The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 25, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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.: KG RH
Commissioner Dieck's Depart
X ment' of Public Works Feels
.'.the MfWI,
Despite th work of tne budget com
mittee, which went over each Individual
Item in an attempt to eliminate as many
as possible from the budget, the eat'.
'mate for the city health department for
191 ha Jumped from $32,000 of last
year to approximately 164.000.'" Te
' budget committee worked for a number
, of days on that part of the' budget ,
"" The Increase la due .to eeveraV new
position, the equipment of the new
emergency hospital, new equipment In
the laboratories and elsewhere. There
had been some talk of discontinuing; th
free dental , cllnlo maintained by the
city and have -the work done at the
. dental , college,, but the Idea was dis
carded , by i the committee, yesterday, . ;
i.Tbe committee yesterday afternoon
, went after the budget of Commissioner
Dleck so vigorously that 47 of the 60
new employes proposed for 1814 were
discarded and salaries cut to an aggre
gate eof about ? $43,000. ; This "amount
" added to previous cuts means an ellmin-
- atlon of about $100,000 from the budget
for the department of, pubjio works. .
'Everything that looked' like an In
crease In working force received swats
. right and left- from the grub, hook
. wielded by Commissioners Blgelow and
Brewster and Other ' members of .r the
committee. Commissioner ; Dieck's ex
planation for the increased force sent
along with bis ' budget received . scant
consideration, i - '
.Commissioner Blgelow stated that
probably - everything - asked for .was
worthy, but as the people expected to
.have their taxes as low as last year
the sew positions would have to go for
this year and be given consideration at
some future time . .,;,.,';-.' : '
' With the continuance of the' work
this morning the committee eliminated
about $S000 Jointly front the budget for
the park department1 and the department
of publlo works, . Both departments "use"
asked for draughtsmen, .but the post-
Ulons were eliminated from Commission
er, deck's budget. . l;'.v ,;-vv.-,-H
. Learning that the budget committee
bad riddled bis budget estimate, Pleck
set .about this morning 'to get some
.figures regarding the license revenue of
the city. ' Although estimates have been
compiled, based on last year's collec
tions, Dleck says he wants a detailed
account and has set about tp get It, .-
. swum .iw i.i.i.i mi u..rfg
Women . Inmates Supplied With the
, , fX$X$f&HrT Supplies.,. ,
Under the direction of Matron Samp
' son, an expert seamstress, the women
prisoners in : the city . Jail will - com
.. mence a course In .dressmaking,' today.
' Two sewing machines, an abundance of
- cloth, needles, thimbles and other need.
. ed articles were purchased yesterday
""by Mrs. Lola a. Baldwin, In charge of
the women's t auxiliary of : the - police
department. . t
. The women will be required to work
on ' bed clothing, - including . sheets and
, pillow in cases, as well . as women's
i clotheSf This Is the first, time that at-
In city Institutions work. .
Railroad Clocks Installed. ;
' Railroad time clocks are -being ln-
- stalled in the city hall today,' and all
of the old clocks are being removed.
. Some trouble has been experienced In
the past by the use of ordinary time
keepers as they bave not kept perfect
"tima, , , . - -v '4
' Auction at Police Station. ;
All of the articles uncalled for and
, , which have been held by the police will
be sold at a publlo auction to be held
,? faext week at' the police sUUon. by City
Auditor Barbur. .. v . ..i.y - " ,. ;
Lovers of Ralph Waldo Emerson and
. those Interested, In the : works of the
great American philosopher and- essay-fist
will have an opportunity of hearing4
- about Emerson, the man, at the TJnl-
. tai-lan Chanel , BroidwiT and Yamhill
burg, a personal friend of the author.
will tell of "The , Methods and Man
hood of Emerson." The publlo has been
"invited to attend the talk which la set
i for I o'clock. . '
Mr, Woodbury, whose present home
-.Is In Oakland, Call, Is a veteran Jour
nalist and the author or many articles
v,. on Emerson, t j
-Berkeley, Cel., Oct. J 5. The Univer
sity rot '.California seismograph reg
istered an earthquake shock this morn
ings The movement was felt at 1:8:45
a. ra.. it continued four seconds. The
center of the earthquake was, 20 or 25
limes irom corneiey. ,
y. V i .i i i i r m
' "Don't Worry," Says Sirs. liand.
j'. Los ' Angeles. Cat,' Oct J5. -"Don't
. worry," was the text of t cablegram
,to former Governor it. T. Gage from
ci qaugnier, Mrs. Lucille Rand, arrest
ed at Dublin for kidnapping In con
nection -with a strike..":
Xn Pnhllfl Rrlinnl radra t. '
, the board of. education is opposed to
Imitations of militarism aq order has
neen issuea pronimting the organisation
or a corps or publlo school cadets.
