THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, 'PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, 70CTOSES 23, 1S13. "Mi AKKIA(!E and genetics, by Charles A. Ju; Reed, M. D. -Dr.'1 ed a volume sud-m tied "Laws of Human Breed- . , njr ana appiieq r.unenrei, ; u ' ' somewhat more technical .. work than ' other (document recently issued, aa a . result of the eugenic or; "better babies s movement. ".,., Dr Heed, -ta' member- and former president of the American: Medical as sociation, deals with condition that ef feet the powers of the human race to perpetuate itself. la his preface he nays:" "This book was first conceived as a message from the operating room, a danger signal or a series Of danger Big-nala-frem the hospital ward, a revela tion from 'Jthe' -council 'chambers that great and sacred confessional of the - medical profewion.'-'vi'-'ftr- The motive prompting the effort wad desire in some" measure to overcome the ignorance which, In too' many In' stances, keeps innocent victims t.from protecting. , themselves i and their off snrin 'from disease and degeneracy. An Incidental object was and la to avert f those conditions that destroy many , the possible happiness of the married state and: convert the bucal 1 chamber ' Into the anteroont of the divorce court Dr. Reed reviews : brief ly - theV work and discoveries of the scientists, from Darwin, (1859V to De1Viesla901),, who studied and propounded the laws of he realty, i He dwells at length on the dis coveries of Sir Prancl Qalton wh6 in' 1871 becan the promulgation of his ex perimental investigation of heredity as applied to the human family, and 'Which Resulted Jn the formulation or "ms law of human inheritance and 4h foun dation of the science of eugenics, which he ' defined as ."the science , of being well born.-' " ' ' ' 'the investigations of fill" Francis Galton," writes Dr. Keed, "tended to provo what ''everybody very generally ' recognises, namely, that there Is a con stant tending in progeny to approxi mate the average standard or mean, or normal of the race." . , . . ., This "'law of the mean, as modified by the author is aa follows: , ' ' f (l). Average parents' tend to produce J average children. - - 1 . (2) Parents of high character units Stend to produce' children of hlh char- Iacter. units. (& Parents. Mt v low , character units .tend 'to produce children of , low char jacter unit. ' , I (4) Extreme parents, whether of high jor low character units, tend to produce children with less extreme character units. -7:a.;- : i-,-. ." . S t 'The practical' purport of the law of the mean."v he Bays. ." thatall fara Jilies, indeed all populations, left . to themselves have a tendency to breed to ? Snedlocrlty." . ! Dr. F.eed elucidates these fundamental laws, explains .wherein" they are . af fected by disease, habit and personality lif both male and female.- : '" : 1 J In conclusion the author voices this pinion:' VV'N" -'-r' ?.:' ''?.':' ,; " "The practical application of eugento laws to the, betterment of the Human frace. ' "while., made possible' by -enllght-fned'human love and wholesome social tonvenUon, ts - an - Important attribute of medlcal'aclenoe..; la other words, while eugenics appeals to the loftiest sentiment of civilisation. It is never theless a science that deals deliberately and unemotionally with the very funda-:-. mental conditions, the most powerful '' Impulses, the most potent forces in the determination Of human happiness and human welfare. Its safe, practical ap plication must, therefore. Imply a cer tain technical training which '.' can be found only In the medical profession. Jt la obvious, therefore, that, toy care Society Continued "from' Page live, thla Section o'clock. William WynnWorthlngton and Elisabeth Drury Calsse, the . Rev. . Del mer H. Trimble performing the mar Tiage. ceremony. . These young 1 people s. were from Seattle and will reside In i J5cattler -j. . Bert H. Kerrey and - Miss Katheryn ' t. ' Baker were united in marriage at the1 parsonage of the Sunnyslde Congre-e-gational' church, Wednesday afternoon, . October 22, by the BeT. J. J. SUub, D. : ' - 'i The marriage of Frank B. Barton ot -Ealem. and Miss Esther B. Johnson ccurred at . the home of the bride's -another. Mrs. C Johnson, 4838 Thirty- third avenue S. EV