The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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" - .
KmtfschWtt,-. Chairman of . Dl-
Declares She Left :Him After
Their,-: Adopted .Child Died
Under Peculiar Conditions.
, (ftf tin International Nta tervlr.
Plmouth Mass.. Oct ?3. Mrs. Jen
', Me May Kalon today became the chief
' witness, in her own defend" In her
5-.- trial for the murder - of bv 'husband,
; . J;e(ir . Admiral ; Joseph a Kftton. Al--'
thousrh on the stand seven hours. Mrs.
'' Katon u cool am) calm.- while 'tell
ing tha story of her life sr.d the
i venla preceding tb. death of Her hue-
l and. She , will, continue ner , iesu
fnonv Monday. ' , 1,1
The significance of, purt of the
prosecution's testimony, including ram-
Ming letters written by the dufendnut,
bt-came apparent' today . When ' thee
alienist employed by the prosecution
observed Mrs. Eaton every moment she
v. as on the stand. Mrs.' -Raton ' said
' she 'was :4 "years old. . She inarrlod
Daniel Henry .A Ins worth In Washington
cn July SO. 139. . Her daughter June
wis born the June- following her marriage.-:
Mrs.. Eaton said she left Alns
crtJi because he' drank to excess and
could not 'hold a. position. She tl:cn
' ntered the George Washington hos
pital' and 'became a .nure.' 1 .
."One of the first oases I had was as
lwrse to Admiral . Katon's wife,- who
iiied,"- the witness said. , ''At that time
-1 saw. Mr- Eaton. Intoxicated on many
occasions." '! i.''-X"
.';'.?; Propottd Several Tines. :
"The 'admiral proposed marriage to
in veral times after I had become
. his housekeeper after bis wife's death,
' but I had not accepted him. We moved
to Hull, Mass., 'one summer. - The ad
miral and I were married In Brooklyn,
, T tn.w nnthlna nf' litA flnatif-lnl rrrA-
tlon but knew that he -was drinking; too
much. I persuaded . lilm to .buy the
farm at.Asslnipp! and we moved there.
'. ..succeeded In lessening his drinks to
two a dav for nearly'-two years.-" But
wl,ll ' T . M4iinln 1,1. . .t-lnlr h.
admiral was taking various kinds , o(
medicines which I was sure were drugs,
because after taking 4hem . he would
stagger-about and sometimes become so
blind that ha would run into objects. ,
TtUs ef Chad's Death.
"The day our. beautiful little adopted
.. babvi whose name was Earl McQuarrl
' Hearts, - died,' I yan bathing in -the
'ocean, and on coming out of the water
I aw the admiral - staggering out of
the house. He was not intoxicated, but
under the. Influence of some -drug. . I
Went into the house and found the baby
"crying. I picked him up and be becam?
violently 111. I rushed, for a doctor and
remember that I said: 'I will give Yu
31000 to save the child,' but h died.
I then left .the. admiral and with my
daughters-June and Dorothy moved to
Weymouth. . , ,
. ''Every day. I ,-was 1 away- from him
the colonel wrote me love letters telling
me how lonely he was and how, much
he .loved me. I was very fond of thf
admiral, but I was afraid to live In th
same house with him."
. ' The letters were then Introduced and
read to- the jury by William, A. Morse,
cnier counsel tor sura. JSaton.,
. (Continued From Fags One.) -
:. character is wanted by the senate just
as reaioueiy as by the executive and
the house. , ?
' : PubUo Ownership Pavored.
Today there was a strong and rapidly
rrystalising sentiment In favor of ap
plying the public ownership principle to
the regional banks that will be provided
for. This ' will relieve tlx bill from
inany of the criticisms' of the ' banks
relative ' to compulsory subscription to
1 the capital stock and drawing upon their
stores for the purpose of financing Ahe
new system. Also it would. Senators
who favor the plan say, make ft impoB
- slble for bankers to insist upon a voice
In the management of the affairs to in
sl8t upon. - x '
These senators believe they can aban
'don th central bank plan and avoid
friction with the president, i '.v.--.
