THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL", ' PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23. 1313. 0 :im,BirJMIwii AND FOUND VAffflNG; BY RESEARCH BUREAU Ins'ficjsncy harged ?to Soma asesand Ona4nstas?oe,,Al', " Icged of .Disregard of Law; "Consolidation of City ; and" County, Governments Is Advocated.;, . v, 1 v,' v " County Business Inefficient. ' K 1 Board of County Comml!onr Cltr and 'county government should be consolidated, on set of governing officials enough. No Invoice of county PrPAesMaorProperty not assessed at full yaiu." wha It would b in'pr equitable to over-assess It . ' i , ' .,' Auditors-Failure to comply With Uw 1 requiring system of accounting in each county department led to 'hand to mouth" policy ot county flnanoa Sheriff Men in sheriffs office do but one-fourth work dona by man In constable's office. ' County could feed prisoners a cost cheaper .than pay sheriff 12H rtnta a meal. .'"'. v , ' ' County Farm Superintendent ; Ignorant of property and number of in-, mates. Elderly inmates nave recreation watching- jcofflns built, in their lounging; room, t . 1 - . . . ..- ... Board of Relief Clerk iof board untrained, . gives ; broker and -money lender free office space. ''"'.'.' i " ' Superintendent of School Keepe no record,, lax in supervision. . i . Court House No check on property, machinery unused. " s.A ? Civil Service Without civil, service elective department heads distrib ute Jobs changed with each administration as political patronage and In pay ment of political debta. . , - ' ; ' - ' Roads Lack of system cans of wasta in road building. Bridges No competent engineer ever mad superintendent - of bridges and ferries though, investment nearly $5,000,000. i ,. t Coroner High development or professional juror system lessens value or service. The survey of Multnomah county gov prnnw.nt by" the. New ,Xork Bureau ot Municipal Research Is . made public today by " the Taxpayers' v league ' at w hose instance It was prepared. Start ' ling in Its nature, the report contains:. An indictment of the county's busi ness methods. f.A v.'N'Ti. 1-4'?''". Charges ; of , waste and. Incompetence in many departments. , , '.' ; ' A proposal that for the' sake of ef ficiency, and economy the county and citv governments be consolidated. ' Recommendations that the sheriffs a nd constable's ; offices ba combined, that the office of coroner be abolished . . . , K m..w ' Ann. W m " TYiaHiflll lit C-UU V u v J J w pector and Judicial authority, and that the city and county purchasing depart ments o comwnea.- - . . . . .. . All departments- ar exhaustively an alyzed but the most serious faults are found with the county auditor. Colnd dentaUy, the report asserts , that the county auditor has been tha most un-wililng- of county officials to take ad vantage of supsestlons for placing his work on an efficiency basis.,:-,, p' The report as prepared - by Herbert R. Sands of the New Tork bureau ,bas been In the possession of the Taxpay re" league for some weeks. It Is un derstood that th purpose. was pot to make Its oontenta public .unless critl clsed officials railed, to make Improve ments outUned and the fact that It Is : Riven pubUclty at this Um Is taken as indication that corrections heva not been made In accordance with th op portunity ilven. ; Survey Was Zxhaostir. , -. t. The New Tork - bureau's . survey . of Multnomah county would make a large book. ' Each , department ' la carefully analysed. Fully as much readiness to commend s to criticise Is evidenced, although the primary purpose was) to learn th defects in organisation i and administration. No defect is noted without th accompaniment of def inite plan for correction, and the sug gested improvements . together consti tute an administrative cod containing the plan of organisation for accounting, administrating, budget making, and: so forth.. This admjnlstratlva code is. in 1 ts way, as complete as th adminis trative cod recently formulated by, the New York Bureau ;f Municipal re search for th city, ." -':-''?v-V"'f; Among many bad conditions th coun ty's finances, ar In the , worst ahapa according to th report. ; The county auditor is. charged with tha duty of s tabllshlng and maintaining In each de partment of county government a ays lem for keeping accounts and transact ing business that will secur accuracy, economy-and protection of th county interests. Such Is th law as found in section 10SJ , of ' tha , Oregon statutes. The following ; instances ar cited to show that th auditor has not complied with this Uwj jT::V'-r XnstajuMs An Ottad. Bis accounting system does not gtv him information that a purchase .order has been issued until th bill for goods that may meanwhil hava been con sumed is " received ; by him- Depart rnents hav been buying Independently, paying top notch, retail prices. : ,', .. v "The expenditure accounting is only for cash paid out. IrrespacUv of the p mount of - liabilities inourred and of the Ux levy of any year." vUvr-.