The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 35, Image 35

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ropms. 227 Chspman t., I-'-8
rooms. 233 Kd 8rd St N.,$30.0p,
8 rcmtaa,. 863 13th at. 137.50. .
li rooms, 491 Aider at.. 130.00
7 room. 166 N. 17th st. $27.50.
7 rooma 663 Irving at.. '-i,0.-
7 room, jot union ave. .
7 room. 191 Bhaver at, 120.00...
rnmn. IM. Front hL. 126.00.
1 rooms. 173 Mead at., 120.00. ,
, room, 27 14th St. $85.00. v. - ;
8 rwaa. 12th at, f4.0-. ,
- 20 rooms, 42 Main at.. t80.00.
-' room 210 Clay at. 185 00.
; " rooma, 240 10th atv $26.00
' 6 room, 783 Johnson at.. $21.00. -,
6 rooms, 607 E. Harrison at, $15.00,.
: V 9 rooma, 575 Main at.. $35.00
rooms, 768 Kearney at, $5 S?- "
v ' I rooms, 304 K. 1st at N.. 22.60. ,,:
room. 873 B. Ankeny st. $20.00. :
' rooms. 120 N. 10th at. $25.00.
' 7 rooms. .90 E. 12th st, $30.00. -,
, 8 rooms, 891 E. Yamhill St.. $36.00. ,
K rooms. 27 Hall at, $20.00. , .
' . 6 rooms, 585 Lovejoy st. $27.60. ,
rooms, 405 Broadway, $22.60.
' 7 rooms. 438 K. lth N, $40.00,: '
8 rooma, 681 6th at. $36 00.
rooms, 870 Kerby st, $18.00.
;T rooms, K. Jlst N, $15.00.
I rooms. 251U Clay st, 128.00 ' '-
- 6 rooms, 148 NMad St. $30.00. : .
6 rooms. 1924 Clay st, $22.50.
6 rooms. 650 Kearney St. $30.00.
5 rooms, S25? 10th at, $30.00. ,:
5 rooms, 200 12th at, $25.00. '
' rooms. tU E. 12th N, $25.00. v
6 rooms, 60 6 H Market at, $25.00.
7 rooms, 192 ISth at,' $40.00.
8 rooms. 470 Vk Hancock at. $26.00.
. 6 rooms, 371 U Paolfio St.. $16.00. ,
10 rooms, 409 Jackson at, $25.00. i
106 Second tit.
1 FUitNisnrcn iiouses A ' an
A STRICTLY modern 8 room bung-alow,
on tits west bank of the rivers 1 acre
qd ground right at the station; use of
uuak ' aihs is my own nume ana win
appeal to. you If you want something
nice. .' rtcnt oniy to reeponsime party.
See owner at 713Dekum bldg. y . ; ,
FURNISHED bungalow. 6 rooms, all
conveniences, new throughout, with
new fumed oak furniture. Reasonable
rent to party who - will take care .of
place. Winter's fuel In. Call Sunday,
443 Hast esra at (near wi vision), tiaw
inortie or Alt. Bcott car.- t
A DANDX 6 room modern house-with
- sleeping porch, close in, full lot com
pletely furnished., 340. San Rafael at A
snap for $30 a month. Call Main 78$ this
morning, afternoon at the house jfrora
1 to 4 P. M. , - .
A GOOD newly furnished 4 room house
with hot and cold water, modern in
other ways will rent for $15 month to
responsible parly... Call 295 E. 74th at
N. or phono Sellwood 1198.
Houses and Flats for Rent ,
1 7 room modrm house, fine condl-
' tion. 965 K, Morrison St. ...... .$30.00
j t roonv modern bouee, near Mt
6 room house, furnished, Vancou- .
i - ver avenue 23.60
j room house, Hawthorne avenue. 85.00
room bouse, Hawthorne avenue. 50U0
16 room lower flat furnished, 709
i Kearney streot .........i. ..... eo.ov
1 1 room lower flat, 466 Morrison
street r' -,' ,. . .' . 0.00
Srlendld atoro room, Lruee near r
: Ilolladay svenus ...,,...... 25.0$
We have others. Call at office. ' :
The Shaw-Fear ;Co.?
Msln-85. . 102 Fourth ft ' A-8500'.
( ROOM fumifihed house, gas range,
furnace, electric lights, fine yard, near
Mount Tabor -car: best neighborhood;
can re-rent, upper rooms. - Tabor , 4944.
127 K. 60th. v .
$17; AN exceptionally desirable . well
rurmsnea 3 room tower nai, vt sroou
tenants. Choice - neighborhood; must
rent for tho winter. J16 E. Salmon
near 80th.
Rex Arms Apartments :
6 atory; fireproof, bdla-.. 61 Z and 1
nles, tile bathrooms and all the latest
HATK8, 828 TO $35 MONTH.
, 13th and Taylor. 7
Most modem inilrlm.nta An
walking distance. , Reference I
"unaatlBB HHBB
vor. 3d ana
v. Alder.
Portland's .
newest mod
ern office
b 1 d g. For
ill ervation
Of offices' A
stores apply
st building.
Mar. 320.
BB f
r " ,'Flfth and Collage. i-
Clean. fiOKV. thPAe ftnj4 fAil,.nwim rip.!
I ... - -. . - --y ---wi
msnea sparimenia, very cneap. . . Aiao :
bachelor's . aoartmenta. Host, ..water, i
pnune snq janitor service mciuaea.
KALU at a bargain if taken soon,
small team.- harness, surrey and
spring wagon, good as new. ' Phone Ta
bor 1771. - . -...-..,.'-'.
Best location lor
Space Arranged to Suit
All Nignt Elevator Herv.
i . - Rent Reasonable. .
Apply SOS Swetland bldg
FOR RENT, 9 rooma - and bath, coin-
1 pieieiy rurmsnea, sunaoie ior room
ers or boarding: gas, furnace heat, swell
location, rent $62.50., Call No. 653 Bver-
ett, cor. 17th. Phone A-Z068 or A-1B93
PARTLY ' furnished- suburban horns,
modern conveniences, very reasonable
to right rarty. References. Phone
weoo lawn ti.
! $:0 5 room bungalow at 460 E, 50th
l mt N , Rna, I'llv Park. -
I f rt k whnm ir, lac. . rvmmiv rvA f f A n rl
tinted, at :65V Pettygrova at, near
. $:o 4 room cottage at 467 Market at.
. - tiAar ISth. "...). A -' -
$306 room modern house st $41 N.
?Xth HL." Willamette Helirhts. .
$3810 room modern house suitable for
housekeeping rooms, newly paperea
and painted, at 144 N, ISth at, near
;. 1 loyi .. r j -'i, .
$45 S room modern house with large
, , yard at so e. coucn. near ri. aoin.
