The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 49, Image 49

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LM JL. J :
.. 81 V IS.
. .a. A a. i . I II r Vil -
bcloed Jn the futur on Friday i ' ,' ' . I (11 r 1 1. I
V vnlnn- All artl.Iaa fnr nuhll. ' i l . HI $ tfla
t i?h'vV , I Bf ill:
Bx Nona Xawler. j ;
Jfli JTH preparations under fv
lM the i elaborate : production of
TJ "Jappyland," the spectacular
f f . operatic extravaganza which
. , hb 400 or 600 of Portland's
elite men, maids and matrons are to
present at . ths Armory .Thanksgiving
week for the benefit of the Baby Home,
there Is little prospect, of other soolal
affairs of , importance during the nest
five weeks. Rehearsals will be almost
continuous, and the whole social world
of Portland will be actively Interested
in one way or another, helping to make
. tb ambitious undertaking the - most
jioted success, both socially and' finan
cially, slnca the splendid Klrmesses of
a . few sessons ago. tv. .?. -v '
' Rehesrsala. which are to begin during
the coming week, ar to ba held in the
. assembly room of the Multnomah hotel,
the use of which has been generously
tendered by the hotel management, and
the dancers are to ba trained under professional-direction,
under the , supervi
sion of Edward It' Coatea, author of
the txtravagania. -Jappyland" has re
cently been produced in Oakland, CaL,
and other, cities, whence -corns reports
; of Us elaborately beautiful effects, tune
ful melodies and strikingly brilliant enT
semble. The piece is decidedly oriental in
atmosphere but Ingenious Intricacies in
the frivolous plot provide for a great
variety of Interpolated song and dance
numbers, richly- costumed, o that the
whole is really a daiillng panorama of
changing scenes snd distinctive dances,
running all the way from' stately pow
dered, wig and polonalsa minuets to
11 ery ' Spanish lovs dances, , rollicking
"Tama Yama" choruses, and cbwglrl
specialties with Jingling spurs ' and
ringed leather skirts.
The list of dancers lias not yet been
announced, and will probably not be
determined definitely until after several
rehearsals,; but the machinery of the
production Is already well organlsei,
under the supervision of Mrs. Holt C
Wilson, devoted friend and supporter of
the Baby Home, and an advisory board,
of which the following are members;
Mrs. h. Allen Lewis. Mrs. Theodore B.
Wilcox, Mrs. E. L. Thompson, Mrs, Slg
mund Frank, Mrs. Thomas D. Honey,
man, Mrs. A. J. Barker and W. D.
.Wheelwright, f',. ? e :
A 'few of the dance specialties and
the chaperons assigned to them bave
been announced. - A partial list of the
chaperons for "Jappyland" dances:,
"Moonlight Dance," Mrs. O. W. L.
MacQregor, Mrs. David Honey man, Mra
ay Lombard. Mrs. C. Hunt Lewis, Mrs.
Peter Kerr, Mrs. Robert Lewis; "Tama
Veddini and VisiUne Ctrd- i
En graven .and Stationers
j Morgan Building
Broadway and Washington '
tstablished IU9 .
h 4 jjjjjij 55 Pn'J
T"TV' i 'Iff VY
- a i i in
" 6NQltt irV 'W&y' PHOTO BY - ','
Top Miss Helen Hall, who -was one of tbe hostesses of the past week.
Bottom Mra. John D. Peters, who will make her home In Oakland, Cat.
Yama" Dance, Mrs. Victor Johnson, Mra
J. Jay Morrow, Mrs. Donald Green, Mrs.
George Klrkham Bmlth, Mrs. ISdmund
Devereaux, U ' Mra Antoine Labbe;
"Spanish Love Dance" Mrs. Julius
Meier, Mrs.' Dan Malarkey, Mrs. George
W. Boschke, Mra I.N. Llpman, Mra
Oskar Huber, Mrs. Dora Zan; "Western
Girls" Dance, Mrs. James Dougherty,
Mra ' Morris TVhltehouse, Mrs. Thomas
Robertson, Miss Hazel Dolph, Mrs.
David Lewis and Miss Claire Houghton:
,The opening performance of "Jappy
land" , will, be given on Thanksgiving
night, Thursday, November 27,. with
repetitions on Friday and Saturday
nights, November 18 and 29, and Satur
day matinee. - 'M'V.'i'-fi
At the University ciub, V
dfivous for luncheon and atternoon tea
since the completion of , the new club
house, two events' of esoaclal Interest
were given, the luncheon Tuesday a
wnien Mra Kooert iewis presided, and
last night Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Labbe
entertained with an elaborate dinner for
the pleasure of Mm. Labbs's sister and
her husband, Mr, and Mra Robert Hyde
of SpokanaJ.-i' Jt'.'Jfr 'o'. '..!;; '") ?;'.
