The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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; Bureau of. Education; Advocates :Good Roads Arbor-Day by
mmm it.
, . iVH'-'St.J,-e.
(Washtntton CarD The IwmL) 1
Washington. D. Cm Oct. ,26.
. bureau of education is striving to enlist
the school children of the nation "In the
too roadi movement by advocating a
"Good EaArtrilayi-: Tothls end
they have Issued an Illustrated nambhle
tailing about the movement i lor good
. reads , and offering suggestions for. the
..; eelebratlon'of the new Arbor day. - Ex-
,f ! triAta f mm fimAiii vuiAtna Mi in
roads are presented In form suitable for
A. plan Is also outlined f ajr the organl
nation of the school children In a Junior
Highway Improvement league, for , the
purpose Of arousing the community to
furnish better roads' ' and patha ; for
school children. Among the duties urged
upon school children are to remove
, stones from the road, report bad places
; w uwir -rotten or, xeea Diraw wuuua iai
. sohool in winter, straighten young- trees
. blown over by the wind, and talk about
.; roads to older people. , . -
' 8Unao Bend Out Copies. 1
the edition of this bulletin. No.: B8. Is
limited, but Representative Blnnott suc
i eeeded In eettln enough of them to
supply each county school superintend.
i ant In his district, and la sending:-them
Out tbla weelt' i:;';, .:':.;:vi-:
J A eopy of the magnificently Illus
trated j lie , page ; book of y the " World
- ' ' . Ttr J. IT. feeaberg.
' : "' The rose has been an important factor
In placing Portland on . the map, , An-
. other, attracUve nower, us aanua, tne
pubUc has as yet to learn Is most easily
grown In our mild' climate west of the
' Cascades. '
seven Inches deep, it may trutnruuy be
said that It Will crow wild here, even
as It grows - wild in Mexico. Bdt of
v course it responds to fertilisation and
'care''' " r t
MlsUkenly, L our florists adVlsa ' the
digging up of dahlia bulbs in the fall,
and know that this needless trouble and
muss deters many from growing dahlias.
- Another mistaken Idea is that dahlia
.' bulbs most be divided. Like all things
: In nature the old dahlia bulbs, when the
v year, pass away, and give place to new
much; after the manner of potatoes,
i In rich fertilised soU the dahlia bulb
. may be left forever without being dis
turbed.' If - special 'exhibition flowers
are desired. Must break Off soma of the
smaller shoots as they come up in the
spring,: thinning out growth- even as
growth of roses is 'thinned. Of course,
if additional slants are desired, bulbs
msy be divided, but If so do not touch
; until- the bulb has felt the pulse . of
: spring. April being; the best; month to
ra.hllaa that have been.
out In the ground were either "planted
too shallow or else rotted because the
talk was cut 6ft above the ground and
the center of the stalk caught the rain
and drained It into the bulb.
. When bulbs : are left , in the ground
the bush must be cut off about one
and one-half Inches below, the grouna
'Hill up the soil around the bulb; it
helps to protect it, ana drain tna rain
away. ' . v 3 ' '' '4 : - v. -k v "V ; 4i
A few shovelfuls - of fertiliser will
help protect bulbs and mellow and en
rich the sou tor tna coming year. Ana
horse manure may bo put around bulbs
every few weeks all during the grow
ing season, to be washed into the soli by
the rains and sprinklings. Dahlias are
grass feeders; do not be afraid of fer
tilizer, oniy. ao not put ii rigni next "
the bulb. Keep it five or six inches
away. ;If natural fertlUser Is not to be
bad. commercial fertiliser can be used
with fine results. , But use some fertil
izer, v :'i KV-i.; ; 'v'.fw.
Dahlias do best in a soil that has been
cultivated in former years. ?