Jul Apply This Paste s
And the Hairs Vanish
. (Beauty Notes) .
'. It Is not longer necessary for a woman
to go through life with a face disfigured
by a fuxxy growth, for If she will apply
a plain oeiatone paste to the objection
able hairs for a. minutes, then rub It
off, every trace of hair wilt vanish. To
snake, the paste, mix some water with
powdered delatohe. After the paste is
removed, the skin should be washed to
free It from the remaining delatone.
Better results are obtained If the dela
tone Is purchased In an original pack
age. (Adv.
4rj s inn tare we-
iy man's mdli!lii, "T to tnk;
works Ilk manic. I'rlea $i.i
' r ff eVmble tr-nKii, $5. JTnr mia
aa ..! . ... . . . -
and auaran'-rd br tha llxirimd
Itrnr Lo- il Miurlaiia at mat.
R. R, Perkins.
As tomorrow la the last Sunday that
R. R, Perkins will be with the PoftUnd
Young Men's Christian Association as
religious work director, the services of
the day will be Jargely in the nature
of a farewell to hlra. ,. Mr, Perkins is
going to Ban Francisco, where be will
become religious ' work director of the
city association, with ' supervision , of
religious work In the T.. M. . C.
throurhout the state, -.-v '" , (Vv
Mr. Perkins will deliver the principal
address at the meeting which will be
held tomorrow afternoon at t o'clock.
His subject will be "The Fight of Fight
ing Men."; , Frank '. B. Riley "will also
appear on the program,' a( the request
of the Columbia river bridge committee,
with a brief explanation of that project
There "will, be special muslo, Including
selections by the newly organised; X. At,
C. A. Glee club and a , solo by O. K.
Scrlver. - . , - ,
The discussion clubs, which meet lm
mediately . after the main gathering,
have a - particularly ' Interesting topic.
The : High Cost of Idvlng." i . These
classes, as well as the main meeting
and the fellowship supper which fol
lows, are open to au men. ... .. -i
Exit From Building Follows " by
Jumping to Roof: of. An-
-' . other Structure.
Thomas Johnson, wanted at Pendletrn
for .larceny, escaped from the city Jail
this morning, while the Jailor was serv
lng breakfast but was captured 10 mine
utes later .tare blocks from the police
station, v The man was arrested at Seat
tle and Is being taken to Pendleton.
Jailor Branch went to the third floor
of the temporary station to givi the
prisoners breakfast ' It has been the
Jailer's custom to not lock up the pris
oners la the cells, but allow tbem the
freedom of the corridor. " The Jailr
opened the outer door, made two steps
to a bench upon which he placed a
tray' of food. As the Jailer was doing
this, Johnson made a leap for. liberty,
passing tha Jailor, through the door and
ran to an open winaow, ' ;
The leap from the window to the roof
of an adjoining barn Is about eight feet
Several patrolmen surrounded the barn
and adjoining . buildings.. . Johnson
crawled to the edge of the Darn, then
leaped five feet1 to the roof of the police
garage, , patrolman W a, Bewley, in
the garage changing his uniform,- pre
paratory for work as motorcycle of tl
car, heard Johnson land on the roof.
Looking up, the patrolman saw Johnson
running out the, alley that leads, to
Fifth street x Down the, street the two
men raced to Everett to Fourth street
to Flanders street where the patrolman
caught the man. He was taken to Pen
dleton . at 19 0'cloclO -i: " .
George Holmes, alias- "Hank" Ken
nedy, who escaped from the police yes
terday morning while waiting at the
station, was captured last evening ut
Vancouver, Wash., and returned to Port
land. " -!."'"', , . .
Speaks f rom BalcdnylWhence
Washington Delivered-His
Inaugural Address. '
' (United Prtm I .eased Wlra.
Philadelphia, Oct 15. Standing on the
same balcony from which ueorga Wash'
ington delivered "bis Inaugural address.
President Wilson this afternoon reded!
eated the restored Congress ball bera
The - president presided at the cere
monies, sitting In the chajr which John
tiancocn usea as secretary or state.
Speaker Champ Clark eat -at Presi
dent. Wilson's I left and French Am
bassador Jusserand at bis right Both
President Wilson ana Speaker i Clark
SPOKe. .-.;i;';y:-'jS';',-.v?'!;..
President Wilson also plated a me
morial oak on Bwethmore college cam
pus. He baa not decided whether to go
to Mobile tonight or to remain In Wash
ington. His action will depend on-de
velopments in At ex ico.
Several members of the cabinet diplo
mats and members of the senate and
house' of representatives, accompanied
him to Philadelphia. ;?;:, .'yji,
Although the publlo library Is allowel
to ask for a V mill tax for its main
tenance, only .45 of a mill will be nec
essary for the institution this year.
