The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 62, Image 62

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' ..'-V 1' ' X 4
, f ijijl ; ' j - r f Virv : j ? '""'.i.i.j. .i l 'j t " "' ' "' "" '"-'" n J
. ,w' "yr : J " " ' '.limn ") . xl . , .j " ggganBHMIMMMHBIMHBHH t -
.Paw-, FfqttMOvOi : - Cut Off V , , . t ' .t utv Motif1 .
. la butr hlntnc, L
Whoa Ihmuo lo muM kptlimt tba
mit hfl mads tea ty arf .
Has natttr or ooa4t m ; w
am tUnr-oot been fclnA to
' lt .efturttrt. And to, whn w .
, wiillttll? neglect to car for -
andprenerro thft beauty of th y
' w kr KuQty of baa lngraUtva t
, the donor and groi InJuiUoo to our
... iwtv:...'fe;'1;-u,i-;"a vxr-'''? ,
It haa bHa fcoetlcallr iulA that, tlo
' y U tho vladow of tha aoul. and
poeta vara aver noted for fitting at
- truths (or whlob wa are ofttlmaa lotU
to glT tham credit. -
Tb area are oxpraaatra of ebaractev
'perhaps tvta non than the toonth,
and for tbla raaaoa. If for no other,
they should have at least AT mln
u tea of our time each day. f ,
Tha ayebrowa should ba t rushed
' night Jaxnd' morning. IJttle eyehrow
bruaha 'should bo obtainable at any .
place where toilet articles are aptd.
Hoverer, If they' are not to b had,
a not too stiff saflbrusbr-ooe C those
UtUe bone-backed affairs with a bono
handle or an even-fcrUUed tooth
bruahrwlll answer ths purpose. ' At
, night "the ' brow should be brushed!
to stimulate them, and in th morn
ing they : ahould be neatly bruahed '
Into place for the sake of beauty. ,
Begin, of oourss. at the . nose, and .
truh each eyebrow toward tho ear.
The brushing should b don with a
; gentle . firmness, and : each - Stroke
should t evea and th full length of
the ayehrow.rT;":"?;i'';;"'';.;;liv:;;.i;
Occaaionally, then Is an abnormally
Song halt which mars the symmetry
of the eyebrow. This ahould be either
' clipped off with th editors or r-'",
tnoved by a profeiaional, ' "
, .When the eyebrows meet they chra
tk sinister eipreeslon to eten th most
KuUeleas face, and Kreatlf mar beauty.
'' K advls you, therefore, to fcave them
' remoTed with the electric needle. When
home remedies ar used the hairs In
(variably return. : iBlachln; th hair .
between the brows Is sometimes f- '
' fectlT. If you clip the . occasional
Ions hair with the - scliaors, It Is ,
beet to uie manicure scleeors, ; be
cause they are amalL Great : oar
Should to taken that th scluor points
do not slip and Injur th eye. To get '
another penon to do the - clipping ts
. safer. - .- -
Then there are th scant eyehrowa
and laehes; for those we must find
a remedy. Mot Ions do we havo to
. .search, for the ever-accommodating -
houiehold friend, olive oil. U at hand,
and th old etandby, vaielin.
ill oh night toefore retiring, after the
eyebrows hav been bruabed to stimu
late circulation, dip a small camel's-
RBPUE3 to letters to the writer of
this department will be printed
In regular order; but no replies
In print may be expected in less than
three or four weeks. ,
Correapondenta desiring Immediate.'
replies to queries may get them by
incloslngr a sUmpad self-addressed en
velope, personal inquiries will receive
prompt attention If accompanied by a
Stamped and self-addressed envelope.
Eyebrow and Eyelash Grower f
Dear Mr. Byrnes, '
Will you please give me the recipe for an
yebrow and eyelash a rower? 8. P.