' When planting la April, dig a hole
about one and one-half to two feet deep
by one and one-half "feet wide, fill in
bottom of hole with eight to ten inches
of fertiliser, fill In five or six inches of
mellow soli, 'place your bulb and cover
':, Spi ...'tip,.
i r ; "I ' -i4 , . j J: , , ; 'tfli&j , s i
w:thwps;tern National Dank . buIUlng,
' rcn-'y r'rls completion. . , ,. - J
Conscience society, an - International
society for the creation of a world
center of , communication, was recently
presented to the Smithsonian Instl
tutlon. and , deposited , In the - library,
where ? H i'ls available to those - who
care to (umina ix.-Mi:- ft) :;w-p::,
' ' World City Projeotcd, " ,
This work la " the - result of many
years' labor by the. author, Hendrlk
C 'Anderson, of Rome, in collaboration
with' Mr. ' E. Hebrard, architect of
the French government,;, and many
noted artists, architects and engineers,
etc.. It includes detailed plan for the
construction ' of i a-t great utilitarian
and artistic city from which the af
fairs of the world are to be directed
for : the ' betterment of mankind, by
combining' the highest forme of Intel
lectual, artistic and- scientific; accom
plishments lot all nations. The society
and tha. author have fixed upon ; no
particular . location V for the j proposed
caoltaL but suggest sues in jung-ana,
Franco. Belgium. Holland, v Italy, and.
oddly enough, for the United States
on the coast ; of ..Nsw?,: Jersey v The
author asserts & that s the sola .'object
of this gigantio task has been to pro
mn. . th -interests of crocreas. eco
nomics, ; fraternity land , peace, and to.
develop world , unity , ny- aecpenraa
sympathy between individuals and na
tions -through i an ; harmonious, order
of action and endeavor. ,',, t1 , .
It over only three Inches with mellow
soil ,""-: -
When the shoots come up fill up the
hole until the bulb is buried not less
than ' seven- inches.' in the ' ground. -
dahlia thus planted will never require
any further care; there it will grow and
thrive even without any irrigation, even
as It grows in Its native state. ,
,' As - a rule., dahlias - In Portland, are
dosed too much with cold ice water and
not fertiliser enough. Fertilise more and
water less. ' Never play Ice water on the
bush; U hurts the buds; water the roots
when watering.
, v , i 1 . i j .
Newherg, Or., Oct M. Sixteen young
Chemawa Indians were sruests at a local
hotel last night. They were . in excel
lent humor. for durlnr the afternoon
previous they had defeated Paclflo col
lege team in a game or footbau y : a
core of t1 to 0. But thai was a mere
incident in the sporting- career of the
Indians, v Out of 1J games of baseoau
last . season they . won 12, . ana of the
three football games played . this sea
son they have won two. The first wss
played with the Baiem nign at Baiem,
October 12, when they won by a score
of 22 to 6. The second game was play a
October 18. also at Balem. with the wu
uanager is. A.-smitn or tna enema-
was; was pleased with the' good feeling
and the fairness manifested by their op
ponents In Thursday's . game. He, was
referee, and . Slayter , or , the newherg
high was umplro. . '
. In the team of the Chemawa'Indlans
as now organised, Andy Walker, right
halfback and captain, is playing in his
fourth 'Tear; Reginald Downlev quarter
baok, in bis third year; Jesse Scowlole,
fullback, his second year, as is also
Archie McDonald, right guard.' This Is
the first season for Clyde Fields, lerr
guard; George Mix,: left tackle; Frank
Patrovlch. right .: tackle: x Archie Lane
right end; Victor Adams, left end; Rus
sell Adams, left halfback, and Dewey
Bllley,, center. , -
Manager Smith is the teacher of ath
letlcs i- as the Chemawa school. The
school has now 665 pupils, and it is ex
pected that the. number will reach' 0
soon. It hag been in successful, opera
tion for II years, x , , ?, . r i ,
November I Paclflo . college boys go
to cnemawa to piay a return-game. -;
Lady Warwick as Playwright
London. Oct 15. In her new capacity
as moving picture playwright Lady War
wick will oertainly have no lack of ma
terial so far ' as picturesque ' historical
Elxth and Broadway, I
M;v.i,.';'r..-t .iv';;'!;.::.;:?....
AXCMITttT AlVICAPOUia 1 1 1 1 pTUJiil . ! . 1
- : Bm'.i. Jl -Jv ',VN 1
3 .
