The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 54, Image 54

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Willi r'mi'-n
lUllui t luUII.-l )
5000 OGH Jj
V :
ITHE ' Oregon State : Conference
1 F
Maughtejrs of the American Rev
olutton was organised Wednesday,
meouns of the members of be
Multnomah and: Willamette chao-
ter being held at jthe home of he
;.;,VUM ''recent. Mrs; John V. Beaumont;
411. East Flfleth street, north. The by-
, ; laws. 'were' presented by .' a t committee
'. composed of MrsBeaumont, Mrs. James
f':'H-Davis, Mr. John H. Bagley and Mies
; "i , Mary ? 8. Barlow voted upon i and sc.
i. ceptea, ,Tne conference will meet 'an
i;,! '' ually In the month of March.
i?'tv The nominating commit te, Mrs. 1 Hor
;;?v.'' ace u. renton, Mrs,
Mrs..'W.VH- Chapln,
. i lowihg names for a
ace B. Kenton. Mrs. E. C. Shevlln and
suomittea tne roi-
state officers .which
. were- Voted - 'upon ;and : unanimously
r , elected.' Stale , regent, Mrs. John . B
-:' Beaumont: vice regent, : Mrs. James N,
i i : Davlsr' recording secretary." Mrs. W1N
:x Ham f). Scott;' corresponding .-secretary,
'. Mra.J. 8, Stearns; treasurer, Mies El
:. .'" . cacor Glle: ChaDlutn. Miss Martha Uttlc;
Oy historian, ;"Mrs. W; C. ' Wttxel;' auditor.
. . ir. li,. u. xiiub; assisting registrar,
v j Mrs. WV E. Nowsome. -? v v
,:V. ; v. Mrs; Beaumont presented the follow-
ing report of work done as state regent,
"om May, S8.-1912 to October 32. 1913
: Application papers ; sent to 43 : women,
, ", ' who are eligible to ) this society ; 1 8B
letters and ' tlve postals received, , per-
' talnlng to D. A. R. work: 136 letters and
I 4 postals written; notices put in Hood
. River, Astoria, and Eugene papers, rela-
live to organising chapters or interests
Ing those eligible to become members;
j v ; printed and distributed hundreds of
... copies or 'tm American iag, iis use
s , and Its .Forbidden Abuse" y an attempt
I'f. to Interest 1 members -In the D. , A.. R.
" magaalne; through correspondence, have
r; ' i tried to loceta ; a ' grave or graves of
t ; Revolutionary soldiers In Oregon, but
: rone located;, before, the. March meeting,
; nrs may e chapters formed in Ai-.-',
'bany- and Eugene. vv
V, ; : . The state, regent'urged all D. A. R.
to work for the growtir o( this organl-
, , cation, and She. would gladly receive the
v ", ,; , ' pames of women ellgiMe to this society
..and call upon "or correspond 'with them.
: , ; ' Activities pf Ia Grande Women.
Women' club of, LaOrande-have a
strenuous and Interesting winter before
them, and f public -"af fairs are largely
. ; prompting their principal moves. , Mrs.
- r .' George Palmer la ;the president of the
.; v Neighborhood club, succeeding Mrs. J. T,
Richardson.' .'' The i last r administration
' contributed 1100 -to-the new Y.. M. C. A,
V fund and paldjit by selling advertising
vpace : on the- fair program, and ;.last
?y ' 'weeH the club was. hostess to a recital
: , given by .Mrs.' Kathertne Oliver McCoy,
r "!':! ahd', the proceeds went."': to :.tne pew';. 11
1 ' brary, wlilch Is now under course of coh
' ' .structlon. Semi-monthly meetings, when
: . ? regular programs are taken np, will be
1 ;' ' . the order for the winter months, aside
- .r v. from sucli public enterprises as may
f-'t p- be taken -up from time to tlino, :
"S;y The Lyla- Tuesday Mustca club.' bf
which Mrs. A. S, .Geddes Is president,
r , will .resume' Its policy '.adopted last
year of giving public recitals monthly.
