The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 31, Image 31

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    I I
''. Farm
On Salem. Itlectric 12 milcsWu
weit of , Portland. 160 acres, fenced
and cross fenced;, 130 in. cultivation,
part bcaverdam; 30 acres pasture.
Good family orchard, 12 room house,
ig barn, good outbuildings; 3 wells
and spring; , 1 mile from school, t
mile from.Tonquin; $215 per acre,
$750 cash, balance long time.
Main' 2418.' ,512-513 Yeon Bldg.
. 100x100 S. E. corner'Tvast 17th
and Wasco Sts.. Improved with
7 room modern house.
. $12,500.00 ,
100x100,- upper . ' Washington
street,,1," .
10 lots ' Santa Rosa ' Park.
: $1500.00 .' '
228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
A Sound Investment
100x100 FEET ON
(Opposite Horta Bank station) " ,
' A much coveted J4" block.
Now. on the market at a bar
gain, '. and ' good terms." -' ; ,
. Full particulars from....-,
329 Henry Building, .
Special Proposition
Have you $700 to invest in a 40
a.cre tract of highly productive virgin
soil? This investment starts you in a
- proposition that will net you $60 per
acre as profit besides a home farm in
a live progressive community; only
SPtual honteseekers desired and limit
ed to six. Remember $60 per acre
profit is available and open for a few
days only. Call for particulars, room
702 Couch J31dg. ' ,
Total Price
Neat appearing, brand new cottage of 2
- rooms. , Nicely - papered, painted and
stained. . Good brick f lue, Bull . Run
water, and gas. .'Lot 60x100. 3 blocks to
A-l oar service. Take a Rosa City Park
car to 7iu at., our Gregory Heights of-
nce. com ctunaay.
- . Gregory; xnv. co. .
Attractive . nodern SuburW Villa
llzzx Golf links and Willamette River
. About one half acre of ground, gas,
electricity. Bull Run ..water, aewer and
improved etreet; reception ball,., living
room, library, - full Tement baaement,
five bedrooms, two ' sleeping porches,
extra tollota, two bath rooma, four fire
places, extra lavatorlea In bedrooma,
lota of cloaets, all built in features and
room for another ' bedroom. A' highly
artistic gentleman's country borne. .
Cash or tarmas . will conatder, some
trade. D-618. Journal.
on Choice Corner in Ron City Park.
Beautiful t-r. bungalow only. .... .12750
Inside lot same bungalow. .... , 2550
In Creat View VUlaa 2350
On a half acre 2500
On a full acre... . . . .... .... 8100
On 60x100 lot in Parlcroae. ...... 2150
On 40x100, Taborslde.......... 160
On 60x100. Mornljigslde. . . ..,., 2700
On your own lot, anywhere..., , 17150
-Kaay-Terma of Payment. -A.
B. ELAHBOS, 63S Cham. Com. K 9444
Grand Ave. Quarter Blk.
Between -Morrison and Burnslde.
For aale or .lease or will build to ault
tenant. Very easy terms. Will consider
trade. Want offer.
Investors.. Building & Trust
; -; " Company
. ! 403 Teoa Building.
Mortgage Loans
6 to 7
SCais 810,
Boom 431 railing Bldg.
iwuderit new 8 room lious3,
furnlHhed with now furniture.
.located on a fine view lot, 15
tnliiuK'S from Morrison street on the
west side; $260 cash, balance like rent.
An unusual opportunity to move Into a
htv home.. Phone? Main 1800 or A-6261.
l.ilt, 2nd floor Selling Bldg., Cor, titli
Aidfr. - 1
' I 1-ooiu house, all rooms la rice
VIUvV and light, sleeping porch and
t.tOr, full concrete basement: in highly
ipw trie ted district; all street improve
nif.fila li; large value, Phone Main
ism! or A-6261. PBOYISBBT TBVST
C OMPAHT, OWBZBS, 2d floor Selling
iil iK-. th and Alder, .
1 '" ?, M lowest rates; ,,
Smith Investment Co.
80 Fifth street Wain' 8770. '.,
BAST TSBKSi m Modern bun"
gMlowsi all the latest built-in
conveniences; itear rar. Phos
Main 1800 or A-6261. PKOVX.
OWNEIS, ?nd ' floor ' Belling
Bldg., bin and Alder. 4 , .
We Buy Notes :;
tit Salmon St, Main 1888, A-UJt
$5200 Profit
On Belling 38 lots at prices of adjoining
property; 8V4 acres on corlirio with run
mlP tffttyrAJl' imvn&ttfl cent car
tare. , - '
Price $7000, Terms
Mar. 3718.
Toon Bfdg.
11000 and up at lowest rates,.,- .
414 Corbet Bldg. A-141C, Karshall 02,
Htidmk"A i."ioi
Dally Sunday.
1H cents pet word per luaartton.
ffhla. ebarga is (or til cUwIficntbmrf except.
Int "For Sent in Private Famllr," "Room 4
Board In Private Family," '"Situation Wanted'"
and "Wasted to Kent'1 ads, , wbicb are 1 Is
cent per Word per Insertion.
AO ao cnarrra lor m iuhd in nm
114 cant oer Word tor all claaaKk-attona ex.
taptme "For Baot la Frlvata Kamlly,"
id ijoara in rriT rmuuij,- - dhu.,
Wanted" and TWanted to Eaut" ada, which art
IJ4 oanta per word.
i lint inaertiona tot i tnct ra iw
' Seven Insertion for the prl- f five. '
No ad taken for lew tban 15 centa.
An.wera to advertlaeajanta having the ol-
a,liti-MM. nil b. hid lt The JOUnWI
office by thoae preaeutlaf ticket for the sane;
B-6U3. 8; B6T, 1: 700. I; BOfl, If toe, 1.
c-67s; V)L ii 702. 11 S1, l; 678. Si
606, 1. . m . , .
K 6a, H 486. . Is 627, 1; 463. li 80S, li
681. 1L.686. . .
F aa, li , n aao, i; oi. ,-, ,.
I r Ml I r 47tt. 1 r 884. S: 680. 0 : 633. 1. -
ti ... . . UHA Mitt It 1QO. t KlULl
; 674, i; bei, 4; w7, 1; 800, li sua, 2; 676,
i; OiO. I, o(H, duj, .
