. .. ' . SECTION FOUR . IN STAC.r.LAXn ''Al'TOMOIlILK NEWS 1 TEN PAGES , . , ";' -Y 'CABLE NEWS i ' t ' ' :; i ixtkiwtAtk .bkidok : ' i ' J. -H J- , i, ir ' ,.i i m.. I.I -iTirir ... n ,"iv, "",, n 1,,1,-J n . ill, IT , BUILDING OF PANAMA .CANAL IS TRIUM PHAN j ' UltimateSuccessOemaixcled vplomac.HealthndcEngine'eringFailure'ofFrenck -r 1; rFurnished' Valuable,' Experience to-Amerfcansr' - r - ,(8 the latera.ttenal Vtwt F tnere was a wf, 45 the rQrty-n!ners,"we could all X V They said It the mire and the , mlai.pi of -tne Biaca swamp, ayw . Gatun lajtei They said it Jy Iho, Chayrea - -tiaak4'iath hot .season, when death, 0' trim ana .dreadful, -marched 'as for- - jwral of the guard. They -said it allmb- Ins the Littla Pivde, thec vertebrae f tha l.rraa They, the dreamers of the were' the . 'meif who. flrstplaniied th Panama-canal., f - . 4 ' . Morfan." the' buccaneers .Yeraon.Uhe bravi'.'nUsMt havf " thougTat anniyof ; th tnta. as a-way ut, ' to any who lived with them, it.wa. 1m-, YMtrsiblA r - ,.' : But OA the. mule-bacav Ucaii, the burro, toilina- behind tUo,pck tralit. , stridinc throuKlt th deep rwts and the , sticky, adobe (ftheTOad that, marked the way- of -the 'freighters, where ' .warmaV. (and, died) J the. ousanda rushing to the gold fields of Caf . " waa born.thiB colossal Idea, , . k. . . t . i t Bate the Aspiawalla; -,- - " Then - came Aspinwall. th intrepid. Three generations had built, up AO this man His grandfather bad followed tie ITea and had dreamed of conQuest ot ' foreign lands and f oreigtt markets.. . His father had owned the shlpa and made ventura bulltMuT? was fortune. WUllam- H. Aaplnwall was agrrndfore! WhS b0fyomnThnKei;ton.b.rdered trail, marked by the bones, of some of those who had fcone . before., a dry went n for" a way, it waa Aeplnwallwho knew how to command. " t " t tto one year after the first' rush to Californls. if 1W0. Aspinwall- told two ; : friends. Henry Chauncey andJohn l Btephens, ofWs plan to cross the lath, mus. He already had In mind a. Water. When Aspinwall reached the Isthmus and ventured finto that endless, terrible " "morass he was cony 1 need that a.-canal . waa mpoaSlbh!., t '. ' ; : ' ; -"But the idea was fixed- Out of It came the first railroad across ranama. It was- pushed 'to. completion iWijth, un- f Kampled speed, backed from the start ( by Aspinwall t and his two business as sociates. V . . . , " '-i.," "... I It was said . that . every tie ; on 'the railroad stood - as' a tally. f or the death i of a' man JThii was: not- true .qulta, ' for there, were J00.000 .ties. ;":" v ' From the start the railroad succeeded -wonoenuny.' -Aiinuum Mtlra ln'186 i', W " i .v.. ; - ETI I and IUmesis'II thought of - 'iX canal to " marry ' the aeaa They, aV reigned Jn Egypt ,betweea-JiT50 and l00 B C. ' A' waterway, actually' wan constructed 'by' them from-the- Nile to t Xke Timaah, and thence to the-Red sea. v . Than canal was 'Choked-by v sand. . A ' hew anal was. started by. Necho, r tho son of Psammetleua I.ln B.' O." 600.' . It was not finished until, 488, B. C when Partus Hystaspia broke down; the dykes ' and let the wnt(rs of- the seas flow i- jnto union. 'Again, In .time.; the Sands trliimped., - - " J V' Centuries lapsed before finally. Ferd v -Inand de Lessepa pointed, a. final tri- umpliapt way across..Hue. ' i i Tbls had an important .bearing on the project at Panama, ues . proved . the ' value of' such a project . . ' x - 1 h" What Ie -Lesseps succeeded in doinR V ht 6ue fie' tried to do at Panama and failed. '' - " ll v v 1 ;- . . , , work Segaa la 1876. .. ! ' France bean hor1 brave and futile ; project In Panama ' in t In '1879 re Lenaepn took- oharRe. In 1880 tho . first di't flew. " That was the tragedy ' of lt. Ko preparation,-no. protection for - the' working army from v the -deadly tropic ; sun, ' from tthe. deadlier ' troplo fcickness. . i' ' - ' " ; It Was a civil company Funds Were vV raised ,: by popular .subscription ...j '.In " t France. De Iiesseps estimated the need . f $120,000,000. Much of the money was raised by government lottery. - The 1 --whole French nation went into a same of chance. . .