iV The first ; of thlat. winter .affairs rwlll
; i some on at an arly dRte, '.and during
, the winter the: club will arrange- per
- haps a half doxr-n 'Interesting musical
a v' programs to which the public ls al
i ; ways Invited.' - 1
f, 4 i Club- ActlrlUerf. "
i ' . The Colony clubrof the ( Rogue River
: .'valley, was a aoctal -organisation orig.-
"; , Inally composed of ranchers, their wives
v ' and daughters, . wno established tnree
',. years ago a meeting place In the city of
tMedford, where the member could .go
. xor rest -ana rerresnments.. xnis ciuo
' . has grown .-and Its purpose broadened
. -'until It takes the Iace in feminine ao
rial life that the University club does
:-' :'' among the men. Daring -Thanksgiving
'week the Colony club will have a booth
: ! at the Catholic Xadies ; Basaar, Where
' nembera will sell dolls and fancy bags
. 'of their own manufacture for. the bene .of the ,CathoUo society. ; Mrs. .
-ir; Chandler Egan Is chairman of this com
: mlttee, ? and '.doll 'parties v-are'. becoming
'' frequent and popular. s?lst year ,t the
if; Colony club .furnished a room . at the
. Sacred Heart hospital, which they are
Maintaining. Mrs. George' oone Car
V renter, Mrs.' George Daggett, Mrs, Ed
i - mund Burke and others have taken an
' Important part - in. this . Vork.. The
.present' of floors ot.ths Colony club are:
. President, Miss Margaret Hubbard; vioe
i president, Mrs. P. W, Hamillt secretary,
f. Miss . Dorothy Connor, , and treasurer,
; ; Mrs. .Stanton Qriffis. 4. 4) ,
HnW Recital.
:,; ;' The: educational department of the
; Monday Musical club will present Mr.
lAiclan ,E. - Becker In 'a ptano recital,
: at the Lincoln high school- auditorium,
'' Thursday afternoon, October-80, at J
o'clock, at which, time the high .'school
.students and . their parents will te the
guests of the club. . ' h', '"iA
'" ': The program will be: Moonlight Son
' ata, (Beethoven;) ; Nocturne D. Flsvt.
'; Posthumous Walts E. Minor, 'Ballade A.
x ; Flat,, (Chopin;) ' Prelude A. Minor, , (De-,
'ff; MM
f.1 t ''''".'-" ..-
Scons at lunchoon given for Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway Wednesday by
-''-.f--''V.v -'-' ;--'-, V: ',;,' V" ;',:v: -( V' i',!:-Vi'-? 'r't,'':',. V'i!; .s' ' :':';:' -'.' '" . f;: -
LJV j) ' ' if
Mrs- John F.:; Beaumont,! stated re
gent of the j Daughters: of the
bussyil' Tranmeray.. (Richard Btrauss;)
Rhapsody G. Mlnot, (Brahms;) Juggler-
resa, i ( Mossko wskl ;) ; Concert lasu rka,
(Luclen E. Becker;) Hungarian1 Rhap
sody JUt,? Ua'fSifT-t ;-:v
; t Ioytliittfl' 'lescrlbetf.''.::,'''x:.'.
The '"Courrler -do j3eneve" a dally
paper of Geneva, Swltaerlahd, published
on October. S, a highly. Interesting- bit
of corespondence about Portland and
Us new- public- library? ir-P'i':".
Under the title of ".'Iettres du Far-
West,.;.? Madam v Henrietta . -.'Flullller,
a regular corespondent- of . the above
paper, speaks ' In hlghi'- terms:v of the
"Rose pity,'?, praising the beautiful res
idences and the countless improvements
that - dattle the? newcomer. ., " - .
