The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 51, Image 51

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i fN-r r a s", w k k f rnw ava m"
ly Mrs. Margaret 1 Thompson and
a wmin tb ana w. KMiDnrr. . - t min
rany then repaired to. the ball -room,
where . refreshments were Served -and
.several musical; numbers were sung by
miss Anna Matcaiiier and Lo Conlln.
dancing: following-. Those having chars;
of tha evening were Mrs. C H. Still,
Mrs. Catherine 'Conlln, Mrs. Dawson,
Mra. Eugene f -Murphy,- ., Mrs. Ernest
"Hecht. Mrs. Hollendeck and Mrs. T. J
Coleman. . , ,
. ' Mrs. v.' a.-tiunoeii, eua 'jaai jnrty-
;thlrd street north, will return tomorrow
from a 19 wyv : absence ; in -ban Fran
Cisco. ., ': 'v.y
Mr. and Mrs. M. Uouehler. 60 East
nfty-eigrhth street orth. with their
'truest Mrs. Guy 1 Anderson, from Ka
ker, motored to ' the Automobile club
for, dinner Jast Sunday, v , j
.. : Tomorrow afteruoon it j o'clock, thii
woman's department of Rose City Park
olnb wilt ' have - lt once a montX card
party tor all members and their friends.
Bridge and 09 have been arranged for
land s rnoat enjoyabl afternoon is an
ticipated. Mrs, T.- T. Oeer, Mrs.' Mary
Uleerdt, Mrs. C M. Wheeler and Mrs.
ID. M. Coppack are making arrange.
Jments. ' - . ,
j ' i-
! A qulei wedding of interest will occur
Jthls afternoon at J :30 o'clock, when
;Mles Mary S. Barlow will become the
Jbride of Henry Jasper. Wilklns. at Miss
Barlow's residence. 47e Kast Forty-sixth
'Street north." Rev, W, U.' Elfot, of the
UniUrian church, will officiate. MIhs
Barlow will be gowned in a gray crepe
d chine with ullvcr and Venetian point
lace. She will be attended by Miss Mil
dred' Huntley, a ' grand-niece of Oregon
City. Mrs. Caen! us O. Tull, anot.ior
niece from Bartow, will play the wed
ding march, -The home Is beautifully
though simply adorned wlti greens ana
pink and white carnations. , Miss Bar
low is widely known In Portland, Ore
gon City, Salem, -Roseburg and barlow.
Her father, William Barlow.', was one
of the pioneers of 1846, her grandfather,
feamuel K. Barlow is remembered as
tha Mount Hood road builder.' fcheher
silf was affiliated with Portland's pub-
JJio schools as tqacher and vice princi
pal or railing acboou and-or. several
years was one of the board of educa
tion In Clackamas county. As a D, A.
R. and a member of Portland's Woman s
Union, she baa a host of friends. Mr.
Wilkins. comes from the south, but is
a pioneer ' of Rosa City Park, having
resided here three years. "The wedding
guests ars oniy tne relatives and lm
mediate friends, i"-' 'v,.'" 'v " X-A
1 Mr. Wilkins and bis bride leave Ire,
mediately , for Japan and the Philip
pines, where tey will spend the win
tor, returning by way of Honolulu and
California, arriving home March 1. :
Saturday afternoon. October 18, MHa
Emm Boyd entertained a few friends
tt her home at East Forty-fifth street
north, and Bratee, In honor of her ap
proaching - nuptials , with Burton Faut
'The afternoon was spent with needle-
worSv- The guests were Miss Gertrude
Wade, Miss Marlon Hunt, Miss Myrtle
Shaw, Miss Franklyn, Miss. Nellie John
ston, ; Misses Amelia and . Louise Hoh
lierger and Miss Emma Bracher, ;
J '
.The organisation 'of the Fernwood Parent-Teacher
association was fully con,
pleted at its second meeting, which was
Thursday afternoon at the school. The
officers are president. H. M. Barr, the
xchool priucipaU- vice- preslUent,Mr.
