The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 25, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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    I "
t -r
111 10
STUDIED BY- f.'Efl 1
f. 1
More of . God In v Homes and
National Convention Will Dis-
ill mill in 1 1 II hi ii l in
UUKKtNl lUflW m
.... ru.wuo
2rrj .ill
I 111 .111 I 1 1 IIIHIl III II llll II I I
Needs of Men and Boys Taken -"Up;;
Rual Conditions '-AteV
' Considered" by Speaker,
Decalogue1 In Schools; Need?
cuss. Task' of. Church and
;'. ed Jo' Make. Good. Citizens J
Ways to Accomplish it
University ; Referendum'; Is the
Subject Tomorrow; .'Coun
ty Fair"; Wednesday.'
, i ; ,., m
The men of ' ht First . Presbyterian
church are Jlntroduolns .-.features ,lnto
the work of that church, r, They have
begun a Current Event class, whjch Is
to ,le a forum of "Applied Christianity."
- The Rev. Benjamin Young, pastor of
Aie nret: Methodist Episcopal church,
this city, addressed the Oregon Congress
' of Mothers In the. city library hall yes
,teYday afternoon on "The Preservation
of the Home and Marriage Sanctity."
. lie said: ."One of the dangers which
'threatens us in the present ago is
subtle materialism. An Interrogation
mark has een lifted before some in-
jstttutlons which. . have been esteemed
sacred. There Is a loosening of the bonds
of authority. We have talked so much
:? about the spirit of democracy and, the
freedom of the individual that many
have forgotten that the whole super
structure of life is . underpinned with
laws which are as .immutable as God.
"The home Is the pivot of the re-
t public U Is the home which gives sta
'' blllty to the social structure. We have
- crowded out the old fashioned home and
are crowding out a lot of old fashioned
"things. We do not have time to pray
with our children theee days. Before
the school board of this city the other
' day the Bible was inveighed against. We
-did not need It, was the assertion.
Xor Weed of Cod. ' - .i
"" "I have an opinion that we need more
t of God In the home and more of the
recognition of God and the JDecalogue
in the public school. It is more ini-
portant that we have good citlaens than
-. bright Cltlxens, Culture of heart mast
go with the culture of the head. The
- tsplrtt of reverence must not be for
gotten. V '-
"We roust protect the family, Hered
ity and environment, the two forces
w-lilch are recognised everywhere, are
: to be recognised here-also. We must
develop the finer Influences which make
f or the better life. The laws of hered
ity and environment must be directed
fin the light of science and highest In-
telligence. Intellect and conscience must
t have a part in this.: f;f.i'Wu4-''it
"The preservation t of the home , do
penda upon the recognition of the sa
crednee of the marriage vows.' There
must be justice on botll sides. We are
-,: -catching a larger vision of what equality
really means. The laws on our statute
"books in too many Instances give the
advantage to the man. There are cert
c torlespf prejudice against woman which
, " have caused to be . written Into our
.' records some , dark chapters and tragic
' 1- eptaodes. ' '
i . ? 1 on BUadard of Morals. : '
"Tlie enfranchisement' of woman will
"do' much toward making - corrections
r along' these lines. We must teach one
'stendard of morals. If we , drive tha
. woman out and brand her who sins,' the
- man must receive like treatment. A.
'. "There must be uniform divorce laws
-and more stringent rules with respect
to divorce procedure. - Justice must be
administered to the rich and to the poor
alike; "We 'roust give attention to that
. ; which makes for the American home. If
xve guard It well there will com back
to us the reward which will make for
the enlargement of all life. 'The home
is primary, w must protect jt.end give
lorvitt and build into it" ; s 1 . t
J Vt. Young' will continue this' discus
slon. tomorrow morning at tha new loca
church, corner of Twelfth"1 and i Taylor
" ntreets,. under the topic: .The Menace
of the American. Home." . . .,
, - Jlev U. W. Pepper, chaplain of the
f WiKcousin state penitentiary, will do
ill ver his lecture on "Crime and Criml-
nal Its Cause' a"nd Cure."1 in the Sun
1 nynide , Methodist ""cliuron tomorrow
evening at .7:45. In the morning tho
; pastor, Kev. Mr. Fry, will ' preach on
k the topic, "The Relation of My Religion
to. My Relations."
r ir.l tVhlla Tmnl. W
B. Hlnnon and 1.
t A, Am. --winbtPiv. Blbia mbool :45. Uerrirm
I Il iad V.:m: S. 8., 10; h. Y. P. V., :1J.
Tot'lr, "Tha t'oar Men of I'ertland" aad "Uow
1- to Be HiUpUy ilnrriwl." - ; .
Butt iue . w.-O. BbiBk.- patter. Serf.
Irw. 11 ud IDHt: Suadiy ctwel, lUt B.. t,
t f. u.
. Calvtr B.- .ilter Dorf, piitcr. Fmcl
,. Inf t ll a. m. ind T:45 p, at. "Mew VtmoM
, iroB Betbetda'i Fool" a4 "OW lAUOfi From
tne umwt et tne rooi.
5 .r- arlata Kr. W. 1. a. ' Bprlgt- -: Sanday
' school, 10; B. X. P. 0 t:X Mrrlt-ts 11
, aud l:t. Mob Vi bo Cb Ke Rank" and
. ills lleallat Touch." i-- .
1.. lnilMl-Bv. c. B. Elliott. B. T. P. O,
" 6:80, 8. 8. 9.46. gerrlcet 11 and 7:30. ators
Tlns. Ml- ImIwI Oratr(urd ereulog, "lie Ua-
kauw-a Uod." -.-v -
euwfce Iter. P. W. Htyea, It end t:80i
.t'-V:-aV -X.-P,-U, Mk ....k; ",,
LuiTr.l tr Park tttTi A. 0. Saxtoe, patter,
II and J:ao; sV les B. P.- U. IT. f
. Kumi7U (Oriuo) ik JfeiS, , --Oarad
...;. MiiMftfnttkileat. . -;; ' .
si.-Jvaua cumii) Et. Krt reldaetli. S.
S. 11 . P. V, . .
-St. av. v-Pi Bordn,- piiator. ' B. 8.,
10 a. Mrrlce at II a., nod 8 ft. n.
Ci ilouuilUt, lit,, u. X. Cmo. 11 and
fi9u; y, !., 8:M); c. tf., 8:40.
cbio.8 MtstUia ft, S., Ii i, u. Uakma, av
-. periutosdeat. ,
.: . irat unin Be.' i, Kratt. 11 and 1XO:
.-. ,6. M.
Bwuud tferaun Bit. Frederick Butrrsiaa. U
aud Hu; S. b.. :&; y. r. C.. :&.
fcwt yurtr-lWib etreet Her. A. B. Waits. S.
8.. k:S; iireacbluf, 11 and 7:80 p. m.; B. Y.
1'. Ui, e:8o i. ta. "Forced Into the Ftut" and
What In Unknown About Uod."
.;VUT-a,-..wi2:&L p"tor'
Tbwnacl2-UeT. kobf-rt Oray. CMtor. Set
Dotx .l and 7 dot B. B., Q:4u; X. P., 6:80.
xv Inlrd Her. W. J. Beio, Ii nd 70; B.
,c Jeu" and Silent ChrUt."
' Swcdlub Ivor, t'redriii-a Untivn. 10: and
7:. :U B. Y.-P. C C:0.
Italian allnlog -Bar. Franeeaco Saonttla. naa
tor. Vntart circle S; fnwcblns l:o, .Wt
a aeruou for fcnjlUh (pukluf poovle; alw at 7:80.