. By Artlinr C. dansexu
Two preceding; chapters of this1 article
dwelt mostly , upon tho tricks of the
building trade, wlth reference to the
substitution of Inferior, grades of build
ing materials with , the Idea of propor
tionately' Increasing, , the contractor's
profit. ' There are other tricks', of the
trade, however, that have jnore to do
wita mo. business end or the transac
tions between the contractor and home
builder. :f,:.-v;;,'-. v'
It is a common thing for a eontraotor
who is anxious to obtain a certain eon
tract to purposely put In a bid that he
knows could ' not possibly do the work"
right and which ; necessarily must t he
lower than Other eon tractors, and then,
before the contract Is signed or any
thing done that would , obligate upon
him, jokingly ask how much he had beaf
the other fellow. .'; '- :
-itJpon finding out how much the dif
ference was, he will feign surprise that
the difference should be so great and
state that he does not want to sign up
the contract before he has had a chance
to go over his own figures to see If
he has left out something. Of course
he then discovers that he has forgotten
to Include the excavation or painting or
some convenient item amounting to the
required sum,: and. then raised his bid
within a few dollars of the estimate
that was next to his,' in this way be
gets the Job, for the homebullder must
let the contract to him or pay a higher
price and let. the next fellow have it,
which he seldom -does. .
Only One Xemedy. .
The only remedy for this situation Is
not to disclose the bids until after the
oon tract Is let; but even in this ease
the low man usually will raise his bid
before the contract is signed and take
chances on it being under the other fel
low, for, naturally, he is not Withe
business to lose money. V .',..
A mistake often Is made. In writing
what- is known as , the ."penalty con
tract." reoulrin the contractor to pay
a certain amount for . every day. that
scenes and Incidents are concerned ta the
records of Warwick castle. From the Ro
man fortress built there under "Nerp.
through the legendary prowess of Guy
of Warwick, conqueror alike of the Dun
Cow that survival of the dragoons of
early myth and of Colbrand, the gigan
tic Dana to the hlstorlo personalities
of William the Conoueror and the great
earl called the kingmaker, Warwick has
been closely connected with the leading
epochs of English history, . f, V-' j
Washington, ! C. Oct 25. Eyery
time ir.e nouse canicinsr ana currency
committee holds a meeting. Representa
tive Byrnes, of South Carolina, a Dem
ocrat pats himself on the back and con
gratulates himself that he is no longer
a member of that particular committee.
For several years Byrnes was a bank
ing committee senior, ranking well up
toward the top of the list and In line
prospectively for the chairmanship. Be
cause of the Democratio bickering and
Internal dissension on the committee.
Byrnes now says he is glad he retired
last Mastkki:te4:iH&, ftv 1 x--H.S
Why Byrnes gave up a senior posi
tion on the banking, committee, which
has charge of currency legislation, la an
open secret . The banking committee, is
one of. the most Important in the house.
at that Byrnes was interested In the
work, and served prominently as a mem
ber of the Pujo Monty Trust investiga
tion committee. But he is a lawyer, a
young-one, ambitious-and prominent In
his state. He .successfully defended
Beauty" Beach, charged with assault
ing Mrs.. Beach with a penknife. Mrs.
Beach was . formerly Mrs.. Havemeyer. J
While he figured that, be might, help
his personal, fortunes by remaining on
the banking committee during the pub
licity given currency legislation, Byrnes
believes the banking committee will be
"dead one." almost a political morgue.
after the currency bill is passed in the
bouse, x So he resigned from . the , com
mittee in the hope of being: of . more
service in other committee work. , , ; ;
Oldest Woman Drinks Cognac. , ?
Marseilles.! Oct 25. Mma ' Madeline
Marella, residing in the Rue Pantoty is
said to be the oldest woman in France.
She ' has just entered upon : her 110th
year. Shs lives with one of berj. daugh
ters, who Is 78,- V. ' V1
Some time ago, Mme. Marella was In
jured In an accident but made a remark
able recovery and . is now. in - excellent
health, yor mapy years she has attended
early , morning mass every day. and on
leaving the church she is accustomed to
take a glass of cognao presented to her
at the tobacco shop where she buys her
snuff, .v-j.-; .'. ;'-, :', .',-:J - ft , v. ';,'? , i
and Interior arrangement of .Ideal
lapses over a eertaln date, en which the
building Is supposed to be completed.
The contractor then will suggest that
nothing'; be paid to him for any days
that he may oqme within that time, an
arrangement which, unknown to the
home .builderir invalidates that part of
the contract unless the home builder
can prove that his ectttal loss for every
day after that date was the amount of
the. dally flne., v: J?v j , , , ,(i ....