44 Wilcox bid- Ph. M. 8699. A-205J.
. J
' J
j J
! J
, J
' J
' J
i i j i i j j j J J j .j j . j j j
SAVE time and patience by get- J
ting our extenaivo free list of : J
denirsbi houses and flats "FOR J
RKNT." - J
Main 869, 869 Wash, st, A-6267. J
J I J J 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
$18 FOR a moern 6 room bungalow; oe
inent basement, wash trays, wood
hoist. At 681 Sumner st, north of Al
berta car. near-JU..13ta st :;ftj:f,, :!,
$13 .for a fine room ' modern on
corner W. 16th, I block from Albert Car.
7UZ-B Beiiinsr Bl'lg.
A COMFORTABLE, old style house. In
good repair; contains 8 rooms and 2
l bath rooms; oocuplea a quarter block In
. ; most exclusive neighborhood of . Port
jland; rent $35 oer month to high class
. family. v. ,.. .. . .,
423-24 Chamber of Commerce. '
, tlTIlKIt house or t flats for rent near
.. In at the N. W, corner of TJnion ave.
and Multnomah at, In Molladsy's add!
I tion. the Irvington section; very fine
, location and cheap rent Only $5 a
month. ;You should see tills place. Mar,
EIGHT rooms and reception halL com-
nlMelv fnrnlahed. atrlctlv ' modern.
large lot fruit trees, good neighborhood
6 Or 6 rooms in 10 room nouse on B.
lu near Hawtnome; piano, cneap.
Call 310 E. 9th or phone E. 6051 Sunday
or evenings. ' '
FURNISHKO housa for rent 3 rooms
and kitchen. Rent reasonable. One
block from car station.' See owner, 104
4th ave. 8. R. Lents. Phone" Tabor 489L
ONE of bent bungalow homes in Por
land, completely ' rurnlsheav all con
veniences; references exchanged..). Phone
Fl'RNISHED 7 room home' complete,
fireplace, modern conveniences, reas
onable to reliable party- Lease. 4$ East
e it a -.a.i t.4 a a a .
Johns, nloe lot, near school, Smith-
vvagoner uo., wtocic j!.xcnange. .
WILL rent to reliable party my com
' pletely ' furnished room home; all
modern and cloee in. Inquire East $67.
FURNISUKD house. ' 18th at... nwr At
berta. Imiulre- 104S East $vut at
pnone woodiawn iii7
FURNISHED o room house with bath
for rent, 11 U tltlwaukle at, $1 per
mo. .Inquire 8 N. 4th st ' ' "
:, (::
FURN1TURH of I room House, Includ
ing good piano, for sale, half price,
Rent low, good neighborhood; gas, elec
tric light; west side, close in. 2(9 Col-
lege st. pnone wain
. . . LtiCRUTIA t'OtlHT
Situated on Lueretia st. 100 faet north
er wasningtoq st, in sn open court la I
the best residence district, within walk.
tng distance; finest unfurnished apart
ments, 1 to 5 rooma See them before
locating. : Kates reasonable, References, i
nanser. mar. mm. janitor Mar iftyii.
, ' Journal v'
" Building" ' '' ,
IN 8UIXK3. -'r
Apply to Business Office
Of, The Journal. ,,
' 1 N h,J
, B II I. 2 Hi
GOOD store at L,innton, the fast-grow-
$40 Elegant furniture, all outside cor- J ," 'f iVf"i JVu'?a2w.n: YS )?
r rooms, outside bath, orlvata nhona. "'"..v- r."!"?"""." W"A a7.i wwhiumi,
uinm.nn IxioMm ia woiKs, on worxs. all witn big vayro
partic 'r; references. Mar. 184.
ISth and Jefferson ste.
1 , References required, t
; PHONE MAIN 208$ Oil MAIN $764.
town; rent only $15 to good, steady ten
ant - Apply to owner. Winthrop Ham-
mumi, unamoer or commerce,
TO RENT to right party, desk room or
. , pari v qr t ruruisneo. or rice, including
telephone, with or without stenographic
Bciviurw. aua Pnioing oiog,
37 DURHAM cows and heifers, some
. fresh, balance 1n 40 days, $86. 30 Hoi
stein heifers, 2U to 8 years old. Pure
ioitem piooa not regisiereai R. j.
car Holsteln cows, ' heavy milkers, to
freshen In 10 days. $100. 30 Jersey heif
ers, 3 years old, to. freshen io ffovein- i
er,. $,car, Jersey cows, , to 9
yeara.:. tMnzM&2&l&t. 7fc
74 head of yearling H31atdIn heifers,
none better, .$50 per head. All the above I
located iieie, ueo. . oaei tow to.,
oyv commercial Din, wain eiau.
1914 Hudson autouioblles. .v '. . 'vL";
AuTOJior.iLr-s . ac:ci: :;so:::n 4t
' Auto' Snaps : r
. 19tCo1e. 4 PasB., 40 H. P., electric
ItWldfkREQ Duroa Jersey "sow a,,J a"fcal condition,
i .. ' , , ' I
.These-' cars have been put1 through 1913 Reo, 6 Pass.,' 80 It.
our shop, are guaranteed to be In good self-starter, eieotrlo lights,'
P., electric
6 choice DiKS. 866. Boar 3 years old
ror ao. - av in re ana in is one is re
lated to all my stock aq will sacrifice.
oeiiwoua so s.
VOR SALE One fresh Jeraey cow with
calf,, alHO fresh Jersey Holsteln, rich,
heavy milkers, age 5 and 8. Take Sell
wood oar to Harold Ave, walk 4 hlks.
east to 709.
WANTED From 1 to 8 freah .du.irv I 'or 'olJr paaaengera and Victoria body
1911 Reo, 4 passenger auto, $600.
mil Keo. . b oaHsenaer auto. iHbu.
' 1910 Thomas,. $J000. . 6 passenger -car,
1912 6-cyllnder Everett 5 passenger,
- 1912 Hudson, 5 passenger, model . S3,
1912 Baker Eieotrlc, with coupe body.
taiA ir.vm.u OA if t a n... '
extia delivery body, only $450.;
1911 Overland. 40 H. P.. S Pass.." fullv
equipped. , v ,
1911 Reo delivery, 1500 lbs", capacity.
Reo 3-ton truck, brand new.-J ' '
One; 191$ Reo roadster, brand new, '
cows; nstba and rich heavv tor tw passengers; new tires, batterle The last of our 191$ etocki Liberal dis-
mllkers. Phone t5oL Jill between 7 nS I"?, "w?ha.rl.SBl'l.,r a cov,nt ; , ' .. - ,
9 Monday mornina- or address 660 Loni- Von: verythlng first-class; cost $3400. ' ' . .
bardst . or omy uu
FOR SALE A No. 1 fumily cow. Guern-
' ' sey and Jersey, fresh 10 days, gives
M gallons ncu mux. .inquire. Xiee, l
We sruarantee our used cars. See them
before you buy, , ,
. nn- u TT . 1 . I
WB now have a complete list Of all I
breeds of dalrv cows and Vinifem. Call
and see us. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co.. 607
Commercial block. Main 6130.
" New roadsters at greatly , reduced
price to close them out 1 , '
Northwest Auto Co.
