The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 27, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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Boston, S a. m. ..Ml Portland, 8. t..4
fWMh'toa " , .481 Mrim14 ,.t
jr. Orleans " , .4aifc.i
kiw Totk . .04 oia -
Ir Chioags ,,4418 an Trail. " ...
St.. jTr-I - . ,s KMiDarg ..
iu city " ..aabpoku ,.m
Portland humidity, e a, xu. , . . . luJ
NO. 199.
27, 1913. SIXTEEN PAGES.
, W TH ADT9 A WD KtW "
-flu lns'TiTaiiiai i,iJ
THE f CORNERSTONE" , - vV; a '
t II t P I : "V. u"" II I ( VA Va V"- ri W.W- t-.O-O V-V VJV V V . V , V J. ' I
President in Extemporaneous
Talk at Mobile Declares I
A Is Duty-of United States to
;r Free Latin America. "
'KS' i. H
American Spirit Must fie the
; ; Guardianship of True Con
, T V stitutional Liberty."
v (Cnltad Press Lnw Win.) ".
y ,. Mobile, Ala., Oct. X7 Declaration that
: the United States never would seek an
other foot of territory In conquest waa
. voiced today by President Woodrow
i: ' Wilson In opening the Southern Com.
merclal congress here.' ,
v : "And the United States," he continued,
"must see to it that no other nation
gain any territory on thla hemisphere.
' President Wilson hailed the comple
-" tlon of the Panama canal aa "the eman
cipation of the 1-atln-Amerlcan atatea
from foreign control." , ,
; "Governor O'Neal Introduced ihe presl
dent after predicting: that the comple.
tlon of the Panama canal would enable
, the south to wreat shipping supremacy
. jrom tn east. it -
r'- Speaks for latin America,
"We ought to be first In assisting In
the emancipation of the Latin-American
. states," , said President Wilson. "They
have been driven to hard bargains, but
hereafter we will draw them closer and
closer on terms uf friendship and equal.
Hy, for that Is the only possible bond
between us. We stand for the highest
. Ideals, constitutional, liberties and free-
. dom for all. ',, :'yrv "' :
-l want to say here that America doee
. not ' seek another foot of territory in
. conquest, and we must see to it that no
' other nation does, on this hemisphere
The United States, will carry out that
, program. The American spirit must be
' the guardianship of true constitutional
..liberty.' . -
-"Despite the things we are trying to
correct, this century, has brought us a
long way up the bill toward light and
justice. .
I miHVl0lK.r CBJUCllt 1 Tf UDUil UJU ' v
Indicated that the admlnlBtratlon would
, continue Its 4,moral suasion" policy.
v-it tn-ortfatityrnhrf pt Bftaeirr sait
"to make the weetern hemisphere the
home of the free and 'governed only as
the people dictate. . We must follow the
: cburse of high principle, no matter what
pressure it brought ta,pear." - p.
X fpeaks Uxtemporaneously.
; President Wilson spoke extemporane
ously, and his remarks were enthusias
tically , received.. After, reciting from
Panama- canal statistics, he added:- '
"I. am reciting these things because I
have lust learned them myself." -
The president was warmly welcomed
upon his arrival. Even a drixsllng rain
failed to abate the enthusiasm of thn
crowds. ' Thousands of persons from all
parts of the state packed , the streets,
and scboel children were massed along
the route from the railroad station to
: Battle house, , where the president
stopped. Vv''1 y.-'!
After a brief rest at the hcl preal-
' dent Wilson- boarded the. revenue cut-
' ,ter Winona for a trip about Mobile bar.