In other words, if a man Is renting
a house at ISO a" month, and his tease is
up on the first of September, en which
date his new home is supposed to be
omplete. , and ; the-, penalty contract
stated that the contractor shall pay $11
a day for every day he lapses over Sep
tember' If unless the contract reads that
the contractor also- la' to reoelve a re
ward of 110 a day foifievery day inside
of the date that the building Is com
plete,, he ' could only- require the con
tractor to pay him the damages of 1
per day, his actual '.loss.. ; . , . ...
r:i:"v:;:,:,.Oonteao Vast Be Pair.
Therefore, see" that air penalty ebn-
iracts reaa rair notn ways, ror, the law
interpret that It is worth As much to
the home builder , to geflnto his home
a day sooner as a day later. ; There -are
probably few contracts that are not
technically void, ? so far' as the "time
limit stipulation is concerned, by the
owner changing gome part of the build
! ' - --.'y, ,-.
: If the eontraotor can prove that the
owner has altered thojocetion of a par
tition or the location of a door or win
dow, the addition of a cupboard or seat
or any minor detail,. It then destroys
the' value of the penalty clause unless
each change is written up in the con
tract form that preserves the time limit
While ; placing i contractors: . under
surety bond is not a complete .solution
of the troubles that might arise from
the contractor's failure to complete the
work,, It nevertheless is the safest thing
to do, but the home builder must care
fully read and earefully follow all of
the requirements and restrictions In the I
No, -Sir-eel 'They; Are Flght
fing: Men's UawsJS(JtVyhy
v. Not - Dresses AlsOi
.!; , .. J. .,..js(,t4';
New Tork, Oct IfcThe suffragists
and the suffragettes of Gotham are ex
pected . this winter to appear In full
width, entirely-sewed skirts, high-necked
waists, r "box" . coats ; ; and corset.
They will not become the "flai-breasted,
slab-hipped,' ' pancake-footed .frumps"
that Elinor" Olyn said some American
women 'were, but ) th)r no doubt will
eschew frills and furbelows. ; .Why t Be
cause the present Parisian fashions pre
vailing alike on Broadway and the Ave
nue are "Man-Made.",.,,!.,: :?,i-j?.$;
They :poslUyery:ara.!'v,Jt'ipgui Polret
of Paris; France, has been here in New
fork for several weeks, and; he himself
says that he originated the hobble" skirt
the slit skirt the diaphanous gown, and
all the other modes of the moment that
made the autumn sirl "ohlo" and "sveltr
and all those things. ,.M., Polret admits
that he thought up these fashions , be
cause, he holds, women could not design
mem ror themselves. Vylo
V4f VsTo; Han-llade" Clothes.
That'll be about all for Ml Polret so
isr .as : tn surrragist ' entnueiasts are
concerned. . They say they will wea no
more Parisian' styles. They are right
ing against man-made laws. Why wear
man-maae ciotnes? wo, sir-ee.v -ir
For at least five years the embattled
tailors ., and : dressmakers of -America
have declared that the Parisian yoke has
been; cast ofr. They have Insisted that
the Parisian styles sent abroad are not
those Of the elite French women ; of
fashion, but of the demimonde. , But M,
Polret says this is not so, : lie deolares
that the Parisians set the women's
fashions for the world, because they are
temperamental and sensitive. ; ,
: "If . there ever be an .American atvla
for American women, it will be originat
ed In Paris,'; he said. . "What else can
you expect T We go to "Condon for our
mutton chops, to Italy for our spaghetti,
to Berlin for our beer, and to New Tork
for eur. cocktails. . Why should we not
go to Paris for our clothes T Nowhere
T t r , I
i m r ,
.at t ,
bond as required by . the bond- com
pany; otherwise he may find, if com
pelled to enforce payment on the bond,
that v he unintentionally . Is violating
some Important clause that releases the
bond : company either In 'part or In
whole. The fact that the contractor is
honest Is not a guarantee that financial
trouble will not be encountered. Even
honest men sometimes fall, or die. u In
such a case the bonding 'company must
step in and straighten matters out, ; .
Should Jseqnlre Bef erencee. , ' '
Before lettlnr a contract it ia well
to ask tho contractor for - references,
preferably from people who have llyed
In their homes for several years. If
he is an honest man ha will be glad to
be looked up that he may profit by the
favorable v recommendations ' that he
knows his former customers will give.
