THE v OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, UCTOBEk 23. 1915. IF WE COULD SUPPLY THE EXTRAORDINARY DEMAND FOR 'SILK MAID" $1 HOSEWED ADVERTISE THEM Store' Opens YfbereYouShop ' "INDESTRUCTO" .TRUNKS : Insured against loss, fire, theft and ; destruction, for five years. Sold , in Portland Exclusively by Meter & Frank, i All Charge Purchases Tomorrow Go on November Account, Payable Dec. 1st ALL PARISIAN JVORY 20 OFF Immense Assortment y rirrt rioo-Ttv BuUdlBf Groses 5:30 R UII CTORtSifftRTllNlJrtJ--""-" 4 ftfrH.SlTH.M0nBli0.LOST JJf , , 14 V V 1 7Vo Matter Where You Shop i Shop Early! ' Soon very soon In fact, Christn'us'will dawn again. . Less than seven weeks remain in which to prepare for I - ' that gladsome day, and again this year we urge every - man, woman and child everywhere to assist in the, en , ; ' Ueavor to ease the rush of Christmas shopping. ( ' Think what a great benefit-could be : given; to ; the ; millions of salespeople throughout this Iaji4 if every ; man, womaif and child would appoint himself or her .'I''- self a committ of m to do their own shopping. rly Think what a relief to the i shoppers ' themselves to ' : be able to select at leisure the many thoughtful Gifts . they'll plan 'to bestow on dear friends and. relatives, as - jt tokens of "Peac$ on Earth-rGood Will to Menli,. ' ' Consider your own Individual" case .''; and 'apply iber ', V timely suggestion "No Matter 'here You Shopj Shop Early." Imbue your; neighbor with ..that most ' thoughtful spirit, and you'll be 'a great factor In send- , . :. ing happiness to many and ndne-will be too fatigued : . V " ' to enjoy to the fullest extent the Merry Christmas Day; y V sk the co-operatton of every store In Portland -o .'to further this shop -early movement - and 'wnw urge No Matter Wbtn lou ono onop.iwij. ),.... ;;.( s J- MEIER A FRANK COMPANY i$ 5)lO.UU to ZO.UU r Dresses at $M5! 200 modish one-piece Dresses f are . in this " group and when the - women of .Portland tt - these -Dresses - at such an exceptionally low price, there'll be a great de- man d for them. Included tin the ;. 200v dresses are prettily fashioned ' models of Eponge, Poplin, Brocade, . Serge, JJedford Cord and - Broad cloth, in plain and fancy weaves; also stripes, checks ' and ' plaids. Among ' thevmany distinctive and charming' styles .shown here are some plain tailored Dresses, some , made in he popular new Eton ef- feet. 'With lace vest,' and others in combination styles wlfh plain blue ? serge coatee and plaid skirts. In , sizes 16 years to 40 bust measure. -. These Dresses are' splendid at the a original price 18 .to 25 and for this special sale we're' offering you your chojee tomorrow for, only $12.43. 1 New Waists, Worth , $7.50 to $11, Only $5.85 to 111 Is the regular price of these exquisite creations of Chiffon, Crepe, Moire, Messaline, Net and Lace and for this sale we'll give you unre stricted .choice for only $S.85. ' We've Just received this new line of Waists, and V"-they're in a - beautiful array of 'the p: very latest styles . and popular , colors. Many, of the Chiffons, Nets, and Laces are made over linings of net, colored chiffon and ribbons, while some of the Crepes and Poplins are ac cordion pleated, with yoke and vests of net and lace and Bulgarian silk. ' The fa vored ' frills form the collars on many. Either' long or short sleeves are shown. Specially priced at, each,. $3.85. Fai VelocipeiJes and Handkars ! to stand the wear and abuse that jCnuartn win always give sucn, an article and at the same' time are scientifically construct ed so that in ridintr them the ' child unconsciously assumes' a ' correct position. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed and the -prices are right. : ,r,j- . J " !TB TSl)COTinBXS--rurni8he(i: amusement for boy tinder ny ind all conditions. It's well made with tires of 1-inch cushloji ruhbBr- huha and pedals with full ball pt,5T 1 "Fairy" Tloolpdfo ljojrs from 3 to 4 Taara Sacli tl A KA Hv a 'PU-7" V.looipd. (or boy, of 8 years bob7 SfH'fift r.H. "Fairy" Vloolp.a fo boy j of e ysMiZsMb' SlSftX Ha. "Piry" Vslodnad. fo hail SLZ i J - i,' . V ' SIS-l'i: 1 1 i - rTA ZZ ifij" 1.1 ,'.'nroun ,ne "m" motions as rowlna-.-, It ia a hand propelled Machine, steered w th th tt mnA MTanUmlhl 1 inunrie develooer. It' mibatnntiniiv rhnii, .i.. ' r-i i r " ' i lnieiied in Maroon with silver strip n propelling lever and cross bar. lntv Priced at SJ.2.00, built with a steel frame, steel m Maroon with silver strip riftb riooiw. MaU Snlldlnar i Opportunities in the Drapery Departtift PORTIERES rady made, in a, viriety "of , desirable colorr-' ' ; ; . $100 Portieres, special price, pair $2.00 $5.00 Portieres, special price, pair S 53.50 $8.50 Portieres, special price, pais $3.25 ; COUCH COVERS Tapestry, in' Verdure de- ;."rsignseraarkably;?;'godd :ilc6vers3 reducedt i'$iramr $2.50to TABUS cuyiK5 l apestry, greauy reduced H00 fiOiri; Square Oriental Cvrt, S2.'85f ' t ? ' Kit; rTaa" Third Tloor Mala BaUdlna-; $6.00 French HandMadeGowns$3:79 " They will iappeal to every woman, these French f I hand-made Gowns ' that are ' beautifully made of ' fine,- -sheer ; nainsook, "n with , small, hand-made tucks,and exquisitely: embroidered in floral and i eyeletdesigns. 'The short' sleeves are- hand-em-' broidered and scalloped, the scalloping, also fin ishing the low neck. These Gowns are splendid-7 .ly made," extra wide and Jong, and, have double vokes. . in , the ".back.. .Unusually 'attractive P Gowns-and at' the price we are offering them , ior. inis weeic oniy-qx.v--an opportunity , tnai ',wiir be appreciated by women j whose taste runs' toward ;the dain in underwear' , ''' . V These lovely Gowns sell always at $6.00anrl ,c ire specially, reduced for this week to, each $3.79 : . S Kslw 4 rnttt-lNH Hoot Wsw BuUdlaf JL 1;V V Seietlie Untisual Hahd Four Large Fifth -Street ; Windows.' Forty-two different f styles 5 Ini tialed Handkerchiefs for men. Buy. Handkerchiefs NOW for Christ mas Gifts.. ; --r!'-':. Women . and Children LOT NO. 1Children' 5c School Handkerchiefs In a large range of colored borders; as .well a in. all white. Splendid Handkerchiefs for school children that sell, regularly at 5c priced " for this . sale, OA the doren 30c--each V, LOT; NO. abrnen'a and Chili dren's -7c to ,10c Handkerchiefs A great aseortment of fine mercer ' ued cotton . Handkerchiefs, in hite, also a new linene Handker chief, that sells regularly from 7c to 10c. each. Priced for this sale, ffp the dozen 50o each. ; . . . . ... . LOT NO. 3 Women's 12c Em broidered Handkerchiefs A "great assortment of linen and lawn em broidered initial Handkerchiefs in old. English and block initials that sell regularly at ' 12c. Special for this sale, the doaen l i ftp each . . . . . . ' "'r-J; LOT NO. 4 Women's 17c Em broidered Corner Handkerchiefs, An immense assortment in sheer linen, - lawn ' and fine Swiss, with single , embroidered corners in a large- variety of dainty patterns. . And do you know Vvhat you wll have to choose from? - The largest and' .OXnipletQssiment of Handkerchiefs for men; women and children :.;eye.r.Vgatnered tetnerj$inder ' one' roof in this greats Northwest; .- Isn't thatt an' advantage "( .worth considering1, We thjnk. "so. 1- And when' youi see this vast collection ydull think so too.'y" ' '. " r. .'