The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 23, Image 23

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TIL (hEET. Ill IEIIA;'--:.ieE.iL1311iai4:
Chairman) Frank' Secures the
Promise of California Clubs;
Los Angles Names Men,,
With 'One: Exception" All' of hW
' Championship of Interseholas-i
' tic .League - Will r Be Practi
cally; Decided by Rivals, r
Manager Tommy LuRe .
Present Six. Events for the
r- - r .--t -"- J
Battles .Show. That .He Is
"long Distahcerr
rans; special iar.urangeu
Coach Hurlburt Arranges Defense-
to Meet Heavier ,
Men's , -Attack. 1
' t Won, Ioafc Point. Pet.
Lincoln ...(..., 2 0 . ;o 1.000
Portland Acad... ,0 . 2J ' 1 1.000
.Washington 1 1 44 ?-,80
.lefferson .......0 -1 ."-;'." 0 i .030
; Columbia. ......'0 -; r 1 1 1; i. vv .000
Hill Academy .,. .000
Th championship of the Jnterscholas
' tic Football loaf ua will ' bo , decided
' Wednesday afternoon, whan tho Lincoln
i high, school and Portland Academy elev
ens, tho -two undefeated . teams of the
.. league, clash On Multnomah field, un-
coin la favored - in betting by a ma
jority of tho followers of the scholastic
' same;. r-K -::- v-?;-.:.i:.- :-
Coaoh ,Spec, Hurlburt of tho Port
land Academy team la drilling his play
ers on a defensive style designed to off
set Lincoln's offensive Attack, v. The
, Portland Academy player are not boast
' ins; of a victory over tho Cardinal play
"i. due eacn memoer or ma train is
going to "work his hardest in order to
bring tho title back to . the . Academy
after a lapse of several years. '. - ,
line-up. Layton, who played tackle in
, me iirst two gamea, has been shifted
to . a, guard position, and Ekstrom has
been placed at tackle. .
.- Coach Borleska of Lincoln will nrnh.
ujr iouu mo una leant eg-unst in
Academy players that be did against
Coach Earl's Washington eleven. Bor-
' lesko la the first coach la the last three
years of the Interscholastlo league to
. have tho same line-up finish a gam
that was on the field when the starting
whistle was blown. . T
Tho Portland Academy . team .has
ef lfj
. lb
I It ' 1 1
v, v44v -i
-t ' f l."i.r-li. - yi 1 hi
1 f t; John RJ
Persistent rumor baa it that John R.
tTctider.' athletic director of the Wash
ington State collegv,wlll b employed
by the Multnomah Amateur Athletic
lub as athletic director, a post that
the Multnomah club directors-have long
wanted to create and fill, but have re
frained because of the inability to se-
ure a good man to take th position.
It has been known for some time tbat
the club has wanted a Man of Binder's
abiUty In fact, tl'd 'club: would have
stabllshed (he position some time ago
end placed Bill Hayward in It but for
the fact that the noted University of
I irfrin frailiMf rnulA Tnrtt Kft mjmjmmA
that time, owing to his contract with
the state university, where lie lias been
constantly sine 1904, . v. ;.,;. ,
Render, it is believed, Would be even
mure valuable than liaywariJI,. for the
reason that hi work; would be i more
Vfrralltflu He la an adept In all branches
f Hthletlcs, while Kayward's bent work
in directed more toward developing and
conditioning; track athletes. - Bender
n surceasflilly i cosnlr; football, base
UU, track and basketball. Bhortly after1
The first boxing meet of the season
will be staged by the Beaverton Ami
teur Athletlo ciun ai, .weaverxon.
Wednesday evening. . Manager Tommy
Luke, who handled the Brooklyn club'
meet before It became defunot, ha
arranged a good six bout program be
tween the best boxer available at tbt
present time.
Th feature bout of the femofter will
be between Schmeer. of the Multnomah
club, and Carlaon. formerly with the
Columbus club, in the 135 pound class.
