The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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ch:ef ; SOURCES OF.
Table Reservations for NewYear's Eve May Ee M.n!e Now
16 '
f( 1 if ' '
. v - e "..-yi i: , vet,
t 1 hi
-rr'.-w. a at$atfi: m .maurn J. tiMJtwt.ii' aJr's i .
, Adapted to Raising of Grain
Irrigation -Needed,
Heppner,' Or., Oot ts.-Ueppner is the
county seat , of Morrow county and la
the terminus of the Heppner branch ot
; the 0.-W.R. A K' railroad. Morrow
county Is essentially stock country.
There are scores of men living in port
. land and In other larse cities on the
.coast who have made their fortunes in
Morrow oounty and hav ratlred.
" ' The first settlements were mad' on
Willow and Butter creeks and the moat
valuable land In Morrow county (a lo
cated along the streams where,
Irrigation, alfalfa la a heavy produoof
Morrow - county- contains 1,880,000
acres, at least three fourths of which la
tUlable. As - the rainfall ' avera'res
" silently less than 15 Inches there are
thousand of aorea that are given over
entirely to pasturage, the sheep and
tattle growing fat on the bunch graas
hills. Morrow county la in the thermal
belt and snow rarely stays : on the
ground mors than a. few day. ; No
where In Oregon today Is laiid so cheap
a In Morrow county. I have seen soil
as rich as "can be found at Kennewtck
or Yakima,. covered with a heavy growth
of black sage, or thickly dotted with
' bunch graas, that can be had at IS. 60
an acre. Thouasnds ot sores can be
; bought at from J5 to tit an sore. ' A
tew -years hence people wilt bs saying:
"I could have boufbt goodland In Mor
tow county for IS an acre at one time."
" ' ' ; Intensive Colttvsttoa rays.
1 .' In talking with one of the old time
t resident! of Heppner-he said, Toe peo
ple .of - Morrow oounty . hays no concep
tion of tbs richness -of this section.
They plow not over four or five inches
deep and diss In the grain for tli next
1 year or two. If tboy .would plow eight
" or 19 inches deep, as they do In many
. sections, end give the same- attention
. and care to their work as is dons In the
older settled communities, our land
would surprise them with Its heavy
yields. There Is ns reason f or. consid
ering Morrww oounty a. stock county
alone. With our long season,' our rlcit
soil- we can grow many profitable crop.
If the John Day Irrigation project is
ever . carried through, Morrow oounty
win b a second Wenatcbee or Yakima.
Already tn thetnortbsrn -part ef our
county, at Irrigon. we have demonstrat
ed that peaches, apricots', eenteloupes,"
.' watermelons, xnlons, , asparagus and
many .other crops can be grown profit'
ably; - War have been .so busy raisin
sheep and Vattle that .we have paid no
- attention to Trult raising, and yet along
,t out. creek bottoms, where Irrigation can
b -carried on; we could have successful
commercial oi'chards.t t' , -i
"Morrow county vgetJ lt principal
wealtirfrom It mutton and wool. Mor
i row county produces something ovr
2,0007000 "pounds ef wool a year and
Heppner Is one Of the largest wool ship,
ping point In the state. In addition to
raising stook. sheep i there are a : gc d
mtnyaAureivred sneeoi raised, and son
' In, Morrow county, i - Morrow; , county
RirabouUtaa Jihve won prisesvaereYr
esiuulted.,J4'rij: -j
. ''One. of the -men who has done moet
in JrlngingAIc-row.countr to the at-.
tftptsen oi tne world la Osoar w. Minor,
lis .'and his brother. Art Minor, own
over so.ope acres of land. Mr. Minor's
. pur i blood cattle have . wtn ; prises . at
aa of the largest stock shews, both na
, Mortal and internationals For the past
years he has devoted his attentloti
- to raising pare blood cattle, bogs, sheep
ana' cniutens. uuid -is.hsld in large
tracts and bonansa terming Is practiced.
' Eventually the two and three thousand
, acre? farms will be broken up Into smalt
holdings and Morrow county will sup
, port eomrortauy id tunes the popular
' uon tpat itnow has.,;, f, Vi'
Conaty Xs Sparsely Settled. '
Heppner wag named for one of Its pio
neer merchants, Henry Heppner, who,
with' ' J.. I - Morrow,-for whom Morrow
county ': Was named, started the first
store . In the city of Heppner. Though
Morrowcoonty 1 twice ss large as
Rhode Island, as yet the oounty la but
thinly- populated.:; Heppner, the Oounty
eac. na oetween, oo ana JtOO people.
lone nas a - population of about 600.