Jordan; aecretary? Mrs, Zollinger! treas
urer, Mrs. Riddell. Appointments were
made for the playgrounds, - program.
jscliool furnishings and teachers' , com
mittees. The first Thursday in ' each
month has been choseq- for regular
j ;:ir..i-rtf.' ': ' T.'V .!'.' '
: About forty friends joined Mr.- and
Mrs. ohn B. Candllsh, 0 East Fifty
third street north,Frlday evening, Oc
tober 17, in celebrating .- their twenty
fifth.1 1 wedding .anniversary. - ...-.Tallow
chrysanthemums and autumn 'leaves
formed the parlor decorations, and red
carnations and potted plants were used
in- the dining, - room, Miss , Claressa
Candllsh and ' A. V. Goddard received
tue guests. A moat delightful Impromp
tu musical program was given by Miss
Verna Smith, C. M. Hadley, J. U Fin
ley, B. H. Robertaon and Mrs. Edward
Drake, Miss Smith presided over t ie
punch bowl and Mrs. A. V. tioddard,
daughter; of Mr. and: Mrs. Candllsh, cut
th loes. The affair was also of apecial
! significance to Mr. and Mrs. Goddard,
for it was their" first wedding anni
versary. .,. ,; ,
. The members of the Deta Sigma club
, entertained; their husband . Thursday
evening at 500 at the home of Mrs. Mor
"ria IX Bromberger, 481' Kast Thirty
elsrhth atrMt north. Prizna were w.m
uy Mrs. Arthur Laidlay and' Mrs. Erri
est DingmaTX' ' -1 : - ,1
4 m, . : r y . ?
( f .
I " ! 7 '
i -i - , - j in
It,!"', , Js.
- j i W i v- f
7 ( W
r yy f I-'
Mrs. Lorln A. Hoyt. (Misr Hilda: Granstrom) '-ai.Tdcent bride.
est DlngntaTX
' i;- t ' ' w .
Mrs. ' Oliver O., Hughson was hostesa
at a pleasurable luncheon Monday after
noon at her home, 698 East Fifty-second
north. The rooms and table attractively
displayed autumn leaves and Halloween
suggestions. The table was centered-
by a pumpkin filled with White blos
soms. Yellow shaded candlesticks werfll
at eitner ena. vividly colored' au
tumn leaves were t scattered r on ' the
cloth, j The place cards were the 'pro
verbial Mack cats and witches. After
luncheon) the darkened living room was
lighted by a large grate fire and Jack
o'lantenija, then while some of thj
guests ; aerved, selections ' savoring of
Halloween were read from Robert Louis
Stevenson, James Whitcomb Riley, Eu
gene Field knd Shakespeare. The guests
were Mra. W. W. Youugson, Mrs. W.
A. Lovett Mrs. Floyd J. Campbell, Mr3.
"vm&SX"-. FREE. ALSO $10 IN
Have you liven your Xma Photos
g serious thoufht? If not, now Is
the time we make beautiful Photos
from (3.50 per -doen up.
. Present ' this ; ad -at studio It ' Is
worth tl.OO to you as part pay
ment on any style Photo you may
choose.,; 1;v; i-m- y(. y-.f .5-;
Ask at studio regardlnj Diamond
Ring.; - See., ring on exhibit ; at ; , ; ,
324 Watk. St., Bet. 6th and 7th
F. EL Hilton, Mrs. Fhllo E. Jones,!Mre.
T. T, Geer, Mra. I R. Bailey, Mrs.. E. V.
Allshaw, Mra. Day, Mrs. C, B. Merrick
and Mrs. E. H. Carlton. ' ,
- - '
Wednesday evening : at the noma of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Miller. 438 East:
Fiftieth street north, an auction brldga
club was organised to convene fortnight''
ly. Mrs. Charles Undner won tha first
prise. The personnel is Mr. and Mr's..
Lindner, Mf,r and Mra. Fred Brooker,
Mr. and Mra. A. K. Manner, Dr. and
Mrs. Arthur Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Daniel, Mr., and Mrs. Miller.
Tha Rose City Park assembly o
United Artisans gave a - dance Tuesday
evening at Vincent's ball.
