THIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 21, 1813. WANTE1 KOOM AND HOARD 89 f HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOIt SALE 433 buying itcond 'WANTED By Nov. 1. room and board J LIKNITUHK for by 11 lurried lady, employed. , .Modern ana rfHuona 019, price, particulars, , rsi, journal. ' l Ot'Nwaman wishes room and board. Uoeelft. 4 meal.' Will pay IZ6. .; 840, Journal.' 1 -."' , - HOUSEKEEPING ItOOMS '. WEST S1DB ; OKM HOTEL, lli( lit sc. furnished ' i roomi and"" housekeeping rooms, ateem heat tn verr roomrttM ar-me. .... tr'URXlSHED or unfurnished houaekeep- ins 'rooms, cheap. Cambridge aa ana Morrison. band goods coma and see what you coated. can do bar on new gooda for cash: arel wmiam uadHDy, isc ana who. KKIil THIS Cut erlass S& Dieaes and S solid mi hogany rockers, at a bargain,, and other runmure. v Belmont. APARTMENTS 43 bldg.. a ROOM cottage furnished' complete, I improvements. WALKING DISTANCF1 ,; , fta y Ajmv Ahartniftnts .: J3TH AND ;B.J MdRRiSO-J- ST4C " a mvory nreoroor naie.. si i ana s roorrr ants, automatic - elevator, balco nies, tile bathrooms 'and all the latest 8 815 .mo.; also housekeeping rooma. 4 N. zetn st. RATES, $25 TO $38 MONTH. LUCRETlA COURT. Situated on Ldicretla at.. 100 tat north of Washington st. In an open court -4a the best resldenca district within walk, Ing distance; finest unfurnished apart Bients. I to I rooma. ! thm hafora locating:. Rates reasonable. References, Manager.' Mar, 15111. janitor Mar. 1600 i liRiriv bids-., dandv front suits 1. 3. 3 housekeeping-rooms, newly painted and tinted. 545H Wash, at., near mm. UOYC'ltEST. 17 12th. comfortable heat- ed rooms, complete; for housekeeping. ' MOvaKxxxrxiro booms -WWT" UtDM fUTATI faMUT TJ if UHNIS'HED ', or unf urniahed. clean and light, hot and cold water, , bath, . telephone, -ateam heat $13 up. - Mar. 4943. Nokomls ants.. 17th and Marshall. 2 RcOM suite, first floor, complete for l?n??- . neighborhood. housekeeping: furnace heat: 316 perl-"""' marsnaii si, a-ows, yoroery. . . - COR. 20TH AND WASH ST Vi5Y.VSl. ESl X:- 840-r-Blegant 684 Morrison. r. " - I11" rooms, outside bath, private phone, i OR BENTll J. S well f urniahed I partlo- 'tr: references. Mar. 134. f Drickston ADartments 441 11th tt.. tmt (InllffA Mf .Attrtvr. tfvtt I and t room furnished apartmenta. m vutaiua ivvuif. All, lliuuaril VUIiVCIl1 KTORES AXD tFF ACCESSORIES 44 STVlD Ird 1, tX3 I.' Meat market, at 73 AlberU . at.. In oiudlns; ice box. racks and , counters. $lt-Wod,ern store. Wolf, 53S3 Foster Road. Barber. Cobbler, fish, candy. FOB REyTnsCELLAXEOUS 33 OA RAO a for rent l per month. 40 j. Beech at , : ' - - . v WAAXICD TO KJfijiX felX room hous..wS"iSiair WANT beat 2i-hand auto,can buy for ' aiuuu caxn. uivepiaKe anu run de acrlption of your car. A-841, Journal, i ''JjANDERa '20," fully equipped, pr. : feet condition, $360 cash. Main 3451 n IOTORCYCMJ8 , - BICYCLES 55 A "ia"A"i-.7iA tVr" ''irQ aAi r a d ivn 1 WAIil"r VA K7a.aJJ iTAAV NKW 1313 MOTORCYCLE: -NEVERi B'JSISN HIDDEN. HAS HUMli 1814 MiA- TIJRES. FULI,T GUARANTEED. FOR IMMEDIATJE 8 ALE ONLT AT RICK PERSONAL S3 stairs, on Broadway or Wtlllama r.jiio. uivs price ana auaress. car, dreas X-549, Journal - i mh h h:k'L'ii iron pihtipttt.,r rir.i.i ava. J ILY CO. - -";.-,:T7rr''l niealurn. , Cl'rctei ' YOUR LIFE iZJcb00' 51 Mllner bid.: Park and Morrison. .w.-.,., - Readilfgs by- 'RialWr .-.-.-y , MANICURING, - facial and scalp mat- sage. " 281 Fourth st,near Jefferson. Main B803. . . MAY CARROLL Manlouring. faciei maasaire. scalD treatment. 404 Mil. cteay bid.. 188 Waahlnrton. ' riuASAniB, Pheasant prepared for hata?v620 Swetland. r Wid.- nxafontgom PERSON Ali 23 LA Dili 8 Auk for Antlko Mixture No. . 8. It is safe and sure "Woman's Med icine"; the most succeHsful and harmless "Regulartor"' known. For sale and guar anteed In Portland by the Heldioud Drug Co.. 323 jJorrlioa at. near Urat THE place for hair ' work. 6anltary beauty parlors, 400 t6 414 Dekuin blda. Mar,. 1701. Switches' made 95c, switches dyad 9U shampoo 35c, hair dress 35o, massage 30c, scalp treatment 25c. targ eat up-to-aate parlors on ine cpam I'Ensor.'Ai, - .VI KN A NO WOMKN ClyKKU. Modern electric treatment lor nerv ous, chronic and skin diueutieH. ' Specialty: Kidneys, bladder, prostata. ' OXyoi-lNE for catarrh, lung trou bles, diabetes. , Latent aclentlt'lu equip ment. 1 Dr. Howard, 304 Koihchlld bid;?. ... GERMAN TRAINED NLiRHE AND -r MASSEUSE. Long experience, beat references, treatments for rheumatism and luraba-, go, eto massage and batha. 462 Kalinon at., cor. 18 Hi. Jviaraliall 5033. Open bun- WANTED Furnished gentleman and wife. apartment -44, by Journal. UORhKb VEU1CJLES. KTU 18 lavout for lano. Hall flra house. 4th I DK. ALBERTA BACK I. axnert -and and Yamhill.,' r-v,..,;- ,- ... , -,r.-: i painless , eniropoaist ... ...tiff . , oraiwe$ 11)13 Reading-Standard, good condlUon. 1 "'" , ' . ,,n , j 703 Front at, housekeeping rooms. cor. Hooker. CHOICE front housekeeping room with GLEN COURT ' ' Formerly the Wheeldon, . " rA,n.. 0.,, mmi u i ... alcove kitchen, heat. lleUt Dhooe. $20. 