Following is the recipe for Increasing '
; the growth of the eyebrows and -ya-
:asbest.l , ',,"',
' Cblostia'''.. eHweMHewt M'ewne
Glycerin IVk ounoea
S'luid extract of Jarborandl....... I . ounoea
AKltat Inirredlants (till thorourhly Inoor- 1
En rated. Anply to the eyebrowa with
rush and to the lashes with a tiny cam
el'e-halr paint brush. The brush must be
' freed from any drop- and passed Hirhtly
alone;. tha edge of the eyelido, ezerclalnf ex
. tram rare that no minutest portion of the , -;
lotion touches the eye Itself. ,
i The Pupils of the Eyes
JyT Mr. Byrnes,
Kindly let me know If there Is anytblnt ,
can use to k0 the pupils of niy eyea .
tune, wilbout iujurliis theuu , . CuARA.
Tou cannot possibly enlnree ths po
pllrt of your eyes by an ertiUolal means
Without endangering th ., health of
tliese very dollcate orirana The pupil
is renJly a Ihola in the eye, made by
th drawlns; bar-k of the iris or col
ored ortialn. This Is done to admit .
i or I. it to tho retina, xratur nas
A car
' '
steal operation, . Adduie-aaeouco m. i.luc
hair Crush Into th on or melln and .
brash It well In. (Warm the ollv oil
. befor applying It This will thicken,
the fluid and prevent It from running
' down Into th eyes! The bottle or
receptacle containing th olive oil can
be placed in a baeln or bowl- of hot
Water, and th contents will soon be
som heated through. Cor acant lashes,
apply the oil or vaseline to the edges
of tha cqrellds, Xhs appllc&tlosa should
bo mad every night f' ' ; ,
Th ye!aehea . should naver be cut
It ts Incorrectly bellevedr that cutting
stimulate th growth. ; -
. It sometimes happens that th brows
and , laahea ar so light that they ;
oausft tha fac to have almost a char
acterlesa expression.? There la no harm
In touching such eyebrows and lashes ,
-with walnut stain. It may be Just th
needed touch to an otherwise beautiful
face. . .These harmles mile aid 'to
beauty ar perfectly lefgltlmat if ilon
artlfltlcslly. Th crime ts In Seine
dlsoovered, not In th doing1. ' To
remember that ''art conceala art" will
often tnsplro ria to tafc lnflnlt pains
with our toilettes. Z eemeflme think
that tn Stench woman must hav that
quotation for her motto. TXow madam
would gasp and shrug horrlfled shoul
ders at our tamerlcan whirlwind
tollettesl Cut th formula for walnut
taint - - - ; , . k
, Four ounces of walnut skins, beaten
to a puip, to . wMca ia aaca pure aico-.
kol sixteen ounces. . ,-.'-. , -
bet stand eight days and strain. Than
: asDlr ta tha hair with a." small hruah. .
v Tha " crowsfeet, those forerunners of
age, should b speedily , attended to.
: The sooner th , better, but it Is never
too late to bogln, Th drawback; Is
that crowsfeet of long standing r-
' qutre more patience to radicata and
more persistent effort Massage morning
and night will remove crowsfeet For
this 'a good massage cream ahould b
used. Care should be exercised that the
cream does not. ret Into 'the eye. It la,
therefore, best sot to apply, too. much
at once. The following massage cream'
:. la pur ' and . effective: .'v; ' h
Tjuirila ....
set4 ) toonoes
. SpermaoAtl .... .........i....... S Sraina
WMta vaMllaa... ...... ............ Vh ounces .
: Coooaaut oil ........... I Ounce
Sweet ajmood oil ,.....i I ' ouncaal
' Tincture ot bwxoln.. ....... 4..... H dram '
tlelt the first , five Ingredients to
' grether, : and beat until the mass con
cretes, adding th benzoin, drcp by drop,
during tine process. Extract of violet
, or any perfume may be added If agr
' Apply a small quantity of the cream
and rub gently into the skin.
Stretch the . apace to . to tnassagctt
apart with two fingers ot one hand and
rub gently and firmly, to cause friction, :
with th finger tips of th other (band.