If he assumes an air of Injured inno
cence and aota as though, he felt It an
Insult . to be called unonte ttoye ,hla
reUablUty, ;t the chances . are that he
knows he cannot stand the test If his
former customers testify that bis work
was done right,' that he wag an agree
able man to do business With, and that
ha paid his bills, that Is our assurance.
In conclusion X will state that - the
best assurance of getting - work well
done depends more upon properly pre
pared plans and a . carefully : selected
eontraotor than it does upon the watch.
fulness pf the' owner during construc
tion. Competent 'architects and con
tractors can be easily selected upon
their reputation or references, and If
both are competent and honest the pros
pective home builder has little to fear.
With all, respect to the Intelligence
of the average man, it is an undeniable
fact that few men, no matter bow suc
cessful and watchful they may be in
their own line of business, are not cap
able of detecting many of the hundreds
of little substitutions that a contractor
can make. His best assurance, of good
work, therefore,; is to engage a man of
known integrity arid carefulness, ' give
him a reasonable profit on all work, and
then trust him. - v . , ','::'-'.:.' r-
else ean we find such beautiful ones.
All the world, knows this."
. Wtfe Zs SOS Vodel. , jl ,
'. M Polret came to New Tork accom
panied by Mme. Polret, dark and petite,
who Is his model, and countless trunks
filled with gowns and "properties." . He
Is ' the man who draws , the sinuous,
snaky fashion pictures showing women
with no hips and curves, and with slant
ing Japanese eyes and black hondescrtbt
colffurea He does not like to see wom
en sitting, but thinks that they should
recline gracefully; and he brought over
several aoiens of cushions with which
he fairly upholstered his apartment at
the Flasa. twuit' :v ,? ,vivt
, "Borne of the ; prevailing Parisian
modes have been called Immoral," was
suggested to M. Polret "I do not bother
with morality,- he said.' "In Paris an
artist concerns himself : with art Per
sonally. I am not Interested In the mor
als of my designs. A dress Is good If it
is beautinu.-; it is bad If It Is ugly.
ugliness is Immoral, v And why Is not
the art of .dress to. be numbered among
the greatest of the arU? Does It not
deal, with graceful, plastic, living orea-
tures, instead of with cold stone or can
vast . To draw forth the secret hidden
beauty In a woman who has been termed
plain, to make a frankly beautiful wom
an more beautiful there you have two
Ideals or the great French costumer."
,. London, Oct '25. Af the recent meet
Ing of the British Association, England's
famous body f scientists, Professor E3.
H. Griffiths, of Cardiff,,' presiding over
the educational section, declared .that
General ",Slr i Robert Baden-Powell was
the. greatest, of all! modern educators,
and i that If he could have his way, he
wouV make the Chief Scout minister of
education for a - period k of ,10 years.
Badenrowell has no ambition in that
uirection, out ne aoias .decided views
about the defect of the present school
system, and it is his purpose to oorrect
these as far as - possible' through the
agency of his own organisation. '
; "The greatest fault with our English
schools," he said today, fis that they
negleot character-training. Scholastic
training , la not sufficient to insure a
boys success in, life. . It is his character
that makes bis career. ; For. that reason
we are' now working on a plan for the
proper training of scout masters. I am
dollghted to see the great interest that
the . American sohool authorities - have
been taking recently in the Boy Scouts. 1
The fact that the United States annre-
clatee the value ct the movement ia in
dicated- by the enormous enrollment
there 400,000 as against 100,000 in this
country." - ;
1 f '
w"" 7
I l k i f r V At ii
Past ' Year; Has , Seen , Marked
Development In tho Schooi
Training of Fjllplnos,'
Washington, Oct4 J5. The greatest
primary sohool system In the world is
thej reference made to "the -existing
school system in r the Philippines. 4, The
thirteenth annual report of the director
of , education of ? the Philippines ehows
In any eventr that the Filipinos are' be
ing given the kind of jeducatlon ; best
suited ,to their : needs and Offering, the
greatest promise for ; their future de
velopment An allotment of addition!