Miss Mary Frances loom, secretary of
the library association,' . submitted the
request for the - smaller levy - to th
county commissioners this morning, and
It'was referred to the budtret -advisory
,41 f h
committee. Miss . Inom said that the
levy was low, despite the fact that tne
library has grown 10 per cent in thi
past year end has been Installed In Its
new home.' 1 -
Counterfeiting Charge , Amorig
Accusations; One Not True
Bill in Batch. - .
: As a result of a steady grind of eleven
days, inr which time more than a afore
of cases were beard; the United 'States
grand JJry hie morning returned 18 in
dictments. Seven of these bills were
secret one was adjudged to , be a not
true bill, 'and' tbft rest ; were placed In
the general file, a all of the arrests
have been made.
Four men arrested by United States
Secret Service Offloe W. A. Glover since
he took' charge of the Portland office
were Indicted, Ralph Fouts and L F.
Morris,, partners in a counterfeiting
game near Corvallis, who have con
fessed, received .the official accusation.
Nine charges are . made In the Fouts
Indictment He is charged separately
with making spurious half dollars and
quarters, having these coins in bis pos
session and passing tnem. and - with
making and ; having In his possession
molds in which the coins were cast
' Charred With Connterfeltlsf.
la. F. Morris, who was arrested at
Lexington, Or., where be bad fled from
Corvallis, it charged with making coun
terfeit dollars, having them In bis pos
session and also making and having the
molds, r-;. '' ;'.'' S,!' 'r.- fi
Frank Morgan and James Bliss, ar
rested at Oregon City on suspicion that
Khey had broken Into the post office at
Willamette, trera tndtotea, 4j;,w--- '"
: W. S. Armstrong, Ham Kantzman and
E. C. Ashmun, proprietors and editors of
the Columbia Herald, at Holton, Colum
bia county, wer Indicted for sending
throogh the malls copies 'of tha paper
containing Indecent matter. The three
are Indicted Jointly-on f our counts.
; Calvin Flynt of Big Eddy, Wasco coun
ty, is accused of forging vouchers to an
application for a- olvil service position
as timekeeper In the United States En
gineering department' He is accused
not only of forgery, but of false affi
davits. .' v
. ' Case atysterlons.' . , , .
J. J. Marvin and George Isham, ar
rested by Secret Service Agent W. A.
Glover, are charged with Impersonating
a United States seoret service officer.
Marvin was taken on Sauvies Island and
his. case has proved to be a mysterious
one. Isham, a railroad fireman, by vir
tue of his pseudo office. Is said to bave
secured 57.45 from bis landlady.- . -
Andraw J. Gabhard -- and Charley
Whirlwind, the latter an Indian, are In
dicted for talcing whiskey on the Uma
tilla reservatipn. ''-"S- -Wwi',
Sam Boboolle and Cbarley Frank, In
dian boys, are Indicted for taking-raw
alcohol on the Simnasho school grounds
and the school farm of j the H Warm
Springs Indian reservation. ; i"-,? 4 V
Solomon Davis, a negro, Is charged
with transporting Goldle Miles from
Seattle to Portland In violation of the
Mann white slavery act The wonmn
la also colored. There are eight counts
in the charge... Davis Is under arrest
Pierce -Truesdale Is freed ' of ths
charge of selling whiskey to an Indian
lat jheKlatoath reserve, ,-. . .. . :
. .... v .i ; ': ' .. T- -.'
Circuit judgo Cleeton this morning
refused to enjoin the atete - railroad
commission from enforcing the aw
compelling commission merchants to se
cure licenses from the commission, At
torneys Beed A Bell, representing 3. O.
Sherod and 51 other merchanta who are
suing to enjoin the commission and to
bave the law declared unconstitutional,
asked that the injunction be granted
pending the perfection of an appeal from
Judge Cleeton's ruling that the law was
constitutional. :v '---
Judge Cleeton said thai he felt that
the parties, to the suit had a remedy In
the supreme court and that the author
ities would not persecute them. He re
cently - dismissed ,a temporary Injunc
tion issued in the case at the time when
be held' the law constitutional. At that
time he said that he found the plaintiffs
bad pleaded they Were not amenable to
the law and that on that around he felt
they need have fear of tbe enforcement
of th law.;, 'i.Ayjfe
(Wasblogtoa Boreas of Tbe JborsaLr .:
.Washington, Oct i5T.he board 'of
engineers on rivers and harbors Im
provement reports adversely on the Im
provement of Alsea Bay, Or.
s-to'. -I !. :t4sssse(ssBssdsiBMBelwBSBB .
' ' Anto Racer Killed.