-, This means that so absent or inade cuate is a. balance between tax money on hand and liabilities assumed that when money is paid ont It is a guess whether th appropriation has then been xceUad or not. . At the earn Urn th law ot tb sute declares' that county offlcUla shaU be held personally liable for excess expenditure. U 'V The tax levy for a year, Mr.. Bands found,-was crudely- computed njth cash ouUay of the preceding year with out investigation to . learn whetlisr un expended appropriations remained In th treasury. . . . , ' - The system of accounUng in th au ai'tor's office, continues th rport, dos not correlate wjth ; th tax levy. It fails to show whether money paid out is for liabilities incurred during the cur rent month , or a previous month, or during tb current year or a previous vear.- It slso falls to show the actual expens of any partlottlar month or year, and:;-' ,t' :",:S:'-. 1 u- ; County's tnterewU ot jrrotected. -Dot not enabl him to protect th county's Interests with respect to sal aries and wages.;: '":',"r-';Jf : riA.a nt onabla him to BrodttC Vn t the and of a year a complete bal- a nee sheet or ne assew auu wu of the county." ' A conclusion on this point' 1st - ' "That the expenditures In any one rear have not exceeded the amount of taxes lvtd has been due. not to th adequacy of the accounting aysUnV-tn use, but to th fact that - such large levies have been made, end that th ap propriations hav- been for Urg lump um amounts Instead , of for speolflo i uncUons, acUvlU and objects accord ing to definite neds." t ; Th report rad again "The county fiscal policy has been a hand to mouth affair., ' Th report describe peculiar lax r.ess in th matter of county provided lobs. With each elective department ,.d consUtuUng a law unto himself n t having power t appoint such as , .tanu as he choose, it Is more than miniated that by the giving of Jobs po litical debta bav been paid, especially n the department of roads, and In the i i!esor'a , offloa- ? This .1 , what ' the r-rort says about th method of pay- s ..enU i -yi-,;'":;,..?" Jr .Jg FayroHj Jfound. ; "With respect to payrolls, it may be M that there are none, notwithstand- : most of th county expenses are . r t-Uarlea and wages. The bead of the various of floes, . institutions and functions transmit to the auditor at the close of each-month' (in fact, a few aays .before the close of each month) a list of - th persons" employed under their 1 respective supervision,, and the amount said to be due them for that particular month. These lists, al though ' sworn to, contain no reference to' any ' , Individual i reports or , records showing th kind and exaof time of ser vice rendered by - each person named tnereon. , : , ' 1 ' " AfnrMT.,1 -. " tllAM . NM.fll . Ill the - auditor's office and', are never signed by th persons who reoeive the money, and ar never even seen by the county board whiah authorises the pay ments, or by th county ' clerk who oraws th warranta " Th names there on are listed on separate sheets whioh are transmitted via. the county hoard to the .county , clerk who draws a war rant for each name appearing thereon. The seriousness of this situation, par ticularly with reference to th hospital, farm and road employes may b read ily understood front the following: All of the warrants for the hospital and farm employes are turned over to the heads of those institutions. These of floialaw endorse a large proportion of such warrants themselves and, in order to obtain currency to pay the employ ea either cash them at the office of th county treasurer or deposit thm In bank ; to - thlr own credit.'. v.:.. u ' Endorsements Are Only maalpts. "CThder th existing . system , the only receipt .which ; th : county could possibly " hav to . show that '. th emoloves' ' named ' on the orla-lnal lists actually received the amounts set forth thereon, would' he their Indi vidual endorsements on the backs.. of the warranta '- When as is the . case, these warrants are endorsed and cashed by the heads of institution, there Is aosotuteiy no- aocumentary assurance that the porsons named- on th list did in fact receive the amounts set oppo site their namea" i -.-v f.