H OOW. I"'- .ih " it . I " '
It IW7. 1! 6M. 1: 8U6. 2! 8H6. li B2L 1; 807,
Hi Sll. i 381, 1 816, 4i 808, 16. . '
.. M li 40, II i; ,DJ, J mi, i
468. li 477. li 726. 2i 716, 0; 600. Is 606, 0i
-al5, 1; SM, ; COO, li 1; 68. 2i 686,
2; 580, 1 617, 1, , .... I
P yi9, 1; 840, 1; 800, l; 358, Is 87.. li
350. 2; 400. 2; 461. 2 : 442, li 40. H 440, 1.
H 08, li 461. li W li 'i.w.
H-Mia. ii: 865. 1: 60S. 1: 607. 1: urn, 1;
813, l; 06S, li 48. 8; 640,, 1; 600, l'r b08, li
84)6 10 'V
U 308, 2; 644, 2; T43. 1; 5BS, 1$ 031. 2;
680, 1; 628. li 624, 2i 440, It B14. 1:
V li , li OO, li oii,li oio, if ;i,
1", 871, li 461, li 681, 2 687, 1; 614, l! 642,
''wlisiilii'eSi, V; o; u'eai, ii 407. ii 499, is
600, li 633, li 684, 1; 565, l! 021, li , IS
467 8 460. is 478, 6; 488. li 407, li 613, li
E22. 1; 6ii3, ii 688, li &08, 1; 805. 1; 127,
'X 4M,''H 880, l; 882, It 2L U 87, li
bJislV "li 805, U S42 I; T08. 2;
m. i: 431. li 80. 2; 608, 8; soa, U 0.4, 1.
Z198. 1. ' ' '
Bir Knights of Oregon Commandery,
M 1 if nnmmanded to report at
tbe asylum of Oregon Commandery Mon
day, October 27, at 1 o'clock, for the
purpose of acting as an escort to the
funeral service of our late treasurer and
f rater, Bir Knight J. w. .
Blr Knight Cook has been our trees
r nnmhAP nf vnara . ' Tour at
tendance will be appreciated. ; By order
Eminent Commander.
C. F. WIKOAND. Reeorder.
B. A. TC meets . every
Thursday evening In the
Moose hall of the Royal
bldg., 846 Morrison at, S.
W. cor. 7th. st. Visitors
araTrttY14k , " "' ,).,,
Phone Woodlawn 94. Corregpondent
ld6UNT iHOOD Circle No. 161, W. of W
will giva a special "Halloween Ball,"
Thursday evening, Oct 80, 1818. Eaat
Side W. O. W. hall, Eaat Sixth, and East
Alder sts. Dancing 8:30 o'clock. Orches.
tra music. Admission, gents 60c, ladles
2Sc. ' ,r r.. . .
MALLOWEEN masquerade, by Monta
villa assembly United Artisans, at
Grebel's hail, corner 80th and Eaat Stark
street, Friday evening,. October 31.
Prises. Admission, 26c. . Artisans and
friends are invited.
ALL A. O. U. W. and D. of H. members
and friends cordially Invited to join
Fidelity .lodge, V, of II.. in Halloween
social Thursday night, 128 Fourth st.
A regular frolic. Free. Margaret K
Herrin, ec.
MT. HOOD circle, No. 161. W. of
will give a whist social and, dance
Thursday evening, October 16, 1813..
East side "W. of W. halL E. Sixth and
K. Alder sts, Orchestra music. Admis
sion go cents.
FBAM Assembly No. 121, United Arti
eana, will give s hard time dance end
social Monday evening, Oct. 27. Dem
meier Bldg., 128 4th at All Artisans and
friends are cordially invited.
K. t L. of Security gives a. card party
end dance Monday evening, Oct. 27,
Manchester bldg,, 86H; 6fcb. Admission
16. .checking- free. :?. " ' '
meets every- Tuesday evening in Mair
hall, N. E. cor. Williams ave. and Rus
sell st H. M. Callwell. Secretary.. '
marriages, Births. Deaths.
W. G, Smith & Co, :iyeaJ3l?
Washington bldg.i cor. 4th on Watih'ton.
DREHS suits for rent all siaes. Unique
Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st
CLARKE BROS.) florists, fine flowers
and floral designs. 289 Morrison st
AUTOMOBILES for hire. $2.60 PEB
HOUR. Main 614. A-4814.
Cf KTlUCATKii of tltla made. Title 4
Trust Co.. T.ewlf, bide.. 4th and Oak.
UEBI) In this city. Oet. 20, Joseph . Reed,
sited 00 yearn and1 2 (Smiths, of West I'ort
land. Deeeaned was a niember of Oeorge Wright
Poet 1. O. A. H. Members of the O. A. H.
are requested W attend the funeral serrlres,
which will be held today (Sunday), at 2 o'clock
p. m. at tie reaidence eetabliahmeat of -t V.
Klnley & Bon, lluntgomery at Fifth. Krlendt In-
Tlted. Interment at Oreenwood cemetery.
YOLiNU--ln tbU elty, Oct. 'JO, Walter . 8.
Youiib. ased 46 years, brother of Oaotala tt.
3. Young, of Oregon City, Oregon. Tbe funeral
jervlcea will be held today, Sunday, at 8:80
o'clock p. in., at- the residence eatabliabment
of I. P. Pinley ft Sun, Montgomerjr at Fifth.
Frl wida InTlied. ;r"- -
COOK At hi late residence, 407 Vista, avenue,
In this city, . October 26, 1RI8, James W.
Cook, aited 80 years. 2 months and 8 flara.
Fnneral serykw at Unitarian -harcb at 3 o'clock
Monday afternoon,. October 27. 1013. Vrlends
Invited. i, '''"'! i
HAAS 'Die funeral erTlcea of the lata lira.
Christina Hua will be held at the A. It
Keller Co.' parWra, W2 5:t4 William i ave.,
tomorrow : (Sunday). October 26, at 3 p. H.
rTlendo are repectfnll,T lnrlted. - ' t
I'fcARSON At the (hud KamnrlUn biiapltal,
Oct. 26, 1011L Mrs. Ivar Pearaoo. of Klickitat
Washington. Iteinalo at fearaoo's funeral
' nnslvna
of all kinds.
Main 7768. A.