- ; j T In r nine vnrs ' 1041 patients dtoil of yellow fever at the Ancon-hospital. , All J were.ahite ppisons1 and nearly all l"rench, Outsldo the hospital the deaths '.Solutions ,'of ; Problems;.of DI for the - Panama railroad. . Another SICT.OOO.OOO had been spent on the isth mus. In Paris $78,000,000 had been paid out in. "dltdends'r,' to, the investors, though not a penny had. been earned. ; " Revelations that ' . followed filled Franca with humiliation, .the whole .civ ilised r world ; wi,th 1 amaraent. ,The chief financial agent Jiadfeoelved 6,000, 000 -francs In commissions for. .sale,-of stock., and for "publicity,", another word for bribery.- 4 ':,.'- VhS- Z ; Another financial agent got .4,000.000 francs for services and commissions. ; Charles de Iiesseps' confessed that'he had paid one agent 800,000 francs' be cause of his great influence with -the government. The "French -minister !; of public works admitted that- he had ac cepted a bribe of 87,000 francs and paid pver 76,000 francs, out , of this, money, to the 'map who had tempted -hlra . to accept' the bribe. ' ' .. ' .h , v v ; w- Ferdinand 1 de- Lesseps snd his son Charles, were sentenced to fine and five years in prison. - The sentence against the son was .'subsequently annulled. That against the. father was never ex ecuted. Impoverished, disheartened, De Lesseps, then 88 years old, died id De cember, 1884. , , ,Y':'.';-;;., ''' Y HEN- the Trench workers on the Isthmus were decimated by fever and disease, when the money of Franca was wasted in bribery, and stolen by -dishonest officials and when bank ruptcy and then disgrace ended the proj ect and sent the peerless De Lesseps to a dishonored grave, the United States was struggling to rise after another war. M . j 11 w,vx ?...;( . Even tlietr the 'seaboard commercial interests, the shipping Interests,4 urged that this country . was, the logical build der of the canal. ; But the United States could not then pick up the burden that France had been , forced" to put down. It waa not until 1904 that 'this country boaght the rights of the second French company for $40,000,000v- . :ry-: t Jnaonasloa Ovar'ote. . . .-H ' -Prion to t this, there .had baenl much discussion during all : the yeara that had passed 'since the Oregon finished her 15.000 mile -run on. May 28, . 1618. Many had favored a canal across Nica ragua j as more- practicable than - one across Panama.' Panama was represented as a country, unstable, volcanic; subject to- earthquakes and upheavals,! physical and political. ( . , , A 4 aecoijd FreneUX Company had Sio cueded the first, organised In the wreck age,, rising like a. phoenix. The com pany, bad a relatively small capital, and about all It. had been trying- to do was to,", preserve :.tho physical property at Panama In asood, condition as It ire cejved It. It had continued to employ a force of from 1900 to 3600 men during tho interval- this to maintain its con cession , from , Colombia. ' . vf, : ' , - What, the United States contracted to buy may be summed wt Mi't Thirty thousand f our ) Kndred and thirty-one buildings, Including offices, q ua tters, warehouses, ' shops, hospl tals and terminal ' sheds, , usable - structfes worth $2.44,20. ' V.-..vV,.fjUV.i; An - Immense ; collection of , dredges, tinrs,-, barges, excavators, cars, locomo tives - and "other machinery and ' appli ances, krtl of it rusted and archaic, but estimated .at fl,113.0l. -. '",:'- I, . - AVork done by the old hnd new French companies, with an estimated removal of 88.000,000 cubic yards of material at a host of little more than f88.00O.0OO to the French.- The present value Of this work was sppralscd at f 25,889,840. )yyr Maps,t drawinKS and records leathered by 'the French , engineers, valued - at f 2,090,000. ' ' , Y. . .'.:'. Ship channel, Panama bav. 8B00.0OO. . .. Clc.