Wednesday,' October ,f2, 1918, at ?:3 p. m.. Kev. A. B. Waltt f f iclatlng. " The young couple took a strain the same erenlns; . . for; , Salem, '.their future home. ; 1 1 - , . , A pleasant' wedding party met In tha , Mudy of the Third Presbyterian church " bn Weesday evening, the twenty-sec-rnd, to witness the marriage of William R. Gray to Miss Elisa N. -Duncan. Rev. -'A. 1: Hutchtson officiating. The newly : .'wedded couple will continue to make r Portland their home. - ... . i 't ' a COMING- EVENTS. a The -New-Tork 8ute Society of Oro - pon will give a dance Wednesday even j n k. October 29, at Manchester hall, 65i y ifth street V All former JNew Yorker and their friends are invited.! , The so ciety at Its regular monthly - meeting 'lartt Tuesday evening gave a play en ' titled "A Wonderful Cure.' Miss LIJa tAl. Bryon was Mrs. Oaby, the credu '. loua aunt; Mis Laur Jack, Ellen, her i rcat niece;1 Miss Jessie Bloss, Marian Jloaxlcy, sister of George, and the ma .ugk-lan who works the wonderful .euro, nd Airs. Karali C. Haseltine represented Bridget, tho maid. -a clever ally. . j "" Corinthian" Social rlub, O. K. 8., has ,,,inHuei - cards tor another of its dano- Jff parties at Mnsonio Temple,-West Park and Yamhill streets, Tuesday p-venlnx. .November 4. .,- Patronesses are; ,-Mva. Clmrles B. Turlav, Mrs, J. Francis ; jrke, Mtw. J. R Thiehoff, Mrs. Jack .. 'M. '.Yates. Miss Henrietta McCabe, Mrs. V. II. HowatSon, .-Mrs, 11. B. Bloush, 1 'Mrs. AlffJt niddell. Mrs, J. 0. Hatnmi-r, "vMIm Maude Steadinan . and ,Mins Mar ...jorit' Martin. , P ' ' ' '' ' ", Tho Cathedral Social club, recently "'oiKnnlzed among. the young peoiie of . il.i- Cathedral of tho Immaculate Con- f .-ption parish, will hold the flint of a rt(e of subscription dances at Murlark (nil on tho eve of Thanksgiving, ' 'lned(ty, NopnibPT J. w A Hallo'ween prty will be riven by t Ho La lloa 'lu Tliurlay evoning, Oe t K i.vr SQ, ut ChriKtenHcn's hal'. Hleventh and lamhlll streets. The committee ful, and Scientific examination alone, can the Interests of prospective parties to the marital, union and the' welfare of t heir probable progeny be safe-guarded against, disease and degeneracy." The Gultos, Press, publishers, Cincinnati. I '."American Literature,1 byWllllam J. Long, Tbts book alms to present, as set forth, In the publisher' anounce-' ment, au interesting and adequate rec ord of American literature from the co lonial to ' the present- age,, and to make the record in some degree worthy of. the history and spirit of the American peo ple;. v it Is really , presented as a , na UOnal" textbook, r ; , ' It proceeds on ' the assumption . thai literature: - recognises no .Mason . and Dixon line, no political or geographical boundaries to the national: spirit. Who ever has reflected American life? or glorified -American ideals is welcomed and studied without a thought of local pride or prejudloe. As the author says In his preface: "literature - in general tends to humanise and harmonise men showing thelrommon . character. Istlcs; and national literature unites a people1 by emphasising the ideals which the - whole nation -reveres , and follows. Any book, therefore,"which makes Amer icans strangers to one another, or to any part of their common country, has no place in our .national records." .- eo Bradford and Byrd, Cooper and BImms, LonKfeUaw and Lanier are studied aide by Rldeln their respective periods, not as sepresentative of the north or south, but as so many different reflections of the same life and the same spirit. ' '- The book divides bur literary history Into four periods, continuous In their de velopment, yet having each its distinct and significant : characteristics. Olnn and Company, New York City. - " "The Honourable Mr.' Tawnlsh.".'" by Jeffery Farnol. Mr.' Farnol has a rep utation to Jive up-to, for from the au thor of "The Amateur -Gentleman,'' and "The Broad Highway," - one naturally expects eomething worth while, t ! f : - in "The Honourable ) Mrt Tawnlsh," Mr. Farnol has given us nothing sen sational to be sure, but something worth while rather, in the telling" of a story than tn the-storyltsfi ii.t.