The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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rcsszi: nu;;ci?AL rcrrrLAKD agents fo?. tic ladizs' ho:.:e journal patterns, in which are au-the ih s
1 ' ' ........ . ... , ' j " ' ' ; " ; . - . ' J
- . i .. .. - ... . . ... . i ,., ,
A Ccmplcto Fall Glioirin- cf Pino Kid Gloves I ' fS'-K J-i;. I The PopulaiStyJeO iil:C'On'rJ
" We have prepared for your inspection a complete stock of new kid Gloves. ' s ; v V' i irTll r j, .'J Sii''2l!?-LZ- v W--'J-1V;-,-'Ja O r r
1 They are shown in alltfie wanted and new.Fal shades that will matehW Cf(4CrX LiCVjl VOOl bWGater COSitD Cit OU.OG
X France Gloves, made of French lamb. Eudora FrenchKid Glove, made with over- , ' . "'JSJ CtJ-j - 7 A incstt4of.?0.1 yarns-especially attractive are those in Shaker knit included
kin and shown in all color. AH C" A seam. All colors and all aizes. PA 7,.V,.:;v. ,r... V v'-v,, , f ..... ,... ' are all sizes in cardmaj, oxford .and .white You will find them bet- Ar A A
sizes. Priced at V j priced at .......... ..,,.... '. ,. ,vXwvl JHE MOST IN VALUE "' THE BF-T IN QUALITY' crnanusua vaues at. t;i'i .., i. . , . . . .i... . . . . . .0U U
Knit UnclcPT7car and -Hosiery for
7oinca and Children Undcrpriccd
'There's health as well as comfort in the right kind of
UnderwearPerhaps more than anything else a person
puts on. , All the weights, from the thickest, in all ma
terials that are good, will be found here Here are some
very -special values j we are ' offering: Women's fine
fleeced cotton Underwear, in cream and white colors
and of correct Winter weight-i-weli fitting, neatly fin
ished garments in all sizes ' f
Vests , and -Pants r A JUnion , Suits ati'( ? ;A
at,, a garment,. ... OUC I suit,.,.. ... ... ..Ol.liU
Children's Union Suits fine heavy cotton garments that
are both warm and durable, they come in cream color
and in all sizes and are underpriced for this .sale m r
at, suit.- ; ..... ..; Lk DC
'Women's. Fine. Wool Cashmere Hose 25 and 50 Pr.
isiQ.-w 'lid dii jjc-i ' .rTNi
vJL- m M.t M I f r . ..'II i - J 1 !
And Every Section of This Great Store Io
Every clepartment of this store is crowded with tempting offerings -AsaortmenU axe large' sji
varieties. as. unusually; broad. Eveiything is .fresh and new and , most desirable from every
point of view. HereNyou will find a brilliant fashion show -everything perming to the Dar
ticular woman's wardrobe will be found in this display You'll find our styles unusually pleas
ing, our qualities all that can be desired aid our prices not by ; any means u the least : pleasing
;' l -. -'. ' t - ' ; feature of the showing.- - : : . ' ; ;. -: -
Sale of IIons Wool Sweater Ccata
.We ..are specializing on .the. most staple lines of Men's
Underwear and Furnishings and you'll find it decidedly;
.worth while to .come here for anything you want these
items will give you a good idea of the price-reductions
MEN'S WOOL SWEATERS made .of fine soft yarn
n'd;''ho'wn:.ii$haeWeave--hey come in' ruff-neck
styles and are made with two pockets and elastic wrist-
band3Airsizes ;iXpof ki .v 4
$3.00 ri a 'Vf it I co no I w.oo $o on
Grade;2).4y I tGrade iiVO Grade dJ.Oll
loS Grade 986
fA, fme; new line of Men's Negligee Shirts, madeirt cbat-,
jstvlewith French v cuffs and separate collar to match
iThey; come in plain -tan,' cream, white, blue and in as.