-arlni,s, rouds, etc., 3100,000. ' Of the purchaso price of 340,000.000, tho sum of f24.000.0uo, mlmis obliga from yellow fever numbered 20J3. Other . It II' ri ( i - dlsesaea In the nitie years laid, low B61( I ' m "if I '- '- " V-- ' 4 in tb hospital and 11,2 outside., Beat m n'f . ' " ' VW estimates place the tout death fCort at .1 w"'f fx'?'" '' , ' v VA ' When tlie work etopped 75 per cent " ml Hill v v ' " - - 1 of the-romatnln workers Were In' hoa- " Ii" T.'f"-- ' pltals. ' . vv r4 rf , ; Wil li ) V " m WWV .! :! Trard7 B riaaneiai ide.vr;"-!:t; - il p ; Ii A, 4 YWW i:Oh' the' inanclal? sMe ' was another I v v . - Will II I ! Wlll tragdy.J- KxamlnaHOn 1 i prOYed -hat ; ifl i . ''"'" " a " 3 llllll - . ' V. ' I 111 I:- ltKe.000,000 had' b ciV0A-an44ex. ib 1 1 . 'f? llllll I , 1 II 1 f pended. -1 The. number i of tocltlioldra ? I r; llllll I 4 - ..- 1 1 1 1 1 " ' 000.000 had teen paid I p'T C-r 1 1 1 1 11 1 t . IfI' PORTLAND, OREGON,-SUNDAV MORNING, tions. went1 to the old French company, which spent- 32f0,000,000. Y 1 : ; y , ,. The Republic of Panama" received 1 10,- REGARDINO;, the. purchase ' of ? the canal rights fromi France, 4 or the . v French company, the American peo ple were agreed. The- order, to the presldont, spoken unmistakably in every state.), echoed! from cliffs," of Eastport to the .hllla of ,an Diego; was to buy. i-Bvt regarding the acquirement v of the..rlghtto-bUUd ,a canal-In thai first place, there4, has - never been agree ment! ,It 'has been the ' subject ' of' cbh troversy rfrom the" beginning it will remain' a -.mstter, of dispute; tol the' end. Theodore uHooseVelt'hasrsumqied'up the. argument .In t the following para - graphs., defending the action of .the gov ernment: v.- f ? -. -..- i;Y-'4,-( f. -.; ...,;''! Through' two army of fleers, whd had Visited .the . Isthmus' In- September. ; I i gained .concrete and definite informa tion. ...They '.informed me tliat.- owing to the dissatisfaction because-- of the failure i of ? Colombia y to - ratify. 7 the Hay-Herran V. treaty,,- a revolution . was certain to break , out on the isthmus, and that the people were in. favor, Of it; and' tha It' might" be expected immedi ately on the adjournment of the Co lombian congress without ratification of the ,( treaty., yw; ;';' 'ii;.:":?.-v"V (sX-y,h, j Y';V'i "Beadr for a fterolutloa.. i. '; 4. ,'Tn ' response , to'1 my : questioning, they ! said ithey; were certain that a : revolt Uon several different revolutions were being, planned independently of 'one another- would., occur (after the adjourn ment ."of f the ' Colombian ' congress in October; while on the isthmus they, had calculated-that it would not occur, until after October 20, because not until then would a sufficient quantity of arms and munitions, have been landed ,to supply the' revolutionaries. 'i. Y'!;,-,',..:p:- ;-( ("AcUng- in view V of all , thesa i facts,, I snt several naval vessels to the isth mus.' The-order to the American naval officers were to maintain . free, and uni interrupted transit across ' the isthmus, and. with that' purpose, to prevent the landing ' of ? armed forces ; with i hostile Intent at any point within .50 miles. of Panama. , These . orders were precisely such as had been Issued again and agaln In preceding jrears-lDQO, 1901 and 190 for Instance. ;They , were ;carrted . out. . ."Their , necessity was. conclusively shown by the fact - that a body of Co lombian troops bad landed at Colon and threatened a reign or terror, announc ing 'their Intention of ' killing all the American. Citizens In Colon. The 'prompt action of Captain Hubbard of the gtm boatK Nashville ; prevented - this threat from' being put into effect;' ha .rescued the : ImperllledYAmerlcans, j and J finally persuaded ; the Colombian , troops ': to re embark and . peacefully return ; to Co. lombla.:Y ''Cr'.-:v;.-i.:';.y('"Ji y ;',"' ' With absolute unanimity tha- people of the Isthmus declared themselves an Independent republic, and ; of fcred ! im mediately, to conclude with our govern ment, the treaty which Colombia had rejected, and , to make Its i terms 'more favorable to ' the United States. , No bloodMiecl whatever bad occurred, and It could not occur unless we. permitted th Colombian troops to land. The lie- -i v''':. V'.V'' ; '.- ''' .-,!.'t Vr Y''v'. .'.'"i publlo of Panama waa4 tha de-facto government,- and .there was no other on the isthmus,' ':; - ' v .Y' ' Y v:,'t. '--.vtn.;tMa':-.'lMavinptlon,i.! the United States' recegnlced the new - government, completed Its' treaty.' took possession of the canal xone, and In ,- that strip has since constructed the Panama canal,' to the final suocesa of - the uniting of the waters of, the. Pacific and the Atlant'o, w HT did' France fall1 In Panama" and the United States, succeed? t d -.