The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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X7 f IfiH
of sranni :siirvfy
THE nf.'EfuiJA!! TuLii ;
' By Some Document:Is Consid
. ; ered 'Utopian .'But; Contains
t Valuable Suggestions. , -
The school survey has. started a cur
rnt of comment throughout the city.
- By it parents have been reminded In. a
'new way that nothing la mor import
, nt than the education - of their chll-
Manufactu rers of That Cou n-
1:try;WiU;Not Be 'Slow in
Taking; Advantage,'; -
, Jren. Many of them have been startled,'
tn hA tnMtw la that Irnnwlnlra !
of methods 1 now In use and lmprove
. ments- already made which would fit
them to pass withaentlre Intelligence on
s the - suggestions for . betterment .con
ktatned In the survey. '" - ? ,:.'
- The survey committee 'unanimously
speaks belief In the. great value of the
report Interviews with ' members .of
the committee yesterday failed to bring
to light ft single criticism of Ui ..,;;-
- Members of the school board receive
it kindly, but, 'With one possible excep
tion, do not regard It as the utterance
. of a, composite educational oracle.
' When the survey says that " spirit
to accomplish and' surpass, the "spirit
ef ;' loyalty '.' and enthusiasm' does not
exist anions; principals and teachers
It speaks of a condition that cannot bo
'said to exist now, they aver. -
In answer; to the crltlolsm ' that the
curriculum is n'-dead" they , point to
the many .- recent- changes having as
v purpose revivifying influence.-
obool Buildings Throw Open. -
,"' 'Also, they ; assert, fine ; charge r that
the school buildings 'are not used as
much aa they should, is no longer true
because the school buildings have been
' thrown-open as social centers in every
district'-. v:'-."." v ' :'L':-(i ''' ''yf-
Among members of the board. Dr.
' Ernst A. Bommer was most critical of
. th survey yesterday i R. X. Sabin was
- - moBt approving.. . .The superintendent
ef schools asked that Improvements
already made should be. noted in con-
, section with - criticisms.,- Statements
also were secured rv yesterday : front
" member, of the survey committee, the
complete symposium being as follows:
, -V. J".' oauner'g Tttwi.1'
tr Ernst A. Bommer, member school
.board "The criticism heretofore, has
, been that Rigler as-, superintendent of
schools rM the. whole school system.
' Under the'present school law authority
Is concentrated in the ,. superintendent
more than ever before.- If we should
; continue present tendencies and act in
' line with the- criticisms-of - the survey
the ' school board would - be -eliminated
as an educational factor and be merely
a body. to raise money to, finance the
Work., of schools-' A'.:;
' "I doy not agree with such a. pro
cedure. I do not believe, the people of
Oregon agree with it They are gettln
awayfrom-,1 not towards, a;; one-man
'power. It the superintendent of schools
'did all the employing and discharging
ef -the teachers, fort- Instance,!' they
would have no recourse whatever. ,Un
. der the present . system 1 they, cart;, ap
peal 'to, the sohoolrboard.(4
Survey XiScks iJnoe-Wheal '
f "I consider the survey sS complete
analysis of an' ideal educational system.
It lacks the' balance wheel which the
incorporation-of 1 the business' element
, would have provided it No five men,
Hormr ofwhtmrir-sf tmslnesirxnan.'-tan.
come fsmrolatsa yi-
tem mat is- capsoie ot ute best sppuoa-t
Hon to local conditions t, . i
if 'The investigators should have Inter-
would have had more authority had they
done so and, it would have been more
, easily applicable to conditions here..
"They make recommendations as lo
the! health of the children, but I have
Submitted a. plan of physical education
that I believe to be in advance of their
' recommendation,,, : The plan I speak of
,. involves such record -of 'the physical
: condition f .the child from time to time
as would in the and- furnish a complete
index "of -tola" improvement or retrogres
; slon f V ! 4- -v Vi
- " "It would involve a pathological study
. Af egch child and a recording of oil
.' ailments .which each child is found to
-suffer from. If. a child is absent from
school we can then tell if. it. is ,,due
; properly to physical disability. We
. would jiot usurp the-Cfunctlona of -the
; health board but work ,wlth tt; Gener
' ally speaking;, we have been putting into
effect the' best of the recommendations
, made by the survey committee.
i 1 vl'Wt have been making Improvements
In, accord with conditions as ere know
them. The survey has both good and
bed feature and I am sure we shall be
. willing to take advantage of its good
features, used together .with , the busi-,
ness ability, of members of the board to
produce the ideal eduoatlonal system."