IJroadway and Much St. '
u tuiixvi' isixceuent location, on
: Wash. st. small tor. auitiihla tnr. a
I chair barber shop, or butcher shop. Rent
uiu.v ,iit.. .rrinnn mar, ' ist,
"TUB ruMwnisjxA" ' ... ,
ONE completely-furnished 8-room apt.,
location, easv walking rilntani-a isS STORE for rant 20x60 feet, nartttlnn in
Per month. Also m alna-ln .rnom -. up- I . .the center, .i ITine , location fop must
ranged for housekeeping.. only $8.00. 187 WiH rent cheap, ; t . Inquire si.
987 'A Division street;
THE UPSHUR, 2Ui and Upshur ts. I BRICK warehouse In South Portland for
Furnished 2-room aoartmenta. 816 un
including steam hest. , hot and cold
water in every apartment; publio bath,
eieotrlo lights, gas range. laundry room,
all free. Take "S.". 23d st. or MW- cars
north. Phone Main 869,
rent- trackage. -lUht . and t alrv. On
fiavea sireet, reaeonaoie. Journal Pub
Ishlng Co., Broadway and Yamhill.
v Formerly the Wheeldon,
ji;orner rurx ana j ayior.
- , , V STORES FOR RENT. - -,!,,'
Meat market at 738 Alberta st.Mn
ciudlnr Ice box, , racks . and counters.
Rent $15.00. -
PROMINENT down-town corner, splen-
Modern apartment. In 8. 3 and 4 room or iewelrV r Imme diatj DossesaToa. fi;
suites, .furnished f; complete; prvt, 'jsSrnai. ' PyZfy'.
in the downtown district, but quiet I """V"" iure jicanoa, aown-town cor-
i rcui. iwqnDin v-(t, journal.
DESIRABLE 3 or 4 room apartment
furnished or unfurnished; best in city
for rent, location and arrangement; all
wi v. uv, w vavrca sjmsm gtiiuviuvu f - i'-. n -. lT, ii-i -Tjhin -i.n -i -i in iti as
i'i6- tln 112? WANTED To share furnished apa
ciflo phone; close In, low rent beet serv-l , , wn Kda with refinaH .iiiiii,1
way, corner - j er rerson.
young lady; good location; $80.
I journal.
Drickston ADartments s ,.
448 11th sh Attractive 3 and 8 room
lunsisneu apis, uuiaias rooms, moaern I e., . n , n , .
conveslences. Quiet refined neighbor- VE hav clients waiting to rent your
noon. ' Aiarsnsu o f. A-D4Us. ' : " I ui, jruurs wun us.
I WANT to rent desk room orwlU share
.part or or rice expenses; have my own
lurniiure. j-ees, journal, -j -1 .
bMW.itTKi-.if rurn.-h i 1 Ouatafson Investment Co.. 388 Morrison,
With kitchenette, steam heat runnlna I WANT : to rent farm. 20 to 600 sores.
jw-ipy journal. !-
hot and cold water, phone In every
room; 7 blocks frooi 5th . and Morrison
SMALL select table boarding house
good furniture and equipment. , west
aide, close in. K-sos, Journal. - :
FURNITURE), for sale cheap, 9 rooms.
an rented, inquire Bid Madison, est.
6th and 6th. '
FURNITURE ef firooms, rooms rent
ed. Price $125. 513 Vi Jefferson at
nesr ism. " r - -
EXCEPTIONAL offer of 9 rooma.
sonable rent fully occupied.
471 Main st Main 2519.
FOR furniture, stoves and all household
goods look under "Household tioofls
THE CHELTENHAM. 19th and North
, run. modern furniture, private baths
and phones, hardwood floors., new brick
uiag.. reiinea ntuguuoraoua, diocks
from canine. ' , -
UARR1MAN Apta., 164 N. 24th sC one
- large, .most desirable 4 -room partly
furnished apt., all modern conveniences.
and private phone. References required,
r-none Main son. rou snouia see tnem
Houses and Flats for Rent
J. J. Oeder , .
' Real Estate and Rentals.
Cor. Grand Ave. end E. Ankeny St.''
$lt 5 ROOM cottage, walking distance,
east side; fireplace ' and '. furnaoa.
"1" Special Inducements to permanent
tenant, rrea a, J a cods up. m. e!,
$20 per month -a choice 8 room and
sleeping porcii. modern. At sl uassaio,
corner east rd. ; - - '
MODERN 8 room house. 853 MississlpnT
cor. Monroe. . Also room house, 687
Crampton and Milwaukle. Main . 1339,
or A-7ai;
MODERN I rooms and garage lor rent,
furniture for sale; all good.-' 8300,
cheap; good neighborhood, 4 block from
t'mon ave. u iwonroe, rnong u-mau.
l'OR RENT Six-room house, North
Mt. Tabor: close good car -line, long
lease option buy. Gas range, colls In
neaiery am momn. wain 45MZ.
ROOM modern house, with garage,
electric and gas fixtures, furnace, ce
ment laundry trays In basement Phone
$23.607 room strictly modern home;
xumnre. jireptace, lawn ana roses;
prominent cor. on hard aurface sta. 964 iin noirn, Aioeria car. - '
UOOD H room house on 12th tnA Buch'
tel ave, $ blks. car barns. Key at 840
A .If... .... ..-..,;...!...!..'.....:
.... " F ,,.T
l.nil RCNT Hn.tii.Hul. ' i.n,.i'
' rentrslly located.' brick building, ti
rooms, zi natns. v-HO, journal. .
A 5 ROOM modern bunralow. neat and
. " clean, .lawn and roses; 1229, Albina
.p. rnwpc wbio - -. 1 '
$14.00 for room cottage, newly tinted,
' fruit trees and garden. Inquire corner
Kent ZSnd and Irving, .
$ 2 58 rooms, B. 8th, near Everett walk-
in: uiniuiue.' omiin-vtagoner
Bloi k Exchange.
St NB modern 8 room house for rent.
corner East 80th and Rllaan.
st 123 East 80th st. Owner.
Cheap. East 273, East 3309. Herd
nan. : - '' -.- .- .
J OR-RENT J room shark, very cosy.
2? minutes out on A he V,-W. carllna.
Call Tabor 2929 . ,
NiCARLY new 7 room house, sleeping
porolu elghtly, Richmond car. 81st and
j.iiHworm sin.- penwooq leel
SrOR RENT Modern 6 room bungalow.
$18. Alberta district. East 668, o
Woodlawn 3182.; ; J ?
COZY 3 room cottage y, block to Car.
nlnsa A IThIAM m Wf t a waa
- m viiivii are, vroonmwn loll
iiouiKN b room fiat 125. Willamette
: Htm. 1018 Bavler st w car. "
0iSL"X' I?0',.! worn, furnished house.
w ai... . Ail. bcott car to
6-1 tOOAI modern, completely iumlshedl
piano, electrlo and Gas; furnace; nice
grounds. $85.00. Apply 8 E, 7th mt ?
1 UUNIKHED 6 room cotta'ira. ruu'
,dey. 81$ Bidwell ave.
. m.