: Sc.t k-iV '1-
- "-.:.' ; lUtSsdUt. . ,.
Flnt13ta and Tayloe ta. Br. BenJ.mln
TDf. S;3Ur. 8.; m, E. I,. Berrlcea 10:53
and "ltae.Mcht Uiiuatli." . I
Trlnlgr Kt, A. B. Caldor. U a. at. and
7iiw p. mij S. 8. 10; . I eao. , ,na
f swedlan toJ-tbwlck nod Beach. Re 2 N
BiirdcU. paitcr. U and s. S., lo B. L
. tpwurth,-1U. Frank Jaowa bif,k.T It
a. m.. U and TdO; 6. :; Thl7:M
Morulnf. "iwiurulng Who U lord'1 and "a
horixt ut WouOw-a.'7 . "
- Flrat .Vorwgiaa Daolab Kev. ' KUae Glard.
low. paator. , It and 8. "Tne Lord ! Tsnpper"
abd seass-la tb Klght." . . " pp"
f.acu ( Daulaa Vancouter i nd Skid,
more, Ke. bt. yrld, pantos, U and $.
M. oU. . IS m. ',
Suuuiaa lta. William H. ttr. D n ii
and 7:43 m. B. S. :60 a. B. E. L. S-30
ln i Kalatloa of Wr IUUlon to MjT . Baul
tkifn" and cvanlng , Ur. W. . Pepper?
Centenary Ba. hlDtt B. Trlmlila, t. n .
rid 7:80. rTb Urm4 at life7, and "itOaU-
uan sdeaee MeBafk'-:---.-.,- - '-Z-lurt
jl-H, c. T. Cook, Ptator.
1 :J0?,.sr.8;i,,0. ..:.,-rrayetintatlng.
St. Jonnn. : J." Pntree... CnrftoH 11
and tt:ts a. s. wj E, LM S:a. ' "
WooOlnwu Ko. Loaia Tboaaaa, nast, a
S. 1: K. I... :S; pfOM-klng II and 7:13.
(rulral Vocwi STnu and Farcu, Bar,
r. c. iiartok. brTkei 11 aud 7 a. t,-
Inaa nifvtliig. 1:15; B. L :BO p. m. Twilra.
'. -1 In Ilia World" and "Tba Ulgbty pbrlat,'1
iiiuuis kail Aleiuorut bt & 0,' ItcCnl
Rer. E. D. Sexton.
"HeU What Is ItT Where Is ltt
Who Goes Therer - will be the topic
given by E. Ev Sexton, of London, Eng.
la tha r Women,., of Woodcraft . Temple,
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock sharp.
Mr. Sexton deals with this subject in
an interesting and Instructive mariner,
bringing evidence from every field of
education, science, and religion. He hag
a remarkable memory and a great store
of Interesting items In connection with
his many travels and investigations,
and these, together ,wlth much wit
and humor, 'he weaves In telling effect
in his arguments . on . these subject.
This i the openfng of a series of Bible
lectures' to be given in' Portland. . .'
Will Dedicate Church
Tomorrow will' ba observed as aTflay
in the Interests of missions In all de
partments of the caurch at AnaUel
Preabyteriaa church. . The children of
tha 'Sunday school hare been ' contrib
uting this . year. to a station In tlio
Philippines, anil at the hour of f.ielr
meeting will hear about. the work the
are helping to do by their offerings. At
the morning service, th pastor will de
liver a -i missionary address.' " In tho
evening titer will bn a stereoptlcon
lecture on the Philippine Islands.
DJovember 1$ has been' set tentatively
as the date for tie dedication of the
Anabet-church, building. Painters and
decorators are at work now, and 1 all
the final details promise to be oarel
for before that date. During the paat
two weeks members of the church and
congregation have met at the building
every night, excavating a new addition
to the basement. - After shoveling dirt
for two hours, and a half eacli evening
the men have adjourned to the kitchti.
where a supper has always been .served
tbem by the ladies.
To Give Sacred Concert,;;
The large chorus choir of! the Sunny-
side Congregational ' church has pre
pared another sacred concert for Sun
day evening. New features have been
Introduced and the program' promises to
be one of exceptional merltw There will
be. several .children's choruses, a men's
chorus, selections by the chorus choir.
Including Handel's-"Hallelujah Chorus,"
special features in Solos and duets. This
excellent choir Is rapidly gaining In
public favor .under the efficient ireo
tlon of Prof. JT.. H. Cowen. '.',
Wh. 8. 8., 0 48: IJ a. .. -.
oei-tliiB 12 diin: Enworlh leaaue 11 t. S.. 8:46
JapaDMS llaaloa-KeT. HUM Rlban. 8:M
and b:iU; 8. A., 3:30. ;
Uarmau P. A. Bcfanmann. S. 8., B:4S ear,
lean 11 and s. fpwortb lea(ae. T:15. ,
' MonUTtlla Bar. W. B. ' Uaapton. . laraMa
at 11 and 7:80; 8, ., 10; B. U, f :4S. ,
2 Ballwood Ba. Jance P. Bawklaa, 11 asd
t80 1. B. I, f:80: B, U, -M.
Uulreralty Park Ber. W, J. Dooclaa. 11 asd
7:30: 8. a. 10 a. m.a B. h., 8:15.
Afrtcaa glon e W. MatUteea, 11 aad ;
8. 8.. 1; B. T.
Pattoa Bar. Qaerf a Bopklna, paator. Freaek
Inr 11 and 7:30: 8. ., 10 a. as.; S. L., 8:30.
"The Unity of the Faauly" , and "Broken
Hearted.' - ( -
Careoa Belrtta RT., H. X. . Orataav a
10: aarnaon, U, v - , , -
Batbvl Bar. J. ti Craw pattor. ' BerTlete,
U aad T;,-8, 4C I:15i C. k., 7.
Mount Tabof Et.- C. Hamilton. 11. 7:S0.
8. 8., :45: CL; B J0. Bally oar. AdUreaa by
W. B.vWWttcntT-v u -' -,
UataKaT. W. Boyd lloora, ir aad 8; 8.
.,10; B.4 L., f. "- :,. .-;'- y f .'-..; .
Eoaa City Park -Bone City Park elubkouae.
Bar, William VV. Suaniaon. pastor. Serticee
11 abd 7:30: 8- KtiiS. 1 Prof. NV'F. Cola
man of Baed ooltese and- Bar. H. T. Atklnaon.
Wooditock Frank Jamaa. paator. 11 and 7:30;
Lincoln Btraet U. C. M. a Bead, paitor.
11 and srs. 8., 10. ' -'
Oak Grofe Bey. U. Splea. SeTTlcea 11 and 8;
8. 8., 10. , -v..;'- f - .-j-.Wv .-. .
. Waatmoreland Bar. 0. T. Oreana. B. 8., 8
aermon, 7:80. by Iter, Frank Ultlty Ktnnall.
Wealeyan Bar. O. C" IVlckar, 11 aad 8)
8. b.. 10; V. P. It.. 7. , i -
First fleraian A, p. Cramer, pastor. Preack
Ins 11 and 8. 8. S, 10. . I M0. ; v ,
Taylor Street 8d and Taylor ats. BTentng
my ov,- avrsHHi -of mxbw, juj (Helps,
Pnloa Arcane MetbodUf-. Hardy Baaostt.
paator. Prascblng. 11 a. m, and 7:80 p. m, 8. 8.
10 a. m.. K. L. 8:45. Subleots. "Thar Taklna
of a Kingdom" and "The larltatlas to Wbooi
aoover Will," ,
-"- .1 V; tealtetaaw' .'T'"'!'