-- : u ' It was found that IT of H warrants drawn In favor of hospital employes for lost February were cashed by th head of th hospital, th payee's signa ture being written by her. : In th earn month the nuperlntendent of the county farm endorsed and cashed IS out of 49 warrants, both Officials acting under blanket authority given for the year by employes without amounts being men tioned, !, Vis';-' 'sv.vVt-Ai-.P'-r-, The .. personal elements enters four times into the report A reference la mad In on place to a certain broker who cashes th warrants of county em ployes at one per cent commission. - An other entire section Is given up to th description of a certain money lander, given free offlc quarters in th board of relief off icea regarded as a bene factor by many needy employes, and doing a thriving buslnesa The broker and money i lender ar on and th same person, Mos Blooh, whose oper ation at th city hall were stopped by law. .;';, v vtr '-i--.- ":' .;.-'N:!' ,'' Veedy ; Oases Improperly Investigated. ' .-Further refereno Ik ' mad to th clerk of the board of relief. He does not make personal Investigation, of calls for help, the report asserts. , He was a liquor dealer and a polios deteotlve be fore assuming his present duties, he does not seek by reading : or other method to learn the soienoe of social servlca Th clerk of tha board of re Uef Is Henry Griffin. , ' The superintendent of ' th county farm, says th report, ' did not know, when asked, "how many . acres there were in tha farm, how many acres under Cultivation, how many acres given over to any particular crop, how many head of cattle or hog ' h had, how many ehickana, to. In fact, he did not even know the number of Inmates in' th in stitution the day w were, there be cause the record of inmates had not been posted up to data" The-name of tb superintendent is D. D. Jackaon. ; The fourth j personal ref erenoe Is to the reluctance of th county auditor to adopt . improved methods. ,r The county auditor la 8. B. Martin. . The survey comments on the entire list of county departments, one at a tlma . The conclusions as to th as sessor are: ' ." :'' ' - "The present methods . ot ess sing taxes are not conducive to eaultable as sessment because: Asaassmsat ltsthcds Otrttlclslsd. ' : "(a) Two men attempt to assa s all real property In the entire city, ap proximating 150,000 paroeia This la a physical impossibility If done prop erly. - - :.). $ ; "(b) No attempt Is made to assess th property at its full valua" k Th law requir that property be assessed at It full vaUse, but, the re port explains, th assessor said It was rarely assessed at more than 71 par cent of it ytJW:Ji -n r-', "This fact alone,"- the report reads. Is conducive to much unjust and In equitable assessment because one -taxpayer may be assessed at 40 per cent, another at 60 per cent and another at (0 per cent,' and none will complain so long a they know they ar being as sessed at less than th true cash value of thir property. It would be better for tb assessor to over-value any prop erty than under-valu because then th owner ' would surely: call attention to th fact that hi property was over valued, which be would rarely do If It was undr-valud.,--H-"'" K-:f Th report explains how the' aounty board, formerly the county court, has supervision - over publio - charity, ' high way a' several minor, offices, operation and- maintenance of Willamette river bridges and ferries, makes th tax levy ndupervlss expenditures.; Then It com'! to the point where the unvouched for vouchers are submitted to th board for slgnatur without any supporting : SWAN ISLAND; IS ESSENTIAL TO HARBOR DEVELOPMENT , . " Scheme of ' harbor' Improvement " Fiv years ago, t. B. C.- Jjockwood, consulting engineer of th Port of Port land, worked out a well defined scheme of "harbor improvement for Portland. Nd steps were taken to prosecute the projecv for the ostensible purpose was to us the plan at such time when th community hecame ready to meet th problem. '' .nl, . -."-"'V , The : map of tire proposed ' wharves and an artlol explaining th ' details thereof were published In The Journal at', that time, and - slno the agitation for. a. harbor scheme, has become really serious, it has been declared, that Mr Iockwood's tentative plana would meet the . situation- better Ihaa' any? slno brought to light. t TJ,.v,,.i":'.' 