1 mm. -n.rf m;nt. in t T V i 233 W. Park t - - - , ' ' - , I suites i fornimUmA MninlU' nrlvata $ , KEATLV furnished housekeeping I batha, phones, etc. rooms, nice and light 4i 8th at. I, Jn tne downtown district. iut quiet. IN'ICE. Clean, , light housekeeping, alao bKS lit ABLE 3 or 4 room apartment. sleeping room. ' 500 Jefferson at. furnished or unfurnished; best in city ' 0fr iOtb. coif Flandera Neatly fur. fiJSsV1 miSS?. ifh 'VT1 wl nUhMi i hni.kninr rooms. outside rooma, private bath, direct Pa- i..' 1 . "vi J. j . r , . 1 cuio pnone: cioae in, low rant, neat serr- $12 4, furnished housekeeping rooms, jce. Sheffield Apartments, t7J Broad fcWP pumvsg, a0C, war star. 1 Wety, COrHCr tlfalPrBOIl, CAiKi-wr -.clean housekeeping room; - grae ano wood rree; 12 mo. lutn. BEVERAXi good chefcp ranch or - delivery horses, express ' wag-J on, ana . narnesa. ii in need- or a - ooraa orae and see ma. we el you Juat what r-'J re- nuyuig. f f 14 Union Ava.; .cori ner of K. Aah ; - NICE gentle, pony, saddle iand bridle. - This pony is a dandy .for. children, 3 years old. Price $50.00," or will trade for work horse. 4148 Cth 8. Kern i-ar. rnono laoor till. The Murphy Horse k Mule Co. Sells on commiHslon, horses, mules, ve hicles, harness. v Auction every Monday and Friday, 10 a, m. 240 E. 8th. E. 6314. t"OR BALE Several farm, delivery and lumber wagons in good condition, bar gains. F. A. Kenney371 '1st at FAIR -dapple gray- mares, weight 600, pair bay horses, $100. Price right ln- quire 885 K. 38th. vvoodstocit car. 1100 saiiii i-t mt . , .- - .. - I BEATRICE VAN: BORQAN of flea -45. HAWLET DAVIDSON., Single. $40.00, &hf ' Morrlaon- I'"m?,trf! IIVIIO AVlfial. 'mVWUt 1 S " ' 1 $ygllAJl '"wi' im'j; ; .ijjia- i mil nt niiM.iw Mxtts. to. : , bim leactier or Mental BlUYULtb ."old0 Sl.iT'S i;?? L .dence.,802 .Aliaky bldg, fMaln 8824. ber Exchange bldg. ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 llK. G. V. KK'fCHUM-Wom.n'i mala. -.--r.- r.. I dies and acute dlaeaae. Wash, bldg., urniuni jumnui piatio-ana stooi in mr. Tin ana wasn.. room 41. war. - 44a. good conaitiqn, very cneap, ; 911 juum- fMAnDrCO Lawyer of !6 vears' ex- Vl VtmiX-U perlence. reliable, advice frea 404 Rothchlld bldg. 887U Wash. 3UADV''- barber shop, 829 Glisan ,st, Scab SDeciaiista?hrl50te,b1 l'"-." CHARACTER read from . your voice ."g - Washington at Main 8881. Madam Smith 684 Flanders. Mar. $747! : TYPEWRITERS WE save you from 60 to 75 per cent on any make of typewriter.- Call or aend for our Illustrated price Hat - Retail de- OK tALK-:ajl-CELLAAKOJM 111 MR8. -CUSHINO 'teaches card reading and spiritualism. Cor.' 8th' and Hall. FOR "SALBt-A. power loom toj weaja a I bivORCK a specialty, advice free: Law nat.nt An An a h 1st Pmf I ... r n n r . . . . ' v... w w.. oumiui Amnuermena muif, A GOOD cheap farm team; also pair , of mules. Must be sold at once. Wm. Bosier. 14 Union ave. UOUSEKEEPTNQ ROOJJS 4t 11.60 WEEK uo. clean furnished h. k. - rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, baths. JTione East 03. 4Q Vancouver, u car. - - aonsEKExrara booms g A8T - IDB PKlTtTg 3 AaOJiT i' f 4 j $14.00 Two or three clean, completely furnished, bath, laundry, gas range. pnone, jarge yard, .walking distance. n imamooK. . THREE comfortable rooms, every con venience, rent reasonable,' good loca tion. East 3346.- 660 E. Alder. COMPLETELY furnished 1 room apt with kitchenette, steam heat, running; not- and cold - water, phone in every I room; 1 diocks iron etn ana Morrison st a., $18.60 and uo. $91 Columbia at. corner ftth, ' .- -. -: . TWO nicely - furnished houaekeepia rooma. 889 Hancock st. pnone m 846 '5 HOUSES FOR RENT 12 DWELLING. 228 E. 77th N.. large rooms, furnished, lawn, garden, roses, trees, close ' to school, - car, stores, church; house warm; will lease one year t ii per montn to responajDie party. Main 1242.- 401 McKay bldg. .... ok RENT But why ' pay rent when I will sell my 3 room bungalow at $860, $luo down, $15 per month. Kenton car to Morgan st, and 1 block, west to lout MiKaiysippl 'ave. ' ' UN 1st November, 9-rooin modern dwelling, at - northwest corner East 26th and Hawthorne ave., $50. ' -Tennis court adjoining. Burrell Investment Co 2S0H Third St. -, ilODERNJ room residence, four lots, berries, large chicken- yards and houseH, also chickens for sale.- best soil . for garden, excellent view. Two blocks above- Reed College, near car. Bell. 2122. S jKOOM V fet tween Garage handy, THE CHELTENHAM, X9th and North . run. modern furniture, nrlvata batha and phones, hardwood floors, new brick bldg, . refined neighborhood, 4 blocks) from carl Ine. -. ..WEIST- APARTMENT -I . ' v NORTH 23d ST.. -For rent -one 8 room anartmant. alt niuuwn sunvcniences. zincsi in ciir rex. erenoee required. Apply Apt. 4. H-fcJlNZmi AFAKTMEMTS 14th and Columbia - Furnished 2, S, 4 room apartments, all conveniences; tlrat class, homelike, ra. aonamc rates; rer. M. toil, A-3S16. OBANDESTA IPADTUEHi E. Stark and Grand ava. modern fur. nlshed apt, private bath, private phone. Excellent service. Always clean and warm, cummer rates, fnone East 308 HAWTHORNE STABLES. 420 Haw - thorne ava. We have 6 good farm horses for sale. - -'- WANTED Team young horsci. 1300 to lauu ina. - luimoiiL aunaiv. in, r .: 'v . GOOD light express wagon. In good con w. wecKarta, aoia unaer tne name or I '-.-.--i a., , . ' naoiators wmo.i is useu oy persons wno 1 rnrr . ' ' r V . v. are afflicted with rh..,n,H,m Th. '.'L-1- bankruptcy. A-99. Journal. loom can be made to' weave door aiata, BALM of figs, remedy, for dineaaes of on either wire- or textile. I- have any women. 