For th lines about the eyes apply av
order that roa can see always to the
.- best advantage. If you are in the dark
.. the pupil will trrow larger in order to
' let In more rays of light in the bright
llg-ht the pupils are very emails some
times the size of a plnhead. In people
of nervous temperament the jpupil is
sometimes larger, but I . would hardly
r suggest that you acquire a case of
nerves In order to get this result My
advice is never to tamper with the eyes,
eight is too valuable a possession to '
run any risk In following foolish and
artificial practices. . v f -
i Yooth Paste " '
w Drar Mrs. flrmea
Some time Sgojroa published a recipe
for tooth paste, wUl you plex print it
agaiuT - a lufAUJLit
I prenuma thla ts tha recipe to whlon
you refer: t
Tootli Tost ,
Orris root powder ounces .
- Myrrh powder..... a ounoea
, Oil of clovsa.. ...... wa...... 1 drama .
tMl of lemoa.,,..... .................. 1 drama
. Oil of roaa 10 drops
f (tolutloa of carmine sufflcient te colon
Uo&r eaougn to form paste.
"A Liquid Powder , '-
" ,DW Mrs. Bymea. 1
J Do ou fcave the recipe for a (IdTlid pow
' ar wblcb I can use on my facer -
ANNA. 3.
Here Is the recipe for a liquid powder:
For 7tUenlnn- th Ckln A
liquid Powdar
a pure oxide of slno ........... . 1 ounce '
CHyoeria 1 dram '
Tfneewater 4 ounces ,
.jKiaenoa of cose ..................... 14 drops
' Blft the Vine flliwolvln It In lust enourn
- or ine ros"wcor to covnr t; thtm add til
ie I
k- S
a-'wiM-in; si, ci Tmin. of tn
.tiny quantity ef the cream and strok
with the tlpa of the fingers, the motion -being
toward tha temples. ' !"..'; 7
The eyes are auoh delleat little cam-
eras that to roe who has always ,
1 been taught to take great care of them
It Is sometimes dlffloult to credit th
carelessness with .which many peopl '
In their Ignorance treat them. From In-
" fancy children should b taught that
; fingers must not come Into contact with
ths eyes only In rare and very neoes- '
aary Instances, In this way many Inju
rious substances will be kept from' th
eyes and irritation resulting from tub "
.blng will '.'be;; avoided. As f for ,? the . .
tdlotlo-nay, criminal-practice of put- .
ting belladonna into the ayes to enlarge .
th pupil. I am taking it for granted .
that sons of my readers - would be '
guilty of ft. Blindness Is someUaes tha
result of suen,:lnlacretlon.- ';..;; .M'..
To remove foreign particles from ,
th aye a most effeotlve method is to
put a whole flaxseed into the eye and
allow it to circulate under th Uda
It beoomea gummy from the U tear
moisture, and the foreign aubatanoe
niuirlv ilmn Adharca tn it- Anothap
way j, i0 puu the upper lid well
, down over the lower lid. ' ' ,
Never rub the eye, even though th
Irritation causae a torturous itching.
' This often imbeds the particle In tha ,
eyeball, whereas. If the eye ' ts let '
alone, th tears, receiving w6rd of
tha Intruder, will rush to the rescue,
and usually rout him without aaalat-
ana. I know of a woman who trav.
v ela much and who never goea on a
'' railway Journey without having ia
i.her handbag a small packet of flax- .
seed. X assure you Jhst sh has Quite'
a number of relieved sufferers to her
credit 7V77'; ;.-ii:'v-'. ' -'
If the eyes hav been overstrained
; and are tired, a bathing; in warm
water will aooth tham wonderfully.
Jt me , beg of you not to read In
, trolley or train, and certainly never
, do sot at night or on th hom ride
from the office, Then th poor eyes
are desperately tired and orylng out ,
for rest Have you not had Jthat dull, '
) heavy, almost a sick feeling when
you have reached your destination In
t the evening; after a day's workt It is
very llkely because you were read
. inr, and tb book or paper was wab
blingt and wiggling. Try studying x
for a week th types of peopl about
you instead of reading on tha car or
train. Th trial ono mad, you will
not return to the practice of forcing
your poor, ayes to work overtime.