7703. 120 4th
TONSKTH FLORAL CO., 133 6th, choice
cut flowers for all occasions; prompt
service. Main 6102. A-1102,
MAX M. SMITH, florist, . 141 V
In Belling bllg. Main 7218.
4th st,
FLORAL - SHOP. 2d and
Alder. Pltoue Marshall 6922.
jirjnruinj'rxjrtJP-jTui u 'uil"-""!. isg-riiiiiT' n Mi "iill
The only residence Undertaking:
llsliment in Portland. 'Repreaentin,
nir the
of fu-
arrnatnHt advnnce In 4h nnionue
neral aervlce, The automobile .equip
ment and aecluded driveway are among
the many exclusive features. : The e
tabltBlied policy of moderate prices has
never been changed. ;
' - 3. P. FINIjEY SON, ' . ,'
perfect Funeral Service,,
Montsomery at 6tu, ,
MR. EDWARD HOLM AN. the laadina;
funeral director, 820 3d at., corner
Salmon. , Lady ' aaalatant, t Phpnea A
1511, Main 607. , i
Dunning & McEnteeSVfWHa
every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430,
A-4568. Lady aaalatant.
ATR. Zeller Co i East 1088. Lady aU
Day ana nigsn service.
- wood ave.i take Bellwood car. Open to
visitors dally from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Il frrfnirrOrUTLeadlng east aide undertalc
II HWInler. Jjidy .aaalstant. B-1888,
- w - " " riHni i n i . w,. dim smiiu aiuci .
Q V F M C C Undertakluc Co.
O r L V V CO A-2.121. eorner 3d
Uan 4152.
and riay.
DC A RQnKRlndertakers, K
I uniiuwn 371 Kusseu St.
UKMSIOOK. 1087 K. 18th. Hell, 71, B-1W and
nmverauy mix vol. m-3wo.
PLS. Main
MnrrlMm at.
6183. A-2283. 446
Schumann Marble Works-
East 2d and Pine. East" 748. .
PORTLAND "Marble Worka, 264-266 4th
at. Opposite city hall. Main 854.
100x100 close In on east side; wilt
build to suit tenant; long term of years:
good wholeaaleHlocation. ,
4 th and Pine Sts.
-Aak'' for. Birard. ' ' ' ":
Win build on this 60x100 at 6 per
cent values business property; also lOOx
200. For particulars call at corner oi
4th and Pine.
Suburban business lot, 76x100, Street
Improvements all in and paid for; sac
rifice at $860. O. L. Webb,414 E. Stark,
MUST be sold; store bldg. with Jiving
rooms, in good location; 83300,' 1800
down, 115 per month. 6 pervent J-842,
INCOMH) property and cash to exchange
for business. Income up to $10,000. B-
740, journal. 1
$4000.00 buys an apartment site, west
side, only 18 minutes walk from poat-
oiiice, fli. ni. tee. Did ijoroett omg.
north of Thurntan, east of 21st. close to
public docks and In line of factory,
warehouse and railroad improvements.
Is now yielding good Income and has
exceptional speculative value. Will sell
ot tunon nurt ranh This is less than
unimproved property in same neighbor-
m . v . , J V J - 1 i It. km4m1
nooa ii neia bu wiu orat wiui yiiiit,
pals onlyt- J-838, Journal, . .
. - Overlook : -
. New C room bunralow. fireplace, book
cases, large buffet, oak floors, cabinet
Kitcnen, e large oearooms, cemeui ono
mnnt. lot 60x100. Street and aewer paid
for, unobstructed view of city and riv
er, laiMi; terms, ait commercial uuo
bldg. Main tit. '
New Cottaee, HawtHorne Dist
$2860 5 rooms," 'oak floors, furnace
nnil everything .icompletes easy terms:
discount for large payment; am going
to Seattle and will give you a pargain.
Call Stiles, owner, feast bdU4. '
New. strictly modern - 6-room bun.
galow;. full cement basement, walks and
stepa; built-in effects; Deum celling;
ftreolace: electric fixtures: $2800. Own.
er, 1038 E, Slat at. N. Alberta car to
21at at, H Mock aoutli. .
"" SAVE 81600 ON THIS HOMB3.
The best built 7 room house on the
best street in Mount Tabor. Lesa than
a year old. Strictly modern In every
detail: 'Fine-unoostructea view. .i,ar
lot $5000; half cash, no trada,D-72
NEW S room bungalow, bath, fireplace,
bookcases,. ; buffet ; light fixtures,
shades. - baaement waslitrays, ; large lot,
restricted .. district, excellent neighbor
hood; only $2300; terms to suit Phone
owner, Tabor 842.
Six room cottage, all on ground floor;
three bedrooma, rear porch screened in ;
baaement, plumbing, . etc, . irica onl
31400. 8660 cash, balance 2 vaara.. Ca
owner evenings. Tabor 2444.
FOR SALiiJ or exchange, new : 7 room
modern house, Hawthorne district
Debbie dashed - with crushed .- marble.
See this before buying. By owner, Tabor
BriJtNDID 1. room bungalow, 2 sleep
. Ins- norohes. 6 rooms and bath be
low, Dutch kitchen, full baaement. Take
1 or Z-iols: terms; diockb car. cvo
Union ave. N.
.ilAAi l.t.,i, K ,nm mnjIM hi.nnln
all built In . conveniences, built for a
nome; lot eoxiuv, ciose to car, east ironx.
$300 Cash and $20 per month. 1026 .
ftth Wnndlnwn 8229. -
AT a great bargain,, new . room house.
. half block from carllne; also 'some
cneap iota on. oy icrino. f ijono xa
31260. 850 DOWN.
116 a month buys new 4 room house.
lot 60x100. O, L. Webb, 414 East Stark
6 ROOM ' cottage, gis range, gas water
neater, gooa location, x oiocks from
car; price aisow; smuu payment; terms,
weal urown, oi oiog.
MUST sell 2 houses. 1 6 room modern
bungalow.' 60x100 -lot and a. S room
house. CfxlOO lot; cheap. 1344 Denver
ave.. Wt'Jonns car. .