'by Tb plans were drawn upon instme tion of the Port Commission at odd times and In August of 1008, Mr. Lock wood, who was then regularly In th commission, submitted his scheme for consideration. Th idea was not to build th dock system as. a whole, but to de velop It In units as th community flt ready for the burden and the growth of shipping and commerce Justified.' In one very-essential feature, &fr Lockwood,' plan Is Identical to that of the Publto Pock Commission In that It provides for the purchase of Swan Island, a portion of Mock bottom and a atrip of Guild's laka But It does not ftrovlde for the removal of Swan la and. Instead, one of Its chief features la the transformation of the Island Into a system of slips and basins, to form a unit of th whole schema This would eliminate th great cost of dredging out th Island In addition ' to giving wharf , spec that 1 Mr. Lockwood con siders as valuable as water spaoa a The development , would . practically double the waterfront area of th har bor between th Broadway bridge and the 8..P, A a span, by adding approx imately aight and a half miles of front aga1 It Would, It la pointed out meet the criticism that the Dock Commission scheme, which includes the removal of claims, without any evidenoe of a proper audit and necessitating on the part of the busy, signature subscribing board, a special request for routine Informa tion if such b desired. . ' :i-. The report critldtes the Insurance commissioner for negaOvtng the ad ministrative coda based on the best experlenoe of other communities, which It contains, therein. ; , .y-s!y,VV,sc-t 1 It declares th , auditor's offloe Is statute hUnd. Purchasea It says, are decentralised, because each department buys for It self and th seller, presents bis own bills for. payment ;''& -ri,, .r.'.wsf. If th purchasing of th county were to be eomblned with that of th city, It Is suggested, th Joint purchasing power would be greater, -. discounts for . cash or prompt payment would, be more fre quent, and the lack of accounting for disbursements would not longer exist ' That th court house, a v permanent struoture, should have been built out of current tax Instead of sharing th cost With coming generations equally benefited, through bond Issue, Is mad caus of criticism, yffnf:-' v tnsuraaoe' Conunlsslonsr oriUclaed. ,- Lack . of Civil , Service organisation such" ' as' . the city has is ascribed 'as chief cause for th fact that department head s can make the Jobs ; of . their de partments poUtlcal debt paymenta It la partloularly deplored that employes of. the assessor's pfflo should be changed with each, change 'of adminis tration. .! - ''.. ,;..- It is stated that though nearly I!, OOO.OOQ has been Invested In bridges, a competent engineer as superintendent of bridges and ferries has never been employed by the county board Of com missioners, i v nomai . jtoaa. -won,: ;.', ' Road work, tha report 1 asserta ( has been piecemeal. . Appropriations for Improvement have been where petitions hav ,.' ba ,most psrslstant and "In short it appears that tha road fund has been distributed largely as polit ical patronage." . The county .has 600 miles of roads of which 110 miles have heen macadamised and two, hard .'sur faced. It Is asserted that the county rate . of road expenditure ttCO.771 In 1911 and Sait.lil in 1 111 could quick It permanently improve th remaining SI0 miles of earth roads., provided sys tem were used and a plan of Improve ment for th year made with the be ginning th year. Argument Is mad proposed by J. B. 0. Lockwood, which on the shore ot Swan Island, Is -not sufficiently 1 oom prebensiva; Critics of th Dock ' Com mission . plan. contend that - it is- too much, of a' piece meal proposition In volving the: useless expenditure,. of ah Immense amount of money,. , . ' , . t f;, JSemoaal' of Islana Impraotloabla In explanation of his Plan,' Mr,. Lock wood, while not 5 wishing to appear t in the- light of a oritlo of other plans proposed, said that instead of digging out the island-It should be made use of as his plans suggest In his opinion as an engineer, th removal-of the island would create a large eddy or settling basin for silt and debris brought down stream with every freshet." Therefor, be contends, it would not only be a big expense to remove the island, but to maintain the basin - would also proy an everlasting sourc of expense, : v It Is argued that one of th funda mental -'necessities of a , comprehensive dock and terminal system. Is a large area of level land adjacent to th docks In order that room . may b , provided for j- tracks, ' - switches, .