V ' Shake well, end anply with a soft sponge
, or an antleeptlo rause. The faoe must be
well wiped off before the liquid dries, or it
will be streaked. t
' ' ' " : A Corn Cure .. . - r ;
Dear Mra ebrmes.
aiora? UU waat 1 UseoremoTe
l Following are the recipes for two com
cucea from which you can select ons
' fljWl Cora Cure ;;,5V'':V;; vf?r;
fieylle aclj M. to grains
, S..VEW a"hl Indloa , grains
CuUaOlon, ........... ounoe "
Porate'ef Solium .....,M.M.,....M. ( dram'
t.rtrect of cannabis 1 scruple '
Collodloa t ounce ; '
Taint ever the eora once or twice a day' ,
and scrape away superaelal growth la three .
or four days.' ,f, ...,1.. ,t. v
Ill-flttlng shoea are usually tha cause
ot corns. Tou should made an effort
to get comfortaibl shoes every time
. yon buy a new pair. - ( . t
,' - "AColdCreani , 4 '
Dear Ifra ffymea
As soon aa convenient" wilt you pleas let
ase have the reolpe for a ould. oream f
Polio wine; is the recipe for a very good .
cold cream:
. Honey and Almond Cream
JToriey ......,...,....,. 1 Otmce ,, ;
"White Bono, In powder .......... ounce
' Oil of ........... 11 ounces
Oil of bitter el morula ............ U dram
V1! or tierRamot It (lmm
Oil or cloves ...mi...... T drop
I Balsam of rwrii H dram
Liquor potansa H draw
' Mix th ol's with, the balsam, then mix
the hmiey wun the aiap la a mortar and
' en. in. a of the putas.e to produre a tiue
aresuui . Ajjj Uila-fas-iiig flrst'tulxUttS JUli ( i , i. ssaaasases i ii i i hi.. .Jii'i iiawaga.M. i ia i"i "iniliiiiiHT 1 linger lt "
By Mrs. HumY Syjvies
, l r , -Sw- . nun i " m l I 11 I f U v f 1 rv I Ul If l A I v ii I :
If '
eontlnne to beat until yen hav a thor- .
usbly looorporated emollient. . . ' r. t
' If this cream does not ault your pur
pose, you may find witch hazel mor.
satisfactory j r
t- Witch Hazel Cold Cream v''
Whit wax ......................... 1 . otmoa. .
t?prmaeeU ....................... i ounoe
Oil ox ajmonaa ...... .......
M Pins - i
Melt; poor Into a mortar whloh baa been .
eated br balnr immeraed aome time la
boiling water. Vary gradually add I ounoea
tt roaewater
ana i ounce oi wiicn naie. '
and aaeiduouely stir the mixture until aq
emulaion ia formed, and afterward until
toe mixture ta nearly cold.
. Thla oream U particularly useful to seal
aora or stratehed skin. ,
"A Skin Pood
Dear Vrs. Symea,'
' My (ace la tooklnr Oldl
etally looks aa thoucU li
he akla
need nourish-
flease tau u wnaa a oo for li.
, ' ; ... UU911B.
It Is evident thatou ar not taklns;
the proper car of your faoe). to cleans 'A
It you should use warm water (rain- f
water Is best), or. If you can't get this, :
use boiled water,' Select an airreeabl
soap and use a complexion brush if ;
. your akin will permit. B sure to rlna .
the skin thoroughly with cold-water.
so that no trace of the soap will bo .
left and that the pores will be reduced.
to their proper else. - .
1 Once a day ; rub Into th skin th '
cream for which X am giving th reo-'
, lpe. This will nourish your skin, giv
ing It a amooth and healthy appear- r
."anoe: '
. , , Orange-riower Cream '
(A 6k!a rood) i
on of sweat almool.....-...4 4 euntwa
White wax, ' drsms
fPrmaceU . ....................... drama '
Xlorax ,..i,........., S - dnuns-
t, Olycerm . ........,...,, 1H ounces
i Oraare-flower. water a ounoea ,
.' Oil ot neroll... tt . drops l,
Oil of tlgarade (orancs asinO.. IS dropa '
Oil of pimento....... IS . drops , '
' Melt the first three lnrnedfetrta add tha .
