THE OnnCOIT SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY LIORinilQ, OCTOBER; 3, 1013. III BOSTON 111 BUT 5r.1ALL VuLUi.iE TRAD &otaI Transactions for the TVeeSc Aro bat little Above 2,000,000 Found ,.; Mark Most Business Is Chowtnj ' In Domestto Fleece.. Boston. Mui. Oct. IB. Wool talee for th past week In the Boston market Sirs estimatei - at owy a juue over ; 1,000,000 pounds. , : . ' Transfers have been almost entirely of domestic wools. Opinions differ as to f rices. Bom dealers ' report raluea a ittl easier, while others claim to be geiting xuiiy as muon now as peiore ins passage 01 tn unaerwooa dim. i Manufacturer are showing; some In ;teret . buying -moderately to : cover tactual sales of goods. Foreign wools show only scattering sales aooordlng to the pressing needs of mills, while reports from foreign primary markets " -i are Very firm In their- tenor, possibly ,. Indicating that the hope of meeting cheap wool from abroad will not be realized, .., ... . ' ,-. -, According ' to ' leading ' dealers here, there is no occasion for anything but a heerful feeling. .While buying has de clined some wnar. a-steaay movemen ' into oonsumotlon to kee th varloui r 1 1 - . . 1 , are being well absorbed, though the lotai receipts ror in , season 10 aaie show clearly that the Boston houses '. nave no. naa ineir Dvrow quei irom v.. the current clip. : - - Consignments have begun to more. No , jucii nouaaa nr. noininv iei iik'.k . while some which have been free sellers have practically bo mora wool to cuar, BUTTER MARKET GETS - . ; S JOLT FOR PRIliTS City . and Country . Oreamery Inter . -enta In Combat tot Control ' V of th Local Trade, " " Th last clay of the week showed the resumption of the fight between the aVa.T jiaa in sM ass ahn.l uhmsm tawn an ns.eaa ,mkA -,y vtgnHtviiog emuvs yvuu va J AitnavM bb. i a USB ' prio of butter In prints was forecd - 1 to I cents a pound lower, but cubes ana outterrat quotations - were ua - cnangeo. xnis condition alone shows that the situation Is abnormal and that ' a, fight U waging for control of the trade. - As a rule th prio of butter ; Xat Is So ' below the average price for ;clty creamery prints, but yesterday It wa either the same or but a cent be- PRUNE RETURNS ARE GOOD High Price Secured by Xhote Wbo ,r Do 'Not Sell Too Early; Crop , , ' la Bather Heavy.. , WtlaaflaTS ' Walk v rwa " crying in tail locality and that at Sara . a- large fruit section of this cart of Clarke count, was completed about th , 14th, and some very large yields were In evldenoe. The prunes were of large els and of excel Vent flavor, nearly all ' being perfect. Packing; will be in full blast until sometime after the holiday .. Most of th prune crop In Clark county cuniraoiea, ana ai a gooa price ini ' year. Thosa who contracted their nrunaa '" early la th season this year were able to get only iVio a pound, while thos who contracted later received 4)4. John ,111.1, V WU v. ui r,Bt ' hnin, ' . Hill t.. r'lawlrs .,....... A4Jt ever IS tons of this variety of fruit . m . I-1 ..... - i m a . . " while last year be received only 4 He for ; Ills crop, which was considered then not , a large price. Mr. Hof f' prune crop . this yelr was extraordinarily heavy and bis orakrds were well filled, Mr. Hoffe . prun orchard comprise about II acre and atU present tlm be has about ioo tn or tn oinerent varieties. This Is n of tha lararest nrune farms In Clark i county. In this year's prun crop, an Hon wiu realize over 11200. Potato Hirvestlng la now on In full 'blast and 1 a bumper nrop of tubers I certain. In many instances there 1 large acre and with plenty of help now avail vbla it Is thought v that th . pouto orodv will soon be harvested. Very , iiiu ox ini oiigni recurnea mis year. In some pftVces It is hardly noticeable. and these aVs far scattered. Next year. vH 1 thought. Judging from the few : small scattered spots' of the blight this 1 year, vum sesiion wiu. d clean. KAXSA,4 CITY IS QUH5T ' livestock Bliirketa Are Vnchanged . All IJnt4 Holding Steady. r Kansas Clty,Mo, Oct IS. JTogs Ro- eeipts, iuo; miraet. sieaayi tops, is.o. Cattle Receipts, EOOi market, steady. - Blioep Kecelpts, 1000; markU Steady. y New Torn Cotton Market Month. Open, J1 . January .,..1155 'March May .......1861 July ......... 