TWO auites of housekeeping rooms, or
129 TV Fta?k"tJ 'i. C.T,"?'1'
MODKKIJ 8 room house, furnished or
15th st"" -8- 'L5. ehool. ,j is e.
9 NORTH 23d ST..
For rent, one 8 room BDartment all
roooern conveniences, zincst in city; ref.
Furnished Z, 5, 4 room apartments, all
conveniences; first class, nomelike, rea.
sonshie rstes; rer. im. 77. A-3811
6T8., 6 large rooms, completely -fur-
nished, front veranoa and sleeping porch.
K. Stark and Grand ave.. modern fn,,
nished apt, private bath, private phone.
Excellent - service. Always clean and
warm.' nnmmer rates, rnone Kast 308,
r SAVE 116 MONTHLT. . -."
t rooma com Die tel v furnished. IH (
All t.-. n...l.l . . 71 T. .
h, w ioivio iw.a.B, (inVHll pnoni
no, chu aim wuit iinen, on canine.
j-noiiew n-am i, i aoor Z29.
THE THOMASSEN. cor. id and H.rrT
son. 8 and 3 roonv acts., itum ht
bath, laundry, phoue. $16 up; also sleep-
in rw"lB. f, U. . - .
6th and Harrison. -
8 - room furnished anartment
JACKSON bungalow, 454 11th St.
room nearly furnished sot. all mod
ern conveniences, walking ' distance,
,n i iu i twjqiicry, rgmwonaoie rent.
Ort: l he: uezendorf ;
208 16th. near Tavlne
One elecant 4 room unfurnlahea mnr
FOR RENT Nicely furnished aparU
menu - rooms, around noor. ninnn.
reasonable rent; ' references reaulred.
Call M il 1501. Apt 1 Luoretla court
$22.50. t room ant. . PrlvaU
phone,. electricity,, steam heat hot nd
wiq wvitrr. X aoor D4S.
LUZERNE apt; beat I room apt In the
,city; private bath and phone; brick
bldg., -1 mln. from pos toff Ice; $20 to
$30. Marshall 4887. ' ' V-:
39 Trinity -Place. 3. 3 and 4-renm fnn.
nished anartments. private bath ' mr.A
telephone; rates reasonable.
FURNITURE of 8 rooms for sale for
- $136 cash. House for rent. Six blocks
from P. O. Rooms , all rented v.uaa
Journal. .- , 7?
LlNcOLfJ -APTS, 44-ri AID LiMc6t,W
All outside $ room furn, . apta.: low
rates; includes light, heat private
2 room apt, everything modern and
furnished free, all $2L Greencote. , 146
Grand ave.. N., near Irving. : i.
EXCLUSIVE unfurnished apartment 6
rooms and hath Portland u.i.i...
iiviiu nnin m iav,
l.Ilf?ui ""IT management. Beau
tifully furnished: face the nark "TT
NEW, unfurnished apartment i roomt
m,v, imni journaL
trfKa j4it.t . Ii4a''
171 King st, oor. of Wayne. V
A few choice apts. vacant ' "
w , ' " -yi im,nf,
FOUR room steam , heated apartment,
modern, exclusive.' Cot tel Drug Co!.
1st and Sherman. - ! " . " -Tf
4-RoOMED furnished cottage: water"
llKhts, phone. 316 month. .M' chUdren Enat 1603.
2 i,WM cottage, mod
0i E. 4 4 til at.
Hy, $18. , 80S
era, gas, electric
.FUKNISHKD house; no children. LaddTs
Ad.Mllon. Phone Hellwood 1609.
A A i;LL furnislied room horn to re-yr-onHlhle
reajitjlB p.; 19th N. .
A a iwuiXr coftase. lumiHiied. 1406
' .. ..' t. VH, ,.,
THE WAYNEWOOD .' ids K1.". 'ik mi".
1. 2 and t room furnished anta .,ith
and without bath. -Main 8193. . rT.
THE ALBEMARLE AT ' iki yxit.
llama ave., near Broadway; MW. mod.
em 3 and -room apts., $20 to $30 mo.
THE ELMS, 191 14th su Modern 2 and
u 8 room furnished apts.; excellent loca
tion. waiKinar aisinnee. Main 417S.
THB L.AURETTE Furnished 8 room
.ap.r5mnti Private, bath and phono.
lfi 11th. '.''!.".! .'.; ..iv.... ,. .. -T . .. .,
KING DAVIS APTS., 64 N.' King; a and"
room nian-ciass: rererences. M. bo 6 8.
Large J room furnished apt. 895 Ifth,
sts 216.60 and uo. 291 Columbia, at. I FOR 1USNT RnSCELLAKEOna S3
corner sin,
T aptrnishe mVoo' Mrd29,45,,'00m ,S PER MONTIL New garage at 17th
,, apt, rurmsnea. fzs.oo. M. 24. I and Kast Main ata. Phona , R.ntjl
I Dept. Main 8889. .
' (.-.. .- ;' VI. ATS '.
$205 rooms, with fireplace, rang and
gas heater, at. $84 E. let st N.,
' ' . near Broadway, .
$256 rooms, modern, at 634 EL Burn
. side, corner 12th; walking distance.
$27.507 rooms, modern tipper flat with
t ; ' new Majestlo range and linoleum n
kitchen, at corner : Kast 12th and
. ournsiae sis. -1 . ,
404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. 8899. A-2653
5 ROOM flat at. 53 Halsey st, half
block from the streetcar: all modern
ana just in fine snape: lurnace, bath'
room, aas stova in Kitcnen. cement cel
lar, electric and gas fixtures, only $18 a
monm rent, nee it or nnona niBMt 'izs
or Aiarsnau tuxi. -
6 rooms and sleeping porch, private
xront porcn, rirepiace.i oaa noors, extra
nice, one oiock to uroaaway ana Jrving-
ton cars. 30. Nothing better in the
city. 824 I4tn wortn. Kast 2998.
FIVE1 rooms and den, furnace, fireplace,
- built-in bookcase, buff et linoleum.
gas range, choice neighborhood; rent rea
sonable to j-ight. party. 92 E. 16th st,
op, Washington High. Phone C-1784.
ENTIRU Upstairs consisting of 4 un-
furnished rooms: reasonable; heat
and hot water; $25. Phone after Sun
day Woodlawn 946. . '
MODKRN 6 room upper corner flat Fur-
naoe. fireplace. waiKins; distance. Cor.
16th - and K. - Alder. -. . Reaaonabia - rent
Alain 17Z8. :
5 ROOM Irvlngton flat modern in every
way, ' rurnaoe, gaa range, not water
GARAGE for rent $3 per month, 40S
'Beech et . -: -.....,. ,.7
heater, sleeping porch
09 Weldler; 2
NEW. 4 room flat furnished or unfur
nished as desired, lightly location,
besement and lawn. .Phone Woodlawn
1808. ' -,v --,, ,.r. ..
$32.50 BEAUTIFUL' 6 room lower flat
ana large sleep, porcn. wanting cis-
tance; west siae. -rue rrea a.
Jacobs Co. Main 88S9.