' glycerin to tha orange-flow- wa.ter and .
dissolve the boras In the- mixture j then (
gwur It slowly Ireto the bssnded faits, stlr
; ring1 eontinuouaiy." si-- ....jv:'
'' (Along with this you Should exercis :
; for an now In the fresh air every day. f
Kotlre at an early hour and do not1.:
worry. Tho condition of tho mind ia ,
reflected in the expression of th xaca. .
Superfluous Hairt
Jr lira; Symea
Win you pleas ten m wtiat to do to
reraov supenluous bah from th smut
v . y r Mt&AClfl. - ;
Following Is the recipe tor a depila-
tory which will remove tha hairs tern- ;
porarlly. The alectrlo neexUa Is the
only thing which will remove th hairs
A repllatory '
, BuhVMd ef soda or ca&lura. aul-
; . plild 110 grelns ..,
- iOl 11 k ltO grains
Vlx thnmughly and fcp dry In w'l
. enrked botile until wanted fkir use. l-e ;
enoufli to cover h pant to be denn.i.1
and ald warm water to It until the roi
conslsUiinrv is secured. 8lread over ine
hairy mu!OA, end allow to i-nJn f.-
1 from one to five tulmute scoordliur tn the
r Btitfne or tne irmwiili and the e.wfIMlliE r
of Die akin: rtaen e-rais ntt with a blui't
Made a psner knllw, Asr otuiiio . It
, auuU ha ttiuoitJ, as la sarerjrc .wu
a c'otflaiorT, ' wiles Cs turning mcatloc)
kin ahould be avoids
and Immediately
anar ue Hair naa oeea remored toe ae-
. Duded surface' ahould
washed .
with wstm' witter and a cold oream or a
. maad, oil appued to prevent irrstaua. .,.
' OUyJkin '--x.ii
Dear Mra Byrnes.
I have a very oily akin Which really
mare my arpearance. i Ito you think th :
' eatingr of eandy and sweet eakes make -;
this condition worse T -. UUNlCiS. , ;
You should refrain from eating candy, ,
sweet cakes and all other rich and
greasy foods, for diet has a great in-
iluehco on the condition of the skin.
Wiping off tn face occasionally with,
' diluted alcohol (26 per oent strength) is , .
beneficial in the oas of an oily skin. ,
A few drops of ammonia or a pinch of
' borax In the water with which the fac
is wf shed Is also helpful. ( T p . f
'$- fitoWhithe siin-- fA'A 1
"; Dear Mrs. Byrnes, a... '
V Will you kindly tell me It bentola Is food
..' for whitening ah akin? Bow la It used?
' A teaspoonful of th tlnctur of bexv
soln to an ounce of roaewater form av 1
well-known lotion, which 1 excellent
for whitening the akla.
To Remove Blackheads ,
Dear Mrs. Smes. :." m .
: What can I do to remov the blackheads
that are on my chin and around mynoset .
" DaUy cleansing with tot water, a
good soap and a complexion brush will
help to remove the blemishes. The green
soap treatment will also suit your case;
Green Soap Treatment lor
Blackheads 1 ,.'
Tlnctur of green soap t ounces .
DlatUled wijxn. bazel. .............. 1 ounces
if Let this mixture stay en only a few mo
menta, then wash oft with hot water.
. If th green soap Irritates th akin, aa It .
I sometimes will, us It every other day.
.'Apply a cold cream.- ''- .
drug; store. ' It
ureen soau may om punuira w suit-
soarx" but Is of about the eonslsteaey of
not a regular "cake
Open each Seed aon with th point of m
' fin cambrlo needle. Th hardened mas
. must be pressed or ploked out. . The empty
sao of the gland should then be bathed with
I ' a little toilet vinegar and water, or with a
very weak solution of carbolio add and
i. Water. : Sterilise th needle before using it
by dipping Into boiling water, as the use of
( any instrument unless th akin aa well aa
the needle Is thoroughly cleansed. Is al
" ways dangeroua
ki'&fA Powder Recipe , , -
Dr Mrs. Byrnes. '
' Please glv me th reolpafor a powder
wfatcn can be used la oas of perspiration.'
' ., y.- ;:-.'fj-..-; A. D.
