The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 27, Image 27

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ri'iirnn obnoncnn ; IUi TIIUIUOLU
Commercial Need of the Span
; Across vColu.mbja: Empha
sized bv Pioneer,; -';;
.Joseph I Biiehtift ' tb pioneer,' whose
1 rye can no longer see the acoompuan
ments i1' of:;; th ;.; improvement for
Portland-vthat-'. .s spent "-. ..'large
Bhar of hi mors than 10 year In ad
vocating, is a supporter o? the Inter
utate bridKe, Yesterday he dictated to
his Caught a : statement I which ah
trantuTllivd and which' was brought, to
The. Journal. .It reads as follows; ,v ;
"The world moves and Ores, on and
Washington are keeping well up toward
the. head of the procession. Portland,
with Its SOO.oOe population, and Van
couver with its growing business and
beautiful surrounding country, make
doner and more convenient communica
tion desirable and necessary, Clark
county has, by an overwhelming: major
ity, voted bonds for It sltare of the exf
pen of building this Interstate undue
and It now remains for Portland,' In the
-1 - i ..1 A..tAwl&M ,11. hAn,l
for completing . this . grand ? structure
which will stand as a monument to the
enterprise and. spirit 'of our western
cities, .-.!.,. . . .'....',.' vv ,..,, "
..Would XsA Xo Menace
. 'The Columbia and Willamette rivers
have been frosen over from two to four
weeks at a time during many winters
since '52, the year I arrived in Oregon,
an many of my old pioneer friends will
recall,' and,.' as the old saying has it,
vHintory repeats Itself we may look for
a reoccurrence of such conditions almost
any winter. i vr- v :
"When the Columbia I frosen 'ever
and later when the ice breaks and goes
out with a rash; It Is extremely danger
una if not Impossible -to cross from
shore to shore.- This bar to communica
lion between Oregon and ; Washington
win be obviated by a good substantial
bridge. .Therefore,, for the best Inter
ests cf all, it is opinion Imperative that
ih interstate bridge should, be built, "
- "I,et us turn .for a moment from a
business to' a scenic) point of view. What
elevated plane could be found afford
in- , a grander view than can be had
from the deck of this proposed bridge-
away to the cast the Cascade range with
Mount Mood looming up over 11.000 feet
mirroring. Its snowy slopes in the- wa
ters of the Columbia to the north, the
thriving city of Vancouver, the military
post, one of the most picturesque posts
in the United States to the west whero
the "Beautiful Willamette1 mingles Its
waters with those of the lordly Columbia
and to the south; our own Portland"
with its many fine business houses, sky.
wra per and beautiful residences and
Council Crest towering above all.
"Turning to the history of. Portland.
It is not so many years ago that traffic
waa carried, on between the east' and
west banks of ths Willamette by means
of a small ' boat nrocelled by oara and
captained by Charley Frush.". Later
by horse propelled, boats and. as busi
ness increased,, there followed in rapid
succession1 ateam " ferries in ; increasing
capacity until, finally nothing" short of
bridges could carry the traffic, tb Mor
rison street bridge being the plonaer of
all bridges of .which we how. have five
crossing .the river The heed, .of bridges
across the Willamette simply emphasises
the need of an . Interstate , bridge more
forcibly".-' ,;,, ..;,..,
. (Special to The Joeraal.T V- 1 ! '
Vsncouver, Wash., Oct sSi At the
district convention of Kebekah lodges In
Vancouver tonight about tOs delegates
were present.- A S o'clock dinner ' was
served in the dining room at I. O. O. F.
hall, and all members of the Progress
and Oneonta lodges Were present to en
tertain the visitors. it will be deter
in lned which lodge has the largest rep
resentation, and that lodge will be pre
sented with a neatly made gavel, carved
from a piece of the old witness tree,
which stood on the bank of the' Colum
bia river here till two years ago, when
1 1 -was uprooted by the waves. Ridge
Held will likely be the winning lodge,
it having had the greater number at the
afternoon sessions. - . ' ' ' ' ,
-Th gavel Is engraved as follows:
'Presented by the . Past Noble Grand
lub to Rebekah lodge, having largest
number of delegates at district conven
tion." There are X Rebekah lodges In Clark
county and two In Skamania, these com
prising the district;1 :v;:v .
