The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 33, Image 33

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" " Thrfifi Winners - -
40 ecrea with 21 acres cleared, cow,
o h.lfer calves, 2 horses, hog, J"--""?.
mower, mke, binder, harness, J culti
vators, dlmv barrow, orearo uupriu,
llow, all email tools and crops, food
loom house, bara 60x60, 4 acre Of. fine
on hard all kinds of outbuildings, for
16000. Will take part In city property
v . ji150 .Acres "vvw "!.
"With 40 i acre cleared, room house,
Larn, all kinds of outbuildings, spring,
creek, well, assorted orchard, spen or
mares. ' wagon, hack, cream separator,
6 cows, head of young stock, farm ma
chinery and ail apial! tool. rail
froror town, on the main road. IV m a
(man and a. dandy stock ranch. Price
OSiouO. and the owner will take up to
$3509 n trade and small ' amount of
cash and tH balance to suit f
:yyy 35' Acres-: rr
With IS aores cleared, about 6 acres
more seeded, balance fine- timber and
enough to pay for clearing the balance
of the land. ltt miles from Barberton
on a good road, and a fine neighborhood.
Fine toll,. horse, 8 cow a. 1 heifers,
-wagon,- harness, top buggy, 100 chick
ens, new bungalow, good barn, all tno
farm machinery, small tools and .the
crop for f 6500 and will take up to 1400)
in trade, ice oajanoa casn. . -
'i:Ww?ESF; Gilbert ". . - "'
101 'Washington at- VancouverWash
. . X . I'll ' L I!' .' .1
TEN acres highly improvea. lino io
." room- house,. 7 acres in orchard. Just
outside of the city limits Vancouver,
only miles from 6th and Washington
streets, rortiana. wui go ior omy iv.
000.; all . clear of incumbrance. Will
take $6000 in trade Portland residence
property that will rent, and take mort
Kage back on the place for the balance
at t. li you are looiting ior line
home and one that will pay good inter
est on tnc money.- aee mis.
- - - IS ACHES. UK 00.
Belongs to old man who can not work.
Will trada for Portland DroDertv.- You
must see this to appreciate It WUH
take Portland property for 13000, and
mortgage tacK on tne property ior ai
since. . .-.' ,
J 11X W. 6th at,
t 5 '..Vancoivcr,--WaslV'
THE roLtowmo : PROPERTY is
100x100 - Upper Washington street,
west side. , : .'--
(0x100 head of Broadway; we'it side.,
. 124 acres, near Oregon City. -.-
2V4 lota. Oreenway add., west aide.
, COxlOO, near City Park, west side.
80. acres,- Forest . Grovef -.41 acres
cleared. House, barn, spring,- etc -20
lota. Klamath Fella Or.
' 6 room house, corner 33d and Brock
sire-., east aide. ,:-
40 acres, Hood River. ... w, ' ' -7
room house, Irvlngton' Park.
bOxlOO View property, west side.
, . 4' ' ; ' .' : - Lenoir, - .-., .
A 228 Chamber of Commerce.
' XZ. ' ' EXCHANGE, ".-'
1240 acres, 1000 acres in cultivation.
700 acres seeded to fall wheat, good
farm buildings, - water piped to house
and barn. price 126.60 per acre.'- Will
take a valley farm up to $20,000. Farm
machinery and stock can bo bought rea-
aonable. . . t . .; -
320 acres, 270 tillable, 170 acre ready
to seed,. 2 miles R, R.,T price 320 per
acre; wants f 1000 cash, will take baU
jnce in small j valley place or might
; take it all.1 -.-.''i - ,-. . ..i':
UJ0 acres, 4 miles R. B. 1000 acres
tllluole, 400 acres ready for seed, good
, room house,, good barn and out build
ings, lots of water, $23 per acre; will
take valley , farm to -118,000, balance
eaay time. . . , v. ..
W. H. MOORE Moro, Oregon. -ALFALFA
land for sale or-exchange
309 Acres, adjoining city of Hermis--ton;
best alfalfa land in state, all under
i (uwuiii-ni irrigauon system,' plenty or
. water, clear. , Owner will accent arood
apartment house, clear, in : Portland or
.beattle, aa part pay.' rv- -..
220 acres, close to Hermlston, under
government ditch, clear, to exchange for
kwki m urn or general XDercnancuse:
" also SO acre tract, 21 acres. 24 acres, 20
, acres and 40 acres, all under government
irrigation, for sale as a -whole or sepa
rately, or exchange for Improved farm
near McMlnnville or other college town.
Address P. Q. Box 330, Hermlston. Or.
WANTED Acreage, not over - $2000.
. Will rive for earn I fine, large Port
land residence or business . lots, . well
located. . . . . ; ..
' A, K, HILL
' 419 HENRY BLDG, -
$ 8.765-15 acres clear, at 'Hoover,
. Wash., only 5 bloaka. from da-
: "pot: peach crop alone this year
iuuo Doxes; want home in jforv
. land. -. ". . 1-...: i.'. .
$ 2,000 Equity In Rose City Park mod
ern t room house with garage;
priced , at $4300; want smaller
. nouee or iota ror equity.
$47,500 West aide modern apartment
MHMIn I An mr VA J kll . .
..;.mlh DiiirtnuillltlUUIfiMllI
good clear' building corner' and
small cash payment for equity:
Will rive good trade. ;
3,000 Corner, Improved . with store
renting for $30 per month and
coxy bungalow adjoining; want
nome witn s to aores on ure
. aon Electric.
6,300 320 acres longed off land, near
water ana ran transportation;
good soil, creek on place; unin
cumbered; want Portland va
cant or improved; will assume.
$13,600 Portland property and Wash
ington acreage to trade for lm
prlved Willamette valley farm
worth from $16,000 to $26,000;
will pay some cash and rive
mortgage for difference.
$ $,000 Grocery stock and fixtures, do
J , ing about $4000 worth of busi
ness per month; very cheap at
' the price; want small acreage
close in with improvements.
$40,000 8 houses and Store building
with apartments above in at.
' Louis, Mo., mortgaged for
$18,000, at 6 per cent, due in
definitely; all building in first
. class shape; recently, appraised; want Oregon property;
will assume.
$ 6,600 rPiedniont house on 60x100 lot;
modern conveniences, hot wster
heat; will trade for . smaller
house and lot. .
See our extensive list Of ' exchanges.
City Department -
Main 6860. 260 Washington st A-6287
; i.
$3500320 acres fine level land in Cen-1
t trai uregon on y. survey, nouse,
, barn, windmill, 80 a. under cultl-l
, , vatlon, 100 a, cleared. This is a
trada for a. hanu about 34000.
$7000 New B-room house in Rossmere
' ... " add. with hard floors, built in
t.v.,-j v,i bookcases and buffet, full cement
, ' ! basement, wash trays, i furnace,
'-V''' fireplace and garage to trade in
snap. Will trade for small Piece I 210.000 Irvinaton home in .the bast nart
ijoo no acres, white salmon district, i :; is a good 7 room houBa. will
nouse, nam, other outDkiga., snot l ; trade for vacant city property. ;
feet UmSsr, near creamery and
school, f the dairy proposition,-in-
8200080 acres. aoot til labia aoll srood I . TRAI1KH.
h , bouse, barn, all fenced; to trade I 1 GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED..
ior nouse ana lot or small piece i izsuu ixt in Jbadd add. ait clear to
of Improved , acreage
riiriiano. -
to I
$3 20 aoree cleared and cultivated.