Mrs. Lewis comnllmentad Mrs. Sppnce
Blank,, who Is' ths' bouse; guest of her
sister, Mrs; , Norman . R. . Lanfr. Covers
wers laid for Mrs.i Bpence Black,. Mrs.
Issg, i Mrs.' John C Ainsworth, Mrs.
Sdhermerhorn, ;Mlgs Eallle Lewis and
Mrs. Lewis, k: '. 'f--l-i',- :
. .. AV:?:..:;,-:.::.
. 'November: 12 Is the date which Miss
Ruby.Crlchton has set for her wedding
to James Mensies Ambrose. Miss Crlch
ton Is one of the most popular and tal
ented of. ths girls - of the younger set
and her wedding will be of Interest to
a wide ctrcls of friends. -i Owing to the
recent boreaveraeht In tho family; the
wedding will be Very quioj only t,U Jm.
"I, '..a .' 1 " 1 "'"
mediate . relatives J5elng asked. ' They
will be married at the boms of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Ernest W. Crichton,
on the evening of the 12th and will be
unattendedVM-.v-A .-.j-v,
;.;-.t;.;-v ..f '
? Thursday afternoon the Catholic
Women's league hejd Its annual party
for th benefit of Its work. A card
party was, given , this year ; and T the
Fountain grille of ths Oregon hotel was
charmingly arranged for the occasion.
Both bridge and t- five hundred were
played. The grille was beautifully dec
orated with palms and pink chrysan
themums and made a delightful Setting
for the many beautiful gowns worn.
Over 600 ladles were present. Ths pat.
Mrs.f J,?5iCtarksonirMrsi JDJ Bullivan,
Mra ; J. CC. -"ostello, , Mrs, ' J; I; O'Brien.
Mra A, C. Smith, Mrs. M. JP. Brady,
Mra M. W.IDaly, Mrs. John Maglnnls,
Mrs. James J. Hogan, Mrs. John Dris
colli Mrs. W. K. Cotnan, Mra B. Gild
ner, Mrs. Frank .Dooley, , Mra F. W.
Ipherwood. Mra John II.' Kern. ; Mrs.
John Kavanaugh, Mrs. P. 11 Flynn, Miss
Helen Clark. "Miss Katherlne Olle. Miss
Margaret Flaherty, Miss May Healy.
:'.' -v 'i'y.-iii:. jt',.-'ot if ';'.;-'''
Soclogy J en ' masse gathered at ; the
Heillg last evening'for . the opening con
cert of the Portland Musical association.
Madame Alda, . lyrio soprano; Gutia
Casini, 'cellist,' and Frank Las Forge,
pianist, were tho happy choice-of the
management for the initial concert, and
were greeted with enthusiasm by ths
largo and representative gathering of
society snd musio loving people of the
city. , Many beautiful continues were
seen In tho audience, and Madame Alda's
gown was especially . lovely, a white
charmeune en train, made with a front
panel and train of spangles and a pan
nier effecf cf the satin with, ft bodice
of lace and spsngles: Among those Vbol
made up box parties were: , Mrs. Helen I
Ladd Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L.I
Mr."and- Mrs." Walter 'X Burns, Dr. and
Mrs. Holt C ' Wilson, Mr. and Mra
Richard . Koehler, - Miss Clara Weldler
Jennings ' Sutor,. Mra Donald Green.
Mrs. Rose Bloohi Bauer, Mrs. C. B. 8,
Wood, Mr. and Mrs. W.' I. dole, Mrs.
Rose Coarsen Reed and Miss Madeline
Stone. . '."' i
Mrs. Otis B. Wight was hostess at
format reception" Thursday" afternoon
when several hundred of the maids and
matrons Of the smart set called to greet
her. j( Chrysantasmums X and autumn
leaves formed the attractive decora
tions throughout the rooms. Presiding
In the dtmng room , were Mrs. At re
Rocksy, Mrs. Richard Nuun, Mrs. J. H.
Young ftnd Mrs., David A, Bhlndler. Mrs.
AHna D. Kats and Mra . Frank Branch
Riley served punch and others who as
sisted -about the rooms were Mrs. C
Kdward Grelle, Mrs. Herbert 8. Nichols
andMrs."B. L. Donald, .'.t-s--
vi-An event of much Interest will bs
th wedding of Miss Romalne Wood
tOi Henry Wesslnger,, which has. been
set ror wovemoer' s. iar. wessingsr is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wesslnger,
and is one of the popular men of the
younger set lUs Wood Is of Aberdeen.