: Douglas, Aria, Oct S5rack Forest
of El Paso was killed and John Pryor,
his mechanician, was Injured when For
est's "Bear Cat? Stuts 'turned turtle on
the El Faso-Fhoenlx course yesterday.
.No Rfest No
There's no rest and but little, peace
for a person whose kidneys are out of
order. , - "
; Lame In" the morning, suffering cricks
in the back and, sharp stabs of pain
with every sudden strain, the day Is Just
one round of pain and trouble.
.It would be strange If all-day ; back
ache did not wear on the temper. but
itVls;: no:nly:"'n-that'-accoun:tha
people who suffer with weak kidneys are :
nervous, cross and limUM";-;:?
'. TJric acid i poison to Hhe nerves, and
when. tbe kidneys are not working well,
this add collects In the blood and works
upon tbe nerves, causing headache, Uls-
stness, languor, an inclination to worry
over . trifles,, and v a suspicious, short
temper.f'.'T.ft - sfJglM rlic'i '', .' - ' '-. '': .'
Rheuflnatlo pain, . neuralgia, - sciatica.
lumbrfgo, neuritis and gravel are fur-1
ther; ateps In' urlo aeld polsonlng&.! 5
Don't . nejlect - kidney weakness. An
aching back,-' with, unnatural passages
of tbe kidney secretions, Is .cause enough
io suspect ; the kidneys. ' Use Dean's
f ( i:x,: 'xrtxmVycutXa&ii tojcmembcr'teo Name"- )
No. Day in Cojurt Given OwneVi
' Rule&irlct iudgo
'-.' Dayton"-
Distrlot Judge Dayton this morning
held unconstitutional a part of the law
of 1101 which relates to filing of liens,
and the selsnre and sale of property . for
repairs 'by blacksmiths, wagon makers,
automobile repairers and machinists.
The portion in question provides that
a lien on property , repaired may be
filed within 60 days of the making of
the repairs and i that after serving a
copy of the' lion on a -sheriff or con-,
stable, the person filing- the lien may
demand that the property be seised, no
tices or sale posted in three places and
the property sold in 10 days.
No day in court la given the' owner
of tbe property by the law and notice
to him beyond the posted notice la made
unnecessary. Judge Dayton said that this
feature gave the owner of the property
no opportunity to contest tbe validity
of the. claim for services on account of
whioh the lien was secured. He said
that the law gave too many opportuni
ties for unscrupulous repair men to
charge i excessive bill ' and,- then pro
ceed to collect by lien and the sale With
out regard to the right of the owner to
protest " '; v.,' v;-..-r.,;
The decision came in the replevin
suit of P. E. Alvord against Constable
Weinberger to recover; an automobile.
C. C, Daniels had bad the machine) slesed
on a Hen for ssi.OS for repairs dona
Weinberger was about to advertise the
machine for sale. - Judge Dayton granted
the replevin. Alvord, In his answer,
claimed the repairs had been so poorly
done that be had spent 1100 since to get
tbe machine in working order.
, Constable Weinberger said he twill
make no further seisure -unless bonds
are put up to protect htm or a man
damus was scoured ordering him to do
SO. V.V,;,-r y
- (Calted Press Leased Wire.l ?
London, Oct 1 6. Three persons were
Instantly killed and 10 others were seri
ously Injured today as the result of a
rear-end collision on the Southeastern
Railroad at Waterloo Junction. A heavy
fog prevented trainmen rrom seeing sig
nals and an express train telescoped a
local passenger; train. - ,
f; w ; i- ,: . ' rr'-
(Whlnf toa xtureu of Tbe Journal.) ' '
"Washington,' Oct tfi. Senator Lane
has appointed Wilson Stuart Zimmer
man of Portland, principal to the United
States naval academy at Annapolis, and
Lawrence Scbetky of Hood River, alter
nate. - - (
Wilson Stuart Zimmerman,: who has
Just been, appointed principal candidate
from Oregon for the -United states
naval academy- at Annapolis; is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Zlmmer
man, . 748 Weidler street. He Is nearly
17. years eld and has been studying in
a preparatory school In the Mat since
bis failure to pass the educational re
quirements last sprlbg. He then was
appointed but bad not had quite enough
schooling to become eligible. -
K. T. Gems t rom, a painter employed
at the -Imperial hotel, fell from the scaf
folding, that stood opposite the third
floor as he was climbing onto it from
.the window and plunged to the sidewalk
through -the glass awning over ths
Broadway entrance to the building,
through precisely the same spot that
a decorator fell some time ago In dress
ing the building for the Elks' Carnival.
