The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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; - att tnrvivrrif.
rvir v. - v, vvwa w rniTvrnv . .
. AW ft V tjv w v
JW 111,. . Ul
Nest Wednesday Will Dc "Red Letter Day" In Onr G. XL Prcrslczi "Pcrlcra on the Fosrth Flosr Ten FREE Starapa VIU Cc Given to All VlctloraTc!ic Atlvsntans
All Ctisrcc Pcircliosea Which Arc r.Iric Tccrroxv and Ccniilcier cl tac f.lcnth i Will Go On Your, November Dill Which 1 Payable i On iDececifcgr : First
sr i i t t t t j i r i ill i l v t il.. sx. . f j i i i i i r , i I ,i i n . w i i.'ii J.. .1 i i i w v,yL ; . 11 i. l
' I """V "... .i j ........
OTlEGbMr i fiTTNTlAY , MQRNTNQ. OCTOHSR 28. 191S. " ' ' - 'iv. " W " ' l
itiimr 'zr-tM,Li' - r, t-,.-,,i -f'- ,., ., , , i .i
w -
Oallghtful v Lirncbaon
Srrl DUy .
, ia Ou Popular -ir
i Fourth Floij
, T. Room, , '
Prompt Swrric . and
RouonabU PricM. .
tort Xonr-30 to 30 Sftlly, Bmpt tttrflaj'. ,, v - IBO A.1C. to too V. SCT
058.50 Gowns1 ancl Dancmfl;lFEcEtSp,acIal 018.48
. pi '
7 "
See Display In rLlcrrlsca Street Window
Do yoa need t dainty Dresi for'erenlng wetrr iTbea here is
I your opportnniTT, wr t
-i prettier 101,01 garments nzYa never peiorc oeen oiierea in foruana 11 xnt pnee. n
; uiortment comprise many exquisite creation! takep from our regnlar itoclc- 'Accor-.
-v dlon plaited, chlffonv charmease, messallne nd combination effects, with .trimmlnft
i'of laces, beads, nets, ribbons and flowers. ; Skirts are In popular draped modelsome
''havlnt the overdrapes of lace. : Excellent assortment of colors and sixes flO JO
x In this special lot - Dresses selling , formerly to1 38.Jo Yourf choice v J 0tO
1 Ottiefe!tioT
Ecaatllnl Garments From Onr Repnlar Stocit
A number of our handsomest gowns picked from our refular stock. Attractlre models,
in round len ft hs and en train. Many -of these are suitable for afternoon. and evening
t ... A - 4 A I- Ut. -A 4. A - 1 A B.U.J ..1. mmmUmA
, farnltures, embroiaerus, flowers, etc . , unasuany fine ' snowing -OX' wantea mooes.
- Reduced-.asfollowsr , k; if. i,: -,-, -J. It r -."J--fr 'r:?-'.
Rmltf 1 42.50 ; flowao, ; epoebl. ' $38.00
RrnW f48.S0 Gowna, ipocUl.' 138.80
RegcW f gj5.00 Go ww, ' epoclol, $45.00
lUmUr $62.60 ' Gown, epodol, $48.80
RoKular $65.00 ' Cow, ' oppcm, ; $49.00
Rglr - $78.50 1 Cow. epociol. $59.00
Regular $85.00 ' Gowae,' epwial, $580
Romlor $ -87.80 Cwwi, tpoclal' t 68.80 ;S
Regular, $, 95.00 Gown. epocUL $ 68.80
RogwUr $' 98.50 Gorao.' epodal. 8 78.80
Rerolar $125.00 Gowna, apodal. $ 95.00
Regular $150.00 Gowna. apoclal. $135.00 V
Regular $175.00 Gowna, apodal. $125.00
Rognlar $195.00 Cowm, apociaL $145.00
Bcautiiul Evcnq Wropp MarKed Low!
These wraps selected from our regular stock, 'exclusive models not to be found at any ':
other Portland store.. . Lovely creations of velvet broadcloth and charmeuse. trimmed
with Venlse. and Irish lace,, fur, embroidered bands, etc and lined with rich- brocades ..
and messaline silks.';
Rocalair , $420 . Evoatncs . CoaU,, $35.00
Regular $55.00 ; Erenlnfa Coota, $45.00
Regulars 95.00 CTenlaga coaea. S4S.Off
urapea or on puin lines, - newest, eoionngs. v -
Refular , $ ; 87J10 Evening - Coata, $68J0
Refular $ 90.00 Cvmiaia; Coata, $75.00
Regular . $150.00 Evaniaf Coata, $85X)0 '
Late Models in Tailored Suits
"' : ! ' r : : : !