Wash where the wedding wilt take
place. " She Is ths daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Alanson D. Wood, and a sister of
Mra Fred Grain of this city, .
Invitations have been received for
large reception to be held at the Mult
nomah hotel Friday evening, October St,
by the Japanese - consul and his wire.
Mr. and Mra Ida, In ceieorsHon ox tne
birthday of his Imparls! majesty, the
emneror of Japan. This will be an event
of much interest, and elaborate arrange
ments have been made for, the occasion.
a. number of prominent society matrons
will assist in receiving. About 600. In
vitations bave been Issued. ,
Among ths matrons who will assist
Mr. and Mrs. Ida are: Mrs. Henry I
Corbett, Mrs, . J. . Wesley Ladd, Mra
Robert W Lewis, Mra K. A, J. Mao
Kenrie, and Mra O. M. Clark .
Dr. and Mrs. Ray Matson will leave
November IT for San Francisco - from
where they plan to sail November 1 for a
year's travel around the world. They
wilt first visit Honolulu, then the Phil
ippine islands, Spain, China, India, the
Holy land, and then Europs, where Dr.
Matson will pass aome time In Vienna
They plan to be gone a little over a
year, '
Monday afternoon Mra 1. D.. Peters
presided at an Informal tea at Alej
andra Court for the pleasure of - her
daughter-in-law, Mra John Peters, who,
with j Mr. vPetera left Thursday eve
ning ' for : Oakland, Cel., where 1 they
will make their home. Ab6ut 60 guests
called to bid Mra Peters adieu. Clus
ters of yellow..; chrysanthemums and
Oregon grape formed the attractive' dee.
oration of rooms and on the tea tabla
Mrs. George, Peters and Mrs. Frank; Ran
som poured and Mrs; James A. Ellis
and Mrs. Ray Matson assisted the host
ess In receiving. . . s , - ,
An event ' of much interest In the
younger set Tuesday evening wak - the
dancing party, given-by Ml as Diana Ers-
Kine, aaugnter or ins wriusn uonsui.
ana ' urs. firskine, at ner home , on
Kearney street . , '
Mrs. Robert Smith has as-her house
guest Miss Xelia Simpson of tow .York,
a charming young woman, -iwho ? made
many friends In Portland when She vis
ited here last year, . Miss Simpson ar
rived last Monday, and will remain un
til after. .Chrlstmai. . Many delightful
affairs will; doubtless be given -in her
honor, , T wi'-:;-r'-.-. '-t:1:
-1 1nvitations i hsve ' been -received f for
the-weddtng' of Miss Saldee Lu Knapp,
the daughter: of Mr, and Mrs. Dwlght
F. Knapp. and Arthur Alban Murphy,
for "the evening - of November 6,-at
the ' home of the bride's ; psbents,
76 East Burnside street. " There "will
be about ;'80 guests assembled .for the
wedding. ' Including relatives and Inti
mate friends and, a large reception Will
follow, to which about 200. guests have
been bidden. , f'.:.
- Miss Knapp Is one of the popular and
talented members, of the -younger set
and .nntny prenupttal affairs hav been
given In her honor.' Friday afternoon
Miss Haul Reed presided at a de
lightfully appointed luncheon for 12 in
timate friends of the bride to ne, ana
during the past week,-on Monday, even
ing, ,Dr. and ."Mrs, ,J. ' A. - Apple
white were hosts it I supper for the
pleasure of Miss Knapp and Mr. Mur
phy; Tuesday evening Dr. and Mrs, Wil
liam House gave an mrormai crawxjsn
supper In their honor. Lsst Friday aft
ernoon Mrs. Charles K, Stolte presided
at a charming card party at bet beauti
ful horns on Mount Tabor. A miscel
laneous shower was a surprise of the
afternoon. . The : house wa decorated
elaborately with yellosv chrysanthemums
and fern. "t
s " - ' t"
Miss' Adelaide Loewenson'. was mar
ried Tuesday evening to Dr. Lawrence
Selling, with a beautiful and elaborate
and El
Every garment in tbia store1 has been person
ally selected with a view of pleasing those who 1
wish to dress with elegance and propriety. '
This is the reason that the garments shown in
this exclusive stock have .that distinctive tone .
and character which only can be found in gar
ments of the better class. ' ' 1 '
Individual garmerits exclusive styles. '
Coats..$18.50 to $ 75 Dresses.. $12.50 to $125
Suits.'..$22.50to $150 Waists,. . .$ 1.85 to $ 65,.
