The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 56, Image 56

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Principal Events" of "the ;Week
Stated in Brief -for the In-
U formation of Busy Readers.
ujtKcuiii'v una rvwiraii :
.RESIDENT. WILSON-hea been ri-
r quested by the Women" Home 111s
tlonary Society of the Methodist
, Episcopal chbrch to weuri legislation
prohibiting polyfkmy and . aboilshlng
Mrraonlni In the TJn,He4-Btate,
- Meroben of the houe are planning to
loin (n presenting Mlsa . Jessie Wilson,
' daucbter of the president, witlf ahand
iom eJdin present '' - Speaker Clarice
wiu appoint, a commuiee 10 select. an
present. . , vi.i:-v:-;f rV.,.;
Secretary Lane has instructed the de-
. tiartment of justice) to brine suit. In or-
4ar to determine the rlghta of the In
'alans to the water, In the Taklroa val-
ley.- 'i-d--':. V '
, Tlo government has, announced that
a plin -has been discovered -that will
'prevent the vasts of natural gas la oil
well drilling.. The department of the In
terior has been working on the plan. '
Fred 'Williams, of Boston, as been
picked by President Wilson a minister
to .Oreecei;'?;;;'..;'''
' The army, and navy of the United
States are said to be held in readiness i
to be sent to quell disturbances in Mex
ico. " -':
. " President Wilson notified members of
Jhe currency committee that he will not
accept, under any circumstances, . th
substitution of the central for "the re
gional plan. He not sanction any
fundamental change In the bill. .
i Secretary ot State Bryan has In
formed President Wilson that he has re
ceived positive, assurance from provi
sional President Huerta of Mexico- that
, he, will not accept the presidency,; even
tr lie should be victorious at the eleo
tlona. -,
President Wilson has commuted the
sentence of Frederick A-Hyde from two
i years, and that of Joost Schneider, from
fit months, to 268 days' imprisonment
He did not remit fines of tlo.ooe and
11000 1 resptctively r- assessed . against
'Hyde and Schneider, c.ii.'-i-v''-"A-';-'
v Secretary of State Bryan told the M.
E. - bhurch Women's : Home Missionary
Society that ; the world Is In need of
spiritual redemption, adding that there
is no community which la not In need of
: redemption.' 'w; - 5 vv-'?Vi."-r
President Wilson's selection of four
Filipinos to act on the Filipino com
mission will 1 not he confirmed by the
eenata until assurances are given that
the new appointees will, work to elim
inate slavery from the'. lslabda.-.'v.i..ij'
To force members to attend sessions,
Senator Cummins advocates adjourn
ment or some other means of compell
ing the members to attend, r - , ' ' . ,
S vibi a- vva vstciifcfjbba o va UUVOril
jor West, MIse Fern Hobbs, private sec
retary to. the governor,' hs arrived at
-Washington, D. C on official businesa
"Petitions are In circulation In Chica
go 1 asking ex-Congressman IxrimeY to
run . xor uniiou - ouiien Bcnator again,
The petition fame from, the Republican
club of-.GalesbUfg, Ilf-V.-i :i.".',;:r:
. "Amsrlca Is magnificent, t-but young
ahd exhuberant," says the Prince of
Monaco, while visiting . Washington.
The .universal desire for" learning her
1 surprises the- guest. " 7
. Lieutenant Oswald F. Hennlng, of the
medical reserve corps, haa been trans
ferred from Fort Columbia, Wash., to
, Monterey, and will be succeeded by
"Lieutenant Charlts H. Sastlen, now at
. Fort Worden.w . , - .
, The interstate commerce commission
7 - X
has ordered that for twd years railroad
rates, on Imports west bound from New
York and. Boston shall' remain the same
as at present ' . "ji r1
; Secretary of War Garrison and Brigadier-General
Weaver., chief of coast ar
tillery, -have - left for en Inspection1 of
the Panama 'canal,7 "and to confer" with
Colonel Goethsls end-ether members of
the canal commission relative toJegls-
lation-for the; canal, v- V ,1 '. ;
. The; crow. Instead of being a dertl a benefit to farmers: accord
ing to the report of the department of.l
agncuiiure,- wnicn says msi inn pirn
destroys cutworms. grasshoppers ' and.