M. P. Parker Willis of New Tork con
tinued his statements before the com
mittee today. Replying. to questions by
Senator Nelson he admitted that 12
regional banks were not a feature of the
bill. What was needed was a sufficient
number to take care of the business of
the country. Ha opposed vigorously the
central' bank plan. - Among ' bis reasons
lie asuigned one that the central bank
idea would not permit of a proper de
gree of location, ; . . .', .: : . . -
. 'Sepori tn. Ten Says. .
Senator Jijtchcock read the telegrams
from SO wholesale houses tin Omaha
criticising the bill and contending that
credits- would - be - largely concentrated
under; the proposed law.'
The hearing closed this evening after
nn executive session in which National
Hunk Examiner Charles Starck of New
York city was examined. The committee
desired to learn from him t how banks
w.w wwm.'mw M,.u wu& xcw were pmu
by the banks for that service. Examin
ation work is held as confidential by
the treasury, department and for that
reason this part of the hearing was con
ducted behind closed doors.
Monday morning the committee will
begin the task of putting its bill Into
shape.- It Is believed a report may be
made in 19- days.
Klamath ' Falls, Or., . Oct. - 25, More
than 60 pounds of dynamite wa found
In the government irrigating can.M n?ar
the new rourthousu. The dynnnitte
was in S4 sticks and was str.;wn alone
the bottom of tlw tianal, which almost
inc!rolea the courthouse site. The find
ing of the explosive -caused excite
ment, as it was believed by some that
an attempt was planned to blow up
the new courthouse and ' Carnegie ' 11
i rary now under construction. ,v
The theory is that when the govern
ment canal was under construction the
dynamite was. left along the canal and ihe vater uncovered it.: ,
The xplONiv;waa found by chlld)n
f laying in the ctnal since: Hie water
I as been shut off. , gevernt pieces were
trfkun home by the joungsters.
ICunatray Accident ' Fatal. .
Shock resulting from a runaway acci
dent in which he was thrown from his
hupgy six weeks ; age was responsible
for toe death at the Good Samaritan
lKpital yesterday morning of Joseph fl.
Hetd. a C. A. R.:, veteran of.Westoort.
lie was a member Of the George Wright
Tost, ,',A. It, and although- 90 years of
w. eceeungiy active tor b
- , 714" - I ...vr-
.;.-!s.';.v.- I . i v. ill i
I -'' . I - . . I ffKH, jr i - - v I
1 ,( ,'of Tammany hall, .who Is, the issue ; t - L
v Vl of the mayoralty campaign in New f x
IJr York City, and,to the left of blm
i , j I John : Purrojr MltchIl.Tusion can- i t
.--t ff vajdat9'for mayor. 50a viMnrphy's r - j
O v J I .vtlght VJdge Bdward.VMcCall. ,5 J.'
' WJ. ' : TammanyB candidate for mayor, il 't , . I ' 1
!" B10 on ttfh left, is William "A. 1 ; ;. J -; (
Prendergast, who . is the Fusion UL jy r-sL
wAC , .; candidate for reelection as comp? Nfe .1 Lis . '
x jcM troller, and on the right,, below CA iff '
------AO) . George McAneny, Fusion .candi- . rVV yVf-
: ? ' ''.N ;: date for' president .of the. board of-'. V- Xw r2iFk fi
' .. 1 -s 4 1 Aldermen. . A , " f srT ' A
Mitchel Looks : Favorite in -the
. Contest With, McCalli in-'.
k tense Interest Prevails.-
i r- v; M t J
. , (By the loternattonat Jfews Service.) '
New, York, Oct 25. Are the 'daya of
Tammany Hall numbered? , -
vis., the famous organization.; .that
brought into being a " Boss" Tweed, a
"Dick" - Croker and r a Charles Francis
wurphy. about to lose political control
of New York Citywhere-it Jtas.neeUed
and grown fat. these many years? .
This great metropolis spends half of
Its time ;doplng". something. . ; Just re
cently it finished "doping''; the World's
series, and was all wrong as usual, and
but a short time ago the metropolis was
engaged in "doping"; the 1 SuUertral.