.. xater ne went to the Lyric, theatre,
i where the Commercial Congress was in
. session, leaving later in the day fot
' (Salem Boreas ef Thi Joarsal.i
Balent, Orw Oct I7just as the big
' audience at the anti-saloon meeting, in
Jthe Armory yesterday afternoon began
I singing, ''Throw out the life line, some
one is sinking away," K. SS. Kepip was
trlcketi with heart failure and sank
to the floorv yHe was carried to another
;v room in -the Armory, and Dr. Byrd and
, ' Dr. Fisher were summoned, but -he died
-a before ttey arrived. . He was 80 years
' old and leaves a widow,' He was a con.
tractor. : -.:-:;.; 4
;Any markci;is? valuable
wheh it of fers wide selec-.:?
j felticm ,or buyirig and selling ;
'Viv-and when large firms::) as
'':i..well;s,as individuals ,; j
that .market, ? J o a f tt a 1 :
Wantj Ads offer a. market ;
; r :, .whefe 1 individuals Steele ;
,.;;V .! everything from real estate ,;'
' 1t5 T to i positions, and ' where
- -V 'j -" K 1 arge' firms bu y and sell j
, ' ; ; for instance, this ' appears ?
. "under Stocks and Bonds:'
. ' ' , . - -
t;tot AnriiM. ci.; Oct. so, ma. - ' ; ;
? Ths , HndrnUrned dmlrM to nureheie '
- ondof tha.iloma Telephoo Tkle-'
fmpB eompior ot roruaoa, or., to in-1
: vest ea mount not to exceed S8400, U.
' v nnmotured Intcrot coupoiu to . eeroni.
: tuny the gondii Submit r offer tn wrlt-
ing not.. later 'then Nor. 8. 1918, at 5 ',
t o'clock p.' m Ulght reserved to reject '"
u any end. all bids and to require depolt
Vt ot bonda offered, or, In lieu thereof, a
V pah depolt of 10 pft cent of amount 1
't of Wd. ' addreaa J. Fv Jack, Troet Of-
fleer Title Inaurance and Truat Co., T1
:? tie- ImuriiBce bldg., ' Loa Anselea, Cat.
Here you i' aeis i large 'i
hoi ..Angeles corporation
.' seeking ; sellers through
The: Journal Want .Ads; j
are, you awake to ? the
j tvaiiku yi.
-R-'-.v: :::,:i':jr:;;;rr-:.r r ... -
$Wmk -KCi-:. ; " ...
:1. , i 'tl
t !;W-f ssSw i-'h
t V i ' mi in i n 'I ini(in"jyii ivi luj V - ' 'Wnaaei Tinfajwi " r-,J- Tti i nij i ' TrB
. fl 1 1 j
u ' 1 I fi
: - -. . .- ;-
Sitifation in Mexico HeJd to Be
Not Improved by Election tf
Yesterday, - V
' 1 (TJnltee Preea Iaaad Wire.) ' '
Washington. Oct.4 27. as the
administration was today over the ab
sence of an explosion in connection with
Sunday's election; In Mexico, it was said
candidly "that there has been no Im
provement' In the situation! ' In .fact,
some of, ihe 'officials thought .matters
have been, made 'worse, for Provisional
president Huert a will havfr.a congress
now" entirely under his 'control. . No
doubt .was felt vthat, this ;body , will Vp
hold the dictator in any act of aggres
sion he. may decide on and In nullifying
American attempts to : improve condi
tions in ihe' sister republic, inaamuch
sue all such attempts will Involve Huer-
ta's elimination.-'',,"'. -sy
One thing, It was said, la certain the
administration will .refuse positively to
(Continued on, Page Seven.)
Ef fie Cressweil Has Strych
nine Put In :Tea; and Coffee
, (.'r
(SiieclaL to iThe Journal.! ' '
Salem, Or., Oct. 2T. An t tempt was
made last night to poison all of the In
mates at the state Industrial school for
girls by putting stryahnine in the ten
and) coffee served at supper. But for
the timely discovery that ' something
was wrong with tha beverages by Mis.
Esther Hopkins, matron, serious effects
might have resulted. One of the glria
was mad 'ilta ! r r
The strychnine was supplied by Mr.
JSt fie CreswelV who says she la SI years
old and who wag committed to the In
stitution last week' from Salem. 8ho
smuggled; the poison in by hiding It In
Bhe was searched when committed, but
tha hidden pocket was not discovered.
