::m; , THE OrJXON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1911 TOWN TOPICS AilUSE3IENT3 "Tb Urn." VXllfd K1ptoO and Uorrlaos, Curtain 8:16. .. ' - BAKfctt Rrnndwur and Morrlion. (. V'li'H wamuirotra." luriain B:sw. -LYlUO w Foiutb and atark. Ktl"f A nnw iiji) no p. "v "' PANTAGES riro.dwiy and Aider. TaadariU. , Curtain, 8:80, 7:15, 8:10. , COLUMBIA Sixth, krtwesn Whtntoa tnd "Get-BlcB. Flood Uttltt Btnrk ata. Motion ntaturva 11 a. m. to 11 t&MJUH TUKATltBJ West Park and Al Ida la, Mary tiukford (ARC. 'In tbe bishop's Car 12 m. to D. m. Washington, between Sixth and Motion plctnrt rlr." motion picture,. 12 m. to p. m. 1UB Itrod,r..r ' Afntlon nlctnrMi. . SXaifc Wealjhgton and fax. : Weather Conditions. Portland and viclnlts , SoaOr f alrj . Seat- frlr wtodi. . ' Oregon, waaningtoa and Irtanoi Bunaaj p araiif itur; mooaraie eeeterir .wmaav V?-,U IUK0P0BB F. DBAKB, . -ii. "iyv". Acting Dlatrlct Forecaataf. Al Clrt to Visit Salenu The Port v land Ad club has aeaspted the invlta ' tlon of ths newly organised Sal am Ad ' club to run up to Salem tomorrow even ltng, to attend the regular meeting and .dinner of the Ad club, to be followed ky a meeting it the Balem Commercial . club, when A. Q. Clark, president of the Associated ; Ad Cluba of the Facilio coast, and ex-prealdent of the Portland Ad dub, will address the Ad club and their guests, the Royal Cberrlans and the Commercial club and business men of Salem on the subject cf clean adver- : Using-, v The Portland delegation will 'leave the Portland hotel at 4 o'clock to ; ! morrow afternoon In autos donated for 'the trip by the members end leave 8a I lent for the return trip In time to arrive tin Portland at midnight. Thoss going jon this trip should notify H. J, Blaes- lnf, Mam 1416, in order to secure a seat in one ox toe macnines, .1. . : v. v sineer's office, living at 13SS East Nina-' teenth street, north, sustained a frac tured "shoulder i when ' his automobile skidded and ran Into a grave pit on Portland boulevard yesterday afternoon, J Wheeler was driving at about 1 mllea 1 an hour on Portland boulevard between , Union and Grand avenues when a frightened team getting In the path of the machine forced him to turn off the road. - The machine : skidded, Into a gravel Pit throwing, "Wheeler bn his fC.:Verbnilsertaaxhlris wT damaged considerably. : , ; . Taken tinder Advisements A. suit to enjoin the city from selling property on Macadam road, between Admiral avenue and Dakota street, brought by John Ar nold and eight other property owners, was neara Dy circuit Judge Morrow and taken under advisement The property owners allered that the" assessments against their property were unequal and unjust. They alleged that assessments against the Southern Faclfle railway atad the Oregon Electrio were too low, and that the United Hallways were not as sessed, though they should have been. The total ocat of the Improvement was xwo Divorces Granted. Decrees of aivorce were granted yesterday to M. B. Pugh from Annie &. Push ana, to Mary V. Roberta from Elbert Ck Rob erts by Circuit Judge Kavanaugh. Pugh charged cruelty. Ha was awarded the custody of a minor child. The Pnghs were married in Crawfordavlle, Or., April 10, 1ISI. Mm Roberts alleged that her husband treated her with AN IMMORTAL CORPORATION By Dr. Frank prane. ' ft V f 1 , , (Copyright, 11, by Frank Crane.) , " ' Thre may be some doubts as to the Immortality of the soul, but there are none about the Immortality of the corporation. . . - . The Hudson Bay company, which did business In the north wilderness et America in the seventeenth