Funera! services will I
o'clock tomorrow afternoon for James
W. Cook, pioneer salmon packer Of this
city, from the Unitarian church; Broad
way and Yamhill -'street, --Rev. T. I.
Kliot will officiate. Interment at River
view cemetery, will be in charge of Wil
lamette lodge No. I, A. P. and A: Mi
of which Mr. Cook was a past master.".
Mr. Cock, w;io was SO year old, died
yesterday morning. He had been a resi
dent of Portland for the past 61 years.
,5! in NewMfc N. J August
23, i833 ) He came to Portland vl Pan
ama . 1855 and early engaged I the
tent and bag making business. In 1870
. Cook, Simmon-.JPaoklng company.' Ak
pioneers tn, the cnnlng of th Colum
bia, s most famous fish, tjiey. built up a
business that soon etenJd u . ty.
Ti?r,lii ME-.o" ""red. from business
in XW. Miv Cook is survived by his
widow and two daughters. Cornelia Cook
and Mrsyaorlce Crytmpacker. ,
. - , w. - v. r csenc pros
pects for neat ysar In Gilliam county
re especially bright The fall rains
were unusually heavy and came at
the right season and the fine. weather
which has since prevailed has allowed
the farmers ample time to get In an
unusually large acreage of wheat. The
soil Is in the best possible condition to
receive the seed grain which, with the
abundance of moisture.' will - get a fine
,rnlh Oil. foil ---I -I T "T
start ahead of ; the weeds,? 4, ,?
Hood River, . Or Oct.; W-fmettoaf
or vne Home . and School aaiuwUHnn
was held at the high school building
lat nijht and a literary program was
given. The present Oregon school sva-
t em t-ame In for a severe grilling by
a nuinbw of speakere who1 addressed
lite meeting, and . it was charged that
tne .system. I too tnechanioaL and that
th Individuality of the teacher - was
entirely destroyed.. Monthly meeting
lil l e held by th association during
the rot of the ex-hoei eM.-u'K-'.''?'-.','--s ,
Mre,:0,' N. Denny -Has Most . " . . -j; ';v f- ; , , MicVis
Valuably Collectioo of Ori-r; . rV.; f; ' ; " 1
: v T eritah Art1 Objects,' ;;vf !, ' ' ' "'M
rJwii-BrrrT . ; 1 - r ,; :V-
' In tfortland.ln the possession of r r ' 'i I miWSr ' ?
Mrs. O; ".Penny one of tbo pioneer t t k t t- - "
daughters, of the -northwest, T la to-be t t - . ' I. $ '
found one: o the largest and-most vaU -,k f ' . T f I Il'T 4 T
In tfort
Mrs. O; Itf,". Penny, one of, the pioneer
daughters 01 tne -nortnwest, .la to-be
found one of the largest and most val
uable private collections of Oriental art
objects In the world.", - - ' - a, '
' The collection' -which embodies' Some
of the richest anoV roost marvelous hand
iwork of the-Chinese, Japanese and Ko
reans, is valued at 19,000,000 and Is
made up wholly ;of gift conferred upon
the late Judge Owen N. Denny and Mrs.
Denny during their Jrtars,"- residence
In th orlen." Each piece has an inter
esting story attached" to If and these
are . told with , much :harm by Mrs.