A SNAP Will saonrice 400 on a new
- E room bungalow with fireplace and
all'modern conveniences, 3 blocks from
Hawtnorno car, b-bb , Journal
NEW unincumbered 6 room modern cou
. tage. wooumero, giaou; z iota if o
Sired, ' owtiCTi 'i apnr.,
A SIGHTLY Willamette Heights mod
em home lor sale, jrart caah. Ad. W
656. Journal,
FOR SAL10 7. room house, modern, lot
Worth 28 00 for $1760, Tabor
8029. -
FOR SALE Some real - bargains and
good snaps. Tremont Realty Co Mt,
Scott car. 'labor 80Z.
ft Attn A IN ' 1 room modern home
1 DlllAn 1 1 AO na.l. h. 111..
UHIU " ttVi.ti-,,, y . v v vw u. m.w.,v iir.
rent Kast
Sum, OWNER $10 buys home. S rooma,
bath, pantry, many conveniences, 8803
6th at. 8. K.. Mt Boott - -
NEW, modern 4 -room house for aale,
$100 rash, $17 per mo. . Rose .- City
Park. 722 73rd st. 31200. . ,-
1-3 ACHE, good bouse, near Multnomah
" station. '; bargain. " Marshall 2896.
8-KOOM modern house, 60x100 lot, with
furniture, ou rami, w-oza. journal.
5 ROOM houan $1000; terms. Call fore
- noons or address 684 Commercial at
i Open for Inspection Toda
Between 12o'Clotk and 4 p.m.
f Take Alberta car to East 29th .-.
,. street and so half block south'
to No. 1021, and there you wvill "
see a.dandv new bungalow, lust '
, specc kuii wiseniein, vwu j
, ment , floot. modern plumbing,1 ;,.
Dutch kitehen, five rooms. A ,
. little gem for the money. Prlca
v $1960; tcrmfs too.,
nmember the Jocatlon,'Ko. ,
' -1021 East 29th st. N. ''i
., . pur salesman will be there to -
Vahow yon - the placet. '" ,,
""W. A. Barnes, Co.
404-5 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak.
. Main 208L t .....
.room, modern houaot with., central
entrance , hallway, hardwood floors
throughout, aleeping porch, on paved
atreeta at corner li, 14th and. ,Veldler
. 1-11 i-. SnAAlt '.'.V'; 1 i i'",;
si w. M.JI.a... U ft tea. An lf , AA1 AO
feet, near graded and high school;- 80
IS. uouca a i., near u nh'.fi'vv fi
terms. , , '. ' y 'v.iw i
, . . 1KV1NUTUJN. '
S ranmn 'new and modern, nardwood
floora, hot water heats at K. 27t;i, near
Stanton St. Price, S860O. - v,
. BAWinUKWIl, - -
j p I Will a, " ' " ........ ,
gatage, at corner E. 26th and Market
ata. '. I'rice. iiu,ovu. . . "
H.P7 PAlliMERJONE8 CO..' '
404 Wllcoic Piag. fnonoa at. epg, a-bdj.
' ' Country Home V
. ' ax raimew..
1 acres at Fairview." 7 room
modern, house, nearly new, plentyi
fruit only mile to elactrlo
station, gas and electric lights, , ,-;
beat of water and all conveni
ences;. $6000,; might consider,
some trade, . ' i
Dorr E Keasey & .Co.
td fir., Cham, of Commerce bldg.
1,...,. ;.. ilt1. ' f, r.nn1 and
cleared.. 7 room new bungalow. tasleTul
ly built, fireplace, elegant Dutch -kitchen
and linoleum both in kitchen and
bathroom; built-in buffet gas., wired,
full plumbingi soma good furniture;
chicken house,! chickens, all for $1876;
terms. Owner to leave, so will ' sac
rifice greatly;' 10 minutes from car.
Come and see it today. Underdahl, end
of Woodstock carllne. Sellwood 978. -
. New
7-room bungalow. Just 200 feet from
Sandy Blvd., double alaed living room,
large dining room, extra large modern
kitchen, bath and bedroom on first floor,
two largo bedrooms on second floor, full
basement furnace,, beautiful fireplace,
hardwoo4 floors.', mahogany borders,
large buffet, plate glass, solid hardware
and in fact the moat modern home in the
diatrlct Price only $3900. . $400 cash
handles It you must nurry jor uiis.
U. UeYoung & oo. -
.- 614 Chamber ot Commerce.
Small payment and $16 per month
puts you in possession or ona or me
most attractive gungaiuwa m iuo jri
thorne district .for $320.
Biz rooma,. attic, . xuii cement pane-
ment laundry trays, fireplace, nard
wood floors, paved street House new
and will put in, elegant new fixtures
and Buaaes. xou can oaim your rem
money in this nouae ana enjoy toe sa
tisfaction 01 your own norae, . . ,
J. O.
Marshal 3177, A-34St.
800 Yeon Bldg.
A Home in Laurelhurst
Seven rooms, fully modern, Juat
completed, close to carUne The ,
price is only $4760; $450 caah, $26 "
per month and interest We will .
take vacant lot in good district at
right price as part vment.
The Oregon Home Builders
1406 Tronbldg. Mar. S718, A-448.
Genuine Bargain m
a thnrnusrhlv modern new . 6-room
home 200 feet from Alberta car that i;
just the Kina or a noma . uiw woura
sell in Irvlngton for $6500. must be sold
for $3500,Vwltb terms for a reliable
party. Come and look, it over, you are
the Judg.
U. UeYoung & U0r '
814 Chamber o.f Commerce.
$30 cash, $30 per month, Including
Interest Will sacrifice for $2800. , 6
rooms, fireplace, buffet bookcases,
breakfast alcove, -full cement basement,
lot 60x100,. improvements paid; 160 feet
from paving leading to .the business
center; on East Everett, 2 blocks to car.
See my representative. Mr, Saunders, at
61 8 Board or 1 Trace ouuamg, , or, caii
Main 8368.
$1700. on easy terms, for 6 room new
bungalow, full - plumbing and .wiring.
See Underdah I, today, land of .Wood
stock carllne. Bellwood 973. .
-r for quick; sale ,
win make 2400 reduction on erlce of
bungalow, on .corner Jot in Rose City
park, near car. it win pay, you to in
vtlirMt. PriR now S3 400. Will con
sider lot as part payment C-74 6, Journal
VOUR rent money with- a .small pay
r ment down will build you a home any
where in Portland. We nave no real es
tate to- sell and no middlemen to pay.
You get guaranteed construction at bot
tom prices. N-768, Journal.