St MIdhael'a league met Friday even
ing t .the home of Mra. Dickson on the
Baa Line road. After a pleasant even
ing those attending 'were taken to the
car In hay racks. The ride was t".ie
source of much enjoyment.
Th first meeting of the Rose City
Park Parent-Teacher association met at
the school Tuesday afternoon with an
attendance of TO. Several working
plana were discussed before Mrs. F. 8.
My era, : of tha i Portland f association,
gave an Informal talk on the work and
conditions of some other associations.
Miss Newell also gave much informa
tion concerning the university referen
dum. - .
Invitations have been issued by ; the
Rose City Park club for a hard times
costume party with cards, dancing and
refreshments, - Friday : evening. October
31. - The club'a hospitality has been
greatly enjoyed on numerous occasions
and this affair is planned for all mem
bers and their. friends. A full orchef
tra will render selections and also play
for dancing. The committees are Mrs.
H. 3. Blaeslnsr, Mrs. K. J. Mann. Mrs.
Ci C. Shay, Mrs. Frank R. Miller. Dr.
Arthur LaldlAw and ,Fred Brooker. Tho
Hpacious- club - rooms are - splendidly
adapted to cards .and dancing without
conflicting and the- committee can. easi
ly. care, for .. the pleasure ' of all Its
5 '";'""""',''"-'l T" iii. SJ
salad and. Mrs. -Gilbert Wilkes served
tha Ice, ; Mrs. Foster, the mother of the
bride, was-attired in blue and white
striped silk trimmed with lace.
The bride ana groom left late In the
evening for Seaside Or.,, tor a short
Uy,''" '':-'?-1 -- ''
Mrs. Taylor is the . charming daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Foster of
Vancouver' barracks and Is an accom
plished musician. , She la very popular
in the army set at the post and among
the ' young tpeople of ' Vancouver and
Portland society. .. The groom Is a flfst
lieutenant in the engineering corps and
is In .command -tof the company sta
tioned; at Vancouver barracks. He I i
very popular among; his brother off tears.
Ha:;i received i' hla appointment from
Wyoming to the United States military
academy at West Point, from which e
was graduated with high honors and waa
Immediately commissioned a second
lieutenant of engineers, only the honor
graduates .from West Point are eligible
to such appointment 1
Lieutenant and Mrs. Taylor will be. at
home to their friends at their quarters
In the Bachelors building, where . they
wilt make their home temporarily after
November I,,.,-;---';' xi-'
.!" 'v-,'v;.;:. ,'' ' '"'
' Miss Bramblla, sister of Captain Rob
ert M. Bramblla, entertained Monday
afternoon-'- av- a charmingly appointed
sewing : bee. , The house waa decorated
with autumn foliage. Miss Bramblla
and her sister; assisted by Miss Mar
Jorie Page, served tea. The guests were
Mrs. William .W, Taylor, . Mrs. Robert
T. Phlnney, Mrs. OeorgeS. Young, Mrs.
John B. ' Richardson, Mrs. Adrian 8.
Flomlng. Mrs. Jere B, Clayton. Mrs.
tMiuaJJr Bennett, Mrs;' JotwPage,- Mrs.
George's. Tiffany," Miss Brady of Phil
adelphia and Miss Marjorle Page. ,
, .. '. ,". - " tr;ir ,r '-... ': t"
Miss Elizabeth Urady. "sister of Mra
John B. Richardson, who has made -an
extended visit An the post., left Tues
day for herXJfftie in.ThtUadelphl.a . In
the sprlngrihs will be married to Lieu
tenant 'Wllllaro H,-.Olll of ( the Twenty
first- Infantry. .. , fr ".'
- Jin Informal hop was jfc-rvwi by .all
the bachelor officers of the post at
their quarters Friday evening, v - .
.-, -. m. at--t . Vi,',;--,'
: Captain . Ralph - H. Van .Dcnian has
been granted a month's leave of ab
sence and left last week for a, visit to
bis old home in Ohio. . j t "i, .