-. warehouses, streets and factories that are to be benefited by these docks. It is : also pointed out that this land must be as nearly level as possible -in order to re duce to the minimum the expense f handling freight. Mr. Lockwood' s idea Is that by transforming Swan Island Into a part of . the dock system, with slips and baalna, a proper system , can be worked out with well balanced areas of land and Water. Too much o on or th other would prove a handicap. 1 1n explaining th project as he sees It, Mr. .Lockwood said, that what Port land needs is a whole lot of dock front age Instead of a lot of useless water area. He contends that there Is no need for digging out a turning basin, as the river Is of ample width at both the head and foot of Swan Island to accommo date th largest vessels that will ever come to Portland to swing around with perfect safety1 and without fear . of touching anywhere. The width of . the river at these points, aocordlng to his against water hound macadam and for oil bound crushed rock roada : V "1: ?!- , Only minor suggestions are mad for Improvements -, in the county , treasur- r-s ana cierars ornoeax-..-, .,- $;:-i ,Tha suggestion that the constable's and sheriffs offices should - be com bined contains the Information' that the "sheriff men do only practically one fourth of th amount of work done by the men from the constable's office. Figures are presented to show that the county by feeding the prisoners St cost can. do so more cheaply than by allow ing th shrif f 12 ft cents a meal for eadX prisoner, and by permitting him to re tain all the profit be can make on the 60 cents a day allowed by the govern ment for each federal prisoner, v The legislature at Its next session should abolish th constable's office, says the report. ; r . ... - k': :?y, -;.v .- . Ooadttlona 'at Poor JTana, jhC This ts the summary as to conditions at th4 county farm: , ' ,. '. '.f "The present superintendent does not keep surnnenur intormea of conditions at the farm .to give effective supervis ion. , l''-'VtiA:rrl t:s ; liv,: ..-f ."Absolutely nothing has been don to record what is produced at the farm In the way of livestock," grains, Vegetables, etc."'?'-;-'?;, ;yt:-V..A"T;c?iffR';-..rfj;v,iJ7ii;i-!.. i "Similarly nothing whatever has been done to determine the cost per In mat per day of operating this institu tion, .j.'x- 'i-,;;i-'"v.iy.i:-.'r-;,.v;:'; , .Although from 250 to 8E0 old people ar cared for at the farm, a large num ber of s whom : are bed-ridden, no fire drills-have been neM.?- S ...-'X-'.'.s.-k It la related' that when 'Mr.' Sands visited the county farm- he found car penters busy: building coffins la the on - room where th old people could congregate and : lounge. H proteats against such 'cold; blooded procedure, ; , The first and greatest need of the county hospital la a new building, it is said, th present on being entirely in adequate. Lack of expense accounts, an nual report accounting of inmate days, arc commented on. . A card system of accounts Is recom mended for the Juvenll oourt and for th Praaer detention homa , . ' A high development of th profes sional Juror scheme Is reported in con nection with' th coroner's of flea . It was found. that one man had served on 25 coroner's Juries, another had served on 18; 60 per cent of 109 men served more , than twlo on Juries including provides for a series of slips on Swsa Guild's take. plans, " could be widened easily to give two turning- "basins either of whioh would answer the purpose that removal of the Island. Intend. The width of the river at the. foot of Swan Island Is approximately 2000 feet '.; , "..'-': :S-' CwMewey , to Shore Suggested. Mr. Lockwood's plan suggests th opeplng of . the channel ' west of th island and connecting - th Island with the mainland by a causeway to the east shore. Or the . east , channel may be kept open and the - Island ' connected with the wet shor by a causeway. Mr. Lockwood says it would not be a diffi cult nor .very expensive project to dig out the west channel. The present or east' side channel would form a por tion of the baain on the east side of the island, on which the slips built along v Mock bottom.", would ; front Whichever channel would be closed. Would be transformed ' Into - a slack water basin, lined with slips on both sides, to meet the demands of the vol ume, of shipping. ' : . "X:- These , slips located on Mock bot tom, would extend back nearly to tb tracks of the p.