1140 August ....1IS0 October ....H09 December ..HI HlgX 1J80 1871 1171 1865 . JS25 1424 1407 Iiow..' - Close. if 4 ltTSi 15751 187ti I8Si 1120 1826 1400 , 14281 itiv ' levt 1 12(1 IS 1260 ' 12 nun Core YoofscH bl Piles , 1 . Sen! for a Free Trial . Package of - Pryamid Pile Remedy and Prore 1 ' t- Hbir EsiyItv.lB.:-A If you really want relief from ptl and want that relief Quick, then take , bop and Just sand for a f re trial of Pyramid Pll Remedy. No matter how you suffer from piles 'You owe It to yourself to trr Pyramid .i Kemay.v:r:;":''';''frJ,'- ' "'' iV Tea Waat to SmOe AH th Time, Um Pyramid rile Remedy." ,w:r So great !s th fam of Pyramid Pll Xtemedy that every drug store can sup ply you no matter where you live in this country, and that Is a record that no half-way remedy could possibly make. . If you could talk to sufferers who have been relieved you would be convinced. :' 1 '. ' " ' - We don't ask you to do this. ' W know what this great remedy will do under every test and w waat you to make this st-.v Bond today to Pyramid Drug Co, 493 Pyramid Bldg, Marshall. Mich, for fro samples to prov our claims. SHEEP SALES BRING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO BEND V vJwt-jfcyaW: -tv&.lt. ywys y 7 If a -maw. v. . c' v. . . 1! 'v 4 When th shipping season has closed tn th Bend country, more than SS.OOO sheep will bar been transported from the range of Central Oregon into Mon tana for winter feeding before they are sn( to th astra markets. This esl outj vu mad last week; by J. T. Hardy, traveling freight agent of th Oregon Trunk railroad, who bas been Feeding pent at Bend, bis sheep skipping point of ' Central Oregon. - ; busy all summer rounding op th ablp ments and seeing that they war loaded and started safely on their way. . During th last II days, 12.000 sheep went out of Bend, and la exobang something in excess of 160,000 went Into th banks and bands of th farm ers. EX P. . Clay of Oswego and J. A. Oreen of Billings, Mont, made the pur Chase for th Montana firm which will finish" the sheep and reap th ultimate profit J. V. JUber of MltohlV Or as sisted In getting th ranchmen and their stock lined up. For th moblllsaUon of all these sheep at Bend, stock for many miles south and westward war driven to th feeding pens at Bend, making that point th bis; shipping center f Central Oregon. fy.i-: '-rr.,--- ;;, liambs tnak tip th big percentag ef th sheep sblpmaotsv Mr. Clay-declares that Central Oregon In. the most favor able region of th northwest for sheep breeding because ' th mild climate makes th rearing of lambs so asy. - Among th biggest sheepralssrs who contributed to , the shipments out of Brad were: I D. Hoy, Tom Hutton, th four Murphy brother, 'Spud," Pat, Tim and Tedi P. Fltsgerald, Pat Fllnn, J, B. Branch, & I Holbrook, M. D. Sullivan, Tom Conolly, A. P. Cronln and Con Taylojr. , SEVERE WEAKNESS IN , CATTLE AND HOGS IN ' -TRADE DURING (WEEK Continued From Preceding Page. with 46ls head last week. The totals this week available ror th open maraet were even less than dating the preced ing six days, because most of the stock earns direct to killers, therefore th average .butcher oould not purchase. 'The aituatlon In the mutton -trad Is th on brla-ht ray of llrht In the local livestock .market 80 little stuff has com forward of late and such a small amount or this was first class Quality, that there was no test riven of values. In any event the general idee Of th mutton trad are for higher prices. . - general - mutton marks! ranrei -, Best spring lambs. ': S.S0 Ordinary lambs 1.00 6. 2 S Yearling 4.1(04.60 Old wether un.wMiwt 4.1i4.H Fancy ws ..,.,.... 1.8002.90 Ordinary ewes 1,76S.3 suaaay stmb sal, s.. BMtwa. No. Ave. lbs. Irriee. Idak C3 , 1121 : S.O0 wiesmt in 1 ' . , . axis . ium COWS 1 J190 , 1O30 rr.oo a e.Ts OfVaVM mm s neeiea XS Oterm ' m............. , 1 1260 " . .T0 Oncoa f;3,?v'T .ii f.M prase IUMmHHwU , . 88T 6.65 ima itmHH.M, l.;- V. 1230 . uo Oragea-mm.. . '-'-HB 12B BOOS - i ' . . it: f-I tl ISO '.so ..(; 108 --"f 1X0 S80 ' j$i 0 i. '-r.. 8SO 811 'A 14 V 48" it iv,-v: M . ;.' ( 198. .;?v-soo: V"!, 8T0 i ,f 880 11T, y-f m Id, be .......... S8 1 Idabe 21 . Id, be . , s - Id,h ................ Wauiartoa . Idfthf 'km4ai)ttaaaftaw.'-Hf Idabo -. '". OrMOA . awMalO0 WaabiortD ........... Tl WaahJngtea ...... 