504 Davis at. Main 2398. , number of radiatora on hand now. Per- CHIROPODIST, ifo'rnieriy 146 W dwy" ..... iv ...u.o, M.v. I , now ii . v. Diag.. etn ana wasn, mo a card or letter. 1 will call on them I intir nnm-iiA .hl.l.i A and demonstrate the uslnir of them. As MWv?B'laE PhyBical. culture. Of I o m .nln. mi, nt lh. hualnoaa I villi I Ilce KS sell them cheap. Please address B. H. I MISS 3d floor, 860H Morrison st dition. for sale chean. , Annlv Modern yonrectionery uo., itn ana noyt. HORSE and buggy for sale. -Phone East . a4. , . . 100O POUND sound 7 year old cneap. g u Btn st. SAVE 816 MONTHLY $. rooms, completely furnished. All large, outside rooma nrlvata nhona ana oaiu, oea ana taDie linen, on canine. r nones m-jui, raoor 2!s, THE THOMASSEN, cor. 3d and Harrl son. 2 and 8 room aDts.. ateam heat. bath, laundry, phone. $16 up; also sleep Ing rooma $2 up. The Dezendorf.: 208 18 th. near Tavlor.. ' - ' - One elegant 4 room unfurnished anart. LUZERNE apt; best I room apt In the city; private bath and phona; brlolc blcg mln. front poatofflce;. $20 to $20. Marshall 4837. ANGELA A PTH.' . . V" 39 Trinity Place, 2, 3 and 4 -room fnr- $ and. 7; morning between 7 and . 1,? AVla .''r t V., 1 handy. ' -.... - LINCOLN APTS., 4TH AND LINCOLN raRNjomT hleh ZchoL k blockfrom" MiVslnn n?". ' 18th """th. : caf. 160 B. Webster. Phone Wdln. 2212. THE AURETTE Furnished $ room ..-VliM room hU,, mnii.r and r..r. ..rlTj?Jn,Ptb Prtv" Dth and Pbone. niahel..l, block car, a lots, fruit, K tvy civi.1' 1 . ' r i -i ries, large chicken yards and house. $25 1 ELu8lv Hnf,UurlBilh1i Prtment 4 momn, tnone iaoor ?z, -. - ' -. I p,' T j 95 " nwioia. AlsoTVoom hou."lP6P8V sARK'--.APARTMENTS Park ana Ha, Alain 135$ MODERN 4 room ' cor. Monroe. Crampton and : Mllwaukia :: or A-7931. " , itODERN, clean 6 room cottage, lar ra lis GOOD saddle pony, $36. wooostocK car. FINE covered two horse delivery wag- on. The Stephenson Co.. 234 Front a WANTED Large furniture wagon. 89$ sumoni, - EXPRESS wagon, horse and harness for tu. apo 4tn. - Mam 0869. LTVESTOCX 33 6 YOUNG milk cows, Guernsey, Brown Swiss and Jersey, fresh 1 to 4 weeks, giving t to 6 gala milk per day: some nice neiier caivea wood stock car to tutu ava, blocks west, 1 north, WE now have a complete list of all oreeas Of dairy cows and heifers. Call ana see us. ueo. u, MOKei cow Co., 60 i commercial block. : Main 8120. FOR SALE 26 head young cows. .Grad ed Jersey. Wj a Marshall. . Phone E. 016. B73 E. UaR st . !FOR SALE Young pigs, weeks oldj w. j. naggerty, ceavenon, or. 2 FRESH cowa with fine heifer calt i;i m. jonn St.. Bt jonns. DURHAM cow.. Will freshen In De- cemper. .a g. zgth. Woodstock: car. POCTTRTl 37 WANTED Pullets, 6 to 4 months old. ' Vlcorous utllltv stock. : Ai1rtr inn Vancouver ave. - , WHITES Leahorn cokemla. 31.0 .uh" .Buff Leghorn hens 76o each, 4 White Orpington nans, a cocnerei. xabor 8040, UOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PKTH 48 'Si porch, yard. gas,, electricity, newly inted. Take 83rd, S cars, 865 Vaughn. 6-ROOM cottage.- Inside entirely over - hauled, large veranda; fine view . of city ana river; garage space ir desired. 4 first st. Maranail 4431. - - LARGK 7 room house for rent at 11 Ellsworth. . with bath, furnace. leo- tric, gas Installed; large ; yard, pall 1 4 ROOM modern bungalow $14 month. .4 cunion, w, w. or w. K. car., Main F434. KMALL house for rent good place for r ." cowp iai, 00 car tare. .i-d, journal FOR RENT Up-to-date modern hotel, centrally located, brick building, 66 rvom, ty paina. v-bud, journal. $156 room modern cottage, perfect condition, shades; Woodstock. Phone REASONABLE 7- room, modern bouse. .12 E. 24th; st,-near Ankeny. Owner. Knt 6165 , !b INE modern 8 room house, f urnaoe. . Vi rer ia 11, iza. FOR RENT $20. new 8 room, all mod- em house, at 737 E. 41st N. Key $10 i-ROOM -suite, with bath and- gas! E. 29th and Hawthorne ave. . Burrell iiivrniuirni V-O., 260 3d at FIVE room cottage, west aide, close in. iuw rem, main A YOB. MODERN 8 room house. 699 Flanders . ruvon iqam ovau or mast sJ. lODERN 8 room house 4 E. Jth st W. 820 per mo. b ROOM modern house, corner Failing and Cleveland ave. 1 block to car. 4 ROOM cottage newly papered and yiiiiHi,,iiii i, rant, ynone E. 298. wni room moJern house close to car CLEAN J room cottage, bath and vvi iiw, cor. Hnerman as. VT . room house, 4l4 Hall st $i$7 Only 10 minutes' walk to poatoffice. 4 ROOM house, newly papered an3 furniture KIX room house, to adults, -for sale chean Thnr is S9.u homes Irvington. East 273 w' H. Herdman. ' FL'RKISHKP HOUSES an ROOM furnished house, gas rana-e' furnace, eleetrlo ll-Vit. fi.anfe' MtlJ'fbor et neirhborfiood; cai Tabor 4934. 137 re-rent upper rooma. W. 0th. ".. FURNISHED house for rent. 3 "rooms ,ld-kUch,n- Rent ""onable. One block from car station. See owner, 104 4th ave. 8. E. Lents. Phone Tabor 4891 llS' " tth orPphnon. S awa - v- y mi Mar- ROOM house, partly fu Alt. per month shall 4028.. - It Scott district $86-FURNISHED complete; new mod thoEneVvT" U,,g; fUrWa- " Haw "ViriVlM romJ"-nJshed house, A TW 140 ir'O room cottage, furnished, IS mo ( Oneonta st. Woodland car m tiruuy rurnisnea; race tne park. KTMn HU T. IPTB 17J King st, cor. of Wayne. A few choice apta' vacant HADDON HALL, 414 -11TH STTT 8 and 4 room furnished apartmenta. four room steam heated apartment. rauvern, muiuaivb. - vuiiei, juruff CO. mvu, .... ... . u. 1st and Sherman. THE LAWN APTS. Cheap rent; steam ueai uvi una cuia water in roomsi free light, bath and phone. 