There is a great deal of rivalry be
tween these two boxers and a good four
round bout is expected. Schmeer bas
been training bard for the past 10 day
and look a fit a fiddle. j
Frank Huelat, Multnomah's new III
pounder, will go against Olll Hilt, the
lis pounder', discovered by mice last
year, ? HIU has put on a little weignt
this : season and be will make Huelat
box at his best.'.r''-:;:.--!':'',;-;'.
trrangements have been made- for a
:lal car to leave Fifth and Balmon
streets at f:80 o'clock. Th train will
leave Beaverton immediately ' after 1 the
bouts. JackHeIaer has been named as
referee and "George L, Parker will be
cbief timekeeper,, ' - m
On change bas been made In the
original program announced . by Luke
and that la the . substitution of the
Strucka-Whltney bout for O'Brien, and
unseen. ' - y . ;
vTh card 1:' . - " C
Main event. 135 pounds- Schmeer, M.
A. A.: C, va Carlson, unattached.
115 pounds Hill, unattached,. vs. Hue
lat. M. A. A. C
'10 pound Masortasky, Newsboys'
A. C, va Bherrett, B. A. C .
140 pound Cromqulst, B. A. C, vs.
Hanson, unattached. . -
10) pounds Abe Gordon,. Newsboys'
A. v. Bernstein. B. P. oiub.
: 145 pounds Struck, Columbus club,
v. Whitney, unattached. j
scored three more point In the Inter
scholastic league this season, than the
Cardinal players.
Bendr, Uft
leaving college he played ; professional
baseball. Under the nam of Burdette,
he played outfield on the 1S07 Coast
league team until Omaha, with which
c J ub he wa under reserve but refuaed
to ' play with discovered the fact and
called it to the attention of Portland
ana tno national commission, and Bend-J
er went back to Instructing collegian.
Bender' career as an athletlo direc-i
lor, ls known ..all over the northwest ,
He bas Deen conected with the Wash-
Ington, State college for several years
Ha la a graduate of the Nebraska uni
versity and war seleeted ea all-western
halfback when he, was a tnembof p( tb
vomnusaer-. eleven, i .''..'.'
The dub official Refuse to y any
thing regarding the matter, but it t
expected ;, that something will be don
thia fall.' " the club is greatly In need
of an athletlo tttKAwi''fi..
If Bender is secured 4t will give the
club a corps of Instructors hard to beat.
Jack Cody Is handling the swlmmera,
Tommy Tracey th boxers, Eddie O'Con-
nell the wrestler and J. La Thompson
u y ,
i, ' ''!',?';;' -)
1 - c
the Indoor athletics.- . ; - ,
Champion ;Need$-All His Skill
Against Dangerous Leach
Cross. v
T By W. V.' Nanghton.
San- Francisco,- Dot 25. This coming
Wednesday New Tork City will have It
first glimpse of. Lightweight Champion
Willie Ritchie in action and. lust what
ktnd of an impression Ritchie will make
upon th eastern fight follower: re
main to be seen. Willie and Leach
Cross are to clash in a ten round bout
Ritchie, . according to what bas been
flashed across the wires, bas unlimited
reliance in hl ability to handle young
Mr, Cross In a masterly- manner. As
Willie occupies the pround position of
king of ( the . lightweights, be could
hardly be expected to talk In any other
strain. - , , . . , ,.
la deference to bis exalted station, a
champion ha to radicate confidence r-4
an emery wheel-emit sparks, . If he
failed to do so the public would slacken
up its hero worship and It may be the
man he Is training for will not eomc with
iua.i , xowiing oi awe wmcp. irom um
Immemorable the under dog Is supposed
to laboc under- when He finds himself
in the presence of pugilistic royalty.
wiuie za a TUnker. -Apart
from all that however. Willi
Ritchie 1 a thinking individual and ue
probably -. recognise that - the coming
test will prove a serious ona. ::-
To begin with. Leach Cross baa spe
cialized over the ten round distance and
la thoroughly- at home In a bout of that
length. He ha started on so many ten
round Journey that he know or should
Know how fast be can rate himself
without overtaxing his condition.
This . Is something that ; works both
ways, It enables a man to tell If th
other fellow Is crowding on more sail
mat ne win be able to. carry. Fortuiad
with power of discernment ' of this
kind, a man who knows the short bout
game from-A to Z can contrive to keen
something In reserve and make It de
cidedly uncomfortable for an opponent
who has fought himself Into a state of
weariness; ys-v-,. ,-' '..fv'f-i::
The again Leach Is a tricky: fellow.