. (V Kontsrue Agrees With OOQuaitte. 'i '
"Rlahard W. Monti gur chairman sur
vey eommlttee: "Speaking not as an
authority but . as a ' layman who. knows
the ) achools principally through, tholr
motion on his own- children, I believe
the experts ot. the survey have laid an
unerring finger on the defects "of the
preaehtt system, and : that they have
Wnted out the way by which the 4e
Xects can be removed.. , -; - .
, :", don't believe there' is any'inteUi
tent patron of the schools who has not
, felt,' perhaps vaguely jand inarticulately,
that the schools, in spite of their high
development in ome dlreotlons, fall to
do for their 'Children what Hhey should
do, for the very reasons and ; on the
am grounds that .j the survey points
, ,"We ar-now given' the opportunity
to- do for our children V what ought to
.' be. done for tbem in the way of educa
tion, at leaet to dtf that as nearly as the
present development of the science of
education will permit. V ! j .
; "Whether 'we dp or not depends, firsts
en whether everybody constituting a
part Of the school system is wllllnt to
take the document and study it without
pride of opinion or foolish prepossession
. ef the idea that what we have done Is
right I merely because we have : done it,
and, second, whether- the publlo will rec.
. egntse the efforts which we have every
reason to hpe the r of f leers - and em
ployes -of th,sohools wUl make, Let's
do ltr rr' .'..''.'.--,;;-..; ; .
' s Chairman labia Praises lurvey. ',
' K. t Sabln, chairman board of school
directors ."I consider the school Survey
an. epooh-maklng document. It Is one
oft the moot Important things done in
, this community In many years. It should
be studied most carefully by all who
are interested: In the public school sys-
! tern of Portland. . v, i c -Vf ;.
"It shows that the men who' made the
survey, were qualified for their work
, which was don without fear or favor
and with a most determined and sincere
effort to get at the truth. The recom
mendation, are in line with the doo
trlnes or th , best writer. ahd speakers
on educational mattera today an to build
ings, tenchors and administration.
"As tq Ihe suggoHtlon that the board,
should not' leot hd teachers, it wjli
t found .that for years the board ha
endorsed the . recommendations of the
superintendent and that very few teach-1
erg have been elected contraiy to. bis
rei-ommcndatione, - .
"While It may bo true that members
lt ( , i , , r.i.r , 1 , ;- r-j-. - 77
I :i-y y J K- ''V!',: ",4v'-".;,
" "at." """"""" "-" -' "' " "i "" --rV.- - . . ..;..-.'", , v '"' . ''.?'.
- ' . J. ' T7 , , . ''.,V"
j' "
Route 'Along Upper Columbia
Replete With' Natural V
, .branaeur .
;,. The science of road making ts exemplified-,
W the construction of that ppr
tloit of the Columbia river highway run
ning through Multnomah countyi now tn
progress With ' an efficient organlsa
tlon the road is. being built on a grade
whioh in no place exceeds S per cent.
The curves are long and "graceful and
there are no . deep cuts, -steep . pitches
or "deadman" curves. The' road is .so
located that the ever-changing panorama
of ! waterfall, rugged, -.rooky . peak : and
expanse f , river is- brought into 'full
view. . .".. '..... ,s
' "With the completlont ;o'f the rade' In
th vtctnity of Multnomah Falls jiow
under way, it will be possible next sea
son for vehicles to reach the fails by
making temporary use of the Latourelle
grade and abandoned railway grade until
the permanent highway la completed, .
This temporary use will afford the
publlo an -opportunty to cheaply reaUze
mai wiinin au mues of Portland they
service and give too much attention I to
detail,-1; have this to say, that )t It shall
ever Ds.impossioie to rind, men and wo
men . in Portland who ore unwilllntHo
work' enthusiastically without compen
sation in publlo service then the city had
better go out of business. The survey
should be a most- helpful document' and
its value should endure' for .several
years." . ; ' , , ft? '
-' - Kunley Tx'cepts to Criticisms. -
M. G. Muuly, member of school board
"The school survey embodies a highly
constructive policy, which we will un
doubtedly be glad to be governed,' by. In
fact, many o its recommendations have
been, anticipated by: the sohool board
and are now in effect As to the criti
cisms I think; many of. them, - are (far
f etched.' ;- v .;,v tiHrtXf, I
"The v surveyors .evidently forgot
that the board is required by statute to
give attention to many details and that
under the law it cannot delegate these
duties to others. I consider the criti
cisms of principals .nd. teachers rather
ungenerous. ' Tba gentlemen who made'
the survey, could , not possibly have in
vestigated, conditions in all the schools.