. -t' . ? From Ireland and France, Switzerland, Germany and many other distant countries 'they've; come directly to:this store,to be' distributed to the people of Portland. Heaps of .snowy linen embroidered, plain, and novelty effects the dainty, the sheer, and the practical at any" price you, may desire from 3c t6 $50.00.1' It is1 impossible to give you anadequate idea of the magnitude of this great collection of Handkerchiefs,, but come, and' let us show them to you, and quote" you the prices at' which, they will be sold during this Great Handkerchief Sale. - ' , r r s LOT, NO. 9 Women's New One and Two-Inch Hem Handkerchiefs First Fall showing of these new Handkerchiefs, Pure linen, witb one and two-inch hemstitched bor ders, r Plain ; and with " hand-em-, broidered ; initial , corners, ,, K a 'Specially priced this sale, ea.iMt''. LOT NOv 10 Women's Hand Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs A wonderful assortment' of at tractive patterns, hand-embroidered initials in 'plain and fancy letters. Male Entries Wow for the I3tb Animal Doll Show To Be Held Here Oct 30th, 3ht and Norr 1st Entries for 'the Doll. Show will close Wed- riesday, October 29th at, 5.30 p. m., so every Doll that is to be included in this -great Doll Show which wilt be the largest one ever held on .the Pacific - Coast should be entered by that time.. Eighteen prizes will , be; awarded 4 cash' -and 14 merchandise, church, societiesiind charitable institutions receiving three of the cash prizes, ; - ' - Enter the DOLLS NOW! , , ' ? These Handkerchiefs. Hell regularly at 17c 1 Priced special for " O 4his saleeach 4.'....". Aiv LOT NO. 1 5 Women's 20c Sham rock 1 Lawn and Linen , Handker chiefsWe are including our entire stoek ..tot i these '' Handkerchief s,rin the new ' spinning w4eJ Sutorhe, -Amriswyl and Cloister effibroidered designs, that 'sell regularly at 20c. ; . Priced specially (; for . this :" sale, each.'i. . . -.V.Vv .;.V.:,'. LOT N0. 6-Women's 25c and 3& Swiss Handkerchief s High - grade Handkerchiefs, : with ' hemstitched and . embroidered , edges.- An im mense assortment for selection of Handkerchiefs that sell always at 25c. and 35c. ; Special, price Ol for this sale, each i i . , s , . , , lJLV; LOT. NO.. 7 Women's Linen Handkerchief a to 65c Values In hand-embroidered initials and fine linen cross-bar hemstitched Hand" kerchiefs. In" sheer, medium and heavy weight '.linenk' r These Hand kerchiefs": sell; regularly to 07 65t Priced this sale, each Ql V LOT NO. a-Women'a 65c' to 75c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Hand embroidered and hand hemstitched Handkerchiefs in white and colored novelties, selling regular at "65c and 75c Special for this AOn sale only, 3 for $1.25 each OL Handkerchiefs for Men and Boys LOT 1 Men's Fancy Colored 12c Kerchiefs A splendid collection of fancy colored, Handkerchiefs, in a ' variety'of neat patterns 'and pretty colors. Specially priced : for A p this sale each ... .i..i. LOT 2 Men's 3 for 25c- Hem stitched Kerchiefs A selection 6f good, serviceable Kerchiefs,'; with Y to VS-mch hemstitched borders. They're of white banded material and specially priced fpr this sale at each . , , . . tJlv LOT i Men's . Fancy Colored 12J4C Kerchiefs Kerchiefs of high grade fancy colored Lawn, in a va riety of pleasing colors. - Specially suitable for fancy work,,.' Regularly selling at 121c each". ,, Spe- Vr dally priced at each ....... LOT 4 Men's 12c Initial Ker chiefs Good, durable , white Ker chiefs with ; j4-inch hem. Block initials' in wide assortment.; lfandr kerchiefs; that sell ordinarily at 12c each. Special for; th)s 0 laaleriach!; i&fyft. .i'f.