; Pint Preibytaiiaa eburck e. Joha Boyd,
nlniater. Preacblns 10:80 and 7:30. - '
Calrary Blereutb and Clay ata. Bey. David
L. iKieble, D. D. Preaching 10:80 and 7 146.
"Snlrlt Utra Value to Letter" and "Tha Kin
and tba Prophet.". V
aaujiworui aa. 'Mane;- Kirk BIcbardsoa.
rtor. 11 and 7:43. Bible school :45 a. in.
P.. B. C. B., 6:40. Communion and "Keen
the BabbattY Dap- Boly." ..-(.-s.
. MUpab Rtt. Barry Laeds, pastor. Sermon.
11 and 8: 8. 8., 8:40 a, m.; C. B., 7 p. m.
Fourth Be. Henry JJ. Hanson, pastor. 8err
ka 10:30 and 7:30; 8. 8., 12; C. E :S0.
"Children of Cod" and "Tha Praia Mr, of
Third Rot- A. L, Batehlaoa, pastor.: Berri
lew. 10:80 and ,T:4B a. S. 111; d B,w 8:48.
. Hawthorne- - park L. : K. 4irliuea,M pastor.
8. . noon. Senrloe 10:a0 and T:80. V. K." ;itO.
a'r. tt;,;:!:
Anabel Robert N. McLaan. Benrleae 11 and
T:45l 8. 8. 8:48; O JX 8:48. "Shall We Bo
Bwalluvad bv Jonah's Whalai' mnA -l-r-nr( .
lactura on Ua Pbliipplnea. ; ( f , , rT.
aaopa, waoiamia kt. a. W. saaataats, S.
0: svrtlces 11 and 7:80. . ,. 7
PWmotit-Eaf'.- J. 1. Bnyder. 11 as :4:
Vl Heart" and
V?retcbitif 11 . m. q1 7:30 p- nv J?-,
Jtf&XX-ig?! f;
; Veraon H. N. Mount, paster. BerrleeS 11 and
".iw Ch'Utlaa Kndeaor T b..q.
'1 vaaimlnalaf Hat. lianry Marcott. 10:80
.. I; y. p. . c T; e.80,
tnr i'ir--11:' WUIiam J. BBlropee.
8 38b! B.'. ' 10 ' C
Blount XaW-BeTwiUUm J. Moore, paator.
The National Convention ef Methodist
Men. which convenes in Indiananolia.
Ind, October 2S-J1, will be attended by
over JS009. accredited: delegates, . Includ
ing bishops, editors, board secretaries.
publishing agents, pastors and laymen.
Portland will be represented by Bishop
R, J. Cooke. Rev. Benjamin Toung is
a delegate but cannot attend on account
of local church business,
The program, of . the convention Is
based vpoa three main propositions:
1. The' task of the Christian church.
S. The agencies through which this
task la to be accomplished. - .
S, n The opportunity and the power cot
its accomplishment.
the geneVtUng forTi :itlyVior
Under the first heading ! not omy
purpose of the whole Christian chnrcn
In tha opening message, but the specif to
task of the Methodist Episcopal ohuroh,JWork in Mexico. He wae auperintendent
togetner wun ' ""no
church has already achieved and the p -
portunlty now presented for greatly In-
creased aervlce. ' i w ' ' 1 f - -
With thla introduction the program
proceeds under "a call to advance" in try, ana me-- wooaiawn roiaa giaaiy
the eeven department known as the of- eelsed the opportunity to have him re
ficiai 'eonnectional causes the elrcula-1 turn here. Mr. Melllnger is a native of
tion 4t' the scriptures. Sunday echoola,
education." Including that for the freed -
men of the south,' temperance, home
missions and church extension, , and for -
elgn missions. These "calls? re to be
voiced through the agencies to which
they are severally committed, asa by ignd heavily burdened church. He re
one of the executive officers of thelmalned there six years, during .which
boards and societies. These fundamental
message, will occupy the morning and
afternoon sessions or tne xirst aay.v ;
aeheral Theme Conilaned. ." , ..
The night session will be one of rare
inspirational ana eaucationai xorce, con -
tlnuing the same general -theme, with
respect to cities, to the nation, and to
tha world, three of the bishops who have
made gpeoial studies of these respective
fields of service making the addresses.
The - second day the theme will be
"The Need for a. Larger Program,"
Surveys of what the conferences have
done have been prepared by the several
residential areas, and will be exhibited
and analysed, followed by a discussion
or practical measures tnrougn wnicn tne
church may mre worthl y meet 1U 1 op-
portunltles and responsibilities. This
session is to conclude wlth an open 000-1
ference. participated In largely by layy8pMlt on tB subject. "The French Aid
men., and the appointment of a com-1 ,-, mr Iran Revolution." Prof.
mlttee te prepare and report a denom- xhaxter Sias had any years' of ex
InaOonal policy for the future. Iperience as apubllo speaker and has
In the afternoon there will be reports I an.nt m. innv flm In eollectlnr the data
of what some denominations have al -
ready accomplished by methods of or
ganisation anl through campaigns - to
enlist their entire, membership in . sys
tematic study of and service for mis
sions - and benevolences the Louthern
Presbyterians, tha Disciples of Christ
and the United Presbyterians. Follow. I
ing these, the oonvention will separate Iterances will followi district super
into groups from Episcopal residential Intendents, of pastors and of laymen-
areas, and under the direction of gen'
era! superintendents will consider what
the response of Methodism ought to be.
'. v. Denominational roller.
The third day opens with the report
of the committee on. denominational
policy, followed with an open discus
sion upon "How to Actuallse the Program,".-
and how existing church-organisations
can best be related to th
proposed policy. ' The - session : closes
wlth'an, address upon the spiritual pow
er and purpose of the church, and the
consideration and adoption f the de
nominational policy. . f
; The afternoon session Is a efurther
consideration of the call of' "The New
Day," in social reform, in Christian cltl-
H. 8.. 1 a. nj. Berrlcea 11 and 7:80; C. B., 7
P, ia. .
Spokane atenua J. E. Tooel, " paator. Sermon
11 and 7:30. - - .
Chiutae 14BV& First. 7:48; 8. 8.. 8:45.
- Millard Aranua Bar. Larl Johaaon. 8rrleee
11 and 7:30; 8. a.. 10.
Bom City Park Bervlcee 11 aad 7:4t4 Be;
Bendlnot Saely. k -
Trtolty Bar. -, B, , Baasoa,' pastor. Sarrleea
11 and 7:80; 8. 8.. lo; I. P. 8. C. at. 8:80.
Btformed Frank D. Fraiar. Preaching, 11
sad Mj k 8., 10. -"' yV.;;"-',
r i5" Bisgii88tlissf f 4',S i . i
First K. tstbar B, Dyott, D. D., 11 a.
m. and T:as n. sa. "Bow to Baeomai What We
Oofht to Ba" and "Whan Xour 8hlp Comes In."
uuisitfsity rare ist. v. v. aautnar, u. v..
pastor. 11 and 7:80: 8. 8.' 10 a. aa.i X. P. 8. O.
B., 8:80, "Dwaillps by tba Wall et the I4r-
log one and "ia it 11" - 'r'- -tl "
First 0rma Kc. ; Jonn H. Bops. 10:80
and 7:30; 8. L. 8:15: C. E., 6:80.
' Laurelwood Uer. KaodalL pastor. 10 and
:48i O. 'B., 7. : i". '
Undarhnrst Be. D. Bi Orayj 8. 10;
service 11 and T:45. ;-- ' "
Uaualo 8uset J. U. Lowdan. pastor, Bery.