Good Improvements'. Twenty miles from
Portland. Only $126, per acre; all
good land. r.'f -f ; y t
250 acres, nearly all good land. 100
aores In valley. Irrigated, -good Improve
ments; near creamery, fine fruit land,
60 acres In alfalfa, clover and timothy.
$60 per -acre. , Terms or, trade, t . .1 ; ,
localltiesjfor small - farms on' . cash
Roosnxa nousES
63 I
. II. C BANZhlR A CO..
415 Corbett Bldg. Main 8838.
Te Trade 26 room house on. First' st,
near Main that haa paid $160 per month
over expense for. last ; 0 ; years. .Fine
for transient. Price $2000 V f
24 rooms, part housekeeping, -on , 4th
irnor murniun, o , year1 ' lease, wrner,
always rented, clears $100 per mo., own
er sick, must sail,: price- $ sou. omy fiuv
KA y MUNO, Wash. Newest and bt 1
town or its age, eight years" old. is
miles from ocean, future manufacturing
and - commercial city of Houth western 1
Washington: offers splendid opportunl-
ties for money-making- Investments to
people with limited means; business,
residence lots ; and acreage purchased
now,! either for cash or on installment
plan, means good returns in few months.
Town now ha 6P00 people, and growing
: Apartmanb4tujuarl$ apartments, 10 1 rapidly; has street bar, electric i ligh x, ,v
good district, - close-in, long lease, pays ohlss lust lot for few as plant. Kovr
and blacja loam aoll.- t million I $7000 100x100 corner on Btark at. oppo-1 cleared, $2760. .160 acres timber-land
iBurviuuni wnn a new i.iwii uuv ium vm whuiuk, iuu
basis; . 80 acree timber - land; - easy I Jioo ' and interest on money invested. I have Northern Pacific Ry., and the cotai
' cumbrance $1000; to trade fori
i good modern bungalow, and will
.' assume.. , -y,, . ,r -;.-m !?,'(.;
$4000 Equity In two good modern bun-
- - gaiows, wen looateo, to trade ior
6 or 10 acres partly improved,
- - close to electric station, and will
" ' -assume. i.;.... y
$4300-Good clean variety ' store bus.1-
ness, located In live Washington!
all- good, easily cleared, II- ml lea , of
railroad, slightly ' improved; fine " for
e per acre, asy ; terms.
room house, not quite completed.
' ' : , Full cement basement. Modern in
iv ril every way. House on rear of lot,
front can be used for a buslnesa
-.: - , -I V building. To ' trade foa a farm.
- Equity $5000. 1 -$66002
acres at MontaviUa on five
-cent carline with a new -modern
vKv? rom bungalow, '110 , choice 1 4-ROOM house, lot 40x100
. .uoaniiaj Bl'pi uaaa, auiuv C'mi I ' BIS. Jl,- , BCOlt Une
. v ana pear ireea, ana ail Kinas ox
, :; V; berry bushes. .: No Incumbrance.
wiu iraae ior a xarm.
stock, onlyt $1'
' lota near electrio line, trade for
cheap house close in. - Will assume,
i ahh rnr Mr - nannma
vw aiiu xxiiereac on -money iavBou.ii,-T o..v
ill trade for maaii rrf.nrtv Price I struction crews, are busy , with larjra
$5600. . ;"! '. i . .' - T- . .I gangs completing the Milwaukee R. It.
List with us, we make a pecialty Of I Jrtaympnd, and will make it a ter
roomlug houses, v apartment houaS.V jminal polnt.ivO.-W. R. A N. -engineers
' ' H. GAKZER A CO. ' 1 worklftr -within ten miles of town now.
':' J .M ; 1 1 1 '., 1 ,."" J 1 1 , Have splendid boat service; last year
Z. -. ..'V riRrH S Tflllri ."snan. v-v- i ivanoua. mills ano lactones loaaea o
102 room, el.irantiv rT.mi.hi .I'a " ! n vw "on 0,y'
sina'AAA. . a . a & aa- a uaa - . uu ear
to ds soia or waaea at .hnia hn.
8165.000.00 : first-class
churches, banks and business '
sarr timDer to
particulars, ad-
wain, -
town, to trade for good clear city $300080 acres of the best farm land ! business chance or rooming house
- property,
-20 acres well Improved land, near
Kstacada, 10 aores in S-year olal
commercial apples, xree ana oiea
-Are You Looking for a .
Good Business?
If You Are Here Is Something
I hat Will Merest .You
I 'have a general rnerchanJlse
store that is doing $75 to $100
' cash business a day; have a four
year lease-on store, warehouse and
cottage to live in, also all fix
tures, at $30 ' per month. The
stock will inventory about $12,-
000. This is one of the bast nav-
. lng propositions in the country
. ana will Dear tne closest investi
gation. -The reason for selling is
the owner wants to go east and
does not like Oregon. Will take'
one half in trade, either in Port- ,
land property or close-in acreage.
This store will , be sold to the
first man who - means business
and will go to the trouble of in
vestigating. .-
J, R. Prigmore y
1008 Wilcox bldg. rph. Main 1400.
80" ACRES, house and barn; 12 acres
clear.'- 33E00.00: 11300.00 mortrara.
Trade for house and lot : , t , ,
House and lot on nrand avi.. 23300.00.
Will trade for farm in Willamette Val
ley or zootiuiia. - , a . ,
160 aoriia!,' Nahalam Vallav IITRA AS
Trade for lot or acreage near city.
$20 acres in foothills. 13200.00. v Trada
forPortland property, y. y-;
A. w, Lambert Go. ,
404 EAST, AIDER STltlcr.T
East 640. - B-1110.
of Incumbrance, to trade for good
y property. . wiu as-i
u amount. ,
: " Improved oit;
sums a ama.
$5000 Equity in family flat building,
Hawthorne district, . well rented,
to exchana-e for 10 to 16 acres.
'. t close in pn electric . line, partly. J
y improvea, up xo v.oo.
$5400 Equity in 160 acre wheat farm
j in Franklin county, : Waatu,
mortg. $1000, 2 years, 4 per cent,
to exchange for Improved city
property or clean stock of mer-
... ?: cnanaise. , - ; ;
$630014 acres, clese-in. Base Lin
- road, cheapest land in this Vicin
ity, free and clear of lnoum-
Albany and eVery foot of it In
the highest atata of cultivation.
Farm hotse and other buildings,
it f , 2H miles to railroad town. Want
i -good Portland property. Will a-
. sume some.-: -
$10,000200 acre dairy ranch within H
, mile 1 of good town on - the ' rall
v. A road, With 60 acres in culUvation.
. 100 acres open pasture land and
- . 40 acres good timber. House and
barn Insured for . 31000. - $2000
-' worth of personal property goes
y'' r. with the place- consisting of
'Stock and machinery.- This fine
' place all equipped, ready to move
onto, can oe exenangea ror jrort
Mlt nf t'lH AAA
llZJLLl fia.OOO. Kent $750 ffoilrtinW
Prlne 11200. X?N"Ld ""A." . "r?-iL.f?6t draw from. For full' Tart
Trade for roomlg-howi""" 'T-V aVa salooV orotnerwl.: XSWSl alio re" M. A. Hood. Raymond,
neverai aesiraoie lots, xree or incum- large parlor. Larae noma, manv baths.