century, Is establishing hugs department stores In uie earns region, now rapidly settling. In the twentieth century. " . Few talea appeal more strongly to the Imagination than the sober history Of this company. It Is a story of strong men, of their wild advsnturea In sav age lands, where law's abode was In the hip pocket, of their grim purpoae -holding on for a quarter of a thousand years, of the grip of ths Anglo-Saxon, et ana unloosed from generation to generation. ' It was Charles If of England who In 1670 gavs to "the governor and com pany of merchants-adventurers trading Into Hudson's Bay thslr rights to ' trade In and to govern an empire of field, forest and water or whoss extent tney had no conception.' ., , v-'1 ', . : It was in a day when unexplored lands were given away with a free hand and a royal largesst In a day when ths pops drew a Una on the slobs and cava au on one Bias to spam ana au on the other to Portugal. - - cruelty, and thaV hs, drank to Taxeass. 'built their lonely stockades, trapped and hunted In the unhampered freedom of They wars married in Portland. March Al, ASSS. Ooavartea Comedian XvaiigaUat. Cap tain Charles H. Stanley, converted come 'tflan, who has been doing ; evangaUstle 1 work and "Oregon dry" campaigning for ! some time, and who has spent several .-'.weeks In and near Portland, will begin another week's work In Portland with a sermon at flellwood M. XL church at It v o'clock this morning. This afternoon at f:0 o'clock, he will apeak at a mist - meeting at th St. Johns M. E. church, and In ths evening ha will bs at Pied . mont Friends church to conduct the reg ular services. Tomorrow night be will bs at ths Piedmont Presbyterian church. Captain Stanley - Is the composer of songs, many of which he stags at bis services, r, y r -' ? j 1 ,i -' ' ' Xresh. Oregon eef Every ounce of ' meat at Frank I Smith's is fresh. Ore gon stock. No- Australian , beef c at : iSmlth's. ; Choice ' ; hams. , 10a. : Plcnlo , , hams, lo. Pork roasts, 11 U-I7 Via, Chops, lTH-xoo. Loin and rib chops and legs of lamb, ISc Choice, sirloin 'steak and round steak. SOaX Fancy ba con, loo, 23 Ha and tSo, Oregon butter, tae-STUo. Eggs. 0a Lard in ts, iOcj, In 6s, 5et is 10s tt.it. : Pig's llvef, to. vBoll beef, 10-11. Shoulder lamb, ' 10a. Pot roasts, 11-lKo. . Rlba beef, 15-lSa, Hsllbut, lOo. Lamb's liver, lOo. " Chinook salmon. 10e. These prices pre. TaU at Smith's Main Market, ill Alder street, between First and ' Second streets. . CAdv.) Held for Board BinswCharged with defrauding an Innkeeper, - Ouy Vedder and Gordon pitta were arrested yester day and lodged in the county jail They are. charged with beating board bills 1 owing to Mrs. a Hubbard, who runs a boarding house near the Union Btoek yards in North Portland. Vedder la enargsa with a bill of ...tS and Pitts is said to have run up a bill of 110.8a, Season. It On MaIsnt It 'reason able, that I can undersell the high rent stores with their , enormous expense? Take the elevator and bur your stilt, raincoat or overcoat from me, than you save tha extra profit which goes lnts th landlord's pocket My expense are one-iwenuetn or a ground floor store. Jimmy Dunn, pregonlan bldg, . third woor. . - . Udr.) the new world, fought and traded with the Indians For a while this advance guard of Engllah civilisation had a hard contest wita their traditional enemies, the French, who disputed their territory, until .the treaty of Utrecht In 1711, by which France resigned her claims. Then followed what was perhaps a fiercer war, a war with their competitors, fierce and bloody as a Kentucky feud. This closed la Ull with a merger with the Northwest company, t !Vyv,'r-;.:;'.Y-,' ';... ,'ys:- 'Thus through years, -centuries, the Hudson Bay company has hung ori and now comes a curious adaptation of Its oldtlme enterprise to modern conditions. It Is ssUbllshlng a chain of department tores throughout the newly developed vsnuiiao semtory. . ..... , .