FIVE room flat with or without gar
age, strictly modern, East 16th, near
Belmont Key at z?z btari street, i'none
main -' -. -
WEST side flat on Johnson street, near
VaA at g wMAVMsa mailatlll Waaa till
atU UUIUS) liiwuvt 4H ADUV esapv
Key at 372 Stark at Phone Main 887. -
18 WEST aide, 4 room flat; etrictly
. modern, close In, walking diet Keys
at t a. jacoDBxUo. main esss. -
,Aill ,,. UWOI W . . L . . H .1 , V.. IIIUU-
ern, lurnace, vacant rsov. i. a.-1 a.
148 Hamilton ave. - : " - .i
ATTRACTIVE 6 room flat. 936 E, Main,
rnone r;ast 43
FIVE: room- lower flat, 779. Overlook
blvd. Near Falling. -V V
THREE room flat, bath and pantry. No
cnuqren, 8. 7Zh wuiiams ave-
MODKRN 6 room flat for rent, 427 6th.
Phone Mam 013,
MODERN 4 room flat 40 Albina ave.
All conveniences. Owner, Main 6781.
UP-TO-DATE lower or tipper flats., 728.
808 Belmont. itent 818.
ROOM flats, 6 room house; walking
distance. 693 E. Morrison.
ROOM modern flat on 10th, near Stark,
inquire at ii iiurnsiae. Mam 8X88.
MODERN 6 roorn upper flat; fireplace,
furnace. '713 Kearney, $ US.-: '
eluding piano, fuel, gas, electric light
and water; lower flat; on earn ne; good
residence - district, near school; ready
octoper e i f fzo. ' u-ife, journal.
COZY- 4-rooin flat, 4 completely fur
- nished,, gas, bath , and phone; walking
Distance; reaeonaoie. ; o i, Hi. Morrison.
pnone nast epos. . v;.., ;..;..., f
ROOM furnished flat. $25. Up to date
a lUVm A.m., w, ,. ..UUI
W. H. Sawtell. ::-:-v ' : v-vr-;
MODERN 4 room flat Completely f ur-
msnea. lor nouseaeeyina., wooaiawn
FOR RENT $12, 8 room furnished flat,"
at 1 , ,,wvmuvuu var 10 si to.
block south. ' f'.-.v. ,
OR RENT B'urnlshed '., and unfur-
n;snea riats, spienaia river view.
walking distance. East .2411. c ,
MODERN 4 room furnished fiat; $ room
iranw cneap, ay owner, ' ais r ailing'.
uu woonuwn ' mi or inpor S99.
WlREB: room' flat, gas, telephone, tie.
, Close In. ' East 8927. , . -
only. " 81.60 and up. " " ' ' :'",
ElaTjeff arson t
cor. 18th, furnished l and 8 room apta, ' Commerce.
FOR RENT Large store. Good location
for -cash store or furnitura itnr, m
E. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. 1 - . T
UNFURNISHED rooms for small bust-
ness, or nouseseaping. 14 N. 9th St
Inquire noon or evenings.
WM with 6 living '. roijins, iiiwlern.
SEVERAL good cheap
ranch , or delivery
horses, - express wag
on and . harness, if
in need of a horse
com and see me. We
ten you just what jrva
are buying. : . ,
1 1- union Are, cor.
tier of E. Ash.
THREE 2ft in. farm wagons, S top de
livery: wagons. 1 - milk - delivery
wagon, one top cart . on : butcheri
cart 1 dump wagon, 1 express wagon, 1
6-year-old horse, weight 1700 pounds, 2
horses, weight 1300 pounds each, 1 span
of mules, 1000 pounds each, 1 mule, 1200
pounas, a noraes, uuo pounds eacn. ssl
Water St., West Side. ; ,
FOR SAIEI gentle mare, 1000 pounds,
ouu uaoy ton, win weign isvo pounas
full grown; city broke and very gentle.
Will sell both top 215a eaah. - - T. M
Irwin, Box. 100,- pre. Route, Cleon; or
FOR SALE 25 head young cows. Orad-
v' ea jersey, w, s. juarstiaat Jfhons i
6169. 873 E. Oak st. - -
FRESH Durham cow for sale; also good! trucks, one of
"iooy W " . - TT III.' Jj. OUrBllBBII, I IllJCB
w j-ortmno, oection L,ine roaa.'
1500 pound Reo trucks, two of them I
tiOOp' family Jeraey cow, fresh, $66. E.
Milwaukie, south end of S. P. switch.
l'XIUR 12 Weeks' old pigs. $4 SDieoe.
jonn h. L.inaerr. wiiwauiue.r.1 Phone
Red 284,'Qak Grove.
tneae we have overnauled
in our shop; great buys to carry from
twvu.ip'.avyw pounas, t;iVp- tHmxl
1500 pound Butck truck, which we have
put. tnrougn our snop; an in good me
chanical condition;" . pew tires, , your
cnoice or iwo -ooaies'v tu . . .hT ': .?
Bargains in Used Automobiles
i''-v-' v , ''i !;":if' I well," fully"equipped, electrlo lights and
x If you Ut look tor yourself you i will Llecfrto slarter. Jiffy curtains, ventl 1st-
GOOD ' fatinilv' . JTsii'ftAtf Mw f r n
f L. Milwaukie, south, end of , 8. . P. along someone that knows. -. , . . .' MeBts for $1350 - i
switch. F. Kell. ; K J. . . -' llt 7 Pass. ' Cyt 60 H. P; Wlnton in W
FOR SALE Fresh Jelsey-Holstein cow. L T,'''.. ,l first class condition, newly painted and
. Rich milker. 1427 Commercial. Wood- , , f;: , RfiS Ri flfl. fully -eculpped, the biggest .bargain of ,
Jawn 272. ; - v a - , ' Wi L.I PVOd - UU die season, $1100: terms. , Owaer leaving '
FRESH Jersey cow and calf for sale,
ai u. o. eci ana Transient utabies.
fg front st.
:815-1T Washington Ct
12 FftESH, dairy cows." 12 years old
- Holsteln hull. Rrur, I'nm rfn. Phnn. I
vvoomawn zoo. T. k. 4 ' I
FOR SALE Young pigs, 6 weeks old.
" C. J. Haggertv. Beaverton. Or - I
EIGHT 100 lb,.shoats, fin pigs, 100
- boxes SDnles. H. Grebe. Tiararnvllle. Or. I
WANTED Good mlijt cow, Jersey or I
yart jemey. M-YO, journal. . i '
'TWO fresh cows, 1. to ,b fresh soon.
794 Tacoraa avw,
2yompieio outrit, a large incubators.
iiuu capacity.' cnicKena . and - brooders. I
enough kale for all winter, at a bargain;
op xare; can rent niace cneap; Address
s number rJtch,- bldg. Phone A-6847,
S rings. ) i .
uk iuaNi? 8 acre chicken ranch. In-
J 1 Cyl. t Pass. $5 If. ' P. Maxwell,
only driven a few hundred miles,, in
first class condition, for $1050,' , .
.191 j Frapklin,., In - perfect 'condition,
good tires and good ! paint,, for, $400.