63 N. 18th. THE WAYNEWOOD. 108 ,H. 18th mt 1. 2 and 8 room furnished -aDta.. with and without bath. Main 8193. FIVE room apartments in Grace Apart . . ineui. iu ana i ui inrun. H,nnMa exenangea. : . THE ALBEMARL3 APT 382 wlC Httms ave.; near Broadway; new, mod ern 2 and l-room auts.. 120 to tio mo. THE ELMS. 191 14 th St. Modern 3 .nd s room lurnisneo apts.; excellent Ioca lion.. w.iHinr aisiance. m sin 4171,. KING DAVIS APTS., 64 N. King; 8 and ran m men-ciasp; rererencea. M. ZuaS - ORDMAT TKRBirR Large 3 room furnished ant. 9t lzth EFFERSON IAN 514 Jefferson at. cor, in, lurnisneq z ana a room apta. THE BOZANTA, 1894 N. 23d at Fur." nisneq apis. A-nvaie nail. Path, pnone. FOR RENT FLATS 13 ATTRACTIVE 5 room flat 984 E. Main Phone East 4882. - . .T" 7 $25 FOR 6 room flat modern, centrally locaieo, west eiue. wain nozu. Mar. 880. FIVE room lower flat, 779 Overlook oiva. in ear leaning. NEW 6 room flat $14; on carlina. Ta- por aiis. THREE room flat bath and pantry. No jimuren. Williams ava FURNISHED FLATS SO FOR RENT Furnished and unfur nished flats: SDlendM river vlw 6 ROOM furnished flat for rent cheap. '"IUTBi Oil p. VJCMiriQ, oza m. loin Bt, THREE room flat gas. telephone, etc Close In, East $927. HOTELS 04 HOTEL PORTLAND Eurooean slan only. $1,60 and up. STORES AND OFFICES 11 iarw i ww an mm on n r--o 1BBB8 BBBBBBnnRQDann V 1 llllll llHlllV IM INI I PANAMA BUILDING, cor. 3d and Alder. - Portland newest mod. era o f f 1 o bldg. For reservation of offices A k stores apply at building-' Mar. 810. I X room bungalow, furnished. $1$ nir mo. Inquire 812$ 2d st BTwi . 1 FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 ... - HOUSES FOR RENT " 1 NI3Rlfl.?' e.roome74 roomi noU $U Ut- H J.ff.rso .t: iroUSEHOf J tjtOODS FOB SALI3 65 ' onco. leaving' for the furnltura n C f ! ne liirh ' eraili. xr -..v. ? . j " "" MX, ,111,1, is. 8WETLAND BUILDINO I ifth and Washington TH' HUB OF ' BUSINESS - Beat Location for y REAL ESTATE,. : PROFESSIONAL , MERCANTILE J Space 'Arranged to Suit All Night Elevator Serv, Rent Reasonable. Apply 803 Swetland bldg "'Journal r:-' Buildinz , ROOMS SlNOLB AND , ; '. IN SUITES. ' REASONABLE RENTAU ,C HIGH CLASH RRHVTPH1 . Apply, to JBusinees Office I , - -: , Of The Journal. ;;..;' 1 rX 1 WjR -RENT- Excellent . location, ,. on -i,Wln' !u hiell Store, suitable for 8 Sn,ir aiftArber05hop' ?r but..h' hop. .Rent f nuiiv xvi a r, - iBi, Vr"i,ouw t So"111 Portland for" .jr' 'r5ke. light and airy. Oa KX.i Jl4. t-easonabl Journal Pub. waning Co, Broadway and Yamhill. ,. IF you want a dog that will hunt, an .thing; from rats to grissly bear, herd sheep and be he beat watch dog and companion in the world, get one of my Airedales. Pups from trained doga that actually do these things now ready to amp, v. rue p. j . wn, inqepenoence, ur. OREGON BIRD CO, 930 E. 16th at. No! I car. Canaries, aviary birds and pneasants. - - ' $10 BUYS a fine Airdale, 3H months oiq. -.nas. n. wnners jr., mayton, or, AUTOMOBILES . ACCESSORIES 44 Auto Snaps 1918 Cole 4 pass., 40 H. P.. fully equipyeu, eiecinu ugutea, sen starting, 1911 Cole equipped, - B paaa.. 30, H. fully 1913 Reo s pass., Best buy in city. 80 II. p.. fullv equipped, electric self starter and lights. ouy in 1911 Maxwell 6 pass.. 3LH. P.. fullv equipped. This car la a atoap for some one. See us for light delivery cara. : Northwest Auto Co, Broadway and Couch sta. " 'INE 1912 Flandera delivery car ' twk brand new., tires on : rear. - two .nr. ii res, eiecino iignts, speeaometer, every thing in fine mechanical condition. Coat aa equipped $980. Price $476; $150 down, fov mommy, x-ornanu. jrnonograpa Agency, 860 Alder at Anyone wanting a urn very car suouia Bee mis. , BODIES, WHEELS, ... BPRING6. General Repair - Ing - PAINTING 904 frnnl H CC1.UMBIA" CAixtIAGE & AUTO WKS TIRES Oregon Vulcanizing Works, "The Tire Bhop." , 650 Washington st, at 18th. Marshall 37. We buy and sell used tires and do Flre-t Class Tire Repairing. ' AUTOMOBILE Urea, tires, urea, . $1.08 to 820.00 each, we also have a laraa took of new Urea and automobile aoJ cessories at cut rate prices, mail orders rompuy ana carefully mied. - Paclfle Ire & Supply Co,. 828-830 Burnslde st JUST like new,' 1913 twin Excelsior mo torcycle, whistle, large headlight, tank, tandem and 320 speeaometer; tire like new: cost $330; price $226; $60 down. STRICTLY A-l 1912 Harley Davidson" motorcycle. Presto llaht and tank. tan. dem, $20 speedometer; guaranteed A-l. moe 3i4u; sv aown, $13.60 monthly. 350 Alder tt, - -- .' '. , every spring.. 26 N. 16th st. SPLENDID 1912 Pope single motorcycle, magneto, and free engine. Price only $75: $35 down. 812.60 month lv isn AJUQr, ELKQANT 10 h. p., 2-speed 19li motor! cycle, completely equipped, cost $386: PrLC6. ?P,y Ui0 wn, f 1$ monthly 360 Alder at' -:: -' - -. ; " - . , WANTED A 11 grades scrap rubber; mgnest casn prices paia; phone us and our man will call and buy what you have, J. Leve, 186 Columbia st; Main 5198, STORAGE? bn vr jn u t.w.!.. vi Tir . - ,fs w ettuupyii ax. yv., inuiii Dial, T. Wolff, 807 Jefferson sU Oregon City, vr. FERTILIZER. Rose City Fertiliser Co. We are the pioneer fertiliser kings and it is our well rotted horse and cow manure which helped to make the Rose City ; roses - a success, by furnishing yearly to satisfed cuatoinera We give a sack of sand free will each load. We deliver to any part of city. Tabor 6142. A FIGHT on high NEVENH. electiio batha. and treatmenta Room 7, 201H 3rd at. ' ATTORNEY, e-ivea narHonal attention to nn m m i i i j ..i . . m nun i ...l I till Sjti your ..IllUvs n v iwmi vwui. dicuvc4 : vai a as uu aultation. Will call at your hpm tornev hoi 4a. ioriiana. GRADUATE chiropodist manicurist scientific masssuae,, thermal, baths, formerly 6th and Wash, sta and 614 Dekum bldg.; now 404 Buchanan bldg., 8H Washington, opp. Perkins notei. :.' -., FEBTET- HANKBUT,; Leading wig and toupee makers, finest stock of human hair,, goods; hair dress ing,, manicuring, face, scalp treatment. 