Denny, who' Is 'now the' possessor of the
collection, which is housed at her home,
tit Sixteenth street. ' v , ,
;.'In July.. 1877,-Judge Denny was sent
to Tien Teen as consul, to China for the
United States-..This city was the horn
Of the great viceroy. L4 Hung Chang,"
and the diplomatic relations between the
two men ripened, into a strong; personal
friendship, which, pasted through th
many years Judge Denny remained to
the Orient. , ' . , h ,
It was whll 1 was representative
there that General Grant and family
made their famous 'trip : around the
world, they, being tha , guests) of , tb
Dennya for several days, It was the
close and 'Intimate relations of, Judge
Denny and Li Uung Chang that enabled
General Grant to come into ao close a
touch with th -viceroy at that tint. :
Judge, Mrs. Denny and their daughter
were the - honored ' guests ' of General
Grant and family from Tien Tsen to
and through Japan, the trip being one
of continued fetelng on the - grandest
possible scale. At that time - some of.
tne aniciea. now ownea py Mrs. fenny
were gifts presented them by the mi
kado. . v:i''-T'V-;-. ,-'i
; After three and a half years of ser
vice at Tien Tsen, Judge Denny was
promoted to the off Ice of consul genera)
and transferred to Shanghai, where he
held 'office for a period of fpur and a
half years, at which time he resigned
his position and returned to Oregon. ,
In the year: 1865 he was called to
Korea as advisor . to the king; ; and di
rector of, foreign affairs. In entering
upon his official areer, ; his position
waa established at court as viceroy,
ranking next the king, and by the na
tives and all orientals, .was known as
th 'foreign' kiac'? y,J".r"
, At this ' time the old imperial palace
waa fitted tip for tbelr occupation, al
most everything being sent to them
from the king's own household. 1 Inum
erable gifts of old and rare furniture,
porcelains, carvings, ornaments, eta.were
presented them In recognition . of his
services to their country, as Judge
Denny was known all over China for hta
justice to all men alike. .
This office Judge Denny ' filled' for
over five- years,- then being, obliged to
return to the United States on acoount
of ill health: In all, nearly 18 years were
spent In the orient, during which time
be was the recipient ' of - Innumerabla
gifts from the highest 'officials in
China in recognition of his services to
their country;- '
yi; Xaeb Object Carries History. ?V
To each of these art objects there at
taches a story quite uu interesting as
th object itself, but this arUcle deals
only with half a dosea of the rarest of
the Chinese porcelains and bronzes, ,
-The really rare and costly oriental
H Parents Work In Nearby
..:..,. 'i,;. r.f '.', f V-f 0
(SpMlal to Tb Jeersal.)'k.-v''-,
Ontario, Or. Oct . JS-ltr.., and Mrs.
Orvil Becker, a young married couple,
are In the Holy : Rosary hospital In a
crltlcar cotadltion, ; as, the result of se
vere burns received this afternoon, when
their home on a ranch near town wns
destroyed b? flre-i.
During"; tb af ternoon. Mn ? ahj 'Mri.'
'Bc,tp h1'' '' three; ,onth old baby
in the house while they went into the
field. . A little later they saw that the
house was on fire. Mrs. Becker arrived
first, attempted to rescue th baby and
waa overcome.; Becker succeeded In get
ting both baby and mother out, th baby
uninjured, but Mrs. Becker was so badly
ournea sne is not expected to live. R:,
Becker is also seriously burped, and
Will lose both bands. His overalls ware
completely burned from his body, , Two
hundred dollars In ourrency waa burned.
fete?"'.,, s'tv.- !. w4vrtft.f-
fltei,; ''40
lilt - C tm:KKi:yW:y-": - .
i.- r .1..... '. 1 -J ' mmU.
: ' - Sis ' '' '
Rare ?vaseB m collection of ' oriental
low background, i TWs plece
18 incnea Wgb. oyaw of the
Bottom Left to4I1ghVthreery'
vases and kindred' art objects ' come
almost invariably in 'pairs, and with
but few-exceptions, Mrs. Denny's fin
porcelains ; are In couples, which " are
either identical In design or very slml-
The justly fsmous CIadort green ' of
such Interesting origin is introduced
In a pair of medium alsed vases stand
ing 18 inches In height, and being nine
inches wide. . The body of the vases 1
that indescribably soft dull gray-green.