- v. , ''W--.,v- JV-i -'T.V''-Maior
Samuel K. Smiley of the Twen
ty-first Infantry, is to be sent to th
Philippines and will leave for tha isl
ands early in December, sailing on the
government transport from San; Fran
cisco.. ., , y
Mra Robert T. Fhinney and her sis
ter, Mrs. William W. Taylor, who has
been visiting her ": during - tne summer,
left ' Tuesday .for''' Fort (Leavenworth,
Kan., Mrs. Taylor ! will Join : her
husband,? Captain Taylor. ; fie , m at-tendina-
the. school of the line. Mra
Phinney will visit at El Reno, Okla.,
with her parenta Mr. anor wrs. i. n,
Nail, before going to Iowa, City to Join
her husband, Lieutenant ; Phinney; who
was recently. detailed to act as instrucr
tor of military science and tactics al
tha Iowa State University. - ,c,
Dr. and Mrs. Kredeflck Foster and
children will leave next Saturday for
Fort Sam Houston, Texas Dr. . rosier
was recently transferred from the Sec
ond Field artillery, ordered to the isl
ands, to the Third cavalry, which is now
stationed at Fort Bam .Houston, purine-
their three years here " they made
many, friends who will view their oe-
parture with regret. - , ,
Maior Adrian. Flemlna. Captain El
mer W, Clark and Lieutenant Frank U.
Schneider returned . last . week from ' a
hunting trip east of the mountains.
Mrs. Edgar A. Frye entertained "In
formally last week Wednesday at a
sewing party. Among tha guests wer
Mrs. George B. young, Mrs. wernert u
Glbner, Mrs. Jameq Ossewaarde,. Mra
John , F. ; Morrison, and r Mra. t George
Clarke Rockwell.... " ; -!-; .r- -s-'-v.
Mrs.. Tiffany. mother " of CapUin
George S. Tiffany and Miss-Helen Par
ker, who have been guests of . Captain
and Mrs, Tiffany, left laat week for
the east They wiU. visit in New York
city before returning to their home in
Washington. D. a Many parties were
given, for Miss Parker during her .star
here. Mlsa Polly Young of the post
and the Misses Louise Burns. Sally Hart
and Violet Ersklne of 'Portland were
hostesses. - .
Captain Charles T. King, detailed as
an additional doctor at the. post hospi
tal.. Is expected to arrive here soon. cap.
tain , King, who Is, an army surgeon.
wars recently ordered nere irom toe
Fhiltpplnea. , , ' , j - .
,;',.. ww
Mrs. Howard Young, who lias been the
a-uest of Colonel and' Mra. George S.
Young for; the past few days, has left
for her home in Wyoming.
Mrs. Harry A, Hegeman, wife of Cap.
tain Hegeman' of the ; quartermaster's
corpa. entertaitierf at a'prettUy appoint
ed card party Wednesday afternoon.
Five hundred waa -played. -
In compliment to' Miss "Mae Foster
of ' the post, Mlsa Dorothy Elchenlaub
of Vancouver - entertained on Monday
afternoon, at- her home on '- Washing
ton, street, The "afternoon - was very
pleasantly spent1 in needle; .work. The
hostess served a dainty luncheon in the
unusually attractive dining room. Au
tumn leaves with their wealth of color
and candles shaded' with red,, were used,
' CaptAIn and"MrC , Frod w; Bugboe
are entertaining Captain Bugbee'a moth
er at their quarters, " '
w " ?
The, bund of , the twenty-first con
tinues to give the concerts each after
noon between 4 and S o'clock, . alternat
ing betwen band stands.
v"'"' ;' : ..v'.V.:-;'-'
Mrs. JS. 3- Troup and her daughter,
Miss Fannie Troup, -are the guests of
their cousin, Mrs. M. L. Coovert of S14
Franklin street,' Vancouver,. , They ar
rived Tuesday from Fort Llscum, Alas
ka, -i They make their home with Lieu
tenant Colonel Joseph P. O'Neill,'' Mr.
Troup's son-in-law. 1 who was . formerly
stationed at Vancouver barracks witli
the Fourteenth Infantry. . ,
Piedmont - Walnut Park :
Miss Alice Cornwall- arrive ITrMa v
evening from Corvallis . where" she is
attending college, , to: spend the week
end with her nironii vr -.