88 -v Orecee . 69 1 Oreroa :. ............... .10 , Oncoa f , Walactoa ........... ., 4 Oresoa ...., 10,0 ...w, ............ Weehtastoa ........... Idake ................. Oretoa xeasay Artemsea sales. Beetloa. 'A Me. .Ave. lha. orasee .......... . 28 : 1810 Oresoa, f . 1308 Ortfoa.,..,w.,w, 1 vreroa ......... 2a CTt89a',MMM..M ; : 1 Orego ................ ar Oresoa ',,,.. ., -: 4 Orasoa SI Oregoa ea)'aw . m OrfOft a)ws) S 80 raroa ................ 81' Idabe ...... AO Onfo 28 Idebo ................ Orecoa "V.-V:. ,?':;:,:: COWS oresoa Ongoa Idtbo Orecoa 8.T5 8.T8 ; - ' 8.60 v. T.7S T.78 .f.fja S'y- B.T8 . I.T5 - S.T8 S.T8 4 ' ' S.TO vTs-tr S.TO 8.70 f-TO ... . S.29 t-23 ;,' 8.00 T.T8 v T.J5 S:t.70 v J-1.70 ... XS . y Pries. 9.00 8.00 8.00 ,,; T.7B l:Jo V ffAO ... r. T.85 "i'v T.88 ViT' T.28 . T.2S : 1.00 i , T.00 1078 t.00 818 ; 1.00 ss v;v;' loo 2018 . f.0 . 11W ', 1288 1190 '1 1247 v 1084 , 100 1081 V :' lit ' 1118 'V 1038 ;' ... 4 ! 2110 7.1 1040 .( 8.T5 1238 80 liao . etui Oretoa ............. 1 1140 .'.Vt-i' .00 Oracoa ......... , S . . 1275 . .: .60 Oregoa ; f , 1128 ; : 9Mt 0coa ................. 1 V i 2120 .. ao urecoa ................ ; , ; JOT8 I.a.40 0reoa ' -4 . 1128 8.00 Waebbigtoa .,m.'.. .SS 'o'.ieosV ft.7t 1S48 280 U80 i 182 187 ......... 8 :.-;':X; 807 X, S89 1100 4i ; :io6o 1200 80.78 8.75 4.60 S8.78 8.70 8. TO 8.70 8T0 .8.60 . 8 88 8JW !"t.60 Prtee. ; 88.80 S8.80 ii 8,00 fdah Idaho 1 Oregoa g V " - .'-.v-:.:'.'v BOGS V Orecoa ' .,.iiiw,.wy 88 Idabo 81 , : Oieco ................ 28 . Orecoa ................ 04 . ' Oregoa ................ 11 ' ' Idibe 88 v Idabe .................. 74 viepim .... JU.UV ........,.., teu. Oregoa a ,,?; XMsoey Kenfag Saks,,. Seerio. KC: ,, Wo. Av. tht. lloatao ............. 8 44 Orecoa . S8"'.. i-v: & cows -v:'.; Hoatana ..m..4.,. 88.' Montana .......... 18 !; Montana .......... ..... 1 Moataaa ............... , ,; . BULLS , i Montana ............... JI. i i'Viijim;' tioti ?. w. Idaho .....MhM...'w... .81 ! .'V'i' 1H8 '4 Oregon 88 , ; - 2)0 Oregon 8 80 ' Oncoa 1 . ; -S20 SuMttf Aftsrnoea galea.. :--J . 'W"i- : COWS i ..mVV'-'. rBWIoa'f:;vi'K--rf No, Are. lbs.?'-prtee. Oregoa J, lino . fd. 00 Oregoa. lU 1OS0 - , 4.00 Montana .............. 1 IMS - . 8.00 Montana ; ,. . I lOftO 8.7B Montana 1 '12(10 : ' 8.60 Ongoa ................ 8 : ions ; B.oo Oregoa . l(M8 8.00 sum 1 r Montana 1 v. 100 85J , ... . ... ... noas . . Waahlnrtoa mm...... 60 . . 901 ' Wiahlnctae 88 . i 184 Wailugtoa 88 ' " , 11 Oregon ................ 8H 1 20 Oromn 87 JUT Washington ........... 88 ' 2X18 Waahlugtoa 1 ' 2d0 Wa,llititn . 8 140 Waalitugtoa ........... 4 . WaaUiuatoa ........... 1 v 40 Weanetday Horning Sales. ' , STXEK8 MH Ho. Ave. IHi. Vralngtoa I !) 1318 .. S9J0 18.78 b.T0 ' T.TO 88.70 S.TO 8.70 8.70 S.T0 8.68 8.00 ?O0 -TO T.T waamsgxea, Idake WaaUsgtea 192 880 1348; 178 a210 178 172 ' BMK . 460 Cows ' 4 .... 25 a BOOS Otssjopa ) 61 OrCgOet itfft84rit 1 Ortfon M st ) 6S WwhliitGtt tm..,t 4S Ongoa .....M....... S Orecoa 3 ''iv'-iVStarssay atoning Sales, -fe-'Vf:,.;V:.-0AI,VK8 Beetle. .'. . .Ho. Ave. lb. Idabe ....... T - . 907 . , i, HOOS 1 Orsf a '., ,,,.., ... 8 ...r. -.'.'.' 800 ... 8gOa : 80 ' m ngoa ' 18 288 Waahlngtoa ..m. ...... 82 .100 Oregon 18 . 208 Oregoa 12 , 100 Oregoa ,.. ; 2 228 Ongoa4 ................ 10 2u8 Ongoa ,..Mi...M. 17...... " 198 Montasa . .m . m, 88 , 200 Oregoa . . 1 ..t. .. 810 Ongoa 8 .. . 408 Waaklngto ...MM..M.. 1 8A0 Uoatasa T . 407 r .: -Zamrstay Afteraeea SalM Seetloa... tKo. Ava. lbe, Oregoa , 28 . 1120 24 1 1140 . Ongoa v...,....... 24 '"-r . 1187 Ongoa 24 1084 Ongoa ".. fc... .......... 88 ' 1128 Ongoa ................ 10 1024 Oregoa ......... J , ' 18W Ongeai St , i' . 1178 Ongoa .M.M. ....... S 8 1088 .--'-" ..v; -Tivi, COWS Oncoa .mm. ajsjs ss4ja) Oregoa ......,,,..., 84 ; v . 1084 Ongoa ................. 8 ' 1098 Ongoa ............... "1068 Ongoa M....M.r... 1 1080 Oncoa Maa)aaB4 ' A : A-;-.,-,:;;-:V' v BOLLS OlffMat -i 81 IJ Is'." ' . r . hogs Orecea'''.'i...,.M..wi.... S; Orqwi kMnMM,M IS Oregoa .m.. 87 : Oregoa .,...... 8 a Waahlngtoa ............100 . Waaalagtoa , .108 Seetlaa. Ongoa ................ 3 ?'--'i'i: -I, .A ::.; STAGS - Orecoa , ....... ..m. . . l.... 1290 v..-'.',;.i,,-.v;;,l' BULLS Orecoa ................ 1 1110. Oregoa . ...,.... .cm . . ' S. ' 1180 '' . ''.'