Ices 11 and 7:30 p. tn. 8. ., 10; X. P. 8. O.,
6:15. "Poaassalooa promlaod: , How., Secured''
and "By-productt et Ufa." :
WaVarly Ualthta Bar. A. W. Bond, pastor.
Worship 11 and ?:30; 8,; &. 10: C 8., 6:80.
UuDnyalde Ba-r. J. 4. Staob, 11 and 7:80 J
8. B. 10; C.. K.; '6:15. , "The Main-spring of
the Christian tlfe" and "Chrlet la 8ong." 8 p.
n. Welsi sarrlcc. '
PllaTlm Ba. D. . Poling, pastor. Preach
las at 11 and 7:80; 8. 8., 8:4ft: C. &, 8:80.
HlghUnd Bar. B. 8. BoUlufor. 8. 8. 10 a.
m. Preaching 11 and 7:30. "Tha Tyranny of
Uandleapa" and "Irrallgloas Bellgion.1' ....
Atkluaon Memorial fief. P. W. Oormaa, pas.
tor. erleia, 11 a. m. and 7:45; 8. 8.. 8:45.
St., Johns fler. James Murphy. 11 and 6
8.8.10..,;yyy, -' ..,t;, kt,:
s IsJaaosaL
Trinity chnrchraT. tr. A. A, ICorrlsoa. rao.
toy. Barrlcea 8 and U a. m, and 8 p. sa.
8, 8.. 8:45 mt- IS. - ' - - .-.- .
Pro-Cathedral of 81, Btcphan the Martyr
Bar. H. M. Bamaay. Berrlcea U aud 7:80.
Suuday acbuol, 10. -,. -a -.-.a-,.-, .
- Church of Our Harlot Woodstock Bar. B. B.
Clsrk. Karrlcas 8 and 11. -p , - -i, '
SL Matthtir's Mission Bar. - W. ' A. U.
Brack, ' Tlear. I?. 8. 10 a. m. Sermon at 11
a. m. Bvanint aerrlce at St. Helena ea OoIddj.
Wa rlT at 7:80. ' .
at. Darld's Ba., Henry Boaaell Talbot. 7:80,
calebratlou of Uoly Bucbartst, 8. 8. 8:48. Morn
Ins prayer 11 a. m., Branlnf prayer 8. ,
8U Andrews, Portsmouth Bar. p. W. Baum.
Vicar, la ebarse. 11, -prayer and esraios, ;30:
8, B,lo, . - v- ,;, v. -7,...TT
All Balnta-J-Be. Boy Edftar Bamlnctoa rac.
tor. Mornlug prayer and .aeraion, 11 . a m,
B, 8. 0:45 fio aTonlag acrvlca. ... , . ,
Bt. Jotin s Church Ha. X. P. Bowes, 8. 8.
i; afenius- prsyac' ansr aarsaon, ,'. , - ,
i gt 4b' tliurcji, .deilwood He. Joha D,
Blca,-BrTlcaa at 11 o'clock Bunday mornlna
,7:80, eaealng praar. u.-w,, y. ., ,,
i Bishop Morrla Manorial Chapel. Good Ba.
marltan boaplul. Chaplain , Frederick It. How
ard. Holy oommunJon, 7 a, m. Prayer aad
acrmoa 7:.. , ' . ,-'
Good 6hebra Bar.. 7oh8 Dawsoa, 11 and
faoB. 8.. W. v . ' ' - ,-. r.
Bt. Mark'-Ba. . B. H.'SItppeea. rwtor.
Holy Eucharist, T:80 a. m. B. ., 8:48 a. m.t
Matlna and Litany, 10:16. Holy: Sucharut 11
.,.m.! tJenmi(,-;7W
- Graca Manwn-UI Be. Qree B. Vaa Wa.
tars aad Bs.-Oswald W. Taylor, Holy Con,.
C union 8 a. m.; a. 8., 10. a. m,- aWrlcea 11
a; KTauliif serrlcaa omitted-, 1
'. Kenton l-'lre ball on Brandon st. Bar. p.
Bauan.-vicar. S. B. 10,- Krenlug aarrleae
ind rermon 8. Holy communion oa third Sun.
day of aaeli Aiontb. - '
8L Paul a, Wool mora Be. Oswald W. Tay
lor. 8. 8., 8; services. 4,
Bt. Michael's and All Anirele' Ita. - T. P,
Boweu in t-harae. 11 and 1:.K 8. 8., 10. -t.
Pettuo, , UlcUlgaa and Alberta (iaorie t.
Rev. W. L. MelliBger ' '
W. ; I Melllnger, tha paetor of the
Woodlawn ' Christian i church. - is Just
I "r. our jrears ego,, a.e... was caiieu
I from thle pulpit to take uo missionary
9 the educatlohaVworlc of the dlaclplee
l I ; j
" ""' vew.-1 wm rewwy
J compelled to cloee- hie work there on
Uocount of the revolution la that coum-
Iowa, where he grew" to manhood and
1 received hie publio school education. He
received bis , college ana , immaterial
1 training at Cotner University in Lin
coin. Nebraaka.. He came to Oregon la
lios, locating at Ashland with a small
tma ha lifted tha church to a nlace of
J strength in the community. During
ithU time he tautht for several years
jin the southern Oregon. State Normal
school, having the chair or matnema
1 tics.
"Round' the Fireplacei'j
The Toung Men's! Bible class ef'tfie
First Presbyterian Sunday school is
this fall presenting social and educa
tional programs which are valuable to
$ nuiM -Round the Fire.
lactf, m,eting. Gamee will he, played,
;t orle8 wm b; told and rau ale enjoyed,
L. s-,m evanina- Prof. B. A.
Thaxter. of the Portland academy, wilt
for this lecture. Tomorrow morning
after the preaching service the class
meets for Its regular Bible study. Tne
study for this week!, is the pastoral
zanshln and In evangelism. ' Group eon
uch of which will consider la open- oon;
ference their particular responsibility
and relaUonshlp to' thechurch's for
ward movement. v '''..:"': : Y- "y;
lCethodism's Xiarger Outlook.
. The last day will be given to a dis
cussion on "Methodism's 'LaFge? Out
look" and "The Larger ; Life. V .:, vi
For Friday evening the local com
mlttee has arranged a street parad,
in. which will be combined several thou
sand of the membership of various
church organisations, Bpworth league
brotherhoods, adult Bible classes, etc.,
In addition te the convention delegates
and others "both from Indianapolis and
from .other towns , and ,oltleg of the
state.. , ; .V-:; r-: '?,"';'
Hopkins, pastor. 8, 8., 10; seraaon, II; aeo
awn, 7:30 p. ta. , ' -n
8t. JohnV Mllwaukla Be. Jobs D. Blee.
8, aU 3; eveolag prayer asd eerpjon, J; aar.
Icaa, 4. . , '
Aacanaloa Chapal PorUsnd Balgbts. 8. 8.
-' Portsmouth Herefn--' at.-near Lombard st
Be. F. U. Baum, vicar. B. g, lo. Ti . ,
'A a-'. - lArlatbua. ' -
First, Park aad Columbia streets W, P, Bea.
or, paator. . semose at it and i:o: a a,
8:60; O. 6:30 p. m, Morning, "The Law
et the Mew Life" and "Tha Christ . Wanted."
Central Her. Samuel B. Hawklna. aaatoc.
8. 8. 10; 0. S.,6:80 -sarvtoee II and 7:80 p. ra.