;:, : S20.00 Up to sito.oo
i ii. t ..I- in mi
Specially strong showing of ; popalar! Cutavray Effects in
j - - Serges, n Cheviots, - Bedford - . Cords, Duvetyney , -.
; Tweeds and Diagonals, in every wanted 8hade.'
? SECOND FLOOR Now as never beforewomen 'are2 realizing that the.
seme of style, fit and linisn and exclusive designs 'are '.found in super
lative degree in the Suits we selUWe see to It that only the very best
of materials are used in. their, making and , that the,y.come up td out
high standard of quality In every particular. Herp jn, thlinatchleis.
showing are all the newest Ideas Jn style, fabric and coloring. - Smart.
Tailored Suits 'With fur trimmings others having the chic, vest effect
still others in- Russian Blouse models. .Many, beautiful 3-piec Suits of
velvets : and' chsrmeuse.' 'A showing unsurpassed In' - M 1 A OfY
the Northwest I .Prices 'range from' $20.00 to. .V.'.. ..'. VllVeUU
Vomcn'o and Missettf Beaatifol Coats
$16o50 Up to 04Co00
UARMUiT SAUUi siiuiw- hjuor mere are manv
In selecting the new.Coat at thU store.among ;therh belt
sortments, very best of .fabrics , and linings and authenticity of styles.
advantaires -
ng large as-
Critical- women ?,who appreciate exchislveness , and- oualltr .rarelv .ever.
leave our store witnout finding wnat wey want-. many new models
nave just arnvta m ine popular rouiD. maunairtnree c? c ,
jmrrter and iuiHenfth styles. Pricer-ranftrf 1 t.tKlrtO'D'i J'
GhovIcifi new Dinner Jaclicta
- " - - - -.-. -... - ?
aiultable for Altenioon and. Evening wear f
These' charming little Jackets' ire made from a variety 6f.rdTffernt.r
(. fabricssilks,-, ratine, . moire, brocaded i satin,', sackcloth, etc Fancy
stripes,1 plaids, figures and plain effects.- Made, without sleeves to slip
on over the fancyi walstthus making a -very pretty' and' ef P nh ;
effective -combination. The prices ; range- from $3.50 to apllUU
HOUSANDS of dozens dainty .
; Handkerchiefs on sale way.
our ;--, annual . Pre -.Holiday
Sale that never fails ' to at
tract great throngs, for the savings
are "decidedly worth 'while.; Choose
thel Christmas ' Handkerchiefs . now,
while assortments ; are1 complete.
18ft KERCHIEFS,- lOeDajnty sheer
hemstitched Handkerchiefs. Irish ens
broidery in corner. Regular-.-1 Al'
tie vgrsae. v special, .,.. eaca ww
tml J Ctl?3aSvSg5!gSaBw arVgg?
19c ; rsz'z-airs
! - LVi-. :.'ta " ,",VV ---saaS5, -
Women's 10c Handkerchiefs at 5c vi:
25c Handlccrchlcf 3 Special at 19c
Women's - fine Initial Handkerchiefs,
with neat nemstitcned narrow edge
very , sou ana . tsneer. Keg
ular .100.', grade. Special, each
35a KERCHIEFS, 2So ImmenM as
sortment of designs, In pure Hnen and
ahamrock ; lawns. Plain and . or-:
: Regular ,Jic grade, ea.
a;; ;:.''. 4vi ' "..;
50a KERCHIEFS, S9e Plain hem
stitched linens and embroidered styles
In a great variety. Regular ,i n
50c qualities. Special, , each , 0fC
75o KERCHIEFS, 59c-r-Beautlful array
of hand -embroidered, sun-spun linens,,
In the newest and 4 daintiest CQ.
effects.:, Regular 75cr grade d&C
;t-:-r --v .'"'j;..'fiv'.U--
$1.00 KERCHIEFS, 79c Warranted
all-pure linen, band v thread drawn
hemstitch, with cottage ; embroidery.
uur 'regular yi.oo line, -rre-Holiday
-Sale price only,- each
Women's - all - linen 1 Handkerchiefs,
piain, nemsntcneu ao em
broidered. Regular aSc grade ;
20 KERCHIEFS, 1 So Phdn linen
hemstitched, with embroidered corners
and lace-trimmed effects. v Our g?
regular, aoc grade. - Special, ea. 1 DC
Sale of Men's Fine linen Handkerchiefs
Men's extra fine quality pure - Belfast Linen - Handkerchiefs, with plain
hemstitched edges.--These come In regular and extra sizes for fancy work.