-T;.-; V.'Ca ' COWS Oracoa HMMU S4 " . 1120 Oregoa ......m.,,.,. : 1 ' ' 1420 Ongoa . ....MM....i 4 s ' 1077 ' ,.-.:;-.;.i:.;5:HOOS Oregoe .....u.m...... 88 ITT Oregoa 84 187 Idaho . ... ...... . 16 . . 104 Oregoa ...............r 88 - ' 210 ' Ongoa '.....,m..m... 81 ' 202 Idabo 67 . 1S4 Oregott ....... ......... T9 ' 221 Idabo ................. 61 ; ,109 Oregoa ................100 169 Ongoa ................111 ' 173 1 Idabe 1 .' vil0 :i Idabe ................. 16 ! 107 8S7 87.88 -ass 80 , 8.80 -,I.H . 1.80 7.80 1.60 TAO Pries. 88.0 V 88.60 6J0 680 . 6.80 .860 ' 8.60 6.60 8.60 .,6X0 8.48 7.60 ' 1.60 7.50 1.40 Price. .17.80 : 7.80 7.80 8-80 1.80 1J0 6X0 .88 Mr ! PORTLAND JOSBXNO PSXCSS l -'7,i, ; .. , 1 :.:i,'v, . . ; These prteea are these at wtiek wbeUsalers sell to retailers, except as otherwise state BUTTER . Momlnil. , Ckeaaaery eobes, S4 state creamery, 81fJS2 raaea. batter, 12a, . SOIS Nonrinal. Candled toeal extras, 481 select palUta, 40et eaee eoest, 88e Spot bny. Ing price WitSTe .. Portland j swrage, 82 BSC. , . .."'" .,1 ',.:,, - . ... T UTt rODXTBT-nees, 1401414m sprtBfa. 14c; aUia, 12ci ceeeev 12oi Pekia dae&s, 1415e; Indlae Banners, leailet turkeys, lie, c pigeemv . aw, ei yeeng f 19 Oregea fhacy fan e dalslss, 17141 lrtlaai - rHEERUt KonlnaL cream twins and triplets, lit I leans Anierles. 18ms. BCTRB FAT Pradseeta gefc eurery, per ia., see. Sosa, 'Xeel sad Bass, ' .N -jf . HOPS Buying price, ehoiee. 2Ce trtsas, lVel medltua to prima, 18) SMdiaas, t& WOOU-NomlnaU 1018 elin. WtHanette vet. ley ctane Ootawold, lee Ukj mediant Sbree stalre. "fi choice taser tote, 18e lb. sesters Orecoa, l616, according, u ehrlakaa-e, ckvttm OB OA8CAUA Bab swsif. at lets, 4Ke: toss thaa eat lota, 4H. , r40HAlB--M18-.Montnal 80. - , , ; ' 5 HlDB-rr. Wdes, l22e D. gteea, lle salted Wdee, llejk ImlU, grees ealL 8e kips! lltjiaei salves, dry, MflS&e: eaU aline. 'salted sr graaa, 17fJ18et greea i sides, le leas tkaa saltedTsbsep selta saltsdr abearlBga, loaaos. U10 140 S41 220 , i . ,238 .:. 184 166 Irlaay atentag Bales, ' - 869 88.20 ; 640 80 S.OO AO ',vT,2 5 JO 9.60 , 6.60 W.60 3.60 8. B0 8.00 Pries. 280 ...M.. ' Ongoa ;. 6 Oretoa. ., t i:i;i';4'5!: IWoay-.. Afteraoo Bales.. f.r"' i;, ' SXKSR8 Seetloa. J-fw -v. v Me. ldah '. S8Ma4aas8 1 4 OTffJOaa : wMwMaV X . Idabo .. 1 0refO aaaaie2 . t v Oitf n r tt ' oows Ongoa , , mi 1 1 ..... .... 1 Idabo ........ 6 Onrea ....... 1 Oregoa Idabe ...... ....... . .. 2 Oracoa : . , . 2 BZAnS - ongoa 1 BOLLS e Oretoa fBwa4a)aaej44, 1 -L.f 1480 , Oregoav,.,,.... ......... 1 " ' 1270 taano ................. i 'U -- satBTday:KoTBlng Sales, , :'J--';:-:'-,'rV-f,.'."';:- STUB Seetloa. v. rfx - Bo. Ave. lbs. Ongoa ' ......e..... t g 1160 Oregoa . .....m,,mi.. is . : 1020 cows Idaho ....... 1 ' 1080 Idabe 4 ' 1012 ldab ,.. 8 1083 A. Iha. . 1088 . IBM . 880 ' 71 827 1080 ' 1122 1190 , 1180 v 88 r 860 88.78 6J6 ! 44.76 ' 6.26 4.00 83.86 i.sft . 8.88 1 8.89 6.86 6.28 6.25 8.10 ' 8.00 8.00 7 AO 1,86 7.89 1.25 T.0O Pries. 7.00 476 ' , 4.60 800 4.00 18.78 : m M 6.60 6.26 6.00 8S.O0 8340 6.29 - 6.18 Price, 88.66 S.S0 6.00 800 4.00 CHICAGO . HOGS HOLDING ' Market Holds Vat $8.25 for Tops ) Cattle and Sheep Steady. - Chlcaro. ; . I1L. OoL 1S Hoe ate. olpts. 8000: market, steady. Mixed and ouioners- 87.eoos.28; gooa and heavy, T.7J J light f 7.66 & 1. 1 6. - . v . caine neoeipia, svuv; maricet. aieaay. Sheep Receipts, 4000; market, ateady. Use eommoa senss-bnr Bunarlor aoaL II ton. Main 164: A.1641. Adv.) , , sins ran beaiinglo M . fbedeat btanTra4- nrmm JuIuatea tnr loo artem ' ,1 ' awierkmla.ei - J ' 1:' OftewRmtoemiHee 1 gT fJtrtW I" of otbw 1LB.. aa. B vwm. li.a bIukwi biim.e ln ahead of otba flma. li.a nluana, a MuutlTMiMatoaounil. muw muwa In o. Irj thm m woooAriiu antuiwnie e r OMUrrUIB. t ieai plainly liztzAniL .. X . i , .. (WKlMBlaUM Wear It t9 Days T2b 7 r" s ri4scrorhoiia Co, .0 Lameerniea ludgn Oor. 6'a, eaa atara sroOAB-abe, 86JOJ jrwderad, 88.80; frett ev berry, 5.10' beet. 84 JO dry grannie tea, 80.101 yellow.' 34.40. lAbere utattoa are sw-aai , seasii j. t . . BJOir-Japaa Hel. SU05t Bew Orleant, seas. 64i7ei Cbeeto, aae. . HUoiI new, a. aw seeev . - .. , - - , BEANS Small white, a s-eet ' lavn wataa. 