George Cornwall on Garfield ave. '
1 WJ" J)l"y Ruah of Marshfleld, Or.,
is ' the house guest' of .Mrs. Walter H.
Slusser.,1283 Rodney ave. ",r.
I be ' Altar nmiA .- It.. m., a
Presbyterian phnrxh h . i,.j ..
?ii w a u .nieBt,nr trom Tuesday un-
MISS Am.V Klum' wilt k h .
. - ----- ...... M ",V UVOIW.
at ner borne on Commercial street, . '
Miss Nancv KniinrnUh ....
charming hostess on Tuesday, when she
entertained the members of the Corrl
ente club at a Japanese luncheon.. The
gdests were all .attired tn ' dainty - kl
monas. ; and the Kllllngsworth home
was converted into a typical Japanese
tea garden with gaily colored lanterns,
parasols and wisteria. In tha ; dining
room the table was removed and the
u,est" wr aeated on cushions on
the floor In true Japanese style. The
luncheon 1 consisted f ri .itk
tea, and pther Japanese, dishes. - .
During the afternoon. Mm unt a
a review of yThe Kingdom of Slender
"". ana Mrs. Lee's paper was on
the customs. women and children Of
Japan. Later Mies Kllllngsworth gave
a very Instructive and entertaining t.ifr
accompanied by stereoptlcon views of
Japan. - - s v
Miss a Mae Morris tff nn Thnr.j.
for Salem to be the house sruesr nf
Mies Mae Hopkins for the week end.
Mrs. v Marv cme rue uAu..
" ui M-rw aavaiirr?
Iowa, arrived Friday evening to be the
auest of Mrs. Fred Perry, .im Commer
cial street.' -
w" w ' - .
Mrs. Georee Foster waa a Allrhf,,i
hostess last-Saturdav
she entertained .the members of the
Luncheon Bridge" club at her horn.
1185 Vancouver avenue. The rooms were
very attractively decked with mtua
of autumn' foliage and brlaht ' hud
marigolds, and tha luncheon tahla was
especially pretty, being centered with
yei 10 w rio were and candles, shaded
with dainty yellow lilies.- ' During' tha
afternoon five tables of bridge were
made up. High honors fell to Mrs.
Clifford Fones and Mlsa Ida Stlfe.t Mrs.
voster's guests -were: Mrs. 'Hiram Stife,
Mra Clair Bullan, Mra. Arthur Fin
ley, Mra. Ed. Stife, Mrs, M. Barcroft.
Mrs. Henry Gagger, Mrs. Charles King.
Mrs. Charles Motiinn, Mrs. Walter Mon
tague, Mrs. Clayton Seaman, Mra Rose
Btraunai, Mrs.- W. A. Van Atta. Mrs.
Fred Webber. Mrs: Nelson. Mrs. ' Clif
ford Fones. Mrs. Savage, Miss Penni
card and Miss Ida Stife.,
Mrs. Apperson was the Inspiration
for, a delightful ; surprise party last
Monday afternoon at her home on Union
avenue. After a cosy afternoon spent in
sewing and chatting a dainty lunch was
served. The guests were: Mrs. Apperson,
Mrs. it. K. Hoimea, Mrs.? Faber, Mrs,
, A most . in teres tinar : armv ' weddlna
took:' plai-e- iri Vancouver -Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock In St Luke'a Epis
copal church, when Miss Mae Foster
became the bride .of Lieutenant Charles
J. Taylor, V Rev. Ellsworth B. Collier
rector of St. Luke's 'church, read the
simple and impressive marrlaae service !
of the Episcopal "prayer book,4,,' ; ; .1
TJie decorations were confined to the
altar and , 'chancel of the church, which I
werei . very ' effectively decorated - with
autumn i foltase ivy. and smilax fes
toons and white chrysanthemums and
carnations. About the organ were
massed green smilax and white carna
tions. A choir composed of Mrs. Cle
ment Soott, Mrs. Leslie Lalpple, Mrs.
Eshleman, Mrs. Edward M. Rogers and
Mine Helen Griffith, sopranos; Mrs.