-Q !.",',lvlf':K1,f,'?,!s, ''j' .;' ,f LOT 5 Men's Pur Linen Hand kerchiefsSplendid '; Kerchiefs of pure Linin. In white, 4-inch hem stitched borders. Special " A LOT. 6 Men's 20e Handkerchiefs Full-sized Handkerchief with . anH J-i-inch hems. .Of pure linen, in white only. Special, "J 0f each ' .'. . . . ; . ...... '' ' LOT 7 Men's Cross-Bar ' Ker chiefsFine, grade Cotton Cross- Bar Kerchief: with corded bor- dejfsV' 4-inch hems. : . Full size;? specially priced for this "I 0 ; sale each ;..... AW2i . LOT 8 Men's 25c Colored Plaid Kerchief s-i-Novelty Kerchiefs in a variety bf fancy stripes in harmon izing colors J-inch hero.' Yout choice 6f these 25c Kerchiefs, durr ing - this;': great sale, for . " 0A , only- ii .t i ?yrrt:x t Ufy, . AMiy. LOT 9-en's 25cf lire Linen Kerchiefs Of excellent v quality pure Linen," in i wnite , ana s inch hemsM.Full-sizedKerchiefs,' VI llljg iui :i" 17c Priced for this sale, each, Qyt OJf from 25c to, , tyJLLO LOT NO. ; 11 Women's Spanish Embroidered 'Handkerchiefs In daintily embroidered and punch work designs. A great showing, all new merchandise. Priced, Kf each,, from 35c to., fJlXttll Boxed 'Handkerchiefs , LOT NO. 122-Children'a . Plain White Handkerchiefs i- in dainty, holly, poinsettia and rose boxga, containing three plain white, hem stitched handkerchiefs. Spe- "I Og' daily priced this sale, Box. . LOT NO. 13 Children's Bordered Handkerchief in pretty ; litho graphed boxes 3 in a box-r-daintjr colored-borders.V Priced for " K' this ?ale box ,;',;;....; . XtlV ,' "1l " , ' , " " , v suitable', - for - embroidering for Christmas Gifts. ; Special at, 3 for 50c each LOT 10 Men's 25c Linen Hand-chiefs-They're of pretty cross-bar Linen, with -inch hem. .Full size; . dainty and neat and most suitable , for gifts. Kerchiefs regularly sell ing at 2Sc. ' Special for this IQa sale each , . . ; v, ; , . "XaU LOT 11 Men's 50c Pure Linen ' Kerchiefs Fine quality, pure white "Linen full size Handkerchiefs. Sheer and fine and of splendid wearing ; qualities4 ' and flinch hemstitched border. Spe. OfZg cially priced at each a5nJC LOT 12 Men's Linen Initial Ker chiefsPure ' Linen Kerchiefs of fine quality. .Initial embroidered in .corner. Put." up in boxes 6 fo the box. , 'A box of . these ' sheer white Kerchiefs makes a pleasing gift Specially.' priced" at, OK the box $1.35 each .t.,..; AOK LOT 13 Men's New Style' Initial . Kerchiefs Fine white Cotton Handkerchiefs, with J-inch hem. "Ifull size. They've the new and popular long initials in one corner. LOT NO. f; 16-ChUdren's Initial Handkerchiefs Packed' 3 in an at tractive lithographed box. . Splen did Handkerchiefs.' Priced, I. the box LOTNO. 14 Women's Sheer Lawn Handkerchiefs Packed one in a dainty Christmas box. .Sheer lawn, hemstitched embroid- " A ered IJandkerchief box.., . JLUi LOT NO.' x 15 Children's Initial Handkerchief s In any letter. Packed three 'in a box. , A. great assortment for .r selection. "J A-, Priced, the box ....... Ayl .25c LOT - NO. 17 Children's .Picture Handkerchiefs One for each day Of the week. $ Novelty Handker chiefs for boys and girls. - Packed in dainty boxes of 7.' Priced at, the box ;..;;,.. . f LOT NO. '18 Women's I, Fancy Swiss ' and Lace-Trimmed "''Hand kerchiefsAn assortment, of three packed in handsome holly litho graphed .boxes, v Priced, the box LOT NO. 19 Women's Handker chiefs, Box of 6 In six assorted styles and patterns- some' em broidered, some , initialed packed ready for - use box of 6. Ff Priced at ...... ...i OVK, !?'