- brance. East side location. Trada for I Thf. fiTa. snapfNoUlln!, tT wmpare
wiya w roruna uoaoaro, duj voucn
bldg. . ,
i; Here" You Are 'yy
41 , room t rooming house in the very
1" the Willamette yaley close to Nice little garden traot- near Taeoma.
Price 31000. .no morta-aaa.. Trade for
small boarding house.
Elegant corner lot on KlUingsworth
. ave. Price $760. Will pay difference
in cash tor paying cigar stand or small
86 acre V mile
imorovai Houa
trees, etc Wonder;
Mtg.. $zooo. Will
nouse. ,v .!' .
heart of the ally, ateam heat,; hot and
puut wawr in au rooms, long lease, rent i
am; H7.'io.d4 S!
TURING and COMMERCIAL capital, of
fers unrivaled opportunities for money
and HOMES. Located on FRASER and
and other railroads, In - the center of a
natural supply point ior
unio, can oe ncnuiau ior ror- i . - MOTORBOAT. -
landf property up to $7000, bal-1 LAtTNCH LESS THAN HALF PRICE.
i-oeuive aacnrice; ja-rt. boat.
New 26 H, P. 6 cylinder Standard en
i I a-eta thla fnriun'tj.....k ii I COUNTRY, and the RICH
,! lor aparnnens N. 6th st. T "." T':,tT,T- I MINING DISTRICT, Insures tha future
RBALTtrCd, B66MINQ HOUSE. ' . , , , rnWiVt, '
n 8650 n.aPiTM: TOWkslTES CO ' LTD.. 415
nit.Lft.6 jee i Holihelmer, - Rinuipna bt - viMrriinrnR. R i
Baar . lAiLiunn ); ua I t -r-Ji i enr wanton tss
ance on long time at 0 per cent.
A. 1. . WIL1XJUGHB X tt CO., ,
416. Corbett Bldg. Main 8856. ' ;'
I hv for aale a well ' establlased '
business which has netted a yearly in-
$8500 for fine 15 acre prune orchard
KVVn' aSihina ' YiSrFSl n jood county road, only 4 mile from
bXn.CV2h?lSS?nf.!. l.n'I5 R- sUtlon, i miles south from Dal-
come. Might assume small arat. ,a- 0r. Consider Portland or St Johns
'm fc..'ij.','t-"'. residence In exchange. See owner at
-Elegant bungalow, v hot - water office Mondav or Tuaadav -'
heat oak floors, beautiful fix- "r? Aionaay, or AeW. - , ,
THr,i'T'SIiP ' XOoO-40 acre dairy ranch. Ml stock
garage, incumbsance 38760. Will .a term ImDlements'Evervthlna-com
plete to exenange ior city property up
to $3600. Daiance ume
HI ,11'UUUITU - m T n
-.vwu,u ruvu lur.iWB, a XX. jr. 1 .. . . , v. . - j - .
chalrallghts. etc Ail in first-clasa con- !'.0r'e.hof Stock, l No. j D. H. Potts i? A n?w Zz,?? fJ1:
uwu. lugui ivr uieasure, 12 tjasBeri- 1 . ' . 1 .
terial; $600 cash take It aU. Owner
ave gooa reason ror selling.
ger, 16 miles, per "get there and back."
take good lots for equity.,
Harboit Realty Co. '
710 Lewis Bldg. .'-':
last vear about 12000: -nrlna tar
mui Bug, (; terms,-sovu casn, pai
ance eeay (if secured). Might consider
some trade (good diamond, etc.) What
have yout Address Owner. P. O. Box 222.
nayer piano, nearly- new,
conoiuon, . witn
Grand avt N- or phone Sellwood -1764
In Southern Oregon, to trade for a good
Wheat farm nnnalata n 9Afl with
fine improvements; 26 Jersey cows, some
other good -stock, all farm implements.
Price for everything $21,000. Wants
wheat farm in good district, or might
woeiucr bhim onyproperxy. -
via vnamoer or commerce -
1X( HANdR . Wan. . ... 1
cbandlse and grocery store in a good
TinV acres or oesc lana.
uw mcumorance; t acres prunes,
balance wheat; IH miles, to good town;
2d Floor Chamber Commerce bldg.
700 ACRES In Polk county, well stocked.
$ZO,000Sii It's a daisy. We have large
. iiu. aiiwu iracis. improvea ana umm
proved, soma stocked, to exchange. Bet-
. , ter see u. . . ? - -; ,
,. ' - GILL ft DUFUR.
War. 2768. A-6660. 812 Abington bldg.
idOUERN residence In restricted dls-
met in exchange for farm. Might
auoi email amount, ixerer Tualatin
. ' Tf'teu" y?a.ixtKn or Sunday, 1176
K. 2Tth at. N. Take A car, get ofi Kill
ingsworth ave, 3 blocks west
600 .ACRES. $26 PER ACRE. ' "
Near Portland, good land, plenty of
IIvJl5wtr' some choice timber: take
810,000 or- less in other property. O.
I Webb, 414 E. Stark st. 1
tiLL equity, in flat bldg $8600, for
$ 600 cash, or trade for amall farm
near here or acreage near Mllwaukle.
Flat rent tor $76 month on lease. Mort
gage $3400. 810 Failing bldg
FARM TRADE, $6600 .
70 acre farm near North Plains; a
dandy good property; to trade for Port-
land.M. . . ' ., ,
Jt-'F. FEEMSTER. 3 Abinrton Wdr.
WANTED Small bouse and lot not toe
far out, $looo to $1600. for 8 lots ill
' live town n B. C; clear of incum-
ii Y,,tl asaunie some; no agents.
VV-VVT WUI 1I4. - -J.
CLOSE in 7 acres, on electrio cariina
rich garden soil, to exchange for unln
irumbered house valued up to 82600 R.
,B. Carey, 804 Lombard st Woodlawn 40.
. 320 ACRES improved farm $25 acre!
' Some -trade, crop payment for' bal-
Si mJT-vt Dwanx. 303 North
10 ACRES, all -cleared. 1 ir-mi in nuiti,
vation. olnaa ta nnt.nli .i.dn. m
Hood R. R., on good county road; has
two room houaa. mnA ham fin.
Jhicken house and young orchard: price
i jr jcrius.ui.Ks a cnear lot as
&.rt VA?' Dorr-B. Keasey ft Co., id
v-iiaiiiwr pi commerce Plug.
18S. c!?Ea Jn Sandy. 6 miles from
buu un. ao acres under ouUivatlon.
f re J.Tvlt kesrlo. house, barn and
welL 2 big springs. $8000. clear of in
cumbrance; take Portland property to
same value. Dorr E. Keasey ft CoT. 2d
41 vaa ' ' tf"t k - a a a
vimiiper oi commerce Plug.
CHOICE lota, Mt Scott line, large
sUble on. rear of one lot Also 6
acre ciackama Height, improved on
three sides; good mail route, choice
view, fertile soil. What have you in
exenange jor either propertyT Phons
pcimwiq eio,' wwner. - 1
w Portland Property
age, $10,000 to $15,000. west of Cascades;
might assume Owner. C-734. Journal!
A BEAUTIFUL litUe place at Oak Grove
On Orea-on Hltv narllna. K K.,
Balow: a Uttla over XL a ova .w...
chicken house .and run.. Trade for city
InTS'Ald1 " 402 bid...
' 1 VP1w1wr' i-1!1 J01? t0"n. Crook
Co., with Una R. K, for a backwoods
?Iw' tr.m to, 10 acres- wlt house o?