Lexington baa about 00 population,
: while Hardman has between ZOO and
100. CecIL Morgan, and Sight.Mlle are
postornces having a few families liv
ing at or near the poltofflce. Irrtgon,
In the .northeastern part of the county.
after some years ot stagnation, owing
to' uugaijon Dver tne arraire ot the
Oregon Xrfindt '& Water Company, is go
ing to see a new period ot growth and
prosperity, with the .putting In of the
' first unit Of 10,000 seres of the west
- extension or tne umatuia project."
tDeath Scene- All Too Real. .
Hew XfrK Oct 25.--During the recent
, uertnan day celebration ' Hauntmann'a
I "Festeple 1 13," was enacted upon the
stage- oir xerrace uaraen.' Tfte v final
scene represented a battlefield with
1 Death stalking over the stricken field
, I and the appearance of. th grim reaper
t constitutes we signal xor ringing down
- the final curtain. But the curtain failed
, to fall and an investigation disclosed
the -peculiar fact t:iat the ourtaln man
had been overtaken by death While wait
ing tor' the ' signal ' tor: the- final our
: " ' '. .. ' i" "
Resclta Not ' Influenced bjr Ag or
. Time Standing, Say Expert. "
"Rapture is not a , tear or break ta
'" at. W4lv2wi l ftw11 mm wAMAiAmtk
' of a natural opening, therefor subject
to closure, said F. IL Seeley, on
' late, visit to . orflancLSt:;.:,;.
' Olie Spermatic 'Shield Tfoss' eloses
theopenihf in 10 days on the aver
Cage case, producing results without
urgery or harmful .injections. Mr.
; Seeley has '4oeunienta from 'the gov-
eriiment,vWashington, D..C, for ia
ipection.: Anyone interested trill be
shown-the Uuss or fitted if desired.
SoId and fitted only .. by taae-Davls
' Drug: Co. sole and exclusive agents
for Oregon, Third and Yamhill sts.
' Other. fifms advertising and selling
imitation 'Seeley" "Spermatic ' Shield
V Trusses are Impostors. ; Look for the
word "patented" on each Spermatic
corrugated shield. Laue-Davis Drug
Cci .Third and -Yamhill streets." ' 4
Top, left to right -Flock of Sheep tl Mprrow .eooaty.r.gwbii'al: view ,tppMt.!xX:f.::,
" " ' Bottom, left to rlght-rPalace hoteC Heppner; "korrow eoiinty -eourthouBe,'. Ileppneri . V r ' -:
iii ii f mm io p
trioiinco ,
QregonTederatlon, idX Recent
session. 'MQYucaies : .winy.
On resolutions submitted 'that this 'was
a , question -which ' must be settled . ac
cording to the individual judgment of
each .member and recommended that it
be referred baok ; without recommenda
tion.. After discussion a motion to re
fer thjs matter to the indlvual clubs for
a referendum vote was laid on the table.
: Another' resolution endorsing ths
Works bill prohibiting the manufacture
and sale of distilled liquors except tor
medicinal and sclentlflo purposes was
referred back . without recommenda
tion. - i - , :
a tha recent session , of the Oregon
Federation of .Women's, club -held at
Hood River favorable action was taken:
on a series of resolutions now pending-
Wore: the people. '.
it was resolved, that, there : shall ce,
created in. tne reaeraiion , a eianum'
committee on- ImmlgratioA which shall
formulate plans ot work which may be
submitted to the individual eiuos so
that the work may be done along unr
form llnea It was also resolved to pe
tition the state dairy and food commla
slonar to appoint a woman as a memoer
of hie staff of deputies. The legisla
tive committee was instruciea to sena to
each elub m the federation a copy of
asch rutins of the Industrial Welfare
eommtslson as Issued by that body and
also to keep the clubs Informed as to
Important matters which may concern
Sterilisation BUI revered. - 7 .
Endorsement was given to the Owens-
Adair sterlllsaUon bill. - The ; suppose
ef all' members was pledged to the -de
feat of the workmen's compensation sot
referendum. It was also recommended
that steps be taken; to strengthen tne
widows pension law. v A standing com-'
mittee to visit all the state lnsUtuUons
at least once a. year and. make
was ereated. ' : . v :"'-'- 'r-'v
h it was further recommended that the
legislative committee be Instructed to
compile and puousn a pampniet on vie
laws t the state affecting children and
distribute to the clubs.
it V- was resolved ' that the t clubs
throughout the state use their best en
deavore to make domestio scisnce tor
girls in the high schools of their - re
spective towns a compulsory course In
tMii nf lotlve aa at nresent. " -' '
Tha health committee or tne inaivi
dual, clubs was urged to a closer co-
AtMHtion with: local health authorities
in compliance with, the new state lawt
requiring tjie reporting pi f au tuoer
cular cases.' '.;.''.'!'.. J i -'f-;.'-
A' systemauo stuay. os civil service
reform was eamesuy wrgeu upuu ius
Individual club members. - Each , club
was advised to create a committee on
phUanthropby v and social, reform to
which rhiay be -referred all questions
concerning the treatment of defectives
delinquents and dependents. .