Men's 2Sc; Linen ; Handkerchtefs.
box , oi six. " rre-noiiasy. 81 VI II
Sale price, the box, only a? tell!
Men's JSC' - Linen ' Handkerchiefs.'
Box ; of three. A Pre-Holl- 1 HA
day Ssle price, the; box 4 l.UU
Uen'g Initial Ilaridberchlels Arc tingerprlccd
Men's 50e t Linen Handkerchiefs.
Box of six. Pre-Holiday e9 7C
Sale price, the boxv only , f 9
Mens Initial " L a w n Handker
chiefs. I -r Pre - Holiday : Sale 9
price, special; two for only,? eauC
Choice of several different style Initials block, long and small script
plain, small laundry markings, etc,; Emb. corner. J . s Hp 3-in. hems.
Men's ; 25c t Linen Handkerchiefs.
Box of six. Tf Pre-Holiday 01 All
Sale price, the box, only; a7lUU
Men's -25c Linen Handkerchiefs.
Box of six. ' Pre-HoHday (1 M
Men's 35c :Unen : Handkerchiefs.
Box of threes . Pre-Holl- &t A f
dsy Sale price,'. the; box ajleU il
Men's 50c Linen - Handkerchiefs.
Box of slx. Pre-Holiday . eJO 71?
Sale" price,, the box, 'only $ef O
Sale price, the box, only
Deanlllol Hand-Made nand&erchlela Up to ZZZ
And you may choose from hundreds of pretty designs In French, Irish and
Madeira hand-embroidered Handkerchiefs, also Armenian and Byzenthlan ef
fects. Here's a good opportunity to choose a gift that will surely be appre
ciated. - Choose now while assortments are complete." Spe'I reduced prices.
Child's Ilandlxcrchlels atSpeelal Hcc!nc!lc:3
25o GRADES, 19c Children's Little
Beauty Hemstitched Kerchiefs;'. . 9
la iancy picture boxi-' Reg- f A "
ular sJe quality,; special1 at"
5a GRADES, 4e Soft, serviceable
-:- Kerchiefs for children. & Dutch ,em
" broldered. -corner. Regulsr5c AL
quality, special ' tomorrow j at xC
19 GRADES, 14 Plain rwhlte
, Initial:' Put up f In ;a; fancy box.
Our. regular , 19c grade, spe-, MJA
clal tomorrow only, the box , A 1G
kinds used for kimonos, aprons and
pillow top v full line-of all. want
ed .colors, end ta food, large sizes.
Regular e quality, special,, only &a
Regular 10c quality,; special,' 7 M
SPECIAL; SOt ftR2Sc-Women's
plain white Handkerchiefs, with col
ored 'v borders, i-'- Soft mercerized
styles. Regular l5cJ grade,X')Cw
special : tomorrow, ; six j for : L DC
Exclusive Portland Acents
BIcn JolIeCastom-FInlsh Corsets
I Corset Dept, Second Floor
, WEARER of a Blen- Jolle Corset Is easily, distinguished
by her graceful beirin g", and perfectly . smooth fitting
garments .across the 'bust, 'shoulders ' and hips, no -unsightly
line visible at the top or bottom of the Corset
The Bleu - Jolle models ; srer Corset : perfection. No Corset
better confines', the hips and gives those slight,; youthful lines
' to the otherwise plump' figure. r You Swill not feelrthat a
' ' corset Is Just one: article of wearing apparel, but unconsciously
worn as a part of oneself and gives an. effect which is alto-
'" gether; pleasing 'to the wearer and , the observer. Bien - Jolie
11 Custom Finish Corsets fulfill every requirement of the fastld-1-
ious woman. These beautiful Corsets combine faultless style
"wlth' eomfc.vilrtced -$S4K)-p'to.18
i -
01:25 iShadow Flounclnfls? aft 59c
V' ,f.''
52.00 Black Lncc Veils at 51.37
, MAIN FLOOR Dainty Shadow Lace Flounc
: lngs, : in ; wldts from v 1 a to 2 7; Inches. A' big
assortment ...of r wanted.';, designs; In f ' white,
cream or eens. Reg $4 grade. $1.89. r?A
M81 11.25 rrada it jyC
MAIN FLOOR -Here are' two splendid bar
gains In : the much wanted Lace Veils, New
est soft finish Chantllly and 'jSbadow Lace
effects, In handsome patterns.: Reg.'. M Q7
$3.00 grades, $1.98) 2.00 grades I
3.50 grade, $M 1.25 grade, at
- '
50c Novelty Ribbons Olf ered Special 25c
New Ple&tlnos, 25c to $20 the Yard
MAIN FLOOR Handsome Novelty Ribbons In
: patterns and r colorings ' suitable 4or: all ' pur
' poses-Hfancy v worki 5 millinery, opera , bags,
etc. Plaids, Dresdens, checks, stripes, h Og"
graaes,. Afw
etc. 85c
"j (, $3.75 Wool Dlanhets $2.48 -510 Grades 53.S8 $6.50 Grades $5A$
THIRD FLOOR Full ; bed ' size WooL
Blankets," In
Come Jn . Pink,?