Tiiey am not nave time,
'Hence, sweeping criticisms ' are tun-
warranted and far fetched. In my opin
ion,' it is not too . much, to say at the
present time that our teaohers and .our
course of study are of as high, a grade
as can be found anywhere else in i the
country.".-. ,;,i', "''.'!"",. i :
' "-' Borvey ' Ihould' Be - Heeded.'.
- VT'- R Alderman; "superintendent t
scho'ols--"The" survey,' .if the' sugges
tions It contains are heedeu, snould re
sult in great good, but if Its criticises
are ,; taken . blindly and ' it la -assumed
from , them .that Portland has bad
aohoola, the results may be . very', un
fortunate, ,. indeed.- rt '""f.,, ;v
- "It lst. true that 1 we now ' have " tn
effect many of the recommendations of
the survey. For Instance, we are open?
ing every- school for social center pur
poses. Our, Parent-Teacher association
involving the necessary cooperation be
tween parents' and Jeachers, - Is ,the
mont complete in the United States.. ,
"The night chools have-doubled their
attendance, i We have an open ? air
school. There is local autonomy as to
methods in every . school. We are not
afraid to open the. windows lor the
sake of fresh air.; Our students make
excursions to learn at first band shout
r- - AK. - U . by s ' In n i
1 Oneonta Bluffs .'(PbotQ py.-WdBter),
2 Members .- of patfy who. Inspected route of Columbia Hirer highway. -8
Graders at work on hillside. , " t , , t
4 Point overlooking; railroad. ' . " , .... r; -....
IJartr ewtogroctv roadbed.; ly 'Myy'y:
6-6cenlo. section .'hear .railroad 'iritikyy j'-.-
have one of -the creates t :Soenlo hlgb
ways In the world. ; .; ; v
j v. fi?v asaglo Tisw Afforded.!
When tba permanent road is, com
pleted one .'. at its' most ' commanding
points wilL Jn the. opinion of Consulting
Engineer-Lancaster, be at the' summit
of the large rocky bluff between
Rooster " Bock r and I-atourelle. From
this spot ' the ligrhts of Portland can
be seen to the westward while to the
eastward the view .will extend to - Cas
cade LpCkS.,,! r.,.--yl--:- ' .n.
to reacn the biurr me roaa win ce
sceud from .the .cliff near, Chanticleer
Inn" Into the amphitheatre ,r back of
Rooster Rock and thence work up to the
summit of the bluff where a turn will
be ' mader befor- descending ' into the
subjects which they are studying. Our
course' of study has "been analysed and
opportunities for, correction ' have- been
sought rather than avoided;- ' ,
-'We are very .carefully 'Studying each
child - to learn what ha ' la by nature
best fitted- to do. What we want most
Is the cooperation of all Portland cl ti
sane in establishing an eduoatlonal plan
adapted to the needs of their children."
V, 3. Goldsmith, member of survey
oommlttee -"I think it a very good sur
vey. The Investigators struok at the
foundation, of conditions. X consider the
statements in the survey true and the
recommendations . sound." '..,',.. , r
v Xj, Allen Lewis, member Of survey
committee -"The survey should be made
the basis of our publlo school program
ton five to, ten years. . It Js fair.-apd
good. -! Some cf . the'-' recommendations
are undoubtedly ahead - of - the times. : I
do not know. In particular enough about
the present methods to, speak as to the.