-,-!,( .y. because rance -uaa no ;uoei hals , and no Gorgas ' will - be - the answer- uttered by'! everybody; ' '' Y'Bntt of the -two, France had more Of; Goethals than .of. Uorgas. ' This Is why f 260.000,000 went Intd .the enter tprlse -at . the Isthmus, only to be lost, the project ending in disaster. ; Americans learned f rom the French the. necessity of preparation. The French', made enormous- progress In ex cavatlon. t Thy et jUp't vast quantities of; heavy ; machinery. , The greatf ore-' yasses they, duT are still .there, grown up ' In Jungle. , What -France did not have, what she could not have; was the modern skilled scientist in sanitation. - if ,'tiV;Wk ' of ..Colonel Gorges, si 'Colonel Y William ':;Cia',w''prt'i')''dorg:aa went into the Panama canal sons when quinine was staple there.1 and malaria, yellow fever, tha plague, and other dis eases were endemic, .- Tha death rate was 4M4 per , 1000 of population. , In 1 1 3 th dea th rat e has - b een cu t down to. 81.18. This ' means' that ithe Panama sons . has aeon, made healthier than many American cities.' i Smallpox, plague and other such viru lent diseases have been , banished alto gether, i- Ja , all the tim thati, Colonel Gorgas has been on tha Isthmus there has been only one epldemlo of yellow fever, this, In 1 905. and it was checked after $Ti employes had ldledYiYj'i,rtv!''i;- 'Colonel Gorges has effected a sanitary- organisation as wonderful . as - the greater organisation of workers'-formed by - Colonel Goethals., In Gosgas' de partment there are 1300 men each, man trained in the methods of killing off the deadly mosquito. . u i iWhlle ':' the ' French tolled - "yellow Jack"., raged through tha towns , on -the seaboard, malaria held wild and .fatal debauches, with- wasted ; laborers, and the . dread ."blackwater fever" of the Chagrea yalley i; sapped M the I strength from the1' non-immuncs. Y Elephantiasis assailed th negroes and berl-berl' took Its tithe.t :(;! A'i: --. t-t'kr-4'lw'Y --v-, - Colonel Gorgas made the Isthmus as safe, almost, for the non-Immune as for the immune blacks from the -West India islands. 8o the' force waa able to exert itself and there - was - emulation to do things.' This, the French could not get. JY '-r:V i ' p; Siesson' fo World, , ; .:c, ' Incidentally Colonel Gorgas '. has in structed the whole world how to meet and .worst tbo mosquito. . Under, his leadership waa 1 evolved i system i for ridding- a country bfv mosquitoes that has , proved marvelously . efficient and at" the same time Inexpensive. . Small . pools near- thei sea are ' enn nected with tidal waters and tho rise and fall of the tide,, the moving .water, makes lt impossible for . the ; wrigglers to '' develop. ' 'A way is opened 'for the OCTOBER 26 'lftlS. t tlaj 'fish to '-VI11 the s.mosqulto'i larysa, Smaller 'pools Inland are covered' witn petroleum. Coming up for air. the wrig glers ' find It - Impossible to . get, It through, the 'oil and -die. ; ; ' ' The whole Canal .sons is .treated in this' way. The country .has been changed from' the dreaded "Death .Hole' , of the old , daya to a summer, , resort, . wbrld famed for', its healthfulness. Tbls -haa been done at an . expense of, f 1.800,000. ' , A thousand prpofs ' might ,be ' given of the. wonder wrought by Colonel (Gor-. gas, but one will do. The sale; of quin ine on the Canal sons is now practically nilnot as much , of the drug Is, pur chased - as . would .be sold by. one.busy drug store In tb. 