RubjacU, "A spiritual Love Letter" ana "A
Xoang atas and Why.":; , . , ,, t
t BAdnay Avenue 8. 8., 10; 0. C. f:S0. -Montavllla
Cbrlsttas Tabettiacla Ba. B. H
Kimball, paator. Berlcee at 11 and 7:30 r. m.i
8. B. 10 a. m.i C.-B., 6:80 p, m. "Pleading
for tbe Paopls1' . sad "Waaa Bataa Ooea , to
Chsrco." :. .....--...A , - . ,u
Glade ton a Be. Boy U Dons, paator. Bar.
Icaa at 11 and I'M p, m.; 8. 8., 10; Junior
C, B., at 8 p. m.i 0. B.. 6:30 o. m.
Kara Park Bar.- B. - Tibbs Maze, oaator.
Barvlcaf at U and 8; C. K., 7 . s.; 8. 8.,10
a. m,.-- 'v. ''"y '' "i '" 1 .-v ; ;
Woodlawn Ra; Wv t. Melllnifer, state even,
(list 8erlres 11 and 7:40; H. 8., 6:43. "A
Motto ef Cbristlsa Ule" and "Christ's Chal-
Mnse to tne wotio." ,-- - .--p tt s.-.
Bt. Johns Bav. J.. B. lobnsoa, paator. Bet,
leaa at 11 and 7:80: 8. 8., 10; C, B., 7:80. .
ballwood, corner Nlnateeotb t and hebalesa
Rev. J. A. Maltoa, paator.-. Ser,lcM at 11 aad
7:80 p. m.i s. a, 10; ta u., e:so.
. Vernon Dr. J. F. GLormler. oaatar. 8atea
rand 7:40. 8. 8. 10 a. m. Morning-, "The Hear
and Bis Tlaloa". evening, ."The Harvest
Bome.;,.,'::; -.'i'ly'- '--1: ' ''-.',' .Vi:";' ''-'''t ?
'jtralled Bratliraa, ' ".' t-V-i '
First Rev. J. D. N !s wonder, baster. Berrtcee
11 and 7:&0 8. 8, 10;' 0. B.. 6i30. Bubjaota,
'Jonrneylna with. God" and ,"! the young
Mas-safe?'- .-.-,v ' -. .-'
Bacond Alberta, Bet, Chas. t Wllllama,
aarvlcea 11 and 7:30 n. tn- "Baptism" and
address by Or. P. I. Boaabraka. . -:
Third Bav. Judsoa 0. Rlcbardaoa, pastor.
Bsrvloaa 11 aad 7:80 8. 8., 10; O. I.. 6:30.
"Tba Second Coming pi Christ" asd "A proa.
ptrous Slave." ; ,k . , , ' i :.-'
Foorth Be. ' 7, T, Conner, paator, ' Sarvicae
11 and 7:80 p. m.: 8. 8., 10; 0 6:80 p. m.
Morning, Or. P. O. Bonebrske; evening, "Jeaua
Christ, , (be Same Yesterday, Today and For
ever." H..,v, r .,tv,t ;;, ..
Radical Jasaup at. Rev. A. 8. Baadersan.
rstor, ttarvices 11 arbd 7:80; 8. JI., W( U B.,
P. Wi. ' 'i-.''., i-,- .','
i Uoy Woodworth Memorial.' Tsneouvar. Weak.
Bav. I. Lincoln Bills, paator. Bervlcee 11
ae S B. avi s, 8, 10; Y. P. g. c a., f.7
; ' .':''.f- Taltaa BvaasalleaL ,,V';v.:,i.-i'55'1
First B. BUtssntk and Maple Bev. C. 0.
Poling. Barvhwa 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. m.i 8, 8.,
Ockley Greed-Wlllunietta Blvd. and Gay
St Johns If.. A. Goode, pastor, Preachlna
U and 7:30; 8. 8., 10; K. L. G. B.. 6:80.
Wichita Bav, B. H. Farnhao. pastor.
Prtacblng aarvlcea every ftrat and third Bun
dara of each month. Sunda ackoul
and fourth Bundays, Re. J. Boweraoa will
preach. . t . ' ? -!:,; Aif-;.,:. .);,':;;
-Bwedlib ImmtBOel Uev. P,1 Richard ' Olaea.
II -and 81 8V 8.. 8:48.' .
St. Pauls Lutheran A. Kranaau naatar. a.
(.. 8:80: aervlcas, 10:30 and 8 p. m.i Baalish
claaaaa.- 8:30 a. m.
Bt Jameaj kngllab Wast Park and Jefferson
sts. Uer, J. A. Leas, paator. 8, B4 10. Lutbw
lesRue i. nervirea ii ana a.
1 Zlon's Gernmn (Missouri Synod) H. B. Kan.
palmann, 10:10. 7:45; 8.. B.. U-.1&. ,
Aiuioa tuaraiant 4. , wtrasoB, pastor, a.
The class will meet Immediately after J
the hour of the morning' service from
13:16 to 1:00 p.m., when live Issues per
taining to tho general welfare of society
will - be discussed by chosen leaders,
The topics will have av wide 'range end
will embrace whatever makes for .the
better life of society. 1
While the class Is organised and will
be conducted by the men, every one 1e
welcome to Us discussions and a general
invitation is issued to .ail who sre in
terested. ' , ' - . ... I:
The - topic for next Sunday . morning
will be "The Referendum . Concerning
the Appropriation to the - State Uni
versity." '-E.;Hi;'ii,'.:";?t,.,
H. J. Parklson will speak' in opposi
tion to the appropriation, and Mr. John
u. veacn win speax in ravor or it. .
The-San Graer C E. society Vof the
church have planned a unique social tor
next ; Wednesday evening. In- their
Church house. The affair " Is In the
nature of a county fair and farm r" a
convention. , with air the attendant fea
turesauto races, stock exhibit, balloon
ascension and turkey dinner.. Admission
t the "grounds" will be- ?: f ree to all
young people, and jolenty f 1 "noney"
will be furnished the" guests to pur
chase their waV' through . the various
attractions and to enjoy the appropriate
refreshments. Rewards will ; be given
for the most comlq costumes,' and a
general good time la expected. ' ; ' v
The senior chorus will: resume . Its
regular weekly rehearsals - next week,
notices to be send out tqr that effect
at once.
The members are planning a heavy
season's work.- Selections from the
Messiah at the Christmas time; Cole
ridge Taylor's Hiawatha's wedding
Feast," late In Januaryj Dubois' "Seven
Last Wbrds," st Easter,7 and a part
song concert In May... ; i.V.V'i'"';
The newly organised orchestra of the
church, under the leadership of W.
Blttle' Wells,' will assist- the chorus in
the produotlon of these works.
In addition to the large number or
voices In the chorus last year, there are
number of new applications for mem
bership for the coming season.
The chorus will be under tne direc
tion of Owen J. Bowman, pastor assist
ant of the church, as it was last year,
Church Notes.7
A- mlsston Sunday school will be -or
ganised "in the Industrial Home of KM
Woman's 'Horn Missionary society of
the. Methodist - Episcopal- church. !
South Portland, tomorrow afternoon at
1:80. . 1 v--.i;
' .. -e :-J r-c-f
The primary department f the First
Methodist Epracopal Sunday school will
meet beginning tomorrow at 11:15 eao'.
Sunday in the Grace M. E. church par
sonage, -next to the church on Twelfth
and Taylor streets. t -
At ' the last , semi-annual meeting of
the Alert Bible club of the First Bap
tist church the f o!Uwlng new officers
were elected. H. E. Morgan, president:
W. V. Grider, first vice president; Cw.CVI
Mocoy, - secona vice presiaent; w.- 15..
Bindsay. secretary; Stanley Mugler,
P. Busch, local elder. Services! 8. 8,, 19 a, st.;4
oreachlna. 11 a. m.
St. Paul's -German A. B. : Era ass. pastor.