6141 BUj, ,4me lUBas, 4ii piaka, 4c key AiAUOeerse. half greeada; MOs, 1 per teat 601 810.781 .table in, 80s. 1181 loe. 117.60) kale-.Jl.2B ( extra, fin barrels, 2s, as sad UM, ilidd.OO; lam reek, 820J see to. : ; ' Heats, m aa l leinumi ' , DKK8SKD MSAZS Belling price Ooeatrr killedi Hos. fancy, llU12c erdlnarr. llei rough sad heavy, ci fancy veals, UHOlSet e oinary, isci poor, vtg.vsi awn, awe; aaattoa, lOej goats. S4e. v .... . HAUS, BACON, BTO-JHaraa 8041331 fcreag. fast baeoa, 1B28cj boils aaaa, S0s plcalca, UHe; cottage ( ). UKAT8 facklag seass ataara Be. t stock. 18Hi sow, Mo. 1 stock. 12e ewes, SM arbSeiK M &'t OXSTiuaBboalwatsr any, per gafloa ( ) per 100 lb. aek t )l Olrapia, set galaaa, ia.60; per 100 lb. seek ( )l cajumA eastern, 80e can) 16.60 eoseat eastern, in shell. 81.7641 2.O0 per 1001 rasor elama, 82.00 2. 28 bos; east, era raters, per gallon, solid pack. 8X76. LAB1 Xlsross, 13m eompoajxi, Uerees, 8183 Nominal. - Dressed flemtmrA Tet hahV sat OlOei striped bass, 17 sUveralde sahnea. tots 8t per uvt toe tots, 8K per lb,, oil, hkal carload sots, as. TUKTSNTlMawin rales. TUoi 70e irea sarrela, afo V gauo 14 ta. lairc set r hallbnt , ai0ei sole. 1 lb. I shrlmae. iou.Ti mn4i. So, lb-l Inhatata. So lh.i kihi ar smelt, 11 shad (11 slack cod. 7c: tturgeoa, 12Me. ? ' 18Hi' pereh. ii sir baas 10a; CluifrLart. 16t amdhna, 84 Tnlts as vegetauee. BEBSH rBUITS-orsages. S.4t le Sanaa, 44t6 Ib.t tomoee, 86 Ibnes, 8140 perlbot arajftuit. CaiUoral. UoTl1oeMa, l.2S8.S0i pineapple, J.fTe; eaatatoapes, i-2.fioffl2.T5t Beac-es. fancy, eOfiOOet erdlnarr. AA40ci watormeloas. ImSI sranea. CeooariU. 12l. pee vuwe vnnsues, 704 e1.2B: sears, 31.00ai.86. TvEoWABLBeV-ralps, Mr80et beets, 8ia) 1.10: earrots, 31421.161 parsnips, 4101.16 saeki cabbage. 11 Meal lomatoes. weeov boi string beans ) I Sreen oolone, uy, per henrnest BePDsrs. bell. &10el bee ba. tuce, t026e doses: eetsry. 60iMei egg plant, Tc; eauUt lower, $125 down; rhobarb, lo cal t H ira""v" ?" kwraaia, list SDlneck, tocalY )l peas, 8tJ7o. "VrrhAIE8 dackUberrlea, lortllue IK I mr.. berriee, local. ew, ew-oy oarrei. AFFLaa epitaenners. ftwsi.Wj Bpy. 61.2601.761 Jonathan, l.tHi2. nana, an. 31.Ouai2.oai akm. w . . - . . , i . w. . . . 1 leland ureeains,. mister as 8102.60t Oruey, 8l-fW.T0l eravensteta. 1.10 pw "it,w tOQVfXJOII, caesos, 1.00i ATOBB SelUns prioei Bxtra 1.1601 J6 eae, fL15i ordinary, 81.00 saek oylns prl. eeJloade, 460J6. eoontry pointa; WONNUlobbmg 1w tAOOj eertoad W tag price, 41.40 3. w . shipping statfcei garli. 4W8 j'v .' awan saa-'mm -V4sr.? r.TWwrim OIL Baw bbla. ass aa nLi be. tU hollea. bbla.. le sal.: raw eases. 4ei boiled eaeea, 86 gall tot f 860 galloas, 1 torn; ell cake meal, 844 per tea. - , , wum Ubau o mm, s pes u. ss av ii ' OMAHA HOGS UP MIGKBL Tops. 8tHJ at $7.70, Howerer Ko . Others Arrlre In Tarda. .' - (Special t Tbs Joornal.l Omaha. Nsh. Oct 26 Hog R cdpts, 1000; market, lo up at 11.119 7.7 o. ; Bheep None. . - - HOQ RAISING PROVES PROFITABLE TO STATE Fandlsten, Or, Oct' SSv-Dr. W, JX ITNary, snperlntendent of tn eastern Oregon Stat hospital, lq' order to dls pas of th kitchen refuse f rom th In SUtuUon, purchased.- 40 or 10 bead at pigs at tl a head, and now h ha them ready to put on th market at prices ranging from $!l to 40 per head. This Increase In value has keen secured with out th expenditure of a lngl dpllar, Tn zirst ysar ot farming tn th hos. pltal grounds has proved to th aupere Intendent that th atnt can run th ln- stjtutlon mor soonomlcaliy by growing hog tnat on larger seal and d voting lss of tn acrag to th ralalng of poutoe. Th potatoes grown this year Aw IwtMt ? tM.tfl'1 mi 1 4ttA a,mt. whll wU slied, wer not good keepers and. herafter th superintendent in tends raising only Rough to supply th institution . f or a fw months of ths : Jobs for Fifteen Men. ' Chehalls, Wash- Oct. . 15. Wlnlock's nsw brick and til factory has begun work with II men employed. Pressed brick, drain and partition til will be mad and soon 10 msn will b working. GIVE M E. A' CHANCE TO CURE YOUR RHEUMATISM ah-. Delano took bis ears medicine. It sored bis rbeamattam after he bad suffered tortures for 84 years. ' Ha a peat theoeands of dollara be fore hs dleeovend tbe remedy that cored klra, bnt 1 wiU give yo th benefit ef bis exper lance gor aouuns. ..:'...'- It yoa snffer from rheamatlns let as send Ma i Barkae-e of tbls-Mmedr absolntelr free. Don't send any money.