- ..... ... ., . , v - Few of us realise with what tremendous rapidity northwest Canada Is being brought under cultivation. Tralnloads of -settlers during the summer come from Minneapolis. Shiploads corns from England Vast farms are bslng : ,Tbe Hudson Bay company has already opened In Calgary a department store that represents a capital ef $1,000,000. Another Is building In Vancouver, say the newspspers, at a cost of $4,000,000. Still another, at Victoria, will cost $1,160,000. Winnipeg win have a $7,000,000 store. There wUl ba ene.at Ed , tnonton.. ; - '.v- .. - The Value of this private enterprise in the perilous days nf frontier Ufa Is Ttnauesuonea. ;i remains to ce seen jiow it will adjust Itself, and what will ba the people's attitude toward it in uiese days of growing distrust toward pri vately owned wealth units. OF CHARITIES PLANNED Soger Zstate JrobatedL Ths estate or u aim nth Goger, who died April 10, 10. : was probated yesterday by his Widow who asked for , anoolntmsnt administrator; of -the estate and guar dian xor enree cniiaren. she also asked tnat Bar dower be apportioned. The estate consists of 10 acres of land val ued aijfseoo,. :-Vrv ; What Vans Says About atalgreaev-. lumbago er.Wdn t 1"" w-w Vw Mniusr B,wa ounnM MKIol grene mUed with four ounces Olive Oil) and taketwo teaspoonsful every three 1 hours. Salgrsne contains ns aleohaL I is an irniant to the kidneys. I f w sue avt au rug stores. .- (Adv.) r ters to. Be at First and Taylor Streets; 1 , - Ocurtsv I 10I0V court SxoesalTe irrlnilag Zs Disease) and! Ghtrlt1 nd rellaf argaulsaUona ct ws treat k as suon. we guarantee) to city nave perrsotea plans xor a joint remove all desire for drink In from three I application bureau, to be located In the omf"" The kn. r1"." "om.j.foe. of the Municipal Free Employ St, eor. tld. . Phones Mala liJlt A-mea bureau,, First and Taylor-Streets. iit. or. , u QlUesple, medical dl-1 It Is Intended to make this offloe an ap- rm"M" y.Uvyti: -I" ':; ' ' :: l Sar''. - pUcaUon and referenoe bureau, ta which Sadism Btsinmsgi M nines "n t. i.i.. I ' desiring assistance may apply decided upon, as It would be more eon-1 can't iast much lonrer. aa won haji k.,. 1 and receive the proper directions as , to venlent for him. Judge Morrow will I ter get ready for cold weather. Stoves wh,ch speotflo charitable organisation probably sail for CbcuUls on the first I of all Jclnds are listed under "Household I wU1 handls their oasa In ether words, best in December, 'judge Coke is dis-wxur me ciasaunea seeaoa today at!11 wul c son cr a clearing nouse mat qualified to sit in several cases, which rsrr low prices. Hadn't ? yoo better I wln differentiate between the cases pre- ... CArcult v Jrsflges SBxahaage Circuit Judge Morrow will hoi for Judge Coke, cf Coca county, until "the December term. . ' Judge Coke yester day requested that ths December date be TO GIVE PICTURESQUE BULGARIAN DANG E Mischief-Making "Mascha" In Chocolate Soldier to De-' " light Audience; ' (AdV.) canted. At the gams time, by means of aamtmilntton. Knrrv af tha hari, mnA Atlractlvs .Concert. Ten shonid at. BBAmnlavji4 will hm . t Ir jtn In ,p. WW U wnoarE to DC SIVen or ttl Hnn. t ntw statist Ia knM th. ailvtaaMI. to AMak- Miss I "'""srsii"onBj cnurcn, eornar