Services 10:30 a. m., German; 7:30 p. 0 Bbs
Hub. B. 8. 8:30 a, m. ( '
Bt Johns 8. 8., lo; preaching, 11. ;.
-United Norwegian Deimar Laraaav' BUter.
11 aad 7:801 a 8.. 6:46.-
Bliot Chapel Bat, B, 4. Thoraon. Jll 8. a.
am. . - r
Lents 0. ti Cummlngs, pastor, Bsrvteeai 1
a. 10 a. m.t nraaohiua. 11 and 7:30 a. sa. ,
eweaiia Mission ttev. . . sorsa. u ass
a. i a iii, v aarL ' I
y&vfcjXil fkYiiour. Bysedl-I. a. Blavj
oscu. ;io; a. s., i:ow.
race Bngllab (Mlaaaurl Byaadr Karby aad
Fargo, Bav. fe Luacka, 10:80 aad 1:30; 8. 8.,
8:8 a. ra. t. ' .
Bethany Danish -M. C. Jvnaen-Engholm, pas.
tor. services it ana b. b. o. ,tu.
lmttianual German (Sallwoodl BL C Khali n a.
10:30; a s., 8:80. . , .
Bwedlab Auguatana Bav, B. B, Baadttsdt
10:45 and 7:45: 8. 8.. 8:30.
ftorweglaa Free Cnurch K A. Borrevlk, pas-
tor. awrTicas ii auu a p. oa. aw m. i s. m.
united MorwegUD irortamoatnj H. u. Meq
drlckaon. pastor. Services 11 aud 7:30: 8. 8.10.
Mission Vtncent'a hall, corner 43d and Sandy
roau, na. -w. r., paaiur, uarniau aarv
lcea s:3u p. n. Kngllab 8. 8. 8 p. ta. , ,(.
!"!'-. :r Bamaa fjathollo. .. "
; Boly Beaeemer Bev. Ed. ft. Gantwsn, C.
88. U. Low waaa, a; hlgh .Butae aud aatiaos,
10:80; beuadlcUoa, 4. J - t
, st Ignatius uv, F.' Dillon, 8. I. Low mass,
and ;Oj auaaa,. sarwoa aad UussktUas,
1030. - . -v
- st Joseph's (German) Bt Be. ymse Baow,
P. a. - Low mass, ; alga aaasa an aarawa.
1VUW1 ssapara auut vnieuivu-au, . '., .
- Bt Prancls Be, il. U. txack. Low siasa.
S, S and ; blgb uasa aud aeruvn. 10:30; vss
iwrs. Instruction aud benediction, 7:80. - '
1 St LawreuoVs He. J. t;. Hugbea, ' Low
ma as, 6, 8 aad 8i high mass aud , wriaua,
lu:au: reaiers and DeMulctlon. Itto. .
at. Patrick's He. U. P. Murnhjr Lew uaaa.
8; blgb mass and sermon, ll:30; vesgara aad
- lnmaoulata Haart of Marr Re. W.
Daly. Low mass, 6, 8 and 8. .High OMaa and
aermon, iu:ev,v v-aayera auu uvueuicuu-o, ? ;w.
Aacanaloa, Moutavllla Bav. J. P. FUapaUick.
Mass at 8) hlfc-h Waaa wits aurawo, IV:80 6ua
day school at 6; benedloUon at 8:30, , , ; ,
Bt. Mary's t Pro-Catbedral Most Bev. A.
Christie, li- U. Low mass, 6, e aad 8; hlgk
maaa aud sermon, 11; -vespers, , tastruotioa aud
banadlclion, 7;46. y.
Boly Bosary Very Bav.' H. H. Kelly, Lew
maaa, 8, 7, 8 .and 8: high, waaa aud aermon,
Ut teipara and luedlctluo,i 7 fc-:vi-,,,rji;;',., .
Sacred HK. Mllwsuaia -Bar, , Oaorg ' Ba
bla. O.i B. B. Low Baas. 8; blab snaaa and
sermon, 10:30 vespan and baneulctloa, 7:30.
Holy Cross, University Park Bav. J. p.
Thlllmsn, 0, S. C. , Low maaa. 8:30: high ansa
and aermon, 10:301 reapers and -benediction, 1.
6t Stephens Bav. W. A. Waltt. Lew maaa,
:80;,bigb uaaa aud ssrnion, 10:80, -i
St Andrew's Uev. Thomas Klurnaa. Low
maaa. H: hlEh mass and aermon. lot es&era.
luatruetion and bauadlctloa 7:30. '
8t BUolslaus iPoilsh) Bav.' FL -Matuasew-skl.
Lew awsa, a; Ugh uasa and aerosa.
' v"-1'1' rlendeChaBii'''''-''''''', '
Bunnvslda-.East Xklrty-firta and Vain streata.
Homer Cox, paator. ber-flcee 11 and 7:30) B.
8., 8:46: C. K.. 6:30: utaiev BMatluav 'fhura-
dsy,7:30 p.- m. r' -
Lenta south Main it, Be. John Ulley. pas
tor. Preaching 11 a. m.t-7:80 p, in.; Bluie
Scboot,6:45. - j ,
Waat riedmont Friends Rev. T. J.' Cobnrn.
LPraaehlng 11 a. m. sud 7;J p. u.t . BlbU'
school. 10 a. B. 8. 8., 10; C 6:15. . -.
Chrlattsa Setanoa. '
First rrhnrrh nf ( hrlm H,-lenttat tCrarxtt
between INth and lprh ts. Bcrrlces at 11 and
8 p. m. 8. ft. 11. Bulijeet "Probation After
Death." -
Bevoua Sunday service 11 a, m. and 8 p. n.
' s ' Robert ,Tlokham. '-' - .
Through the . decision 'of., Dr.i J. 1
Montgomery, and ftev L- A. Northrop,
whq have been assisting in the rellgidus
work at the Portland Commons mission.
to go 'in to '-the evangelistic field with
motor and gospel cars, a euccessor to
take their places has had to be selected
and .Robert ' Tinkham, a' young man of
several, years' experience, has
lected. '. :' : .' ;. -;:t .-'.-..'
The new assistant Is An enthusiastic
Worker in the, resoue fields and has al
ready gained considerable -note . among
mission workers.'; During the past 116
days. : the two debdrtlns workers have
held 865. street meetings. tin halls and
at tne jaus, -and have mede-iss. con
versions . posaioie. . f , -,
.1 " ,,11 1
sldtant secretary r' W." B."'fehavsr, treas
urers : J. Peterson, sergeant-at-arms: J.
M. Howes, historian It, L. Turner, preps
correspondent; teacher, C A. Lewis: C
., eneli, lookout committee;' J. Grove,
membership committee; " W.MC 1 Moore.
hospital committee; C. A. Cad well, mis
sionary committee, -and C. C. McCoy,
visiting committee,-, . .
Last Sunday the-. First Presbyterian
Sunday school orchestra made Its first
appearanoe land was a? great suceesa
Every member of . the orchestra is a
member, of the Sunday school. They
are planning to give a concert tn'the
near fnturo and will also aocompany the
chorus in its rendition of "Hiawatha's
Redding Feast,";-1 ; be given soon.
The'San Orael Christian Endeavor soi
Clety of tha First; Presbyterian church.
will give . sociable for the young peo
ple of the . cnurch .on Wednesday- even
ing, :OctobgT--itr-' -v ; --i'i. 4:J ',:.'.:
v ii.-i vJ.' : , ' ' '.v',s v
- The regular monthly meeting f the
Holineat . hSinlafere" association : - will
meet on Thursday at 10:30 a. m. t th
West Piedmont Friends' church, corner
Borthwick and Jessup , streeta Rev.