other Insects that injure crops. . ,
.'.Faotlonal strife in Honolulu over the
appointment of a successor to Governor
Frear will "-result In rule by an army
commission. and the' territorial govern
ment will be discontinued, says Loren
Andrews.- exiUnl ted States attorney
general of,. Honelnlu;-; v.-cf;'!'??"-1'
Mra S.:.A- Orchard., 8,' of The Dalles,
registered. She says she would like to
vote for Joe Cannon for president. She
is a "black Republican" and a suffra
gist standpatter. , '
Fifty per cent of the voters of Stan
field. Or., district will be unable to vote
In the November elections because the
county clerk. failed to name, a registrar
for that, digtrtct, .Vi-T-: . .-
The order of the Immigration officials
In denying Mrs. ' Emmellne PankhuratJ
privilege to land at new Toric was over
ruled by Washington authorities, jand
the militant suffragette leader of Lon
don was allowed to enter the United
States..;- y-Jci-. .tv; ;.. .,.:!
pn account Of operations of the Ore
gon Blue Sky law. the Oregon Miners'
association has filed resolutions with
Secretary of the Interior' Lane, asking
suspension of the annual assessments.,-.,
. President ; Wilson has , entirely recov
ered from the : attack of indigestion
which bothered him for a ' time. . He
climbed, the hills at the golf links dur
ing a heavy wind and rain storm, show
ing that he was himself again. - ,
' District Attorney - Llngenf alter, of
Idaho, will be dismissed by the admin
istration on charges of a serious nature,
it la said. ' The nature of the charges
was not given out. . H '
President Wilson has received a let
ter from Yuan Shi Kai, acknowledging
the president's felicitation on the elec
tion of the celestial as the first presi
dent of the Chinese republic. . . '
Protest has been made to the interior
department by Oregon City against tfle
Portland Railway, Light & Power com
pany for cutting off its access to the
intake of the Clackamas river for'. Its
own system. .Oregon senators have been
asked' to take el.,'yv- .-iy
- President Wilson has written to-Representative
; Underwood, leader of the
majority in the house, asking that the
administration currency measure be re
ported to the senate nbt later than the
first week in November. The president
feels sure the bill will pass that body
without material change, - ";''-:
: President - Wilson - has " nominated
Charles W. Fay postmaster of San Fran
cisco, to succeed Arthur Fisk, resigned.
It Is expected that every country of
the world having a navy will be repre
sented Inhe parade through the Pan
ama canal. The battleship Oregon will
lead the procession. ; Russia may not
appear In line, because of international
Issues.- 1 -
The government is planning to teach
practical farming on reclamation pro
for the abolishing of the commerce court
nA removal of about 1000 deputy rev
enue collectors from civil service, has
been signed by the president,
Municipal and legislative.
a N investigation v of ., conditions . in
A every insane asylum Massaehut
setts will be ordered bv. Governor
Foes, as the result of charges of cruelty
in the Worcester asylum, . , v. .". . 1 u
. Starting in with 11 cents and a span
of mules and a wagon, a homesteader
named Janssen. ' of Idaho, who filed in
mo,. now values his-place at $10,000,
Venessr-Wash., has a smallpox scare,
Precautions .are being taken following
the discovery of one case In the town, i
1 ; The plea for .local option elections in
Kootenai county, Idaho, has been denied
because the count commissioners dis
covered that many, of the name to, the
petitions were irregular.' . 4 '
- Farmers of Balser valley, east of Cen
tralis, Wash., will ask a telephone fran
chise. The Bolstfort company also is in
the field for a- frsnchise.
: The standard Oil oompany has Issued
a statement in California that It will not
bug any, more oil landa which are un
der litigation, r
Condon, Or., is malflng progress in
paving five blocks in the principal part
of the city. Several elde streets will
also 4e macadamised. , ' " ', .
i J.'T. Chlnnook, water euperinteVident
of western .Oregon, , will inspect water
rights in the Klamath district ; Rights
of the -government reclamation depart
ment sire involved, r , "
Commercial . and I industrial.
V OTING power in the Umatilla drain
v age district .will be based on the
- i. amount ox lauu ownw, uim-yme uo-
ing allowed tot each dollarj0r' ma jof por
tion -thereof. V-:-4! tkiMkY1i,;A T
Medford sees railroad activity ahead,
as result of recent visit there of Presi
dent Sproule, of the Southern Paolflc,
and other, heads of the roadV.;,'V":,;-
Grant county, Oregon, js out of debt,
and has balance of 130,900 in the treas
ury. Crops are good, and beef cattle has
been ; selling plentifully, and at nigh
prices. " i'
- Sheriff Mass, of Clackamas county
has turned over to the county treasurer
$31,878. which represents the last half
of the tax payments, for ths year. v f
.' The ' state capltol . commission ' of
Washington; declares that it will be Im
possible to' lesue the 14,000,000 bonds
for the, new capltol buildjng The com
pletion of the structure iwlll - have to
wait until the legislature, meets again
About MI9.800 persons have registerd
for farms in the North Platte forest
reserve, :.;; :rv u-V i 1
? Addressing the National Society fot
the '.Promotion of Industrial Education,
Secretary of Commerce' Redfleld says
that he hopes the day will come when
men will be fitted for the work through
which they hope to make a livelihood.