sorted ( stripes- AH Sizes- Best $1.25 grade. .".Now- AO '
on sale ati . . . , .' i . . . .. . . i . . .- . . . . j(OC
'sSr Superb Bhowins and. SaleV"6
Women'G Suita, $10.50
$12.50, $18.50 to $30.00
' It' the most exhaorclinary display of lutnosbme fash-1
? ionable models in the : new colorings ' and materials ever
shown . at this storeand ' for .style, workmanship and
prices Values are uncomparable. ''' , ;' I
, Tomorrow .we place on : sale a great i special purchase
of Women's Suitsthe very latest creations for late Fall
and'Winter wear and like their; predecessors, they aren't
cninV fn remain with ik Inner vk..hMiififti11v dftsfirnftd and
reasonably priced arethey See-them tomorrow or the?
next day. if you. can possibly make it convenient to do so V N
They are. made. of the finest navy blue Senres the V v
i :.-.' i L m i-t i-i i i -
most popular mixtures ana : iasruonaDie piain snaacs c
The Coats are Skinner . satin ; lined and are perfectly tai-
lored thev come with rtain back or sliehtlv trimmed and
are shown principally in the cutaway styles The Skirts.
are piain xauorea ana arc snown in urapca moaeis or wnn ?
side: Slit We know, that they, cannot be' equaled else-:?
where In quality, ; style and - workmanship at anywhere
near the figures quoted for. this sale-There is ample .
variety to suit any taste and a price to suit every purse
-'Yoiu have unlimited choice' ' ' , ! h;
at $10.50 at $12.60 at $15.00 at $18.50 to $30.00
' 'Qs v-U
ANIT 'I :v.';:
Gpeat : Sale of , TOnioe ;lldyep..'L'ace.s: i98o'';Tapoi
hundreds of designs in beautiful, clear-Cut patterns They come 18 and 20 inches wide and are shown in whitecream and ecru
Regular values to $4.00 per yard. We reserve the right at this sale not to fill phone orders, send any CO, D. or make exchanges.-
This season's showing is the most -complete collection ever exhibited in our department, and the values offered at this
sale will be the talk of the town - Nowhere will you be able to iret values' like these. ' Come and make
spctiat pmuwsc anu saic vi fcovcmi uunurcus yaras oi peauuiui venise Aiiover Laces ot the imest qualities. They come in an
unlimited assortment' of clear-cut patterns suitable for yokes, waists, overdrapes, trimmings, etc, and are 18 and 20 inches no
wide. They are shown in white", cream and ecru and are the kind regularly sold up to $4 the yard. Your choice at, yard SuC
v Oriental Edges at 12o a Yard , i
An extrensive showing of rich 'patterns to select from They
come from 4 ;to 7 inches, wide and are shown in whitecream
and ecru Dainty trimming laces sold regularly at' 20c Ol
ayard Now. on sale at ...... ,12C
: Convent Edge Embroideries, Regular 20c and 25b Grades, at 12o Yard
A great special purchase and sale of Convent 'Edge Embroideries fine imported 'hand-worked patterns that are extremely dur
able and especially; desirable for trimming Children's Dresses and underwear Regular 20c and 25c grades Priced for t A
this sale at.. ....... .. i... -. .....'; '777;.. t. .........I .....,1ZC
Valeneienne Laces at 50o a Yard
A great clean-up sale of fine German and French Val.; Laces
both edges and insertions,, in many widths and patterns, r Reg
ular values to 10c a yard on sale in bolts of 12 yards pg
each ;a bolt..; ........r...".,..-.l?..,.-....3uC
Great Sale of Jointed Dollo, Regular
G2.00 and 02.50 Kindo at 01.49 Bach
A special pfe-holiday sale of fine "imported Jointed Dolls at' considerably?. less than real
-worth they come full" jointed, with moving eyes, sewed wig, eyelashes, and with : shoes
icings iney arc me Kincvmaac to sen rcguiarjy ai ana ,ow orr saie at px.ftV
and stockin
Bos Paper, 35o" Grade on Sale at 25o
A special sale tomorrow of several
paper with envelopes to match shown
initial paper in. : white the- kinds alwayssold at;35c arbox, on '
dozen boxes rof. Writing : Paper-4inylHighland ' linen
own in white. and, in delicate,' tinfs'lso Delft OC
Women's Fine Onting Flannel Wear
Is Greatly Underpriced for This Sale
A fine showing of Women's Nightgowns made of good heavy
quality outing flannel, in solid white, or pink, blue nd gray
fancy figures or stripes. These Gowns come with hiriirround
and Wneck with long'sleeves or low.neck slip-over style with
snort sleeves. Jixtra gooa length;: and tullness.