Olossd sase' Urged. r. ;
ft was resolved to recommend to the
llveatoctt interests or tne state a closed
staaon dnrtns? which time there shall
bs no killing of calves until such time
as the shortage f beef anait have been
remedied. Endorsement - was , given to
the earn paign Inaugurated by the Ore
gon Manufacturers' association tor the
extension of country life, children's In
dustrial training, better roads for farm
ers, greater support of home products
and home merchants. '.,.
.The' good roads movement was also
endorsed. ' .'
ThS Initiation or a bin removing ths
Judiciary of the state from political In
fluence and making the same non-
pollUcal u was ,reoommendd. Support
was pledged to a bill providing In every
state for one day'a rest In seven tor;
workers in continues ana noncontinuous
Industries. . In the matter of dress re
form It was resolved to adopt and as
far as possible use Influence In favor of
saner fashions. . A protest was entered
against' the present tendency, toward
extreme -and Immodest anelnc-',-:-'f.'.
; i T ertve Oonstltattoa, ;
The legislative committee . was. in
structed to prepare an amendment to
the law governing, admission to state
schools for the blind and" provide also
for a class In Industrial training for
the adult blind, A committee on revi
sion . of the fedcratJon'B constitution
was appointed, to' report at the next an
nual' session. ' :. . -..
On the queationtof lending assistance
to the campaitrn to mnke Oremn na loon-
less ht the 1914 election the committee
Ooble, Columbia, eountjt; ( ST. K,' Ken
nedyK Woodbnrn, Marion cnunly;Fr. H.
LAtghton, SeastdeV Thomas llnvllle. As
torla;. T. i C. teeban. Dees- Island, Col-,
umbla county;'' - Cbrls Muralf, . Oregon
City; NlchoVe,- Dayif on, i Tamhilt
county Janies Roake,.Oreaon City; W,
8. Richards, Albany; J. Ct Rlohmond,
Springfield uC.. F. Ruef, SsJem; Frank
Seterence, TUlamook; XX F. Smith, Al
bany; ' F. J. fitark. Antelope, Wasoo
county; Davis Tweed le. J awed 1, Clatsop
county; Alt Walker, , Eugene. ,
- English Artfat Is Honored
Zjondon, Oct. IS. Although Oreat
Britain will have no official represen
tation at the Panama-Pacifla exJilbitlon
In 1118. she will be brought Inte unof
ficial ' prominence by the decorative
work f th famous , KngUsh artist,
Frsnlc Brangwyn,, who has been? com
missioned to accept the, mural deoora
tlone for several covrts pn,tht proposed
fibs .arts section. , ; j -- ;'.;, ;;-
EngUsh men are much; delighted at
thet prospect - ot .having one of their
countrymen t thus brought into promi
nence through this signal .tribute -to his
ability.' So far Mr. Brangrwyn Is the one
European to be retained for the carry
ing out pf any Important work for San
Francisco's fair. It being the desire ot
the executive committee te . employ
Amerlcsn. talent as far as possible.
' For Operating Tables.
Shadows seem to have been driven
from surgical operating tables by a re
cently Invented ' system of lighting
whereby eleotrlo globes mounted In a
circle throw their rays to Intersect On
ths field ef operation.
i deurnal Want Ada brtpg results. -
On account of thd great success of present wonderful attrac
tions fn Arcadian Garden; the same artists have been
' ' 1 ' re-engaged and will remain indefinitely,
" - , . ! a '
Entire Change of 'Songs and Dance Week of October 27th
Critics who have traveled all over the world say the entertain.
. ment given, in thet Arcadian
: weeK,vi superior
Garden at Hotel
to1 any they have seen In Europe or 'America.
'i f V, V i , r1' t ( '
The 0re'ates4 Attractions Ever Presented in any '
Cafe in America.'
.1 1.
1 1
V i f AUiston and Trucca ' I'
' V International' Dancers featuring-Staircase Waltz, Tango, Ar-,
-x ' '. gentine ,an!d Whirlwind, Texas Tommy. , .
DeHaIde and Edwards' .