Int the -matter of sending In a sting
ing punch when least expected, be Is a
veritable surprise ' package. - There is
no particular continuity to his work, a
he shows to poor advantage occasionally
against mediocre boxers and performs
brilliantly in high class company.' He
Is not to be gauged by what be did
in pis last battle or the one before, .and
he sandwlehea 'y good - showings. la
amongst bad. In such . a. way that th
highest tribute one can pay him is to
pronounce him a dangerous man. .
Whlla; Willie Ritchie 1 to afl In
tents and purposes a product of Qan
Francisco's four round phase of box
ing, it cannot b said that he shows
to advantage over : short distances.
There Is a story extant for that matter,
that he recognizes as much and that
he recently deoided to take a leaf out
of Bob Fitsslmmons book. . . . ,u
"v o,Ts ntsalmiaoBs' Btylsi' "".'.-.
Bob In his later fights around New
Tork found that be could not limber
up to satisfy himself and he inaugu
rated a practice, of warming up In his
dressing room with one Of hi sparring
partners . before . entering . . the ring.
Ritchie, it Is said, believes that a course
of that kind would enable him to get
down to his bearing more quickly after
the starting gong rang, and he told
some of his friends that ha Intended
to go In for loosening up exercise In the
manner of Fltzslmmons. , '
1 Maybe the coming bout, .with Cross
will mark the ! beginning -of this new
order "of things .so far as Ritchie la
concerned. Far be It from the writer to
disclose any ' man's' scheme of battle.
but a Willie has made public property
of bla aystem, no -confidence are be
trayed in tbia especial instance. 1 '
Just watch out, V.Lech, if Willi
cornea Into tbe : ting ..with hla face
flushed and bla forehead moist with per
spl ration, depend upon U be has bad a
spirited set-to with.-, on of hi . aides
back in th dressing room. .
ilow&ss Reared Setter.
It was the fight with Rivers ihat
convinced Willie he would have been
the better for little warm-up prior
to taking the ring. It also convinced
the spectators that Ritchie, is slow to
get going. It did more.- It mad fel
lows wno naa oet neavny on. Kitome
feel for a while that they had barked
up the wrong tree.
Little wonder, for of all the be-drag
gled world's champions .that were ever
seen, Ritchie wa the worst in the early
rounds of that match. Knee hit the
ground; his hair came down over bis
eye and bis head snapped this way and
that under Rivers' pestering fire. .But
Rivers 'gave out and it came all right
after awhile. ' ' - i
The four round bout with Ad Wolgast
was about the only vmatcb iln which
Ritchie got -to. wore: quickly. He stag
gered Wolgast with well placed rights,
but even this was; condoned on the score
that it wa Wolgast' first essay after
hi operation, the argument being that
Ad at the time was more a subject for
a sanitarium than a prize ring.
Af'tovTviiat with ; Maadot,
In the match with Joe Mandot at New
Orleans, Ritchie was very late In put
ting in bis betlicka, and, striking nn
average of his performances he ia more
at home In long bout than shorter ones
Ritchie, albeit- his ring work, is not
of the scintillating kind. Is a hard man
to down. : lie , is gam beyond . ques-
!tion, although you might hot think so
- on account of the extreme caution he
displays In making of matches., ,
' j-n ' "'- i" . r ,' , ' .
UU I DALL UUU I td I d 1
October - Lincoln - High'
School- 'V. Portland , Academy,
Multnomah Field. .
; October 81 Jefferson . 'High
, School vs. Washington High
School, "on Multnomah Field..
; . t November 1 Bremerton Navy
team 'V Multnomah - Club, on
Multnomah Field. ' - ,. . v
November 1-t-Whltman College, V
vs. University of v Washington at
Seattle. -.-k.-', '','--'ii'V . v-;)
I : L
Mlsa Gladji RavenBcroft, tba. Brit lab woman golf champion of 1912, who won tha American woman's
title at Wilmington, Del, October 18, on the left, and Miss Marian Holllaa. the well known American
golfer, ; who was -the rnnnerup.r Miss Hollins pushed Mas Ravens croft to the limit to win' with two
' . np in 18 holes. ' MIss Harris on and .Miss Muriel ' DoddL two other English girls,jwere eliminated b-.