of I lty T a municipal lodging bouse. j&asi sia ana East Taylor, at 7:10 &. m I It ! mannnd t an, ths mint umR. this evening. They will render a pro- cation bureau November t, and continue ai. eapeaaj merit. tAdr.l through ths winter months to Anrll L The SCcrphm; Wl can bs estved JX: iwhTr? "'"L0.? Army, Portland Commons. Men's Heeort rr """" wi Volunteers of Amelia anfl Aaaalatl Will take about a week, to try. He will . occupy Judge Morrow's place bare dur ing Judge Morrows absence. , ' -JoOy Klsstonary" Isabel Crawford, familiarly known as the "Jolly Missionary," will be the speaker at the Sunday afternoon serv ice of the Toung Women's Christian as sociation at 4:30 o'clock. Visa Craw ford tolls,, with humor, of her many years experience among the Kiowa In dians. , She will probably appear In ths native Indian costume, All women are Invited to hear her. , , v ; t , . - a via wmm w wv auiwuiiiF wvti dressed and at the same time practice 1 economy, have us make your cloth a j Tou'll get genuine, thoroughbred tailor! Ing, and all wool fabrics that will wear better than any ready-made garments! - m. ortaaeal aaMn.i. possibly could. Call In tomorrow and I rasa of eharaoter nd MitsHim . r. referred to the Volunteers of America. : see what a nice suit we can make fort stock. - Prices at ail times lowest in thai tB" Associated Charities will look after IK AA - TTnlmis TmUnrtntr Pi lna C..lr I v-.m 11 . . . I Asatltlit famlllM mw'A Htm tk . ----- , - w --w - - - -.iiHifl aguvr vaua. ax yours not Dieaeed. I r m - w b" wuBci, vw uu auo cuuk . i yjkur.f e7j wasmngtOB Street "' (Adv 1 'wuoae win ui iur mmn. at is nopefl - , ,- . 7" T" that this five months' survey will givs Classes ha SewlnsClssses In sewing -a piano used by Mma Frances AJda n eurate Idea of Portland's homeless at Jefferson High sohool will begin to- at her concert at ths Helllg theatre PoPhttion. The figures being obtained, morrow ; night. Anyone may register hursdav nlrht was a Bta.iBwn. . campaign will no doubt be lnaururat- ia hm. I Ar municipal loaging oouia solicited. et. cor. i jo. Phones Mala 1411: A. 1447. Jr, R. 1a Olllesple, medical dl- - Tainanies are aasoiatslw safe to the union Bare Deposit Vaults, 114 Oak: st protected by electrio vurglar alarms and over oso.uoo ids, er steel and concrete. Aoxes V3.D9 per, year.. (Adw.) Charities. Applicants for lodging and meals will come to this offloe to be as signed to one or another of the restitu tions, according to the demand for help and the accommodations avallabla Ths bureau will be open from S to 19 p, m. and will also assist,, If possible. In the! employment - problem handled by i the I municipal bureau.- ; ; v Ail eases oz nomeiess women will be for - thess classes, v School . announce-1 Knabs aa . mentioned on the znenta. "Wheeler, an Inspector In the city en- tan D Want a Korfrsars 1 tVoaswA : latm auoDunK vvauaiue xor nrsi mortgages on A-oruana real estate. uammond Mort gage Co 2$ Cham, cf Commerce. (Ad.) Steamer Jaesle . Xsrktna for esunaa. Washougal and way landings, dallv ex. Icept Sunday, Leaves Waahlnartoa street aoca at s p. m. (Adv.) flpsolaL If you. present this ad we will French dry dean your suit for $LO0. Unlqus Tailoring Co, lot Stark street fo?hrBJ., litanee ."mnltK Main IK, A-4$le. . - (Adr.) , tded :.' SSaeBsassSaaM ' " ' , '1 1 n A -m lfTl a S , TXT wtrir . Card of Thanks TO ths undersigned. 