The author mentions.' In- laudatory
words Miss Isom, Messrs. - Ayer, -Eliot,
Holman, ' Doyle" and Foster,?, and . states
that the "City of - Roses' ould not
wear' a more precious illadem than Its
matchless new library. J.jr
Portland Club Note ? - vi ;i
" The 'Coterie"; will;: meeft Wednesday
morning at the Oregon 'Hotel t . which
time Mrs. M.. U T. Hidden-will apeak
on "Women tn' Modern Reforma Mrs,
F. C Miller Is in charge of the. music
and this will be southern in character.
Following the - meeting tnere win be a
luncheon and" at the table Mrs. Edith
Tosirf Weathered -will apeak on "Wo
men in the Lfne of Progress." .
Th i Tseedav . Af temooa vlul wlU
meet this week -with Mra. W.-.Tabier
440 East Seventh street, north.,. The
Agricultural riches will be discussed
by Mrs.' Merwln Pugh.' The Architect
ure of Mexico will be described by. Mra
G. M. Golnea -The City of Mexico Is
the subject of Mrs." E.' J. Hatghfs paper
and i the Influence of ;the railways In
Mexico will be discussed; by Mrs, H.
J.:'- Jackson.'1-i);s -?.' s t'ti nfrivi ?v.
The Portland Study ; club will fneet
tomorrow :. afternoon . with Mra .. In V.
Rawllngs. In the study of immigration
the", -members have evolved fa clever
plan , lnJ which they will write- the ex
periences' of several Imaginary charac
ters at Bills Island, the dlflcultlea they
encounter 'and their final 'settlement' In
this country, Mrs. Feenaughty, .Mrs.
Mathls, Mrs.- Glttlngs, Mrs. Bailey and
Mrs. Rawllngs will, take part In this
dialogue. . Roll call -. will be : answered
with quotations from Washington lr-
Yiiftf; ,v- -'r"'V'ir.c,.v'v;i'"";-i-'
Mrs.- Alice Welster, the president ot
the Psychology club,' who is 'spending
a week at the Psychology Summer club
house at Nenaiem, has as ner guest,
Anne Shannon Monroe, the writer. - -
The "Association of 'Collegiate Alum
nae will meet Saturday. Luncheon will
be served first at Olds, -Wortman aV
King's after which the program meet
ing will be held In lecture, room A of the
Dubllc library at whloh- time Governor
West will 'speak on ''Prison" ' Reform
and its Relation to the Public Schools."
The Oregon Alumnae association, will
hold Its. second - meeting -of the season
Saturday afternoon at the ""Multnomah
hotel. ; , : ' " ; V-:-'';-: , :
The Monday Musical club ; wlll 'i hold
a s'pecal meeting-for members, Monday
Medford. ' Or.. Oct, 25. The Oroater
Med ford Club, as the name Implies, is an
organisation ,devoted to the betterment
and thereby the growth and 'improve
ment of Medford.' Organized in 1903; it
has taken- an Increasingly- important
part ir. , civic activities, andv its member
ship la open to all women living la Med
ford and vicinity. - Under the leadership
Of .MrB. W. O. Davidson.' the club work
was systematized last' year, and now. in
cludes the following , - departments
Civics, under Mrs. J. F. Reddy; educa
tional, ' Mrs., George Rebec; home econ
omics, Mrs..-A. -A. Bird; literature, jura
F. W. Streets; musk-'A Mrs. E. M.: An
drews. and. social hygiene, Dr. Myrtle S.
Iockwood. In the civics departments
the .local problems of, city government
are . Considered,; and the committee has
been particularly effective ;fn improv
ing the conditlonf streets and parks,
and urging,' "better-' sanitation, --and im
proved living conditions. ' Under -Mrs.
George pebec,;in .the educational depart,
ment. a study has been; made. "of 'local
school conditions and wfral schools, with
a. view, to Improvement In the. way. of ad
justing : the ..-Currlfculum,.' to practical
needs and more efficient service. Erfi
clencj- In the home, and' the "high 'cost of
living : are the ,- two- important subject
being considered V. by . the -home . econ
omics department,, under Mrs. Bird, and
It is fhoped" that; the . National House
wife's Heag'e. wfil , cooperate " In ; ; t his
The Hterature'f department f Is J now
stuaymg " American literature, oegiH'
hingr vtth colonial literature and con
tlnuing through the . year, to the liter
ature of the present day,'; Papers are
read at the monthly meetings,, and gen
erai discussion follows.