A fractured wrist and a bad scalp
wound were the Injuries sustained by
Gemstrom. ' The Ambulance Service
company was , called and the Injured
man taken to St Vincent's hospital. Ha
lives at the Hart hotel. The employers
are MoCUatoclc KeUer. , r. ;;
5 Indianapolis,; SnoVQct Tlie - fu
neral : of Mrs, Charles W. Falrbanka
wife of former Vic President Fair
banks, will be held here tomorrow at tbe
Fairbanks residence. Seven Methodist
bishops will participate in the ceremo
nies, with Bishop William McDowell
presiding. "V ,v ' ' - J'--'i;.'-f.. ,
Mra Fairbanks succumbed to pneu
monia after an illness of several weeks.
", "OK I shall go mad.
- 'i
. 1 x xxx mmx
rfKA. rSl i AT ,'
i VVT rrtm m
Short Stories Tell Delayed News
IlesunM) of tbo Events of Friday Afternoon and Night; Paragraphed for
, Quick Dlgeatloa by Journal Headers. t
Oregon Briefs.
The Astoria park commission haa de
cided Jpvjbuy Coxcomb -hill as a site
VoT'wWWoh' fo-'rne nKjTjfii rwm
site is a commanding one. and its ao
qulsltion is niuch needed. , . ' "
Farmers living near Ashland are mak
ing money selling goat meat at from
nine to 11 cents a pound. The meat
helps solve the high cost of . living
problem. The money, received from the
mohair Js also a considerable item. '
- Mrs. Maggi Ivlo was awarded 1250
damages by a Jury In the Circuit court
at Salam, in a suit for slander against
Councilman B. & Mlnton. Ths woman
had been charged with running a dis
orderly house. , Sho sued for $10,000. -
- ; The mystery -of the discovery of 100
sticks of dynamite In the canal -near
the courthouse at Klamath Falls has
been explained, 1 Contractors bad thrown
the explosives away over a year ago,
after completing sewer work, :
. Attorney General Crawford has ' ren
dered an opinion' to the effect that an
osteopath is Ineligible to hold office as
public health officer.' . The decision af
fects Dr. J. A. Van Brakle, acting health
officer of Clackamas county. . -
The supreme court refused to man
damus Judge ' Morrow of- the circuit
court of Multnomah county to dismiss
the indictments of polygamy and lar
ceny pending against B. C Von Klein.
Defense should bave taken, an appeal
from Morrow's court to the, supreme
oourt - . v- . v.-f -'.-
) Supreme court rules that If man who
takes orders in tha state and fills tbem
from orders from another states, be is
an agent .but if be fills orders from
stock on hand be la a peddler, and there
fore. must pay a lioensa..:' -';, "-.,;,.;:
i Grante Pass, by vote of the people,
authorised issue ? of 1200,000 railroad
bonds for building first 10 mile unit of
the Grants Pass-Crescent City lino ,to
the' eoast ''';,,.W-,;..-w,-'"";'".-X
- Zarilda Miller, widow of tbe late John
F. Miller. died of acute Indigestion,
aged 15. at her home In Salem. She
was pioneer of . the stater .' '' t-'
Out of St opinions In suits personal
injuries banded down by the supreme
court in 1 weeks maimed workmen or
their widows and orphans received less
than. If per cent of amount asked, un
der employers' liability act( -
' , i Pacific Const jj
Elmer Wolfi a guide, ' was accident
ally shot by Mr. Edgewater of the Na
tional Cash Register company of Day
ton, Ohio. Ths wounded- man, with his
forearm shattered, was carried 86 miles
through IS Inches of snow to the hospi
tal at Kaliapell, Mont . The Injured arm
was amputated.- -.'-'."
Dr. T. C. Blalock, of "Walla, - Walla,
bas been elected to the thirty-third de
gree of Scottish Kite Masons, by the
supreme council. . He bas . beld every
grand lodge position In the state ex
cept grand high priest of fae Royal
Arch Masona ;;'-'!' ,M-.i!i'!'3;'r':iiiV
Nlsquelly Indians ; must, take-out li
censes in ' order to fish, says the attor
ney general of Washington, despite the
fact that the treaty of 1SS4 gave tbem
tbe right forever to fish in th streams.
Walla , Walla streets were flooded-by
a heavy downpour, eight-tenths of an
Inch of rain falling in eight hours. Storm
was one of the heaviest m months.,' . - -Kx-Oovernor
Frank . K. . Gooding an
nounced bis candidacy for the United
States senate from Idaho. .He will con
test the seat held by James H, Brady,
elected to succeed Klrtland 1. Perky,
Democrat who - was appointed on th
death of weidon a. Heyburn. -
Dr. George ft. Carson, of the South
ern Paclflo hospital staff, announced la
Baa Francisco tha discovery of a new
treatment for typhoid fever. It Is based
on the injection of a serum drawn from
the ' blood of typhoid convalescents.