" Forty thousand locomotive engineers
and firemen have notified 90 railroads
that "November-10 they will terminate
the agreements, and ask for an increase
in wages amounting to $60,000,000 a yean
The roads are saia to welcome any ad
justments., ;-i-',;;.-i''.v"-';,,r--v:.;-:'v-.,: :fi,r..,.,.-Wrf
Washington authorities nave promised
Dr. Kinney, chairman of tho Ports of
Columbia committee, that a ' seagoing
dredge will be sent to work on -the Co
lumbia channel Just as soon as the Pan
ama canal Is opened to permit sending
the " digger around from the ' Atlantic
coast, -, - ' '.. ..--,
.The Jaws concerning- Weights and
measures will be enforced to cover all
classes. of commercial enterprises if the
Inspectors follow the letter of the stat
utes. , - '..
Rumors of cpld weather In Brasll and
unfavorable crop reports, have caused a
sharp rise In the price of coffee. Spot
market remained firm in New 'York, and
half a cent higher. vVJ' Vi-m-vS'-i .
Interstate commerce - commission at
Kansas City is hearing evidence that
rates orr bananas shipped from Galves
ton to Kansas discriminate In favor of
shipments to Nebraska.
- Idaho and. Washington should follow
the example of Oregon and complete its
reclamation projects, in order to attract 1
new settlers, says Director Newell.
: The Southern Paclf to company is said 1
to be wUHng- to sell its Paclflo Mall
line . for a "reasonable figure." The
steamship company has until 1914 to
change from railroad ownership,' If It
wishes to operate through the Panama
canal. " v - - -.' ' y
Because all the railroad cars are h
ing used to move' Oregon crops, the To
ledo Lumber company has shut down Its
mill, f ' " v
' V , Legal and Criminal.
a RTHXIR REYNOLDS, president Of
A the American Bankers Association.
jlnt suit filed : at Des Moines, says
ne waa snaiea out or-u,uuu in ins
sale of stock in the Des Moines Life In;
surance company.', --v. Y
The bddy of a man, believed to be
that of a soldier, was found in the bay
at - Ban Francisco.-. v. i 'j -''si-
Washington Irving, a descendant of
the famous author, is defendant in a
divorce suit filed at Oakland. ' Irving
is general agent of the Phoenix Assur
ance company. -' ;v-"? '.
- William Hoppe, father of Willie Hop
pe, the former pugilist, 4s charged. In a
warrant , of stealing 111 from Carl
Goeru at Ban Francisco. ',t? 1., t t
V Harry , Anderson won " suU to julst
title to 1J0 acees of land in the Reed
ville district Oregon. , A fraudulent deed
to the land bad been passed toOscar
E. 'Carlson.' &'.i-:.yfA
" Harvey E. Cross, mayor of Gladston
is accused in a criminal complaint filed
at Oregon City, of allowing dirt to re
main, on the sidewalk in front of his
place. Cross had failed to remove, the
dirt which had accumulated during, con
struction of a retaining wall, -L - , : '
', -Tentative pleas of not guilty to the
charge of operating a corner In cotton
in violation of the Sherman anti-trust
act were made by Eugene R, Scales,
Frank B. Hayne and William Brownv' at
William Payne, av farmer,' near Tren
ton, N. J., killed his wife and. commit
ted "suicide because his wife, from whom
he was separated, had refused o return
tO live With hlm..,.,V''.--.Y;K'.:'.,.--.,,.-(,':.-t:i:5;-'-?
' Elmer Myers, a Brooklyn boy, . was
fined. $50t n the United. States court
for setting up a wireless plant without
first getting a license ; Ths conviction
is the first under the new law. n
A letter containing disease germs was
sent through the malls, the writer de
manding $1600 from the recipient. Chi
cago federal authorities are investigat
ing. : ,-v:.r ; --:-.( ; v.-y v...,.i tj-
G. 8. Graham was given the limit, U
years In the penitentiary,' at Los An
geles, Cel.; for the theft of an automo
bile, t: The court said ' that i "Joyride"
thefts were the worst menaoe confront
ing the authorities today. ,"r;-v.:;'!;,j.,-:
,r Ex-Governor Sulser. of Hew York, in
a statement tothe public, declares that
the real reason for his Impeachment was
that he, would not do the bidding of
Boss Murphy, of Tammany Hall, and be
cause he had relentlessly pursued Mur
phy's corrupt henchmen In office, ' i
Tbei supremo court f the United
- i.HL -
ViS' if
1 Captain Franclg Inch,' heroic
n shlD : Kroonland.