known ' as the ,. Celadon, . a color first
Introduced : Into Europe br . the Dutch
East India company, . the. name, having
originated from a French play in which
the matinee idol,, who was widely known
as depleting the character of Celadon,
always dressed in this peculiar shade
of green. Celadon green varies almost
from a gray stone to. a blue green, and
is rarely : beautiful. On this pair of
vases the modeling on the body ox the
vase is - dona under, the gloss in self
color. . These vases are also remark
able for the fact that they show the
first introduction of the red and blue
coloring In the floral design. , ', '
Another pair r of wonderful antique
pieces is a set of Peking cloisonne
vasee, standing xs incnes in neignt ana
being eight inches In diameter. . Al
though it Is impossible to know, the date
of tbe manufactury ' of any . of .' these
oieoos. as tney were mane oetore poroe-
laln was either dated or marked. It IsJ
known that thi pair of vases Is verj
very old, the "Utput of : the , original
cloisonne factory at Peking, from which
all. other cloisonne . factorlea have
sprung. ', Thl factory was famous, all
over the' world hundreds of years ago,
then operations were , suspended . for a
time and within the past few years it
has been reopened and some marvelous
pieces are being made there now. These
vases have a foundation of brass alloyed
with gold, " and on this is deposited
porcelain of a robin's egg blue, wrought
with a very dellcgta fret work of a
modified Greek key pattern. A The vases
are .ornamented with tw6 panels . with
a dark red .background and decorations
University Referendum ; Issur)
Preliminaries are being arranged by
the College Equal ' Suffrage", leaf ue ;f or
holding next Friday ;nlght.N a big meet
ing ' at which hro ; will : b discussion
of measures to bo voted upon in next
week's special election. The. ,' league
was a prominent organisation ln t (he
fight for eaual suffrage last year.' and
is noted, for Its aggressiveness and ef
ficiency in ; activities " which; it . under-
takes. '. -t"! j. V ';,
Th meeting will take place', In the
hew library building, and a prominent
feature will be a discussion : by . B. V.
Irvine of the general system of - high
er .education in Oregon as affected .by
thy referendum on the ; appropriation
f or ., the T state , university." A ( further
leaiura win ne ; songs oy the widely
popular i University,; of ! Oregon 1 tjuarV
tett,; ; which;; W scoring musical lilts
wherever ritappeara? InPortland,'';'',
;. v.-Yi 'v'i' ,;.'(,. .- -i H-r' '-- .' -. V
j - "';...';.., ;'!?;-.:.':, 'X
Art objects owned by Mrs. O. ft.
belleTed , to "be older, tban-the Ming- dynasty. k JPeMn ; cloiBaoaM vte ; Z & .incnei-nlgn.-t celadon vase
Ming dynMtyi Jnchea i high, cobalt blue on white background Sqnare Ming vaae in gray blue, 21
- :oil';.bron2a 'vases.- Clnser ; Jar; in
of a yari-tlnted' chrysanthemums.. But.
terflies and loose blossoms are scat
tered over th vases.'; 'itMif: tt. i--
x "'" Olft rrom U. Bug' Cfeasr. '
V'A royal vase of remarkable coloring
aud reat beauty Is one that comes front
the Ming dynasty, and is ; notabl for
several reasons. It Is one of the things
mad exclusively for 'royalty, and any
on outside of the royal family . found
In possession of such a vase was. dur
ing the ' old; regime, Immediately be
headed. The vase is of .imperial yellow,
and the design Is of the imperial- five
toed dragon. It is finely crackled and
Is an exceptionally old and rare piece.
This particular vase was a personal gift
from Id Hung Chang to Judge Denny.
One of the oldest and most unusually
marked bronies ln the collection la a
vase of graceful' design ' having two
handles and being ornamented with an
Intricate pattern, which history f says
wag influenced ' by the .Persians,- who
many hundreds of years ego did much
trading with the Chinese of the Interior.
The' designs show , plainly the . Persian
Influence and are remarkable Jn that
respect. , : u J'-"x '
A pair of tall bronses shows the three
toed dragon, also, an animal whose like
ness' was allowed to appear on the pos
sessions of royalty alone. The dragons
are shown In high relief, and according
to favorite tradition ot the Chinese,
the - dragons ar playlnf wltb ' balls.
Hundred of year ago , the Chinese
alloyed their bras and bronse with gold,
and the ball and the dragon scales on
these pieces scintillate with pur gold.