Terms.- , .. r
1912 Reral Roadster, in first class
mechanical condition. -' fully quipped,
electric lights, good paint and good, tires,
foe $500, '. Terms.- vl;' ,"'''--.'?
191S Ford roadster, only driven a few
menths: Is In first class condition fob-i
ject for selling, owner leaving city. For
$450. . - . -
'1911. Maxwell roadster. In fins condl-'
Uon. newly nafnted and all good tires.
a map for $376
-p. Model O Cadillac touring- car.J chanical Tondltfou. good'- UresT fuli?
, Used Cars
Bulck light delivery wagon; $200.
$100. , - - .
'6 pass., K. M. F.f $0 n. p. touring Ar
W lenuinned. for 2250.
rau. n .yi. r raoaiio, ut gouo worn-
Side Vancouver rltv llmlla- . I mnm
house, modern. $15. "BusUd" people not car and delivery wagon, $760"
uuuiu. ivi'ii JurjrruiH ii aau w h n n n ir
ton st.. Vancouver. Wash.
iXJRCED . SALE Whle ' Wyandottes,
lnn fx, 11 7C
191 a 4 C.vl '46 H P. nidamohlla. In fine
condition, all good tires and good paint;
a real bargain for $600. .?-.. ,
. r.i . t.....i.... A ...iii.n .
4-pass. Qarford combination touring cently overhauled, for 8125.
1909 s uy. I'ass., v a r, i-eeness.
-cockerel and pullets to make- room,
Wood's Poult rv vards IS V. tl,l at To.
hor 6093. .
BUFF ORPINGTONS--a' few more "of
vtnoia beauties left cheap,
7-pass. Peerless touring car, $4000.
'." 'Rebuilt Cadillac " -
1 1912 6-pass. touring car, $1200. V i
oeuwoou i ; mis car has been thoroughly . over-
1400 yearly hens, all breeds, 70 cents! hauled and repainted by U8 and U ih
food mechanical condition. . It Is fully
up; pullets, - 40o and up,
Poultry Ranch, Tabor 4386.
Mt Hood
"eVf5HtMss eaulpped lectrlo' .UrUng ' M ' JIght
to Ruffalo,' W. H. Ogden.
LATINO hens. 3L.26: Wlilt Wvuilnii,
E?uU,e)?i np.r:85c; jroung, roostej-s,. if you ars In th market for a ood
bbc 1471 Garfield sf - I A,.-. ,'.-,
$175 BU rs a good work tear and gool
harness. Wefarht 28K0: thev ira wnrlr.
Ing every day and are ready to do any
kind of hard work. 163 & , 9tb. corner
peimont east. , ........,, .....
NICK aentle Dony. .saddle and bridle.
-mis pony is a. oanay zor csnaren. l
years old.- Price $50.00, or will, trad
for work horse. 4148 66th S. E Kem
i-arav frtone Tabor 5142. ,
TEAM, harness and waaVm for sale
cneap. owner must sell,' 860. "-Inquire
6 to 8 evenings. - Take Fulton car
to ena oi line. 1st house back at mar.
Die worxs,
The Murphy Horse & Mule Co.
eeiis on commisoion, norses, mules, 've
hicles, harness, , Auction every Monday
and Friday. 10 a. m. 240 E. 8th. E. sii
MUST sell gentle riding and driving
pony, also fine Altamont coltiweii
nruse; taae some cnicxens in trad. 3905
H. 49th St., Mt Scott car. Anabel station
FOR SALE Several farm, delivery and
.lumber wagons In good condition, bar
gains. . y. A Kenwey371 1st st - v
FOR $ ALE Fine team of horses, welgh-
. ing zouu joa. - wiu accept reasonable
Offer if taken at once. Call Tabor 8078.
FOR SALE 23 6 yard non-air side
1 dump cars;, Immediate delivery. J-840,
Journal. - -...,...,.:,. ;-r-. . ,
FOR SALE- One gray horse, weight
1100 lbs, good worker, $35. phone
Walter Owens,-Beaver Creek. ,-'. ,v, ,
VOR SALE cheap. 2600 pound work team
ana namess, wide-tir wagon, rock bed.
1635 Macadam st Phone Main. 7686. .
WANTED To hire good delivery horse,
.".good home, light driving. Woodlawn
thorn ave. We have 5. good farm
horses for sale. - ' ; '. ..
A GOOD delivery horse, 975 lbs. and
good worker. ISO.,- 1028 E. SOth at 1M
UI.W. . i' '.T'- : -7
aiudi w 4 :t . ,
WILL TRAJDB automobile for heavy
team (no plugs.) Phone Tabor 392
or T. A. Roots. 1880 Hawthorne. .
i HORSES for sale, also light farm
waaon; also want nnsttira tn 9 k....
-rrwumwn ovax. a meiros Drive,
$125 takCs good
ness ana
S. C, R. I. Reds, cockerels, for sale,! used car see us at once
- .tuiu wium yriM winning .strain,!
Also few hens. Woodlawn 94. . - . . . Oawau Mntnr Pir Pa '
WANTED Thoroughbred white Wyan- yoi-wuit ,,
drestei?r"nn2-;i list and Washington sts. v Main 8244.
t . - - iii... i - . ii. i n .
FOR SALE Now is your chance. A few
rnnrl tirea and arood nalnt. for 2750.
1912 Chalmers 38, 6 Pass., In good cOn-
ditlon: will trade for city property or
acreage. - .
one oiiice sare tor eaie, io. r '
Many other cars to select from. Wv h. niutn tnHav Pallan look our
stock over.. General Auto Repairing and'
storage, - .,'
Oregon Auto Exchange
Cor. 15th A Alder, k ; .
Wain 1181. A-48S7. " ' '
Notice to, - Automobile ; Owners'
A aa.aa kaalnniaai iTaM. .
ing-systems. up-to-dat In every respeet L; "ind foVnrVeek, n
next oaturaay uiani, wo muni umuw
$5000 worth of absolutely .new tires, ,
and In order to do this we have cut U'B'
price 20 Jier cent to everybody- Pleas '
remember, this is no fak advertisement
It in fan absolute faot,. We . are .over
stocked. The following is a sample' of
our prices. W hsv all slses - : :
. 28x3 ,;.,. ,..... t ., i ...... . $
, 30x8. . , J . .V . , . .. "I?-?? "
" ' 88X5,. . . t . , ;'.
-W have all sizes. .
The above is only a sample. Call and
. Gerlineer Motor 'Car .Co. .
The arrival of 1914 ''Oakland, and! look our stock over. You are welcome
nail nf. HmaV, 1 , . ...... I ,.M . l ,1 .n ' ... . I . Ii J I . I..... ma
own price. 1 1 64 E. 18th st. N. : us with offers to trad in other makes, f Or, f Ja Tiro Ri KirTl C.h'
BARGAIN Flock of best Carnean nil Long experience equips ,us to Judge of -'VTrtLUIl ;J IICtiLOUUyiy fVt
pw'gi a'Jum b j,air. lipy K. 19U1 n.