At this moment New York la engaged
in the. fasctnatfng occupation of '"dop
ing" the .political situation. And it is
some situation. ; 'w.s-
If the .' local ' political situation hadl
r.oi cnangea witn tne startling sudden
ness, largely because of the death of
Mayor Gaynor, the - mayoralty election
of next month would be more complex
than It , Is even . now. It would have
compared, favorably with the situation
l 'Mexico, where the "free and Inde
pendent" citizenry are about to engage
in the task of electing a dictator, by
courtesy known' as .a ."president" h v
. Tignrlng Sop Zs the Beg.
The more comprex 'a' situation is, the
more New York likes to dP It It is
human: nature to desire to talk about
something one - doesn't ' know anything
about,' and discoursing with an appear
ance of profound knowledge upon a sub
ject of which he is profoundly ignorant.
Is the New Yorker'a favorite indoor and
outdoor sport. . . ,, .-, ,
As it now is the averace citizen of
New York will leave his home on No
vember 4 with his head thrown back,
chest inflated, and saunter to the poll
ing places there to exercise his right
aa an American cltlsen. - Probably he
won't knew until he gets into the hnnth.
Just how-, be is going to vote. Aftar
ne looks at the ballot he will be. cer
tain that be doesn't know how he is n.
lng to vote, A; good prescription for
such cases Is to close the eyes, breathe
hard, make a jab witb the pencil' and re
tire gracefully to make room ,for. the
next Then your ballot will be thro i
out, but you will nave a feeling - of
auty well performed.
It looks like John Purroy Mitchel f6r
mayor. . It is difficult to see how Tam
many is going to beat him. Still." we
Tnnn nmm -i
iuiill miuniiL
ew York Herald Poll .Leans
'' Towards Fusion Candi- :
;?i date. 1-;'
.Hi'.,., .'I
New . York. Oct. 26. Mitchel : Fusion
candidate 8601 ; McCall, Tammany Dem
ocratic -7123. ; ... '';: --
That(?wa8 the recapitulation; of the
carefully taken straw vote polled : by
tne New York Herald in the mayorltv
election for three weeks mH
night; '-v, '.-'i;;i..?' ?: ?r: -kvt . ..-:: i-i.
The straw vote rennnt.
odds offered In Wall street on Mitchel.
but it ia explained The Herald njakos
no claim ,for the authenticity of the
declarations tnade- by-the voters.'" : '" .
ine poll is similar to that inkon p
every election time, the-forecaster . d-
ciared with mora than .: positlveness.
,;!,.; . " ' " ' n. , :;'
W.Mrni PlamonSon"1 DeaaS'I--Centralis.-Wash-'
parte Plamondon, a pioneer fesideht ,- of
have , vivid recollections of other cara-
paigns where It appeared difficult for
Tannnrfny to beat Fusion.- But reapurc-
oT old Tammany! It lnva so many po
litical tricks .up Its sleeves.- : i;
Judge Edward E. McCall." late of the
supreme 'court; is a very admirable gen
tleman ; in many 1 respects. , His. repu
tation is good, barring his associations
with Tammany, But William 8ulxer
had a long Tammany record when he ran
for governor, and the people of the state
of New York elected -hlro with enthusi
asm.,' Of course, the opposition to Tam
many was not united in that instance,
as it, is In, the present mayoralty situ
ation,. :. v !w -. , :
. ;The Progressives, Bepubllcans. Inde
pendence Leaguers,' Independent Demo
crats and Gaynorites ' have a united -on
John Purroy Mitchel for mayor. Against
this ' formidable array there ' is only
Tammany : Hall and McCall: Then,
Mitchel has the endorsement of the na
tional administration. Thia counts for,
a great deal with those Democrats who
are not directly associated : with - Tain
many. It means, in their minds,- that
some of the federal patronage will - be
thrown -the-way of , the' supporters of,
Mr. Mitchel. Therefore, Hurray! Three
cheers for Mitchell v
Beyond a doqbt, however,, the majori
ty are doing so because of earnest op
position to Tammany. . They would make
Tammany the (issue of the campaign.