. l oabin. 0-662, Journal.
1 EQUITY or 31600 in gtKd 8 room house"
' 'u'lt. Price $2800, for grocery or
.r?"'11! WW: will assume J.
-W o Jct Bt. main ixsu
'S0 eecona mortgage on 40 acres of
'nr?ii H "" vria witn 600 first
f nillt?S2S&3. tor cltyropeVfy.
fiJOUHES o sale and for trade; want
acre; not too far out: will a-o li n. in
' Mah? fat?; ylafa'r' f "wStoa bld'g0
'hKViUMkr-ED irrigated alfalfa ranch"
, 316,000. Modesto? Cal.. for PortuSid
iJnoome property -or first class atock
.r"ch.-' Phone Woodlawn 639
1-OR SALE or to trade tor lot'ln irvliig"
t " " -". rnvni marsnau 4ag
,V1S i exchange what you have for what
..Jiyh iP?r. Baker. 444' K
-.m-. voa. warnnaii z04.
' ri vvu iota and
wagon an
Taylor, st .
" : " " viw &u rnfl. TOP
Wlffln BnA tAam -. . . . . r
.1 . "" uiuur SIOCK. ' 213
I ail K Western Oregon Land Co. will buy
Portland bouaaaT n.iii. 7TT7nr.
rnnlfHjil1 . T "-ui
OKOCKRIKS $1200 and '"$"
1 oNnie ur. i-ew estate:
2000: ex-
no agents.
, $auoo WORTH of"gilUeaged tock and
one or two nice lot to exchange for
rood borne Owner. A-81 8, Journal. '
OM ING house, closa in. al..
1 excellent, location for boarders; trade
,-fr cheap house and lot. - Mar. 1848 "
,1.11 HT have money or good, note for niy
. w.M.v.v,.uu,.-.-.viB,. vour
lufsn and lot. subject to $1006. for
mortgage or acreaxe, i- hfo anfa t.
'"iP.took Co- Or., for, a piano,
Crtra 6160. Q-663, Journal. .
. TO V. X "' ilAfc 1 vi " r' 11 1
COO acra raaqh; cheap. .180 1st
40. ACRES, 6 miles northwest of Lylel
- S rtMnv Vint m a , Hatt- . .ki.L...
houses.. 2 wells, all tUlablc 10 anr. In
orchard, $5600; clear of incumbranna.-
ol y 1lom' v Dor!: a Eeasey
- -- u liwji , vmunocr ox com. ntag.
75 ACRES, 3 miles from Cornelius, 43
uhuoi uuiuvHuuo, naianoe tltu
per and pasture. $6875; trada for house
1? J?wn.i J,am Ialut - lorr E. Keaser
& Co., 2d floor Chamber f Commerce
820 ACRES in. Lake county, all good till
able land, all fenced, plenty water, 100
acres cleared, 80 acres cultivated; bouse
f kaa: .K021 -barn nl windmill; price
$4500; trade for small farm or city prop
erty. Neal Brown, $18 8 wetland Wr.
245 1 acres, near Molalla. half river
bottom. 66 in cultivation, i aeta build.
ings, running water, piped to house, on
main road, well located; will take good
Portland property to half value. Price
$16,000. .
40 acres, HUlsboro, half cultivated. 7
room house, barn 40x30, full set smaller
buildings, main -road, spring, well and
creek, small family orchard: will take
00a .roraana . nouse ana iou race
ouoo. ;
40 acres, all in alfalfa 2 room nous.
barn, .all fenced, all under ditch . and
fully paid up water right in Idaho; will
take house and lot or vacant lots.
Wash., 20 acres cultivated, $ acres full
bearing orchard, good creek and 2 wells,
some geod timber. -balance in pasture;
all Ilea level and best of soil; on main
road; 2 milk routes and daily mail; good
100m nouse. large barn and , outbuild -
nxs: soan noraes. waaon ana narnesa
plow, harrow, cultivator, small tools;
some potatoes and other crops, 10 tons
hay in barn, etc., all for. $7000. Will
take rood house and lot and eaav terms
on balance. - -.''.-';
89 acres. The Dalles, Or., all In cqlti-
.otwu, wax wmt, J . kr. , A yjt uv.lfl IM1U
lot in Portland. Price $8000.
40 acres, all cultivated except 8 acres;
$ acre apples- and peaches in bearing;
near Colvllle, Wash.; will take house
and lot - 1 , ,)
160 acre dairy ranch. Coos Co., 80
seres in cultivation, fair set buildings,
10 acres winter apples; will take good
Portland income .--
. Chittenden & Nelll ;
. 810 Oak Bt
on mv na v-
ment. xms property is locaiea omy iaiiitk. ), tM ti'ir.
mil.. w..t Af PnrtlanA 1 mllaa from I ?-.?'' Pa 4i5,
o -; r aoie i. per montn
ASM BflAwt'Vilf V " IIBI jm. w av J Wr ' ft
200 acre dairy ranch with $2000 worth
of cows, hogs, horses and farm machin
ery, good house and barn, on -county
road, good school, church and store; lee
than a mile to railroad station; every
thing complete, ready for business; price
only $10,000. Will consider $6000 or
$7000 in Portland . property, : balance
terms at -6 per cent'
0 fifth St " ' Main $770,
20 Acres for Trade
, .f rice $3000.
20 acre,! 3 acres in enltlva-'
tlon, balance nice ' timber, 200
, bearing fruit trees,, commercial .
varieties. Good 4 room house
' with large screened porch, barn.
chicken houses. Incubators and
brooders. Good water. Price
83000, mortgage 81000. Will trade
' for house in Portland and assume
mortgage of $1000 to $1600. This
little farm is located 1H - miles
.-- from Oakland, Oregoa This is a
good trade for you.
Hargrove & Sons
122 N. 6ln at Main 4381; A-72SI.
Rare Bargains
Have 100 acres 6 miles of Beaverton.
14 mHes of Portland; rood buildings.
CaU 121
Sunday or nights after 8 o'clock.
GROCERY store and real estate busi
nesa store hulMinv iniM (
UK TKAUA9. f groceries and fiitu'raaTri lotS nm
my eaultv i 3426).'whit do vou offer! .na . atore. 836 Per i;- ."1. .7 a , , . '.t. .
;AII Kinds of Business 'k)
A WerUUer electrio nianowlth lots of I x???? .paying' conrectionery and
uslc in good order: cost -8600- willlv"r "unvsin w city. i aiso up-to-aate
Des toia aci ziz. x uwwHnruiD uwif
wusuiicBf si vyyvriuniucB. . -
NEAL BROWN. 818 Bwetland Bldg ''
WANTED Ideas. Write for list 'o!
) Inventions wanted by manufacturers
and prises offered for lnventlona. Our
four books sent freai Patent secured
?fe?relu.rn,d- yiCTOR J. EVANS ft
CO- Washlnaton. n. C -. ... , ,.: - .
for Old Dlano: maka offer.
Soule Bros, piano store. 868 Morrison st
te Improved, complete with born, $0
good records, used less than 2 months;
cost $100; will sell .for $65 or what
have you to -trade? Address T. Vf- JOA'
monda, P. O. box 222. Portland. Or.
HADE a good range for , gas stove.
Also phonograph for typewriter. What
gave your Sunday or evenings. U-666,
Journat - .