money for i this work assures 1000 new
schools in vthes glands, iWlthin; a year
which" will accommodate '100,000 addl
tlonal puipila Althdugh the enrollment
last year was less than 'that of the
yean, before, the percentage of attend
ance Increased from M to 87 per tent
The director speaks most highly of the
efficiency of the American teachers en
gaged . In the t work. , Native ; teachers
are: showing marked development aid
foT their proficiency 1J6 Filipinos are
now' serving, as - supervising and ,as
slsUnt supervising . teachers.
sTpectalised Training- Bmphastsea. "
-Within the year the course of stuiy
has been simplified.'' w.t -:.:...:
Conditions in the Philippines demand
early specialization.- In the prescribed
course of study this specialisation Is
Introduced in the first year of the In
termediate 'courses of which' eis are
provided:;' The general course, the
course for teaching, the course In farm
ing, the trade course, the 1 course ta
housekeeping and household arts,; and
the course in business. To delay spe
cialisation until, the secondary course'
Is reached would result In sendlnr out
from' the public schools' the' vast ma
jority of the pupils without any special
preparation to fit them for useful ca
reers In the more or leas humble sta
tions In life to which the great majority
of this or any . other country must be
confined. , - - t ,
It is planned to establish at leaet
one school offering the course in farm
ing in each division. At present six
such schools are lrl operation, while one
additional school offers more extensive
instruction . in agriculture. ' .
There ; are 2BD intermediate schools
offering: the' general " course.' ' '. the
housekeeping and household arts course,
49 ' the teaching course, 40 the trade
course, six the farming course, and two
the course In.- business..'. z--r4---
There are : now in the Islands IMS
standard school sites, of which 4S are
of 6000 to 10,000 square meters In slse,
and 18 are 10,000 . square meters or
more in" extent Of this total number
811 barrio school sites, and IS central
school sites were ' secured during the
past fiscal yearv: ;,'"r';'-'M','''Vf:1-i"
. During the past ' year 111 standard
plan school houses, most of them of -the
reinforced concrete type, have . been
completed, containing 4SS classrooms
and providing ample accommodations
for approximately 21.TS0 pupils. .This
mates a total of 180 standard plan
school buildings containing 865 class
rooms. " p , ! f . J ,
: . . Three XUlions f e Bdacatloa.
Aside from the i appropriations for
school house construction, there was ex
pended for the schools In the Philip
pines udring the past fiscal year the
sum Of 88.130,915.68. I Of this amount
over one-half eame from Insular sources
and the remainder was appropriated by
provincial and municipal governments.
The .federal government appropriated
nothing for the support of sohools in
the Philippines, as in fact tne unuea
States makes no appropriation for the
support of civil government in tne ia
iand in any of its branches.
The cost of education" per capita bf
toUl i population ' during the past year
was 80.42 while the oost per pupil.
based on - the average monthly enroll
ment 'was 89.9- : - ' ' r'
This thirteenth annual statement of
the work of the educational department
of the Philippines seems to substantiate
In part the report made some time ago
by a professor of oriental history in
one of our great universities,- "la no
Sart of the world has the past decade
rought greater' Improvement than In
tho Philippine Islands." --;s..v"
, 11 ' 4 .
New' Tork.: Oct . . 16. Automobiles
killed 38 persons in Greater New Tork
In September, an average of more than
one a day, according to a police report
lust made public. No legislator at Al
bany has yet introduced a "Sullivan law"
against automobiles, ana no judge has
pronounced the "buss wagon" a deadly
weapon; but pedestrians are said to fa
vor such action. During September
street cars killed only IB persons, and
horse-drawn vehicles 15. Of the 63 who
were killed In the streets, St were chil
dren under 17. A total of 198 children
have been killed in New Tork by vehic
ular traffic since January 1, most of
them by automobiles, - '
; Besides these fatal accidents, 184 per
sons were seriously Injured, automobiles
contributing to -more than half, 98, -In
New Tork state, outside of the greater
city, automobiles killed 1 and injured
181. Trolleys killed 13 and Injured 137.
Wagons killed 4 and Injured 18. The
police record t of automobile casualties
takes : no account of . person killed,
maimed and injured while riding in the
As iolid and firm aa your own teeth. Eat anything. All you need is
two or more roots or teeth in
fhX'y " , .
US. W. A. V7XS3 ,
' President and Manairpr
86 Years in Tortiund
Wa J
The very
wnm "
' -, 'i
Such' Action Would. Cause, a
''" Tangle ' of - Indescribable
. . Confustion and. Loss, -.. -;
j '
' . By Phillip Everett. ' !