It is not a question of Mltdiel -or Mc
Call, but a question of Mitchel or Tam
many, they assert Like Colonel Roose
velt, when' the latter , fought :'Dick"
Croker for the governorship , of , New
York, Mitchel will try to show the peo
ple of Naw .'York city . that Charles
Francis Murphy of Tammany Hall is bla
real opponent, and not McC&ll, no mat
ter what the latter may say -about be
ing undeg the control of no - man t-r
organisation. ' ' 4''"- ::--JK
Some months ago it looked as If
Lieutenant- Beckerr, tue Rosenthal mur
derer and tHe ' police ' problem would
constitute the 'issues of the campaign.
it waen t particularly clear In anyone a
mind how this was to be brought home
to Tammany,. but till,-the plan was to
somehow shunt the whole . thing on to
the shoulders of the 'Tiger, i The : ac
ceptance of X Tammany endorsement by
District Attorney Whitman, -who is run
nlng en .every ticket, and .therefore can't
be defeated, .and the determination' of
Mayor Gaynor to run again, put an end
to the police iaeue. If Gaynor had
lived ths police situation - could have
been shoved onto him,' but it couldn't
have been used as a weapon against
Tammany. . In fact, Tammany, itself
thought seriously of tislng it as weapon
against; Ottif!nor.,-( i-j. -,)." ;
The issue now ; comes' down, to Just
Files, Answer in -St; Raul Deny
ing Wife's Complaint; AI-:v;
if tleging:;:'H6rn'e:; ls':Hisg;
.'! .fci" 'Special to Tbe ' jonrnaU --'.i'',,.;-;
St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 25. Edmund E.
C. Von Klein will fight (he. divorce suit
filed against him in Minneapolis as well
as the bigamy charges In Portland, Or,
where he Is-now held ton he complaint
of Miss Ethel Newomb. The trial of
the criminal chargein Portland is ,sst
for Monday, but the divorce case will
not WB reached -for eeveral -months.
All- thecharges in, Mrs. Von Klein's
complaint are ueniea by . vonKiein who
file his answer in the-suit today.i Von
Irving ivenuo Bouth. while la . jis
answer. He ;says the home at No. 3021
Irving gvevnus, south, while 'in bin
wife's i name, , was purchased with his
money . and he declares that ! "11 the
household fomlBhlngs belong to him.
Mrs. '.Von. Klein cliilmrf hnth ....
and the furnishings, in her complaint
Tammany Hall.- Campaign spell binders
on Fusion, bdnd. Wagons : wUi : address
the hstenjlng cltixens;"tbusly: Jt).;
"FeUlow .citi-sen's! '. hera -i are i too
Issues In - this campaign-but-One. -. Do
you want 'Mr. John Purroy Mitchel -and
Fusion, or McCall nd Tammany -Hall?
Do you want'Mr. 'Mitchel and .good gov
ernment for v and ' byf the people? Or,
do yoii want Mr. McCall and government
for and : by C,harler Ft Murphy r et'c.j
" . r. 'x . , z - J? . jiH ' k
.aa - '-a t . S !i , . ' ' :''!;prF
: '. i 1-1tS: ' ;
;:Wivj!VS: -- if .:iivi.:;x! S j
. ' . .. l. .. .... - --.' '. J.. - ,,'.i . .,
V:-f .--i v'-...... -'T,; I '-Si-i--- ; , - : .:oiii-i:iii':i:: '..'..'i: .:... r-v.- '... -y'- 'm':i::mM:'m'Smi
Li.-! ii?:;; 1
. t':i ; f.V ' pii--ii3S: t f It . t ' 1 "
,' . LdAl, A 1. .... i, v....-. j. .t . ".. . - i. 't.J S j j, .- ',
aqe on saieiMdiraayimorn
, Extension Tables, Chairs, etc
t. V.
Stanford Takes. Sficohi :Place
r and " Pastime 'Club' Is Gbod
Thirds : :
,' JPan Francisco, Oct, J3.The Qlymi ie
lub athletes were r, the herpes of the
day in the Portola ;traef and' f kld ;!meet
held a the Staaium l;,toaay, the wear
ers of the : W iuged ,0 ! .rol led V up J; 4 2
t olnts. Stanford was' second. wlth'J S.
and ,the' pastime club third with S2..