, In conjunction with the Medford Con
servatory of Music; Mrs. E.JW. Andrews
Is conducting a splendid course on we
muale of all nations, : and the . various
departments of music, from the ballet
through songs to Instrumental and vocal
branches. At least .one public concert
will be given through the year. ' i
.' In the social hygiene department Mrs.
Lockwood expects to: Cooperate with' the
State Society of Hygiene, and have lec
tures by local physicians regarding the
problems of : sexual education , and eu
genics,' ? : V ;:"?:A ft- :4 .7 ('
: The ' Greater . Medford club has over
100 active members, ; and is making it
self felt in the actual life of Medford
mora strongly than 'ever before. i
aftern'obn at o'clock, Eilers; hall,' Full
attendance 'la - requested-f 1 .i
Th. east; aide divtsion- of: the' Port
(and Shakespeare Study . club will meet
Monday 'afternoon ,at. J o'clock at. the
home? tof Mrs.c ; T. I 8. 'I Townsend, east
Couch and Floral avenues, Xaurelhurst
or M-V cars, lesson; will bo Act . II
Of OUiello. . ' .-,".'. A
The dramatic department of the Shak
espeare club (will, meet Tuesday after
noon at 2 o'clock room F publio library.
Tenth- and ..-Taylor streets. Rehearsals
tor - utneno,wui-.Deginij,.,n ;SV .'S-UM
(faZg ' Womans Oub ' Meeto.X$:':
flrstr'- huslnesa . tneetfnar: of the smaaon
Friday afternoon. This Is the beginning
of the plan laid dQwn laafr year, for mak.
lng tne meetings 'alternate Business, ana
social, onea and the plan proved highly
successful. In the absence of the presi
dent, Mra Frederick Eggert,, who is in
the' east : the first vice president, -. Mr
Robert C. French, , presided .in a moat
acceptable manner., ''
- Kiaht new . members1 were received In
to the clubhand applications wore re
ceived troni. vur more, 'interesting re
ports were inHa on mo recent conven
tion of the state federation by Mrs.
Zeller; MraiStaigler, Mra Wade and
Mrs. Rankin." Dr.' Lola Johnson gave
a discussion of current events, foucV,
lng on the various, great movements in
the world .today. At the next meeting
of (he club, Which will be a program and
social meeting,' the speaker wilt he
Mayor Albea, :'. 'Sj':H--
: ' .- ; at : i; at mi
T" -; "'-'Ore-ton C3ob NeiWr:i:'''-.;
U. The Woman's: cluK of Cottage Grove
held Its first study meeting of the sea
son, with Mrs. Martin: as" leader; at
which time "Early Literature was con
sidered. The next meeting, which will
be held Tuesday of this week,rwill be
under the leadersblD of Mrs." Umphrey,
with "Benjamin Franklin" as the topic;
Discussions of government affairs . will
be a feature Of this season's meetings.
The Clvlo Improvement department of
the Woman's club of Dallas will present
the pantomime, "The Doll Shop,." . The
prominent people of the city are taking
part in the affair, which promises to be
one of the important- events of the sea
son,: -lx.;'i.!ififi:?:t-':; .fc,?;' ;"-''-.-:.v;w. !
The Paren t-Tea.cher Circle, of Leban
on; held Its first regular meeting of the
season recentlyi '- Superintendent Thood
arson win be the speaker at this meet
ing, : to which 'all parents, teachers and
patrons are' bidden,, iV'y'.-.";;
The woman's stuay ciud, or aanaon.
was happily entertained -at the home of
Mrs. J, C Booth. . The club Is studying
South America and Mexico this year.