soundness of the ' criticisms." - :
- Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull, rasmber, , of
survey committee- "I consider the sur
vey of the utmost Value.'" It is singular
ly complete, It la impartial. It is oon-sclenUous.-
lit is- constructive,'" :
' X V. Beach, member of ! the school
board, said he . had been sick; and : hod
been ;., unable to elve the report more
than cursory examination. O. M. Plum
mer, member of the sohool board, was
out of the cltys ';y jy ' , v
Jtv.'i j;r;;1' ;.',- 1 ! ...:,:iw. : r."f Vy f
- The preliminary , hearing of John Con
sally, manager of the v Westers Film
oompany, in the Rothchlld building, was
continued yesterday afternoon In mu
nicipal court until Monday. This con
tinuance, was allowed by Judge Steven
son after ' both sides bad made an ex
tenJed argument In ..which the. city
asked for more time, while the defend
ant insisted upon trial at onoe. - t
Connolly . is Jointly charged with
Henry Connors,; who Is "under arrest at
Buffalo, N. T., for obtaining 2 10 from
Mra Jennie RIeman. Detective Boyle
is on his way east now to return Con
nors to Portland for trial. It is charged
in the complaint that Connors Induced
Mrs. RIeman to send htm 2150 with
which to help, a friend out of trouble.
Letters to Connally from Connors jmpll
y " j I Hi ..-P' ' 111
amphitheatre back of Latpurelle to the
river. . ,a . ;, - s'
Another-engineering feat will be the
construction ' of a concrete viaduct
arouna a rooky point Just west of Mult
nomah Falls. : ::; - ....v'-'.v - .
' This vladuot will be 400 feet in length
and its construction is necessary owing
to the faot that the point is built up of
Vooso rock which cannot be dug into
on account or-slides. yew u j
i i.iHv.laos'oot.Tuiuiel aTaaned.
At Oneonta forge there will be a tun
nel of 12 feet through a massive rock.
Emerging from - the tunnel going east
ward the traveler will get a tnagnlf loent
view oi cetera nd the Cathedral
spires,, a view that rivals anything of
fered by the famous Tosemlte valley. -
cats Connally In" the transaction. The
woman sent the money. Connors again
asked for mors money;. lut the friend
who was supposed to be in trouble in.
formed the woman of the scheme, there
by preventing the forwarding of the
second amount. Connally was arrested
Friday evening of last week and is st
liberty upon ball. Efforts are being
made by the proseoution : to delay his
nsanng unui. ine arrival or connora
" ,.(.', ii , ;
.Albany, Or.,c Oot.26. The full Social
ist ticket for the ooralng city election
has been filed with the city recorder,
as follows: Mayor, .W. 8. Richards; re
corder, M, F. Hayes; marshal, J. K
Davis; treasurer, Ed C Krause; council
man First ward, E. V. Bmithj council
man, second ward J. Cramer; council
man Third ward, J. D. Bryant. ; '
Mayor Gilbert today Issued: a formal
statement in which he says he Is not a
candidate for re-election. . Nominating
petitions were being circulated yester
day for the re-nomination of Council
man Cameron from the Second ward,
and Recorder Van Taseet -Petitions ate
also being circulated for the nomination
of la, M. Curl for mayor and F. H. Pfelf
fer for counollman from the First ward,
J. R, Hulbert, who has served in this
office during the past, two years, de
clines to be s candidate. . fl . '
? Will Send Delegates. ; ?
, Willamette University, Salem, 1 Or.,
Oct 25.- The quadrennial eenventlon o
student volunteers to be held at Kansas
City, ' Mo, during the Christmas.' holi
days will be attended by three Willam
ette university students and a faculty
member. . ,,;'.. '-'"
Willamette has, a strong volunteer
band, with- an enrollment of 20., " ,
. : - The Logical Tfrrie." . '
To buy pianos" and " player piano
Graves-' Muslo Co.'a removal sale, 111
Fourth st. . See adv beck page, section
8. Adv. .
Whether you prefer to sit down or
stand up the "Household Goods" classi
fication, can help you; everything from
Chairs to rugs listed today. (Adv.)
' Good coal and wood. Edlefsen, (Ad.) '
It Is probable that the cutting of the
tunnel and the building of the viaduct
will he dons by contract , It Is expected
to begin work on the tunnel this win
ter. ::-V: .'?.' ' :r s '.:: ' ' ' ' X . .",
At the different water falls alone the
' , . t , i, ranging In price from M 500 aown. ry , :' '. , , '
Our Special Diamond Rings
."ranglnr down from' t 00 are carefully, selected and represent .the .best la' quality
O ' s r ' ' - and refinement at a conservative price. , ...,,
y . ' ' A k , . r ' f-M, - . - . . -w -
.' . 'We ire ready to enre those who wish special
'. . ' "designs' made up In nectlaces,. bracelets, and u .