. ASnsational Dancera,f presenting THU KISS WALT and 1 ;
" . - '. , Fancy Rag. ' f -'t -
, LAURA JANIS, Lyric Soprano
4 t. , and '
direction ot Herman S. Heller. ' . - -
,: . -.,. t - . 4
Entire Program During MerchanU 50c Lunch, . 11 30 Until ;
' ' 2 P. M, and Dinner and After the Theatre
TABLE D1IOTE DINNER, 6 until 8 P. M.
, ' . 8:30 until 10 P M. ,' . ...
By the augmented Multnotriah Orchestra of 18 pieces, under
the direction of Herman S. Heller. . ."
Entertainment In ARCADIAN, GARDEN every Sunday dur
ing dinner, and 10:15 until 12 P, M., same
' - program aa on week days.
- - ? ;., ' . "
' .k,CBOWte, Manager ,-' ,
' - LOUIS P. REYNOLDS, Assistant Manager.
Meeting in Interest of Minder
y- gaven; Honor of Na
"V ' tive Land.' '
H. Askeiand of t Minneapolis, reoently
appointed secretary to Albert ' Q.
Schmedeman, United States minister to
Norway, will speak to local Norwegians
tonight at the , Norwegian Lutheran
church. Fourteenth and Davis streets.
In the Interests of the Mlndegaven, a
gift " fund planned by Norwegians of
the United States to their native coun
try. May 17. 1S1. This date ts the
centenary of Norwegian Independence.
v The money collected es a memorial
present will be the gift Of over 1.000,000
Norwegian cltlsens of this country.. Ths
government of Norway will undertake
to invest the fund and devote the In
terest to ths uses of charity In Norway,
Mr. Aakaland, who was appointed to
bis present position In August, Is trav
eling throughout the United States to
acquaint himself with the oondltlons
among Norwegian-Americans before
nroceadlns- to his cost at cnrisuania.
For ths past JO years Mr,-Askeiand
has been connected with the Minneapo
lis publio library. He recently resigned
ss grand secretary of the Sons of Nor
way. Tbls is bis first Visit to tne Fa-
elfe ,erthweaVf M- !:-;; ir;-'3 't.--
Eleven Counties of Willamette
Valley and Coast Are
Kepresentefl, ' ' ' ;
Men from-It counties of the Willam
ette valley and the coast are called for
trial Jury, service In the federal court,
according to the drawing eonduoted yes
terday by United States Marshall John
Montag and United States Court ClerK
A. M. Cannon. They are front ; Ln
Multnomah, Clackamas, i Clatsop,, Linn,
Marlon, TUlamook, Lincoln, Columbia,
Vamhlll and P Waacw counties. Fifty
names Were takon from the box, the list
of which fonows:,':'';-'";-":
O. B. Alllngham. Coburg. Lena county;
Lester Andrus, Portland; Peter AuUep,
Portland; V. S., Baker Gladstone. Clak
amas oounty; O. C. . Barlow, Warrant
ton, Clatsop county; A. E. Barnickie,
Portland; Harry ;F, Bartels, Portland;
Oeorgs F. Bayne. Sheqds, Linn county;
F. R. Beals, TlllamooK; Edwin Belmore,
Portland; C M. Bishop. Kalem; fl. Bo
Qulst. Tillamook; Albert Brad, Albany;
W. H. Bremer. 'Hubbard, Clackamas
County; Russell Catlin, Salem; Cecil
Gosper, Devils take. Lincoln county;
W. EL Conyers, Clatskanie. Columbia
county; W. M. Crawford, Lebanon. Linn
county; JT. M. Day. Portland; A. WtJun
can. Seaside; Chris Cesy, Aurora; C. C,
Goddard,' Portland; 'Morris B: Gregg.
Portland; J. K. Height, Albany, Unn
oounty; j. D. Hamlin, Eugene; H. H.
Itobeon. Astoria; V J, How land. Crow,
Lac county A. .A. Imlah, Cloverdale,
TUlamook oounty; . Jamls , . Jamieson,
Jewell, Clatsop county; d C Jensen,
llebo. Tillamook county; Floyd Jente,
Tangent, Unn county; A. J. Jonx, Sil
verton; Oeorgs. W Judd, Eagle Crook,
Clackamas county; James Kennedy.
Fifth and Stark
Fifth and Stark
Th Earniiur, Carpet and Rag and Drapery and Upholstery Displays are being strengthened every day by
the arrival of new selections from the leading American maker and importers. You'll continue to find here,
the production of America leading maker of fine FurnitureBerkey & Gay of Grand Rapids, and Cowan
of; Chicago, shoum in Portland on our floor exclusively, A representative showing alto t of other leading lines.