Yesterday she induced Stella Morgan,
committed from Albany, and - Lulu
Bmlth. commltteed 'from Corvallla, and
Lydia Hill, committed from Columbia
county,' to put tha poison tn the ton
and coffee" These girls confessed when
an Investigation was begun. They-ar
all younger than the Cressweil noman.
Mrs. Lola O. ' Baldwin of Portland.
chairman of the, advisory board f i the
institution, was called and today she
had the Cressweil woman sent to the
city Jail and will bring criminal charges
against'. her. v., f': K .w;?,.,.? v:
The penalty for the crime with which
she la charged is three to fifteen year
in the penitentiary, , Mrs. Baldwin said
the Cressweil woman - has . been a no
torloua character and never should havi
been sent to the Industrial school.
His. Brother-in-Law Arrested
in Vera Cruz for; Flourishing
Revolver, at. Election,
. (United Press Leased Wke.1 -; , a
Vera Crux. Mex., Oct 27. Friends ef
Qenerali Felix Dlas Lwere saying, plainly
today., that they think he la tempting
Providence by remaining In Mexico. '
' President Huerta would much 'prefer
to havo him leave Ihe country,-It was
agreed, but' if he cannot drive him Into
exile, he ' wants him it, the 'capital,
where he wants him : and ;, have ' him
entirely" within; his powers v:;,-:
v. Dlax,,bowever'was still spending part
or , rue , time at . una uerman s hotel ; ana
part' at the United States consulate. j .
when, after urslng him ,t - accent
President's Huerta's invitation to go to
Mexico City, and meeting with a refusal,
Colonel Vldaurasaga left on his., special
train for the capital yesterday, he-said
emphatically that Dlas must answer for
his defiance. It was doubted here if
the resignation, as a brigadier ' general
In the- Mexican army, which he tele
graphed . to the war department : last
night, would , save him. , It was sur
mised'here that he would be summoned
before General , Blanquet for a repri
mand, and, undoubtedly-refusing to go,
that bo would be arrested and court
martialed. ' .U-'1..;
Though they have both denied It. Mex
ican officials . here are , convinced that
JohnV Lind and ' United : SUtea Consul
(Continued on Pago Pleven.
Dereiict;4With Bodies 'Aboard
Discovered by Liner: Sea
J Cocks Opened. . ,
, i - I , 1 ,!(,'
' (TJnltad Preaa Leased Wtre.) 1 '
. Southampton, England,, Oct 27. 'The
sinking of the liner Vol turno's charred
hulk October IT t waa Jannouneod s by
wireless today . from the steamship
Cherlols as It passed tha Lizard, home
wmrd'vboiuid;'v"'..; ?'
The drlfUng derelict was sighted from
the Charlola' masthead on that date, the
captain stated, and a boat's erew was
sent on . board, " The fire .was out and
the bodies of those who perished In It
were ., still lying on deck and In the
forecastle, and engine room. The Ves
sel's Interior was entirely burned out '
The officer; In command of the boat s
erew Opened the sea cocks, and those
On board the Chariots aaw the ship sink
beneath : the waves. j yfc i
Washington, Oct 7. Legislation re
straining and safeguarding the' sale of
bichloride of mercury was urged In a
letter received here today by Congress,
man Calder from Coroner Ftinberg ot
New York city. r Calder said he would
Introduce isofsh a. bill later, ' : ;;';
. - -. , , . )
t ' ' '
Miss : Ljfdia Schlewe Uncon-
scious. From Injuries; Pasr
senger Bruised by Impact,
Slippery streets and a telegraph pole
figured prominently In an automobile
accident at the' corner, of Union avenue
and Falling street at 7:15 o'clock last
night, when Miss Lydia E. Schlewe of
801 Michigan avenue was. struck by a
skidding taxlcab belonging to the Port
land Taxicab company. ..Thrown to the
hard pavement ihe. sustained a concus
slon of the- brain. Innumerable bruises
and possible Internal Injuries. She Is
now at' the Good Samaritan hoaiptal In
a semi-conscious condition. -
In company with girl friend Miss
Schlewe had lust alighted from a north.
bound Union avenue car, 'The taxlcab
driven by H; E. Kllllan was : coming
south with , two passengers aa the girls
earns around behind the street car and
(Continued, on Page Five.)