WILL trade my equity of $110 in good
motorcycle for studio camera ' or mo
tor boat null. Summers. 62 14. 6th at
not continue doing so. If the'
rignt man xnia i an oppnr- -tunlty
to reap a fortune from . the
other fellow' sowing. The .prio la
$18,00088000 oash and the balance on '
easy terms ' with 'good security. - See
McKer, room 607 Lewis bldg.
; -Live Grocerv-$700 -
Grocery store, that i doing large eaah
. .vxai-urva, .t.i
rented for '
8 IT month. "
My price Is $700 or will Invoice it and
discount the Invoice 80 per cent If
you want a bargain and good 'cash bus
iness, don't miss this. Goddard, 602
Couch bldg.
Slty70Alo ipte .1600 BUYS half interest m going mov-
weekly; this place 1 a dandy, fine loca- -tlon
and Is bound to be a money maker,
and for the right party I will make :
special inducements. - Don't answer un
less yea mean buslnesa and can do bust- -ness.:
I am a man of business and need
help. It you don't understand th pic- !
ture show, buslnesa I will teach you.
B-820," Journal. i'
JM.UMllS'r m. IItlam-8ltalAs. Anitna. I
iunitJ-.0JK-4a"f .ru3f "ore ln'growoa one of the oest transient street in
daily; lease; fix-
stock will invoice
m i , .1... ill
v. vi fwuvuuv vi xaaxviia . vxi,jr win
WNTBxl-GnUeman With - $8000 - to ON ACCOUNT of sickness I will sell '
1 " - . mrkllllll ' (MgH r ; xmaaa,aa ' aa.. A. 1 . ' r . . . '
ILL TRADE automobile for heavy I buainess aid take art l a . A i . . ' "lI.fT0017 usjnM;. averages i -$3000 .
team (no plugs.) Phone Tabor 8392 I JrhiL i." if. JEi.22 ?.arta-Am? 1 1.?. P month; corner, oo. Glisan,-,
1 A. Roota )fl TTawthnraa. '. - I C2 . . . -. uic
url&lll? Ue'clTyr dolnfU ,2$"
or Tt A. Roou. 1380 Hawthorne.'
I TRADE - camera for sewing machine In
good condition. - Tabor 4320.
TRADE a, good typewriter for chicken.
What have youT Sellwood 1380.
FURNITURE to exchange for- a' good
range ana goua tent, u-itu, journal.
- i. w fHWV uvr wvuiu, vvxiier, via. uijeaii, ,
schema 1 100x90, big store, well stocked, modern
fixtures: 6 living rooms, barn :t 2 horses.
wagon, etc, also cottage house, modern; ,
some cash, " soma trade. Owner, - P. O.
Box 719. - ' - '- ) - -'' ; "
but, a strictly business proposlUon. , G
SNAP Must go east . Will sell or trade"
ior real estate, my riah and poultry
business la Portland; clearing $15 to
$80 per week. Investigate Z-6. Jour.
f. . . - - ';. I f. One of the best locations In the oltyfr-,
oAjLrvruf une or the beat A business I mciuaing o nving rooms: rent omy at;
- man'a place, and a place for busi-1 olee, neat clean stock; doing $20 dally;
Grocery Stored
ness mac Sell all or half Interest. C-1 worth $760;- PrlC8 lt sold title - week
no. journal. - i tou. feters. 10 i.- atn- at.
CLEAR i lot wanted aa 1st pavmant on I
$6600 Laurelhurit . 8 i. room housa. t tHrvTTT tvrpi ' Al i,1 ... . 1 utt.ttttt.- m . "
. - w. nv UVU, iTTafTTa rrM .. m mm . " . mww ... . V . ... w . . r" .
Cho)'ce 25 Acres for Trade
-6 Miles Out -
' This I the best piece of farm
property we have bad in a long
time to offer in exchange. There -are
25 acres, 20 atres In high
state of cultivation. The entire '
tract lies perfectly. 'Three acres
of nice fir timber. Splendid new
8 room house, plastered, fireplace,
full cement basement; ibarn and
outbuildings. Bearing fruit ber
ries and grapes. This Is one of the
very best farm properties near
the city. Price $8600. Will ac
accept modern house to value of
$6000. Remember, the land is
unexcelled, has new modern house
and la only 6 miles from the city
limit of Portland, with good
graveled road.
Hargrove & Sons ;
122 N. 6th st. Main 4381; A-7259.
hew. finished In mahooanv and whit
i mnes ox ronuuiu, rwa puuainga, .nDmni y - ; 1 . , . . im- wwu twauun, louflL A-TIC I uwm un ouuuu, iuw nir-
level. Price $16,000; will takJ $10,000 u s mortoagb a TKRvxnmt'P rt I M0; terms.. Apply 664 Commercial at, blrAWNew-- tyie.' motor boatf .wiU
in Portland nronartv. tima on Kaiannaa. I u' BviMHKT2'Aa?i . vaTMENT CO, I Astoria, Or. . i . . l:. ... T I startle the world and make million for
v . ' V . ... ; ', .'"tl'Vri -- 1- "li. 1 CHAiNCE to. buy half interest in .liJ?"?':: Wrjto .Waterobile t
16 acre, an m cultivation,! miles l yma, M-twrea, room mg ana pressing business: good lock- unMr,TO r Vrlwn . '
xrviu naiawjinHo, . xraiua, axavv. wvrv. I .,- : . - uvn va TTKmuiIUO Si. . S1SO exnarlenar1
gage $460. To exchange for lou la city; -V" VU-""" Person in cleaning. B-687. JournaL '
cnange Piog.
will assume.
$600 BUYS a good flrat class confect
iSA! ' JP?,Pr to 44. res ItS Jnffl !
fronT Portland. Must be good bu7 l. "' V" R PfcWM
A. K kfLIx.' 419r Hamrv Mi- ' I . ent ItAattracUve enterprises. Ad-
CENTRAL east aide lot aultaMa nr WaSTT "Vfi " Hih
.h.k .1.. ---.-r-..--- l li.u,
couver, British Columbia.
change for income property,
Keller-Deal :
801-802 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark.
-h -i. ' ' A" WAV . BAWJk - -
-A flrat class, .well equipped steam
laundry, for sale,' located Jn Portland's
fastest growing suburb. - Doing , full 1
capacity of busfneaa. Own water 'feuo-.
ply, four wagons. : Good reasons for
selling. Apply Osmond & Co.,
1 Front
Restaurant Man
MY farm is at Appleton, Wash., Klick
itat county -won sweepstakes on fruits,
grains ana grasses at twin state ana in
terstate fairs. Have mora land than I
need and will exchange 10 to 80 acres!
i at -casn valuation. . . . -
What have you T-
I R. F. D. 1 Appleton, Wash.
V t..w':rw. i i. ....... ..-
-"-'"' "'.?". A GENERAL marchanrila. K...I i I "7. " tl"
-wuw UlU uuilaiaKe ior- .OXIVV OO itllO, niOa Oottaara. all aaT iaT I J "" vm iriuunu.f rjiuuu( UUI
near Everett CT De Young ft Cc, 614
vrnamoer cx commerce.
nioa oottare. rail and nt rn.
J1?" bal?Jn-.Col5e and see. -a
WANTED-Home up to $2000 to $4006 nLL.Ia a- .11.
ior oou casn, equity- on acres close I iT. . " ' .r"k"- 'u !
. - . .auvra .woraina
DO you want to sell your house?
rvu ; wam 10 reni
is needed In the business; cost me $800,'
but will aeil for 3140. Patera. 16 North.
6th. st - - :.. , y- .