Two very striking specimens of the
blue and white porcelain period .are
found In the mammoth square vases
which "stand 28 -Inches In- height, ''with
bases seven and. a cuarter lnche wide.
The bodies of the vases are white, and
on this is wrought a sort of glorified
dragon with ; a tall" that, would almost
do honor to ' a peacock. This wonder
ful animal is seen floating about among
clouda of blue, and although the moon
1 much in avidencs, there Is evidently
a storm coming, up for th clouds are
sharing honors . with' great streaks of
lightning -wrought 'In Vdrk blue. The
glorified df agon. f cotnmonly known
among the Chines As the phoenix bird,
indicates longevity and affluence. '.The
corners, of the vase on top bear designs
of four bats' for fpun idnds of happU
naiw.. u..-i,fy '.pi 5 :V U 0-
. . sjmall eind WendarftU Tase. s
Thore wa' amorigr tha.1 porcelains a
very giriall" piece, . creaitl tinted 'Vss
of such" wonderfuj gl.ane that It is a
source of. wonder and admiration by 1J
experts In china.: The little -vase, atand
ing only about five Inches in height, I
a simple design, having only lions' heads
for handles. ' None knows how old it Is
or 'how valuable, but. Mrs. , Denny- re
calls; having, a, .'Chinese visitor; wh0'
upon seeing this little . vase, remarked:
"Ah. very beautiful; and 1 is worth ISO
taels," which is equavilent to 8 200 In
our .money,, arid that was more than 40
years ago, when Chinese art was not
vslue as it is now. .This tiny piece Is
Still in ; its original ease ot beautiful
wood,' padded with cotton,' oovered, with
imperial yellow, ' red and green, such
shades as were only used by royalty.
Many of Mrs. ; Denny's pieces are still
la their original boxes, f
Peculiar interest attaches to the pair
of square Ming. vases, which stand SI
Inches- In height Th -bodies of th
vases are of gray blue, and are marked
by. the large or lobster crackle, which
was used in ' the 1 Kang-He period,
from ' s 1881-1 7JS,- , a , period c , when
the art uf Chinese porcelain wo at Us
height, ! One panel on these vases shows
a design of birds: and, "flowers; another
of stocks, birds' and clouds; another of
magnolia Jreea, and birds. The lotus
. MORNING, ' OCTOBER . 23, ,
I II II I 111 I ..".1 ... - "1
Denny. Top Left to tight, , J6-lneU
cobalt bjne and wMtevi'iV
and passion flowes are combined In a
graceful design which encircle the top,
Ovei? , tb entlr vase ' ar ecattered
prunus : blossoms of f delicate pink,
these are commonly f known a' haw
thorns ..blossoms. tis?jrfW,
, Two chubby glngeRJa' topped wtb
exquisitely, caryed .teakwood covers oc
cupy a place of fhonorijoii on of Mrs,
Denny's1 fcabMts; Thyvar of-the io
bait blue and white,- and ginger' Jars ra
:V . ,,' ' : ' , - ' ' I
-1 "f , V ,- ltt --r , 1 T "a. L J t' ' ' ' -
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., 1 ,. ' ? .: ( . . , v,. . .' I- ..;' 1 :
' OUR "STOVE , DEPARTMENT ' ; : ": -'' ;
".: ..' ", ' 1 1 n 111 - '" i -;' H ' ' 1 . ..-Jf-v ?'--. .. .':...',
ll 1 . I ' ' 4
: "4.tilxi,.' ". t'
, , . 1 I
noNEVLiArx HAnmvAnE co:.!PArjy
1313. .
XJ - .'IBI' - J UL-J
vase or cobalt blu dragon on yei-
name only, as their principal use la tb
holding of. sweets,, which ar sent to
friends and relatives at holiday time.
The prunus pattern Is again used la
these jars on a background made In imi
tation of crackled, floating Jce, ; Jnat- as
it .floats down from thoioterios of
Chltuv in th spring, , Th Aliquid,, Icy
effect has been secured, to remarkabl
degree, -and serves as a perfect , back
ground for ) the delicate blossoms. '
.'. . . I.,
Charges' -Are-, Made 'Back' and :
"fcfrtff by Adherents of t.