6 ROOM new strictly modern bungalow
i large attic, basement, hardwood floors,
fireplace and built-in conveniences, cor
ner lot, Sunnyside, $3160; terms; Paul
Waidt. 12S7 Belmont .st- -SACRIFICE
A modern . 6 room house,
lara-rt attic, full basement, price $2360;
Cash $576, balance terms. Take W. R.
car to maMt gtn at.t waia souta diocks.
Owner. 1118 E. Kelly St. ,
-ACCOUNT of sickness, must sell our' &
room cottage-, all modern, full' attic,
nearly new, 19th and East Oak; $1300,
$tou caan, Daianoe muntniy. jo. ,w. uage,
328 Pine at ' '. . ' v.
fVIVf 4111 liftBU, P.UIIV. ,V yVI
6 per cent, 8 room house, corner lot
40x101. east front 2 blocks from school.
6136 63d st.,. Laurelwood station, Mt
booh car. . r , . . ., t ....
FOR sale by owner, " 7tHx285 ft, easy
terms, completely furnished s
house - with outbuilding and
chicken house.'. Phono East 189.
78d St.. H. E. v.'
HOME or Investment 4 room modem
mttini. . hatli and flreolace. chpan.
easy terma; present occupant willing to
lease .one year;, proaaway car. - a-od,
Journal. ' ' "
$20 MONTHLY, including Interest' for
. 4-rnmn buniralow and- oaiiekon ranch:
bath, -water, improved streets. Address
W-827. Journal. ' -
$1950 A dandy new modern. 5-rootn
bungalow In Womlmere. A bargain,
hustle. Terms ay. C. DfcYOUNG . CO.,
614 Chamber of Commerce.
BARGAIN 8200 down, sit per month, t"
.-room new modern .house In Parkhurst
addition, $100 belpw cost. - lit Henry
vi.a " ..... . -. . , - ; .. . . . , . . .
OWNER - will sacrifice modern - new' &
room house, partly furnished, lot 50x
100; terms. Cull 1166 Burrage, pear Kil-
llngawortn ave
AN. enuitv o
50 In a new 6 room
bungalow for
664 Journal.
$600 cash. Owner, U-
$"50 buys a two room bonne, block
from W., W car, balance $300, $6 per
month. Call at 288 Jb. Morrison. - -
ies .,"'
r1 Make Your Dollars
Go twice as far bv picking your home
lr ' Lents. Exceptional opportunities
run ba found bv carefully scrutinizing
lour Hat. For further details come out
., . JBltvS",F'! tlj ,r -Jf-'" ... -V
V; , - Ji L, Robinson , . -.".
" $60 DOWN, $10 P45K MONTIT, ' .
buys a beautiful little plastered house,
nice front porch, acre of ground, not
far from car Una. . ,. , .
- . . $900 -. .
8K acres, small house, .good wood'
shed and chicken housea, about. .3 acres
cleared, 4 acres slashed, : nice spring,
running water. mi ins from Clatskanla.
, $1025 ':,
' Brand new ,3 room plastered bouse,
Dutch kitchen. nearlV acre of ground,
fine woodshed, 2 blocks from , Main
street. Just outsldo of city limits of
Lents; "876 down, $10 per month. , r
Five room plastered house, H acre.
Short walk to car; $26 down, $10 per
month, A snap. . '.'
.r.-- -f$1200
t room bouse; bath, hot. and cold
water,, big new ranger lot 40x100; 8
blooks to car; $60 down and $16 per mo.
- - V- $1700 V
Nw p to date 4 room bungalow with
ftfl built in conveniences, such as Dutch
kitchen," extra drawers, bins, etc. . Fvili
baaenrent I ft deep fine ' wood lift,
electric lights from basement to garret
batht lavatory, : rooms all tinted, large
closets, fine reception hall, in fact Up to
date in every way, with a fine 60x100
ft lot Some "young fruit trees, straw-,
berry patch, fine lawn and flowers. .A
snap for only $100 . cash and $10 per
month. , Why pay .rent when such buys
as this are to, be had, only Vt block to
CRl '"' '' v''""' --'''''f ' i.i'. ' '-"Vii;-
- .',r .V $2200"
"$100 cash. $16 per month, new modern
up to date 6 room bungalow; fireplace,
full baaement large lot. Everything up
to date, near car line, Jn fine district
V, $2560
7 room i story house and 4 acres all
In cultivation, and plenty of friMt 4
miles from city limits of, Portland. Make
your own terms. '.v- . , ; , '
. "rnboy Heights
$2E0-Ixit 40x100, $5 downward If per
month; all level, sightly, fine soil. Bull
Run water; 2 blocks to car.
: 1-2 'Acre, $500 v
All level, water in. lies fine, on Gilbert
road, only a short walk to car; $10 down,
$10 mo. Buy now; you won't regret It
., - $400 and Ud.
Elmo Heights, U acre... $5" dfiwn,, $5
per month. - 0 . 1 .
- The Bright Building 4 Investment
company will build you a home on easy
terms. Put your,, installments Into a
home instead' ot renting.
- ; Thekla Bright, Mgr. '
Lenta.1 Or., t blocks east of Pos toff Ice.
Tabor 4249. - " B-U1.
;LajjreIhurst Home
An' Exceptional Bargain
Aery Easy Terms i , ;
f 9 rooms, every modern convent-
ence. ' Tiled kitchen, extra large
tiled bath, with sboanv c Hduse
piped for either hot water or hot
air.- Tbrea fireplaces.. ..1 Large
sleeping porch., , Oak floors
throughout Lot 76x100, with
garage, Might consider clear
vacant lots as part payment
Phone Marshall $718; A-4484. -'-''
, . .
Modern Bungalow
City Kark
This is m. new strictly modern
6 room bungalow with fireplace, :
built-in . - conveniences.- close
to carlinev on 60x100 ft, , lot
Only $2660 -small . cash .pay
ment - and your own terms on
balance. Owner is pressed for
money and has cut the price to
COSt v
Dorr t. Keasey & Co.
Id fir. Chamber Commerce bldg.
- Sacrifice
Rose Cityline -
New 4 room, house., modern
plumbing, baaement, blca. lawn, -soma
beautiful - trees, improve
ments inv and paid; built- by
owner tor. home; will sell for
less than actual cast; 2 blocks
to car. ' Price $1760; $300 cash,
balance very easy terms. ,
W. A. Barnes Co,
404-6 Lewis Bldg.; 4th and Oak.