CONCRETE store building, 2200 ft floor
space, $2400. Occupied by poolroom .
and confectionery, $1100. - On lot 40x120. i
$2200.. Four year contract on lot Sell j
ltuo.r Trade,
160 acres Irrigated bottom land, near
Prlneville on Crooked river. About 100
other improvementa. This is a fin al- fSTJfo
this i
- 15 Acres $2800
In Columbia countv nr.. 10 mt -Tram
Tin,a' $ m " fro" By. and town of I ments. WUl take up to $6000 in trad.
"Y""w" ""-'to. v.oa uvuiiii, uuisiice I ana m. ions' time on oaiance. .. . .
Am anrln. ana -.1. r . I . . - - n r " -
Aiueaaemann, . Atuiey cov, .
912 Chamber of Commerce. -
6 ACRES, house, etc,- $1600. Willi con-
aiaer nouse or lots.
Main 9042.
WANTED To buy modern, large rest
dence on east side from party who
will accept ' some cash and balance in
AU-677, Journal.
or exohanseT 202 RUO tock 'and fixtures, good location! building and buaine for $3
I Wash? stl Phone "r'"J, ( the party that can. hafti if suitable. O.-630. Journal
i waah. stc Pbone a,,, n-rt cash and term- oa balance C BEVERLY , dellcatesaen.1
omer lrupruvciucnia. xuiu la m xiuo -,'i t j r I vasn.
falfa ranch, in ideal location for stock WOODCUTTER, cut wood for a -Port-1 6KaTlIbJtTjf
I. Ill AAA I lanil Int. Vnmiira nt iha .Toairaal . U"SAUJUN 1
728; Journal: - "7" , t. I ii 'ifisi ll Wii!?. ISKr --.V.".!".'"!;
Jv ' -I' -, IS I I I J I,, aaaMM.-J1,,M 1 wsnaiM WUIUlilPVl SIMIJ ' fUiyUVU. Ufl
FOR SALBortntdeBakeryndoi Park and Yamhill sta., for rentFree
.u,,,, , ortwu parior in eon-1 steam neat.-, inquire Bam AAaaaa lis
Aaqreaa JBog 112.. Caatleroolc. Park at - -"
Draa-aT., O AA1X ii OA
and ham. Kiairaa a..L.I -:liviA t.rm. ei9c ia. 4iw...!-.;
. 7fc"Tvl 3 .-.. ,VI a , .awaaaaaa, T - V Til, i
o" - oxrer rerused. I momn. wny worn ror wages wnen you j
S'aVi'AHnJ.OonwrOwnd buY this, be in the dry, and be in-V.
xa. . -niiiiii at, . - . ,i g i aepenaenir iee. ia Nortn stn
rouing, gooa spring ana creek. 5 room
house and barn, family orchard and har.
rles, horse, wagon and' implements go
with the place. Will exchange for bun
galow not to exceed $2800. Must be mod
ern and as good as new.
Kauffmann & Moore
325 Lumber Exchang
. ' 421 Chamber of Commerce. '
120 acres 1M miles west Trout Lake,
Includes soma stock and imnle- (write Box 476, Philomath. Or.
waist acres on carune; give full par-
ticuiars no agents. ,j-t.t, journal. I i .i , ..i T T . ' .' r I r.:.i . ' ' ". ,
S7xirprg '.aTT-aT,. -ii l- 7t7-7T I FOR SALE cheaplead pencil printing FINE chance to obtain interest in well
"phoneTsIournaTC "
WANTED Two lou close to oar. Give I Oak. " '
tv m m.v. . tiKAA" wnf """", .vuiiiM. i uiiuL-HiKx . invoice. lAOOn aal.. tVTnK l gate. - -oa, journau
your equity in. a bouse near Hawthorne AE. LL r?om hou- a,61..!?!0 'Ey&tltom. iness; WANTED Competent sawyer ,'to" tatet
ave. . G-.V Phone B-698. Joa-aal. ' . j will take half trad; no agents. . ;, B.H I half interest In 10,000 foot capacity f,
mui ior t)0. . -uiiy equipped and inr
fine location.- A monenr maklnaf nrnruv. T
sition. C Q. F., Grand Dalles.;
6 room house. 140x100: 4 lots.' total
$6800. Will consider farm stocked to
2 " electric Unas hnt,1in
near. by. about L in fnilr mnA kaia..
balanoe in cultivation. Fine view of
surrounding country, on' mnA nun
rur Duuuings.
- ixueaaemann, Ruley ft Co.;
912 Chamber of Commerce.
bolldlnxs. Prina only ao acres im miles west xrout batt
$1600. will tVS SquTty for 'vlSSS,? Wah'. level- 00a soil, 4,000.000 ft -Urn
in PortI and or an v rLd t nXn bef. mortgage $3000, 2 years. Cash prio,
in -omana. or any good town $78 per gni9' ity for PorUani
' T - A A.T . SXl-ak-JB 1
WANT to exchange my modern 9-roora
! :Ld.?.-e.ric2S0jcA' . ??ol. carUne,
...a.,, xor pcu-iiaiiy improved
iW. ln. MPl?n -of Washington county.
H-699, Journal. - . . ; '
yyy stock ranch." :
20 acres 50 under plow. 6 acres In
orpharrf on4 .mill '.,11, l....
and fine outrange: close to R. R. sta-
w tfii Wl" ae iiu.wu" in trade: fair
vuiiumga. . uwner, v-ez, journal,
loft- win unra-ou , ;
isBOft a.Yt t o A A . 1.x "'"
J?reBaa will, assume $1000 to $1200.
V.V1IHHCI .jiy mug,
16 Acnm TRAn-ir
.All the very bant of anil, nn 1
ana. Aooiii acres in cultivation. 4
acres more easy to clear, balance tim-
oar, s acres or oeaveraam; nice spring.
i vum nouse, gooa oarn, cnicken house
ana smoae nouse. Avocation about $
miles from PorUand, 1 mil from Ore
ton Electric, near school, church and
property. No Inflated values.
Main zib. eiz-i3 xeon mag.
. . 14vRooms$350
10 Rooms $150
These are snap
more like them b:
at 602 Couch bldg.
Bargain Hunters
l.A4.l T. T. "-.ra... " -a. m .MrJ
tivhtjit i netureuit via A0C6i QOlnC I a-o
good business, Book to how4 J-8$t, PARTNERSHIP Want a
miui who aj$xn
1ja It AtrKw WahIt .taAMaV,1aJl....l
' -i ' if.,... ii , . . -' ' vive wvastw - ivuMllirdUSI
FOR $SiU-E DoIKsatesaen, horn bakerV I aAM A.wlll bar invstigAtlon, $250
- and lunch room; In downtown district; I rd- Iaquir ym v Lumber . Ex-
i caoiijp - rent $300 I iicb, '
Sown:-: miV -r Parage idr sale or trada fni nthaa
TjrraTTi.r. a- a a I La . 'X.J ' I . m m.w . T.a.-aaJl T.-laa . -x. l
IJvaxxa-x U1MUI V.UU.I, VUaJiPieta. (JlatS- I ' " f-"Vm . V fllIO' .mgll-
.kanle,;it Class standing, Awrioan I fa': na tret and doing good
blan. If interested write box tSiVClatii-1 business year round: repairing and auto
..; I nire, i aw-agress sub ntn t uregon t'lty.