Oval Pirkey and Miss Margaret Clark,
contraltos;'Edward M. Rogers and Otis
White, tenors;. Clement Scott and Irving
Helndricks, bassos, , rendered several se
lections. CO Perfect Love" was sung as
me unaai party entered the church and
"The Voice That Breathed o'er Eden"
as the ceremony closed. . Ernest Knight
accompalned on the organ. The ushers
were Lieutenants Herbert L. Taylor and
Gllber. Van Buren Wilkes,
The bridal party took their nlaces
with Miss Dorothy Elchenlaub, brides
maid, leading.' She was beautifully
gowned in blue brocaded crepe -meteor
and carried : sv bouquet of white roses.
The bride came in on the arm of her
father. Dr. Frederick Foster. She was
a strikingly pretty bride, her rich color
ing, combined with the white of her
costume, being most effective. The
gown was fashioned . of hand embroi
dered white pineapple tlasue which was
brought by her father from Manila. Her
veil of white chiffon was fastened with
a wreath of valley lilies. In her arms
she carried a, . bouquet of white roses
and valley lilies. Lieutenant Taylor and
his est man, Lieutenant Robert T.
Snow, met ; her at ' the chancel rail.
Among the guests were Colonel and Mrs.
George 8., Young, Major and Mrs. Jere
B. Clayton, lieutenant and Mrs. Gilber
Van B. Wilkes, Captain and Mrs.-Fred
W. ,, Bugbee, ; General and Mrs. John
Page, ; Lieutenant and Mrs. Harold T.
Taintor, Lieutenant and and Mrs 'Hero
bert L. Taylor, Miss M. Bramblla, Mlsa
u Jttrammia . and Miss Marjorle Page
After the ceremony a, wedding supper
was served at the home of the bride's
parent. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Foster,
The house was prettily decorated with
autumn foliage and white chryaanthe-mumsr-Mrs.
'J.jB.. Clayton served tha
' ...i . . . . ' -t r- . - .- 1 . -
"1H -Tl H I ,"l I ill' 111 I I" 1 1 jJL. ' "' '" "" '" ' ".' Urn 'lil MXlil I II II II I'll I I'l ill lull I I I l HI Lll -
. . m m. ' " jtf''' " " t JJ 0
MMc-Toow Corsets
Do You- Know Them?
-TvTJSfTIL v about five years; ago,, almost, no
corsets were made '.with elastic ' gores
and bands. Why? Because no elastics existed
that could be trusted to wear well ' -
About that time we invented Laatikops
Webbing the FIKSTdurable elastic; later,
we invented Lastikops Cloth, the ONLY
OTHER durable elastic fabric.
We began to make corsets with these
new fabrics. Their success was instant
Imitators were compelled to 'copy our
models, as best they Could; BUT they
had to use, and STILL USE, the same old
unreliable elastics. They can get no other. '
Don't waste your money on. these "Me-Too". '
corsets, no matter what anybody tells you or. how much
they may look like the genuine Nemo. Find the trade
mark, "LASTIKOPS" It's your only safeguard.
The NeaM -Jlkn-Back," tbewa h (hit f
pktare, Is belnf totaled by nearly tO ' ' ,
y ? "Me-Tee" swalactorers, here sat abroad . t
; The DIFFERENCE Ur-that the Nemo
feature is made of semi-elastic Lastikops
doth, which outwear th eoreet, while the
imitations have just the same old elastics
you used to get in hose supporters likely
to giTeout'-'ta tiotime r
: This No. 326, by the way, is a wonderful corset for $3.50. Has comfortable
low bust; skirt is so long that It would be uncomfortable If the Lasticunre-Back
didn't make it flexible. - Self -Reducing, low bust; for all full figures. 7
Otter Nemo CoretT For All Flaures-ISJCO to $10.00. .''
The woman who doesn't know all about the Nemo has something
la Good Store Everywhere ; , , . ' ,. Nemo ITyalenle-FasMon Instltate. N. V.
1 I ' -v-v I I 1 1
VI 1 . I , .