.. , . Main 2081. -
18 Bearing Fruit Trees
Modern House $2400
This ' 6 room residence on a
0x100 ft. lot facing east has
gas,' electricity, cement sidewalks
. and curbs, and in fact all' the
conveniences. It is clear of in-
. . eumbrance, rents for $20 a month '
and has 18 bearing fruit trees and
t .' all kinds of berries on the lot; -1
$00 cash handles it
Dorr E.. Keasey & Co.'.
' 2d fir, Cham, of Commerce bldg.
$1200 Buys.
Ai anlnndld little home and 2-2', nf . an
acre on the Oregon City car line; place
la under splendid - wire , fence, fruit
trees, garden and berries; grounds are
artistically laid out This can be bought
with a cash payment of $600. This is
less than raw,, acreage, Is selling for
in tbe vlolnity. , i - s
" Kupper & Humphry ,
' 912-213 Chamber of Commerce. ' '
. "A Home That Is", v
, (8000 -Splendid . 6-room ' bunga'bw,
hardwood floors, paneled dining room,
elegant fireplace, full concrete base
ment, large rooms. This place Is In
the "classy' part of the Hawthorn.,
diatrlct ' 1200 cash, $20 monthly, or
you can maks your own proposition. .'
;Kupper& Humphry1'",'
' 212-213 Chambnr.of Commeroe. '
4-ROOM modern house on 60x100 lot in
. Central Albina Addition. Mtg. of $1000
at 8. per cent due In 16 months. .Will
sell equity fnr $1000.00.
' T. W NORDBY, . , ,
Lii0i,c '1 Jyif? 8L.
Can purohaso a modern 6 room bouse
on Multnomah near 4th St., on terms
of NOTHING DOWN, balance like rent.
Main 2418. 612-613 Yem Bldg. '
New modern. 5 room bouse, full lot,
V block to car, clone In: sacrifice $1660;
$650 cash. Claude Cole. 817 Board Trade.
$46006 room modern Hungalow on
' - Wasco between 2ti and 27th
', i a- Terms. , i '
l?ln y-18' i 612-618 Yeon Bldg.
fl600-$100 rash. $16 month, 877 East
' 2th Bt 4-room cottage, lot 40x
100. '
Main 2418. 512-613 Yeon Bldg.
SUV EN room house, chicken houses. trees, lot fenced; worta $2500, for
lieu, isoor iu:y,
ry, yt ,laic ;
y Two dandv bungalows 6 rooms, ,
modern in every, way. eleutrlo '
xturt-s and shades are ail ' in, ,
1 assunsmenta paid, located .
ocka from the Hose City car j
ftks from tlia Hose City car t , i ,
i. Price $1860. Alo two Of, 1 1
' - line.
' from- .he Ktutlnn fln ' surtound'
iner and strictly first. class. Price
, ' , $lnu. Terms on the above $50.00
" cash, bnl. lika rent Will take a
, lot as part payment. .
T. W. NOKDBY, ,1 '
'. ' . .' 702 Couch BUdg. t , .
v ;mtomme avehue -
Tjnusually attractive ' 6 8oms, light
fixtures and window shades. We have
tlireu extra well built Itomes to select
from." All of them flnlstied in tbe moat
up-to-date style with a great many ex
cluMlve features. l!"or' beauty and con,
ventence they cannot be excelled, Cora
para these with others you have seen,
We will profit by the comparlaon.-Pur
best advertisers are our satisfied cus
tomers. Talk to them about our houses.
Come out to 843 E. 43rd st. and see for
yourself, Easy terms, .. Owner, Tabor
0 31.
$18006 room modern - bungalow, , $100
cash, $20 per month. '
$20004 room bungalow, doubla . con
, atructed;., aU . built-in convan
, lences. . v
$30008 room modern house, all built
, ., " in features, 1 block to carllne
' and paved Street t
- Sunday take .Rose City Park car td
?2d st Our of flee-weekdays 418 Cor.
bett bldg. - . -, , . t
r -Gregory Investment Co, , ,
,r - Farm loans c" :
-;E, 22d St Go Look s ;
Only $100 Down
All Walls tinted, double floors, com
plete plumbing, sewer ' connection .elec
tric fixtures, window BhadenV" cement
basement, cement walk, balance of price
$2800. only $17 montn.' eeiiwooa car to
Ellis ave., 8 blocks to 1133 E. 23d. (A
mile nearer than SeUwood). 615 Ablng
ton Mdg. . ' '
Go at Once! t. 20th St. -i
- Only $100 Down "
N i bnniralfiw. K rooms, bath, best
plumbing complete, cement baaementall
walls tinted, 1 electric- fixtures, double
construction; Bellwood car to Ellis ave..
2 blocks eaBt; a mile nearer tnan eeii
wood): bal, of $2300 only $16 month,
615 Abington bldg,
Only $25. Down ...
$12 Month .
4 rooms and bath, complete plumbing.
electric, fixtures, cement basement, win
dow shades. Price $1660 Cement walk;
and everything- paid, Sellwood caf to
Vos C.1HS ave., a mile nearer man our
wood. Go look., then call 615 Abington
blda- -
- One Acre of Ground
River Frontage ; '
Rich class . modern lmDrovements.
A snap for this class of property . You
can't get it in the sprinsr and only now
because i need tne money. uwner,
478, Journal, 1
of mv wife leaves me with lit
tle baby, so have deolded to take baby
east, and will sell at a loss my modern
Knu' PH Parlr hnmt fnrnlsha,, fwlth
piano). House has 7 - large rooms, be-'
sides sleeping porch and den, oast noors,
furnace, fireplace, ehina closet, nloe
lawn, fine view. If you want nice home
at a bargain and have the money, bet
ter investigate, call 266 Btarg. or ave
k. 4tn . u. vrew, owner.
- New Bungalow . ;
- $2950 -;
Hardwood floors. - furnace, flreolace.
Dutch kitchen, bookcases; 6 rooms; aast
front; 1 blocas from car, on . one or
tbe best lots in Rose City Park. y
SOS STOUK. IflAl-'rlArSUlfl ii.Ul.rU.
