1913. INTERSTATE DfuDGE PUN TO GET BOOST; (OCTOBER days near their end and chill November ll ? rats -ukuuun sukuay journal, Portland, Sunday morninu, octobisk Z3, 1 , , ' THE 1V2 EJJIICAIXJ , election ' : . , v, 7 ; . ' ' "' "' : t -- ' ' : :.,rr : A'l 1 - ; V ' r ;; n nm n: n n Dl-Uib 1Mb lU Agricultural - and -Industrial " Pageant Will : Be Held , Portland Saturday, : Crossing three bridges in the course of its passage through the city 'and traversing streets ' on . both ' the eaet side and west side, the "bridge day" IndUBtrtal and agricultural pageant next Saturday will be the largest ever held' lit, the city, according to W. , J. i( Clemens, marshal of the .day. - ... '.Automobiles containing' grand mar- elial, bridge committeeman,. Mayor Al bee ajid oity officials, waiting on Flan t dcra street near Broadway for contin .' gent from Vancouver' end Southwest Washington,' Kenton, St. 'Johns and . North' Portland, will swing in ahead of cam that , will . come In , over the Broadway bridge. Thug, no delay will be caused at the foot of the bridge and the Fprtland cars, will be .waiting on the 'side streets adja , cent, to follow . in behind , the care ironi across tne .river. , .' , Xdne of Kerch Crimen. ' The parade, thus formed, will pro cecd soutu on Broadway, through the hotel, theater and business -center, ' to 'Mill - street, where it wilt turn1 east to" Third.' From Third street. It will turn, north, proceeding to the steel bridge, which it will cross, and turn Jnto Holladay avenue', to Grand ave. , nue. - On Grand avenue U will proceed . south to , Hawthorne avenue . and re , cross the river on the . Hawthorne . bridge,- turning south at Front street '.The line will proceed on -Front street as far as Mill, where it will turn .west , to uroaaway ana disperse.' i 1 "In that way we shal cover the city thoroughly," ' said " Mr. 1 Clemens last night. "We will cross three bridges rather- significant for "bridge", pa rade. It will cover both east aide and west side, ' North Portland . and South Portland. Besides, it will, not cross , in the line will have no excuse , to - . Tabaaiitm to flan A Antt . j. vrr. r " 1 w r-r an j. v'VI avail least 100 automobiles. , I - think that s very feat would be the, very best dem onstration of the need of a bridge . across the river, because the old ferry will- certainly have its decks fulf if it gets. 100 automobiles over In time for the start to be made from the - foot-1 of , the Broadway bridge at - 2 ' o'clock. v Th Vancouver ; people, - at least, will-appreciate what it ; would ,be if they had the bridge ready now." : A vpm niMniAnt will mi.a in i1Im the. parking of automobiles in the downtown . Streets Saturday,' so the owners can get Into- line. Mr.'. Clemens stlmates that a majority of the mem bers of 'the Portland Automobile Cub 'will' be lri line, together -with auto ' mobile trucks representing retail stores, . Wholesale establishments and factories. Members of the Musicians' union will be transported in motor trucks. Floats of varied design , will be constructed by a number of business : men and one . from Vancouver will be a prominent feature of -the line. dosen 1 deputies, wbo'will '"be .mounted on motorcycles, to see that the long line . is Kept moving, lie - expects , to selec these early this, week. y - ; . . To sola BgeetUs" Honaay. ., A meeting of the parade , committee, with -other sub-committees, will' be, held at luncheon Monday at the Com mercial club, where tbe - whole parade plan - will be gone over . and other features arranged for. - ' . A - meeting .to boost .the $1,250,000 bond Issue wlU.be held Monday night at the ' -Atkinson Memorial church. With' Hi L, Moody presenting the argument.1- -J.i P- Stapleton f Vancouver wilt address, the Portland Rotary club Tuesday ' noon and 1 Tuesday night J. H,'Nolta-wiU' address te carpenters" union at Labor Templet I. M. Xepper ' fnent club at : Mlasisslppl avenue - and Shaver streets, -.Wednesday night. . ' - The bridge committee will call on Mayor. Albee"ltie city commission 1 Monday afternooiUo see If a half holiday for city employes cannot be arranged for Saturday - afternoon and aiiitahU nffletn.1 renresentation of the city, government in' the parade et tec-ted. , v ,v'.5J. !'" '- , - .'',' if.'