Miss Crawford read two short poems on
-Jt -.v. vv-- w v; w: :-
Mrs. H. K. Heynolds, Mrs. Dualwa. is' shown In the foreground. on right
'. ;'-. t'-i ' v ''vi r''i-2A :'-:"y'if:.& i .vC'V
Left to right Mra. H, A. Heppner, president of the Monday Musical club; Miss Dprothea Nashfr director of
the department of 'musical history; Miss Martha B. Reynolds In charge; of the department ol mtelcal
? 8dme 4of 'the Jntereaflng'f work ; con
tTmplated by- the' Mondajr Musical club
for this season will be carried .on , by
Mlsir Dorothea Nash who. will direct the
department of tnnslcal history, and Miss
Martha B Reynolds who wlH have the
department, of musical, appreciation.- In
a series of musical tals,"i Miss - Nash
will covir primitive muse, muso and
religion, folk songs, ballads,, madrigals,
dance forms and song forms, and many
other, subjects. Miss Reynolds Will take
her department through a course for
develoDtnent of musical appreciationfor
music lover and -student.
Mrs. G.; J. 'Frankel, Who is chairman
"Autumn." and" Mra Waggoner read av
story. -Grapes -irora -tne
were served at the end'pf the afternoon.
' The Ladies' Annex, of Prlneville, held
a delightful sodal-af ternoon for the pur
pose of meeting- the ' strangers tn ') the
cityi The affair was. held In the Anne?
parlors."-and was largely 'attended-, and
grefctly enjoyed.. K-.'" if-' 'l-f'A
t The ShUmla, club, of Prlneville.-held
its second meeting for . the season-rre-cently
at the home of Mrs, John Wlgle.
Mrs. Robert Gray gave a review of
Browning "The Ring and . thev Book.!
The club's . next meeting will- be; held
wlth'; Mrs;fCoaway.-i;:M .tt'S;.
' The, first meeting of the Beason of the
Forest Grove Woman's club was held
with Mrs. Thornburg. - The president's
message was a feature of the meeting.
Miss .Farnham gave reports from the
State Federation convention. V A num
ber of new members were received, -and
the afternoon closed with refreshments.
VM Ben Bolt entertained the. mem
bers of the Domestic Science club-at ner
home,; in Opportunity, recently.'' VA - pa
per on the "Food Value of. Grape Juice"
was xeady.;Mja.; D.;! Ferguson. - " The
hostess demonstrated ; caramel pudding,
which she served with coffee and, cake.
' The Woman's Clvlo. league, of Leban
nn met .Monday evening In the Method-
int rhurch. , Mrs. Bert . MHlsap, , the
nranidnnt of the club, who recently re
turned from California," gave an Inter
esting addras..nrsl4ci!aWe time was
spent in discussing plas,f9r the winter.
r- Miss ' Cornelia" Marvin, , Mrs. v Perry
Raymond.'. Mra-WJUIamrfleming and
Mra W. : E..-Klrkvef ; Salem, are among
th members of the committee recently
appointed -,ln --Salem', to arrange t or
commission ;.form ofoverrjment; for
that'city.'. -.x---:- .vv -'.- ;-
The Neighborhood club,; of La Grande,
gave an annual library benefit, at which
time Mra. Katharine Oliver . McCoy gave
a dramaticireadlng of rromorrowf,.to a
large and appreciative aodlenca . ; v
i i The : Greater f Medfdrd i club held --Its
first meeting of the season . Wednesday.
Dr. Thayeri city,', health officer, dis
cussed 'plans' for the inspection of mar
kets and stores.' vtthe Mann white slave
act was taken nn by Mr, Mulkey. dis
cussed botm decisions recently, handed
down on .this law. tne rour measures
to be Toted on' -next month-, were also
dlscussed. --t';:i'.--;-;; W
- The JChyistlaft Sisterhood, of Marsh
rt,M niAt with Mrs: Charles A. Pow4rS.
when organisation was ' completed tor
Industrial and social purposes. Three
committees;" industrial; social and visit
ing.-' were appointed: The- Sisterhood
will rive- a dinner on election day.