3 wish to fhanh ! escn ana an our menus and neishhnr. the Home Telephone company and em ployees for the sympathv extended to us. also for the beautiful flowere -nt 1 at the time ef our late bereavement. We aiso 1 nana iiev.i r. arcieen or Anna bell Presbyterian church for his kind worn a enosyrirwtny. " Tn KS. MiCUSKKK AND CHILDKBK, .MRS, Q, HANLT. , ;, (Adv.) Ws wish to' thank our many friends ex- fused with the flame and gypsy-liks spirit of their warlike country as to make them most picturesque from the point of view of the stage. Ths men and women sing while working) in the fields; th festivals and weddings In which they rejoice are continuously viv ified by the whirling groups and bursts of song. e ;:-Vt.-v . ' Of the' four dances thtt ' might be called national dahc.es, the "Vranyanka? la the only one to have been seen by Anglo-ts, goers, when it was given caT Ear. ecburt rn - London last year at the exposition. This dance Is far less popular among themselves than the other threes th 'Machranka," the "Nlshevlyanka." an ths rKolo," ths latter of which was adopted from their Turkish neighbors, and Is a .dance of peculiar circular formation. -Miss Collins is seen In the "Mach ranka," which , speaks much for her persusstvs powers, for, no . financial promises would persuade Osabo Tetaga vich, who was connected with Covent Garden of London, to teach to a for eigner the beloved dance cf his . far away , people, until Miss Collins had practiced an Imaginary dance, consid ered by him to bs so far inferior to ths trus spirit of his country, that he felt himself forced to show ths danoe kt Its best; and so unusual are Its posturings and swirling steps, that Miss : Collins spent wsary weeks In Imitation before shs - won the grudging praise of her teacher. 't---r.-i t- --,.;,-;. ;.,;; fi; !-. The Chocolate Soldier will be the At traction at '.the Helllg .theatre next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 10, II and November l. , resented ths sennts at the Chicago con vention. : -1 - .-...',;.- '. -The alumni of Delta Theta Phi resid ing In Portland are: 1 Thomas B. Col lins snd Harry A. Otis wold formerly of Delta Phi Delta; Arthur Langguth, Harry Pea res, L. II. Streck, C. R. Mo loney, Herbert A. Cook,e, T. W. GUlard, L. M. .McDuffes. C. 8. .-Capltnger and WalUr T. IteCSu; 't t Theta Lambda 1 1 1 f t J. ; Brasoll and A. V. merly of .the Alph lit. $1wj o C- ' See Graves Munle Co. sale. Adv. back paire. a s r t NEW LEGAL FRATERNITY IS FOR1V1EDIN CHICAGO A sew legal fraternity, Delta Theta Ph ; cams .Into existence recently at t convention held la Chicago at Which hree' organisations meirged Into the one.' The change affects many' Port landers, for ' by the constitution, - all members cf the three fraternities are transferred to ths new one, The three are th Delta Phi Theta, Theta Lambda Phi snd Alpha Kappa Phi. - Through this merger the Delta Theta Phi . be comes ths second largest law fraternity In ths United States la number ef chap ters and members. : Ths new fraternity Is represented at the University of Oregon by Deady Sen ate, which last week held a meeting at the senate chambers In ths Oregon ho tel. The new constitution was formally adopted and aff lesrs elected, . - .The active membership of the Deady Senate consists of C. W. Hohlt, CL M. Hodges, William R. Slngletary, Seth I Smith, E.' J. Olllesple, L, V. Lundburg, Thomas G. Ryan, W, Cf. Stott, Max Tay. lor, R. W. CabelL J. w. Kehoe, W. A. Nolander .and McKlnley Kane who rep- i LotUe Colling. - Theesophlosl ' Society, Til Morsran wag. . Meaning room open s to 4 dally. Sunday tauts at p. m. Study class Tuesday at I p. m. (Adv. Flaaa fox ent Will rent to reliable party a gooa seoona-nand piano, first- olass condition. .Address Owner, P. O. vox UM. (Adv.) .tadlss Taflormad buMsl rinfi $40 special beats any $60 or $70 Suit In MR. ANT MRS. jrAMILT. C. W. ROSS :AND (Adv.) Lottie Collins, who invests the char. actsr of the mischief making Mascha In "The Chooolate Soldier" with the nenal sprlghtllness cf her own Individuality, Sires to the American sUgs for ths first time a true Bulgarian dance In ths progress of ths operetta. This Is re markable, la that the people of the Bal kans are mors ready te burst Into song or dance than almost any other nation, and that their folk songs and dances, whils lacking generally in the grace of thoss of some other countries, are so ln- WntlA. ' TTnttl further notice thm Kne 'til Hotel Gearhart "By-thS-Sea will meet! muni oniT wnen anvice or arrival 11 given notei cr at 100 H Fourth st (Adv) Oomplalnt IHsnlsseeV On promise cf I tne owners or ths standard : Suit aoak company to remove ? the word "Cloak" from ths name of the concern, town. B. Sink, 407 Ellers bids- Fourth District Judge Bell dismissed the 00m- I floor. - (Adv.) I Plaint against them charging failure to I comply witn tns law making ths regis-1 The Bouse of a 1000 Olfts China trauon of names of owners cf assumed cards, novelties.) Mrs. Lincoln's Art Deo. "&me firms necessary. The firm had Now is the time to be gin looking; around for the pretty and new things in Jewelry for : . Christmas presents. y Of course, It's early, but you know that the wise earljr shopper has a treat advantage. , ; We would be pleased to show you, without the an noyance of being" urged jto buy. G. HEITKELIPER CO- Diamond Dealers and -Jewelers 130 5TII ST, Yeon Eldff. 405H Morrison st. (Adv.) ' , One tuft Pressed Each Wscill.Sft al 1 montn. unique Tailoring co sot stark I Baggage Transfer ervtoe Oo-.'Matn I 120. -Al-it XUAT THE NAMH IM. PilffiHw- (AdV.l ' Bbms for Ared People, lnvallda'fin in. cauon. wount Aaoor, labor 41S1. (Adv.) r. BE, O. XiXOtt, dentist, mnel (a soi morgan oiag. m. sags, A-4T5L (Adv) m, zt Wesley ITsser. danUat trt Morgan biag, Main TOO, A-1701. (Adv.) Sheehy BrosyPain tins and nanarine. ... . n . .1 . ' I inn,, aiua cvia, A-rtAO.-(Adv.l sonn -wsion sentai seno mumA tn 1 xuorgaa Biag. m. nt. A-I62X. (Adv.) Dr. E. C MoPariana, moved to smita , Morgan oiag. . (Adv.l Dr.vr.XE.Boyd, McCleay bldg.-.(Adv.) : Woostsr falls nverythisa- iSI Wash, rr. r. rcc' 700 Morgan Wflg. Adv. filed the certificate under the name of I itne standard suit company. - , Pablic SpeakingSchbol (TVXSDAT ZTZQ2T) iit- :'" ews ss. ,.;ewasaawsseT . eWsj VWllae" ' ..:;v..ftiv: MAXES A MMM---r. A correct fluent and etfenttvai speaker. . Gives practical train ing under a live teacher, with the inspiration of men worklnar to gether for the same purpose. En joyable. A big help In everyday business, ' T. M. a A. DAT ASS BXGXX . ; ,, sixth and Taylor Streets - , Phone Main 7068 HIGHEST STANDING The electrical Inspector's of fice : gives ui ths highest rating la the city for perfect Electrical and lighting Y ;: Fixture Jnstajlstioas. -. AVOID DANChn " . tnd expense by having your electrical work done by us. M. J, Wahh Co. 311 STATJC ST. Both Phones. . , 14, off Sale Umbrella An the latest styles In black tnd colored. Jood, dependable goods at cut prices. RepgikJRccoycrcg All kinds of extra ' handles in . stock, , t Jeweliy The newest things In gold and ; old -filled lavaliers, lockets, racelets, rings, scarf pins, cuff links a&d bar pins. ' The guar anteed makes at 1 very- low prices. Get our prices on white' sapphires and reconstructed . ru- ' pies set to order. ' -,' MEREDITH'S Wh4 Bet, Sixth and Broadway Upto Success- mmm: . Hn ( i Si v BlI8Dr8S AV9 TlAZHi SCHOOLS , . , Advsrtiaiag ..............