Priced this sale at...;........,
Women'i Gowns at O8o ,
A very choice offeting of Women's Outing Flannel Gowns,
in mamy attractive, styles they come in plain white or pink,
blue or gray in fancy figures and stripes. ' Thev are prettily
trimmed with feather stitched tucks and scalloped embroidery
edge. : hpwit - in either low - neck with short sleeves ; a a
or high neck with long sleeve Styles. On sale at.. ..aOC
r'v' s Woman's Gowns at 75c.: f
This assortment includes . Women's Nightgowns, made of
good grade outing flannel, in plain white or blue; gray and
pink, in neat' figures, checks and , stripes. They are neatly
. trimmed "with hemstitched tucked yokes. Also with fancy
braid.; They ' come ' ijt : high neck and long sleeves, or low
neck and V-neck styles. Extra good length and full- 7f
;ness. Specially priced this salc..... .. .,...'........) J)C
Children'B Shoe Ueedc
Beot Filled at Tbio Store
. A Special JUnderpriciiig of Neat Styles m QuaUties That
Are' Everlasting , " ' ; f . ' j .
Little Men'a 'High-Top Boots of" brown 91I calf Made with
double sole and buckle Regular "Logger? Boots' gf Af
in all sizes from 9 to' 13 Reg. $2.50 grade on sale2)l0
V.L Boys' Heavy Chrome Calf Ghoe3
Shown in Blucher style with neat broad toe, double capped
and with solid leather counters and soles A fine Winter
Shoe. underpriced '7 '"V;"'-.' r 't'--: ' .
Sizes 9 io 13, $2.25 A-i 17 r-' I Sizes' 13 to iyi An an
Grade at, . . : 1 4 D I $2.75 Grade, at. . . )LtLiO
'""X' 't, Giris 02.50-Shoes ftjft
, , . ;' and Jockey.: Boots aP A O
In this assortment you will find a splendid lot of Girls full
vamp, solid leather, box calf and overweight kid Shoes; also
a fine lot of Jockey Boots with collar and tassel as well as
Boys' box calf and velour calf Shoes broken -lines including
-many styles with Goodyear welts All sizes in the lot, but
not all sizes in each style All, are regular $2.6.0 A ',. r"
values, now on sale, at. , i ..... & 1 9 & )
am.) K 1
M GpQEut Enpooition Of Dpess Goods and Silks
The Winter dressmaking season is
on' in ' earnest and women every
where are eagerly seeking , informa
tion about the new fashions. ; Our
"V v.
JJ! :. : veritable storehouses of accurate en-
, ugnxenroent, ngnuy uiuswaicu; uu
" Dress Goods-and Silk Sections are
( . nect lessons on what is newest and
i' ' ' - i. j . t.i- j xr.. r:j u.
most desirable.' You svill find here
"hosts of exquisite and really exclu
sive materials things that cannot
All excel in the beauty and charm of their colorings and designs anything we have ever shown
Dciorc. vome, mane your seicciions wnue assonznenu ac t uicir ucau .;;:,...v.' j.::
: Hew Bcboaded Scin Cliarmeuoe .