-.-.. . Vfawa', c.. .. . ; AV. to-",- v 'k. j '". i )' ' Mk --mm FITTING MEMORIAL FOR DAVENPORTIS PLANNED "EVENING AT HOME" . ENJOYED AT Y: W. C. A. Company Divided' Into Groups "and . Each Furnished- En ' ''. : tertalnmentr ' - - The first of the T."W. -C. A. evenings' "at homes,'1: which are held on the third Tuesday of each month during' the sea son, took place this week" and" was largely attended and greatly enjoyed, One end.of tbe mala parlor was screened off and'1 ftade 'cosy 'and attractive by the use of autumn leaves and red ap ples. . A big Tire .crackled - in the fire place and the girl presented a delight ful picture as they grouped themselves around the piano ' to sing , college songs or gathered in congenial parties for so cial converse. During 1 the evening' tire" entire com pany was divided Into groups and' each group .provided some. stunt,, all of the stunts going to make up a most enter tainlng program. , ,. , , una of the most amusing of . the stunts wan an Interpretation of ''Mary Had aLiUtle Lamb," just as the speak ers had probably, given It when chil dren.;; A Finnish girl gaVe the old rhyme in her1 native tongue.r Chafing dishes were then, brought into service for the making of fudge. : Miss May Chapler is social secretary of the.Y W. C. A. and she was assleted by' Mrs. ; Montieth; Mrs. larker and Miss Marian Brlgga, who acted as hostesses. ' ' w There were about fifty girls nresent These "at homes", are for the purpose of introducing;, the new girls to each oiner.' i . , "v. , - - , " 1 1 hi in ii m l.i I,, i. POLITICAL BEES Citizens Asfed to' Honor Native v: oon; journal win neceive -IVloney Donations, '"-r ); the press and citizens of Oregon have beer called upon - by the Oregon State Editorial association to honor the mem. bry "Of one of the most famous of the state's native sons- Homer Pavenport, tne cartoonist by 'erecting', a monu ment at.;ils birthplace in- Sllverton. i rMvenport,, died in- New York city,- In 1912, where he, had for-years' fought for justice of man. for his fellow man, Iis influence for good was wlde-spreal. and after his , earthly ' work was ended his body;, with fullest honors, was borne pack to tne home- of bis babyaood an j mere nurieo. '. Although Davenport's llfework was ocomplished on , the other side of the Continent, Oregon - has full reason - to take -pride in him. and now to honor him. . " ,' '. " ' ,. 1 , Jiave been backward in recognising the accompusnmente or her sons, .and be. lleving; tliat this is a good place to Start, and the object worthy, The Jour Da) is offering to receive, all donations that ''wilt so. to make up the fund -to build , a fitting memorial. " All moneys So ' received wilt be turned over to the regular memorial fund committee, f which Governor West is chairman. Cp ' to ' the present, the fund totals 35i. The contributors are; v ' The Oregon Journal . .-, ,2i)0 w. . Hearsts t'.. 109 Tom Kay .......... .t, 10 L, Hamufl 20 Ueorgo riime,,,.i , . S Marie Brick .(,, 6 H. it. Windsor,- Hood Klver..,.w 10 Joe Thomlinson i ,t .............. . - ,3 Total ..'.:...... .$S-2 i; In addition, to the contributions made by citUens the various- newspapers of the state have been called upon to pay the sum of $3 per one thousand of cir culation, for one year. f 'i ii - V s.