FOR SALE, young White Leghorn hens.
Call Tabor 4383, 3803 66th et. 8. K -FOR
SALE March hatch large Whit
Leghorns. 75o each 28th and Dekuin,
IF you want a dog that will hunt any
s thing from rats to rrixxlv hai
sheep and b the beat watch dog and
: j - it " . . " . I , ' Tf will. .KJtmuiv uul .yvu ill .
actually do- these things how ready to w w v ' t
shjp. Write B. F. Cook, Independence! Or. J 'afifirlingftrMntnr Car C0.
FORt SALE and at stud, prise winning !yvJ.,, 90 Washington St.
r jouu a erriers, ff ana . Boston Terriers i Marsnail 1918.
a car's tru worth and condition. , Youl 828-880 Bwnsido st Phone Marsh. 323.
get the benefit when you make a selec-i
tion here. Today s orrerings include:
- 7 passenger Oldsmoblle.
J i Ilerreschoff Roadster. I .
fi 6- passenger Studebaker. .
Pathfinder Touring.
v-Herreschoff "Bix" Touring. ,
,; Overland open Touring.
Bulck Delivery. .
Franklin Roadster. '
We will ,sjiadiy put you in touch with
pups and grown dogs. Dogs boarded.
iflh It rfI-,"MI? oalBJ,LelJ.n?.1i8fc 2XM tANDT AtTTO Co. FOR CHOICE
64th st. 8. E. Mt Taaor car to Clarke; I oitva iv HT.tnwTT.v TTv:r ai
JUST arrived, imported St, Andreriberg I SOME TO TRADE. SOMW TO SELL.
" Roller canaries. ' arold finches: rabbit.
pigeons, dogs. pups, gold fish and. pets.
Boyd Bird Store,' 229 Alder at
OREGON BIRD CO.," 920 E. 16th st. Noi
;, i I car. Canaries, aviary- birds, Ooldea
avnq yninese pneasants.
'Asrm wiT.r. rkt.t. vntrn) nt
8a fl imW StA 8JaTS i"5( fl rM " fRl fStl fl fl fK f3 . : "
Covev Motor; Car Cov't, , ;
21ST AND WASH. 8TS. MAIN : 8244. , .
THERE la real value in a rebuilt Wlnton ,
. Six, with av factory guarantee. . We '
have a few left' All . overhauled and
rebuilt by factory ezperts. New tires. "
Will paint any color to suit 4, 6, 6 and 1
7 pssscnger ,ars; terms. ' ' f
-r i in"., ii.i.Crt .' f - "J-
me vyinion ivioior uar t0r
5 Factorv Branch' f ' '
I trimmed
WPP "0 Chap-
going away. Address 208 12th St, -city. l7 " 1 ! r-. 4-1
ZJ. . l 1 .. - j' . . . ' , I XV A Nfr TT.ri A mfuA mitt n Imtm mnAal nra-
llAVM m. t hnrnilB-hhrrt nnllto nimn.'l . . . . -
FINE 1913 Flanders delivery car,, two
brand new nobby rear tires, two snctra
tires, speedometer, everything,. In flns
.h.n- . Aloha nlallv flrat r.n.a Cnnl mm . ,
. Auir i. .-...j " I mi, nn I4(t. Price - 17S. II BO . down -
M r" Studebaker, nlokel 20 "monthly: ' Portland ? PhonoarapH
s Tires, over sue. two new. run A,n.v .fio" Alder st. Anvona wanting
a delivery car should see this.'-'-
,WANTEDTo buy' all kinds of scrap
. Rftt A1.1-1TT BT
can be had by, a comnetent .ueraon
Without cost. Marshall 4370. .
I HAVE left 1 male. and 1 female Eng-
iisn rit xiuii pups, tnorougaored and
edigreed, ' cheap.. ; 3808 -73d et S. -K.
iEW ELLEN pups for sale at 889 Al-
: perra st.; taae AiDerta car.
ROIXEPTliingera,. $2760 to $30, Wood-
iawn 0U v. - - - ... , v - ... .
ilO'BUYS ..a .fine' Airdale. 3 hi months
ferred: will Day un to 81000 cash for
a good machine; give particulars in first
letter..; F-297, Journal. ... :
FOR SALE cheap: Qrocery . or laundry
delivery trurit boay cneap. ; one or tne
nest maae. iwst iio, oniy casn.
R-472. ' Journal.' : ' 1 ' 4..;,,;
FOR SALE 40 H."P. Peerless motor . i
' point suspension, good for truck or
Doat, cneap ror qutcic saie. jaam iiti,
i:or.- JDtn ana Aiaer.
old. Chas, H. Withers Jr. Stay ton. Or; STRICTLY At 1912 Harley .Davidson;
iOSfON Bull pups, 3. cheap; also bitch. ? rcW 1,?ti?ndn .de"'JM,:
70 N. 14th st " i T J meter. Cost $300., Price $140, $40 down
SIX Belgian hare does cheap, Mt Bcott
j-ouury laros, uiacsamas, or.
$15 monthly. 850 Alder. ' - ' -
WANTED i-For about $100 cash small
VdXt u A r.i.'.itloH o-. " aowii'if, uprea, uui
' rYaVlr,- Bingie-cynn
soi ii, wooouuni. un
terrier puppies; Call C-S03a.
WW Lll CHi
JUST like new 1913 twin Excelsior mo- Will sell' for cash or terms. No real
: toneycle,: find tandem, 1 20 speedometer, estate considered. Y-480, Journal.
prestotank and light whistle. Cost $336 WINTON Six, 4 passenaer, just over-
;ood light team, double bar- ?"h;Er,ce J225. $60,down, $15 monthly, ' hauled and repaired. Terms and gi
almost new wagon,,' 428 E. . 860 -' ' : " ' -'"':"'1; ante to responsible party, T-668, J
':.:v:-. ', ':,-'"" ' ! FOR SALE 7 passenger used Chalmeis nal,,-- ; ,- -:. ',- - '
ArNTEJTeam .young'; horses. 1800 to
..160O ibs.; Call 895 Belmont . Sunday.
GOOp lijfht cxpreet i wagon, in aod con
Apply Modern
ditlon. for aalu rhMn.
Confectionery Co., 13th and
LEAVE your team at Fulton feed barn,
1840 Macadam "st; take car for city,
one block from barn. " : "
tXR SALE Horse, weight 850 pounds'.
rv hSHa...-. .. . Bam . . '
buggy ' and i two harnesses.
gvoo. conaiuon. sacrifice.
New, in
Kfl mill a rm. i. innlVr.w.. '
ttructlon Company. 700 Journal bldr.
, , ,i . , ' ' "- - UlUK.
HORSE and bugtry for sale, Pbon East
FINE covered two horse delivery war.
'. on. The Steohensnn Cn 9A
WANTED Large furniture, wagon,, Jt6
EXPRESS wagon hora and harness for
ou. iJ tin.- mam oHU.
WHOP, built wagon, covered lop. cheap!
EAM for sale, weight 2400. ;
tlculars call Columbia 848. ;
For par.