v- rr" t
! . .,-, . ...... , ...,!..'.. wa
2WillIam Seddon, at the left, chief, wireless operator on the Volturpo, who heroically stayed at hi post
- sending out distress signalsj!H,;0. Larry, assistant purser of the Volturno,, who escaped, ' -
aCrew of thd Grosser. 'Knrfnerst;-; who Baved 105 persons from the burntag VolUrno. ,
.4 Survivors of Ihe Volturno fire photographed aboard the Grosser, Kurfuerst, '
"5 Surviving, raembej$ of the crew of the Volturno.- r- k ',
6 Three waifs of the "sea whose parents lost theiMives in the Volturno disaster. The lad on the left la
... - dressed in a suit made from a ship's flag by one of the passengers on the Kroonland, his clothes
having beea torn to shreds when he was pulled from the Bea.-vf;i:;,, . '
7 -Unnamed boy, picked up at. sea from an open boat 13 months ago by Captaln'Inch, and a cabin boy
' - aboard the Volturno, who was saved by the personal efforts of Captain Inch at the risk of his own
'life, ,,. . , , I - Zs -r .'-
States has advanced for bearing in Jan
nary the "bleached flour" case, which
Involves the interpretation of the pure
food laws. "
A temporary - injunction resb-alnlng
the city -of; The Dalles from paying the
paving bill, of the Llnden-Klhbe Con
struction company, of Portland, and
the issuing of bonds fer payment of the
claim.. been' issued. .','
An attempt is being made by counsel
to fight the lhdlctments of Thaw in New
York. . ' -. ..
: The American Mining Congress has
adopted resolutions presented by Sidney
Norman, of Spokana'declarlng the "dis
honest operations of the financially
powerful" to be 4 menace to the mining
t Authorities have no right to release
insane patients from the asylum on pa
role, without first getting. an order of
court, according to the ruling or Judge
Chapman, of Tacoma, , lrf ,
Vmj$?Kr Foreign. - '
r denies that he Intends to resign his
A, office and flee the country. He de-
clares he will stay at his post '- - - ', ,
- The British government offers to de
lay fulfillment of its naval program for
hext year, providing Germany will do
the same. It is hoped that other nations
will follow suit, declaring a "naval holi
day." - -:--! " ' -'V..-:-'-;;-:,,'
. -Crown Prince Frederick WilHsra was
called "on the carpet" by his father, to
explain why the prince opposed Emper
or William's Brunswick; policy. ThJ
prince denied 'authorising publication of
the letters --'-v vl-
- Half a block -of 'the business section
of ' Ottumwa k .was . destroyed, i by j fire,
causing $350,000' , daiB4sj,iMfttMf.
t Eight Hons and a tiger escaped in s
collision of a street csr and a circus
wagon in Lelpcig. Within five minutes
the entire city was In an nproae. :-Two
of the Hons leaped, through the! plate
glass windows 'of the Blucher hotel,
frightening- guests.--' -' - -'- - --
John Freeman Mltford, cousin of Lady
Randolph Churchill, and son of .Baron
Rosedale will - marry Frauleln ,Marie
Anna von Frledlaenderfuld. daughter,f
Berlin's coal king,- who Is said to e
worth $ J 5.000,000. V nn ' '
; King George and Queen Mary of Eng
land are rejoicing because Of the expect
ed arrival of an beir some time during
the latter" tart of February.vfe,-:''----ff.1-m'i
, 4 Princess Augustine Victoria of Hohen-
aOllern, who na" Peen ui,. nss iert ine
hospital at Munich., Rumors that the
sickness was the result of another cause
are denied. -,. , -.
James F. Hare, believed to be mental
ly unballanced, fired at Bishop Marsh,
Injuring the prelate's ear. The shot was
fired just as the bishop was elevating
the host ;.".:' ,- .,;.' I
commander of the steamship Volturno, photographed aboard the rescue
Belgium has cancelled ths year's dirig
ible military plans, as result of the lat
est Zeppelin balloon disaster. ,;-.f
. General Newt Notes. S
Mont, In a 'duel killed SUnley B.
Scofleld. ' and himself received a
dangerous wound.' Hs was protecting
Miss Hasel Wright, whom Scofleld had
threatened to kill for rejecting him. .