147 Broadway, near Morrison. M. 646. REMOVED Mrs. - Btayens. 20 years Portland's ..leading palmist and clair voyant, has removed to .291 Morrison t, Benson bldg. Her book. Palmistry wane easy, tor sale. TUAL medium and astrologer; readings dally, circle 2 n. m. Bunday and Wedneaday 8. Rev. May A., Price, 306 V, Jefferson. Main 9389. ' , . . WOULD like to.communlcate with any one KUII1K IU iwnuuill j ,u VI ' Tiwir ft within the next few days. Add. A- journal, MATRIMONIAL paper with deacrip- tiona weanny marriageaoie paupie, paper 10c. Mrs. Bell, 2511 vWest 41st street' Los 'Angeles. Calif. 1 ' ' SPIRITUAL medium. -Rev. Virginia Rowe. , Read In irs. heallna. ' dally cir cles. Tuesday and Friday evenings, $ . m. 291 8th st Phone A-7116. MANICURlWO parlor . for sale In office - building; fine location, cheap rent J 863, Journal. "'' ! ' SAVE 32 to $10 by buying your trunk or suit caae at a 3 wasn,,, at inn. . . by name and tells you.' what you called for. without asking a question. She is the wonder worker of the world re- -nowned. Office hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. tn. Room 7, 193 W. Park. , -; .: Divorces .' u. . - Free advice, reasonable f ees, : ea'sy terms. Bankruptcy, collections, convey ances. Abstracts examined. References. Geo. N. Farrln. Lawyer. 708 Selling bldg. THE FUR SHOP Best work, lowest S rices. Remodeling and new orders., Swetland bids., 5th and Washington. ' NOTICES 20 OFFICE Constructing Quartermaster. . Fort Mason, Cul.. 21st October. 1913 Sealed- Drooosala. In trlnlloate. for con. . structing two reinforced concrete store--houses at Army Supply - Depot, Fort Mason,' Cel., will be received here until 11 a. m.. 21st November. 1913. and then opened.. Plans,., specifications,., blanks ' and necessary Information can be ob -ta'ined here. .Deposit of $25 required to. ' J. insure return -of plans, etc. Proposals' j to be enclosed in sealed envelopes and , addressed to Lieut. Cot Geo,-McK. WU- namson, 14.- m. corps. - , SEALED proposals will be received at , ..the office -named below until .2 o'clock r p. m., . Nov.. 1, 1913, and then opened, - f or furnishing 110,000 . feat, more or . ;', less, of lumber at Cooks, Wash. Infor. -ation will , be furnished on application ' to the superintendent U. 8. , Fleherien ' . Station, Oregon City .Or. i. , : V Professional rid -Business- Director AOCOKDIOM rtKATIVO). K. STKPHAN. botltcblf. poneetf. ami Aldr aecertfioa. , slot sad snaburat plea tloi buttona eftadl good Mile asrs. ASSATCBs prices. Why nay 86 to $10., for a pair, Of 1 MONTANA , Aaay Utile, lalmratory, ate rlassea when I can fit your eyes, with 1st quality lenses In a gold filled frame aa low as $1.60f C w.- Goodman.. 181 Morrison: sU near bridge. t - ' FOR SALE New Home droo head ma chine,, with , attachments complete. ia.ou. urop neaa singer, au attacn ments, $16. One Bartlet drop head, $10. Box top machines of all makes, $2 up. and guaranteed. New Home Sewing Ma- ehne Agency, 849 Morrison st -.-7---; FOR SALE New and sconJ hand carom and pocket' billiard tables; and dow ung alleys and accessories, bar fix - tag. - MarSball V7SM. 100 Morrtsoe. ABBTTMED BTTSnrESS lrastIB LAW 1810 Maoira tiuog under Density. On. N. Beott. iaSH 4tb st. at Tlx. - , A0T0MOBIU FTMPEaa AUTOMOBIU4 reader load and raiialred. Oaa- tenon Brua.. pa Croeer Bt. STDsIO BCR00UI Bonoor, of muhic htakk ur teachebs OHBGON CONSERVATORY OP MPBICOatleg) B. TU1KLU0EN. vlalla laacbet. popll BclB. 807 Tleldner bldg., A -41 SO. MsrahaU 1628. BAGTIMi plino pUjiug sTrntid beginaers Is 10 lessons. Original teaebers of popular bis tip sad picture playing. 001 Ellers bldg. ' kAQTIMB or -vaudeTllle piano playing taught In 10 or 20 lessons, Suece anaranteed, ChrU- teaaen'a school. 24 Rmaell bldg.- Booklet free. . ;f ! ,4.TT0MOBn,B yATHTIKg '.. SfCOIAUSTS ia fine auto palatlug. Auto Paint snop covey oldg. Mum MtkX-K BOOK yAXEXJ tures of all kinds, easy payments. The aowsl da via cum fan x us'sd v AUan Brunswlck-Balkeollender Co.. 48-48 lS2tl? & V I 6th st. Phonoe Main 789; A-1768.- ' 1 proved Loom Leaf lgra.- tea saw Ala. Sewing Maob, Exchange, atecond hand Macninea , , $8 to 330.- -- -. - -' 'Guaranteed. ' . - Cash, or Tarma 307 Third street reka tear. A-41M8. Mla 188. BOOKS BEC0HD BABO SCHOOL houks Iwugbt sold atd ascasagoe. AM : eta st opp. r, u, i a FOR SALE cheap Owner leaving state. JBASBAMP MAOHDJB JW0BKJ 7 Moving nicture outfit Including oti nmp, wi. in ruiina and 1 y- yy uuu eieciiw iiiouw, un.ui v 1 ., m.ehlne works. 106 Dtn St. at. srim rectifier, 166 good folding chairs, elee- ' , , , . , . trio fans, etc Also one dynamo, 13S r!111": J ... 