- vr
, Soma women are so
used to contt-J'uconforl
i that they would . aU
.most feel lost. with.
out it. ,
That's a bad state of
. mind. .' It means mttikee
' misery, and almost certain
' ffl-haalth.
Don't waar a corset that'
Imrte jro not . for ' a I
'aiiilday;-,k'i.' v.'
'nr.-. 1 , , ,. Ji'fr" 'vs i;v
A Nemo Corset, properly
selected and correctly fit-'
ted by the methods of the
Nemo Hygienic-Fashion In-'
"atitnta will give yoii jer-'
feet tip-to-date' ! end
' craci-ewaerf that you eao't
. get werwUfc-'. ' n' , v, !
ragbt to kuowi Jw-btkbly
m ' l' s 1 'j t . - -
be does. ado. per naps, u
' he's an np-to-data- merw
. chant, he sells corsets kcmn '
Fashion Institute way.
I ' . To become "ccTtet-wUe,"(
ask as to send yon the JVinte
- outfree.. , s "
George M. Cornwall, Mrs. Clement, Mrs.
Smith, Mrs. GeorRe 'Baker, 'Mrs. Bar'
Itirt, Mra. John Epperly, JflTrs.' roDour
gall, Mrs. Balhfonl. Mr. McClaln an 4
Mrs. Alex Ionaldson. - -t .. -. t . '
- 'i ' it 1r ' '' -'-'
Miss MaaMorrffe; the much fetod
guest of Mrs. J. 1L Nolta, was the hen
oc guest at a slumber party given oy
MlssT Nan Hunter at the home of her
sister, Mrs.vDUlen t Hogerson,'- Comr
mercial street. ' Miss ' Hunter's . guests
were. AIlss Morris, Miss Christine Ben
holm, and Mies Nancy Kllllngsworth.
After, a delightful southern breakfast,
the morning was . spent in shopping,
the -guests, returning In time for lunch
eon to which, Mrs. Richards and Mrs.
Dlllen Rogers were also bidden. c -.'-',
':''',.;' '' .-' 1
" Mr.' . and Mrs. F. N. V Wilkins arlved
Friday from Corvallis to spend the
week-end- as guests of Mr. ' Wllltlna,
sister, Mrs. Sarah K.-Moore. They came
to attend the wedding of Mr. Wilkins'
brother, Jasper Wilkina and Miss Mary
Barlow, - - ;.,.v,: 5
- Mrs. Sarah E- Moore entertained In
a very delightful manner last Thursday
evening with four tables of , bridge;
During the evening the guests organised
a club which' will be held on the second
and .fourth Thursdays of each month,
and will be composed of the following
members: Mr. and Mrs. E. "W. Ring,
Or. and Mrs. J. Emll Nelson. Mrs. Netta
B. Baker. Mrs. Jennie M. HoKge, Miss
Hattie Gremm. Miss Millie W. Penni
card. Dr. H. fi. Stone,' Charles' A; Pry,
W. W. Work, W. .Quigley, B. W. H11U
urs;. Leslie Parker, Miss Gladys Moore
and Mrs.. Sarah E, Moore.
f,s'i''S'-sr.t'is, " ' 1 1
The opening party, of the Holy Re
deemer society held Friday even
Ing, October 31, In Green hall. These
dancing parties are held once a month
during the winter and are eagerly an
ticipated by the younger smart set of
tha ' community, Tho .' committee In
charge of the first party is: Mies Mar
garet Donnerberg .Miss , Mary Clancy.
Mies Nina leader. Mlsa 'Francea
Bchwlnler, Miss Frances Keating, Miss
Hannah Donnerberg and Mlsa Maud
Littiejorm. . , . ' v ,
B5 .i 1,.
'1 EVENTS, OF. WEEK' s '
' Miss Margaret ,VranUan entertained
a number of friends -on Friday evening
at her home, 640 Clay street. It being
the- seventeenth anniversary of her
birthday. -, The house was beautifully
decorated with the dining- room In au
tumn leaves), roses and ferns. . Those
present were Mlsa Margare Avlana .of
Astoria;- Mltwea Evadue -Gove, .Emma
Jeppson, , Myrtle Jflcobsqn, Alice l)rls-oolli-.