' Mrs. Nellie Meyers. In trying to Jump
from a launch to-theoek In San Fran
cisco bay- fell into the water. She was
rescued, but lost a bag containing fSOO
in- money and Jewelry. The woman
had a narrow escape from drowning.
v A mass meeting will be held at San
Franoisco tomorrow to protest against
the persecution of Mendel Bellls, Rus
sian Jew. now on trial at Kleff for an
alleged: ritual murder, Mayor Rolph
win o one oi tne speakers. ; .
On the grounds of desertion and wll
ful neglect. Worthing ton Ames, a well
known clubman, was granted a divorce
rrom bis wife in Ban Francisco. Mrs.
Ames Is prominent In society. .
: Anthony Delpolio, an aged, fortune
teller, was found dead from gas asphyx
iation in bis room, in Oakland. A dead
pet cockatoo was found clasped to the
man's chest . Tho suicide bad told a
friend tbe night before that he bad so
rooa ror himself or bird. ; , ! .
' Walla Walla Progressives decided to
keep the party ' going until after the
congressional eieotlon, and to put
ticket in the field.. ; - ; l.
f Th Jury failed to agree on a verdict
In the trial of Jack Drumgool, accused
of the murder of Cherry de St Maurice,
a: resort keeper, at Sacramento. Ac
cused was formerly a well known, pugi
list of tho middle -west - v. .
A ton Of tune, a usually scare game
fish, was captured by six launch fisher
men, at Venice, ,cal. The fish were also
aught from the plera. -!! .-.--
Central! City commission haa eloa.ii
a contract with tho Weyerhauser Timber
company zor an intake site and rlght-
oi-way ror proposoa gravity water sys
tem to be built from headwaters of th
newouaumw. . . .. t-
Kidney Pills, a remedy' which bas ben
used for years, the world over, for weak
kidneys, bacUche ' . Irregular ; kidney
Action and uric acid trouble. Thero are
cases enough right In this city to prove
their worth.. ,. )' .. . ; i Z qilr,
Bead Portland . testimony. ; . ;
, Mrs.. A, B. Fulton, 170 Glenn avc,
Portland, Oregon, - says: "My ' limbs
swelled oomethlng terrible from dropsy
and there were large, puffy spots under
my. eyea Tn kidneys Were In an un
healthy condition. , I doctored and tried
severer, remedies, but didn't seem to
find relief. At last a friend advised
me to take Doan's Kidney Pills and I
got a bov Aftefusing the first box,
the bloating began to disappear. By th
time t bad finished two boxes, thr
whs no sign of it at alL After taking
another box; I was entirely cured. Since
then, I bave had no trouble.' ,v .'
' Eastern. - ,
The American Mining , congress at
Philadelphia passed resolutions calling
modify antitrust laws applledto com
panies utilizing natural resources, in or.
der that the resources may be conserved
and proper safeguards may be placed
around employes. - The coal . Industry
is said to be In a deplorable condition.
Four employes, three of them women,
were killed when a gas oven" in which
metal waa being enameled,' exploded In
New York. More than a score of other
were injured. Many escaped down fire
escapes..:' t .'i:, 'i,' ;-: .,: f y..v
Frank A. Tlerney. a newspaper man,
Was - appointed , secretary to Governor
Glynn of New .York at a salary of
$8600 a year. ,
a Two scientists, v Dr. Harvey Johnson
and Henry Tyron, of 'Australia, have
been sent to this country to study th
cactus. It is desired to learn if stock
growers of the southwest are using th
plant as fodder. c g-, , --tw -s
' Miss Nancy. Leishmas. daughter of
the ex-American - ambassador to.' Ger
many, Was married to tbe Duke of Croy
at Geneva, Swltaerland It is declared
that the parents of the bridegroom were
opposed to the match because the bride
was not of arlstocratlo birth, . f
. ' i 1 11 Foreign. J M , ' j '
.'.Opposition against the movement to
find ' homes for ' children . of striking
transport workers in Dublin, la gaining
ground. A' number - of. children wer
taken off a train to prevent their being
removed. Several clergymen were in th
crowd who rescued the children.
' Actor Paul's jnakeup so much! re
sembled the emperor of Germany that
the police ordered the thesplan to change
his makeup. The play la a comedy; en
titled ,-The Gay CVitV'Xtl'rv
Colonel Roosevelt addressing a meet
ing at the government university at Rio
de. Janlero, declared that the develop
ment of South America and the closer
relationship between that continent and
the United State wer bound to fol
low . in - the near future. The speech
dwelt forcibly on the spirit of goodwill
manifested by the United States toward
8outh America. .. "V.v''-v-V 1 ' "':-.