1 volts. Room 128 Grand Union Hotel. " I Jdrc BKuk. kiaetne' Ulaanias watka, eu- OREGON FERTILIZER CO. . pets deaood and laid, retnttog our spaidaii. U'l 1 v,,tt.Mi aw n, hnriiA mannro rijw llvered any part of city. We- -design I TBY Kaa-vapo proeow, dvauaea, wakas tbaai lawns, gardens, . spread fertiliser, cover I - bright aa new, guics aerTice. Main TT14. rosea' Eaat 1020. B-1905. ' I . , u ... I , . .... )MVI1 ' 'coMmon. for sale very' cheap.' -Wof Jj andDlHoytdWn ? U 2 Z y'mT SAFES Mosler Safe Co- manufactar- - - era Low prices. - easy terms. Baf 01 opened and repaired. Bargains in second nana sales. 109 Zd st. Jfnone .aain 76 s. ROUND top office desk and several chairs.. Also table and wire mattrepa. Will be sold cheap, any or alt i Call at bo union ave N.. Dot. 9 ana ii:se a. m. fk-NSUAA Ml Carpets. us Wurka, rag oaau u hiw, 1818 Pattoa to. , Wfoottlaw Soao. CHiyOIOPlaTB Dtt IYBX tnats aU aUoteata el taot wltkosl salat corns, banloua, le grow lug aisl a eflty. Muwaua , am 101 - DBB88MAX1BO " abo ' smxnoi. VALKNTINKS inita ladles' lalluriax. 4i ' auklog taught '168 Grand ava. bet afonlwa ana noimaoi. -renerno eac to measure. 'JyXi taii ATTOBjrrrB. PATENTS proeared by S. K. MOCK, Attorney. at-Law, late of V. s. PATENT OkTTICS, Book free. 1010 Board of Trado hlg.' T. ; rATura oowaxixs THB BARBER ASPHALT PATIMO CO fort. land otflco SOS Kleetrie bldg. . ' 3fIAB0 VAOT0BT riAMO tsnlng, ropalrlBg. raflnUhlng. aattaiatee 01a ai. aiar. 1071 or ean. 4V Co., S41 .Man allwixKU'H Ladles'- Tatioriug l,ll,e, dreoaaiaklng. tallorlna. -J 1 1th. ' EYB, ZAlt, WOSB, THB0AT AND LVB08 1 itment by speallr. GIWs fitted. 5?. r. f. Cssoedsy. 418 leknm bldg., M and Wth. 2a0TBI0 atOTOKS AKB DTBAKOS alOXUUH, gvnenton. Duegnt sold, restee -aad ropairoe. wo ou an sue at ntiainug a so re winding; sit wore gaaranTeea. t. at. a . 1 trie Co.. 81 hi. Ut tt Pboao Mala a310t Wav bur. MIL rant ana exenance nmw ana end band motor, repair work a specialty, weatera Kmc tne woras. xls Hixrn atroot. tXECTBOryBTs Holes, warts,, etc., destroyed forever by elee. tne aeeaia; no pais, -no scar, core naraaiaea. miio. uo Long, oot swetland bldg.' - - apertluoos hair raaumo. alro. IT aiu P, UI1L 4iW Kiiedner eld. Alala 1478. i "i I -' ruarrcKx axrAiauto BOWBRS fAltSONS, loots VToat. atata T448. - firrnltoro Uosuitali nseklna. , ' , iliENITUKB repalreit repolished, upholatered. im ciaw worn, van 101 prices. aiaiB bww, CLASS ABO OLAZIHS CKIBQPB ACTIO BHySlOIABB, FSOAiraownT MJ'i . E-t (4$ any tnoriH JS wthuTaatf KtmM r.At A. Vx--lH h.tlB.o A B)tiM. Wholesale and retajl chicken ' tamales, baa. ui)DKL AN1 KIM6. UruglM 000 front made by - Custialian. shipped to any town in Oregon. Phone Main 3048. ' Sa lem Tamale Co.. Salem Or. WRECKING wood, cut stove lenrtha. 83 and. 38.50 per load. delivered. .' In-I quire 40 h N. Otn. Main 9437. 8166 DOWN. 116 PER MONTH. Modern 6 room bungalow, furnished, snap. . can iseiiwooa zzv. Minhsll 051 a.' m. 400 Halsey. M. 0104 p. m, I Hal. BKLKNA COM8TUCla. 4i 14Ut.i Ifirvv, ehmale dlaeaaM. trosimenia a., amo CiaOPLAB APPKJBblBOj, UPKBT addrsoslng $1 par AoOO. Adareesagref shop, roooi s. fuctlund Trust Slag. OOAX ABO WOOD FOR typewriters - or. . musical instru ment refer to their respective classl-l iicauonn. . ; Well Rotted Fertilizer, Manure ' - - East 4296. i "'-'"' '"- - ALMOST new Eastman's kodak. 8)4 by 1 44. tor poy a picycie. xaoor ga.- ' a - juice, delivered. Mllwaukle Black 684. WANTED MISCELIxANEOUS S " T"" ," T'". lr", OEVURTZ FURNITURE BTORB 802. 1ST. MARSHALL 6981. ' Will pay beat price for your furnltura, carpets, stoves, etc, etc New and second-hand furniture our specialty. HIGHEST prices paid . for Household furniture. Do not give It away to auctioneers or second hand stores. Phone East 6482 or a peataL. and repre sentative win call, urano. xtapius jrurau. tare tax., izo urano ava CANNON COAL KIK INI) OAK CORD WOOD 8UOBT (JRi(N AND DRY SLAB SMALL, AND LAUGH BLOCK -4 FT.-GREEN AND OUY SLAB PLANER TRIMMINGS, BAWOust Phone ns lor prices oa ;.Sv nTthlD. In the foal line. - Multnomah Fuel 1 CoM ' Mala B540: A-118 -' ' '. I'KICES 09 uwtu.nwwi NOTICE . , Q BEEN BtlOBT WOOD. SZ.ZB . ' . ". '' -GREEN e yOOT WOOD,;i8J0 . i.lMUPB GREEN SHORT. $3. . PB1 SHORT WOOD ' ! ' ' 4AWDC8T for t oe! and Bedding The Portland Siabwood Co., ' : Mais ' 3110- ' A-7001. - -', - - Hiawatha , 1 $0.60 TON " ' ' ' GUARANTEED HARD UTAH COAL KA8T 808; C-2S0S WANTED Furniture and household gok pokfUAN d-bain ib u slabwood c gooas. . 1 ;' t 1 ' f ! .' I 4 foot eouutry slab, Imida aad block wood, Barger Auction House "''V3', 2. Foot of Vamblll. 