-W,' tb: A N company, much the same as proposed In the plans of the Dock Commission, but the purchase of -only a portion of the .bot tom" would be ; necessary, ,:;r:: The west side docks would extend back Into Guild's Lak to th proposed new location of the Northern Paoifld tracks. The tracks would have to be moved about half a mile to the west ward, '-i V -y:l;ti. The details of construction Were not worked out by the engineer but either timber or concrete or any other material that would prov the ; moat '; feaslbl might b used in construction. : ' Under this proposed scheme there Is enough room for the disposal of the material that would have to be dredged out of th harbor from th Broadway bridge to th a P. & a brldga th dis trict that is recognised i as the deep water part of the harbor, Mr. ; Look wood has estimated. . But If Swan Is- murders and personal Injury cases of th utmost importance. This system 14 more or less responsible for the recom mendation that the offlc b abolished. School Superlntendana, Critioised. No particular criticism - is mad of the dlstriot courts and county, surveyor, j Th ' bounty school suprtntndent reads the report "keeps no record of his observations made at th time of his visits to- the several - schools of ( th county. ,, ""' i Uf ' t$ 'f . "Th superintendent makes no Written recommendations or, criticisms relative to any particular school. Th only ef fort which even approaches such a com munication la the annual form letter which he sends to all school boarda There is great need of better supervis ion by th sperlntendent concludes th report as to this Item. ::ny;:;v.-y For - th county court house use of machinery new unused for development of electric power, th closing of th sixth street entrance at night so that th on watchman can watch th fifth street' entrance,- keep out vandals, and th Improvement of the directory ser vice, are recommended. . n Minor suggestions are made as tcthe sealer of weight and measures, th fruit Inspector and tb county veter inarian. ' ' - , :i - Complimentary references ar mad to : th effort put forth by the new chairman of tb county commissioners, Rufus Holman. to give all transactions of county business accurate publicity and to reorganise th county business along lines of system and ef fiolenoy. Although county property is worth many millions of dollars and great in vestments hav been mad in build ings, equipment and supplies, there is, declare ,th report, absolutely no In voice or statement cf , properties, and no marks on furniture or other equip ment to Indicate that It is county prop. rtyyffi.;;5ti's;!r.1i,; BOOSTERS WILL MEET . ' AT GRANTS PASS NOV. 6 Already launched on his second trip In th campaign to booet the email towns of Oregon that they may get their share of the benefit from the Panama-Paclf to exposition, Tom Rich ardson . la laying great stress on a meeting to be held at Grants Pass No vember I. The : morning session will be. held at tha Grants Pass Comme rclal Island., along Mock Bottom and r is land .should b removed, a great deal of material would . have to M, carted away and at a big xpnse.-;s "'!'-,v-.wv....' To ' carry out Mr. .Lockwood's plans ana secure-a depth of Id feet la the harbor would require dredging of about 25,000,000 yards In tha channel " and about 10,060,000 yards In the docks. A depth of 0 feet In the harbor would require the dredging of about 15,00, 000 cubic yards In th channel end about o.uuu.uuo. yara more in ; tne oeew, in addition to the quantity just mentioned, To dig out Swan Island would requir dredging of ' 10,000.000 - cublo . yards alone, and additional ' dredlng to gtv uniform depth, it is estimated1 woeld necessitate the handling of about . IS,- eubio yaraa : : , .. ; The Lockwood plan would can tor the purchase of mora land than under th plan proposed by th Dock Commis sion becaus there Is a little more land in Guild's Lake than In the Bridgeport location, but the additional area would not be large. But even at that the Lockwood plan would be uuoh eheaper. It Is mi&r'?ti'-Wt&l-Mjftiv !WPS ,sug,'VtS;(;' i Th - slips would not be of uniform length, nor would the basins be of uni form width,, but would vary in sis for the accommodation of all alses of ves sels. The arrangement ' would bring eight and a half miles of waterfrontag within a very compact area, a feature that is regarded of particular advan tage ! in ' commerca ' . '?',. . Mr. Lockwood went into the matter very ; extensively at . th time and be sides preparing th maps and making estimates of how much dredging had to , b dona h compiled v volumes of data bearing on the shipping of th port and . its increase - for successive years. Furthermore, h studied other port dvlopmants v and th . affects thereof upon shipping and commerce. H admits . readily that it Is no easy problem to work out A. satisfactory so lution : of the d jck problem here be caus of th rise and -fall In tha river. club at 9:10 a m and delegates from all Josephine county ara expected to at. tend. . 