General ' William Bramwell Booth,
head 'of th Salvation Army, will sail
from London for America today to pro
cure American : Salvationist as volun
teers for-the work in Ct4nm."'Pv-tS i
Taking revenge on the burning of. th
sport pavilllon of. th Bristol univer
sity by suffragettes, students smashed
windows of the offices of the militants,
and dumped tbe furniture In the streets
and burned i it '.ic, ..
v XXX v f ;. Executive., J'V..
The treasury department refuses to
prohibit, under tbe new tariff lew, th
entry of bagging for cotton from Great
Britain, alleged to .have been made In
Part. by; .convict "laboivSf''v'; ,n ' M
' Assistant Secretary .; Newton of . th
treasury department refuses permission
to a member of the Evanator III., life
saving station, and a student at North
western university, , to absent himself
from tbe station to play football. -
.- Postmaster General Burleson ordered
modification of regulations governing
transportation of mails providing that
no train shall be held at a connecting
point beyond Us Stated time longer than
is necessary to transfer first class mall.
Hereafter if a train la late only first
class man win be transferred. N i
..'.,ir I i n n ii II in i , (""I '
. Gertrude Bryan Marries -MoyV
Red Bank, N. JV 0t- 15 Miss Ger
trude Bryan, late star In "Little Boy
Blue," wae married to Charles Fair,
mllilonalro - New York broker. 1 yester
day. V
Clironlo and Nervous Dis
eases reedlly auocoinb to
tat thorongh asd sxhaea.
tlv mttsods of intt
cant wbea 'Hi; in
carefully and eonalatentlr
followed. sflaUkee are at
a Blplmum, becaoas I
bare treated oeeessrul
1 tbouaanda of eases a
aetly ilk your aws. It is
ss error sot to seek the
alc t a Specialist
wbff bas bed fears of
eiperlaoee and gives x
eluaiTe peraonal ttentio
J -to lbs treatment of sues
I in Heenaed to praetic In tbe
at tea of Oregoa. Weeblngtoa, California
asd Nevada. My office Is ' tbonmshlr
equipped with every etoctrleal end mechan
ical device aacaaaarr for tbe aclentifle-treat,
maot of your fitments.,.-! sdmuuiter tb
World's la teat remedial. 1 . -
- I Treat Buceaaafnlly '
Ooosultstloa sed Szkmiottlaa rBlB..-:
t to 8 T to . Daily; Booda;, 10 to 1.
J; J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D.
3 - " IKa.iIJm.-
1 1 twuu
1 . PARKER'S ' .. ,1
jl A toilet preparation of mrrtk
. TRelpatoaradloatadudraS.
'- Far Roatoriaw Color s4
.-, , Baan ty ta Gra v or Fadad Hair
j mm' ado, and tl. 00 at PminrHta.
"bloeonMnue,itwtdoostyrmonlyeoiTitiaoentaawh- or ! i t i ..-,
rtilnotlntarfer with yoor workor ocui-Riion. Jatt tn t ir ' - t
snflerlfyoa wish, andl will send yon the rtmiit f.r yi,,r-
Mr, by rainrn mail. I will alno iidyouhMtle--, rny b- i
ipumatory Ulnatratlona Knowing wbr wo" n au . ! . e- I i w i
St ho in a. Ery womnoahouM have It, ami Imrn to i
"Tottmrut bao an oiwratiuo," youo!i i-.ia f ir you, -
Ihmmwlvoe with my boms rmad.y. Hci.r. a t 4 w f,
pimple home trtiuen lilih aiv1:'ijr e.j- l m n - j,.
l alafulor lrrt-juiar iueiiitriuitiua io yui,. i 1-n .. I , I.. ,
mi vn.
V herev-r yon 1It, 1 enn r'r y to ?-?: of r
l"U any sni'-rwr tiiii Mti i ' li.i' -tulrmi. .-
e'.np, piu"' 'il i'!ili. t4 ,-'" i - " t. .'
tliebouk. 'Ili tO-JrtV, BSJU4 Uitt-f 4.;.,, , t i
r.3f. vj::.::.-z, t xll "
to us e
Jufe'Gatens' Allows the Six
Hill. Military Academy Eoys
Off Easy.
Arraigned before Judge Oatens'ln the
juvenile court this morning, ths six boys
of tne Hill Military acaoemy. cnarged
with hailng a fellow student, Clair
SuterV' of Chilli week. B. C, pleaded
guilty to the charge and after an ad
monitory lecture by the court, were dis
missed ; with "' a i warnlnir. The boys
charged were: John land. A.' J. Cal
houn, Clifford Houlihan, Archie McNeil, .
Robert W. Forbes and 8. It, ilonroe.