388 E Mo?rlson st Phone B. 1083. fFFR ft f ARR oal Z-UTaH. "va J.MVMSA.V van uunuiix mai- ra -nwr, - man uiihit : i 'n n I , alley, pins and balls; ' good second I Main 4B00. A-4MT. aa . . lUrtL nana ouiiit xor use n country town. I gfjLtON Wood Co., dselarsl ilry andjgi ., .. i.aana. irj aa waea oraonng gooa Or COVELX, Furniture Co 304 1st st Malj I wood. .,. akov aiaonoaw m. raao aaia fssv, 3022, pays -tne best price .for used I a-hw. furniture, carpets, stoves, etc. , -1 ti 1 a nnn a i -. IikXlVkliED HIGHEST price paid for furniture car. Ulinilyvni. - pets, stoves ana ranges. Main 3344 or can XB9 r rone PROMPTLY BE WISE, get more tor yor aeoottd band furniture by selling it to Foid Auction Co.. 211 1st Main 8951. WANTED To buy young bears. Add. I I H o-ranq. room 4. Main 8707. - V, 3. KTBRTS. Foot Carry atroel. t. ...., , ' it V i,ur.kui rak M.ln-.a-Tii a.fuu . Grata abort - wood, -blocks, big laalda, ataall hwlda. dry latiw.Kn. anori; pianer trimminaa. MiHX SLAB and box wood, cordwootl anel oust. Stanaara wooa w.. ai ,o; n-iovq. HIGHEST price paid In the city for vZni m.i 'u!" i j household furnllure. Call Main 4660. Tboraa' jSatn ALBI.NA : ri)EL CO. AU kinds of greoa and dry wooa. HOCa ppnnw aw, gignnoTa vpai. AliUict-BT prices paio tor za-nano furnl-i rs , ' . r,'' r. .Wood and ture. uaivin, 111 wana av. js. 5538.1 nOlgalP rUPt UUi ' Sen wood 45, pry wood, 5I.J4 ye tuad, NtO. HIGHEST prices paid for household furniture. Call -Marshall 5868. HIGHEST price paid - for 2d . hand ciotnes. Main isi, 348 1st st GKEUON Wood Yard. Kit, aaj end oak wood and coal, neaaonwoie pocct, q.-.. q -..-.v FOB REDOCED i'RICEa. UNITED COAL. CO, R0MPT PKL1VERY. MAIN 4M.' LOST AND FOUND ; Jl THBn following "artlcles" Vere 'found ' on COKTBA0T0BB ONE 4 passenger Ohio eleetrlo coupel With rantifta,!- In fir., nl... for sale or trade. Phone M. 6747. A-7B2! AUTU truck, ihoo lb. Reo truck; will sell or trade for good team and wagon. 389 Yamhill st ' Mar. 84 15, " OB 34x4 TIRES, straight" bead. "JC 15 Bell at reduced nrlcea. Xflehlvan x..,I and Buggy company, 614 Alder street SPR N6SpsS aV Auto Worgs. 366 E. Washington at : WW SPRINfi mBbanda Frank Lange. 228 Balraon. Main 18 1. FOR SALE 40 H. P. Peerieea motorTt point suspension, ' good for truck or uunt, cnrap mr quica gale. Main III! BEE Oregon Auto Exchange before purl BARGAINS in sllghtl; n allchtlv uaad tlr. u..i. canlzing, !6c; repairing. . 307 Madison, the cars of tha Portland' Rallwav: I .."?,LUJ"' T i v. . n - a r. V'l different division points.!- Owners may nave earns py applying at oarns lndl cated: -''." .:.- . - j . .- .... ,.1 .Found. On cars at Sellwood barn Oct ... AVAW, Kijuy. A-VA.l. WHO) UUUKRL I, saw, 1 lunch box, 1 suitcase, 1 basket. uii uua, o miscellaneous parcels. -. -Found On cars at Ravlar &tra K..n Oct. 88,'.. 1913; phone A-6131: One um brella, 1 purso. 1 glove," i,pkj.,mdsa, 1 pkg.,baby stockings, ,-.. .;;,.... ,., , touna on cars at Piedmont barn Oct 23, 1913; phone A-6181: One pair gloves, 1 . pair shoes,-. I umbrella, 8 baskets, 1 brooch, 8 pkgs. '''' .:.-.; ;-,-:.,- . retTNlToirN. V: train "N'oJjft?, 1 buhdii iiava. - rouna on u.-w. ic oh . train N.'"ol' iANNSBN," Contractor for well drilling, sounaings sou ,wiw . ... 00TTBACTOHB. AMD BOTLPER8 x j HiiRACB D. JONES XR. r BUILD ANYTHING FROM SCBF.EN DOORS wsw- mt-r rrtiiAti aA ....... IV 'A ilw A rAi, AAiivi iiirw. ; 3oa AMD ttOBBB . HOSKXAX, ??.i,!'-j aajaaesajsaegpsSBssas PORTLAND VETEBIVARY HOSPITAL. 181 lBtb street. Mala 1418; A-oo3. tU saimala flTta scientific : and pto toasloiial ettentlim.' - - , '-.-'y XDTJCATIOWA1V 9AN0IM9 HEATH'S SCHOOL. 400 3d at ibetweea Waah. m-A B...I. VanA. ..... . n.lal al.M.ln. depot.'-.- .1 V. .4 ...I.' '. . . a......' ,..,' A-l rani p , A " ' .' 11 1 1 ' 1 i 1 a, I UMin a auvaaiaj , oaivw, . a..".J viug., ru 'im - lur-nyog : piece, valued I . and Morrlsoa sts. caaaona dally. - Walts and s a gut. f, xtewara. ; call evenings, I two-atep guaranto Main 249. or daytime. Mar.. 6626. sons. Class Wed. i-ivo cows, one rea, the other and Morrison sts. Laaaona dallr. toed in 4 strictly private 1st- ore., a to iv, , black, "with chain dragging. -Finder please phone East 1TSS. LOST Fox tferrl. pud,' 'from i6ti tiMl BINOLKl Dancing Academy, el Bociaia aioa.,- wea., sat.: ere. ciaases Tuea., rrt. 231 V Morrison. class and private. Marahall 813. Main. Return. Reward. POUND Watch on ooi.1 ave Call iUl H. 17th at. C4 BKBAGTATITSialirofold- 8VnUbtu" .Mfnta. Inatructor of Bpanlnh. 204 rieldnar bid, XT810 SCHOOLS FERtONAL 22 JWED1SH . MASSEUSE Scalp treat. I?".' R. 23, Gordon.Hotel, W. Park sud ; Yamhill. ,: ....,',;.(.., .-.j,;,.:., .v . r.t .-;; ,, ,; ,.j;'.f'f,?- MANDOLIN, banjo, guitar and glee club organ Iring, beglnnera and players. 601 Kllers bldg, koilDACNX UOODNOUGH ficnool of Piano riaj-ing. write or nr. tor proapattua. 011-13 Columbia, bldg,,. Main 6845.'.; ;-.i,:i;.:.'j'..,w,'.-j TIMVIS, CHESS ft CO., 184-188 2d st, Prompt aorvico. - mug stain or a-atuxa. ABOUBB XBODIEB r naawanjMM, KAHINB aad statlotary, marine bardware, OAS . rowan m surrti vu loa-iis rroaJ at,. vmvrmv wuario ana I amniiL, gAX YAOTOaT LADIES, Oontlamaa'a haU cleaned sad Meesed aatiaiaetoriiy. Koyai Mat worsa, atH hat at ' XBSUBAMOai M'CABGAR,' Bates Uvelr, Sot Zeea slog. a) very total of lasorance. bonoa. kODAKS; XOOAX BOPBUZB and - aU v auppUo. Doroloplug, printing and aula rain. Mum. Atita riwi" surriaX CO.. eta wasningtoa. LAatSSCATX. GABOEsIUlO BETTER landscapes and gaaatal gardaalag. SWISS I-LUKAL UU. t im rACl 10 Landacaix ' Umtu.uaa eeaapaa. Si aomenno mog. rnaae ataransu saue. .1A0BDBT IAPANEbU ksgio tauadry; elaanlng and de ing.-, isu anaaen an mmi aaoa, o-iiaa. 34ACHIBiJlX sV TBBMKMAN CO., nydranlle and spaclal pipe, BBioao -aiacss, ou uasf. winiog aw eninory., repaito. me rt. sen, aUlMva, txjiiara, aawatula uoaant, amis aad esenaogeo. m a, a. aiartin Co.. rortiane. or MATTBE8B YACTORT . MATT'BEttaEa -made orer and to order. . Upbol- aiajimg 01 atl ainna. aiaranau xooi vlUBBEBeXBB BA8TY ME88KNOEB CO., esea sight aad day. 4K81888, 4s aft-siawo --' MILUNXBT HATS trimmed and remodeled,, .also designing; atOBZOASB LOABB 30BN KER, mortgars loana, lasaraaos, S04 xeon oiug. wain ao. BATOBOPATHIO - XHYBlCIABs) ; OB, QUOYElt 'Paralysis, nerroaa and ehnale eieoaaes. ,ua oregonian Dtag. AC sua. ' 08TEOI-ATHIO .BXYBIOIABB DR. LILLKBELLK PATTEU30N. Specialist oa ervea. svate anil enroalav dltsssea. alA i. laaibla bldg. - Main WMtl. e .,..'