Followint Is the recipe for a good
powder wihlch will Suit your purpose:
., Orris Powder for perspiration
Phenlo acid : s fluid drams
1 Alcohol .................... f'4 fluid drama
. tarch ...... ' ounoea
Ilorentlne orris ....v... ounoea ,.
Sitaeno of violet ............ u minims
r1ssolTe the acid In th alcohol; add th
- violet essence, then the starch and orris
root. This powder can be used to sdvan-
tnre on perspiring hands, "and. lt"t
greabl glov powder. . . y w
. , k: : i -
i 1 " , If , , , . ( v.
rif personal reply Is desired, a self
addressed stamped envelop should b ;
InoloMd. .
"y bua haivloween; party
O OFTEN have Z fjrlvea suggestions
regarding invitations for .parties
' and formal entertainment that it
la unnecessary to talk of cards or writ
ten ' invitations that are. alreev out
Bo today we ar going to conswar the
littles things that' really mean much in
the success of a Halloweon entertain
ment - ',.' !
- I hop that you hav been clever
' enough to choose your company with
an eyo to th congeniality, friendliness
and entertaining qualities of the mem
bers. "With the right people th success
of your party I half won. -
If th guests have come masked, there
will b much merriment as a result and
the good times will suggest themselves.
Cut th successful hostess will keep
.the general plan "Pft entertainment well
in mind, and will not allow things to
lag and guests to grow bored.
Gamea ar , expected on iHalloween,
and accent Is placed on the mysterious
kind. The foretelling of the future is
always enjoyed, although we say that
we don't believ a word of it The fore
casUnar of our husbands and wives, or'
the lack of them, is always great fun.
Jf you can choose. a clever man or,
Woman to dress as a gipsy or a brigand,
hav the guests asaeniible, and a read
ing of th band, th cards or the tea-;
leaves, :;'
; Tho candle,-mirror and dark closet
afford much amusement if you can im-.
proviso -a surprtao for .ekch. gacer. .
Harmless jokes, such as a daslt ot cold
water to one's hopes, wilt help- in the
; fun. I do not recommend any prao- .
W-Place' Cards fWi
DBA Mrs. Adama .-yi?
, Please tell me If tt is adrtsabl to
us plan cards at a "''JJ-.j
, Plao card always save a, great deal
Of commotion and hesitation In th seat- r.
ing of the guests. 1 think It U always"?
well to provide them. If , they are :;
cleverly designed they often : afford ar:
way to start conversation.
' A Widow's Cards
. Dear Mrs. ' Adama, ' ":.
!" I am a widow and xpot to be married
' next months. X hav no parents to anoouno
th wedding. Will yon kindly taU m how
- my annouocemeut card should resdT
W. T.
1 Th cards may be worded tn the fol
lowing form: , .
. ' Mr, Gorg Barter Smkh
' Mra Katharine Little Burns
have the honor of announcmg
their marriage
- . on Saturday, October the flftb,' 4 "'
,i i nineteen hundred and thirteen, at
' ' Oh First Presbyterian Church,. .,
i 1 Cleveland v ,
S ' t Dignity and Pleasure :i
Dear lira Adasns,'' '
A you hae helped S many who bar
' sought advice from you, I am going- to J
you to. enllnhten me on a certain auMct.
' Do you consider tt worth while to sacrinc
on' dignity for pleasure! I have bean
out with a crowd of boya'and Rirle and at
times did not approve of their actions. X
am naturally quiet, and feel that I have
) lout quits a little pleasure and, rood times
through my backwardness). However, in
looking; back a some of Che action of my
rather forward friends end considering
what reeults they hv .wrought, I don t
alio aether regret mv backwerdncea
' X heartliy rre with you when you
Bay that you do not regret your back
wardness. I do not think that sacri
ficing 3mty for pleaaur over paya
' Thosa ?lrls Who have been what you
call popular or successful are rmnUy
' gettlngr very Uttie out of life. Thera
is a aembloncw of enjoyment, but It la
not really tho kind that counts for any
thing" In character building or person. U
worth. I disapprove heartily afin
freedom of action bewwn yonDT r
and their men acquaintances. To imv
mind. It la "vulgar, and it dj' i i"
pJacot a rirl at a dlsadvantapro. 1 v i
you cauld hear the-opinions
INtweein the very ! v, : ..- 1 ,.v
taken edventse-e of 1. ," i i - 1
them ly fockiish ' ' 1
from Jiudatory,. siii i i ,k -4
tlcal acarea that suggest th foolls!
hazing In schools. . - - .