1 v fBr the International News ganlre.)"' '
lUondon, Oct, 26.-r-If things continue to
go on as they are going now, Britannia
may soon lay claim to the title of "The ,
sick woman, of Europe." The amount of "
social and political, maladies from which '
apalllng, - - , .
We have had a numbet of railroad
disasters, happening at the rate of one
every two days, which seem to. show,
according to the facts brought out by1
official investigations, that our railroad
uuuuujiB t,iuiiB.'i. fniiiBinflrH.fiiir TTinwsi r nr
dividends than of the safety of the trav-C
eling public; and we are atlll living in.
the shadow of a national railroad strike;
' The strike germ is in .the air all over
the country, , Dublin has. seen It in Its
most acute form, until it became neces
sary to send shiploads of provisions to
prevenjt the workers from starving te
death. , 4 w ' k - f - ? " V
. Xrondon Bsoapeg Strike, '
4 Bare ia London we Just escaped ' by ,
the skin of .our teeth a transportation,1
strike, which would have' paralysed the,
city completely and caused .a loss of'
millions of dollars, . We are not out of
the woods yet for our underpaid postal I
employes are now threatening to strike i
at Christmas unless the f government '
consents to Improve the conditions un
der which they are working. -Conservative
England is shuddering at-
wv ivuuiuvJinit WUUUHiUf WilHI I III -
country la really coming to when em-;
ployes of the state refuse to carry on J
their work. The postal strike In Paris, ,
about five years ago, shows us whatwe;
may expect If the letter carriers carry'
out their threats at Christmas time, that
very busiest part of the year, when the,
postal authorities only just manage tok
scrap through their tremendous annual,!
task, with everybody working at full r
in mm faTi A. atatL,. - m..W a m. - -
musinuiu. , geg auun em uiuse wtiuia
mean chaos. , , f
"s Tangle Would Be Terrible,, .
It is not only that many millions' of
Christmas cards would be stopped, and
that good -wishes for the New Tear and
hopes for a happy Christmas would come
dribbling in up to the end of February, .
There are Innumerable articles .con
signed to the post In the latter oaf's of!
December which are much more -valu-'
able, than: the plcturesv of frost on a
llcbgata Alarge proportion ; of the
costly gifts bought in London and ell
other big towns are sent away by regis '
tered 'pest.'.'Wi'fcJ. r--3i--i a
A Christmas strike would mean dee- '
pair to the postal authorities, anger oa
the part of the donors of the presents,
and grief on the part of those who were,
like Macawber. waiting for something to
turn up. At every postal depot in Ixn
don there -would be mountains ot valu-'
ables, increasing every hour, and worth-'
a king's ransqra. -J. Such ( a
started, could heveff be 'straightenld-iat
completely. v . , , . '
, JUilroad Ties With Springs.
An Inventor to whom a patent has
been granted believes he has overcome
the objection to steel or concrete rail
road ties because of their lack of elaf
ticlty by providing; ties with springs to
support the rails.
17:2 Kg; Ccrsst i '
Fcr Fat Wcr.:n
The new corset desisned to coerce ovefa
fat J ad lee into the new style aowns has
three sets of strings. When you have'
one set adjusted you still have two more
struggles left Think of thatand shud
der. To escape this fate, fat ladles should ;
lose no time In securing one of the large
easea of Marmola Prescription Tablets--,
that druggista and the Marmola Com
pany, Detroit, Mfchu. sell for 75 cents.
One ef these tablets taken after each
meal and at bedtime for a short while
will make' her Independent ot the new
corset Being made in strict accordance,
with -the famous Marmola Prescription.,
these pleasant little standbys of the over-:
fat are perfectly harmless, except to the
fat Itself, which they not Infrequently do
away with at the rate of a pound a day,
and , they are also the. most, economical. '
kand. least restribtlve means for reducing ! ;
rat one oouia aaopt, ae tney get results'
without interfering; either with one'a easy
chair tendencies or. method of diet how-'
sver (ouaraua, '-,'?--': " '
Without BIe&g
either jaw. : Fully (maranteed., .
wsv wv --i ' rssw . - '
srr T'"T r
nates. T;"h y - , .
Nil I i