.The College Women's club held an In
formal reception at the home of Mrs. M.
C. Maloney. 1 The assisting- women, were
Mrs. R. H, Coreyy Mrs. D. A. Jones, Mra
M. C. Maloney arid Miss Eva Dresser.
Autumn decorations" and, refreshments
were features " , ' :?t'--':y".'s-: ';-.:.(
t The W. d T U, of Klamath Falls, has
passed resolutions declaring against the
present immodest 'tendencies in dress.,
The Current .Literature ciud, or pen
of program committee for-the depart-
ment- of education; phllanjirophy "and
reciprocity; announces that the club
through these departments will' be able
to furnish programs for charitable xr-
ganlsatlons and educational Institutions J
The reciprocity department following
plana urged by the National Federation
of Musical clubs . la -arranging' for an
exchange of Ulent with other clubs of
the" city and neighboring , towns, pro
viding opportunities tor talents from
other towns to be heard in. recitals in
this city A Lenten concert with pro
gram entirely of sacred music by chorus
and leading soloists- of thy club ' Is ' to
dleton,' was entertained by Mrs. G. A,
Rice and Mrs. A. C. Hampton at the
borne of the former. .- Mrs, Fee and Mra.
McAllister ;- gave reports -of the State
Federation meeting.' Argentine was the
subject for tthe afternoon's considera
tion. It was discussed in papers and ad
dresses under the following heads: '. Cit
ies, ' national - wonders, - - comparison of
ranching In Argentine and United States,
education and newspaper , :-. a -,
The s first 'regular - meeting of the
Neighborhood, club, of La Grande, was
held recently In the Commercial Club
rooms. Mrs. J. T. Richardson, the presi
dent, reported last year's work, and said
that the 1100 which the cliib . pledged to
the T. M. C. A. had all been raised. The
new- president, Mrs. - A. L. "Richardson,
ind other-new oMicers'were installed.
The Embroidery ' club, of . Willamlna,
has changed its name to the Library
association,' and expects to --secure .a
room and open a small library In- the
neat future, the tbooks ' having already
been offered. :' .'':-' ... '- i. -
; The first meeting; of - the Parent
"Teacher '''association, of ?MeMJnhvlld a,
wa held Wednesdrayi at" which, time
plans 1 were discussed" "f or the Comlng
year.'.'." '-. ':. ,' ."'": -.''"fi""-;vv
The - Mothers'' Self-Culture ' club,'Vof
Coqullle met at he home' of Mrs. Bert
Gould. Friday, and spent a decidedly in
strnctlve afternoon. , The club Is taking
up a series of lesspns, the subject- chos
en for this week's meeting being "3atri-
ousm. . v
'-' '.''-Va
'' at M
Cieneral - Club -.News.
The Women's' Commercial "club of Se
attle entertained the members of the
Portol girls', party -wltb a luncheon on
their visit to that cltyU An informer re
ception preceded the luncheon. . Toasts
followed the luncheon, which Was nota
ble for its handsomer autumnal decora
tions and .delightful hospitality. , ; . ' ' :;
The Century ,olub. One of the "largest;
and most aptlve clubs of Seattle la plan
ning a Halloween party to be given at
the Washington hotel.. The affair" will
be characterised by 1 elaborate decora
tions suitable to the season . and by ;
unloue entertainment:: '''.' :'.:' )--" 'J- :
The Seattle branch of the Congress 'tit-.
-which time Mrs. Austin K. Griff lhs
was chosen president. - The, council, de
cided.; to start , a boarding . bouse- for.
babies, a kind of clearing, house for I
children who are Without pareats,, are I
aeuqueni or are ouivrwioo uniwiuufi'
The frean air scnoota were nigniy com
mended - ;." i-.y-y--.