,The most popular-weaves and colorings are here in an1 unlimited showing-particularly at-
tractive are the new 40-inch brocaded satin Charemuse and the new Silk Crepeshigh class,
pure silk fabrics of beautiful finish and perfect weave ; they are shown here in all the correct,
new shades and are matchless values at 1.50, 2.00 and $2.50 a yard. t . ' , (
; NEW JOUET CREPE DE CHINES, full 42 inclies wide a rich, elegant fabric showh in
charming new printed effects in the latest colorings Come and enjoy the beauty of . this
showing Considering the width and quality xf these silks they are most moder- (JA' rjA
atcly priced at, yard. ; . . ; . . Ji ..... , OuOXJ
Just Opened a Great Lot of Earptian, Turliioh and Bul
Carian Volvots at Q1.50, C2.00 and 02. 50 Yard , ;
Decidedly effective colorings, in the new fancy Egyptian,' Turkish and Bulgarian .Velvets
many exclusive designs it is an assortment that far surpassed any. previous ' showing either
here or elsewhere They are the finest of high class velvets of the exceptional lvalue ,' at
9l.pOf?3.00 add 2.50 a yard. . - r ; - ; , .,: ,1 ."'V,
Finest of Wool
Fabrics at, Yard J).UU
.Very cleverly woven,, fine,' im
ported, all wool fabrics that are
extremely ; fashionable They
come in a great range of pat
terns and in all 'the desirable
new colorsr-they 'are 1; full 46
inches wide and are of splendid
weight you will agree with ; us
that they are under- An
priced at, a yard..". -4011 U
SCINTELLA One of Priest,
ley's New Weave A Silk
and Wool Fabric Q QA
at, a Yard Only D l.UU
It is a rich, elegant dress ma-,
terial shown in both, plain and(
brocaded ' weaves and in ex-'
quisite color combinations it is
part wool and . part silk, and
comes full '44 inches wide It',
makes up beautifully and must
be seen to" be appreciated It is
very moderately - priced ' for a
high-grade -fabric atgJ gQ
.You" are invited to' come and
see The . New p Broadcloths'
New Poplins New . Coatings '
New Cream .Colored Fabrics"
New ; Scotch ', Plaids, ' Etc We
promise you unsurpassed values
m any wanted weight,weavo or
color. if..., "rVj . '
Again-; ITou ' Ape In-'
vited to Shape in the 'J
Savings of This Great
' With cooler nights come the thoughts
of warmer bedding and a great many
hotuekeepert will find thia tale an ex-
1 cellent opportunity to supply their needs
at a saving these items for example:
.Cotton Blankets of fine wool finish they
come ' extra ' large and heavy -and in . cray.
'white and tan Regular-$2.50 val A nr '
rues now on sale at,; paid ...... 1 . if ) '
Wool Blankets an odd lot, in white, gray
and plaid styles-All are large double size,
fine wool Blankets, in regular $5.50, a j h
$6.00 and $7j00 qualities at, pair;.. Jl.iD
' Full Size I Comforters,' filled with 'fine white
cotton ; and covered with H excellent i quality
silkoline They have plain centers Ao '-''m q
with colored borders $2.95 tgrade fDtJtO
Feather Pillows, full 21 by 27 inches They
are filled with sanitary feathers and covered
with fancy art' ticking best , $1.25 Ar
grade on sale at, each..,..,.....,., .JjC
Hemmed Spreads made full size, for double
bed.4 and5hown in a large variety of Mar
seilles patterns best $1.75 grade, A mq
priced at," each, .0 1 fill
mm -
r i iv --..ui s s i ii jk ..w .... i' l ;
Bleached. PiUow Slips, 43 by 36 inches, made
of vfifte ? quality muslin they " are the i a
kind, regularly sold at 12c on sale IviC
Bleached Sheets without scam in center and
niadeitdl;i2e''f6r'd6ubl beds thev
come 72 by 90 inches best 70 praflc Z
Extra heavy and larjre, full blc,
Slips of good. durable -quality t! ;
by . 30 inches Regular loo pi
now on sale at.
1 i'il