Both Sides, ,
, ";-';'v ' ;- -. ,-'"'. s-
" (Special to Tb Joarait.1 ?KV
Hood; River,-: Or-, Oct. 25.r-FollJVln
the- meeting Friday night between the
committees appointed - ty ' the central
committee of th Recall and, Taxpayers'
association . held for the purpose of
reaching an , agreement whereby, Hood
River county .could be spared from the
recall ; election,-, which resulted in the
ultimatum , from the recall committo
that in order to avoid the electioa it
would be necessary ; for the vehtlro
county court to resign ond permit Gov-.
emor West to appoint a county Judge
. .... . . , 1 -
ana two -commissioners) 10 nam omuo
until, the next general 'electleir, and to
which the committee from tha Taxpay-
ers' league would not assent, thw recall .
. . I J1.1.IW.. . M t 1 , wl.t, .-
word' "Recall": printed thereon In larn
letters.. They ar btng worn by num-,
br of the' recall' advocates,"- tA7. '
Citlsens of both sldea haVe protest,-!
against the display of ' suoh- badges; ,
charging that such action is an open in
sult to th members of the county
court; who ar respected cltlxens. Stree!, .
meetings are held at which photographs
ar being, exhibited Showing how diit
has been removed from underneath the ,
cement piers and largo 'chunks 1 broken :
off the plersof the' Wlnans bridge, la
an attempt to show tho defective con V
atruction of the bridge, which Is one of
the charges : In" the recall petition
against the county court. ".?" j ;i ; ' ;
It is alleged by the other, faction that
persons . unaerioinsa several 01 , me
bridge piers and broke1 th pier Jn their
efforts .. . to ; secure ; campaign pboe
graphs. ;7 . '- '':': K'i.y::: . i ' ";'
Feeling is high and bitter; fight U
being waged. , ..f '?.;'';;;' VJ-:.'
Albany, ? Or., " Oct . To i tiav '
standard by which to measure nroaress. '
a plan has been adopted bx County.
of Lebanon,-and P. K Baker, of Browne-v
vllle, as a ataodard for the t,lnn. county .
acnooia tot m. vir iaii-ii. . ir i to
tha and . nf . tlmnlatlnor . jiffort an tha .
. . W . . ( , , t . . . t '
fleers and school , patrons to tb bet- 7
t.rm.nt of tha Dublin aehonln. . .
Aa soon ' as . a t aunooj , oompues wmi : ,
any of , tha points.' upobi (notifying the
supervisor, a gilded star will be given
for the ; point gained. - At the close 0' 1
tna acnooi vear av nnnaai win b aivan "
to each school having become standard.
ized during the school , year. - , " " ' '
, ITaehvllle ;..Notes. ' . ., ;
Nashville." ' Or ' Oct. 15. -Eda-ard.
Brady, an attorney from Seattle, is here,
tha guest of J. I Brown and family,
lie came with hia brotherrwho was hurt
seriously several weeks ago rat Cher
halls. Wash., and who Js recovering
SlOWly. -- N .".-..:.-.. . 5. :..
Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Coovert of Port
land are the guests .of Mrs, Coovert's
parents, Mr., and Mrs, Cbarlee R. Gil-
lette. They nave spent the summer,
tor Mrs.' Coovert's health; "camping out.
They will return to Portland the first
of th week. - . k :
Miss C. Bewley is visiting bar unele,
J. A. Bewley,- and her brother. A, J.
Bewley. 6h , will . remain until, the
Bewley family rnovi to. CervalUe In a
few daya . -'
H. s. Llnd hag gone to San Francisco.
The Thompson and Splelde saw mill
has started work. They expect to re-,
cetve a contrect for tie from th Q; 6s
E. Railway company. '
A stove In time savea many m cough.
Roe "Household Goods" In the classified
section today. - 1 ' Adv.) '
t1 V '!
1 .'Ul. '