-Afunle Aarerm,' W e -reward '
Boredemeyer, ' Dom Vranlzan. ' Anthony
Avlana, Carl Betchell, James Setchell,
Leonard Murry, James Vranlzan, Ooi'g
Vranlzan. -,'
Music, dancing and cards were en
joyed throughout the evening. Luncheon
followed end the btrth'day cake was cut
by Mlss Margaret Vranlzan. . Leonard '
Murray received the first prise and Mlsa
Myrtle Jacobson recelyed' the second
A .pleasant family gathering . was
given to Mr- George Deardorf f In honor
of his sixty-third birthday anniversary.
Sunday , at the. home of his daughter,
Mrs. James, Edward Harvoy. The dtn-v
ing room waa decorated with autumnt
foliage, Oregon grape and the table was
centered with a- large bunch of yellow
chrysanthemums. The living room was
artistically .arranged with , ferns and
dahlia. Covers being laid for 13. Those
present were Mr..' and Mrs. George
Deardorff, Mr. and Mrs. CLAW Jlarvey, '
nil Tf....' a a- - a a . m w r . m t.
rnut xiarypy, iu,f. una inra, xu. luopara,
Poa filar) t"alhA. tlnkk...i4 m fn. AH
hV VJ iB bllvl U( SKkLVA Bg,JV4
Mrs. James Edwaid Jlanej. .
- On Satufday, October 25, Mrs; -Thorn-',
as Hill Burnett entertained with a the- ''
atre party at the Orpheum, ..followed
(Continued on ' Following Page). '
Girlish Complexion' '
, Now Easily Acquired
"A skin of blended snow; cream and
roso" Is the way an Ohio correspondent
describes her newly acquired complexion.
She is one who has adopted mercolised
wax in place of- conmetles. massage,
steaming and other -methods. Many who
have tried this marvelous , wax report
that its effects are-quite different from
those of any other treatment. ... It pro-,
duces a -Complexion of exquisite girlish,
naturalness, rather than one bearing
evidence of ' having - been artificially
"made over."-- One that is indeed "Na
tures own," the result of gradually ab
sorbing dead particles of surface skin,,
permitting -the younger, healthier skin
beneath. -te-show itself and Riving Its
pores a chance to breathe.; AiercolJged
wax, procurable at "any drug store in
original one ounce package. Is put on at ,
night--like cold cream' and washed Off
in the morning.- : ' .
I have also had many favorable let
ters from those who have tried the wrinkle-removing
faae bath which. I recom
mended recently. If any have miHlald
the formula, -here It Is: 1 oa. powdered,
saxollte. dissolved In H pb witch haseU
"Natalie" in the Woman Militant. Adv.
' '
See the' High Grade Tailored Suits
' ISxtrg Special Values oc, Monday nd Tuesday Usf aaV f
two days only. The' newest popular mater nlvvllU)) Ml
rials, including-: Basket Weaves, Pebble Chev-VV s '0J
tots, fopiins, uengiunes ana .stapie merges.
'Regular values $27.50, $30 and $35. The most
desired colors. '. Guaranteed linings. Newest
styles, , Other good values. .,f 29.50, $34.50
ew:FaIl and Winter Coats
Youf choice from ? dozen splendid styles and
as many different materials. Coats for street
' and evening wear. Full length sad three-,
quarter length . Cutaways and Sport : Coats.'
Not a value in the lot less than $25, and up,
A Grand Collection New Dresses
Drcftes with complete style, quality and smart- -ff Tt T) .J O CS
1 1' ' 1
nesst 1 Materials are serges, poplins and messa
Une silk. Values $18.50 to $25
New ; Shadbw Lace -Waists r-
Distinctive dashing styles, trimmed with satin T (fVi t Q
ribbon underlaid in pinkr arid blue.' Our regu "1 iZt
'.'lar'$4 quality .v,,.. .-. .....i. . , awS3
Silk Messaline, Taffeta ihd Jersey tops. All. - ff CTi
wanted -colors. Come early, they are easily a !S k
$5 skirt ,..';.i-.4... - Cxi J