Verv Attractive Home
( nice large rooms, also attic and halls
extra well built, furnace, fireplace, ce
ment Basement. Tine rixtures, : enaaes,
ga. range.;- nice lawn, - paved street
Sightly lot. $4500; Tabor 2029. Owner,
Charming: Home; Irvington
' 9 large 1 rooms,' up to date, oak end
mahogany finish, 3 baths, servants'
rooms; garage; lot eoxioo. least 273,
Eaat 3209. W. H. Herdman.
$150 cash and $16 monthly for a nice
, 8 -room modern " bungalow, handy to
cars, on ' r.ast i, Mortn. trice oniy
$1360. Will exchange - for mortgago
or msiae lot ana assume mortgage,
874. Journal. - , '
Close to Union Ave. . " .
' Modern -v 7 room . house and garage
good neighborhood; half ' block west
of Union ave.- Snap. $60 Monroe.
: Mv . modern 6 room bungalow, full
basement everything first clusa; house
cost over iieuu to buna; one diocic to
car. Will take $1760 on egood terms,
Owner. R-608. JOurnaL ,
226 down. 812 monthly. 4 room house.
plastered, hot and obld water wired, gas
insta uea. corner duxiuu, wooasnea.
chicken house. Smith-Wagoner Co., 618
stock Kxcnange,
CxTY Park bungalow, 7
and aleeping porch, hardwood floors.
fireplace, built in conveniences, 2 blocks
from car. Will consider building; .lot or
acreage as first payment. Owner, Tabor
$10 . per month;. $100 down;' modern
little home, 1 block to car, $1500. Phone
today. Eaat 1628.
ON ACCOUNT of change of business lo
cation, wish -to sell 6 room .modern
house and corner lot in Overlook. Would
consider Rose City Park lot In exchange,
Phone Woodlawn 1848.
A (.ROOM hntisa betwen FL BthBt W.
and Union ave. on 60x100 lot. highly
improvea, iiou casn ana zt per mo.
Price $2600. Brong Mauary Co., 507
Lewis bldg. '
A BARGAIN' in a lot 60x100 one block
from Williams ave. Thin 11000 lot can
be bought for $600 cash. Brong Mauary
t;a, tv ijewis oiag,
MODERN 6-room bungalow, -3 blooks
'- rrom wooastocK car line. n;asy pay
ments. Price, $2200. Bee A. B. Williams,
Lumbermens National bank.
F6R SALE 6 room modern cottage, 18
fruit trees, - cntcken nouses, park, ail
kinds of berries. Price only $1500,
blocks from car. Phone Tabor 3949.
WOODSTOCK acre. 4 room house, chick-
en house, etc.. 1 block of carllne: 17.60
per month.. Phone Sellwood l0f, 8un-
oay, or Mam ai4 wee-n gays.
$300 DOWN, $16 per month,, room
modern house, fireplace, lawn. v roses,
block from car, $2500. Owner 4321
63d St. Mt Scott car. -
$800 SACRIFICED. . '
Modern home In Rose City Park ba
be sold at great lona. Inquire of. It,
v. Keemster. bow Abington bias.
$25 DOWN, $10 per month, 2 room plastered-
house, corner lot, close to car,
$750, 6244 Foster Road, Mt Scott car.
WILL take your lot aav first payment itn
modern 6-room bungalow. Alberta
diatrlct $200. M-487. Journal.
FOR SALK 2 bungalows, 50x100 iotn
near cars; nlso 6 room house, S lots
or lews? Terma. Owner, Phone East 1210.
NEW modern Hawthorne bungalow at
cost. No agents. Main 8294 or W-667,
FOR KALI'J 6 and H room houses, Haw
, thornq district: $r0 down, balance $2
a month. 809 Ity Ex., Ford & Co. -
NOTHING DOWN. Juat monthly jnay-
buys a nice home near
Cell Main 1463 today.
SIX ROOM bunnalow, cement WRlks,
paid $2600.'' Terma. Zella Oossett 7
Wcat KHiingwworth ave.
8-ROOM hounn for sale at once by own
er, Call 67 Columbia at.
Would You Buy a'Home?
. We offer a five room bungalow '
nn a 60x100 lot. t'onveniont to car
Una,-school and business district, -'
for $1900; with a caSh payment of,,
$160. The balance can be arranged
. by aasumlng $1H00 mortgage tnd
t.-Mir -AiontUlv navxti.iiiii t
"Trffrel irrtproCment"UtraS.'-
ne asHiimeu, II interested,. call At '
our o.riice. . 4
The Shaw-Fee
Main 36. 102 Fourth -Bt
Will ljuy. a brand new 8 room buuga- ,
low. an artistic fireplace with epgnt .
beveled plate glass doors on built-in ,
bookcases, also a fine built-in -buffet,
beamed ceilings and a white enainulcj '
Dutch kitchen, hartiwood floors in (he ,
len, living and fining rooms, every .
feature of the house is modern and the
material of the very beat, only 1 block '
to the Hawthorn ave. car line, faces '
east lmprovements-'all In and paid fur;
it is a bargain if you are loolting for
something good; price 32900; $260 cash,"
balancer terras: ' John -L. Kamiopp. 825 "
Hallway Exchange bldg owner. Mar- ''
shall 26747 . '
.""'! !)'.'". "H ' 'i II. I I II u i mi Ii i, il i hi in".
$5500J.New ' jnringtori- Home ,
The price is right, but will make lib;
eral discount for cash or for large cash,
payment. . -
Located next to N. 'E. cor. 17th and
Tillamook, v Plate glass, oak floors, fur
nace, fixtures, vshades and everything .
complete; soua Drass naraware mrougu-
uut.. .
N. B.-wWill Klve yon a bargain on
terma or for caah.' I am going to Seattle'i
for keeps: Call-Utiles, owner, East 6604. .--
r, .- usual courteaiea to brokers. M .
New" Bungalow ,
9 fi RfLt 1 K ft ADBh i K A ' AnaW
.1 f BUW W V V V ' VBK7 flU 'SB. SSI , : '
and interest On Alberta st, near, "
Jofferson High school. 6 rooms,
cement basement .fireplace, oak "'
floors, fixtures and shades, 50x100
7A.3600 "
lot , Street payed and partly paid. . ,,
The Oregon, Home .Builders ,
xtvs aeon mag. war, ay is. a-448.