-.r Penelope, Sir John Chester's daugh ter, and "The Honourable Mr, Tawnlsh" fall much In love with each other,, and o arouse the ire of Sir John, who sees in Mr, Tawnlsh, a fine English gentle man, an. effeminate dandy and writer of sentimental verses. , To test the Eng lishman's ateel,8ir John -and his two bosom friends give Mr. Tawnlsh three different tasks to perform. .He does them well, proves himself a brave man ai well aa a- gentleman, weds Penelope into the bargain, and all is well. Though of an age and a place not generally fa miliar to Americana,, Mr. Farnora char acters . are living ones. The book is bound in cloth, with four illustrations,; in color, by Charles B. Brook. -' Little, Brown A Company, publishers, Boston, Price, 11.00 net,, rv-rv-iv.1',-", J i .'The Gringos."; by, bV M. Bower.-i-The title of Mr. Bower's new book Indicates that It has to do with Americans, so called by the Spaniards and Mexicans, and the locale is California in the days Of "48.---?!;'": 'j:--'-VV ''?-'' ; The setting is the ranch of, Don An dres Pioardo, a Spanish . grandee.. Dade and his friend. Jack: Allen, are the two Americans,' Dade: having saved Jack from death at the hands of the vigilance committee when - the story opens. - The two eek refuce, and are hospitably re ceived and given employment by Don Andres. Naturally enough, ao far as the story goes at least, they both fall in of arrangements Is: Miss.Makle Cham bers, Miss Katherlne .GaWftey, Miss Anna Dunn, ; Miss Mary, Frances Mo Carthy, Miss Deborah Griffin and Miss Irene Fitzgerald. The patronesses will be: Mrs. M A. Fibers, Mrs. P. Doug las, Mrs. 1. J. Hogan, Mrs, J, George and Mrs. M. H. Graham. . - . h-ifnf ?'r'.'i' The H. R. 8. Girls, have Issued invi tations for their dancing party, Friday evening, October Si, - at ; Green's bait Committee in charge of the affair la: Margaret Dannerberg, ; Nina Leader, Frances SchuwUer, Mary Clancy, Han nah Donnerberg, Maude Llttlejohns and Frances Keating. The patronesses will be: Mrs. James J. Hogan, Mrs. Win throp Terry and Mrs. P, E. Sullivan.. , .-.v..-,f s; The Mystic Stare, of Myrtle announce an Informal opening party Wednesday, October S9, at the Masonic Temple, third floor. The committee on arrangements promises a pleasant evening to every body. Those la charge are as follows: Mra. Delos Ferguson, Mrs. L. Qulmby, Miss Leonora Leow, Miss Ullle Hicks, W.- B. Kaeer, A. B, Draper, C. E Mo Glrr, George Hlggins. ; 1 .ik ,;.,. v,.-.,.;;,,;,,;.,,,, ,. w ' .. ;-'.' Kappa Alpha Theta sorority will meet Friday afternoon, October 81, with Mrs. Sidney Smith at her home, 715 Weldler street. -This will be the regular month, ly social - and business meeting. ' All strangers in the city who are members of the sorority are invited to communi cate wltb the president. Mra Charles A Hart - , , A dance that Is looked' forward to with much interest this coming-week Is the Halloween - Spooky party given by the Myrtle Rose dancing club next Wednesday evening, October ; 29, at Christensen'a hall. The hall will be specially' decorated for this occasion Including- many spooky; features. , ,it v,,.. ,v'v'." The Decern Girls have Issued Invi tation f or - their Halloween party, to be held Monday evening, October 27. at Murlark halL Patronesses are: Mrs. Lloyd Thompson, Mrs.' Julia Bymhold, Mrs. B. J. Brown, Mrs. M. E. Beatty, Mrs. C. JI. Begg. Mrs, F. W. Cliff Old, Mrs. H, Bartholomew.-- v 1 ii' x-'.-t.'&w y ' '7: - ' The Young People's league of the St Michael's .and All Angels' Episcopal church at Rose City Park plan to give an elaborate masquerade dancing party Friday, evening, October 81 at Vln- cnt's hall, East Forty-third street and Sandy boulevard. - i , Miss Dagmar Kellv, Miss Marie Chauman and Miss Celeste Foulkes will be Joint hostesses Friday evening at a large Halloween party- to - be given at tlie home of Miss Kelly, 1S . Fifth stieet i , ' ' ' i V--'".i-- ''.-'? w w . '., '.IV',':; ' St Lawrence .court, No. 1734, Catho lic Order of Forester; will give a card party and dance at Bt Lawrence halu Third and Sherman streets, Wcdnelday evening, November 13. , " w ' 1 Haasalo Street Congregational Church Aid society will give a silver tea on Friday nftornoon, October 81, from 8:30 till 4:30. - The patronesspsaret Miss Clark, Mrs.-Jefferson and , Mrs. Deppen ing. w . There will be a health talk in the :":77,7 ' '.Vi ;,:'V:v''V;i-;': ':'.