. plnlcr bim
gray- and. lavender. :. Grade told
e. tan,
THIRD FLOOR Full bed size White
Wool .Blankets, r In-, good, heavy;
weight Well i finished, ends .and' fancy
pink or blue . borders. . - Our . regular
4.50 quality. Don't' over- eo as'
look this special, v the pair, 9 0VO
regular way at 3.75 a pair.
. On sale tomorrow,- the pair
C10.50 Down Comforters G7.48
THIRD FLOOR Full bed slze. Silk Covered Comforters.
filled with best grade downallne. f These come in CT .4 Q I
. fancy patterns only, Regular 10.5 o.'igrtde, at 4 loOl
gll YVooU UlcdComlortcro S8.48
$12.50 Comlorters gpedlal $3.75
Fancy , Silk Covered v Com
forters. filled with sanitary
wool, large size, each $9.75
Large size Wool Filled, JSilk
Covered Comforters, plain
' colors. , Special, . each $8.48
imia-s 57 vvhlie Enameled Crib $4.75
Extra well constructed t and handsome dslirni: - Dniv
limited number ; of these, so be here early- If you'wish to'
Child's ;Crlb,! sellings regularly at $7, spedaj 4.7J
THIRD FLOOR Extra large size Gray
Wool BIankets, with? well taped ends
and fancy pink or blue borders. Buy
these" Blankets elsewhere and yon 'win
pay ; 6.5 0. for1 them." Our r A o
price tomorrow,' the pair ' at U10
. 9x12 Brnssels Hngn S7o98
9xl2-ftl size Seamless Bros-
sels Rugs, in Oriental; and
Persian, effects:
Reg. 15 grade
9x1 2-ft. size Brussels f Rugs,'
in choice wsortment of pat
terns ; and color- 7 no
lugs l o grades v i e70
Red. $1.15 Drngsels Pripg Special, S3c
$1.25 Carpet Special at C8c a Yd. r
MAIN FLOOR The tremendous demand for
pleatlngs and frills finds us with a complete
-stock. ' Nets, Crepes,Moussellnes, Shadow Laces,
etc In all styles and widths. Prices e ff A
range from 25a up to,...4;..;veaeU
First Qnallty I Na tnral nalrSivltchca
.-llPeiBnlar $28.s6,v $23
$32.50, $23 Grades
. . i i . ' ' ' . i ;
Special: at 018.50
SECOND FLOOR Special sale of natural
Hair: Switches In the Hair- Goods section
tomorrow. ; Very best; quality and grades
sellln g formely up to , 3 5 1 s? 1 Q C A
26 to 30-lnch lengths, spec"! aJlOeUU
Full : line? Hair 'Goods, i Combs, V Barrettes,
Hair Ornaments, Cosmetics, lowest prices.
$18.00 SWITCHES, 89.98-rhree
separate stran Switches of natural
wary halri 15.00 quality at $9.98
Bray, . first quality - natural , wavy -airi
reg. 7 and 5 grades,. $4.50
27x5 4-inch "high-grade Brus
sels Rugs,-1 many choice
patterns and rich colorings.
Keguiar qual
ity, special at f only
$18.50 SIIIX Comf or Icrn
1 Special $14.50
Reg. 20.00 Silk Comforts, $15.93 4
Reg. 22.50 Silk Comforts, $17.50 '
Reg. 25.00 Silk Comforts. $18.75
Reg. 30.00 Silk Comforts, $24.50
Reg,. 32.S0vSillt. Comforts, $27.25
Specials In brapcrics
tliIRD FLOOR Special prices on ' 1
hieh-trade Velours for Portieres W
. and hangings, of all Unds Pricesi
i.uu uouDio racea
$2.50 French .Veloura, yar'd $1.98 :
$3.25 French Veloura, yard $2.48
Colors red, ? green, brown, blue.
gray and other colors 50 ins. wide. ' .