- The fifteenth annual convention , of
the Washington United Daughters of the
.:ry' ? '-- v:rsj:.'"j,;';'-'
Miss Purola
You may have';ja
feet complexion; r
f (fyi sof ieji; soothe;
Peroxide tteam
Price 25c
Beautify, "you x complexion
and five it that fresh,, rosy :
, ' JTldw yith the aid of '
. Pnce 50 cts ; V
: . .. 'Take'.advantaire of "thisspe-; - -V
ciaL offer:1 If you will buy :
4 . one jar of Purola peroxide
:; t cream, 25c you1 will be en-r '
, titled to nresent thk arf anH , .
-A ,
in 1 ,. '
- use
",25c for a
rola tint.
III . ;
rola ;tintt
I be given during the 1914 Lenten season.
I Other notable-work to be carried on will
be the study of French1 and German un
der direction of 's Mr Aaron H- Currier,
study of harmony with-Mr Luclen ES.
Becker, concert r work with , Miss Ab
bie Whltesldea. ., The active department
and class work, will be preceded by, the
reception ana Danquet'; to oe given eany
In November;? at i the ; Hotel Portland,
When the president, Mrs. It A.- HPpner
with- a committee of of fleers and mem
bers of the club will receive guests, v . A
special , meeting of. the club. is to be
held" Monday afternoon: at J o'clock - in
Eller'a hall for business session.
Confederacy" was held recently in Ta
ooma at which .time Mrs. W. T. Miles
of Seattle was chosen president. The
Washington chapter has been very ac
tive in the-erection of the Arl I ngton
monument which Is soon to be unveiled
at the: old home of General Lee. The
ShQoh- committee is also working' en
ergetically to 'complete: the monument
to be erected on the site of the battle of
Bhiloh... - . ' : -''' S',v':--,--'
' The Pennsylvania Conference of Char
ities and Corrections met ln Philadel
phia last week with a large attendance
of club women and social workers from
all , parts of the state. "Work. Among
the ' Feeble Minded.' and "Prison Con
ditions," were among the principal top?
les discussed. ' .:;.,-' V ,i ', i". - -'', t,-
Th twentieth annual convention ' ef
the Utah Federation of Women's clubs
convened In Brigham City . last week
with a large attendance ot club, women
from all parts of the state.' One of the
notable lectures ; of - the session : was
"What.Ponatltutes- a Masterpiece," by
Dr. F. B. Fox of Chicago. ,
'' George Bernard Shaw was specialised
at the meeting of To Kalon club of Ban
I Francisco last week, a reading front
-matrimonial journeyings" by Mrs, Lil
ian Quinn Stark, being prefaced by a
brief allusion to his. personality, and by
a discussion of his works through, the
avenue of a preamble originated by the
club-.. . f .'. i., i, , , lv - Ui . .".
A shut-in apostle of suffrage, an In
valid advocate of votes for women, who
irom ner wheel chair is carrying on
sturdy.: campaign for the cause, 1 Mrs.
jumuy weston Saeger -of Fhlladelnhl
is anything but a militant in her mind
and In her methoda.;; t ;'.:.,
iThe Dew; $10,000 club house of the
South Pasadena .Woman's 'Improvement
association was formally opened this
month with a reception. The club house
will-be the center of practically all the
social activity for this fashionable sub
urb or Los Angeles, and already a num
ber ' of dances, lectures, banquets and
other-f rioclal and clvls gatherings have
seea. pianneov.v.-',),'' i:,vi.,.v, ,
;: Frailv-and gentle, ? yet fired' with"
great , enthusiasm and .' imbued . with
spirit which sees ' the- bigness of the
woman movement. Mrs. Saeger is srlvlne
parr, 01 ner .ample- time to-. writing in
support of suffrage. It is not likely
that she will ever, be able to vote, even
ir women get tne ballot in Pennavlvania
aurmg .me next - rew -yeara But this
does not deter her from, carry lna on
her campaign of education. It does not
diminish her Interest In the welfare of
outer women and does not lessen One bit
ner Keen interest in the social. eeonrfmiR
ana industrial problems of the day. :
Says: ; V
peir- :
puri- y
- 50c bottle of Pu-'
t r "
"''' .