- I want to gtve It te res.,. I waat res to so tor yoorself what It will de. The X-ray sietnre ebowe sow rnearaa turn twuts and autorte tbe bone, Ifaybe yea are snffarin tbe name war. Don't. To don't seed to. t have tbe remedy that I believe will ore yea and It's years for ths saking. Write me today, r. U. Delano, 188-r Delano Bldg Syra cuse, w. g, ana i win eesa ye a ire pauag the very day I get year letter. ' lulm: Agree mm BOTH SIDES CLA!7.1 : VICTORY AT SAL0.1 "Wets" . and "Drys Wags Hot ,c C-sroaJgn, In' Readiness, I bti ' " November 4. th wets, and th C ' representative vote li i win by a substamial r : . (Be tern Bar Tbe leeraaU) ; '. . Salem, Or, OcVtoVTh auort strenu ous vet and dry , campaign ' rr arrled on in Salem Is now being waged. Both sides are well organised and ontn 14 days ago It was conceded even by th saloon interests that the city-would b voted dry on November 4. but within ths last week th wets bar perfected their organisation and now daclar thsy wilt Win th lctlon. ,i,: ,.': It 1 generally ooaceded that th result of tbs election rests largely with , th women, and both sides ar centering their campaign on them. Th last tlm th Issu was presented In Salem, with only th men voting, th city remained wt by a.,vry small majority. - - Th dry hav bad an ouUid cam palm speaker hr all wsek speaking oa th strts and at th various church. They hav also mads practically a hous te house canvass.. .. . -.:. On th other hand th wets hav In creased their strength among th bust nssg Interests by appealing- to them to sav th city from a financial setback, which they declar would follow prohi bition. 'lv.:v'Y f:-.i.Vi ...v.,) ;. ; It Is assorted that th dry hay don mora systematic campaign work 'than f ossi:il!ty cf r::v; : "UP" Fon r.:;.;.:i::;:iD; Marshfleld, Or., Oct. 25-VvTii: '' politics baa so far beea evfdt, ( t .e , campaign Is now starting. That there ! will bs a marked division of parties Is , !dent ty tWcWr- WlfthtMA a clvlo league which will Qkely b In opposition to a liberal administration , such as Is now In power. Th Social- , lets, who have a considerable vote, have so far not . indicated how they will atand.;'"A ,? - i 'Th call for th meeting for th r j ganlsatlon of a clvlo leagu Is th out- growth of a banquet held by the Broth- j erhood ef Churches, so it is likely the i leagu will favor a closed town. It Is believed that a direct wet and dry veto will be brought about In Marshfleld as soon as possib)a GOMB SAGE TEA IH ji.TODJieriT Grssdma kept her locks jdark, sjloagy, thick with a mixture of 8tfe Tes b4i Sulphm. I'y 'x- Th oldtim miiturt of Sag Tea and Eulpbur for darkanlng Tay, trakd and faded hair la grandmother's treat neat, and folks ar again using it to keep thir hair a good, even color, which la cult sensible, aa ws ar living In an age when a youthful appearance Is of ths gratst advantage. .. Nowadays, though, w don't hay th troublesome task of gathering the sage andth muasy mixing at boms. 'All drug stores sell th rsady-to-us product caUed -Wyeth' Bag and Sulphur Hair Remedy- for about AonU a bottla It Is vry popular bsoaus nobody can dlseovar It has bn applied. Blmply moisUn your comb or a soft brush with It and draw thla through your hair, tak lng en small strand at a time; by morn ing th gray hair disappears, but what delight th ladles with. Wyeth's Bag and Sulphur la that, besides beautifully darkening- th hair after a few ap plica, tlona, It also produces that soft lustra and appearance of abundance which- Is so attractive; , besides, ; prsvsnts danoV raft, Itching scalp and falling hair. Ccnllrn Ce SfcJccciti iltl D. D. D. Prcscri;l!:a rtea. T. lUchardson. U. TX.I . In my onlnlon D. D. a should be applied In all case of skin disease- an immedi ate relief to the '.Itch, a calm to ex. cited nerves, soft, soothing, yet a now. erful agent, a strengra w u general system." Dr. unna tioimes: . -u. w. u. is aa near a speoirio ror otema ana in dreaded psoriasis a Is aulnlns for ma laria. I constantly proserin U. l. IX. itch, pimples, all forms ot itching erup tions, scales, sores." Dr. Ira T. uaobert: -i freely admit that D. D. IX reach eases, and. per. manently euros them, more efficacious ly than mlna" ; v,-.; ....,- Dr. uaDberi s wo res are or special sia-nlfloanc. II is known- a on cf the first akin specialists In thasUteJ of Kansaa Writ to hinv Dr. Ira T. Gabbert. Caldwell. Kana. , If yon aro affected with any skin blemish, even th slightest, or a tem porary rash, try V. JD. today. , Us It according to direction, i Notice how th skin Is cooled, soothed, smoothed. ' refreshed th , Instant ' thla liquid la ''usd.''V!'i':1;i:',,:';rvor'i . Than conUnu with th simple' wash, and watch your cur, .iv-.