THREE spring express wagon, capacity
1 ton. Bacrlfloe for cash. 207 Columbia.
bl,a,c, ?, 1100 pounds each:
," $136. 1640 Macadfam st. at Fulton.
A'.9?Y,ERED:mlll(; aKn for sale, at
814 Front st ..v-,, . '.;.
65; bay mare. 1400 lbs. Best ranch or
prooa mare in city. A29 K. Yamhill.
- for doors will sell cheap forllt O. H. COUPE Just the thing Tor the
quick sale. A-689. Journals .,.. I winter weathei. KaiuuDed with self
$760 WILL BUY my Packard roadster ta,r.ter and electrlo lights. Sacrifice at
ir taaen neiore Monaav aveninr Main i "an !-. r-n (, uvurwi,
1161.- ' "-',' -; v -' -1 PEERLESS 7 passenger, elegant condi
TEAMi horses and wagon; also a fir
tion; want smaller car: terms to suit
piano, for an automobile. , What have no reftl estate oonsiqerea. u-7tu, Journal
uf C-742, Journal. 1 WINTON Six. 7 passenger, newly paint
AUTO truck,-, 1600 lb. Reo truck; will
' sen or irnue lur kuuu team ana wagon.
289 Tamhlll st Mar. 2415. - l
WILL TItADB-' automobile for heavy.
r, iwo ; luu iimg,. r-iiwiiat laoor- 883
or. x. A ttoots, xaao nawtnorne;'
ed.v at a bargain; terms to suit pur-
cnaser. xj-bbb, journal.
65 GALLON gas tank for sale at half
price, with pump and hose; will in
stall, m. ovza. -
CppiKlfQMade and repaired, new ones
SPLENDID 1912 Pope . s'lgle. dandy
shape, omy $80. $3 down, $12.60 mo.
8SQ Alder. v ..:'- .'.
WOULD lOce to have about $50 in ce
' ment work as oayment on motorcycle.
Portland Phonograph Agency,- 860 Alder.
WIL.L, exchange first class up to date
motorcycle lor goon, piano.- , jrortiana
guaranteed. Washington Car I Phongraph Agency, 960 Alder st,
A Auto Works. 368 E. Washington st
" Frank Lange. 228 Pwltr.on. Main 181.
SEE Oregon Auto Exchange before pur-
UIIurfUIH UPCO yniB. ipg Aioer.
WILL exchange first class talking' ma
, chine for good bicycle. Portland Phon
ograph Agency. 350 Alder st.
1913 Cadillac, 6 passenger, newly painted
- fine tires. $1126. $350 down, $60 mo,
to reliable party. 8-832, Journal. ' ' ,;
BAROAINS in slightly used tires; vul- I GOOD Chalmers-Detroltj'delivery car;
canlxlnr. IBc: reDalrtns. 20? Msdlsoa. 1 ': also passenger body1.' for sale cheap.
''jTLADEhs 20," fully equipped, per': Mi 8tarkst. Phon Sellwood 1439.
V feet condition. 8850 cash. Main 9461. GOOD six-cylinder, 7 pass, oar for sale
terest in some business. - L-.882 Journalf
ONE 4 passenger Ohio electric coupe,
With rectifier. In flrat rlnsn rnnrlll Inn
for sale or trade. Phone M. 6747, A-7628.
g roijins, moilern, Ji-B'T d.riv.l!1 ,ty thin, that's all - ston, 702 i
,.:v t4 Chamber ;of 426 East Yamhill. ; . V. ,'.,. ,i '' I frviCK. 4 pi
SPKINQ -wagon And liaruess, 854 E th.' . Jjsi,. .jf
' '' ,' r;. JSffM ''; ,-.y ,;.: f 'VVt:v-.C; ;'.-.. ' ' " V' '' ' '
FOR' RENT 5 pass. Chalmers. $1.0
per hour. Main 8925, Wood. 667.
BARGAIN -Price ... $50; portable 10x20
. galvanised garage. Phone Tabor 28G3
SNAP, cash or trade, 7 passenger, iim- I Xvim 'i' 'ii " "t" f; T"tii n J rrrr :
oualne body. 106 Hherlock. Wain 1895 OI5-7 TT"?. Indian. Al condition,
AUTO, 6 pass 80 H. P.; bargain. John-1 Day ton Cycle Co..247 Aab.
nfitiuinK o'g.
passemrer. $225.
, Jewly. painted, nickel trim.
Phone Tabor 1 - used motorcycles. Dayton Cycle. Co..
247 ABU St. .. ,. .
rubber, highest cash prices paid. Phone
us and our man win can ana puy wnat
Wholesale dealer An scrap rubber, offlc A
J and metat place 186. Columbia-et- ;
" ' : Phone 1aln 6188. - y w : ' (
Rl;AL good opportunity now to bUy a,
v used car cheap. Any make, any pow
er, any style and the price Is right, Call' - A
Main 5363 or A-1170- i ' c- t
. H. L. Keats Auto Co. l
- t i.. . Broadway and Rurnstd. 1,1
' FOR SALE . I ,
Cadillac S pass. -touring car In per-.
feet - running order, $300 cash
t : Cadillac 2 seated delivery -car, ' $500
casli. Address , . ' ,
i 7 Sixth st
. BODIES. . .
General Repair ;
' 209 Front St
Oregon Vulcanising Works, ,;
; , , the.TlreSiiop,-' '
ERA Washington St.. at 18th...
Marshall 879. W buy and,:
sell used tires and do
First Class Tire Repairing. ;
SEE me, if you want to sell your car.
. A. J. UATZKA, .-1
Auto Repair Shop and Second-Hand :
f Auto Dealer, -'
Hawthorne Ave. and 'K. 83d St
' Phone Tabor 4298.
13000 T, room house on Everett near '
,';', :a.'TK8 goo a or s passenger
'auto as- 1st payment. ' -
Main 2418. 612-513 Yeon Bldg.'
BUICK model 29, 6 passenger, in first
' class condition, fully equipped, includ
ing cravenet seat covers, clock, exhaust
horn,, bumper, etc. Don't miss 4his bar-,
aain. Call Main 4655 or A-2650. after 8
a.- m. Monday. :-: 'r"-'; ' S"':' .'
AUTDMOB1L.K tires. Urea, tires, 83 0i
In I20.0U each, wa also have a lars '
Stock of new tires and automobile ac
cessories at cat rate prices, mail orders
promptly and carefully filled, , Psciflo ,
Tire Supply Co., 928-830 Bumwlde st
OTnDAPC,- Autos,', fire, reslsti!:? ,
Cil UnftUL' buildins. tt a month. 1?
P. Jamison Ai Co.. Main 8434. : ' V I
Written soar-,.;,:tfSw AMrB &9Bbi6 r i- f k
BI)tC, Wicn '; A- Nr" ;
every rprlngr.
I N. IB th st
WANTKD All giad scrap rubber;
highest cash prices paid; phone s and'
our man will call and buy what you havei
J. Leve, ISt Columbia st; Main 6198, v 1