
: i (. I
L7J IL rrrif
All good
a I ... iv 1 1 j t i i v nr rna
1 A w""
The Home Beautij Parlor
ities pf soap or ordinary shampoos.
This is very economical and easy to
use. .Dries aulckly and can be used
with the very least waste of time.
t ':..:., SlsV, . ,..,,;. .' ;.,;- -Vi, : X . ' ', , m j'1
" - Miss HE 6. r . Tour skin trouble sounds
as if it were caused by your use of
ord.In.rv.-?c?- Powders. They give an
artificial look especially if one is In
clined to be sallow or pimpled. The
very, - thing ; for you is spurmax the
best liquid lotion I know about It
Is economical because you mix it your
self at home. Get 4 ounces spurmax
(at any drug store), and mix It with ft
Pint hot water., add S teaapoontuls gly.
cerine. apply It to face, neck and arms.
The effect will surprise you with its
beauty and naturalness. It will cling
as If a part of your skin, and last din
ing an entire evening. It will not only
disguise cold sores, biemlshrn, etc, but
in Urn It will relieve them entirely.
Lily Dale:, For your hollow cheeks
nt sallow, colorless skin, there Is
nothing better In the world than this
greaseless complexion jelly which.. you
can easily prepare, at home. Gt one
ounoe of almozoln. put it in a fruit Jar,
add hair a pint cold water and two t'- f
spoonfuls glycerine. fcUlr brlwklv and
let stand over night The uh9 of thin '
with careful maagln? , wlii Improve
skin nutrition and give tru niiai-ncv
and loveliness to th roniplexiun, it
is fine to correct pimples.
Isabel i .1 was glad to fi -1 of
enthusiasm about the t
poo and gladly rei-on I K i i
requet for . ttil oil ti , i
prescription.' Wf'i.iva - i
sugar and one ou r.,
half pint alcohol; t.i- i .
Ing water to mukn a lull
tablespoonful l..-i'..r
think your sudi-n i
as you av. y,,.
will, br pin , t
tts. renter j ii j
spirits. J r . i .
tier see aui..e t ,
Eetty Pun'a t , .
. iU.
4 -