'. f ...... ,W --a.
. V -1. 1 ii.ii.
Secret Trials Last Fait Showed
Them Useless; 'Are. : Being
Entirely Peconstructed, ;
':' '": ''i: (TTnlttn Press" Lsased Wire.) 1 '
Washington, Oct, tl. That a secret
test last fall proved the . fortifications
about the Panama canal were worthless
was learned here today,; following an
announcement" that the Atlantlo fleet
would assemble off Panama In Febru
ary for series ' of maneuvers' to put
the fortifications to another test' Many
change have been-made since the test
last ' fall, 'end many government f offi
cials, lnoludlng President Wilson, con
template . attending the maneuvers.
It was admitted today that the entire
fortlfioatlons af the- canal ,, and ' locks
were reconstructed after the maneuvers
last fall 1 oft Quantanamo. " Evan - the
mortars . guarding Chrlstobel. the ' At
lantlo approach . to the . canal, ' Were
thrown five miles further outside the
breakwater. ; ' v. -:
The tests last fall, It was. admitted
today, showed that an . enemy could
draw" a perfect map of the locks and
fortifications from . fire-control towers,
even at night It also was proved that
an approaching enemy could hare de
stroyed, the canal,. with ease. '.- ,
The. maneuvers next February : will
Consist of day and night; attacks as the
reconstruction of the- fortifications waa
undertaken with the chief idea of pie
venting a successful night attack,;
1 '?M '
W-K To right riague Rata,
San Francisco- Oct JT-Dr. 'French
Blmpson of the united SUtea, public
health service,; who has been assisting
the local board of health, left here today
for Seattle to aid tn the war of extermi
nation on plague rata,
No r Candidate Received - Ma
"iflrity in": Yesterday's Elec-
'. tibn and Constitution Is to
Be Disregarded.
Capital Quiet but Huerta Spent
the Day "in Suburb; Candi
dates Did Notv Vote.
" (United Press Leased Wlra.) t
v Mexico City.- Oct 27.-rThe elecUon
yesterday resulted Just as everyone had
expected, v, . . :
It was clear today that not .enough
votes were cast to elect a president. ..
'" The. congressional candidates who re
ceived majorities will get together. It
was expected,, and declare themselves
elected Huerta approving. ; .
Then they will declare ,that the presi
dential, as distinguished from the con
gressional, election was invalid and ask
Huertev to remain at the head, of the
government Until another election can
be held. This will be whenever Huerta
wants one.
" Constitution Disregarded. '
Persons familiar with the Mexican
constitution said they, did not see how
the congressional , election could be
called valid and ' the presidential elec
tion void, in view of the fact that the
presidential : ' and . congressional candi
dates Were voted for on the same bal
lots. Practical politicians replied, how
ever, that this was a mere detail' which
would .not be permitted to stand in the
provisional government's way.
There are about , 8,000,000 voters In
Mexico and - the . constitution - requires
one third of them to cast their, ballot
to make a valid election. Nothing like
this number voted yesterday. Exact
figures cannot be given and none will
be available for some days, owing to
the disorganisation of all means of
communication. In one dlstrlot, . how
ever, for example,' where there are 80
LO00 voters less than (000 ballots were
cast There were places where the vot
ing was even lighter than this, and in
the northern states not even a pretense
was made of opening polling places ex
cept where there were federal garrisons.
' Huerta Stayed in Country.