C. E. Holliday &?Co.
Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists of the better class
355 Alder at Park
W1lsW-'WiJ wvns J''J
II I '
I m
' ' ' ill
- I. I -T I -"f - I' - J-.:';. 'sTj' t I-
Mra. M. Ida; wife of the Japanese
' a large, formal function Friday, evening at; Jhe Mult
nomab. hotel. ' ' , ' ','
ceremony at ths Multnomah hotel. Rabbi
Jonah B. Wise read the ceremony at 0
o'clock In the ball room of the hotel be
fore a' gathering of 100 of the relatives
and friends of the families.; Elaborate
and WuUful In every deUIl were all
the arrangements. - Baskets or reatnery
ferns were hung vfrom the celling , In
both the ban room and banquet hall ad
joining. Standards with great? clusters
of pink chrysanthemums and fern and
pampas grass were also usea wun au
tumn leaves to decorate. Dancing fol
lowed an informal reception, and a wed
ding supper was served during the even
ing. witlrT tables arranged -in the bsn
quet halt Pink was1 the predominating
color throughout with clusters of
chrysanthemums on the bride's tabla
Dancing continued - after tne supper.
during which"' Dr. and Mra, Belling
slipped away for 4h wedding trip unob
served by their guesta- ' - ;
. The bride , was beautifully attired in
white crepe meteor trlmmed with ' rare
old point lace,; which was worn by her
grandmother, Mrs. Ida' Loewenson. , She
wore a simple, veil of Wile caught with
orania blossoms, ana carried a nana-
some shower oOHIes of the valley. Hef
bouquet. was mane tn inrss-pans, wu".-
were, thrown,, separately,.; and Dr. Esther
Rosencranta caught the,; part .with the
Hnr attached, .and the Darts . with the
wishbone and thimble ' were Caught by
Miss FrlsdafBarub andvMi i woroiny
Loewenson.Tbe bridesmaids and maid
of honor wore attractive gowns, in pink
chiffon combined ; with white lace and
mads fn similar design. Their; bouquets
wsre' of ahaded pink chrysanthemums
arrane-ed In pink -basKets ana uea wun
MHn anil tulle t ribbon in the ; aame
shades. . ' ' i'V-u-'i is?. .''.':'' - '
Mrs. Ben Selling.' mother of the groom,
wore a handsome gowi Of black lacs
trimmed wlth-ermlne baada "
. Mra Max Loewenson, mother pt the
bride, was attired in a beautiful gown
of whit crepe meteor; draped in black
hntillv. . - ..- : ' " i
i : ... -.'i'-ii." ja r is ;
r'The subscription . parties -of last. sea
nn which were among tbe roost popu
lar events with the younger set of smart
society- have reorganised thle year as
Mia Tj-rMnw- Niaht- Dancing : club. ,The
first nartv of the aeries had . been
planned for October 81, but In courtesy
to tho Japanese consul and his wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Ida who will hold a large ball
that evening'at the Multnomah,. In cele
bration' ef the birthday of the emperor
n Tannft.-ths committee have aet their
date ahead -to weanesaay svemug, w
tobor 29. '
Miss" Helen Hall - was a chsrmlng
hostess at luncheon Saturday, followed
by military whist at her. home in Irving
ton,' 825 Hancock street ! The luncheon
was served at the. small tables, each
decked in a dainty, bouquet or pinx
KUlarney budsr About the rooms were
clusters of white chryeenthemums and
asparagus ferns. Little Misses Cornelia
Pevls and Lucile- Evaps received the
guests at the door, and Mra. Edwin Htfll
V r
consul,: who will receive with her
and Mra' Leon Petery assisted,, the host
ess In receiving. ? Card honors fell to
Misw Crystal Hylandf -Miss Mildred
Camp Miss Ruth Pluiriroer and Miss
Marjorle Read.- 'Ji'Wt'A'.t-'-.
Those who enjoyed the hospitality of
Miss Hall were Miss Crystal Hyland,
Miss Evelyn Hitchcock, .ftllssV Edith
Gray, Miss Marls Haller, Miss Genevieve
Mattison, Miss Genevievehapln, Miss
Marian Chapin, Miss Harriet . Ha'rlow,
Miss Kbth Plummer, Miss . Marjorle
Cameron, ' Miss Marjorle Read, Miss
Eugenie Calhoun, Missee Arvilla and
Naomi Beck with. Miss Mildred Camp,
Miss BeUlah Hayes, Miss WWa Fields,
Miss Sallls Sterrttt Miss Ida Simmons.