A "mother of one of Chkago's lir t
"famllies"-a 1 "family" in which tti-ie
are some 000 "daughters" told Lu.v
she takes care of her. "children" Tues
day before- mernbera of. the Wllmett
Woman's club of Chluago. : The "i'hii
dren' are girls employed in a large Ftate
street department store. The. "mother
is Mrs, Charles Hotnvllle, whose offlclnf
title is personal worker and whoso of
ficlal duty , is to counsel, advise, r
prove and sometimes command -,, t
salesgirls. t t ' , s
. Mrs. Hoinvllle decried the theory tfiat
low wages and .vice, are . synonymoua.
She went fuitlier and said, too. Ihat
persons who argue that low wages lea
to vice 'are pitiful seekers after puhlll-.
city. She mentioned no names, yet herj
remarks were greeted with a vigorous!
nodding of . heads and , prolonged ap-,
plsuse. ,i c . , . i" . ,
- "If we find a glrlinimr employ or a
man is not of the moral character thnj
she or he should be that person is dls.
charged.1 she said. "When we find thajr,
a girl has been indiscreet; has objection
able companions or-lives, amid danger
ous conditions at her homo or boarding
house. we; give her, counsel. Specific
cases .that, come ' to my attention ar
many." Not long ago we , had an ex-
perlence that "Is typical. One of our
girls came to mo, a tearful look In
her eyes, and said she had been selected
by the girls in her department to epeaft
to me concerning another girl also In her
department . ..-.--. '' - -
. 'Mother, flear. she said, 'there Is t
girl In our department who needs to
be mothered. I think . ' L
"We called the girl in question before
the personal' worker.:. We found that sh-l
was an Intelligent young woman' of
who .was receiving- attentions from a
man over 70 who owned a big motor caf
and who often took her -out to- dinner.
We spoke t'O her. ' She said the old mair
was 'an old silly' whom she didn't like
at alt She said, though, that, it was
nice to ride home 'from work in his au
tomobile and' occasionally to go to din
ner with him- Bhe told of a lonely exi
istence in a boarding house and bow the
companionship of this old man, enabled
her to have a change that otherwise she
could not have had. - "" "-
""But who. in my department shJ
asked, 'thinks -enough of me to tell yod
about mer ' " ' f ' 1 - ,l
"We 'found her a home with one of
our former salesgirls . who is married
and has a. home of her own.'; Here sh
Is enabled to use the parlor,-the piano
and other 'homey' things a girl needs;
Women who take girls into their homeat
glad to get the two or three - dollar-)
a week that the roomers must pay. wh).
refuse to allow the girls the use of the
home for home; purposes, are as. guilty;
In , my eyes, If the, girls go wrong, ns
the girls themselves. It is home com
fort and privileges that a girl needs:
Bhe cannot find these when she tmiKt
keep within her room's four walls during
tnaw 11 antra f,Anr .
, ' ' ' - n.i" s "
" Use common sense buy (Superior ooai
t ton. Main 1S4; A-1B41. "(Adv.)
tn crMerchaniae Jrlorit Only" , ;
s -.J"
:wm mm
iwLiiT-w''iK:,'!i3;iJf'! nSj
' vl!fi-';''''''"'';iv,-vI'.'
'-i'.'..1, . ''
of Fine Wavy Hair J
$10U)bfbr Switchesl
, No; ; Better - 4l
Look these switches over feel
them, compare them then you'll
really be 'convinced that; these
switches - are " the greatest ever
offered in Portland.
: , NOTE
For the balance of the r-' ,t.'i
every article of hulr t - ' i i i
this beautiful dcr t ".r"t 1 i
been greatly reduce !. It ' ;
pay you to vlait the I '- ;
department and inve'-'" it:
specials you'll ptt -:; t ? '
ice. ' 11
. "2