Iriit, ,t-s I and lunch room; In
y consulting Goddird ",JlZ?lKJgW.i
kanie. Or.
room roominf house )n hmrt of
wiy, nfwiy DitDerBU. mil roonii 1 ' - "
a pn7Mh.,...n7 taiTn 'ia t. cler f0-above) xpenseS worth $400,' MOVING pictureTshow , on east side! BUTCHER shop for rent; 1c chesrand
.Ilh0.'iy t,2il062?.i HLStiSSJi; bu will sacrifice for $17$; Terms. PeS l: Jv week; cd reason for . JPHJ?
moaern ana new, in cnoic reaiaence I (n. 11 n gth at . . , . ,
district near Walnut Park, between c . , , ., ,
Union and William ave Clear of In- i- 1 , OpUBfnXRQMN. .H
selling and will
land E. Morrison; cash trade; no dellv-
cumbranc price $5000;.. Will exchange
ior improvea iruii rancn at Aiooa Auver
if price 1 not inflated. W, H. Lang,.
jiOAoingion oiag.
. -a,. a-., .aa, aiva. a wnaui, i: U (1 1X11 ' M1 I ' i , "
street Owner would like to trade this WANT HARDWARE OR FURNITURE Ill.l. a- af.a I . - . 1 ... nmTin .....
wi in.!.-, xanix xvr ciiy property, tjail
at room 402. Gerllnger blag, 2nd and
Alder. .
Rent only 826. and is a fins watt aids
location, and you can't , gat;, a , better
24 ROOMS; RENT $60.
ffVska m 4 ., a- A a, A
Prlee $1600. Call 211 Lumber EVniS cry' woney maker Apply 188 H Grand.
-The kind of place
ryoii hxvalCBlTIB'ICATB 0, stock, par v
e6o "loavM ' MOO. solvent, dividend paying
'ITIOIn. !!" arrooory oorporaUon, ioi $3C
value of
r whole
00 cash.
In exchange for good combination wheat
anil Btiwilc MTM-hln Vlaartarrf iiraa-iaf,. K 1 A
aaa-aaa, k.lf nkaa. ft T .I.'.l.. i CV-maker.
fair buildings. Price 316.000. - 1 1: PRICE $700; TERMS. 88 10TH BT,
818 Chamber of Commerce. I ' Beautifully furnished, handsome resi
dence bldg In lovely location with hot
40 acre 75 mile from Portland.' an- na oold water in room. Prtc $900.
We have gilt edge irrigated land and
some cash to offer for stock of merchandise,-$10,000
to $30,000. - Could ar
range to assume debt up to one-third
Vain. n atinlr n ..... L 1 a
ivo gopa property ror oaiance. Owner 1 improvea, 1 miuion 11. iir, crecx, wbhb vu vmw,
-I been . looklnc " for. . RnVaa
aailV nesldea ulnar Malrlu lata 1,
outre 811 Lumber' Whanr. " " -.- "T I X-629. Journal.
WILL invest any part of $2540 with I CONFECTIONERY Less than invoice;
aanlxaa In aiuwi kT,.ina. it zZ''Jllt I BtraetoaT transfer . noint. a-iwwl ..h !
Good furniture, nice, dean plkce; all ltj. GlvfuTl particulars. J,, J?WA!S2V renH levin
housekeeping and asy kept and a mon-l nedy.lll . 18th- t,. Y,y:,r, ,r: ;.... 771Washington.'" t?.i'.n:;l.vl i t I
WANT a-en. mdae. store, with building I VR baa-ac -At pargam, cleaning and!1
preferred, s up to , $10,000. ?s.y part I ' PPsing establishment, with-furniture!
cash and i Income , " Property,
ai vuriiiaa.
n town for few dava. an
with us at once by phone. v
' Lueddemann.. Ruley rn
'- - 918 Chamber of Commerce.
83000 cash, to-axchanaa for houaa nr I Al RnnMS Mnnnpu
lots. ' ... I riaiarln
U. fi. MORTqAGB A nfrESTMEOT CO., every expense. Rent $176 montlv Turn paying business,
500 BusjnessvCards.vt:ir
bxx puciiaiiaq Piag., jiBB fr wasn ton t I S,,! "wv.v.., om at, a yargcun. vi
A Rrtrtvf K..nff.iw lot EOilOtj' ?,.;X.t. " J 1' 1 ' ' . .
free from Jnoumbrance.. Exchange for 8HOE repairihg location; best In cltyj
aaaa.., K...I-... . a".. . . . v 1 I flranA CI YT. -Mat tat 1Ta..I... Xm
Owner. J-866. Journal.
timber,. $6
a : minion aaw ttmhM.
miles from Portland. 1 fmt a.ia.
and river, $1600; trade for improved
acreage near Portland. "C-742, Journal
A .GOOD 7 room housa, less . than 8
years old. . Price $3500. Trade , for
small farm. Call at 402 Gerllnger bid.,
Varln O Ta a"! A 1 arv skaa v
A FINE corner lot on Portsmouth ave,
..a., n aauja xur s ruueries ; VU, ee
l.lainr7276 ' -Trkw.Hiont
A HALF interest In two good mining
ciaim mat is worth looking up. for
have aomethlng that is good! ; K-776.
30 ACRES raw land. 40 miles from Port
land. . near railroad anil H-r- no in.
cumbrance; $1200. What have? you?
Hatfield. 166U 4th it ii? V.'
t .WANT to exchange my country prop
erty. valuation $3000, and some cash,
ror modern Portland residence, free of
Mortgage. K-887, Journal," -MY
modern home. lOOiloo "lot!" W-U
ii,Irv,BRioni f.orc?"''tA'i'.xnercantil bu..
Iness, about $4000 or isnoo kki ra...
aa ... . ,. .. . ------".(
Y property
$500 cash;
""Vh1?1.. . for. county
. wun mil min am. a iiiaa,
yS toci10.n good business. D
U1UI I18J.I. t i""!' " - f"-; i , v !... rj .
"trRKS.. Small house and bi
IVfi rnr nnua and ii ..a i. it tai.
'"S MV; ,IOU 1216 EYhxrvT" Ma --om-, housellolNE chair barber -shop for ,al very
rK'CJ-n-'H''v 148a. keeping; rent $26, $44 4th. C; . - 1 beap. U Sot and Morrison, ; -
' ' ': y.-':??yty- yH'yfyyyxyf'ydyf 1 K-yiyyyyyy ; v-'v,---;---vvr,r --.v'; v-.--v' v "7
Die away every niarht Prica tonn I ,.,tv ' : "'
THE BEST dairy proposition wlthinlo 6oddard, .803 Couch bldg 7 N,-" .a-SW gSK?VSS
iUUMH iioautirui location, best pay-1 Particulars, 702 Spaldlnir bldir.- Port. an i I
iiocnea. ! uiuniiiiT mcoma. naiiv nonra. i in nmiM , iynrrin4 . rw- tha i - . .r n . ti .
cultivated, fair improvements, in one $13,000 eaah and income property coii- 6ther business and a forced sale. Worth zJatr,lt9f1 "
8$ aores, within 12 miles of Portland,
near Grand ave and JB. Mnrrlainn An.
a... aa w .r-. . f - ..v .'
Tlim 1 al h ( Tl (a anllla Inaa. 4nn
60, near corner E. Morrison and .Grand
of the best districts tributary to Port
iana.f price $8750, clear. Will take
Portland house up to $4250, and give
easy terms on balance." - ' I .,
v . 818 Chamber of Commerce.
aiders d.