-. . All druggists baadl XX D. IV Come to us and. w will tell yon of th may veloua efficiency of this remedy as well aa th D. D. V. Bktn Soap. We offer th first full is bottl oa th guar, ante that unless It does what la claimed. It cost yon nothing. - . Huntley Drug Co. Washington , at Fourth. Tifoodard, Clark 4b Co drug D. D. D. rrc::r!;:::3 f;r 13 jt:rs itz tlzzizrUlli rc:'j HOVYOUMAY THROW AWAY YOUR GLASSES Th atatement Is made that thousands wear yglasas whe do not really need them. If you ar on of thess unfortu nates, then the glases may b ruining your eras ' Instead of helping them. Thousands who wear ths "windows" may prov for thetnselve that they Can dispense with -glasses - If . they will gat th following proscription tilled at once. Oo to any active drug ators and get a bottl of Optona; fill a two-ounce bottl with water and dop In on Optona tab let. With this harmless liquid solution bath th eyes two or four times dally and you. are likaly to be astonished at the results right from the start. : Many who' bay been, told that. they hav as tigmatism, eyestrain, cataract, sor eye lids, wak eyes, conjunctivitis and other eye disorders, report wonderful benefits from the us of this free prescription, Oet this prescription filled and use it: yon may so strengthen your eyes that glasses win not be necessary. Thou sands who ar blind or nearly so, or who wear glasses, would never hav required them. If they had eared f or their eyes in tima Save your eyes before It Is too late 1 Do not become on of thes vic tims of neglect.. Eye glasses ar only like crutches and every few years they must b changed to fit th ever lncreas. lng weakened condition, ao better see If you can. Ilka many others, get clear, healthy, strong, magnetic syes through ths prescription hers given. (Adr.) QUIT TuEAT IF Vil li IDS ACT DIY; rk talilsspooDiul of Calls If Xac' -v buts or IlatUez botliei--rriaJt ; ' ; ; ' lots of witsr. W are a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with urio acid, says a well known authority, who warns us tol be constantly on guard against kidney t trouble.'"". xV.; ;.v :.j The kidneys do their utmost to fre . the blood of thla irritating acid, but; become weak from the overwork: they .lit..4.hi lh. Al1mlnf1vai tlneuAM clog and thus th wast 1 retained in the blood to poison ths entire system ' When your kidneys ache and feel Ilk, lumps of lead, and you hav stinging , pains la ths back or the urine Is cloudy, full of sediment or th bladder Is Ini-' table, obliging yon to seek relief during : th nights when you hav sever head- aches, nervous and 'dlssy spells, sleep-.-lassness, acid stemach or rheumatism pad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts: tak a tablespoon ful In a glass of water before ' breakfast each morning and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This ; famous salts Is mad from th aold et grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthia, and has been usd for generations ; to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralis th acids In urine so It Is no longer a sourc of Irrlutlon, thus Vxwususj uiium, eassu . vtauuvs as as v Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and cannot Injure; make a delightful effervescent.? llthia water drink, and nobody can .make a mistax oy ' taxing a um occmsion- ; ally to keep th kidney clean and ao- ', tlve. "v;n:-v;' ' ' ' m V H : III; iOMEDONT'Ol For Stomach nnl Llvcp flRH Sulicrcrs a Don't take medldne for year Sromaoh all. ents morning, noon asd night, ss aaoally sncb madldnee ealy give tempornry relief sad alaplr dlcaat the food that kaoMmi to be fa fhi Don't vermlt emrleat enaratta. ' There la always sartoas danger la operations, sad la Uvar and Intestinal avoided if Out rlht remedy 1 take ia time, v : . Don't C around with a fbsfl amelllne nnafk earned by s disordered Stomach sad Liver, te the dlsossfcfort ef these yea com la eon tact With, .