-im - -Vi 't Hitrhn furnijihinps of eVery known de scrlutlon are listed today under: ''House hold Goods" In the classified section knep on Rood terms with 'your porkct bools by looking them over- (Adv.) VING AT PENDLETON Voters' Will' Determine Fate of 1 Proposed Commission Form K-r of Government," i s' " . ; -Pendleton, Or., Oct 25. December 1 Pendleton will. hold a city election to choose new officers for the coming year ana to aeoiae wnether or not the com mission form of government shall be adopted, .If the majority-vote favors this change, then the officers elected win have but a short - time to., serve. anouier election tor tne - cnoosing of a mayor and., two commissioners' being proviaea i or in tne proposed charter. Mayor W, F, Matlock will be a can didate to succeed himself regardlesa of the rorm of government. If he Is elect ed December 1 and- the commission form of government Is also adopted, he will ne a canuiaaie unaer-tne new -form. So fur no one has come forward to -oppose him. ' - . The terms of four members of the council and three members of the water commission expire at the end of the year ana tnree or tne counciimen r. f. Kirk patrlck, Vt. H. McCormmRCh and N. Z: Swearingen, have declared their retire ment from office. The fourth member, Joe Ell. will probably be a candidate to succeed himself. , , , i All three of the water commission ers, J. T. Brown, Marlon Jack and Dr. J. A., Best, Will probably be candidate for reelection, as there ia a strong sen timent for retaining them until the gravity water system Is completed.' ' Treasurer Lee Moorhousa already has petitions for nomination in circulation and will doubtless be unopposed for the office, . Corns Here - . We want to tell you all about cmaHtv. reduced prices. easy terma. Graves Music Coa removal sale, 111 Fourth st, - - (Adv.) Good coal and wood. Edlefsen. (Ad,) BULLDOG AND GIRL GET. THEF VHO ADMITS HE HAS STOLEN $200,000 San' Frandsco Raffles 'Owns Handsome Horner', Is Well , .Dressed and Well Bred;, V - San Francisco, Oct 3S. After listen ing to the story he had.td tell to them today,' the police here announced that William Bastian, as be gave his name, was not a bit extravagant In his esti mate when he placed the value of the property he has stolen in the past ten years at 1290,090. They were, inclined to think, they adedd, that? the estimate was not high enough.- . i - , , i Bastian if that is hia real name, was a real "RaffleB." He made an art of burglary. - He is a very good looking, clean cut, polite, excellently educated and well but not loudly dressed man of 19. - ' ' '' He would tell the police nothing of his Antecedents but it was evident that he came from a good family. The young woman who; lived with,, him as his sis ter 1 plainly a German, , Her companion may be German too,- but he does -not talk like one. This waa why the police doubted . the story of their ' 1 relatlon shlp. , " ' ' 1 i " tll, , . , Pair Have Pretty Home. ''The pair' have Jived in San Francisco for five years, the so-called Bastian told the police. They did not live like crim inals and Indeed the girl may not i be one. v They occupied a house, which the man bqught and paid for In the most conventional possible style, In Stanyan street, on the fashionable s Parnassus heights. It is a pretty house and a fine garden surrounds it ,' , ,' " f ' However, there were a few queer thing the neighbors noticed about them. They never could understand how .the couple could live in such style in view of the fact that the man, to all appear ances, never worked. It eyas , also deemed odd that persons of such evi dent wealth kept no' servants. 