,'fore the final round of the tournament - r , ? .
Navy Yard . Eleven Will Give
'Some. : Idea -'of, - Relative
Strength of "M" and "O,1!
Tb .Multnomah dub football eleven
will : meet the Bremerton . Navy Yard
team- next Saturday afternoon on Mult
nomah Held at a o'clock. The game will
give the winged "M" follower an Idea
of the club's strength against tbe Uni
versity of " Oregon eleven.; Tho J navy
player lost tb the Oregon eleven by
th score of 49 to 6. Tb University of
Washington loam defeated the sailors
by the score of 18 to 7, and the WashT
ington stat college team; whloh played
Multnomah yesterday, beat Bremerton,
It to IS. t ,',!,. - " l
' Tbe line-up of tbe navy team Is muob
different this season from what it was
last year. Ogllvl and Reed are tbe
only members of last seaeon'a eleven
on fhe team now. Captain Toung, who
playa tbe quarterback ' position, is 'a
steady player, and -may be able to bold
the club score down,- ..:
If Multnomah aucceed in runnltafup
a score aa high as Oregon did against
th sailors, a close gam can be ex
pected on Thankaglvlng day between the
varsitr na the ciuo. ,
The Bremerton line-up Will probably
be: Sloan, right and; Armstrong, right
tackle; Boardman, right guard J Cowles,
center: Borman, left guard; Ogllvie, left
tackle; Reed, left end: Toung, quarter
back; Staler, left half ; Harrison, right
half, and Carpenter, fullback. ; ,
Manager Fischer .Thinks A;' A,
'.U. System Is Not So Inter-
- ( esting to Basketball Fans.
All "games played by tb Multnomah
club basketball-team thl seasonvwill be
under . -.'the-; intercollegiate rules. This
was decided by-Manager Barry Fischer
some time ago. For a big athletlo club
teamj the intercollegiate game is more
Interesting fen the spectators - Instead
of . the Amateur Athletic union game,
which doe not allow dribbling. The
gam a In the club league are . being
played, under the. intercollegiate rules.
Manager Fischer is getting acquaint
ed with- his player and expects to get
them lined up cor practice within the
nel :"twp. 1 week. A majority -of the
players are getting into condition, by
playing In the Multnomah club league,
Which is -composed of eight teams.
It I possible that Multnomah will be
represented in -the field this aeason by
i 140 pound quintet - There is a lot of
excellent material at the club and Flach-
er baa hope of 'turning- out two win
ning teams. ' 1 .
' A-maJority. of th players, who will
try tor the club quintet this season, are
uaed to the Intercollegiate rules. "Spud
Darling,' Burdick and Vierick having
played In the Northwest conference dur
ing the 111-1I12. and 112-11S sea
sons, ::wP:i'::;y -rv;v;r,- v'f '" :"
- The baBketball ' schedule . calls ; for
gamea today between Tooraey and Mas
ters ' and Morris and O'Hanlon. t- On
Tuesday night Sharp' -team will meet
McKay' a five, and Allen's player will
meet Pugh'e team.
- Tost chmeer, the club's lightweight
BUSY men come here and : bay clothes
like this, vithoutvasting time for try-ons
'TV'"1' FT " rlti' ,
Corjrrlgb Han chaiber B Marf
The Men's Shop for
Quality and Service.
boxer, says tbat he will retire after the
Paclflo coast championships next momth.
Schmeef s . mother baa - wanted blm - to
retire jfor ovr:,W6.. W.'!i?-.if'i.
Ed ' Boatrlghtv; the" city 145 Vpound
champion, la a much . Improved boxer
under the teaching of Tommy Traoey,
Ha la uil lnoUnd ; to tlgrapb hla
blows, but. Tracey hopes to break him
of that fault ' '
. i- 'I.'. r'. . -
, Walter Knowlton had the old gash
over bis right eye opened again, last
Wednesday night ? when boxing ' with
Mlebua It will ' be healed again in
time for the coast ohampiooBhips,,
Rumaoker, a member of the club's
basketball league, la a lormsr Univer
sity -of Illinois playtr. . . .; .. -. .