John Riley, recehtly from Boise, Idalio,
will give the morning address. Evan
scllsts O. B. Ong. of Pasadena Cal
and J. R- Mc Bride, of Texas; will -alao,
be present and preacn during the day.
The' revival meeting ! conducted ' by
Rev. . Or'- B. Ong, at , the KJhnrch f the
Naxarene, East Seventh - and-. Couch
streets,, is a success. Meetings are be
ing held every night except Saturday.
Preaching .- on Sunday morning., after
noon and evening 11 a. ra,3 and T;80
p. nv',;; ,.r;yX 't -'f-,'
f City -Commissioner Robert Q. Dieck
will speak tomorrow - evening st . the
Church of Our Father, oq "Municipal
Engineering; and lo Publto Welfare."
Dn annonmt tit tha nnnaual . tnternt
manifested In the Bible -- lectures ' by
Evangelist W. - Baker at Wall's, hall.
Sellwoed. each Sunday evening for the
as-4past month, U has been decided to con-
9:45 and It a. m. Tople, "Probatlea
After t-Matk
. 1 Tbtr-dhuet T2th and Sulmon sts., at a n.
8. 8. 11; 12:16. sarmou. , "Probation , Alter
Death." . -
Fo.rrt(p-S KUllncawortb ave.8. 8. Jaalors,
11. Hanlors 12:10. , Service 11 a. S. asd 8 B. at.
Teple, "Probatlos After Paath." , , ...
: I'.' rnlar7allst.'-X'';'' '':'
Church ef the Good Tidings,
B. , Mtb Re. I, D, Corby. 8.
Broadway end
8. ia 8 ar Tires
w-w a. m. . r. u. ut w v a. Barmua lopio,
at io:46 a. m. x. P. O. Ut 6 p. m. Barman tople.
now vur- unurca i
Tarsal Brotherhood."
SwMkffUeal 6 ssoch ttsaa. -' . -Caraos
Batgataw Btecter.t paster. ' 11 16
asd 7; 8. 8 10:80,. ,(. , . ,- ... -. . ,
First tngliah Ksst Sixth and Market atresia.
Bav.' B. 0. Uotnacbueb, pastor. 8.- 8.. 10 a. m.i
l,t. i-1. Barvicea U asd' 8 p. sT.
First , Oemau gvaugeUcalH., Bcbukeaohi.
nsstur. ! -,.".,.".', . . ,,,....... .
M?.?.0?.,n'It 8i'W8reaet,4 paator. 8.
" Pint German) G. Bstnar. nastaa.
10:45 and S: R. H.. 6:80: Y. P. a.. T
second A. H. Wyss, Columbia bird, and 834
ax. j ana a; o. a. v:ov m, an.: :a. w, 7.
Or can recital . "
Third lie. U. Bcbsldknecht ipsstor. 8. B
w,a..N, eviiivmi a. w. nu 9 p. W.
' ' Vslttd VresBTtarUa, 1
First Fraok De Witt Plndley. 10:80 aad
7:80; 8. 12; C. B.; 6:30 p. ..subjects,
"Our Way Upoa God" and 'God's Cere.' -
intra w. apaiaing,. v. i pastor. 8. 8,
10. Services 11 a. m. and 8 n. m.
Tha Clinrek of Lha Stranaara !.. '.'-j' a-.. I
Dubois, 10:3 and 7:80 "Juaus and the Bab
bath" and "How a Prowlneot Black Maa Waa
aiaue nappy.. - . . .
, Keotoa J. B. Cole, Services 10:16 a sx ad
BeTest Day aavenviat. H
Kotsi BagaUr aerrlces el tbU deDettlsatlaa
TV v. w. ' 1
Central Mi.too U. . St Johns, pastor. Bar.
Icasv.BabbatB achaoi, lo a, at.; Breaching,
and 7:80.' y it - r-''".
Meant. Tabor Bav. & J. Cummlnn.-
SetTleaai. Sabbath school, 8 p. . preaeblna-. i
a, aa. ' ' .; . . . ... " "
Lents o, vnmmipgs, pastor. Servlotet
Sabbath school, 10 av praachlug, 41 sua
7:30 p. si. " -' ' - 7
- Alblna . (German) J. ' B. Dlrksoa. pastari
6), a". Baaeu, local eldest Bemc-aa: Babbaik
acbool, 10 a. ., prgacblug, 11 a, m.
- St. Johns Sabbath scbovl, 10: preaohtng, 11
' MontaTllla Bsrvloesi Sabbath acbooL lo al
B.i prstcblag, 11 a.-at. - ,,; y-j
Jraltariaa. - ' '-'V 'I
rCbiirch of Our Pttjhar Broadway and Tamhlll
Be. T. L. Eliot, p. I)., . paatur. aiinlate
smerltus,.Bev., W. J- tllot Jr., tuluiWe
Ices 11 a. m. auu i :w v m., Sunday, school.
8:45 a. Btj Momlug, "Our Dally Bread." Bvea
lug, addrtat lr Commlaaioper It o. Dleck. v f
' 7;;:'-:,-'.' r'- XatUr Day fclataV':.V'f i
Church et Jesus Christ of'Latter Day Belnta
(Mormoul'M E. Xjotk St. 8. 8, 10; preaching.
ii:45 and 7. , ' - . -. . :.
. uoutsvuia.tws aioriwm; av. a, S:43, gar.
aa ai4 7;3U.,.V..,-... -;; (;,,;,.,.iitr,,v, ;
:- (;.--.?. .'.-B.; '!-.. Vaaarana. r;:' i.
i 8lwoid ChuicK of the Kasarenw'':,'isrt
a. " p. in.
' First Church of the Kasarauo Bev. 0. Bow.
ard ll, paator, g. 8.. 8:43; services II
sud a; au-eet meeting, 7;. V. P 7:30. . ,
Ursutwood . mures OI ids ruin re tie Raa
Aaron Wella. 8. 8., 10 11 and 6; r.
p. ., li prayar meeting, wsanasuay. a p. m.i
Xosug Pevple-e Sjeetlug .T0k , .' ,. 7
' rrae MothoJUt,
First Chur.-B, eorner Butt Muth and Mm
The, conference of the missionaries,
of the American Sunday School union,
of which this Is the fourth day. Is hav-.
Ing ' some most interesting sessions. ,
Amongst the addresses, of note , have
been those delivered by thj Rev... Dr.'
George P. Williams of Philadelphia, who
la national secretary of this; society, and 1
by R. R, Perkins and J. W. Palmer of
the local V. 11. C A. '' 1
- - Mr. Ferkln, in discussltfg the reUg- (
ious needs of men called attention to
the fact' that to best , minister to the '
religious needs of men. Christian work
ers must understand and minister to '
the physical, social and economic needs 1
and told to some length 0 the group ;
work being done In the localY. M. C. A.v
for the betterment of the men coming -Into
contact .with the Ideal organization.
, , Mr. Palmer, in discussing v "Boys," .
urged th. necessity; of coming to see
life from the boys' standpoint, for by so
doing alone could the Christian worker
be of assistance to the boy is bis needs.
Manliness 'in men appeals to the boy,
who looks for virility and strength in'
the roan "whose "life he would emulate.
Secretary Williams discussed present
rural conditions and the problem f the
day in religious rural work. He said:
"Man's-relation to life has changed more
In the past 60 years than In the previous
2000 years." - -' i-v- -rv; . -
In speaking Of the need lor the work 1-
6f the union In the outlying districts, .