'United States. In 1908 the amount of quinine sold at retail to"the natives fit the aone was 1,675,000' two-grain capsules, , i N less1 than" nine years the real con structive wonder, of the world has been created on the Isthmus.'4 , 1 The canal cost., -despite, the elides and countless ..oosiacIeH .uniooked for, ' yr'-ll be- within the .estimate of 3375,000,000. The work Is a year ahead of time. ) ' '": "".A Wajl Aoroaa' Ootraty. - '" ' , Tourists travel half around the world to- see';;th CWnese wallj , marvelllnf in Its. Immensity. The earth moved at Pan ama the. earth and 'rock woiild bplld such a wall, across the , United States, ttm,t New vtork ; to Portland, airline. ; i Y The nlan who- haa spread a', car load of loam. in his "f'yard will understand dimly what- It t means to say that it would require-a train of flat cars 100, 000 -miles long to -carry the excavated material t at Panama. .This train ' would reach five' times around the ghibe.' V The number , of men on the payroll Wse -to 146,000 In iAUgust; 1910;f(Of these f000 were Americans and ;th r others were Itallana i Greeks - aftd Spanish lav borers ' aijd colored laborerea ' from ' Ja malca,: - the '.Barbadoes - and other West Indian-, points;),'. ;S I'h ' ) '-' Perhaps the a verasti" of the labir army at panama-fas Xh 35.000 men. It has been a constantly changing fbrc, of rnecesslty, : thouglt swages paid ; hav been high. Wages for skilled labor Were twice,, or nearly , twice, the -wages paid in the United Statea Boilermakers. ( for example, were paid 5 cents -an hour, with ; time and a half for over time, 16 days leave -of absenoo and 30 days' sick leave.Y'5Y,',' 4:'-tsi' p. i ; gH, Pace Tor World. v. - j ' What - these men have. done at -the Isthmus Is to , set ' tha pace - for tho world : In C construction. Work. In exca vatlon . records were made that have as tounded the engineers of every couhtr. An average cart load Is a cubic- yarJ of earth. The French expended ,380,000,. 000 In actual' work on the Isthmus and left for the-builders of the-new canal 29.908.000 cubio yards: of excavation ' us able In the,''newrPlan..Y'S'i..Y;:,'Y,' ( The American 4 canal diggers at first aimed to reach l,000,0(t0 cubio. yards a month." For mora than- two years the average ' monthly -total exceeded 3,000. 000 yards. In one month- It reached 4,062,000 cubic yarda - l To conceive ' what this accomplish ment Is. fetk for am engineer -to plo tuie it.' It is necessary to consider thttl I ACH I LVLM.LN Toj),,left to rlght-f Colonel Goethals, engineer in charge of. tha Panama, r canal; waterjppurlngjthrough.-fpu In ' Gamboa dika it -lntOiCulebra cut. prior to -the -blowing' away of' the'dlke;' this water. y being admitted to, act ' a cushion against , the , discharge of! tb : ' J firrrfnalvft H,;--,f-r'-.'iv- --'.'i!' - ripVV",i 1 74 iOfflw-!.),,i-, - v.''-v.ivt'l.-y.v-' ' ",'f';it t y;v ii::j .'-Jsc? ''.. w Bottom,, left; tos right Pump . house, 3jt Gainbpa vdiKe partially- destroyed ? prellmlnaf y to the s bio wlngaway of the dl ke October, 'Id; Colonel ' Gorgaa, chief sanitary4 officer of the canal ''ioae,' whose-work made' the' actual construcUon' of' the' nine months, of the year at Panama la a .'rainy- aeasoni ? y.v?Y(r: .tY'.fxi When unfavorable .weather compellad the. work, to atop, the '.organisation achieved Its average - speed, .in , the wet months.,-precisely as.ln the dry. montha Tbe aggregate excavation exceeded 212,-1f4a,7fjl.-.oubo$ yards. J,r..;s' ';.-vn;s Considering the wages paid, and the cost of living, the laborer's Job at Pan-! ama' waa the best offered anywhere. The skilled, laborer - also' could scarcely - do better. The "government" looked ;upon these men- a, wards. :.'.'K- v " '';' v . The employe was' pro vlded with , free 4 "v A m Every The Activities Are. Growing Greater and1 ureater ' "4 LtArri riill - rriinffo V ' : '-;''i:wo.ruii;.rages.'.i ! i . u ' 4 ; i , "" ' , TT , . . : v.cjnphasize;! his ract 'm.j i 1 f v am MrynntN :!'"' , v FIRST.: '1 V . 1 1..1 v, yb t 1 can .-:::, ,,';; quarters, and a ';mirrjtdwman with h, modern'hbuse. Thaliousawas furnished. Tha'; doctor- responded In ,, caa of sick nesa' and- tho..,government .'.footed the bllU .iEvsn1. the. druggist's charge for medicine was pild by . Uncle Sam. . . ; The ' Ice .'jBikn,,. hammered . with ,h!s tonus at the door and left a chunk that In: th statea would b a ten-cent plecu, , and ". the 'work was 'af government , ex pense. v Light . was furnshed " free an! there-" was no charge for -fuel and r.o watae''bUl.-?.-'..-:'-: ," Continued n .Page Nina.) - ' t - e i Day-.v ;,!,:', of This Store i i ; i . i SECTION OJ r7