3.00 French. Veron Figured Velour
in tin and green, the yard, 2.43
Splendid quality Velvet Car
pet,: with border and stair
strip to f match, 'i i Regular
it.23 ; graae, special,
ue yara at , only
Richardson's Embo Linens j Oil
Dollies, Sqnares, Tea aolhs, Searls '
Etc.; In Great Variety: ot Detlqns
DEPARTMENT MAIN FLOOR A Hnen' opportunity that comes
Just in the-nick of time when every woman is beginning-to
tre. iinAn U llnM hmmAI Ttic ftttttslr'ti1 mh7fHr1
embroidered designs, f, On sale now at ONE FOURTH OFF.
make exquisite gifts as well as welcome articles for ,
any home. . Hundreds
any he
Te Cloths,' S
mares, Sea
pieces in this great offering ponies, .
rfs, etc., in great variety of handsome
Richardson's $1.75 Linen Damask $1.48
COc Llnen'Guest Towels Now 42c
.I " " i in i . .1 ''.'. .' 1 ' 1 ", , .' ' ',
Extra fine quality Table Damuk,'
Special Sales . v
ot Holiday, Stationery
Regular 75c
Qnallty lor
"La Belle Rosalie" ' Gold Monogram
Correspondence- Stationery -paper,
correspondence cards and envelopes
put up In attractive box espe
cially, for O.,' W. t X An Weal
gift for. far,; away friends. Grade
selling ; formerly at 7 5c, of- Aam
fered as an - extra special at H JZ
full a yards wide and good heavy,
grade. ' Our regular. 1.75 - C 1 A St
quality at, the yard, only ip 1 .40
Initial Towels 18c
Special sale fine quality Initial Bath
s Towels. Keeuiar 23 c quai-
; lty, f special ; tomorrow, ; ea.
42c ;
Hemstitched,- hand-embroidered and
8$c '- graae, ( special, , ezt i
regular ',50o grade, special
Hemstlchcd Enq; Bath Towels J
Regular t.oo" En gltsh Bath Towels, specially priced, each, 75 T
Regular 1.25 Hemstitched English Bath Towels, special at 95o
Regular 1.75 Hemstitched English Bath Towels, special $1.30 :
vi' r--,. :, .... .:',. ..-".v "-,r
nalloween No vclUcs
Cats, Skulls, Pumpkins, - Ghosts,
Jack o'Lanterns, Favors, Invitations,
Garlands, Witches,. Silhouettes, etc..
In f great ; assortment. , Buy : now.
Creat; SpeclalfSalg oll
Regular 2.40 Clack hire Screens,! special, each $1.80
Keguiar ciacs nre screens, special each $z.os
Regular 5.00 .Folding Fire Screens,-special, $3.98
9.25. Folding, Fire Screens with, brass handles; $7.40
nosselcrnlshlnn Department-Third Floor
Regular $3.90 -Black. Andironst on. sale 'at, special
Regular $4.2lf Black i Andirons on"5 sale f t, special .
? Regular $6.00 iBlack Andirons on ale at, special J
Regular $5.50 Flemish Andirons . on sale at, special
Regular $9.00 Flemish Andirons 'on $al v at, ' special
Regular $6.25; Black Fire Sets on sale at, special
Regular $8.65 Black Fire Sets on sale aL'soecial
Regularv$8.00 Flemish Fire Set; and Brush,1 special $0.35
New designs In Brass Fire Setv now at special prices.
New designs In Brass Andirons, now at special prices.
new aesigns in Brass rire screens, at special prices.
Supply the home needs now while lines are complete.
C3 Imported Raiine Sl.68 Yard
Finest Qnallty French Drocadcd ?
, DOMESTIC DEPT MAIN FLOOR Several hundred yards of these Im-v'
f ponea Cannes oiierea ror lomorrow s selling at apout half price. Fine
quality French Brocaded, In full line of all the desirable Fall colorings;
, uoraes iuh 3 incnes wiae ana maxes up oeauuiuuy. - urade
'.( selling formerly at 3.00.v' On sale tomorrow ' at,, the yard
Free fKnlttinn end
g Crocheting Lessens :
join the Free classes in Knitting
and. Crocheting in Art Needlework
Department on the Second ' Floor.
Children's : Free classes every . Sat
urday i from 9:30 a. m. to , 1 2,
ncavy Flannelettes, Dachlnn FIccca
bl Patterns (n;
DR J ooo yards ' I ' ''
Choice Assortment
high-grade Outing Flannels and Duckling Fleece, in
wwe r assortment ot colors and patterns. Good,
heavy grade for gowns, pajamas, etc. ;: Supply your wants st Cls time.
Palls, ToycVGarics
Toyland Is now r
largest stock of L'o
T6ys, Dolls, C-
brought to the c t
showinjf VheI (
GoCarts. Vf
Art" o i :
: r