. PAUTIBO AMD YABIBQia rAinxifti raper - oangiug, - nnnng, earpet cleaning, bottom nrlcaa. aiar. Xiao: Soiia.a 1208 ' ur Mellwood 2182. UOOD, wurk mt Ciutlu. A. Oaooura, SM Aiaal waatungton.- B-xlo7.. a)at 4214. IUS beat work, frltws rlgnt, calt P. A. lloasa. 888 K. Waablngton. Sellwood 1105. - , PATENT DBA AQNOB, PATENT,. drawings, general drafting,, machine oeaign, .wiun urawmga. siepaeilS, K, 8515, ' PLOlfBIgg ABB fLTflfBrHO BTjTPIIES BATHS, ' toilets, "bsalasT tarC-plpe, ganwal contracting, jobbing., M. eiW, far la at. PLtTMT BH0B. PLCMEo CLKANED, 2tO AND y M AOS OVlk, HARTMESS 4 i PLUMB - SHOP. YAMHILL AT PAkK ST. PHONE MAIN lauw. ANSLBY PU1NTIN0 CO., 360 Oak.. Mala aStU Printing to please. KotabUahed 1803. . A-aUa.. aa you waul lu frtoaa flgbu AAa--tropolltan tfeos, 811 OaS. PhoSe Mats 1388. BPBBBB BTAMFS ABO SEALS ALSO atoiHilla,-; ttads cbecks, brass algae. !, ' PAOUItJ COAST , BT AMP WOUKS A 881 Vtaeblnstoa at. alala T10t A-8714. ' ALSO braa eigua, otfloa ouppIlM, lltnosraphiaa A XBB lHWlN-HODSON COMfANX - 03 nttb 8t Main S18. A-IS64. . BTENClLd and offloa atatlNieiy. juaalaBbaisL Com S81 Stark. Mala 1407. ' SCALP 8PCIAXI8 DISEASES f the scalp- auccoaafally treated and heir raotored. MOT Maeleay bids. - sUCWXBa BLaMMtlBU ' m t"1" a" ifno .aa ii BBALBABOAINS IN " KSW machines, , all aukea. faetory prlcea. Boeond haad $8 up. . Machlaes rented and ' tepalred. Mewing Machine But. ponum, iw sa st. Main 94SL. ' BHI MXTAX V0BKB JACOB LOBU. eheat raatal works. Beta, res. ... .ww atwaaiaj., gneraa JOOOISS, Sta IS 3424. 810 First bet. Colombia and clay eta! SHOWCASES AJTD YIZTOBXS XBB 1 JAMES I. MAB8HALL MFO. CO. Reap - wiw ... .wwb. ... oihmul' rTTTSa etXIaaaV . aJduwuASES of ersry dosatlptloa. luTi .rr-aSr"". west, w mi aaa). -. . v ....... , . US -j;i-..L'-TATJPEBinBT . ALL, LINES Of ; TAXJDEBMlf t glass eyes. ' . Mt, rmuai, awa l-utiusmi STREET. .. . A TBAKBFZB AND ST0BAOX ISMrUB fixAjcra! Jiapijaatisjaasai J- ' K1-M tVost U1ntfot A-S34T. ' TBAltB AND f. ADTO TABS i FOB LONQ - uisxaNUB MOTlaili . OION TRANSFER(CO.; .'' , v - BaUhUahod 1870. - . Trsnafei aad forwardina-ageata, ; .;'' '.' Btoroga, free trsckage. tafflMS aad ataraaa. S7a ulla..- mi . ..7.',,,' 18 tk and UUsaa. Mala 60. A-llaaV .-.i . , , .... .. '. ' . rlURPIfllllS UT.1U laia ' 1 " . PORTLAND VAN 8TOKA0B CO.w BOW fire, roof warehouse Juat comDiatad. -varnlahaM every facility, known to modern warehoaaing. Aa lnsnactloa will nlia w,m un.,UkTj goads shipped at redsced freight ratsa. Firs. pwa wunwiiw auiu auu aeaxney, commercial warehouse lata and iTeratt streeta, Alala 6WvA ' C. a PICK Traneter laj Btorage Co. Oftleas and ' eommodloua four story brick warebaiua wi. ' separate Iroa. roonia and flraproof vaalt tee aluablea, , N. Wi corner Ed and Pine aU. llano V aad furniture moved ana packed for ablppirs. Special rate made on goods ia on Uroaas ears to all domeaUQ aad Aorslga pstata. Mala ' vw., POUTLAND XUAN8FKU A STOaVAQB c6T ' Mala S1U, mi gut Wasslaglss. A.lst '' PUuoa and furniture loond and aaekaii t , ablpmeut U educed tralgke rates ea all goods anippod la our through cars ta eastara solaia, ; ' Storage. Low tDKurance. -.- UNITED Transfer Co. feaaUng. Storass and aaaaar'; awf.,BrwB. uar. aw.. TTFEWKITEE8 ALL stakes rented, repaired, sold, Conalngae-S wa.,, M,nrMii iwi,-. . WATCHMAKER AND JXWZLEB HAAKON GLASOE, .reliable watchmaker end jeweier.-laayii m it., near ; Wsehlugton st. , WIMPO W- CLBMlMQ EXPERT WINDOW CLEANERS A-47oJ. Malu ManufecturersW " I n.-n ... i ' .'.'j".... 1 'i f.: CLOTH, HAT AND CAP FACTORY fcoNudN HAtNb'6AP Wouks. 87i i.t & Masuf aotureri to the trade. - Ladies', tallorad bats a specialty. Msln 6047. " " J' r" DRTOOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. ,' - FARM IMPLEMENTS AMD VEHICLES JfAiaX, OIL AAD VLA8S KA8MI41EN A CO., -' High Standsrd" paint. N. K. corner Bd and Taylor. M.-A-1771. VlONEEl FA1NX CU-lbO 1st st Mala 1384," A-1048. PTPE -PIPE TITTINOS VALVES U, 11. WADH Wholesale a CO.. -' 322 Hawthorna - a... grlenltaral ' Implements. ' OBP0EBII.B ALLEN A LEWIS (Eat. -16I 40 N. Front. IRON WOBKS ; PACIFIC 1LON WORKS . TTn All Architectural $wa'!. Castings. '",',':.& . Baama, '- '. Angles, 's'T,, .i 'Channels.- '' ' 3 ' - LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAS. L. MAS TICK A CO., 74 FronC Leather of every .caacriuuoni aip nusulaeturers. find. MAOHIWERT AND BTTPPLrEg BlMMERMAN-WELLa-BKoWM -) gfttilll. logging and Iron working maeh Inery. OBNAMEMTAtWIHB AND 1R0W PORTLAND WIRE AND IKON W0UKS, 904 3d WIH llVa -. - 4': -.j, '.' urn mmpfvxs. Front st - or. M, L KLINE ror? prpi WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory sad of-' , flee near B4lh and Xork ata. Main 84S0. 1 2 PaODgO c6MMIBaiOWMEROHAHT8 , BVkioiNd JtFARRELL, produce and eomeile , slou merchants, -140 -Front at., Portland, Or.,; Phono ' Main 179.- ;;. :';;'' '." ;,'" -' Portland Cordage Co. MULTNOMAH Truuk A Bag Co., 80-84 East, . Water, , wholeaal mfgs. truoks, siiltcasaa. ' Special trunks and Case mads fa order, , ' it 0 ';':.,;" it.V'.'J' A 1 ' r, : f ,!' A ' ''''V''-' ' -