1 Trades men noticed that they were never ad mitted to the house when they, brought goods. Either Bastian or the girl ln variably took charge of them at the door, '''! t- ' '' ' ; c Didnt X.lke Children Around, - Tbe man'1 tool strongly disliked'' to have any one linger: about the place. He objected even to having children play log in front of his house, and frequently telephoned to the police to drive them away. A . i ,', " . To this excluslveness, which the neigh bors wondered at but for .which Bas tian had such excellent reasons, and to the fact that he always "worked" alone, the police attributed his long immun ity from arrest or even suspicion. Yet his capture, . when it finally came, was rldloulously easy. Bastian had Just "turned A 1300 job" at ' Edward Bonnhelm's Devlsadero street residence, lowered himself from a rear second story window, crossed the yard, climbed an eight root weir ana was lanaing safely lh,Ulrlch- Debrunner's back gar den, when Miss Jennie Debrunner's bull dog prince seised him by the seat of the trousers and hung on. ' " ,'. " - Kiss Sebronner Oalla Brothers. Between hi teeth Prince let-out a growl, and Miss Debrunner appeared. She screamed and her brothers. William and Ray, rushed - to the rescue. " Bas tian drew an automatic pistol, but had not time to use It before the brothers and tbe dog had him overpowered. Then came the police, 4 .'', " ' ', i Bastian made a partial confession at once and a Complete one today "at police headquarters, lie was too mufh dis gusted - with himself t to conceal any. thing, "Caught by a girl and a ' dog after all these years," he groaned. , Tlnd Jewelry In Home. - .Bastian looked up, tlio police visited his: borne, arrested the girl who said she was his sister and searched the place. In it they- found much valuable jewelry, not yet disponed of. a crucible and Other implements for reducing met als, a complete set of - burglar tools, plrnty of good furniture, a neat library and bank - books showing deposits ' of more, than (10,000 ' to : Bastlan'a . ac count , - ; "'.-' , Miss' Bastian, If she really - is the man's sister, may be anywhere from IT or 18 to 23 or 23 years eld. She says she come from Germany . to join her brother two yeara ago.. ... "All 1 have to say," she told the po lice, !"is 'that he is a good man.. He works so hard to make money for me. It Is silly 4o talk' of the things in our house. There is nothing but my pretty clothes and the furnishings he bought for me." -: , . -, . COUNTY 'REQUESTED TO , V. PAY. DEBTS OF FAIR - v f- " - "- ': A request. that the oounty pay off 1639.82 indebtedness which - the Mult nomah county fair association Incurred la premium awards, was made yester day in let&r from H. A. Lewis, presi dent of the association. Mr. Lewis sub mitted a report showing that the fair cost $8486.46 and that the receipts were 37305.86. . Premiums paid ' totalled 18238.68 and -the county appropriated 82500 toward the awards. The matter was taken under consider, ation' by the commissioners and repre sentatives of the fair may be given an opportunity to discuss the question with the county commissioners. - A . request that provision be made in ; the county levy for the fair neat year was re ferred to tbe budget advisory : com mittee. - ... j Ourt Ladies' Store displays some new. ar 1 .. . s 1 ' 't ' in V ' ' r' . j f.' ' i .' i kt .... vnyais in ioaxs, iresn Trom.ine naias 01. incw York's leading men tailors, ', . vi V;v . - 4.' There are some hew and striking models in ; " handsome blue, blaclc and brown boifcles, as , well as a humber,of the newest patterns in , , rough cheviots and- zibelinek. ' f JJ .; Full length Coats and Coats in , three-q'uar-. f ter and seven-eighth models "perfect in fab-' ric arid 6utline--absolutelx onlr 'one of . ; each garment: Moderate-; ly 'priced 'at $l5 $20tv $25, $30 and $35 -. : Suits of fine imported and home, fabrics a ,voi- I derful'array of newest patterns, carefully tailored ; ' by men who are masters of 'their art. .Conserva- , lively priced at $)9.SO, $24.50, $29.50, $34.50, j ; $39.50 arid upwards. -. : Absolute satisfaction is rendered by our depart-,. ; meht for fitting and alteration, jvjth delivery" oi all garments promptly at the time, promised ' The Entire Third Floor.