-'. ' - love with Andres' daughter: Tereslta, arid Don-Jose is the native suitor who really occasions the action. v ;There Is a picture of , old Spanish rnch life in those days and tales of the conflict between the ranch owners and the federal government for the retention of the California land. .Whether or not the days of '41 are faithfully and fairly porray.ed, there ars forty-niners" still . living -on -the west coast to whom Judgment must be spansea. JJttie, Brown and Company, publishers, Boston. Price, 1. 25 not, ' "Leaves from Virginia's Journal." by Virginia Corry. A; "vest pocket" edl tlon containing - worth while ' thoughts for humans as they journey through life, and live by the way. ' - - ' "Christ u said '.men were made - in his likehess not ' those In the palaces merely, but .also those tn the huts." "Cultivate your own fields, and when you .can. give a hand to your neigh- Dors. "-'i.-r :;- , c '.'Knowledge is power., if we are , to believe our -copy books. - A hen lays an egg ta the morning and enjoys a leis urely afternoon. Why not take a lesson from her. over worked business man? The hen will scratch up the earth' dur ing 'her spae time, but you can play golf and i so score even ' at nightfall. You might also cultivate a rose gar- dan." ' , i Sometimes the , best of friends are a best." )' v, - vt , v ' "' Life Is like a picnic where soma bring sugar and soma lemons." ""A- bird in' a cage has the. courage to sing. -. Why should I not rejoice T "We can talk I civilisation when w have open air factories and workshops. Published by Richard U. Badger, the clorham Press, - Boston. -1 ; ' - - - "Great Expectations," retold for chil dren 'by Alice F. Jackaon.- This Is one of a series of nine of the master Dick ens' stories, retold for children, and H said -without shame that older persons, as well, may -find Interesting entertainment . by. reading the "re-telt. Ing" ?-.-.. t V :,a. -1 1 ,:; ';; :U In "Great Expectations." the young sters will find In. story of "Pip's" ad ventures, situations a exciting and as thrilllngly told, almost as those of pirate and Indian stories. From - the time of poor; little "Pip's"'; experience with ' the convict from . the prison ship, who threatened to eat the boy's "heart and liver," until the ' here comes into his own happiness there Isn't a dull mo ment r- . , ...v" . j- v "Great Expectations" Is nicely illus trated, in color;. . by Jg. M. : B, Blalkia Published by George ' W. Jacobs -and Company, t Philadelphia. . ' . , . "Harmony Wins," by.Mlllicent Olm ateao. In this story for cnildren, ror the author writes, particularly for children.-, the little heroine Harmony, Hale, 1 related to that, brave, patriot-spy, Nathan Hale. The little girl's, book per sonality ,1s suggestive of ber name, and through all her trials, too, she displays a characteristic of American grit, elf reliance and determination . ' v,,;, .. J -"Harmony Win", to be sure,, but. not until she has experienced an Interesting storyrbdok life. Lothrop, Lee AV Shep- ard Company,- Boston...; price, 1.00 net "The Way Out", by, Edna! Partbenla Halloran. Just about an hour's easy reading of how a woman ef the social world, tired to the point of suicide with the shams and frivolities of life, finds the "Way Out" by unexpected associa tion with the real, God-loving people of the backwoods. . Published by Richard G. Badger, the Gorham Press, Boston. parlors of the . Hassalo Congregational church on 'November 7, at 2:3 p. m., to ladles. , The speaker will be Miss H. New. . . ' ' w " The' Phlloteans announce their next dancing party , for Tuesday evening, November 4, to be given in Gregory hail, . corner Milwaukle and Center streets. - ' - w ' i ' '" The 'G. N. C-B. Girls announce their opening dance -Wednesday evening, No vember 6, at Murlark ball. Twenty-third and Washington,--'.: -- -.. -- , . . , . ' ..' ; .. ': ' '...',. The'-third annual interscholastlo hop will be held Friday evening, November 'Vat the Masonic Temple. ' j ; r FRATERNAL NOTES One of the most dellehtfui lngs of Eureka Council No. S04, Knights and Ladles of Security, , was held In their hall. East Sixth and Alder streets, Monday evening. The attendance was largethan at any previous meeting. Mrs. DeM. Dearlng was presiding chair man of the evening. After a few well chosen ternaries she introduced the fol lowing numbers; Musical selection by Eureka ! Council 7 orchestra; character Tlie New History of tte Civil "War rti BENSON ; J. LOSSlNG; L if. D. 