$1S0 Aseaylag S0.OS AatosnbOe ...........a... SLSO Bookkeeping ,..M..,... Cerpeatry 10. OS Electricity 17.Se Pbarmaey SO, OS rua aeeoisg-ooat v xagl- v searing ... U.0O Belnfocced Oonervta . Oas a traction ............... Saleamanahlp ....... SO, 00 Show Card WMUsf. ...... 1AM Sberaasd ..... S.0S Barveylng snd Mapping .... ............ 10.0S Ttlrgraphy sad Dispatcsisg is.es Typewriting ,..,...... S.M Wlreleis Telegraphy (eoerse).MMMi,M.SO.oe Archltaetsral Drawing ................ 7.SS Freshens Drawing a............,.-, 7. SO Meeaaaleal Drawing 7.80 Boys' Bcfcjel ........... 4.00 Can er stad for catalogee X at 4t. A. Day and Might Schools, r ('.XI ) ) Take NoUco, Ladies! This Week Only :f 30.00 Full Wigs. V. ....... ..$18.00 115.00 Full Wigs. ... 7.50 M5.00 Transformations.,...... 7.50 7. 50' Transformations... ,,.$) 3.25 1 jjj.uu iicuu owutucs.. . ,S1 ,su v 25.00 French Switches. .$12.ffO j v, 12.00 French Switches. 6.00 KJL.S XaADTTI. I1TB ATVATCa OP TSTS ,' . . JUiAit S JbAilM ' i t aaui, i - "' ,," Tlnics-KIciai? saor ' 120 sixth STnrrr, r. n Washington ' EXTBA Agk to see OUS" STPSOXAl ' R10.00 . aere Broa watch . , ChrictmciG Watchb3 . ; Hare you given any thought t the selection of the Welch yon are going to buy for a CHRISTMAS GIFT? OUR STOCK OP CHRISTMAS WATCIIE3 has arrived, and we are showing a wonderful assortment of new ideas. - ' BBAOB&ZT "WATCHTS In all the lata effects) from the inexpensive one at SS.S0 to the finer grades at S15O.0O aVADXTSf SOUS (HXJ WATCWTS frees flR.O UP. tADLE OOLD rUULBO WATtiaHiig front ftl0.4r VP , tADrFflr bxx,tbji sncrjcsx, oxrarvxTJA and liumto WATOacea from C5.0O up. oxirrxaarzBra oozj r ixxjtd watckzs from cazaup Ask to See Our Special Jaeger Bros. Watches) flOy f 13.50, 1S, ffo. and V9 JAEGER BROS. ; . WATOx sxrzcxaxzsnra, AITS TOUBTK. . te STOBXZSOV VS. , ' Atk Aboct Osr Defcrcd Piyctnt Fin ' m FltTS lTfefMM SAMMVS VIII 1 llUUllg JLTCUcU cmsn& is especially equipped to' produce thfi best ta prmung tne most appropriate tor every speaiic purpose. CT Evcrv lob.' larre or small must be rfrfst la ' every feature to nave result bringing value to k you. v ;; q IOLHAM QUAUTY PIWnNG means QuaK lty pms tervice. you can nave tne assistance of expert workmen free In selecting paper, type faces, ink and classifying and arranging your copy to maKe u most eirecuve. - . . : - .. t q NO job is too large or too small , for-us to give It personal attention. - Our equip . ment Is the most modern and adequate to handle a thousand-page :book as satisfactorily as a few . cards. All work from start to finish is done in our own shop. t , ? xtjyi!!&L2 for tHe Office" - T7T7TT T77:A TV7STATioirERT a f LlLnLLJ, PRINTING CO Cosaaerckl Ctatlocers, Cllico Outriucrs, Pri&tera, Pi''ravcra Doofclet Maker tad Dookbinders Uo Here Pczr of thz Djr.t2l Chair 1 TIOR A HIGH DENTAL BILL" w ll if EXPERT SERVICE LOWEST PRICES . AS work warranted IS years. Best hash referenoss, ; We : replace teeUi Without plates which can not be told from your own. We give abso lutely reliable and urtordate dentistry which will please you not only in looks but in active service. Our artificial teeth are guaranteed to fit, to stick to your mouth and to feel com Crown "and Bridfja Spccialicta Good Plate :.' rS.CO Porcelain Crowns., ...,;..$3.50 to i.'5.CD Gold .Fillings tU.CD 22-K Gold Crowns-.... ..C3.rJ0 to s;S.G9 3-K Gold Bridge.... :.. 43.50 to Js.CO Extracting ;.....,....,,. We are always busy because our success. Is due to the that we do the very best work at very lowest prices. f:::t f "P A Pf 'iheliaclu pAiriLm or: ennr evtzt rrzrr- t