3- .'::-.; ,,"'f:i1 k. tvi'V :,:.. ' Mr. Richardson ) is bow " working southward through the towns and vil lagea - speaking at' sohoolhousea - com mercial clubs and on street corners, felling the people to Induce their friends In the east to buy, their round- trip tickets to San Frandsoo - to 191S with stopover privileges at definite Oregon points specifically In mind. " To this end he is. organising everywhere he goes so that the localities may begin at once to "boost their own game thus far la advance of the rush of -travel. ; '. v- :',;'' waeexsaMiaweesBsMMseaawBBa - " i;i"H i -Bags Big. Bear; Chehadla. Wash Oct ZSvBob "Whil ley, a Salmon Creek farmer, killed a 100 pound bear th Joe Ryan's orchard yes terday. 1 " v ' 1 A Happy Bald Headed Maii Weil-Known Politician Nearly Bold Now Bias neavy Growth of BTalr. ... ),...y TeUs How He Bid. It. A' western politician, well known on account of his baldness and ready wit surprised his friends by appearing with a heavy growth of hair; many ' of his old friends did not know him and others thought he had a wig.: : On being asked how he did it he mad th . following statement: "I attribute the remarkable growth of m hair to the use of the fol lowing simp, reolp which any lady or gentleman can mix at homer ' To a half pint of water add 1 oa of bay rum, a small box of Barbo Compound and U ox. of glycerlna Apply to the scalp two or three times a week -with th finger tips. It not only promote th growth of th hair but removes dandruff, sralp humors, and prevent the hair from falling out, .It darkens strenked, fade.l. gray hair and makes the hair soft and glossy. These Ingredients can t pur chased at any drug store at very little cost and mixed at homa" " wor..EN with hatf;:;3 BARRED FROM TRAMWAYS Hamburg, Oct 16. The Hamburg pox. lie authorities hav mad a regula tloa ordering tramway-car eonduotor under penalty ef losing their Iloensea not to allow women with unprotected hAtoluauto .rAmeJj", ,tU4i-5K!J nf. f-v , n pouo -are aiso orara . to uve th name and addreasea of - women with unprotected hatpin. -who are li able to a fine of from II, to 110. A GccJ AwIIteb. : a Glorion3 Tiling . - . " i i Ami Any Fenoq Can Have s IUp ; - Hosurlng One It StnnrTs Dys. , - pepsla Tablets Aro Vsedl ' , Mf- After Meals; y j' 'The secret of appettt Us la a heal thy and normal deslr for food on th part of th stomach and, other digestive " ergana ' .;.:;''? - Tovr " dlgestlv ' apparatus always wants nor food when it Is normal 1 and it wants all kinds of food, too, heavy and light sweet and sour. - These quail ties ar needed by man's blood, i and so the system craves them.-1 This craving is appema - 1 t''4 t e ..." '. , ' , 1 ,1 fit - ! X n , -Tve nine X trd tuarWs Dyspepsia, Tablets Z eimply Delight la rood." , The real value In Btuarrs Dyspepsia1 Tablet, consists of their Instant acting dlgestlr abUltlaa : They dlgeet th food la th stomaaq very quickly; stop Irritation, rest . th stomach and when ; -th nourishment of the food is taken : , into the aystem they go with It Into . th blood and thug replenish th dlgv tlv fluida ;' ..': ' Thousand of men and women la thta country have proved, to their complete . satisfaction, the great digestive . and -curative values .of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tabltfcs;,;i--5v ; ' On Ingredient of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta Is so sowarful that on grain of it will digest 1000 grains of food and It will even do this in a glass tube t without the aid of man's stomach; Just think what this means, , when ; oun . stomaoh Is raw and filled with hurtful - -. acids and alkaliea The rest It will receive will be prloaleaa. " , Stuart's : Dyspepsia Tablets ar sold by alii druggists everywhera . pbtain a box, SO cents, today and take a tablet after your next 'meal Jut to prov bow . easily you can digest that meal. - Ask yopx;x ' s grocer today Sot ;t ; .t-. "'V'.-i.J.-.'":: --.' 3 ?.'-;..' i '. '" -.U'-''.' :J,-..V i i . , n X t" t fit ' ll ?; TOWt'E'S : LOG CABIII . '"j1". 1 ' Vtlie; dcHcioua:-' ;,:;flTbrifof ,ptcri 'mplt.-tX-fyX TouTlfaiair h by -; : theWCabiaCaii;. : .11 your grocer cant u ,'; . supply yott send ns bis vv "j,' nams, and 25 cents V--. " '. well send you sv foil ty V ''measure pint can by prepaid Parcel Post, 1 -' 'Vv.- ..,. aim a mnr rtt rmr A .. f: '. Free Recipe Dook ; ' whlcn' tells how to make lots of delicious 1 maple dishes. )" TOWLE MAPLE PRODUCTS CO. - Dept. SO. - . - g?t. raul, allna.' A. ' I ' . I ' Mi 9 - " g ;