'IlluatrateJ witl? tkousan of , ' -tone reproductions' irom . , " :Tke Brady War Pkotograpks 'i -V 16 full page plates in colors or , ; ; 7. - OGDEN and otter V , Artists 'Coxnplete in 1 volume i ;i7 . t AutKcnticCbmplete?Beautiful ' V M 1 i a1 t , ' T; ' " COUPLE CELEBRATE GOLDEN AT HOME WHERE THEY , f 9 ,- :j ;f .. 1 : Mr,.and Mr6rBenjamintSchol' field of Cornelius Honored 'Tby Relatives,1 Friends," Cornelius, Or., Oct I5.--"The Old Home," built in 1862, one mile ' from Cornelius, Or., was : the scene of th golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin eScholfleld on Wednes day when relatives from' far and jiear assembled to do honors to the couple who were married In this very house SO years ado. The home as. pictured above. was built St' years ago by . Mr. Maclln. father of Mrs. echolfleld - the timbers all 'being hewn; by hand, and has ben the center of many notable gatherings in the history of Washington county. Mr. Scholfleld was born in Martins ville, lit, - June 20. 1840, and came to Oregon' via .California in 1868, settling near Hlllsboro. On October 22, J868. he married 'Miss Sarah Hall, who was born while her parents were-crossing the plains to Oregon. Seven child reu were born to Mr. and. Mrs. Scholfleld, six girls and one boy. Tney .have 15 grandchildren and one great-grandchild, The cnnaren nvingv are irs. t. h,, Cor nelius, Astoria; W-T. Scholfleld, Cor nellus; Mrs. E. :J. i ward, Gaston; Mrs. sketch by Mrs. Maud Johnson: whistling solo by little Miss Evelyn Heppe. The musical and literary program was, cut short in order that the time might, be a-lven to the, speakers of the evening, 'who addressed the audience upon the lmDortant subject ' - of v the Inters tate bridge and - building issue, x The first speaker ;. was, :;Mrs. AblgaUicott i Dual- way,. A loving; tribute was pata ner oy Mrs. Dearing who spoke of her work in Oregon during; the past half century. Mrs. Dunlwarwaa followed by "George D. Toung and L. Lepper. After a few .appropriate r remarKe oy won. D. L. Povey, president of Eureka Coun cil, our -highly -esteemed state: manage, Ed Shellenbercer, spoke. , Mr. Shellen- berger gave an able talk on the plan of the order In which he is so deeply n terested. Cards and dancing, were en- joyed Until . a late hour. Beautiful prises were awarded to the winners. , ff - ,- ---j i"'- -' " r 'T'i 'rfiif'-'V.-'V The Sew'lng- club of George Wright Relief Corps , held Its regular meeting at the' home of Mrs,' Melvina. Worlok last Friday. ' An all 'day meeting was held, dinner 'being .aerved" -at 1 noon. Those present were: Mrs.' McDonough and Mrs. i Kalsoe from Central . Point, Mrs. 'Savager'oC Marshfleld, Mesdames Brock, Ferguson, Nash, Neilson, Hen demon, OgU vie, Thomias, v Taylor, visit ing ladies who were guests, of, honor, and Mesdames Bodley, Belderi, Belknap, Blkke, ; Beale,, Briggs, , Cooper, ; Eley, Emery. Ernken. GodshalL Greene, Grif fith, Hunter, Lounsbury. Mickey, Mills. Munger, Reed. ' Ren ner. Scott Emma Smith, Ihea Smith, Weigand and Wor Ick. The next regular - meeting will be on Friday, October 31, at the home of the president,. Mrs. Renner, 172 East ' Seventy-fifth street north, when the ar rangements for, the-supper and buaar ot November It will be perfected. .i T,he . Lincoln-Garfield - Thimble club was entertained by Mrs. RosetU Mc- j Kennett , on last Tuesday at her home on East Twenty-ninth street. Lunch- eon was served and presided over by the .nostes''The:'.day'wag';oroflUbly apent and much enjoyed by an, .Those present '- were Mrs. McKennett, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Brownelt Mrs. Clalrmore, imJV THE J. K: GILL COMPANY THIRD anJ ALDER STREETS. t t .J.K--JLWM is, i n mmmatt " '-," ' ' " JT waNT.- ' - " Mr. an(? Mrs. Benjamin Scholfleld and -y they were 'married 50 years ago. ; il ' W. A. Godin, Cornelius, and Mrs. ;A. E. Yoder of Cornelius. - ' In addition the guests Included Mr: and. Mra J. C. Hare, Mr. arid Mrs. Hare, Mrs. Falangers, "Teddy and Doland Eal- angers, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Imbree, Mr and Mrs. H. -R. Rix, F. L. Hay; Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Bailey, Mrs. Sarah R. Reeves, Mrs. Sarah E. Montgomery,, Mrs. P. M. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. J.. D. Merryman. Mr. . and Mrs. W. Q, Hare, Mrs. Jennie Mrs. Elvers, Mrs. Devlin, Mra Lombard, Mrs. Law ton,' Mrs Stevens, Mrs; Sea bring, Mrs.' Pritchard. Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Welch. Mrs. Hathorn, Mrs. Gelsler, Mjfs. ' LaFourguett, Miss Louise Phelps and little Luclle - McKennett a grand daughter of the hostess." . The next club meeting will be with- Mra- Devlin af 88 Seventy-fourth ? street, .November v 11. Take Montaviila car.- , ' X W ,. ' Mrs. T. D. Condon entertained a num ber of ladies of Elisabeth hive No. 14 at her home in. St Johns; '80S Richmond street, October 22, at five hundred. Mrs. S trickier won first honors, Mrs. Guerin second. 'The guest prices went to Mrs. H... Wlfidle' and . Mrs. B., Cochran. Mrs. Condon is a charming hostess and served a dainty luncheon, which all en Joyed. - Those ;.' present " were: ', Mrs. Guerin,' Mrs. Lowe, , Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Snider, f Mrs. - Strickler.Mrs. .Vincent Mrs. Moreno, Mra Noel, Mrs. TCrueger, Mrs. Everett Mrs. Royse, Mrs. Asper, Mrs, Windle,rMra Cochran, Mrs. John son, Mrs.' Tracey, Mrs. Harris, Miss E. Moe, M1bb A- Moe,- Miss L. Moe, Mrs. Carder. . . .. ;. . . , , , - v - v A campaign for greater membership has' been Instituted by Oregon's First Hive No. 981. Ladles; of the Modern Maccabees. The members have been di vided Into' two divisions which are to compete for honors in bringing forward the greatest number -of applicants.- one side is captained by Mrs. Mary jua ciair, while the other is -headed by Mrs. Elisabeth Conklln, and the winning team is to be the 'guest of the losers at a banquet The campaign will close after November 27 at which itlme the beautiful . Initiatory - service will - be used for the first ' time. The work Is under the : supervision oft Deputy Great Commander, Mary Isabel McRae of Greenbrock, Michigan, - -.7-.." '-.v vv '- ; 1 4r .' -V ":', '"'-;'--'-'i'' r r 4 Ingleelde Hive. Ladies i of the Mod ern Maccabees organised October 14 byj uepuy ureat uommanuer Mary Isabel IMcRae and-Mrs. Mary A. Vyse, mother of the Modern Maccabees of Oregon, at Golden Rule, hall, corner Eighty-second and Schuyler, held a very pleasant so cial hour at the close of their business pecia WEDDING WERE MARRIED J X their borne at Cornelius, Or., where Sewell, Rev.-and Mrs. Piper,- A. C.Arch Ibold, Mr. " and Mra J. T. Llewallen, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 8Iiute,-Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Hare, A. Gordon. Alonso Slglet Mr. and ;Mrs.-T. W. Good In, Joslah Beal, .Mrs. EUa Rowen, Mrs. 'Martha E'merick, Mrs.. J. U. Cornelius, ' Mr- and Mrs. J. T. Hay,Mr. and Mrs. Ben-Hay, Mrs. F. E. .Waters, Mra. Clarenda Beal, Mrs. M. A. Cornelius and Mrs. R. L. Yorker. tension. Tuesday evening. The same was occasioned by - the approaching mari riage of Miss Mae Anna Lewis. Deputy McRae la behalf of the ladles pre -"Anxious Wife" Give Id to IS drops of the following In water en hour be fore each meal and your child ill soon be controlled from bed wet ting: Comp. fluid balm wort, 1 ox.; tincture cubebs, 1 drain; tinctdre rhus-aromatiq, a drams. : :m. ' s' ' ''-'' v.. ..-.. - '.' ' '-i x-;-;'-? .,V v , '''.:t'-, - '."...-i, ':-X' Rue" writes: 'FoY many years I have suffered with stomaci and howel trouble which has been caused by a severe case of catarrh. My blood Is also In poor condition.... What, can be done for me?' -v -.,r X.j.; .--: 'Answer; "If yoti follow the -directions given below r you should - be . well and Strong sctaln'. Obtain the fnllowlnar from any well stocked drug store and mix by snaKing wen, men taKe a teaspoonrui four times dally: Syrup sarsaparilla comp., 4 ozs.j comp. fluid balm wort, 1 os.: fluid ext. buchu, l ot. Use in con nection with thte the following local treatment: Get a 2-os. package of anti septic vilane powder and make a catarrh balm by mlxlnr one ounra of lard nr vaseline wlt'.i a, level teaspoonful of the powder and , use in the nostrils dally. Also make a wash of one pint of warm water and one-half teaspoonful of vilane Powder end us two nr thriu Hm day until the nostrils ar thoroughly cleansed and 'your trouble should soon be gone. jV.v.j- . .; ..';:,, -; r-"Elsie ' M." ' writes: 'J'.'