This Suit; for example, is now in our stock in all sizes.
We will fit any man who comes, "'he colors are plain
'blue, fancy blue,' mixed ; grays? pd hairline stripes
some very smart things among, them. ; v
, You'll get the Suit or Overcoat you want ;:"
here, made
;'.--. i '' --.t ...-,..:
The prices range from $20 to $40. Ex- -tremely
fine garments at $25. Keep In
mind that the Suits and Overcoatsare.
ready Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery
Underwear . or whatever" you'll need , to..;
wear Is here in the world's best makes,
.;A' f J-
Entries 'for Meet Close Nov.
JO, Diamond Mounted ,
' "Medals Prizes. - -
- Entry blanks for the ' Pacific .Coast 1 .
Amateur boxing championahlps to be
held under the auspice , of th Mult-
nomah Amateur Athletlo club oa the ,
night of November IS and 14, were
sent to all amateur clubs on, the Paclflo
coast last week. - ' The 191S champion-.
ships will bring together a lot of new -'
and untried boxer . aa well as many
of the amateur veterans.
Chairman Edgar Frank of the Multno
mah boxing committee who wa in San
Francisco last week. . completed - ar-rr:
rangements with representative of th :
Olympic club--or Kan. Francisco and
Los Angeles Athletics club' to have the
best boxers of these two clubs entered.1
This will mean at least one dozen box
ers from California
The Spokane. Seattle. Vancouver and -
Victoria oiubs wiu also be represented -
as well a ' the Multnomah, Beaver,
Beaverton and Sax flubs of Portland.
The Spokane club I trying to arrange' ,
to have ihe Calif orn la boxer appear in
Spokane before returning south, . : -
':uyu Walter and .Alloa, 'V -'. -A
There i a poeBlbillty of Walter WI1--
llame, the Pacific .cosfaf 115 pound
champion, and Alien Mcwein, the Conner
t. N. ; A. champion. . getting together ,
during the oat meet. .-. There is a great
deal of comment about Ute merlter of
these two 115-poundera, and : It will
likely be vettled - next month, if th
two boys are lucky n drawing the same -
nights. 'v.'--: V.-M3y..-Vti:-""
McNeill I now tua member or the
Beaver Athletic dub, which is taught
by Mike Butler. According to report,
be baa Improved under tb instructions
of Butler.. 5-:''-;:;-j' yx, i- i-.
Instructor Tracey of tae Multnomah
dub 1 working, hard with .his repre
sentatives and expects to return three ,
and possibly four coast champions.
Knowlton. Mlebua t and William are
counted on a nearly sure champion
by Traoey, while young Montpler 'is
looked-upon as a csmer, la the 12&-.
pound claa
There will be x least i ooui eacn .
night Th preliminary bouts wiir be r
staged November IS, and the finals the
following night " All boxer will weigh
in each nlg'at at o'clock at tb dub
rooms. s - -" - ' f .
A pcial diamond-mounted cnam-
Dlonabio cold medal will be given to the ,
winner of first place la each claa and
silver medal wiu be awarded to tbe
winner of second place, '
Th eritrie will be closed br tbe :
Multnomah club boxing committee No-' ,
vember 10. An entrance fee or cents. .
roust accompany each entry.. The cbanv
DlonsblDS. which win be deotded are a
th following - classes: 10. 116, U v
1C ilK .1(1 ITS mnA luivmlrM i
L The. Los -Angeles Athletlo club an
nounced that u wouia sena isrni
Clark, present welterweight champion v
Bus Hughe, lightweight champion, and
Clark Jargstroff, ex-champion amateor
heavyweight, to contest for th titles la .
their- .respective .eJaaeea.. f , '
., - - V -v
'y-dA''V9em;'AttimtmL i
To prevent double exposurea of nega
tive in film camorao a Connecticut
man has Invented an attachment which
automatically dlsplaya. th word "ax-
posed" after " a - piotur , is taken until '
the negative la reeled away and another
take Ita place.V.i.- :''..'--.;:-,
by ; :
Northwest Coiner
Third and ' Morrison.