It wk a day of. stirring sport, but
1 archly a -record breaking -oci!aslon,
hen';the grcaf , variety of -events; and
Utf full fields, -of comretltot-8 are con-sldereJ."';-.fcs''i.
. iA'fs;.
fflllovrlng; are ; the points scored-' by
ciub: , u , ' . , 1 . - - v ,'
7. 'uivmpic iud, tz.r, stanrora, ja: !fss-
ti m; J i . Unl verslty at Call lorn ia;, if,
Multnomah A. t?, 11; Boston -A. A." C,
8;'-vVanitouver''A. C, II: Manua( "ArU
H. S., Ir. tios Angeles A ;., 4;-Sher-
nta'n Indians, 4; Palo Alto-Illgh school,
S, Bt. Mathew'e A.,, I; gt. Mary's col
lege, i;. Seattle ;A. CL lr University of
Southern California, 1 1 .University., of
Oregon, 1. , 1 , ' ,
Summary: , . . 1 . f 1
1W yaids final Dick Grant, S., first;
Q. Paikpr,"0.. second; F Kelly,
iinru. iime u.iu. -
4a a-ardH. final .r.. M. Trt(M. C. firt:
J. V. Chne, a., second : 15. P, . Camp-
wen, o., mini. i, iime u:oi -o.p . ,:,-'
8&0 vard run W. McClurp. M. first
K. M- Bennett. H.. second:- H. E. Cuen
Cett. C third. Time 2:00 J-6.-.'-"
One mile run J. A. -Power, B, first;
P."; H, -Wilson, fi.,'. second: K. : Vlught
St.-M,-third. , Tim -4:21 1-6. -
',mv,,mllainuil rM W ThwtA.
ler. V., first; B. Gilbert, 8. t; second; A.
x. Aiauuiin. x-.i tnira. -rime no a t.
S'JO yards final O. Parker.. O. first:
F. Oaten. , P., second; ' Pick Grant, B
irara. lime, -s -
120 yard hurdles." final J... Case. O-
first: 8. Murrav. 8.. second: Preble.
j injra. 1 ime, i , ..'j.
220 hurdles, finals J. Case, O.,
first; S. Murray, 8., second; Norton, 3.,
third. -Time, 26:4-8. - - - ' , . c
' .Two mile run H. H. Weod. C. first:
O. J. Millard, O.. second! F.. Payne, O.,
third. ' Time. :42 -5. 1 New 'coast rec
ord. . .
3000 yard ste'eplechase S. ' Craobe;
O., first; O. C. Brannen, ft, second; C.
Donovan, O,, third. - Time, 9:33 2-8. '
Running high JumpEd Beeson, O.
first; G -C Korlne. second; W. Thom
as, Seattle, third. , Height 6 'feet 3
' Running broad Jump O F. Snedigar,
O., - first; William . Argabrtt. S., sec
ond; Martin Breed. C, third.,' : Distance
ti feet 8 3-1 1 nchea u v. ;, ' .., .
Pole vsult 8. H. JBellait, M first; J,,
W. - Johason, .' Los Angeles, ' second; F.
Macomber, 8., third. -Height ILfeet
10 Inches, ' . - .- - .V.".'..). -1;' '-.
Sixteen pound shot' put--P. Donovan,
P first ; ;F. Thomas, unat tachPd, , sec
ond; O, F. Snedigar, U.. jthird. Distance
42 feet -8 , tnebeai, 1 .'', Vl
: Sixteen pound . hammer . throw D.
Mahoney, - TP, firsti J,; McKachem. (P.j
second; II. Coolldge, C, third.i Distance
152 feet 2 fnctiea. A-.:-'i..j'-.t,. .-
; Discus throw Pt Donovan.' P' first;
Sheldon. . S., second; - M.- Alderman, 1m,
third. ' Distance 124. feet 3 inches. - .
- ..Sfi-pound weight throw, over bar- P. :
Donovan, P., first; Sid -Mahoney, ' P.,
second; J, -M. McEachern.' ' P.,,. ;thlrJ.'