-'f . have'- such short, stringy, strangling hair and my scalp Is full of dandruff. , Please advise what to do." . ; ;,-. Answer: Th hunt advlp. I imn nttr is simple. Get at a well stocked drug store a 4 os. lar of nlaln vellnw- mlnvnr directions accompanying, and use it reg ularly. It promotes a healthy, vigorous growth of hair and abates dandruff, itching scalp, lustreless hair mid stops falling hair. If the hair Is haruh and stragg-ling it rentorea a soft, fluf fv ap pearance, and brings back the Intense natural color. . . . . v , "Hazelle" Says: 1 "I would ceHal'nlv appreciate Somethlnc that would In. crease my weight and take 'away that languid feeling avhirh I am subject to most of the time.- My blood Is weak and watery and my appetite is poor." , ' Answer: Your condltlon is' very enniiv Overcome if you will follow the direc tions given below, 'Ask your drugglKt for 3-gratn hypP'-nurlan tablets and tahe according to the - directions and your weight should Increase, Thews tab lets nromote asHimilatinn. . ahnnrntlnn and aid digestion, transform the com- lexion ana figure. v Tliey are prescribed y phytilcians and are perfectly good, 'hey should be taken reffularlv for sev. oral months - and - you should depend upon gaining flesh and . that languid feeling will vanish completely, - i- ,'i.!'.','.".''.VT.r.;'--? '-'' .;'' '-'. i!' i'' '-' " t'-'.i.-.' ! "t. E. G." wrttes: "My rheumatism n rnltina worse all th time. 1 m getting ha stiff that it makes It very hard for me to get around." - Answer: fo not wnrrv about vnur rheumtitiMin; ns t'.iat can be very eaellv ronlrolled by UHinft the following: Get at the drugstore tho ingredient? named, I sented Miss Lewis . with . a beautiful berry spoon. After which refreshments i were served. Visitors present, Mrs. Mary A. Vyse, Mrs. Nellie Hibbs, Mis. FJvelyn Mooro, Mrs. Mary Maney of Oregon's Virst Hive No, 881. ' Last Sunday evening the Ku vanda Council No. 11, Degree of Pocahontas, . met In thelf wlg.wam and primary ar- , rar.gements were made for a grand . maRciue ball to be given Saturday even- lng, November 15, in the Eagle hall, Third and Madlson streets. - Mrs. Min nie Blake, the Pocahontas,- appointed Mra Annie Garnler. Mrs. Marie Gale ' and Mr Chris Relchle to make final arrangements, A' meeting will be held later and all information desired can bo obtained by phoning Mrs. Gamier, Main S589. Informal Invitation is ex tended to all Red , Men, Pocahontases and friends. - V".: , "..:'...'',;,. : . ... 'sVw '.- ;'7 7 ' 7';:; Thursday, October SO, MclClnley W, R. corps No. 45, G. A., H., will give a patriotic' entertainment at the Scenlo theatre, Montaviila, at which will he presented to one of the school rooms a beautiful silk flag. Come one, come nil. Committee, Mrs. Pollick, Mrs. Mil lar, Mrs. K'lng. - The degree team, of Rose City Camp -No. 6466, M. W. A. will entertain their I friends at the K, of . P. hall. Eleventh I. and Alder streets on Wednesday even ing, October-29 at a masquerade party. ' Dancing wil begin t 8:30. Five prises ; win be .given. . I. ANNOUNCEMENTS -H t . ueorge tuawm .morse announces tna , engagement of , his . daughter, Mabel Eveline, to Harry M. Hayles, the wed ding to take place some -time In the 1 early . winter..,- Miss Morse is a very ' popular : girl, and "many, affairs have r been- planned. to compliment- the bride-', to-be.. The Wedding will take place at , the pretty suburban home of Mr. and Mrs Harry Calvin Palnton (nee Morse). Miss ' Bonnie M. Benton of Chicago . was a Portland visitor last week. - Miss Benton, who Is a magazine and newspa per writer, has been visiting friends in MahAM. - I1..MH ..4 -,IM MA,, MM t. ' PUUtUDlU vi.,viw NU Hill twu&ii liusiiv through Canada to gather material for stories. 4 ' , Willis E. McElroy and family havs -. moved from the east side to the West i. minster, apartments, on Sixth and Mad- . lson streets. y:- ?. :.-.'. -v- - ' . Mrs. C L. Gllham and Mrs. C 8. Unna have- returned here after a pleas- ant visit In the Bound cities.- Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot E. Stewart" are spending a few days ta the City, on their way home to Calgary, Alberta. . 7'' " ' " - " " ' ; At the annual convention of the' Penn- sylvania .Federation of Women's cltfbs 'i held last, week, four things were dls cuBaed, emphasised and endorsed by the ' organization, .