205 Abington Bldg. -
' Will take lot or lot in exchange nip
to $160), and maka good terms on bal
ance, or mignt consider small place on
FIVE - vear lease and f urnlahlnaa Ki I : 2r """
ave. Apply at 887 E. Morrison.
MILLINERY and hat store ; location ;
j best In .city; near jOrand ave. and E.
Morrison. Appiy hby -ui. Morrison.
' Have a fine 6 room modern bungalow. I electrio line up to full value for modern
1..X ..QK.1AA, 1. H X l .2 "7 I K 1. .... .waial. tlfflA .. V. . 1 a - .
' uvuBtj aim lawn .on obXIVOI I 9 avviu uvuaf nv ixa favvv, jr aivur-
garuen, Derneg ana irmt on the balance
In. good residence district near - car!
Price only $4000, clear. , Will trada for
xatiu auuui iv sere 01 equal-value
vx ". Lueddemann, Ruley & Co.,
'. , ' 813 Chamber of Commarna i
io ACRES of good soil, half of it"
5 room house Worth 83600.
nal. .' :; ' ' f'-v
I . -Hi ' ....f- . , , 1 i 1 1 1 I J j l.i 'XI T CXa.aU I, ' , y
i ROOM modern . house . to trada 'fori year lease: trull infortnat
.small farm.; . .- -. -". 1 bldg.. cor. Park and Washington
.r'u"", ' vr uvg jtuk BAAxlfl, tRe best
IV - laundry muta. I l T . - -. t -
x ..... . .1 I , - . W , I INTiEDffNnMNT afilMM lln.... an. aa. 1 . .
room brick ant and roomlna- Cnnaa wl w" yr,
Mlghrta't. aood'VVperty llW WSSAHlsp-PAR.LbH. with ' Ut, ymJ . .
I Wtlaf MtM ' Mini Ut Bevklvla . ,1 ' WUTK.. niKK6l 8k n OITr. I' I lnnAal4a I V Wrtair--vsaavae vviueuuviivl .V DI ' :.. C -
I.pnriW K.-. .aIu rTorth Bank depot. 408 Hoyt st ' . ' d lunch; by owner.v $21 Union
----tTw-r- a-a v.. as u ir i ii srrfiniin rionn.
ix on i 'win iraai Kflfvn J ,; A in, town, i
nuutuug jur tbouii property, uooa -la"'lvIi 'y"uul''. ,wo
- able. 4 miles from Ry. in. Wuhin.ix.
cuuixa-jr, awui in iue irom ATrtrand
FrnaJi shack And spring water. 31600
Exchange for , small house in suburb
iwyviv.. oto uunior xAcni8ig3 1
&&JLtf&V'-&l! 1600 EQUITY in a Bay Ocean lot; oaved
sZaiipP?o0: !!0"
.HAvi ' room-bungalow and 8 lota,
26x100V each, price $2800 and clear, to
trade- for acreage or small farm up to
that, valus. ;.; v.- y,vj..-,
4SJV -v? Lueddemann, Ruley A 'COiaWS5
y . Chamber of Commerce,
WANTED- I'o - trade our .equity in "S
'beautiful modern bungalow for some
sman Business, ynone H-2770;
Good rooming house for acreage
' 807 Couch Bldg. ,
$20,000100x100 corner, South Portland,
- improved; -income; clear; trade
., , jV for good securities or good real
wain 18. bii-tii yeon xJiag.
party. G5od $- rice reasonable, fermrBd aarll PARr Mnterest -in well- established .-
Ion at 812 Piatt Rfugefield.-,Waah7-;-.--,.l""'. . .printing office,' dolnj-nlco buainess.
ashington. DRY goods and notions store. Invoices "' '"y
paying small l"!?; will sell with liberal discount S,?!.?, if a.rine1?v.,.or all0,0:.-1
3irv. in fnifiiiiaa i lonixBu, i-ia TVa xviiiinrtiworTn - i
to postofficerlow rent, and a modern I SMALL stock and , fixtures millinery Er.s .'c g 1 'J
house, cheap for Cash. Marshall 2368. 1 "ndlaOUons; oiT mhlinnrv and n"'. al DELICATESSEN If
8 ROOM house, transient '$300;' cerUln" cheap. J-864. Jonrnal. :'' " train, see us on ,thll
street Paid. Will .take .arood
auvviiivujie, nr etiuiiy in a
think will please. See this. -802 Lum
ber Exchange. i- . - - .j. ' ,
-If you want a bar
thls Dlace. 80S Lum.
ly can make good: 3160 eaah. 260 ser I wiWii!iaj."hjw a.trx-,, ". j I ber Exchange,;. - ' .
month. 878 Taylor st -mail rrocerr or notion store. " VL FOR RENT New, store, in good iooat
10 ROOxVf housekeeping, all fiilL in- 701. Journal, .;, ;; .-T.' .'.,.;..: I tlon, on car line. Phone Main 1105 or
; pome $77 month; good location. 201 wK bi-ve wt 'market for rent: all caU at 170 v-rglnla st r '
13th sty corner Tay.or. '. .- , . TSmvenlences. EScoellent locatK x GROCERY Thl Is a good location, low
wAwi aKaU AxOt or cheap land aa part t.Iom para it, uitnwooa station,
j.jr mem on kuuu paying
.a-.P.ayl?ff.Sn,,ient REAL esute office having lnventoryf win -invoice..; sua i.umoer axenange.
dge.i Call East 2663. , O'Donnell Hardware A Paint Co. pleas FOR SALE 8x1$ Gordon printing press , N
JBly furnished, 1. 2 and 8 return it -w.-.; ..f .,-,..7 . ; and type. No. 1 Front t. v 1 'J
rent 8 IlvOng rooms. . Price inon na
no, in r.jui lv iii a ariiaii oruna i ,
ertv in Portland. Or what hava vou7l 23 ROOMS, nlcel
J :. la-)tra-."""":V.A-J'5'-v' ?4 lease. 1 cowrEuTAONKRl. at less than Invoinai I CASH paid for merchandise stocks, its,
LOS ANQULES city property, vacant z".. -l ' JQttrpal. ' -I stock and fixtures if taken before ' Chamber of Commerce-'"Main 6512.
AllUUiaUf, VIIJ j, Uf. xjr, , 1-amXaXt, 1 - 'aV4 . ' j'r ' i I ' ' f.a.w.a. ..I
ana ItriDrovedj ta avnhanira fnr Pnrt. I FOR SALE Furniture of 17 rnnm rnnm. I Wadnesdav.
ana proprny; also Ail acres or garden 1 . a xN. ibcii sc.
. ii , i . . ' . I mna vnr oania Ana.
PAINTING, cash or. trade.) What havel'l"- W. H. Lang, 315 Abington bldg.
;::r'. - 2. rr i . n ... . - i. uwu vinium iw a Daaerv-in a.
5rr T.-Anal 'x.,ocf,, I!?5a c' 80 ROOMapt IiOuho; fine location.- Rent I lamette valley town; good trade! KX.
$62. 3850. 88 10th st.
626, Journal.
uwner. tna yvashington at. CONFECTIONERY, bargain twice or in-
Wll-I - voicea; leaving cuy. m wasnington. , -
FOR ALL kinds of buslneHa chances see i -1
Joh" B. Goddard at 603 Couch Milg, 1
WEDatlNG Invitations, announcements, f
AU'aerrmt uo, mdi AJijrnBiae. M-6biii