A Wealth of
New Things
: In Drapery and
. . f , '
Materials In the "very latest and
best effects for all drapery, up
holstery and other4 home-decoration
purposes; fresh from the
leading foreign and domestic
mills ; New Scrims and Curtain
Nets,, new Cretonnes and Lin
, ensnewrSundour'- Fabrics and
I'Madfavnew Velvets', and' Ve
i lours,, new, Tapestries' and -'Bro-
cades, 1 new iWall Papera and !
other Interibt Decorations !fof
" every room in, the. home. ' This'
is vthe Drapery " and ' Decorative
: Departmenf a first message of
;' the arrival, and display . of its
fc6mplel new stock of every
thing for ; home-beautifyhtg-7-a
stock selected with the purpose,
'in view of meeting the demands.,
' of the' tnost ' modest ts well as ,
the most elaborate homes. Voa'll
find your time proiitably spent
. in . viewing .the many new, and
beautiful things riow on display
'bete.' These' prices, 'in favored
materials. ' are .but a 'few in
stances " of , the . wide tange of
fere4 for yoot, choosing,
' . New j Sundour? Drapery
Fabrics truaranteed abso-
; lutcly. V r;blor fast--504 ' to
New '.. Curtain , Scrims-1.
23 to 50 Yard. .
New Cretonnes 20c to -
;?i.50.Yxi..v,;, T
v Drapery', '- Upholstery and
. Second Floor i -
Fifth and
A Strotig Showing of
Medium Priced ,.
Bedroom Furniture
' A representative gather-.
ing ; of ' Bedroom Pieces "
from an acknowledged
leading maker of medium'
-grade or" medium priced
Bedroom Furniture fur-;
nlture that ; In ; d e s i g n;
workmanship materials
J and finish recommends ,
" itself ?most favorably to
the most careful buyer of ,
-the medium jride; Some Instances here In matched plecesi
Plain straight design 1st f Quartered Waxed Golden OaV
aateeted stock. . . 4w
Full sis Bed at g22JS
Dresser at $29.50 " : ChtffosUer at 129
Dressing Table at 119.50 - -
Plata straight design in Mahof any,' cane paneled.
Full sue Bed at sz
" 'Dresser at 131""' ' -'
' . f ' ) - V a ' Dressing TaM. at $2S.
Chiffonier st $29
Plata stralsht'deslgni bs Circassian Walnut, cane paneled. -
n I Full else Bed at $34 v 1Jf ' H
' Chiffonier at $32-50'
Dressing Table at $25 ,
, Dresser at $34
j - ; .' i I
Dresser at $37
Colonial vat tern la Manet; any.
Full sLm Bed at $32.50 '
, .i , Chiffonier at $35
' . Dressing Table at $37.50 - ,
' 'Colonial pattern la Circassian Walnut... t., -" . .
,',' ruu stae Dea-as f 4 , , , t'-- ,,
Dresser at $54 - Chiffonier at $38.50 1
i , Dressing Table at $29
Plata. atraight-Jesifns' In Birds-Eye Maple, -can paneled.
full sue Bed at JZ
Dresser at $32
Dressing Table at $24
CblTfonier at $30
Spealunff of
Carpets and
You'll Recognize the New
nets and Distinctiveness
of Oar Showing. -
The rug racks and . carpet
shelves are beginningr,to" fill up,
the result of many ireeka of
carefnl selecting from the latest
productions- of . the leading
' Atn,erican and foreigir mills." Of
those already, displayed we wish
to, mention particularly the -
Anglo Persian and
," I: Ardebil Rugs ,
from the looms of Whittatl and
Bigelow, foremost In the world
in the making of fine Wilton
Rugs faitbfu! in their reprodue-!
tion, in design and coloring; of
rare creations of the Orient. I
Tht 9xI2-ft. sue in Anglo-Persian
and Ardebil Rugs, priced
at s60.
Th larger and smancr sizes
proportionately priced
& Scotch, Art Rugs
t! -tne floor coverings that, on
. account of their inexpenatveness
and .serviceability, and the
adaptcdiiess-of their pattrrnj
and colorings, are finding their
way into tlionsands of modern
'homes. ' . '
,,The ,9xl2-ft. sire in thet Rugs
tMb f price from f SO to
Itujj Special
For This Week
dxl2-toot Tapestry
Brussels Ju;s
( Sold regularly at $2f.S0. Choice
of 1( pattern all modcrrt rf
fects hhd colorings. An oppor
ttlnityY to renew bedroom cr
dining-room floor covering at a
saving worta while.