Miss . Margaret Porter,- Miss Verne
An Offering thai
Affords Economy
in Fur Selection
-;''k' '
' If
i 111
Before' the real
'starts we will, grant a special
" ' discount: this week on all new
Af furs selected.' : " r-t
This discount ii
the economy' of
' furs at wholesale
, ly of the largest manufactur
ing . furriers on ? the "i; Pacific
t. -
1 X
, Coast. . "
.Per sonat - x
pert-- attention
assured of here
on the remodel
ing of furs at
.most -pleasing
Catal6g ' of
' thtngs that
are right in
mailed freb.
A V ' i ii. j .i
; he new stores
f-ip-, stock .is distinctly vV
v li unique m point or ,
: variety and scope. Exclusive
- novelties in Jewelry, Sil--'
verw'are and allied lines,
from the simple and inex-
' t pensive, to the elaborately f
s...- designed and costly pro-
jductipns tpf
craftsman await your ap i
proval." ;
'I s ' tstabli?hed
Washington; and
Menefee, Miss Dorris Smith, Miss Irms
Austin, Miss Edith Merrlman.
'-' Miss .JlfMsvjJrjusse wJllleAvsabol
the -first, of ..November. IfarBfiston .r:;lo
visit' with friends and relatives, where
she will be Joined after Thanksgiving
by heV parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto H.
Krausse, for a sojourn In - Boston and
New York, after .which they will pass'
the months of December and January
in Cuba, returning home the middle of
Wednesday evening Miss Pearl ,Mc
Kenna and James Bhanard Johns of
Pendleton wer married it the home
of the bride, i t I
: Miss McKenna is the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs.. C. L. McKenna and ths wed
ding took place at their home on Wil
lamette boulevard at S o'clock, the
Rev. Luther R. Dyott officiating The
bride and groom were unattended. Mr.
McKenna giving his daughter in mar
riage.. They took their places before iin
improvised altar arranged ' with two
white columns linked together with a
white silk rope and standard- baskets ,
Sr4eh Ktaawak allla aa 0 a V. I ak k aa a a W .
aausv vtupict v VIU1LV V JVelli VllV
mums stood at either side. . The deco
rations were elaborate throughout -the
house., quantities of the autumn foliage
of vine, maple and dog woodjing used
In combination with tfis yellow .chrys
anthemums. The wedding march .was
played by Lowell Fatten and Miss liar-
"i wen hdi ririKi ijuve, - ana
"Because God Gave Me You." . ,
Tho bride, a dainty and charming
little brunette, was attractively gowned
in an ivory white satin draped elabo
rately with chantilly lace, which . .was
caught -up with pearl ornaments and
clusters of-o range blossoma v She wore
a handsome old lacs veil worn by her
mother, and her bouquet was of laven
der orchids and lilies of tbe valley made
in a shower effct Her. only ornament
was a diamond pendant, the gift of the
groom. ' . " - ,
A reception, followed the ceremony, :
When Mr, and Mra McKenna received
with the bride and ejroom. Mrs. Mc
Kenna was attired in a gown of ame
thyst crepe de chine elaborated with lace
and' she wore a corsage bouquet J of
Cecil Brunner rosea- .- -
Both Miss McKenna and Mr. Johns
gon, and count their friends by toe score
both - In Portland and Pendleton, ths t
home of Mr. Johns, where they will be
at home about the middle of November,
after a. wedding trip to British Colum-:
bis. ;-:..,. v;.iiS:,f c..-.;;v ;,,.,,,..;;,..,.;. -
The dining room was attractive with r
a profusion of Prima Donna , rosea,
palms and autumn leaves, and was pre-
mlAA h f.. T D Vaam - .
Frank MoCauley, Mrs. Roscos ulltner, -
Mrs. Clauds McColloch, of Baker Mra
A. C Micken, and Mra Coe A. McKenna. '
They were' assisted by Miss - Edith '
Woodcock, Miss Ada Kendall. Mis Mary ' .
Johns, of Pendleton, sister of ths bride
groom, and Miss Katherlne - 8tanfield.
Stationed Jit the punch bowl were Miss
Continue, on Following . Page.
" i
cold-weather -
iri addition, to
buying your
prices direct-
' ,
fTTiTiITTt '
o n your
lsbel means
as much s
sterling -on
your silver
the master ;.
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Park, Streets.
... . ... Iff i