Leaders of the Dial and Oamboa Bar-
ties ieee-thelrrfoaowerer not,- toVwte,'
Huerta himself was sway from the
capital all of Sunday, spending, the day
at his residence in a remote suburb, hut
General Blanquet, the vice presidential
candidate on the Huerta ticket remained
at the helm all day.
In Mexico City, and so far at any re
ports yet received Indicate, the election
was perfectly quiet There seemed to
be no attempt to Intimidate or even to
(Continued on rge Nina)
Ilas iydl Scbiew, seriously;
mjmJ 3 55'
L "j cHt HOWVrl-'
favTl !r" " . ' ' v
- I'll i I ii
Believed That Worry Over
'Stolen City Funds Caused
, I S. C. E. Jordan; 69, to Com
mit Suicide.
Never Blamed i for, 'Loss of
$3100 Which Was Taken
Franr Safe.v ; ;
(Special to"" Th JournaH '
i Marshf lerd. Or., Oct 17. The body of
B. C E. Jordan, 69 years old, mayor of
Eastslde, with the feet tied together,
was' found in the bay this morning, a
short distance from his home. Every
indication is that Jordan committed sui
cide, and his act is ascribed? to worry
over the disappearance from the city
haU safe at Eastslde Of $S100 of city
funds, a loss 'discovered about a week
ago, while. Recorder Leaton, who had
the custody of the- money, was In the
hospital. . ' . ;,. . . '
Jordan left his home last evening tell
ing his wife that he was going out to
do some choree. When he failed to re
tunrn In three hour Mrs. Jordan no
tified officers and friends and a search
was started.- - a .-.. ' :
Jordan was never blamed for the loas
of the funds, but he continually brood
ed over the matter taking upon himself
blame which none of his fellow citisens
placed on him. A few days ago he told
one of his friends that he worried so he
bad not slept since the loss of . ths
money was discovered, and his nerves
were noticeably shakes,.
There is no clue as to who really took
the city's money,- which , was collected
from property' Owners on a special as
sessment for street Improvements. For
several weeks the - safe could not be
opened, as It would not respond to the
combination.' ' Leaton. went to the hos
pital for a surgical operation, and when
he returned the outside door of the safe
was opened by a mechanic. - ' -.''''-:
; ; .;' v . aconey Crone, ? ': .::-: .
' The Inside door was then opened, but
the money" was'"inot;there.vy;..?';'
Jordan knew the combination of the
outside door,' but the recorder held the
key-to the Inside door. This lock had
1 be wlaniDexed. j1 th. In J(ila abatement
H, ui uing nig money w , unsaea,
Leaton aid he did hot put the money
in the bank because: he expected a per
sonal .attachment and feared - the; city
funds in . bis -possession might become
Involved, so he retained the cash In the
city safe, that only be and Jordan knew
that ,the, money was there. - , :. ,
At 7 , o'clock last , evening Jordan
seemed In good ' spirits. .' and told his
wife that he was going out to do some
(Continued on Page Ftve.) . -j
Injured In" auto accident.
r i "fa
-fr tftwToU
1 '- '.V. " " . '
Mrs. Minna Kenter. 78 Years
Old and Deaf, Was on Way
to Get , Stamp for Letter to ;,
Be Sent to Germany.
Bystander Also -Shouted but
No Heed Was Paid; Widow....
Lived by Herself, f .
On her way to mall a letter to Ger
many asking Information that would
help her secure a widow's pension, Mrs.
Minna Keneer, 71 years old, was struck .
by a Mount Scott trolley train at For. '
tleth and Hawthorne avenue, at :59
o'clock this morning and instantly killed. '
Her body was dragged , nearly 40 feet -along
the track and waa ;? frightfully.'
mutilated. N ' ..- V. - i
. The aged woman, who was known In
tho neighborhood ' of : her home as -"Mother
Bussie."- had left her tumble- -down
cottage at 314 East Forty-second
street,, to purchase a stamp and get her
letter Into i. the mall, j; She ad turned -west
on Hawthorne at Forty-second and
had gbne aa far as fiortleth, when she
crossed over. Being very deaf, she evl-
dently did not hear tha approaching
ears, though bystanders say Motorman '
J. L. O'Brien was clanging his gong -furiously.
Albert Breedlove, s salesman "
employed by Wadhams St Co., said he .