- .. ' f, -m; -', . It yea are a Stomach gnfferer. don't think yoa cannot be kelpedi probably wore caees thaa roars bar been restored by Ifayr'a wetv arfal Btomaeb Remedy. Umt stomacb allmeats ar mattily esosed by catarrhal conditio, - Mayr WoaO erful atom. sea aemeoy not em? remove me catarrhal ma Yon and X ean r i n .J, ) without aif hddv . knnwina- It. ami I will ' anve vou wnw emreiui simple expert advice sod,.' b Horn Treatment as a. . iM, uuw mi , mji ii.ii . FREE nm ma to von to 1 help or sure yoa as one of my ' Sotstcrc: Ko matter where you'" lire J eaa and will do this for you u you Dr. Oraee Peder Tneme, eon Fo 17 Ymm i .. , - . " . . U11H II ..HrXriffr Irom.Fetnri: aea m Hav Home Tr.M. Weakness, Nervous- ; Mat for Hln-Often Bees, Beann Dowo A rreeTreewiam te Yee, Paina JlfiadacbeajBari- Jm"i,''.. ' I" .. ol,5 poor Appetite,1;' Indigestion, and Kidney Trouble or other sufferings that women ion know. f NtTVOUt? Bstbefor $iey trled?! Home Treatment they had lor years lived ia ; dread of men dootore and their advice to sub- mit to surgical operations. Many had triad one -'drug eure" alter another but still suffered as Viea erl"e nPrtaver liml almAal sptwam . .. fL2? . mwj gisas uhvd fa w mma amrw . They wrote to me as almost a last refuge but they took my edvioe and Home Treatment and ever afterward owdd aot seemly.. -f, 9 to thank me enough. . If CC, ' Health eaa be restored. Ii your eyes see this offer decide to be one of the fortunate one to eease suffering to regain your spirits of happy' " youth and strength, , Writ m and prov it how yon suf ur eaa will be oi complete expert ariviee sad I will send yoo a sample of my Bom Treatment FKi: K, by mail, postage paid ia plain package, Ihnt won't -eost you a penny. Not a cent. Ko obligations : me in any way lor so of the grandest 1 tear X Just vriis r.: Only 3 Day! 7yo2?t earefuUy eooi&ered. You will recel you eaa disoover. tSeefi- ie Deoida, slater. th!i '! ones mors to sek tiie '. end of yoor nffsrii'e.'; Writ, tn ma TOIU Y. ' NOW whils yo leel like it. 'MmT-" '"CM 325 fcmuC t LD(3. BAN FHANCICO ' coot, bet sllars tbe ehrosle Inflamnutloa and swiats la renderins the entire sllmeatsry sad Intestinal tract antlaeptte, sad this Is tie se mi nf It, ntarvekuia anoeea,. Don't sater eonstant pata and agony ss4 allow yoor stomseb allmeats to phraieaiiy an dermis yoor health. . No mart bow eevere our cas may oe, er sow nog jmt bars sof. arad one doae of bfarr'a Wonderful Bbmaj.a Banwdv should eoavlnee roa that tan mn ha reatored to health again. HarfS Wonderful Stomach Bemedy bas beta takea and la highly neonmeaded br Members ef Ooocreas. Jnatlraa et tbs Supreme Court, Edaoatura, bwrere. Marchanta, Beakers, Doctnre, Orngglata, Nnraea, Manataetarera, Priests, Ministers, farmers and people la all walks oi Ufa. Rend tor raiB valneble beoklet en gtomech Ailments to Oeo. B. atarr. lBeVlfiA Whltlna Chlragos 111. ror sals in Portland by the Owl Drug Co.. Broadway and Washington ate. i a y j . ' lf I LADlESlMra II k I safe and sere wo. man's Btdk-lne. enr to t' Worke like lunula, ldr f . "f double . etrnria 85. .i A,.Vr. and guaranii'va b the l-lr'ou4 I J l" 1- Morrleua a.wt. l i t REEFER Chronle snd Ner-ooe Sis. saaee readily eoeenmb to my tbofttigh sad aabaae. tire methods of treat meet when they ere ear-fully end eonalatenti followed. Mistakes are at a minimum, beaeaa I have treated succeaaful. ly tbooaaade et eaaea ex eetlr like your owe. It le sa error net to seek the a (1 rice ef e Specialist who bas ' had tars of ox pert voce snd give ea elualTe pereonal attntte a K. ...ot.n ... .ni.h 1 am licensed to practice In the states ef Oregon, Waomngtoo. . California Snd Nevada. bfy cfin-e le tborouebiy equipped with every electrical and ai. uao leal oevlo neeeesary fur tbe srlomirie treat mant et yonr ailments. , I auuUulaler tue Vorld'a lateat remedies. 1 Treat Puwro"v CHRONIC, NEliVotH, j rrtnn, g". BLADDER, UVUrt AM mS"T 1 . BASKS, BHBUMAXlP.vt. No.i.- Z,- , CZ K MA. bOlUtAj LLCC..J. A. J glSl'LLA. Consultation and l!xamlntf..a T". 9 to ft T to A Dally; kunuaj, Ij to 1. J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. BOOMS IMS LArAYtrri f'- l. S18H WAaUlNciTOfl Pf tW.-.U, ; . t, POBTt,Vii, r- "1 a see. is c::;::. ( ? T'