.35c ;V ' ' ' ' . boxes of .6 to the bqx. LOT NO. 20-Women's Pure' Lin en -Embroidered Handkerchief s Handsomely embroidered corners,' a large assortment ol designs. , in u98c Put up in Specially priced for this sale iQn at the box .V. LOT- 14 Men's Japanette Silk Kerchiefs--Soft Kerchiefs? of Jap anette Silk, with initial corners, 1 inch ; hem. Full-sized, Handker chiefs put Up in boxes 6 to a box.' They make pleasing gifts. ' Speciat, the box .;...,...W lOt LOT , 15 Boys' Linen Initial' Ker chiefs Of special size, suitable for boys. , They're of white linen, with initial corner. All initials. Put up in boxes of 6 to box. Spe- r7C cial for this sale, te box... if Ot LOT' 16 Men's Purs Linen Box Kerchiefs Extra fine, quality, sheer' and i soft. ' .In plain , white. Full size.'. Pure ' linen Kerchiefs 6 to box specially priced r "QQ this great sale--at, the-box QJL LOT, 17 Men's Inial Box.Ker chie f s--Fine . quality , Iwn Hand-: kerchiefs,' with self-striped border; Handsome block initial in corner, Ji-inch liemu Box of 6. Spe- OQp cial at T OVlr LOT 18 Men's Pure Linen Box Kerchiefs You may choose those Patked, three .different designs in , a prettily lithographed box. Price, complete, 69c. Also box of 6 em? broidered llandkerc.h i e f CQ Priced at LOT NO. 21 Emoroidered Shanv tock Lawn Handkerchiefs Packed' In pretty lithographed boxes 3 or : 6 assorted patterns. 'Spe- 7K cially priced, the box ' ; LOT NO. 22 Donegal and Cloister- All-Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Hand-embroidered and in dainty, cross-bar linen, with r fancy; .script initial letters Ji-inch herns. .Put up in boxes of 3 assdrted patterns. Specially priced for this event, the box LOT NO. 23 Women's Purs Lin en and Real Lace Handkerchiefs "Embracing f our entire stock of high-grade pure linen and real lace embroidered ' Handkerchiefs in ' the Madeira, Bretonne. Appenzelle Princess, and real : Armenian lace edges. An immense assortment of . wonderful patterns and materials, ' that sell regularly from 2.00 to 8(50.00 . each. For . this Great Handkerchief Sale-20 OFF. . ,"' - ,,' ' s with the initial in new long design or the plain Kerchiefs to embroid er. Put up in boxes 6 to the box. i Specially priced at only, the (fV LOT 10 Men's; Plain Linen or Ini-' tial Kerchiefs Tliis , lot includes the plain Linen Handkerchiefs; also every new style initial made. ' Among others, you'll find the new long initial Block Initial Open ' Embroidery Initial-f-Colored ' and Scroll Initials. Extra fine quality Kerchiefs, a p e c i a 1 1 y OK , priced at-4ox of six.. VI V JLOeJ LOT 20 Men's Purex Linen Box'. Kerchlefs-Yfify 'me quality pure Linen with Initial in corner or plainsyle W V and 1 J4-in. hems. .. Full size. ' Put up in ' boxes 6 to the box. Specially priced for OKg '; this safe, box $1.75 each OtIU LOT 21 Men's Plain . or Initial ; Kerchiefs Of pure linen J,, J4 V , and 2-inch hems; v Also an assort-,. ment of.beautiful.'lnitial Handker-rr-; chiefs in Colored Initials Script Initials--Block Initials Long' Inl-, ( tials and many other kinds. ft(ly Box of 6 $2.75 each.... . 03 $30 Genuine Spanish Leather Rocker or- Chair with loose cushion. 'Just like: illus-'OO"! (ration. Specially priced V--a. ' $50 Genuine Morocco: Leather Kocker just like . illustration. Brown, green ; or POO KYI red. Special ;.;; ; Jt)5.0U " J JEI '1?,riiJ IV'J ' $25 Genuine Spanish Leather Covered Rocker just as illus trated. Comfortable C- Q OK and attractive. Sp'K V AO&0 ti 'St . T II I UfcTHi I r S1BS X '''' : ,1 .Mis' ' $35 Genuine Morocco Leather Chair or Rocker in green only.' ' Just like illustration (ration.. Specially priced f chalrs to micK VpVclai, 32.J0 H and attractive; Sp'K vXOa-Su jj Specially -priced at VDUf ;jf; 59 Genuine Leather- , Wtrr.,.y.t --. -: ri Covered Chairs, Sofas, 'Jt:' . .t : -r Rockers at Great Re ductions This Week Splendid Assortment to Select From Purchase Furniture on ' Our Club Plan of Easy Installments