' . -..the many articles of personal adornment ap.; ,
' ' , . , - proprlate- for holiday-, and occasional .gifts. t
Diamond Set Link Buttons
)' L t $7.50 upwards '
Diamond Set Brooches
$10 upwards
' y ' -. ' , ' ' ; ,(
" '
road the brush will be cleared away so
as to five an unimpeded view. ' -
Several miles of the road will ran over
the abandoned grade of the O.-W. R. A
N.,j which wlU : require but,- HtUe . re
construction. ?.'''"!' 'ic--t '
Tke Store for
J "a briUUnt MSetablaja of beautiful, f!wless diamonds, let In chaste
deslens, affordinean opportunity to-make .electlona that will lnsur
lastlni appreciation. ; : Diamond rings of rare beauty, magnificently.; set.
- .t ti ' . Diamond Set Lavallieres
$10 upward; '
' '-. Diamond Set Bracelets
Jj V v-' $20 " upward ,
V v Diamond Set Scarf Pin
T .. .
, 1 1 n
Berlin, - ttet. 21 The German news
papers, which- from the start were in
clined to doubt the sincerity of Presi
dent Wllion. cannot find "words warm
enough to praise him because he has
shown, that his promises were not of the
common or election- variety. ' ".
America's iews tariff . is hailed here
with great Joy, Tit i pointed out how
strong were the eapttalltitlo forces work
ing against President Wilson. .
At the same time It Is emphasized
that the evision of the American tar- ,
iff is very far from free trade and Ger-
mana w.i rnmA tralnBt hAliAVinfi? thAt
it means n end to the "chicanes" of th
American customs . ; authorities which-,
have been a source of so much annoy- .
anco to German exporters, though It
cannot be denied that the door has been ,
opened a little wider. , . :- . "";':. .
German manufacturers will not be
slowi to make use of the eW advan
tages and opportunities offered them
and at the same time it. ! perfectly
clear to German statesmen that If thes t .
opportunities are not to be lost again,
Germany on her side must be prepared
to; extend a friendly band and make
corresponding1 . concessions to America.,
This is generally conceded to be ab
solutely necessary, for nowhere else
does the proverb "Do ut des" hold more
good than In commercial .relations bj
tween nations.
Albany, Or, Oct. 26 Because he
wanted a man to do some slashing and a -woman
to cook for him on a farm west
of here. C. H Oliver effected a marriage
between Nola Plnkston and Boy McKen-drickV-
both of this clfy. The couple was
married yesterday morning by iter. J.
T.- LitUe of Salem. After the ceremony,
they left for their home on the farm, ;
, s ass afk esk AS sS A
HUMb run ihnlol
Salem,' Or., Oct m 25-rThe -; executive
committee of the western division of the .
Oregon Stats Teachers', association met
here today and fixed December 22 to 2t
ss the ttaie for the meeting of- the west' .
era division - In. this city. .The sessions
will begin at noon on December. 22 and
end at noon en the twenty-fourth; so
those attending may return home before
Christmas day. , , -'
2o Tour Xmaa Shopping Early Ton
wilt find on display at The Art Craft
and Curio Bhpp a -large assortment of
dainty and '- exclusive -Xmas novelties,
including mottoes and books, articles in
copper, brass,; leather, Jewelry, genuine
Indian curios, Japanese and . Cnlnese
novelties and many other . appropriatu
gifts too numerous . to, mention.'. ot
Morrison sV. - (Adv.)
ft, "V Ml a, .J ' ( , y
. Some Bargain Ss Two "genuine ' dia
monds snd srenulne pearls, set in a solid
14-k gold mounting, ladle's' ' rings, at
$19.86! -f also all kinds i of ' ; jewelry,
watches, at the lowest prices. Sale tbo
whole week. B. Bach ells, 171 First St.
bet Tamhlll and Morrison,'-1 (Adv.)
. Western Motnre IMbh Oon 170 First
St Complete new line of mat boarjs.
poster board and cover paper. . Artists'
material. Up-to-date framing. Main
0. " ' - (Adv.)
,, - i ,j ) ' '
Discovered -An ' exclusive Homeo--pathlo
drug: store. Take the elevator,
202 Rothchild building, 285 , Washing
ton st v , . , i (Adv.)