Height IS feet 2 H inches.. (New world's
record.). ' ,r ' '"'" ill ;f '''- '?.'" '
V- Javellii throwi-O... FiV.'jSnedlgarjU-'O 1
first; F. Thomson,, unattached, s second; 1
. - '
, ; .. f....
, , ,
,:ii...... -" J.. .. ... . . .-E ?i (-j .v. ."c -.'i. --flr
- you are guaranteed, positively, up-to-date patterns, at
. , Second and Morrison Streets
' Leg of Journey.. ,
Julius Kruttuchnltt, chairman of the
board' of directors of -the Southern Pa
clflo tatlwa. completed-the first leg f
Ms innpection . tour over the Oregon
linos yesterday with a round trip.- to
Villnmook. si The chief : oparating o'll-
rial of the bla; system did not alight
li'oin bis . private car. ''Guadeloupe,'
v-hen the special train pulled into the
Union natation late last night,' for ths
simple j- reaton.'vtbat , .be f, waa k- sond
, The - chairman -.'has 4; lots ' of work to
do on this trip and so, instead of seek
ing some stately fiouse or worship to
diiy. he will fare forth again: over the
Mecl rails.! This--time be , will go .over
the ; Portland. Kuaene at Eh at em to Jlu
yene,; with President William VSproule
or ins tioutiiern j-'acmc jr-ieuieot koo
ort E. Strahorn of the P, E, & 1HZ and
Ct nei-al Superintendent ;,D.-,, ,W. iCamp-
ten, aa jus escort .., .--?- r-
Saturday's trlp war ever the P. R
y.r the beach line built two years age
out of Illll-boro through , the t Nehalem
region to the Tillamook , country. Mr.
KrutteobnUt had not b en over - the )lne
hice bis first trip after Its eVmetrtio
tlon.-'. - v ' s?;."'y;- ' ."t-.::s-.',:i
vA a", safjegusj-d; j every section fore
m'n -Ijetween, Porilind. and O-ryailts
nd 4 fromn i-'orvalll '. to JSu gene, .. last
bight . received telegraphic i orders not
t.v take out bis gang-' for trarlt work
either, today,., tomorrow -or Tuesday, but
to make a close personal patrol, of the
line- under' his Jurisdiction., -'"be: man
fng of -.this,' according Mo .railroad men
vho prof ess 'to. know... 1 to ehow the
eperatlng chief that, the road la already
in Its beot condition.. , h. - f t-jfe f v. -'
It la probable 'thafthe'KrutMchnltt
Oarty will not be back in Portland for
reverai . aays, aa tne ; inspection - or tne
newly ..campleted " portion of itbe: 1'ne
between - Corvallls and - Eugene prob
ably , will fall , under Mr. Kruttsrhnltt'a
r;ose acrutiny.' Plana ror lurtner trips
over the. branches have
rleted.--..;-i .;,. vr"r "."Vi-"":
a I'jr 1 ii "1 -' I n . , 'i T s-.r
v - -V fc r'v v. );;.,-
Charles Haa, the meatcutter held at
the StVlncent hospital for killing hie
wtfe and -shooting1 himself.' Waa report
ed as; improving- last evening - The man
fired -a ' bullet - Into his - left side; ths
missile making nine perforations in the
intestine. " Hiav condition at first was
considered fatal, but . within " the last
13 hours he has improved to such an
extent that there are prospects of a. re
covery td face-the first degree murder
charge." Aif . officer l ..kept 'on ;wat;h
atnhis be4aa.v.llA'lr
Of Deteetlva Hvde" last oveninsr. Haas
asked- what the detective thought the
authorities woijld do . with: him If be
got well.. 'The detective replied.-that
was a matter to think .about after re
covery, ..This appeared . to iatisf y. the
man,: for, he asked no more questions.. -
iBHVBeliah tir6C.v liistance; 158 "feet
10 inches. ;;'-t,-;-:- viv-f..-: . -
i Hop, . step i and vjump I. S. Mead,
ond : O. feHorl ne, O., third. . . Distance,
42 ifeeW-'eH i'nches..'r: i.&wr-.,
-' : - -'
f (' J " v-
iMaai-aawiy' - '. , .... ..... ....