6 room modern bungalow, 3 lots, side
walks. 44 block from car in restricted
district, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet
naneled dlninar room, flrenlacn. .. book
case, window shades, electrio fixtures,
laundry trays; lot all graded and seeded .
to clover, nice fir trees, on county road
macadamised, close to business district;
tnis win db soia Bunoay or- Moncay,
Oct. 26 or 27, 1818,. Call Sellwood 133.1
or take Woodstock car to 62d st 8. E.
Inquire for W. IL- Betts, owner, 5204
60th ave. 9. E. - -
M Acre -y -4
Room Plastered House., .
Bull Run water, close to large School.
and 5 cent carfare, $50 down, balance
like rent. . .,,.
'618 Abington Bldg. 1 '
$5260 7. BOOM house In Kenilworth,
corner lot 60x100, full basement wa
ter. furnace, parlor, dining room, lara-a ';
kitohen, 2 bed rooms, bath.' toilet and ;;
lavatory, fire place, - book eases and
buffet tip stairs. . 2 bed rooms and biRv
llard hall; window shades and lighting
fixture; 3 foot above grade, fine lawn -and
roses. J. W. Hickman. 804 Guv .
linger building. Marshall 2289, Wood
lawn s(.
; . Near Union - Avenue
New and- modern, 6 rooms downstairs
and room for 3 rooms upstairs; full base- ,
meat a 4X48; wasn trays, , fireplace, auv
built-in conveniences, paneled - dining
room, Cement walks around bouse. Wat.
not built to sell. Price $2500 easy,
terms; might take lot orr first payment"' :
' S. P. Q3BUHN. 60l McKay Bldg.
YOUR attention! $900 cash op 61001;
, on terms buys this lot A lot lo tl '
same block sold for $2600 over a yer
ago. It is seldom a bargain Uke this ..
Is offered for this property Is on the
west side, exceedingly close in, walklhg
distance and possesses a commanding
view. This property will appeal
either the Investor or tbe home builder.'
11-606, Journal. .
- $750.
100xlO7U corner Willis bvd. and Foss
st, 2 blocks from Columbia Park; ce
ment walks paid; biggest snap In that"
district. v. ,
4th and Pine Sts.
LOT 10, block 82, in Rose City Park on
vtn at rnca only , sobo; $zou casn,
bal. terms. , ,
, mlth Investment Cb," - "
90 5th Bt Main 8770. '
Corner, lot' 60x100, store and flat and .
6. room cottage ; all rents $35 month; '
mtg, $1760, equity $26Q0; trade for cheap
land. Call 406 McKay bldg. rMaln 934.
LOTS 60x100 feet' near 49th and Dl- '
vision sts., water, cement walk, grad -Sd
street. Price $600. Terms $26 cash 1
and $10- per month. Paul Waidt, 1267
Belmont st. ' , , . - , ,
FOR SALE CHEAP or trade for small " -
bungalow, equity In three lots located
in E. St, Johns, Columbia boulevard and -MoCrum
st Phone Sellwood 8086 or -apply
614 Corbett bldg. , ' J f .
$600 WOODLAWN lot block to car;
terms. $500 University Park lot,
$1100; lot on Mlsslssippt ave., east front
J. W. Hickman, 804 Gerlinger building, ,
Marshall 82B9. woodlawn 3878.
LOTS. 100x100. two blocks from Mt -Tabor
car, only $2600, for quick aal: ?
easy terms. Dorr E. Keaaey As Co., 3d
rmor, tjnamoer or commerce oiag. . '
LOT, 40 by 120 feet for $226, twelve,
minutes walk from 6a fare, $26 down, ;
$6 a monaV, free water. Address Bloom "
jurat Box 2, Lents. :' ' . '
ASTORIA residence - lots , for 'sale, or S
will trade for desirable property, For
fartlculars call or write - G. A,, earlea, .
05 Seward hotel. Portland, Or.
LEVEL, lot, (1st at Broadway, deed anrt' "
- abstract, $163: Act this minute lest ,
the other fellow beat you to it. Owner. ,
J. A. Dennett, 845 Russell. 1 . '
- $475. lot $476. On Maryland ave.,
near new Kenton school, blocks from .
car. Phone Main 1721. . , . -. , '
1325.00 BUYS 60x100, view lot. water.',
piped to the front f'ne for home; .
$10.00 cash; balance $6.00 per. month..
M. E. Lee 622 Corbett bldg. . ' .. y
BARGAIN, restricted district, graded'
lot 40x100, E, Yamhill near 27th; ideal 1
for residence or income; leaving city;
will pncriflce. Owner. 408 Hall ftt. - -
ROSSMERB,' 60x100,. fronts, east close ,
, to carllne, street paved; a bargain.' l .
only $860. C. De YOUNG St COn 614
Chamber of Commerce bldg. , - - ' J,
$575 CASH buys a full eaat front lot in
Rose City Park. C. De YOUNG- A CO., ' '
514 unamoer or commerce oiag,
FOK SALli Eauity in corner lot. Rose
City Park, half block -from Alameda
Drive. Phone owner. Main 61865
SNAP Must sell fine business, corner
' on Kast GHsan, near Laurelhurst -
IKKlOtakea ItJ Tabor 2075.
LOT 25x100, E. 30th at, Irvlngton ParC
1 worth $500; sell half price, reasonable
terms.- A-839, Journal. . 1 - - -
TWO largo Firland lots, each 60x140 ft.,
for $850 cash. Owner. P. Jv Bales,
131 2 Macadam St.; city.
FOR HALE A nice lot in Montavllla,
cement sidewalk,- - cheap for cash. '
Owner, J. A. VVllllama. YaooU, Wash, 5 '
NICE lot close in on paved st, $1400, J
' Inquire 840 V Anke-ny. -
tWO lota for sale cheap If taken at
oncBT cienr title: ana naprnan. Apt. J. t
FlKLANli lot $850. worm $460; terma
jj 6 monthly. Main 1 16 6. or Tabor 7 71 . v
BKHT rt'sidt-nce site, Portland fits, $500
ea ah. balance deferred 7. 466 18th.
NICE" lot, 100x100. bargain, , terms. '
Phone Woodlawn 279.
MUST sell 60x100 Beaumont- lot
drosR owner, p. o. not iits.
TWO University 1'Ht-k --liilsi
Johnttton, 702 SpuMing bldg.
: t - '