, Secretary Redfleld. has declared that
he has not given up his .intention of
prosecuting, employers who close down
their plants on the pretense of injurious
effects of the tariff. ' '
, : Duluth haa had Its first experience
this year with sero weather, r ;
Governor Glynn's nomination Of
James M. Lynch' as labor commissioner
of New York has been confirmed by the
state senate. , - '
When the body of the late Adolphus
Busch arrived- at' St Louis from New
York, thousands of people stood In-line
at the depot and at the family residence.
About 250 people, mostly Americans,
have arrived at San Diego on the United
States transport Buford,' from Mexico.
They will 'return when conditions be
come more settled is that country.
Mrs. Pankhurst militant .suffragette
leader of London, has done harm to the
cause in England and America, accord
ins to Mrs. Anna Shaw, president of the
National .Woman Suffrage association.
fine Bays women are m u,bb,h.s
when trying to use physicalforce to ao
oompllsh political ends. '
- Mrs. Mary Lathbury, writer of books
for children, artist and social worker,
died at East Orange. N. J., aged 72.
Girls attending Barnard college. New
York,' are required to pass a swimming
test- They must swim the length of
tank; turn on their backs and return to
the etarting point. ' " - v '-'
The industries should be made ad
juncts to the common school in the vo
cational training of children, it Is said.
While bound from Port Willlama to
Buffalo, the steamer Elphicke grounded
off Long Point with 100.000 bushels of
wheat on board. ' Captain and , craw
reached shore in lifeboats. . ;-;
i: The body of Armand y Klett ' a book
keeper, - was found In ' the offices of
John T. Wright & Co., of San Francisco,
where the man had evidently killed him
self because of ill fcealth.v.;;,-'f ;v Vi '
- Lena than a week's visit was enough
for, Will lam. Schneider, of Clarke conn
ty. Washington, who returned to his old
home, in Germany, only to find that
nearly all his oldtlme friends were dead
or had moved away. . v
As result of a cave-in in the I-I'.Hvau-kce
road tunnel at Keechelua, Wash., onn
man Is dead, three Injured iu; 1 ( ' r ;
missing. The slide cams at. r a I
powder blast liad been put In. j
".;i..":":1.'. ... ; . .
Two men burned to death and .others
Injured as result of an explosion In a
smokestack - in the Steptoe smelter at
McGlll, Wash. ' . '.
.Miss Marie Collier, who dlsappeaitd
from Chicago. leaving a note, saying she
had been banished from society because
she had been a nurse In a leper colony,
returned. She had intended to kill her
self, but changed her mind.
Engineer M, H. Dorsey, of the Chica
go, Burlington A Qulncy road, was hero
la a wreck.. He reversed engine and got
the train out the way In time to save
the lives of many passengers.
A marriage license has been ssued to
Miss Ernestine V. Roedelhelm, sister of
the wife of deposed Governor Sulzer, of
New York, and Walter M, Friedenburg,
of Edhlll road, Cleveland, Ohio.
. Abraham Brancher. aged 18, has beea
asleep It days In a hossltal at St Paul,
and attempts to arouse him have failed.
He Is insensible to pain.
A girt pianist in a moving picture the
atre at San Francisco prevented a panic
when she notified the management of a
fire in the operator's room. . The audi
ence left the house Quietly.
: Thirty teachers attended the institute
In Lane county,." Miss Van Bibber, su
perintendent In that district was Jn
charge. - ..-. -. - ,v ,
- The anclen Roman soldiers, who ate
no meat but who subsisted upon black
bread, developed a strength of physique
and a hardihood of nature which enabled
them to exact tribute from every knowa
nation, and to conquer the world.
A modern v; cereal food, : over-refined,
catering to the daintiness of appetite
and weakening digestive powers, devel
ops no such traits as were found in tiie
Romans of old. v-'-v.
A physician has , now given to tie
world something new' In lioman
which is a scientifically bAhincr i l
Composed fit wheat, rye and t ax. 'J (
flax, after being deodorize! by a r, r t
process, is called ftaxose. The f" -tlon
of these cereals, which l i : r
ground for a purpose, la ca!3! 1
Meal, and the Lor; Cabin 1 - 1 .
is now baking Bread from tf.u ; !.
Roman Meal Bread is to Im I, ' 1 m ;
grocers and dellcatPMicn tcm 1
land and vicinity, it f l if.
cannot, find If at your sii r , f
for - -a ' $H. ' -psckaB-a of 5
which he wll K-lt yu'i f Z -.
the Bread yowrn-if. It it v
i;omnn R 1 , I 1. v ' 1 i -rnakl
v 'X ' '.
-.. it!
t : h u 'l t'' i
i ; t i