v.,1:,. - 'ni.Ti-, a;'-4".r. -t... t. i, , ,V t-w -'.:. t. .J -.v. : i. ji -
from the" Jac-"
Transcontinental Lines Place -Orders
'for Additional Roll-':
; lng, Stock fa 1915' ShoW, - -
: By the International New Xflrrlpe.) . : ;
-San Francisco, Cat, Oct, 26. The big -transcontinental
railroad companies are -
making extensive preparations already ,"' ; v
to handle-the enormous westward move- ::'-: ,'
ment In passenger traffic that they an- - . ',
ticipate in lis. ::-:.r-- 4 ...;,--According,
to James Horsburgh.'5Jr.
general passenger agent in this city f ..
the Southern Paolfic Co., the vartoua ' . i1
lilies of that , system are ordering ma- .'
terlal- additions-to their stock of . paa- i '
senger coaches to accommodate the ex- ' (
position 'visitors. ;'?;(
.:,":i'5-,'Order Placea for caxms-r'ytn.
"Six months ago we commenced 'TvO
preparations to handle the exposition J;
crowds," said E.)I Lomai, passenger
traffio manager of the .Western Pacific w :
Co.. rit is far In advance of the time .
when we shall -heed them, but "we-have
Already given orders for additional day
coaches. . sleeping coaches,- dining 1 cara ,t v
and locomotives for use In lJlB. v w ' ? -,'
have alao madn nrnmriiinni fni-. ,i)ll...'
tlonal eating mccommodatlosn . at. the ' ' I f
Utionaalojia;..ettr,atoe,w.V::fv; I
itf$fj!MmM Ma lm Ulae." V' ,
'i, BBiim tnio 01 provisions jor neavy .
; VWIVft - Call ,X' IBIWIWW 1U ' jgi,..
Is told by -the Atchlsdn. Tonek and '".'.-'
Santa Fe Co., which is providing addi- J :
tionar ' rol an gr stock . to - handle f- the, .; ' ;
throngs of exposition vlgltora. i
. The very lowest estimatee made '? by -
experts as- to the attendance at the tx 11
position is .10,000.000. v v? v, r&,:,i
'Bev. F. K.";Howard, city" missionary,.
Sas been appointed temporarily to fill
the" place left vacant by -Rev. Roy, e;
Remington, pastor of All Saints' Episoo-
pal church.; Dr. Remington haa resigned
his reotorshlp .and will leave Portland
for his home in Rochester, N.,Y next
Thursday, After a visit with his parents J!;
he will go abroad for six months' stud -and
travel, i He expects to take tip so J !!;
cial - work with . soVine church - la New f
York City oh Tils return to this country-
Dr. Remington has been connected with -All,
Saints' for the past five years, ; -) ';'
- St. Johns, Or., Oct:;25.TThe poor pen-- - '
pie of St. Johns will receive, free medi' Vi 'j ,
cal treatment from. Dr. C, O..JBoyer the
physlclajn ? in charge of the s new- vi .i
Johns sanitarium. North Smith kvenue ,
and East . Chicago streets, - saturdaya ( :,;
from .10 a. m. to 1 2 m. -:-. y -;. 5 ti ; .
, Polk street between T the : : two ' lines ; i
of the ' car loop, from Dawson , street ?';-''
to Fessenden, , is being gVaded and, ce- ; -ment
crosswalks and sidewalks are be' '.,
lag laid. The work will be, flnishedk V
Monday, t 'f'-ju-K -4 -'' :'!'1 i ti &?
"C.-- JPuIlea.oi!;;w4sw.fncd:,;;.'j,i
1 5 for, being intoxicate,-; Hi-.t.te'&iii. i
'.:i; S'Ve1i'??Jv
.t'. f - , -1 1
a ';. ,
French M ' nlj, & J1''? t ! !ourt ?,ed ' heP home in ; Va-1 v Klectrlclty b been adapted to it ill. I
' ": ,:- ;;;'.;.-:y - j''.-. t;!! s,;r.;.'.'T.'-v;v."rv'.-..-;-'- fl -"W !-;: v "