- as follows;: Vocational v training la the public schools; school privileges for the children In the state . sanatorlums; election of women to the board or. state normal schooR and sun-'t port for 'legislation in behalf of wom en and children. On these four topics next year's work of the federation will be centered. v;; x . Workmen's . compensation, minimum " wage, Initiative and referendum and re call laws were passed during the last session of the Minnesota legislature. , TtyiCE, The questions answered 'below are General in character; the symptoms or diseases are given and n the ' answers should apply to en case of almija' a W'-vA'. i''K-f'.;;.t'.,'-.-,i;''v'i-. - , . Those; wishing? further-'advlce. free, -JX!tArV!nVr' Lewis Baker, College Buildings College-Ellwood streets. Day ton, O., enclosing self -addressed, stamped ; envelope for reply. , Full name and ad- i.r 2fe..'.n,UBt b a'v"1. out only initials or v fictitious name will be used In my an- swers. . The prescriptions can be filled at any. wajl-stocked drug store. . Anc druggist can order of wholesaler, mix thoroughly and take a teaspoonful at mealtime-end agalh at bedtime and ?rou?uU, be entirely relieved of that disagreeable disease, rheumatism. -Purchase t drams of iodide of potas slum; M oi of wine of colchicum; 4' 2,r"m,70'. "od,um salicylate; 1 os. comp. fluid balmwort; 1 oa comp. essence ' cardlol, and 6 osa syrup sarsaprilla. ' This has satisfied thousands and I am sure it will you, " . - . . ,MusicIan',' asks i - "Can yoi tell me how -to overcome a bronchial trouble w.ilch manifests Itself after singing bv . a t ckllng In-the throat, hoarscpess apd a slight coughr j, .-,,v.; ' , ; ' -Answer: ; Obtain a bottle of essence menthol-laxene and Use It pure, or make Into a cough syrup by mixing with ordK nary granulated sugar, syrup or honey. . Directions for use and how to make ao- company the package. It makes a full Pint ox effective. nlAHanf i-A,i.h w.,in1"": an? ce lent for all throat and bion- ' chial trouble..--'7'f v,,:.;'::;l'.'-':'. .,:,..; v , l1 K writes f7i'I suffer it 'great ' , deal with atomheh disorders 'heavy feeling after eating, heart palpitation, wind and gas on stomach, etc. Am rest- 1 lees and irritable. Afraid to eat a hearty meal Sometimes great pain. I , fear appendlcIUs.",; , , v , , - Answer: The neglect of constipation and Indigestion is the most frequent cause pf appendicitis. It Is better to ' prevent than to cure by aa operation.- I 'advise that you obtain tablets trio peptlne and take according to directions accompanying sealed carton, They are pink, white and blue, to be taken morn-lng-noon and night, respectively. - I 1 think many cases of sppendlcltls could be prevented by using triopeptine Intel- " ligently. ... i -. . , . ' v"Mrs. C. C." writes: "Carl you pre scribe a tonie for one who is sleepless, . nervous, hyetertfal, thin and getting thinner? Have little appetite and am " restle8day and night." Answer: ; The 'following If used, for several weeks "will gradually restore and i strengthen your nervous syntem: Com pound syrup of hypophoBphites, S oza.; tincture cadomene, 1 oa. (not cardamon). , Mix, shake well and. take a teaspoonful before each meal.' '.. .'":'.' '' ; v '. '..'.4"- .-;;' .';; "K. K. K." asks': "f m nkin. stout as I get-older and welsh 6 pounds- ' inucn n"w. nm aiarmed and want to reduce. Please advise what to take.'" Answeri- You need hot be alarmed If , fi Tni J?"1" taking S-rain arbolono ? tablets. Ihiwe tablets reduce ususlly at the rate of a pound a day after the first few days. Any druggist can supply 1 them in sealed tubes with f ull dUei- , . tlous. . j ..-i "Poor H." writes: "Mv health is poor on account of a long-standing oon ettpatlon. I have to une pills or some- ' thing all the time. Can you prescribe somrithintr to take that wilt constipation?" . : Answer: - Const Ination t nrnh.hi ,v,.' oauee of more illnnsd than env other iiiiiiit mwi I'Piuenies oniy afferavBte the trouble and never cure, 1 alwava pre scribe 3-praln sulphorb Hblrt (riot Vul- -phur tabletK), nn.l have found them most reliable, and crmltiallv riirutlv. n-i,.,. ; act pleaesntly end tona up the bowels ' and liver while purifying the blood, i ; PERSON MENTION!; $ :5 i