- , ; ; Abundantly Day-LightedH-Eleyator Service. VV 1' WTf m am SELfflG Morrison Street at Fourth ''4-; Bfonlcipal Owned Line Prospers. ' San Francisco, Oct. 85. The Geary street car line, , owned by the city, put 8718.2S Into Its pooketbook today, the proceeds of three days' Portola festival- business, v which, but for the municipal system, wduld have gone to United ' Railroads. 1 ' ' . ' Five Destroyers .Blade. Beady, -'Boston, .Oct 26. Orders were - re ceived at the Cliarlestown Navy . Tard today for haste In preparing the five torpedo boat destroyers there for de parture.' It was assumed that they are wanted for service in Mexican 'waters. Elegantly Artistic Pictures At "A gathering of; really ' ' elegant pictures-m , a,U .'variety of subjectsall . especially suitable - as ' gifts..; ...... v VVeare closing out.,- ) - these" pictures', together - with our entire stock v .6t art subjects, 1 and will henceforth devote, , ' our entire attention, to . , the decorating and fur-, nishing business. ' , , Unander and: a V'V ' Decorators and I. ( - I " , s ALDER AT ELEVENTH Csff1' CHI flmt Beast FREE wrnt A in urrurs, i uini 1 1 riv. all 4 MUZ THISBEAUl'IKJ, JESSEiM ....... ., l. , ;. . 'K. to the Person Sending Us the Larg ' est ' List of Complete Words, Found in Webster's Dictionary Made From the Words "Reed-Frerich Piano OUR NEW STORE Our idea is to draw attention of the public to our net store. Tenth and Stark streets, and th fin Una of Pianos that wo carry. ENCHTON JJ - 'W ,f y 1 . 1 1 J 11 f-J d . . . iifeVNAME WELL KNO7i J SINCE 1675 janvay : n Furnishers. I THE FREE PRIZES The first priae 1 a beautiful $400 Jesse French. Piano for the largest list of words, the second prize to be a credit certificate of $150 and a gentleman's gold watch, the third prise a credit certificate of $150" and s ladies' gold watch, the fourth prize to be a credit certificate of $lS0, -th fifth prise to be a credit certificate of $135; for the next five best answers a credit certificate of $125 each will be given, to ' the next ten a credit certificate of $122.50 will be given, and then following these in groups of twenty-five the next best list will re ceive' credit certificates of $2.50 less than the previous group, until 25 have been awarded at $50. . All other answers will receive credit cer tificates of not less than $25 each. These credit certificate are good for the amount stated toward the purchase of any new Piano or Player Piano at the regular price. Time of certificate is limited and is not good on any purchase made prior to its date. y Only one certificate can be applied on one piano. -, , Vy f.iA ''U-, ' -v V T CONDITIONS- Only the letters contained In tbe words "It 1ERD-FRENCH PIAJSO" oan be usrd. ' No letter can be used in any word more times then It appears la these words. The letters can be used for different . words as many times aa desired. Make as ' many words as possible that are taken from, webstera dictionary. Write the list plainly-, and number your Ust. Fill out the coupon below and bring to our store. Tenth and Stark 8ts.r or mall to Contn.it Miinao-er. Free to all except employes of this store and Immediate families. Only one answer allowed front one person. The fudging will be left to three prominent men of Portland, whoea names will be announced later. i Xa the' erent two or more contest ants tie for either of tine frizs, -al vlsloa will fee made en equal b sis. ; CONTEST OPENED OCTOBERf 12-CLOSES OCTOBER 23 . 7 Still Plenty of Time to Make Up YourlList of Vcrdb All, Answers Must Reach Our Store Before 0 P: P.I., OctoL:r ?3, IVU I herewith submit my answer, subject to conditions of competition, and agree to abid by t1 cision of judges. , ' " ' ' . " . Sign Your Name Here ..;..,...;...,;.....; ; v A . 'i V; '....'ii, ,....,''..... A set. ..'.'.. dtv. orate.. Street........ 1 ) City 1 addbess Totr aaswxB, coirnssT atAiraon REED-FRENCH PIANO R r i I TSHTX ASJ VSAXK BTXSS-TS rcr.Tiar:3. t