Dr. Williams called attention to the
results ! of recent religious surveys,
Sixty per cent of. the- rural churches ,
are dead or dying; 23,000.000 children
In . the - United States are hot : regular
attendants of any Bunday school? one,
third of the population of the-land is ' .
isolated from towns and cities; the aver-' -
age salary of ministers outside of the
towns and cities ranges from 134 to
I960 per year, are some of the reasons ; 1
given for the need- for rural evangeliza
tion, 'v i'Aivi S if -,ft4 Hf.''.(i-';,- ;:-;'A,".;;S;C.i
Referring to the society In Its work.
Dr. Williams called attention to the fact
that id its t9 years f history more than
130,000 Sunday schools with more .than
8.500.000 members had been one of the.
results of the ,wrk, and , in 10 jyears
just past some 1200 church organisa
tlons , Koiits to various denominations
and some 100,000 converts had resulted ,
from the work. ... .. "0'-:- '- j'-i-- - "
Attendant upon this conference are -
resiesentatlves from the severs! parts
of . Oregon.. Washington and Idaho, the
aunvber present representing not less
than 1000 separate communities and a .
constituency of some 60,000 in the rural
districts and small communities. -
The conference win continue in ses
slot! in the First Presbyterian church .
until Wednesday Evening of next week. '
Oh Sunday the delegates will be heard
i1Tvarious churches about the city, n
their -most interesting and helpful work -
In the rural districts of the northwest,
from .which are steadily coming the
best . and ; most ? aggressive element to
luxe a large part in me reugious.anu
commercial life of Portland and other .'
coast cltlea -,'.v 'vi-. r-.iK .
tlnue these services, fh. subject for 1
next Sunday night will "be: fWhat is
the Tru Sabbathr' Mr. Baker Is a
thorough Bible student and a speaker of ',
ablUty.-' , --',: -'tf '
"e rW-tyCK- 'v;,;"-''
' A Welsh sermon will be delivered by .
John Rhys Griffith at the Sunnyalle
Congregational church. East Thirty-see-ond
and Taylor streets, tomorrow, at 8
p. m. ; A. solo by Miss R. B. Collals will
be rendered. - ' '
Bev, W. 3. Jobnatoa, pastor, landey services
11 a. av ard 7:30 p. as.
, Central Church Bav. W. B. Boddy. 8, 8,
0: aervleae 11 and 7:30. t. P. sL, 6:10, ',:
8V John U and 7:80. v ,
Vi shjrriaas fer'tte Deaf.
- Pnlted PrasbjtarttB Rev. g aart Dabala,
1010 aad" 8 tl. M, f p.,T'.; T.TI"
' ;" ' Choroh ef tbe frew Faruaalaat, '
Church of the Wavr Jerusalem Charles A.
Muaanaum, pastor. JC P. ball. 8arvlcaa 11 and '
s "rue insiae toe wup-
aud "Liberty and
' jadvest Oarlittaa flfet Bavratk Sey. "
- Adrent Chrlstiaa J. IT. U Smith, paster.
Barvlsasi Sunday school 10 a an. Preaching,':;,?.
11 a. m. aad 7:80 p. a. Loyal Workers, :Mi
p m. Prayar mesUng. 7:45 Thursday. - '
''.,it. A"". ' ,...f. tflanallaaaajiai t''-'-i !"-". lir-':' 'U! "i"'-:'."
. New Thought Temple of Truth Bllera Mg.
P. J, .Greeu, pastor. Barvlcas at 8 p. m.
"Constructive laeuls or Bow- te ImproTt lour '
OondlOoa." 1 -- . i . . . f-
v Bshat Btaettsg, $13 Xllert bvlldlag, S p. at c -
Divine Truth Center Uev. d. at - Miaatd,' .
paator. - Bervlcee 11 a. si, ,
Bslvatioa Army Corps No. 4, goT Sslmoe
etreat Adjt and Mra. Baldwia Is ebarge, ' '-..' .
Sunday service at 8:16 and 6.
Swedish Corpe Salvatloa Army 486 . Bars
side, 11, 4:8 aad 8. ,
Balvstioa Army. Corps No, 1. 47 North Sao.
end street Adjt and Mra. Whitney la eharga -Bunday
aarvlcea at 8:16 aad 6. .
Church of the Bretaran' (Dnnkardt) Bav.
Oaorge a. Ufl, 11 aad !;; s. ku, lui a W. , r :
, Christ. Jt Yoga til Central building, loth
and Alder Its. Silence meeting 11. g -p.
Address by A. K. Mosumdar. . ' ' , V
Ceugregatloa Aka,val SUuiem gsitiees tt 6:66
and a ; :.- '
Valostaere- el America Missies Hall CS7 - '
Aukeuy street, tesr 3d 8:30 and 8:16. '
Evangelical ' Frva - Cbnrcb (8candlntvlaa)-w ' 1 '
67k Union' avanus. Bar Icaa 11:46 aad 7i46 a sW ''
J, J. Peterson, paator. ,
. The Church of Uod Bav, jr. T, Neal, Salter. v
Bervicss at 10 (Uerman), 8.8o. 6.43; 8, fci "
1:80; testimony and praiae meeting at 7, '
Church of Christ Leuts. . Prvacblog 11 aadl--"V:
J:8o. Bible class lg a. m. -: TT
- Lanti Church John lliley. PraaehJna at' '
11 and 7;4! . 8., 10 C B.. 6:4k
Plagib Mission, Lenta Full gospel Sunday. ' '
10:ttoa. 0. aud 8:30 p. m. aussday and Friday 1
evsuloga at 1:30. - . . . w ,
iuieruatloual Bible Students Oddfellows' hall,
Bible- leneon 1:00. t Prayer and praise aerTlne."
at 8:00. , 8 p. m. sarrlce Woman of Wood,
crati ball) 71 45 p. ta., Bellwood terries, Wall's '
hall, & latb and Lexlugtou at.
X. M. V. -A Blith aad Taylor.' R. B. Par.
kiss, tsllglsua airaetoe. - Mes a meatlog tt 6 ;
p. B). . . , " - ';,,
T. W. a A. Broadway end Taylor. Tssper "
aerrfiw 4:30. - - j ' i . ,.i . ";
: The Irvlngton Center ef Truth 718 Thompeos
St., corner U. Slat. Wi-rvlces 11, "Xblngi Pra
pared In tha kingdom." - - . " 5
The Christian aud Mleetoniry Alliance, cornet
Eaat Blh and
Clay stsv Mev, J. B. Fee, paster.
11 I. . aud 7:80
a. 1U a. n.
V V h-hii n. m . :
Commons mlaalon, S3 N. - Front st-L. A.
NortUniD and J, 8. Montgomery, Supts. 8 p. ta ,
lbs Spiritual Church ot-lh Boul will hniJ
services at tbe auditorium, 3d st, near Taylor -s.,
bcglixilug -at 11 a. m. and continuing ill
day, J. 11. Lucas, pastor.
The Universal Church ef the Soul (Mar Lay '
ton Hterelis, pastor) and Union Spiritual Lt.
ceum Hill ball. uutavll st. Bsrricaa 2. -
4 -sod 8 p. tn. - i '
Flret Hplrltuallet Church S0 Allaky .hldf .,
3d aud Morrison sta. 8 p. m runfereuceT tnee.
aasrei 6 p. Bi., circle, twstor; 8 p, m., lecture, -
uirHHHKi'. Mrs. Allhe'v. W lcscndangi-r, paator.
Lliitletiliurat hi. With nd Gllaau. 8, H. 10:
sermon, 11; Young prtoptaa society, 7; sermon, "
7:40, -"Daugers of allaobodlenu'' and "Kind.1
pesa." , -I