After' hearing 'the evidence on both
sides. Judge Oatens recalled young (tut
or to the stand and ssked the lad what
he should do with the hasers. '
. I can send them to Jail, I can fine
them or I can put them on probation,"
be said. "If yon were Judge, what would
you' dot" This was too much for the
victim of the basing episode, who wae
Willing enough to admit that the boys
ought "to get something," but did not
like . to say just what. The elder Kutor
was asked a similar Question but de
clined to answer. ,-,:''.-. , -'. , r- .
Lynn B. Coovert represented the boys
for . the Hill Military academy, : while
James ., H. - AIcMenamln appeared for
8utor. . . . '- -r. ..,:,.'
i .,.. ' JTo Blokeriaf Allowed. . -
The defense tried- to make a techni
cality out of the fact that the tar used
on young -8u tor was in reality an as
phalturo , roofing compound. Judge
Oatens refused to allow any bickering,
however. The six boys were charged
with : "unlawfully v applying without
weapons tar, feathers, ink, glue, mucil
age ana outer suostsncea to tne oooy or
Clair, 8utor." . : . , ' ..
- The Sutor boy recounted the story of
his basing, telling of the application of
the various mucilaginous materials to bis
body and of the difficulty experienced
in having it removed, including a four
hour session In a local Turkish bath, "I
expected to be based but I did not ex
pect to get It quite so bad," be said.
vfWhy-dldn't you say anything about
It to the authorities of tbf school,1 fas
was asked. "Well. 1 knew if dad beard
of ' it and came to Portland someone
would get hurt,' he replied. -T
Admlt ' Ohaxge.
v The accused frankly admitted the
Charge,, and ' assigned as their reason
for the stiffness of the dose that young
Butor aoted as if be owned the academy,
which was entirely out of place for a
newcomer to the inetitutlon. ;
' The younger Butor, it is said. Is act
ing only by hi father's advice, and it
Is believed that otherwise he would
nave imkbh ine nauuy wimuui. at mur
mur. . Hie reluctance to . designate a
punishment .for '. his tormentors was -believed
to Indicate this. - '
.In counselling the six boys Judge
Gatens remarked that hexing bad gone
out of date, that it was not practiced
In the larger schools nowadays, and so
It was time to discontinue the practice
boys with a warning that if they ever
appeared before him again on a like .
charge, he would administer punishment. '
Samuel Butor, the father, was unde
cided at noon today what will be his
next course of aotlon. It Is. possible,
however, that. " he may take . aotlon
against the academy. v f s
v. ., , .;-i. ...-' 3 ;
Journal Want Ads bring results;
Resinol clears
y T)IMPLE3 and blackheadg dla
. X appear, onsightly complex
long becoma clean, clear, and
KX-feirttj, and hair health and
! ; beauty art promoted by the reg
. clartiB of Resinol Soap and an
occasional application of Resinol
. . Ointment. Thesesoothing,heal
. Ingr preparations do their work
: -.; easily, quickly and at little cost,
' when even the most expensive
f " v eoimeticg and complicated
v? "beauty treatments " fail,
;i Every druzsUt sells Hesbcl
Resinol Soap and Ointetent beal ecaemaan
ether akin ernpUens, stop Itehlns initantly, end
are moat valuable for dandruff, sores, bums,
; bolls, plies, etc. For trial sis, frea write to
iUslnol. Dept. lo-S, Baltimore, lid
Free to You and Every CistsrCuT
Vrlng from Woman's AiimentJa
Jam a woman,
know wornim' sufferings. '
bar fonnd the onra. ,
.'V 1 I will mall, f rwe of anf eTiarre, my '""fc
SWrt With full iiwtmotlonatoa-.r ,.irr ( u.ii
i woman's aUineuis. I want to tii i!l worn n alxml
this core ne. mv reader, fur vooi. .t. voiir
daughter, your mother, or your a. ,tr. 1 t to
tU yon now to cure yow uv-a nt lnni i
on the help of a docti-r. j, , t . .1 1: i
women's su3riiiKS. hatwewu..,. .
ttaerlaaea, we know bottir t..n a v u r. i
know tiia royhome trif-nin t , 'n r, i , 4
oureforltworrliMter ii t 1 t
liCl,llt crlaiurf at ti V 1, .,, . . i ,
fnw't. U'tfifi, at C'lriia I tit. ; t i 1
ka. ktct 4 kamii, k., t hi ,
ru:rg tt!i.' sp t e , . t t i, i
Iwwi, twiwatt, t -". . ik. t c i
tllMMt I-jvvi-H toour .
I want to end yon. c ' ' lira r 1 -' I
imMry ftetto vrore to yn-i ..t y,.. ,
yourself at Ijoma, full r , q n I .n I f
nrulr. ICmnoHi t-i-, t ., i I t - i .
elvethe tr.-i-wm-i i a r 1 1 ;