was near and 'shouted a warning to the
woman, but she did not hear him and he "
could not reach her in time to drag .
her away. Peter Smith, 1201 Hawthorne 1
avenue, said he waa sitting on his porch -'
when he heard the shout and looked up ; '
Just as Mrs. Kenter was struck. He said v '
the motorman was signalling and that '
the fender was down. .-, , , r , .
,. Xffort to Ftad. Son. ' . "
Ths body , was covered with a cloth
until the ambulance arrived to take it ,
to the morgue, Efforts, are now being I
made to, find Mrs. Renter's son, Bobert
C. Bussie. who. Is supposed to bain the '
country near Vancouver on a paJating
job The son lives at 121 East Forty-
third, and- la said by neighbors to own .
several bouses in the vicinity.
Mrs.- Kentner ; waa believed by her ,
neighbors to be miserably poor,, Tes
tercay afternoon, she crossed the street -.
to the home of Dr. Jacob Grebe. I2C
Best Fertyvsecond. street, 'and borrowed -a
bottle of Ink, saying she wanted to
write a letter. It was this letter which
she was carrying When the car crushed
out her life.--; . . ' - - . -t
The letter la written in German and
(Continued en Page Five.) .
Member of Privy Council As-,
sertsr After . Year, - Results ,
Are Surprising, , ' , , "
v 1 1 , , , . -
. (United Press Leased Wire. "
Berlin. Oct 27. prof essor Krause, a,
member of the privy council and one of .
the highest authorities of Germany, to-
night gave a partial Indorsement to Dr.
F. F.-. Frledmann's .. antl-tuberculoels r'
serum.' V:w . ' ' ' . . - .
Ktause's statement came lust one year
after Dr. Frledmann's announcement of .
his discovery and followed a remark
able demonstration' today; by Frtedmann
and Professor Mueller tn the royal hos
pitals for the benefit of the delegates
to the International Tuberculosis coun
cil, conducted under the patronage of
Empress Augusta. Victoria.. Numerous
Frledmann patient were exhibited to
more than 800 physicians from all Darts .
Of the world. . :fl-..''.".--'.'.v.! . ,
"I am convinced that there are no In
jurious results from Frledmann's ser
um," Krause said,. "Before this demon
stratlon I convinced myself of that by
two months of observation In my own
clinic, V"cv;,v.&'V';ir.'i'.:, -a
"In the surgical cases exhibited.' wher .
the patients suffered from tuberculosis'
of the flesh and bone, one must ss an
honorable man, admit' and 1 1 have the
courage to say. that 'we were' shown
some surprising, results, even If it be
conceded, which is very likely,, that the
cases shown to us were . Frledmann's
best ' The X-ray plates exhibited elao '
Justify the belief that tubercular lungs
also can be favorably Influenced by the
.neamann serum. . , , , ; v ,
Krause auaUfled his statement bv sav
ing that insofar aa lung tuberculosis
is . concerned, he still has llnaerlnz
Ldoubts. He said observations In his own
ou&io baa not Justified the claim that
Frledmann's serum is s "cure." but ad
mitted that sufficient time has not yet
elapsed to enable him to pass Judgment'
on the discovery.- ,
) :' t i -r ' i ' .
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct 27.Rvn of.
flcials have unearthed ti fact tmt
when Andrew Carnie sold out U th
sUl trust he drew Oi cotrnj.-t in s .
a way. that the trust win hate to i
his inoorae tax on Its bomin.
Convicted Banker r Ui
Washington,' Oct. 27. C- -
1 r
senting WilJlam Cummin,
president of the defunct cin
company, today askel thn !
supreme court to review a i
decision ! under which c
sentenced to six yours' l -
1 1
s 'if ':"