Bobbing for apples Is an . old-tlra
; game and can be played If no hand
some dresses are worn. A; tub filled
with water, with apples floating in it
is placed on the floor, and the apples ar
taken out by the teeth, the hands hell
behind th bacte. -v; j' : .q , v
Furnish each guest with av set ot
three little candles, and have then nam
, them Fame, Fortuno, Love, and tha
test will be to llsht them . and find
which one will burn the longest and,
therefore, be the gift of. fh future,
, w atretdhlng of a sheet across an
empty picture frame, and the casting
of aUhouettea on th aheet, will afford
a change, especially If the persons ar
In costume. ; Guessing th sxtors and
the quick composition of short verses
about each picture will give an excus
10 a noniess 10 awara jinies.
. ' Ait th taWe ther Is a great chance
for th display of cleverness. : (Hace
cards always contribute to th merri
ment of the feast and places tha right
ones at the right places, Tha slmpl
, ones you will find the best, and th
auldkly made paper 'forms that ar
apples, pumpkins, witches' caps, blacls
cats, broomstick and mirrors can b
contrived for a very small outlay. Thesa
decorate the table; and with the center
piece and large bowls of fruit, will givo
th table a festtv air that is-attractive.
A larwe pie, made by covering s,
' dishpan with wrapping paper and crlnir
ling the edges, after filling it wli
souvenirs, can be the last course, anil
- if you can attach a couplet to each one,
the fun will be the greater. Hava rib
bons tied to each itt and, after passing
through a slit of paper, ruutfing out to
each plat.
it you have a maid whose service can
. be called into play, have her enter th
dining room in a. sheet and rdllowcun
with a white mask and serve tho guests
in ghostly silence.
Th decoration of Jack ok lanterns,
candles In tin holders and cornhunk
will add on mor touch to th tabit
and another measure to th enJoymeLi
of the evening.
Is a lack of respect on tho part of th
very men who have fooled th girls
into thinking that they are attractive,
. entertaining and popular. Keep your
; self-respect, my dear girl; it Is a great
er Jewel than the worthless, fooiis.1
pleasures wucn you hav menUoned.
i-..After, all, do you think that thes
; ' girls whom you envy reakly enjoy mak
;. Ing fools of themselves T Try to aoe
your own natural, sweet self, and b
gdad that you ar not ashamed to tonic
yourself straight in tne mirror evens
night and morning.
ligHPAi an Early Wedding it t i
.-. Dear Mrs. Adama . 1
- X expect to be married at t o'olock rV
, the morning, please ell me If It Is prorr
tor me) to wteer a white sntln gown wiiii !
a train and a veil., What anoild the groous '
wearf , 67 r.
The Costume aujfgosted for ths brids
y I In good taste fur an early mornin
-wedding. The bridegroom should wear
a frock coat, gray or Wack trousers,
. wnjt waistcoat. iht gray nockUe and
light glovea ,
. c The Groom's Suit
i Dear if re. Adams. r '
W 111 you kindly let me know If it M
v.- tieceasary for a bri(Vrroia to wear a fui
drat suit at a 4 o'clock wedtliov-T
A dress suit would not te proper. The
bridegroom ahould wear pray or tlas
! ; trousers, frock coat, a-h.i waiitcuav
Ugbt gray necktie and l-ubt fcioves.
What to Siiy
Isr Mrs. Adums.
. When 1-ovinK the home of a rii f'1-'
where I have just mot a nwii . t
7Zt say to. him?. . iaLj..
Merely ttlj him ri"':1'", rti't li 1
expresses any .i.-n...,i m 1,,.. ; i
you,, thank him fteiw!.:,.,
'Enteral a
X-r Mrs. Artei.-. .
v tiea nttn a, f-
Swmt, auouij I i .....
. ai in I
' It U ttot -m.T
v .- i tn i it i
A v -i t -. i